Influence of Sympathetic Inrush On Voltage Dips
Influence of Sympathetic Inrush On Voltage Dips
Influence of Sympathetic Inrush On Voltage Dips
Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Received on 18th March 2012
Revised on 22nd August 2012
Accepted on 5th September 2012
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2012.0166
ISSN 1751-8687
Abstract: Energising a transformer with other adjacent transformers in service may induce sympathetic inrush that could lead to
long duration voltage dips. This study addresses this issue through analysing voltage dip events observed on a 400/132 kV grid
when energisations of several generator step-up transformers were performed. With the help of a number of eld measurements of
voltage dips involving sympathetic inrush, a detailed network model in alternative transients program/electromagnetic transients
program has been developed and validated. Based on the network model, comprehensive simulation studies have been performed.
In addition, because of the nature of multiple controlling parameters, sensitivity assessment has been carried out to identify the
key inuential parameters. It is found that the sympathetic inrush, although does not affect voltage dip magnitude, can prolong
voltage dip duration by 143% under the worst energisation condition. The sympathetic inrush occurring in substation transformers
gives rise to a network-wide sympathetic interaction, resulting in further prolonged voltage dips on the 132 kV grid. Finally, it is
proven that application of static var compensator is able to speed up the voltage dip recovery.
Fig. 4 Estimated core saturation curves of 415 MVA and 345 MVA GSU transformers
Fig. 5 Comparison of currents and voltage dips between measured and simulated results
a Instantaneous sympathetic inrush currents
b RMS sympathetic inrush currents
c RMS voltage dip
d Instantaneous currents of feeder IK
Magnitude, % Duration, s
1 no T1 no 9.6 2.670
2 yes T1 T2 and T3 9.6 6.479
3 no T2 and T3 no 18.1 3.376
4 yes T2 and T3 T1 18.1 7.718
Fig. 6 Voltage dip patterns and recovery traces on 400 kV and 132 kV side
a Patterns of voltage dip magnitudes across the whole network substations
b Patterns of voltage dip duration
c Voltage dip recovery traces observed at 400 and 132 kV busbars of substation I
Fig. 7 Patterns of voltage dip duration at 400 kV side for various SVC locations