Api 579-2 - 4.2

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The document describes a Level 1 and Level 2 fitness-for-service assessment being conducted on a vessel according to API 579-1 standards. Thickness measurements were taken and average thicknesses were calculated to determine if the criteria for continued safe operation were met.

A separator vessel with equipment number ABC-1234.

The Level 1 assessment criteria in API 579-1 Table 4.4 and the Level 2 assessment criteria in API 579-1 Table 4.4 were used.

API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 1

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

The following Level 1 and Level 2, Fitness-For-Service assessments were carried out on Grid Reference:
CML-01, in accordance with API 579-1, Part 4, for Type 'A' pressurized components subject to general
metal loss resulting from internal corrosion, using the methods outlined in API 579-2, 4.2. The
assessement procedures are based on a thickness averaging approach. As per API 579-2, 4.2, the
longitudinal weld seam within the area of assessed corrosion is not considered to be a major structural
discontinuity, though the weld joint efficiency of 0.85 has been taken into account.

The Level 1 assessment criteria are not satisfied due to the average measured thickness in the longitudinal CTP.
The Level 2 assessment criteria are not satisfied.


CTP Critical Thickness Profile.

D inside diameter of the shell corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.
FCA Future Corrosion Allowance (see API 579-1, Annex A, paragraph A.2.7).
L length for thickness averaging along the shell.
LOSS amount of uniform metal loss away from the local metal loss location at the time of the assessment.
Q actor used to determine the length for thickness averaging based on an allowable Remaining Strength Factor
(see API 579-1, Part 2) and the remaining thickness ratio, Rt (see API 579-1, Table 4.5).
Rt remaining thickness ratio.
RSFa allowable remaining strength factor (see API 579-1, Part 2).
tcam average measured wall thickness of the component based on the circumferential CTP determined at the time
of the inspection.
t am average measured wall thickness of the component based on the longitudinal CTP determined at the time of

the inspection.
tc corroded wall thickness.
tlim limiting thickness.
tmin minimum required wall thickness of the component (see API 579-1, Annex A, paragraph A.2).
tCmin minimum required thickness of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the circumferential or
hoop direction (see API 579-1, Annex A, paragraph A.2).
tLmin minimum required thickness of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the longitudinal direction
(see API 579-1, Annex A, paragraph A.2).
tmm minimum measured thickness determined at the time of the inspection.
tnom nominal or furnished thickness of the component adjusted for mill undertollerance as applicable.
trd uniform thickness away from the local metal loss location established by thickness measurements at the time
of the assessment.
API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 2

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

Vessel Data Note

Material SA-516, Grade 70, year 1999
Maximum Allowable Stress (S) 20000 psi
Design Conditions (P) 300 psig @ 350 F
Inside Diameter (ID) 48.000 in including FCA
Inside Diameter (D) 48.200 in excluding FCA
Inside Radius (IR) 24.000 in including FCA
Inside Radius (R) 24.100 in excluding FCA
Nominal Thickness (tnom) 0.750 in
Corrosion Allowance (FCA) 0.100 in
Weld Joint Efficiency (E) 0.85

Inspection Data
The grid used for the inspection and the thickness readings are shown below. The grid spacing set by the Fixed
Equipment Inspector in the circumferential and longitudinal directions is 1.5 inches based on the corrosion profile.

Figure 1 Grid Reference

Inspection Grid CML-01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M4 Vessel Shell

M6 Weld

Table 1 - Inspection Data (in)

Longitudina Circrcumferential Inspection Planes Circumferential Grid

l Inspection CTP Spacing
Planes C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
M1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0
M2 0.75 0.48 0.52 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.75 0.48 1.5
M3 0.75 0.57 0.59 0.55 0.59 0.60 0.66 0.75 0.55 3
M4 0.75 0.61 0.47 0.58 0.36 0.58 0.64 0.75 0.36 4.5
M5 0.75 0.62 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.48 0.62 0.75 0.48 6
M6 0.75 0.57 0.59 0.61 0.57 0.56 0.49 0.75 0.49 7.5
M7 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 9
Longitudina 0.75 0.48 0.47 0.55 0.36 0.48 0.49 0.75
Longitudina 0.75 0.48 0.47 0.55 0.36 0.48 0.49 0.75
Spacing 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5

API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 3

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

Perform a Level 1 assessment for internal pressure as per API 579-1, paragraph 4.4.2

(a) STEP 1 - Calculate the minimum required thickness. API 579 reference

PR 0.430 in
tmin = =
(SE - 0.6P)

PR 0.212 in
tmin = =
(SE - 0.4P)

0.430 in
tmin = max[tmin
,tmin ]=

(b) STEP 2 - Thickness profiles are provided, the data for thickness readings is in Table 1, above.

0.360 in
tmm =

(c) STEP 3 - Determine wall thickness to be used in the assessment.

0.650 in
tc = trd - FCA=

(d) STEP 4 - Compute the remaining thickness ratio, Rt

tmm - FCA 0.400 in

Rt = =
(tc )

(e) STEP 5 - Compute the length for thickness averaging from API 579-1, Table 4.5,
with Rt = 0.400 in
RSFa = 0.9 Table 2.3

The equation for Q is:


1- R for Rt < RSFa Q= 50 for Rt RSFa
Q =1.123 t
(1- Rt / RSFa )

Q= 0.4581 for Rt < RSFa Q= 50 for Rt RSFa

Is Rt < RSFa YES Is Rt RSFa NO

Q= 0.4581 Table 4.5

API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 4

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

with LOSS = 0.000 in

48.200 in
D = ID+ 2(LOSS+ FCA) =
2.564 in
L = Q Dtc =

(f) STEP 6 - Establish the Critical Thickness Profiles (CTP's) from the thickness profile data. Determine the average
measured thickness tsam based on the longitudinal CTP and the average measured thickness tcam based on the
circumferential CTP.

Longitudinal CTP

Figure 2: Longitudinal Critical Thickness Profile (in)

0 .75 0.75
0.6 0.55 tright
0.48 0.47 0.48 0.49
0.5 t1 tmm t2
0.4 0.36
0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5

L = 2.564 in
Grid spacing = 1.5 in
tmm = 0.360 in
tlef = 0.550 in
tright = 0.480 in
L= 2.564 in

(L / 2) (L / 2)
t1 = tmm + (tleft - tmm) t2 = tmm + (tright - tmm)
(grid spacing) (grid spacing)

t1 = 0.522 in
t2 = 0.463 in
API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 5

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

The area method is used to determine the average thickness.

(t + t ) (t + t )
A1 = 1 mm (L / 2) A2 = mm 2 (L / 2)
2 2
A1 = 0.566 in2

A2 = 0.527 in2

A1 + A2 = 1.093 in2

(A1 + A2 )
tam =
tam = 0.426 in

Circumferential CTP

Figure 3: Circumferential Critical Thickness Profile (in)

0 .75 0.75
0.6 0.55 tright
0.48 tmm 0.48 0.49
0.5 t3 t4
0.4 0.36
0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9
L = 2.564 in

Grid spacing = 1.5 in

tmm = 0.360 in
tlef = 0.550 in
tright = 0.480 in
L= 2.564 in
(L / 2) (L / 2)
t3 = tmm + (tleft - tmm) t4 = tmm + (tright - tmm)
(grid spacing) (grid spacing)

t3 = 0.522 in

t4= 0.463 in

API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 6

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

The area method is used to determine the average thickness.

(t + t ) (t + t )
A3 = 3 mm (L / 2) A4 = mm 4 (L / 2)
2 2
A3 = 0.566 in2

A4 = 0.527 in2

A3 + A4 = 1.093 in2

(A3 + A4 )
tam =
tam = 0.426 in

(g) STEP 7 - Determine the acceptability for continued operation using Level 1 criteria in API 579-1, Table 4.4.
The average measured thickness acceptance is used in this example.

tam - FCA= 0.326 in

tmin = 0.430 in from STEP 1

tam - FCA> tmin

tam - FCA= 0.326 in

tmin = 0.212 in from STEP 1

tam - FCA> tmin

The Level 1 assessment criteria are not satisfied due to the average measured thickness in the longitudinal CTP
API 579-1 Fitness-For Service Assessment Page 7

Plant ID Opolo
Equipment Number: ABC-1234 Equipment: Separator
Equipment Type: Vessel Date: 29th August 2014

Check the minimum thickness criteria in API 579-1, Table 4.4

tlim = max[0.2tnom,0.10 inches]

tlim = 0.150 in

tmm - FCA= 0.260 in

max[0.5tmin,tlim ]= 0.215 in

tmm - FCA max[0.5tmin ,tlim ] YES

The minimum thickness criteria are satisfied

Level 1 Assessment Summary

The Level 1 criteria are not satisfied, perform a Level 2 Assessment using API 579-1, Table 4.4

Level 2 Assessment

(tam - FCA) = 0.326 in

RSFa tmin = 0.387 in

(tam - FCA) (RSFa tmin ) NO

The Level 2 criteria are not satisfied

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