Quick Start Lotos 12
Quick Start Lotos 12
Quick Start Lotos 12
By Ivan Koulakov
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +7 383 3309201
Mobil: +7 913 453 8987
Internet: www.ivan-art.com/science
December 2012
Table of content:
Stage 3. Real data inversion and synthetic modeling based on different schemes using existing
datasets ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Stage 6. Performing real and synthetic inversions for other presented datasets ................................. 11
Closing remarks.................................................................................................................................... 15
Stage 1: Preparation of the code
Step 1.1. Download the file lotos_10_exe.zip from the web site on:
www.ivan-art.com/scence/LOTOS/lotos_10_exe_win.zip or copy from the CD at
Step 1.2. Unzip and copy to any location of your computer. ADVISE: try to use simple paths,
(for example D:/PROGRAMS/LOTOS) and avoid the system paths related to My
Documents or Desktop. This will make operating with files much easier.
Starting from line 4, one or several models are defined (no more than 10). The structure of the
data has two-steps hierarchy: AREA - MODEL. In this example DATASET1 means the AREA
folder. MODEL_01 is the name of the current model. 5 is the number of iterations to
Step 2.2. Check if this model exists in folder DATA/DATASET1/MODEL_01. In the case of
observed data inversion, there should be at least two files inside this directory:
MAJOR_PARAM.DAT and ref_start.dat.
Step 2.3. Check the availability of the initial data in folder DATA/DATASET1/inidata
There are two mandatory files:
1. rays_xyz.dat information about observed source-receiver pairs and travel times.
2. stat_ft.dat: list of the stations in geographical coordinates
Step 2.4. Check the availability the files required for visualization and previewing which should
be created as described in Section 4 of the manual.
Step 2.5. Check if file preview_key.txt exists and contains any nonzero number.
Otherwise previewing will not be performed.
Step 2.6. Run the batch file START.BAT in the root directory. A console with information
about running the program will appear. Running the entire inversion procedure (5 iterations) for
the selected procedure will take 20-40 minutes depending on the computer.
ADVICE: We recommend defining larger console buffer to be able to check the course of
calculations backward. Click right bottom of mouse on upper panel of console select Properties
select Position (3 rd Tab) update Height of the Screen Buffer (for example up to 3000 lines).
Step 2.7. If calculations are finished successfully and preview tool is available (checked in Step
1.3), a set of PNG image files should appear in the corresponding folder. In the considered
example they will be created in PICS/DATASET1/MODEL_01/.
//it// is a number of iteration,
//gr// is a number of grid,
//ps// is 1 for P or 2 for S model,
//lev// is a number of depth level,
//ver// is a number of vertical section
3. Distributions of grids and rays in 1st iteration in map view:
RAYS_GRID\rays_hor//gr//ps//lev//.png: node distributions and ray paths after 1 st
iteration in different depth intervals (defined in sethor.dat);
\PICS\DATASET1\MODEL_01\IT3\ver_dv1 1.png
The high quality pictures can be created using a commercial tool (e.g. Surfer). The program
creates .DAT, .GRD and .BLN which can be used directly in Surfer. The generated files are
stored in FIG_files directory and they overwrite the older ones.
Step 2.7 Create a new model (e.g. MODEL_02) and play with parameters in
MAJOR_PARAM.DAT. The most important parameters are:
Produce the results as PNG images and SRF files. Analyze the effect of each of these parameters
on the result.
In this example we consider four different models for the same dataset:
In the case of observed data inversion (NODE_PX1 and CELL_PS1), there should be two files
inside the corresponding directory: MAJOR_PARAM.DAT and ref_start.dat.
In the case of synthetic modeling (BOARD_N1 and SMILE_01) there should be three additional
files: (1) anomaly.dat, (2) ref_syn.dat and (3) noise.dat
In the case if a synthetic model is defined using free shaped polygons, they should be defined in
a subfolder forms. For example, in model SMILE_01 in file anomaly.dat four polygons
are mentioned: circl, glaz1, glaz2 and smile. For all of them, corresponding files should
In addition there may be a file forms/scaling.bln which contains parameters for scaling
the entire model and rotating. If it does not exist, the anomalies are constructed according to
coordinates in polygons.
Step 3.3. Run the batch file START.BAT in the root directory.
As a result, a set of PNG pictures will appear in folder PICS. Below we present some examples
of pictures obtained using the presented sets of parameters. Compare with the results obtained
after calculations at your computer. They should be identical.
1. Model NODE_PX1: results for P, S anomalies and Vp/Vs ratio in 3rd iteration at 30 km depth
\PICS\DATASET1\NODE_PX1\IT3\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\NODE_PX1\IT3\hor_dv2 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\NODE_PX1\IT3\hor_vpvs 3.png
2. Model CELL_PS1: results for P anomalies at 1 st, 3rd and 5th iterations at 30 km depth
\PICS\DATASET1\CELL_PS1\IT1\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\CELL_PS1\IT3\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\CELL_PS1\IT5\hor_dv1 3.png
3. Model BOARD_N1: synthetic model and results for P anomalies at 1 st, and 3rd iterations at 30
km depth
\PICS\DATASET1\BOARD_N1\hor_syn1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\BOARD_N1\IT1\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\BOARD_N1\IT3\hor_dv1 3.png
4. Model SMILE_01: synthetic model and results for P anomalies at 1 st, and 3rd iterations at 30
km depth
\PICS\DATASET1\SMILE_01\hor_syn1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\SMILE_01\IT1\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\DATASET1\SMILE_01\IT3\hor_dv1 3.png
Step 4.1. Inside the same AREA folder as used in Stage 3, create a MODEL folder for the
checkerboard with the name which consist of eight (8) characters (e.g.
Step 4.2. Create synthetic velocity model which is described by three files:
These files can be copied from another model BOARD_01 and then corrected.
Step 4.3. Perform calculations and visualization of the results as described in Sections 2 and 3.
The particular interest in this case is the relative anomalies.
Step 5.2. Create synthetic velocity model which is described by two files:
These files can be copied from another model SMILE_01 and then corrected.
In this step one may need to digitize polygons and polylines to create patterns for anomalies in
anomaly.dat. We propose two ways for doing this task:
1. With SURFER. We use the digitizing tool in Surfer which is very convenient for such tasks.
To do it in Surfer, make the following steps:
- Open a plot with some results for the current map or profile (e.g. observed data inversion,
main results);
- Select the plot;
- Select Menu: Map Digitize;
- Digitize the pattern in the plot (results appear in a separate window);
Save the file in BLN format to subfolder forms (e.g. DATA/DATASET1/
SYN_MOD1/forms/anom1.bln). The name should contain 5 characters.
Step 5.4. Run the batch file START.BAT in the root directory. After finishing calculations
check the results.
1: name of the region
2: name of the model
3: number of iterations
GAP_180_ MODEL_01 5
GAP_280_ MODEL_01 5
TOBA_001 MODEL_01 5
Step 6.2. Run the batch file START.BAT in the root directory. For these models calculations
will be longer than for previously considered models.
As a result, a set of PNG pictures will appear in folder PICS. Below we present some examples
of pictures obtained using the presented sets of parameters. Compare with the results obtained
after calculations at your computer. They should be identical.
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\NODES_01\IT1\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\NODES_01\IT3\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\NODES_01\IT5\hor_dv1 1.png
2. Model BOLIVAR/BLOCK_01: same results as presented in Koulakov (2009a, BSSA). Below
are the results for P anomalies in 1, 3rd and 5th iterations at 20 km depth
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\BLOCK_01\IT1\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\BLOCK_01\IT3\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\BLOCK_01\IT5\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\Ver_BRD1\ver_syn1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\Ver_BRD1\IT1\ver_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\Ver_BRD1\IT3\ver_dv1 1.png
\PICS\BOLIVAR_\Ver_BRD1\IT5\ver_dv1 1.png
\PICS\GAP__180/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\GAP__180/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 2.png
\PICS\GAP__180/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 3.png
5. Model GAP__280/MODEL_01: same results as presented in Koulakov (2009b, BSSA).
Below are the results for P anomalies in 5 th iterations at three depth levels
\PICS\GAP__280/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\GAP__280/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 2.png
\PICS\GAP__280/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 3.png
6. Model TOBA_001/MODEL_01: The data are computed in a realistic synthetic model using
real source-receiver pairs. Below are the results for P anomalies in 5 th iterations at three depth
\PICS\TOBA_001/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 1.png
\PICS\TOBA_001/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\TOBA_001/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 5.png
7. Model TOBA_REA/REAL_VPX: Here we present the inversion of real data for the Toba
caldera (Sumatra). In this model, the inversion for Vp-Vp/Vs is performed. Below are the results
for P, S anomalies and Vp/Vs ratio in 5 th iterations at 25 km depth.
\PICS\TOBA_REA/REAL_VPX\IT5\hor_dv1 3.png
\PICS\TOBA_REA/REAL_VPX\IT5\hor_dv2 3.png
\PICS\TOBA_REA/REAL_VPX\IT5\hor_vpvs 3.png
8. Model TURKEY__/MODEL_01: Here we present the inversion of checkerboard data for the
real dataset in Turkey. In this model, the inversion for Vp-Vp/Vs is performed. Below are the
results for P, S anomalies in 5 th iterations at 15 km depth. Despite fairly high data amount, the
resolution is relatively poor due to non-optimal ray coverage.
\PICS\TURKEY__/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv1 2.png
\PICS\TURKEY__/MODEL_01\IT5\hor_dv2 2.png
In addition, the files used for visualization and previewing should be created as described in
Section 4 of the manual.
These files can be copied from the existing examples. Some values of parameters should be
scaled according to the size of the study area.
Step 7.2. Create a MODEL folder which should also consist of eight (8) characters (e.g.
Step 7.5. Define the model to proceed. Open the file model_all.dat in the root directory:
1: name of the region
2: name of the model
3: number of iterations
Step 7.7. Produce the results as PNG images and SRF files.
Step 7.8. Create a new model (e.g. MODEL_02) and play with parameters in
MAJOR_PARAM.DAT (e.g. increase or decrease the smoothing or amplitude damping) to find
the values which provide the minimum of the residual norm.
Step 7.9. Play with parameters in ref_start.dat to find the values of the starting model
(namely depths of levels and velocities in the 1D starting model) which provide the minimum of
the residual norm.
Closing remarks
If you passed successfully all the steps listed in this document, it would be not a problem for you
to perform inversion for observed data and synthetic modeling using the LOTOS-10 code for
various datasets.
Good luck.