Proposal For Reducing Emissions of SOx in Cement Plants PDF
Proposal For Reducing Emissions of SOx in Cement Plants PDF
Proposal For Reducing Emissions of SOx in Cement Plants PDF
DOI: 10.5923/j.ajee.20140406.01
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteri, RJ, Brazil
Lafarge Brasil S.A., Minas Gerais, Brazil
Abstract In the cement industry, emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water are inherent in the
manufacturing process. However, there are limits to the amount of SOx and NOx emissions; the inhalation of such substances
entails risks to human health, and their interaction with the atmosphere results in the formation of sulfuric acid and nitric acid,
causing acid rain. These emission limits are even more severe when there is co-processing in the production process. SOx
emissions can be formed by burning fuel, but they can also be present in the raw materials used. The presence of sulfur-based
compounds in the raw materials has a great impact on the cement industry, owing to the large amount of limestone used in the
process, especially when the deposits have a high content of pyrite (FeS2). One of the barriers encountered in the process of
environmental licensing for co-processing is the high level of SOx emissions. To decrease these emissions and to enable
co-processing in a cement industry, tests were performed, using abatement with lime (CaO). By varying the conditions of the
manufacturing process, it was possible to obtain a reduction of up to 90% of the SOx emissions. With the implementation of
this technique, SOx emissions reached values that met the legal limits, which could enable the start of co-processing in the
Keywords Cement industry, Sulfur oxide, Emissions, Environmental
The burning of this mixture, especially in rotary kilns, will Table 2. Indices of SO2 for quality of life
generate large volumes of CO2 as a function of the Levels in
decarburization of limestone. Portland cement is a fine, grey terms of Precautions
of SO2, g/m3
powder that consists of a mixture of the tricalcium silicate human health
(3CaO.SiO2), dicalcium silicate (2CaO.SiO2), tricalcium 0 50 Good ------
aluminate (3CaO.Al2O3) and tetracalcium aluminoferrite 51 - 100 Reasonable ------
(4CaO,Al2O3.Fe2O3), to which one or more forms of calcium Unhealthy for Asthmatic people should limit
sulfate (CaSO4) have been added. 101 - 150 sensitive physical exertion outdoors in
In the step of mixed burning, other gases are generated in groups these areas.
addition to CO2, among them are the SOx, and of these Children, asthmatics and people
emissions, the main gas is SO2. Usually small amounts of with heart or lung diseases
151 - 200 Insalubrious
should limit physical exertion in
SO3 are issued in conjunction with a chimney; therefore, SOx
outdoor areas.
is listed as the two oxides SO2 and SO3 in the cement
Physical exertion should be
manufacturing system, corresponding to the following steps:
avoided in these outdoor areas
As a result of the chemical reaction that occurs in the for children, asthmatics, and
oven in obtaining the clinker from the sulfur content 201 - 300 Insalubrious people with heart or lung
contained in the form of pyrite (FeS2) within the raw diseases. It is recommended that
material employed for the reaction: you also avoid physical efforts in
these areas.
2 FeS2 + 11/2 O2 Fe2O3 + 4 SO2.
Children, asthmatics and people
From the burning of sulfur from the fuel used in the with heart or lung diseases
kiln. 301-500 Very toxic should stay indoors; other
individuals should avoid outdoor
From waste typically burned in cement plants, which
can contain organic sulfur compounds represented by
the reaction: Table 3. SO2 reduction techniques applied in the cement industries
R1SR2 + O2 CO2 + H2O + SOx, Types of kiln where Emission
Operational Reduction
where R1 and R2 are hydrocarbons. techniques
the application is
Environmental acidification can be understood based on possible clinker
the predominant mechanism for the conversion of SO2 in Adding absorbent All 60-80% 0.8
H2SO4, which consists of several sequential steps that are Dry washer Dry >90% <0.8
accelerated or reduced depending on the contaminants in the Wet scrubber All >90% <0.4
air, primarily from industrial complexes, pyrometallurgy of Activated carbon Dry >95% <0.1
copper [5], petrochemicals, petroleum and cement plants
associated with industrial waste co-processing. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the SO2 reduction
According to Baird & Cann [6], if you add SO2 to the technique by adding absorbent material in an industrial
hydroxyl radical (OH.), a new radical (HSO3.) will form, cement process to identify how the efficiency of this process
which then reacts with oxygen (O2) and water droplets, as can be increased.
shown in the steps of the following reactions:
SO2 + (OH.) (HSO3.)
2. Materials and Methods
(HSO3.) + O2 SO3 + (HOO.)
SO3 + H2O H2SO4 (g) Based on research and development aimed at reducing
SOx in cement plants, the method of injecting an absorbent
H2SO4 (g) + many H2O H2SO4 (aq) material in the raw material feed, where the exhaust gases
Other contaminants such as NOx, ozone (O3) and other pass the counter flow of the material before they go to the
oxidants or catalytic substances (Fe3+, MnO2, V2O5) can fireplace, is proposed as outlined in Figure 2.
contribute to the formation of sulfuric acid and, consequently,
acid rain. There is no doubt that both the emissions of SO2
and acid rain create environmental problems [7-9].
Based on these facts, Table 2 presents human health
indices for the SO2 levels required to function outdoors,
according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
[10, 11].
Owing to the great power of SO2 emissions from the
cement industry, some techniques for their removal are
presented in Table 3. Figure 2. Schematic of the clinker manufacturing process
American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2014, 4(6): 143-146 145
The specific area of absorbent material injection was During the test period, several analyses were carried out in
12.499 cm2/g and chemical analysis demonstrated that it order to determine the average emission of SOx. In the
contained 42.1% CaO and 52.7% CaCO3; the remainder is Brazilian region, where it is located, this cement industry has
made up of oxides (SrO, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO). a limit value for this emission of SOx of 280 mg/Nm3.
Table 4. Results of emission of SOx
3. Results Days
The purpose of the CaO that is free in the absorbent First Second Third Fourth
material is to react with SO2, SO3 and to, consequently, be Absorbent material
incorporated into clinker in the final product (cement), as the 0 1750 2000 2400
flow (kg/h)
reactions [12, 13]: Mass of SOx (mg/Nm3) 1935 296 249 151
CaO + SO2 CaSO3
CaSO3 + O2 CaSO4 The measurements carried out over these days show that
the SOx content was below the limit of 280 mg/Nm3,
CaO + SO3 CaSO4 meaning that there was a reduction of 1784 mg/Nm3, with a
Another point that justifies special mention in this yield of 92.20%.
environmental proposal is the use of industrial waste
resulting from an industrial route to raw materials
(limestone), which is similar to cement production. 4. Conclusions
Chemical analysis shows that such waste does not cause
incompatibility in the final specification of the cement. Based on the study for reducing emissions of SOx in a cement
The industrial test was carried out by varying the flow of industry, it can be concluded that:
the absorbent material added to the raw material for 4 days, The absorbent material, consisting of 42.1% CaO and
according to the cement flowchart (Figure 2), aiming to 52.7% CaCO3, with a specific area of 12.499 cm2/g,
evaluate the variations that are inherent in the process upon provided a 92.2% reduction in SOx emissions, thus
this addition. getting under the SO2 limits established by the
On the first day, the amount of SOx issued without environmental agency.
addition of absorbent material was held in order to measure it. The choice of absorbent material was based on the CaO
On the second day, the absorbent material was added at a content that was free to react with SOx, as well as
flow rate of 1750 kg/h. On the third day, the flow rate was industrial origin and low cost.
increased to 2000 kg/h and, on the last day, further increased It is important to say that this industrial waste (from a
to 2400 kg/h. The test results can be found in Table 4 and the plant for the production of CaO) does not exhibit any
graph is shown in Figure 3. The addition of absorbent physicochemical incompatibility in the production of
material is referred to in terms of kg/h of CaO. the cement.
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