Multiple Choice Questions

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Multiple Choice Questions

The balance in Newsprint Corp.'s foreign

exchange loss account was $10,000 on
December 31, 2008, before any necessary
year-end adjustment relating to the following: Goodwill suffered an impairment of 20 percent
during the year. If the functional currency is the
Egyptian Pound, how much goodwill
(1) Newsprint had a $15,000 debit resulting from impairment loss should be reported on Infinity's
the restatement in dollars of the accounts of its consolidated statement of income for 2008?
wholly owned foreign subsidiary for the year A. $3,670
ended December 31, 2008. B. $3,700
(2) Newsprint had an account payable to an C. $3,680
unrelated foreign supplier, payable in the D. $3,690
supplier's local currency unit (LCU) on January
15, 2009. The U.S. dollarequivalent of the
payable was $50,000 on the December 1, 2008,
invoice date and $53,000 on December 31, 2008.

1. Based on the information provided, in

Newsprint's 2008 consolidated income
statement, what amount should be included as
foreign exchange loss in computing net income,
if the LCU is the functional currency and the
translation method is appropriate?
A. $28,000
B. $13,000
C. $25,000
D. $8,000

2. 2. Based on the information provided, in

Newsprint's 2008 consolidated income
statement, what amount should be included as
foreign exchange loss in computing net income,
if the U.S. dollar is the functional currency and
the remeasurement method is appropriate?
A. $15,000
B. $10,000
C. $25,000
D. $28,000

3. Infinity Corporation acquired 80 percent of

the common stock of an Egyptian company on
January 1, 2008. The goodwill associated with
this acquisition was $18,350. Exchange rates at
various dates during 2008 follow:
4. Infinity Corporation acquired 80 percent of
the common stock of an Egyptian company on
January 1, 2008. The goodwill associated with
this acquisition was $18,350. Exchange rates at
various dates during 2008 follow:

Goodwill suffered an impairment of 20 percent

during the year. If the functional currency is the
U.S. dollar, how much goodwill impairment loss
should be reported on Infinity's consolidated
statement of income for 2008?
A. $3,680
B. $3,670
C. $3,690
D. $3,700

5. Simon Company has two foreign subsidiaries.

One is located in France, the other in England.
Simon has determined the U.S. dollar is the
functional currency for the French subsidiary,
while the British pound is the functional
currency for the English subsidiary. Both
subsidiaries maintain their books and records in
their respective local currencies. What methods
will Simon use to convert each of the
subsidiary's financial statements into U.S.

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AICPA: Decision Making
8. Based on the preceding information, on Leo's
Michigan-based Leo Corporation acquired 100 consolidated balance sheet at December 31,
percent of the common stock of a British 2008, what amount should be reported for the
company on January 1, 2008, for $1,100,000. goodwill acquired on January 1, 2008?
The British subsidiary's net assets amounted to A. $36,845
500,000 pounds on the date of acquisition. On B. $39,286
January 1, 2008, the book values of its C. $36,905
identifiable assets and liabilities approximated D. $36,607
their fair values. As a result of an analysis of
functional currency indicators, Leo determined 9. Based on the preceding information, in the
that the British pound was the functional stockholders' equity section of Leo's
currency. On December 31, 2008, the British consolidated balance sheet at December 31,
subsidiary's adjusted trial balance, translated into 2008, Leo should report the translation
U.S. dollars, contained $17,000 more debits than adjustment as a component of other
credits. The British subsidiary reported income comprehensive income of:
of 33,000 pounds for 2008 and paid a cash A. $19,440
dividend of 8,000 pounds on October 25, 2008. B. $17,000
Included on the British subsidiary's income C. $18,786
statement was depreciation expense of 3,500 D. $19,380
pounds. Leo uses the basic equity method of
accounting for its investment in the British
subsidiary and determined that goodwill in the 10. Which of the following defines a
first year had an impairment loss of 25 percent foreign-based entity that uses a functional
of its initial amount. Exchange rates at various currency different from the local currency?
dates during 2008 follow:

I. A U.S. subsidiary in Britain maintains its

accounting records in pounds sterling, with the
majority of its transactions denominated in
pounds sterling.
II. A U.S. subsidiary in Peru conducts virtually
all of its business in Latin America, and uses the
U.S. dollar as its major currency.
6. Based on the preceding information, what
A. I.
amount should Leo record as "income from
B. II.
subsidiary" based on the British subsidiary's
C. Both I and II.
reported net income?
D. Neither I nor II.
A. $72,930
B. $52,500
C. $72,600
D. $69,300 11. When the local currency of the foreign
subsidiary is the functional currency, a foreign
subsidiary's inventory carried at cost would be
converted to U.S. dollars by:
7. Based on the preceding information, the
A. translation using historical exchange rates.
receipt of the dividend will result in a credit to
B. remeasurement using historical exchange
the investment account for:
A. $16,800
C. remeasurement using the current exchange
B. $17,680
C. $18,000
D. translation using the current exchange rate.
D. $17,600
12. When the local currency of the foreign 16. Dividends of a foreign subsidiary are
subsidiary is the functional currency, a foreign translated at:
subsidiary's income statement accounts would be A. the average exchange rate for the year.
converted to U.S. dollars by: B. the exchange rate on the date of declaration.
A. translation using historical exchange rates. C. the current exchange rate on the date of
B. remeasurement using current exchange rates preparation of the financial statement.
at the time of statement preparation. D. the exchange rate on the record date.
C. translation using average exchange rate for
the period. 17. If the functional currency is the local
D. remeasurement using the current exchange currency of a foreign subsidiary, what exchange
rate at the time of statement preparation. rates should be used to translate the items below,
assuming the foreign subsidiary is in a country
13. If the restatement method for a foreign which has not experienced hyperinflation over
subsidiary involves remeasuring from the local three years?
currency into the functional currency, then
translating from functional currency to U.S.
dollars, the functional currency of the subsidiary

I. U.S. dollar.
II. Local currency unit.
III. A third country's currency.
A. I
B. III A. Option A
C. II B. Option B
D. Either I or II C. Option C
D. Option D

14. If the U.S. dollar is the currency in which the

foreign affiliate's books and records are 18. If the functional currency is the local
maintained, and the U.S. dollar is also the currency of a foreign subsidiary, what exchange
functional currency, rates should be used to translate the items below,
A. the translation method should be used for assuming the foreign subsidiary is in a country
restatement. which has not experienced hyperinflation over
B. the remeasurement method should be used for three years?
C. either translation or remeasurement could be
used for restatement.
D. no restatement is required.

15. All of the following stockholders' equity

accounts of a foreign subsidiary are translated at
historical exchange rates except:
A. retained earnings. A. Option A
B. common stock. B. Option B
C. additional paid-in capital. C. Option C
D. preferred stock. D. Option D
19. Which combination of accounts and
exchange rates is correct for the translation of a
foreign entity's financial statements from the 21. The assets listed below of a foreign
functional currency to U.S. dollars? subsidiary have been converted to U.S. dollars at
both current and historical exchange rates.
Assuming that the local currency of the foreign
subsidiary is the functional currency, what total
amount should appear for these assets on the
U.S. company's consolidated balance sheet?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

20. Which combination of accounts and

exchange rates is correct for the remeasurement
of a foreign entity's financial statements from its
local currency to U.S. dollars?
A. $636,000
B. $648,000
C. $708,000
D. $960,000

22. The gain or loss on the effective portion of a

U.S. parent company's hedge of a net investment
A. Option A in a foreign entity should be treated as:
B. Option B A. an adjustment to the retained earnings
C. Option C account in the stockholders' equity section of its
D. Option D balance sheet.
B. other comprehensive income.
C. a translation gain or loss in the computation
of net income for the reporting period.
D. an adjustment to a valuation account in the
asset section of its balance sheet.
23. Dover Company owns 90% of the capital 25. Nichols Company owns 90% of the capital
stock of a foreign subsidiary located in Italy. stock of a foreign subsidiary located in Ireland.
Dover's accountant has just translated the As a result of translating the subsidiary's
accounts of the foreign subsidiary and accounts, a debit of $160,000 was needed in the
determined that a debit translation adjustment of translation adjustments account so that the
$80,000 exists. If Dover uses the equity method foreign subsidiary's debits and credits were equal
for its investment, what entry should Dover in U.S. dollars. How should Nichols report its
record in order to recognize the translation translation adjustments on its consolidated
adjustment? financial statements?
A. As a $144,000 increase in the stockholders'
equity section of the balance sheet.
B. As a $144,000 reduction in consolidated
comprehensive net income.
C. As a $160,000 debit in stockholders' equity
section of the balance sheet.
D. As a $160,000 reduction in consolidated
comprehensive net income.

26. Under the temporal method, which of the

following is usually used to translate monetary
A. Option A amounts to the functional currency?
B. Option B
C. Option C I. The current exchange rate
D. Option D II The historical exchange rate
III. Average exchange rate
A. I
24. For each of the items listed below, state B. III
whether they increase or decrease the balance in C. II
cumulative translation adjustments (assuming a D. Either I or II
credit balance at the beginning of the year) when
the foreign currency strengthened relative to the 27.Mercury Company is a subsidiary of Neptune
U.S. dollar during the year. Company and is located in Valparaso, Chile,
where the currency is the Chilean Peso. Data on
Mercury's inventory and purchases are as

A. Option A The beginning inventory was acquired during

B. Option B the fourth quarter of 2007, and the ending
C. Option C inventory was acquired during the fourth quarter
D. Option D of 2008. Purchases were made evenly over the
year. Exchange rates were as follows:
27. Refer the information provided above. 28. Based on the preceding information, the
Assuming the U.S. dollar is the functional translation of cost of goods sold for 2008,
currency, what is the amount of Mercury's cost assuming that the Spanish peseta is the
of goods sold remeasured in U.S. dollars? functional currency is:
A. $1,680 A. $1,700.
B. $1,712 B. $1,760.
C. $1,700 C. $1,680.
D. $1,692 D. $1,692.

29. The British subsidiary of a U.S. company

reported cost of goods sold of 75,000 pounds
(sterling) for the current year ended December
31. The beginning inventory was 10,000 pounds,
and the ending inventory was 15,000 pounds.
Spot rates for various dates are as follows:

Assuming the dollar is the functional currency of

the British subsidiary, the remeasured amount of
cost of goods sold that should appear in the
consolidated income statement is:
A. $108,750.
B. $112,500.
C. $114,250.
D. $125,700.
30. The British subsidiary of a U.S. company
reported cost of goods sold of 75,000 pounds
(sterling) for the current year ended December
31. The beginning inventory was 10,000 pounds,
and the ending inventory was 15,000 pounds.
Spot rates for various dates are as follows:

Assuming the pound is the functional currency

of the British subsidiary, the translated amount
of cost of goods sold that should appear in the
consolidated income statement is:
A. $108,750.
B. $112,500.
C. $114,300.
D. $125,700.
33. Seattle, Inc. owns an 80 percent interest in a
Elan, a U.S. corporation, completed the Portuguese subsidiary. For 2008, Seattle
December 31, 2008, foreign currency translation reported income from operations of $2.0 million.
of its 70 percent owned Swiss subsidiary's trial The Portuguese company's income from
balance using the current rate method. The operations, after foreign currency translation,
translation resulted in a debit adjustment of was $1.1 million. The foreign currency
$25,000. The subsidiary had reported net income translation adjustment was $120,000 (credit).
of 800,000 Swiss francs for 2008 and paid Consolidated net income and consolidated
dividends of 50,000 Swiss francs on September comprehensive income for the year are:
1, 2008. The translation rates for the year were:

The January 1 balance of the Investment in the

Swiss subsidiary account was $1,600,000. Elan
acquired its interest in the Swiss subsidiary at
A. Option A
book value with no differential or goodwill
B. Option B
recorded at acquisition.
C. Option C
D. Option D
31. Elan's Investment in Swiss subsidiary
account at December 31, 2008, is:
A. $1,881,050.
B. $1,916,050.
C. $1,923,950.
D. $2,051,500

32. Elan's consolidated workpaper eliminations

related to the foreign currency translation
adjustment will include which entry?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
34.January 2, 2008, Johnson Company acquired
a 100% interest in the capital stock of Perth
Company for $3,100,000. Any excess cost over
book value is attributable to a patent with a
10-year remaining life. At the date of
acquisition, Perth's balance sheet contained the
following information:

Perth's income statement for 2008 is as follows:

34. Refer to the above information. Assuming
the local currency of the country in which Perth
Company is located is the functional currency,
The balance sheet of Perth at December 31, what are the translated amounts for the items
2008, is as follows: below in U.S. dollars?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

34.35. Refer to the above information. Assuming

Perth's local currency is the functional currency,
what is the amount of translation adjustments
that result from translating Perth's trial balance
into U.S. dollars at December 31, 2008?
A. $396,500 debit
B. $285,000 credit
C. $405,000 credit
D. $411,000 credit

Perth declared and paid a dividend of 20,000 36. Refer to the above information. Assuming
FCU on October 1, 2008. Spot rates at various Perth's local currency is the functional currency,
dates for 2008 follow: what is the amount of patent amortization for
2008 that results from Johnson's acquisition of
Perth's stock on January 2, 2008. Round your
answer to the nearest dollar.
A. $11,500
B. $11,884
C. $7,667
D. $9,394

37. Refer to the above information. Assuming

Perth's local currency is the functional currency,
Assume Perth's revenues, purchases, operating what is the amount of translation adjustment that
expenses, depreciation expense, and income appears on Johnson's consolidated financial
taxes were incurred evenly throughout 2008. statements at December 31, 2008?
A. $419,184 credit
B. $416,884 credit
C. $405,884 debit
D. $398,500 credit
38. Refer to the above information. Assuming
Perth's local currency is the functional currency,
what is the balance in Johnson's investment in 43. Refer to the above information. Assuming
foreign subsidiary account at December 31, the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, what is
2008, assuming use of the equity method? the balance in Johnson's investment in foreign
A. $3,216,500 subsidiary account at December 31, 2008
B. $3,560,000 (assuming the use of the equity method)?
C. $3,568,300 A. $3,303,400
D. $3,577,694 B. $3,294,500
C. $3,323,400
39. Refer to the above information. Assuming D. $3,314,500
the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, what is
Johnson's remeasurement gain (loss) for 2008? 44.On January 1, 2008, Transport Corporation
(Assume the ending inventory was acquired on acquired 75 percent interest in Steamship
December 31, 2008.) Company for $300,000. Steamship is a
A. $31,000 gain Norwegian company. The local currency is the
B. $36,500 loss Norwegian kroner (NKr). The acquisition
C. $22,000 gain resulted in an excess of cost-over-book value of
D. $32,000 gain $25,000 due solely to a patent having a
remaining life of 5 years. Transport uses the
equity method to account for its investment.
Steamship's December 31, 2008, trial balance
40. Refer to the above information. Assuming has been translated into U.S. dollars, requiring a
the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, what is translation adjustment debit of $8,000.
the amount of Perth's cost of goods sold Steamship's net income translated into U.S.
remeasured in U.S. dollars? dollars is $35,000. It declared and paid an NKr
A. $811,500 20,000 dividend on June 1, 2008. Relevant
B. $843,500 exchange rates are as follows:
C. $884,500
D. $799,500

41. Refer to the above information. Assuming

the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, what is
the amount of patent amortization for 2008 that
results from Johnson's acquisition of Perth's
stock on January 2, 2008? Assume the kroner is the functional currency
A. $11,884
B. $11,770
C. $12,550
D. $11,500 44. Based on the preceding information, in the
journal entry to record the receipt of dividend
from Steamship,
A. Investment in Steamship Company will be
42. Refer to the above information. Assuming credited for $3,450.
the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, what is B. Cash will be debited for $3,300.
Perth's net income for 2008 in U.S. dollars C. Investment in Steamship Company will be
(include the remeasurement gain or loss in credited for $4,000.
Perth's net income)? D. Cash will be debited for $3,600.
A. $238,000
B. $228,000
C. $219,500
D. $202,000
45. Based on the preceding information, in the
journal entry to record parent's share of
subsidiary's translation adjustment:
A. Other Comprehensive Income Translation 49. Based on the preceding information, what
Adjustment will be debited for $8,000. amount of unrealized intercompany gross profit
B. Other Comprehensive Income Translation is eliminated in preparing the consolidated
Adjustment will be credited for $6,000. financial statements for the year?
C. Investment in Steamship Company will be A. $0
credited for $6,000. B. $5,000
D. Investment in Steamship Company will be C. $10,000
debited for $8,000. D. $15,000

46. Based on the preceding information, what

amount of translation adjustment is required for
increase in differential? 50. Based on the preceding information, at what
A. $3,000 amount is the inventory shown on the
B. $5,500 consolidated balance sheet for the year?
C. $4,500 A. $45,000
D. $5,000 B. $30,000
47. Based on the preceding information, in the C. $40,000
journal entry to record the amortization of the D. $35,000
patent for 2008 on the parent's books,
Investment in Steamship Company will be
debited for:
A. $5,000
B. $5,500
C. $4,500
D. $3,000

On September 30, 2008, Wilfred Company sold

inventory to Jackson Corporation, its Canadian
subsidiary. The goods cost Wilfred $30,000 and
were sold to Jackson for $40,000, payable in
Canadian dollars. The goods are still on hand at
the end of the year on December 31. The
Canadian dollar (C$) is the functional currency
of the Canadian subsidiary. The exchange rates

48. Based
on the preceding information, at what dollar
amount is the ending inventory shown in the trial
balance of the consolidated workpaper?
A. $45,000
B. $50,000
C. $40,000
D. $35,000

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