H. Chanson - Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime
H. Chanson - Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime
H. Chanson - Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime
SUMMARY Stepped chutes have become a popular method for discharging flood waters. The steps increase significantly
the rate of energy clissipation taking place on the spillway face and reduce the size of the required downstream dissipation
basin. In this paper, the author reviews the characteristics of nappe flows on stepped chutes. An analogy with drop structures
enables the estimation of all the flow parameters along the chute. Calculations of the rate of energy dissipation are
developed. The limiting conditions for nappe flow are also detailed.
The results indicates that nappe flow regime occurs for small discharges. Also the rate of energy dissipation along stepped
channels with nappe flow regime increases with decreasing discharges.
gravity constant (m/s );
1.1 Presentation
total head (m);
dam height (m);
Energy dissipation over darn sptllways is usually achieved
maximum head available (m);
by a standard stilling basin at the downstream end of the
reservoir free-surface elevation (m) above the
spillway where a hydraulic jump is created to dissipate a
spillway crest;
large amount of energy, a high velocity water Jet taking
step height (m);
off from a flip bucket and tmpingmg into a downstream
length of the drop (m) measured from the vertical
plunge pool, or the construction of a stepped spillway to
face of a step;
assist in energy dissipation Water flowing over a stepped
L, length (m) of the hydraulic jump roller;
chute can dissipate a major proponion of its energy. The
l horizontal length of steps (m);
steps increase significantly the rare of energy dtssipation
P."" atmospheric pressure (Pa);
taking place along the sptllway face, and eliminate or
Q discharge (m 3/s);
reduce greatly the need for a large energy dissipator at the
o.u- nappe ventilation (m3/s);
toe of the spillway.
q discharge per unit width (m 2/s);
t time (s);
Recently the development of new construction materials
V velocity {rn/s);
(e.g. roller compacted concrete RCC, gab10ns) has
v. critical flow velocity (rn/s);
increased the interest for stepped spillways. The
VI nappe velocity {m/s) at the impact with the
construction of stepped spillway is compatible with the
receiving pool;
slipforming and RCC placing methods. Also gabion
a spillway slope;
stepped spillways are the most common type of spillways
6.H head loss (m);
used for gabion dams.
Ausrralsan CIVil ngwurrng Transal:llons. /EAust., Vol. CE36 No./ Junumy /994
70 Hydraulics of Nappe Aow Regime Above Stepped Chutes and Spillways ChartSan
Stepped cascades are utilised also m water treatment the author develops the flow characteristics of nappe
plants. As an example, five artificial cascades were flows. The calculations are compared with mcxiel data.
designed along a waterway system to help the re- Then, the energy dissipation performances are developed.
oxygenation of the polluted waters (GASPAROTIO 1992). Later, limiting flow conditions for nappe flow regime are
The waterfalls were landscaped as leisure parks and presented.
combined flow aeration and aesthetics. Aesthetical
applications of stepped cascades can include stepped It must be noted that this article presents results obtained
fountains in cities (e.g in Brisbane, Hong Kong, Taipei). for chutes with horizontal steps. ESSER Y and HORNER
(1978), PEYRAS et al. (1992) and FR1ZEl.L (1992)
1.2 Flow r egimes discussed experimental results obtained with inclined and
pooled steps. Further the author wishes to emphasise that
A stepped chute consists of an open channel with a series nappe flow situations occur for shallow flows: i.e., small
of drops in the invert. The total fall is divided into a to medium floods. In the case of large flocxl discharges, it
number of smaller falls. The flow over stepped spillways will be shown that a skimming flow regime takes place
can be divided into two regimes: nappe flow and and the flow calculations are completely different (e.g.
skimming flow. CHANSON 1993a).
ln the skimming flow regime, the water flows down the 1.3 Air entrainment in nappe flows
stepped face as a coherent stream, skimming over the steps
and cushioned by the recirculating fluid trapped between In spillway flows the amount of entrained atr IS an
them. The external edges of the steps form a pseudo- important design parameter. Air entrainment increases the
bottom over which the flow passes. Beneath this, bulk of the flow which is a design parameter that
horizontal axis vortices develop and are maintained determines the height of spillway sidewalls. Also the
through the transmission of shear stress from the water presence of air within the boundary layer may reduce the
flowing past the edge of the steps. Characteristics of this shear stress between the flow layers and hence the flow
flow regime were detailed elsewhere (e.g. RAJARATNAM resistance. Further the presence of air within high-velocity
1990, CHANSON 1993a). flows may prevent or reduce the damage caused by
cavitation. Air entrainment on spillways and chutes has
In nappe flow regime, the water proceeds in a series of been recognised also for its contribution to the air-water
plunges from one step to another. The flow from each step transfer of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.
hits the step below as a falling jet, with the energy
dissipation occurring by jet breakup in air, jet mixing on In a nappe flow regime, air bubble entrainment is observed
the step, and with the formation of a fuUy developed or at each step by the plunging jet at the intersection of the
partial hydraulic jump on the step. PEYRAS et al. (1991, overfalling jet and the receiving waters and at the toe of
1992) indicated two types of nappe flow: 1- nappe flow the hydraulic jump (fig. 1). With deep pooled steps, most
with fully developed hydraulic jump (or isolated nappe of the air is entrained by the plunging jet Extensive
flow), for low discharge and small flow depth, and 2- srudies of plunging jet entrainment were perfonned (e.g.
nappe flow with partially developed hydraulic jump (also VAN DE SANDE and SMITII 1973, ERVINE and
called partial nappe flow) (fig. 1). ELSA WY 1975) and reviewed by WOOD (1991) and
CHANSON and CUMMINGS (1992). For flat steps with
shallow waters, most of the air is entrained at the toe of
the hydraulic jumps. The air entrainment characteristics of
hydraulic jumps were analysed by a number of researchers
(e.g. RAJARATNAM 1967, RESCH et al. 1974). Note
that, for deep pooled steps, air is entrained only at the
intersection of the nappe with the receiving pool.
It is worth noting that, for large step heights (i.e. h > 5 m),
air entrainment may occur along the upper and lower
interfaces of the falling nappe. Experiments were
performed by ERVINE and FALVEY (1987) on circular
jets and CHANSON (1993b) with two-dimensional jets.
These studies may provide useful Information on the
amount of air entrained along the interface. In most
practical situations however, the effects of air entrainment
along the nappe interfaces are small and can be neglected.
Figure 1 Nappe flow regime above a stepped spillway NAPPE FLOWS
Both the nappe flow regime and the skimming flow regime Along a spillway, a nappe flow is characterised by a
enable large rates of energy dissipation along a spillway succession of free-fall jets impinging on the next step and
(PEYRAS et al. 1991, CHANSON 1993a). In this paper, followed by a fully developed or partially developed
Australlan Civil Engineering Transactions. IEAust.. Vol. CEJ6 No./ January /994
Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime Above Stepped Chutes and Spillways - ChansotJ 71
~ = 0.715 de (1)
~ =l~r
~ ..:~
..l .81
Ld ;
(i) h
= 4.30 h (J
de (9)
(3) d d, ( 10)
2 d 1
d: = 0.687 * h
given by the classical hydraulic jump equations:
v: = 1.455 (
d ( I I)
tan9 = 0.838 ( ~c
(~ -d,)l
4 d, d2 de
Downstream of the impact of the nappe (fig. 2), the roller
where Fr1 is the Froude number defined at section l: length of a fully-developed hydraulic jump is estimated as
(HAGER et al. 1990):
Fr1 = q.,}jg "d 1
RAND ( 1955) assembled several sets of experimental data _ = 8 (Fr1 -1.5) ( 13)
and developed the following correlations:
where L, is the length of roller and d 1 and Fr1 are the
Australian Civil Engmuring Transactions, JE.Au.st.. Vol. CE36 No.J JU11110ry /991
72 Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime Above Stepped Chutes and Spillways - Cho11son
_6!1_ = 1 - - -lo....h-':,.----.,.,2=--.....lo-h-L.._
[id ~~or = 0.0916 * (hT )-1.276
(14) H.... Hc~om +Ho
On figure 4, the head loss for an un-gated structure (eq.
where I is the step length. Nappe flow situations with 16a) is plotted as a function of the critical flow depth and
fully-developed hydraulic jump occur for dJh<(dJh)char the number of steps, and compared with experimemal data
Note that the correlation (eq. (14)) was obtained for: (MOORE 1943, RAND 1955. STEPHENSON 1979).
0.2~~6. Figure 4 indicates that most of the flow energy is
dissip.ated on the stepped spillway for large dams (i.e.
Along a stepped spillway, critical flow conditions occur large number of steps). Note that, for a given dam height,
near to the end of each step, and equations (2) to (13) the rate of energy dissipation decreases when the discharge
provide the main flow parameters for a nappe flow regime increases. Figure 4 shows a good agreement between
with fully developed hydraulic jump. PEYRAS et al. equation (16a) and model data obtained on a single step
( 1991, 1992) indicated that these equations can be applied structure.
also with reasonable accuracy to nappe flows with partially
developed jumps.
. - - -- .
In a nappe flow situation with a fully developed hydraulic
jump, the head loss at any intennediary step equals the
step height. The total head loss along the spillway 6H
equals the difference between the maximum head available
H,.. and the residual head at the bottom of the spillway H 1 0.4
(eq. (3)). In dimensionless fonn, it yields:
Australian Civil Engineermg Transactions. /EAu.rt .. Vol. C36 NoJ January /994
Hydraulics of Nappe Aow Regime Above SLepped Chutes and SpiUways - ChoiiSOn 73
nappe flows with fully developed hydraulic jump for nappe flow to skimming flow is a function of the
similar flow conditions. Therefore, it is believed that discharge, the step height and length. The author re-
equation (16) may be applied to most of the nappe flow analysed experimental data obtained by ESSERY and
situations with a reasonable accuracy. HORNER (1978), DEGOUTIE et al. (1992) and BEITZ
and LAWLESS (1992). For these data, skimming flow
4 AERATION OF THE NAPPE regime occurs for discharges larger than a critical value
defined as:
When the falling nappe intersects the receiving pool of
water, air is entrained within the flow. If the cavjty h (18)
between the nappe and the vertical step is not 'ventilated, = 1.057-0.465 -
the pressure in the cavity falls below atmospheric, with
subpressure and nappe oscillations occurring. LEVIN where (dJ is the characteristic critical depth. Figure 6
(1968, pp. 28-37) gave indications of appropriate levels of
nappe ventilation. The re-analysis of his data indicates that compares equation (18) with the experimental data. Nappe
the nappe ventilation is estimated as:
flow regime takes place for dc /h<(d)
c onset
. Note that
= o.J9
(T J
h-d for 3<Fr<10 (17a) equation (14) is also shown on figure 6.
(T J
h-d for 13<Fr<15 (17b)
1.20 ;
equations (17a) and (17b) apply to both bottom outlet
aeration and nappe ventilation. For the ventilation of free-
falling nappes LEVIN (1968) recommends the use of
1.00 ~
0.80 J
equation (17a). Figure 5 shows a comparison between
equations (17) and LEVIN's ( 1968) data. 0 ,
0.60 -
0.40 lI lully
panwlly developed
X hydrnutic JUmp
. hydrnulic
0 20
1 JUmp
20.00 0.00 ,;,_
I - -- - - - - - - - - - -
0 0.2 0.4 0.8 I2
X h/1
10.00 a OEGO~etat EQ(I~l
Equation (19) and (20) satisfy equation (14). Hence the A nappe flow regime can occur with a fully developed or
flow conditions defined by equations (19) and (20) a partially developed hydraulic jump on each step. For
correspond to a nappe flow regime with fully developed nappe flows with fully-developed hydraulic jumps, the
hydraulic jump. hydraulic characteristics and the energy dissipation
performances are detailed. These re suits (eq. ( I ) to ( 17))
For nappe flow regime, the steps need to be relatively enable the calculation of all the flow characteristics at any
large. This situation is not often practical but may apply to position along the spillway. Energy dissipation calculations
relatively flat spillways, streams and stepped channels. For indicate that the rate of dissipation increases with the darn
steep spillways or small step heights, a sldmming flow height. For a given darn height. however, the rate of
regime is more desirable and may achieve similar rate of energy dissipation decreases with increasing discharges.
energy dissipation.
The author wishes to thank Mr E. BEITZ for the
information on the Burton Gorge darn. He wishes also to
Considering a stepped chute (10 steps) with nappe flow
acknowledge the support of Professor CJ. APELT to this
regime, the discharge per unit width is 1.1 m 2/s. The darn
height is 20 metres. The step height and length are:
h = 2 m and I= 7.46 m. Equations (1) to (17) enable the
computation of the hydraulic characteristics of the flow.
The main results are given in table I.
Table I Application for h = 2 m, q. = l.1 m2/s, H,., = 1. BEITZ, E., and LAWLESS, M. (1992).
20 m ( 10 steps) "Hydraulic Model Study for darn on GHFL 3791
lsaac River al Burton Gorge." Water Resources
Variable Value Unit Eq. Comments Commission Report, Ref. No. REP/24.1, Sept.,
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Brisbane, Australia.
dJh 0.25 Dimensionless critical depth
M 0.27 15- degree slope 2. CHANSON, H. ( 1988). "A Study of Air
(dJh),.., 0.49 (14) Fully developed hydraulic jump Entrainment and Aeration Devices on a Spillway
~ 0356 m (I) Aow depth at the brink of a s1ep Model." Ph.D. thesis , Ref. No. 88-8, Dept. of
d, 0.175 m (10) Nappe thickness at the impact Civil Eng.. Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand.
with the receiving pool 239 pages.
v, 6.3 m/r. (I I) Impact velocity of the nappe
e 62.2 degrees ( 12) Jet angle of the impinging nappe 3. CHANSON, H. ( 1993a). "Stepped Spillway Aows
d, 0.183 m (6) Flow depth at start of hydraulic and Air Entrainment." Can. Jl of Civil Eng., Vol.
jump 20, No. 3, June, pp. 422-435.
Fr1 4.5 Froude number at start of
hydraulic jump 4. CHANSON, H. (1993b). "Velocity Measurements
d, 1.08 m (7) Flow depth downstream of within High Velocity Air-Water Jets." Jl of Hyd.
hydraulic jump Res., IAHR, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 365-382.
~ 0.80 m (8) Flow depth in pool beneath the
nappe 5. CHANSON, H., and P. CUMMINGS (1992).
L4 2.8 m (9) Length of drop "Aeration of the Ocean due to Plunging Breaking
L, 4.36 m (13) Roller length of the hydraulic Waves." Research Report No. C142, Dept. of
JUmp Civil Engineering, University of Queensland.
6.HIH.... 90% (16) Rate of energy dissipation Australia. Nov., 42 pages.
q.-JQ. 0.60 (17) Nappe ventilation
In summary: the flow is a nappe flow regime with fully- (1992). "Sidmming Flow in Stepped Spillways -
developed hydraulic jump. The rate of energy dissipation Discussion." Jl of Hyd. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 118,
along the spillway is 0.90. The knowledge of the flow No. 1, pp. 111- 114.
depth at any point along the chute enables an accurate
design of the chute sidewalls. 7. ERVINE, D.A., and ELSAWY, E.M. (1975).
"The Effect of Falling Nappe on River Aeration."
7 CONCLUSION Proc. of the 16th IAHR Congress, Vol. 3, p. 390,
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
On a stepped chute, two types of flow regime may occur:
nappe flow and skimming flow. Limiting conditions of 8. ERVINE, D.A., and FALVEY, H.T. (1987).
nappe flow situations are developed (eq. (18)) which "Behaviour of Turbulent Water Jets in the
indicate that nappe flow regime occurs for flat slopes and Atmosphere and in Plunge Pools." Proc. lnsm
small discharges. Civ. Engrs., Part 2, Mar. 1987, 83, pp. 295-314.
Australian Ci~il Engmuring Transactions. /EA liSt., Vo/ C36 No./ January 1994
Hydraulics of Nappe Flow Regime Above Stepped ChuteS and Spillwnys - Chanson 75
9. ESSERY, I.T.S., and HORNER, M.W. (1978). 22. ROUSE, H. (1936). "Discharge Characteristics of
"The Hydraulic Design of Stepped Spillways." the Free Overfall.'' Civil Engineering, Vol. 6,
CJRJA Report No. 33, 2nd edition, Jan., London, April, p. 257.
23. SCHWARTZ, H.l, and NUIT, L.P. (1963).
10. FRIZELL, K.H. ( 1992). "Hydraulics of Stepped ''Projected Nappes Subject to Transverse
Spillways for RCC Dams and Darn Pressure.'' 11 of Hyd. Div., Proc. ASCE, July, pp.
Rehabilitations. "Proc. of the 3rd Specially Conf 97-104.
on Roller Compacted Concrete, J\SCE, San
Diego CA, USA, pp. 423-439. 24. S1EPHENSON, D. (1979). "Gabion Energy
Dissipators." Proc. of tlu 13th !COLD Congress,
ll. GASPAROTTO, R. (1992). "Waterfall Aeration New Delhi, India, Q. 50, R 3, pp. 33-43.
Wori<s." Civil Engineering, ASCE, Oct., pp. 52-
54. 25. S1EPHENSON, D. (1991). ''Energy Dissipation
down Stepped Spillways." Intl Water Power and
12. HAGER. W.H., BREMEN, R., and N. Dam Construction, Sept., pp. 27-30.
K.AWAGOSHI N. (1990). "Classical Hydraulic
Jump: Length of Roller." 11 of Hyd. Res., IAHR, 26. VAN DE SANDE, E., and SMITH, J.M. (1973).
Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 591-608. "Surface Entrainment of Air by High Velocity
Water Jets.'' Chem. Eng. Science, Vol. 28, pp.
13. LEVIN, L. (1968). "Formulaire des Conduites 1161-1168.
Forcees, Oleoducs et Conduits d'Aeration."
('Handbook of Pipes, Pipelines and Ventilation 27. WHITE, M.P. (1943). ''Energy Loss at the Base
Shaf1S. ') Dunod, Paris, France (in French). of a Free Overfall - Discussion." Transactions,
ASCE, Vol. 108, pp. 1361-1364.
14. MONTES, J.S. (1992). "A Potential Flow
Solution for the Free Overfal1.'' Proc. Intn. Civ. 28. WOOD, I.R. (1991). "Air Entrainment in Free-
Engrs Wat. Marit. & Energy, Vol. 96, Dec., pp. Surface Flows." IAHR Hydraulic Structures
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15. MOORE, W.L. (1943). "Energy Loss at the Base Netherlands, 149 pages.
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108, p. 1343-1360.
16. PEYRAS, L., ROYET, P., and DEGOUTI'E, G.
(1991 ). "Ecoulement et Dissipation sur les Nappe trajectory of aerated nappe
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Dissipation of Energy on Gabion Weirs.') 11 La For a horizontal step, a simple expression of the nappc
Houi/le Blanche, No. I, pp. 37-47 (in French). trajectory can be deduced from the motion equation
assuming that the velocity of the flow at the brink of the
17. PEYRAS, L., ROYET, P., and DEGOUTI'E, G. step is horizontal. When the fluid leaves the step (fig. 3),
(1992). "Flow and Energy Dissipation over the acceleration is vertical only and equals minus the
Stepped Gabion Weirs." 11 of Hyd. Engrg., gravity constant assuming an aerated nappe. The time l,
ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 5, pp. 707-717. - taken to reach the pool free-surface is given by:
19. RAJARATNAM, N. (1990). "Skimming Flow in where ~ is the hetght of water in the pool behind the
Stepped Spillways.'' Jl of Hyd. Engrg., ASCE, overfalling jet, h is the step height, db is the flow depth at
Vol. 116, No. 4, pp. 587-591. the brink of the step.
20. RAND, W. (1955). "Flow Geometry at Straight The nappe thickness ~ and the flow velocity V; at the
Drop Spillways.'' Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 81, intersection of the falling nappe with the receiving pool are
No. 791., Sept., pp. 1-13. then:
d = ~[d J 2 *--.,..--
h+ ~2 -dplI/Z
S. (1974). "Bubbly Two-Phase Flow in Hydraulic (A-2)
1 C
Jump." 11 of Hyd. Div., ASCE, Vol. 100, No. +
HYl, pp. 137-149. de d, de
Australian Crvil Enginuring Transactions. /EA.ust., Vol. CEJ6 No./ JamiQ.ry /994
76 Hydraulics of Nappe Aow Regime Above Stepped Chutes and Spillways - Chan.son
V. (A-3)
I :
tane = o.s3s. ( ~ ]
The angle of the falling nappe with the horizontal (fig. 3)
is given by:
:: = 0.687 * (:e J (A-5) The complete jet trajectory can be deduced from the
motion equation (e.g. SCHWARTZ and NUTr 1963,
CHANSON 1988).
The author is a LecUlrer in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics at the Department of Civil
Engineering, The University of Queensland. His research interests includes design of hydraulic
structures, experimental studies of two-phase flows and air entrainment, water quality modelling
for coastal and hydraulic applications.
Australton Civil Engineering Transactions. IEAust.. Vol. CE36 No./ January 1994