Fixed Pros 4 - Tooth Preparation For Complete Cast Crown

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August 22, 2013

Tooth Preparation for Complete Cast Crown

Complete Case Crowns
Extensive coronal tooth destruction or existing restoration size
Need for maximum retention (keeps tooth from being pulled off) and resistance form (keeps tooth from
being pushed off)
Endodontically treated tooth (extensive caries or large access)
Correction of occlusal plane
Correction of axial contours
Support of RPD

High esthetic demands sometimes people dont want gold
Treatment objectives met with a move conservative restoration
Intact buccal and/or lingual walls
No need for greater retention and/or resistance form
Adequate buccal contour or contour achievable by enameloplasty
Poor oral hygiene or maintenance

Complete Cast crown

Greater retention
Greater resistance
Can modify tooth contour
Can modify occlusion
Extensive removal of tooth structure
Adverse effect on tissue
Vitality testing difficult
Display of metal

Diamond pieces electroplated to bur
Cleaning and Care

Occlusal Depth Grooves
Occlusal Reduction
Axial Alignment Grooves
Axial Reduction

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Depth grooves and occlusal reduction
Occlusal depth grooves
Round end taper bur 856-016 or 6856-016
Do at angles of the inclines
Depth helps estimate how thick or how much reduction you need
Because it is tapered make sure to seat the bur but with lighter pressure
Occlusal reduction
Round end taper bur 856-016 or 6856-016
1.5 mm on functional cusp
For maxillary palatal cusp
1.0 mm on non-functional cusp
1.5 mm on both cusps are acceptable
Connect the dots

Functional Cusp Bevel

Round end taper 856-016
Reduction 1.5 mm
Width 2 mm

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Proximal Slice
Leave a shell of tooth structure between adjacent tooth

Adequate clearance (0.6 mm) between external surface chamfer and the adjacent tooth

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Axial Reduction
6 degrees is ideal
Same distance between 12:00 and 12:01 on a clock

699 carbide to open proximal contact

Change to 878K-012 for proximal reduction
Use chamfer bur (856-016) for axial reduction
Reduction 0.8 to 1.0 mm
Finish line of 0.5 to 1 mm above the gingiva
Angle of convergence 6 to 10 degrees
Buccal two-plane of reduction to follow the anatomy
Path of withdrawal not blocked (Path of Draw - Hows the tooth is going to slide crown on and off 3-
dimensionally. Need path of draw before drilling. Dictated by adjacent teeth)
Adjacent teeth not mutilated

Smooth uniform chamfer width 0.5 mm
Roughly the edge of a perio probe
Rounded line angles
Overall smooth surface

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Soft-base plate wax placed between the preparation and opposing tooth
Once set, can use caliber to measure

Adequate clearance
Greater than 0.6 mm between external surface and the adjacent teeth
No lip of enamel at the margin
Path of withdraw is not blocked by the adjacent teeth
Taper within 6-16 degree total convergence angle

Severe Errors
May not be able to freely move the crowns
Excessive tape
Damage adjacent teeth

Occlusal Reduction
__ 3. Approximately 1.5 mm uniform reduction
__ 2. Slightly under reduced or slightly over reduced
__ 1. Unacceptable with severely under reduced and severely over reduced

II. Functional Cusp Bevel..

__ 3. Cusp summit opposing central fossa and plane is parallel to inner incline of opposing cusp; includes
proximal line angles with approximate bevel 2.0 mm
__ 2. Functional cusp bevel acceptable but not ideal
__ 1. Unacceptable: Bevel missing, cusp summit misplaced B L M D, plane too long/ short/ flat/ steep,
proximal line angle not included

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III. Taper of Axial Surfaces..
__ 3. Angle of convergence 6-10o between opposing axial surfaces
__ 2. Under tapered (0-5o) or over tapered (10o -16o ) between one set or both sets of opposing axial surfaces
or line angles
__ 1. Unacceptable: Undercut or Over tapered ( >16o) between any set of opposing axial surfaces or line

IV. Extent of Axial Reduction ( Buccal & Lingual)..

__ 3. Axial reduction of 0.6-0.8 mm overall and two-plane reduction on the buccal follows the anatomy of the
__ 2. Under reduced or over reduced but with acceptable reduction and two-plane reduction on the buccal
follows the anatomy of the tooth
__ 1. Unacceptable: Overall severely under reduced or severely over reduced and no two-plane reduction on
the buccal

V. Treatment Management
__ 3. Intact adjacent teeth and gingival shroud with no evidence of damage
__ 2. Adjacent teeth and/or gingival shroud have evidence of slight damage (nicks or scrapes)
__ 1. There is evidence of significant damage (small cut or tears) to adjacent teeth and/ or gingival shroud
__ 0. Unacceptable: The wrong tooth is prepared and there is gross damage to the adjacent tooth/teeth and/or
severe damage to gingival shroud; neighboring teeth block the path of withdrawal

VI. Chamfer margin .

__3. Chamfer margin with approximately 0.5 mm consistency
__2. Slightly under reduced or over reduced on any location
__1. Over reduced with resultant ledges or under reduced with resultant feather edge
__0. Unacceptable: margin with undermined enamel

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VII. Marginal Finishing..
__3. Uniform, smooth, continuous chamfer on all surfaces
__2. Slightly irregular in any location
__1. Unacceptable: finish line is non-continuous or significantly irregular

VIII. Location of Finish Lines

__3. 0.5-1.0 mm coronal to gingival margin
__2. less than 0.5 mm or even to the gingival margin OR more than 1.0 mm but not more than 1.5mm
__1. Unacceptable: Over-extended below the gingival margin OR under-extended above the gingival margin
more than 1.5 mm

IX. Overall Finish.

__3. Adequate overall smoothness, rounded line angles and point angles
__2. Slightly rough
__1. Unacceptable: Significant roughness and sharp angles overall

X. Cleanliness.
__3. Overall typodont is clean
__2. Only ivorine tooth prep # 3 is clean
__1. Unacceptable: Overall typodont is dirty

TOTAL Any Unacceptable grading will affect the total failure.

A total score of 20 or more without ANY Unacceptable grading is a PASS for tooth preparation.

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