Fixed Pros 4 - Tooth Preparation For Complete Cast Crown
Fixed Pros 4 - Tooth Preparation For Complete Cast Crown
Fixed Pros 4 - Tooth Preparation For Complete Cast Crown
August 22, 2013
High esthetic demands sometimes people dont want gold
Treatment objectives met with a move conservative restoration
Intact buccal and/or lingual walls
No need for greater retention and/or resistance form
Adequate buccal contour or contour achievable by enameloplasty
Poor oral hygiene or maintenance
Diamond pieces electroplated to bur
Cleaning and Care
Occlusal Depth Grooves
Occlusal Reduction
Axial Alignment Grooves
Axial Reduction
Adequate clearance (0.6 mm) between external surface chamfer and the adjacent tooth
Smooth uniform chamfer width 0.5 mm
Roughly the edge of a perio probe
Rounded line angles
Overall smooth surface
Adequate clearance
Greater than 0.6 mm between external surface and the adjacent teeth
No lip of enamel at the margin
Path of withdraw is not blocked by the adjacent teeth
Taper within 6-16 degree total convergence angle
Severe Errors
May not be able to freely move the crowns
Excessive tape
Damage adjacent teeth
Occlusal Reduction
__ 3. Approximately 1.5 mm uniform reduction
__ 2. Slightly under reduced or slightly over reduced
__ 1. Unacceptable with severely under reduced and severely over reduced
V. Treatment Management
__ 3. Intact adjacent teeth and gingival shroud with no evidence of damage
__ 2. Adjacent teeth and/or gingival shroud have evidence of slight damage (nicks or scrapes)
__ 1. There is evidence of significant damage (small cut or tears) to adjacent teeth and/ or gingival shroud
__ 0. Unacceptable: The wrong tooth is prepared and there is gross damage to the adjacent tooth/teeth and/or
severe damage to gingival shroud; neighboring teeth block the path of withdrawal
X. Cleanliness.
__3. Overall typodont is clean
__2. Only ivorine tooth prep # 3 is clean
__1. Unacceptable: Overall typodont is dirty