(G Uidance of Harness Connection) : Externalsoftheharness
(G Uidance of Harness Connection) : Externalsoftheharness
(G Uidance of Harness Connection) : Externalsoftheharness
E x te rn a ls o f th e h a rn e s s
engine side
boost sensor
w iring *1
w iring signal
Injector w iring w iring
tem perature
sensor w iring "dial controller"
w iring
pum p E C U *2
w iring connector
[ G uidance of harness connection ]
T w o connectors ( for + B A T T -
IG and + B A T T -backup) are in + B A T T pow er (after IG sw itch) cable
this kit. (use If you w ant.) (orange)
[ G uidance of harness connection ]
[ G uidance of harness connection ]
dial controller
[ G uidance of harness connection ]
In the case of H O N D A
M O N K E Y(current m odel),coil(+)
term inal color is green.
[ G uidance of harness connection ]
(9) First of all, please confirm the connection of w iring (E specially, (+) and (-)
connection of the pow er supply).
P lease turn on the pow er (IG ) sw itch after confirm ing.
W hen EC U starts norm ally, the pum p is driven about ten tim es by the
pulse, and dial controller's LE D turns on.
P lease do initializing referring to (3) "configure and adjustm ent " chapter
of the user's m anual.
*W hen you bought the throttle body from us at the sam e tim e, the
adjustm ent of the throttle sensor and the setting of the capacity of the
injector have already been done. If you have already inform ed "FC
design" of the displacem ent of the engine, a rough adjustm ent of the
injection m ap is done.