(G Uidance of Harness Connection) : Externalsoftheharness

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[ G uidance of harness connection ]

E x te rn a ls o f th e h a rn e s s
engine side

boost sensor
w iring *1

w iring signal
Injector w iring w iring

tem perature
sensor w iring "dial controller"
w iring

pum p E C U *2
w iring connector

ground (0V ) backup

w iring pow er(+
(w ith round BATT)
term inal) w iring

*1 D -JE tronic V ersion O nly + B A T T pow er

*2 E C U : E lectoronic C ontrol U nit (after IG sw itch)
w iring

(1) P lease decide the position w here

each unit is installed.

(2) P lease install each unit, and fix.

(3) P lease fix the harness to the

vehicle by using the band etc.

T he harness kit is designed so that E C U is

installed at the center of the vehicle.

[ G uidance of harness connection ]

* A tte n tio n : P le a s e re m o v e th e te rm in a l fro m th e b a tte ry b e fo re

b e g in n in g in s ta llin g .

* A tte n tio n : P le a s e c o n n e c t a n o ra n g e , re d w irin g to th e lin e a fte r

th e fu s e .

(4) +B A TT pow er (after IG sw itch)

w iring(orange) is connected w ith
the w iring w here the +batt pow er
is supplied w hen the IG key sw itch
is turned on. In the case of H onda
M onkey,"IG " line is usually in the
m eter case(front light case).

In the M eter (front light) case.

T w o connectors ( for + B A T T -
IG and + B A T T -backup) are in + B A T T pow er (after IG sw itch) cable
this kit. (use If you w ant.) (orange)
[ G uidance of harness connection ]

(5) P lease connect red w iring (red)

w ith the line connected w ith the
plus term inal of the battery.

(A fter off the key, this pow er

supply is used for E C U only
betw een a few seconds.
A fterw ards, this pow er supply is
not used. EC U doesn`t need an
extra standby pow er requirem ent. C onnecting red w iring to the plus
) line of battery.

(6) P lease install the earth connection

line (w ith round term inal) in the
earth of the body (battery m inus).

(7) P lease confirm not be w rong the

connection of the plus and the
m inus of w iring.

red w iring : + batt (back up pow er)

earth connection w iring (w ith round

term inal)

[ G uidance of harness connection ]

(8) P lease connect each unit to the w iring connector.

throttle sensor (3pins connector) injector (2pins gray connector)

dial controller (6pins connector) E C U connector

(8pins and 10pins connector)

dial controller

[ G uidance of harness connection ]

(8) P lease connect each unit to the w iring connector.

signal interface unit

( 4pins connector w ith light-purple
w iring)

P lease connect fem ale connector

of light-purple w iring to the (+)
term inal of ignition coil,and conect
the vehicle w iring, connected w ith
the coil (+) term inal originally, to
the m ale connector of light-purple
w iring.

In the case of H O N D A
M O N K E Y(current m odel),coil(+)
term inal color is green.

*P lease contact m e w hen you w ant to

use it w ith a beam type tim ing sensor.
(eco-run vehicle etc.)

fuel pum p w iring

P lease connect pink and w hite

w iring to connector of fuel pum p.
pink w iring is (+), w hite w iring is

*If you don't need that the fuel pum p

is not controlled by E C U , it is necessary
to obtain the dum m y resistance.
( eco-run etc.)

[ G uidance of harness connection ]

(9) First of all, please confirm the connection of w iring (E specially, (+) and (-)
connection of the pow er supply).
P lease turn on the pow er (IG ) sw itch after confirm ing.
W hen EC U starts norm ally, the pum p is driven about ten tim es by the
pulse, and dial controller's LE D turns on.

P lease do initializing referring to (3) "configure and adjustm ent " chapter
of the user's m anual.

*W hen you bought the throttle body from us at the sam e tim e, the
adjustm ent of the throttle sensor and the setting of the capacity of the
injector have already been done. If you have already inform ed "FC
design" of the displacem ent of the engine, a rough adjustm ent of the
injection m ap is done.

*P le a s e re fe r to " S ta rt-u p m a n u a l" fo r th e a d ju s te d c o n te n t.

D-jetronic ( speed density version )

Please connect boost ( manifold pressure ) sensor.


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