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DALAIL-UL-KHAIRAT GUIDE TO HAPPINESS \ Sy Re ke deg COMPLETE ARABIC ENGLISH TEXT EN ev 40) 8 ® PAAK COMPANY 17-URDU BAZAR LAHORE Za atHVNSDALAITL-UL-KHAIRAT Seed aoe GUIDE TO HAPPINESS A Manual of Prayer COMPLETE ARABIC ENGLISH TEXTS IMAM AL-JAZULI Translated by the Rev. John B. Pearson, D.D. Rector of Whithtone, Exeter, England Witha Life of Al-Jazuli And Directions for Using the Book from the Arabic By A. G. Ellis of the British Museum Edited By Nazir NAQSHBANDI B.A.(Hons) M.A.LLB. Published By Paak Company 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, PakistanAll Rights are reseryed with the editor / publisher No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the editor / publisher. Quantity: 2000 Year : January 2010 Hadiya : Printed at Ahmad Usman Printers, Lahore Pakistan Published by Paak Company® 17-Urdu Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan Ph: 37230555-37352427 Fax:37120077
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www.pakcompany.comAffectionately dedicated to My Parents Muhammad Ramzan Khurshid Begum At whose feet Thad my first and lasting education | And Fazal Karim Naqshbandi, Qadri, Chishty A Pure, yet Purified, Muslim Saint At whose feet Thad my intrinsic education in religious, moral and spiritual disciplines. May their souls rest in eternal peace And may #@a42 ever growing blessings be on them. | Amen NAZIR NAQSHBANDIIN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MOST BENEFICIENT AND MERCIFUL O Our #aé, Favour us with Thy Mercy To understand and recite Dalail-ul-Khairat on daily basis throughout our lives, for the sake of our beloved Prophet Wachasuad peace be upon him, and make us so privileged that he looks upon us with his holy lights and cleanses our hearts to make us suitable to be with him in Thy Glorious Divine Presence, and look to Thy Holy Countenance in the company of our beloved holy Prophet On the Day of Resurrection. Amen NAZIR NAQSHBANDIDalail-ul-Khairat 5 Contents CONTENTS SECTION A TURNING OF TRANSLATION Page 1. Acknowledgements 11 2. Photostat of the Title as printed at Oxford in 1907 12 3. On Obtaining Translation Of Dalail-ul-Khairat 13 4. Introduction By John B, Pearson - the Translator 15 5. Sketch of Holy House at Makkah and Sketch of Holy House of Prophet at Madina Munawarra 18 6. Editor's Critical Appraisal of the Translation 19 SECTION B UNION BRIDGE FOR CLOSE ACCESS TO ALLAH AND THE HOLY PROPHET An Advice 25 1. Opening of devotional recitation— Guide to Happiness 27 2. The Beautiful Names of #24 31 3. The Opening Supplication to be recited after the Beautiful Names of #¢éaé 39 4. Preface 43 a) About the Author 45 b) Design of the Book and its Name 45 c) On the Graces of Prayer to the Prophet, blessings and peace Of #¢ééaé be on him 47 5. The Two Hundred and One Names. of Our Master Prophet Waéamenad blessings and peace be upon him., 63 6. The Supplication to be recited after the Noble Names of our holy Prophet, blessings. and peace of é/aé be upon him. o1Datail-ul-Khairat 6 Contents 7. The Description of the Blessed Precinct in which the Prophet is interred, blessings and peace of #@2é be upon him and his two Comrades Abou Bakr and Umar, the favour of #éaé be on them 95 8. The First Part to be read on Monday 97 9. The Second Part to be read on Tuesday 119 10. The Third Part to be read on Wednesday 141 11, The Fourth Part to be read on Thursday 165 12. The Fifth Part to be read on Friday 187 13. The Sixth Part to be read on Saturday 213 14. The Seventh Part to be read on Sunday 239 15. The Eighth Part to be read on Monday 263 16. Four Blessings of great merit to be recited fourteen times on Monday 275 17. Verses ascribed to the Author 277 18. Recitation of Surah Fatiha for the Author 277 19. The Supplication which is the Seal of the Guide to Happiness to be read on Monday 279 SECTION C DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF DALAIL-UL-KHAIRAT, ITS AUTHOR AND AUTHOR’S LAND AND COUNTRY Appendix —I — Life of Imam Al-Jazuli, By A.G. Ellis of the British Museum 287 Appendix-II — Translation of the Introduction — Prefixed to the Dalail-ul-Khairat in the Edition Lithographed in Cairo in A.H 1281(A.D. 1864) By A.G. Ellis of the British Museum 290 Appendix-III —Transliterated Names of #24 as given in the text of Dalail-ul-Khairat 295 Appendix-IV —Transliterated Names of the Holy Prophet, Blessing and peace of -#éaé be on him, as given in the text of Dalail-ul-Khairat 299Dalail-ul-Khairat 7 Appendix-V — Dalail-ul-Khairat A Treasure of Divine Love Appendix-VI — Popularity of Dalail-ul-Khairat in Central Asia and Ottoman Empire Appendix-VII-What Motivated the Author to Compile Dalail-ul-Khairat? Appendix-VII-Author’s Land and Country. Appendix-IX - A Tale of Two Cities. Appendix-X- Imam Jazuli’s Order of Tariqat Appendix-XI- Map of Morocco Contents 316 320 321 323 326 331 332Dalail-ul-Khairat 8 Busiris Couplet He is the Friend of God from whom we have high hopes of intercession In all the woes which have descended on the human race. (Qasidah Burdah Couplet No. 36)Dalail-ul-Khaira 9 SECTION A TURNING OF TRANSLATIONHe called us to the path of God, and those who cling to him, Have held the rope of God so tight that it would never break. (Qasidah Burdah Couplet No. 37)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to Mr. Farooq Habib for his perpetual support and encouragement to undertake the task of editing and supplementing the book with additional notes and chapters. lam grateful to Dr. Rizwan Ahmed Malik MD, my elder son, for his ever loving conduct and nice behaviour during the stormy days of my life. 1 am obliged to Dr. Noman Ahmed Malik MD, my younger son, for his ever growing love and encouragement during the turbulent days of my life. I owe gratitude to Saadia, my younger daughter, who always shared my sorrows in soothing the anguish of my soul. The debt that I owe to Iffat Nazir, my wife, is not quantifiable. She is always on my side in the journey of life. Her love kept me steadfast in my literary and religious pursuits. Without her support and encouragement, this book may never have been edited and supplemented with additional notes. I owe appreciation to Mr. Akhtar Javaid, my stenographer at Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Hospital Multan, for typing the English text many a times with patience and pleasure. T am thankful to Sufi Muhammad Nawaz, stenographer in Income Tax Department at Lahore for encouraging me to finalize the task. Tam thankful to Syed Mobin Mahmud, Director of Paak Company 17- Urdu Bazar, Lahore Pakistan who offered voluntarily to publish the book. May -#@¢aé reward them and their families richly here and in the World hereafter Amen. Nazir Nagshbandi Al Ramzan House No, 134, Street 5, Sector E, Phase V D.H.A, Lahore. Pakistan Rajab-ul-Murrajab 8, 1429 A.H, July 12, 2008Photostat of the Title as Printed at Oxford in 1907 GUIDE TO HAPPINESS A MANUAL OF PRAYER TRANSLATED PROM THE ANANIC OF ALJAZOLI ay tHe Nev, JOHN B. PEARSON, D.D. AurTUK OF wiiEDTOne, KXeTEM wiry a LIFE OF ALJAZOLI, AND DIRECTIONS ¥Ol USING THE BOOK FMOM THE ALAIIC ay A, G, ELLIS oy PH MntTI MewuM OxronD PRDETED foe Puvare cacuLaTiOn 1907Dalail-ul-Khairat 13 On Obtaining Translation ON OBTAINING TRANSLATION OF DALAIL-UL-KHAIRAT Some days and events live a lifetime in memory. Here is such an event of my life. A few years ago I had been to the United States of America to stay with my sons. During my stay at Kansas City I had the good fortune to attend weekly “Halqa” of Naqshbandi order at the residence of Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, who belonged to Renala Khurd District Sahiwal, Pakistan. He did graduation in Civil Engineering from Berkley University Sans Francisco and was employed in a reputed concern at Kansas City in those days. Hazrat Nazim Haqqani, a great saint and a profound scholar of Naqshbandi order, is permanently residing in Turkish Cyprus. He has spread the splendid light of Islam with enormous speed in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The weekly “Halqas” under his benign guidance take place regularly in almost all the big cities of America. The popularity of these charismatic Halqas can be gauged by the fact that social and political circles are well aware of their influence and effectiveness. Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, one of his ardent disciples, was doing the good service of conducting the weekly “Halqa” at Kansas City with missionary spirit. [ told him that I intended to translate Dalail-ul-Khairat in English. He was extremely happy to know of it. He pulled out a book from his bookshelf. I opened the book and to my amazement it was a photostat of Dalail-ul-Khairat translated by John. B. Pearson and printed at Oxford, England in 1907. There were remarks on its very title that it was for private circulation only. Since it was meant for private circulation only, it has remained beyond the reach of a common man throughout the world for the last over one hundred years. It can very safely be affirmed that it is the ever first translation of Dalail-ul-Khairat in the English language.Datail-ul-Khairat 14 On Obtaining Translation Luck has rallied to my side. I am grateful to +#étaé Almighty whose Greatness is Supreme, to favour me for getting it printed for the use and recitation by Muslims the world over; particularly those living in the West who were keen to recite and understand the message and meanings of its text and also for close access to #éaé and His beloved Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him. I might have made some unintentional mistakes during the process of editing for which, in all humility, | seek for pardon and forgiveness, I entreat the worthy readers to remember me in their prayers for my improvement in religious disciplines and for the redemption of my soul. And lastly a significant hint regarding Dalail-ul-Khairat. Its recitation on daily basis is certain to open before you new vistas of the seen and the unseen. Believe me that it is a wonderful world of wonders and in the words of the Prince of Denmark: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Further suggestions including the mistakes pointed out, likely to increase the utility of the book from readers and authorities on the subject, will be greatly appreciated. Al Ramzan House No. 134, Street 5, Sector E, Phase V D.H.A, Lahore, Pakistan. Rajab-ul-Murrajab 8, 1429 A.H, July 12, 2008Dalail-ul-Khairat 15 Introduction INTRODUCTION By The Translator A few years ago a friend in the army accepted an appointment in West Africa, on the Gold Coast; and knowing the activity with which the Muhammadan teligion is promoted in those parts, I requested him to obtain for me, if possible, a copy of the Zer ‘as as sold in the bazaars. The volume he sent me is the manual of prayer of which I have made a translation: whether the Zer‘a« itself is sold publicly, I cannot say. At Cuiro or Constantinople it is well known that it cannot now be procured in manuscript: though it is used by European officials in Africa for swearing Muhammadan witnesses in courts of justice, and is known as ‘the big book’. From what I hear, however, this work of Al-Jazuli practically the favourite prayer-book of Muhammadans in Africa and Egypt, as is natural, from the author having been a native of Morocco; and very possibly also in Persia and Turkey: the best evidence of what I am saying being the number of copies to be found in libraries at home. There are four or more at Cambridge, quite as many at Oxford; and at the British Museum they are so often offered by travellers returning from the East that they invariably decline them. When I received the book sent me by my friend, I saw at once that it was not the Zer‘ae proper, or even a collection of extracts; so I sent it on to a friend at Cambridge well versed in Oriental studies, who returned it to me with the reply that it had at once been identified as a popular manual, known by the name of Al-Jazuli; and that there were copies of it in the University Library. With some hesitation, and not discouraged by my own imperfect eyesight, or by my very imperfect knowledge of the Arabic language, | resolved to translate and print it; partly for the benefit of missionaries employed in work in Muhammadan countries, and also in the general interest of literature. The title of the book is ‘Dalail-ul-Khairat’ or ‘Guide to Happiness’Datail-ul-Khairat 16 Introduction 0 By the kindness of the authorities at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, I have prefixed as frontispiece a representation (A) of the tomb at Medina, formerly the home of Ayesha, Muhammad's youngest wife, where the remains of the Prophet and his Comrades are said to rest; and (B) of the Kaaba, or Holy House, at Mecca. It is taken from one of the Oriental manuscripts brought to England by the well-known traveller, E.D. Clarke, afterwards Professor of Geology at Cambridge, and purchased after his death by the University of Oxford. The volume itself is not so very old, dating from the middle of the fifteenth century of our era, so that it is long subsequent to the best times of Arabic literature; and indeed, so far as I can see, it has no connection with it. An authentic life of the writer will be found in an appendix. My translation commences with a sort of preface which is not identical in two MSS. which I had from the library at Cambridge, and which also is wanting in my own manuscript, as well as in another copy lent me by a friend from West Africa. Very possibly it is not Al-Jazuli’s own work, and was prefixed at an early date by some editor or chief scribe. Anyhow it is interesting as exhibiting the ideas of a Musleman mind. As the Life of Al-Jazuli seems to imply that he was never able himself to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, the rude representation of the former place which seems to be found, in different forms, in every copy of the book, may be merely his own conception of what it would be like. The rest of the translation will speak for itself; the two hundred names of W«éaseenad are a curious replica, if I may call it so, of the Almighty, said to be cited by Maracci, the Italian editor of the Quran; further details as to Al- Jazuli’s life, and the book itself, will be found in the Appendix. With these prefatory remarks, I leave the work to speak for itself, only adding, by way of colophon, an adaptation of a well-known epitaph: Qui que tu sois, ami ou ennemi, De ce vieux auteur respect les cendres.* The two MSS. used in the translation are in the University Library at Cambridge (Browne’s catalogue).Dalail-ul-Khairat 17 Introduction 1. Add.3225. Clear, good naskh, ™’, pointed with rubrications; no date or colophon. N Dd.6.22. Large, clear, Moorish hand, rubrications and rude coloured ornaments; not dated, scribe’s name given. The life of Al-Jazuli, and the Introduction following it, are entirely the work of A.G. Ellis, Esq., of the British Museum, to whom I am deeply indebted for his assistance. John. B. Pearson, D.D. Rector of Whithtone, Exeter, England “Translation: Whoever you are, friend or foe, This old author respects the ashes. ** Usual Arabic handwriting.Datail-ul-Khairat 18 Sketch of Makkah and Madina Sketch of Holy House of Makkah and Sketch of Holy House of Prophet at Madina Munawarra By the kindness of the authorities at the Bodleian Library Oxford, these photostat were taken by the translator from one of the Oriental manuscripts brought to England by the well-known traveller E.D Clarke, afterwards Professor of Geology at Cambridge, and purchased after his death by the University of Oxford.EDITOR’S CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF THE TRANSLATION It is a superb work of translation done by J.B. Pearson published by Oxford and printed for private circulation in 1907. It is perhaps the ever first translation of Dalail-ul-Khairat in English. The translation has been done with precision and care and according to traditional scholarly methods. In the first place the translation is very good. The language employed is idiomatic, flows freely, and is easy to read. It retains the flavour of the original Arabic text without, however, reflecting any of its Arabic syntax and word order. It is a sound translation of this daily manual of prayer of the well — known fifteenth century Sufi Master Al — Jazuli. Given Al — Jazuli’s fame and in the context of the popularity of the book the world over, the translation was long over — due and would certainly be welcomed in the West. It is interesting to note that J. B. Pearson did not translate it out of sheer love for Islam. To borrow his own language, “I resolved to translate and print it; partly for the benefit of missionaries employed in work in Mohammedan countries, and also in the general interest of literature.” While re-editing it I have ventured to change translation at some places. There is a long list of such changes and it is not possible to give its details. Difficulties have been experienced as translated book contains the English text only; it is without the Arabic text. Again great difficulty has been faced in making the comparison and finding out the meanings of words. J. B. Pearson stumbled while translating a passage pertaining to the grave of Jesus. In description of the blessed precincts in which the Prophet of ag is interred, he has translated it as under:~ “And the remaining part of the sepulcher towards the east is empty; in it is the place of a tomb and God knows best, that Jesus the son of Mary is buried there.” We as Muslims believe that Jesus on re-arrival in the world will tule over the world before the Day of Resurrection and then would be buried in the empty space within the blessed precinct. The word is has,Datail-ul-Khairat 20 Critical Appraisal therefore, been replaced by will be to straighten the factual position based upon our faith and firm conviction. J. B. Pearson while commenting upon the frontispiece of Holy House at Macca and the holy Prophet's tomb at Medina has observed as under: “As the life of Al-Jazuli seems to imply that he was never able himself to perform the pilgrimage to Macca and Medina, and the rude presentation of the former place which seems to be found, in different forms, in every copy of the book, may be merely his own conception of what it would be like”. Perusal of Al-Jazuli's life as given in different books shows that he had the honour to visit the two Holy Places during his life time. J. B. Pearson has, therefore, remarked incorrectly that the author of the book had merely given his own conception of these two places of what it would be like. The factual position is that propose of giving the pictures of these two places in ‘Dalail-ul-Khairat’ even today is not without meaning and primarily the purpose is two fold. i. The reader of *Dalail-ul-Khairat’ who daily recites this manual of prayer and is far from these two Holy Places and is unable to visi them on account of financial difficulties, serious illness, phy incapacity or any other circumstances beyond his control, may vicariously imagine their existence and develop love as a true Muslim for these sacred places. ii, That while reciting ‘Dalail-ul-Khairat’ daily the reader should kiss the picture / photograph of the Holy House and imagine that he has placed his lips upon the sacred stone (Hajer-e-Aswad) and thereafter should pronounce @ #24. 1 am here before Thee (Laybbaik, Allahumma-Laybbaik). Similarly the reader should kiss it and place his eyes upon the picture of the tomb of the holy Prophet imagining that he stands migrated spiritually and vicariously in the court of the holy Prophet and then should send blessings upon the holy Prophet such as Ussalatu- wassak-mu-alaika-ya-rasool-ullah. Similarly through-out the Text J. B. Pearson has translated the word Sayyedna as “Our Prince.” It stands replaced by “our Master” for the reason that “our Master” is more appropriate translation of the word Sayyedna than that of “Our Prince.” Again the word God has been replaced by the word #ée& throughout the text. The name of the holyProphet in the original text has been translated as Mohemat which now stands replaced by Wlehammad (blessings and peace be upon him). Similarly the spellings of Koran have been changed to its spellings as Luan. Since J. B. Pearson did not have any appreciable background of learning in Islam, he showed his curiosity on the two hundred names of the holy Prophet as against the ninety nine names of #~aé. the Almighty. Perhaps he did not know that the beautiful names of 4¢a4 and the noble names of the holy Prophet are countless in number and beyond the ken of human imagination. Mr. J.B. Pearson was not a profound scholar and as such he was puzzled to arrive at the conclusion that the names of the holy Prophet are a curious replica of the names of tah, the Almighty. He could not therefore, appreciate that the names of #éaé and the holy Prophet are sometimes common, but their meanings are not exactly the same / identical when applied at any place. These names carry different shades of meaning and characteristics as per Muslims belief, conviction and scholarly research by profound authorities on Islam. The research is purely based upon the text of the holy Zee ‘aw and the sayings (Ahadis) of the holy Prophet. Had he been aware of this background he would not have remarked us under: “the two hundred names of Wakammad (blessings of #téad and peace be upon him) are a curious replica, if | may call it so of the ninety nine name of the Almighty, said to be cited by Marraci the Italian editor of the Secs T have divided the whole book in three sections: Section A recounts the editor's narration on obtaining translation of Dalail-ul-Khairat and its critical appraisal. It, at the same time, contains Introduction by the translator which is very useful and interesting; Section B the longest one, contains the entire devotional recitation of Dalail-ul-Khairat which have been named by me as the Union Bridge for close access to Adak and His beloved prophet. Al-Jazuli’s life history has been well written by Mr. A.G. Ellis. 1. however, thought it proper to add some additional notes pertaining to his native country, the city where he lived, the medewa where he obtained education, the place where he compiled Dalail-ul-Khairat and the city where he was buried. These additional notes would certainly add to the knowledge of the reader and would certainly make his reading more profiting.Dalail-ul-Khairat 22 Critical Appraisal Section C therefore, from appendix I to appendix XI deals with different aspects of Dalail-ul-Khairat and its author. Appendix II is particularly noteworthy for remarkable translation by Mr. A.G. Ellis which gives extremely valuable and detailed directions for using the book and simultaneously throwing light on the philosophy of dividing the book in different chapters and divisions. It enables the readers to recite the book according to his will, capacity and grade. I have also incorporated a few couplets of Zasddah BSurdad at the end and beginning of some chapters and sections to make the reading more interesting and enjoyable. These couplets have been chosen from Poem of the Mantle translated by the late professor Dr. A.R. Anjum formerly Head of the English Department, Government College, Lahore.Dalail-ul-Khairat 23 Section B SECTION B UNION BRIDGE FOR CLOSE ACCESS TO ALLAH AND THE HOLY PROPHETSEIS 24 ey. 4 2 wy —\ ‘ uv o O2KSS he mBNES Ns owls BG BRB SEs ObbbIs4 FLEY isd SyS6 OSKSN OIL Lb wv % Z aw at > 43 NT Obs SoK TU IL ORS ME SGzi55 ay a @ - x a2r de wo OLS 45,9 1591 GylsEs ORS (ETE Bhs BG er \ te\ nvDalail-ul-Khairat 25 An advice AN ADVICE And if you see the ego controlling you And it comes to lead you into the Fire of debased Desires, Banish its desires by perpetual blessings, There is nothing to compare with Dalail-ul-Khairat With Dalail-ul-Khairat you must be firm, Make its reading compulsive In achieving your desired goals, Read it to obtain your wishes, Divine lights sparkle and blaze thereby, O my brethren, it is never to be abandoned.153536 26 eSISoSS SRS DEVS opt Hable O Ageal Lut hse 2c/ O diealt aut 3kie/ O disse ait $4822 Oded lsatlo ont Oa gadlsattOGd Oa gsSrablOGe O KS 31 085 Al Gas ORS St Bs abl Qs ORS st 8s Al Qs O par Shit ive ab Hel ee opt Datleady (88) LOYEN S55 Xia! abt 65ST abr sa B 6 ba fphsase ds 255 Gils 255°4G25Dalail-ul-Khairai 27 Opening of Devotional Recitation GUIDE TO HAPPINESS DEVOTIONAL RECITATION In the name of é44, the Merciful, the Compassionate. < Task pardon of #téaé, the Almighty. . Lask pardon of #éeé, the Almighty. L ask pardon of #@aé&, the Almighty. - Laud and Praise be to #@a4. - Laud and Praise be to ##élad. - Laud and Praise be to #élah. - Atak is my sufficiency and the best of Protectors. - 7ttah is my sufficiency and the best of Protectors. Alek is my sufficiency and the best of Protectors. - I take refuge with #¢eé from Satan the stoned. In the name of *#@aé, the Merciful, the Compassionate. THE UNITY (Three Times) Say: He is #éa4, the One! 2 #lah, the eternally Besought of all! - He begetteth not nor was begotten. 2 And there is none comparable unto Him.W5sTsss 28 SRAIUETS oes ee Dept Dahil ady 6 A os 6G Gy Ltr & G4 5 OSs 15) Gud SE es GE odes dul 3 cdr 3 OG S! palm ee Sept Lal ty 250.4 duet! he Sunt Se Sei SHEE vtech 35 Ge Sontt at Gt Sun 3h BF yatss wa Opts eat air Digit abled Ose HPO OI G5 aly LST Dhl s US Ob ae pe Che Eije Sssztesh icguiGy bt 8 OOhsts age Gieky) fb Lagle Gadi Gay) SaMnys %Dalail-ul-Khairat 29 Opening of Devotional Recitation In the name of #24, the Beneficent, the Merciful Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak - From the evil of that which He created: = From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, - And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, - And from the evil of the envier when he envieth. In the name of #24, the Beneficent, the Merciful . Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, - The King of mankind, - 7#@aé of mankind, - From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, - Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind. - Of the Jinn and of mankind, In the name of #24, the Beneficent, the Merciful - Praise be to #éa4. Lord of the Worlds, - The Beneficent, the Merciful, - Owner of the Day of Judgment, Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. Show us the straight path, - The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; - Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.GaN 30 3196) Grey] 4 v94 AGS veds Oil | a fie eg 407n ONeS 3h CI me ane assis Je OS 5 Js yu 29H 4 4 SyeJds sii ba ae eds ayall ye Je Buti se Je mah AIS Je Sati yee Jéalt oe ef Bled ady _ Cava) glu aa sil es CP oe a yisJSs anf Nis Js sigh! vie Je vail Beds kit sede oH ig de 1685 Je Cas tAagi= a> wns de tS Ca w= ase de Soli SSNs De aatiDalail- -Khairat e Beautiful Name of Allah THE BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF 4.224% IN THE NAME OF 4.444%, THE MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate, The Sovereign, The Sacred, The Flawless, The Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The Omnipotent, The Most Great, The Creator, The Giver of Life, The Designer, The Forgiver, The Subduer, The Bestower, The Provider, The Great Reliever, The All-Knowing, The Straitener of Sustenance, The Expander of Sustenance, The Abaser, The Exalter, The Giver of Honour, The Disgracer, The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing, The Absolute Ruler, The Just, whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatne: whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme.Salita BysJs ssl vig Se ath Ns te S350 Ue Je dct ede Geil 9 4h 2 &clfe| SIs eds Geli -- eo 90% Me Je pus Nis Ss pei ¢ Bs o ra “ne Sede Gal Ns Se Bee ins Js Heal ise Je aif) Syl Ss Capel - @ Wn Beds aGl cs _ Us 39 0M avis Js Lal ys Js Keb - a a4 5 Des Cape! a aL g, aots ASS See Gy eis 1s Pall 6 6 PalDalail-ul-Khairat 33 The Subtle, The Aware, The Tolerant, The Magnificent, The Forgiving, The Benefactor, The High, The Greatest, ‘The Preserver, The Nourisher, The Reckoner, The Glorious, The Generous, The Observer, The Responder, The All-Embracing, ‘The Wise, The Loving, The Majestic, The Resurrector, The Witness, The Truth, The Accomplisher, The Strong, The Firm, The Protecting Friend, The Praiseworthy, The Counter, The Originator, The Reviver, The Life-Giver, The Giver of Death, The Beautiful Name of Allah whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatne: whose Greatnes: whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness i is Supreme. whose Greatnes: whose Greatnes: whose Greatnes: whose Greatnes: whose Greatness i whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatne Supreme.Saas CIT Beds = ole a le Sets = = NX | SSN SR lw No \ by 4 ) Ki ve » ee \ is és a % x 4, Fe ONSJs dS! sete sols CAQT ays Js ye Js ye ds NéeJé Js) Sede Gs Uvede ceed sis Jesh Mo Soll aisle Je olkhsys Oeds MO UGIs Thi 5 jee z\ Sv Aw. & SS No ‘pe wOe Be SSX n \e \ V\ £\ . \ No C. BY ec e& Nl “M6 G> enDalail-ul-Khairat 35 The Living, The Self-Existing, The Ever-Living, The Honourable, The Unique The One, The Want Free, The Able, The All-Powerful, The Expeditor, Who Puts Back, The First, The Last, The Manifest, The Hidden, The Governor, The Supreme, The Righteous, The Acceptor of Repentance, The Avenger, The All-Forgiving, The Sympathetic, The Eternal Sovereign, The Lord of Glory and Nobility, The Equitable, The Assembler, The Self-Sufficient, The Enricher, The Giver, The Withholder, The Harm-Causer, The Favourer, The Beautiful Name of Allah whose Greatness whose Greatne: Supreme. is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatne: whose Greatne: is Supreme. is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme.Ges 36 nS Wee OE Dade yal ) ONS Je yy giede Gat Uviede Ruel eo Oe Je ill37 The Guide, The Originator, The Everlasting, ‘The Inheritor, The Guide to the Right Path, The Long Sufforing, The Beautiful Name of Allah Supreme whose Greatness whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme. whose Greatness is Supreme.eas SESS Sm CSTs EBB ES i By Lally Sg Sesh Aeanlo Srntyes Bes y ¥ ene, Masses asisss Vite =3K5 bi: 5 KEG ISNS etic Ssh Oi esi eh NGS Bei aches tig SSS aes oy AES SU NS ac Sy Beds 23 WAS SEA Cae eB aise (gh ASE Gisits BELGIANS Sig Se a y E 47 9, 3 OGL kN a 56 Bhs Ts aeDalail-ul-Khairat 39 The Opening Supplication DALAIL-UL-KHAIRAT OPENING SUPPLICATION IN THE NAME OF 4.244%, ALL MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE. O my Atllak, for the sake of the honour of Thy Prophet, our master Muhammad, “tltak's blessings and peace be upon him, , with h Thee, and for the sake of his position in Thy Presence, and for the sake of Thy Love for him and his love for ‘Thee, and for the sake of the Secret which is between Thee and him. I beseech Thee to bless and grant peace to him, his Family and his Companions, and that Thou multiply my love for him, and acquaint me with his reality and rank, make me fit to follow him and uphold his manner and his way, and join me with him and allow me a vision of him and encourage me with his conversation free of all hindrances, attachments, intermediaries and veil, pleasing my ears with the delights of his speech.ze CCSNWES 40 SESS wIs—99g re oe EN eee CGps3cis 5 $i ot chet oes 8 L535 a_7185 $4 SUL S vss SSS BBS 85 45 % ores A a ee G3 325 ne : BES jis 2 4 re yi dss beh038 Sai G5 pts sl bakes Sette Bisatetbalisaie il Ls are 0 gh pg tod en ott tts GSK 335 ADI 4 ao ee 2. Ais ee Out get SE5t4 a Vien ReDalail-ul-Khairat 41 The Opening Supplication and prepare me to meet him and make me fit for his service. and make my request of offering blessings upon him a perfect, and absolutely pure, and purified shining light which dispels all darkness and gloom, and doubt and asso tion, all disbelief, all falsehood and all iniquity and make it a means of my increasing to sincerity and a way of obtaining the highest station of sincerity and distinction so that there remains for me no lord but Thee and that I am fit for Thy Presence, and I may be one of Thy singled out distinguished people, holding firm to his manners and his ways most obediently. tllaé's blessings and peace be upon him, his Family and his Companions, and all the people of his House at every time and every moment. 0 Allah, O Light, O Truth, O Manifest One. 0 Attaé, O Light, O Truth, O Manifest One. 0 Alas, O Light, O Truth, O Manifest One.Dalail-wi-Khairat 42 Busiri's Couplet WO He surpasses all the prophets both in appearance and in qualities None could approximate or reach his rank in knowledge and generosity. And all the messengers of Allah beseech our Holy Prophet For a palmful from his ocean and a draught from his incessant pouring rain. And all of them know their own ranks, When they are in his presence. They stand like dots, And diacritical signs, In the script of his great wisdom and vast knowledge. (Qasidah Burdah Couplet No. 38, 39&40)Dalail-ul-Khairat PREFACEdads 44 ens OSS 2 Me DS ohne Barly 531 Ale 27 1726 6 94%9770 V2 79h) Asset) Ses mNealines ‘ aul bes 2 92% 7AV9, > Ly hy 7% 97% 4 a 2% f DM LBAA Ay AS BOLLS (E554 87 48y28 oy 8 9919629 % ww 2 IN G CBs essa gaecKerGyrs pall SAMO MN LAMededsheiiusil $e Sea CORE atlags Sate NOG On Sea alZah alllesop AIS yi bs Die Ens Gas, BANE 19 fata 2H ire, & N99 9 2A NEGO Lh 44 798 Jaes! SASS RaOSL TESS. sleds (07 07 799%, 97 Loe eae > ALG OUD I2 Q Dose rst Ale Seaside Lin {2 ah) Sy Cox Re Ah 7 eM, 4 2b 07 LE BEyss Nig uisosDINs eis 207 2922s Bree WG by co? BIyu¥ Big 3 seas ditheLB6 aploales zg a o6 re Peon WAxeAaboliaisl (anda ySchbss oe ae nap 0? Sy irered Ke eal BlagisoGsiiilosaiyeles igo £7 BA 697 IEE IRE L Sh yZahic pB OGLE S08 Bs MegDalail-ul-Khairat 45 Preface PREFACE IN THE NAME OF 4.244%, THE MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE tad bless our master and patron Muhammad Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Salaiman Al-Jazuli, the Imam, the jurisprudent, the learned, the righteous, who said; Praise be to #éaé, who has guided us to the faith, and the religion of Islam and prayer to our master Mahammad, his Prophet, who has delivered us from the service of idols of wood or metal; and to his Family, those innocent and honourable stars of heaven. And next to this, in the design of this book, there is an account of prayer to the Prophet, the blessing and peace of #éaé be on him, and the graces it brings, which I will record, with the citations deleted so that the remembrance of it may be easy to the reader, and this is one of the anxieties which disturb any one who desires access to the Lord of Lords; And | have entitled the book the ‘Guide to Comforts’ and ‘Rising beams of brightness’, in record of prayer to the Chosen Prophet; in full desire for the approval of the Most High -ftéaé, and love for His Noble Envoy our master Wahammad, the blessing and perfect peace of #éaé be on him: and to #é¢aé, who is entreated that He will suffer us, for his law, to be among those who follow it, and for the efforts for perfection to be among those who love him; though in this withal He is all Powerful: there is no #é¢aé besides Him; none good as He is Good:alist - MBs 46 oplise esuile tnd yes esas sige AIG ah nS 25505 oe Sins len aipielceo a Lear Bee ategh Ge bi 4o9t 0% Vode ARN Neh bedi Le al JS leases an © 6b AyZt rere sh 29S NAL VEINS gs BaF gills Cie boule Ae ton 2G ote bogie L GtF hee ASAT AAMABS RE SIG IE W270 907995764 Doug sr 79 th e272 oh, NEL UN see Lay Pr ceale LAWALL THEIR TAR ICRA TIER OBS SENG, tes Ioraesste al Les ap ate oh Gehe se Bre mr gh) be Nee AMEE 2h Gels SA Les dens 4 W974 Lo) Abs scious Re Teh detau OSBISNSTSLE Sl eyclisal on SEN ie fy stds aletivi 15 Srl Rist 5 Sele ockis AM Nd 055 leh at Be Bios ollie Meh Ge 7S GIA 9» OF on 4 A Ree Mephitis ag AM yield podbAssdlealessDalail-ul-Khairat 47 Graces of Prayer He verily is the Patron, He truly is the Defender, and there is no force or power saving in #éée4, Exalted and Powerful. A SECTION ON THE GRACES OF PRAYER TO THE PROPHET, THE BLESSINGS AND PEACE OF 44444 BE ON HIM Alak, Powerful and Exalted, said; “Verily #é24 and His angels bless the Prophet, Aye Ye who believe, bless him and wish him abundant peace”. And there is a story current: The Prophet of -#@aé, the blessing and peace of #éa4 be on him, came one day, and the good news was seen in his countenance, and he said: “Truly Gabriel came to me, peace be on him and said, “Are you not pleased, O Wakamead, that whenever one of thy Community asks #€@aé to bless you, #24 will bless him ten times and whenever one of thy community asks #@¢e4 to grant you peace, Allah will grant him peace ten times”. And he said, #é/eé bless him and give him peace, “The nearest to me is the one who offers prayers to me most”. And he Said, the blessings and peace of #éed be on him; “who asks for blessing upon me, angels bless him as long as he continues to bless me, whether he does this less or more.” And he said: #daé bless him and give him peace: “A person is miser if, when I am mentioned in his presence, he fails to ask for blessings upon said: the blessing and peace of #élaé be on him, “Ask for more blessings upon me on Friday.” And he said, the blessing and peace of #éa&é be on him; whoever of my religion blesses me once, there are written down for him ten virtues, and ten offences effaced for him.” And he said, the blessings and peace of #élaé be on him; “whoever says, when he hears the muezzin’s first and second call to prayer:joka Ost 7 _ SITS Ae Gigs ya oa Saissvicinsae Me os odd 5 SUA eai sages Sti yis Baws sabsntaSé ouihhausi cee elseg eSATA La ISIS pga esieet Ags SeptAcseanbels sees sea bogeys yaeiseg wi gt Elo DNAs je Sages 5 Sess Sea dete bol Les ALS SS fae (aes scant 1s e7 os att ett 7 SHG sasha ASE Lah I Ais 2h ah 114 ahig25 4 bho 6h 3% a5 Ltn (phe oping ate 53 SI ons (20.4) 6 2 Are 22 ghy % 0 Aye? O85 Ges Meio OA slasaealLecdts €eDatail-ul-Khairat 49. Graces of Prayer 0 Atad, Lord of this perfect call, and of this unfailing prayer, grant Muhammad the closest access, influence and grace and exalted rank and raise him up in the laudable place that Thou hast ordained for him, my intercession for him becomes binding on the Day of Resurrection.” And he said, the blessing and peace of #¢aé be on him: “Whoever blesses me in the book, the angels will not cease to bless him as long as my name continues in this book.” And Abu Suleiman al-Darani said: Whoever desires to ask of #élaé whatever he requires, and persists in his prayer to the Prophet, the blessing and peace of 4éaé be on him; and then asks his petition of #tad and seals with prayer to the Prophet, the blessing and peace of ttdad be on him; and when #é@ak Most High receives both the prayers, and certainly #éaé will accept both the requests for blessings upon the Prophet and it is not possible that -4éeé will not accept his petition which is in between the two prayers. There is tradition of the Prophet, the blessing and peace of #éaé be on him, “whoever blesses me on the Day of Assembly (Friday) a hundred times will be forgiven by 4éaé for his sins of eighty years”. Abou Huraira, the favour of #é2é be on him remarked: The Apostle of Altad, the blessing and peace of 4taé be on him, said; “For any one who speaks a blessing on me, there is light on the Bridge on the Day of Resurrection and whoever is on the Bridge from the People of Light, he will not be one of the People of Fire.” Said the Apostle of #éaé, the blessing and peace of ##éeé be on him: “Whoever forgets the prayer to me, indeed he has already50 eas sphal oles 5 ay 4g 2% oa OAS en 7% 2 972 MANOS YCOLS DIC SAG EST CEMA OircKe lsh vee Loe SS OCEAN GS G2 ep PIES 5 Opa Me Loy ull gah Sela ORAS eA Le tes Sele I SE ANSEL §yodelarisSides cieaidense 5935 Aye, \90% Lo Feary hh 4) ZB LN SCC Ss asoedSsieani Gls PAVE 20 5 1099279 2 28 9 ow 2G PIGS ropdliswlS ab rls 4R E794 987 (7762039 24 Ags ry 2byeriz MiSs GOS asses use Odsal Me agp pss Lelie yrs: 7 Ie as ae 499% Me pth 2, gn & 24/5 % 2 or NL SSMOSeSieLis edu! be 26 5555 a PG ANG Ob 3 ENGR S\ea ERISA , ack 27 266 & 4790 27 7 Gels $455 SiAcs tice fear syssDalail-ul-Khairat 51 Graces of Prayer missed the way to Paradise, for the way to Paradise is barred for such neglectful one and certainly he who speaks a blessing on me is entering on the way to Paradise”. Another tradition: Abdul Rahman-lbn-Aouf, may +éaé Most High favour him, said this: The Apostle of -#é2é. the blessing and peace of Atta be on him, said to him: “The angel Gabriel, peace be on him, came to me and said: Aye, Wukammad, not one of thy religion will speak a blessing on thee, except that seventy thousand angels do the same for him; and whomsoever the angels bless, verily he is a citizen of Paradise”. The Apostle said, the blessing and peace of #¢a4 be on him: “The more your prayers to me, the more will your wives be in Paradise.” Here is another tradition, He observed, the blessing and peace of #@ad be on him: “Any one who blesses me fervently in the truth of my faith: at that word the Powerful and Glorious #@aé4 created an angel: one of his wings reached to the east, the other to the west; his two feet planted on the seventh and lowest surface of the earth, and his neck bending beneath the Throne. Said 424, the Powerful and Glorious: “Bless my servant as he asks for blessings upon my Prophet and thereupon the angels will bless him till the Day of Resurrection.” Yet another tradition of him, the blessing and peace of tad be on him; and what he said was this erily there will come down to me to the cistern on the Day of Resurrection nations that I know them not, saving only by the number of their prayers to me” Here is another tradition of him, He observed, the blessing and peace of Adak be on him, and what he said was this:eee 52 BIS pe De fez sie bio 5 2G Me hs eb Se5 oles le Nfs Safe SI feleosyss Siete begin sinae 85 SS $55.41 Rater 0232695 5813 505 —, sei 3291235 235 sod Nabe ess pat gh. 8 1359 a 2 94 4747 4G, Re ES35 3 sisi 25 GEULALZ ve Fae Gy Ab (er YI Gj ley ass Aid LIS ioe ihssaatshs tna ae 799 WZ 967, 9 2% QS Yess sell CIOssisa 8 $815 S95 aches essai seh 17 492. eViric NEBR Soe ENS boa' 275 62 170 1 2977 oe oh S SSB S585 5 Ogee ” 74 LSE a 79997 $M . y ZY ers 26D) 34, 19977 yorK Hi css Yo 4285 agp koe D 19 say Sah, Set y oni SK i acubard vs Zoe 4 oeDalail-ul-Khairat 53 Graces of Prayer “Whoever blesses me once, #@aé blesses him ten times, and whoever blesses me ten times, #@eé blesses him a hundred times, and whoever blesses me a hundred times, #é@aé blesses him a thousand times: and whoever blesses me a thousand, #@aé& protects his body in the Fire, and strengthens him with the voice of power in the present life on earth, and at the Place of Question in the Other life, and gives him entrance to Paradise: and his request for blessings upon me will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection at the Bridge for a journey of five hundred years and for every prayer of blessing to me #élaé will give him a draught in Paradise: say this, or even more.” Said the Prophet, the blessing and peace of #tlaé be on him: “No servant, whoever he may be, speaks a blessing on me, but what a hasty prayer arises from his lips, and there does not exist a place either by land or sea, or in the east or the west, but what the prayer reaches it, and says: lam the prayer of this man, the son of that man: blessing on Wlahammad the chosen, the best of the creation of -fadé: there shall not remain anything but what it too blesses him. At this prayer #@aé created a bird with seventy thousand wings, every wing with seventy thousand feathers: on every feather seventy thousand faces; on every face, seventy thousand mouths; in every mouth seventy thousand tongues: every tongue will praise #@aé in seventy thousand words, and -#@aé will write down recompense for all thie 54 ekg 56 BUEN GB MEU PRE 565 be j Z sedate seein Loni ah 122071 ss Axes sea eyels 358i aN “Y %s? opiebgbebSN ce ih GLA BEE ISGi 255 8 Li epee SSSA $55) Baus pay ssosies Onda eS ILE Apel eal gil bipeI RII gi b22 333 “4 Sesinhsyheoutats IA 2k sacdEs as Teens us Aide BLAH, cals ees is fetue ese sucdaKEh A Ag SPICES ASL g reapilesststiia bo Soule HLA ls Hs BL LSS BI IGAE SSNS WMA spans es-0 caf Seg35 Graces of Prayer There is a tradition of Ali, son of Abou Talib, the favour of #é2é be on him, that he observed as follows; It was said by the Apostle of -#éaé, the blessing and peace of #éad be on him: “Whoever blesses me on the day of assembly (Friday) a hundred times, when the Day of Resurrection comes and with it light, if so it is destined, the light would be enough for the whole of creation.” There is a legend in some of the histories, that on the pedestal of the Throne is written: “Whoever earnestly desires of Me My Mercy, on him I have mercy; and whoever entreats me, to him, I give; and whoever approaches Me in prayer to my Beloved Wahammad. on him be blessing and peace: that man I forgive his offences, even though his offences be like the foam of the sea.” Here is another anecdote of some one of the Companions of the Prophet, the favour of #¢aé be on them once and all: that he observed, “whoever in an assembly blesses Wackammad there, Aéaé also gives him blessing and peace: what a pleasant perfume arises from the meeting till it mounts from among them to Heaven, and the angels say: This is the perfume of an assembly where they have spoken a blessing on Wadammad: the blessing and peace of 4éaé be on him” Another story is found in some of the legends: a believing slave, a man, or it may be a woman, as he persists in prayer (0 Wlakammad, the blessing and peace of #ééaé be on him; “the doors and curtains of Heaven are opened even as far as the Throne of #éaé. and there remains not one angel in all the heavens, who does not speak blessing and peace on Makammad, and entreats mercy withal for the slave, whether man or woman, as far as #éeé Most High might please.”pass 56 SIS Bur 20 1 day she og ee 2 i ier, Mike AL a2he E526 GAL 5 hea Le SSS 2 44,04 é 73, 970 By 9 92 (S224 WE: SGGEE yal, iz A ABA ASSSIITIBE 5 Beds NEPEEY NEE oLa BSE J SEIS ANI SUSE INGE MSOs 3 Ass lean = 7 Ss th ote Ue an TAN WAA APACE CA \ 1CFS0 3 IS UE SN3 Sao SINSS) 7 149 3948 oe Keogh Go db Nog WLC Sree abe Zi IEE ‘ rk arf ¢ 4 hom greed RE May Suylssellsse cer Eh “Wy by Aap)“ 8 74 90: Si pee oS KEI PS SINCE Says 35 tel eR & Yo es 7 oy Zoe. AF) Zi, ? It, LOG 07S 4 2 ee 46, Se ere #6 Of a8 ENNIS AI esis Bless j HEN ENE Lei AILS SSE W235 SE vara / 2 CA ks “4 02K AG 3247 IBC HA SSL ASS Hie 4 “6 188 po o%s yh bev Gisiew obbisissnesidasetlct Ladies vn hr Vee Oy thy sepa the BS KEM Bis leaal Loses Z Cw nNDalail-ul-Khairat 57 Graces of Prayer And he said, the blessing and peace of #éaé be on him: “Anyone troubled by some matter should increase his asking for blessing upon me, and it will remove his anxieties, griefs and cares and certainly it will increase his provisions and satisfy his wants:” There a tradition of one of the more upright men that he observed: “I had with me a neighbour who is now no more, who died, and I saw him in a dream, and said to him: How has #é@aé dealt with you? He has pardoned me and had mercy on me. I said to him: For whom were you given this? And he said: “As soon as ever I wrote the name of Wakamewad, the blessing and peace of #éaé be on him, in a book, I spoke a blessing on him, and my Lord granted me what eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has occurred to the heart of mortal man.” And it is related from Anas, the favour of #éaé be on him; it was said by the Apostle of #éed, the blessing and peace of #éaé be on him: “not one single one of you will be a believer, until | am more dear to him than his life and his substance and his children and his parents and his men. one and all of them.” And we find in the Tr ion of Umer, the favour of #éa4 be on him: “Thou are dearest to me. thou Apostle of -#éa&, above everything except my soul that is within my mortal frame”. The Apostle of #éaé, flake blessings and peace be on him, said to him: “Thou wilt not be a believer until Lam verily beloved by thee more than thy own soul” Umer said, the favour of 4é@aé be on him. “By Him who has sent thee the Book, verily thou art dearer to me than my soul that is within my mortal frame”. Said the Apostle of -#éaé, blessings of -#éaé and peace be on him: “Aye Umer, now thy faith is perfect.” It was said to the Aposile of #tlas, #t@ak's blessings and peace be on him: “When shall I be a believer?alls 58 SSIS 4742. “94 00 977 \ ol kes Lb ch) LEME OLS lg 4 7 at A 77 Sts neat Lats GS SZABI ICA Z ‘9 ada 4224) EEC ee aus Select 218 AGERE Oe Teboss 1 PIE Spas \icu 55 Se NSaakt 2H? RA) 26 Beco: hrkye 2 Dido 4 3 a jogs oleg ae ‘fe: 444 9 a 23 2-5 BS ei ios es008 lo Ga eesBy )\ AAPL os esa HSN vi Chaidcsacih Le dyer 5% 248 1A. SS Cash S sasadl Lh casey SSS Orde aS KE Mh dog7 JB il ASAI SEIE sHeFJ BAG 434 GI L994 7S CpslAeS eS0e2 (3 sees fee peas \ ‘ aN SAIN ths ice ah Jesh a> 4 2, en as TSI Tee NaS ig,Wiaa igsDalail-ul-Khairat 59 Graces of Prayer and using another word, a genuine believer?”. He said: “when you love Mak” The reply was: “When shall I love -#éaé?” The Prophet said: “when you love his Apostle”. The reply again: “when shall I love the Apostle of Allah? The Prophet said: “when you follow his path, and employ yourself in his law, and become a partner of his affections, and share his dislikes, and are friendly with his friends, and act his enemies, and when men distinguish themselves in the faith to the S an enemy towards utmost of their power of doing so in his love, and when they distinguish themselves in the question of unbelief to the utmost of their doing so, in their dislike towards their enemies”. “There is no faith in any one who has no love for him. There is no faith in any one who has no love for him. There is no faith in any one who has no love for him’. It was said to the Apostle of #@aé. the blessings and peace of #éaé be on him: “we see a believer who is submissive, and a believer who is not : what is the reason for this?” submiss Said the Apostle of -#éaé, the blessings and peace of #éaé be on him: “whoever finds satisfaction in his faith is submissive; and whoever does not find it is not submissive”. On the reply, And in whom is it found or on whom is it bestowed, or acquired? The Apostle of #a4, the blessings and peace of #éad be on him, answered: “on sincerity in love to #ééa4". And when enquired: In whom is love towards #@aé to be found, and on whom is it bestowed or acquired by him? He said: “In the love of His Apostle, and in the earnest wish for the favour of 4@éaé. and the favour of his Apostle, and in the love of both of them." It was said to the Apostle of #éaé, the blessings and peace of #élaé be ‘what is family of Wedammad, who has enjoined on us to love on his, “ them and to honour them, and show piety towards them? He said: “The chosen and faithful families ofselalloles 60 ORRIISS PD PZ9V 2 5) MW Zh oP RIA (7764 Vk 772502) 2h SB NE raSelsh le sSiras4 x Ren by U 1942 Vr “2 1 21G 927 4WVL Si0ail {SAG Py cbUidbisl prea? Z “ 442, x x na oF OLE ANSON RUS Ness 2. & 22 x a7 ob Se by 29 Sar NESS, oi gaps gel orbs atl 2 S55 w7% 2s 39 S120 2479) 22 AALS G52 EGF BUS DAH IEA 64972 2yl hr 77 mG rrr 3% 2926 St fae Ssawsles Gree _Smetns Me 2uiF 20% / £ AS 24, ASB 9% 27 BS UBNIZRIHE50 Melon QO oe Mo 9b s5e M1 aye 29% Zi! Weed EGS 2-9 SSS Z\ pone pt 2 429u% eo by Ve, 2.7 $e ZL Sle abl bs ani ssiiitss BY 4243 162.22 22-0 7 )4 7G 2772794 797 308 orgs Sle oe le bead! Wave 24% POPE WEALD 79h 7 BPR 5 99. 240 4,909 22 AY & OLB }EZ ay oy oe Ulin eelsDalail-ul-Khairat 61 Graces of Prayer those who believe in me and sanctify me”. On the remark, what are their signs? “he replied: My love will be manifest in every one who is beloved, and inward devotion to the remembrance of me, next to the remembrance of -#¢24 Most High. And in another anecdote the words are: “Most lasting is my remembrance and the increase of prayer to me.” It was said to the Prophet of #é@aé, the blessings and peace of #éaé be on him: “who is he that is strong in faith in thee?” “whoever believes in me and yet has not seen me, and for all that is a believer in me as far as he can desire, and is sincere in his love: and an evidence in him is this, that he desires a vision of me more than anything he owns (and in another anecdote the words are more than all the gold in the world), And in another anecdote that I have by me “The earth abounds in examples of believers of this class in very truth; but afterall whoever is earnest and sincere in my love is upright”. It was said to the Apostle of #¢aé, the blessing and peace of -#éad be on him: “Do you see the prayers of those who pray to you, coming from those who are unknown to you, and from those who will come after thee? what will be the situation of these two sorts of men with you?” The reply of the Apostle of 4éaé was this: “I shall hear the prayer of those who love me, and I shall know them, and the prayer of others than those will be certainly presented to me.”@ susie 10, ~~ SEBS SPLI5 ES sh yar teal Lys B48 PSS OH ME BG 5 205 Jal Oplisaslsalean| fo GS bits nigh MUS. Lobel Cakasaisatedri fe Asi bis Nop JE DU 52155 LSS 407 Oslisalseieal fs We bis MAI oA SED, 5 Joka 64984 Goes Oplasasisahe able Seow -% Le bo Tr Ib) BL RIK Aw Oplarasaiealis Iot boys go ae OplssasdietulTs See bigs Oplasasiseieaul fc we Oplasasseieablts 35 bigs Opkssayiratecbl fe Ge boys Oplisasiseieabl ts tbDatail-ul-Khairat HERE ARE THE TWO HUNDRED AND ONE NAMES OF OUR MASTER, PROPHET AND PATRON MUHAMMAD, BLESSINGS OF 42444 AND PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS FAMILY. O Allah O Allah O Allah O Allah Our master Our master Our master Our master Our master Our master show blessing and peace and favour to our master, the one named Wakammad, blessings of -f¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. show blessings and peace and favour to our master, the one named the Most Praised, blessings of #¢taé and peace be upon him and his family. show blessings and peace and favour to our master, the one named the Giver of Praise, blessings of #éad and peace be upon him and his family. show blessings and peace and favour to our master, the one named the Object of Praise, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Unique, blessings of 4¢/aé and peace be upon him.and his family the Single, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family the Effacer, blessings of fad and peace be upon him and his family. the Convenor, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. the Last in Succession (of Prophets), blessings of #élaé and peace be upon him and his family. Ta Ha, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family, (Name of Surah 20 of the Holy Quran) 63 Noble Names of The Holy Prophetuit 64 “Fy We re Ph) Fe Oprasallsane atl je Oakasaisdfed\ ts $ab Opkasasistieabl fs shh Oplisasiseieanits SB Oakssaisdiedh\ ts Oye Oplasaslseseabl fs Sets Oplssaiseiedl to Gs Opler ayisaie a| Lo xen So Opkasalsaleablis 23s Caliswisaledii ts ale Oplisasiseieabl fc opie Cakasaisdteail te Ba Oplisasisctea\ to ASISs Cakisaylscieadl togain das Oplasaisafeanlfc yb Oplasaisaleaiite Ls) So € \ oH of \ So € » § a Ne € \ Ce of =X de € \ € x So € \ Ce of € \ Ne £ \ ao oH So fF of \ Se € \ § do € \ cy fi \ de € \ FE Iw on € \s Aw or \ \sDalail-ul-Khairat 65 Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Our master Yasin, ¥ z blessings of -#é¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. (Name of Surah 36 of the Holy Quran) Our master the Pure, blessings of #@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Purifier, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Good, blessings of 4G@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Master, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Apostle, blessings of 4élaé and peace be upon him and his family Our master the Prophet, blessings of 4@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Apostle of Mercy, blessings of -#¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master the Steadfast, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master the Assembler, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Distinguisher, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the Self-distinguished, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Apostle of Conflicts, blessings of 4ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Apostle of Repose, blessings of 4¢/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Perfect, blessings of *f¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Crown, blessings of #éfaé and peace be upon him and his family.Mites) 66 RAINES Oplisaistieai ts Se bos Opkisasaieahl ts gike bigs Opkisayisdfe abl te aikeas bay Oplasuiscieani fs ithe bogs Onkasaisaieadl ts ound Ud Oplasaivatedbl fe giygs Osa sallsatle dh forgSis Coes Oplisascieabl fo MNAS bey; 3 a oe Onlisuistieailic re bike Opkisuiseicailtc ma Eke aX ‘o 4 Ne € \ € Te Oplisulsdical fc shh Cakisasaearife toh Cakisuiiciedil is 3gats Oplasasale dul Le Zone Oslisaivakeabl te x \ Ne € \ f £ \ Ss ~ ‘eo a X S| es! ES vee of t ee a \ So Ee &Dalail-ul-Khairat 67_Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Cur master the Enyeloped in his Robe, blessings of -f¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Wrapped in his mantle, blessings of -#éad and peace be upon him and his family. Cun maater the Servant of #d@ak, blessings of #24 and peace be upon him and his family Cur master the Beloved of fas, blessings of -#¢a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Chosen of #éas, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oux master the Confidant of 4éaé, blessings of 4¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master who Converses with #24, blessings of -#@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Crcr master the Seal of the Prophets, blessings of -#¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Seal of the Apostles, blessings of -#éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Giver of Life, blessings of 4é2é and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the Deliverer, blessings of -#¢éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our otitis the Recorder, blessings of -#¢ad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Auxiliary, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Victorious, blessings of #4éaé and peace be upon him and his family Cun maator the Prophet of Mercy, blessings of -#é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the Prophet of Devotion, bl 12s of -#ééaé and peace be upon him and his family.Flesh 68 = Ombasalsate dl fo Oskisuiscteabl fs ons sais al fs O Phasaisafedhi fe Oplssauiscisatl tc Oplisaylsaie aul fs Cn salisaiseabl fs Opbesulsate di fs Ostasayisete abi fe Oakisaulsaiied\ fs Cabasaisdfedb| fs COpbesuisdsed\ fs Oskssuisdfea\ $s Oalisaisaieaul fs Oakeswliieabl fs Oplssayinanie dl fo JOC 9S 7 a 97 a g Ja oe “geDalail-ul-Khairat 69 Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Cur master the Earnestly desirous for you, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Over master the Known One, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cuee master the Celebrated, - 7 blessings of flak and pea be upon him and his family: Our master the Bearer of Witness, blessings of -#@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Occe master the Object of Witness, blessings of -#é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Attested, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Bearer of Good News, blessings of #@a& and peace be upon him and his family. ‘Coon bade the Subject of Good News, ___ blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Minister, : __ blessings of #ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. cer master the Preacher, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maszer the Light, blessings of #@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Cccr master the Lamp, : blessings of #¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. ux master the Lantern, — _ blessings of 4éésé and peace be upon him and his family. Ou master the Guidance, blessings of 4ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master the Guiding, _ blessings of Allah and peace be upon h him and his family. “Occ: master the Iluminator, blessings of 4¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family.Soest 70 SINS Oplssaylseeabl Is Zs bas Cakiswiatedii fs S604 She Oplisaintieabl fs Cae bits Oplsswirdiedi fe he bigs OW es ln 2tF9b) Se GES Ieaue Oplesulsaleariic Gas Cin Oplisasticatifc SRE bs Cakiswisctediis Ga be Cakaraisnledsiis Gs the Oplssaulsale aul fs Calsswiateats Gai Ks Oplasaslstleanl fs Gel, boys Oplssuisatedufc ALS boys Oslasasisdictilts 45% bes Calsraisateauife Cafe Uke Oplisasincieail is Stee baka Oplisasiseiedil fo Gage boisDalail-ul-Khairat 71_ Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Our master the Author of Prayer, blessings of #ééad and peace be upon him and his family. Cox maates the Object of Prayer, - blessings of #é/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Govenanes the Answering, ; blessings of #@aé and peace be upon him and his family. ux master the Answered, : _ bles ings of Adah and peace be € upon hin him and hi family. un master the Well-Informed, blessings of -#ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Indulgent, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Friend and Neighbour, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Truth, ___ blessings of tad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Powerful, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Faithful, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Trusted, - ; blessings of -#d@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Noble, blessings of #éad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Honoured, : blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. ux master the Unshaken, blessings of #aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Unmoved, ; ee blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oise maton, the Clear E: ponent, blessings of #élaé and peace be upon him and his family.lila 2 Oskisw islet fe Qass Oplisaylstieabl ts 3y6s Opkisaistfeahl ts yes Cplaraisaledri fe Zeis Oplisaisateat| te Bess Cabaraisdeail js 558k Cabaraisatedel fe i Oplssaylreicanl fs Fibs Cakssaisaieari fc Abs Ophasasiseie abl Is Sighs Oskisulidtedul fs Babs Osliselsateabi ts ot} Oslusaisdiedbi ic Es Oplisastieablts £2 Oplisaisafeabl fs aX, o<, Oplisaisateadl Ls guides 7Dalail-ul-Khairat 73. Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Cur maater the Inspirer of Hope, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Bountiful, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master (he Endued with Power, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Endued with Piety, blessings of #@a& and peace be upon him and his family. ue waster the Endued with Firmness, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Endued with Strength, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Endued with Grace, blessings of #@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Obeyed, blessings of -#éa and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Obedient, blessings of 4¢éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the First in Sincerity, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family Our master the Mercy, blessings of #aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Good News, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Succour in Distress, blessings of #ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater (hie Succouring in Distress, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Succoured in Distress, blessings of *#ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Pleasure of #24. blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family.“Fas 74 RSIS Opkssaslsaie ahi te ebiaiye bige Calasaoae aul Le B5ss%e bos Oskasasisaiearl fe ghibie begs Oplasautetic dbl Japiatas epelicis de 94)) 9 dale a) $2 oy ttiund bob Ly 25 oo le Pe sh) @. VG Ipgwe Calasulsatearl te guys bo Oplaswiseeail fe gids tos Calera lsnsedhi fs ghnns bois Cakeswincieadl Io abyaiiti Oplisaistiedifs Ghd bigs Oplosasiratge dul te “Une leer Pb, Bo be Opn saslyay! abl fs (Ba Gs Oplssaiseietn ts Gi big Oplssulranealic PEL bie Oplisastleabl{s 56) bogs Cabiswidieabl ts We bh \ 27-9 & Oplssayiseiednl ts pulShsh Cys PMMA AU He petilly) bgDalail-ul-Khairat Our master Our master Our master Oun master Cun master Our master Our master Cece master Our master Our master Oun master Cun master Oun master Oun master Oun master Our master the Gift of #&@aé, blessings of 4é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Holdfast, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. the Path of la, blessings of 4aé and peace be upon him and his family the Straight Path, blessings of #44 and peace be upon him and his family. the Remembrance of 4éa4, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. the Sword of #24, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family the Army of #é@a4, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Brilliant Star, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family the Elect, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family the Selected, blessings of #élaé and peace be upon him and his family the Preferred, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Unlettered, blessings of #é@a& and peace be upon him and his family the Chosen, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Hireling (of #d@a4), blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family the Robust, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family Abu Qasim, blessings of f@aé and peace be upon him and his family 75 Noble Names of The Holy ProphetFalla ORBITS oslcaqlea Je pbrgt Cos Oplisayisaieanl fs cbr cos Oslssasisege abl Is Apis} b bees Opliseylsticabits $8 Fea Oplasalsase aul fs Oplssasisegetbl ts Oabasaiisaseabl fs Opkasaylsaife ail aul fe Oplasaulsafe at aul fs Oplisaylstieatl ts § Omissuiscearlis & 30 Jo the Oplasaistieahl fo sah go Oks Ophasaslyeiie ah\ fs Caged AG) Eee Opkisa vale al fs Aes g bigs Cakes scfedbl fo c contd bigs Opkisasseiie & © a \ Ne a Ne 5 star & 6 Ee [aa So No oft of FF f vec ao . 7 x ‘o \ so € \ eo “Ge eae =e = ee i ic Ne € \ Jo his) =i ee \ ‘ancat abi fs &Dalail-ul-Khairat 71_Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Our master Abu Tahir, blessings of #4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master Abu Tayyab, blessings of #é4aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master Abu Ibrahim, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Accepted in Intercession, blessings of a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the First in Intercession, blessings of -#é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Righteous, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him.and his family. Our master the Author of Virtue, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Guardian, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Just, blessings of #ééaé and peace be upon him and his family Our master the Teacher of Justice, blessings of 4é/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Justice, blessings of -#é/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Master of Apostles, blessings of #é/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Imam of Devout, blessings of #éfaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Guide of the White Shining Ones, blessings of a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master (he Friend of the Merciful, blessings of -#ttaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Pious, blessings of #éa& and peace be upon him and his family.Fieh 78 ORSIIOYS Oslislselealts Fu bis Oplisaisaieabl fs Aes bis Oplasulstfeal fe abd boys Oplasasdiedbl fc mgt bia Cpliswisctediits Sys tis Oplisaisateaiifs Be bs Cmbasuisateadife as be Oplssuisdieatifc Seb big Opkssayiseieanl fe sti COplsswisdieailis Bik Opkisayisdiedhl fo ites bige Calis scledl fe Gare boos Opkisaslsaie til fo bites; begs Oskisaistteabifs GS bis Oplisasisaieabi ts Ge bas Oplisuistiednlts AY bibsDatail-ul-Khairat 79_ Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Our master the Author of Piety, blessings of #éad and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master Of Handsome Features, blessings of #¢éeé and peace be upon him and his family. Our macter the Sincere, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master the Counsellor, blessings of -#¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Steward, blessings of 4éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Cex mascer the Trustful in lak, blessings of #&¢a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Sponsor, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Sympathetic, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maacer the Establisher of the Law, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Holy, blessings of 424 and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the Spirit of Holiness, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Spirit of Truth, blessings of -#éad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Spirit of Justice, blessings of #a4 and peace be upon him and his family Cur master the Competent, blessings of #@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Broad Based, blessings of #éad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Prociaimer, blessings of #éa4 and peace be upon him and his familywish 80 Ve alaswiseealfe wre bon Onissulstieanl ts GG bs Cakarasisnieadl ts els bi Cakaswlsatecrifs Jay bt Oplisaiaieatifs Gu bis Oslisayseieablis Gu bets Ophisaslsticabl ts 35 Oplisayseleabl Is Oplisasinacie al fs “FULL eee) BL OR Orda sasisdale dul te uals Oplisaistieabl ts Jhks bays Oplisaylseieal ts pale bis Oplisuistseatl to pak, bets 4 3 Iw — Opkasaisdie dnl Loadiirth bis Oakases pate al Le Hal) dy bch See ee rae oT: re Z ‘o a No € \ $ f 2 o x ‘e “\ No € \ De g f g x mm. Ne £ \ “es NC81 Yoble Our maater the Informer, blessings of -4ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Physician, blessings of 4é2é and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Author of Union, blessings of -4¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Once master the Bond of Union, blessings of -f¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oct master the First in the Race, blessings of 4¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Foremost, blessings of -#¢/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Guide, blessings of #@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Author of Guidance, blessings of -#¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Placed in Advance, blessings of -4¢é4 and peace be upon him and his family Our master he Powerful, blessings of -4¢éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Gracious, blessings of -#¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Object of Grace, blessings of -4¢/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Opener, blessings of -4¢¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Key, blessings of -4¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Key of Mercy, blessings of 4¢¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Key of Paradise, blessings of 4¢¢aéand peace be upon him and his family. lames of The Holy Prophetconte 82 ekSIUNs Oplisaslseieabl ts ginal lags Oplasayiscfeal Ie easel bags Cakisquisefeabl fs ith Ls bays OsLaswiseilea\ fooiah pa tise Oplosaslretie abl Foolteh Sertigs Oslasasiscite ah| Fagisbrtatiis Oplisalsee abl Lorbbicelstitgs Oshasaisae ttl $e sh eolabigs Oslarauisaseat\ $e siBlecls ties Oplisaisaseat| Lajsh Gosedatiga Oplisaisaie abl fava Gosakabicgs Ophosuisde al Logughealabiys Ophasasirtfe abi fo niheelebits Oplssayivcfe dhl forlativelatiis Onlisasele dbl £5 ,Nyttebe begs RESIS Bale aU 6 “Di legh WsDalail-ul-Khairat 83_Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Ccx master Standard of the Faith, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Standard of Conviction, blessings of -4¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. ux maséen the Standard of Guidance, blessings of -4¢/a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Verifier of Good Deeds, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Forewarner of False Steps, blessings of -#eaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cun master the Generous towards Faults, blessings of -4¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Endued with Intercession, blessings of -4¢/aé and peace be upon him and his family. Cu master the Foremost in place, blessings of -#¢a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Foremost in Advancement, blessings of 4éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Special in Honour, blessings of 4é2é and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Special in Grandeur, . blessings of -4¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Cuz master the Special in Nobility, blessings of 4¢éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Oct master the Foremost in Influence, blessings of 4éeé and peace be upon him and his family. Qin master the Master of Sword, 7 blessings of 4¢aé and peace be upon him and his family Our master the Foremost in Grace, blessings of -4é@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. ux master the Man with the Mantle, blessi Ss Of -fttaé and peace be upon him and his famil;aed ais 84 Osksauiaed Loehkeoabths Opkasalvaie ddl fooitlinelaticgc Oplasalseise ail Jo siphtole bigs Opkisayissie ail Loita Sie Ocal sbihs Oplasasloeile dhl fo 2G dele bits Onlasayirale ail Le Bitola tin Oplasasiraie abl fo IVieglebigs Ophasayiraie abl fe p\aultobalidtc Onlasasisate abl Lo cathe bdis Onlasaslsancadl fo dtaheolebitts Ophasaisaseatl fo Sieolabiga Optaraoate dal Lodaheelatiis Onlasa vale a| Loubayelatiin Onhasasisciea) to Ghieletic Onda iri dhl Lag inaied bois Opkarayivatte dl Lo gt gas bh Coke ads dale dil Ho Rah ae GilDalail-ul-Khairat 85 Noble Names of The Holy Prophet Cur master the Man of Argument, blessings of -#aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Man of Power, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Wearer of the Robe, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Cur maater the Favoured with the Exalted Rank, blessings of ad and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Owner of the Crown, blessings of -#aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Author of Forgiveness, blessings of #é@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Standard Bearer, blessings of #@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Man of the Night Ascent, blessings of -#é¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Staff, blessings of #4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Rider of the Boraq, blessings of #é@aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Owner of the Seal, blessings of #@a4 and peace be upon him and his family. Cue master the Master of Ensign, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the First in Evidence, blessings of #déeé and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the First in Exposition, bles ings of #éeé and peace be upon him and his family. Cur master the Eloquent in Tongue, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Purity with the Genni, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family.Feil 86 Peony “GL torre, FT Bas ier Ones Alo duke dl bo a Aw No SW AER wi Au Oresasiletii fs Abs Oplisaylsafe dnl fo qtitrigs bogs Opkssaslscieadl Le plein ces beks me Oplssaiseieabl ts ghidas be. Oplaswisdfeadl fs Galas bh \ Fe Bw vs Oakasaulratte ch fo nAShedes bike Oskar islet Le siglige bh Sus — Opkisaylsaie dhl Tog Midss bigs Cakasaslsaledil fo Spiady ths Oplisasticabl ts Gallh, bets Oplasaslsaie db fo gSliegio bilge Sy3455 gh ai) Ee Syn SAT87 Noble Names of The Ho blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Merciful, blessings of #é#aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Good Ear, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Perfect in Islam, blessings of -#éad and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Master of Existences, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Gracious Eye, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Eye of Power, blessings of #4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Joy of Allah, blessings of #¢aé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Joy of the Creator, blessings of #é24 and peace be upon him and his family. Oun maater the Preacher to the Nations, blessings of #ééaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Standard of Guidance, blessings of -#éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Oun master the Revealer of Anxieties, blessings of #ésé and peace be upon him and his family. Our maater the Raiser of Ranks, blessings of #éaé and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Strength of Arabs, blessings of #éa4 and peace be upon him and his family. Our master the Relief in Troubles, blessings of #¢éaé and peace be upon him and his family. O Allah, yea, Lord, at his coming, he Thy chosen Prophet and approved Apostle ‘rophetlitle 88 IETS BEEN JEL Anes Sg Gath ye ASS SESGALG Y) G55 a Legis S 2 7e 4 23 aS 2 * BY OA SIN OC OS ede 7m * 2 Z OU teDalail-ul-Khairat 89 Noble Names of The Holy Prophet purify our hearts from every quality that may strange us from Thy testimony and Thy affection: and make us yield our lives to the way of the Prophet and the Congregation of Muslims, and to an ardent desire for the time when we must meet Thee. © Thou who art endued with Splendor and Most Honoured; the blessings of #éa4 and perfect peace be on our Master and Patron Muhammad, and on bis Family and on his Comrades. And prays be to #ttak, Lord of the Worlds.ees 90 SESIIOTS AB EN ESIC TE SIS se Liye Halil gy PRUNES GUD aS ayorsd LAD Gs GEV0LG 0 HsSseuss uy 58535 Bestia wastes Logs eMaxts asa $y oy af bg Ihe 74 Mote 2.46 pot Ke on FAs eS) Lease I bseias ls als ole , ” 4 la 4 4794 S155, 36s al QKass Sy iia les elle ab On 244 e717 2167 re AG SLI Selests Ese d UES eed | 48, 239 24943 7% W204 9 9 947 sped lesac (ZwMasss de G55 455 Sati woke 9 lar97 5, ahs gla sgria. Rue 5. 5 HEA Silly Hoes ekeei Sw os Gh 77er: er ; SMS GAELS GT EG ALE wlg hy ah\/9 Pr 9. (re Air On 2. ZAte4- AEN GAL LSys ILS, Siena SEA GSEs Be LSI yy <5 6224 7 21762 )5 7258 12 20 209 1 2S NS EAST A Fab NS SIS BS TE GalanDalail-ul-Khairat 91 Supplication after the Noble Names THE SUPPLICATION TO BE RECITED AFTER THE NOBLE NAMES OF THE HOLY PROPHET IN THE NAME OF 4.244%, THE MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE Praise be #é@laé, Lord of the Worlds. r#¢aé is my sufficiency and the best of Protectors, and there is no Strength and Power except in #é¢aé, the Most High, the Almighty. 0 Altad. verily | appeal from my strength and my power into Thy Strength and Thy Power. © Allah, verily 1 draw near into Thee in prayer for our master Wukammad, Thy Servant, and Thy Prophet and Thine Apostle, the Lord of Envoys, in accordance with Thy Command, and in implicit belief in him, and for love of him, and for yearning towards him, and for veneration of his high station, and for that he is right worthy thereof. Therefore, receive this prayer for our Master Wakammad from me in Thy graciousness and make the veil of forgetfulness fall from my heart and make me of Thine upright servants. O Alas, ever increase his honour and make him mightier than already he is and make his light greater than the light from which Thou hast createst him. And make his station higher than the stations of all Thy other Messengers and his rank higher than the ranks of Thy other Prophets. And O a4 | entreat for Thy pleasure and his pleasure, O Lord of the Worlds and beseach Thee for my eternal well-being and a death following the Book and the Sunnah, and that my witnessing of faith is truly without change or innovation. Forgive me for what I have done, through Thy Grace,Sees 92 SESIUSSS Bas 29h (974 79 4 ova Vip ty 997 So ethidcso Ga DSU SLs 39345 OW 2 S995 G47 5 7 va yet S28 OPS SDSL sac ob all des yam SoA Ely SS SINGS 555.258 hh Hee A peg — AN ZialS_%2 OTE Za Z ISI olpb SPSS OLA Ebiste EME be MIs Bh 22 Me, SSI Bregkea es 26 ened, 9CULEA 49 c9n4 WSs Sislé EVA ac ss b Shas 7 244°% C4 hy 2497 4 4 1pEls$ 3 12 £78193 wa) oth A\5 Se an Uy 200 Ay 5 \ 7 4S 9997 927.17 Gi 2 J LAG5 ENS) Gg AE SIS Say Me a eH 5 Bice Yar e en 2h 2s F123 he also olsla cay) % Vit9%27 4 Z090ks ye 414 peat Be ESGAS3 DEG be lS ISS vy 407 OA Oe MER Cai ae £342 355 Wily BB GE abi % Soy: reed , 79 Sy SUS 33s iy 2 ail Jes 2 ct e+ ae a Z pte hS26 a4 eae I & Sian % 2 abl 423 s—0_ 95 etn hy Sep rahe poe he & oy AION Ae GST C4 ads SSH 0 ASL BISDalail-ul-Khairai 93. Supplication after the Noble Names Thy Favour, Thy Generosity and Thy Nobility; O Most Merciful of the Merciful. -#éaé's blessings and peace be upon our master Wahammad and upon his Family and his Companions. Praise be to 4¢éaé, Lord of the Worlds. O Hak, renew and send of Thy perfect blessings and Thy perfect greetings and Thy greatest, most perfect, everlasting favour at this time and at this hour upon the most perfect of Thy servants in this World from among the children of Adam whom Thou didst set up for Thyself as a shadow and didst make him a direction of prayer and a center for the needs of Thy people. Thou didst purify him for Thyself, set him up with Thy proof, enlightened him with Thy form, chose him as a standard for Thy revelation and a stopping place for the execution of Thy Commands and Thy prohibition on Thy carth and Thy heavens, and an intermediary between Thee and Thy created beings. © Atésé, make me in the image of the perfect man and cause him to love me, and may 4éaé bless our lord and master Wlehasumad and his Family and his Companions in the number of particles in existing things and the ‘amount of the knowledge of #é/aé. O 4téad, enable me to recite it continuously. Amen O Lord of the Worlds.Aes 94 AIS Sed DQ5G3.35 BIg S35 Rows ghee eB Wie lasales Lets BIALE UTD SaiROSNS IRE BIKE Bihosssysaas Les Lea e shits y 2 CA\979°8 7 97907 260 9S N42 by 29S C9zr 9b leg Y ir eabs Kosa Keshl Lb ashl ca Sal Sacah os 29 Ge OG GRAN Lah U2 2042, 8229 Io 0 legac ih Sa Ne sie Aicaisp Peyho99K4 vaesllol 12) Fo CSP ohiziA INAS 27 SOME clRe sud dtaea es 2k oe 2795.4 4 by 99S oe ae Zhe NGA Leesan 35.26 313 Me yh ie 2 IAD \AEANE 9294 227 9h) 7 ARATE B22 Gb HEME ean epagTe 75 O6f 9948.4 9) NCLB AVL 71728 2 “ Z if. 2 S giil(e . 28 BAS 412 ASSES SI BS ae % £ Bo 22092 1900 He Le, SRP G CAs oleae 4 7 “9 ov 47% Gr 8507 224 ow Assails Lica Le 2o5i5 a5) 13i52Dala This is the description of the blessed precinct in which the Prophet of #éah is interred; the blessing and peace of 44 be on him, and his two comrades Abou Bakr and Umar, the favour of -4éaé be on them both; ul-Khairat 95 Description of the Holy Precinct This is the record about him of Orwah, the son of Zobeir, may “tad favour him. He said: The Prophet of #é#a4, the blessing and peace of #taé, be on him, was buried in the sepulcher: so was Abou Bakr buried there, may -#¢a4 favour him, the successor of the apostle of #4, the blessing and peace of a4 be on him: and so was Umar buried there, the son of El Khattab the favour of 424 most High be with him, by the legs of Abou Bakr; and the remaining part of the sepulcher towards the cast is empty; in it is the place of a tomb, it is said, and -#¢éaé knows best, that Jesus the Son of Mary will be buried in it. And thus the tale came down to me from the Apostle of é@a4, the blessing and peace of -4é2é be on him: said Ayesha, the favour of #éa4 most High be on her: “I saw three moons descend, in my chamber, and I described my vision to Abou Bakr, and he said: O Ayesha, surely there will be buried in thy house three that are the best of the people of the earth, every one of them: and when the Prophet of Allah, the blessing and peace of #24 be on him, was taken to his rest and was buried in my house, Abou Bakr said to me: This is one of thy moons, and he is the best of them: the blessing of -#é@a4 and abundant peace be on him and the people of his house.Dalail-ul-Khairat 96 Busiris Couplet Hence he is the One who has been gifted with intrinsic and extrinsic perfection And the God of all created things then chose him for His own friendship. (Qasidah Burdah Couplet No. 41)Dalail-ul-Khairat 97 Part-1__Monday DISSE u n° HIZB-UL-AWAL PART ONE TO BE READ ON MONDAYAsa ss ican ke 231 OSS ZhodT we Py Pall ady ofk e542 whi Seacasatecueanis aye (7, bude, 4S CPL aA LBV Ig? EGG EES onl siloviorel yer EBs cay Sabo Sarr scsi canis JE NESE Met Gece oA ayes CAM seaste JF Goatoss Alia eabinasels Seasogone Lana Koss yS See yle U5 asthe Bo deapi3 Bras Nbos sue Be Kee 2 O57 %221.) 72 Bole we ic za Cease Acai yc ile Le i ABAIUEAV Zt Ve, heWyratiyed) XN ~ 6 “2 4 2% Semele LAsey 4 ae 7 1ZDalail-ul-Khairat 99 Part-]__Monday THE MANNER OF REQUESTING BLESSINGS UPON THE PROPHET, BLESSINGS OF ALLAH AND PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS FAMILY THE FIRST PART TO BE READ ON MONDAY IN THE NAME OF 424%. THE COMPASSIONATE , THE MERCIFUL The blessing of -/-<4 and perfect peace be on our master and our lord Wehammad. and his Family and Companions. O tag, dless our master Wadammad, and his wives, and his descendants, as Thou didst bless our master Abraham, and favour our master Wadéameee< and his wives and his descendants as Thou didst favour our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. O Alas, bless our master Wlclamenad and his Family, as Thou didst bless our master Abraham, and favour our master Wlaé2memad and the Family of our master Wfa4awead as Thou didst favour our master Abraham in the ages: for Thou art Laudable and Glorious: © Atak, dless our master Wfaéamee2d and the Family of our master Wecdammead, 08 Thou didst bless our master Abraham, and favour our master Wlatesre«« and the Family of our master Wladcwemad, as Thou didst favour our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. © “a6. bless our master Wfaéavema<. the Unletered Prophet, and the Family of our master ¥fclcmomad O Ga, bless our master WAlaéavnn Thy Servant and Thy Apostle. © %aé, bless our master Waéaenea< and the Family of our master Vicdammad, ®& Thou didst blesssil 100 SSNS 9558 p AO 7> 19Te wt Wes 7a, IIe ye MHZ BBS Blea Eye di sale xls COGS Me Sieg Seelbngs SMES Seb yee Bal ¥ ‘ ane =, \~ oF 92 6Rr 7 oh\r7, is e 22. NF S We Re : —_ Odes 3) IE ye co SINE 8 pate see a \ PINS wt \\Z 2 b762 6947 LAS SAV SNES loans 2555 0972S 9> LSEEANGS wt (Oeste 17 Seagal ea yes Mesias nce S55 \ Y 427 4, Ca Seeiyese) MES SMU Roe SSS 9 igor tiirg Ine oN l7? Ia wr Leh oe RE Fei asi yeh Me seamsIi eS MESS ee tei 2 thE we W426 CI wry Zhe heh Me SUL ts SMES Sob yseue ries salt 4 2 69> 7 Hb 2 Ul et NCI ee Ogata EE) cay AES sab yee 24916 S790 us WSS BIL wre 0944 Peel ee IES mal cdE eral 4 GIVE WA NS VEIL? L sical 5) Sel’ oy YLEAIZS wt Nae 4” A Ao \7, 4 < Bie cP gh \\ REE ASS cee seas 252 6 720 Wy ELIE we Sate FAP AALS byrene Local g a w - 7? Syperaygsse 5) a > ” , Bye tne Bis cass Sle 9 76, 7? rye Gy) 27247 ud 7 SZ Ei caelbyecle Scabies als aajss 92% Sys SRE yUPalfo Sas a 7 4 ard 7 ¥Dake vhairat 101 Pi Monday our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. O Atak. favour our master Wlekammad and the Family of our master Mekamemad, as Thou didst favour our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. And, @ #éad, have mercy on our master Wlakammad and on the Family of our master Wahammad, a8 Thou hadest mercy on our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. And, 0 -#@aé, show compassion to our master Wahammad and the Family of our master Wecammad, as Thou didst show compassion to our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious, O Allah, and send peace to our master Wlahamnad and the Family of our master Wlehamemad, as Thou didst send peace to our master Abraham, and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious, O Atlas. bless our master Wlukasewad and the Family of our master Wuhammad, and have mercy on our master Wakanmad and the Family of our master Wahaemenad, and show favour on our master Wlehamenad and the Family of our master Wadammad, as Thou didst show blessing and mercy and favour to our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham in the ages: for Thou art Laudable and Glorious, O Atak, bless our master Wlakamemnad the Prophet, and his wives who are Mothers of the faithful, and his descendants and the people of his House, as Thou didst bless our master Abraham, for Thou art Laudable and Glorious O Atta. show favour to our master Wlchammad and the Family of our master Wahammad,so 102 eS ONS ORS Aa ICosse LGUs 4 “ign Gie JEs oS NES BES Seeut ane eases PDS ZI Nyce yee yscme 262615 palSSIS sphdehoehaseygissE0 21M athe g (WW 13 5 Sepals op Whol e494. 4, 2 thy 22% Z? 470; SA alyaiset noel BEA ZS Gels beak vA, 1 gS ok Au yee, Biigbarsicet iat Ale Saul V| pale df SNe lees 2p yf? 2% 797 sleet - TEMS ASES, 2 5 o20 292 (796 12 97 4908 Ae Hs is 2985, ss dcceasenatt ss ose 07 \2, pola ae Tes pers SSE Be eae alhiessisled Ge] BU oases ATA \Siqaae eles Leab35 Jie de geiels 179%as Thou didst show favour to our master Abraham, for Thou art Laudable and Glorious © #24, Thou who didst level the plains and create the heights, and art Controller of hearts in their imaginations, be they wretched or be they happy, give the most excellent of Thy blessings and the kindest of Thy favors and the gentlest of Thy graces to 2%4ammed. Thy Servant and Apostle, who reveals whatever is most closed and secret, and seals whatever is past, and manifests the truth by the truth, and destroys the armies of folly, even as he was supported and enabled to bear his burthen in Thy work in obedience to Thee, maintaining himself promptly in Thy good favour, mindful of Thy revelation, observant of the promise, ever forward in the advance of Thy work, till he kindled the light for those who aspired for receiving the light, and gained access through him to the blessings of -“’e4- when hearts were guided by him after discussions upon trials and sins, and the finest arguments of the learned, and the brilliant thoughts of the wise, and the enlightenments of self surrender: verily he is Thy trusted faith and the treasure of Thy valued knowledge, and the Evidence of the Day of Judgment, and Thy Revival in happiness, and he is Thy Apostle too in the truth of mercy. © -$éaé, give him free place in Thy Eden, and double his reward in the best of Thy favour, made pleasant and unalloyed for him, from the bounty of Thy manifest recompense, and the greatness of Thy repeated gifts. © #téaé, exalt his followers over all mankind and honour his abode and his sojourn in Thy Presence, and give him perfect light, and when Thou recallest him to life, reward him by Thy witness to the reception and by Thy approval of the address awarded him, so that he becomes the author of upright speech, gracious conduct, and prevailing reason; Verily -/téae\Sadf 104 SIONS \ 2.8 29cm A> he 2 287) uw My {2-3 AIMS onlsenat galdesses “22 4 at 97 lou Chg) 7K IAIN Jo abe iSac5 AUG WASeiin sas Sia yaa GET sues i SLA iste Muh L772 DD LID 4 279724422 FS pw LAS SSSA ets doed jal ye ohal ples I) BS SSUL ASE Sioues es Raed aKgecss Wea goue oil JB yscebsscle A oo Noh as) HRB atll a bose de SHU Gates dal SoSabaulsloaldesysxavyecé 12 4 “7 7 24 2% AiF%, ws Le Sug Asie Lasls wleclsarr JalSanjos MOSRIO2 77% S27 7 97 = Si op 774. o O he WM ae hesesazelg tise oN ger ee Ori woe 8 oot Me Jase gaSdey Saabs cde Local1 Monday is Angels bless the Prophet. Yes, yes, let those who believe, as Dalail-wi-Khairat 105 and 4Uak to bless him and grant him abundant peace; Lam Thy servant; 0 4¢éeé. my Lord, in the name of Thy own felicity. the blessings of the True and Merciful -#¢éeé, and the angels who have the privilege of access to the Presence, and the Prophets and the Just, and the Witnesses, and the Upright, and whatever else offers Thee praise: yea, Thou Lord of the ages (these blessings) be on our master Wladammad, son of Abdullah, Seal of the Prophets, and our master of the Apostles, Imam of the Devout, and Apostle of the Lord of the Worlds; the Witness, the Evangelist, the one who invoked the mankind towards Thee by Thy leave, the Lamp of the Brightness, and on him be peace; © Adak. give effect to Thy Blessings and Thy Gracious Favours and Thy Mercy on the master of Apostles, the Imam of the Devout, the Seal of the Prophets, Wukasenad Thy Servant and Apostle, the good Imam, the good Ruler, and Apostle of Mercy. © -#taé, send him to an honourable place, so that the First and the Last will envy him in it. O HAtaé, bless our master Wlakammad and the Family of our master Muhammad. even as Thou didst bless our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. O Aéaé, grant favour to our master Wladammad and the Family of our master Wlahammad, as Thou didst to the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. Bless our master Wadammad and his Family, and his Comrades, and his children, and his wives. and his descendants and the men of his house, and his relatives by marriage, and those who aided him, and his pai ourselves in union with them, one and a ins, and those who were attached to him, and are of his creed, and , Thou Merciful, and Compassionate. O Attas, bless our master Whammad in every one who blesses him,106 Paes 4h one mre, ord ide aes Asey gy a orcad eee hie A i wer has Ossie “~ (SANS es SB ei “a 9 oe; CA £4o4 ongchies reer mene Piola selos ie Sal is Osis kK LIEN See VEZ sce e £731 ie s outs - bth e Jk secs a on’ aac L5¢ Cohignecs 62946 Aba 7 2 Ge, é Ae Mb ebe NIMES Se suet ay é ees SBginw Le Lath 1th, 6 43 “Haters Koen 22K OBSNGESE Jere 2k ec SESS SIS Sake eethes Rone Bouse 25 BS Seige SiE Shs SE Sesiksl o73.1) “Ls 0/7" C9 wry Ss ane Sake Sab wes 77 su ye oALAL eave ee geis Sheds ee 4 7Datail-ul-Kheirat 107 Monday And bless our master cea in everyone who does not bless him and bless our master 7céaeeeact as Thou hast enjoined us, in prayer to him; and bless our master Wehamewad EEN as it is meet that he should be blessed. © #éiné, bless our master Wleéceweead and the Family of our master Weckamewad, even as Thou hast enjoined that we bless him. © #ée4, bless our master Weécmeeee and the Family of our master Wlchavmad in as muchas he deserves. Bless our master 7¢cécexenae and the Family of our master Mfc4
24,4 Jib ) Osu Sede HAI WK ACGE 22% 0 C790 we 209.20 hg hiv OSes esi Ga olin ei abl Salt Wn? Wand or 43 g loa £944 SPO Abe EET Ail : S490 wr % ek noLesght A 23 pooeb ot cE US 5 loaysiyadl& wo Me 643 wl) 77.93 52>, yy, SWE AS sls AS55053 IS ASI So oi > “79 w l~ > Ose UE AEE 5 cha ies SIC 3815 8 6 oF Wat’ oe oye * 2 bee Hlalhgeakyes Mes yscobyec ue Je Sif 2 2 ee Lng ADT? wh We Gogsld B05 coi yes SEs se vIG nue ~~ ee ew 12277, NC we el CAVES wr hired Oe Les ey Nonedé Sutigecliee fides xe WAHL Sg e 92599 ZG. Wi oN Sodes Jerablo WS ies El aaxiluscdl Te 2940 BN ee SyuS S90 rye P2550 Hi A55 Bes eal yes deDalail-ul-Khairat 109 Part-I_Monday and bless our master Wuhammad among the Exalted Assembly until the Day of Judgment. O tad, give our master Wakamemad influence, and grace, and grandeur, and powerful rank, For, 0 4daé, | believe in our master Wahaenmad, and I shall not behold him saving only if Thou dost not exclude me from the gardens where his friends are found; so grant me the privilege of his company, and at last receive me into his society, and suffer me to drink from his cistern a refreshing, palatable, wholesome draught, after which we shall never thirst: for Thou art in everything all Powerful O tad, \et the spirit of our master Wahammad receive from me salutation and peace. And, @ #éa4, even as | have believed in our master Wadammad and as I shall not behold him, saving only if Thou dost not exclude me from the gardens where his friends are found: O Ataé, so receive the intercession of our master Wadammad the great, and advance his already exalted rank, and grant his prayer in the Hereafter and in this Present life, even as Thou didst with our master Abraham and our master Moses. O Atak. bless our master Wahammad and the Family of our master UWukammad, even as Thou didst bless our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham, and show favour to our master Wechaenemad and the family of our master ‘WMakamenad, even as Thou hast shown favour to our master Abraham and the Family of our master Abraham; for Thou art Laudable and Glorious. © Atak, show blessing and peace and favour to our master Wehaumad, Thy Prophet and Apostle, and to our master 110 endl S5 Ll “O tye 47S) 27 1 29d 07 bw. 774 < ; 0 2\445 S < ye ey. 4\\ |< Goes bss Lew owselb yin has lls a yee 4 047 1997 2.07 ayer 2. 21\0- Z 29 \7 SNS AN S3 BLN parle 5 EES 5} ase * 9%) 2) ss Ce 74, wy Fe GA. it HELLIS Heels cls Eels ohne v4 x os 29S PAAR LNT AIS (27 SSE y Soe bueede ani dest ples clos jal C29 1th 2225267, 241% Az AAS SOS 4 S5ES joa silesasls 299 49 Uy A ae 2908 Ue May (ad Spa bly SS 2 AGES SENSES s ala to9iS or yy “ Roe ae yo 4tyy, AchJsns G2 yalbllaa He sanu Lal des Vise 7200, ba Sse MMS sek ole La Sati PEGS AA Gesigee EEN SAMS CEH Aligilaic UES LEMS fel oS 6 OWES SEG IIE ppalSSA foal ole cs OGL Shg AS Se So ee 5 Liss ctstesdeyscs ge das 0 As SES Aes LOIS EE AS ays Ha E502 gle OER 7 a asDatlail-wl-Klairat ul Thy Friend and Chosen ally, and to our master Moses Thy Friend in converse and confidence, and to our master Jesus Thy Spirit and Thy spokesman, and to Thy angels one and all, and to Thy Apostles, and Thy Prophets, and to the best Thou hast in Thy creation, and to the chief of Thy clect, and to Thy attendants, and to those who aid Thee of the denizens of Thy earth, and Thy heaven; and may ¢«< bless our master 7€c4«ew«< in all his creation and in His own special favour, and the embellishment of His Throne, and the form of His Words, and even as they are his people; so often as his memory is renewed by those who renew it, or neglected by those who neglect its renewal; blessing on the people of his house, and on the pure descendants, and perfect peace to all. © Ades, bless our master Wéckamenad and his wives and his descendants, and all the Prophets and Apostles, and the angels, and those who have the privilege of access, and all the upright servants of <<. of all that the heavens have blessed with rain ever since Thou hast framed them. O Aéaé, dless our master Wladcecmed inall that the earth has produced, ever since Thou didst form its plains; and bless our master %#a/emad in all the stars in the Heaven, even as Thou hast set them in order; and bless our master 7.“ ws < in all the breezes that have breathed, ever since Thou createdst them; and bless our master 2%. nmad in all that Thou hast created, and that Thou wilt create, and that Thy knowledge includes, aye and twice as much. © #tsé, bless them in all Thy creation, and whatever Thy Soul favoureth, and the embellishment of Thy Throne, and the form of ThyNbadi 112 SEs OSES thes eK Sos Ele 4555 FSW SARE He whe 2 Shh Alpi Sis Leg GONE Ss yscin Obi asi eli yriizcg ae 24 Bh CSG eB Ce iT 215 CLETEH 225 ALU ss sill aloediteslede ts! BS Leys oe 2) 2225090 1 ee ateee @ ZOOS 8 Zu 4g BS wo Bh énd B® “42 BL DSSS 6S 4553 Ge pes 424% 1 9% hr 4 792 ce 4 2 ae res Ws BNC 5 the sed LeS GZS GG 4.284, 99.2% \ 7 Tt 472% 74) 92 SSCS eA oS C SESS GUL 3 4 wr 277 o4 7 Neo 9 22. GLA 23 sade coos E eC Es L z 0 Gislsgred FOL ie ect 2 8, TeguiineuL 7 Lim | 2892 ch ONO £05 35 - Gyr oe Asst Abi ho Ney LENIN YL SabDatail-ul-Khairat 113 Part-1_Monday Words, and the extent of Thy knowledge, and Thy Signs, and the beauty of all Thy created works. © Alésh, bless them in a blessing that will surpass and be full of grace, the blessing of those who bless them, one and all in creation, like Thy Grace upon all Thy creation. © Aéaé, bless them in a continuous blessing that endures to eternity in the progress of nights and days, bringing a blessing through an eternity that never terminates and has no cessation, in the progress of nights and days, in all showers of rain, severe and soft. O Aulah, d\e8s Mluhammad Thy Prophet, and Abraham Thy friend, and all Thy Prophets and Thy elect, of the people of Thy earth, and Thy heavens throughout all Thy creation, and all that Thy soul favours and the embellishment of Thy Throne, and the form of Thy Words, and the utmost limits of Thy knowledge, and the beauty of all Thy created works; a blessing that repeats itself evermore in everything of which Thy knowledge takes account. Yes, give a blessing to all that Thy knowledge comprehends; and the double that Thy knowledge comprehends; a blessing that will increase and exceed and be full of grace; the blessing of those in creation who bless them, one and all, even as Thy favour is upon all Thy creation. Then you must offer this prayer, and an answer is expected, if dad Most High be willing, it will come after the blessing on the Prophet, the blessing and peace of 4t@aé be on him.all 14 SSIS ti doy ket ga, 2st seat a eee aXe Lege ~ Ze ag ak als te eeer 2972 7479, oh AGB AE 5 SSE a5 LSTA SEs soaelas oe 4e9ee 28 24? OBES eas Bes 255-25 519526555 aa ud sBcasubleas e525) Set Bhi sieategs RA Srl 21G) 5 sho yA athe nino wuptsit§ SEES Bing Co oO al Sige 5 sg letnd 2 Shsescar$ 15 5 gsckits FBC Asis oy Salah FAB LIL yh Ti LEY ooh Pst SLAG Hisis 5c 4 £23 Kal dass 3G5 Festal ao ks Bk aeSst LoS IG IGS a7Dalail-ul-Khairat Ls Part-|_Monday O tak, make me of those who are attached to the religion of Thy Prophet and our master Wlahammad: tak bless him and give him peace, and sanctify his ordinance, and give force to his word, and to the observance of his promise, and his protection, and the aid of his company, and his prayer and multiply his followers, and his association, and those who answer for his association, and do not quit his path or his law. For @ #éaé, | entreat Thee that I may establish myself in his law, and take refuge with Thee, so that I may never deviate from whatever comes to me through him; for @ A#éa4, | entreat Thee for every blessing that our master Muhammad cntreated of Thee, he Thy Prophet and Apostle: -4éaé bless him and give him peace: and I will take refuge with Thee against the evil against which Our master Wakammad appealed to Thee, he Thy Prophet and Apostle: (tisk bless him and give him peace. o Allah, preserve me from the worst temptations, wid spare 1 me all trials, and render harmless to me whatever of them is seen or is unseen, and cleanse my heart from hatred and envy, so that Thou wilt not bring on me any consequence, not even one, O Allah: for I entreat Thee that I may lay hold on the best that Thou knowest, and that I may forsake the evil that Thou knowest; and I entreat of Thee that Thou wilt secure me to necessaries of life, and self-restraint in everything, and success in speech in every doubt, and victory in decision in every discussion, and justice in anger, and a willing assent to whatever Providence may award;Sots isis cals Sg LaS ILS 0 BS aGGi alli S015 38) AEG 0 SEG E SUSE Ie ELE Lis Hal oO. 2 W204 - Ake 2°—/9,2 25 fr “5¢ OLLI NI GS EEA Goh!Dali ‘hairat U7 Part-1_Monday and that I may keep moderation in poverty and wealth, and modesty in speech and action, and sincerity in earnestness or mirth. O -ttaé, if there be offences in anything between me and Thee, or offences in anything between me and Thy creation, © Alta, whatever share Thou hast in them, pardon it, and whatever share Thy creation has in them, take the burden of it away from me, and make me rich in Thy grace, for Thou hast pardon in Thy Power. O Alas, illuminate my heart with knowledge, and employ my person in Thy obedience, and make my secret thoughts pure of temptation, and foster in my thoughts reflection, and avoidance of evil and of the power of Satan, and enable me to escape him, Thou Merciful One, until he has no power over me.Datail-ul-Khairat 118 Busiri's Couple He is unique in virtues, which no one can share with him. The essence of his beauty is integral and indivisible. (Qasidah Burdah Couplet No. 42)Datail-ul-Khairat 19 Part-2 Tuesday CMa Allah HIZB-US-SANI PART TWO TO BE READ ON TUESDAYrebel 120 OSIUNS SBE ATS eRe AS con SHEE call oss at visi sg ou he. SBI GEIB Bhd GSS Sal Osblplcte be ypal yal ysibss 7 2 4.9 GAG me #2 2 2972 6947 wet peses eek Bie Saal SUI Ay PINZRWERS 40 6 S74 OGL 245 (cals So als EUs aed SAECO AWE CI ay eX ENT OsebeeAs Se \reli yi) 363 yoelbyeode Joss Z. 2104S 97 par CO Wt NTS OIE ure 177 pbb baler 556 Selle) TES Saas cle [5 7 7 eee AEN Gyro opie y OLS Cle ey eZ Cselosall sire oo Jes rol Nol es el Sy PLO we WS GAINS urs oe Ontlet SIE Fab yes ER ecb yee 65 oe DMM of EYEE A NULE GING AWE 2% Os EB NSU rallye SNe relies dees he ho sh GH AANGLS SP 10 arg 877 DOIG Labo HES all ole hs5 G\72K2, we 02 OPA aK OV pass alate! 7 Zou NZ 4 26944 Wiad Lesa 42 9% 1902 27 22h S916 wo W725 OSH PTiady Janes relies llesyeu 7 pia MES Seibcle Jthairat 121 Tuesday THE SECOND PART TO BE READ ON TUESDAY O Atak, \ do entreat Thee for some of the good that Thou knowest, and I appeal to Thee against the evil that Thou knowest, and I entreat Thee for pardon for all that Thou knowest; for Thou knowest and we do not know, and Thou art above all Learned in Secrets. © Atlas, have mercy on me in times of my encirclement in discomforts and save me from the oppression of the tyrants so exceedingly cruel. O Atak, place me for Thyself in secure protection and a strong refuge from all Thy creation, until Thou enablest me to reach the most transcendent eminence. O Allah, bless our master Wlehammad and the Family of our master Mehamemad, in every one who blesses him; and bless our master Wlahamemad and the Family of our master Muhammad. in every one who does not bless him; and bless our master Wakammad and the Family of our master Muhammad even as the blessing is suited to him; and bless our master Wlahamead and the Family of our master Muhammad, even as the blessing is needful for him; and bless our master Wahamead and the Family of our master Wehkammad, even as Thou hast ordained that he shall be blessed; and bless our master Wahkamead and the Family of our master Wuhammad, whose Light is from the Light of Lights, and enlighten his inmost secret thoughts with rays of brightness. O Allah, bless our master Wahammad and the Family of our master Wuhammad, and the men of his Household, most upright of all, every one of them. O Altah, bless our master Wakammad and his Family, the Sea of Thy Brightness,122 esl OSS Zag 74) 73% 74) °% SEV Bly yhe3 Bylo! 7 hosed Zhe a eZ) 7 Ay 242g 287 in e ak o w Syl! hls Bysbs ples Updo AN 2 Cit Woe gy eK sohet B16) was SEL IA5SS Bs Z 7 tN PIU gaACs Late 9,984 419,78 ONES EtG, 255 420355 Sea Paat “7 8% rroghs SEN E55 25555 LA saul 272 4 4s a7 V8. A wos? Zz AEN SIN E53 SI E55 CALI eee SSR wy 7 77 N31 779 KR) wl BAIS Nee, 2476940 OCA ee Seles Esse hs caul 2% dew grs Gea larriy wrye 4 right Opes odes rel Iesbueede esau ate 2% T2077, 2 CAN AS woe YAS he Oued BAIA g Seles coud Joa be x “7 2 wy Ggha S yh se Lies buys le Local 75. “992 4990 (1297 907 ARI 4 S GAS I9) ry lylgde 243 VIS 5 Bie ww VAZ 2 o¥h Sy 6 PIC wry 4 0947 Pie MSD ghnysertygcxe Los 4 Soh ssxssileaviives BETAS ©: Guasave, DAN Ay Ze MAryuke Gy Soot ee Bes esha dE BU eh Kee ye ee = ‘ $ INPLEL GLI ww NUE OLIVE az “| ZS Ihe Euiitsss SeetiysiJiEs Seat sce Local RY wyDalail-ul-Khairat 123 Part-2 Tuesday and the Mine of Thy Secrets, and the Voice of Thy Arguments, and the Bridegroom of Thy Royalty, and the Imam of Thy Presence, and the Seal of Thy Prophets; a blessing that will last whilst Thou endurest, and will survive while Thou survivest: a blessing that will find favour with Thee, and will find favour with him, and will bring favour to me through it for ourselves; O Thou Most Compassionate, Most Merciful: O Thou Lord of the Worlds. O #téaé, Lord of whatever is Allowed, Lord of whatever is Forbidden, Lord of the Sacred Precinct, Lord of the Sacred House, and Lord of Stone of Support, and the Place of Honour, cause this salutation of peace to reach our master and patron Wedamemad from us. 0 Altaé, bless our master and patron Wahammad. our master of the First and the Last. O Altaé. bless our master and patron Wahamenad at every time and moment. © rétak, bless our master and patron Wakamenad in the higher assembly of angels, until the Day of Judgement. O Aas, bless our master and patron Wlasamenad until Thou art the Heir of the earth, and whoever there is on it; for Thou art the best of heirs. O Altaé. bless our master Wakawmad the Unlettered Prophet and the Family of our master Wa4ammad, even as Thou didst bless our master Abraham, for Thou art Laudable and Glorious; and show favour to our master Wadammad the Unlettered Prophet, even as Thou didst with our master Abraham, for Thou art Laudable and Glorious; O Altaé. bless our master Wlehawewad and the Family of our master Mehanemad in all that Thy Knowledge includesrSsaul 124 RSIS Gy) 20. 2arre 290k 17737) C1ej Ske, EEG aac ep clle 4 4)01 7217S) 24 4a Ly 74 EI 7 9m, age beets Aleans db El|s0ael 3% SG ade % = YY e SZ 2 7\I9L4 Line G a ~ OPE Sab SEEMS TL ¢ y ore > 7 \~ le Yee Seyi yste 5 yseliyeue J ai A9UWe, aa 4 ko ae a\2 CM aS gos LEE Lash é leabiie ¥ eget - “OR aaie Yolen e A2x%r contin SHIR Ae DICE SITS \~ 4 ve ONT S 42 a PAT yA ds Aa Geliyssylles Sea yucus Lea LUOOWINL wt WIE EPL wll 2) 172 72— 2% yw 7 GGG oye Ds spe cde Us colby 99 Go 7 LE, 720 219 N00 Wer ae rue Ons reblcalllld ea Lo ides cori yeode C79 io 0 7 727 7578 6 73 Oysralbys oo lealmres hae “7 aS 9 94 9 rg s9huce 72). Eh, 0940 < “ 4 z Ios | Spe AG rere aly eeoal 2 4 DIIA 9 P%s B12 ILE ALIN PUT eS ANNES SI SIU Ie 4 WSEAS 9 72, a 2, oy2 SRAM foyrelhbse ASE , hy 82607 47e b- actA i en Spore ne Masel Sas 72g. 771 17 oS 22 10h Boaze77 CAG GEESE EIU
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