H K I M R: ONG ONG Nstitute For Onetary Esearch

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Salih N. Neftci

HKIMR Working Paper No.6/2004

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research
March 2004
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Working Paper No.1/ 2000

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

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Swap Curve Dynamics in Hong Kong: An Interpretation

Salih N. Neftci*
Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research


City University of New York

March 2004


This paper investigates the linkage between the USD and HKD swap curves. We argue that these
curves contain important information, which is over and above that provided by the sovereign yield
curves and the standard measures of market liquidity, Libor-type interest rates. Our work indicates that
using sovereign yield curves and concentrating only on the risk premia associated with the breakdown
of the currency peg is not sufficient for policy making in Hong Kong. Swap spreads and swap curves
should be carefully monitored to evaluate economy wide risks and to conduct macroeconomic policy.

JEL Classification: G15, E44

* Ph.D. Program in Economics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016. E-
mail: [email protected].

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Hong Kong Institute for
Monetary Research, its Council of Advisors, or Board of Directors.
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1. Introduction

Swap spreads consist of information that is fundamentally different than what one can obtain from
sovereign yield curves. This information should constantly be monitored by policy makers; including
central banks. In this paper we provide evidence that supports this claim by studying the USD and HKD
swap markets. We try to identify and then interpret the new information contained in the Hong Kong
swap curve. Important policy implications are then discussed.

The swap curve has become the primary benchmark for assessing interest rate movements and should
be at the center stage of risk management and risk monitoring activities. Yet, swap curve dynamics has
not received much attention from researchers dealing with macroeconomic policy. Important information
that may be contained in swap curve dynamics is often not taken into account when formulating monetary
policy. Investigating these issues in the Hong Kong economy is particularly important given some special
aspects of Hong Kong financial markets.

A fundamental aspect of the Hong Kong economy is the so-called peg and the risks associated with
it. The Hong Kong dollar (HKD) is pegged to the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority
(HKMA) acts as the currency board that preserves this peg. This constitutes the major feature of Hong
Kong financial markets. The HKMA issues Exchange Fund Bills and Notes (EFBN) that are direct,
unsecured obligations of the Hong Kong SAR Government for the account of Exchange Fund. The
EFBNs can be used for trading, investment and hedging instruments. For example, those institutions
that maintain Hong Kong dollar clearing accounts with the HKMA can use their EFBN holdings to borrow
O/N dollars from the discount window. The HKMA has taken the necessary steps to create an active
primary and secondary market which led to the creation of a sovereign benchmark yield curve for up to
10 years. This has facilitated the creation of a benchmark swap curve for the same maturity, although
the swap curve contains significant additional information concerning the Hong Kong economy.

There are several interesting issues that emerge in this environment. Market professionals and economists
attribute the difference between the USD and Hong Kong sovereign curves to the existence of the
peg. However, the differences between the swap curves of the two currencies may be due to several
other important factors that may be as important as the peg and may have relevance for monetary
policy. The rich data set concerning swap curves permits a detailed study of these issues and this
paper is an attempt in that direction.

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we provide a brief discussion of the main parameters
of Hong Kong financial markets. Then in the third section we discuss the relevance of swap curves in
tracking and monitoring term structure related risks. Section 4 provides a theoretical setting for interpreting
swap rates and the related floating rates. We obtain some pricing formulas and show the important
relationship between swap rates and the aggregate credit risk of a private economy. Section 5 deals
with the data set and the empirical evidence. Finally, Section 6 summarizes our main findings and the
relevant policy implications.

Working Paper No.6/2004

2. Background for Hong Kong Markets

Hong Kong has a currency board regime administered by the HKMA, which was set up during the year
1993. The HKMA manages actively Hong Kongs official reserves which are called the Exchange Fund.
The composition of the assets of the HKMA can be altered at the discretion of Exchange Fund
management. The assets of the Exchange Fund are substantial.1 The possibility of entering the markets
to change the composition of such a portfolio may have a significant impact on the underlying rates and
returns. This makes the Exchange Fund a major player in world financial markets.

2.1. Debt securities

One way to visualize the swap curve is to begin with a benchmark sovereign curve and then add to this
a proper swap spread which results from a liquid interest rate swap market. In the case of Hong Kong a
benchmark sovereign curve can be obtained from the secondary market trading of the Exchange Fund
Bills and Notes (EFBN). Exchange Fund Bills have short maturities of 1 week, 91, 182 and 364 days and
are auctioned in the form of public tender on a regular basis. They are quoted on an ACT/360 basis. The
Exchange Fund notes have longer maturities of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 years and are quoted on an ACT/365
basis. The HKMA has established a set of official fixings for these securities.2

These debt instruments are traded in a two-tier dealership scheme, where the HKMA appoints a number
of Recognized Dealers that deal in the primary market and Market Markers that deal in the secondary
market. These institutions are committed in supporting a liquid market in these securities.

These debt instruments can be used as collateral against overnight (O/N) borrowing, as margin collateral
in the Hong Kong Futures Exchange for trading stock index futures and options. More importantly for
our purposes, these securities can be used as collateral in Hong Kong dollar repo transactions.3

The Exchange Fund Bills and Notes (EFBN) form part of the monetary base of Hong Kong. The other
important elements of the monetary base are the certificates of indebtedness, which are the backing for
banknotes and coins and the aggregate balance of the banking system maintained at the HKMA for the
purpose of clearing and settlements between banks and the HKMA. The currency board system in
place requires that the foreign assets of the HKMA be greater or equal to this monetary base. The HKMA
does not issue banknotes. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking corporation, Standard Chartered
Bank and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) issue banknotes on behalf of the HKMA. When these banks
issue banknotes they deliver the required amount of USD to obtain the Certificates of Indebtedness.

1 The size of the balance sheet of the HKMA was over HK$961 billion (over US$100 billion) at the start of 2003. More than 90%
of the assets were denominated in foreign currencies.

2 The fixings are calculated using the arithmetic mean of 8 mid-quotes from the market at 11:00 am; after excluding the two
highest and two lowest quotes.

3 In addition to the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes, the HKMA extended its note issuance program to include debt securities
issued by agencies such as Mass Transit Railway Corporation, Airport Authority, and the Kowloon-Canton Railway corporation.
These securities are labelled as Specified Instruments and are fungible with Exchange Fund securities. They can also be
used as collateral in discount window borrowing. The other important debt issuing agency is the Hong Kong Mortgage
Corporation (HKMC) which is owned by the Exchange Fund, issues debt securities and purchases mortgages. During the
year 2002 the HKMC issued HK$15 billion (US$1.9 billion) of new debt and had a mortgage portfolio of HK$28 billion.

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2.2. Swap markets

Hong Kong has a relatively liquid swap market. The floating rate in these swaps is 3-month Hibor (Hong
Kong Interbank Offered Rate)4 and has an ACT/365 day count basis. The fixed leg of swaps is also
quoted ACT/365 and on a quarterly basis per year. Active tenors of the swap market would be 2 to 10
years and trading sizes would be HK$200 million. A typical bid-ask spread would be 10bp. The daily
turnover would be around HK$9 billion and is significantly higher than that of HKS2.5 billion for the

According to market practitioners the HK swap curve is priced off the USD swap curve.5 Market
practitioners think that the differences arise mostly because of the risks associated with the currency
peg. This, in fact, is one important issue in our study. In this paper we claim that there may be significant
effects other than risks associated in the currency peg that is involved in the USD-HKD swap differences.

Players in international markets express views on the Hong Kong peg through positions taken either
with currency forwards; short end of the swap curves or with the long end of the swap curves. Although
similar positions can be put in place using the EFBN and US Treasuries, market players do not prefer
this approach. This may be due to balance sheet, funding and repoing costs that will be associated with
dealing with EFBNs.

One of the major players in the swap market is the HKMA. With the yield curve being positively sloped,
the HKMA has thus far preferred to swap the 10 year EFBN proceeds into floating rate funds. This
means sudden demand for receiving fixed after an issue of a 10 year EFBN, which makes the 10 year
swap rates go down and trade tighter for a while. This point is another issue that we investigate in this
paper. It is interesting to see which counter-parties take the other side of such deals and what their
objectives are. An analysis of these points may uncover some unseen risks in banking portfolios.

2.3. The Repo market

Unlike the USD market, there is no OTC repo market in Hong Kong. Short-selling of EFBNs is limited to
market makers. A player who shorts an EFBN has to cover this short position by entering into a one-day
repo agreement with the HKMA. This could be done by exchanging the short security against a proper
amount of other similar securities.

This structure of Hong Kong repo markets sets them apart from US dollar repos, which have a
fundamentally different role to play in the US markets. Traders can use US dollar repo markets to fund
their fixed income portfolios. Hong Kong repo markets primary role is in guaranteeing the covering of
short positions, in particular EFBNs. The structure of Hong Kong markets eliminate the notion of special
repo. A short position in any EFBN can be covered overnight using this market. This eliminates many of
the repo strategies that play an important role in European and US markets. In some sense, it separates
the sovereign curve more from the Hibor and swap curves.

4 The rate of interest offered on Hong Kong dollar loans by banks in the interbank market for a specified period ranging from
overnight to one year.

5 See the very useful Deutsche Bank report on Hong Kong fixed income markets mentioned among the references.

Working Paper No.6/2004

3. Swap curves are the right Benchmarks

Analysis of macroeconomic policy is still done using the sovereign yield curve, reflecting the tradition of
standard deterministic macroeconomic models. In the US the Treasury yield curve is used. In Hong
Kong the benchmark yield curve is obtained from the EFBNs. Yet, in economies heavily dominated by
private sector activities, sovereign yield curves have limited use. Swap markets provide benchmark
yield curves that are much more appropriate for macroeconomic policy than the sovereign yield curves.
There are several reasons for this.

We start with technical points. First, swaps are much more liquid than the sovereign bonds, even in
Hong Kong markets, and at any time during the day one can obtain constant maturity par swap yields.
Bond maturities on the other hand change as time passes and this leads to complicated numerical
procedures to extract from observed bond trading data, the constant maturity yields that are needed for
the curve. Second, bond trading data are not as homogenous as those from swap trading. There are
repo specials and this may lead to prices that are out of line with the yield curve at any instant. Cleaning
such special trades from observed data may not be possible. These are two technical reasons why
swap yield curves can give more reliable estimates of the state of the true yield curve from a macro
perspective. Third, bonds often contain implicit options that will distort their pricing. Decision makers
need to calculate and then look at stripped yields.

However, substantial reasons for using swap curves abound. In a private sector dominated economy
the government's borrowing cost often has little relevance to macroeconomists. The more relevant cost
of funds is what is paid by the aggregate private sector, after eliminating the idiosyncratic default risk
premia. The swap curve reflects exactly this notion.

The swap spread, being the difference between the swap rate and the comparable maturity sovereign
rate, measures some important variables that are critical for macroeconomists. First of all, swap spreads
reflect an overall cost of available liquidity for the private sector companies, while sovereign yield curves
contain imperfect information on this point. The slope of the sovereign yield curve is sometimes taken
as a proxy for available liquidity. The higher the (positive) slope, the lower short term interest rates are
compared to long rates. This may be contributed to the Central Banks stance on easing the liquidity
window. But, it may also be due to several other economic phenomena. One example is varying inflationary
expectations or, more importantly, views on volatility.

It turns out that convexity trades may, depending on the level of volatility, influence the slope of the
sovereign yield curve. For example, everything else being the same, an increase in long term interest
rate volatility will decrease long term yields and this would lower the slope of the yield curve. Such an
event does not mean that market liquidity has increased, yet using the slope of the yield curve would
imply exactly this. Use of the swap spread as a measure of macroeconomic liquidity will avoid such

In addition, when evaluating firm-wide credit risks, market practice is to look at spread to swaps rather
than spread to Treasury benchmark curves. This eliminates anomalies due to Treasury actions. But
such practice is also intended to partial out the effect of swap spreads which contains an economy-

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wide credit spread of the private sector. This way market professionals are able to isolate the idiosyncratic
credit risk that is particular to the individual firms actions. But this implies, at the same time, that the
swap spread contains an aggregate credit risk that is priced in. For macroeconomic policy makers the
relevant risk is this aggregate credit risk, not the idiosyncratic credit risks that will be averaged out in an
aggregate setting.

3.1. The role played by liquidity

There are two different notions of liquidity that we need to deal with within this context. They are both
critical from the point of view of financial markets. The first is the notion of liquidity used in the previous
section. Central banks provide liquidity by means of adjusting the money supply. One measure of this
liquidity is the relative cost of securing short-dated funds and this is what we discussed in the previous
section. There is no doubt that this notion of liquidity, which, in a sense measures the stance of monetary
policy, is important for financial markets. Economists often use the slope of the sovereign yield curve as
a proxy for this notion of liquidity.

For financial market participants, the liquidity of the underlying security is also important. This notion of
liquidity refers to the ease of buying and selling relatively large amounts of assets in ways that do not
affect the market prices, and it measures the ease of transacting large deals. To the extent the market
goes through periods of illiquidity, the absorption of large deals will take time and this would introduce
some further volatility into the swap rates. There is no question that this notion of liquidity is also important
for securing a smooth functioning of the financial markets.

4. Swap Engineering

We now briefly discuss the financial engineering of swaps to obtain the necessary pricing equations. We
focus on plain vanilla interest rate swaps.

Suppose that the interest rate swap is initiated at date . A counter-party makes n fixed payments and
will receive n floating payments at dates in the same currency. The dates are
settlement dates and the are reset dates. The latter are dates on which the relevant Libor
(Hibor) rate will be redetermined.

The swap notional amount is denoted as N and let the floating rate tenor be represented by . Assume
that the floating rate is 3-month Libor (Hibor), so that is 1/4. The fixed swap rate will be given as and
the Libor rates will be , respectively. The swap spread, , will be the difference
between and the yield on the sovereign bond with the same maturity. This sovereign yield is denoted
by .6 That is,


6 This could be any interest rate accepted as a benchmark by the market.

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Such a swap can be reverse-engineered in different ways.

1. One can first decompose the swap into two streams of cash flows, one representing a floating
stream of payments (receipts), the other a fixed stream. If this is done, then each stream can
be interpreted as representing various types of bonds.

2. Second, one can decompose the swap according to settlement dates, slicing it into n cash
exchanges during n time periods. If this is done, then each cash exchange can be interpreted
as a Forward Rate Agreement, or FRA-in-arrears, with a special characteristic that the FRA
rate is constant across different settlement dates.

Both approaches above will generate the same swap pricing formula. We choose to use the second
approach because it is easier and it displays some interesting aspects of swap rates better. At time
, Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) counterparties will exchange the following cash flow:


where N is the notional amount and the is the FRA rate determined at time to. Note that this
amounts to exchanging the fixed payment against the floating payment .

Now consider the relationship between the fixed swap rate and the FRA rate. We see that the FRA
rate is determined independently from the , either by supply and demand or by pricing
through money markets. In general;


This means that if we buy the ith swap cash flow and sell the cash flow implied by the ith FRA, the Libor
(Hibor) payments will cancel out, but the fixed payments wont since they are not equal. As a result, this
portfolio will end up with a known negative or positive net cash flow at time . Since this cash flow is
known exactly at time to; and there is no credit risk, this portfolio must have a known present value at
time to. This present value will equal:


where the is the current value of a default-free zero coupon bond that matures at time ,
with par value of 1 HK dollar. This expression tells us that the present value will be positive or negative
depending on whether or not. Of course, this should be true for all the elements of the
swap individually. Also swap cash flows altogether need to have zero present value. This yields an
important pricing relationship:


Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

From here, rearranging the equation we could get a formula that ties the swap rate to the forward rates:


This formula is important because it shows a relationship between the floating forward Libor (Hibor)
payments and the relevant swap rates.

4.1. Interpreting Hibor and swap rate interactions

A swap involves exchanges of cash flows. But cash flows are generated by assets, liabilities, and other
commitments. This means that swaps are simply a standardized, liquid, and cost-effective alternative
to trading cash assets. Instead of trading the cash asset or liability, one can simply trade the cash flows
generated by it. Because swaps in general have zero value at the time of conception and are very liquid,
this key feature indeed makes them cost-effective alternatives. Hence their wide use in position-taking,
hedging, and risk management.

Formula (6) expresses the swap rate in terms of the forward rates and can be rewritten as follows:


where the s are weights that add up to one, and they depend on the zero coupon discount bond


As time passes these discounts will change and this will modify the weights

First consider the stability of the weights . Parallel shifts in the yield curve will have relatively little
impact on these weights. Significant changes in the slope of the yield curve can on the other hand
modify the significantly. However, yield curve inverts rarely and this means that we can analyze the
swap rate forward rate relationship by acting as if these weights are relatively constant.

Under these assumptions we may interpret the swap rate as some type of weighted average of forward
rates. Since forward rates can be regarded as (possibly biased) expectations of future Hibor rates that
will be observed during respective swap settlement periods, the swap rate will be taken as a weighted
average of the forward Hibor rates.7

Using equation (7) we can elaborate more on the Hibor-swap rate relationship. Hibor is an average of
the borrowing rates for 20 Hong Kong banks. It is also an interbank rate and applies to non-secured
loans. The weighted average of the credit rating of the banks, from which the Hibor fixing is determined,
is likely to be around A+ or AA-. Thus Hibor rates will incorporate some credit risk.

7 However, these weights are not equal. In fact the will be declining, making the near Hibor rates play a more important part
in determining the swap rates than the distant Hibor rates.

Working Paper No.6/2004

Suppose is the term repo rate in a privately arranged repo deal struck with an AAA-rated repo dealer
with zero haircut and against general collateral made of EFBNs.8 Then the Hibor and repo rates will be
related according to:


where is the credit risk spread between average A+ credits and sovereign credits.9

Using this relation we can rewrite the swap rate as:


where P is an appropriate martingale probability. The first term in brackets is an average of expected
repo rates and the second term is an average of expected future A+ credit spread.

All this means that the Hong Kong swap rate is expected to incorporate the following effects:

The Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the USD and, hence, the USD Libor should have some
significant effect on the Hibor. This effect will be independent of the average A+ credit risk
premia that will move according to local variables in the two economies. Thus the correct way
to model the relationship is to use the repo rates:


where the is the USD term repo rate for the same period and is the risk premium due
to breakdown possibility of the currency peg. Under this characterization the will depend
only on the currency peg and will be independent of any credit risk related factors.

The Hong Kong swap rate is an average of expected Hibor rates and hence depends on the
changes in the average credit risk for A+ rated credits. The movement of the average credit
risk in the Hong Kong should be independent of any movement in the USD sovereign curve.

Hibor is a measure of short term liquidity and in reality one would expect a liquidity premium
to be priced in the forward rates. This liquidity risk should affect the swap rates as well.

8 In Hong Kong such OTC repo markets do not exist. Yet, such a deal can always be structured.

9 Note that accordingly a typical A+ credit is still going to command a positive credit default swap (CDS) rate, even though the
theoretical CDS rate for the same n periods and for the same average A+ credits will on the other hand be: = 0.
This should normally be the case since the CDS rate is quoted as a spread to the relevant swap rate. Yet, in reality, CDS
contracts offer practicality, deliver options and liquidity to clients, and the CDS rates of individual banks will all be positive.

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Finally, to the extent that there exists a significant counterparty risk in swap contracts, the
swap rate would also depend on the changes in this swap counterparty risk. This clearly
hinges upon whether the swap contract under consideration provides collateralization of
positive or negative swap values during the maturity of the contract. Swap spread dynamics
should provide information concerning the aggregate counterparty risks as well.

These relationships suggest the following hypotheses that can be tested using the available swap data
for USD and HKD:

First, we expect Hibor to be significant in explaining Hong Kong swap rates. To the extent that Hibor
rates are measures of HKD liquidity, they will play a role in determining Hong Kong swap rates.

Second, we expect the US treasury curve to play a significant role in determining the Hong Kong swap
rates. Both of these hypotheses are based on the consideration of the existence of the Hong Kong
currency peg.

Third, we expect the USD swap spreads not to determine the Hong Kong swap rates over and above
the USD treasury curve and the USD Libor. This hypothesis is justified by the fact that, once liquidity
and the peg effects are taken out, the USD swap spreads will essentially represent the average credit
spread of the US economy and will be linked to the USD specific macroeconomic factors that affect
liquidity. These effects should not influence Hong Kong swap rates over and above the Treasury curve
and USD Libor.

Finally, as the last hypothesis to be tested, we are interested in detecting if the Hong Kong swap curve
has a component that is exogenous to the USD related variables. In other words, credit spread changes
of Hong Kong companies, local macroeconomic conditions may affect the Hong Kong dollar swap
rates over and above the effect of USD related variables, and we would like to know if this is indeed the

5. Empirical Evidence

5.1. Data

We investigate the above postulated hypotheses by looking at the data on (a) Libor, Hibor rates, (b) US
Treasury curve, (c) US dollar swap spreads, and (d) Hong Kong dollar swap curve. The empirical work
uses five maturities for the relevant curves, namely 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 year tenors. The USD Libor and the
Hibor have a 3-month tenor. The data are daily and cover the period of 1997 to 2003. For USD swap
spreads we use semi-annual 360 day rates. Hong Kong swap rates are quoted on a quarterly 365-day
basis and these differences require a small adjustment. The data are collected from Bloomberg.

5.2. Preliminary analysis of the sample data

Figure 1 displays the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar swap curves over the sample period. Overall
we see that the time series behavior of the two curves is quite similar except for the period of the Asian

Working Paper No.6/2004

financial crisis, when the Hong Kong swap rates spike for a period of about 290 trading days. Starting
from the third week of October 1997 when the Hong Kong dollar came under speculative attack, the
huge spike subsides by the end of 1998. After that period Hong Kong swap rates continue to be in sync
with the USD swap rates.

The swap term structure for Hong Kong and the US during the same sample period is constructed in
Figure 2. We see that the Hong Kong swap rates are, for this particular sample period, on average 110
basis points higher than the USD swap rates at the 10 year maturity. It decreases to about 75 basis
points at the 1 year maturity. This difference can be found as too large by market practitioners who are
used to swap rate spreads of around 40-50bp for the USD and HKD. But, it must be remembered that
our sample does contain the period of the Asian financial crisis and for about 200 days the USD and
HKD swap spreads diverged by more than 300 basis points. Excluding this period leaves a spread of
around 40-45bp. However, it may not be appropriate to exclude the Asian crisis since it is a period of
legitimate turbulence that has great relevance for monitoring the risks associated with the currency peg.

Figure 3 shows the time series on the difference between the USD and HKD swap rates at 5-year
maturity. Our final preliminary investigation of the data concerns the second half of this figure. We see
from this plot that the spread at the 5-year maturity between the USD and HKD swap rates has a
positive trend. This is supported by a simple regression. Figure 4 provides the estimate of the simple
regression on the subsample:


Here the and are the 5-year USD and HKD swap rates; t is the time trend. Results indicate that
there is indeed a significant positive trend in this swap differential over the subsample period between
2000 and 2003.

This is occurring during a period of deflationary pressures and relative calm in Hong Kong currency
markets. The deflationary pressures have negative effects on default risk and the associated credit risk
premia. The fact that the swap differentials are on the increase during a period where no questions were
raised about the peg is a preliminary indication that swap spreads provide information on aggregate
credit risks as well as on the peg breakdown risk.

5.3. Joint time series dynamics

To investigate the complex dynamics that exists between US Treasury curve, USD swap spreads, HKD
swap curve and the Hibor, Libor rates, a linear Vector Autoregressive system is adopted. We let the
represent respectively the time-t vectors on the data concerning the US treasury
curve, USD swap spreads, and the Hong Kong swap rates. Each vector is 1 by 5. Let be the
time t Hibor and USD Libor rates respectively.

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Then we can consider the following block linear system:


In this model the = 1, ..5, is a 1 by 5 row vector of coefficients made of lag operators.10 Similarly
for the to = 1, ..5. These coefficients show how the variable under consideration affects the
Libor rates. The coefficients of interest to us are the = 1,.., 5. These are 5 by 5 matrices of
coefficients showing how the underlying variables affect the Hong Kong swap rates.

In particular, the is a vector showing the impact of Hibor on the Hong Kong swap curve. The is
a vector of coefficients showing how USD Libor affects the Hong Kong swap curve. The other three
vectors of coefficients can be interpreted as follows. The describes the effect of the US treasury
curve on the Hong Kong swap curve. Similarly the indicates the effect of the US swap spreads on
the Hong Kong swap curve and finally, the tells us how the past history of Hong Kong swap rates
influences itself. The hypotheses discussed in this paper suggest that:

Hypothesis 1. The peg is relevant in determining the Hong Kong swap rates, as expected by
everybody, the US treasury curve will be significant and that:


Hypothesis 2. The USD swap spreads do not affect Hong Kong swap rates over and above USD
sovereign curve, we would have:


Hypothesis 3. Hong Kong swap rates contain useful information that is independent of the USD
Treasury or swap curves, then:


Tables 1 to 3 summarize the results of testing these hypotheses using the model shown in (13) along
with the data described above. In the version of the model reported here we used 5 lags. The use of 10
or 15 lags does not change the general pattern of the results, while consuming a lot more degrees of

With regard to the first hypothesis, consider the F-tests reported in Table 1. We see that these tests are
very significant, in other words; the US treasury curve has a strong impact on the time series dynamics
of Hong Kong swap rates. Given the existence of the currency peg this is not a very surprising result.

10 The current lag has zero coefficient.

Working Paper No.6/2004

The more interesting result emerges from hypothesis 2. Table 2 reports the sum of squares of restricted
and unrestricted regressions that test the hypothesis that A5,4 = 0. We see that according to the data
used here USD swap spreads have no impact on the Hong Kong dollar swap rates once the effect of the
US treasury curve and the effect of short term liquidity is taken into consideration. This is consistent
with our hypothesis that swap spreads contain macroeconomic information concerning the aggregate
credit risk of the domestic firms in a given economy.

Tests on the third hypothesis can be found in block exogeneity tests in Table 3, which in fact contains all
the relevant significance levels concerning the F-test statistics on the feedbacks between the variables
in system (13). The table can be regarded as a direct estimate of the significance of all the , i = 1,..,5;
j = 1,..,5. The main point is that the sub-block of coefficients that show the effect of past Hong Kong
swap rates on the current swap rates is quite significant with complex dynamics. It indicates that even
after taking into account the US treasury curve and the liquidity effect through Hibor and Libor; Hong
Kong swap rates are still informative on the Hong Kong economy.

5.4. Additional empirical work

A few other procedures are tried on the swap data. In particular we look at the impulse response functions
for Hong Kong swap rates to the variables shown in Table 3. In general, results are consistent across
different length of maturities. Impulse responses for the 5-year HKD swap rates are presented in Figure
5 and Figure 6. They allow us to detect the contemporaneous and ensuing impacts from all the variables
on Hong Kong swap rates. Each graph reveals the responses of the 5-year Hong Kong swap rates when
a one-standard-deviation innovation is imposed on one of the variables in the system. We trace out the
responses of the 5-year Hong Kong swap rates over a period of 100 days after the initiation of the

The results confirm the main conclusions that we report in Tables 1-3. USD swap spreads and Libor are
uncorrelated with HKD swap rates once the effects of the US Treasury curve and Hibor are filtered out.
The most prominent effects that can be observed are from the 3-year US Treasury, the 3-year and 5-
year HKD swap rates, and the relevant effects are statistically significant.

Now, we re-run the same regression only for the period from the third week of October 1997 to early
December 1998 and perform Granger causality tests, since it is of special importance to check whether
the above regression results hold for the Hong Kong market during the Asian financial crisis. Table 4
shows the results under the null hypothesis that the probability of each of the 17 variables Granger-
causing Hong Kong swap rates is zero. As can be seen, only the 4-year US Treasury rate and the 3-year
Hong Kong swap rate itself would Granger-cause the 3-year Hong Kong swap rate at the 1 percent
significance level. No other variables are detected to exert a Granger-causality impact on the Hong
Kong swap rates. Surprisingly, during this sub-sample period when Hong Kong was hit by the Asian
crisis, regression results would not generally support hypotheses 1 and 3. But, we need to keep in mind
that this is an extreme time period when different sectors of the Hong Kong economy experienced
disruptions in terms of liquidity or solvency.

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we have examined the extent of swap curve dynamics across USD and HKD markets. Our
main concern is to see whether the Hong Kong swap curve contains a component that is exogenous to
the USD related variables. We test three essential hypotheses in order to explore the relationships
among the USD Treasury curve, USD swap spreads, the HKD swap curve, and the Hibor and Libor rates
by mainly adopting block exogeneity tests and impulse response functions.

The following conclusions have been derived from our analysis: (a) due to the existence of the Hong
Kong dollar peg system, the US Treasury curve invokes significant responses on the HKD swap curve;
however (b) both USD swap spreads and Libor fail to provide valuable information on the dynamics of
HKD swap rates; (c) as expected, Hibor rates play a role in determining Hong Kong swap rates; and (d)
most importantly, the Hong Kong swap curve itself contains rich information over and above that provided
by the sovereign yield curve and the standard measures of market liquidity.

The findings of this study and their implications suggest that using sovereign yield curves and
concentrating only on the risk premia associated with the breakdown of the currency peg is not sufficient
for policy making in Hong Kong. With a component that is exogenous to the USD related variables;
Hong Kong swap spreads and swap curves should be carefully monitored in order to assess economy
wide risks and to conduct macroeconomic policy.

Working Paper No.6/2004


Brace, A., M. Musiela and E. Schlgi (1998), A simulation algorithm based on measure relationships in
the lognormal market models, Preprint.

Deutsche Bank (2003), Global Market Research, The Hong Kong Bond Market, June.

Deutsche Bank (2002), Global Securities Services, The Hong Kong Country Guide, March.

Hull, J. (2000), Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 4th ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Jamshidian, F. (1997), Libor and swap market models and measures, Finance and Stochastics,
1: 293-330.

Musiela, M. and M. Ruthkowski (1998), Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, Springer-Verlag.

Neftci, N.S. (2003), Principles of Financial Engineering, Academic Press, Forthcoming.

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Table 1. US Treasury Yields Do Influence HKD Swap Rates

Maturity F-Test

3 year 3310
4 year 2557
5 year 1853
7 year 1642
10 year 1417

Table 2. USD Swap Spreads Do Not Influence HKD Swap Rates

Maturity Unrestricted Restricted F-Test

3 year 0.0141 0.0143 0.90

4 year 0.0109 0.0111 0.96
5 year 0.0091 0.0093 1.18
7 year 0.0073 0.0075 1.57
10 year 0.0069 0.0070 0.96

Working Paper No.6/2004

Table 3. Block Exogeneity Tests

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. HIBOR 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.54 0.98 0.97 0.88 0.66 0.72
2. LIBOR 0.61 0.00 0.01 0.31 0.64 0.65 0.16 0.00 0.02
3. UST 3 0.76 0.24 0.00 0.12 0.44 0.08 0.2 0.06 0.59
4. UST 4 0.95 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.02 0.29 0.15 0.61
5. UST 5 0.89 0.04 0.01 0.71 0.35 0.00 0.39 0.3 0.69
6. UST 7 0.88 0.17 0.04 0.43 0.31 0.00 0.94 0.32 0.60
7. UST 10 0.92 0.12 0.52 0.64 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.41 0.90
8. US 3SS 0.33 0.14 0.14 0.21 0.44 0.52 0.40 0.00 0.14
9. US 4SS 0.42 0.05 0.58 0.55 0.14 0.81 0.40 0.00 0.00
10.US 5SS 0.59 0.06 0.64 0.88 0.23 0.43 0.83 0.06 0.45
11.US 7SS 0.59 0.12 0.37 0.55 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.68 0.69
12.US 10SS 0.84 0.04 0.22 0.73 0.47 0.22 0.49 0.15 0.30
13.HKS 3 0.00 0.76 0.32 0.68 0.42 0.85 0.49 0.43 0.45
14.HKS 4 0.00 0.92 0.73 0.67 0.37 0.75 0.53 0.60 0.54
15.HKS 5 0.00 0.90 0.86 0.34 0.17 0.46 0.24 0.88 0.45
16.HKS 7 0.00 0.91 0.97 0.26 0.05 0.19 0.05 0.85 0.46
17.HKS 10 0.00 0.95 0.98 0.29 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.95 0.65

Variable 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1. HIBOR 0.72 0.73 0.84 0.00 0.06 0.69 0.10 0.00

2. LIBOR 0.51 0.54 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.95 0.95
3. UST 3 0.12 0.14 0.80 0.38 0.17 0.29 0.97 0.83
4. UST 4 0.06 0.18 0.95 0.30 0.32 0.44 0.99 0.88
5. UST 5 0.01 0.18 0.96 0.35 0.55 0.51 0.96 0.80
6. UST 7 0.03 0.06 0.97 0.33 0.46 0.36 0.97 0.88
7. UST 10 0.24 0.21 0.85 0.42 0.62 0.36 0.92 0.90
8. US 3SS 0.05 0.21 0.71 0.52 0.55 0.50 0.57 0.17
9. US 4SS 0.00 0.29 0.22 0.68 0.78 0.62 0.46 0.19
10 US 5SS 0.00 0.10 0.18 0.33 0.53 0.67 0.25 0.59
11.US 7SS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.85 0.77 0.24 0.11
12.US 10SS 0.04 0.41 0.00 0.48 0.80 0.84 0.74 0.68
13.HKS 3 0.95 1.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11
14.HKS 4 0.82 0.98 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.31
15.HKS 5 0.78 0.99 0.68 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23
16.HKS 7 0.64 0.97 0.39 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06
17.HKS 10 0.47 0.94 0.22 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00

Note: (1) This table is split into two parts. The bottom part is a continuation of the upper.

(2) The seventeen variables are respectively: HIBOR, LIBOR, 3-,4-,5-,7-,10-year US Treasuries, 3-, 4-,5-,7-,10-year US
dollar swap spreads, and 3-,4-,5-,7-,10-year HK dollar swap rates.

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Table 4. Granger Causality Probabilities for HKD Swap Rates during the Time Period of the Asian
Financial Crisis
3 year 4 year 5 year 7 year 10 year

Hibor 0.38 0.38 0.31 0.36 0.33

Libor 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.28 0.42
UST 3 0.71 0.79 0.83 0.60 0.51
UST 4 0.01 0.05 0.23 0.38 0.68
UST 5 0.57 0.54 0.45 0.60 0.65
UST 7 0.57 0.74 0.73 0.79 0.80
UST 10 0.54 0.65 0.52 0.56 0.58
US 3SS 0.58 0.50 0.54 0.54 0.46
US 4SS 0.64 0.61 0.78 0.76 0.64
US 5SS 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.97 0.91
US 7SS 0.71 0.82 0.79 0.80 0.82
US 10SS 0.67 0.71 0.62 0.87 0.91
3 year 0.01 0.13 0.54 0.43 0.36
4 year 0.12 0.16 0.58 0.49 0.52
5 year 0.34 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.21
7 year 0.31 0.26 0.15 0.04 0.11
10 year 0.14 0.25 0.13 0.11 0.18

Note: The probabilities in the columns reflect the Granger-causal impact of all the variables on the 3-year, 4-year, 5-year, 7-year
and 10-year Hong Kong swap rates.

Working Paper No.6/2004

Figure 1. Hong Kong Dollar Swap Curves and US Dollar Swap Curves (3, 4, 5, 7 and 10-year
maturities are used.)

HKD 3yr
HKD 4yr
12 HKD 5yr
HKD 7yr
HKD 10yr
Swap Rate

250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Days (1997-2003)

Swap Rate

USD 3yr
USD 4yr
2 USD 5yr
USD 7yr
USD 10yr
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Days (1997-2003)

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Figure 2. Term Structures of Swap Rates, US vs. Hong Kong (1997-2003)


Hong Kong

Swap Rate



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Maturity (years)

Figure 3. Difference Between 5-year USD and HKD Swap Rates


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Days (1997 2003)

Working Paper No.6/2004

Figure 4. USD vs. HKD 5-year Swap Rates (subsample)


Swap differential
0.5 Linear trend

y = 0.00045*x 0.092






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Days (2000 2003)

Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research

Figure 5. Impulse Response Functions.

Notes: A seventeen-variable VAR is estimated. Each small graph shows the responses of Hong Kong swap curve (5-year tenor)
to the shocks imposed on each variable over a period of 100 days. Estimations are done by Monte Carlo. Plus/minus two
standard deviation bands (dashed lines) are displayed along with the impulse responses.

Working Paper No.6/2004

Figure 6. Impulse Response Functions (continued).

Notes: The variables are respectively 3-month HIBOR, 3-month LIBOR, US Treasuries, US dollar swap spreads, and Hong Kong
dollar swap rates all with 3, 4, 5, 7, 10-year maturities.


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