This document summarizes the key differences between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS). DKA is characterized by high blood glucose levels, ketone production and a low pH due to a lack of insulin. It often occurs in type 1 diabetics. HHS features extremely high blood glucose without significant ketones or acidosis and usually affects elderly type 2 diabetics. Both require intensive fluid and electrolyte replacement as well as insulin therapy to stabilize the patient's condition.
This document summarizes the key differences between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS). DKA is characterized by high blood glucose levels, ketone production and a low pH due to a lack of insulin. It often occurs in type 1 diabetics. HHS features extremely high blood glucose without significant ketones or acidosis and usually affects elderly type 2 diabetics. Both require intensive fluid and electrolyte replacement as well as insulin therapy to stabilize the patient's condition.
This document summarizes the key differences between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS). DKA is characterized by high blood glucose levels, ketone production and a low pH due to a lack of insulin. It often occurs in type 1 diabetics. HHS features extremely high blood glucose without significant ketones or acidosis and usually affects elderly type 2 diabetics. Both require intensive fluid and electrolyte replacement as well as insulin therapy to stabilize the patient's condition.
This document summarizes the key differences between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS). DKA is characterized by high blood glucose levels, ketone production and a low pH due to a lack of insulin. It often occurs in type 1 diabetics. HHS features extremely high blood glucose without significant ketones or acidosis and usually affects elderly type 2 diabetics. Both require intensive fluid and electrolyte replacement as well as insulin therapy to stabilize the patient's condition.
Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmolar State
Diabetic ketoacidosis Hypergylcaemia Hyperosmolar State Definitions State of absolute or relative Relative insulin def resulting insulin deficiency in marked hyperglycaemia but without ketone formation Clinical features Onset is over a Occurs in T2DM period of days Could be initial (acute) presentation of Polyuria, polydipsia, diabetic state nocturia Patients are often Weight loss elderly Hyperventilation May present with Acetone breath obtundation to coma Vomiting Severe dehydration Abdominal pain invariable Dehydration May have associated Hypotension lactic acidosis Drowsiness Precipitating factors coma similar to DKA High mortality Precipitating factors Stopping insulin or reducing the dose New onset of T1DM Stress, with increasing insulin resistance & requirement (trauma, infection, surgery, MI and stroke) Investigation Diagnosis Diagnosis RBS 14 mmol/L Blood glucose 33 ABG : pH <7.3 ; HCO3 mmol/L <15mmol/L ABG:pH >7.3;HCO3 Ketonaemia >18mmol/L (>3mmol/L) or Absence of ketonuria (2+) ketonuria or ketonaemia FBC RP (Na, K, urea, creatinine) Ix to delineate cause (CXR, infective screen, ECG, urine microscopy, amylase) Management Fluid therapy 6-8L in DKA and 9L in HHS regime for moderately dehydrated patients Normal saline of 0.9% (154mmol/L NaCl) o 1L in 1 hr o 1L in 2 hr o 1L in 4hr o 1L in 6hr o 1L in 8hr Monitor the response by clinical state and lab result. Monitor CVP especially in older pt or when massive replacement is require If pt is in shock, fluid is either NS or colloids administered at suitable rate If serum Na is >145 mmol/L, use 0.45% NaCl If glucose <15mmol/L, ise Fluid containing glucose (dextrose saline) or 5.10% dextrose water or alternating dextrose saline and 5% dextrose depending on N level *use 10% dextrose if persisting acidosis)
Insulin therapy Continuous IV insulin infusion Soluble insulin diluted in 0.9% saline at concentration of 1 U/ml Give bolus 10U soluble insulin then followed by 6U/hr by infusion pump or paediatric drip set Monitor glucose hourly->aims for drop of glucose 10% Slow response suggest inadequate fluid therapy If adequate fluid therapy, the double the infusion rate When glucose <15mmol/L, change to dextrose solution and halve the infusion rate, Aim glucose around 8-12 mmol/L in DKA an 14-16mmol/L in HHS ( until plasma osmolality <315mmol/L and pt mentally alert) Cont infusion until metabolic acidosis resolve
Electrolytes replacement Potassium Dont give without knowing the level Start immediately if ECG shows no hyperK, ample urine output, when plasma K<5mmol/L Add 1g KCL every 0.5L of fluid Monitor BUSE 4-6 hr and ECG monitoring Maintain K 4-5 mmol/L
Bicarbonate and correction of acidosis Mixed with NS and give 1-2 ml NaHCO3 per Kg BW over 30 minutes and recheck ABG
Phosphate Replace if presence of anaemia, cardiac and respiratory dysfunction
Correct the precipitating factors Broad spectrum antibiotic if necessary
Beware of DKA complication Hypoglycaemia Cerebral oedema Arterial and venous thrombosis (SC heparin 5000U BD) Hypokalaemia Gastric dilatation
*for HHS fluid regime should be less rapid when glucose is <15mmol/L, halve the insulin infusion rate and use 5% dextrose in pt with persistent hyperosmolality and hypernatraemia with frequent Na monitoring. Consider heparinising patient for 2-3 days to prevent venous and arterial thromboses. When stress and HHS resolve, may discharged pt with OAD. Recovery Long term insulin therapy in most cases except DKA induced by severe stress In HHS, pt might be able to discharged with OHA Change infusion from to SC insulin Cont infusion until acidosis resolve and negative ketonuria Ask pt to eat, give SC insulin while maintaining (overlap) the infusion for 1hr after the first SC insulin dose Start with immediate acting insulin ON, and short acting insulin three times before meal Monitor blood glucose prebed and premeal and adjust insulin accordingly
DKA HHS Mild Moderate Severe pH 7.25-7.30 7.00 to <7.25 <7.0 >7.30 bIcarbonate 18-15 15-10 <10 >18 Urine ketone +ve +ve +ve Small Serum ketone +ve +ve +ve small Effective serum variable variable Variable >320mOsm/kg osmolality Anion gap >10 >12 >12 Variable Mental status alert Alert/drowsy Stupor/coma Stupor/coma