Auditing-Oracle-Database Joa Eng 1114
Auditing-Oracle-Database Joa Eng 1114
Auditing-Oracle-Database Joa Eng 1114
principle of least privilege is that users be given only stakeholders need
those privileges that are actually required to efficiently to identify that a
Without an all-encompassing
perform their jobs. To implement this principle, restrict the system is configured
auditing solution, organizations as per the standard
following as much as possible:
The number of SYSTEM and OBJECT privileges granted put precious data at risk. that ensures the
to database users mitigation of the
The number of people who are allowed to make SYS- data risk.
privileged connections to the database A complete, all-inclusive auditing solution must be
The number of users who are granted the ANY privileges, implemented that can easily accomplish each of the following:
such as the DROP ANY TABLE privilege. For example, Access and authentication auditing
there is generally no need to grant CREATE ANY TABLE User and administrator auditing
privileges to a non-DBA-privileged user. Suspicious activity auditing
The number of users who are allowed to perform actions Vulnerability and threat auditing
that create, modify or drop database objects, such as the Change auditing
TRUNCATE TABLE, DELETE TABLE, DROP TABLE Without an all-encompassing auditing solution,
statements, and so on organizations put precious data at risk. Corrupt, inaccurate
The CREATE ANY JOB, BECOME USER, EXP_FULL_ or compromised data equal lost revenue, lost time, and
DATABASE, and IMP_FULL_DATABASE privileges compromised customer and employee relationships.
Library-related privileges to trusted users only Auditing is a continuous and ongoing process no matter
Synonym-related privileges to trusted users only what system or provider is in use. Even the basics should