Dress Code Prescribed For All Government Officials and Employees
Dress Code Prescribed For All Government Officials and Employees
Dress Code Prescribed For All Government Officials and Employees
3. Prohibited Attire. The following attire shall be prohibited for all government
employees when performing official functions inside the workplace:
3.1 Gauzy, transparent or net-like shirt or blouse;
3.2 Sando, strapless or spaghetti-strap blouse (unless worn as an
undershirt), tank-tops blouse with over-plunging necklines;
3.3 Micro-mini skirt, walking shorts, cycling shorts, leggings, tights,
jogging pants;
3.4 Rubber sandals, rubber slippers, bakya.
4. Other Prohibitions. The following shall also be prohibited during office hours
and within office premises:
4.1 Ostentatious display of jewelry, except for special occasions and
during official celebrations;
4.2 Wearing of heavy or theatrical make-up.
4.3 It is likewise to considered as a taboo to use curlers, turbans,
bandannas during office hours and within office premises.
5. Exemptions That May Be Allowed. In the implementation of this Dress
Code, certain exemptions may be allowed, on the following grounds:
5.1 When the nature of work of the official or employee demands that
he/she wears clothing other than those prescribed above;
5.2 When religious affiliation or creed or any legitimate practice by the
employee in relation thereto, requires him/her to wear a particular
5.3 Physical disabilities, and other legitimate health reasons;
5.4 Pregnant female employees are allowed to wear maternity dress
during the period of their pregnancy;
5.5 Employees who lost a loved one can wear mourning clothes during
the period of mourning;
5.6 Other circumstances analogous to the foregoing.
6. Other Matters. Other matters, such as those involving hair style or growing
of beard or moustache, shall be governed by the internal rules and regulations
promulgated by the respective agencies/offices.