Pos Glossary
Pos Glossary
Pos Glossary
This measure guide contains information on all IRI certified stored and derived
measures. The measures have been organized into Measure Groups. The
Measure Group closely corresponds to the concept of an algorithm. An
algorithm is the general calculation for a group of related measures. For
example, Unit Sales on Display Only, Volume Sales on Feature and Display, and
Dollar Sales on Feature are all calculated in the same manner sum Unit,
Volume, or Dollar Sales across stores with a particular causal condition.
This guide can be used alone or it can be used in conjunction with the Certified
Measure List.
To find the description of a Certified Measure, first find the measure on the
Certified Measure List and then scroll to the right to find the Measure Group to
which the measure belongs (column F). You can then look up the Measure
Group description in this documents Table of Contents.
You can also use the Measure Group column in the Certified Measure List to find
all of the Certified Measures belonging to a particular measure group.
Please note that this Guide does not cover measures offered as part of IRIs
Tobacco services nor does it cover shelf or display audit measures.
Below is a template of the Measure Guide Entries, with explanations for the
o Circulars or door hangers
o Rotos full-color glossy inserts
o ROPs Features printed Right on the NewsPaper
In-Store Flyers
Coupon Booklets (coded for Census stores only if received
from corporate offices)
Monthly Ads
Feature Vehicle
Primary Ads
The primary ad is the main advertising vehicle for a retailer for a
given week. Primary ads usually run seven days or more. The
Primary ad should be the ad vehicle with the highest level of
distribution to the consumer. For example, a retailer ad dropped
in a newspaper would have more distribution than an in-store
flyer. Primary Ads are collected for all stores (both census and
sample stores).
Feature ads that run for more than one week are captured in
the data for up to 4 weeks. In the first week, the feature ad will
be reported as primary or secondary based on the definitions
outlined above. In weeks, 2-4 the feature ad will be classified as
a Tertiary ad. A multi-ad week will not be considered a feature
after the fourth week. Tertiary ads are only captured for sample
Feature Dominance
Large Feature
A Features are the largest sized features.
Medium Feature
B Features are medium sized features.
Small Feature
C Features are the smallest features. These are generally text
only with no picture. C Features are sometimes referred to as
obituary ads.
Coupon Features
Coupon Features are features that include a retailer coupon, or
a manufacturer coupon printed in the feature, regardless of the
size of the feature. (Coupon Features are called A+ features by
IRI reporting systems.)
Display Locations
Products stocked in one or more of the following locations
qualify as a display:
Front End Cap
Back End Cap
Other End Cap
Price Reductions: Price Reductions are price decreases of at least 5 % from the
regular shelf price. Price Reductions are identified by IRI
systems at a store-week-UPC level by comparing the
movement price with IRIs base price. If a price is reduced for
more than six consecutive weeks without feature or display,
the reduced price becomes the new base price in the
seventh week.
1 2 3
4 6
a b c
d e f g
h j
Please note: In Special Pack categories, all UPCs belonging to the same
baselining aggregate are treated as though they were promoted in the same
way. For example, if one UPC within the aggregate was on display, all of the
UPCs will be treated as though they were on display for purposes of measure
calculation. As a result, it is possible to see sales on Any Special Pack or
Special Pack Only for UPCs that are not themselves Special Packs.
In addition to the standard InfoScan causal conditions, IRI also offers a variety of
special causal conditions that can be delivered to clients to meet more specific
needs. In most instances, only a limited number of measures are available with
these special causal conditions.
In addition to the standard and special feature conditions, IRI offers enhanced
feature causal conditions on a category-by-category basis. Clients can obtain
certain measures using these causal conditions by purchasing a custom feature
collection of their category. Prior approval is required from Product
Management in order to purchase the enhanced feature measures.
* This causal condition can only be delivered with the purchase of a custom
feature collection in the clients category.
In addition to the standard display conditions, IRI offers several special display
conditions that provide additional insight into display location and number of
displays present.
IRI offers a set of special price reduction measures that offer additional visibility
into the depth of temporary price reductions.
Please note:
The sum of Large Price Reduction, Medium Price Reduction, and Small
Price Reduction equals Any Price Reduction.
Extra Large Price Reduction is a subset of Large Price Reduction.
The IRI baseline is an estimate of sales for a UPC in a store-week in the absence
of promotion. Promotion is defined as any feature, display, or price reduction in
the current week or the week after a feature or display observation. Baselining is
the smoothing process that reflects sales trends without showing the spikes
associated with promotions. The actual level of sales for an item will fluctuate
above and below the baseline level across time. Across stores for a week, we
expect to see observations both above and below the baseline level. We
generally do not report baseline measures, but report base sales measures.
Base Sales are also an estimate of the sales that would be expected in the
absence of trade promotion support, but Base sales are adjusted to comply with
certain reporting rules. IRI does not report incremental sales in the absence of a
trade promotion. This is because incremental sales are logically defined as extra
sales due to a promotion. If there is no promotion, the differences in sales versus
baseline are due to other effects (beginning with statistical fluctuation), and
should not be assigned as promotion effects. Additionally, IRI does not report
negative incremental units or volume as is discussed below.
Base and Incremental Sales are calculated using the following rules:
1. For a non-promoted week, incremental sales equals 0 and base sales equals
2. For a promoted week, incremental sales equals sales minus baseline sales.
However, if incremental volume or unit sales are less than 0: Incremental
Volume or Incremental Unit sales are set to 0 and Base Volume and Base Unit
Sales are set equal to Sales.
3. Incremental Dollar Sales is allowed to be negative.
- 22 -
Additivity Non-additive across all dimensions
- 23 -
Measure Group % Base Decomposed Sales
- 24 -
Measure Group % Base Decomposed Sales to Total Sales (Algorithm
- 25 -
Measure Group % Base Decomposed Sales @ Size
- 26 -
Measure Group % Base Decomposed Sales @ Size to Total Sales
(Algorithm 065)
Usage Notes Do not use these measures for products below the
Special Pack baselining level.
These measures express Base Decomposed Sales
as a Percentage of Total Sales, neither as a
percentage of total Base Sales nor as a
percentage of Sales on merchandising.
The word Decomposed in the measure name
indicates that Base Sales has been broken out by
merchandising condition.
- 27 -
Measure Group % Base Sales @ Size to Total Sales (Algorithm 065)
Usage Notes Do not use these measures for products below the
Special Pack baselining level.
- 28 -
Measure Group % Baseline Sales to Total Sales (Algorithm 008)
Common Use(s) For most purposes IRI recommends using Base Sales
instead of Baseline Sales. Therefore, in most cases %
of Base Sales to Total Sales is the preferred measure
group. For a comparison of Baseline and Base
Sales, please see the description in this document
for Baseline Sales.
- 29 -
Measure Group % CWD (including Category Weighted Distribution)
(Algorithm 019)
- 30 -
Usage Notes The sales of all of the items in the product
hierarchy are considered to be the category
sales. If a clients product hierarchy contains
more than one category, it will take the sum of
the sales of the items in all categories in the
product hierarchy.
Unlike ACV Weighted Distribution, only stores
where the category is selling will be included in
Category Weighted Distribution.
When creating geography custom aggregates,
this measure is weighted by ACV ($MM)
In general, this measure is most useful for
evaluating distribution for periods smaller than 13
- 31 -
Measure Group % CWD Selling
- 32 -
product hierarchy.
- 33 -
Measure Group % Increase in Sales (Algorithm 037)
A(p) = Actual Sales during promotion condition p.
B(p) = Base Sales during promotion condition p.
WAE = Week-after effect, if applicable.
- 34 -
summing % Increase, Feature Only, % Increase,
Feature and Display, % Increase Display Only,
and % Increase Price Reduction Only does not
equal % Increase, Any Merchandising.
- 35 -
Measure Group % Increase in Sales @ Size (Algorithm 107)
A(p) = Actual Sales during promotion condition p.
B(p) = Base Sales during promotion condition p.
WAE = Week-after effect, if applicable.
- 36 -
Usage Notes Do not use these measures for products below
the Special Pack baselining level.
Do not derive these measures. Due to IRIs
handling of the week-after effect, it is not
possible to accurately calculate these measures
using other delivered measures.
% Increase in Units measures are not available in
Special Pack databases.
These measures are not additive across
merchandising conditions. For example,
summing % Increase @ Size, Feature Only, %
Increase @ Size, Feature and Display, % Increase
@ Size Display Only, % Increase @ Size, Special
Pack Only and % Increase @ Size Price Reduction
Only, No Special Pack does not equal % Increase
@ Size, Any Merchandising and/or Special Pack.
- 37 -
Measure Group % Incremental Decomposed Sales
Usage Notes
- 38 -
Measure Group % Incremental Decomposed Sales @ Size
Usage Notes
- 39 -
Measure Group % Incremental Sales to Total Sales (Algorithm 060)
- 40 -
Measure Group % Incremental Sales @ Size to Total Sales (Algorithm
- 41 -
Measure Group % of Sales (Algorithm 012)
Usage Notes
- 42 -
Measure Group % of Stores (Algorithm 021)
- 43 -
summing % of Stores, Feature Only, % of Stores,
Feature and Display, % of Stores Display Only,
and % of Stores Price Reduction Only does not
equal % of Stores, Any Merchandising.
- 44 -
Measure Group % of Stores Selling (Algorithm 066)
Calculation Projection Weights of Stores selling the product with merchandising* 100
Projection Weights of all Stores selling the product
- 45 -
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 46 -
Measure Group % Promoted Sales (Merchandising Mix)
Usage Notes
- 47 -
Measure Group % Promoted Sales, Incremental (Trade Efficiency)
- 48 -
Measure Group % Promoted Sales, Incremental (SP) (Trade
Usage Notes Do not use this measure for products below the
special pack baselining level.
IRIs standard, recommended measure for
evaluating promotional effectiveness in special
pack categories is % Increase @ Size.
Incremental Sales @ Size includes the week-after
effect while Sales, Any Merchandising does not.
As a result, this measure could report a value
greater than 100%. For this reason, caution
should be used when delivering this measure.
- 49 -
Measure Group % Weekly ACV (Algorithm 088)
- 50 -
Measure Group ACV ($MM) (Algorithm 997)
- 51 -
For weekly databases this measure will display
NA until the ACV is updated for the 4th week of
the period.
- 52 -
Measure Group Added Dollars if 100% Distribution (Opportunity
Usage Notes This measure assumes that the product would sell at
the same rate in stores where it is not distributed as it
sells in stores where it is distributed.
- 53 -
Measure Group Additive Cumulative Weighted Weeks (Algorithm
- 54 -
for a single week if the cume-week parameter in
COES is set to a value greater than 1.
- 55 -
Measure Group Additive Cumulative Weighted Weeks CWD
(Algorithm 40)
- 56 -
Feature Only; Additive Cumulative Weighted
Weeks, Feature and Display; Additive
Cumulative Weighted Weeks Display Only; and
Additive Cumulative Weighted Weeks Price
Reduction Only does not equal Additive
Cumulative Weighted Weeks, Any
These measures can report values greater than 1
for a single week if the cume-week parameter in
COES is set to a value greater than 1.
- 57 -
Measure Group Additive Weighted Weeks (Algorithm 087)
- 58 -
aggregates containing members below the
additivity level. For example, if the additivity level
is Brand, you should not use these measures with
custom aggregates built from the UPC level.
- 59 -
Measure Group Additive Weighted Weeks CWD (Algorithm 087)
- 60 -
These measures should not be used below the
additivity level.
Do not use these measures with product custom
aggregates containing members below the
additivity level. For example, if the additivity
level is Brand, you should not use these measures
with custom aggregates built from the UPC level.
The sales of all of the items in the product
hierarchy are considered to be the category
sales. If a clients product hierarchy contains
more than one category, it will take the sum of
the sales of the items in all categories in the
product hierarchy.
- 61 -
Measure Group Average % Price Reduction with Coupon (Algorithm
- 62 -
must be a processed InfoView measure.
- 63 -
Measure Group Average Category Weighted Distribution (Algorithm
Usage Notes For single week periods, this measure returns the
same value as %CWD.
Weeks in which there was no distribution of the
product are excluded from this calculation.
This measure is also known as Average Weekly
CWD Weighted Distribution.
- 64 -
Measure Group Average Items per Store Selling (Algorithm 048)
Usage Notes These measures are most useful with time periods
of 13 weeks or less. For longer time periods, use
Average Weekly Items per Store Selling.
This measure does not indicate how widespread
distribution of a product aggregate is it
indicates the depth of distribution in stores that
carry it.
Average Items per Store may be overstated for
Special Pack categories when both Special
Packs and the Regular Packs they replace are
moving at the same time.
At the UPC level this measure will report a value
of 1.
- 65 -
Product Non-additive
Time Largest
- 66 -
Measure Group Average Items per Store Selling (CWD weighted)
(Algorithm 048)
Common Use(s) To track how well a product sold, controlling for its
distribution within the market.
To compare sales rates of products with varying levels
of distribution within a single geography.
Can be used as a complement to Category
Weighted Distribution because it takes into account
the effect of limited UPC distribution on any product
Usage Notes This measure does not indicate how widespread the
distribution of a product aggregate is it indicates
the depth of distribution in stores that carry the
At the UPC level this measure will report a value of 1.
This measure may be overstated for Special Pack
categories when both Special Packs and the Regular
Packs they replace are moving at the same time.
Related Measures Average Weekly Items per Store Selling (CWD Weighted)
- 67 -
Measure Group Average Manufacturer Coupon Value (551)
- 68 -
Measure Group Average Number of Levels
Calculation ACV
Weighted Distribution of all
aggregates at the specified level
ACV Weighted Distribution of the aggregate
Usage Notes These measures are most useful with time periods
of 13 weeks or less.
This measure does not indicate how widespread
distribution of a product aggregate is it
indicates the depth of distribution in stores that
carry it.
This measure should only be used for Special
Pack categories.
The client should set the additivity level of this
measure at the Special Pack baselining level.
This measure cannot be used at or below the
additivity level.
This measure can be used for secondary totals
made up of levels above the additivity level, but
cannot be used for secondary totals whose
members are levels at or below the additivity
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 69 -
Additivity Non-additive across all dimensions.
- 70 -
Measure Group Average Period ACV Weighted Distribution
(Algorithm 009)
- 71 -
Measure Group Average Price (Algorithm 018)
Dollar Sales
Unit or Volume Sales
- 72 -
Related Measures Weighted Average Base Price
Weighted Average % Price Reduction
- 73 -
Measure Group Average Sales per Store Selling (Algorithm 005)
Usage Notes These measures are similar to Sales per $MM ACV
and Sales per Point ACV Weighted Distribution,
except that Average Sales per Store Selling is
normalized by the number of stores selling the
product and therefore do not take into account
store size. One can therefore expect products that
tend to sell in larger stores to have higher Sales per
Stores Selling than items that sell predominately in
smaller stores.
- 74 -
Measure Group Average Store Coupon Value (Algorithm 076)
The coupon value is coded as the face value of the coupon. For example, if the price on the
coupon is Buy 2 units, get $1.00 off, the coupon value is $.50.
- 75 -
The coupon value is calculated as Base Price* - Price printed on coupon.
For example, if the price with coupon is $.60, the Base Price* is $1.00, and the Price* is $.88, the
Coupon Value is coded as $1.00-$. 60 =$ .40.
Where Buy Units and Get Units come from the text in the coupon.
For example, a coupon states Buy 10, get 5 free. The Base Price* is 1.25. The coupon value is:
For cases B) and C) described above, if there is a price reduction during the week that the
coupon is coded, the calculation of coupon value will be overstated because it uses Base
Price*, not Price*. For example, in case B) If Coupon Value had used the Price*, it would report
$.88-.60 = $.28, which is actually how much the consumer saved by using the coupon.
* Base Price and Price* are internal IRI values in the store-level data. Price is the average selling
price at the store-week-UPC level.
($.10)*(10) + ($.20)*(30)
Ave Store Coupon Val = ------------------------------------
30 + 10
- 76 -
The value of the coupon in each store, geography or
product is weighted by the units sold in each store where
the coupon is valid.
- 77 -
Measure Group Average Store Price with Coupon (Algorithm 101)
- 78 -
Usage Notes
This measure uses Base Price paid with coupon.
If there was a further price reduction in addition
to the coupon, the Average Price paid will not
reflect the additional price reduction. Therefore
the Average Price Paid with Coupon may be
For most retailers, price reflects FSP discounts.
The average price is weighted by sales of stores
where the coupon was valid, it is not simply an
average across weeks.
The price reported at upper levels of the
hierarchy becomes an average price of
products of different sizes, brands, and flavors.
This measure cannot be manually calculated, it
must be a processed InfoView measure.
- 79 -
Measure Group Average Weekly % of ACV (Algorithm 030)
Usage Notes For single week periods, this measure returns the
same value as %ACV.
Weeks in which there was no distribution of the
product are excluded from this calculation.
This measure is also known as Average Weekly
ACV Weighted Distribution.
- 80 -
Measure Group Average Weekly % ACV Selling (Algorithm 127)
% ACV Selling with Merch for across all weeks in a time period
Calculation Number of weeks where %ACV Selling with Merch is > 0
- 81 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Base Sales per $MM ACV
(Algorithm 023)
S(t) = Base Sales per $MM ACV at week t
D(t) = ACV Weighted Distribution at week t
t = 1,...,n
- 82 -
eliminated from the calculation.
These measures cannot be used with product
custom aggregates.
- 83 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Base Volume (Algorithm A02)
Usage Notes
- 84 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Category Weighted Distribution
(Algorithm 030)
Usage Notes For single week periods, this measure returns the
same value as Category Weighted Distribution.
Weeks in which there was no distribution of the
product are excluded from this calculation.
- 85 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Incremental Sales per $MM ACV
(Algorithm 031)
S(t) = Incremental Sales per $MM ACV at week t
D(t) = ACV Weighted Distribution at week t
t = 1,...,n
[S(t) * D(t)]
- 86 -
Aggregation Rules Geography Average Weighted by:
ACV *ACV Weighted Distribution
Product NA
Time Average Weighted by:
ACV * ACV Weighted Distribution
- 87 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Items per Store Selling (Algorithm
- 88 -
Aggregation Rules Geography Average Weighted by: ACV *
Average Weekly ACV Weighted
Product NA
Time Average Weighted by: ACV *
Average Weekly ACV Weighted
- 89 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Items per Store Selling (CWD
weighted) (Algorithm 180)
- 90 -
Average Weekly ACV Weighted
Product NA
Time Average Weighted By: ACV *
Average Weekly ACV Weighted
- 91 -
Measure Group Average Weekly Sales per $MM ACV (Algorithm
S(t) = Sales per $MM ACV at week t
D(t) = ACV Weighted Distribution at week t
t = 1,...,n
[S(t) * D(t)]
- 92 -
Aggregation Rules Geography Average Weighted by:
ACV * ACV Weighted Distribution
Product NA
Time Average Weighted by:
ACV * ACV Weighted Distribution
- 93 -
Measure Group Base Decomposed Sales (Algorithm 010)
Usage Notes Base Sales take into account the week-after effect,
but Base Decomposed Sales measures do not.
Therefore: do not create user-defined measures
combining Base Sales and Base Decomposed Sales.
- 94 -
Measure Group Base Decomposed Sales @ Size (Algorithm 079)
- 95 -
Size measures. Base Decomposed Units @ Size
measures are not available by design. Do not
derive Base Decomposed Sales @ Size for Units.
- 96 -
Measure Group Base Sales (Algorithm 010)
Usage Notes Base Sales take into account the week-after effect,
but Base Decomposed Sales measures do not.
Therefore: do not create user-defined measures that
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 97 -
combine Base Sales and Base Decomposed Sales.
- 98 -
Measure Group Base Sales @ Size (Algorithm 079)
Definition Base Sales @ Size are used in place of Base Sales for
all Special Pack categories.
- 99 -
absence of retailer promotion or manufacturer
Special Packs over time.
- 100 -
Measure Group Base Sales @ Size per $MM ACV (Algorithm 086)
Definition Base Sales @ Size per $MM ACV are used in place of
Base Sales per $MM ACV for all Special Pack
- 101 -
Aggregation Rules Geography Average Weighted by:
ACV * ACV Weighted Distribution
Product NA
Time NA
- 102 -
Measure Group Base Sales per $MM ACV (Algorithm 052)
Definition Total Base Sales during the selected time period per
million dollars of annual ACV of stores selling the
- 103 -
Related Measures Sales per $MM ACV
- 104 -
Measure Group Base Sales Share of Category Base (Algorithm 026)
- 105 -
Measure Group Base Sales Share of Total Category (Algorithm 025)
- 106 -
Measure Group Base Weighted Weeks
- 107 -
Measure Group Baseline Sales (Algorithm 078)
Usage Notes Base and Baseline Sales differ in the following ways:
In weeks of promotion, Baseline Sales are
allowed to be higher than Sales, while Base Sales
are not.
In weeks of non-promotion, Baseline Sales
measures are not set equal to sales and are
therefore allowed to be greater or less than
Baseline Sales measures do not take into
account the week-after effect, while Base Sales
measures do.
- 108 -
Related Measures Base Sales
Normal Sales
Incremental Sales
- 109 -
Measure Group Brand Development Index
- 110 -
Related Measures Product Development Index (PDI)
Category Development Index (CDI)
- 111 -
Measure Group Bump Sales (Algorithm 071)
- 112 -
Usage Notes These measures are calculated exclusively from
census stores.
Unlike Incremental Sales, Bump Sales measures
do not include the effect of Displays.
Bump Dollars are allowed to be negative, but
Bump Units and Bump Volume are always greater
than or equal to zero.
- 113 -
Measure Group Category Development Index
- 114 -
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 115 -
Measure Group Coupon Circulation (Algorithm 552)
- 116 -
Measure Group Estimated Coupon Redemption (Algorithm 553)
- 117 -
Measure Group Households (Algorithm 998)
- 118 -
Measure Group Incremental Decomposed Sales (Algorithm 024)
- 119 -
equal sales on merchandising condition
because Incremental Decomposed Sales counts
weeks after features or displays as promoted
while Base Decomposed Sales does not.
The measure Incremental Sales is the sum of all
Incremental Decomposed Sales across all
merchandising conditions. There is no
Incremental Decomposed Sales, Any
Because weeks after features and displays are
treated as promoted for the purpose of
calculating Incremental Decomposed Sales,
there may be cases in which Incremental
Decomposed Sales on a promotional condition is
reported when % ACV on the condition is zero.
- 120 -
Measure Group Incremental Decomposed Sales @ Size (Algorithm
- 121 -
Common Use(s) To determine the volume generated by
promotional activity.
To measure the relative effectiveness of different
types of promotions.
To measure the relative effectiveness of
promotions across products, time, and
To determine if the price reduction on a
promotion generated enough sales of offset the
decrease in dollar sales due to the price
- 122 -
Related Measures Incremental Sales @ Size
Base Decomposed Sales @ Size
Incremental Decomposed Sales
- 123 -
Measure Group Incremental Dollars per Markdown Dollars
(Algorithm 044)
- 124 -
Measure Group Incremental Sales (Algorithm 024)
- 125 -
promotion generated enough sales to offset the
decrease in dollar sales due to price reduction.
- 126 -
Measure Group Incremental Sales @ Size (Algorithm 050)
- 127 -
To measure the relative effectiveness of different
types of promotions.
To measure the relative effectiveness of
promotions across products, time, and
To determine if the price reduction on a
promotion generated enough sales of offset the
decrease in dollar sales due to the price
- 128 -
Aggregation Rules Geography Total
Product Total
Time Total
- 129 -
Measure Group Incremental Sales Share of Category Volume
(Algorithm 034)
- 130 -
Measure Group Incremental Sales Share of Category Incremental
(Algorithm 035)
- 131 -
Measure Group Incremental Weeks (Algorithm 032)
- 132 -
Measure Group Items Moved (Algorithm 049)
Across Weeks:
ACV weighted Distribution / 100)
Number of Weeks
Usage Notes For a single week and UPC, this measure reports the
same values as ACV Weighted Distribution divided
by 100 and Total Points of ACV Weighted
Distribution divided by 100.
- 133 -
Related Measures Total Points of ACV Weighted Distribution
- 134 -
Measure Group Lowest Report Price per Unit, any Feature
- 135 -
- 136 -
Usage Notes This measure reports the lowest Featured Price, it
does not reflect the price that every consumer
This measure does not include In Store Coupon
prices or values.
This measure is most useful at the UPC/Packsize
level and the lowest geography level. At levels
above Packsize and at higher geography levels,
this will be an average price of products and/or
If a Feature Price is different across stores, this
measure will report a blended Feature Price.
- 137 -
Measure Group Manufacturer Coupon Dollars
- 138 -
Measure Group Markdown Dollars (Algorithm 043)
- 139 -
Measure Group Normal Sales (Algorithm 111)
- 140 -
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 141 -
Usage Notes These measures are calculated exclusively from
census stores.
Normal Sales may or may not include Sales due
to Display and/or Secondary Features.
In promoted weeks Normal Volume and Normal
Units are not allowed to be greater than Volume
or Units respectively. Normal Dollars is allowed to
be greater than Dollars.
- 142 -
Measure Group Number of Occurrences (Algorithm 109)
- 143 -
Measure Group Population (Algorithm 999)
- 144 -
Measure Group Product Development Index
- 145 -
Measure Group Sales (Algorithm 001)
Usage Notes Price reflects all FSP discounts for participating FSP
retailers and feature FSP discounts for non-
participating retailers.
* Sales is derived for the following causal conditions: Major Display Only and
Minor Display Only.
- 146 -
Measure Group Sales per Point of ACV Weighted Distribution
(Algorithm 004)
Calculation Sales
ACV Weighted Distribution
- 147 -
Measure Group Sales Per Point of Category Weighted Distribution
Calculation Sales
Category Weighted Distribution
- 148 -
Measure Group Sales per Thousand Category Dollars Selling
Calculation Sales
((Category Weighted Distribution / 100) * Category Dollars) * 1000)
Common Use(s) To track how well a product sold, controlling for its
distribution within the market.
- 149 -
Measure Group Sales Per Total Points of Category Weighted
Calculation Sales
Category Weighted Distribution across UPCs
- 150 -
Measure Group Sales Per Total Points of Distribution
Calculation Sales
ACV Weighted Distributions across UPCs
- 151 -
Measure Group Sales per $MM ACV (Algorithm 002)
Calculation Sales
ACV of the stores selling the product
- 152 -
Additivity Non-additive across all dimensions
Aggregation Rules Geography Average Weighted by:
ACV * ACV Weighted Distribution
Product NA
Time NA
- 153 -
Measure Group Sales Share of Category (Algorithm 006)
- 154 -
Measure Group Share of Coupon Circulation (Algorithm 554)
Usage Notes This measure does not take into account coupon
Not all manufacturer coupons are tracked in
- 155 -
Measure Group Share of Merchandising Occurrences (Algorithm
- 156 -
Additivity Additive up the product hierarchy starting at the
specified additivity level.
- 157 -
Measure Group Share of Weighted Feature Brand (Algorithm 016)
Usage Notes This measure should not be used below the Brand
Unlike Share of Weighted Feature - Size, which is
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 158 -
defined to be additive up the product hierarchy
starting at the brand level, this measure is defined
to be additive up the product hierarchy starting
at the size level.
- 159 -
Measure Group Share of Weighted Feature - Size (Algorithm 017)
Usage Notes This measure should not be used below the Size
Unlike Share of Weighted Feature Brand, which
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
- 160 -
is defined to be additive up the product
hierarchy starting at the brand level, this
measure is defined to be additive up the
product hierarchy starting at the size level.
- 161 -
Measure Group Total Points of ACV Weighted Distribution (Algorithm
- 162 -
Measure Group Total Points of Category Weighted Distribution
(Algorithm 084)
- 163 -
Measure Group Total Points of Quality Merchandising (Algorithm
- 164 -
Measure Group UPC
Calculation None
Usage Notes If UPC Code is chosen at any other level other than
UPC, no value will be displayed.
Additivity NA
- 165 -
Measure Group Weeks in Distribution (Algorithm 108)
- 166 -
Measure Group Weighted Average % Price Cut (Algorithm 046)
- 167 -
Usage Notes These measures differ from Weighted Average %
Price Reduction measures only in that Weighted
Average % Price Cut measures are for Census
accounts, and only Primary Features and Price
Cuts are included in the definition of promotion
conditions for these measures. For example, Price
Cut Only means a Price Cut without a Primary
Feature. Since we dont collect Secondary
Features or Displays in Census only stores, there
may or may not be a Secondary Feature or a
These measures are always based on all Census
- 168 -
Measure Group Weighted Average % Price Reduction (Algorithm
- 169 -
Additivity Non-additive across all dimensions
- 170 -
Measure Group Weighted Average Base Price (Algorithm 027)
- 171 -
SymphonyIRI InfoScan Measure Guide
Copyright SymphonyIRI Group, 2013
January, 2013
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