SLITA - Test List
SLITA - Test List
SLITA - Test List
: 2005
P11 Stretch properties of Knitted Fabric (Low Power) 4952 : 1992 ASTM D 2594 : 2004
P12 Stretch properties of Fabric Woven from (Stretch Yarn) ASTM D 3107 : 2007
ASTM 2724
WR3 Abrasion Resistance (Up to 20,000 Rev.) 5690 : 1991 2947 - 1,4 : 1999 12947 - 2 : 1998 ASTM D 4966-2007
Yarn Tests
Y1 Yarn Number (Count) - Skein Method 20-1996 2060 : 1994 ASTM D 1907-2007
Y1.1 Yarn Number (Count) - Short Length Method ASTM D 1059-2001
Y2 Lea Strength 24-1968 6939 : 1988 ASTM D 1578-2006
Y3 Single Yarn Strength 22-1995 2062 : 1993 ASTM D 2256-2002
Y4 Yarn Twist 2061 : 1995 ASTM D 1423-2002
Y5 Yarn Evenness + Yarn Hairiness 674-1984 ASTM D 1425-1996
Y6 Yarn Friction ASTM D 3108-2007
Y7 Yarn Diameter ASTM D 2255-2007
Y8 Yarn Type
Y9 No. of Intermingles of yarn
Y10 No. of Filaments
Y11 Total Yarn Length (Sewing Thread)
Y12 Yarn Shrinkage ASTM D 2259-2006
Y13 Yarn Snarling
Y14 Mercerization - Microscope
- Analytical
Y15 Wax/Oil Content - JIS 1096
Y16 Classimat Test
Y17 Fibre Length
Y18 Twist in Yarn Removed from Fabric 2864 :1989 7211/4:1984
General Test
G1 Moisture Content 6741 : 1989
G2 Phenolic Yellowing -Tesco App D BS EN ISO
X - 18 : 2007
Limited Brand Standards
L1 Clear Elastic Load and Elongation LTD 15
L2 Hook to Eye attachment LTD 16
L3 Cross Staining of Cotrast Trims LTD 22
L4 Seam Stretchability LTD 24
L5 Appearance of Garment after repeated Home LTD 28
Laundering - Tumble Dry
Do not Tumble Dry
L6 Durability Wash LTD 30
L7 Power and Reovery (Stretch Fabric) LTD 03 ASTM D 2594 : 2004
L8 Load Elongation and Recovery (Elastic) LTD 06 ASTM D 5278 : 2004
L9 Bra Band Elongation LTD 07
L10 Colour Fastness to Chlorine Bleach LTD 04
L11 Colour Fastness to Non Chlorine Bleach LTD 05