The Crashing Ventilated Patient Ch.3 (Jairo I. Santanilla, ACEP, 2011) PDF

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The chapter discusses evaluating and managing hemodynamically unstable ventilated patients, including determining if instability is due to underlying disease or mechanical ventilation. Special scenarios like pediatrics and tracheostomy patients are also addressed.

The initial step is to determine the patient's hemodynamic stability by assessing vital signs like blood pressure and oxygen saturation.

Patients should be rapidly evaluated if they have a new systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, oxygen saturation <90%, or a marked change in vital signs like a drop in SBP >20 points or SaO2 >10%.

Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians. All rights reserved.

No part of this chapter may be copied or distributed without express written permission from ACEP.


The Crashing Ventilated Patient

Jairo I. Santanilla, MD

In this chapter

Evaluation of hemodynamically unstable ventilated patients in distress

Management of hemodynamically unstable ventilated patients
Special scenarios: pediatric patients and patients with a tracheostomy

Introduction tilated patient is, by definition, critically ill. However, he or

she can fall anywhere on the spectrum from being ventilated
Critically ill patients present to the emergency department
for airway protection, with normal vital signs, blood pressure,
every day. Some of them required intubation in the prehospi-
and oxygen saturation, to being ventilated and in cardiac ar-
tal setting; others are intubated on arrival or during emergency
rest. Determining where the patient is on this spectrum, in-
department evaluation. After their airways have been secured
cluding assessing for hypotension and hypoxia, will dictate how
and their conditions stabilized, patients can remain in the
much time the practitioner has to implement rescue strategies.
emergency department because of a lack of critical care beds. In
In addition, it is important to anticipate the patients clinical
some hospitals, a dedicated intensivist will take charge of these
course. The approach to a patient who is intubated for hypoxia
patients, but in others this type of coverage is not available at all
stemming from pneumonia and whose blood pressure and oxy-
or not around the clock. Thus, acute complications or deteriora-
genation gradually trend down over hours or days is different
tions must be handled by emergency physicians.
from the approach to a patient who is declining over a span of
This chapter provides a framework for managing the crash-
minutes (Figure 3-1).
ing mechanically ventilated patient. The information provided
As a general rule, the following evaluation should be per-
will assist the practitioner in determining if the patients con-
formed within 1 hour on patients with new unexplained hypo-
dition is related to the underlying pathology that necessitated
tension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] <90 mm Hg), new unex-
mechanical ventilation or if it is being caused by mechanical
plained hypoxia (Sao2 <90%), or a new marked change in vital
ventilation itself. This chapter does not fully address basic ven-
signs (a drop in SBP by more than 20 points or a drop in Sao2
tilator management, noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation,
by more than 10%). Patients with stable SBP between 80 and 90
advanced trauma life support, or advanced cardiac life support
mm Hg and Sao2 between 80% and 90% should be evaluated
expeditiously, with the hope of halting the decline. Those with
Determine Hemodynamic Stability SBP <80 mm Hg or an Sao2 <80% and those who continue to
The initial step in managing the crashing ventilated patient decline rapidly should be evaluated quickly, with consideration
is to determine the patients hemodynamic stability. The ven- given to entering the cardiac arrest/near arrest algorithm. These

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill

Figure 3-1.
The crashing ventilated patient algorithm. The steps are discussed in more detail in the main text. For the differential
diagnosis in difficult-to-ventilate patients, see Table 3-2.

Cardiac arrest/near arrest Stable/near stable

Determine hemodynamic stability

Rush of air,

Likely auto-PEEPa: check Step 1: Obtain a focused history.

Step 1: Disconnect from ventilator.
settings and ventilator Step 2: Perform physical examination.

No improvement Improvement, unclear if auto-PEEP

Step 2: Hand ventilate Check settings and ventilator. Step 3: Check gas exchange.
with 100% oxygen.
Look for unequal chest rise Improvement
Listen for air leakb and
unequal breath sounds
Feel for difficulty to Step 4: Check respiratory mechanics.
ventilate and crepitus Step 5: Observe waveforms.

No improvement

Step 3: Determine that the ET tube is Step 6: Evaluate chest radiograph

functioning and in proper position. and ultrasound image.
Pass suction catheter
Pass intubating stylet or
direct visualization
Step 7: Evaluate sedation.
ET tube functioning ET tube not functioning
and in proper position or not in proper position

Step 4: Special procedures

Evaluate for ET tube position
ultrasound, chest radiograph,
adjustment, exchange, or re-intubate.
needle decompressionc

For auto-PEEP, see Table 3-1.
For air leak, see Figure 3-2.
For needle decompression, see Key Point, page 20.

16 Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians

The Crashing Ventilated Patient

Figure 3-2.
Approach to the ventilated patient with an air leak

Cardiac arrest/near arrest Stable/near stable

Determine hemodynamic stability.

Determine whether the ET Feel the pilot balloon.

tube is in the trachea Note if it is deflated.
Intubating stylet
Direct visualization
Fiberoptic scope (if time allows)
Be prepared to re-intubate.
Add air (2-5 mL) to the pilot balloon.
If this stops the air leak, document
that air was added to the balloon.
Not in the trachea

Re-intubation is required.

If air leak persists, the pilot balloon

does not inflate, or the pilot
balloon deflates with time and the
air leak returns with time, there
is a defect in the pilot balloon-
cuff apparatus or the ET tube has
migrated out of the trachea.

Determine the ability to repair

the pilot balloon mechanism with
commercially available kit.

If air leak persists after repair

or if repair is not possible, the
ET tube must be replaced.

Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians 17

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill

values are arbitrary demarcation points and do not take prece- Step 1: Disconnect the patient from the ventilator.
dence over clinical judgment. This is perhaps the easiest step to perform. It can be both
Pearl diagnostic and therapeutic in the crashing ventilated patient. A
The initial step in managing the crashing ventilated patient is quick rush of air or a prolonged expiration of trapped air from
to determine the patients hemodynamic stability. the endotracheal (ET) tube can be diagnostic of ventilator-in-
duced auto-PEEP (Table 3-1). A few seconds of observation can
KEY Point determine if this is the case. Return of hemodynamic stability
Important questions to ask: implies that the maneuver was successful.
How stable is the patient? Patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
How rapidly is the patient deteriorating? should not be connected to a ventilator. The intrathoracic pres-
sure variations caused by CPR will trigger ventilator breaths at
How much time is there to determine the cause of the
high rates if the ventilator is set on assist-control. Patients on in-
instability and address the problems?
haled nitric oxide should not be removed from the nitric oxide
The Cardiac Arrest/Near Arrest Patient abruptly, and efforts should be made to quickly reestablish the
supply through the bag-valve system. In addition, care should
Time is of the essence in the patient with cardiac arrest or
be taken when disconnecting patients who are on high PEEP
near arrest. ACLS algorithms should be implemented quickly.
such as those with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Additionally, there are some key points to remember in the
Although it is important to disconnect the patient from the ven-
ventilated patient who has a cardiac arrest or becomes acutely
tilator to address causes of auto-PEEP, derecruitment could oc-
hemodynamically unstable. The emergency department prac-
cur and hypoxia could be worsened. Once auto-PEEP has been
titioner should develop a step-wise approach in this situation.
ruled out, PEEP valves may be used to maintain the extrinsic
During each step, the practitioner should look, listen, and feel
PEEP levels and thus avoid derecruitment. PEEP valves can be
to run through the differential diagnosis.
problematic in the markedly hypotensive patient, as they could
During the stabilization of these patients, it is important to
increase intrathoracic pressures and thereby decrease venous re-
keep in mind the original pathology that necessitated intuba-
tion. The crashing ventilated patient could simply be growing
worse from the primary pathology. The multitrauma patient Pearl
could have an intrathoracic or intraabdominal catastrophe, and Inhaled nitric oxide should not be discontinued abruptly
the septic patient could be deteriorating clinically from lack of because this could cause rebound pulmonary hypertension.
source control. Administration should be reestablished quickly through the
However, it is also important to determine and address bag-valve system.
special circumstances that the ventilator can precipitate. The
most significant of these are tension pneumothorax and severe
auto-positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP). Tension
pneumothorax can lead to marked hypotension because of de-
creased cardiac output and marked hypoxia from ventilation
perfusion mismatch.1 Auto-PEEP (also referred to as intrinsic
PEEP, breath stacking, or dynamic hyperinflation) is caused Table 3-1.
by trapped volume in the pulmonary system. If severe enough, Dealing with auto-PEEP
it will eventually lead to increased intrathoracic pressure. This
can cause hypotension and decreased cardiac output from de-
creased venous return as well as marked hypoxia from ventila- Determine what caused the auto-PEEP
High set respiratory rate, high patient respiratory rate,
tion perfusion mismatch.2
obstructive airway disease
KEY Point
Consider decreasing the tidal volume in patients with obstructive
Patients on volume-targeted modes with obstructive or
or reactive airway disease
reactive airway disease, those on volume-targeted modes
receiving a high minute ventilation, and those receiving Consider decreasing the set respiratory rate
inverse-ratio ventilation are at risk for auto-PEEP (breath Will be ineffective in assist-control mode with a high intrinsic
stacking). rate

Optimize sedation
Use opiates to control respiratory rate
Tension pneumothorax and severe auto-PEEP are important
causes of ventilator-induced hemodynamic instability. Monitor ventilator flow-time waveform
In critically ill ventilated patients who develop respiratory
Consider changing to synchronized intermittent ventilation
distress and are hemodynamically unstable, the following steps
will assist the emergency physician in determining the cause of Consider chemical paralysis
decompensation (Figure 3-1).
18 Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians
The Crashing Ventilated Patient

Step 2: BreathingHand ventilate with 100% obstructed, or twisted or the patient is biting the tube. At-
oxygen. tempt to correct a twisted or bent ET tube by repositioning the
Ensure that 100% oxygen is being delivered and limit the patients head; if the patient is biting on the tube, insert a bite
respiratory rate to 8 to 10 breaths per minute. Particular atten- block. Dislodged or obstructed ET tubes require re-intubation.
tion should be given to the delivery of hand ventilation. Inad- Patients with dislodged tubes should be treated as difficult intu-
vertent rates as high as 40 breaths per minute are often used bations because unplanned extubations are notorious for caus-
in codes.3,4 Excessive rates will increase intrathoracic pressures, ing trauma to the glottis, leading to vocal cord edema.6
leading to a decrease in venous return and cardiac output.5 Look In the cardiac arrest or near arrest patient, the best choice for
at both sides of the chest to determine if there is equal chest determining that the ET tube is in the proper position is direct
rise. Unequal chest rise can signify a main-stem intubation, visualization of the tube passing through the cords. This step is
pneumothorax, or mucus plug. Listen for air escaping from the often omitted in the crashing ventilated patient because of the
mouth or nose (a sign of an air leak). Listen over the epigastric belief that the tube has not migrated. Unfortunately, unrecog-
area and in both axilla. Decreased breath sounds could indicate nized ET tube migration can occur during routine care of the
main-stem intubation, pneumothorax, or atelectatic lung. Feel critically ill patient. Patients are frequently moved in and out
for subcutaneous crepitus (a sign of pneumothorax) and assess of EMS vehicles, transferred to and from stretchers for imag-
for difficulty in hand ventilating (a sign of low dynamic or static ing studies, and turned for procedures or bathing, all of which
respiratory system compliance [Table 3-2]). can dislodge the tube. This visualization step can be performed
while providing hand ventilation.
Step 3: AirwayDetermine that the endotracheal Other simple techniques may be used to confirm that the
tube is functioning and in the proper position. ET tube is in the trachea. Direct visualization of the carina with
The ET tube functions by providing a conduit to the lower a fiberoptic scope is an option, but this device is typically not
trachea. Its cuff attempts to create a seal between it and the readily available in an emergency department. Another quick
inner wall of the trachea. To determine if it is functioning prop- and readily available technique is to pass an intubating stylet
erly, pass the suction catheter and listen for an air leak (Figure (gum elastic bougie or Eschmann introducer) gently through
3-2). Easy passage of the suction catheter does not guarantee the ET tube.7 If resistance is met at 30 cm, the ET tube is in
that the ET tube is in the trachea because the catheter could be the trachea. If however, the stylet passes beyond 35 cm without
passing down the esophagus; however, if it is difficult or impos- resistance, the tube is likely in the esophagus. If resistance is
sible to pass the suction catheter, the tube is either dislodged, met too soon, the intubating stylet may be catching on the tube.
At least one of these techniques to determine proper posi-
Table 3-2. tioning should be employed early enough in the code to correct
Causes of decreased respiratory system compliance any airway issues. In addition, improper positioning should be
confirmed before simply removing the tube and re-intubating
the patient, particularly if the patient is thought to have a dif-
Causes of high peak pressures (increased airflow resistance,
decreased dynamic compliance)
ficult airway (unless it is glaringly evident that the patient is
Airway extubated).
Biting on the ET tube Pearl
If it is difficult or impossible to pass the suction catheter, the
Obstruction of the ET tube by secretions, mucus, blood
ET tube is either dislodged, obstructed, or twisted or the
Twisted ET tube
patient is biting the tube.
Partial mucus plugging
Key Point
Causes of high plateau pressures (low respiratory system
Passage of an intubating stylet (gum elastic bougie or
compliance, decreased static compliance)
Eschmann introducer) is a quick, simple, and readily
available technique for confirming that the ET tube is in the
ARDS/acute lung injury (ALI)
Atelectasis trachea.
Auto-PEEP Gently pass the intubating stylet through the ET tubedo
Mucus plugging not force it.
Resistance should be encountered at approximately 30
Pulmonary edema
Unilateral intubation Passage of the stylet beyond 35 cm without resistance
Chest wall implies that the ET tube is in the esophagus.
Chest wall rigidity
Circumferential chest wall burn
Step 4: Special Procedures
Other If the patient is still in cardiac arrest or near arrest after being
Abdominal distention/pressure disconnected from the ventilator, ensuring proper placement of

Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians 19

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill

the ET tube, and hand ventilating with 100% oxygen, a clinical endotracheal tube manipulation; transport off stretcher; rota-
decision will be required regarding needle decompression of the tion for cleaning, a procedure, or chest radiograph).
chest. If time permits, a focused history from the bedside nurse,
Step 2: Perform a focused physical examination.
respiratory therapist, or paramedic and a focused physical ex-
Take a general survey of the patient. Observe for agitation,
amination will indicate which side of the chest to decompress.
attempts to pull at the ET tube and lines, gasping for breath
In addition, depending on the urgency of the situation, bedside
(the patient will have the mouth open and appear dyspneic), and
ultrasonography and chest radiography may be employed. The
tearing of the eyes.
presence of a lung-slide artifact on bedside ultrasonography
Airway. Look at the ET tube, and determine if it has mi-
excludes pneumothorax. The lung slide artifact appears in M-
grated from its previous position. It is possible that it has mi-
mode as the seashore sign (Figure 3-3); its absence appears as
grated out of the trachea or into a main bronchus. Adjust if nec-
the stratosphere sign/bar-code sign (Figure 3-4).810
essary. Listen for escaping air (an air leak) from the mouth or
At times, the clinical situation does not allow for imaging
nose (Figure 3-2). This typically signifies that the tube has lost
studies, and the focused history and physical examination may
its seal with the trachea and occurs in extubation or cuff fail-
not be helpful. In these cases, needle decompression of both
ure. Feel the pilot balloon; if it is deflated, the cuff is deflated.
sides of the chest should be considered if other more likely
Add air to the pilot balloon. If this stops the air leak, make a
causes of acute decompensation are not found. It is important
note that air was added to the balloon. If the pilot balloon does
to remember that chest tube placement is required in patients
not inflate or deflates with time, there is a defect in the pilot
after needle decompression.1113
balloon-cuff apparatus and the ET tube will likely need to be
Pearl exchanged. Occasionally it may be possible to repair the pilot
Use ultrasonography to quickly evaluate for pneumothorax. balloon mechanism with commercially available kits. This is a
good option in patients who are difficult to intubate.
Key Point Pearl
Needle Decompression If the pilot balloon does not inflate or deflates with time, there
Determine which side to decompress first. is a defect in the pilot balloon-cuff apparatus, and the ET
Identify the second intercostal space, in the midclavicular tube will likely need to be exchanged.
line. Determine that the ET tube is functioning properly by pass-
Prepare the area with chlorhexidine if time permits. ing the suction catheter. If it is difficult or not possible to pass
Anesthetize the area if the patient is conscious and time the suction catheter, the endotracheal tube is either dislodged,
permits. obstructed, or twisted, or the patient is biting the tube. Attempt
to correct a twisted or bent ET tube by repositioning the head;
Insert an over-the-needle catheter over the rib.
insert a bite block if the patient is biting on the tube. Dislodged
A 14-gauge catheter, at least 5 cm is preferred or obstructed tubes require re-intubation.
May need a different size needle depending on the If extubation is suspected at any point in the evaluation, de-
size of the patient termine that the ET tube is in proper position. Any of the tech-
Puncture the parietal pleura while listening for a sudden niques discussed in the previous section may be used.
escape of air.
Remove the needle while leaving the catheter in place. Table 3-3.
Initial ventilator settings for ALI/ARDS
Secure the catheter with a bandage or small dressing.
Prepare for chest tube thoracostomy.
Volume-targeted, assist control

The Stable/Near Stable Patient Tidal volume: 68 mL/kg ideal body weight
If the patient is deemed stable or near stable or quickly re- Can start at 8 mL/kg ideal body weight and work down to 6
gains stability after disconnection from the ventilator and hand within 4 hours
ventilation, the event should be approached in a systematic
Respiratory rate: Set to approximate baseline minute ventilation
manner (Figure 3-1). The patient should be placed on 100%
(not to exceed 35 breaths/min)
oxygen during this evaluation.
PEEP: 58 cm H2O
Step 1: Obtain a focused history.
Titrate up based on protocol
A focused history should be obtained from the practitioners
most involved with the patients care (bedside nurse, respira- Fio2: 100%
tory therapist, resident, and paramedic). Valuable information Titrate down based on protocol
includes the indication for intubation, the difficulty of the in-
Flow rate: 60 L/min
tubation, the depth of the ET tube, the ventilator settings, and
recent procedures or moves (central line insertion; chest tube Keep plateau pressures <30 cm H2O
placement; removal or transition to water seal; thoracentesis;
20 Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians
The Crashing Ventilated Patient

Key Points Step 3: Assess gas exchange.

Is the ET tube in proper position? Hypoxia can be diagnosed based on pulse oximetry if the
Did it migrate out of the trachea? waveform is reliable. The waveform should not be highly vari-
able, and the frequency of the waveform should match the heart
Did it migrate down into the main bronchus?
rate on the cardiac monitor. In a few instances, such as car-
Is it functioning properly? bon monoxide poisoning, pulse oximetry is not reliable.14 In
these cases, or if the pulse oximeter is not picking up, an arterial
Breathing. Look at both sides of the chest to determine if
blood gas (ABG) sample should be obtained. Patients with a
there is equal chest rise. Unequal chest rise can signify a main-
Pao2/Fio2 ratio less than 200 should be evaluated for ARDS.
stem intubation, pneumothorax, or mucus plug. Look at the
Those with a ratio between 200 and 300 should be evaluated
ventilator tubing and determine if there is an oscillating water
for acute lung injury (ALI).15 A lung-protective strategy should
collection. Listen for air escaping from the mouth or nose (a
be implemented in those found to have ALI or ARDS (Table
sign of an air leak). Listen over the epigastric area and in both
3-3).16 Hypoventilation cannot be identified based on pulse ox-
axilla. Decreased breath sounds may provide clues regarding
imetry; ABG measurement is beneficial in this event.
main-stem intubation, pneumothorax, or atelectatic lung. Feel
for subcutaneous crepitus (a sign of pneumothorax). Pearl
Hypoventilation cannot be identified based on pulse
Key Point oximetry; ABG measurement is beneficial in this event.
Dealing with whole-lung atelectasis:
Use recruitment maneuvers Step 4: Check respiratory mechanics.
Disconnect from ventilator and provide hand ventilation Determine if the peak pressures and plateau pressures have
at higher tidal volumes changed from their previous values. These values should be
Provide frequent suctioning obtained on volume-targeted modes. Airway pressures are a
function of volume and respiratory system compliance. The
Rotate patient
respiratory system incorporates the ventilator circuit, ET tube,
Perform chest percussion trachea, bronchi, pulmonary parenchyma, and chest wall. A set
Administer bronchodilators volume with a set system compliance results in a specific pres-
Perform bronchoscopy sure. Peak pressures are a function of the volume, resistance to
airflow, and respiratory system compliance. The plateau pres-
Circulation. Check for pulses, and cycle the blood pressure sure is obtained during an inspiratory pause, thus eliminating
cuff frequently. If the patient has an arterial line, make sure the airflow, and therefore reflects only the respiratory system com-
transducer is level. Determine the need for fluid bolus and/or pliance. An isolated increase in the peak pressure is indicative
vasopressors. of increased resistance to airflow; an isolated increase in the

Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-3. Stratosphere/barcode sign. Absence of the lung-

slide artifact is identified in ultrasound M-mode as the
Seashore sign. The lung-slide artifact appears in
stratosphere/barcode sign. Pneumothorax cannot be
ultrasound M-mode as the seashore sign. This excludes
excluded. Image courtesy of Dr. Christine Butts and
pneumothorax. Image courtesy of Dr. Christine Butts and
Dr. Matthew Bernard, Louisiana State University Health
Dr. Matthew Bernard, Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center.
Sciences Center.

Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians 21

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill

plateau pressure is indicative of a decrease in respiratory sys- Step 6: Imaging StudiesChest Radiograph and
tem compliance (Table 3-2). Note that the plateau pressure can Bedside Ultrasonography
never be higher than the peak pressure and that if the plateau Evaluate the chest radiograph for ET tube position, main-
pressure rises, so will the peak pressure. It is important to keep stem intubation, lung atelectasis, pneumothorax, and worsen-
in mind the relationship of the (peak pressure plateau pres- ing parenchymal process. Bedside ultrasonography, if available,
sure). Also note that these measurements assume a comfortable is typically quicker in evaluating for pneumothorax; however,
patient. Peak pressures and plateau pressures are not reliable in it will not provide information on the location of the ET tube,
the bucking patient.17,18 lung atelectasis, or parenchymal processes (Figures 3-3 and
Pearl 3-4).
Peak pressures and plateau pressures can be obtained only Step 7: Evaluate sedation.
in volume-targeted modes.
Some patients, such as those with drug overdoses or trau-
matic head injuries, may not require any sedation. Others may
Step 5: Observe ventilator waveforms. tolerate intubation quite well while almost fully awake. How-
The two most helpful ventilator waveforms are the flow- ever, most patients require some form of sedation or analgesia to
time curve and the pressure-time curve. The flow-time curve make the ET tube and ventilation tolerable.
can be used to detect air trapping. The pressure-time curve can Agents should be chosen based on the desired effect. If a
be used to determine plateau pressures with an inspiratory hold patient appears agitated, sedative-hypnotics such as benzodiaz-
(Figure 3-5). epines, propofol, and dexmedetomidine should be used; how-
A notching in the pressure-time curve during inspiration ever, it is important to note that these agents do not provide an
can signify air hunger. In this situation, the patient desires a analgesic component. If a patient is being given adequate seda-
higher flow rate than the ventilator is delivering (Figure 3-6). tive doses and still appears agitated, consider pain as a cause.
It is commonly seen in volume-targeted modes. Increasing the For example, the agitated patient with a femur fracture and re-
flow rate will often alleviate this phenomenon. Another solu- ceiving high-dose benzodiazepines may simply need an opiate
tion is to change to a pressure-targeted mode. for pain control. Opiates that can usually be used are fentanyl,
Double triggering can also be seen on ventilator waveforms. hydromorphone, and morphine. The goal of sedation and an-
This occurs when the patient desires a higher tidal volume than esthesia in ventilated patients who are not being evaluated for
the ventilator is set to deliver. The patient is still inspiring when extubation is to achieve a state in which the patient will arouse
the first breath has finished cycling and the ventilator imme- to gentle stimulation but will return to a sedated state when left
diately gives a second mechanical breath (Figure 3-7). This is alone. Patients who are being sedated and require deep stimula-
frequently seen in low-tidal-volume ventilation, as used for pa- tion to get a response are oversedated.
tients with ARDS and status asthmaticus. It is important to Patients who display air hunger and a high respiratory rate
recognize because the actual tidal volume being provided is es- can be given a trial of opiates to relieve symptoms. Proper se-
sentially twice the set tidal volume. This has important ramifi- dation and analgesia are paramount in patients being treated
cations for patients with ARDS and obstructive processes such with a strategy that allows or induces hypercapnia such as those
as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in which with status asthmaticus and ARDS. Hypercapnia is a powerful
the goal is lower tidal volumes. Typically, improved sedation stimulus to the respiratory drive, and opiates are often required
with emphasis on blunting the respiratory drive with opiates to control respiratory rates. Patients who tend to be difficult
alleviates double triggering. Other adjustments that could help to control (besides those with status asthmaticus and ARDS)
are increasing the flow rate, increasing the tidal volume by 1 include those with hepatic encephalopathy or intracranial pro-
mL/kg predicted body weight up to 8 mL/kg, or changing from cesses such as mass effect and hemorrhage. Chemical weaken-
a volume-targeted mode to a pressure-targeted mode. ing with intermittently dosed paralytics can be required if pa-
tients have had a good trial of sedation, analgesia, and ventilator
changes and are still markedly tachypneic. Careful consider-
ation should be given prior to this step, as prolonged paralysis

Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-5.
Air hunger on ventilator waveform
Pressure-time curve indicating inspiratory hold and plateau

22 Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians

The Crashing Ventilated Patient

has been implicated in critical illness polyneuropathy.19,20 In Special Scenarios

addition, expert consultation should be obtained prior to pro-
Two special scenarios should be mentioned. One is the
longed paralysis of neurosurgical patients. The goal of chemical
crashing intubated pediatric patient, and the second is the pa-
paralysis in these patients is to weaken them enough to control
tient with a tracheostomy (Table 3-4). The previously described
their interaction with the ventilator. Usually, this does not re-
approach can be used in pediatric patients; however, there are a
quire a full dose of the paralytic.
few caveats that can improve the approach. The first is to recog-
Hemodynamic instability in mechanically ventilated and se-
nize that ET tube migration is common with small movements
dated patients can be a result of medication; sedatives and anal-
of the head and neck. A simple solution is to use a cervical col-
gesics can precipitate or worsen hypotension. As a general rule,
lar for immobilization. Second, small ET tubes are often un-
continuous infusions should be held in these cases. Patients who
cuffed and do not have a pilot balloon. Air leaks in this scenario
are hypoxic and agitated, but not hypotensive, could benefit
should prompt the clinician to consider that the tube is either
from improved sedation. It is possible that their pulmonary sta-
dislodged or too small. Finally, specialized equipment such as
tus is so tenuous that they are agitated from the hypoxia and
intubating stylets and fiberoptic scopes are typically not avail-
their condition is worsened by the oxygen consumption caused
able for pediatric sizes.
by their agitation. Patients who are agitated and hypotensive
Important questions that have ramifications for the care of
may respond well to a low-dose benzodiazepine and opiate if the
the crashing ventilated patient with a tracheostomy are these:
agitation is a precipitant of hypotension. In all these cases, it is
1) Does the patient have a laryngectomy? 2) Why does the pa-
imperative to determine if sedation is a factor in the decompen-
tient have a tracheostomy? and 3) How old is the tracheostomy?
sation. Chemical paralysis should be reserved as a final option.
These are important questions because patients with a laryngec-
Pearl tomy cannot be intubated orally, patients with a tracheostomy
Hemodynamic instability in mechanically ventilated and secondary to anatomic considerations or difficult/failed airway
sedated patients could be a result of medication. can be difficult to intubate orally, and the track in a patient
with a recent tracheostomy (less than 1 week) may not have
key Point matured enough to safely reintroduce a tracheostomy tube.
The goal of sedation is a patient who arouses to gentle
stimulation but returns to a sedated state when left alone. If
deep stimulation is required to get a response, the patient is
Table 3-4.
Special scenarios

Figure 3-7. Commonly, ET tubes migrate in and out of position with small
manipulations of head position.
Double-triggering ventilator waveform
Place a cervical collar to help stabilize head position.
Document that the purpose is not for cervical spine protection.
Small ET tubes are uncuffed.
Most readily available intubating stylets and fiberoptic scopes
are too large for pediatric ET tubes.

The Tracheostomy Patient Unintentional Extubation

Determine if patient had a laryngectomy.
Oral intubation is an option if the patient did not have a
Determine reason for tracheostomy.
Anatomic reason, difficult or failed airway oral intubation
may not be an option
Traumatic brain injury, chronic respiratory failure oral
intubation may be an option
Determine age of tracheostomy.
<1 week site may not be mature enough for manipulation;
high risk of creating false tract
Gently place a 6.0 ET tube in the stoma.
May confirm with fiberoptic visualization.
Stop if there is any resistance.

The Tracheostomy Patient Obstruction

Remove inner cannula and replace with same-sized cannula.

Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians 23

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill

Mechanically ventilated patients are typically the most criti-
cally ill patients that the emergency department practitioner
will manage. The underlying disease process that required in-
tubation is typically life threatening. When patients become
unstable, the physician should take a step-wise approach to-
ward determining if the patient is deteriorating because of the
underlying disease process or because of interaction with the
ventilator. It is hoped that the approach presented here will as-
sist practitioners with a framework to evaluate and stabilize the
crashing ventilated patient.

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24 Copyright 2011, American College of Emergency Physicians

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