I. Objectives: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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School Mariano Q.

Umipig National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher VICENTE G. FERRER, MBA,EDD,REB Learning Area Chapter 5
Teaching Dates and Time June 21-25, 2016 Quarter 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES The learner will able to
Define web portal and examples. (trello, yammer)
Developed collaborative tools or an online portal/website.
Evaluate the quality, value and the appropriate of peers existing or previously develop

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards At the end of the 1-week period and quarter collaboratively develop an online portal or website to
showcase and share existing and previously developed content
These may be in the form of, but not limited to:
1. Online newsletter
2. Blog
3. Issue online magazine
C. Learning Evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of peers existing or previously developed ICT
Competencies/Objectives content in relation to the theme or intended audience/ viewer of an ICT project
II. CONTENT Collaborative development of ICT content covering the topics of:
1. Team structure and dynamics for ICT content
2. Online collaborative tools and processes
3. Project management for ICT content
4. Curating existing content for use on the web
Online collaborative tools that may be used currently include, but are not limited to:
1. Google Docs/ MS Office 365

III. LEARNING Projector, Handouts,

RESOURCES Computer, Internet
A. References Books Empowerment
Technologies : Rex Books
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learners Guide Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from www.google.com
Learning Resource (LR) www.trello.com
portal www.facebook.com

B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES Group the students by 5 members.

1. Create a trello account (https:trello.com)

2. Once you signed up and log in, click on Create New Organization)
3. Create New Organization option will expand. Fill out the information of your group,
Afterwards click create.
4. You will be taken to the organization page. To add members, click on the Member tab.
5. Click add members button.
6. Once you are done, go back to the Boards tab and under My OrgBoards, click on Create
New Board.

A. Review previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for Our new lesson will develop
the new lesson the students the skill of
creating online page, portal,
and website.
C. Presenting examples
instances of the lesson
D. Discussing new concepts The Students will developthier
and practicing new Creative skill, layout
skills#1 and design
Appreciate the
application of web
E. Discussing new concepts Creative and
and practicing new skills# imaginative skill
Apply different
collaborative tool like
Google, trello and etc.
F. Developing mastery Mastery of Creating Portal
(Lead to formative through:
assessment) Laboratory
of Account
G. Finding practical Classroom Attendance, forums
application of concepts and paging.
and skills in daily living.
H. Making generalization The students will be given
and abstraction about guide question on their output
the lesson and try to develop further.
I. Evaluating Learning Evaluate their creative
development of ICT web
portal, groups etc.
Evaluation Criteria
Web skill
Layout and design
J. Additional activities for
application or
A. No of learners who
earned in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
works? No of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue require
E. Which teaching strategies
worked well? Why this
these work
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials dis I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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