RH200 Sistema Hidraulico

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Technical Handbook

RH 200

8. Hydraulic system

TEREX Germany GmbH & Co. KG

3 663 488.00 en
Editor: TEREX Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Department 910 Product Support
D-44149 Dortmund, Karl-Funke-Str. 36

Phone: ++49 / 231 / 922-4901

Fax: ++49 / 231 / 922-5900
Copyright by TEREX, Printed in Germany


8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................8.1 - 1

8.1.1 Foreword ...........................................................................8.1 - 1

8.1.2 Safety ................................................................................8.1 - 1

8.1.3 General..............................................................................8.1 - 5

8.2 Depressurizing, bleeding, flushing .................................................8.2 - 1

8.2.1 Depressurizing of the hydraulic system .............................8.2 - 1

8.2.2 Bleeding of the hydraulic system .......................................8.2 - 3

8.2.3 Flushing of the hydraulic system .......................................8.2 - 5

8.3 Description (Faceshovel).................................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.1 Technical data ...................................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.2 Hydraulic schematic ..........................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.3 Components ......................................................................8.3 - 5

8.3 Description (Backhoe) .....................................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.1 Technical data ...................................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.2 Hydraulic schematic ..........................................................8.3 - 1

8.3.3 Components ......................................................................8.3 - 5

8.4 Hydraulic components.....................................................................8.4 - 1

8.4.1 Main pumps .......................................................................8.4 - 1

8.4.2 Swing pump.......................................................................8.4 - 2

8.4.3 Rotor..................................................................................8.4 - 3

8.4.4 Valve blocks ......................................................................8.4 - 5

8.4.5 Other components ...........................................................8.4 - 34

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8.5 Description of hydraulic circuits.....................................................8.5 - 1

8.5.1 Load limiting system .......................................................8.5.1 - 1

8.5.2 Pressure cut off system ..................................................8.5.2 - 1

8.5.3 Servo system..................................................................8.5.3 - 1

8.5.4 Working functions (Faceshovel) .....................................8.5.4 - 1

8.5.4 Working functions (Backhoe)..........................................8.5.4 - 1

8.5.5 Travel system .................................................................8.5.5 - 1

8.5.6 Swing system .................................................................8.5.6 - 1

8.5.7 Track tensioning system .................................................8.5.7 - 1

8.5.8 Cooling system for hydraulic oil ......................................8.5.8 - 1

8.5.9 Cooling system for engines ............................................8.5.9 - 1

8.5.10 Cooling system for pump gearbox ................................8.5.10 - 1

8.6 Pressure checking and setting........................................................8.6 - 1

8.6.1 Introduction........................................................................8.6 - 1

8.6.2 Pressure settings...............................................................8.6 - 3

8.6.3 Tools..................................................................................8.6 - 4

8.6.4 Hydraulic systems .............................................................8.6 - 5

8.7 Installation of hydraulic pumps.......................................................8.7 - 1

8.8 Hydraulic cylinders (Faceshovel)....................................................8.8 - 1

8.8.1 Introduction........................................................................8.8 - 1

8.8.2 Design configuration ..........................................................8.8 - 3

8.8.3 Assembly .........................................................................8.8 - 11

8.8.4 Tightening torques...........................................................8.8 - 24

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8.8 Hydraulic cylinders (Backhoe) ........................................................8.8 - 1

8.8.1 Introduction........................................................................8.8 - 1

8.8.2 Design configuration ..........................................................8.8 - 3

8.8.3 Assembly ...........................................................................8.8 - 9

8.8.4 Tightening torques...........................................................8.8 - 22

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8.1 Introduction 8.1.2 Safety Instructions

8.1.1 Foreword Danger in the event of non-obser-

vance of the safety instructions
The Technical Handbook contains important in-
formation for personnel servicing the machine. This TEREX hydraulic excavator
Machine specifications listed elsewhere in the has been built in accordance with
machine documents are not always repeated in state-of-the-art standards and the
this book. recognized safety rules.
The documentation of an TEREX Mining machine However, operating the machine if
includes: a fault is suspected or has oc-
curred, or carrying out repair work
the operating instructions inexpertly may

the spare-parts list endanger the lives of persons in

contact with it
the technical handbook
damage the machine and other
The present brochure does not contain the specifi- The hydraulic excavator must be
cations of auxiliary units for the operation of addi- stopped immediately on any dam-
tional or optional equipment or the specifications of age being suspected or occurring
individual machines. to ensure that the safety of the op-
erator, of other persons at the
The refilling quantities specified for consumables place of use or of other material
are approximate quantities which are intended as a property is not compromised.
help for planning consumable requirements.
All components of TEREX ma-
Each unit is equipped with suitable checking de- chines are carefully co-ordinated.
vices, e.g. dipstick or checking plugs, permitting Trouble-free operation and a long
the operator to check proper filling of the units. service life can only be achieved
with original TEREX spare parts.

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8.1 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Rules for safety at work

Personnel Personal protective gear and
The machine must not be started working clothing:
by unauthorized persons. Wear a safety helmet, safety foot-
It must therefore be secured. wear and gloves.

Observe the accident prevention Wear closely fitting working cloth-

regulations. ing when working on the machine.
Loose, wide garments may catch
The hydraulic excavator may be on machine parts and result in in-
operated, serviced or repaired only jury.
by specially trained and authorized
personnel with the appropriate Persons carrying out work at
technical know-how. greater heights must be equipped
with safety harnesses. Always put
If such know-how is lacking, me- on a tested harness which must be
ticulous instruction must be given equipped with fall arrestors and
by experienced personnel, e.g. safety lines.
from TEREX.
If the work to be carried out re-
The personnel must have read and quires auxiliaries, e.g. marshallers,
understood the operating instruc- the competences of each individ-
tions and in particular the chapter ual helper must be clearly defined
Fundamental beforehand. The individual re-
sponsibilities must be meticu-
Safety Instructions. lously observed to avoid unclear
Only such persons may start up competences endangering safety.
the machine during assembly work
in order to adjust the attachments.
Incorrect operation of the machine
or the attachments may give rise to
life-threatening situations.
During all works, always observe
the start-up and shut-down proce-
dures prescribed in the operating

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Tools and auxiliaries Systems and units (e.g. pipes,

coolers, hydraulic reservoirs,
Tools, hoists, slings, trestles and compressed-air reservoirs) must
other devices must be in a reliable, be properly depressurized before
safe state. being opened.
Metal splinters may cause injury Protective devices on moving ma-
when attachment bolts are being chine parts may be opened or re-
driven in or out. A brass or copper moved only when the drive unit is
mandrel should therefore be used stationary and protected against
for this purpose, and goggles must inadvertent starting.
be worn.
Before recommissioning, all pro-
For climbing onto or off the ma- tective devices must be refitted.
chine, use only the ladders, steps,
platforms and handrails provided Before carrying out assembly
for this purpose. work, the machine and the equip-
ment must be secured against in-
Always keep ladders, steps and advertent starting, e.g. by placing
platforms in a non-slip state. Re- chocks under the wheels or tracks
move any oil, grease, earth, clay, and by standing the working
snow, ice and other foreign matter equipment on the ground.

Hydraulic and lubricating sys-

Securing the working equip- tem:
Always observe the safety regula-
Before carrying out assembly tions applicable to the product
work, the machine and the attach- when handling oils, greases and
ments must be secured against in- other chemical substances.
advertent and unauthorized start-
ing, e.g. by placing chocks under Unused but open bores, pipelines
the wheels or tracks and by stand- and hose connections must be
ing the working equipment on the closed in a pressure-tight manner.
ground. Refill collected hydraulic oil back
Stand the working equipment on into the hydraulic system only
the ground in such a way that no through the return-flow filters. Dis-
movements can be made when pose of waste oil without polluting
mechanical or hydraulic connec- the environment.
tions become detached. Observe the correct working se-
Secure any equipment or compo- quence when fitting or replacing
nent which is to be mounted or components or equipment. The
dismantled or whose position is to working sequence has been speci-
be changed using hoists or appro- fied and tested by qualified ex-
priate slinging/supporting devices perts.
to prevent them from moving, slip- .
ping or falling inadvertently.

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8.1 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Conversions or modifications to the

When carrying out work and espe- machine
cially work on the electrical system
involving tools, spare parts, etc. Unauthorized conversions or modi-
coming into contact with electric fications of the hydraulic excavator
cables, the battery main switch are forbidden for reasons of safety.
must be set to the 'OFF' position.
The nominal pressure of pressure
Replace defective, mechanically relief valves must not be modified
prestressed units only as an en- without explicit approval from
tirety. Never open them. In excep- TEREX. Do not remove the lead
tional cases, open only when the seals from pressure-relief valves
system and the operating se- and pressure accumulators.
quence are precisely known. The
Technical Manual contains no in-
formation on such work.
When the machine is at operating Recommissioning
temperature, the consumables are
at least at the same temperature.
Precautions must therefore be
taken to prevent burning or scald- Prior to recommissioning:
Grease all lubricating points.
Be careful when handling acids,
e.g. battery acid. Acid splashes Check all oil levels and make the
may injure the eyes and the skin. necessary corrections.
Do not smoke when handling
flammable liquids. Carry out function checks of all
repaired components
Be careful with naked flames and
unprotected light. Not only fuel but Check all functions of the exca-
also other consumables often have vator including the brakes during
a low flash point and catch fire a test run. Release the hydraulic
easily. excavator for recommissioning
only after all functions have been
found to work perfectly.

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8.1.3 General After delivery, the Technical Manual is not sub-

ject to revision.
In addition to the operating instructions and the Technical changes introduced into the series pro-
spare-parts list, the present Technical Manual duction after delivery of the machine may also be
contains information enabling the user of the implemented in machines already in use.
TEREX hydraulic excavator to safely operate, In such case, already delivered Technical Manu-
maintain and repair the machine in accordance als are normally not automatically updated.
with the specifications.
All technical documents issued by TEREX Ger-
The information supplied in the Technical Manual many GmbH are written in German and then
represents the standard version of the machine as translated.
Even a good translation may give rise to questions
All sketches and drawings are merely schematic. which your TEREX dealer or your TEREX distrib-
They do not necessarily represent the machine's uting centre will be pleased to answer.
actual state of design and must not be used as
manufacturing documents. This Technical Manual has been carefully pre-
pared by the competent divisions.
No reference is made to special versions.
If any points are nevertheless unclear or incorrect,
please contact your local TEREX dealer or your
TEREX distributing centre.

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8.2 Depressurizing, bleeding, 8.2.1 Depressurizing of the hydraulic

flushing of the hydraulic system
system Hydraulic systems are only to be opened up when
they are free of pressure. It is possible for consid-
erable back pressure to be present in the hydrau-
All personnel carrying out com- lic-systems, e.g. primary pressure from the last
missioning, operation, inspection, movement, even when the excavator is parked on
service and repair must have read a level surface with its equipment on the ground
and understood the operating in- (Figs. 1 and 2).
structions and in particular the
chapter Residual pressure drops only gradually. If work is
to be carried out on the hydraulic system(s) imme-
Fundamental Safety Instructions. diately after stopping the excavator, then the sys-
before starting any work. tem(s) is/are to be freed of pressure.
Before working on the hydraulic
system make sure, that the system
is depressurized and remaining
pressures are relieved.
Shut off the engine(s).
Components (e.g. hydraulic tank,
cylinders, valves) may be hot and
cause severe burns.
Secure the machine before work-
ing on it.
Avoid contact of hydraulic oil with
the skin. This can be harmful.
Always wear safety glasses, safety
gloves and firm protective cloth- Fig. 1 Parking position of FS-machine


Fig. 2 Parking position of BH-machine

Release pressure from the part of the sys-

tem (it may be necessary to use several
Carefully open up the part of the system.

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Examples for system sections:

1) Main working circuit

2) Servo control circuit

3) Track tensioning system

4) Swing circuit

5) Cooling circuit


Park the excavator on a level surface

Lower the working equipment to the ground

Shut of the engine(s)

Fig. 4 Safety switch in seat

Section 1) and 2): Main working circuit and servo

control circuit
Section 3): Track tensioning system
With key-switch ON and safety switch active
(86, Fig. 4) shift all control levers and pedals The track tensioning circuit has to be depressur-
repeatedly into all directions (Fig. 3). ized by completely opening (screwing out) the
safety valves in the undercarriage.

Section 4): Swing circuit

The swing system has to be depressurized with

help of the Minime-ports (test-ports).

Section 5): Cooling circuit

Depressurizing of the cooling circuit is not required.

Be extreme carefully when working

on hydraulic cylinders or pressure
Fig. 3 Operation of joysticks and pedals lines of the equipment!
Even when following the safety
procedure, there may still a certain
The servo system is SHUT OFF, when the pressure be left in the system!
driver is leaving the seat and thus the safety
switch is not operated (86, Fig. 4).

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8.2.2 Bleeding air from the hydraulic Check the hydraulic system under load. Listen for
system noises in the pumps of motors. Jerky movements
are an indication of air pockets in the system. Ac-
Bleed air from hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors, tuate all hydraulic functions several times to elimi-
hydraulic cylinder and servo circuits: nate the air pockets.

before commissioning the excavator, e.g.

following major servicing/repair to the hy-
draulics, or after a long period out of opera-

after each oil change

The intake and running characteristics of the hy-

draulic components can otherwise be greatly af-
fected. Hydraulic oil also serves as a lubricant for
these components. A dry run can lead to total
failure in a very short time.

Hydraulic pumps and -motors

Bleed air from pumps and motors after each oil

change. To bleed, fill clean oil through the highest
leakage oil port up to the bottom edge of the port.

Main pumps: Port (T, Fig. 5)

Swing pumps: Port (T1, Fig. 5)

Fig. 5 Bleeding points

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Hydraulic cylinders The first operation of the cylinders has to be car-

ried out with reduced oil flow, to extend or extract
the piston rod as slowly as possible.
Servo circuit

On machines with pilot lines connected to the side

of the servo cap loosen the bleeder plug (5, Fig. 8)
with engine running until oil emerges without bub-


Fig. 6 cylinder retracted

Before oil is admitted to a cylinder for the first time,

the piston must be in one of the two end positions.
In other words, the piston rod (1, Fig. 6 + 7) must
be either fully extended or fully retracted.

Fig. 8 Bleeding plugs

When the pilot lines are connected to the upper

ports of the servo caps the system is bleeding air

Fig. 7 cylinder extended

Always admit oil to the side of the cylinder where

the piston (2) is positioned.

With the rod (1) retracted, admit oil to the

piston end (3).

With the rod (1) extended, admit oil to the

rod end (4).

If the piston rod is in the half-way position (for in-

stallation reasons), admit oil to the rod side (4) first.

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8.2.3 Flushing the hydraulic system 2. Type and source of contamination

The following instructions are a brief compilation of Blank metal particles:
the procedures needed to clean/flush the hydraulic Damaged bearings in pumps or motors.
system. The functions and the designs of the indi-
vidual components are described in the relevant Steel particles that look like machine turnings:
sections of the Technical Handbook. Internal components in a cylinder have
seized. Pieces of guide bands, O-rings and
It is assumed that the machine remains on site seals are then often to be found in the filters.
while flushing is being carried out. Hydraulic com-
ponents, e.g. cylinders, should only be over- Individual parts that appear to be pieces of
hauled/repaired in an enclosed, clean workshop. springs or valve plates:
Damaged valve(s).
If the hydraulic component (e.g. pump or cylinder)
is damaged, the system(s) must be checked to see These are only guidelines. When damage is exten-
whether any chips from the component have en- sive, all of these symptoms can appear at once.
tered into the system. To do this, remove and in-
spect the magnetic rods and return flow filters.

1. Flushing is required under follow-

ing conditions:

If the quantity, size and appearance of the

metal particles on the magnetic rod is different
to that arising in normal operation, or if they
are of completely different nature.

If the amount of magnetic and non-magnetic

debris caught in the return flow filter is
greater than usual.

Whenever a damaged hydraulic component

has been changed. Flushing can be limited to
the immediate and upline vicinities of the
component, as long as these can be isolated

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3. Steps in case of pump damage 4. Steps in case of cylinder damage

3.1 Determine damaged pump, typical symp- Remove and check return flow filter.
toms are:
Trace damaged cylinder. Remove, strip, clean
chip indicator ON for main pump or swing and check all components.
vibrating hydraulic hoses Also remove, strip, clean and check any cylin-
fluctuating pressure readings on gauges ders connected in parallel.
abnormal noises
noticeable loss in output When reassembling, cylinders are always to
excessive temperature be fitted with new seals and guides.
excessive load on engine(s)
Fit the cylinder but do not connect the oil
3.2 Pumps without high pressure filters:
Flush and check operation (see section 8).
Remove return flow filters and check for con-
tamination. If further contamination is found when flush-
ing, remove all cylinders, and strip, clean and
Check by-pass valve for correct seating inspect.
change valve if damaged.
Drain and clean the oil.
Drain and clean oil tank.

Remove the damaged pump.

Remove and clean pump intake line.

Fit and bleed new pump.

If metal contamination from the pump has got

into the hydraulic system, carry out all of the
procedures from section 4 to 8 even if dam-
age to other components has not been identi-

3.3 Pumps with high pressure filters

Remove the damaged pump.

Remove/clean HP filter(s).

Remove and clean line between pump and

HP filter.

Remove new pump, clean HP filter and clean

connecting lines.

Fit new return filter elements.

Fill oil through return flow filters.

Put machine back to work.

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5. Steps in case of valve damage 6. Further steps

Locate the damaged valve(s). If the hydraulic system has been extensively con-
taminated with chips, the following procedures are
If all of the missing parts are found, it is only also necessary:
necessary to change the valve. Further action
is not needed. Strip, clean and re-install the primary relief
If all of the parts cannot be found, continue
the search at the following points: Strip, clean and re-install the secondary relief
Return flow filter
Oil tank Clean and check the cooling circuit if con-
Components downline of the damaged tamination is found in the oil tank:
valve, e.g. cylinders, valves, motors.
Remove the cooler. Clean outside and in-
side in both directions of flow. The cooler is
to be changed if the contamination cannot
be completely removed from the cooling fins.

Flush the hydraulic lines or blow through

with compressed air.

Check and clean the servo control valves.

If hydraulically driven ancillary attachments

are fitted, their systems must also be
checked, especially if the cause of the con-
tamination cannot be traced in the excavators
systems. Follow the relevant manufacturers

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7. Flushing procedure 7.2 In case of pump damage (pump with high

pressure filter):
The extent of flushing required depends upon the
point at which the contamination has entered. All In this case flushing is not required, but check
downline and branching systems are to be flushed operation (see section 8).
back to the filter(s). The filter(s) must be checked
thoroughly to determine whether they have
stopped all contamination from flowing further: 7.3 In case of cylinder damage (see section 4):

7.1 In case of pump damage (pump without Fit new return flow element.
high pressure filter):
Short circuit the connections to the replace-
Fit a new return flow element. ment cylinder.

Fill fresh oil through the return flow filter. Run the engine up to max. speed.
Wait until filter warning light has gone out and
Connect the lines to individual consumers the summon the cylinder function.
directly (short circuit). Disconnect lines that
are still connected to consumers. Run the cylinder in each direction for approx.
1 minute each. Shift briefly into neutral.
Run the engine up to max. speed. Each consumer should be flushed for at least
Wait until the filter warning light has gone out 5 minutes.
and then summon the relevant functions.
Change return flow element and clean mag-
Summon each hydraulic function one at a netic rod.
time and for approx. 1 minute in each direc-
tion. Shift several times briefly into neutral. Repeat flushing procedure, with all consumers
Each consumer should be run for at least 5 being actuated briefly, one after the other.
Check return flow filter and magnetic rod
Change return filter element and clean mag- again.
netic rod.
Connect cylinder correctly and bleed air.
Repeat the flushing procedure. Again actuate
all consumers, one after the other, but this Check oil level in tank.
time only for a short period.
Put excavator back to work.
Check filter and magnetic rod again.

Connect all consumers correctly and bleed air

from the system.

Check oil level in tank.

Put excavator back to work.

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7.4 In case of damage of hydraulic motor: 8. Monitoring in operation

Fit new return flow element. After working for approx. 1 minute, check the mag-
netic rod. Clean the rod if contamination is found.
Short circuit the connections to the replace-
ment motor. Check again in increasing intervals.

Summon hydraulic function of the replaced

motor in both directions for approx. 1 minute.
If the amount of contamination
Shift several times briefly into neutral.
does not drop noticeably, or if it
even increases, it must be as-
Change return flow element and clean mag- sumed that the real cause of the
netic rod.
damage has not been located and
Repeat flushing procedure, with all consumers
being actuated briefly, one after the other. Check and flush again.

Check return flow filter and magnetic rod


Connect motor correctly and bleed air.

Check oil level in tank.

Put excavator back to work.

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8.3 Description of the hydraulic system

8.3.1 Technical data

The technical data of the hydraulic system are listed in chapter 2 Technical Data.

8.3.2 Circuit diagram

Components of the hydraulic circuit diagram RH 200 (FS)

The position nos. refer to circuit diagram No. 3 672 750 (02)

Position Quantity Designation Location

1 2 Engine K 1500 E Engine module
2 2 Pump transfer gearbox Engine module
3 4 Main pump A7V - SL - 1000 Pump gearbox
4 2 Charge pump for swing system Pump gearbox
5 2 Fan pump for radiator fan Pump gearbox
6 4 Swing pump A4V 250 with adapter Pump gearbox
7 4 Cooling pump KP 5 - 300 Pump gearbox
8 2 Servo pump Pump gearbox
9 2 Gear motor for radiator fan Counterweight
10 4 Filter Engine module
11 2 Filter Engine module
12 4 Blocking valve Engine module
13 ----
14 ----
15 1 Servo oil valve block Engine module
16 1 Differential pressure valve Position 15
17 1 Servo circuit pressure relief valve Position 15
18 2 Check valve Position 15
19 ----
20 2 Pump governing valve Engine module
21 2 Proportional valve Position 20
22 ----
23 ----
24 ----
25 ----
26 2 Gate valve Hydraulic oil tank
27 ----

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Position Quantity Designation Location

28 1 Hydraulic oil tank Superstructure
29 2 Return oil filters Hydraulic oil tank
30 6 Bypass valve Hydraulic oil tank
31 4 Tank line pressurizing valve Hydraulic oil tank
32 2 Check valve Hydraulic oil tank
33 1 Pressure switch Hydraulic oil tank
34 ----
35 1 Distributor plate (main pumps) Engine module
36 5 Pressure relief valve Position 36
37 4 2 way valve Position 36
38 4 Cap Position 36
39 4 High pressure filter Position 36
40 4 Check valve Position 36
41 1 Block for solenoid valve Engine module
42 2 Distributor plate (oil cooling) Oil cooler module
43 4 Pressure relief valve Position 42
44 4 Thermostat Position 42
45 1 Solenoid valve for logic valves Engine module
46 4 Fan motor Oil cooler module
47 4 Fan Oil cooler module
48 4 Hydraulic oil cooler Oil cooler module
49 ----
50 4 Swing gearbox Superstructure
51 4 Swing motor Swing gearbox
52 4 Swing parking brake Swing gearbox
53 ----
54 1 Pressure governing valve Engine module
55 1 Pressure relief valve Engine module
56 1 Shuttle valve Engine module
57 1 Flushing valve Engine module
58 ----
59 ----
60 2 High pressure filters Superstructure
61 2 Check valve
62 ----
63 ----

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Position Quantity Designation Location

64 ----
65 ----
66 2 Track tensioning cylinder Undercarriage
67 2 Connector block Undercarriage
68 2 Diaphragm accumulator Undercarriage
69 1 Track tensioning group Undercarriage
70 ----
71 ----
72 2 Travel gearbox Undercarriage
73 4 Travel motor Travel gearbox
74 4 Travel parking brake Travel gearbox
75 ----
76 1 Valve block Undercarriage
77 4 Pressure relief valve Position 76
78 ----
79 ----
80 1 Travel block Superstructure
81 1 Rotor Superstructure
82 1 Travel valve block RH Rotor
83 1 Travel valve block LH Rotor
84 1 Travel retarder valve RH Travel block
85 1 Travel retarder valve LH Travel block
86 4 Anti cavitation valve Travel block
87 4 Cover plate Travel block
88 4 Throttle check valve Travel block
89 ----
90 2 4-spool control valve Boom
91 16 Pressure relief valve 4-spool control
92 4 Float valve Boom
93 ----
94 ----
95 2 Boom cylinder Boom
96 2 Arm cylinder Boom
97 2 Crowd cylinder Boom
98 2 Clamshell cylinder Backwall
99 1 Distributor Backwall

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Position Quantity Designation Location

100 ----
101 2 Joy stick Operator cab
102 3 Treadle pedal Operator cab
103 1 Proportional valve plate Operator module
104 2 Valve bank, compl. Operator module
105 1 Filter for proportional valve plate Operator module
106 ----
107 ----
108 ----
109 1 Check valve
110 1 Throttle valve
111 3 Twin check valves
112 ----
113 ----
114 ----
115 2 Internal anti cavitation valve for fan motor Position 9
116 ----
117 ----
118 ----
119 ----
120 ----
121 ----
122 1 Microprocessor GLR 200 Operator module
123 ----
124 ----
125 ----
126 ----
127 ----
128 ----
129 ----
130 5 Reducer flange Position 4 & 90
131 4 Reducer flange Position 7
132 ----
133 4 Block Position 51
134 4 Block Position 51
135 4 Distributor Boom

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Position Quantity Designation Location

136 ----
137 ----
138 2 Block Position 90
139 ----
140 2 Block Position 92
141 ----
142 2 Block
143 2 Orifice
144 8 Reducer flange
145 1 Block Superstructure
146 1 Block Superstructure
147 1 Track tensioning block Undercarriage
148 1 Solenoid valve Engine modul
149 1 Pressure reduction valve Engine modul

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 5


8.3.3 Components of the hydraulic stroking cylinder (4. 2). At operating pressures
system of the RH 200 (FS) under 60 bar, chamber is fed with oil from the
servo circuit (60 bar) through port (X2). It would
otherwise not be possible to tilt the pumps.
When the pump receives a signal to tilt out, i. e.
Position nos. are referred to circuit diagram the governing pressure on port (X1) is 10 - 43 bar,
Part-No. 3 672 750 (02). the spool (4. 1) is shifted against the force of the
spring. Oil in chamber flows into chamber (A)
Some items are numbered on the schematic until equilibrium is reached between the governing
but not mentioned here. They are not important pressure and the force of the spring.
for the hydraulic functioning.
As the spool (B) has reaction surfaces of different
size, the forces in chamber (A) win. The rotary
Drive unit Pos. 1 group is tiled out (oil flow increased) until equilib-
rium is restored.

The two water - cooled Cummins engines are 12 - The works - set orifices (4.3) determine the tilting
cylinder V engines with turbo-charging and inter - speed of the pump.
If PMS then reduces the governing pressure on
port (X1), spool (4.1) is shifted to the right. Cham-
ber (A) of the governing cylinder (4.2) is connected
Pump transfer gearbox Pos. 2 to the oil tank. The rotary group is then de -
stroked (i. e. tilted back to a lower flow) until an
equilibrium is reached.
Each of the 3 - stage spur - wheel gearboxes is
driven via a diaphragm coupling from one of the
engines and distributes engine output to the rele- Pressure cut - off
vant hydraulic pumps.
Pressure cut - off comes into effect as soon as the
system pressure reaches 300 bar. Pressure se-
quence valve (4.4) is opened by the system pres-
sure and connects chambers (A & C) of the gov-
Variable - displacement pump Pos. 3 erning cylinder (4.2) with the tank. The pump is
tiled back to such a reduced flow that only the
pressure in the system is maintained.
The 4 main pumps (4) for working equipment and
travel movements are axial - piston swashplate Pressure increase Travel
pumps with slipper bearing. Slipper bearings are
hydraulically swimming bearings that increase The pressure sequence valve (4.4) is put under a
the pump`s service life. pressure of 60 bar (from the servo circuit) as soon
as a Travel function is summoned. Pressure
Each pump has its own pressure - dependent switch (115/S 81) reacts to the Travel function,
regulator (4. 1, Fig. 1) with a regulating range of shifts solenoid valve (105/Y 31) and allows pres-
between 8 and 43 bar. At 43 bar, the pump`s ro- sure oil to flow to the sequence valve. Pressure cut
tary group is at its maximum swashplate angle (13 - off then only comes into action at 360 bar.
15`) and therefore at maximum flow. At 8 bar, the
rotary group is at zero oil flow. The governors are The pressure sequence valve can be put out of
actuated by the electronic load - limit governor action with shut - off cock (5).
(122) in the PMS systems, and by the proportional
valves (21).
Chip/contamination switch
Any metallic contamination of the hydraulic oil in
Function the pump causes the chip/contamination switch
(4.5) to send a warning signal to the BCS (Board
Pressure oil required to tilt (alter the angle) of the Control Systems).
rotary group is drawn from the pump`s own main
flow. It is continually available in chamber of de -

Page 8.3 - 6 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


Axial piston pump A 10 V Pos. 4 the BCS system if metal chips or excessive oil
temperatures are detected.

The 2 pressure regulated axial piston pumps are

working as charge pumps for the swing circuit.
Oil cooling pump Pos. 7

Axial piston pump A 10 V Pos. 5 Four fixed - displacement gear - type pumps are
mounted onto the swing pumps (6). They con-
stantly draw oil from the tank and pump it to the
The fan wheel for water cooling of the diesel en- fan motors and the oil coolers.
gine is driven by an adjustable axial-piston pump
per drive unit. The volume flow of the pump and
thus the speed of the fan wheel is electronically
controlled as a function of the water temperature. Servo pump Pos. 8

The 2 servo pumps (8) are fixed - displacement

Swing pump Pos. 6 gear - type double pumps that are mounted on the
pump transfer gearboxes (2) and that supply the
whole servo circuit with oil.
The 4 swing pumps to move the superstructure are
variable - displacement axial - piston swash plate
pumps. They are especially suited for operation in
closed circuits. The pump flow is infinitely variable Fan motor Pos. 9
and increases from 0 to max while the pump
rotary group is being tilted out. If the swash plate is
de-stroked through the zero position, the direc- The gear motor with internal anti-cavitation valve is
tion of the oil flow is altered smoothly. driving the fans for the radiators.

The pumps are fitted with a torque control that is

controlled by the pressure regulating valve (54).
Depending upon the pre - selected control pres- Filter Pos. 10
sure, the valve allows infinite governing of

- operating pressure and Filter the oil flows from the 4 swing circuit charge
- torque magnitude and direction pumps.

on the swing motors (51).

Each swing pump has two pressure relief/anti - Filter Pos. 11

cavitation valves.

The functions of these valves are: Two filters clean the oil flows of the two servo
pumps (8).
1) To protect the swing circuit from overpressure
(max. 400 bar)

2) To ensure that the closed loop of oil in the Blocking valve Pos. 12
swing circuit remains full.
These valves are leak free and are opened fully by
A gear - type pump is also mounted on each swing oil from the servo pumps (8) as soon as the en-
pump, and serves as a charge pump for the closed gines are running. If one of the engines is shut
circuit. The charge pressure of the pumps is limited down, the relevant blocking valves close absolutely
by pressure relief valves integrated into the pumps. tightly and prevent the stationary engine from be-
ing turned over by pressure oil acting in reverse
The pumps also have chip/contamination and tem-
perature switches which send warning signals to

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 7


through swing motor, swing pump and transfer Proportional valve Pos. 21
free Pos. 13
These valves control the main pumps (3). They are
controlled by the microprocessor (122) in the PMS
free Pos. 14 system and govern the flows from the main pumps
depending upon the actual pressure. Each pair of
main pumps is governed by one proportional valve.
Servo oil valve block Pos. 15 The valves are actuated by adjustable, oil - im-
mersed DC solenoids and transform electrical
currents proportionally into hydraulic pressure.
The complete assembly group comprises two fil- A solenoid current of 830 mA corresponds to a
ters (11), the differential pressure valve (16), a pressure of 42 bar in the pump governors. A cur-
pressure relief valve (17), two check valves (18) rent of 230 mA corresponds to 10 bar.
and a housing.
free Pos. 22

Differential pressure (booster) valve free Pos. 23

(16) Pos. 16
free Pos. 24
This valve (set to 25 bar) increases the servo
pressure from 35 to 70 bar. The higher pressure is
needed to govern the main pumps (3) and to shift free Pos. 25
the track motors (73).

Gate valve in intake line Pos. 26

Servo circuit pressure relief valve The shut - off cocks can be used to isolate the
Pos. 17 hydraulic pumps from the oil tank. This makes it
possible to remove pumps without having to drain
all of the oil from the tank.
The valve limits the pressure in the servo circuit to
35 bar. The valve is pilot controlled and has a vari-
able setting.
free Pos. 27

Hydraulic oil tank Pos. 28

Check valve Pos. 18
The tank stores all of the oil for the system and
contains two return flow filters (29), six by - pass
These two valves prevent either of the servo valves (30), four tank line pressurizing valves (31),
pumps (8) from affecting the other, e. g. when only a check valve (32) and pressure switch (33).
one engine is running, they prevent oil being
pumped back into the tank through the stationary
servo pump.
Return flow filter Pos. 29
free Pos. 19
Each return flow filter contains 7 filter elements to
Pump governing valve, compl. Pos. 20 clean the oil returning from inside to out. Any metal
chips are trapped by the magnetic rods installed
above the filters.
The group comprises two proportional valves (21),
two metering connections and a housing.

Page 8.3 - 8 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


By - pass valve Pos. 30 Pressure relief valve Pos. 36

The relief valves (36) are used as:

The six by - pass valves open at a pressure of 1.5
bar and prevent the return flow filters (29) bursting, - primary relief valves (4 in all)
e. g. due to clogging. Oil then flows unfiltered back
into the tank. - secondary relief valve (1 in all) for shovel dump

The valves are pilot controlled and have variable

Tank line pressurizing valve Pos. 31 settings.

Primary pressure relief valves

These four valves have fixed settings of approx. 10
bar. They are arranged in the return lines and keep
Limit the maximum pressure that can be reached
a constant level of pressure in the hydraulic sys-
by the pumps (3) and therefore protect the primary
movers against overload.

Secondary pressure relief valves

Check valve Pos. 32 Protect the working hydraulics against external
brute forces.
These two valves have a cracking pressure of
approx. 1 bar and prevent oil escaping from:

the servo caps on control block (90) for boom and 2 - way valve Pos. 37
stick float functions (1 valve)

the servo line to solenoid valve (107/Y 7) for servo Four valves for the logical co - ordination of the
circuit ON/OFF (1 valve). main pumps (3).
They isolate the main pumps against one another
and prevent a stationary engine from being turned
over by it's pumps when only the other engine is
Pressure switch Pos. 33
The 2 - way valves are shifted by solenoids (24/Y
Closes at a pressure of 1.5 bar and signals the 32 & Y 33).
BCS systems that return flow filters (29) are con- Co - ordination of the valves - see solenoid valve
taminated (blocked). The filter elements must then (24).
be changed immediately.

free Pos. 34
Protection cap Pos. 38
Distributor plate (compl.) for main
Cap for 2 - way valves (37) with connection for
pump Pos. 35 pilot line (from solenoid valve 24).

An assembly group comprising four primary pres-

sure relief valves (36), four two - way valves (37),
four caps (38), four high - pressure filters (39) and High - pressure filter Pos. 39
a housing with two check valves. The two check
valves isolate the main pumps (3/P1 & P2) from
the pumps (3/P3 + P4) when only the right - hand The high - pressure filters in the high - pressure
engine is running. lines from the main pumps protect the downline
units (e. g. control blocks and cylinders) against
metal chips and particles from the pumps (3).

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 9


Other than in the return flow filters (29), the oil Solenoid valve Pos. 45
flows through the HP filters from outside to in.

The valve controls the 2 - way valves (37) for the

logical co - ordination of the four main pumps (3).
Check valve Pos. 40

The four valves prevent negative influencing of Fan motor Pos. 46

main pump pressures (3/P1 & P2) when only one
Travel pedal is actuated. The valves crack open
at approx. 1 bar. Four fixed - displacement gear - type motors are
used to drive the fans on the oil coolers.

Block for solenoid valve Pos. 41

Fan Pos. 47
The block carries the solenoid valve (45) for the
logical co - ordination of the four main pumps (3). The fan produces the air flow to cool down the
hydraulic oil.

Distributor plate for oil cooling Pos. 42

Oil cooler Pos. 48
Each of the two plates contains two thermostats
(44), two pressure relief valves (43) and two check Pass the heat generated in the hydraulic system
valves. The check valves function as anti - cavita- on to the atmosphere using the air flows created
tion valves while the engines are being shut down. by the fans.

free Pos. 49

Pressure relief valve Pos. 43

Swing gearbox Pos. 50
The two pilot controlled, variable setting pressure
relief valves protect the cooler circuit against over- The gearbox are 2 - stage planetary reducers.
pressure, e. g. in case of a line blockage.

Swing motor Pos. 51

Thermostat Pos. 44
The swing motors are 40, fixed - displacement
The four thermostats are fully open at oil tem- axial piston pumps whose output speed is propor-
peratures under 40C. The majority of the oil then tional to the flow of oil. The output torque increases
flows directly back into the tank. As the tempera- with the pressure drop over the motor.
ture rises, the thermostats begin to close so that
an increasing amount of oil flows through the fan
motors and the coolers. At 52C the thermostats
are fully closed and the full oil flow passes through Swing parking brake Pos. 52
the fan motors to the coolers.
The spring applied multi disc brakes on the swing
gearboxes serve to hold the superstructure sta-
tionary (parking brakes). They are actuated by a
toggle switch in the cab.
The brake must only be actuated when the super-
structure has stopped swinging.

Page 8.3 - 10 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


The superstructure is braked from its swing hy- High - pressure filter Pos. 60
draulically (countering) by servo valve (101).

free Pos. 53 The two HP filters in the swing circuit clean both
sides of the swing circuit. The check valves in the
filter heads lead the oil flows to the correct side to
Pressure governing valve Pos. 54 flow through the filters. This is necessary as the
high and low - pressure sections of the circuit
change depending upon the direction of swing.
Governs the torque in the closed - loop swing cir-

The valve governs the pressure and direction of oil Check valve Pos. 61
flow (and therefore extent and direction of the
swing motors` output ) depending upon the se-
lected control pressure These two check valves protect the two HP filters
(39) for main pumps (P 3 & P 4). When the exca-
The radio between control pressure and working vator is being run on only one engine, the flows
pressure is approx. 1 : 12, i. e. 10 bar control pres- from the relevant main pumps would run through
sure on ports (Y 1 or Y 2) corresponds to 120 bar the control blocks (90) and then into the filters in
operating pressure in the swing circuit. the wrong direction. This would destroy the filters.

free Pos. 62
Pressure relief valve Pos. 55
free Pos. 63
The valve limits the pressure that controls the
pressure governing valve (54) to max. 31 bar. The free Pos. 64
valve is direct acting and has a variable setting.

free Pos. 65

Shuttle valve Pos. 56 Track tensioning cylinder Pos. 66

Via this shuttle valve the Y1 & Y2 ports of the Single - acting (plunger) cylinders that keep the
pressure governing valve (54) are connected with crawler tracks tensioned.
the pressure relief valve (55)

Connecting block Pos. 67

Flushing valve Pos. 57
Blocks that connect the hydraulic lines to the track
The valve flushes the oil in the closed - loop swing tensioning cylinders.
circuit. Each time a swing function is summoned, a
certain amount of oil is flushed out of the low pres-
sure side. The charge pumps mounted on the
swing pumps replace this oil with filtered, cooled oil
from the tank.
Diaphragm accumulator Pos. 68

free Pos. 58 The nitrogen accumulators act as shock absorbers

to dampen external forces acting on the crawler
free Pos. 59

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 11


Track tensioning group Pos. 69 Travel parking brake Pos. 74

A complete group comprising a pressure relief The four track parking brakes are wet, multi - disk
valve (70), two check valves and two metering brakes that are engaged under spring force and
connections M 14 x 1.5. released by hydraulic pressure (18 - 20 bar).

The two check valves keep the track tensioning free Pos. 75
pressure at a constant level.

Secondary relief block Pos. 76

Pressure relief valve Pos. 70 Assembly group comprising four pressure relief
valves (77), two metering connections and a
The track-tensioning assembly comprises 2 pres- housing.
sure-relief valves with hand wheel and 2 test
The hand wheels can be used to relieve the hy-
draulic track tension independently for each track. Pressure relief valve Pos. 77

free Pos. 71 Secondary pressure relief valves for the four track
motors that protect the motors against external
Travel gearbox Pos. 72 forces. Excess oil is cracked off into the relevant
lowpressure side of the motors.

- stage planetary reducers with integrated parking free Pos. 78


free Pos. 79

Travel motor Pos. 73

Travel block Pos. 80
The four track motors are variable - displacement,
bent - axis motors with tandem bearing arrange- A complete group comprising rotor (81), the
ments. Servo pressure at port (X) sets the motors Travel spools (82 & 83), the travel retarder valves
to either of two mechanically limited tilt angles. The (84 & 85), anti - cavitation valves (86) and cover
maximum tilt angle is selected when servo pres- plates (87).
sure is O . The minimum tilt angle is reached
when servo pressure rises above 40 - 45 bar.

max. tilt angle = max. motor displacement = max. Rotor Pos. 81

output torque = min. output speed
Conducts hydraulic oil flows between superstruc-
min. tilt angle = min. motor displacement = min. ture and undercarriage. The seven ring channels
output torque = max. output speed are for:
The governing pressure (at least 15 bar) is tapped Travel (4 channels)
out of the respective high - pressure side using
check valves. Track parking brakes/Track motor adjustment

Track tensioning

Leakage oil

Page 8.3 - 12 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


Travel valve block RH Pos. 82 4-spool control block Pos. 90

A servo - controlled single - spool block that actu- Servo controlled 4-spool blocks for the functions:
ates the right - hand track. Boom, Stick, Shovel tip and Shovel dump.
With anti - cavitation valves.

Travel valve block LH Pos. 83

Pressure relief valve Pos. 91
A servo - controlled single - spool block that actu-
ates the left - hand track. Secondary relief valves. Pilot controlled with vari-
able settings.

Travel retarder valve RH Pos. 84

Float valve Pos. 92
Prevents the excavator from running away down-
hill and keeps the track motors full of oil (to avoid Save time and energy when lowering the boom
cavitation). The speed of the track motors is then and the arm. The valves connect the piston and
always determined by the working pressure of the rod sides of the cylinders so that the piston rods
pumps (3). retract only as a result of the equipment`s own
dead weight. Only the excess oil (piston - side
chamber has a greater volume than the rod - side)
is allowed to escape to the tank. The main pumps
Travel retarder valve LH Pos. 85 (3) are not activated. If it is required to lower the
boom with pressure, the float valves can be
switched off using solenoid valve (105/Y 10).
See travel retarder valve (84).
free Pos. 93

Anti - cavitation valve Pos. 86 free Pos. 94

The four valves mounted on the Travel spools Boom cylinder Pos. 95
(82 & 83) keep a constant column of oil in the track
motors. They crack open at the slightest pressure
so that oil can be drawn in from the tank line. The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in-
stalled between superstructure and TriPower. They
are lifting or lowering the boom and thus the com-
Cover plate Pos. 87 plete working equipment.

Covers on the anti - cavitation valves (86).

Arm cylinder Pos. 96

Throttle check valve Pos. 88 The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in-
stalled between boom and arm and ensure exten-
sion and retraction of the arm.
The check valves in the servo lines of the travel
valve block ensure smooth operation of the spools.

free Pos. 89

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 13


Crowd cylinder Pos. 97 Valve bank, compl. Pos. 104

The double-acting hydraulic cylinders are installed An assembly group comprising four solenoid
between TriPower and bucket backwall and are valves and a housing.
used to turn the bucket.

Filter Pos. 105

Clamshell cylinder Pos. 98
This filter is filtering the oil which is feeding the
The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in- proportional valve plate (103).
stalled between backwall and frontlip and are used
to open and close the bucket. free Pos. 106

fee Pos. 107

Distributor Pos. 99
free Pos. 108
The distributor on the backwall of the bucket sup-
plies oil to the clamshell cylinders.
It also carries the relief valve pos. 36. Check valve Pos. 109

free Pos. 100 The check valve keeps the track tensioning system
under pressure.
Joy stick Pos. 101

4 - way joy sticks control the spools in the control Throttle valve Pos. 110
blocks (90) and the governors in the swing pumps
via the proportional valves in plate (103).
Is used to pressurize the servo caps in the control
blocks (90), for boom, stick and shovel tip cylin-
ders, to 1.0 - 1.3 bar. This ensures optimum oil
flow characteristics.
Treadle pedal Pos. 102

2 - way pedals that control the spools in the

Twin check valve Pos. 111
Travel blocks (82 & 83)

and in control block (90) for ' Bucket dump' The unlockable twin check valves serve two func-
via the proportional valves in plate (103). tions.

1) They give the way free for return line oil to flow
from control blocks (90) to the tank when the
boom, stick or shovel tip cylinders are actuated.
Proportional valve plate Pos. 103
2) They act as anti - cavitation valves when the
The valve plate contains the proportional valves spools in the control blocks are shifted back to
and the 3/2 way valves for operation of cylinders, neutral.
swing and travel function .
free Pos. 112

free Pos. 113

Page 8.3 - 14 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


free Pos. 114 free Pos. 128

Anti cavitation valve Pos. 115 free Pos. 129

The check valve acts as an anti-cavitation valve for Reducer flange Pos. 130
the fan motor when the engine is shut down.

free Pos. 116 For main pumps (3).

free Pos. 117 Reducer flange Pos. 131

free Pos. 118 For cooling pumps (7).

free Pos. 132

free Pos. 119
Blocks Pos. 133
free Pos. 120
For rear swing motors (51).
free Pos. 121

Blocks Pos. 134

Microprocessor GLR 200 Pos. 122
For front swing motors (51).
The load limit governor contains two extensively
independent governors, each of which is responsi-
ble for one of the engines and the pumps con-
nected to it. Distributor Pos. 135

The magnitudes to be governed are the speeds of For pressure balance between the crowd cylinders
the engines. These speeds are monitored by in- (97).
ductive sensors.
free Pos. 136
The engine speeds are governed by altering the
settings of the main pumps (3). The pump settings
are altered by proportional valves (21) which con- free Pos. 137
vert electrical currents into hydraulic pressure sig-
nals which alter the pump settings until an equilib-
rium is reached between engines and hydraulic Blocks Pos. 138
Connect tank lines to control blocks (90).
free Pos. 123
free Pos. 139
free Pos. 124
Blocks Pos. 140
free Pos. 125
Connect tank lines to boom float valves (92).
free Pos. 126
free Pos. 141
free Pos. 127
free Pos. 142

RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 15


free Pos. 143

Reducer flange Pos. 144

For swing pumps (6).

Block Pos. 145

Connects pump and return line of main pump (3/P

4) to left - hand control block (90).

Block Pos. 146

Connects pump and return line of main pump (3/P

3) to left - hand control block (90).

Track tensioning block Pos. 147

The block contains the valves for the automatic

track tensioning system.

Solenoid valve Pos. 148

The Valve is changing the track tensioning pres-

sure between 50 bar and 70 bar mode.

Pressure reduction valve Pos. 149

The valve is reducing the 70 bar auxiliary pressure

to 50 bar.

Page 8.3 - 16 RH 200 Diesel (FS) - 3657771e - (00) - 07.03


8.3 Description of the hydraulic system

8.3.1 Technical data

The technical data of the hydraulic system are listed in chapter 2 Technical Data.

8.3.2 Circuit diagram

Components of the hydraulic circuit diagram RH 200 (BH)

The position nos. refer to circuit diagram No. 3 672 770 (02)

Position Quantity Designation Location

1 2 Engine K 1500 E Engine module
2 2 Pump transfer gearbox Engine module
3 4 Main pump A7V - SL - 1000 Pump gearbox
4 2 Charge pump for swing system Pump gearbox
5 2 Fan pump for radiator fan Pump gearbox
6 4 Swing pump A4V 250 with adapter Pump gearbox
7 4 Cooling pump KP 5 - 300 Pump gearbox
8 2 Servo pump Pump gearbox
9 2 Gear motor for radiator fan Counterweight
10 4 Filter Engine module
11 2 Filter Engine module
12 4 Blocking valve Engine module
13 ----
14 ----
15 1 Servo oil valve block Engine module
16 1 Differential pressure valve Position 15
17 1 Servo circuit pressure relief valve Position 15
18 2 Check valve Position 15
19 ----
20 2 Pump governing valve Engine module
21 2 Proportional valve Position 20
22 ----
23 ----
24 ----
25 ----
26 2 Gate valve Hydraulic oil tank
27 ----

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 1


Position Quantity Designation Location

28 1 Hydraulic oil tank Superstructure
29 2 Return oil filters Hydraulic oil tank
30 6 Bypass valve Hydraulic oil tank
31 4 Tank line pressurizing valve Hydraulic oil tank
32 2 Check valve Hydraulic oil tank
33 1 Pressure switch Hydraulic oil tank
34 ----
35 1 Distributor plate (main pumps) Engine module
36 4 Pressure relief valve Position 36
37 4 2 way valve Position 36
38 4 Cap Position 36
39 4 High pressure filter Position 36
40 4 Check valve Position 36
41 1 Block for solenoid valve Engine module
42 2 Distributor plate (oil cooling) Oil cooler module
43 4 Pressure relief valve Position 42
44 4 Thermostat Position 42
45 1 Solenoid valve for logic valves Engine module
46 4 Fan motor Oil cooler module
47 4 Fan Oil cooler module
48 4 Hydraulic oil cooler Oil cooler module
49 ----
50 4 Swing gearbox Superstructure
51 4 Swing motor Swing gearbox
52 4 Swing parking brake Swing gearbox
53 ----
54 1 Pressure governing valve Engine module
55 1 Pressure relief valve Engine module
56 1 Shuttle valve Engine module
57 1 Flushing valve Engine module
58 ----
59 ----
60 2 High pressure filters Superstructure
61 2 Check valve
62 ----
63 ----

Page 8.3 - 2 RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03


Position Quantity Designation Location

64 ----
65 ----
66 2 Track tensioning cylinder Undercarriage
67 2 Connector block Undercarriage
68 2 Diaphragm accumulator Undercarriage
69 1 Track tensioning group Undercarriage
70 ----
71 ----
72 2 Travel gearbox Undercarriage
73 4 Travel motor Travel gearbox
74 4 Travel parking brake Travel gearbox
75 ----
76 1 Valve block Undercarriage
77 4 Pressure relief valve Position 76
78 ----
79 ----
80 1 Travel block Superstructure
81 1 Rotor Superstructure
82 1 Travel valve block RH Rotor
83 1 Travel valve block LH Rotor
84 1 Travel retarder valve RH Travel block
85 1 Travel retarder valve LH Travel block
86 4 Anti cavitation valve Travel block
87 4 Cover plate Travel block
88 4 Throttle check valve Travel block
89 ----
90 2 4-spool control valve Boom
91 16 Pressure relief valve 4-spool control
92 2 Float valve Boom
93 4 Throttled check valve Position 90 & 92
94 4 Throttled check valve Position 135
95 2 Boom cylinder Boom
96 2 Stick cylinder Boom
97 2 Bucket cylinder Stick
98 ----
99 ----

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 3


Position Quantity Designation Location

100 ----
101 2 Joy stick Operator cab
102 3 Treadle pedal Operator cab
103 1 Proportional valve plate Operator module
104 2 Valve bank Operator module
105 1 Filter for proportional valve plate Operator module
106 ----
107 ----
108 ----
109 1 Check valve
110 1 Throttle valve
111 3 Twin check valves
112 ----
113 ----
114 ----
115 2 Internal anti cavitation valve for fan motor Position 9
116 ----
117 ----
118 ----
119 ----
120 ----
121 ----
122 1 Microprocessor GLR 200 Operator module
123 ----
124 ----
125 ----
126 ----
127 ----
128 ----
129 ----
130 5 Reducer flange Position 4 & 90
131 4 Reducer flange Position 7
132 ----
133 4 Block Position 51
134 4 Block Position 51
135 4 Distributor Boom

Page 8.3 - 4 RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03


Position Quantity Designation Location

136 ----
137 ----
138 2 Block Position 90
139 ----
140 ----
141 ----
142 2 Block
143 2 Orifice
144 8 Reducer flange
145 1 Block Superstructure
146 1 Block Superstructure
147 1 Track tensioning block Undercarriage
148 1 Solenoid valve Engine modul
149 1 Pressure reduction valve Engine modul

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 5


8.3.3 Components of the hydraulic stroking cylinder (4. 2). At operating pressures
system of the RH 200 (BH) under 60 bar, chamber is fed with oil from the
servo circuit (60 bar) through port (X2). It would
otherwise not be possible to tilt the pumps.
When the pump receives a signal to tilt out, i. e.
Position nos. are referred to circuit diagram the governing pressure on port (X1) is 10 - 43 bar,
Part-No. 3 672 770 (02). the spool (4. 1) is shifted against the force of the
spring. Oil in chamber flows into chamber (A)
Some items are numbered on the schematic until equilibrium is reached between the governing
but not mentioned here. They are not important pressure and the force of the spring.
for the hydraulic functioning.
As the spool (B) has reaction surfaces of different
size, the forces in chamber (A) win. The rotary
Drive unit Pos. 1 group is tiled out (oil flow increased) until equilib-
rium is restored.

The two water - cooled Cummins engines are 12 - The works - set orifices (4.3) determine the tilting
cylinder V engines with turbo-charging and inter - speed of the pump.
If PMS then reduces the governing pressure on
port (X1), spool (4.1) is shifted to the right. Cham-
ber (A) of the governing cylinder (4.2) is connected
Pump transfer gearbox Pos. 2 to the oil tank. The rotary group is then de -
stroked (i. e. tilted back to a lower flow) until an
equilibrium is reached.
Each of the 3 - stage spur - wheel gearboxes is
driven via a diaphragm coupling from one of the
engines and distributes engine output to the rele- Pressure cut - off
vant hydraulic pumps.
Pressure cut - off comes into effect as soon as the
system pressure reaches 300 bar. Pressure se-
quence valve (4.4) is opened by the system pres-
sure and connects chambers (A & C) of the gov-
Variable - displacement pump Pos. 3 erning cylinder (4.2) with the tank. The pump is
tiled back to such a reduced flow that only the
pressure in the system is maintained.
The 4 main pumps (4) for working equipment and
travel movements are axial - piston swashplate Pressure increase Travel
pumps with slipper bearing. Slipper bearings are
hydraulically swimming bearings that increase The pressure sequence valve (4.4) is put under a
the pump`s service life. pressure of 60 bar (from the servo circuit) as soon
as a Travel function is summoned. Pressure
Each pump has its own pressure - dependent switch (115/S 81) reacts to the Travel function,
regulator (4. 1, Fig. 1) with a regulating range of shifts solenoid valve (105/Y 31) and allows pres-
between 8 and 43 bar. At 43 bar, the pump`s ro- sure oil to flow to the sequence valve. Pressure cut
tary group is at its maximum swashplate angle (13 - off then only comes into action at 360 bar.
15`) and therefore at maximum flow. At 8 bar, the
rotary group is at zero oil flow. The governors are The pressure sequence valve can be put out of
actuated by the electronic load - limit governor action with shut - off cock (5).
(122) in the PMS systems, and by the proportional
valves (21).
Chip/contamination switch
Any metallic contamination of the hydraulic oil in
Function the pump causes the chip/contamination switch
(4.5) to send a warning signal to the BCS (Board
Pressure oil required to tilt (alter the angle) of the Control Systems).
rotary group is drawn from the pump`s own main
flow. It is continually available in chamber of de -

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Axial piston pump A 10 V Pos. 4 the BCS system if metal chips or excessive oil
temperatures are detected.

The 2 pressure regulated axial piston pumps are

working as charge pumps for the swing circuit.
Oil cooling pump Pos. 7

Axial piston pump A 10 V Pos. 5 Four fixed - displacement gear - type pumps are
mounted onto the swing pumps (6). They con-
stantly draw oil from the tank and pump it to the
The fan wheel for water cooling of the diesel en- fan motors and the oil coolers.
gine is driven by an adjustable axial-piston pump
per drive unit. The volume flow of the pump and
thus the speed of the fan wheel is electronically
controlled as a function of the water temperature. Servo pump Pos. 8

The 2 servo pumps (8) are fixed - displacement

Swing pump Pos. 6 gear - type double pumps that are mounted on the
pump transfer gearboxes (2) and that supply the
whole servo circuit with oil.
The 4 swing pumps to move the superstructure are
variable - displacement axial - piston swash plate
pumps. They are especially suited for operation in
closed circuits. The pump flow is infinitely variable Fan motor Pos. 9
and increases from 0 to max while the pump
rotary group is being tilted out. If the swash plate is
de-stroked through the zero position, the direc- The gear motor with internal anti-cavitation valve is
tion of the oil flow is altered smoothly. driving the fans for the radiators.

The pumps are fitted with a torque control that is

controlled by the pressure regulating valve (54).
Depending upon the pre - selected control pres- Filter Pos. 10
sure, the valve allows infinite governing of

- operating pressure and Filter the oil flows from the 4 swing circuit charge
- torque magnitude and direction pumps.

on the swing motors (51).

Each swing pump has two pressure relief/anti - Filter Pos. 11

cavitation valves.

The functions of these valves are: Two filters clean the oil flows of the two servo
pumps (8).
1) To protect the swing circuit from overpressure
(max. 400 bar)

2) To ensure that the closed loop of oil in the Blocking valve Pos. 12
swing circuit remains full.
These valves are leak free and are opened fully by
A gear - type pump is also mounted on each swing oil from the servo pumps (8) as soon as the en-
pump, and serves as a charge pump for the closed gines are running. If one of the engines is shut
circuit. The charge pressure of the pumps is limited down, the relevant blocking valves close absolutely
by pressure relief valves integrated into the pumps. tightly and prevent the stationary engine from be-
ing turned over by pressure oil acting in reverse
The pumps also have chip/contamination and tem-
perature switches which send warning signals to

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 7


through swing motor, swing pump and transfer Proportional valve Pos. 21
free Pos. 13
These valves control the main pumps (3). They are
controlled by the microprocessor (122) in the PMS
free Pos. 14 system and govern the flows from the main pumps
depending upon the actual pressure. Each pair of
main pumps is governed by one proportional valve.
Servo oil valve block Pos. 15 The valves are actuated by adjustable, oil - im-
mersed DC solenoids and transform electrical
currents proportionally into hydraulic pressure.
The complete assembly group comprises two fil- A solenoid current of 830 mA corresponds to a
ters (11), the differential pressure valve (16), a pressure of 42 bar in the pump governors. A cur-
pressure relief valve (17), two check valves (18) rent of 230 mA corresponds to 10 bar.
and a housing.
free Pos. 22

Differential pressure valve Pos. 16 free Pos. 23

This valve (set to 25 bar) increases the servo free Pos. 24

pressure from 35 to 60 bar. The higher pressure is
needed to govern the main pumps (3) and to shift
the track motors (73). free Pos. 25

Gate valve in intake line Pos. 26

Servo circuit pressure relief valve
Pos. 17 The shut - off cocks can be used to isolate the
hydraulic pumps from the oil tank. This makes it
possible to remove pumps without having to drain
The valve limits the pressure in the servo circuit to
all of the oil from the tank.
35 bar. The valve is pilot controlled and has a vari-
able setting.
free Pos. 27

Hydraulic oil tank Pos. 28

Check valve Pos. 18
The tank stores all of the oil for the system and
These two valves prevent either of the servo contains two return flow filters (29), six by - pass
pumps (8) from affecting the other, e. g. when only valves (30), four tank line pressurizing valves (31),
one engine is running, they prevent oil being a check valve (32) and pressure switch (33).
pumped back into the tank through the stationary
servo pump.

free Pos. 19 Return flow filter Pos. 29

Pump governing valve, compl. Pos. 20 Each return flow filter contains 7 filter elements to
clean the oil returning from inside to out. Any metal
chips are trapped by the magnetic rods installed
The group comprises two proportional valves (21),
above the filters.
two metering connections and a housing.

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By - pass valve Pos. 30 Pressure relief valve Pos. 36

The six by - pass valves open at a pressure of 1.5 The relief valves (36) are used as:
bar and prevent the return flow filters (29) bursting,
e. g. due to clogging. Oil then flows unfiltered back - primary relief valves (4 in all)
into the tank.
- secondary relief valve (1 in all) for shovel dump

Tank line pressurizing valve Pos. 31 The valves are pilot controlled and have variable

These four valves have fixed settings of approx. 10 Primary pressure relief valves
bar. They are arranged in the return lines and keep
a constant level of pressure in the hydraulic sys-
Limit the maximum pressure that can be reached
by the pumps (3) and therefore protect the primary
movers against overload.

Secondary pressure relief valves

Check valve Pos. 32
Protect the working hydraulics against external
These two valves have a cracking pressure of brute forces.
approx. 1 bar and prevent oil escaping from:

the servo caps on control block (90) for boom and

stick float functions (1 valve) 2 - way valve Pos. 37
the servo line to solenoid valve (107/Y 7) for servo
circuit ON/OFF (1 valve). Four valves for the logical co - ordination of the
main pumps (3).
They isolate the main pumps against one another
and prevent a stationary engine from being turned
over by it's pumps when only the other engine is
Pressure switch Pos. 33 running.

Closes at a pressure of 1.5 bar and signals the The 2 - way valves are shifted by solenoids (24/Y
BCS systems that return flow filters (29) are con- 32 & Y 33).
taminated (blocked). The filter elements must then Co - ordination of the valves - see solenoid valve
be changed immediately. (24).

free Pos. 34
Protection cap Pos. 38
Distributor plate (compl.) for main
pumps Pos. 35 Cap for 2 - way valves (37) with connection for
pilot line (from solenoid valve 24).
An assembly group comprising four primary pres-
sure relief valves (36), four two - way valves (37),
four caps (38), four high - pressure filters (39) and
a housing with two check valves. The two check High - pressure filter Pos. 39
valves isolate the main pumps (3/P1 & P2) from
the pumps (3/P3 + P4) when only the right - hand
engine is running. The high - pressure filters in the high - pressure
lines from the main pumps protect the downline
units (e. g. control blocks and cylinders) against
metal chips and particles from the pumps (3).

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 9


Other than in the return flow filters (29), the oil Solenoid valve Pos. 45
flows through the HP filters from outside to in.

The valve controls the 2 - way valves (37) for the

logical co - ordination of the four main pumps (3).
Check valve Pos. 40

The four valves prevent negative influencing of Fan motor Pos. 46

main pump pressures (3/P1 & P2) when only one
Travel pedal is actuated. The valves crack open
at approx. 1 bar. Four fixed - displacement gear - type motors are
used to drive the fans on the oil coolers.

Block for solenoid valve Pos. 41

Fan Pos. 47
The block carries the solenoid valve (45) for the
logical co - ordination of the four main pumps (3). The fan produces the air flow to cool down the
hydraulic oil.

Distributor plate for oil cooling Pos. 42

Oil cooler Pos. 48
Each of the two plates contains two thermostats
(44), two pressure relief valves (43) and two check Pass the heat generated in the hydraulic system
valves. The check valves function as anti - cavita- on to the atmosphere using the air flows created
tion valves while the engines are being shut down. by the fans.

free Pos. 49

Pressure relief valve Pos. 43

Swing gearbox Pos. 50
The two pilot controlled, variable setting pressure
relief valves protect the cooler circuit against over- The gearbox are 2 - stage planetary reducers.
pressure, e. g. in case of a line blockage.

Swing motor Pos. 51

Thermostat Pos. 44
The swing motors are 40, fixed - displacement
The four thermostats are fully open at oil tem- axial piston pumps whose output speed is propor-
peratures under 40C. The majority of the oil then tional to the flow of oil. The output torque increases
flows directly back into the tank. As the tempera- with the pressure drop over the motor.
ture rises, the thermostats begin to close so that
an increasing amount of oil flows through the fan
motors and the coolers. At 52C the thermostats
are fully closed and the full oil flow passes through Swing parking brake Pos. 52
the fan motors to the coolers.
The spring applied multi disc brakes on the swing
gearboxes serve to hold the superstructure sta-
tionary (parking brakes). They are actuated by a
toggle switch in the cab.
The brake must only be actuated when the super-
structure has stopped swinging.

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The superstructure is braked from its swing hy- High - pressure filter Pos. 60
draulically (countering) by servo valve (101).

free Pos. 53 The two HP filters in the swing circuit clean both
sides of the swing circuit. The check valves in the
filter heads lead the oil flows to the correct side to
Pressure governing valve Pos. 54 flow through the filters. This is necessary as the
high and low - pressure sections of the circuit
change depending upon the direction of swing.
Governs the torque in the closed - loop swing cir-

The valve governs the pressure and direction of oil Check valve Pos. 61
flow (and therefore extent and direction of the
swing motors` output ) depending upon the se-
lected control pressure These two check valves protect the two HP filters
(39) for main pumps (P 3 & P 4). When the exca-
The radio between control pressure and working vator is being run on only one engine, the flows
pressure is approx. 1 : 12, i. e. 10 bar control pres- from the relevant main pumps would run through
sure on ports (Y 1 or Y 2) corresponds to 120 bar the control blocks (90) and then into the filters in
operating pressure in the swing circuit. the wrong direction. This would destroy the filters.

free Pos. 62
Pressure relief valve Pos. 55
free Pos. 63
The valve limits the pressure that controls the
pressure governing valve (54) to max. 31 bar. The free Pos. 64
valve is direct acting and has a variable setting.

free Pos. 65

Shuttle valve Pos. 56 Track tensioning cylinder Pos. 66

Via this shuttle valve the Y1 & Y2 ports of the Single - acting (plunger) cylinders that keep the
pressure governing valve (54) are connected with crawler tracks tensioned.
the pressure relief valve (55)

Connecting block Pos. 67

Flushing valve Pos. 57
Blocks that connect the hydraulic lines to the track
The valve flushes the oil in the closed - loop swing tensioning cylinders.
circuit. Each time a swing function is summoned, a
certain amount of oil is flushed out of the low pres-
sure side. The charge pumps mounted on the
swing pumps replace this oil with filtered, cooled oil
from the tank.
Diaphragm accumulator Pos. 68

free Pos. 58 The nitrogen accumulators act as shock absorbers

to dampen external forces acting on the crawler
free Pos. 59

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Track tensioning group Pos. 69 Travel parking brake Pos. 74

A complete group comprising a pressure relief The four track parking brakes are wet, multi - disk
valve (70), two check valves and two metering brakes that are engaged under spring force and
connections M 14 x 1.5. released by hydraulic pressure (18 - 20 bar).

The two check valves keep the track tensioning free Pos. 75
pressure at a constant level.

Secondary relief block Pos. 76

Pressure relief valve Pos. 70 Assembly group comprising four pressure relief
valves (77), two metering connections and a
The track-tensioning assembly comprises 2 pres- housing.
sure-relief valves with hand wheel and 2 test
The hand wheels can be used to relieve the hy-
draulic track tension independently for each track. Pressure relief valve Pos. 77

free Pos. 71 Secondary pressure relief valves for the four track
motors that protect the motors against external
Travel gearbox Pos. 72 forces. Excess oil is cracked off into the relevant
lowpressure side of the motors.

- stage planetary reducers with integrated parking free Pos. 78


free Pos. 79

Travel motor Pos. 73

Travel block Pos. 80
The four track motors are variable - displacement,
bent - axis motors with tandem bearing arrange- A complete group comprising rotor (81), the
ments. Servo pressure at port (X) sets the motors Travel spools (82 & 83), the travel retarder valves
to either of two mechanically limited tilt angles. The (84 & 85), anti - cavitation valves (86) and cover
maximum tilt angle is selected when servo pres- plates (87).
sure is O . The minimum tilt angle is reached
when servo pressure rises above 40 - 45 bar.

max. tilt angle = max. motor displacement = max. Rotor Pos. 81

output torque = min. output speed
Conducts hydraulic oil flows between superstruc-
min. tilt angle = min. motor displacement = min. ture and undercarriage. The seven ring channels
output torque = max. output speed are for:
The governing pressure (at least 15 bar) is tapped Travel (4 channels)
out of the respective high - pressure side using
check valves. Track parking brakes/Track motor adjustment

Track tensioning

Leakage oil

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Travel valve block RH Pos. 82

4-spool control block Pos. 90
A servo - controlled single - spool block that actu-
ates the right - hand track. Servo controlled 4-spool blocks for the functions:
Boom, Stick, Shovel tip and Shovel dump.
With anti - cavitation valves.

Travel valve block LH Pos. 83

Pressure relief valve Pos. 91
A servo - controlled single - spool block that actu-
ates the left - hand track.
Secondary relief valves. Pilot controlled with vari-
able settings.

Travel retarder valve RH Pos. 84

Float valve Pos. 92
Prevents the excavator from running away down-
hill and keeps the track motors full of oil (to avoid
cavitation). The speed of the track motors is then The float valves save time and energy when low-
always determined by the working pressure of the ering the boom. The valves connect the piston and
pumps (3). rod sides of the cylinders so that the piston rods
retract only as a result of the attachment`s own
dead weight. Only the excess oil (piston - side
chamber has a greater volume than the rod - side)
Travel retarder valve LH Pos. 85 is allowed to escape to the tank. The main pumps
(3) are not activated. If it is required to lower the
boom with pressure, the float valves can be
See travel retarder valve (84). switched off using solenoid valve (105/Y 10).

Anti - cavitation valve Pos. 86 Throttle check valve Pos. 93

The four valves mounted on the Travel spools The check valves in the cylinder lines ensure
(82 & 83) keep a constant column of oil in the track smooth operation of the attachment.
motors. They crack open at the slightest pressure
so that oil can be drawn in from the tank line. free Pos. 94

Boom cylinder Pos. 95

Cover plate Pos. 87
The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in-
Covers on the anti - cavitation valves (86). stalled between superstructure and TriPower. They
are lifting or lowering the boom and thus the com-
plete working equipment.

Throttle check valve Pos. 88

Stick cylinder Pos. 96
The check valves in the servo lines of the travel
valve block ensure smooth operation of the spools.
The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in-
free Pos. 89 stalled between boom and stick and ensure exten-
sion and retraction of the arm.

RH 200 Diesel (BH) - 3657772e - (00) - 07.03 Page 8.3 - 13


Bucket cylinder Pos. 97

The two double-acting hydraulic cylinders are in-

stalled between the linkage of the bucket and the
stick and are used to turn the bucket.

free Pos. 98

free Pos. 99

free Pos. 100

Joy stick Pos. 101

4 - way joy sticks control the spools in the control

blocks (90) and the governors in the swing pumps
via the proportional valves in plate (103).

Treadle pedal Pos. 102

2 - way pedals that control the spools in the

Travel blocks (82 & 83)

and in control block (90) for ' Bucket dump'

via the proportional valves in plate (103).

Proportional valve plate Pos. 103

The valve plate contains the proportional valves

and the 3/2 way valves for operation of cylinders,
swing and travel function .

Valve bank, compl. Pos. 104

An assembly group comprising four solenoid

valves and a housing.

Filter Pos. 105

This filter is filtering the oil which is feeding the

proportional valve plate (103).

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free Pos. 106 free Pos. 118

fee Pos. 107 free Pos. 119

free Pos. 108 free Pos. 120

Check valve Pos. 109 free Pos. 121

The check valve keeps the track tensioning system Microprocessor GLR 200 Pos. 122
under pressure.

The load limit governor contains two extensively

independent governors, each of which is responsi-
Throttle valve Pos. 110 ble for one of the engines and the pumps con-
nected to it.

Is used to pressurize the servo caps in the control The magnitudes to be governed are the speeds of
blocks (90), for boom, stick and shovel tip cylin- the engines. These speeds are monitored by in-
ders, to 1.0 - 1.3 bar. This ensures optimum oil ductive sensors.
flow characteristics.
The engine speeds are governed by altering the
settings of the main pumps (3). The pump settings
are altered by proportional valves (21) which con-
Twin check valve Pos. 111 vert electrical currents into hydraulic pressure sig-
nals which alter the pump settings until an equilib-
rium is reached between engines and hydraulic
The unlockable twin check valves serve two func- consumers.
free Pos. 123
1) They give the way free for return line oil to flow
from control blocks (90) to the tank when the
boom, stick or shovel tip cylinders are actuated. free Pos. 124
2) They act as anti - cavitation valves when the
spools in the control blocks are shifted back to free Pos. 125

free Pos. 112 free Pos. 126

free Pos. 113 free Pos. 127

free Pos. 114 free Pos. 128

Anti cavitation valve Pos. 115 free Pos. 129

The check valve acts as an anti-cavitation valve for Reducer flange Pos. 130
the fan motor when the engine is shut down.
For main pumps (3).
free Pos. 116

free Pos. 117

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Reducer flanges Pos. 131 Block Pos. 145

For cooling pumps (7). Connects pump and return line of main pump (3/P
4) to left - hand control block (90).
free Pos. 132

Blocks Pos. 133 Block Pos. 146

For rear swing motors (51). Connects pump and return line of main pump (3/P
3) to left - hand control block (90).

Blocks Pos. 134

For front swing motors (51). Track tensioning block Pos. 147

The block contains the valves for the automatic

Distributor Pos. 135 track tensioning system.

For pressure balance between the crowd cylinders

(97). Solenoid valve Pos. 148

free Pos. 136 The Valve is changing the track tensioning pres-
sure between 50 bar and 70 bar mode.

free Pos. 137

Blocks Pos. 138 Pressure reduction valve Pos. 149

Connect tank lines to control blocks (90). The valve is reducing the 70 bar auxiliary pressure
to 50 bar.
free Pos. 139

free Pos. 140

free Pos. 141

free Pos. 142

free Pos. 143

Reducer flange Pos. 144

For swing pumps (6).

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8.4 Hydraulic components

8.4.1 Main pumps If the pressure at the connection (X 1) is reduced
by the load limit regulator, the regulator piston (1)
Each pump is equipped with a pressure-controlled is operated by spring force. The chambers (A + C)
regulator (1, Fig. 1) with a control range of between of the regulator cylinder (2) are interconnected. As
7,5 and 42,5 bar. At a control pressure of 42,5 bar piston (B) has adjusting areas of different sizes,
at the X1 port of the regulator, the pump is swiv- the forces in chamber (A) are predominant. The
elled out to maximum flow-rate. At a control pres- pump is reset to a smaller output until there is a
sure of 7,5 bar, it is swivelled back to "zero" flow- balance of forces.
With the restrictors (3) the swing speed of the
The regulator is controlled by an electro-magnetic pump has been set at the factory.
proportional valve connected to the electronic load-
limit regulator. (See also THB "PMS - Pump Man-
aging System"). Pressure cut-off

When the maximum working pressure of 300 bar is

reached in the system, the automatic pressure cut-
off becomes active.
The pressure cut-off valve (4) is opened by the
system pressure and connects the chambers (A +
C) of the regulator cylinder (2) with each other. The
pump now swings to such a small output that the
system pressure is reliably maintained.

Via port Pst the cut-off pressure is increased dur-

ing travel mode to 360 bar.


The engine speed is increasing to approx. 1 900

rpm, as less power is needed by the pumps.

Contamination switch

If the oil in a pump is contaminated with metal par-

ticles, the contamination switch (3.5-S63) switches
Fig. 1 Main pump regulator on a relevant warning indicator in the cab.


The pressure oil required to swing out the pumps is

taken from the pump flow. It is constantly available
in chamber (C) of the regulator cylinder (2). At
operating pressures below 60 bar, chamber (C) is
pressurized via connection (X 2) with oil from the
auxiliary circuit. Otherwise it would be impossible
to swing out the pump.

At the same time the regulator piston (1) is pres-

surized via the proportional valve and connection
(X 1) with oil (max. 42.5 bar). It now connects the
chamber (A) of the regulator cylinder with the tank.
The pump swings out completely and supplies its
maximum output.

RH 200 Diesel - 2471392e - (02) - 10.99 Page 8.4 - 1


8.4.2 Swing pump

The swing pump is a variable displacement axial-
piston pump in swash-plate design for closed-

The volume flow is proportional to the drive speed

and displacement volume and is infinitely adjust-
With increasing swing-out, the swash-plate in-
creases the volume flow from 0 up to its maximum
If the swash-plate is adjusted through the zero
position, the volume flow changes its direction of
flow smoothly.

To protect the drive system, the pump is equipped

with two pressure relief valves for the respective
high-pressure side.
These valves act simultaneously as feed valves.
An integrated auxiliary pump serves as a feed
pump. The max. feed pressure is ensured by the
installed feed-pressure relief valve.

Torque control

Depending on the pre-selected control pressure,

the service pressure as well as the pressure direc-
tion and thus the level and direction of the torque
at the hydraulic motor are controlled infinitely ad-

This control permits virtually loss-free utilization of

the drive system for both acceleration and braking
operations. No power is converted into heat by
means of pressure relief valves, and during the
braking operation the braking energy is fed back
into the pump transfer gearbox and relieves the
drive motor.

High pressure and control pressure are in a ratio of

12:1, i.e. the high pressure available at the hydrau-
lic motor is theoretically approx. 12 times as high
as the control pressure applied at the pump regu-

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8.4.3 Rotor
The rotor is connecting the hydraulic systems of
the superstructure and the undercarriage.

Ref. no. Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Groove for travelling
2 1 Groove for travelling
3 1 Groove for travelling
4 1 Groove for travelling
5 1 Groove for track tensioning system
6 1 Groove for track unit brake
7 1 Groove for leakage oil
10 Cylinder head bolt M 10 x 30
11 Cylinder head bolt M 16 x 45 Tightening torque
Ma = 210 Nm
12 Lifting eye M 16

Fig. 1 Rotor

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Remove rotor seals

If worn seals are removed from the rotor housing
with a mandrel or a marking tool, the edges or
groove boards in the rotor housing might be dam-

This can be prevented by using a bracket made of

welding wire 4 mm, against which the mandrel is
supported as the seals are lifted out.

Removal (Figs. 2 + 3)

Knock mandrel (14) carefully into sealing ring


Insert wire bracket (13) over mandrel (14) and

push to centre of groove board.

Lever sealing ring (12) with mandrel (14) out of Fig. 2 Removing the rotor seals
groove, then press or draw out of rotor housing

Check groove boards (11) and groove edges

for damage, deburring carefully and then
cleaning thoroughly if necessary.

Fig. 3 Removal of the rotor seals

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8.4.4 Hydraulic valves closed and prevent the engine from being driven
via the swing pumps and the pump gearbox.
Blocking valve Pos. 12
The ports are marked with A, B and R.
The orifice (2) is installed with Loctite (20) and
The 2 locking valves belonging to each drive unit punch-secured.
are controlled and opened by the servo pumps (8)
of the drive unit when the engine is running. When
the engine is stopped, the locking valves are

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve 7,5
2 1 Orifice 0,8 mm
3 1 Check valve cone
4 1 Plug
5 ----
6 1 Spring
7 ----
8 ----
9 Plug
10 ----
11 1 Sealing ring
12 1 O-ring
13 1 Back ring
14 1 Plug
15 1 2/2 wax valve
16 1 Sealing kit
17 ----
18 4 Cyl.-head bolt M 6 x 30 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 10 Nm
19 4 Cyl.-head bolt M 5 x 30 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 4,9 Nm
20 Loctite
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Blocking valve

Fig. 2 Blocking valve

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Servo oil valve block Pos. 15 Servo circuit pressure relief valve
Pos. 17
The complete assembly group comprises two fil-
ters (11), the differential pressure valve (16), a The valve limits the pressure in the servo circuit to
pressure relief valve (17), two check valves (18) 35 bar. The valve is pilot controlled and has a vari-
and a housing. able setting.

Filter Pos. 11 Check valves Pos. 18

Two filters clean the oil flows of the two servo These two valves prevent either of the servo
pumps (8). pumps (8) from affecting the other, e. g. when only
Two filters clean part of the oil flows returning from one engine is running, they prevent oil being
the oil coolers. This oil is then available to flush pumped back into the tank through the stationary
and cool the slipper bearings of the main pumps servo pump.
(ports U on main pumps 3).

Differential pressure (booster) valve

Pos. 16
This valve (set to 25 bar) increases the servo pres-
sure from 35 to 60 bar. The higher pressure is
needed to regulate the main pumps (3) and to shift
the travel motors (73).

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Housing
2 1 Differential pressure valve Pos. 16
3 1 Pressure relief valve Pos. 17
4 2 Filter Pos. 11
5 2 Test point Minimess M 14 x 1,5
6 2 Check valve Pos. 18
7 11 ----
12 4 Cylinder head bolt M 6 x 60
13 1 Plug M 16 x 1,5
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Valve block servo- and auxiliary pressure

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Fig. 2 Valve block servo- and auxiliary pressure

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Bypass valve Pos. 30

The by - pass valve opens at a pressure of 1.5 bar

and prevents the return flow filters (29) bursting, e.
g. due to clogging. Oil then flows unfiltered back
into the tank.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Plate
2 1 Bottom plate
3 1 Housing
4 1 Valve body
5 1 Spring
6 1 O-ring
7 1 Seal
Table 1

Fig. 1 Bypass valve

Page 8.4 - 10 RH 200 Diesel - 2471392e - (02) - 10.99


Tank-line pre-charging valve Pos. 31 This ensures that sufficient oil is available at the
anti-cavitation valves of cylinders and travel valves.

The tank-line pre-charging valve pre-pressurizes

the oil in the return lines. The valve is set 12 bar.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve housing
2 1 Flange
3 1 Lid
4 1 Bushing
5 1 Piston
6 1 Pressure relief valve Tightening torque Md = 70 Nm
7 ----
8 ----
10 1 Sealing ring
11 1 O-ring
12 1 O-ring
13 2 Cylinder head bolt M 6 x 35 Tightening torque Md = 8,5 Nm
Table 1

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6, 13

Fig. 1 Tank-line pre charging valve

6, 13

Fig. 2 Tank-line pre charging valve

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Pump distributor block Pos. 35

The 2 - way valves are shifted by solenoids (24/Y
32 & Y 33).
An assembly group comprising four primary pres- Co - ordination of the valves - see solenoid valve
sure relief valves (36), four two - way valves (37), (24).
four caps (38), four high - pressure filters (39) and
a housing with two check valves. The two check
valves isolate the main pumps (3/P1 & P2) from High - pressure filter Pos. 39
the pumps (3/P3 + P4) when only the right - hand
engine is running.
The high - pressure filters in the high - pressure
lines from the main pumps protect the downline
Primary pressure relief valves Pos. 36 units (e. g. control blocks and cylinders) against
metal chips and particles from the pumps (3).
Other than in the return flow filters (29), the oil
Limit the maximum pressure that can be reached flows through the HP filters from outside to in.
by the pumps (3) and therefore protect the primary
movers against overload.
Check valves Pos. 40
2 - way valves Pos. 37
The four valves prevent negative influencing of
main pump pressures (3/P1 & P2) when only one
Four valves for the logical co - ordination of the Travel pedal is actuated. The valves crack open
main pumps (3). at approx. 1 bar.
They isolate the main pumps against one another
and prevent a stationary engine from being turned
over by it's pumps when only the other engine is

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Housing
2 1 Plate
3 2 Flange
4 2 Cone
5 2 Spring seat
6 4 Cover
11 4 Pressure relief valve
25 Cyl. head bolt M 5 x 16 8.8
26 Cyl. head bolt M 12 x 60 12.9 Tightening torque Md = 145 Nm

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Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

27 16 Hex. Bolt M 16 x 150 10.9 Tightening torque Md = 295 Nm
28 6 Cyl. head bolt M 20 x 120 12.9
29 8 Hex. Bolt M 8 x 75 8.8
30 2 Lifting eye
Table 1

Fig. 1 Pump distributor block

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Fig. 2 Pump distributor block

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Valve block for oil cooling Pos. 42 Thermostats Pos. 44

Each of the two plates contains two thermostats The four thermostats are fully open at oil tempera-
(44), two pressure relief valves (43) and two check tures under 40C. The majority of the oil then flows
valves. The check valves function as anti - cavita- directly back into the tank. As the temperature
tion valves while the engines are being shut down. rises, the thermostats begin to close so that an
increasing amount of oil flows through the fan mo-
tors and the coolers. At 52C the thermostats are
Pressure relief valves Pos. 43 fully closed and the full oil flow passes through the
fan motors to the coolers.

The two pilot controlled, variable setting pressure

relief valves protect the cooler circuit against over-
pressure, e. g. in case of a line blockage.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve block 17
2 2 Lid
3 2 Lid
4 2 Check valve Opening pressure: 4 bar
5 2 Piston
6 2 Thermostat
7 ----
8 2 Spring
9 2 Spring
10 ----
11 ----
12 ----
13 2 Test point Minime M 14 x 1,5
14 2 Pressure relief valve Tightening torque Md = 80 Nm
15 2 O-ring
16 2 O-ring
17 2 O-ring
18 1 Lifting eye
19 6 Hex. bolt M 8 x 30 Tightening torque Md = 20,5 Nm
20 4 Cylinder head bolt M 6 x 25 Tightening torque Md = 8,5 Nm
Table 1

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14, 20

Fig. 1 Hydraulic oil cooling - thermostat valve

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Fig. 2 Hydraulic oil cooling - thermostat valve

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Pressure balance valve Pos. 54 The proportion between control pressure and op-
erating pressure is 1:12, i.e. a control pressure of
e.g. 10 bar at one of the control pressure ports (Y1
The pressure balance valve continuously varies or Y2) corresponds to an operating pressure of ca.
the magnitude and the direction of the swing pres- 120 bar at the swing motors.
sure and thus the magnitude and the direction of
the momentum at the swing motors depending on
the pre-selected control pressure.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Main spool
2 1 Spool
3 1 Spring
4 1 Spring
5 1 Spool
6 1 Adjuster screw To adjust the centre position of
the main spool
7 1 Orifice 2,2 mm
Table 1

Fig. 1 Pressure balance valve

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Flushing valve Pos. 57 The corresponding amount of filtered and cooled

oil from the hydraulic reservoir is fed back into the
swing system by the charging pumps.
The flushing- and feed-pressure valve ejects a
defined amount of oil from the close swing circuit at
the low-pressure side during each swing operation.

Ref. no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve housing
2 2 Sealing ring
3 2 Plug
4 1 Sealing ring
5 1 Orifice
6 1 Relief valve
7 1 Spool
Table 1

Fig. 1 Flushing valve

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High pressure filter Pos. 60 system is protected against contamination in case

of a swing pump or swing motor failure.
Because the oil flow is passing through the filter in
The high pressure filters are installed between the both directions the filter head contains 2 check
two front swing motors and are separating each valves to ensure that the oil is flowing always in
two swing motors and each two swing pumps from one direction through the filter element.
the other components. Thus 50 % of the swing

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 2 High pressure filter 18
2 1 Housing
3 1 O-ring
4 1 Filter element
5 1 O-ring
6 2 Bushing
7 2 O-ring
8 2 Check valve
9 2 Spring
10 1 Filter head
11 2 Sealing ring
12 2 Hex. head bolt
13 1 Sealing ring
14 1 Plug
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Filter for swing system

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Secondary relief block Pos. 76 Pressure relief valve Pos. 77

Assembly group comprising four pressure relief Secondary pressure relief valves for the four track
valves (77), 4 test points and a housing. motors that protect the motors against external
forces. Excess oil is cracked off into the relevant
low pressure side of the motors.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Housing
2 ----
3 4 Pressure relief valve (Pos. 77) Tightening torque Md = 300 Nm
4 4 Plug
Table 1

Fig. 1 Secondary relief valve - travel

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Travel retarder valve Pos. 84 / 85

The travel retarder valve prevents the excavator

from running away downhill and keeps the travel
motors full of oil (to avoid cavitation). The speed of
the travel motors is then always determined by the
working pressure of the pumps (3).

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Guide
2 1 Housing
3 3 Cap
4 1 Piston
5 ----
6 1 Plug
10 1 Spring
11 1 Bleeder valve
12 1 Valve
13 ----
14 2 O-ring
15 - 25 ----
26 4 Hex. Bolt M 8 x 75 Tightening torque Md = 25 Nm
27 4 Hex. Bolt M 8 x 50 Tightening torque Md = 25 Nm
28 ----
29 ----
30 1 Lifting eye M 12
Table 1

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26, 27 12

Fig. 1 Travel retarder valve

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26, 27 12

Fig. 2 Travel retarder valve

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4-spool control block Pos. 90 the consumer connection is reached, the oil starts
to flow to the consumer. Further shifting of the
control piston (2) results in the way to the tank
The control block (Fig. 1) consists essentially of the being opened via precision control grooves for the
housing (1), the control pistons (2), the actuating oil coming from the consumer and gradual redi-
and resetting elements (3), flange-mounted re- recting of the oil flow from the 2/2-way groove to
plenishing valves (4) and flange-mounted secon- the consumer groove (precision control).
dary pressure relief valves (5).
The max. travel of the control piston is 28mm.
When not activated, the control piston is kept in
neutral position by the resetting spring. In this po- The piston travel is divided into ca. 1/3 control
sition the connection between pump and consumer ledge overlap and 1/2 precision control range, with
is closed; the 2/2-way component is opened and the residual travel serving to produce the full
allows the oil to flow in free circulation from P to T. opening cross-section. The leakage-oil losses are
reduced by the overlap and a slight piston clear-
If the control piston (2) is moved out of its neutral ance.
position, the connection from pump to consumer is The consumers can be sensitively controlled
opened by means of precision control grooves and through the large precision-control range.
the 2/2-way component is throttled by means of
precision control grooves (negative overlap). The
pump pressure rises. When the pressure acting on

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve housing
2 4 Spools
3 8 Bonnet
4 8 Anti cavitation valve
5 8 Pressure relief valve Tightening torque Md = 150 Nm
Table 1

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Fig. 1 4-spool control valve

Fig. 2 4-spool control block

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Boom float valve Pos. 92/1 Arm float valve Pos. 92/2

The float valve permits pressure-less retraction of The float valve permits pressure-less retraction of
the boom cylinders by gravity. The valve opens a the arm cylinders by gravity. The valve opens a
connection between the piston- and the rod-side of connection between the piston- and the rod-side of
the cylinders to ensure the supply of oil to the rod- the cylinders to ensure the supply of oil to the rod-
side without having to use the main pumps. side without having to use the working pumps.
The spool travel is 17 mm. The spool travel is 17 mm.

For pressure-supported lowering of the boom, the For pressure-supported retraction of the arm, the
lowering function of the hand-lever can be lowering function of the hand-lever can be
switched over from float valve to main control spool switched over from float valve to main control spool
by pressing the button in the hand-lever. by pressing the button in the hand-lever.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Valve housing 76
2 1 Spool
3 1 Bonnet
4 1 Check valve only in Backhoe attachment
5 1 Flange
6 ----
7 1 Spring
8 1 Spring
9 2 Test point Minime M 14 x 1,5
10 1 O-ring
11 1 O-ring
12 1 O-ring
13 - 18 ----
19 1 Pipe
20 4 Stud bolt M 10 x 170
21 4 Nut M 10
22 4 Hex. bolt M 16x 55 Tightening torque Md = 310 Nm
23 4 Hex. bolt M 10x 50 Tightening torque Md = 49 Nm
Table 1

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22, 23

Fig. 1 Float valve

22, 23

Fig. 2 Float valve

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Distributor (FS only) Pos. 99

The distributor on the backwall of the bucket sup-

plies oil to the clamshell cylinders.
It also carries the relief valve pos. 36.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Housing
2 ----
3 ----
4 1 Pressure relief valve
5-7 ----
8 1 Seal
9 - 16 ----
17 4 Cylinder head bolt M 12 x 60 Tightening torque Md = 145 Nm
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Pressure relief valve in FS backwall

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Proportional valve plate Pos. 103

The complete assembly group comprises 16 elec-

tro-hydraulic proportional valves and 16 safety
valves (3/2 way valves).

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 Servo valve block
2 1 Housing
3 16 3/2 way valve
4 ----
5 16 electro-hydraulic proportional valve
6 ----
7 ----
8 16 O-ring
9 32 Plug
10 2 Plug
11 8 Plug
12 12 Plug
13 16 Plug
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Servo valve block wit proportional solenoids

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Fig. 2 Servo valve block wit proportional solenoids

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Solenoid valve block Pos. 104/1 Outlet A5: not used.

Outlet A6: Pressure boost of main pump 3 for
function open clam.
The valve block contains 4 solenoid valves. Outlet A7: Pressure boost of main pump 1 for
Both ports P1 and P2 are connected to the auxil- function open clam.
iary system (60 bar).
Outlet A8: Actuation of the swing parking
The solenoid valves operate the following func-

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Solenoid valve block Electrical data:
Voltage: 24 V
Output: 16 W
Switch-on time: 100 %

Hydraulical data:
Max. pressure: 210 bar
Rated flow (p = 5 bar):
26 l/min.
Max. flow: 35 l/min.
Table 1

Fig. 1 Solenoid valve block

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Solenoid valve block Pos. 104/2 The solenoid valves operate the following func-

The valve block contains 4 solenoid valves. Outlet A1: Actuation of the travel parking
The port P1 for then solenoid valves Y3 & Y4 is brake.
connected to the auxiliary system (60 bar). Outlet A2: not used.
The port P2 for then solenoid valves Y1 & Y2 is Outlet A3: Shifting of the 2-speed travel mo-
connected to the servo system (35 bar). tors.
Outlet A4: Travel pressure increase.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks Weight

1 1 Solenoid valve block Electrical data:
Voltage: 24 V
Output: 16 W
Switch-on time: 100 %

Hydraulical data:
Max. pressure: 210 bar
Rated flow (p = 5 bar):
26 l/min.
Max. flow: 35 l/min.
Table 1

Fig. 1 Solenoid valve block

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8.5 Description of the hydraulic and finally through the return flow filters (29) back
into the tank.
circuits The main pump P3 is passing through the RH 4-
For the following description, the hydraulic circuit spool valve block (90), the tank line pre-charging
diagram has been separated into individual func- valve (31) and finally through the return flow filters
tion circuits. (29) back into the tank.
The item numbers refer to the hydraulic- or electric The main pump P4 is passing through the LH 4-
circuit diagram. spool valve block (90), the tank line pre-charging
valve (31) and finally through the return flow filters
The complete hydraulic circuit diagram can be (29) back into the tank.
found in chapter 8.3.
Each of the two suction manifolds is provided with
This brief description is an additional information to a gate valve (26).
the training offered by the Service department. It
can not be a substitute for a detailed training Non-return valves (40) are installed to prevent oil
course! from flowing back into a pump in case of single
engine operation.

The 4 main pumps are protected by pressure relief

8.5.1 Load-Limit Regulation valves (36) set at 380 bar (primary relief valves).
The excavator is fitted with two diesel engines (1), The high-pressure filters (39) have a filtering rate
each of which drives a transfer gearbox (2) to of 100 m.
which 2 main pumps (4), 2 swing pumps (6), 2
cooling pumps (7), 1 pump (8) for servo pressure The tank line pre charging valves (31) have a fixed
and 1 pump for gearbox oil cooling are attached. setting of 10 bar and ensure that sufficient oil is
available to prevent consumer cavitation (see also
Load-limit regulation (PMS 3) makes it possible to section Working functions).
fully utilize the available engine output. Any num-
ber of governed hydraulic pumps and consumers The return flow filters (29) are monitored by a
without governors can be driven from one engine pressure switch which reacts (at a switch pressure
on the condition that the overall power consump- of 1.5 bar) on filter contamination and releases a
tion of all non-governed consumers is lower than warning signal in the cab. When filter contamina-
the max. output of the motor, as the load-limit tion is excessive, by-pass valves (30) open and
regulation can only influence regulated pumps. allow the oil flow unfiltered back into the tank.
Load-limit regulation uses the actual electric power
consumption of the motor as a signal to start gov-
erning, and comes into action as soon as consum-
ers demand more power than the available motor

Oil circuits

With the engines (1) running, and a function is

activated, the main pumps (P1, P2, P3 and P4)
feed oil into the distributor plate (35) with pressure
relief valves (36), logic valves (37) and high pres-
sure filters (39).
When both engines are running the main pump P1
is passing through a high-pressure filter (39), the
LH travel control block (83), the LH 4-spool valve
block (90), the tank line pre-charging valve (31)
and finally through the return flow filters (29) back
into the tank.
The main pump P2 is passing through the RH
travel control block (82), the RH 4-spool valve
block (90), the tank line pre-charging valve (31)

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8.5.2 Pressure cut-off

On each main pump a pressure cut-off valve is
installed. The pressure cut-off is activated as soon
as the system pressure reaches its max. level of
300 bar for the cylinder functions and 360 bar for
the travel function.
The pressure cut-off valve is mounted on the
regulator of the main pump. It is opened under
system pressure and the pump then de-strokes to
such a reduced flow that only the pressure in the
system is maintained.

Page 8.5 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663421e - (00) 09.03


8.5.3 Servo system 60 bar - auxiliary pressure

Remark: Auxiliary oil (60 bar) is required for the following

The position numbers in the pictures of this
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit Regulation of the main pumps via proportional
diagram and the components listed in chapter valves (20)
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
Operation of the pressure increase to 360 bar
for the travel system via solenoid control block.

The 2 gear pumps (8) for the servo system are Solenoid valve for 2-stage regulation of the
driven by the engines (1) via the pump gearbox (2). travel motors.

The pumps (8) suck the oil through the suction

manifolds from the hydraulic tank and feed into the Examples for servo oil circuits:
servo- and auxiliary pressure valve (15).
Regulation of the main pumps (fig. 2)

35 bar - Servo-pressure The regulators of the main pumps are connected to

the pump governing valves (20)
Servo pressure (35 bar) is supplied for the follow- The input of the proportional valves (20) is con-
ing functions: nected to the 60 bar system. The output to the
regulators is governed by the PMS-system. De-
Regulators of the main pumps to enable regu- pending on the load situation of the engines the
lation at low working pressure (fig. 1). output is regulated between 7,5 bar and 42,5 bar.

Proportional valves (103) for operation of the Solenoid valve bank (104) (fig. 3 & fig. 4)
4-spool control blocks (90) of the attachment.
Swing parking brake (Solenoid Y 11) (fig. 4)
Proportional valves (103) for operation of the
travel control blocks (82 & 83). Parking brake released:

Proportional valves (103) for operation of the The solenoid valve is energised and oil flows
swing system. to the swing parking brakes (port A2). They
are hydraulically released and held in the re-
Supply of the pressure regulating valve (54) for leased position.
the swing circuit.
Parking brake applied:
Solenoid valve for travel parking brake regula-
tion of the travel motors. Solenoid valve (Y 11) is not energised. The
swing brake pistons are connected to the hy-
Operation of the swing parking brake via sole- draulic tank.
noid control block (104). The swing brakes are applied by spring force.

The servo system is functional when the safety Travel parking brake (Solenoid Y 12)
switch in the operators seat is activated. Then (fig. 5 & fig. 6)
opening of the safety valves on plate (103) is pos-
sible. Parking brake released:

An accumulator (34) stores and provides hydraulic The solenoid valve is energised and oil flows
energy for lowering the attachment or depressur- to the travel parking brakes (port A1). They
ising the hydraulic cylinders in case the engines are hydraulically released and held in the re-
are switched off. leased position.

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Parking brake applied:

Other servo oil circuits are described in the sec-
Solenoid valve (Y 12) is not energised. The tions
travel brake pistons are connected to the hy-
draulic tank. 8.5.4 - Working functions
The travel brakes are applied by spring force. 8.5.5 - Travel system
8.5.6 - Swing system
2-speed travelling (Solenoid Y 13) 8.5.7 - Track tensioning system
(fig. 5 & fig. 6)
The solenoid valve (Y 13) is operating the 2-
The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
stage regulator of the travel motors for 2-
lines and not to components!
speed travelling.
When the operator is shifting the switch in the
cab from 'low speed' (turtle) to 'high speed' Colour Code Designation
(rabbit) the pressure in the lines to the travel
parking brakes and travel motor regulators is P 60 bar circuit
increased to 60 bar and the regulators are
shifting to low displacement. P 35 bar circuit

RP Regulating pressure for

Travel boost (Solenoid Y 31) (fig. 7) main pumps

R Return oil circuit

The solenoid valve (Y 31) is operating the
pressure cut-off valves of the main pumps P 2
and P 3 so that the travel pressure is in- L Leak oil circuit
creased to 360 bar.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

8 2 Gear pump
15 1 Servo oil valve block
20 2 Pump governing valves Proportional valves
52 4 Swing parking brake
54 1 Pressure governing valve Swing balance valve
103 1 Proportional valve plate
104 1 Valve bank, complete Solenoid valves
146 1 Filter for proportional valve plate
147 1 Check valve
148 1 Soleniod valve Travel boost
Table 1

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Fig. 1 Pumps for servo- and auxiliary pressure - 3663522a-01

Fig. 2 Pumps for servo- and auxiliary pressure - 3663522b-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663423e - (01) - 09.03 Page 8.5.3 - 3


Fig. 3 Regulation of main pumps via proportional valves - 3663522a-02

Fig. 4 Regulation of main pumps via proportional valves - 3663522b-02

Page 8.5.3 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663423e - (01) - 09.03


Fig. 5 Lines from operators cab - 3663041a-01

Fig. 6 Swing parking brake - 3663061a-01

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Fig. 7 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function - 3663522a-03

Fig. 8 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function - 3664495a-02

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Fig. 9 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function 3664495b-02

Fig. 10 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function 3664495c-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663423e - (01) - 09.03 Page 8.5.3 - 7


Fig. 11 Travel boost for main pumps - 3663522a-04

Fig. 12 Travel boost for main pumps - 3663522b-04

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8.5.4 Working functions (FS) In the neutral position of the control valves, but
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
Remark: coming from the main pump P4 flows through a
high-pressure filter (39) to the LH 4-spool control
The position numbers in the pictures of this
valve (90).
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
diagram and the components listed in chapter
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
Working functions are carried out with 4 main
pumps (4), all of which are feeding into open cir-
cuits - that means that oil flows from the consum-
ers back into the tank (fig. 1 & fig. 2 & fig. 3).
The 4 circuits supply the following working func-
Main pump P1:
a) Boom - raise and lower
In the neutral position of the control valves, but
b) Arm - extend and retract
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
c) Shovel - crowd in and tip back
coming from the main pump P1 flows through a
d) Bottom dump bucket- open and close
high-pressure filter (39) to the RH 4-spool control
e) Travel (see section Travelling)
valve (90).
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
The functions listed under a) - c) are supplied with
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
oil from both circuits when only one function is
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
being operated (automatic double flow).
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
All cylinders fitted in pairs are interconnected by
compensating lines.
Main pump P2:
4-spool control valves
In the neutral position of the control valves, but
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
The 4-spool control valves (90) are directional
coming from the main pump P2 flows through a
valves, designed with multiple spools in one hous-
high-pressure filter (39) and the RH travel control
valve (82) to the RH 4-spool control valve (90).
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
The individual spools are actuated hydraulically
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
and allow sensitive controlling of the speed and
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
direction of the oil flow passing through the block.
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
Description of the function see chapter 8.4

When a working function is idle, the respective

Main pump P3:
spool is held in its initial (neutral) position by the
return springs. The connecting channel from pump
In the neutral position of the valve blocks, but after
to consumer is blocked. The 2/2 way valve is open
activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil coming
and allows the oil to pass from P to T (free flow or
from the main pump P3 flows through a high-
idle circuit).
pressure filter (39), the LH travel control valve (83)
to the LH 4-spool control valve (90).
When the control spool is moved out of its initial
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
(neutral) position, the connecting channel from
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
pump to consumer opens via fine control grooves
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
and the 2/2 way section is throttled with help of fine
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
control grooves (negative overlap).
Circuit pressure is increasing.
When the same pressure is reached as acting on
the consumer connection, the check (non-return)
Main pump P4:
valve opens so that oil starts flowing to the con-
sumer. When the control spool is moved further,

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 1


fine control grooves allow oil coming from the con- Remark:
sumer to flow to the tank and gradually shift the oil
The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
flow from the 2/2 way channel (fine-control facility).
lines and not to components!

The maximum spool stroke is 28 mm. Colour Code Designation

The spool stroke can be divided into approx. 1/3 P1 Main pump P1
control edge overlap and fine control range, the
remaining stroke length serving to open up the full P2 Main pump P2
cross section. Overlapping, and a minimum of
spool play are positive factors for reduced internal P3 Main pump P3
The extensive fine control range available means P4 Main pump P4
that consumers can be moved sensitively.
R Return oil circuit

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

4 4 Main pump A7V - SL - 1000
31 4 Tank line pressurizing valve
35 1 Distributor plate (main pumps)
36 1 Relief valve
39 4 High pressure filter
81 1 Rotor
82 1 Travel valve block RH
83 1 Travel valve block LH
84 1 Travel retarder valve RH
85 1 Travel retarder valve LH
90 2 4-spool control valve
92/1 2 Float valve Boom cylinder function
92/2 2 Float valve Arm cylinder function
95 2 Boom cylinder
96 2 Arm cylinder
97 2 Crowd cylinder
98 2 Clam cylinder
99 1 Distributor with relief valve (36)
135 1 Distributor
Table 1

Page 8.5.4 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 1 Main pump lines - 3663047a-01

Fig. 2 Main pump lines - 3663045a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 3


Fig. 3 Main pump lines - 2800823a-01

Page 8.5.4 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled

valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
Extending the boom cylinders oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.

When the function is summoned (Fig. 4), both Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
control spools for boom function are shifted by mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
servo pressure out of their neutral positions against to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
springs. The connection from the main pumps to ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
the piston sides of the boom cylinders (95) is valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
opened via fine-control grooves. Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
tled by fine-control grooves (Fig. 5 & Fig. 6). ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered. Colour Code Designation
P Pressure oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
R Return oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control S Servo oil circuit
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and A Compensation line
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the boom cylinders against forces acting

Fig. 4 Extending the boom cylinders 2800822a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 5


Fig. 5 Extending the boom cylinders 2800823a-02

Fig. 6 Extending the boom cylinders 2800824a-01

Page 8.5.4 - 6 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: cess oil is allowed to escape through the tank con-

nections (T) of the float valve and then through the
Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve tank line pre-charging valves (31) to the tank.

Float valve Lowering

In order to save energy, Lower commands for the

boom (on FS and BH attachment) are passed to Colour Code Designation
the float valves (92) and not to the 4-spool control P Pressure oil circuit
valves (fig. 7).
R Return oil circuit
Servo circuit oil flows to the boom float valves
(92/1). The valves shift over. Piston and rod sides
of the boom cylinders (95) are then connected to S Servo oil circuit
one another (fig. 8 & fig. 9). The weight of the
working attachment forces the piston rods of the A Compensation line
cylinders to retract of their own, whereby the oil
being displaced from the piston side flows directly
into the vacant space on the rod side.
Because the chamber on the rod side of the cylin-
der is smaller than that on the piston side, the ex-

Fig. 7 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valves - 2800822a-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 7


Fig. 8 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve 2800823a-03

Fig. 9 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve - 2800824a-02

Page 8.5.4 - 8 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).
Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve
Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-
If, however, the cylinders are to be moved under guard the boom cylinders against forces acting
pressure, e.g. when lifting the excavator with help externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
of the attachment, the operator has to press a valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
button in the control lever. oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.

When the function is summoned, the boom spool Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
in the LH 4-spool control valve (90) is shifted by mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
servo pressure out of the neutral position against to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
springs (fig. 10). The boom spool in the RH 4- ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
spool valve is connected to the leak oil line and not valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
operated. The connection from the main pumps to Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
the rod sides of the boom cylinders is opened via setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
fine-control grooves (fig. 11 & fig. 12). ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt-
tled by fine-control grooves.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks Colour Code Designation
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working P Pressure oil circuit
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
R Return oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
S Servo oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the rod sides of the cylinders oil flows to the cylin- A Compensation line
ders. With further movement of the control spool,
fine-control grooves allow oil coming from the pis-
ton sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 9


Fig. 10 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 2800822a-03

Fig. 11 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 2800823a-04

Page 8.5.4 - 10 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 12 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 2800824a-03

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 11


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the arm cylinders against forces acting ex-
Extending the arm cylinders ternally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for arm function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 13). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the arm cylinders (96) to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 14 & fig. ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
15). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to A Compensation line
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 13 Extending the arm cylinders - 2800822a-04

Page 8.5.4 - 12 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 14 Extending the arm cylinders 2800823a-05

Fig. 15 Extending the arm cylinders 2800824a-04

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 13


Function: cess oil is allowed to escape through the tank con-

nections (T) of the float valve and then through the
Retracting the arm cylinders via float valve tank line pre-charging valves (31) to the tank.

Float valve Lowering

In order to save energy, Lower commands for the

arm (on FS attachment) are passed to the float Colour Code Designation
valves (92) and not to the 4-spool control valves P Pressure oil circuit
(fig. 16).
R Return oil circuit
Servo circuit oil flows to the arm float valves (92/2).
The valves shift over. Piston and rod sides of the
arm cylinders (96) are then connected to one an- S Servo oil circuit
other (fig. 17 & fig. 18). The weight of the working
attachment forces the piston rods of the cylinders A Compensation line
to retract of their own, whereby the oil being dis-
placed from the piston side flows directly into the
vacant space on the rod side.
Because the chamber on the rod side of the cylin-
der is smaller than that on the piston side, the ex-

Fig. 16 Retracting the arm cylinders via float valves 2800822a-05

Page 8.5.4 - 14 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 17 Retracting the arm cylinders via float valves 2800823a-06

Fig. 18 Retracting the arm cylinders via float valves 2800824a-05

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 15


Function: gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).
Retracting the arm cylinders via main valve Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-
guard the boom cylinders against forces acting
If, however, the cylinders are to be moved under externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
pressure, e.g. when lifting the excavator with help valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
of the working attachment, the operator has to oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
press a button in the control lever
Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
When the function is summoned, the arm spool in mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
the LH 4-spool control valve (90) is shifted by to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
servo pressure out of the neutral position against ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
springs (fig. 19). The arm spool in the RH 4-spool valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
valve is connected to the leak oil line and not op- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
erated. The connection from the main pumps to the setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
rod sides of the arm cylinders is opened via fine- ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
control grooves (fig. 20 & fig. 21).
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt-
tled by fine-control grooves.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks Colour Code Designation
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working P Pressure oil circuit
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
R Return oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
S Servo oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the rod sides of the cylinders oil flows to the cylin- A Compensation line
ders. With further movement of the control spool,
fine-control grooves allow oil coming from the pis-
ton sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and

Page 8.5.4 - 16 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 19 Retracting the arm cylinders via main valve 2800822a-06

Fig. 20 Retracting the arm cylinders via main valve 2800823a-07

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 17


Fig. 21 Retracting the arm cylinders via main valve 2800824a-06

Page 8.5.4 - 18 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the crowd cylinders against forces acting
Extending the bucket crowd cylinders externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for crowd function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 22). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the crowd cylinders to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
(97) is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 23 & ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
fig. 24). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 22 Extending the bucket crowd cylinders 2800822a -07

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 19


Fig. 23 Extending the bucket crowd cylinders 2800823a -08

Fig. 24 Extending the bucket crowd cylinders 2800827a -01

Page 8.5.4 - 20 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the crowd cylinders against forces acting
Retracting the bucket crowd cylinders externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for crowd function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 25). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the crowd cylinders to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
(97) is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 26 & ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
fig. 27). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 25 Retracting the bucket crowd cylinders 2800822a-08

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 21


Fig. 26 Retracting the bucket crowd cylinders 2800823a-09

Fig. 27 Retracting the bucket crowd cylinders 2800827a-02

Page 8.5.4 - 22 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e.doc - (00) 09.03


Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-
Extending the clam cylinder (closing the guard the clam cylinders against forces acting
bucket) externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, the control spool oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
for clam function in the RH 4-spool control valve
(90) is shifted by servo pressure out of the neutral Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
positions against springs (fig. 28). The connection mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
from the main pump P1 to the piston sides of the to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
clam cylinders (98) is opened via fine-control ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
grooves (fig. 29 to fig. 33). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered. Colour Code Designation
P Pressure oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
R Return oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control L Leak oil circuit
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and S Servo oil circuit
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 28 Extending the clam cylinders 2800822a-09

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 23


Fig. 29 Extending the clam cylinders 3663047a-02

Fig. 30 Extending the clam cylinders 3663045a-02

Page 8.5.4 - 24 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig.31 Extending the clam cylinders 2800823a-10

Fig. 32 Extending the clam cylinders 2800827a-03

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 25


Fig. 33 Extending the clam cylinders 2800828a-01

Page 8.5.4 - 26 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves safeguard

the clam cylinders against forces acting externally
Retracting the clam cylinder (opening the on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled valves (91)
bucket) are used to ensure that large quantities of oil can
escape in an absolute minimum of time.
When the function is summoned, the control spool
for clam function in the RH 4-spool control valve Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
(90) is shifted by servo pressure out of the neutral mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
positions against springs (fig. 34). The connection to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
from the main pump P2 to the rod sides of the clam ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
cylinders (98) is opened via fine-control grooves valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
(fig. 35 to fig. 37). Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
tled by fine-control grooves. ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered. Colour Code Designation
P Pressure oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
R Return oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the rod sides of the cylinders oil flows to the cylin-
ders. With further movement of the control spools, L Leak oil circuit
fine-control grooves allow oil coming from the rod
sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and gradually S Servo oil circuit
shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to the
channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 34 Retracting the clam cylinders 2800822a-10

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 27


Fig.35 Retracting the clam cylinders 2800823a-11

Fig. 36 Retracting the clam cylinders 2800827a-04

Page 8.5.4 - 28 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 37 Retracting the clam cylinders 2800828a-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 29


Page 8.5.4 - 30 RH 200 Diesel - 3663424e - (00) 09.03


8.5.4 Working functions (BH) In the neutral position of the control valves, but
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
Remark: coming from the main pump P4 flows through a
high-pressure filter (39) to the LH 4-spool control
The position numbers in the pictures of this
valve (90).
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
diagram and the components listed in chapter
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
Working functions are carried out with 4 main
pumps (4), all of which are feeding into open cir-
cuits - that means that oil flows from the consum-
ers back into the tank (fig. 1 & fig. 2 & fig. 3).
The 4 circuits supply the following working func-
Main pump P1:
a) Boom - raise and lower
In the neutral position of the control valves, but
b) Stick - extend and retract
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
c) Bucket - crowd in and tip back
coming from the main pump P1 flows through a
d) Travel (see section Travelling)
high-pressure filter (39) to the RH 4-spool control
valve (90).
The functions listed under a) - c) are supplied with
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
oil from both circuits when only one function is
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
being operated (automatic double flow).
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
All cylinders fitted in pairs are interconnected by
compensating lines.

Main pump P2:

4-spool control valves
In the neutral position of the control valves, but
The 4-spool control valves (90) are directional
after activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil
valves, designed with multiple spools in one hous-
coming from the main pump P2 flows through a
high-pressure filter (39) and the RH travel control
valve (82) to the RH 4-spool control valve (90).
The individual spools are actuated hydraulically
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
and allow sensitive controlling of the speed and
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
direction of the oil flow passing through the block.
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
Description of the function see chapter 8.4
When a working function is idle, the respective
spool is held in its initial (neutral) position by the
Main pump P3:
return springs. The connecting channel from pump
to consumer is blocked. The 2/2 way valve is open
In the neutral position of the valve blocks, but after
and allows the oil to pass from P to T (free flow or
activation of the main pumps by PMS 3, oil coming
idle circuit).
from the main pump P3 flows through a high-
pressure filter (39), the LH travel control valve (83)
When the control spool is moved out of its initial
to the LH 4-spool control valve (90).
(neutral) position, the connecting channel from
Connections from pumps to cylinders are closed.
pump to consumer opens via fine control grooves
The oil flows in idle circuit (free flow) from (P) to (T)
and the 2/2 way section is throttled with help of fine
and then through the tank line pre-charging valves
control grooves (negative overlap).
(31) and return flow filters (29) back into the tank
Circuit pressure is increasing.
When the same pressure is reached as acting on
the consumer connection, the check (non-return)
valve opens so that oil starts flowing to the con-
Main pump P4:
sumer. When the control spool is moved further,
fine control grooves allow oil coming from the con-

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 1


sumer to flow to the tank and gradually shift the oil The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
flow from the 2/2 way channel (fine-control facility). lines and not to components!

The maximum spool stroke is 28 mm. Colour Code Designation

P1 Main pump P1
The spool stroke can be divided into approx. 1/3
control edge overlap and fine control range, the
P2 Main pump P2
remaining stroke length serving to open up the full
cross section. Overlapping, and a minimum of
spool play are positive factors for reduced internal P3 Main pump P3
The extensive fine control range available means P4 Main pump P4
that consumers can be moved sensitively.
R Return oil circuit


Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

4 4 Main pump A7V - SL - 1000
31 4 Tank line pressurizing valve
35 1 Distributor plate (main pumps)
36 1 Relief valve
39 4 High pressure filter
81 1 Rotor
82 1 Travel valve block RH
83 1 Travel valve block LH
84 1 Travel retarder valve RH
85 1 Travel retarder valve LH
90 2 4-spool control valve
92 2 Float valve Boom cylinder function
93 4 Throttled non return valve
94 4 Throttled non return valve
95 2 Boom cylinder
96 2 Stick cylinder
97 2 Bucket cylinder
135 4 Distributor
Table 1

Page 8.5.4 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 1 Main pump lines - 3663047a-01

Fig. 2 Main pump lines - 3663045a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 3


Fig. 3 Main pump lines - 3659215a-01

Page 8.5.4 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Function: externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled

valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
Extending the boom cylinders oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.

When the function is summoned (Fig. 4), both Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
control spools for boom function are shifted by mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
servo pressure out of their neutral positions against to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
springs. The connection from the main pumps to ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
the piston sides of the boom cylinders (95) is valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
opened via fine-control grooves. Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
tled by fine-control grooves (Fig. 5 & Fig. 6). ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered. Colour Code Designation
P Pressure oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
R Return oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control S Servo oil circuit
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and A Compensation line
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the boom cylinders against forces acting

Fig. 4 Extending the boom cylinders 3663578a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 5


Fig. 5 Extending the boom cylinders 3659215a-02

Fig. 6 Extending the boom cylinders 3659216a-01

Page 8.5.4 - 6 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Function: cess oil is allowed to escape through the tank con-

nections (T) of the float valve and then through the
Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve tank line pre-charging valves (31) to the tank.

Float valve Lowering

In order to save energy, Lower commands for the

boom (on FS and BH attachment) are passed to Colour Code Designation
the float valves (92) and not to the 4-spool control P Pressure oil circuit
valves (fig. 7).
R Return oil circuit
Servo circuit oil flows to the boom float valves
(92/1). The valves shift over. Piston and rod sides
of the boom cylinders (95) are then connected to S Servo oil circuit
one another (fig. 8 & fig. 9). The weight of the
working attachment forces the piston rods of the A Compensation line
cylinders to retract of their own, whereby the oil
being displaced from the piston side flows directly
into the vacant space on the rod side.
Because the chamber on the rod side of the cylin-
der is smaller than that on the piston side, the ex-

Fig. 7 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valves - 3663578a-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 7


Fig. 8 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve 3659215a-03

Fig. 9 Retracting the boom cylinders via float valve - 3659216a-02

Page 8.5.4 - 8 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Function: gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).
Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve
Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-
If, however, the cylinders are to be moved under guard the boom cylinders against forces acting
pressure, e.g. when lifting the excavator with help externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
of the attachment, the operator has to press a valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
button in the control lever. oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.

When the function is summoned, the boom spool Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
in the LH 4-spool control valve (90) is shifted by mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
servo pressure out of the neutral position against to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
springs (fig. 10). The boom spool in the RH 4- ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
spool valve is connected to the leak oil line and not valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
operated. The connection from the main pumps to Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
the rod sides of the boom cylinders is opened via setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
fine-control grooves (fig. 11 & fig. 12). ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt-
tled by fine-control grooves.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks Colour Code Designation
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working P Pressure oil circuit
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
R Return oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
S Servo oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the rod sides of the cylinders oil flows to the cylin- A Compensation line
ders. With further movement of the control spool,
fine-control grooves allow oil coming from the pis-
ton sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 9


Fig. 10 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 3663578a-03

Fig. 11 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 3659215a-04

Page 8.5.4 - 10 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 12 Retracting the boom cylinders via main valve 3659216a-03

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 11


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the stick cylinders against forces acting ex-
Extending the stick cylinders ternally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for stick function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 13). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the stick cylinders (96) to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 14 & fig. ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
15). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to A Compensation line
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 13 Extending the stick cylinders - 3663578a-04

Page 8.5.4 - 12 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 14 Extending the stick cylinders 3659215a-05

Fig. 15 Extending the stick cylinders 3659216a-04

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 13


Function: gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).
Retracting the stick cylinders via main valve Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-
guard the boom cylinders against forces acting
If, however, the cylinders are to be moved under externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
pressure, e.g. when lifting the excavator with help valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
of the working attachment, the operator has to oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
press a button in the control lever
Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
When the function is summoned, the stick spool in mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
the LH 4-spool control valve (90) is shifted by to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
servo pressure out of the neutral position against ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
springs (fig. 19). The stick spool in the RH 4-spool valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
valve is connected to the leak oil line and not op- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
erated. The connection from the main pumps to the setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
rod sides of the stick cylinders is opened via fine- ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
control grooves (fig. 20 & fig. 21).
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt-
tled by fine-control grooves.
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks Colour Code Designation
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working P Pressure oil circuit
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
R Return oil circuit
The circuit pressure rises.
S Servo oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
the rod sides of the cylinders oil flows to the cylin- A Compensation line
ders. With further movement of the control spool,
fine-control grooves allow oil coming from the pis-
ton sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and

Page 8.5.4 - 14 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 16 Retracting the stick cylinders via main valve 3663578a-05

Fig. 17 Retracting the stick cylinders via main valve 3659215a-06

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 15


Fig. 18 Retracting the stick cylinders via main valve 3659216a-05

Page 8.5.4 - 16 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the crowd cylinders against forces acting
Extending the bucket cylinders externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for crowd function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 22). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the crowd cylinders to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
(97) is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 23 & ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
fig. 24). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 19 Extending the bucket cylinders 3663578a -06

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 17


Fig. 20 Extending the bucket cylinders 3659215a -07

Fig. 21 Extending the bucket cylinders 3659216a -06

Page 8.5.4 - 18 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 22 Extending the bucket cylinders 3664536-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 19


Function: Pilot-controlled pressure relief valves (91) safe-

guard the crowd cylinders against forces acting
Retracting the bucket cylinders externally on the working circuit. Pilot-controlled
valves are used to ensure that large quantities of
When the function is summoned, both control oil can escape in an absolute minimum of time.
spools for crowd function (90) are shifted by servo
pressure out of their neutral positions against Anti-cavitation valves prevent vacuum (below at-
springs (fig. 25). The connection from the main mospheric pressure) occurring in the working lines
pumps to the piston sides of the crowd cylinders to the cylinders, as this would be a negative influ-
(97) is opened via fine-control grooves (fig. 26 & ence on the controlling of the consumer flows. The
fig. 27). valves draw oil, as required, from the tank line.
At the same time, the connection (P) to (T) is throt- Tank line pre-charging valves (31) with a fixed
tled by fine-control grooves. setting of 12 bar, ensure, that sufficient oil is al-
Via the CMS-card the signals from the joysticks ways available to be fed into the relevant circuit.
inform the PMS 3 about the summoned working
function, consequently the main pumps are swung
out and oil is being delivered.
Colour Code Designation
The circuit pressure rises. P Pressure oil circuit
As soon as it reaches the pressure which exists on
R Return oil circuit
the piston sides of the cylinders oil flows to the
cylinders. With further movement of the control
spools, fine-control grooves allow oil coming from S Servo oil circuit
the rod sides of the cylinders to flow to tank and
gradually shift the oil flow from the channel (P/T) to
the channel for the consumer (fine-control facility).

Fig. 23 Retracting the bucket cylinders 3663578a-07

Page 8.5.4 - 20 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 24 Retracting the bucket cylinders 3659215a -08

Fig. 25 Retracting the bucket cylinders 3659216a -07

RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.4 - 21


Fig. 26 Retracting the bucket cylinders 3664536-02

Page 8.5.4 - 22 RH 200 Diesel - 3663430e - (00) 09.03


8.5.5 Travel system is increased to 60 bar and the travel motors

change to 'high speed mode'.
Leakage oil from the control blocks flows back to
The position numbers in the pictures of this
the tank.
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
diagram and the components listed in chapter
Anti-cavitation valves flanged onto the travel con-
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
trol blocks (82 & 83) prevent cavitation in the travel
When the LH engine is running the oil of two main
pumps (4) flows through the high pressure filters
Travel boost
(39) to the travel control blocks (82, 83) (fig.1).
Main pump P1 is feeding the RH travel control
The solenoid valve (Y 31) is operating the pressure
block (82).
cut-off valves of the main pumps P 2 and P 3 so
Main pump P2 is feeding the LH hand travel con-
that the travel pressure is increased to 360 bar
trol block (83).
(fig. 7).
When the Travel function is not operated the oil
flows via (C) to the 4-spool control blocks (90) and
Travel retarder valves
via (T) back to the tank (fig. 2).
The travel retarder valves (84 & 85) flanged onto
As long as the function Travel is summoned with
the travel valve blocks (82 & 83) prevent the exca-
the treadle valves, servo oil flows to the travel
vator from running away when travelling downhill,
valve blocks (82 & 83) (fig. 3).
and ensure positive travel drive down the slope.
The travel valve blocks (82 & 83) shift so that con-
The travel retarder valves are installed in the cir-
nection (C) is blocked. Oil flows to the travel mo-
cuits in such a way that oil flowing from the travel
tors either through (B) - forward, or (A) - back-
motors must flow through them in order to get to
the tank.
Travel motors (73) and travel control blocks are
connected via the rotor (81) and the secondary
The control piston determines the amount of oil
relief valve block (76) (fig. 4).
which can flow through the valve. When system
pressure drops (e.g. excavator travelling downhill),
In the secondary relief valve block (76) pilot-
pressure spring pushes the control piston back.
operated pressure relief valves are installed for
each direction of travel. The valves are set to 370
When the excavator is travelling, the control piston
bar. When this pressure is reached relief oil is fed
of the retarder valve adopts a so-called float posi-
via the relief valve to the relevant low-pressure
tion which is determined by the resistance to ex-
side of the motors.
cavator travel and the pump oil pressure resulting
from it.
Oil returning from the travel motors flows through
the secondary relief valve block (76), the rotor (81)
to the travel retarder valves (84 & 85) and the re-
turn lines to the tank. The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
lines and not to components!
Leakage oil from the travel motors is returned to
the tank through (T) (fig. 6).
Colour Code Designation
P1 Main pump P1
Travel parking brake / 2-speed travel

The travel parking brake and the shifting of the 2- P2 Main pump P2
stage travel motors are operated via the same
hydraulic line (fig. 5 & fig. 6). When a pressure of R Return oil circuit
35 bar is applied the travel parking brake is re-
leased and the travel motors stay in 'low speed
mode'. If the speed switch is activated the pressure S Servo oil circuit

RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.5 - 1


Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

4 4 Main pump
15 1 Servo oil valve block
31 4 Tank line pressurizing valve
35 1 Distributor plate (main pumps)
39 4 High pressure filter
73 4 Travel motor
76 1 Secondary relief valve block
77 4 Secondary relief valves
81 1 Rotor
82 1 Travel valve block RH
83 1 Travel valve block LH
84 1 Travel retarder valve RH
85 1 Travel retarder valve LH
103 1 Proportional valve plate
105 1 Soleniod valve Travel boost
146 1 Filter for proportional valve plate
Table 1

Fig. 1 3663047b-01

Page 8.5.5 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 2 Main pumps for travel - 3663047a-03

Fig. 3 Main pumps for travel - 3663045a-03

RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.5 - 3


Fig. 4 Servo lines for travel system - 3663522a-05

Fig. 5 Servo lines for travel system - 3663522b-05

Page 8.5.5 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 6 Servo lines for travel system - 3663042a-01

Fig. 7 Travel system in undercarriage - 3664495a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.5 - 5


Fig. 8 Travel system in undercarriage 3664495b-01

Fig. 9 Travel system in undercarriage 3664495c-01

Page 8.5.5 - 6 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 10 3663047b-02

Fig. 11 3663047a-04

RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.5 - 7


Fig. 12 3663045a-04

Fig. 13 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function - 3663522a-03

Page 8.5.5 - 8 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 14 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function - 3664495a-02

Fig. 15 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function 3664495b-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.5 - 9


Fig. 16 Travel parking brake and 2-speed function 3664495c-02

Fig. 17 Travel boost for main pumps - 3663522a-04

Page 8.5.5 - 10 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 18 Travel boost for main pumps - 3663522b-04

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Page 8.5.5 - 12 RH 200 Diesel - 3663425e - (00) - 09.03


8.5.6 Swing system Swinging to the right

Remark: When the left hand joystick is actuated to the right

servo oil flows to the pressure regulating valve (54,
The position numbers in the pictures of this port Y1).
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit The pressure from the joystick is defining the pres-
diagram and the components listed in chapter sure level in the swing system.
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system. The main piston (11.1, fig. 1) is displaced against
the spring (11.3).

The swing circuit is a closed circuit. When braking, Connections (X1 & P) and (X2 & T) are thereby
the rotation energy, i.e. swing momentum, of the established. Line (X2) between pressure regulating
moving superstructure is transferred back to the valve (54) and the regulators of the swing pumps
swing pumps and is then assisting the engines. (6) is pressurised. The pressure in the circuit is no
Such a transmission is not possible in open circuit longer balanced.
swing systems. In open circuit systems, the rota-
tion energy of the moving superstructure, when The swing pumps (6) tilt out (altered pump flow)
being braked, can only be absorbed by throttling and feed into line (B). The pressure which builds
the flow of oil which leads to an energy loss in form up in the line is led to the pressure regulating valve
of heat. (54) through line (X 5) and acts on the pilot piston
(11.2). The pilot piston has a ratio of 1:16 to the
The swing pumps (6, fig 2) are variable- main piston (11.1).
displacement pumps with torque control system
(see description in separate chapter). The change- When a state of balance is reached between the
able internal mass of the superstructure can be pilot force (X5) plus spring force (11.3), and pres-
efficiently rotated or braked with a variable torque. sure (Y1), a state of balance is also reached in the
chambers of the pump regulator (6).
Special features of torque control: The pumps stop tilting out.
The pumps only continue tilting out when the reac-
When the superstructure is being accelerated (i.e. tion pressure (X5) drops. In this way, the pumps
brought into movement) or retarded (i.e. braked only supply so much oil as is being consumed by
from swing), the output of the swing pumps (6) is the swing motors (51).
always the same as the energy consumption of the
swing motors (51, fig. 3). When the swing movement is to be interrupted, the
Altering the pressure of the control signal makes it joystick is returned to its neutral 0-position. The
possible to achieve any required, alterable torque swing motors (51) are then driven by the swinging
of acceleration or retardation, even when the iner- superstructure so that they pump oil back to the
tial mass of the superstructure is changing. swing pumps. The previous pressure line (B) is
freed of pressure is led through (X6) to pilot piston
The torque control valve (54, fig. 2) limits the (11.5). The position of the pressure regulating
maximum torque and thereby the maximum pres- valve is thereby retained and the superstructure
sures available on the swing motors (51). This, in can continue to swing until its rotation energy
turn, avoids any opening of the pressure relief (momentum) has dropped to zero.
valves in the swing pumps.
Pressure relief valves in the swing pumps (6) limit
In the neutral position, ports (Y1) and (Y2) on the the max. pressure in the swing circuit to 400 bar.
torque control valve (54) are free of pressure, i.e. At the same time, they serve as anti-cavitation
the balance is in the middle position, whereby ports valves in the system (to compensate for leakage oil
(X1 and X2) are connected to (P). The control losses). Oil feed to the system is carried out by the
chambers in the swing pump regulators are subject charge pumps through connection (Fa) on the
to balanced pressure (40 bar servo circuit pres- swing pumps.
sure) so that the swing pumps (4) have zero flow.

The pressure in the swing circuit is 50 bar, pres-

sure being applied from the charge pumps.

RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.6 - 1


The swing pumps (6) are fitted with thermal

switches, which pass a warning signal to the cab Charge system (fig. 4)
when the oil temperature exceeds 92 C. The
warning in the cab is switched off again when the Each swing pump has an internal charge pump,
temperature drops back below 87 C. which is replacing loss of oil in the closed swing
circuit because of internal leakage of swing pumps
Leakage oil from the swing motors (51) is con- and swing motors. The charge pressure of 25 bar
ducted back to the tank through the leak line (fig. is set by an internal pressure relief valve at each
6). swing pump.
The charge system is equipped with chip indicators
( C ) and filters (10) to avoid contamination of the
closed swing circuit in case of a charge pump fail-

Flushing valve (fig. 5)

The flushing valve (57) ejects a defined amount of

oil from the closed swing circuit at the low-pressure
side during each swing operation. The corre-
sponding amount of filtered and cooled oil from the
hydraulic tank is fed back into the swing system by
the charging pumps.

Leak oil of swing motors (fig. 6)

Fig. 1 Pressure regulating valve
Separate leak oil lines transport the leak oil of the
swing motors (51) back to the hydraulic tank.
Swinging to the left
Swing parking brakes (fig. 7)
Swinging to the left follows in the same manner as
already described, but through the relevant con- The swing parking brake (52) between swing motor
nections for left. and gearbox is operated by a solenoid valve (104).
The parking brakes are opened by servo pressure
Countering (35 bar) when the solenoid valve is active.
When the solenoid valve is inactive the hydraulic
The excavator operator can shorten the time taken pressure is released to the tank and the parking
to brake the swinging superstructure by countering brakes are closed by internal springs.
- i.e. by summoning the opposite direction of This means that the brakes are automatically
swing. closed when the machine is shut off or the sole-
noid valve fails.
The pressure regulating valve (54) receives a re-
verse signal so that the regulator of the swing
pumps are commanded to tilt back. Gear oil reservoirs (fig. 8)
The swing motors (51) start to work as pumps and
drive the swing pumps themselves, which in turn The gear oil level is monitored via reservoirs in
feed their energy back into the drive system. Sen- which the oil level is visible without using a dip
sitive braking is possible. Brake torque in crease / stick. The reservoirs are connected with an filling
decrease is possible using the control lever. When line and a breather line
the superstructure has come to a standstill, the
pumps have returned to their zero-tilt angle. The
servo valve must then be shifted back to its neutral
0-position so as to prevent the superstructure
swinging off again in the direction which was nec-
essary to counter.

Page 8.5.6 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03


The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
lines and not to components!

Colour Code Designation

P Pressure oil circuit

R Return oil circuit

S Servo oil circuit

F Flushing system

C Charge system

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

5 2 Servo- and charge pump
6 4 Swing pump
10 4 Filter for charge oil
12 4 Blocking valve
15 1 Servo pressure valve block
50 4 Swing gearbox
51 4 Swing motor
52 4 Swing parking brake
54 1 Pressure governing valve Swing balance valve
57 1 Flushing valve
60 2 High pressure filter
103 1 Proportional valve plate
104 2 Valve bank, complete Solenoid valves
R 4 Gear oil reservoir for swing gearbox
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.6 - 3


Fig. 2 Swing pumps - 630833a

Fig. 3 Swing pumps and swing motors - 3663060b-01

Page 8.5.6 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 4 Swing pumps and swing motors - 3663060a-01

Fig. 5 Pilot lines for swing system - 3663041a-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.6 - 5


Fig. 6 Pilot lines for swing system - 3663060f-01

Fig. 7 Pilot lines for swing system - 3663060g-01

Page 8.5.6 - 6 RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 8 Charge system for swing circuit 3663060d-01

Fig. 9 Charge system for swing circuit 3663060e-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.6 - 7


Fig. 10 Flushing valve for swing system 3663060f-02

Fig. 11 Flushing valve for swing system 3663060g-02

Page 8.5.6 - 8 RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03


Fig. 12 Leak oil lines for swing motors 3663060c-01

Fig. 13 Swing parking brake - 3663061a-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663426e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.5.6 - 9


Fig. 14 Gear oil reservoirs for swing gearboxes with vent lines - 3663060c-02

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8.5.7 Track tensioning system when the required track tensioning pressure is
going below 60 bar.
Tensioning the tracks
The position numbers in the pictures of this
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
See directions in Operating Instructions.
diagram and the components listed in chapter
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
The tracks are automatically tensioned.
After starting one of the engines the auxiliary pres-
sure (60 bar) is fed through the rotor(81) to the
Each crawler track is kept constantly tensioned by
track tensioning system.
oil from the servo circuit.
After pressure built up in the track tensioning cylin-
ders (66) and accumulators (68) the tracks are
The tracks are tensioned with a pressure of 60 bar.
Pressure oil comes from the gear pumps (8) on the
transfer gearbox.
The pumps (8) suck the oil through the suction The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
manifolds from the hydraulic tank and feed into the lines and not to components!
servo- and auxiliary pressure valve (15).
Colour Code Designation
Oil of the 60 bar system flows through the rotor P 60 bar circuit
(81) and distributor assembly with secondary relief
valves (70) to the tensioning cylinders (66) and
R Return oil circuit
diaphragm accumulators (68).

The diaphragm accumulators (68) are shock ab-

sorbers that dampen the horizontal movement of
the idlers in case of external forces. If the shock
forces are excessive, oil is cracked off through
safety valves (70) in the distributor assembly,
which are set at 330 bar, into the tank. Such oil
losses are automatically replaced by the system

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

8 2 Gear pump
15 1 Servo oil valve block
66 2 Track tensioning cylinders
68 2 Diaphragm accumulator
70 2 Pressure relief valve Secondary relief valve
81 1 Rotor
147 1 Valve plate installed in undercarriage
148 1 Solenoid valve installed in superstructure
149 1 Pressure reduction valve installed in superstructure
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3663427e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.7 - 1


Fig. 1 Pumps for track tensioning system - 2800807a-05

Fig. 2 3663522a-06

Page 8.5.7 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663427e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 3 3663522b-06

Fig. 4 Track tensioning lines - 3663522c-01

RH 200 Diesel - 3663427e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.7 - 3


Fig. 5 Track tensioning system in undercarriage - 3663559a-01

Page 8.5.7 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663427e - (00) - 09.03


8.5.8 Cooling system for hydraulic oil an increasing oil flow is driving the fan motor (46)
and then flowing through the cooler.
Remark: At temperatures above 52 C the full flow is pass-
ing through the fan motor and the oil cooler.
The position numbers in the pictures of this
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
Pressure relief valves (43) set to 65 bar is pro-
diagram and the components listed in chapter
tecting the cooling circuit.
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
An example for the cooling oil flow is shown in fig.
4 & fig. 5.
The 4 cooling pumps (7) are gear-type pumps with
fixed displacement.
They are flanged directly onto the 4 swing pumps
(fig. 1). The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
lines and not to components!
The setup of the cooling system is shown in fig.2 &
fig. 3.
Colour Code Designation
Each 2 pumps are pumping the hydraulic oil into a C Cooling oil circuit
distributor plate (42) with thermostats (44).
R Return oil circuit
The regulating range of the thermostats is +40 C
to +52 C.
At temperatures below +40 C the position of the L Leak oil circuit
spool in the valve allows the oil to return directly to
the hydraulic tank without flowing through fan mo-
tor and oil cooler.

With rising temperature the thermostat is shifting

the spool an thus closing the port to the tank and

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

7 4 Cooling pump Gear pump
42 2 Distributor plate with thermostat
46 4 Fan motor Gear motor
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3663428e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.8 - 1


Fig. 1 Location of pumps for oil cooling - 630833b

Fig. 2 Fan pumps and thermostat valve blocks - 3663048a-01

Page 8.5.8 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663428e - (00) - 09.03


Fig. 3 Thermostat valve blocks and fan motors 3663048b-01

Fig. 4 Example for cooling oil flow - 3663048a-02

RH 200 Diesel - 3663428e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.8 - 3


Fig. 5 Example for cooling oil flow - 3663048b-02

Page 8.5.8 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3663428e - (00) - 09.03


8.5.9 Cooling system for engines At temperatures above 92 C the maximum flow is
passing through the fan motors and they are turn-
Remark: ing with 815 rpm.
The position numbers in the pictures of this
With low engine temperature the PMS is supplying
section are referring to the hydraulic circuit
maximum current (580 mA) to the proportional
diagram and the components listed in chapter
valve of the cooling pump and the pump is at
8.3 - Description of the hydraulic system.
minimum flow.
With increasing engine temperature the PMS is
reducing the current for the proportional valves to
The 2 cooling pumps (5) are axial piston pumps
150 mA and the cooling pumps are increasing the
with variable displacement.
flow to the fan motors.
On each drive unit one cooling pump is flanged
directly onto one of the swing pumps (fig. 1).
This fail-save system ensures that in case of an
electric problem (e.g. a broken cable to the propor-
Each cooling pump is driving a gear motor (115).
tional valve) the fan pump stays at maximum flow
The gear motors are driving the fans for the radia-
so that maximum cooling for the engine is
tors of the engines.
The flow of the cooling pumps is regulated with
help of proportional valves which are directly
flanged onto the pump regulators. Depending on The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
the actual temperature in the engine cooling sys- lines and not to components!
tem the Pump Managing System (PMS) is regu-
lating the speed of the fans. The temperature
range for the regulation is + 85 C to + 92 C. Colour Code Designation
At coolant temperatures below 85 C in the engine C Fan pump circuit
cooling system the fan pumps are regulated to
minimum flow so that the fans are only turning very
R Return oil circuit
slowly (200 rpm) the warm-up period of the en-
gines is shortened.

With rising temperature in the cooling system the

flow of the cooling pumps and consequently the
speed of the fans are increasing to their maximum.

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

4 2 Cooling pump Axial piston pump
115 2 Fan motor Gear motor
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3663429e - (00) - 09.03 Page 8.5.9 - 1


Fig. 1 Fan pumps and fan motors - 3663049a-01

Fig. 2 Fan pump with electronic regulator

Page 8.5.9 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3663429e - (00) - 09.03


8.5.10 Cooling system for the gear oil temperature. The data is displayed on
pump gearbox the BCS. Depending on the gearbox version the
components are either installed in a block at the
Remark: gear pump or in the gearbox housing.
To avoid, that the gear oil is pumped out of the
The position numbers in the pictures of this system (e.g. because of leaks) a pressure switch is
section are not shown in the hydraulic circuit indicating loss of pressure in the whole system.
diagram and the components are not listed in
chapter 8.3 - Description of the hydraulic sys- Remark:
The following colour code refers only to hydraulic
lines and not to components!
The pump gearbox is equipped with a cooling
system for the gear oil. A gear pump (E) is pump-
Colour Code Designation
ing the gear oil through a filter (C) to the gear oil
cooler (A) and back into the pump gearbox (B) (fig. P Pressure oil circuit

The oil cooler is installed as a separate heat ex- R Return oil circuit
changer in the hydraulic oil tank. A thermostat-
valve (G) with an opening temperature of 55 C
protects the oil cooler against pressure peaks es-
pecially when the engine is started under cold
weather conditions.
A chip indicator is monitoring the condition of the
gear pump (E). A temperature sensor is monitoring

Ref.-no. Quantity Designation further remarks

A 1 Gear oil cooler section
B 1 Pump gear box
C 1 Filter for gear oil
E 1 Gear pump
G 1 Thermostat valve
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3657789e - (00) - 05.03 Page 8.5.10 - 1


Fig. 1 System for gear oil cooling of pump gearbox - 2800809a-01

Page 8.5.10 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3657789e - (00) - 05.03


8.6 Pressure checking and set- Safety

ting Observe accident prevention
8.6.1 Introduction and safety regulations at all
times. Foreword
The pressure checking and setting
This Technical Handbook (TBH) describes the may only be done by special
pressure checking and setting procedures on the trained and authorized personnel
excavator s hydraulic system. with the appropriate technical
It is valid for RH 200
serial-no. 40 029 to 40 068 The nominal pressure relief valves
and from serial-no. 200 069 must not be modified without ex-
plicit approval form TEREX.
The illustrations, descriptions and explanations All personnel carrying out com-
reflect the current standard configuration. Some of missioning, operation, inspection,
the illustrations can show details that differ from a service and repair must have read
particular machine, but that does not affect the and understood the operating in-
validity of the information given. structions and in particular the
If any points are nevertheless unclear or incorrect, chapter
please contact your local TEREX dealer or your
TEREX distributing centre. 'Fundamental Safety Instructions.'
before starting any work.
Further development and alternations that intro-
duce into the standard series production will be Unauthorized conversions or modi-
implemented into later re-prints of the TBH. fications of the hydraulic excavator
are forbidden for reasons of safety.
When setting the pressure relief valves the Secure the machine and the work-
hydraulic oil temperature has to be higher than ing attachment against inadvertent
52C. and unauthorized starting. Stand
working attachment on the ground
in such way as that no movements
can be made when mechanical or
hydraulic connections become de-
Tools, hoists, slings, trestles and
other devices must be in a reliable
safe state.
Systems and units (e.g. pipes,
coolers, hydraulic reservoirs,
compressed-air reservoirs ) must
be properly depressurized before
being opened.
Protective devices on moving ma-
chine parts may be opened or re-
moved only when the drive unit is
stationary and protected against
inadvertent starting .

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 1

Before recommissioning, all pro-
tective devices must be refitted. The reference numbers used in the text and illus-
trations correspond to those used in the hydraulic
Catwalks on the boom are only to
circuit diagram.
be walked on when the excavator's
working attachment has been
Since the machine is equipped with the BCS-Board
brought into the position required
Control System, most pressures are available on
for checking/settings pressures.
the BCS display. If pressure must be reset, in any
Hydraulic cylinders must be case calibrated gauges have to be used, they have
brought into their end positions to be connected to the relevant test points.
before pressures are checked or
set to ensure that working attach-
ment does not move when pres- Numbering of main pumps
sure is applied.
The 4 main pumps are numbered in travel direction
The excavator operator must oper-
from left to right P1, P2, P3, and P4 (Fig.1 ),
ate the relevant function gently
thus P1 and P2 are driven by the engine, and P3
(gradual application of pressure)
and P4 are driven by the right engine.
and the shift the joystick/pedals
fully to their end position.
All Pressure test points on the ex- Numbering of swing pumps
cavator have Minimess connec-
tions (M14 x 1,5). Pressure gauges Each drive unit is equipped with a swing pumps
used for checking must therefore (double pumps). The swing pumps on the left
have corresponding fittings. pump gear are named SP1 and SP2, the pumps
on the right pump gear are SP3 and SP4 (Fig. 1).
Always connect the Minimess-hose
first to the gauge and then to the
test point on the machine to avoid
spillage of pressurized oil!
The springs in pressure relief
valves must never be tightened
fully to "block". The windings of
the spring are then jammed so that
the valve cannot open.
Before setting/resetting a relief
valve (primary or secondary)
loosen the valve insert by approx.
2 turns:
Turning anti-clockwise (loosening)
=lower pressure setting
Fig. 1
Turning clockwise (tightening)
=increase pressure setting
To set/reset a pressure relief valve
loosen the counter nut on the valve
insert, set the opening pressure
using the setting crew, and then
tighten the counter nut again.
When checking/setting pressures
the hydraulic oil temperature must
be above 50C.

Page 8.6 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98


8.6.2 Pressure setting

Description Unit RH 200

Pressure cut-off main pumps Cylinder bar 300

Travel bar 360
Primary relief for main pumps bar 380
Secondary relief for Boom cylinders bar 350
Arm / Stick cylinders bar 350
Bucket croud cylinders bar 350

Backhoe cylinders bar 350

Clam cylinders (4-spool bar 350

Clam cylinders (Back- bar 330
Proportional valve feed pressure main pumps bar 7.5 42,5

Servo pressure Attachment bar 35

Main pumps bar 60

Swing system working pressure max. bar 375

Swing system charge pressure (approx.) bar 25

Fan drive - pressure Hydraulic oil cooling bar approx. 35

Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 3


8.6.3 Tools
For pressure checking and setting the tools listed in table 2 are required.

Fig. 2 Tools

Item Quantity Designation Part-No.

1 2 Test kit with gauges and hoses 1 476 323

2 1 Test adapter for proportional valve 1 433 919
3 1 Multimeter 1 088 932
4 1 O/E-ring spanner, 10 mm 0 717 903
5 1 O/E-ring spanner, 13 mm 0 559 698
6 1 O/E-ring spanner, 17 mm 0 559 702
7 1 O/E-ring spanner, 19 mm 0 717 908
8 1 O/E-ring spanner, 24 mm 0 717 913
9 1 Allan Key, 3 mm 0 014 122
10 1 Allan Key, 4 mm 0 014 123
11 1 Allan Key, 5 mm 0 014 124
12 1 Allan Key, 6 mm 0 014 125
13 1 Accumulator test and charging device 1 429 836
---- 1 Adapter for nitrogen cylinder (see chapter 3.2.2 in THB)
Table 2

Page 8.6 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Servo control system

Servo pressure is to be set on valve combination
(16 & 17, Figs. 1 & 2).

Fig. 2

Checking and setting pressures

Fig. 1
Connect a 100 bar pressure gauge to point
(16.1, Fig. 1) for differential valve (16) and a 60
bar gauge to point (17.1) for pressure relief
Pressure relief valve (17):
valve (17).
Limits the Servo pressure for the functions Work-
ing equipment, Swing and Travel to 35 bar.
Run both engines up to top speed.
Differential pressure valve (16):
Increases servo pressure by 25 bar to 60 bar. The Check pressures.
higher pressure is needed for the regulation of the Pressure relief valve (17): pressure should be
working pumps, the increase of travel pressure and 35 bar.
the switch-over of travel motors.
If a correction is necessary, re-set valve (17).

Differential valve (16): pressure should be 60


If 60 bar is not reached (with relief valve (17)

correctly set), re-set valve (16). Unscrew nut
(16.2, Fig. 1) and re-set valve using the setting

Pressure loading in control spool servo caps

Restrictor valve (110, Figs. 3 & 4) keeps the servo

caps (90.1, Fig. 3) of control blocks (90) under a
pressure load of 1,5 bar.

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 5


Fig. 3

Checking pressure load

Connect a 10 bar pressure gauge to point

(110.1, Fig. 3).

Extend and retract boom, stick and bucket

cylinders several times.

Check pressure
It should be: 1,5 bar

Re-set the restrictor if necessary. To re-set,

loosen lock (1, Fig. 4) and alter the valve set-
ting by turning knob (2). Fig. 4

Turning clockwise: Closes the restrictor =

higher pressure
Turing anti-clockwise: Opens the restric-
tor = lower pressure

Page 8.6 - 6 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Load limit system Checking

The governing current output by the GLR 200 load
Connect two 100 bar pressure gauges to
limit governor (black box) is converted by the
points (21.1 & 21.2, Fig. 2).
proportional valves (21, Figs. 1 & 2) into hydraulic
signals that are sent to the main pumps (P1 - P4).
Run both engines up to top speed.

Check pressure
It should be: approx. 8 bar (230 mA)

Apply pressure to piston side of stick cylinders.

Check pressure
It should be: approx. 43 bar (830 mA)

If the required pressures are not reached, the

proportional valves are to be checked.
A metering adapter (Fig. 3) is needed to
measure the current arriving at the valves from
the GLR-box.

Fig. 1

Arrangement (Fig. 2):

21.1 (Y 18) = main pumps P1 + P2

21.2 (Y 17) = main pumps P3 + P4

Fig. 3

Connect metering adapter.

Re-run the checks described above. Measure

the currents at contacts (A, Fig. 3) each time.

If the electrical currents stated are not

Fig. 2 reached, there is a fault somewhere in the load
limit circuit.

If the electrical currents are reached, but not

the hydraulic pressures, a fault is present in
the proportional valve and it needs to be

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 7

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Pressure cut-off system Run both engines up to top speed.

The pressure cut-off function for the main pumps
(3, Fig. 1) is managed by the sequence valves Checking pressure cut-off for working-
(3.1). equipment.

Apply pressure to piston sides of stick cylin-

ders. Shift the joystick gently into the end posi-

Check pressures:
They should be 300 bar.
If a correction is necessary, re-set the respec-
tive valve as described.

Checking pressure cut-off for track drives.

Apply pressure to track drives. Depress the

treadle valves gently into the end positions.

Check pressures:
They should be 360 bar. If correction is re-
quired, check setting of valve combination (16
& 17, Fig. 3) (cf. section on servo-control).

Fig. 1 Pressure cut-off valve

Checking and setting

Engage track parking brakes (using toggle

switch) and lower working equipment to the

Connect four 400 bar pressure gauges to the

test points (36.1, Fig. 2) for the relief valves

Fig. 3

Fig. 2 Relief valves

Page 8.6 - 8 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Primary pressure relief

The primary pressure of the four main pumps is
limited by four pressure relief valves (36, Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Primary relief valves

Fig. 2

The pumps are coded P1 - P4 from left to right in

direction of travel. Check primary relief settings for pumps (P2,
P3 & P4) in the same way.

Checking and setting Checking conditions:

Connect four 400 bar pressure gauges to me- Primary relief (P2): RH engine stopped
tering points (36.1, Fig. 1). LH engine at full speed
LH track forwards or re-
Engage track parking brakes (with toggle verse
switch) and lower working equipment to the
ground. Primary relief (P3): LH engine stopped
RH engine at full speed
Primary relief for main pump (P1) RH track forwards or re-
- Switch off the pressure cut-off by shifting
cock (5, Fig. 2) on P1 into position 0. Primary relief (P4): LH engine stopped
RH engine at full speed
- Run left-hand engine up to full speed. Shut LH track forwards or re-
down the right-hand engine. verse

- Summon Right-hand track - forwards or Note:

When checking primary relief pressure (P3 & P4),
- Check pressure. all pressure gauges show the pressures for (P3 &
- It should be: 370 bar. If correction is nec- P4).
essary, re-set primary valve.

- Switch on pressure cut-off by shifting cook

(5, Fig. 2) back into position 1.

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 9

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Secondary relief system The faceshovel attachment is equipped with an

for attachment additional secondary relief valve for the rod side of
the clamshell cylinders, which is installed on the
The secondary pressure relief valves for the at-
distributor at the backwall of the bucket (Fig. 2).
tachment are flanged onto the 4-spool control
blocks (90, Fig. 1). The 4-spool control blocks are
located on the boom.

Fig. 1 Secondary relief valve

Valve arrangement for faceshovel configuration (Fig. 1)

Position Relief valve for Position Relief valve for

1 Spool not connected 9 Spool not connected
2+8 Bucket croud cylinder piston side 10 + 16 Bucket croud cylinder rod side
3+7 Arm cylinder rod side 11 + 15 Arm cylinder piston side
4+6 Boom cylinder piston side 12 + 14 Boom cylinder rod side
5 Clam cylinder rod side 13 Clam cylinder piston side
Table 3a

Valve arrangement for backhoe configuration (Fig. 1)

Position Relief valve for Position Relief valve for

11 + 15 Bucket cylinder piston side 3+7 Bucket cylinder rod side
12 + 14 Stick cylinder piston side 4+6 Stick cylinder rod side
10 + 16 Boom cylinder piston side 2+8 Boom cylinder rod side
1, 5, 9, 13 Spools not connected
Table 3b

Page 8.6 - 10 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98


Table 4: Secondary pressure relief valves

* Switch off float when checking

To check valves for

Rod sides: retract cylinders fully

Piston sides: extend cylinders fully

Fig. 4

Checking and setting

Fig. 2 Secondary relief valve at backwall
Connect 400 bar pressure gauges.

Switch off pressure cut-off on pump (P2) by

shifting cock (5, Fig. 4) into position 0.

In the case of the dump cylinders, also switch

off pressure cut-off for pump (P1).

Run left-hand engine up to full speed.

Check and set pressures

- Recommended sequence - see Table 1.

- Example: piston side of stick cylinders

- Switch off stick float; shift joystick gently

Fig. 3 Test points on float valves into end position.

- Check pressure: it should be 350 bar.

- Because the piston sides of the stick

cylinders are protected by a pair of
valves (11 & 15, Fig. 1), the pressure
gauge on port (15.1) always registers the
pressure of the valve with the lower set-
ting. Even when the gauge shows 350
bar, it is still possible for one of the
valves to have a higher setting.

- For this reason, lower the pressure on

the 1st valve to below 350 bar. The pres-

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 11


sure on the gauge must drop noticeably. Secondary relief system for travel
Then increase back up to 350 bar.
The four secondary relief valves (77.1 - 77.4, Fig.
1) for the track motors are located in the undercar-
- Set the 2nd valve in the same way.
riage module.
After checking / setting secondary pressures,
The valves (77.2 & 77.3) are on the rear side of the
shift cocks for pressure cut-off (5, Fig. 4) back
into position 1.

Clam cylinders

To adjust the additional secondary relief valve for

the rod side of the clam cylinders installed in the
backwall open the bucket, keep the clam cylinder
rod-side pressurised and set the relief valve to 330

Fig. 1 Secondary relief valve for travel

Checking and setting

Engage the track parking brakes (with toggle

switch) and lower the working equipment to the

De-stroke the main pumps by shifting the

Power control / Eco Set switch to 60 % (see
Operating Instructions).

Connect four 400 bar pressure gauges to the

metering points for the pressure relief valves.

Page 8.6 - 12 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98


Fig. 2 Pressure cut-off valve

Switch off pressure cut-off for main pumps (P1

& P2) by shifting the cocks (5, Fig. 2) into posi-
tion 0.

Run left-hand engine up to top speed.

Leave the track brakes engaged and summon

left-hand track forwards. Depress treadle
valve gently into end position.

Check pressure on relief valve (77.1, Fig. 1).

It should be: 370 bar. Re-set the valve if nec-


Summon following functions, one after the


LH track reverse (valve 77.2)

RH track forwards (valve 77.3)
RH track reverse (valve 77.4)

and check pressures in the same manner.

After checking / setting secondary pressures,

shift cocks for pressure cut-off (5, Fig. 2) back
into position 1.

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 13

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Swing system Connect two 60 bar pressure gauges to ports

(X1 and X2, Fig. 2) on pressure valve (54).
Checking and setting
Re-set valve using setting screw (54.1) until
pressures are equal.
1. Lower working equipment to the ground and
engage the superstructure holding brake.
Proceed under 4.2
2. Connect two 400 bar pressure gauges to the
4.2 If pressures are equal: connect two 60 bar
metering points (51.1, Fig. 1) on the balance
gauges instead of the 400 bar gauges to the
ports on (51.1, Fig. 1). The 60 bar gauges
have a higher accuracy.

Do NOT summon a swing func-

tion as this will destroy the

Check charge pressure: at full engine speed

and with flushing valve (57, Figs. 2 & 3) cor-
rectly set, the charge pressure should be 25
Charge pressure is limited by the pressure re-
lief valves (6.1, Fig. 3) - one valve for each
swing pump. The valves are works set to 25
Fig. 1 Swing balance valve bar. The setting must not be altered.

If 25 bar charge pressure is not reached, call

in TEREX Service.

Fig. 2 Swing balance valve

3. Run both engines up to top speed.

4. Check pressure with superstructure locked:

both gauges on the balance valve must reg-
ister the same pressure.
Fig. 3
4.1 If pressures are not equal: Pressure valve (54,
Fig. 1 + 2) and swing pumps are not exactly in
the middle position (superstructure trying to

Page 8.6 - 14 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98


6. Leave the superstructure holding brake en-

gaged and summon Swing right. Shift joy-
stick gently into the end position.

7. Check pressure: the gauge for the high-

pressure side on swing motor (51, Fig. 1)
must register approx. 350 bar. The other
gauge (low pressure side) must register ap-
prox. 25 bar. The pressure on relief valve (55,
Fig. 6) is then approx. 31 bar.

If the high pressure on motor (51) is higher or

lower than approx. 350 bar, re-set valve (55,
Fig. 6) until approx. 350 bar is reached.
Fig. 4 Flushing valve

The primary relief valves (6.2, Fig.

Flushing valve (57, Figs. 2 & 3) flushes the oil 5) for the swing circuit (2 valves
in the closed loop swing circuit. Each time a per swing pump) have fixed set-
swing function is summoned, a small quan- tings of 400 bar. Their settings
tity of oil is flushed out of the low-pressure must NOT be altered.

Setting: dimension A on setting screw (57.1, 8. Summon swing left. Shift the joystick gradu-
Fig. 3) must be 15 mm. ally into the end position. This time the other
gauge on the swing motor (51, Fig. 1) must
5. Take the 60 bar gauges off the swing motor register approx. 350 bar. The other one ap-
(51) and connect the 400 bar gauges again. prox. 25 bar.
Connect a 60 bar gauge to metering port
(55.1, Fig. 5) for pressure relief valve (55).
The valve is located in the cab module under-
neath the platform plate.

Fig. 5 Relief valve

RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98 Page 8.6 - 15

8.6 PRESSURE CHECKING AND SETTING Track tensioning system Hydraulic oil cooling

The pressure for hydraulic track tensioning is taken The hydraulic oil is cooled in two separate circuits.
from the servo-circuit. The tracks are permanently Each circuit is protected by two relief valves (43,
tensioned with approx. 60 bar when engine on the Fig. 1).
left side is running.
Arrangement: Front cooler = LH engine
Tensioning the tracks Rear cooler = RH engine

See Operating Instructions

Diaphragm accumulator

Check the gas pressure in the accumulator ac-

cording to the Operating Instructions.

Secondary relief

The track tensioning systems are protected by two

secondary relief valves (70, Fig. 1) with fixed set-
tings of 330 bar.

Fig. 1 Oil cooling - relief valve

Checking and setting

Connect four 60 bar pressure gauges to ports

(43.1). Fig. 1 shows one of the two distributor

Check that oil temperature is above 52 C and

that the thermostats are fully closed.

Fig. 1 Relief valves - track tensioning

Check pressure. Circuiting pressure should be
approx. 35 bar.

Pressure relief
If the pressure-limiting valves (70)
are open there will be no servo- Pressure relief valves (43) are works set to approx.
pressure and thus no possibility of 65 bar. To check, proceed as follows:
activating hydraulic functions.
Set valves to circuiting pressure. To do this,
reduce valve cracking pressure until the cir-
cuiting pressure starts to drop.

Then tighten valve inserts of a turn (cracking

pressure is increased again).

Page 8.6 - 16 RH 200 Diesel - 2471390e - (00) 01.98


8.7 Installation of hydraulic

8.7.1 General
When removing or installing hydraulic pumps all Always observe the safety regulations applicable to
relevant safety regulations have to be observed. the product when handling oils, greases and other
chemical substances.

8.7.2 Components
Table for Fig. 1

Ref. no. Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 2 Main pump
2 2 Fan pump for hydraulic oil cooling
3 2 Swing pump
4 1 Fan pump for radiator
5 1 Charge pump for swing system
6 ----
7 ----
8 1 Gear pump for servo system Double pump
9 8 Hex. bolt M 20 x 50 10.9 Tightening torque Md = 490 Nm
10 8 Washer
11 16 Washer
12 16 Hex. bolt M 20 x 80 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 350 Nm
13 2 Hex. bolt M 10 x 25 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 41 Nm
14 8 Hex. bolt M 12 x 30 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 71 Nm
15 8 Washer
16 4 Hex. bolt M 12 x 30 8.8 Tightening torque Md = 71 Nm
17 4 Washer
18 ---
19 ---
20 2 O-ring
21 2 O-ring
22 2 O-ring
23 2 O-ring
24 1 O-ring
Table 1

RH 200 Diesel - 3657791e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.7 - 1


9, 12, 13,
14, 16
Fig. 1 Installation of hydraulic pumps

8.7.3 Removal and installation of the Installation of a pump

hydraulic pumps
1. Apply lubricating paste (Part-no. 244 905) to
splines of pump shaft, adapter and gearbox
Removal of a pump shaft.

1. Disconnect electric cables. 2. Install new O-ring with grease.

2. Close gate valves between hydraulic tank and 3. Attach lifting device to the pump and lower into
suction line of the pump. place. Insert and tighten mounting bolts with
required torque (see table).
3. Open hydraulic lines of the pump cautiously.
Collect hydraulic oil in suitable container. 4. Connect all hydraulic lines as market.

4. Remove hydraulic lines and mark them to avoid Open gate valves of the hydraulic tank!
mix up. Close all open hoses, lines bores and
housings carefully to prevent dirt from pene-
trating. All axial piston pumps have to be
filled with hydraulic oil before start
5. Attach lifting device to the pump; disassemble up to avoid damage of the pump
mounting bolts and remove the pump. when running dry.

Page 8.7 - 2 RH 200 Diesel - 3657791e - (00) 09.03


5. Bleed pumps! 6. Connect electric cables again.

Filling and bleeding the pumps has to be done

through the ports for the lines or the bleeder
plugs (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Filling and bleeding of the pumps

RH 200 Diesel - 3657791e - (00) 09.03 Page 8.7 - 3


Page 8.7 - 4 RH 200 Diesel - 3657791e - (00) 09.03


8.8 Hydraulic cylinders Safety

8.8.1 Introduction
Observe the accident prevention Foreword regulations at all times.
This section describes the procedures necessary Any person involved in commis-
when repairing hydraulic cylinders. The illustrations sioning, operating, inspecting or
and descriptions correspond to the current series servicing the TEREX excavator
status. It is possible for some illustrations to show must have read through the Oper-
details that differ from a particular machine or ating Instructions - especially the
component. This, however, is of no consequence chapter SAFETY - before starting
to the overall function. any work.
In case of doubt, consult the TEREX Mining
Personnel working on the machine
and its components must have
adequate knowledge of the proce-
Any alterations and up-grading introduced into the
dures involved.
series will be considered in future re-prints of the
Technical handbook (THB). Tools, lifting equipment, rigging
tackle, trestles, working platforms
and other working aids must be in
The required special tools can be found in a safe and reliable condition.
Depressurize any systems that are
Chapter 3.2.8 cylinder tools
to be opened for servicing or in-
spection work.
Before commencing an servicing
or inspection work, secure the ma-
chine and its equipment against
unintentional starting, e.g. place
chocks under the tracks and lower
the working equipment to the
Park the excavator on a level sur-
face and block it to prevent it from
moving. Lock the superstructure,
lower the working equipment to the
ground, stop the engine(s) and se-
cure it against unintentional start-

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 1

Do not loosen any fittings, pipes or
hoses until hydraulic pressure has All cylinder components are carefully matched to
been released from the system. one another. Long-term trouble-free operation can
only be ensured when genuine TEREX spare
Take care when hydraulic oil is hot.
parts are used.
Fully retract the piston rods of the
cylinder to be removed, and fasten The wear and spare parts necessary for the
the piston rod to the cylinder so cylinders are listed in the excavator's spare
that it cannot extent. The hydraulic parts list.
connections can then be loosened.
This section does not describe procedures neces-
Use suitable containers to catch
sary for overhauling damaged cylinders. Only spe-
spilling oil.
cialist workshops can judge whether a damaged
Use suitable lifting tackle to re- component can be overhauled and which proce-
move and install piston rods and dures are necessary. Work to be performed in your
guide bushings. own workshops should therefore be limited to the
installation of new TEREX wear and spare parts.
All procedures must be carried out carefully in a
clean workshop. Negligence can lead to major
Close up any open pipes, hoses damage to the whole hydraulic system.
and housing ports to prevent dirt
from getting into the system. After servicing, the hydraulic cylinders must be
bled of air prior to being used again. Air pockets
When working on hydraulic cylin-
remaining in a cylinder can ignite (diesel effect)
ders (especially when removing
and cause serious internal damage to the cylinder.
and fitting piston rods), keep the
cylinder in a vertical position.
If any contamination of metal particles are found in
Place long cylinders into inspec-
the cylinder, on the magnetic rods or in the filters,
tion pits so that the piston rod eye
the whole system must be flushed clean.
and guide bushing are accessible
The procedure is described in chapter 8.2.
from ground level.
Cleanliness is of prime importance.
Use only fibre-free cloths and rags
(do NOT use cotton waste).
Always use the recommended
When removing seals and wearing
parts, always use suitable tools,
e.g. snub-nosed screwdrivers, to
prevent damaging the sealing sur-

Page 8.8 - 2 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


8.8.2 Design types Boom cylinder


18 6

6 7 8








20 23
A 4525838A.SKD
Fig. 1 Boom cylinder

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 3


Components of boom cylinder (Fig. 1)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

A Position of pivot bearing split
1 1 Cylinder barrel 2 092
2 1 Piston rod 1 200
3 1 Bearing eye 373
4 1 Scraper
5 1 Sealing ring
6 1 Sealing ring 236
7 1 Guide
8 1 Guide ring for piston rod
9 1 Back ring
10 1 O-ring
11 2 Protection element
12 3 Guide ring for piston
13 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
14 1 Piston seal
15 2 Bushing
16 ----
17 ----
18 2 Hex. bolt M 39 x 3 x 220
19 15 Washer
20 1 Bearing eye 51
21 ----
22 15 Hex. bolt M 36 x 3 x 190
23 1 Circlip
24 2 Grease nipple
25 2 Reducer
26 2 Sealing ring

Table 1

Page 8.8 - 4 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


17 17


7 10

18 22



1 15





4 4

Fig. 2 Arm cylinder

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 5


Components of arm cylinder (Fig. 2)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Cylinder barrel 1 266
2 1 Piston rod 833
3 1 Fork 379
4 2 Bushing
5 1 Scraper
6 1 Scraper
7 1 Guide 132
8 1 Sealing ring
9 1 Sealing ring
10 1 Guide ring for piston rod
11 1 Back ring
12 1 O-ring
13 2 Protection element
14 3 Guide ring for piston
15 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
16 1 Piston seal
17 2 Bushing
18 10 Double hex bolt M 27 x 2 x 160
19 15 Washer
20 ----
21 1 Dowel pin
22 15 Hex. bolt M 27 x 2 x 170

Table 2

Page 8.8 - 6 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Bucket crowd cylinder

17 17


7 10

18 22



1 15





4 4

Fig. 3 Bucket crowd cylinder

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 7


Components of bucket crowd cylinder (Fig. 3)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Cylinder barrel 1 266
2 1 Piston rod 833
3 1 Fork 379
4 2 Bushing
5 1 Scraper
6 1 Scraper
7 1 Guide 132
8 1 Sealing ring
9 1 Sealing ring
10 1 Guide ring for piston rod
11 1 Back ring
12 1 O-ring
13 2 Protection element
14 3 Guide ring for piston
15 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
16 1 Piston seal
17 2 Bushing
18 10 Double hex bolt M 27 x 2 x 160
19 15 Washer
20 ----
21 1 Dowel pin
22 15 Hex. bolt M 27 x 2 x 170

Table 3

Page 8.8 - 8 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Clam cylinder

3 6

5 5 4
11 11
12 9

1 12






A 14


Fig. 4 Clam cylinder

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 9


Components for clam cylinder (Fig. 4)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

A Position of pivot bearing split
1 1 Cylinder barrel 216
2 1 Piston rod 109
3 1 Fork 153
4 1 Flange
5 10 Double hex. bolt M 27 x 2 x 140
6 1 Scraper
7 1 Scraper
8 1 Guide ring for piston rod
9 1 Guide
10 2 Sealing ring
11 1 Guide ring for piston rod
12 1 Back ring
13 1 O-ring
14 2 Protection element
15 1 Guide ring for piston (metal)
16 1 Sealing ring
17 1 Guide ring for piston
18 1 Bearing eye
19 1 Circlip
20 1 Dowel pin

Table 4

Page 8.8 - 10 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


8.8.3 Assembly
There are 3 different types of bearing eyes used:

1. Clevis type, 2-piece (Fig. 5)

2. Boss type, 1-piece (Fig. 6)
3. Clevis type, 1-piece (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7 Clevis type, 1-piece

Fig. 5 Clevis type, 2-piece

Fig. 6 Boss type, 1-piece

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 11

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Clevis type, 2-piece (Fig. 8)

Fig.9 Disassembly of the fork

Fig. 8 Clevis type, 2-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor between flange (4, Fig. 8) and piston
rod (8) (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Attach lifting tackle to the bearing eye and

loosen bolts (5, Fig. 9).

3. Lift bearing eye off the piston rod.

4. Check bushing (10) and dowel pin (2) for dam-

age - change if necessary.

5. Remove bushing (6) and replace O-rings and

back rings (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10 Lifting of the fork
6. Unscrew flange (4) from piston rod (Fig. 11).

Page 8.8 - 12 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking

and cleaning agents).

3. Put new O-ring (36, Fig. 8) around piston rod.

4. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) into place.

5. Check that dowel pin (31, Fig. 12) is in posi-


6. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle.

7. Lower eye (1, Fig. 8) into position. Seating

surfaces of eye (1) and piston rod (8) must lie
exactly plane on another in order to transfer
the high cylinder forces. Dowel pin (31, Fig.
12), which prevents the eye from rotation on
the rod, must fit in the opposite seating hole.

8. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) onto piston rod until it

is approx. 1.5 - 3 mm from eye (1). The gap
Fig. 11 Disassembly of the flange must be equal all round (the eye is otherwise
not seated fully on the rod).

Assembly 9. Pre-install bolts. The threads of the bolts (5,

Fig. 8) have to be free of grease and oil.
1. Check bearing eye (3, Fig. 12).
The seating surface to the piston rod must be 10. Pull O-ring (36) up into the gap outside of the
free of any damage and corrosion. bolts (5). If necessary, lift the eye (1) slightly
The seating surface of the piston rod must in order to push the ring into the gap.
also be free of any damage and corrosion.
11. Tighten bolts (5) in opposite pairs by hand.
Check gap between eye (1) and flange (4). It
has to be between 1.5 and 3 mm. The gap
has to be equally all around.

12. Tighten bolts (5,) crosswise. To prevent the

eye (1) from seating skew, tighten the bolts in
3 stages.
Torque for bolts - see table 7.

13. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) with the corro-

sion inhibitor mentioned under Point 2.

Fig. 12 Bearing eye

2. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 8)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 13

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Boss type, 1-piece (Fig. 12)

Fig. 14 Disassembly of the eye

Fig. 13 Boss type, 1-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor in slot (A) of the bearing eye (1, Fig.
13). See THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle; loosen

mounting bolts (5, Fig. 14).

3. Unscrew slotted bearing eye (1) from the piston

rod (8). If necessary widen the slot with help of
a wedge.

4. Check bushing (10) for damage - change if


Fig. 15 Lifting of the eye


1. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 14)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153
731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Place bearing eye (1) onto the piston rod (8)

and screw on hand-tight to the mechanical stop.

Page 8.8 - 14 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


3. Insert bolts (5) and tighten in 3 stages. The Clevis type, 1-piece (Fig. 16)
bolts have to be free of grease and oil!

Torque for bolts see table 7.

4. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) and slot of the

bearing eye with the corrosion inhibitor Part-no.
1 570 254.

Fig. 16 Clevis type, 1-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor in slot (A) of the bearing eye (1, Fig.
16). See THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle; loosen

mounting bolts (5, Fig. 17

3. Unscrew slotted bearing eye (1) from the piston

rod (8). If necessary widen the slot with help of
a wedge.

4. Check bushing (10) for damage - change if


RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 15



1. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 17)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153
731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Place bearing eye (1) onto the piston rod (8)

and screw on hand-tight to the mechanical stop.

3. Insert bolts (5) and tighten crosswise in 3

stages. The bolts have to be free of grease and
Torque for bolts see table 7.

4. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) and slot of the

bearing eye with the corrosion inhibitor Part-no.
1 570 254.

Fig. 17 Disassembly of the fork

Fig. 18 Lifting of the fork

Page 8.8 - 16 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Piston rod guide

All Positions refer to Fig. 19

Fig. 19 Piston rod guide

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 17


Components of piston rod guide (Fig. 19)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 Cylinder barrel
3 Bearing eye
4 Guide
8 see Washer
14 Hex. bolt
16 Hex. bolt
18 Scraper
19 Scraper
20 Sealing ring
21 Sealing ring
22 Guide ring for piston rod
29 O-ring
30 Back ring
36 Ring
37 Ring

Table 5

Removing and checking 5. Take off guide (4).

1. Drain hydraulic oil from the cylinder. Catch es- Remove all sealing and wear parts.
caping oil in a suitable container. Use suitable tools to prevent damaging the
sealing surfaces in any way.
2. Remove bearing eye.
6. Check guide (4) for damage. If damage is visi-
3. Loosen bolts (16). ble, guide must be replaced. Seals and wearing
parts will otherwise be destroyed in a very short
4. Remove the guide (4) from the cylinder barrel time.
using 3 jacking bolts.
ALWAYS change ALL wearing parts!
Depending on the type of cylinder the following
completely threaded jacking bolts are to be

Boom cylinder:
M 12 x 190, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 855

Arm cylinder:
M 12 x 190, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 855

Bucket cylinder:
M 12 x 190, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 855

Clam cylinder:
M 12 x 150, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 852

Page 8.8 - 18 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98



1. Fit seal (29, Fig. 19) and back ring (30). Make
sure that back ring is on the correct side.

2. Fit the split guide sleeve (22).

3. Coat guide with assembly paste P/No. 271 554

in area (4, Fig. 19).

4. Install V-rings (20 + 21, Fig. 19).

Each V-ring (20 + 21) comprises V-ring (A) and

back ring (B).

Depending on the cylinder design the grove for Fig. 21 Installation of V-ring
the scrapers (14) and (15) can be part of the
cylinder rod guide (Fig. 20).
If the scraper (20) is separately installed it is
bolted with ring (8), disk (9) and bolts (14) onto
the rod guide (Fig. 22).
The mounting bolts are hand-tightened only.

Fig. 20 Scraper

In this case fold V-ring (A) into a kidney shape

and place into groove (Fig. 21).
Fig. 22 Scraper
Then fit the split back ring (B, Fig. 21).

5. Fit scrapers (14 + 15, Fig. 20). 7. Place guard sleeve (C, Fig. 23) over thread of
piston rod.
6. Before fitting the guide, coat scrapers, seal and
guide rings with hydraulic oil. The sleeve protects the seal and guide rings in
the rod guide against being damaged on the
rod threads.

If a guard sleeve is not available, wrap adhe-

sive tape around the rod threads.

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 19

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - FS Piston rod and piston

Removing and checking

1. Drain hydraulic oil from the cylinder. Catch es-

caping oil in a suitable container.

2. Remove rod head and rod guide.

3. Using a lifting device lift the piston rod (8, Fig.

25) with help of the lifting eye (D, Fig. 25) out of
the cylinder barrel an place onto a prepared
clean working bench.

Fig. 23 Piston rod with guard sleeve

8. Push guide into cylinder barrel.

9. Insert bolts (6, Fig. 24) and tighten crosswise in

3 stages. The bolts have to be free of grease
and oil!
Torque for bolts see table 7.

Fig. 25 Rod puller

4. Remove plastic guide rings (24, Fig. 26), OK

piston seal (23) and guard rings (25).

The cast iron ring (26, Fig. 26) often shows

minor signs of use but without any measurable
wear (less than 0.1 mm). In such a case, the
ring can be used again. Cast iron rings are diffi-
cult to remove and the risk of piston damage is
high. The rings should therefore only be re-
moved with special pliers (Fig. 27).

Fig. 24 Flange with bearing eye

10. Install bearing eye (see chapter to

Page 8.8 - 20 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


Fig. 26 Piston guide

Components of piston guide (Fig. 26)

Location Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 Cylinder barrel
2 piston rod
23 see Piston seal
24 chapter Guide ring
25 Protection element
26 Guide ring

Table 6

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 21


Fig. 28 Installation of piston seal

Fig. 27 Spreader for guide ring (cast iron)

Thoroughly check piston, piston rod, dampener

and cylinder barrel for signs of damage and wear.
Also check the barrel for bulging. Replace all dam-
aged parts.

ALWAYS change plastic guide rings, guard rings

and OK piston seals.


The piston is sealed with an OK piston seal (23,

Fig. 26), comprising:

Plastic stepped seal ring (A) Fig. 29 Installation of piston seal

Square tensioning ring (B).

2. Fit guide rings (20 + 22, Fig. 30 + 31).
Use special pliers (P/No. 1 709 183) to fit cast
1. Fit the tensioning ring (B) in the relevant
iron guide rings (22, Fig. 30).
Do not open the guide rings too far as they
could break.
Fit approx. 1/5 of the tensioning ring into the
groove. The gaps in the guide rings must be offset at
180 to one another.
Push a smooth rod through the ring (Fig. 28)
and lever it into its seating with a circling action
(arrow, Fig. 28) around the piston.

Do not remove the bar until the tensioning ring

is seated absolutely straight in its groove (Fig.

Page 8.8 - 22 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


OK-piston seals are installed with

pre-load. Depending on the diame-
ter the pre-load is 0,65 - 1 mm.

Fig. 30 Installation of guide ring (cast iron)

Fig. 33 Piston rod with guard sleeve

Assembling without the sleeve can lead to the

seal and guide rings jamming.

Part-nos. for sleeves are listed in

Chapter 3.2.8 Cylinder tools.

Fig. 31 Installation of guide ring

5. Using rod puller (D, Fig. 25), lift piston rod and
lower fully into the cylinder barrel.
3. Fit seal ring (21.2, Fig. 32) into OK piston seal.
6. Install rod guide and rod head (see chapter

Fig. 32 Installation of piston seal

4. Brush hydraulic oil onto seal, guide and guard

rings. Push sleeve (E, Fig. 33) over the piston
to fix seal and guide rings in position.

RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 23


8.8.4 Tightening torque

In the following table the tightening torque for the
bolts of the hydraulic cylinders can be found.

Bolt size M 20 M 27 x 2 M 27 x 2 M 27 x 2 M 36 x 3 M 39 x 3
Bolt quality 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9
Bolt type hex. double hex. hex. double hex. hex. hex.
Bolt length [mm] 120 140 170 160 190 220
Spanner size (SW) 17 32 41 32 55 60
Tightening torque
Stage 1 [Nm] 280 650 750 650 1 750 2 300
Stage 2 [Nm] 420 900 1 100 900 2 700 3 500
Stage 3 [Nm] 560 1 135 1 500 1 135 3 500 4 600
Table 7 Tightening torque for bolts on cylinders

Page 8.8 - 24 RH 200 (FS) - 2471393e - (01) 01.98


8.8 Hydraulic cylinders Safety

8.8.1 Introduction
Observe the accident prevention Foreword regulations at all times.
This section describes the procedures necessary Any person involved in commis-
when repairing hydraulic cylinders. The illustrations sioning, operating, inspecting or
and descriptions correspond to the current series servicing the TEREX excavator
status. It is possible for some illustrations to show must have read through the Oper-
details that differ from a particular machine or ating Instructions - especially the
component. This, however, is of no consequence chapter SAFETY - before starting
to the overall function. any work.
In case of doubt, consult the TEREX Mining
Personnel working on the machine
and its components must have
adequate knowledge of the proce-
Any alterations and up-grading introduced into the
dures involved.
series will be considered in future re-prints of the
Technical handbook (THB). Tools, lifting equipment, rigging
tackle, trestles, working platforms
and other working aids must be in
The required special tools can be found in a safe and reliable condition.
Depressurize any systems that are
Chapter 3.2.8 cylinder tools
to be opened for servicing or in-
spection work.
Before commencing an servicing
or inspection work, secure the ma-
chine and its equipment against
unintentional starting, e.g. place
chocks under the tracks and lower
the working equipment to the
Park the excavator on a level sur-
face and block it to prevent it from
moving. Lock the superstructure,
lower the working equipment to the
ground, stop the engine(s) and se-
cure it against unintentional start-

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 1

Do not loosen any fittings, pipes or
hoses until hydraulic pressure has All cylinder components are carefully matched to
been released from the system. one another. Long-term trouble-free operation can
only be ensured when genuine TEREX spare
Take care when hydraulic oil is hot.
parts are used.
Fully retract the piston rods of the
cylinder to be removed, and fasten The wear and spare parts necessary for the
the piston rod to the cylinder so cylinders are listed in the excavator's spare
that it cannot extent. The hydraulic parts list.
connections can then be loosened.
This section does not describe procedures neces-
Use suitable containers to catch
sary for overhauling damaged cylinders. Only spe-
spilling oil.
cialist workshops can judge whether a damaged
Use suitable lifting tackle to re- component can be overhauled and which proce-
move and install piston rods and dures are necessary. Work to be performed in your
guide bushings. own workshops should therefore be limited to the
installation of new TEREX wear and spare parts.
All procedures must be carried out carefully in a
clean workshop. Negligence can lead to major
Close up any open pipes, hoses damage to the whole hydraulic system.
and housing ports to prevent dirt
from getting into the system. After servicing, the hydraulic cylinders must be
bled of air prior to being used again. Air pockets
When working on hydraulic cylin-
remaining in a cylinder can ignite (diesel effect)
ders (especially when removing
and cause serious internal damage to the cylinder.
and fitting piston rods), keep the
cylinder in a vertical position.
If any contamination of metal particles are found in
Place long cylinders into inspec-
the cylinder, on the magnetic rods or in the filters,
tion pits so that the piston rod eye
the whole system must be flushed clean.
and guide bushing are accessible
The procedure is described in chapter 8.2.
from ground level.
Cleanliness is of prime importance.
Use only fibre-free cloths and rags
(do NOT use cotton waste).
Always use the recommended
When removing seals and wearing
parts, always use suitable tools,
e.g. snub-nosed screwdrivers, to
prevent damaging the sealing sur-

Page 8.8 - 2 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


8.8.2 Design types Boom cylinder

5 5 14


6,7 17
4 16





1 23



9 9
Fig. 1 Boom cylinder

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 3


Components of boom cylinder (Fig. 1)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Cylinder barrel 3 438
2 1 Piston rod 2 445
3 1 Bearing eye 482
4 1 Guide 545
5 2 Bushing
6 3 Hex. bolt M 39 x 3 x 220
7 3 Washer
8 ----
9 2 Bushing
10 ----
11 23 Hex. bolt M 36 x 3 x 250
12 23 Washer
14 1 Scraper
15 1 Sealing ring
16 7 Guide ring for piston rod
17 1 Sealing ring
18 1 Back ring
19 1 O-ring
20 2 Protection element
21 5 Guide ring for piston
22 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
23 1 Piston seal

Table 1

Page 8.8 - 4 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Stick cylinder

5 5







11 11 19


Fig. 2 Stick cylinder

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Components of arm cylinder (Fig. 2)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Cylinder barrel 1 994
2 1 Piston rod 1 104
3 1 Fork 479
4 1 Flange 58
5 2 Bushing 253
6 1 Guide
7 12 Double hex bolt M 30 x 2 x 190
8 1 Dowel pin
9 15 Hex bolt M 36 x 3 x 190
10 15 Washer
11 2 Bushing
12 ----
13 1 Scraper
14 1 Sealing ring
15 1 Sealing ring
16 1 Guide ring for piston rod
17 1 Back ring
18 1 O-ring
19 2 Protection element
20 3 Guide ring for piston
21 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
22 1 Piston seal

Table 2

Page 8.8 - 6 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Bucket cylinder

3 13
7 A 14

6 17

5 12


2 21




4 20
Fig. 3 Bucket cylinder

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Components of bucket cylinder (Fig. 3)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 1 Cylinder barrel 1 266
2 1 Piston rod 833
3 1 Bearing eye 373
4 2 Bushing
5 1 Guide 132
6 1 Flange 45
7 1 Bearing eye
8 1 Circlip
9 1 Dowel pin
10 10 Double hex bolt M 27 x 2 x 160
11 15 Hex bolt M 27 x 2 x 170
12 15 Washer
13 1 Scraper
14 1 Scraper
15 1 Sealing ring
16 1 Scraper
17 1 Guide ring for piston rod
18 1 Back ring
19 1 O-ring
20 2 Protection element
21 3 Guide ring for piston
22 2 Guide ring for piston (metal)
23 1 Piston seal
24 1 Sealing compound

Table 3

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8.8.3 Assembly
There are 3 different types of bearing eyes used:

1. Clevis type, 2-piece (Fig. 5)

2. Boss type, 1-piece (Fig. 6)
3. Boss type, 2-piece (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7 Boss type, 2-piece

Fig. 5 Clevis type, 2-piece

Fig. 6 Boss type, 1-piece

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 9

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Clevis type, 2-piece (Fig. 8)

Fig.9 Disassembly of the fork

Fig. 8 Clevis type, 2-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor between flange (4, Fig. 8) and piston
rod (8) (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Attach lifting tackle to the bearing eye and

loosen bolts (5, Fig. 9).

3. Lift bearing eye off the piston rod.

4. Check bushing (10) and dowel pin (2) for dam-

age - change if necessary.

5. Remove bushing (6) and replace O-rings and

back rings (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10 Lifting of the fork
6. Unscrew flange (4) from piston rod (Fig. 11).

Page 8.8 - 10 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking

and cleaning agents).

3. Put new O-ring (36, Fig. 8) around piston rod.

4. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) into place.

5. Check that dowel pin (31, Fig. 12) is in posi-


6. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle.

7. Lower eye (1, Fig. 8) into position. Seating

surfaces of eye (1) and piston rod (8) must lie
exactly plane on another in order to transfer
the high cylinder forces. Dowel pin (31, Fig.
12), which prevents the eye from rotation on
the rod, must fit in the opposite seating hole.

8. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) onto piston rod until it

is approx. 1.5 - 3 mm from eye (1). The gap
Fig. 11 Disassembly of the flange must be equal all round (the eye is otherwise
not seated fully on the rod).

Assembly 9. Pre-install bolts.

1. Check bearing eye (3, Fig. 12). 10. Pull O-ring (36) up into the gap outside of the
The seating surface to the piston rod must be bolts (5). If necessary, lift the eye (1) slightly
free of any damage and corrosion. in order to push the ring into the gap.
The seating surface of the piston rod must
also be free of any damage and corrosion. 11. Tighten bolts (5) in opposite pairs by hand.
Check gap between eye (1) and flange (4). It
has to be between 1.5 and 3 mm. The gap
has to be equally all around.

12. Tighten bolts (5,) crosswise. To prevent the

eye (1) from seating skew, tighten the bolts in
3 stages.
Torque for bolts - see table 7.
13. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) with the corro-
sion inhibitor mentioned under Point 2.

A 31 4525806D.SKD

Fig. 12 Bearing eye

2. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 8)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 11

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Boss type, 1-piece (Fig. 12)

Fig. 14 Disassembly of the eye

Fig. 13 Boss type, 1-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor in slot (A) of the bearing eye (1, Fig.
13). See THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle; loosen

mounting bolts (5, Fig. 14).

3. Unscrew slotted bearing eye (1) from the piston

rod (8). If necessary widen the slot with help of
a wedge.

4. Check bushing (10) for damage - change if


Fig. 15 Lifting of the eye


1. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 14)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153
731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

2. Place bearing eye (1) onto the piston rod (8)

and screw on hand-tight to the mechanical stop.

Page 8.8 - 12 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


3. Insert bolts (5) and tighten in 3 stages. Boss type, 2-piece (Fig. 16)

Torque for bolts see table 7.

4. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) and slot of the

bearing eye with the corrosion inhibitor Part-no.
1 570 254.
10 1


4 5


Fig. 16 Boss type, 2-piece

Disassembling and checking

1. Use petroleum to remove the coating of rust

inhibitor between flange (4, Fig. 16) and piston
rod (8).
See THB Sealing, protective, checking and
cleaning agents).

2. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle; loosen

mounting bolts (5, Fig. 16

3. Lift the bearing eye from the piston rod.

4. Unscrew flange (4, Fig. 169 from piston rod

(Fig. 19).

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 13


Fig.17 Mounting the eye Fig. 19 Removing the flange


1. Check bearing eye (3, Fig. 12).

The seating surface to the piston rod must be
free of any damage and corrosion.
The seating surface of the piston rod must
also be free of any damage and corrosion.

Fig. 18 Lifting the eye

Fig. 20 Fork type bearing eye

Page 8.8 - 14 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


2. Coat the thread of the piston rod (8, Fig. 8)

with SOLUTION 1 rust inhibitor, P/No. 153
731 (see THB Sealing, protective, checking
and cleaning agents).

3. Put new O-ring (36, Fig. 8) around piston rod.

4. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) into place.

5. Check that dowel pin (31, Fig. 12) is in posi-


6. Lift the bearing eye in lifting tackle.

7. Lower eye (1, Fig. 8) into position. Seating

surfaces of eye (1) and piston rod (8) must lie
exactly plane on another in order to transfer
the high cylinder forces. Dowel pin (31, Fig.
12), which prevents the eye from rotation on
the rod, must fit in the opposite seating hole.

8. Screw flange (4, Fig. 8) onto piston rod until it

is approx. 1.5 - 3 mm from eye (1). The gap
must be equal all round (the eye is otherwise
not seated fully on the rod).

9. Pre-install bolts.

10. Pull O-ring (36) up into the gap outside of the

bolts (5). If necessary, lift the eye (1) slightly
in order to push the ring into the gap.

11. Tighten bolts (5) in opposite pairs by hand.

Check gap between eye (1) and flange (4). It
has to be between 1.5 and 3 mm. The gap
has to be equally all around.

12. Tighten bolts (5,) crosswise. To prevent the

eye (1) from seating skew, tighten the bolts in
3 stages.
Torque for bolts - see table 7.

13. Coat exposed ends of bolts (5) with the corro-

sion inhibitor mentioned under Point 2.

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 15

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Piston rod guide

All Positions refer to Fig. 19

Fig. 21 Piston rod guide

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Components of piston rod guide (Fig. 21)

Position Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 Cylinder barrel
3 Bearing eye
4 Guide
8 see Washer
14 Hex. bolt
16 Hex. bolt
18 Scraper
19 Scraper
20 Sealing ring
21 Sealing ring
22 Guide ring for piston rod
29 O-ring
30 Back ring
36 Ring
37 Ring

Table 5

Removing and checking Use suitable tools to prevent damaging the

sealing surfaces in any way.
1. Drain hydraulic oil from the cylinder. Catch es-
caping oil in a suitable container. 6. Check guide (4) for damage. If damage is visi-
ble, guide must be replaced. Seals and wearing
2. Remove bearing eye. parts will otherwise be destroyed in a very short
3. Loosen bolts (16).
ALWAYS change ALL wearing parts!
4. Remove the guide (4) from the cylinder barrel
using 3 jacking bolts.

Depending on the type of cylinder the following

completely threaded jacking bolts are to be

Boom cylinder:
M 12 x 230, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 856

Stick cylinder:
M 12 x 230, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 856

Bucket cylinder:
M 12 x 180, 10.9, DIN 933, Part-no. 2 781 854

5. Take off guide (4).

Remove all sealing and wear parts.

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 17



1. Fit seal (29, Fig. 21) and back ring (30). Make
sure that back ring is on the correct side.

2. Fit the split guide sleeve (22).

3. Coat guide with assembly paste P/No. 271 554

in area (4, Fig. 21).

4. Install V-rings (20 + 21, Fig. 21).

Each V-ring (20 + 21) comprises V-ring (A) and

back ring (B).

Depending on the cylinder design the grove for Fig. 23 Installation of V-ring
the scrapers (14) and (15) can be part of the
cylinder rod guide (Fig. 22).
If the scraper (20) is separately installed it is
bolted with ring (8), disk (9) and bolts (14) onto
the rod guide (Fig. 24).
The mounting bolts are hand-tightened only.

Fig. 22 Scraper

In this case fold V-ring (A) into a kidney shape

and place into groove (Fig. 23).
Fig. 24 Scraper
Then fit the split back ring (B, Fig. 23).

5. Fit scrapers (14 + 15, Fig. 22). 7. Place guard sleeve (C, Fig. 25) over thread of
piston rod.
6. Before fitting the guide, coat scrapers, seal and
guide rings with hydraulic oil. The sleeve protects the seal and guide rings in
the rod guide against being damaged on the
rod threads.

If a guard sleeve is not available, wrap adhe-

sive tape around the rod threads.

Page 8.8 - 18 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98

8.8 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS - BH Piston rod and piston

Removing and checking

1. Drain hydraulic oil from the cylinder. Catch es-

caping oil in a suitable container.

2. Remove rod head and rod guide.

3. Using a lifting device lift the piston rod (8, Fig.

27) with help of the lifting eye (D, Fig. 27) out of
the cylinder barrel an place onto a prepared
clean working bench.

Fig. 25 Piston rod with guard sleeve

8. Push guide into cylinder barrel.

9. Insert bolts (6, Fig. 26) and tighten crosswise in

3 stages. The bolts have to be free of grease
and oil!
Torque for bolts see table 7.

Fig. 27 Rod puller

4. Remove plastic guide rings (24, Fig. 28), OK

piston seal (23) and guard rings (25).

The cast iron ring (26, Fig. 28) often shows

minor signs of use but without any measurable
wear (less than 0.1 mm). In such a case, the
ring can be used again. Cast iron rings are diffi-
cult to remove and the risk of piston damage is
high. The rings should therefore only be re-
moved with special pliers (Fig. 29).

Fig. 26 Flange with bearing eye

10. Install bearing eye (see chapter to

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 19


Fig. 28 Piston guide

Components of piston guide (Fig. 28)

Location Quantity Designation Further remarks Weight

1 Cylinder barrel
2 piston rod
23 see Piston seal
24 chapter Guide ring
25 Protection element
26 Guide ring

Table 6

Page 8.8 - 20 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


Fig. 29 Spreader for guide ring (cast iron) Fig. 30 Installation of piston seal

Thoroughly check piston, piston rod, dampener

and cylinder barrel for signs of damage and wear.
Also check the barrel for bulging. Replace all dam-
aged parts.

ALWAYS change plastic guide rings, guard rings

and OK piston seals.


The piston is sealed with an OK piston seal (23,

Fig. 28), comprising:

Plastic stepped seal ring (A)

Fig. 31 Installation of piston seal
Square tensioning ring (B).
2. Fit guide rings (20 + 22, Fig. 32 + 33).
1. Fit the tensioning ring (B) in the relevant
Use special pliers (P/No. 1 709 183) to fit cast
iron guide rings (22, Fig. 32).
Do not open the guide rings too far as they
Fit approx. 1/5 of the tensioning ring into the
could break.
The gaps in the guide rings must be offset at
Push a smooth rod through the ring (Fig. 30) 180 to one another.
and lever it into its seating with a circling action
(arrow, Fig. 30) around the piston.

Do not remove the bar until the tensioning ring

is seated absolutely straight in its groove (Fig.

RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98 Page 8.8 - 21


OK-piston seals are installed with

pre-load. Depending on the diame-
ter the pre-load is 0,65 - 1 mm.

Fig. 32 Installation of guide ring (cast iron)

Fig. 35 Piston rod with guard sleeve

Assembling without the sleeve can lead to the

seal and guide rings jamming.

Part-nos. for sleeves are listed in

Chapter 3.2.8 Cylinder tools.

Fig. 33 Installation of guide ring

5. Using rod puller (D, Fig. 27), lift piston rod and
lower fully into the cylinder barrel.
3. Fit seal ring (21.2, Fig. 34) into OK piston seal.
6. Install rod guide and rod head (see chapter

Fig. 34 Installation of piston seal

4. Brush hydraulic oil onto seal, guide and guard

rings. Push sleeve (E, Fig. 35) over the piston
to fix seal and guide rings in position.

Page 8.8 - 22 RH 200 (BH) - 2471388e - (01) 01.98


8.8.4 Tightening torque

In the following table the tightening torque for the
bolts of the hydraulic cylinders can be found.

Bolt size M 27 x 2 M 27 x 2 M 30 x 2 M 36 x 3 M 39 x 3
Bolt quality 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9
Bolt type hex. double hex. double hex. hex. hex
Bolt length [mm] 170 160 190 190 220
Spanner size (SW) 41 32 36 55 60
Tightening torque
Stage 1 [Nm] 750 650 850 1 750 2 300
Stage 2 [Nm] 1 100 900 1 250 2 700 3 500
Stage 3 [Nm] 1 500 1 135 1 700 3 500 4 600
Table 7 Tightening torque for bolts on cylinders

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