GM Screen Mutant Year Zero
GM Screen Mutant Year Zero
GM Screen Mutant Year Zero
D66 ENVIRONMENT RUIN THREAT ARTIFACT D66 ENVIRONMENT THREAT LEVEL DESCRIPTION D66 HUMANOID THREAT BETWEEN AND REQUIRES DISTANCE MODIFICATION 1. Bring out the Zone map, character sheets, dice and cards for K Players may initiate new projects during the
mutations and artifacts. session Assembly.
1112 Thick Woods No Yes No 11 Airplane Wreck 14 Fringe Zone Sectors 11 Amnesiac Arms Length Near One maneuver Arms Length 2
2. Give each PC a number of Mutation Points equal to the number of K Write down each chosen project on the
1315 Scrublands No Yes No 12 Amusement Park 58 Central Zone Sectors 1213 Beast Mutants Near Short One maneuver Near 1
mutations he has. Ark Sheet, or directly on the Ark map, and
1621 Marshlands No Yes No 13 Battlefield 9+ Unusually Dangerous Areas 1416 Cannibals Short Long Two maneuvers Short 0 note how many Work Points that the project
3. Hold an Assembly. Each player may initiate one new project in the
requires to be completed.
2224 Dead Woods No Yes No 14 Bus Station 2122 Doom Cultists Long Distant Two maneuvers Long +1 Ark.
K During each session, every PC may work on
2526 Ash Desert No Yes No 15 Car Park THREAT TYPE 2325 Exiled Mutants Distant No roll needed 4. Draw a Threat Card to introduce a new threat to the Ark. Skip this
one project. For every / rolled, the number
step if no PC is in the Ark, or if enough is going on already.
31 Huge Crater No Yes No 16 Church 2632 Expedition from another Ark of remaining Work Points is reduced by one.
D6 THREAT TYPE MELEE WEAPONS 5. Play your characters.
32 Glasified Field No Yes No 21 Cinema 3335 Helldrivers K When all Work Points are gone, the project is
12 Humanoid WEAPON BONUS DAMAGE RANGE COMMENT 6. Hold a debriefing. Discuss which actions during the session should completed and ready for use.
3335 Overgrown Ruins Yes Yes Yes 22 Crater 3642 Morlocks
35 Monster Unarmed 1 Arms Length be rewarded with XP.
K Each project provides a DEV Bonus to the
3642 Crumbling Ruins Yes Yes Yes 23 Dilapidated Mansion 4344 Nova Cultists
6 Phenomenon Blunt Instrument +1 1 Arms Length 7. Decide if you want to change your relationships or your big dream. Ark, and some have other special effects.
4351 Decayed Ruins Yes Yes Yes 24 Fast Food Joint 4546 Patrol from the Ark
Bicycle Chain +1 1 Near
5256 Unscathed Ruins Yes Yes Yes 25 Gas Station 5152 Scrap Oracle TYPICAL NPC STATS
MONSTER THREAT Brass Knuckles +1 1 Arms Length Jury-Rigged. Light weapon.
6164 Derelict Industries Yes Yes Yes 26 Highway 5354 Wanderers
Scrap Knife +1 2 Arms Length Jury-Rigged. Light weapon. ROLE STRENGTH AGILITY WITS EMPATHY SKILLS
6566 Settlement 31 Hospital 5556 Water Trader
Baseball Bat +2 1 Arms Length Can be found in the Zone. Enforcer 5 3 2 2 Intimidate 3, Fight 2, Force 1
1112 Acid Grass
32 Hunting Store 6162 Wreckers
Bat with Spikes +2 2 Arms Length Jury-Rigged. Gearhead 2 2 5 3 Jury-Rig 3, Comprehend 2, Scout 1
13 Air Jellies
RUINS, INDUSTRY 33 Mall 6366 Zone-Ghouls
Machete +2 2 Arms Length Jury-Rigged. Stalker 2 5 3 2 Find the Path 3, Shoot 2, Sneak 1
14 Automaton
34 Marina
D66 ENVIRONMENT Scrap Spear +1 2 Near Jury-Rigged. Fixer 2 2 3 5 Make a Deal 3, Manipulate 2, Move 1
1516 Bitterbeasts
1113 Factory Scrap Axe +1 3 Arms Length Jury-Rigged. Heavy weapon. Dog Handler 3 4 3 2 Sic a Dog 3, Shoot 2, Sneak 1
2122 Deathworm
36 Office Building
1416 Military Base D66 PHENOMENON THREAT Chronicler 2 2 4 4 Inspire 3, Comprehend 2, Heal 1
2324 Devourer
41 Overgrown Park
2123 Oil Cistern 1113 Acid Rain RANGE MODIFICATION TYPICAL COVER Boss 3 3 2 4 Command 3, Shoot 2, Fight 1
2526 Grazers
42 Playground
2426 Pipeline 1415 Ash Storm DISTANCE MODIFICATION COVER TYPE PROTECTION RATING Slave 4 4 2 2 Shake it Off 3, Endure 2, Fight 1
31 Gutfish (infected water)
43 Police Station
3133 Purification Plant 1621 Dust Tornado Arms Length 3* Shrubbery 2 No Role 3 3 3 3 Level 2 in one skill
32 Killer Tree
44 Radio Station
3436 Power Line 2223 Electric Storm Near 0 Furniture 3
33 Mind Mosquitoes
45 Residential Blocks
4143 Radio Mast 24 Ghost Lights Short 1 Wooden Door 4
34 Nightmare Flowers
46 Road Tunnel
4446 Refinery 25 Inertia Field Long 2 Car Door 5
35 Parasite Fungus
51 Ruined Bridge
5153 Rubbish Dump 2631 Magnetic Field *Does not apply for defenseless enemies. Brick Wall 6
36 Razorback
52 School
5456 Shipwreck 32 Mirage Sand Bag 7
4142 Rot Ants
53 Shelter
6163 Shooting Range 3334 Mud Puddles ARTIFACT WEAPONS
54 Skyscraper
6466 Windmill 3536 Night Lights WEAPON BONUS DAMAGE RANGE COMMENT
55 Sports Center
41 Obelisk Assault Rifle +3 2 Long Clip, Full-Auto.
46 Trash Hawk Thrown Rock 1 Short
ROT LEVEL 56 Suburbia
4243 Pillars of Light Chainsaw +2 3 Arms Length Heavy item.
51 Worm Swarm Slingshot +1 1 Short Jury-Rigged.
61 Subway Station
D66 ROT LEVEL DESCRIPTION 4446 Rot Hotspot Compound Bow +2 1 Long
5254 Zone Dogs Bow +1 1 Long Jury-Rigged.
62 Supermarket
Rot Oasis. The PCs are safe from the 5152 Rot Wind Crossbow +3 1 Long
1112 0 5556 Zone Leeches Scrap Pistol +1 2 Short Jury-Rigged.
Rot here. 63 Swimming Hall
5354 Sinkhole Flare Gun +2 2 Short
6163 Zone Rats Scrap Derringer +1 1 Near Jury-Rigged. Light weapon.
Weak Rot. The PCs suffer one Rot 64 Tank
1355 1 5556 Temperature Drop / Heat Wave Hunting Rifle +2 2 Long Clip.
Point per day spent in such sectors. 6465 Zone Spider Scrap Rifle +1 2 Long Jury-Rigged.
65 Theater
6162 Unexploded Ordnance Katana +3 2 Arms Length
Rot-Heavy Area. The PCs suffer one 6566 Zone Wasps Flamethrower +1 2 Near Jury-Rigged. Heavy weapon.
5666 2 66 Train Station
Rot Point per hour. 63 Vacuum Revolver +3 2 Short Clip.
Scrap Cannon +1 4 Long Jury-Rigged. Cant be carried.
6466 Zone Smog Semi-Auto Pistol +2 2 Short Clip, light item.
Shotgun +2 3 Short Two barrels.