Fieldbus Comparison Chart
Fieldbus Comparison Chart
Fieldbus Comparison Chart
Technology Year Governing Openness
Developer Introduced Standard
PROFIBUS PTO DP-1994, PA- DIN 19245 part Products from
DP/PA 1995 3/4 over 150 vendors
INTERBUS-S Phoenix 1984 DIN 19258 Products from
Contact over
DeviceNet Allen-Bradley March 1994 ISO 11898 6 chip vendors,
&11519 100+ products
ARCNET Datapoint/ 1975 ANSI 878 Chips, boards,
AS-I AS-I Fall 1993 Submitted to IEC AS-II.C. Market
Consortium item
Fieldbus Fieldbus 1995 ISA SP50/IEC Chips/software
Foundation Foundation TC65 from multiple
IEC/ISA ISA & Fieldbus 1992 - 1996 IEC 1158/ANSI Multiple chip
SP50 F. 850 vendors
Seriplex APC, Inc. 1990 Seriplex spec Chips available
WorldFIP WorldFIP 1988 IEC 1158-2 Multiple chip
LonWorks Echolon Corp. March 1991 ASHRAE of BACnet Public
documentation on
SDS Honeywell Jan., 1994 Honeywell 6 chip vendors,
Specification, 200+ products
Submitted to IEC,
Network Topology Physical Max. Devices Max.
Media (nodes) Distance
PROFIBUS Line, star & ring Twisted-pair 127 nodes 24 Km (fiber)
DP/PA or fiber
INTERBUS-S Segmented with "T" Twisted- 256 nodes 400
drops pair, fiber, m/segment,
and slip- 12.8 Km total
DeviceNet Trunkline/dropline Twisted-pair 64 nodes 500m
with branching for signal &
ARCNET Bus, multidrop, star Twisted-pair 255 nodes 5 miles
coax fiber
AS-I Bus, ring, tree star, Two wire 31 slaves 100 meters,
of al cable 300 with
Fieldbus Multidrop with bus Twisted-pair 240/segment, 1900m @
Foundation powered devices 65,000 segments 31.25K
500m @ 2.5M
IEC/ISA Star or bus Twisted-pair IS 3-7 1700m @
SP50 fiber, and non IS 128 31.25K
Fieldbus radio 500M @
Seriplex Tree, loop, ring, 4-wire 500+ devices 500+ ft
multi-drop, star shrolded
WorldFIP Bus Twisted- 256 nodes up to 40 Km
pair, fiber
LonWorks Bus, ring, loop, star Twisted- 32,000/domain 2000m @ 78
pair, fiber, kbps
power line
SDS Trunkline/Dropline Twisted-pair 64 nodes, 500m
for signal & 126 addresses
Communicat Transmiss Data Arbitrati Error Diagnosti
ion Methods ion Transfer on Checkin cs
Properties Size Method g
PROFIB Master/slave DP up to 12 244 bytes Token HD4 CRC Station,
US peer to peer Mbps passing module &
DP/PA PA 31.25 channel
kbps diagnostic
INTERB Master/slave 500kBits/s, 512 bytes None 16-bit Segment
US-S with total h.s., CRC location of
frame full duplex unlimited CRC error
transfer block and cable
DeviceN Master/slave, 500 kbps, 8-byte Carrier- CRC Bus
et multi-master, 250 kbps, variable Sonac check monitorin
others 125 kbps message Multiple g
ARCNET Peer to peer 31.25K to 508 bytes Token 16-bit Built in
AS-I Master/slave Data and 31 slaves Master/sla Manches Slave
with cyclic power, EMI with 4 in ve with ter Code, fault,
polling resistant and 4 out cyclic hammin device
polling g-2, fault
Fieldbus Client/server 31.25 kbps 16.6 M Determini 16-bit Remote
Foundati publisher/ 1 Mbps objects/de stic CRC diagnostic
on subscriber, 2.5Mbps vice centralize s, network
Event d monitors,
notification scheduler, parameter
multiple status
IEC/ISA Client/server 31.25 kbps 64 octets Scheduler, 16-bit Configura
SP50 Publisher/ IS+1, 2.6, high & 256 tokens, or CRC ble on
Fieldbus subscriber 5 Mbps low priority master network
Seriplex Master/slave 200 Mbps 7680/trans Sonal End of Cabling
peer to peer fer multiplexi frame & problems
ng echo
WorldFI Peer to peer 31.25 kbps, No limit, Central 16-bit Device
P 1 & 2.5 variables arbitration CRC, message
Mbps, 6 128 bytes data time-out,
Mbps fiber "freshne redundant
ss" cabling
LonWork Master/slave 1.25 Mbs 228 bytes Carrier 16-bit Database
s peer to peer full duplex Sense, CRC of CRC
Multiple errors and
Access device
SDS Master/slave, 1Mbps, 8-byte Carrier- CRC Bus
500 kbps, variable Sonac check monitorin
peer to peer, 250 kbps, message Multiple g,
multi-cast, 125 kbps Access Diagnostic
multi-master slave
Cycle Time: 256 Cycle Time: 128 Block transfer of
Discrete Analog 128 bytes
16 nodes with 16 16 nodes with 8 1 node
I/Os I/Os
PROFIBUS Configuration Configuration not available
DP/PA dependent dependent
typ <2ms typ <2ms
INTERBUS-S 1.8 ms 7.4 ms 140 ms
DeviceNet 2.0 ms Master-slave 10 ms Master-slave 4.2 ms
polling polling
ARCNET <2 ms @ 2.5M <2 ms @ 2.5M <2 ms @ 2.5M
AS-I 4.7 ms not possible not possible
Fieldbus 100 ms @ 31.25k 600 ms @ 31.25k 36 ms @ 31.25k
Foundation <1 ms @ 2.5M <8 ms @ 2.5M 0.45 ms @ 2.5M
IEC/ISA SP50 Configuration Configuration 0.2 ms @ 5 Mbps
dependent dependent 1.0 ms @ 1 Mbps
Seriplex 1.32 ms @ 200 10.4 ms 10.4 ms
kbps, m/s
WorldFIP 2 ms @ 1 Mbps 5 ms @ 1 Mbps 5 ms @ 1 Mbps
LonWorks 20 ms 5 ms @ 1 Mbps 5 ms @ 1 Mbps
SDS <1 ms, event driven <1 ms per event 2 ms @ 1 Mbps