PF753 QuickConfig Analog Setup Reduced
PF753 QuickConfig Analog Setup Reduced
PF753 QuickConfig Analog Setup Reduced 1.800.POWER01
PowerFlex 753 Quick-Configuration Analog Setup
P520 Max Fwd Speed NP Hz / NP RPM and 0 Hz P27 [Motor NP Hz] 60Hz or 1800RPM Typically
Voltage / NP RPM x 16 0 RPM P28 [Motor NP RPM]
P521 Max Rev Speed NP Hz x 16.00 / 0.00 0 Hz P27 [Mtr NP Hz]* (-1) 0 if not reversing
NP RPM x 16.00 / 0.00 0 RPM P28 [Mtr NP RPM]*(-1)
P522 Min Fwd Speed 0.0 / NP Hz x 16.00 0 Hz 0.00 Hz
0.00 / NP RPM x 16.00 0 RPM 0.00 RPM
P523 Min Rev Speed 1.0 / NP Hz x -16.00 0 Hz 0.00 Hz
0.00 / NP RPM x -16.00 0 RPM 0.00 RPM
P524 Overspeed Limit 10 Hz Only need to adjust if the Max
Freq (P.037) is less than 70.
P535 Accel Time 1 0.00 3600 Secs 0.00 Secs 10.0 Secs
P537 Decel Time 1 0.00 3600 Secs 0.00 Secs 10.0 Secs
P545 Spd Ref A Sel 546 - 260 871 - Port 1 Reference Port 0 PF753, Param 871 Example: PF753 Port 0, 260-
876 - Port 6 Reference - Port 1 Reference AnalogIn0 Value
260 Analog In0 Value
P348 Auto Rstrt Tries 0/9 09 0
P349 Auto Rstrt Delay 0.5/30.0 Secs 1.0
P356 Flying Start Mode 0 Disabled, 1 Enhanced, Use Sweep when a Sine Wave
2 Sweep Filter is installed on VFD Output.
P621 Slip RPM at FLA (P27 [Motor NP Hz] x RPM 20 Set to 0 in most cases. Not used
120)/(P31 [Motor Poles in closed Vector control.
P28 [Motor NP RPM])
P372 Bus Regulator Mode 0 Disabled 1 Adjust Freq Need an external snubber resistor
1 Adjust Freq if set to Dyn Brake or Both.
2 Dyn Brake
3 Both DB 1st
4 Both Frq 1st
P426 Regen Power Limit 0800% % -50% Set to -800% when P372 set to
Dyn Brake
P382 DB Resistor Type 0/1 0 Internal, 1 External 0 - Internal Typically an external resistor is
P383 DB External Resistance Based on Drive Ohms Based on Drive
P384 DB External Watts 1.00/500000.0 Watts 100.0
P385 DB Ext. Pulse Watts 1.00/1000000.0 Watt 2000.0 Set to value of the external
Note: The PowerFlex 753 is Port 0. If an I/O card is used in slots 4, 5 or 6 the I/O will start with the slot the I/O card is.
For example, if using a I/O point one on the I/O card in Slot 5 to run the drive, the I/O point is mapped to DI Run as
Port 5: Dig In Sts. Input 1 1.800.POWER01
PowerFlex 753 Quick-Configuration 1.800.POWER01
PowerFlex 753 Quick-Configuration
Programming Manual: 750-PM001
Installation Guide: 750-IN001
Technical Data: 750-TD001
December 2013