Careers in Midwifery PDF
Careers in Midwifery PDF
Careers in Midwifery PDF
8 Career Framework
Developing your career in the NHS
Midwives often describe their job as privileged. The qualifications) before going on to study for a registered
role they have in preparing women for the delivery of midwifery degree. Some begin their midwifery career
new life makes them a vital presence during all stages after a first career in an unrelated field.
of pregnancy, labour and the early postnatal period.
Once you have joined the NHS youll enjoy flexible
As well as the satisfaction it brings, this unique role is working conditions, excellent benefits and a wealth
demanding and carries plenty of responsibility. More of opportunities to develop your career. There are
midwives now work in the community, providing few professions that offer so much in terms of job
services in womens homes, local clinics, childrens satisfaction and support, as well as giving you the
centres and GP surgeries. There is of course the chance to enhance peoples lives during their times
option to be hospital based, where there are plenty of need.
of opportunities for midwives to work on antenatal,
labour and postnatal wards and neonatal units. The NHS Careers team
Becoming a midwife means undertaking professional For more information about working as
education at degree level. Some midwives are a midwife in the NHS, please visit
qualified nurses who have chosen to change career
direction and undertake the extra study necessary
If you have any questions, call our
to register as a midwife. Others begin their career
helpline on 0345 60 60 655 or email
by working their way up via a range of routes (for
[email protected]
example from support roles, which require no
2 Careers in midwifery
We actively recruit people of all ages, backgrounds On top of your basic salary, you will receive at least
and levels of experience. This helps us understand 27 days holiday each year, plus a range of other
the different needs of the patients we serve every benefits, including occupational health and
day and provide the best possible service. counselling services.
Whichever area you join, you become part of a Join one of the UKs best pension schemes
talented, passionate team of people committed to The NHS Pension Scheme is one of the most
providing the best care and treatment to patients. generous and comprehensive in the UK. Every new
You will also enjoy one of the most competitive and employee automatically becomes a member and you
flexible benefits packages offered by any employer will get an excellent package of pension benefits.
in the UK.
Benefits of working in the NHS For more information about the pension, and
Everyone who joins the NHS is guaranteed a salary a full list of the benefits included, please visit
that matches their ability and responsibilities, and
given every opportunity to increase it through
training and development.
The NHS pay system, known as Agenda for Other benefits of working in the NHS include
Change, offers real benefits for all directly training, occupational health services,
employed staff except doctors, dentists and very automatic membership of the NHS Pension
senior managers, including: Scheme (unless you choose to opt out) and
a standard working week of 37.5 hours study leave for sponsored courses.
holiday entitlement of 27 days a year, plus eight
general and public holidays, rising to 33 days To find out more about the different
after 10 years of service Agenda for Change pay bands, and see
new pay enhancements to reward out of hours, the most up-to-date starting salaries
shift and overtime working for each one, please visit
better career and pay progression based on the
application of knowledge and skills
annual personal development review to support
career aspirations.
telephone 0345 60 60 655 email [email protected] Careers in midwifery 3
The NHS is committed to offering You will be encouraged to extend your range
development and learning opportunities for of skills and knowledge and take on new
all full-time and part-time staff responsibilities through the Knowledge and
Skills Framework.
No matter where you start within the NHS,
youll have access to extra training and be See pages 8 and 9 for more on the Career
given every chance to progress within the Framework and examples of how other
organisation employees have progressed through
the NHS.
You will receive an annual personal review
and development plan to support your
career progression
4 Careers in midwifery
Melvin was a business studies student when I then moved into a charge midwife post,
a friend who worked as an A&E nurse where I co-ordinated services at ward level
encouraged him to look into nursing because and took on other challenges in theatre
he asked so many questions about her job. He scrubbing for Caesarean sections and so on.
subsequently trained to become a midwife.
My role is that of labour ward lead/ward
As a nurse, I worked in various medical wards for manager. My job is twofold a ward manager
a year but I enjoyed obstetrics most, so I decided for three days plus two days hands-on
to embark on a midwifery course. I studied for a clinical work.
diploma* in midwifery and have never looked To be a midwife, you need to have a friendly,
back Ive just kept taking on more roles and gentle approach, be mindful of individual
doing more studies. womens needs and respect their cultures. You
need to always have the womans wishes at
After qualifying, I worked as a bank midwife at heart, especially where she has a birth plan.
St Hellier Hospital, Surrey, while studying for a I am very open when I approach patients, and
degree in health service management. I then have delivered patients from different religions
spent a further three years as a senior midwife. and cultures. If a woman prefers a female
midwife, then thats fine and her choice must
be respected.
Looking after your well-being As well as advice and support for people looking
The NHS is committed to improving the working lives after sick or elderly relatives, if you work for the
of all staff. There is a real focus on areas that are NHS you will also have access to a range of free
designed to maintain employees health, well-being childcare services, including:
and safety and provide additional support to nursery care
individuals when needed. These include: after-school and breakfast clubs
flexible working and flexible retirement holiday play schemes
childcare provision and support for carers in emergency care.
the workplace
training and development
Get more information about flexible
coping with stress
working opportunities at
tackling discrimination, bullying and harassment.
As a midwifes client base includes women from For information about the qualifications
all walks of life, you will be confident enough to needed to work in midwifery, see the
communicate with all types of people. Some women Getting started section on page 11 or visit
and their families will be from challenging
backgrounds they may be homeless, socially
excluded, have disabilities or be very young, in which
case you may liaise with social services. Other clients You will be the main health
may be from certain cultural or religious backgrounds
where high levels of empathy and intuition are just as
professional contact for a woman,
important. Regardless of background, all women will helping her make informed choices
need their midwife to understand the emotional,
physical and psychological processes of pregnancy
about the options and services
and birth. available during pregnancy
telephone 0345 60 60 655 email [email protected] Careers in midwifery 7
Alison worked as a nurse for a year before I did that for two or three years and worked
applying to do a degree in midwifery. She quite closely with a Sure Start midwife, which
says the variety of opportunities for NHS is how I got to know about the scheme. Its a
midwives can be daunting but allowed her government programme that brings together,
to direct her own career path. early education, childcare, health and family
support. I applied for a post when one
When I first qualified, I worked on wards became vacant. My role now is based within
postnatal, antenatal and labour wards and in a childrens centre, where I run antenatal
clinic. I then helped with the formation of a classes, aqua-natal classes, baby massage
caseload team that focused on the community. classes and a support group for antenatal and
After taking someone on at booking, we did all postnatal women so they can meet informally.
their antenatal visits, and were on call for them
I also do outreach work with those in
when they went into labour, so it was 24 hours a
temporary accommodation such as travellers
day, seven days a week. I worked with a partner
who may have been missed by the system.
so one of us was always available.
I do postnatal support visits, so if somebody
lives in our area and just wants to have a chat
with a midwife, I am there rather than them
having to wait for an appointment.
Career Framework
The Career Framework has been designed to within the organisation. Many people take on
improve career development and job additional responsibility within their own area, while
satisfaction for NHS employees. others retrain and move in to different roles.
It encourages individuals to learn new skills and take The case study on page 10 describes how Karen Baker
on extra responsibilities that enable them to progress has progressed within the NHS.
6 Senior practitioners/ Emergency care Senior occupational Senior dental technologist Senior biomedical
practitioner therapist scientist
specialist practitioners
4 Assistant practitioners/ Control room duty officer Assistant clinical Dental therapist Critical care technologist
associate practitioners
3 Senior healthcare Emergency medical Rehabilitation assistant Dental hygienist Newborn hearing
dispatcher screener
2 Support workers Patient transport service Therapy clinical support Dental nurse Pharmacy dispensing
driver worker assistant
You can follow her career path in the white boxes on Framework. It is not exhaustive; details on other
the diagram below, alongside other potential paths careers can be found in the relevant booklets and
in the different areas of the NHS. on the NHS Careers website.
The diagram below gives an illustration of a variety of Visit the NHS Careers website at
NHS careers and where they may fit on the Career
Health informatics Management Midwifery Nursing
healthcare team
Clinical researcher General manager: Head of midwifery District nurse (team Head of estates
maternity, gynaecology manager)
and fertility service:
developing and
managing integrated
midwifery services
between the community
and the hospital sectors
Systems analyst Project manager Delivery suite manager: Community psychiatric Chaplain
supporting mothers nurse
during labour, delivering
their babies and
managing a small team
Clinical coder General office manager Community care assistant Medical secretary
Medical records clerk Maternity support worker Senior healthcare Security officer
Karen is the manager responsible for the I spent ten years in a variety of hospital and
emergency department, cancer care and community midwifery posts before becoming a
medicine and elderly care at a major hospital delivery suite manager. Since then I have been
trust, with more than 1100 staff and a a head of midwifery services, a general
budget of 62 million. manager, associate director of midwifery and
nursing services, care group manager for
When I started my career, you had to train as a
obstetrics and gynaecology, and divisional
nurse before becoming a midwife. But early on I
director of operations for women and children,
realised that midwifery appealed to me most. You
before taking on my present role.
care holistically for people and the diagnosis and
care plan you prepare is your own work. The I have also been a council member with the
work itself is exciting: youre helping bring a new Royal College of Midwives, taught on university
life into the world. There are emergency courses and been involved in various national
situations that get the adrenalin flowing, as well policy-making and review groups.
as complex cases to stretch your knowledge and
I guess I like a challenge even more as my
skills. Theres a lot of fun, too.
career has developed and I have seen the
I never planned the career Ive had. I think Ive many challenges posed by advances in
always wanted to do a job to the best of my ability, treatment and rising expectations. I have been
and when I feel Ive reached that level thought: given the opportunity and support to develop
what more could I do to make a bigger difference? my leadership abilities.
Getting started
To work in the NHS, midwives must hold a Professional training
pre-registration qualification in midwifery at Pre-registration programmes in midwifery are
degree level, which allows them to register provided by universities. All applicants must be
with the Nursing and Midwifery Council numerate, literate and of good character and good
(NMC). You can enter the NHS at various health. Pre-registration degree courses in midwifery
levels, and be assured of practical, and are at least three years long and comprise 50 per
possibly financial, support as you progress. cent academic study and 50 per cent supervised
work placements in hospitals and the community.
Who can become a midwife?
Some people apply for a place on a full-time There are no national standard entry requirements
pre-registration course after gaining good grades for midwifery degrees. It is up to each university to
at A level (or equivalent) at school or college. decide what they want to accept but on the whole,
degree programmes usually require applicants to
Others may not possess A levels but will have relevant have a minimum of five good GCSEs and two A
work experience such as time spent as healthcare levels (or equivalent), one of which should preferably
assistants or associate practitioners and be able to be a science subject.
show evidence of academic ability, which can be
enough to meet a universitys requirements. Accelerated training for registered nurses
Registered nurses can undertake a shortened
Qualified nurses can take a shortened pre-registration programme to qualify as midwives.
course in midwifery; the course lasts for around 18
Rachel joined a midwifery diploma course In my student group there was only one other
straight after leaving school at the age of 18. girl my age, all the rest were older. The first
She benefited from excellent mentoring and few days on a labour ward felt quite scary.
values the teamwork. I was in a different world with its own rules
and atmosphere, even its own language, so I
From quite a young age, Id liked the idea of
stuck very close to my tutors and mentors who
being in a hospital and helping people. My
were excellent. I wanted to become like them.
problem was that I wasnt sure about looking
after people who were actually ill! So I worked Some of those mentors I now work alongside
out that the best job for me would be as a as colleagues, which gives me a great sense of
midwife, and set my sights on that. how much Ive learned and how far Ive
come. I have added a teaching and assessing
I got the GCSEs I needed and then took A levels qualification to my diploma, and plan to step
that I knew would help me later: biology and up to degree level soon.
English language. I wanted to stay in Bristol and
the only course available at the time was a During the diploma course we did placements
diploma at the University of West of England. in the community as well as hospital. After
Fortunately, I convinced the interview panel that qualifying five years ago, I opted to work on a
I was committed to this career. hospital labour ward. I like the constant contact
with other healthcare professionals, and the
set shift patterns protect your time outside work.
I cried at the first birth I attended I dont do
that any more, but the emotional impact is
still there every time. As in any job there are
pressures and days when things dont go
right but Im doing a job I love. To be where
I am now and have this positive feeling about
my job, Im a very lucky person.
Support workers/assistants
Support workers and healthcare assistants often dont
need set qualifications to do their jobs but gaining
experience and appropriate vocational qualifications
while working can be a stepping stone to more Cadet schemes and apprenticeships
senior support roles, such as midwifery support Some NHS organisations offer apprenticeships in
workers or assistants, as well as to further study if health and social care, enabling apprentices to enter
they wish to pursue a career in midwifery. placements at support worker level for around two
years, while giving them the opportunity to work
Those who have worked in the NHS and have the towards a Qualifications and Credit Framework
academic ability to cope with the demands of a (QCF) qualification.
professional midwifery course will find that their
experience is an advantage when they apply for a Although apprenticeships will enable a young person
place on a midwifery degree, which will normally be to work towards a QCF qualification, it will not count
part-time and last for five or six years. towards professional midwifery training. Instead, an
apprenticeship aims to get an individual to the
appropriate level so that he or she can apply to study
For more information, see our clinical support a part-time midwifery degree which usually lasts
worker factsheet or visit five or six years at the end of their apprenticeship.
After studying for her degree in midwifery, I have been working at UCLH for the past
Sue qualified in September 2004. She says five and a half years. I did the last half of my
that midwifery is hard work and the role can training here and then joined as a community
be brutal and beautiful in equal measures. midwife. For the last year I have been working
at the birthing centre. As well as caring for
The midwives who have inspired me in my career mothers during labour, I am also there to help
are all excellent communicators and decision them during the birth and the early postnatal
makers. To be a midwife, you cannot be a period, for example supporting them in
shrinking violet. A mother needs to know that establishing breastfeeding.
you will take control of a situation.
There have been some fantastic experiences
in my time as a midwife. Its an incredibly
intimate time and sometimes it amazes me
just how quick and easy it is to build up a
rapport with a woman in labour. One that
always sticks in the mind was when a mother
who had given birth at home came into the
birthing centre with a thank you card. It
brought back lovely memories of a wonderful
and emotional birth.
If you have decided that you want to join the NHS Have you explored routes into your chosen career?
team as a midwife, your next step depends on your You will need to gain a degree in midwifery but
starting point. NHS Careers can provide further you could work your way up from healthcare
information on how to apply for training and you assistant roles, or could convert from nursing.
can also consult your local careers adviser.
Are there any particular skills or experience that
If you need a degree, use the coursefinder on the will improve your chances of getting into your
NHS Careers website to find out which universities chosen career?
offer approved midwifery courses (leading to
registration with the NMC). The individual universities Have you enquired about opportunities to
will be able to tell you what qualities and volunteer or do relevant work experience?
characteristics they look for in applicants. For example,
getting some work experience is an excellent way of Have you investigated further qualifications you
showing your commitment and enthusiasm. You will might need for your chosen role?
need to apply for the course through UCAS.
Have you searched the NHS Jobs website or
If you are considering a change of career, spoken to your local trust to get an idea of the
volunteering or shadowing an established professional type of vacancies available?
in your spare time is a useful way to find out more
about the field of work that you wish to pursue and
can be invaluable in terms of making contacts. Whatever position youre in right now,
the NHS Careers service can help. For more
information, please call 0345 60 60 655,
email [email protected] or visit
Getting some work experience is
an excellent way of showing your
To search for midwifery jobs in the NHS, visit
commitment and enthusiasm, and for more information
about professional bodies, please visit
telephone 0345 60 60 655 email [email protected] Careers in midwifery 19
Joy qualified as a midwife in 1981 but left emergencies. I am part of the team that
the profession three years later to set up her updates them on these issues. I am also part
own business. She missed the caring side of of the Basildons Perineal Repair Team which
midwifery and returned to practice 15 years teaches midwives from Basildon and other
later. hospitals how to suture.
To be a midwife, common sense, a good sense of Many midwives specialise in certain areas but
humour, being a team player and communication I enjoy all aspects of the role. For me, the best
skills are all important. A good midwife also thing about being a midwife is the variety of
knows their limitations and when it is time to the role as I love doing lots of different things.
call for help. At the end of each day, it is also great to see
a happy, healthy mother and baby leaving the
As part of our mandatory study days, all midwives ward. Working with a good team is also
need to be up to date on procedures for obstetric paramount. In an emergency, and when
things get tough, it is good to know you
have the support of your colleagues.
Here are some other things you can be doing, depending on where you are right now. For all
contact details, visit
Where are you now? What should you do now? Who can help?
NHS Careers
PO Box 2311
Bristol BS2 2ZX
Tel: 0345 60 60 655
email: [email protected]
32k Dec11