PWM AC Chopper Control of Single-Phase

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The key takeaways are that a PWM AC chopper can be used to control the speed of a single phase induction motor by varying the effective voltage applied to the motor. This provides variable speed control for applications like fans and blowers in a simple and cost effective way compared to other methods.

The PWM AC chopper control method varies the effective voltage applied to the motor by using a triac semiconductor switch to turn on at a desired phase angle, allowing portions of the supply voltage to be applied to the motor windings. This results in a variable torque-speed characteristic that can be used for speed control.

Other common variable speed control methods for single phase induction motors include using an autotransformer or tapped winding to change the applied voltage, as well as methods that only vary the voltage to the main winding using a triac AC chopper while keeping the auxiliary winding voltage constant.


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PWM AC chopper control of single-phase

induction motor for variable-speed fan

Article November 2008

DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2008.4758148


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2 authors, including:

Mustafa Murat Bilgic

Unitest Test and Calibration Services, Turkey


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PWM AC Chopper Control of Single-Phase
Induction Motor for Variable-Speed Fan Application
Deniz Yildirim Murat Bilgic
Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
34469 Istanbul, Turkey 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis work presents a variable speed control method torque

V1 operating
for fan applications. A pulse-width-modulated (PWM) AC chop- point
per changes the effective value of the supply voltage applied to a V1>V2>V3
single-phase induction motor. This variable supply voltage gives
the ability to control the speed of the motor. Harmonics generated V2
by the speed control unit are filtered by an input filter according motor
to EN 61000-3-2 limits for harmonic current emissions standards.
Experimental results on a 230V, 210W in-line centrifugal fan for V3
exhaust ventilation application shows that PWM AC chopper
is simple and cost effective control method compared to other
methods in terms of simplicity and input harmonic content.
fan speed
n1 ns
Fractional horse power permanent-split-capacitor (PSC)
single-phase induction motors are widely used in blower and Fig. 1. Torque-speed characteristics of an induction motor and fan load with
fan applications. These motors mostly have external rotor variable voltage.
types resulting in compact structure and installation easiness
of fan propeller to the rotating part of the motor. When rated The triac is turned on at a desired phase angle allowing
voltage is applied, fan motors typically run at a constant some portions of the supply voltage be applied to the main and
speed determined by the capacitance value that gives optimum auxiliary windings of the motor [3], [4]. In another method,
running performance with a proper starting torque. only main winding voltage is varied by a triac AC chop-
Depending on the application area, variable air flow rate, per while keeping the auxiliary winding voltage constant at
therefore, a variable speed operation may be advantageous rated value [5]. Phase control method results in discontinuous
in terms of energy efficiency [1]. In a typical application input current waveform which consists of higher order odd
where low air flow rate is required, some form of mechanical harmonics of supply frequency. Multi-speed operation at two-
flow reducers are employed while motor is running at rated thirds and three-thirds of the supply frequency is proposed in
speed. This type of control is not energy efficient since [6] using a triac bridge where the current waveform contains
motor is consuming rated power even though lower operating odd and even harmonics as well as subharmonics of supply
speed may give the same air flow resulting in smaller power frequency which exceeds the harmonic limit standards. AC
consumption. choppers employing integral-cycle control method uses certain
Several methods exist for variable speed operation of a number of complete cycles be applied to load followed by
single-phase induction motor. Considering simplicity and low certain number of zero voltage periods [7]. Subharmonics of
cost, most common type is the control of applied voltage to the supply frequency also occur in this type of control which
the motor. Typical torque-speed characteristics of an induction is very difficult to filter.
motor with variable voltage along with the fan load curve Operation of pulse-width-modulated (PWM) AC choppers
are shown in Fig. 1 indicating the adjustable speed operation. at high chopping frequencies will result in harmonics appear-
The voltage applied to the motor can be varied by an au- ing at higher frequencies where small sized filters can easily
totransformer or a tapped winding arrangement [2]. Since tap eliminate them. A four-quadrant high-frequency AC chopper
changing is performed by a mechanical switch and considering operation is given in [8] where chopper feeds an inductor-
size and weight of the transformer, this type of voltage control capacitor load. In another application, PWM AC chopper is
may not be favorable. Another approach is to employ an AC used to control the speed of a universal motor [9] and a
chopper using triac semiconductor switches. single-phase induction motor [10] at a switching frequency

of 1.8kHz.


Typical application for a variable speed fan operation em-
ploying PWM AC chopper is illustrated in Fig. 2 where closed
loop operation permits to keep the temperature of a process
at desired level by adjusting the rate of air flow. The input
filter removes high frequency switching present in the input
line current. (a)

PWM 100
filter A

supply motor and fan

input power (W)

voltage control
signal 60
circuit sensor 40
A: mechanical control
20 B: variable speed control
reference 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
air flow rate (m3 /h)

Fig. 2. Typical schematic of a variable-speed fan application. (b)

Fig. 3. (a) Experimental test setup and (b) power consumption of fan motor
An experimental test is performed to compare the consumed at various air flow rates obtained by a mechanical louver and variable speed
power by a fan motor operating at various air flow rates control.
with mechanical louver and variable speed controls. An in-
line centrifugal fan operated at rated speed is connected to Vm

one end of a long pipe as shown in Fig. 3a and air flow is

varied by an adjustable diameter opening located at the other
end. While power consumption is approximately same for all 2
air flow rates with mechanical control, considerable energy
savings occur for variable speed operation where reduction of
input electrical power especially at low air flow rates is larger d(t) detailed
DTs fs=
as is evident from Fig. 3b. Ts


vs(t) and fan
PWM control technique simply chops the supply voltage
at high frequencies as shown Fig. 4 where duty cycle D is t

defined as the ratio of on-time to total switching period. The DTs Ts

line voltage is chopped by bidirectional switches. The change
in the duty cycle of the switch changes the effective value of Fig. 4. PWM chopping of an AC sinusoidal voltage.
the load voltage and load current. The increase in duty cycle
will allow the load current and load voltage to increase while frequency. a0 , an and bn can be calculated using (2) to (4).
decreasing the duty cycle will do the opposite. ton ton
The chopped voltage can be expressed by multiplying the a0 = = =D (2)
T ton + tof f
sinusoidal supply voltage with the switching signal d(t) as 1
depicted in Fig. 4. Switching function d(t) can be expressed an = sin(n2D) (3)
by opening the Fourier series of the pulse for one switching 1
period as in (1) bn = [1 + cos(n2D)] (4)
p n

X cn = a2n + b2n (5)
d(t) = a0 + (an cos ns t + bn sin ns t) (1)
n=1 The load voltage can then be calculated by multiplication of
supply voltage and switching function.
where a0 is the DC component, an and bn are the Fourier
coefficients, n is the harmonic order and s is the switching vs (t) = Vm sin t

vL (t) = vs (t) d(t) = Vm sin t d(t) A. Realization of AC Chopper
vL (t) = a0 Vm sin t Fig. 6 shows the realized PWM AC Chopper with opto-
couplers where UC3525 is employed as a PWM generator
+ [an Vm (cos ns t sin t)
n=1 M1 M2
+ bn Vm (sin ns t sin t)] (6)
The terms in square brackets of (6) are the high frequency vs
M3 auxiliary
terms. When these are filtered, the load voltage can be Cd

expressed according to the fundamental component of supply Cf

frequency. Rd

vL (t) = a0 Vm sin t = D Vm sin t (7) C

The effective value of load voltage can now be calculated as isolated


in (8) power

supply Va3

D Vm
vLrms = (8) Va1
2 Va1=+15V

The PWM AC Chopper is actually a Buck converter operating

in AC mode. It consists of two bidirectional switches with
complementary switching patterns. The upper switch (SW1) is
employed for voltage chopping (Fig. 5a) and the lower switch TSC428

(SW2) is used to provide an alternative path for the current UC3525

of the motor when SW1 is turned off (Fig. 5b). Mechanical

SW1 winding Fig. 6. Realized PWM AC Chopper with optocouplers.

operating at operating frequency of 25kHz. In open-loop con-
SW2 figuration the saw tooth waveform is compared to a reference
vs DC voltage derived by a variable resistor. The output signal
winding induction motor
is then applied to a MOSFET driver which generates two
complementary PWM signals. These signals are applied to
the gates of the MOSFETs by two separate optocouplers.
(a) B. Input Filter Design
SW1 winding The input filter stage filters the high frequency switching
fan harmonics from entering the utility. It is nearly always required
that a filter must be added at the power input of a switching
SW2 converter for improving power quality and interface issues.
vs By attenuating the switching harmonics that are present in the
winding induction motor converter input waveform, the input filter allows compliance
with regulations that limit conducted electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI) and harmonic issues.
The PWM AC Chopper injects the pulsating current into
(b) the power source at harmonics multiples of the switching fre-
Fig. 5. A simple Single-Phase AC Chopper showing current flow path (a) quency fs and duty cycle (D) affects the magnitudes of these
when SW1 switch is ON and (b) when SW2 switch is ON. harmonics. Equations (3) and (4) show that the harmonics are
a function of duty cycle (D). The input current is (t) and input
switches in Fig. 5 can be realized by MOSFETs. Shorted gate voltage vs (t) have similar degrees of harmonics as it is in load
and source terminals of two MOSFETS allows bidirectional voltage.
controlled switch operation. Both MOSFETs in the switching Fig. 7 shows the experimental results of input voltage and
network are floating devices, i.e., the converter stage and input current waveforms when no input filter is employed.
the control network must be isolated to drive these switches. Corresponding FFT results are illustrated in Fig. 8a along with
This isolation can be obtained by either implementing a pulse the computed ones using (5) in Fig. 8b. It is seen that the first
transformer or an optocoupler. harmonic starts at 25kHz which is the switching frequency

The addition of an input filter affects the dynamics of the
power electronic converters, often in a manner that degrades
the regulator performance. The input filter affects all transfer
functions of converter. Moreover, the influence of this input
filter on these transfer functions can be quite severe [5].
The Bode diagram shows an asymptotic peak occurring near
the corner frequency causing the gain of the filter to go to
infinity. This rise would cause extreme current peaks which
would make the system worse than it was before. The output
impedance of the LC filter tends to infinity at frequencies near
corner frequency f0 [12].
(a) f0 = p (9)
2 Lf Cf
Therefore, low pass input LC filter needs to be damped at
the corner frequency. The damping is obtained by placing a
series connected capacitor and resistor in parallel with original
capacitor. Fig. 9 shows the structure of a undamped and
damped LC filter and corresponding magnitude plots. The

Cf chopper chopper
vs and vs Cf
induction induction
motor motor
undamped input filter damped input filter

(b) (a)
Undamped Input Filter
Fig. 7. Input waveforms at 110V, 50Hz, D = 75%; (a) input voltage 60
(100V/div, 2.5ms/div), (b) input current (0.75A/div, 2.5ms/div).
Magnitude (dB)

compared with the 50Hz fundamental component. Magnitudes 0
of multiples of this harmonic content change depending on 20

the duty cycle (D). The fundamental component is at 50Hz 40

2 3
10 10

Damped Input Filter

Magnitude (dB)

2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

(a) (b) Fig. 9. (a) Damped LC input filter and (b) frequency response.

Fig. 8. FFT of input voltage in Fig. 7a (110V, 50Hz, D = 75%); (a)

experimental (25 kHz/div), (b) calculated using cn computed from (5), n = 1 optimum value of damping resistor Rd is calculated based
is the fundamental component at 25 kHz. on the value of Cd using a procedure given in [12].

which is the supply voltage frequency. These high switching C. Experimental Results of the PWM AC Chopper with
harmonics cause two main problems. The first one is that Damped Input Filter
high frequency switching causes electromagnetic disturbances PWM AC chopper is operated at various duty cycle values
affecting nearby electronic equipment and the second one with damped input filter. The effect of the filter can easily
is that it draws harmonic currents form the power supply be seen in the input current and voltage at the supply side
decreasing the power quality. International standards have been as shown in Fig. 10 for a duty ratio of D = 75%. FFT
developed in order to bring some limits to electromagnetic spectrum of these waveforms in Fig. 11 indicate that higher
compatibility (EMC) and power quality issues [11]. order harmonics are completely eliminated from the supply

(a) (b)


(c) (d)
Fig. 11. FFT of unfiltered (a) input current and (b) voltage of Fig. 10
(25kHz/div, supply voltage 110V, 50Hz) and FFT of (c) input current and (d)
voltage with damped input filter (25Hz/div, supply voltage 220V, 50Hz).

M1 M2

M3 auxiliary
vs winding

Rd main
(b) Rg1 Rg2 M4

Fig. 10. Input current, input voltage and converter input current for a duty C
ratio of (a) D = 75% and (b) D = 50%, 5ms/div, 400V/div, 1.5A/div.

side. Only 50Hz fundamental component is present in the power supply
supply voltage and current. As explained earlier, power circuit Cs
of AC Chopper must be isolated from driving network and this
isolation was realized using optocouplers shown in Fig. 6. The
optocouplers work both well in isolation and signal transfer
but these isolated drivers need two isolated DC power supplies
which increases complexity of the total circuit structure. TSC428

A secondary PWM AC chopper circuit was also developed UC3525

using a pulse transformer to isolate the two stages instead of

optocouplers as illustrated in Fig 12. The advantage of a pulse
transformer is that there is no need for two extra isolated power Fig. 12. Realized PWM AC chopper with pulse transformer isolation.
supplies. The pulse transformer has an important disadvantage
in which the designer must keep in mind. A transformer is not
capable of transferring DC signals, therefore the drive network performance with the initial circuit given in Fig. 6.
must be designed to work in the duty cycle range between Even though a pulse transformer is employed for gate drive
0.1 and 0.9. In any case of a duty cycle of 0 or 1 would isolation in Fig. 12, there is still need for a DC voltage source
force to open both of the bidirectional switches at the same used in the PWM generating circuitry. The DC voltage(s)
time. The input filter for this new circuit has the same filter can be obtained from the supply voltage by a low power
designed for the chopper shown in Fig. 6 and PWM generating (about 2W) isolated flyback converter. These power supplies
section is also the same. Fig. 13 shows the output voltage and are implemented into the circuits given in Figs. 6 and 12 such
output current for the PWM AC Chopper shown in Fig. 12 at that both choppers work independently without the need for
two different duty cycle values. The chopper shows the same external DC power supplies.


Fig. 14. Comparison of measured torque-speed characteristics for two

different voltages obtained by PWM chopper and regulated sinusoidal voltage

been eliminated. It can be concluded that PWM AC chopper

is simple and cost effective control method compared to other
methods in terms of simplicity and input harmonic content.
The authors would like to thank Mr. Omer Faruk Bahcivan
from Bahcivan Electric Motor Company for his kind support
in performing this study.
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