TG - Momentum, Acceleration
TG - Momentum, Acceleration
TG - Momentum, Acceleration
Date: 11/1/2013
Momentum, Acceleration, and Reversal
Momentum, Acceleration, and Reversal
(1990) and Jegadeesh and Titman (1993, 2001) show robust profits to
What drives momentum and reversal is still not very clear. Popular
with some new thoughts. Our hypothesis is that the momentum strategy
Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001) use skewness as a measure for stock
crashes and show that crashes are more likely to occur in individual
the trend over the prior six months, (2) have had positive returns over
the prior 36 months, and (3) are larger in terms of market capitalization.
individual stock drops, and thus provide explanations for poor future
stock and made money today cause more investors to buy stock
that peaked in early 2000 and the U.S. housing price increase before
crash. In these and many other similar cases, asset prices increased at
market crash.
Description of Data
Our dataset consists of all the stocks on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX) over the 52-year
period from January 1960 through December 20111. Daily returns, daily
outstanding (not adjusted for free-float) are collected from the University
with a price greater than $2.2 We exclude derivative securities like ADRs
of foreign stocks.
increasing over time, and thus the price increases at an increasing rate.
stock (ticker name INFA). The return is about 22% in the first period
May 2011). The stock price plummeted about 29% from the peak
The same analyses are performed for NASDAQ-traded stocks from January 1983 to December 2011 for a
robustness check. They are not reported for brevity. All of the conclusions remain largely unchanged for
NASDAQ stocks.
We also studied a truncated sample by removing the micro-cap stocks in the NYSE/AMEX universe
specifically, those with a market capitalization below the 20th percentile of the NYSE/AMEX universe. We
repeated all analyses, and found that none of results were materially changed.
(triangles, from May 2011 to August 2011) after accelerated price
50 r=60%
Oct09 Jan10 May10 Aug10 Nov10 Feb11 Jun11 Sep11
Novy-Marx (2012). For example, lag-1 means that the portfolios are
formed on last months returns; lag-2 means that the portfolios are
are value-weighted and held for the next one month.3 All portfolio returns
We also tested equal-weighted portfolios, and the results are similar. We choose the holding period at one
month to keep the number of scenarios manageable.
are in excess of T-Bills in this paper. Q5 (Q1) denotes the forward one-
five portfolios.
slope for Q5 indicates winning stocks keep winning more from lag-2 to
Note that the sample period was a rising market. Thus all returns were positive on average over the
sample period. We have to compare all the returns relative to each other.
Figure 2. Forward One-Month Quintile Portfolios Performance across the
Term Structure of 1-12 Month Lags. Q5 (Q1) is a portfolio of the previous
Winner (Loser) stocks.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Q1(Loser) Q3 Q5(Winner)
for each lagged month. Figure 3 plots the results, and the general trend
is upward sloping for (Q5-Q1, empty squares). Using the average of two
Figure 3. Forward One-Month Performance
for the Long Q5 (Winner)/Short Q1 (Loser) Portfolio
across the Term Structure of 1-12 Month Lags.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
avg(Q4,Q5)avg(Q1,Q2) Q5Q1
the 2-12 month momentum are two ends of the spectrum. The general
month reversal and 2-12 month momentum. The key is that it implies
Breaking the entire sample period into two sub-periods yields similar trends for both periods.
rationale is that accelerated growth is not sustainable. We form portfolios
the last one year. There are a number of ways to construct the
last 12-month returns, with positive weights on more recent returns and
negative weights on more remote returns. In this way, the most recent
but with a negative sign so that the lag-1 month has a positive weight
and lag-12 month has a negative weight. The results are shown in the
Table 1. The Forward One-Month Performance for One-Month Reversal,
2-12 Month Momentum, and Acceleration from January 1963 to
December 2011*
Q1(One Q5(One
Month Month
OneMonthReversal Loser) Q2 Q3 Q4 Winner) Q1Q5
Ari.Mean 7.53% 8.21% 6.37% 5.38% 2.57% 4.96%
Geo.Mean 5.15% 6.74% 5.17% 4.22% 1.16% 4.00%
Std.Dev. 21.07% 16.50% 15.07% 14.85% 16.51% 4.56%
Q1(Low Q5(High
Momentum(212) Momentum) Q2 Q3 Q4 Momentum) Q5Q1
Ari.Mean 1.01% 4.76% 4.63% 7.11% 11.27% 10.26%
Geo.Mean 1.37% 3.34% 3.44% 5.79% 9.23% 10.60%
Std.Dev. 21.87% 16.53% 15.10% 15.77% 19.22% 2.65%
Q1(Least Q5(Most
Acceleration Accelerated) Q2 Q3 Q4 Accelerated) Q1Q5
Ari.Mean 13.03% 7.84% 6.21% 2.70% 1.26% 14.29%
Geo.Mean 10.82% 6.45% 5.05% 1.45% 3.00% 13.82%
Std.Dev. 19.89% 16.11% 14.79% 15.62% 18.71% 1.18%
*All numbers are annualized and in excess of T-Bills.
The top panel of Table 1 shows the one-month reversal effect. The
arithmetic mean, and 4% in geometric mean. The mid panel shows the 2-
higher, and the annualized geometric mean is 13.82% higher. The return
Table 1. Note that the most accelerated quintile portfolio (Q5) has a
negative 3% of geometric mean over the whole 49-year sample period
portfolio most likely has experienced a large price correction in the past
one year. Hence Q1 may have earned a downside or tail risk premium
outperformance of Q1.
most impressive accelerated price increase over the last one year. The
of Q5.
We first break the last 12-month period into two six-month periods, and
denote (r1-6 - r7-12) as the increased return over the last year. The average
monthly return r1-6 is over the most recent six months (lags 1-6). The
average monthly return r7-12 is over the second recent six months (lags 7-
12). If (r1-6 - r7-12) > 0, then returns are accelerating over the last year. In
by multiplying by +1 and -1 to the most recent six-month returns and
Next, we construct (r2-6 - r7-12), and all the way to (r6 - r7-12).
remove the most recent months in the first six-month period, one month
at a time. For example, r2-6 is the average monthly return over the five
excluding the most recent one month, we are effectively controlling for
month returns.
performance exists for all the most recent six months, and the drag
becomes more significant for the most recent one month. The
when the most recent five months are removed (the right endpoint in
Figure 4).
Figure 4. Incremental Damage to Performance by Acceleration of More
Recent Months Returns*
r(16) r(26) r(36) r(46) r(56) r(6)
*The average monthly return for the second six-month r(7-12) is
subtratced from all bars. For example,the first bar, r(1-6), means r1-6
r7-12. The underperfromances of acceleration are annualized.
Accelerated Returns Increase the Likelihood of Reversals
stock risk metrics for big reversals or crashes: skewness (SKEW), excess
risk of an equity fund. A different name for CVaR is the expected tail
with a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation
Note that Chen, Hong and Stein (2001) put a minus sign in front of skewness, so our SKEW is the
negative value of their NCSKEW.
The ECVaR is measured on a six-month period and the left tail has about seven data points when the
confidence level is 95% (0.05*125 =7). One might have concerns about estimation errors for ECVaR due
to the small number of data points. We repeated the analysis using the confidence level of 90% for ECVaR
and found no impact on the acceleration coefficient.
The third measure, maximum drawdown (MDD), is defined as the
cumulative loss from the peak to the trough over a given time period.
high and selling at a low. MDD is a popular downside risk measure. For
example, Zhou and Zhu (2010) studied the 2008 financial crisis using
unless the price never declines in a given period, in which case MDD has
three crash variables that we studied in this paper: MDD, SKEW, and
ECVaR. We add the standard risk measure, standard deviation (SD), for
comparison purposes. All the four variables are computed over a six-
month period using daily returns. The correlation matrix of the four
variables is measured from June 1960 to December 2011 for each stock,
Both SKEW and ECVaR have a relatively low correlation with MDD, so it
correlation between the value of MDD and SD is high and negative 58%,
that by definition, MDD is negative and SD is positive, therefore their
SKEW 1 0.75
stocks. Dependent variables are the three crash measures over the next
and it is defined as the average monthly return of the most recent six
months minus the average monthly return of the second recent six
months, i.e. (r1-6 - r7-12), or the left bar in Figure 4. This is a more
indicates an accelerated price increase, hence it examines the impact of
turnover over the last six months (turnover is defined as shares traded
denotes the average monthly return over the last 12 months, and it
probability of a stock crash over the next six months (t+6) based on
slope coefficients along with the associated standard errors for each of
estimates across time. t-statistics are in parentheses and adjusted for
stock reversal. The regression results for RET confirm that acceleration
month return and is reduced by 3.2 bps when the average monthly
return over the most recent six months exceeds the average monthly
return of the second recent six months by 1%. The significant coefficients
Table 3. Accelerated Price Increases Forecast Poor Performance and
Stock Reversals from January 1963 to December 2011*
RETt+1** 0.022 N/A -0.032 -0.322 -0.001 -0.010 0.074
(11.96) N/A (-5.34) (-4.54) (-5.19) (-1.23) (3.82)
The regression results for the SKEW, ECVaR, and MDD variables
in Table 3 show that both accelerated price increase and past 12-month
return contribute to stock reversals for all of the three crash measures,
and the coefficients are all significant at the 1% level.9 For MDD, the
over the last one year is 1%. Therefore, accelerated price increase will
more negative ECVaR, and a more severe MDD for the stock.
We also added the book-to-market ratio to the regression shown in Table 3. The coefficient for the book-
to-market ratio is significantly positive at the 5% level for all three crash measures, indicating that more
glamorous stocks tend to be more prone to crash. The addition of book-to-market ratio has no impact on the
acceleration coefficient.
Lagged crash measures (i.e. past SKEW, ECVaR, or MDD in period
have mixed coefficients for the three crash measures. The coefficient on
stocks over the past six months. These findings are largely consistent
with Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001). However, DTURNOVER has a positive
for the aggregate market is the S&P 500 Index. The daily return data of
the S&P 500 Index covers the 63-year period from January 1950 to
December 2012.
Chen, Hong, and Stein (2001). In order to add statistical power, we now
coefficient of acceleration for the market is much higher than the
are, on average, less significant in Table 4 for the aggregate market than
surprising since we have only one set of time-series data for the
accelerated price increase over the last one year is a strong contributing
for the aggregate stock market, even though the significance is lower
Chen, J., Hong, H., and Stein, J. C., 2001, Forecasting Crashes: Trading
Volume, Past Returns and Conditional Skewness in Stock Returns,
Journal of Financial Economics 61, 345-381.
Fama, E.F. and MacBeth, J., 1973. Risk, return and equilibrium:
empirical tests, Journal of Political Economy 81, 607-636.
Heston, Steven L., and Ronnie Sadka, 2008, Seasonality in the Cross-
Section of Stock Returns, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 87, Pages
Zhou, Guofu and Yingzi Zhu. 2010. Is the Recent Financial Crisis Really
a Once-in-a-Century Event? Financial Analysts Journal,
January/February, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 24-27.