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AUTHOR: Pete DeHaan


Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp
Instructor Guide Page 1
ORACLE ESSBASE 11.1.2 ED 2.0: BOOTCAMP.......................................................................................1
General Information................................................................................................................................. 8
Oracle Essbase 11.1.2 Ed 2.0: Bootcamp............................................................................................ 8
New Features and Changes from Previous Versions......................................................................8
Exercises and Solutions..................................................................................................................... 10
Machine Setup.................................................................................................................................... 10
Student Machine............................................................................................................................. 10
Instructor Machine.......................................................................................................................... 10
User IDs and Passwords................................................................................................................. 10
Applications Provided..................................................................................................................... 11
Lessons by Day................................................................................................................................... 12
Technical Documentation.................................................................................................................. 13
Notes on Lessons................................................................................................................................... 14
Lesson 1: Introduction to Essbase................................................................................................... 14
Required files................................................................................................................................... 14
Lesson 1: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 14
Demo 1.1: Starting Services......................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 1.1: Starting Services..................................................................................................... 14
Optional Demo: Multidimensional analysis................................................................................15
Demo 1.2: Navigating Administration Services Console.........................................................15
Exercise 1.2: Accessing Administration Services Console.......................................................15
Optional Demo: How production environment components work together.........................16
Quiz 1.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 16
Quiz 1.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 16
Quiz 1.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 17
Lesson 2: Designing Applications and Databases........................................................................18
Required files................................................................................................................................... 18
Answer Files..................................................................................................................................... 18
Lesson 2: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 18
Bigcorp Case Study........................................................................................................................ 18
Demo 2: Creating Applications and Databases.........................................................................18
Exercise 2.1: Creating Block Storage Applications and Databases.......................................19
Quiz 2.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 19
Quiz 2.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 19
Quiz 2.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 19
Lesson 2: Section 2......................................................................................................................... 19
Demo 3: Adding Members to the Outline...................................................................................20
Exercise 2.2: Creating Dimensions and Members.....................................................................20
Quiz 2.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 20
Quiz 2.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 20
Quiz 2.2.3......................................................................................................................................... 20
Lesson 3: Designing Data Descriptor Dimensions........................................................................21
Required files................................................................................................................................... 21
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 21
Lesson 3: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 21
Optional Demo: Discussion of various time dimension design options................................21
Quiz 3.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 22
Quiz 3.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 22
Exercise 3.1: Creating Generic Time Dimensions.....................................................................22
Lesson 3: Section 2......................................................................................................................... 22
Optional Demo: Discussion of scenario dimension design options.......................................22

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Exercise 3.2: Tracking Data Sets.................................................................................................. 22
Demo 3.1: Consolidation operators & member formulas........................................................23
Exercise 3.3: Creating Outline Calculations...............................................................................23
Quiz 3.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 23
Quiz 3.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 23
Lesson 3: Section 3......................................................................................................................... 23
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Consolidation Order.....................................................................24
Optional Demo: Review of a complex accounts dimension....................................................24
Demo 3.2: Converting spreadsheet reports to accounts dimensions...................................25
Exercise 3.4: Creating Accounts Hierarchies.............................................................................25
Demo 3.3: Testing Accounts Calculations...................................................................................26
Exercise 3.5: Testing Accounts Calculations..............................................................................26
Exercise 3.6: Creating Balance Sheet Accounts........................................................................26
Quiz 3.3.1......................................................................................................................................... 26
Quiz 3.3.2......................................................................................................................................... 27
Lesson 4: Optimizing Data Descriptor Dimensions......................................................................28
Required files................................................................................................................................... 28
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 28
Lesson 4: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 28
Demo 4.1: Adding Aliases.............................................................................................................. 28
Exercise 4.1: Creating Member Aliases.......................................................................................28
Demo 4.2: Setting up DTS............................................................................................................. 29
Exercise 4.2: Implementing Dynamic Time Series Members (20 min)..................................29
Quiz 4.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 29
Quiz 4.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 29
Quiz 4.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 30
Lesson 4: Section 2......................................................................................................................... 30
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Time Balance Reporting..............................................................30
Demo 4.2: Applying Dynamic Calc & Time Balance Tags........................................................30
Exercise 4.3: Correcting Percentage and Balance Accounts...................................................30
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Expense Reporting.......................................................................31
Demo 4.3: Creating Scenario Variances.....................................................................................31
Exercise 4.4: Adding Variance Reporting....................................................................................31
Demo 4.4: Data flow....................................................................................................................... 31
Exercise 4.5: Optimizing Data Storage Settings (10 min).......................................................31
Quiz 4.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 32
Quiz 4.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 32
Quiz 4.2.3......................................................................................................................................... 32
Quiz 4.2.3......................................................................................................................................... 33
Lesson 5: Developing Dimension Designs.....................................................................................34
Required files................................................................................................................................... 34
Lesson 5: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 34
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Real World Business View Dimensions.....................................34
Exercise 5.1: Designing the Product and Customer Dimensions............................................34
Quiz 5.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 35
Quiz 5.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 35
Lesson 6: C reating Basic Dimension Build Rules Files...............................................................36
Required files................................................................................................................................... 36
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 36
Lesson 6: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 36
Demo 6.1: Creating a Dimension Build Rules File.....................................................................36
Exercise 6.1: Building the Family Total Rollup............................................................................37
Quiz 6.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 37
Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp
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Quiz 6.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 37
Quiz 6.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 37
Lesson 6: Section 2......................................................................................................................... 38
Optional Demo/Exercise 6.4: Adding Products to the Family Total Hierarchy......................38
Quiz 6.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 38
Quiz 6.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 38
Lesson 7: Creating Advanced Dimension Build Rules..................................................................39
Required files................................................................................................................................... 39
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 39
Lesson 7: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 39
Exercise 7.1: Creating Secondary Hierarchies with Parent-Child Build.................................39
Quiz 7.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 40
Quiz 7.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 40
Demo 7.1: Manipulating fields...................................................................................................... 40
Exercise 7.2: Building the Customer Dimension.......................................................................40
Exercise 7.3: Optional: Adding UDAs to Customers..................................................................40
Demo 7.2: Creating Attributes with Rules Files.........................................................................41
Optional Exercise 7.4: Creating the Region Total Dimension..................................................41
Quiz 7.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 42
Quiz 7.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 42
Quiz 7.2.3......................................................................................................................................... 42
Lesson 8: Loading Data..................................................................................................................... 43
Required files................................................................................................................................... 43
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 43
Lesson 8: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 43
Demo 8.1: Creating a Data Load Rules File................................................................................43
Exercise 8.1: Loading Actual Data............................................................................................... 43
Exercise 8.2: Loading Forecast and Actual Data.......................................................................43
Exercise 8.3: Optional: Loading Transactional Units.................................................................43
Quiz 8.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 44
Quiz 8.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 44
Quiz 8.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 44
Quiz 8.1.4......................................................................................................................................... 45
Quiz 8.1.5......................................................................................................................................... 45
Lesson 9: Getting Started with Smart View...................................................................................46
Required files................................................................................................................................... 46
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 46
Lesson 9: Section 1......................................................................................................................... 46
Demo 9.1: Connecting to Data Sources......................................................................................46
Exercise 9.1: Connecting to Data Sources.................................................................................46
Quiz 9.1.1......................................................................................................................................... 46
Quiz 9.1.2......................................................................................................................................... 47
Quiz 9.1.3......................................................................................................................................... 47
Lesson 9: Section 2......................................................................................................................... 47
Demo 9.2: Ad Hoc Operations..................................................................................................... 47
Exercise 9.2: Starting Ad Hoc Analysis........................................................................................47
Demo 9.3: Member Selection....................................................................................................... 48
Exercise 9.3: Customizing the Point of View..............................................................................48
Exercise 9.4: Creating Ad Hoc Reports........................................................................................48
Exercise 9.5: Creating a Free-Form Report.................................................................................48
Quiz 9.2.1......................................................................................................................................... 49
Quiz 9.2.2......................................................................................................................................... 49
Quiz 9.2.3......................................................................................................................................... 49
Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp
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Quiz 9.2.4......................................................................................................................................... 50
Lesson 10: Creating Smart View Reports.......................................................................................51
Required files................................................................................................................................... 51
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 51
Lesson 10: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 51
Demo 10.1: Adjusting Data........................................................................................................... 51
Exercise 10.2: Updating Essbase Data:......................................................................................51
Demo 10.2: Creating Dynamic Data Points and Linked Views................................................51
Exercise 10.2: Viewing Dynamic Data Points.............................................................................51
Demo 10.3: Creating Smart Slices...............................................................................................52
Demo 10.4: Adding smart slices to reports................................................................................52
Optional Demo: Multisource Report............................................................................................. 52
Exercise 10.3: Creating Smart Slices...........................................................................................52
Exercise 10.4: Creating a Custom Report...................................................................................52
Quiz 10.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 52
Quiz 10.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 52
Quiz 10.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 53
Quiz 10.1.4....................................................................................................................................... 53
Case Study: Country Kitchen Desserts (Phase I and II)...............................................................54
Required files (located in CF\Bootcamp\CKD)............................................................................54
Answer files (located in CF\Bootcamp\CKD\Complete folder).................................................54
Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises.......................................................................................... 54
Lesson 11: Data Storage and Calculation......................................................................................55
Required files................................................................................................................................... 55
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 55
Lesson 11: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 55
Demo 11.1: Calculation Review and Intro to Calc Script Editor..............................................55
Demo 11.2: Setting Dense and Sparse Properties....................................................................55
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Default Calculation Order...........................................................56
Quiz 11.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 56
Quiz 11.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 57
Quiz 11.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 57
Lesson 11: Section 2...................................................................................................................... 57
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Data cells, data blocks, page and index files..........................58
Demo 11.3: Opening the Database Properties Dialog Box......................................................61
Demo 11.4: Calculating a Database one Dimension at a Time..............................................62
Exercise 11.1: Calculating the Sales Database.........................................................................62
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Does calculating Dense first matter?.......................................63
Quiz 11.2.1....................................................................................................................................... 63
Quiz 11.2.2....................................................................................................................................... 64
Quiz 11.2.3....................................................................................................................................... 64
Quiz 11.2.4....................................................................................................................................... 64
Quiz 11.2.5....................................................................................................................................... 64
Lesson 12: Creating Calculation Scripts.........................................................................................65
Required files................................................................................................................................... 65
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 65
Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises.......................................................................................... 65
Exercise 12.1: Adding comments to Anatomy.csc....................................................................65
Demo 12.1: Expected vs. Correct Behavior...............................................................................66
Demo 12.2: Correcting Rates........................................................................................................ 66
Exercise 12.2: Correcting Rates and Percentages....................................................................66
Quiz 12.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 67
Quiz 12.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 67
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Quiz 12.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 67
Quiz 12.1.4....................................................................................................................................... 68
Quiz 12.1.5....................................................................................................................................... 68
Lesson 13: Controlling the Calculation Process............................................................................69
Required files................................................................................................................................... 69
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 69
Lesson 13: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 69
Demo 13.1: Cell based calculation vs. top-down calculation..................................................69
Exercise 13.1: Focusing Calculations with FIX...........................................................................69
Quiz 13.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 70
Quiz 13.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 71
Quiz 13.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 71
Lesson 13: Section 2...................................................................................................................... 71
Demo 13.2: Using Conditional Statements................................................................................71
Exercise 13.2: Calculating Conditionally with IF........................................................................72
Quiz 13.2.1....................................................................................................................................... 74
Quiz 13.2.2....................................................................................................................................... 74
Lesson 14: Referencing Members in Calculations........................................................................75
Required files................................................................................................................................... 75
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 75
Lesson 14: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 75
Demo 14.1: Cross-Dimensional Operator and Mix Calculations.............................................75
Demo 14.2: Using relationship functions for mix calculations...............................................75
Exercise 14.1: Creating Mix Calculations....................................................................................75
Demo 14.3: Creating Substitution Variables..............................................................................76
Exercise 14.2: Calculating Time Variances.................................................................................76
Quiz 14.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 76
Quiz 14.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 76
Quiz 14.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 77
Quiz 14.1.4....................................................................................................................................... 77
Lesson 15: Developing and Testing Complex Calculation Scripts..............................................78
Required files................................................................................................................................... 78
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 78
Lesson 15: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 78
Demo 15.1: Loading to upper-level members...........................................................................79
Exercise 15.1: Loading Data to Upper-Level Members.............................................................79
Quiz 15.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 79
Quiz 15.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 80
Quiz 15.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 80
Lesson 16: Normalizing Data............................................................................................................ 81
Required files................................................................................................................................... 81
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 81
Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises.......................................................................................... 81
Demo 16.1: Allocating Current Year data...................................................................................81
Exercise 16.1: Allocating Current Year Data...............................................................................81
Optional Whiteboard Demo: Block Diagram of Budget Data..................................................82
Demo 16.2: Normalizing Budget data......................................................................................... 82
Lesson 17: Creating Attribute Dimensions.....................................................................................83
Required files................................................................................................................................... 83
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 83
Lesson 17: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 83
Demo 17.1: Viewing Attribute Data in Smart View...................................................................83
Exercise 17.1: Viewing Attribute Data.........................................................................................84
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Quiz 17.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 84
Quiz 17.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 84
Quiz 17.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 84
Lesson 18: Analyzing Varying Attributes........................................................................................85
Required files................................................................................................................................... 85
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 85
Lesson 18: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 85
Demo 18.1: Creating Varying Attributes.....................................................................................85
Demo 18.2: Extending Varying Attributes..................................................................................85
Exercise 18.1: Creating Varying Attribute Dimensions............................................................85
Exercise 18.2: Extending Varying Attribute Dimensions..........................................................85
Optional Demonstration Data Perspectives............................................................................85
Texas (Jan Dec)............................................................................................................................. 86
Quiz 18.1.1....................................................................................................................................... 88
Quiz 18.1.2....................................................................................................................................... 88
Quiz 18.1.3....................................................................................................................................... 89
Lesson 19: Analyzing Text and Dates.............................................................................................90
Required files................................................................................................................................... 90
Answer files...................................................................................................................................... 90
Lesson 19: Section 1...................................................................................................................... 90
Demo 19.1: Creating Text Measures............................................................................................90
Exercise 19.1: Creating the Sales Risk Text Measure...............................................................90
Optional Demo: Creating an average function..........................................................................90
Exercise 17.2: (Optional) Creating the Sales Risk Average Measure.....................................90
Optional Demo: Date Measures................................................................................................... 91
Additional Demos............................................................................................................................... 92

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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General Information

Oracle Essbase 11.1.2 Ed 2.0: Bootcamp

New Features and Changes from Previous Versions
No new features new classroom image.

General Changes:
Classroom image has been updated to the (PS1) release.

Changes to Lessons
Lesson 1: Introduction to Essbase
Completely new lesson. Streamlined, high-level. Should get students
engaged immediately and make them eager to tackle the course.
Details extracted from the old Lesson 1 are available in subsequent
Lesson 2: Most of the content removed from Lesson 1 has been repurposed in
Lesson 2.
Lesson 3: No changes
Lesson 19: No changes

Note regarding Smart View

Smart View has new features in the release. To review these new features,
see the
16-page Smart View New Features Guide for Release available at
02.pdf, and note that the new features on this classroom image do not include those
described in the Release section.

One of the new features included on this image enables users to type member
names into the POV. Because the member name box is a hot entry area, you can
no longer click the member name and drag it from the POV to the grid. You must
click the down arrow next to the member name (for both existing and typed
entries) to add members to the grid, as depicted in the following figure:

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Exercises and Solutions
The Student Workbook contains exercises and solutions. The exercises present the
objectives and essential information to complete the activity, and the solution
provides a step-by-step walkthrough.

Machine Setup
The classroom machines have the following Hyperion products installed:
Essbase server & clients
Essbase Administration Services server & client
Smart View client
Essbase Studio server & client
Provider Services
Foundation Services

Student Machine
The student machines are ready to use after ghosting and do not require additional
setup. The files used by the students in class are located in c:\CF\Bootcamp.

Instructor Machine
Completed files with the exercise solutions are located in the following subfolders
related to each module of the course:
Lessons Completed Exercise File Location
Lessons 1 4 C:\CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete
Lessons 5 8 C:\CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete
Lessons 9 10 C:\CF\Bootcamp\SSReports\Complete
Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp
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Lessons Completed Exercise File Location
Lessons 11 16 C:\CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete
Lessons 17 19 C:\CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete
CKD Case Study C:\CF\Bootcamp\CKD\Complete

User IDs and Passwords

The following user IDs and passwords have been set up:

Product User ID Password

Essbase Server admin hyperion
Essbase users admin hyperion
Administration Services admin hyperion
Shared Services user admin hyperion
Bigcorp Warehouse user bigcorp hyperion

Applications Provided
This course builds block storage databases from the ground up. All exercises and
case studies use the databases built during class. In addition, this image contains all
the Essbase sample databases, already loaded with data.

Application/Database Description
ASOSamp:Sample Sample ASO database, can be used to demo
Demo:Basic Sample block storage database
DMDemo:Basic Sample database for data mining demos
Sample:Basic TBC database
Sample:Interntl TBC database with multiple countries (for
currency option demo)
Sample:Xchgrate Exchange rate database for Sample:Interntl
Sample_U:Basic Sample Unicode-mode database
Samppart:Company Sample partitioning database

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Lessons by Day
Day Lessons
1 1-4
2 5-8
3 9-10
Case Study
Phase: I & II
4 11-14
5 15-19

See also the LVC Course Plan (D63979GC20_CoursePlan.xls)

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Technical Documentation
The EPM documentation library index is available on the desktop and at
You can access the entire documentation library (PDF and HTML) online at
OTN: http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/epm.html (click View

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Notes on Lessons
Topics and subtopics from the manual are presented here in blue.
Step-by-step instructions for individual demos can be found in the ILT/LVC Demo
Guide, D63979GC20_DemoGuide.doc.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Essbase

This lesson examines the role of information in business and considers how
multidimensional databases address business analysis needs. It also helps orient
the students in two ways: (1) It describes two business scenarios, Bigcorp (on which
the classroom exercises are based) and CKD (on which the case study is based); and
(2) It describes the training environment (multitiered on a single machine).

Required files
BCSampleReports.xls (in SSReports folder)
SalesM4.otl (in SSReports\Complete folder)
Loadcorp.rul (in Loadrule\Complete folder)
Actual.txt (in Loadrule folder)
CalcBC.csc (in Outline folder)

Lesson 1: Section 1

Demo 1.1: Starting Services

Show how to start services.

Exercise 1.1: Starting Services

Present Topics:
About Multidimensional analysis
Avoiding Pitfalls of Spreadsheet-Based Analysis
Relate an anecdote using BCSampleReports.xls about multidimensional
analysis: the executive keeps sending the analyst, who is spreadsheet-bound,
back to the drawing board to answer new questions about the budget which
are essentially multidimensional in nature. Key points made during the telling
of the story should include:
Multidimensional thinking has always been a part of analysis
especially financial analysis. The tools for doing the analysistypically
spreadsheetshave been cumbersome, if not unworkable (examples:
file corruption, user error, too many different versions of the truth).
A lot of time and manpower is spent just trying to validate and making
sure reports tie out to each other.
The most negative consequence of lack of tools: management stops
asking questions for which they need answers, especially for fear of
burning staff out.

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Hyperion didnt invent multidimensionality. We are just making it a lot
easier. (This is a great place to tell students this factoid: Essbase
stands for Extended SpreadSheet dataBASE.)
Providing Business Perspective
Appealing to Analysts
About Essbase
Essbase Architecture
The version of this slide is streamlined, omitting much of the detail shown in
previous architecture diagrams. Here is the new slide:

If you get questions about protocols, here is the old version of the slide:

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Client Tier
Middle Tier
Database Tier
Essbase Cube Development Cycle
Essbase Business Scenarios and Training Environment
Business Scenario: Bigcorp Corporation
Just introduce Bigcorp and explain how it will be used for training purposes.
Students will not have to design this cube, but they will build it in a succession
of exercises.
Business Scenario: Country Kitchen Desserts
Training Environment: Setup
Training Environment: Developer Interface

Optional Demo: Multidimensional analysis

1. Open BCSampleReports.xls to illustrate the nature of multidimensional
2. Discuss each worksheet with the class, asking which data dimensions are
represented on any given report.
3. Emphasize the commonality of data (reports based on the same data but
sliced at different levels of detail and across different dimensions)

Demo 1.2: Navigating Administration Services Console

Show how to start services, log in, and navigate Administration Services Console.

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp

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Introduce terminology as you go (Essbase Server, app, db, OTL, RUL, CSC,
hierarchy, and so on). No need to mention dense and sparse yet (covered in lesson

Exercise 1.2: Accessing Administration Services Console

Present Topics:
Smart View
For reporting; nirvana for the finance person who always wants the
neat formatting and calculating capabilities of a spreadsheet hooked
seamlessly to a robust database environment, plus write-back
Concurrent use with Spreadsheet Add-in IS supported
Spreadsheet Add-in is not installed on the image
Essbase Studio

Optional Demo: How production environment components work

1. Run ssheet.bat to create the application/database Bigcorp/Sales.
2. Rename the application zBigcorp.
3. Open the Sales outline and give a brief overview of dimensions, hierarchies,
and the outline editor interface.
4. Open Loadcorp.rul and open Actual.txt as a data source in the editor (File
> Open data file). Point out data source parsing and give a brief overview of
what load rules do.
5. Right-click the Sales database node and open the data load dialog box.
6. Load Actual.txt with Loadcorp.rul.
7. Open CalcBC.csc and quickly give an overview of the different calc sections.
8. Run CalcBC.csc against zBigcorp Sales.

Quiz 1.1

Answer: 1

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Quiz 1.2

Answer: 1

Quiz 1.3

Answer: 3

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Lesson 2: Designing Applications and Databases
This lesson examines data structure, reporting, and analysis requirements for a
business in order to make informed design decisions throughout the class. It also
examines the relationship between applications, databases, and outlines, and
introduces the basic outline mechanics of creating and modifying dimensions and

Required files
BCSampleReports.xls (C:\CF\Bootcamp\SSReports)

Answer Files
Sales2_2.otl (C:\CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Lesson 2: Section 1

Present Topics
Essbase implementation process
The process described here does not contradict the process discussed in the
Lesson 1 topic Essbase Cube Development Cycle. It simply takes the
process to a more detailed level. If students appear confused, have them
identify the steps from the cube development cycle in the table on page 2-3.
If necessary, compare the Lesson topic with this topic in the following way:
The Lesson 1 topic is like a marketing brochure; this topic is reality.
Analyzing and planning implementations
Identifying business results
Examining data sources
Analyzing sample reports
Selecting a database type
Discuss the appropriate usage cases for ASO and BSO. The slide bullets give
some hints; the student guide provides more discussion and lists of examples.
Designing outlines

Bigcorp Case Study

1. Describe Bigcorp using the case study in the workbook. Give students a few
minutes to read the case study and examine the reports.
2. Conduct an interactive analysis of Bigcorp with the class, whiteboarding the
required dimensions. If the class is large, break the class into groups to figure
out how many and which dimensions are required.

Present Topics
Creating applications and databases
Creating block storage applications
Oracle Essbase 11.1.1: Bootcamp
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Creating block storage databases
Block Storage Database: Server File Structure
Describe the block storage application and database directory
structure depicted in the slide. Individual objects relevant to this
course are described in subsequent topics (e.g., outlines, rules files,
and so on).

For easy visibility of a multidimensional structure which otherwise
might be difficult to conceptualize, Outline Editor provides a
completely graphical interface for creating and maintaining cube
Rules Files
For maintaining structure and cleaning up messy data, combining data
from disparate data sources
Calculation Scripts
For top-down calculation; lots of calculating with few lines of code
Dense and Sparse Dimensions
This topic is discussed in detail in Lesson 11. However, its a good idea
to introduce the topic of dense vs. sparse dimensions now, at a high
level, before you discuss it in detail later, especially since we introduce
calculation order in Lesson 11 (in terms of dense/sparse dimensions in
the outline). At the very least, students will know that the dimension
setting matters, and, after the next slide, they will have a conceptual
view of what Essbase is doing internally.
Data Blocks and the Index
See note for previous slide
Design recommendations

Demo 2: Creating Applications and Databases

Show how to create an application and database in Admin Console, then open
Windows Explorer to show the folders & files added to the file system

Exercise 2.1: Creating Block Storage Applications and Databases

Quiz 2.1.1

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Answer: 1.3.4

Quiz 2.1.2

Answer: 1, 2, 3

Quiz 2.1.3

Answer: 1

Lesson 2: Section 2

Present Topics
Creating outline structures
Creating dimensions and members
Moving dimensions and members
Modifying member properties

Demo 3: Adding Members to the Outline

Show how to add dimensions and members to a new outline. Demonstrate how to
cut and the various paste operations. Open the Member Properties dialog box for a
member and explain the different options available.
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Exercise 2.2: Creating Dimensions and Members
Answer file: Sales2_2.otl (C:\CF\Outline\Complete)

Quiz 2.2.1

Answer: 3,4

Quiz 2.2.2

Answer: 1

Quiz 2.2.3

Answer: 3

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Lesson 3: Designing Data Descriptor Dimensions
This lesson introduces design strategies for time, scenario, and accounts

Required files
Time.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)
Scenario.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)
Accounts.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)
Corpaccts.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)

Answer files
Sales3_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales3_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales3_3.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales3_4.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales3_5.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales3_6.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Lesson 3: Section 1

Present Topics
Data descriptor dimensions overview
Designing time dimensions
Tracking time in multiple dimensions
Optimizes database size (typically a smaller database design)
Facilitates intuitive cross-tab reporting for users (Years in columns,
periods in rows)
Much harder (but not impossible) to do calcs that cross the end of
the fiscal year (for example, historical trends since inception, rolling
Tracking time in a single dimension
Single, continuous time dimension vastly simplifies calcs like rolling
averages or rolling sums
Typically results in larger database design
(This is usually the deal breaker) Does not support cross-tab

Optional Demo: Discussion of various time dimension design options

1. Open Time.otl to give a better visual of the time design options:

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Two-dimension generic: Periods are in one dimension, year and
scenarios are combined in a second.
Three-dimension generic: Periods, years, and scenarios are three
separate dimensions. NOTE: This is the default for Planning
Fiscal-year crossover: All time periods and years are in a single,
continuous dimension
2. Dont get into the period-to-date hierarchies yet, those concepts are covered
in lesson 4.

Quiz 3.1.1

Answer: 1, 2, 4

Quiz 3.1.2

Exercise 3.1: Creating Generic Time Dimensions

Answer file: Sales3_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Lesson 3: Section 2

Present Topics
Designing Scenario Dimensions
Tracking Data Sets
Tracking Processes

Optional Demo: Discussion of scenario dimension design options

1. Open Scenario.otl to discuss the various scenario dimension design options.
2. This file further illustrates the points on the preceding slides.

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Exercise 3.2: Tracking Data Sets
Answer file: Sales3_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Present Topics
Outline Calculations
Hierarchy Structures: Consolidation Operators
Hierarchy Structures: Shared Members
Member Formulas

Demo 3.1: Consolidation operators & member formulas

Show how to create scenario variances by adding outline calculations and member

Exercise 3.3: Creating Outline Calculations

Answer file: Sales3_3.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Quiz 3.2.1

Answer: 2, 3

Quiz 3.2.2

Answer: 2

Lesson 3: Section 3

Present Topics
Designing Accounts Dimensions
Consolidation Order

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Optional Whiteboard Demo: Consolidation Order
1. Make sure students understand how consolidation is done under a parent.
Whiteboard the following example:

C1 +
C2 -
C3 *
C4 -
C5 /

2. Ask the class to tell you what Parent's value will be when rolled up? Answer:
3. Key point is that it follows the outline order (top-down) and always uses the
resultant. (The technical term for this is RPNReverse Polish Notation, which
is what the old HP calculators used to do)
4. Ask students what the outcome would be for the following (whiteboard):

Units *
Price +

5. Answer: Sales = Price. Units is ignored; the first child must be a (+) or (-)
consolidator. Ask how we can fix it, and whiteboard the solution:

Units +
Price *

6. In the corrected hierarchy, Sales = Units * Price.

Optional Demo: Review of a complex accounts dimension

1. Open Accounts.otl and drill down on Unary Calc Driven Outline Design.
2. Expand the concept of top-down calculation order to apply to the entire
dimension, and ask students what member will calculate first (Answer: Price
Per SC).
3. Discuss the next few calculations in order (Gross Sales, Quantity Discount,
Cash Discount, Net Sales) The implication: any given member and all its
descendants will always calculate before that members next sibling.

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4. Change the order of Gross Sales and Cash Discount. Ask students what will
happen now? (Answer: Cash Discount will be wrong, because it calculates be-
fore Gross Sales, its dependent). Verify the outline to show the forward-
referencing shared member error message (this will be easier to pick out if
you make the outline case-sensitive first).
5. Now review Formula Driven Outline Design and ask the same questions.
This time the first calculation is Gross Sales. If you change the order of Gross
Sales and Cash Discount, you still get the wrong answer, but the outline
verifies without warnings.
6. Points to make:
a. Incorrect outline order for calculated members is the number one
cause of calculation problems. In a complex calc environment, this is
the first place you should look when you get incorrect results.
Example: A client asked me to look at an outline where Period
Earnings was calculating incorrectly. Their Balance Sheet section was
before their Net Profit section. Period Earnings, in the Balance Sheet
section, was calculated as the sum of Net Profit, from the beginning of
the year to the current period. However, because of top-down
calculation, Period Earnings was calculating before Net Profit, returning
an incorrect result. This was easy to fix by changing the order of
Balance Sheet and Net Profit, or by including two-pass calcs.
b. The underlying design philosophy:
i. Do everything you can using unary operators in the
outline (with some qualifications).
ii. Whatever you cant accomplish with unary operators put
into an outline formula or a calculation script.
7. Why use unary operators? Whiteboard the two answers:
a. Faster. Unary operators are faster than formulas in a calc script or
formulas in the outlines by a considerable margin. In the final analysis,
performance (calc times) will almost always be an issue. Save time by
starting designs using unary operators.
b. Visibility (#1 reason). Formulas in outlines or calc scripts bury detail
and are less intuitive for users. Unary operators provide a visible drill
down path, formulas do not. A primary design consideration will be
what detail you want users to see.

Present Topics
Creating Accounts Hierarchies

Demo 3.2: Converting spreadsheet reports to accounts dimensions

Show how to use a spreadsheet report with formulas as a model for your accounts

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Exercise 3.4: Creating Accounts Hierarchies
Answer file: Sales3_4.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Warn students in advance that spelling and order matter: they must build a
hierarchy that an end user can use to create the Gross Margin Analysis report
simply by drilling down.
Tell students not to use member formulas for anything EXCEPT Gross Margin
% (it may help to write this on the board).
Copy the correct accounts hierarchy from the answer file into your outline.

Present Topics
Testing outline calculations
Intelligent calculation
Setting the default database calculation
Points to make:
Proper test procedure (clear, load, calc, compare)
Intelligent calculation should always be disabled when developing calcs
because in can have an unpredictable effect on calc results.
Even though following proper test procedure should make disabling
intelligent calc a moot point, its best practice to do both.

Demo 3.3: Testing Accounts Calculations

Show how to test account dimension names, order, and calculations by using the prepared
Smart View workbook Corpaccts.xls.

Exercise 3.5: Testing Accounts Calculations

This exercise may drag on due to typo discovery, outline order problems, and
issues with how Smart View works. Circulate through the room, lending help
when needed. If someone falls behind, point him toward the solution to speed
things up.

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Exercise 3.6: Creating Balance Sheet Accounts

Quiz 3.3.1

Answer: 4

Quiz 3.3.2

Answer: 1

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Lesson 4: Optimizing Data Descriptor Dimensions
This lesson introduces strategies to optimize time, scenario, and accounts
dimensions. Its okay for this lesson to finish on Tuesday morning.

Required files
Optimize.xls or Optimize_NF.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)

Answer files
Sales4_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales4_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales4_3.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales4_4.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)
Sales4_5.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Lesson 4: Section 1

Present Topics
Creating Member Aliases

Demo 4.1: Adding Aliases

Show how to add alias tables on the Outline Properties tab, how to add aliases to
members, and how to database restructure options should be handled when making
outline changes.

Exercise 4.1: Creating Member Aliases

For reporting purposes, Bigcorp requires longer month and quarter names. In
this exercise, you add default aliases to Year Tot dimension members.
Answer file: Sales4_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Present Topics
Dimension Types
Creating Period-to-Date Totals
At this point, ask the students what the time dimension is still missing.
You will probably hear multiple years and period-to-date totals. Table
the discussion of multiple years for a little bit later, and introduce the
various design options for period-to-date.
Creating Period-to-Date Calculated Members
Pros: drillable; can load data to totals; easy for users to find; more
control over calculation order
Cons: stored, so take up more disk space; higher initial development
Implementing Dynamic Time Series
Pros: dynamic calc, so take up less disk space; low initial development
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Cons: not drillable; dynamic, so cant load data to totals; dynamic calcs
potentially return incorrect results in some cases

Demo 4.2: Setting up DTS

Show how to enable various DTS members in the outline and demonstrate how to
use the Optimize.xls workbook.

Exercise 4.2: Implementing Dynamic Time Series Members (20 min)

Implementing Dynamic Time Series Members: Bigcorp analysts require year-
to-date and quarter-to-date reporting. To accomplish this, you decide to
implement a Dynamic Time Series solution.
Answer file: Sales4_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Quiz 4.1.1

Answer: 1,2

Quiz 4.1.2

Answer: 1

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Quiz 4.1.3

Answer: 2, 4

Lesson 4: Section 2

Present Topics
Dynamic Calc Members
Enhancing Accounts Dimensions
Time Balance Reporting

Optional Whiteboard Demo: Time Balance Reporting

1. To explain Time Balance, whiteboard the following:
Jan Feb Mar Qtr 1
Net Sales 100 200 150 ?
Headcou 100 200 150 ?

2. Ask students: how are Net Sales and Headcount different? Answer: Net Sales
is additive, while Headcount is a balance. The Qtr 1 total for Net Sales should
be 450, but the Qtr 1 total for Headcount should be 150. Since Qtr 1 is
calculated as Jan+Feb+Mar, Time Balance tags give you a way to identify
accounts like Headcount.
3. Touch on the differences between TBLast, TBFirst, TBAvg, and the various
Skip options.

Demo 4.2: Applying Dynamic Calc & Time Balance Tags

Use the data in Optimize.xls to discuss expected behavior versus correct behavior of
Gross Margin % and balance sheet accounts in the Sales outline. Show how to apply
Dynamic Calc and time balance tags.

Exercise 4.3: Correcting Percentage and Balance Accounts

Have the class make the appropriate changes to the outline & circulate
around the room to help.
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Answer file: Sales4_3.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Present Topics
Expense Reporting

Optional Whiteboard Demo: Expense Reporting

1. To explain Expense Reporting, whiteboard the following:
Actual Budget Variance
(Act - Bud)
Sales 100 90 10
COGS 50 40 10
Profit 50 50 0

2. Ask students: whats wrong with this picture? Answer: were over budget for
both Sales and COGS, but for Sales thats good and for COGS thats bad.
3. Expense reporting is a 2-step process:
4. Tag expense accounts with the Expense Reporting tag
5. Calculate variances using @VAR and @VARPER (if the variance is calculated
Actual - Budget, it will always be a difference, regardless of the expense tag).

Demo 4.3: Creating Scenario Variances

Use Optimize.xls to discuss the expected versus correct behavior of scenario
variances. Show how to apply expense reporting tags and create @VAR formulas.

Exercise 4.4: Adding Variance Reporting

Instead of retaining natural account balances, the sign on revenues from the
general ledger is reversed before data is loaded into the database. Thus,
expense reporting tags are required for accurate variance reporting.
Answer file: Sales4_4.otl (CF:\Bootcamp\Outline\Complete)

Present Topics
Optimizing Data Storage
Label Only Members
Implied Shares

Demo 4.4: Data flow

Use the data in Optimize.xls to discuss data flow at all levels of the hierarchy and
how Label Only facilitates an unbroken flow of data.

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Exercise 4.5: Optimizing Data Storage Settings (10 min)
Have the class make the appropriate changes to their outlines as you go
through the room and offer assistance.

Quiz 4.2.1

Answer: 1, 3

Quiz 4.2.2

Answer: 2

Quiz 4.2.3

Answer: 2

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Quiz 4.2.3

Answer: 2

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Lesson 5: Developing Dimension Designs
Since some Essbase dimensions have thousands of members, an integral part of the
design process is planning these large dimension hierarchies in advance of
implementation. This lesson introduces a standard methodology for creating a
hierarchy plan. Given a business scenario, you simulate a design meeting and
create your own plan.

Required files
FinanceRpts.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)
MfgRpts.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)
SalesRpts.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Outline)

Lesson 5: Section 1

Present Topics
Business View Dimensions Overview

Optional Whiteboard Demo: Real World Business View Dimensions

1. Whiteboard a list from students of dimensions from their cubes that arent
time, accounts, or scenario.
2. It should start to become clear that different customers have wildly varying
business view dimensions.
3. This illustrates not only the flexibility of Essbase in providing the specific
analysis that they need, but that the choice of business views in an outline is
driven by the companys industry and business practices.

Present Topics
Attributes in Database Design
Attribute Dimensions
Combining Business Views
Discuss the attribute dimension option in overview onlywe learn
more about attribute dimensions later
Combining Business Views: Guidelines
Redesigning Dimensions: Example
Developing Label Outlines
Designing a Primary Hierarchy
Designing Secondary Hierarchies

Exercise 5.1: Designing the Product and Customer Dimensions

1. Break the class up into groups to represent the Bigcorp Finance,
Manufacturing, and Sales groups. Each team should open and examine the
appropriate workbook: FinanceRpts.xls, MfgRpts.xls, and SalesRpts.xls.

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2. Instruct the groups to create their own label outline plan for the product and
customer dimension, based on their reports.
3. After about 10 minutes, conduct a design discussion: whiteboard the
solutions for each group, and figure out how you can make everyone happy.

Quiz 5.1.1

Answer: 1, 3, 4

Quiz 5.1.2

Answer: 1

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Lesson 6: Creating Basic Dimension Build Rules Files
This lesson introduces the Data Prep Editor interface and the basic procedure for
creating dimension build rules. Given different source data files, you complete the
build procedure.

Required files
FamGen.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
Bigcorp Warehouse (SQL database)
zFamLev.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule, to be used if connection to SQL
database doesnt work. No answer file provided)
MultiYr.csv (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)

Answer files
FamGen.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
FamLev.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
MultiYr.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Lesson 6: Section 1

Present Topics
Rules Files Overview
Data Sources
Dimension Build Rules Files
Creating Dimension Build Rules Files
This provides students with a step-by-step, procedural foundation for
where to begin and what to do to set up a dimension build load rule.
Cover the procedure first, and then follow up with an exercise to load
the Family Total rollup to the Product dimension of Bigcorp Sales.
Emphasize the steps of the procedure throughout the Load Rules
modulethe repetition will help cement it in their heads.
Prepping Data Prep Editor (Steps 16)
Creating Dimensions (Step 7)
Selecting Dimension Build Method (Step 8)
Defining Field Properties (Step 9)
Validating Dimension Build Rules Files (Step 10)
Completing Dimension Build Rules Files: Steps 11 and 12

Demo 6.1: Creating a Dimension Build Rules File

This demo uses MultiYr.csv to add a multi-year Years dimension to the Sales outline.
Tell the class that in real life you would obviously not actually have two time
dimensions, this load is just to demonstrate the 12 steps. Depending on the class,
you can either demo all 12 steps at once, or break it down into smaller pieces and
have them do their corresponding exercise in sections.

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Exercise 6.1: Building the Family Total Rollup
Answer file: FamGen.rul (C:\CF\Bootcamp\Loadrule\Complete)

Quiz 6.1.1

Answers: 2, 3

Quiz 6.1.2

Answer: 1,2,4

Quiz 6.1.3

Answer: 4

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Lesson 6: Section 2

Present Topics
Configuring Dimension Maintenance Settings
Moving Members
Modifying Member Properties
Sorting Members
Updating Members

Optional Demo/Exercise 6.4: Adding Products to the Family Total

If pressed for time, demo this exercise for the class, but dont have them do it
If you want to show the class the source data (Products table), use the
following procedure:
1. Open Oracle SQL Developer (Programs > Oracle OraDb11g_home1 >
Application Development > SQL Developer).
2. In the navigation panel, expand hyperion > other users > bigcorp >
3. Select the Products table.
4. In the object window, select the Data tab to display the data in the table.

Quiz 6.2.1

Answer: 4

Quiz 6.2.2

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Answer: 1

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Lesson 7: Creating Advanced Dimension Build Rules
This lesson introduces different methods for adding shared members to the outline.
It outlines special steps to accommodate duplicate names, and explores common
data sourcing problems and their solutions.

Required files
ConfigPC.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
LinePC.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
DemoMove.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
CusChan.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
CusReg.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)

Answer files
ParChild.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
Channels.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
CustUDA.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
Regions.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Lesson 7: Section 1

Present Topics
Advanced Dimension Build Rules Files Overview
Creating Shared Members
Parent-Child Build Method
Other methods for creating shared members

Exercise 7.1: Creating Secondary Hierarchies with Parent-Child Build

The Bigcorp Marketing and Sales groups have organized information for
building the secondary hierarchies in the Product dimension into two comma-
delimited extract files configured for parent-child building. In this exercise,
you create a single load rule to load both data sources.
Examine both ConfigPC.txt and LinePC.txt data sources with the class and
discuss what kinds of dimension maintenance settings are necessary (Allow
property changes)
Time-saving option: Talk the class through this exercise. Give them a step-
by-step verbal walkthrough. If you choose this method, be sure to walk
around the room while youre doing it, to make sure everyone is keeping up.
Use the completed rule to load both data sources at the same time
After loading, ask: where did the shared members come from? Answer: they
were created automatically, which is the default behavior of a parent-child
Answer file: ParChild.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

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Quiz 7.1.1

Answer: 3

Quiz 7.1.2

Answer: 1, 2, 3

Present Topics
Manipulating Fields
Arranging Fields
Altering and Ignoring Fields

Demo 7.1: Manipulating fields

Using Demo_Move.txt to show what options are available in Data Prep Editor to
manipulate fields.

Present Topics
Creating User-Defined Attributes

Exercise 7.2: Building the Customer Dimension

Channels.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Exercise 7.3: Optional: Adding UDAs to Customers

Bigcorp Sales analysts require customers to be grouped by the channels
OEM, Retail, and Distributor. However, certain OEM customers, such as Apple
and Dell, also sell Bigcorp hard drives through their retail outlets. Rather than
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making channels a separate dimension, you enable duplicate member names
at the customer name level in the Customer dimension to meet Bigcorps
analysis requirements.
Additionally, the Finance group requires customers to be grouped into three
classesClass A, Class L, and Class Rfor creating conditional forecasting
calculations. These groupings are strictly for calculation purposes; so you
create the appropriate user-defined attribute (UDA) for each customer.
None of the Bigcorp analysts require information about the customers
account manager.
Open the data source CusChan.txt to examine it. Whiteboard the issues and
discuss solutions:
Duplicate customer names (add channel-specific prefix)
Account manager field (ignore)
In the Channel field, Disti must be renamed Distributor (create a
search/replace rule)
Customer dimension doesnt exist (Add dimension manually in the
outline or build into the load rule)
Fields are out of order (re-order for generation or level build.)
Have the class vote on gen or lev build. If they pick level, point out the
symmetry problem with Unrecognized Customerits level 0, but in the
same field as level 1 members. (use Process null values option in
dimension build settings)
Optional: Class names must be scrubbed (Add prefix of Class or create
field using text and then join with original field)
Time saving option: Strongly suggest to the class that they use the
Solution version of this exercise. Otherwise, it can really drag on forever.
Students who finish exercise 7.2 quickly can try exercise 7.3.
CustUDA.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Present Topics
Creating Attributes with Rules Files
Adding Attribute Dimensions with Rules Files
Assigning Attributes in Rules Files

Demo 7.2: Creating Attributes with Rules Files

Using CusReg.txt to show what options are available in Data Prep Editor to create
attribute dimensions.

Optional Exercise 7.4: Creating the Region Total Dimension

Although not absolutely required for their analysis, the Sales group would like
to group customers by region in a few reports, and several account managers
would like to see a crosstab report of Sales channels by region. In this
exercise, you create an attribute dimension for regions to meet this
Demo the exercise, then have the class finish on their own
Answer file: Regions.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

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Quiz 7.2.1

Answer: 2, 3, 5

Quiz 7.2.2

Answer: 1, 3, 4

Quiz 7.2.3

Answer: 2, 3

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Lesson 8: Loading Data
This lesson introduces different types of data loads and the basic procedure for
creating data load rules. It explores common data sourcing problems and their

Required files
Actual.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
Forecast.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
MayAct.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
PY_Demo.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)
Bud_Demo.txt (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule)

Answer files
Loadcorp.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)
Flash.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Lesson 8: Section 1

Present Topics
Data Load Overview
Free-form Data Sources
Data Sources that Require Rules Files
Creating Data Load Rules Files
Prepping Data Prep Editor (Steps 16)
Defining Field Properties (Step 7)
Referencing Missing Dimensions (Step 8)
Setting Data Load Values Options (Step 9)
Validating Data Load Rules Files (Step 10)
Completing Data Load Rules Files (Steps 11 and 12)
Selecting and Rejecting Records
Capturing New Members

Demo 8.1: Creating a Data Load Rules File

Using PY_Demo.txt as the data source, show how to create a data load rules file by
using the 12-step procedure.

Exercise 8.1: Loading Actual Data

Answer file: Loadcorp.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Exercise 8.2: Loading Forecast and Actual Data

Answer file: Loadcorp.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

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Exercise 8.3: Optional: Loading Transactional Units
Give the class these exercises in a group. They dont have to complete
Exercise 9.3, its extra credit.
Circulate around the room to lend assistance as necessary.
Answer file: Flash.rul (CF\Bootcamp\LoadRule\Complete)

Quiz 8.1.1

Answer: 1

Quiz 8.1.2

Answer: 1, 2

Quiz 8.1.3

Answer: 2

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Quiz 8.1.4

Answer: 3, 4

Quiz 8.1.5

Answer: 1

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Lesson 9: Getting Started with Smart View
After you have built a database, you need to view and analyze data. In this lesson,
you learn rules for data retrieval and how to perform basic retrieval operations.

Required files
Ssheet.bat (CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
Ssheet.mxl (CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
SmartView.xls (CF\Bootcamp\SSReports)

Answer files

Lesson 9: Section 1

Present Topics
Navigating Smart View
Smart View Architecture
Smart View Excel User Interface
Enabling and Disabling Smart View
Connecting to data sources
Working with Shared Connections
Working with Private Connections
Managing Private Connections

Demo 9.1: Connecting to Data Sources

Show how to run ssheet.bat, explore Smart View user interfaces and explain how to
connect to data sources and how to add connections to the Private Connections list.
Show how to set a connection as the active worksheet connection and how to create
a simple free-form report.

Exercise 9.1: Connecting to Data Sources

Quiz 9.1.1

Answer: 2, 4, 5
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Quiz 9.1.2

Answer: 1

Quiz 9.1.3

Answer: 1, 3, 4

Lesson 9: Section 2

Present Topics
Creating ad hoc grids
Adding and removing dimensions
Zooming in and out on dimension members
Pivoting dimensions
Keeping and removing dimension members

Demo 9.2: Ad Hoc Operations

Show the various ad hoc operations available in Smart View.

Exercise 9.2: Starting Ad Hoc Analysis

This exercise would be an easy one to talk the class through, for a more
interactive approach.
1. Select a new worksheet and have students explore the default retrieve
behaviors. If you have experienced Spreadsheet Add-in users in the class, you
can compare Smart View as you go (all the same functionality as SSAI, but
leaves all Excel functionality intact) Do the following tests:
a. In Data Source Manager, right-click the Sales database node and select
Ad hoc analysis.

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b. Double-click Year-Tot.
c. Double-click a data value.
d. Right-click a cell.
e. Double right-click Qtr 1.
f. Left-click and drag a POV dimension to the grid.
g. Right-click and drag a grid dimension to the POV
2. Have the class clear their worksheets, then talk them through the prompts in
the exercise.

Present Topics
Setting the Point of View
Selecting Dimension Members
Filtering Dimension Member Selections

Demo 9.3: Member Selection

Using the worksheet from the preceding exercise, show how to use the Member
Selection dialog box to customize POV members.

Exercise 9.3: Customizing the Point of View

Have the class follow the prompts in the exercise to set their POVs.

Present Topics
Associating Data Sources with Worksheets
Creating Free-Form Grids
Free-Form Label Placement Guidelines
Adding Member Names

Exercise 9.4: Creating Ad Hoc Reports

Have the class follow the prompts in the exercise to create an ad hoc report.

Exercise 9.5: Creating a Free-Form Report

Have the class follow the prompts in the exercise to create a free-form grid.

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Quiz 9.2.1

Answer: 2

Quiz 9.2.2

Answer: 2

Quiz 9.2.3

Answer: 3

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Quiz 9.2.4

Answers: 1, 2, 4

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Lesson 10: Creating Smart View Reports
This lesson introduces more advanced options of Smart View.

Required files
SmartView.xls (CF\Bootcamp\SSReports)

Answer files
SmartView_Solutions.xls (CF\Bootcamp\SSReports\Complete)

Lesson 10: Section 1

Present Topics
Updating Essbase Data
Adjusting Data Values
Submitting Data
Calculating Data

Demo 10.1: Adjusting Data

Use the AdjustData worksheet in SmartView.xls to show how to adjust, submit, and
calculate data.

Exercise 10.2: Updating Essbase Data:

Have the class follow the prompts in the exercise. Provide assistance where

Present Topics
Integrating Essbase Data with Microsoft Office
Copying Dynamic Data Points
Creating Linked Views

Demo 10.2: Creating Dynamic Data Points and Linked Views

Show how to copy dynamic data points from Excel to Word, then show how to open
linked views from Word back to Excel and HVE.

Exercise 10.2: Viewing Dynamic Data Points

Have the class follow the prompts in the exercise. Provide assistance where

Present Topics
Creating Shared Database Perspectives
Creating Smart Slices
Setting Smart Slice Preferences
Creating Custom Reports
Interactive report components
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Creating reports with Report Designer

Demo 10.3: Creating Smart Slices

Show how to create a basic Smart Slice.

Demo 10.4: Adding smart slices to reports

Using the smart slice created in the preceding demo, show how to insert smart
slices into Report Designer, and how to create report components from smart slices.

Optional Demo: Multisource Report

1. In Administration Console, load Calcdat.txt into the Sample:Basic database
(no rules file required).
2. Create a simple Smart Slice for Sample:Basic
3. Add the Sample:Basic smart slice to the report designer.
4. Add a report component for Sample:Basic to the report.

Exercise 10.3: Creating Smart Slices

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise

Exercise 10.4: Creating a Custom Report

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise

Quiz 10.1.1

Answer: 2

Quiz 10.1.2

Answer: 4
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Quiz 10.1.3

Answer: 3, 4

Quiz 10.1.4

Answer: 1, 3, 4, 5

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Case Study: Country Kitchen Desserts (Phase I and II)
The purpose of this case study is to review and implement a database design. The
implementation is broken into three phases: outline design, reporting and analysis,
and calculation and tuning.
Phase I: In this phase, students are provided with a design document for Country
Kitchen Desserts (CKD). Based on this, they must create a preliminary database
Phase II: In this phase, students load data and troubleshoot the CKD sample
reports for valid retrievals.

Required files (located in CF\Bootcamp\CKD)


Answer files (located in CF\Bootcamp\CKD\Complete folder)


Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises

Go over the case study overview with the class. You can get them started on
their own right away, but a group exercise here is really effective.
Split the class up into several groups. Make sure to tell the class NOT to
read past page 226 in the workbook. Have each group examine the CKD
sample reports (CKDSampleReports.xls). Using the reports and the supporting
information in the workbook, each group must plan a basic database design
how many dimensions, what to call them, whether to use attributes, how
many levels, etc. Give the groups 15-20 minutes, then have each group
present their findings. Discuss the differences as a class, then point them in
the direction the book wants them to take.

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Lesson 11: Data Storage and Calculation
This is one of the most important sections of the curricula. Students cannot
understand storage or calculation performance issues without a solid grounding in
how data blocks are defined, sized, stored and moved in and out of memory.
Understanding how data is stored and calculated is not just an intellectual exercise.
The accompanying exerciseAnatomy of a Rollupfollows the technical
explanation. These examples truly bring home the concepts to students. In other
words, expect that students will not understand what a data block is after your
explanation in the data block fundamentals review. Dont dwell, just get into the
Anatomy exercise and its quizzes; thats where the real learning occurs.
You must use the multiple choice questions during the exercise to test for
comprehension. Challenge students who are not getting it to defend their answers.
Be extremely patient with students on this section, but be persistent and make sure
everyone understands. Much of the success in delivery of balance of course
materials on calculations depends on how effectively the data block materials sink

Required files
Anatomy.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Anatomy)
CalcBC.csc (in AnalyticServices\app\Bigcorp\Sales copied there during the
ssheet.bat process)

Answer files
AnatomyA.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Lesson 11: Section 1

Present Topics
Calculation Overview
Outline-Based Calculations
Script-Based Calculations
Calculation Script Editor

Demo 11.1: Calculation Review and Intro to Calc Script Editor

Review how top-down calculation works, and then show how to open and navigate
the calculation script editor.

Present Topics
Database Calculation Order

Demo 11.2: Setting Dense and Sparse Properties

Show how to modify dense and sparse settings in the outline.

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Optional Whiteboard Demo: Default Calculation Order
1. If youve showed them already in the class, ask students if any remember
what the default calculation script looks like. Otherwise, open it (Actions >
Set > Set default calculation for Sales).
2. Explain that CALC ALL; basically tells Essbase to calculate everything in the
outline. Now ask: given what we already know about how block storage
databases calculate, in what order will the dimensions be calculated?
Students will probably answer outline order.
3. Whiteboard the CALC ALL (default) calculation order or show the slide for this
4. Mention that for the most optimal performance, dimensions should be
arranged in the hourglass figure, from largest to smallest in the dense
dimensions, and from smallest to largest in the sparse dimensions, as on the
5. Obviously, there is more to dense and sparse than previously covered. Get a
feel for the students current understanding of dense and sparse before you
6. In the Sales outline, go to the Properties tab and show students where
dense and sparse settings are configured (no more recommended
configurations like in App Manager). Discuss the current dimension settings.

Quiz 11.1.1

Answer: 2

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Quiz 11.1.2

Answer: 4

Quiz 11.1.3

Answer: 1, 2

Lesson 11: Section 2

Present Topics
Data Block Fundamentals
Data Blocks and the Index System
Data Cells
Dense Dimensions
Sparse Dimensions

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Optional Whiteboard Demo: Data cells, data blocks, page and index
Conduct this demo along with or instead of the preceding slides.
1. Make the following points before starting:
a. Setting sparse and dense is one of the most important aspects of
performance tuning.
b. Optimum setting: the one that, through benchmarking and testing,
produces the lowest overall calculation times along with acceptable
storage requirements. Usually this corresponds to the highest block
density and lowest sparse density, that is, the configuration that yields
the least blocks that are the most full.
2. Data Cells:
a. To communicate the technical detail of data block construction, block
size, and memory management, ask students what is required to load
data into Essbase. Answer: unique names from all the dimensions.



b. This is a single data cell, the smallest unit of storage in Essbase. It is

uniquely addressable by the system, and takes up 8 bytes of space on
disk. Whiteboard the following dimensions and ask: how many uniquely
addressable, 8-byte cells are possible?
Account Time Scenari Produc
s o t Customer
100 17 2 1000 1000

c. Answer: 3.4 billion (multiply all dimensions together). And this is a

relatively small database. How can Essbase keep track of so many 8-
byte chunks? By splitting dimensions into dense and sparse, it creates
more manageable chunks.
3. Dense Dimensions:
a. First the dense dimensions: these combine to form a grid of 8-byte
cells called a data block (this is actually a multidimensional array,
which you might want to mention to the class if you have some IT
people or programmers in the mix):

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J F M Etc. ->


1500 Price


Jan->Units->CY->LB365A->IBM Etc.

b. Cell A1 is the intersection of Units and Jan. Ask students: how many
cells are in this data block? Answer: 1700 (100 Accounts x 17 Time), for
a total data block size of 13,600 bytes (1700 x 8). However many data
blocks eventually exist, cell A1 will always be the intersection Units
and Jan, which means Essbase doesnt have to look up or search for
the information from a table.
c. Key points about data blocks:
i. Fundamental unit of storage in Essbase
ii. Formed by combinations of dense dimensions
iii. Made up of cells, like a mini-spreadsheet
iv. Created in its entirety if only one cell has data
v. All blocks are the same size, regardless of the amount of data
stored in the block
vi. Size is calculated as the product of the stored member of all
dense dimensions * 8 bytes
d. Data blocks are stored in the .PAG file. Although you can have multiple
page files due to disk volume spreads or the 2GB file size limit,
Essbase treats all .PAG files for a database as one logical file.

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J F M Etc. ->





4. Sparse Dimensions
a. But Jan->Units is only part of the cell address, so where do the sparse
dimensions come into play? Answer: the unique combination of sparse
members acts as a block header. Any dense data for that particular
combination gets written into the same block:

J F M Etc. ->


1500 Price


Jan->Units->CY->LB365A->IBM Etc.



b. How many blocks, potentially, could be created in our example? The

answer is to multiply all the stored members in sparse dimensions
together for a total of 2 million. The key here is that even though all
blocks are the same size, Essbase will only create blocks for the sparse
combinations it needs. So if IBM never buys Lighbolt 540 S, there will
never be a block in the page file for that combination.
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c. The intersections of sparse dimensions create entries in an index (.IND)
file, which tells Essbase where the data block resides in the page file:


Essn.pag Essn.ind

J F M Etc. ->






Present Topics
Database Statistics
Dimension Properties
Block Statistics

Demo 11.3: Opening the Database Properties Dialog Box

Show how to open the Database Properties dialog box and explain dimension
properties and database statistics.

Present Topics
Data Block Creation
Data Load
Sparse Dimension Consolidation
Member Formulas
Database Calculation Process
When you load, calculate, or retrieve data, Essbase first looks for the block
name in the index. It finds the block in the page file, and then brings it into
memory. During these processes, the ENTIRE block must move from disk to
RAM and back: the I/O tollway.
NOTE: Because of this, the recommended block size is between 8-100MB.
Operating systems with a faster system bus may perform fine with larger
block sizes.
The makeup of a data block is determined by dense and sparse settings on
your dimensions.
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The more dense dimensions, the larger the blocks (theoretically, if all
dimensions in this example were dense, there would be 1 data block
with 3.4 billion cells, which is about 26,000GB).
The more members in those dense dimensions, the larger the blocks.
All other things being equal, the more sparse dimensions, the greater
the number of blocks.
At this point you may still have some students who arent getting it.
Reassure them that the next exercise, which steps through loading
data and then calculating the database, one dimension at a time, lets
them see all this in action.
Input Data Load
Dense Dimension Calculation Process: Accounts
Dense Dimension Calculation Process: Time
Sparse Dimension Calculation Process: Customer
Sparse Dimension Calculation Process: Product

Demo 11.4: Calculating a Database one Dimension at a Time

Explore a database calculation one dimension at a time and use Anatomy.xls to
show calculation results with each step.

Exercise 11.1: Calculating the Sales Database

Have the students do this on their own. This exercise has changed since the
previous release: Now they simply create the calc script and record some
database statistics.

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Optional Whiteboard Demo: Does calculating Dense first matter?
1. Does dense before sparse really matter? This question usually comes up
at some point. Do this comparison on the whiteboard:
Block Block
reads/writes reads/writes
(dense first) (sparse first)
Data load Data load
289 289
Accounts Customer
289 349
Year Tot Product 128
289 8
Customer Accounts 128
349 8
Product 128 Year Tot 128
8 8
Total 250 Total 450
4 2

2. So is it more efficient to calculate dense before sparse? Absolutely! Because

dense calculations happen in every existing block, its much more efficient to
calculate dense before creating blocks with the sparse calculation. Essbase
tries to enforce this calculation order whenever possible.

Quiz 11.2.1

Answer: 1

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Quiz 11.2.2

Answer: 1

Quiz 11.2.3

Answer: 4

Quiz 11.2.4

Answer: 1

Quiz 11.2.5

Answer: 1,2,3

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Lesson 12: Creating Calculation Scripts
This lesson examines the logical organization of a calculation script, using standard
commenting. Now that you have performed simple dimensional rollups, you can
examine the calculation results. You learn how to identify incorrect calculation
results and how to correct them.

Required files
Anatomy.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Anatomy)
AnatomyA.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
ResetBigcorp.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
ResetBigcorp.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)

Answer files
AnatomyB.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
AnatomyC.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises

Present Topics
Calculation Script Organization
Information Section
Housekeeping Section
Baseline Fix Section
Normalization Section
Main Rollup Section
Back Calculation Section

Exercise 12.1: Adding comments to Anatomy.csc

Open Anatomy.csc from the previous exercise (or AnatomyA.csc from the
CalcIt\Complete folder).
Add comments for information, housekeeping, and main rollup sections.
The finished calc script should look like this:

/* Information
Created by: YourName
Created On: 9/22/2005
Purpose: This script calculates the Bigcorp Sales database

/* Housekeeping */
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/* The Main Rollup */
CALC DIM (Accounts, "Year Tot", Customer, Product);

Present Topics
Returning Correct Calculation Results
Expected Behavior

Demo 12.1: Expected vs. Correct Behavior

Using the This is a Block worksheet in Anatomy.xls, discuss expected vs. correct

Present Topics
Correcting Calculated Percentages
Design Considerations for Rates
Preventing Consolidation of Rates
Correcting Derived Rates
Correcting Input Rates

Demo 12.2: Correcting Rates

Show how to add a back calculation section to Anatomy.csc to correct aggregating
rates and discuss jump ahead behavior with CALC DIM.

Present Topics
Troubleshooting CALC DIM
Viewing Calculation Messages
Single-Pass Calculation with Incorrect Results
Multiple-Pass Calculation with Correct Results
These topics reinforce the preceding demo.

Exercise 12.2: Correcting Rates and Percentages

Have the class work on this on their own. Circulate through the room to lend
assistance where necessary.
Students modify, save, and test the calculation script, completing the back
calc section as follows:

/* The Back Calculation */

List Price = Gross Sales / Units;
Discount % = Discounts / Gross Sales;
Labor/Unit = Direct Labor / Units;
Matl/Unit = Material / Units;
Overhead Rate = Overhead / Direct Labor;
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Quiz 12.1.1

Answer: 2,3

Quiz 12.1.2

Answer: 1, 2, 4

Quiz 12.1.3

Answer: 2, 3, 4

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Quiz 12.1.4

Answer: 3

Quiz 12.1.5

Answer: 1, 2, 3

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Lesson 13: Controlling the Calculation Process
To make calculations most effective, you need to carefully control them. This lesson
explores the concept of top-down calculation and different methods for controlling
the calculator. You learn to focus calculations, calculate conditionally, and reference
members explicitly. You also learn techniques for referencing members dynamically,
based on hierarchy position, and where variables can improve calculation script

Required files
Anatomy.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Anatomy)
AnatomyC.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
ResetBigcorp.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
ResetBigcorp.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
CalcBC.csc (in AnalyticServices\app\Bigcorp\Sales copied there during the
ssheet.bat process)

Answer files
CYCalc.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
IfIt.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
IfItEC.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Lesson 13: Section 1

Present Topics
Top-Down Calculation

Demo 13.1: Cell based calculation vs. top-down calculation

Show how top-down calculation affects database calculations by comparing FIX, IF,
and cross-dimensional operators.

Present Topics
Focusing Calculations with FIX Statements

Exercise 13.1: Focusing Calculations with FIX

In the interest of performance, the Bigcorp management team wants you to modify
Anatomy.csc so that it only calculates Current Year data for the months in Qtr 1.
In this exercise, emphasize the following:
FIX and IF dont calculate, they generate a list of members on which
calculations are performed.
Member Set functions are used with FIX statements.
The Baseline Fix is a key architectural element of most calculation
Time and Scenario are the most common baseline fixes.

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Have students look at the FixIt worksheet and examine the objectives, then
run the exercise as a verbal follow-me (talk the class through the exercise,
while roaming the room to make sure everyone is keeping up):
1. Run ResetBigcorp.bat (in Scripts) to clear and reload data.
2. Modify Anatomy.csc (or AnatomyC.csc), inserting the following after

/* The Baseline Fix */

FIX (Current Year, @CHILDREN(Quarter 1))
ENDFIX [At the end of the script]

3. Check the syntax it doesnt work. Why not? Discuss.

4. Revise the script, dropping Year Tot from the CALC DIM statement.
5. Save as CYCalc.csc.
6. Execute the script. Retrieve on the FixIt worksheet.
7. Ask students: why do we still see values for Forecast? Answer: the calc will
not touch loaded input data; we must look at a higher level of the dimensions
we calculated.
8. Zoom out to an upper-level product and customer to show that it worked
across all the dimensions in the CALC DIM statement.
9. Discuss the data blocks that were touched by this calc: All Current Year blocks
that exist.
10.Ask what data blocks would be touched if FIX did not include the Time
dimension: Same blocks (time is a dense dimension).
11.Save the discussion of using FIX vs. using IF until after the IF exercise.

Quiz 13.1.1

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Answer: 4

Quiz 13.1.2

Answer: 1

Quiz 13.1.3

Answer: 1, 3

Lesson 13: Section 2

Present Topics
Calculating Conditionally with IF Statements
Boolean Functions
Syntax Requirements

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Demo 13.2: Using Conditional Statements
Show how to construct a conditional statement (jumpstart the following exercise for
the class).

Exercise 13.2: Calculating Conditionally with IF

Students complete the IF exercise on their own: Push Units into the months of
Qtr 4 with a 2-month lag and a 10% accelerator, and push List Price into Sep
and the months of Qtr 4 with a one-month lag and a 10% decelerator.
Challenge the students who get this done quickly with the following extra
The most optimal solution can be done in two statements for parts a,
b, and c.
It makes more business sense to round Units in Qtr 4 to a whole
Give the class about 15 minutes to struggle with this on their own, then roam
the room, offering assistance.
The completed basic exercise reads as follows:

/* Housekeeping */

/* The Baseline Fix */


/* Push the units and price forecast using IF */

IF (@ISMBR (Sep))
Units = @PRIOR (Units, 1);
List Price = @PRIOR (List Price, 1) * .90;
ELSEIF (@ISCHILD (Quarter 4))
Units = @PRIOR (Units, 2) * 1.1;
List Price = @PRIOR (List Price, 1) * .90;

/* Close out the baseline fix */

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The exercise with all the extra credit is:

/* Housekeeping */

/* The Baseline Fix */

FIX (Forecast)

/* Push the units and price forecast using IF */

IF (@ISMBR (Sep))
Units = @PRIOR (Units, 1);
List Price = @PRIOR (List Price, 1) * .90;
ELSEIF (@ISCHILD (Quarter 4))
Units = @ROUND((@PRIOR (Units, 2) * 1.1), 0);
List Price = @PRIOR (List Price, 1) * .90;

/* Close out the baseline fix */


Present Topics
Performance Considerations
Number of Data Blocks Processed
Number of Calculation Passes
FIX is index-driven: it can evaluate arguments without having to bring all data
blocks into RAM only those it needs. Works well on sparse dimensions.
IF is not index-driven (everyone gets on the bus)
ALL data blocks are brought into RAM where they are evaluated
Blocks are only brought into RAM once, where multiple conditions may
be applied useful for multiple conditions on dense dimensions.
IF must be executed within a calc member block, so can only execute
member formulas
General rule: FIX on SPARSE, IF on DENSE

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Exceptions are when you have many sparse conditionsIF
performance can actually be faster because of the number of passes

Quiz 13.2.1

Answer: 1, 2

Quiz 13.2.2

Answer: 1

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Lesson 14: Referencing Members in Calculations
In this lesson you learn to reference members explicitly using cross-dimensional
operators. You learn techniques for referencing members dynamically, based on
their position in the hierarchy. Finally, you learn where variables can improve
maintenance of calculation scripts.

Required files
Anatomy.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Anatomy)
ResetBigcorp.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
ResetBigcorp.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)

Answer files
Sales14_1.otl (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
Sales14_2.otl (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
AddVariables.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
AddVariables.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Lesson 14: Section 1

Present Topics
Referencing Members Explicitly

Demo 14.1: Cross-Dimensional Operator and Mix Calculations

Show how to create mix calculations using a cross-dimensional operator.

Present Topics
Referencing Members Dynamically
Referencing Sets of Members
Referencing Related Members

Demo 14.2: Using relationship functions for mix calculations

Show how to create mix calculations using relationship functions.

Exercise 14.1: Creating Mix Calculations

Have students follow the prompts in the exercise to add formulas to Unit Mix
and Sales $ Mix in the outline.
Roam the room to offer assistance as necessary.
Answer file: Sales14_1.otl

Present Topics
Creating Calculation Variables
Creating Temporary Variables
Creating Substitution Variables

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Demo 14.3: Creating Substitution Variables
Show how to create substitution variables.

Exercise 14.2: Calculating Time Variances

Have students follow the prompts in the exercise.
Roam the room, offering assistance as necessary.
Answer file: Sales14_2.otl

Quiz 14.1.1

Answer: 2, 4

Quiz 14.1.2

Answer: 1, 3

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Quiz 14.1.3

Answer: 1

Quiz 14.1.4

Answer: 3,4

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Lesson 15: Developing and Testing Complex Calculation
This lesson introduces you to best practices for the calculation development cycle
and the proper handling of upper-level data loads. You also investigate calculator
behavior when intelligent calculation is active.

Required files
AdvancedCalcs.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Advanced)
ResetBigcorp.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
ResetBigcorp.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
CalcBC.csc (in %ESSAPPS%\app\Bigcorp\Sales copied there during the
ssheet.bat process)

Answer files
ClearAll.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
CYMulti.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
CYLev0.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
AdvancedCalcs_Solutions.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Lesson 15: Section 1

Implementing a Script Development Process
Following a Calculation Test Cycle
Introduce the testing cycle (this is mostly what weve been doing all along,
but formalize it):
Clear data
Load data
Calculate data
Audit data
Implementing a Prototype Phase
Key objectives of this methodology:
Reduce cycle times for testing
Use easily audited data that can be quickly eyeballed for correctness
Clearly segregate between inputs and calculated results
Pilot Phase
Upper-Level Data Loads
Aggregate Missing Values
Aggregate Missing Values OFF:
Default database setting
Parent-level inputs are not overwritten by children when no data exists
for children
Slower performance because of redundant calculation of blocks.
Essbase calculates the VALUE->OEM block twice, using both of the
following formulas:

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Possible data integrity issues due to clearing data or moving members

Aggregate Missing Values ON:
Parent-level inputs are overwritten by children, even when no data
exists for children
Optimizes performance by eliminating redundant calculation of blocks:
Essbase only calculates the VALUE->OEM block by the shortest
formula. This can have a significant impact on calculation overhead
(30% or more).
Recommended database default setting (turn it off in specific
calculation scripts where upper-level inputs must be protected)
Leaf-Node Loading

Demo 15.1: Loading to upper-level members

Using AdvancedCalcs.xls, show how the Aggregate Missing Values setting affects
calculation (demo of exercise 15.1)

Exercise 15.1: Loading Data to Upper-Level Members

Intelligent Calculation
Data Block Marking: Clean Blocks
Data Block Marking: Dirty Blocks
Usage Considerations

Quiz 15.1.1

Answer: 1

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Quiz 15.1.2

Answer: 1, 2, 4

Quiz 15.1.3

Answer: 1, 3

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Lesson 16: Normalizing Data
Data normalization is the process of preparing input data for aggregation via
calculation scripts. In this lesson, you learn how to develop a normalization table
(for planning your calculations) and a block diagram (for visualizing the calculation
process). You explore different types of allocations, and determine which type is
most appropriate to a given business scenario. As you create a normalization script,
you discuss optimization options to increase its calculation efficiency.

Required files
AdvancedCalcs.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\ CalcIt\Advanced)
LoadBudget.bat (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
LoadBudget.mxl (in CF\Bootcamp\Scripts)
ClearAll.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
Budget.xls (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Advanced)
Budget.txt (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Advanced)
CYLev0.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Answer files
CYAlloc.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)
Budget.csc (in CF\Bootcamp\CalcIt\Complete)

Flow of Topics, Demos and Exercises

Allocating Data
Calculating Fixed Rate Allocations
Calculating Dynamic Ratio Allocations

Demo 16.1: Allocating Current Year data

This is a continuation of the discussion from the previous chapter on calculating
upper-level data loads and a (shortened) demo version of exercise 16.1

Exercise 16.1: Allocating Current Year Data

Present Topics
Planning Data Normalization
Partitioning Calculations by Scenario
Developing Normalization Tables
Developing Block Diagrams
Normalizing Rates and Drivers
Copying and Clearing Data
Copying Data
Clearing Data with CLEARDATA
Clearing Data with CLEARBLOCK

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Optional Whiteboard Demo: Block Diagram of Budget Data
1. Open Budget.xls and sheets, reviewing the level of input for each sheet for
various dimensions.
2. Diagram the input data: whiteboard a block diagram and go through each
input sheet, asking students which block in the diagram will be written to
when you lock and send the data. Add the account names to the diagram
(you could also use magnets to mark the input blocks).
3. Remind students that the level 0 block is the ultimate target for all our


TOTAL % Rate







Target Block
Direct Ancestor
Multidimensional Ancestor

Demo 16.2: Normalizing Budget data

Using Budget.xls, show how to create a Normalization table and normalization script
for budget data.

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Lesson 17: Creating Attribute Dimensions
From a design perspective, attribute dimensions are comparable to UDAs, alternate
hierarchies, and standard dimensions. This lesson compares these options from a
performance, database size, and reporting layout standpoint. It also examines the
process of creating and associating attribute dimensions using load rules.

Required files

Answer files

Lesson 17: Section 1

Present Topics
Attribute Dimensions Overview
Attribute Dimension Benefits
Attribute Calculations Dimension
Key points:
Track characteristics of existing members
Dynamically calculated
Only on sparse dimensions
Attributes from a given dim must all be at the same level in the base
One-to-one relationship to members in the base dim
4 types: Text, Boolean, Numeric, and Date
5 calculations: Sum, Avg, Max, Min, and Count
Adding Attribute Dimensions to Outlines
Associating Attribute Dimensions
Assigning Attributes in Outline Editor
Design Considerations
Design Considerations: Database Size
Design Considerations: Batch Calculation Performance
Design Considerations: Report Layout
Design Considerations: Report Performance

Demo 17.1: Viewing Attribute Data in Smart View

Show how to display attribute data in Smart View.

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Exercise 17.1: Viewing Attribute Data

Quiz 17.1.1

Answer: 1, 4

Quiz 17.1.2

Answer: 2

Quiz 17.1.3

Answer: 3,4

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Lesson 18: Analyzing Varying Attributes
Varying attributes are a new feature in 11.1.1 that enables analysis of attributes to
vary over one or more independent dimensions. This lesson discusses how varying
attributes work and examines the process of creating and associating varying
attributes using Administration Console.

Required files
Analysis.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis)

Answer files
Sales18_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)
Sales18_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)
Analysis_Solutions.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

Lesson 18: Section 1

Present Topics
Varying Attributes Overview
Creating Varying Attributes
Enabling Outlines for Varying Attributes
Associating Independent Dimensions
Assigning Varying Attributes to Base Dimension Members
Viewing Varying Attribute Data

Demo 18.1: Creating Varying Attributes

Show how to create and assign varying attributes. This is a demo version of exercise

Demo 18.2: Extending Varying Attributes

Show how to create and assign varying attributes with multiple independent
dimensions. This is a demo version of exercise 18.2.

Exercise 18.1: Creating Varying Attribute Dimensions

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise.
Answer file: Sales18_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

Exercise 18.2: Extending Varying Attribute Dimensions

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise.
Answer file: Sales18_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

Optional Demonstration Data Perspectives

To further demonstrate the value of Varying Attributes, you may want to show
students how to use Data Perspectives in Smart View after the advanced
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Extending Varying Attribute Dimensions demo (Exercise 18.2). This topic is
not in the student guide, and so it represents an added benefit to attending
Instructor-led training.

Changing Data Perspectives

Data perspectives enable you to specify the perspective to use for viewing
data of varying attributes. You can think of a perspective as a specific
independent dimension member, which is linked to a specific attribute
member (i.e., the Independent dimension member Jan might be linked to an
attribute member like Bottle)
Example: Suppose a cola product is sold in both cans and bottles in several
different geographical markets over the course of a year. The packaging
(cans or bottles) varies depending on the market or changes from one type to
the other during the year, and so the packaging type is a varying attribute.
Suppose the following attributes for the packaging types reflect how the cola
was sold in Texas and California markets during the year:

Texas (Jan Dec)

Bottle Jan June

Can July Dec

California (Jan Dec)

Can Jan Dec

Data Perspective Options

There are four perspective options: Reality, First, Last, and Custom.
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In reality, the underlying data for the example above is as follows (note that
there is only Can data for California):

In January, Bottle was the

attribute selected for the
Texas market, so Bottle is
the fixed attribute.

Selecting the first option sets the perspective to the first member of the
Independent Dimension (Jan), which sets each market attribute to be the
value that in reality is linked to Jan (Bottle for Texas and Can for

In January, Can was the

attribute selected for the
California market, so Can
is the fixed attribute

Selecting the last option sets the perspective to the last member of the
Independent Dimension (Dec), which sets each market attribute to be the
value that in reality is linked to Dec (Can for Texas and Can for California):

In December, Can In December, Can

was the attribute was the attribute
selected for the selected for the Texas
California market. market.

Finally, the Custom option allows you to choose any independent dimension
member, and view data for attributes linked to that independent member.
Use Custom if you want to specify both continuous and discrete members.
For this option, select a Varying Attribute from the dropdown list. Then, for
the dimensions listed under Independent Dimension, select members
under Members.

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If you select Set Dimensions Only, all independent dimensions across all
varying attribute are displayed, enabling you to apply a common perspective
to all.

Students might wonder about the business use of this feature. Notice that
data patterns do not get extrapolated, and so this is not a pure
What-If analysis feature. This feature is simply a way to quickly
pretend attributes did not change over the year, but were fixed at a
given independent dimension member (time, market, etc.)

To specify a data perspective:
On the Essbase ribbon, click Data Perspective.
From Perspective, under Selection, select an option (reality, first,
last, custom)
Click OK, then refresh the grid.

Quiz 18.1.1

Answer: 1

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Quiz 18.1.2

Answer: 1, 2, 3

Quiz 18.1.3

Answer: 1, 2, 3

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Lesson 19: Analyzing Text and Dates
Essbase 11.1.1 and later provides the ability to store textual data in the Essbase
cube. In this lesson, you learn how to enable and create text measures and how to
perform analysis across text measures.

Required files
Analysis.xls (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis)

Answer files
Sales19_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)
Sales19_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

Lesson 19: Section 1

Present Topics
Typed Measures: Overview
Enabling Typed Measures
Creating Text Measures
Creating Text Lists
Populating Text Lists
Associating Text Lists with Measures
Creating Date Measures
Viewing Typed Measures

Demo 19.1: Creating Text Measures

Show how to create text measures and how they are displayed in Smart View. This
is a demo version of exercise 19.1.

Exercise 19.1: Creating the Sales Risk Text Measure

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise
Answer file: Sales19_1.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

Present Topics
Calculations Based on Typed Measures

Optional Demo: Creating an average function

1. Walk the students through the logic of the calculation on the slide if the class
is interested.

Exercise 19.2: (Optional) Creating the Sales Risk Average Measure

Have the class follow the prompts for this exercise.
Answer file: Sales19_2.otl (CF\Bootcamp\Analysis\Complete)

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Optional Demo: Date Measures
Date measures store the loaded dates as the number of seconds elapsed
since Jan 1, 1970, then convert to Julian date for Excel formatting on retrieval.
Scenario: Bigcorp wants to track the intro date for certain products.
1. On the Outline Properties tab, select the date format mon dd yyyy (NOTE:
This is the required LOAD format. Display format can be customized in Excel).
2. Under Analysis, create a measure called Intro Date and set the measure type
to Date.
3. In Smart View, create a free-form report:

4. Submit the data to Sales, then refresh the worksheet to show the data
populating from Essbase. After refreshing, you can format the dates in Excel
however you want.

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Additional Demos
If you have some free time to demo material, here are some suggestions. Any
instructor who would like to add demos to the instructor guide is welcome to
contribute. Some possible demo subjects:
Hyperion Visual Explorer
Smart View Query Designer
Smart View multisource worksheets
Working with Duplicate Member Names

Demo: Smart View Multisource worksheets

Written by: Lisa Alexander

You can use dynamic data points to quickly create refreshable worksheets
containing data from multiple data sources. This is a great selling point for Smart
View, and clients love to see it.
1. Load the Calcdat.txt file to Sample:Basic (located in the database folder). No
rules file is required.
2. In Smart View, connect to BigSales and Sample Basic.
3. On a blank worksheet (Sheet1), set BigSales as your active connection.
Create a small report grid.
4. On a second worksheet (Sheet2), set Sample Basic as your active connection.
Create a small report grid.
5. Return to Sheet1 and highlight the BigSales grid. On the Smart View ribbon,
click Copy Data Points.
6. Go to a new worksheet (Sheet3). Place your cursor in cell B3 and on the
Smart View ribbon click Paste Data Points. In Excel, the dynamic data
points are exposed as HsGetValue formulas.
7. Follow the same procedure to copy dynamic data points from Sheet2 to
8. Show the class that you can now refresh Sheet3 and refresh data from both
data sources at the same time, without creating special selection areas or

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