PSOMAT Psychotherapy With Patients With Psychosomatic Disorders
PSOMAT Psychotherapy With Patients With Psychosomatic Disorders
PSOMAT Psychotherapy With Patients With Psychosomatic Disorders
e-Book 2015 International Psychotherapy Institute
From The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy With Specific Disorders by Max Hammer, Ph.D.
Psychotherapy with Patients with Psychosomatic Disorders
about any process which involves the total human organism. This way of
thinking is synthetic and tries to apply all available information and methods
which might be useful, whether from psychodynamics, sociology,
patterns. These statements may seem truisms, but their principles are
have somatopsychic feedback and vice versa, so that in a strict sense there are
no purely psychosomatic or somatopsychic sequences. Nevertheless the 6
conveyed by the following classification, which should be considered as
illustrative rather than definitive.
physical changes in the areas complained of. Needless to say, the ideas may
be, and often are, unconscious.
conscious. A patient may complain that he has pain and heaviness in his chest
because his heart has turned to stone or he has nausea and indigestion
because he is rotten inside. If the patient is grossly psychotic, the nature of
easily missed. Being aware that people may think him crazy, he consults a
general physician complaining only of chest pain or indigestion. On finding
nothing wrong, the physician reassures him that his complaint is due to
nerves, and the patient seeks elsewhere for someone to soften his heart of
language may be used as well to express ideas related to other impulses and
if this recognition does not bring relief of anxiety. As in the case of delusions,
the consciously expressed idea stands instead of unconscious ones.
Hypochondriasis 8
appearing in conscious thought they appear involuntarily in charade or
pantomime in which the players are organ systems. In the early days of
reactions, even those with marked tissue damage; ones blood pressure,
ulcers, bleeding from the bowel, etcetera, were all assumed to be symbolic
felt that unconscious ideas could be expressed only by the sensory and
itself is not the conversion reaction and does not have primary psychological
meaning. Through the process of secondary symbolization the damage may,
the reason for the dissociation between physiological need for food and
Psychophysiological Symptoms 10
muscles and joints resulting from chronic muscular tension, spastic colon,
emotional diarrhea, upset stomach due to emotional tension and so forth. The
complaints involve physical processes at the site of the symptoms. The heart
does usually beat more forcefully and rapidly during anxiety attacks. The
various digestive disturbances are related to changes in the function of the
emotional state of which they are a part. It has not so far been possible to
seem to exist. One or more symptoms may appear in the absence of, or
instead of, more overt emotional displays. Such symptoms are often called
system discharges to heart, lungs, digestive glands, the adrenal medulla and
and voluntary muscle systems but include the endocrine glands as well. The
other hand the sensation of fatigue may disappear suddenly with a change of
However, the reverse need not be true. Psychic aggravation may be striking 12
Cardiovascular diseases are among those in which psychic aggravation
diminish permanently the working capacity of the heart are said to have
upon the heart within its capacity to meet them. So long as this is the case, the
heart disease is said to be compensated. A compensated system
fresh demands are placed upon and exceed its capacity. One of the most
Another type of mismatch between supply and demand can occur when
the coronary arteries, which carry the blood supply to heart muscles, are
diseased. In the absence of physical or emotional stress, the diseased vessels
yet fail to meet the increased demands imposed by added emotional stress. In
this way emotional stress may precipitate attacks of angina pectoris3or even
ful-blown myocardial infardtions.4
failure if cardiac reserve is already reduced by disease. The writer once had
suffered from obesity and severe rheumatic heart disease.5 Her disease was
adequately compensated until a rejection by her family precipitated an attack
medical treatment and the patient eventually died. She did not reveal the
The emotional state can and frequently does alter the insulin 14
other common precipitants of acidosis are infections, failure to take insulin
and departures from the diet.
Psychosomatic Diseases
with pathological tissue changes and always with functioning in some organ
precede the onset of a psychosomatic disease. This has been shown to be true
psychosomatic disease.
There is no rigorously established list of diseases which are and are not
psychic factors may play a role in the development of any illness. It should be
understood, however, that at the present time only a very small minority of
very little agreement as to how they are brought about. Of the various 16
complexity of the psychological data, confusion as to which psychic trait or
It has been suggested, for example, that compulsive personality goes with
ulcerative colitis20 ; that the emotion of anger is related to the secretion of the
noradrenalin, and fear or anxiety to the secretion of adrenaline; that intense
oral needs are related to the secretion of pepsinogen; that depressive illness
in such extreme terms but tend in this direction. The following theories to be
discussed, and a number of others not considered here, combine specificity
food itself. The secretion of saliva and gastric juices which he studied were
end results of parasympathetic nervous activity. Pavlov was mainly
between stimuli, and of their facilitation and inhibition. He left to others the
main tasks of studying the peripheral effects of conditioned responses. The
all branches of the sympathetic system rise and fall together, while the 18
represented different branches of the parasympathetic system and the loud-
fear and rage, making preparation for and supporting the metabolic
mobilizing sugar into the bloodstream, accelerating the clotting of blood and
system. Subsequent developments have supported most of his views but with
important exceptions. The sympathetic system has proved much more plastic
vessel tone unilaterally in one or the other ear. While the role of these
high importance.
since the autonomic nervous system was in his time the only known pathway
by which the brain might influence involuntary body functions. For many
years it was known that the endocrine glands regulated important metabolic
and reproductive functions and that the pituitary gland regulated the other
endocrine glands. Only relatively recently was it recognized that the brain is
an important regulator of the pituitary.
highly specific.
syndrome, after Cannon had made major contributions but before the role of 20
the brain in pituitary regulation was recognized. His concepts were based on
the finding that a wide variety of injurious stimuliincluding but not limited
ACTH from the pituitary which in turn stimulated the release of corticoid
stressor. Emotional distress was also found to provoke ACTH release and
that emotional stimuli can provoke ACTH release. However, the stereotyped
figured so highly in Pavlovs and Cannons ideas, was absent from Selyes.
However, it has since become clear that the pituitary-adrenal axis does make
anticipatory responses.
originated in early childhood and, in most cases, long antedated the onset of
the disease. The physiological by-products of unconscious strivings
function in it. For example, peptic ulcer21 patients were thought to have
especially intense but repressed passive oral and oral aggressive strivings 22
stomach similar to the preparations for feeding which Pavlov had
conflicts were prominent. It was recognized that not every patient with the
the conflict and the X factor were necessary to produce the disease, but
proved hard to replicate and generalize. One difficulty is the sheer labor
conflicts may not be so discreet and separable as they seem. For example,
them in another, and many persons can be shown to have more than one of
the postulated conflicts. Smaller scale clinical studies have not uniformly
supported the findings. In one, for example, ulcer patients were found to
express their oral and dependent strivings quite freely and openly.
patients. Hyper-salivation has also been reported, and it has been possible to
secreted by the cells of the gastric mucosa and then enters the blood.
somatic X factor for peptic ulcer and provided the basis for one of the few
successful predictive studies of psychosomatic illnesses. Serum pepsinogen
was measured in 2073 Army inductees, and a sample of those with the
selected as low probability subjects. The two groups of subjects were then
given a battery of psychological tests, a medical questionnaire and a complete 24
radiologic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract. At the initial
examination, a significantly greater number of ulcers was found in the high
expressing hostility and needs to please and placate in the psychological test
group were found in those who had or would develop ulcers. Other evidence
indicating that one may be a hyper-secreter from birth led Mirsky to suggest
that hypersecretion of pepsinogen may reflect a biological trait which
psychosomatic disorder.
of primitive affect.
the large bowel, the stomach and duodenum. This included vomiting and
diarrhea, which are nonspecific reactions of the infant to noxious agents even
when the gastrointestinal tract is not invoked. Another was the holding fast
reaction of skeletal muscles and large bowel. This was characterized by
constipation with tense, aching muscles and joints. Another was the
protective reaction of nose and airways with vasodilation, hypersecretion,
form. Prolonged and persistent use of a pattern tends to irritate the systems
involved and predispose them to disease. The predisposition to a particular 26
pattern when threatened was considered to be geneticdue to stock
factorsand to be analogous to the running pattern in the horse, the
work by Engel and various of his colleagues led to similar conclusions with
biopsies of the uterine cervix were interviewed for evidence of object loss,
helplessness and hopelessness. The prediction was borne out that this state
would tend to identify those women whose cervical lesions would prove to be
malignant. The state has been termed the giving upgiven up complex and
child had been struck along with her mother by a hit-and-run driver on a
deserted street in the dead of winter. The child had been thrown into a snow
pile and not discovered for some time. As an adult, the resurgence of
attacks in which she not only experienced a sensation of cold but had shaking
chills, chattering teeth and blanching of her hands and feet, which became
cold to the touch.
eruption (hives) with a linear distribution which might have been produced
by a whipping on the back of his legs, thighs and buttocks. As a boy in a very
strict orphanage, he had been whipped for peeking in the windows of the
girls dormitory. The urticarial eruption developed about an hour after he had
been apprehended loitering on the grounds of the nurses dormitory on the
military post. An enlisted man, he had hoped to see one of the nurses whom
he wanted to date. The officer who apprehended him reprimanded him 28
severely and ordered him to his barracks.
crucifix which was given her at the time of her confirmation. She was
apprehensive about her confession, unsure whether she had sinned and felt
ashamed and unclean when the crucifix was placed around her neck. Later
on experiments by Chapman, Goodell and Wolff. It had been known that the
same nerve fibers which carry the nociceptive impulses. Chemical substances
which facilitate the local inflammatory response, lower the threshold for pain
and influence clotting mechanisms. The demonstration by Chapman et al. that
the skin suggested to Engel that a similar mechanism might have operated in
the cases where conversion had determined the site of skin eruptions. In
these cases, skin eruptions would be complications of the conversion and not
the conversion itself, just as tetany30 is not a conversion but a complication of
after it develops.
The view of the present writer is that claims of similar conflicts, similar
some special role in psychosomatics. The position of Schur would seem the 30
regression and the breakdown of defenses. Furthermore, Engel would seem
to be entirely correct in observing that regression, disruption of defenses and
the giving upgiven up complex are most likely to occur when key object
behavior, group and family therapies has not been reported extensively in
these cases but undoubtedly each will eventually find its place in the
treatment of psychosomatic patients. Millers demonstration of operant
They are (a) that the onset and exacerbations of both somatic and psychiatric
regressive trends which the patient may bring with him to his illness.
The utility of the concept of the key relationship lies in its non-
specificity, its simplicity and its central importance in all psychic function.
Furthermore this concept does not preclude any of the more specific
concept provides a path for arriving at it. The fact that a threat to such a
relationship disrupts defenses, induces regression and precipitates illness is 32
already evidence that the relationship is invested with neurotic or psychotic
intensity derived from an object of early childhood, usually the mother. In fact
infrequently with the mother herself. In young adults the threat to the key
relationship is also likely to be rejection by a spouse or lover. In later life the
realistic fears about ones comfort and well-being, there are unconscious
exposed. At this stage one of the most potent provokers of anxiety is facing
the unknown. The nature of the illness and its implications are likely to be
particular patients ways of dealing with anxiety and regressive urges are
likely to be activated. These may range from denial of illness, delay in seeking
the stamp of whatever the patients particular relationship had been with his
parental objects in early childhood. The same caretaking persons are likely to
be seen as omnipotent and idealized by one patient and as callous and
medical team. This interferes with the treatment regimen and with the 34
effectiveness of any treatment which he does receive. Such was undoubtedly
the case with the patient, cited earlier, in whom powerful medication was
the role of sick person and the dependence to which it entitles them. This can
manifest itself in many ways such as reluctance to stop taking medicine,
hospitalization. Thomas Manns novel The Magic Mountain deals with such a
adolescence are likely to follow the same pattern with their physicians during
the illness and the more likely are these complications to feed back upon the
During the stage of acute illness one faces a patient whose outbreak of
symptoms was probably precipitated by the loss of an important source of
physicians are very aware of these matters and handle them skillfully. Others
are totally oblivious and hence unaware of the enormous effect of their
behavior upon the course of the illness. During the acute phase of the illness,
heavily charged material has been noted repeatedly. Listening to this material
and gently encouraging its revelation helps to cement the therapeutic 36
anaclitic therapy. In this approach the physician assumed a totally giving
and totally omnipotent role toward the patient, remaining available to him at
any and all times, feeding him, stroking and massaging painful areas and
attending to all minor details of physical care. This procedure was often life-
saving but is very taxing for medical personnel to keep up for any length of
time. Equally good results can usually be obtained less dramatically by merely
being aware of the patients likes, dislikes, dependent needs and conveying
this awareness to him along with a sense of personal interest. It cannot be
can and does spell the difference between effectiveness and ineffectiveness of
the case at this point, one of his major services may be to help restore a
free the patient from the more neurotic aspects of his dependence on key
decision, his ego strengths, capacity for relationships and capacity for insight
will be weighed in the usual manner. Also to be considered are the questions
whether the vulnerability of his ego and his diseased organ systems can
Whatever techniques are chosen, care must be taken that the general
physician keep up his contact with the patient at a sufficient level to minimize
feelings of rejection and abandonment by him during the transition period
one must anticipate the possibility not only of anxiety, depression and
the particular somatic vulnerability happens to be. Even though the therapy
seems to have gone well, additional exacerbations may occur around the time 38
officially at all but to act as though one assumes that the patient will call
Our prognostic abilities for psychosomatic patients are even less than
serious ego impairment, secondary gain from illness and intense strivings
toward passivity and helplessness tend to signal a poor prognosis in
fairly severely diseased organ systems may return to normal structure and
the vulnerability of the organ system has been removed. His contribution has
patient. This is not to deny that the gains through psychotherapy may spell
the difference between a productive life and invalidism, but the removal of
1 Pain, usually in the mid-chest or left arm, occurring when diseased but still functioning coronary
arteries are temporarily unable to supply enough blood to the heart muscle to meet its
requirements. Pain is usually precipitated by exertion, emotion, a heavy meal or
exposure to cold or rarefied air and relieved by eliminating the precipitating factor or by
drugs which enlarge the lumen of the coronary artery.
2 Gradual progressive destruction of liver tissue in severe chronic alcoholism. Death eventually results
if the process is not arrested.
3 Pain, usually in the mid-chest or left arm, occurring when diseased but still functioning coronary
arteries are temporarily unable to supply enough blood to the heart muscle to meet its
requirements. Pain is usually precipitated by exertion, emotion, a heavy meal or
exposure to cold or rarefied air and relieved by eliminating the precipitating factor or by
drugs which enlarge the lumen of the coronary artery.
4 Irreversible blocking of a coronary artery so that a portion of the heart muscle is permanently
deprived of its blood supply. Symptoms of pain and breathlessness resemble the
symptoms of angina pectoris but are usually more severe and are not reversed by drugs
or by removing a precipitating factor. The affected area of heart muscle dies and is
replaced by scar tissue. During the acute stage of the illness the patients survival may be
in doubt.
5 Damage to heart valves which is sometimes an aftermath of rheumatic fever. If the damage is severe
enough, diminished cardiac reserve results, and the patient becomes subject to episodes
of cardiac decompensation or congestive heart failure.
6 In diabetes mellitus a deficiency of insulin secretion by the pancreas is the central feature of the
disease, but many other factors are involved. The naturally occurring disease is often
much more severe than that caused by total removal of the pancreas. There may possibly
be several types of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes insipidus is an entirely different disorder.
7 An abnormally acid condition of the blood resulting from the accumulation of improperly
metabolized materials. This occurs when insulin requirements exceed the insulin dose
by too much for too long. Coma results when the condition is severe, and death will then
follow if treatment is not prompt and vigorous. 40
8 A generalized disease of unknown cause. Some of the outstanding symptoms are fever and bloody
diarrhea or sometimes constipation. Ulcers form in the inner lining and muscular walls
of the large intestine (colon) and may become secondarily infected by bacteria which
inhabit the bowel. The disease is usually chronic and episodic, often leading to extensive
scar formation in the large intestine. Occasionally the course is rapid and progressive,
resulting in death.
9 A disease of unknown cause involving the lower stomach or upper duodenum. Outstanding
symptoms in uncomplicated cases include burning and cramping in the mid or upper
abdominal area, usually when the stomach is empty. Some relief is often afforded by the
intake of milk or mild anti-acids. In the affected area a single craterlike ulcer erodes the
inner lining of the stomach or duodenum and into the muscular wall. Motility and acid
secretion by the stomach and duodenum are usually increased.
10 Abnormally elevated blood pressure (hypertension) in the absence of any known cause, such as
impaired kidney function or hormone-secreting tumors. If prolonged and severe, the
complications may include overworking of the heart or damage to the blood vessels of
brain, heart or kidney.
11 A disease of unknown cause involving the lower stomach or upper duodenum. Outstanding
symptoms in uncomplicated cases include burning and cramping in the mid or upper
abdominal area, usually when the stomach is empty. Some relief is often afforded by the
intake of milk or mild anti-acids. In the affected area a single craterlike ulcer erodes the
inner lining of the stomach or duodenum and into the muscular wall. Motility and acid
secretion by the stomach and duodenum are usually increased.
12 A generalized disease of unknown cause. Some of the outstanding symptoms are fever and bloody
diarrhea or sometimes constipation. Ulcers form in the inner lining and muscular walls
of the large intestine (colon) and may become secondarily infected by bacteria which
inhabit the bowel. The disease is usually chronic and episodic, often leading to extensive
scar formation in the large intestine. Occasionally the course is rapid and progressive,
resulting in death.
13 Abnormally elevated blood pressure (hypertension) in the absence of any known cause, such as
impaired kidney function or hormone-secreting tumors. If prolonged and severe, the
complications may include overworking of the heart or damage to the blood vessels of
brain, heart or kidney.
15 Episodic headaches, usually severe, throbbing and confined to one side of the head. They are often
preceded by various visual phenomena and followed by nausea and vomiting. The pre-
headache phenomena are associated with constriction and the headache with dilation of
cranial arteries. During the headache, the tissues surrounding cranial arteries on the
involved side are swollen and tender.
16 A disease of unknown cause which is usually chronic and recurring. Its outstanding feature is
inflammation of the lining membranes of various joints which causes pain, swelling and
redness over the area. In the advanced stages there may be destruction of joint cartilage,
scar tissue formation and fusion of joints.
17 In diabetes mellitus a deficiency of insulin secretion by the pancreas is the central feature of the
disease, but many other factors are involved. The naturally occurring disease is often
much more severe than that caused by total removal of the pancreas. There may possibly
be several types of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes insipidus is an entirely different disorder.
18 Anemia due to deficiency of vitamin B12. It results from failure of the stomach to secrete enough of
a material which enables the intestine to absorb dietary vitamin B12.
19 A collective term referring to various malignant disorders involving spleen, lymph nodes and other
lymphatic and related tissues. These disorders include Hodgkins disease, lymphatic
leukemia and lympho sarcomas.
20 A generalized disease of unknown cause. Some of the outstanding symptoms are fever and bloody
diarrhea or sometimes constipation. Ulcers form in the inner lining and muscular walls
of the large intestine (colon) and may become secondarily infected by bacteria which
inhabit the bowel. The disease is usually chronic and episodic, often leading to extensive
scar formation in the large intestine. Occasionally the course is rapid and progressive,
resulting in death. 42
21 A disease of unknown cause involving the lower stomach or upper duodenum. Outstanding
symptoms in uncomplicated cases include burning and cramping in the mid or upper
abdominal area, usually when the stomach is empty. Some relief is often afforded by the
intake of milk or mild anti-acids. In the affected area a single craterlike ulcer erodes the
inner lining of the stomach or duodenum and into the muscular wall. Motility and acid
secretion by the stomach and duodenum are usually increased.
22 Abnormally elevated blood pressure (hypertension) in the absence of any known cause, such as
impaired kidney function or hormone-secreting tumors. If prolonged and severe, the
complications may include overworking of the heart or damage to the blood vessels of
brain, heart or kidney.
23 Episodic headaches, usually severe, throbbing and confined to one side of the head. They are often
preceded by various visual phenomena and followed by nausea and vomiting. The pre-
headache phenomena are associated with constriction and the headache with dilation of
cranial arteries. During the headache, the tissues surrounding cranial arteries on the
involved side are swollen and tender.
24 Also called Graves disease, Basedows disease and hyperthyroidism. Its cause is unknown. The
central feature of the disorder is overproduction of thyroid hormones which are
responsible for many of the symptoms, which include enlargement of the thyroid gland
(goiter), general acceleration of the metabolic rate, intolerance to warm temperatures,
restlessness, rapid heartbeat, perspiration and sometimes protrusion of the eyeballs.
Rather similar symptoms may be produced by hormone secreting tumors of the thyroid,
but the mechanism of these disorders is different.
25 A generalized disease of unknown cause. Some of the outstanding symptoms are fever and bloody
diarrhea or sometimes constipation. Ulcers form in the inner lining and muscular walls
of the large intestine (colon) and may become secondarily infected by bacteria which
inhabit the bowel. The disease is usually chronic and episodic, often leading to extensive
scar formation in the large intestine. Occasionally the course is rapid and progressive,
resulting in death.
26 A generalized disease of unknown cause. Some of the outstanding symptoms are fever and bloody
diarrhea or sometimes constipation. Ulcers form in the inner lining and muscular walls
of the large intestine (colon) and may become secondarily infected by bacteria which
inhabit the bowel. The disease is usually chronic and episodic, often leading to extensive
27 A collective term referring to various malignant disorders involving spleen, lymph nodes and other
lymphatic and related tissues. These disorders include Hodgkins disease, lymphatic
leukemia and lympho sarcomas.
28 Alkalosis (the opposite of acidosis) refers to any state in which the blood is abnormally alkaline. In
respiratory alkalosis the primary cause is over-breathing, which drives the carbon
dioxide level in the blood (and thereby the carbonic acid level also) to abnormally low
levels. In alkaline blood the solubility of calcium compounds (and hence the serum
calcium concentration) is reduced. This causes a condition known as tetany.
29 A syndrome which includes extension of the extremities with a characteristic flexion of the ankles
and wrists known as carpopedal spasm. There is also twitching of the extremities and
sensations of tingling about the mouth. The cause is low serum calcium concentration.
30 A syndrome which includes extension of the extremities with a characteristic flexion of the ankles
and wrists known as carpopedal spasm. There is also twitching of the extremities and
sensations of tingling about the mouth. The cause is low serum calcium concentration.
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