Effect of WTOGATT On Indian SSI

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Effect of WTO/GATT on Indian SSI

WTO stands for World Trade Organization while GATT stands for General Agreement
for Trade & Tariffs. The effects of WTO and GATT on the Indian SSI's have been more
bad than good. They can be summarized as under:

1. Many important quotas have been removed. This allows importing any
quantity of foreign raw materials and goods for local processing and
consumption. This means one of the protections given to SSI is lifted.
2. Important tariffs were reduced which again allowed a higher quantity of
foreign products into the Indian markets.
3. Removal of quantitative restrictions on import in 2001 and all export subsidies
in 2003, made every industrial unit, small or large, export-oriented or domestic
oriented, face intense competition.
4. Out of 812 reserved items that were listed in favour of SSI, 586 items were
removed and placed on the OGL (Open General License) list of imports. This
again reduced protection to smaller sector. The number of reserved items now
stands at 114.
5. Patent Laws were tightened through regulation of Intellectual Property Rights.
This discouraged Indian Companies from imitating or downright copying of
foreign products.
6. On the other hand, WTO has given many Indian SSI units, a platform to
market their products anywhere in the world, especially with the help of internet.
7. Enlightened entrepreneurs who had a feel of the world wide market benefited
from WTO.
8. Service sector in India has been especially benefited by WTO and has already
captured 25% of Indian total exports.
9. WTO has also introduced anti-dumping, strict labour standards, environmental
safety and other safeguard measures which benefits mankind as a whole.

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