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FREE STUFF - Video & Filmmaker MagazineVideo & Filmmaker Magazine
FREE STUFF - Video & Filmmaker MagazineVideo & Filmmaker Magazine
On this page youll find links to free resource materials. Weve scoured the interwebs looking for free to use sound fx, t
software, stock footage, presets and a host of other items beneficial for the micro-budget filmmaker. So start your dow
UPDATE: We also have a huge page dedicated to current available grants & funding from across the world
So be sure to check out funding in your area that you may qualify for and start making your film.
CCMixter ( Music that you can use, or remix all free to download with a Creative Commons licence.
Freesound( free & CC licensed sound effects & foley, large online community of artists sharin
loops & mixes.
Jamendo( arguably the best place to source CC music with over 40,000 artists submitting t
has an easy to use search function, something vital for music sourcing.
MobyGratis( musician Moby has provided free licensing (for indie filmmakers & non-profit)
compositions from his extensive catalog of music.
SoundCloud( CC music, loops and sounds. Not all are shared and be careful to check the u
the track before using.
World Hip Hop Beats( Creative Commons licensed instrumentals for educational and
commercial use.
Youtube Audio Library( free music library for use on micro-budget projects.
ZapSplat( free Sound Library with over 7000 sound fx and foley files that can be used in both c
non-commercial works. This is worth bookmarking as the library is continually growing.
Audacity( open source audio recording & editing software for Mac, Windows & Linux. W
editing, multiple file types, supports up to 32 bit (floating point) samples, envelope tool, range of effects and plugin supp
Blender ( open source 3D animation, compositing and motion graphics program. Highly regarded
VFX & CG industry as a low cost alternative to expensive software.
Celtx ( Open source script writing software, from start to end pre-production.
Coremelt( Slice X is now free! The plugin allows the use of mocha trac
and rectangle masks in Final Cut Pro X (click here( for video tutorial). The company has also
dedicated website housing all its free FCPX plugins( and extra goodies.
Gimp( cross-platform, open source image & photo editing software. Powerful image manipulation
animation support, multiple file associations and online tutorials(
HandBrake( Excellent open-source video converter, DVD & BluRay ripper for Mac, W
Linux. It will convert from almost any format to MP4 or MKV (encoding to: H.264, H.265, MP4, MP2, VP8 or Theora). Y
also add chapter markers, video filters, audio pass-throughs, subtitles, titles & chapter selection, in either Constant Qu
Average Bitrate. This is an editors MUST HAVE program.
MagicPrefs( a free Mac program that allows users to bind new gestures to Magic Mouse & Trackp
any shortcut can be added as a gesture, making editing much faster.
Natron( a completely free and open-sourced, node-based VFX Compositing platform for Windows, Lin
complete toolset for indie compositors or microbudget productions, with tracker nodes, rotoscoping/painting, multi-pl
redering and python scripting.
OpenAir Impulse Response Database( Set of impulse responses for audio. Allow
set specific reverb according to spatial/space, excellent for foley artists and sound designers.
Reaper( an audio production workstation, that allows a complete working copy, with no time (or a
limitations. If you like it they have a scaling range of licenses available.
Shotcut( free and open-sourced, cross-platform NLE Video Editing program. With multi-format
scrubbing and transport controls, audio scopes, video filters/presets/transitions, 3-wheel colour grading, open-GL imag
and much more.
XIPH( open source codecs & containers for use with audio & video
Colblinder( a colour name & hue tool for those who struggle with different
or are colour blind.
Red Giant( this popular software maker has a number of free versions of its colour grading pr
Bullet Quick Looks Free( and Magic Bullet Colorista
Coremelt( Slice X is now free! The plugin allows the use of mocha trac
and rectangle masks in Final Cut Pro X (click here( for video tutorial).The company has also c
dedicated website housing all its free FCPX plugins( and extra goodies.
Creative Crash( marketplace (lots of freebies) for 3D models, character rigs, scri
textures & applications for (most) 3D & 2D graphics programs.
Cute Stock Footage( huge database of (mostly) free Alpha+ overlay effects, flares, par
leaks, old film effect, bokeh and transitions. In addition there is a large library of free Sound FX, HDV stock footage/ima
HandBrake( Excellent open-source video converter, DVD & BluRay ripper for Mac, W
Linux. It will convert from almost any format to MP4 or MKV (encoding to: H.264, H.265, MP4, MP2, VP8 or Theora). Y
also add chapter markers, video filters, audio pass-throughs, subtitles, titles & chapter selection, in either Constant Qu
Average Bitrate. This is an editors MUST HAVE program.
Holy Grain( free 35mm film grain with and without dirt. For use in any produ
commercial and non-commercial.
LightLeakLove( free downloadable light leak alpha footage and a free Transition
Plugin( for FCPX.
Natron( a completely free and open-sourced, node-based VFX Compositing platform for Windows, Lin
complete toolset for indie compositors or microbudget productions, with tracker nodes, rotoscoping/painting, multi-pl
redering and python scripting.
Noise Industries( free plugins for FCP, Motion, After Effects & Premiere Pr
Rocket Stock( Although this site usualy sells templates, it does provid
free quality AE templates, including Digital Distortion, Dynamic Car Gauges, Circle Bursts, Split Layers and 4K Light Le
be used in any editing program). Also, new Helvetica Animated Font(
font-helvetica-neue/) and free Fire Effects(
Shotcut( free and open-sourced, cross-platform NLE Video Editing program. With multi-format
scrubbing and transport controls, audio scopes, video filters/presets/transitions, 3-wheel colour grading, open-GL imag
and much more.
VashiVisuals ( 335 free film editing tools & assets. Ae & Premier
templates, plugins, Alpha+ overlays, Letterbox Template Pack. New 12-pack of Audio Presets for Premiere
VFX Bro( Excellent collection of free After Effects plugins, animations & presets, in
Camera Shake Pro, Audio Reactors, Title Animation templates, Pop-Up Book template, and more.
Video Copilot( highly regarded After Effects tutorial, free plug-ins, presets, project fi
Vision Colour( 2GB pack of film grain, lightleaks, film burns, tv transition noise and
Amazon Storyteller( free online storyboard builder able to create up to 100 panels,
figures, art & icons from multiple script source files. Still in beta, and be sure to check your rights in the terms of servic
BoardThoughts( Completely free Storyboarding tool, with XML export, editing tools, tex
scenes, and the ability to invite collaborators. You can also add dialogue, shot style, pretty
Celtx ( Open source script writing software, from start to end pre-production.
Internet Movie Script Database( Hundreds of free to read/download scripts from studio-produ
an incredible resource to learn how to write or structure your scripts from some of the biggest names in Hollywood.
Magic Lantern( free software for Canon DSLRs allowing greater control of your camera. Lat
enables shooting video to RAW.
V&F Mired Calculator( Our very own Mired Calculator for hand
temperature and lighting calculations. For more info on colour temperature and lighting, check our guide What Colour
Archive( massive digital library of cultural artifacts. Software, video & audio samples from a huge dat
submitted content.
Beachfront B-Roll ( Royalty Free HD clips & stock footage, abstract, time-lapse, HDR, na
animation and a range of other types of stock video.
Blue Sky Stock Footage( a stock footage website with a large number of free to
Cute Stock Footage( huge database of (mostly) free Alpha+ overlay effects, flares, par
leaks, old film effect, bokeh and transitions. In addition there is a large library of free Sound FX, HDV stock footage/ima
Footage Info( Massive directory of royalty free stock footage, free and paid services. O
LightLeakLove( free downloadable light leak alpha footage and a free Transition
Plugin( for FCPX.
Mammoth HD( RED Collectives royalty free 6K 1080 stock footage, all
cameras by seasoned professionals.
MTS Films( filmmaker Matt Scotts personal website where hes sharing a collec
use RAW and 4K stock footage, and film grain. Kudos Matt.
Projector Films ( 25 free lightleaks and lens flares for use under
Attribution, non-commercial licence. All in 1080p HD.
RetroCod( provides digitised 8mm and 16mm home movie clips from the 1920s 1970s, with
metadata and clips are formatted to user requirements before download (for a fee). However, low resolution clips are f
download and all clips have a Creative Commons Fair Use licence.
Rocket Stock( Although this site usualy sells templates, it does provid
free quality AE templates, including Digital Distortion, Dynamic Car Gauges, Circle Bursts, Split Layers and 4K Light Le
be used in any editing program). Also, new Helvetica Animated Font(
font-helvetica-neue/) and free Fire Effects(
VFX Footage( 38 free Alpha+ overlay footage, ink reveals, film gunk & grain, particle e
stock presets, old footage overlay, water surfaces, smoke, flicker planes, light leaks, burns and more.
VHS Glitches( 40 minutes of free-to-use VHS glitches in an mp4 format in 9000 K/bs
donation). There is also a Youtube( clip available (if you are unable to access
subscription based stock video, images and After Effects templates (7-day free account on signup).
Videvo( Offering free stock footage and motion graphics for all projects.
Vision Colour( 2GB pack of film grain, lightleaks, film burns, tv transition noise and
Becoming the Reel Deal( a free ebook instructing ways in getting your first job
Film Pack ( professional contracts and releases (location, acting, music, etc.), production paper
templates (shot lists, call sheets, storyboard, budgeting, sound report), Broadcast Digital Slate, Anamorphic Borders, V
Youtube encoder settings. All in a single download file and its free.
After Effects w/Mikey ( a Youtube channel with a plethora of excellent
Feng Zhu Design( massive database of tutorial & how-to videos. These bi-mo
cover a broad range of topics from digital painting to portfolio preparation.
Pixel Street Studios( free Maya & Photoshop tutorials (paid subscription for
The Foundry( Nuke & NukeX free video training tutorials, plugins & w
the makers of Nuke.
Video Copilot( highly regarded After Effects tutorial, free plug-ins, presets, project fi
This page is a work-in-progress. So if weve missed a great site that has cool filmmaking freebies, be sure and let us k
emailing us here(mailto:[email protected]).
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