Mushroom Cultivation Manual

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Mushroom Cultivation Manual

for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Editors: Ivanka Milenkovic, Igor MIlosavljevic
1. Adamovi, Milan. Prof. dr. System Ekofungi
2. Andersen, Ebbe Korsgaard, Beyond Coffee
3. Barbero, Silvia, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino
4. Cox, Siemen, Rotterzwam
5. van Griensven, Leo J.L.D Prof. dr., Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen Univer-
sity and Research Wageningen
6. Lau,Tobias, Beyond Coffee
7. Lopez, Jaramillo, Carmenza
8. Kadhila, Nailoke P., University of Namibia
9. Matijevi, Ina, B.Sc
10. Milenkovic, Ivanka, System Ekofungi,
11. Milosavljevic, Igor, System Ekofungi
12. Mwandemele, Osmund D., University of Namibia
13. Pauli, Gunter, Prof dr. ZERI Foundation
14. Pecchia, John Ph.D., Assistant Professor Department of Plant Pathology and Environ-
mental Microbiology Pennsylvania State University
15. Slegers, Mark, Rotterzwam

Art director and illustrator: Hristina Radovic Andric

Technical support: Marija Ognjenovic

Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZERI, Author The Blue Economy

I discovered the world of mushrooms in 1994 during a meeting organised in Beijing by the Royal
Academy of Sciences of Sweden and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Dr. Carl-Gran Hedn,
former Director of the Biology Department of Karolinska Institute, and Prof. Dr. Li Wenhua, Dean of
the School of Environment of the Renmin University had invited a select group to discuss new ways
of responding to the urgency to respond to the basic needs for people in terms of water, food, health,
housing, energy and jobs. As the head of a think tank that was charged with formulating new ideas for
business at the United Nations University in preparation of the Kyoto Protocol, that was to become a
reality three years later I was a student in this room filled with scientists. Whereas all presentations
inspired me, there was one that surprised me: Prof. Dr. Shu-ting Chang, the Dean of the Faculty of Bio-
logical Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong introduced the audience to his latest findings
in mycology.

The simple and clear message made a lasting impression. First the fact that biowaste rich in fibres
should never be left to rot or landfill, that it should turn into a substrate for mushroom farming. Instead
of rotting debris that generates methane gas, mushrooms would produce food only emitting carbon
dioxide. That was a breakthrough in the run-up for the global agreement on climate change. Second,
mushrooms supply a wealth and breadth of essential amino acids in such abundance that if compared
dry-base with meat, it could compete. This offered an insight that was very new to me, since I was hard-
ly acquainted with the white button mushroom and never considered it nutritious. The talk of the day
was not about this Agaricus bisporus, rather of the wealth and diversity of Chinese mushrooms which
have been farmed over centuries including the shiitake.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION WORLD OF MUSHROOMS, Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZER, Author The Blue Economy
Prof. Shuting Chang made us realise that any country with a food processing industry could build up
a mushroom business. I immediately invited him to join us for meetings in Windhoek at the University
of Namibia, in Zimbabwe at Africa University, and in Colombia at the Federation of Coffee Farmers.
His message was loud and clear: the straw of wheat, the water hyacinth from the lakes and the waste
of coffee all served as a substrate for mushrooms. When ST, as friends call this guru of mycology, sat
down with Dr. Jorge Cardenas, the President of the cooperative that united 650,000 coffee farming
families he strongly advised the leadership that the future of coffee is not in producing more coffee,
rather the future of coffee is in the transformation of all the coffee waste into mushroom substrates.
CENICAFE, the research centre of the Coffee Federation embarked on a seven year program and
studied every component from the stalks from the bush that need pruning, the pulp the is fermenting off
the beans, the silver film of the roasted coffee, and the grounds after brewing was mapped for its use.
It was like finding bonanza in a world that was passing through a harsh crisis.

Since only 0.2% of the coffee harvest is actually ingested, the opportunities are vast. The key is how
to harness this opportunity, either on the farm, or at the point of consumption. Fortunately, a network
of entrepreneurs emerged around these opportunities. These entrepreneurs were not located in the
capital cities and were flush of cash, these were community leaders operating in the periphery of soci-
ety like Carmenza Jaramillo in the peri-urban zones of Manizales, the Coffee Capital of Colombia, and
Margaret Tagwira, the laboratory technician in charge of tissue culture who worked with orphan girls in
Zimbabwe. Both realised that mushrooms on coffee is not just a biological process, it is an opportunity
for a social transformation. Hundreds of entrepreneurs took notice and started small scale businesses.
In the region of El Huila, 90 production centres were started in less than a few years and in Zimbabwe,
hundreds of orphans found a new opportunity in life as the mushrooms provided them food security
which gave them the self-confidence to fight against abuse.

When Chido Govera, one of the first orphan girls to get trained at the age of eleven in the farming
of mushrooms on grass clippings, corn cobs and water hyacinth, something that is within reach of ev-
eryone, committed to bring this technique to everyone. She traveled throughout the country (and later
throughout Africa and beyond) and when she explained at Chipinge (Zimbabwe) to women working the
coffee farm for less than two dollars per day, that on the waste from the farm it is possible to get food for
their children within a few weeks time, then these women would get up, sing, dance and do it. The
farming of mushrooms once demonstrated that it works, through the cooking of a local dish, enriched
with freshly harvested fruiting bodies, is followed-up by action. There is no need to write a strategic
paper, a business plan, a strengths and weaknesses - opportunities and threats analysis, a pilot project
or a technology audit. Farming mushrooms starts with an awareness that you have all what is needed
available, and that if you put your mind to it, and follow a few basic hygiene rules, then you will be able
to harvest perhaps even for the rest of your life.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION WORLD OF MUSHROOMS, Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZER, Author The Blue Economy
Twenty years later, there are an estimated 5,000 mushroom on coffee farms. While a few have at-
tempted to go for large scale production (like Setas de Colombia in Medellin), and one exploited the
experiences to create a (failed) network of franchise mushroom farms, the initiatives have been grow-
ing rapidly around the world from farms in Harare, to urban initiatives in San Francisco, and innovation
hubs in Rotterdam where young entrepreneurs void of any exposure to mushroom farming in the centre
of the city now have trained 30 others to start their business. Prof. Chang was keen on insisting that
the farming of mushrooms was half science and half art, and indeed when Chido Govera farms mush-
rooms it seems so easy, whereas others have to struggle to get going but once they master the art, it
is a great satisfaction to witness the spreading of something that seems that simple and yet has many
hurdles to overcome.

The main obstacle is the clarity that farming mushrooms is not just a potential business, it is also an
opportunity to transform society, beyond climate change benefits. Mushrooms empower people, and
provide access to healthy food, generating jobs, while transforming available resources (unfortunate-
ly considered by many as waste), cascading food and nutrition, addressing fundamental social and
ecological issues. While the creation of 5,000 farming operations is by many considered a remarkable
result, it is by no means a success. The ZERI Network, this web of thousands of scientists and practi-
tioners from around the world is convinced that the annual production of 10 million tons of coffee waste
that continues to be discarded at farms, industries and cafes or restaurants provides enough material
for at least one million initiatives. And if we consider coffee, why not consider tea, corn cobs, sawdust
and rice straw all varieties of biomass that represent an ideal substrate for mushrooms to grow. We
quickly see the creation of another 100 million tons of amino acids and the production of perhaps as
much as 50 million tons of feed. These are major shifts in our capacity to produce food and respond to
immediate needs alleviating hunger where it is needed most. Every refugee in any camp could learn
how to farm mushrooms. And yet, we prefer to supply processed food in aluminium packs.

Mushrooms are not just healthy food, mushrooms hold the potential of transforming our modern day
society into an entrepreneurial world, where we succeed in building up a more resilient community first
and foremost because we transform biomass into food, and the waste of this food is most of the time
a great feed for animals, cascading nutrition, matter and energy. It allows our economies to grow with-
out expecting our Earth to produce more, we learn with the mushrooms how to do more with what the
Earth already produces. This is a gift we received from our Chinese mentor, and a practice we learned
from our African, Latin American and European mycologists who worked tirelessly in propagating this
know-how open source, sharing what we learn, and learning from each other in order to offer society a
chance to stamp out hunger, generate more jobs and empower young people to have a purpose in life.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION WORLD OF MUSHROOMS, Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZER, Author The Blue Economy
Mushrooms as a conventional food
Mushrooms: Conventional Food and
Alternative Medicine.
Prof. Dr Leo J.L.D. van Griensven
Wageningen Plant Research
Wageningen University and Research
Wageningen, the Netherlands

Most edible mushrooms have a number of properties in common. The most obvious is their high
water content, which varies from 85 to 95 % of their fresh weight and makes mushrooms vulnerable
for bruising and loss of storage quality. After harvest, mushrooms must be kept cool to prevent water
loss and discoloration. When this is not done properly or when mushrooms are affected by bacteria or
parasitic fungi, most mushrooms will have only a very short shelf life, lose their food quality and cannot
be sold.

The dry matter of mushrooms consists mainly of fibrous carbohydrates and further of proteins,
(unsaturated) fats and a very high number of very diverse compounds: anti-oxidative polyphenols, vi-
tamins, and inorganic elements as phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), The diverse
compounds are present at low concentrations but their biological effects may be impressive. Table 1
shows the composition of dry matter of the white button mushroom Agaricus bisporus (from Stojkovic
et al. 2014), also known colloquially as the champignon.
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands 7
Agaricus bisporus Agaricus braseilliensis

Ash 6.00.2 8.20.6

Proteins 3.00.3 13.30.2

Fat 1.80.1 2.80.1

Carbohydrates 89.10.3 75.80.3
Energy 384.80.7 381.12.2

Table 1. Main composition of cultivated Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus brasiliensis (= Agaricus
blazei), expressed in grams per 100 grams dry weight.

In addition to the major components shown in Table 1, mushrooms contain bactericidal and fungi-
cidal components that form a natural protection against offensive microbials, and could also be applied
as protective agents in biological foods such as yoghurt (Stojkovic et al. 2014).

The question arises whether mushrooms are a healthy food. Shii-take (Lentinula edodes) is re-
ported to have app. 14 % of its dry weight as protein (Sistani et al. 2007), which makes it comparable
to some vegetables, wheat and rice (Chang & Buswell, 1996), but it is less than that of animal meat.
Further the protein seems high in glutamic acid and aspartic acid but is low in methionine and cysteine.
The answer to the question is that for vegetarians mushrooms are not a very healthy food. Assuming
a MDI (minimum daily intake) of 60 grams protein per day, it can be easily calculated that even a daily
consumption of 1 kg of fresh mushrooms would not suffice. The advice is then to use a variety of lean
meat and various vegetables and or mushrooms to supply the required protein.

Agaricus bisporus is a valuable source of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Vitamin D

is readily available from Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus sp. after exposure to sunlight or other
sources of UV-B light, the fungal wall component ergosterol being converted to Vitamin D2. Post har-
vest drying of these mushrooms in sunlight induces high amounts of Vitamin D. Different animal stud-
ies have shown that light induced edible mushrooms are safe and that Vitamin D2 is indeed available
(Calvo et al. 2013). In a human experiment with 26 patients that were deficient in Vitamin D2, Urbain
et al. (2011) have described that UV irradiated Agaricus bisporus could improve their Vitamin D2 status
the same way as synthetic Vitamin D2.
The energy content of mushrooms is low which makes them suited for a low calorie diet that is much
desired in the affluent western world.
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
8 Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
Mushrooms can be considered a high dietary fiber food, which relates to its non-digestible carbo-
hydrates, mainly chitin. Agaricus bisporus contains 41% of its carbohydrates as dietary fiber and Pleu-
rotus sajor caju 44% (Goyal et al. 2015). This high content of dietary fiber makes mushrooms suitable
as an anti-constipation food or to be used in a diet designed to prevent this modern times hindrance of
human well being. In patients with functional constipation, fiber supplements derived from Auricularia
(ear) mushrooms significantly improved constipation related symptoms without serious side effects
(Kim et al. 2004).

Apart from the Vitamin D2 precursor ergosterol, Agaricus bisporus contains significant amounts of
the vitamins B2 = riboflavin (24% of recommended daily intake per 100 gram fresh), Vitamin B3 = nia-
cin (18%) and Vitamin B5= panthotenic acid (15%). 9% of the recommended daily intake of Potassium
(K) and 9% of phosphorus can be supplied by the same 100 grams of fresh product (from: USDA SR-21
The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) present in mushrooms are often mentioned as contributing
to good health. Up to 80% of the edible mushrooms fatty acids are of apolyunsaturated nature (Reis et
al. 2012), but the amount per serving of 100 grams fresh mushrooms is maximum 0.15 grams of PUFA.
It seems not very likely that this small amount can play an important dietary role.

Mushrooms as an alternative medicine

Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms or extracts from mushrooms that are thought to give treat-
ment for various diseases, yet these effects remain unconfirmed in mainstream science and allopathic
medicine. In the Western world, i.e. the USA and the EU, they are not approved as medicines for thera-
py or prevention. Such use of mushrooms therefore falls into the domain Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) or Complementary Medicine.
In spite of the remark above, mushrooms have been employed in Chinese and Japanese medicine
for hundreds of years. Ganoderma lucidum also known as Reishi or Ling Zhi was used as a remedy
against various cancers for over 500 years and Lentinula edodes, shii-take, was found to enhance vital
energy and cure colds since the Ming dynasty (Mizuno, 1995). It is only since the 1960s that medicinal
mushrooms were introduced in Europe and the USA as possible cure for many diseases and that has
started a search for the validity of the statements about medicinal successes, that is still continuing.

Mushroom compounds that are causative in (presumed) medicinal effects are high molecular weight
polysaccharides, and a variety of smaller compounds as polyphenols and triterpenes, and many mole-
cules that have possible signaling functions but have not yet been defined.
The effects of mushrooms and mushroom components on human and animal health have been

Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.

Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands 9
studied in vitro as well as in vivo. Tens of thousands of scientific articles have been published over the
past 50 years, but up till now no definite conclusions could be drawn whether mushrooms and their
components can cure severe disease in humans.

The compounds

Polysaccharides are building compo-

nents of the fungal cell wall; they consist of
a long chain of the sugars glucose, man-
nose and galactose connected by 13, CH2OH
14 and 16 bonds. Depending on their HO
conformation they are called (alpha) or O HO

(beta) chains. They can be either water sol-

uble or non-soluble.
O OH n
Figure 2. Schematic drawing of the

structure of a 13, 16 glucan.

Best known examples of mushroom

beta glucans are lentinan and schizophyllan from Lentinula edodes and Schizophyllum commune re-
spectively. Some active beta glucans are bound to peptides, examples are polysaccharide K and poly-
saccharopeptide from Trametes versicolor. The molecular weights of these materials vary from 10.000
d. to 1.5 x 106 d.

Polyphenolic compounds consist of large multiples of organic rings carrying one or more OH groups.
They have many functions in nature. They
can determine color and taste, and are
also involved in the oxidative status of or- Tea polyphenols

ganisms as they can give off oxygen or Phenolic acid Flavonoid

bind oxygen, depending on pH and oxygen Flavan-3-ol unit Galloylated catechin

supply. The polyphenols are the main an- OH OH


ti-and pro-oxidants present in mushrooms.


They can also specifically combine with cell


membrane or nuclear receptors and be re-

Caffeic acid (CA) Catechin (C) Epicatechin (EC) Catechin gallate (CG) Epicatechin gallate (ECG)

sponsible for intracellular signaling effects.


Figure 3. Schematic drawing of

Gallocatechin gallate (GCG) Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

tea polyphenols.
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
10 Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
Comparable compounds are present in mushrooms.

Triterpenes or triterpenoids are carbohydrates consisting of one or more pentacyclic (5-ring) struc-
ture. In animals and fungi their biosynthesis is through lanosterol; they form a structural part of the cell
membrane and they could be involved in signaling by binding to cell membrane receptors. Although
many have been extracted from medicinal mushrooms, the functions of most are not known. Well
known examples of triterpenoids are the ganoderic acids from Ganoderma lucidum.

Effects of mushroom compounds

Effects of Polysaccharides
The biological effect of mushroom polysaccharides is attributed to their recognition by immune cells,
leucocytes, and membrane receptors as Dectin-1, the toll like (TLR) receptors and/or the (complement
receptor) CR3. Binding affects the proliferation and differentiation of the cells and determines thereby
their function in immunity.
(13),(16) glucans are the major immunomodulatory polysaccharides; they determine the activ-
ity and the direction of the immune system. Mushroom polysaccharides can activate innate immunity
and cause the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- (tumor necrosis factor-alpha),
IFN- (interferon -gamma) IL-1 ( interleukin -1 beta ) from immune cells like macrophages, natural
killer cells (NK Cells) and T-lymphocytes. Dendritic cells (DC) are the phagocytic cells of the innate
immune system, and they present the antigens they absorb to the start point of the adaptive immunity,
the T-helper cell. When gastric or colorectal cancer patients were supplemented with PSK one month
after surgical resection, PSK was reported to shift the T-helper cells balance (Th1/Th2) toward Th1
dominance resulting in increased cytotoxicity for cancer cells. When Th1 is high, the immunity is shifted
to inflammatory effects, when Th2 is high the effect is immunosuppressive. Inflammation forms a de-
fensive barrier against infectious disease and growth of abnormal cells such as cancer. Anti-inflamma-
tory (immunosuppression) activity could prevent and possibly soften the overactive immunity in various
autoimmune diseases and allergies.

Bactericidal and fungicidal effects

Mushrooms can be easily colonized by bacteria and fungi. During evolution they have adapted to
these threats by developing defense mechanisms. Many mushrooms extracts show antimicrobial prop-
erties. Agaricus blazei extracts showed MICs and MBCs that were equal to or better for inactivation of
P. aeruginosa than those of ampicillin and streptomycin (Stojkovic et al. 2014).

Anti Quorum sensing

Many pathogens use the formation of biofilms as a defense against their hosts immune system
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands 11
and against antibiotic treatment. Biofilms are vast bacterial populations in a host that are protected by
a layer of polymeric substances. Biofilms use quorum sensing for their protection, a bacterial coordi-
nation system that allows density-dependent cellcell communication. Considering the rapid spread
of multidrug resistance, the development of new antimicrobial or antivirulence agents that act upon
newly adapted microbial targets has become a very pressing priority. Agaricus blazei and also Inonotus
obliquus (Chaga) were found to have anti quorum sensing compounds next to more common antimi-
crobials (Sokovic et al. 2014). Application of these findings awaits techniques for large scale production
and purification of anti quorum sensing compounds.

Antioxidant effects
Oxidative stress caused by an imbalanced metabolism and an excess of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) lead to a range of health disorders in humans. Our endogenous antioxidant defense mecha-
nisms and our dietary intake of antioxidants potentially regulate our oxidative homeostasis. Numerous
synthetic antioxidants can effectively improve defense mechanisms, but because of their adverse toxic
effects under certain conditions, preference is given to natural compounds, such as from mushrooms.
Almost all mushrooms show considerable anti-oxidant activity. Edible mushrooms might be used di-
rectly in enhancement of antioxidant defenses through dietary supplementation to reduce the level of
oxidative stress. Kozarski et al. (2015) have recently published and extended review of antioxidants of
edible mushrooms.

The diseases

Mushrooms and their components have been used during ages as a traditional medicine in the pre-
vention and therapy of a variety of diseases.
Although hundreds of studies were published on the curative effects of mushrooms and their ex-
tracts on various cancers in experimental animals, no convincing information is available on the effects
in humans that justifies a definite conclusion. Instead many studies are biased, too small, non-ran-
domized, and non-conclusive. The Cochrane Institute is an objective observer of medical testing in
humans. Their latest report is on the effects of Ganoderma lucidum medication in cancer patients (Jin
et al. 2016) and stated:
Our review did not find sufficient evidence to justify the use of G. lucidum as a first-line treatment for
cancer. It remains uncertain whether G. lucidum helps prolong long-term cancer survival. However, G.
lucidum could be administered as an alternative adjunct to conventional treatment in consideration of
its potential of enhancing tumor response and stimulating host immunity. G. lucidum was generally well
tolerated by most participants with only a scattered number of minor adverse events. No major toxicity
was observed across the studies.
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
12 Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
For Polysaccharide K (PSK) from Coriolus versicolor the situation is not much different. PSK may
improve the immune function, reduce tumor-associated symptoms, and extend survival in lung cancer
patients. PSK was reported to enhance docetaxel-induced prostate cancer tumor suppression, apop-
tosis and antitumor responses. Cochrane has started a new search to estimate the effects of PSK on

Use of G. lucidum and of PSK, in the fight against cancer are repeatedly mentioned to increase the
quality of life of cancer patients. What the cause of this effect is, still needs to be evaluated.

In breast cancer patients quality of life increased after supplementary shii-take extract treatment; the
same as for A. blazei extract (Ahn et al. 2004).

These are only a few examples of many anti cancer assays in humans. The results are hopeful, but
nothing is definite yet.

A possible interesting feature of Agaricus bisporus is its anti-aromatase activity, that could be de-
ployed in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women; but here again
this awaits further research. Work of Chens group (Grube et al. 1999) in the City of Hope Institute has
revealed promising results.

In Japan 30 years of experience with the aforementioned PSK as an adjuvant in cancer therapy led
to 2 impressive metastudies demonstrating that immunoactivation with PSK together with surgery and
chemotherapy led to an average longer survival in 3000 colorectal cancer patients as well as benefits
to patients with gastric carcinoma (Sakamoto et al. 2006, Oba et al. 2007).
Although these are impressive results, the adjuvant effects of medicinal mushroom components in
cancer therapy need to be further studied.

Autoimmune diseases and allergies

Mushroom polysaccharides decrease the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines as TNF-a
and IFN-g in lipopolysaccharide stimulated cell systems in vitro. This proves that mushroom polysac-
charides can be immunosuppressive under certain conditions.
Although there are several case stories on curative effects of mushroom polysaccharides on
human rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, reliable and published evidence is very
scarce. Some experiments in rats have shown that induced arthritis can be cured by application of Phelli-
nus polysaccharides (Miao et al, 2015), but the overall information consists mostly of interesting theories,
rumors and non-published cases.
Hetland et al. (2011) found anti-allergy effects of Agaricus blazei, i.e. AndoSanTM, in mice, ex-
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands 13
plainable by changes in cytokines. Most of the interesting work of this group was however done on
ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease in humans. They (Therkelsen et al, 2016) have carried out a
randomized single blinded clinical study on the effects of AndoSanTM on 50 patients with symptomatic
ulcerative colitis of which 24 were treated for 21 days and 26 served as controls. Fatigue, quality of life
for bodily pain, vitality, social functioning and mental health improved in the AndoSan group. There
were no alterations in general blood samples and fecal calprotectin. This supports its use as a supple-
ment to conventional medication for patients with mild to moderate symptoms from ulcerative colitis.
The patients did not report any harms or unintended effects of AndoSan in this study.

Neurodegenerative diseases
In the coming 5 decades average human life expectancy will considerably grow, and as a result an
increase of age dependent decline in immunocompetence, and an increase in systemic diseases and
in neurodegenerative disease is to be expected. Cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity have
already increased and will continue to do so.

Neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, dementia and stroke are
mostly age dependent. Mushrooms such as Antrodia camphorate, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondo-
sa, Hericium erinaceus, Phellinus linteus and Pleurotus giganteus may improve memory and cognition
functions. The mushrooms (either extracts from basidiocarps/mycelia or isolated compounds) reduced
beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity and had anti-acetylcholinesterase, neurite outgrowth stimulation,
nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-(neuro)inflammatory ef-
fects (Phan et al 2015). Phellinus linteus ethyl acetate extract containing mostly polyphenols was found
neuroprotective in vitro by reducing oxidative stress and preventing apoptosis (Choi et al, 2016). In
mice with experimentally induced stroke, intraperitoneal treatment with anti-oxidative P. igniarius poly-
phenol extract at low concentration caused a reduction of the infarction volume by 62.2% compared to
untreated mice (Suabjakyong et al. 2015).

No reliable data concerning the effects of mushrooms and their extracts on human neurodegener-
ative disease are available at present. The observation that higher dietary intake of Vitamin D2 was
associated with lower risk of developing AD among older women could possibly relate to a higher in-
take of ergosterol from sunlight exposed dried mushrooms. Further information on the possible use of
mushrooms against neurodegenerative disease can be found in the excellent review article of Phan et
al. (2015).

Diabetes type 2 is a rising problem in the modern world. Lifestyle, diet and genetics are causal in the
development of obesity and diabetes type 2. As many conventional drugs show adverse side effects,
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
14 Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
a search was done for poten-
tial effects of mushrooms in
treatment and prevention of
diabetes. So far there is only
a single statistically reliable
study published on the effects
in humans. Hsu et al. (2007)
performed a clinical random-
ized double-blind placebo
controlled trial with 72 Chi-
nese subjects who had prov-
en diabetes type 2 for over a
year and who had been taking
gliclazide and methformin for
over 6 months. They showed
that treatment with 1.5 grams
of Agaricus blazei extract per
day for 12 weeks improves
the insulin resistance of the
patients from 6.6 to 3.6 in the
homeostasis model assess-
ment for insulin resistance,
blood pressure was lower and
fasting triglycerides of the pa-
tients were much lower than
the controls. Surprisingly, no
further results have been published since.


In the text above a personal vision is given on the role of mushrooms as food and as alternative
medicine. Mushrooms are a conventional food of rather average quality. They can be part of a healthy
diet when consumed with other sources of protein. Eaten in normal quantity they do not supply sufficient
protein for a vegetarian diet. On the other hand they may form a delicacy of unheard quality due to their
subtle taste.

As an alternative medicine they cannot replace allopathic medical treatments. In cancer they may yet
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
function as adjuvants, in other diseases they could play a slightly more prominent role. In the future this
may change. It seems relatively sure that they can increase quality of life during conventional cancer
treatment and may have a positive effect on soemautoimmune diseases, e.g. Crohns disease.
Most mushrooms carry cell wall polysaccharides that cause immunomodulatory effects; it seems
likely that the mechanism is the (re)establishment of equilibrium, i.e. immune homeostasis. This could
explain pro- and anti-inflammatory effects exerted by the same compounds in different patients with
the same disease.

The role of mushroom anti-oxidants is generally overvalued. Polyphenols can be pro- as well as
anti-oxidant depending on the redox situation in situ. The effects of pro-oxidatives and the reactive ox-
ygen species they induce, are insufficiently known in both cause and cure of disease. Receptor/ligand
interactions are still between mushroom compounds, e.g. fatty acids and triterpenoids and others,
and animal cell membranes should be studied and may rapidly lead to more understanding of the role
mushroom compounds may play in human and animal health.

I have not tried to give a complete overview, I have scavenged fragments from Scopus.

Ahn WS, Kim DJ, Chae GT..Namkoong SE, Lee IP. (2004) Int J Gynaecol Cancer 14:589-594.
Calvo MS, Babu US, Garthoff LH, Woods TO, Dreher M, Hill G, Nagaraja S. (2013)
Osteoporosis International 24: 197-207.
Chang ST, Buswell JA. (1996) Mushroom nutriceuticals. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 12: 473476.
Choi DJ,Cho S, Seo JY, Lee HB, Park YI (2016) Nutr Res 36(1): 31-43.
Goyal R, Grewal RB, Goyal RK (2015) Emir J Food Agric 27(12): 927-930.
Grube BJ, Eng ET, Kao JC, Kwon A, Chen S. (1999) J Nutr 131(12):3288-3293.
Hetland G, Johnson E, Lyberg T, Kvalheim G.(2011) Adv Pharmacol Sci art 157015
Hsu CH, Liao YL, Lin SC, Hwang KC, Chou PH. (2007) J. Altern Compl Med 13(1):97-102
Jin X, Ruiz Beguerie J, Sze DM, Chan GCF (2016) Cochrane Database of Systematic Rev. 4 art nr CD007731
Kim TI,Park SJ, Choi CH, Lee SK, Kim WH (2004) Korean J.Gastroenterol 44(1):33-41.
Kozarski M, Klaus A, Jakovljevic D, Todorovic N,Vrvic MM, Van Griensven L (2015) Molecules 20(10):19489-19525.
Miao CG, Zhou GL, Qin MS, Chen JZ, Li CF (2015) J. Sichuan University (Med. ed.) 46(3):376-379.
Mizuno T (1995) Food Rev International 1:111-128.
Oba K, Kobayashi M, Matsui T, Kodera Y, Sakamoto J (2009) Anticancer Res 29:2739-2745.
Phan CW, David P, Naidu M, Wong KH, Sabaratnam V. (2015) Rev. Biotechnol. 35(3): 355-368.
Reis FS, Barros L, Martins A, Ferreira ICFR (2012) Food Chem Toxicol 50(2): 191-197.
Sakamoto J, Morita S, Oba K, Matsui T, Kobayashi M, Nakazato H. & Ohashi Y. (2006). Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy 55, 404-411
Sistani NA, Ball MT, Sabota C. ( 2007) J Plant Nutr. 30(8) 1279-1286.
Sokovic M, Ciric A, Glamoclija J, Nikolic M, Van Griensven LJLD (2014) Molecules 19(4):4189-4199.
Stojkovic D, Reis FS, Glamoclija J, Ciric A, Barros L, van Griensven LJLD, Ferreira ICFR, Sokovic M. (2014) Food Funct 5,
Suabjakyong P, Saiki R, Van Griensven LJLD, ..Toida T (2015) PLOSOne 10(3)e0122733
Therkelsen SP, Hetland G. Lyberg T, Lygren I, Johnson E. (2016) PLOSOne 11 (3) e150191
Urbain P, Singler F, Ihorst G, Biesalski HK, Bertz H (2011). Eur J Clin Nutr 65: 965- 971
Mushrooms as a conventional food, Mushrooms: Conventional Food and Alternative Medicine.
16 Prof. dr. Leo J.L.D. van Griensven Wageningen Plant Research Wageningen University and Research Wageningen, the Netherlands
Mushroom substrate preparation
(Phase I and Phase II Composting):
What is it and what are your options?
John Pecchia Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
Pennsylvania State University, USA

The first, and probably most important, step in producing white button mushrooms (i.e. champignons)
is proper substrate preparation, involving a two-phase composting process prior to spawning. Phase
I consists of high-temperature composting (~80C) with the goal of creating a uniform, high-moisture
substrate that is selective for the mushroom to grow and feed upon. If you travel around the world,
you will see that there are several different methods being utilized to achieve these objectives, sever-
al of which are described in this text. After a uniform, high moisture compost is produced via Phase I
composting, the substrate must then be pasteurized and conditioned in a process known as Phase II
composting. This too can be accomplished using a variety of methods, each with its own benefits.

Before starting, a grower must decide what raw materials they will use to make the compost. The
most common and some say best raw materials used for mushroom substrate production consist
of wheat straw or wheat straw-bedded horse manure, poultry manure and gypsum. These materials
are primarily used in Europe, North America, Australia and South Africa, areas where a long history of
button mushroom production exists. The basics for compost formulation are to utilize a carbohydrate
Mushroom substrate preparation (Phase I and Phase II Composting): What is it and what are your options?
John Pecchia Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA 17
source (wheat straw), mixed with a protein source (poultry manure) and gypsum (a necessary ingredi-
ent used worldwide). Though gypsum is an ingredient that must be included in the formula, the source
of carbohydrate and protein varies globally as well as locally, within the same country, depending on
availability and costs. Not just any carbohydrate source can be utilized for button mushroom compost-
ing. The carbohydrate source should not consist of materials high in lignin, such as woody materials.
Unlike white rot fungi that are able to efficiently degrade lignin (e.g. Pleurotus ostreatus: oyster mush-
room), the button mushroom does not produce the necessary enzymes needed to break down this
complex carbon. Rice straw is an alternative carbon source sometimes utilized in Asia to supplement
or replace wheat straw. Though rice straw is quite different from wheat straw physically, it can be effi-
ciently utilized to grow mushrooms if handled properly. In the eastern region of North America, mulch
grass-based hay (timothy, orchard, brome grass, etc) is often used in place of, or to supplement,
wheat straw. Grass hays are tougher to compost and take longer to properly prepare; however, com-
post produced from these grasses can produce equally well as straw-based formulas. The same holds
true for other carbon sources, often agricultural waste products.

One alternative agricultural waste product currently being incorporated into commercial compost
formulations is corn stover (the plant material left in the field after harvesting Zea maize). Corn stover
is much different in appearance than wheat straw. Typically it may contain small pieces of the cob,
the physical differences causing concern amongst many growers to incorporate this product into their
formulas. However, the carbohydrate analyses of corn stover is quite similar to wheat straw and prelim-
inary studies have found that it appears to produce as well as wheat straw when handled correctly. As
is the case with any alternative raw material, growers should make changes slowly and check yields to
ensure that any modifications to their formula or composting process have no negative impacts on yield
or quality. Since corn stover is physically larger (lower surface to volume ratio), initial work that weve
done at the University has been studied utilizing a longer composting period to allow for adequate
breakdown and ensuring adequate moisture holding capacity, compared to a 6 day Phase I composting
period with wheat straw. Composters that are already composting for longer periods may not need to
extend the length of composting, it will depend on existing materials and composting systems being

Similarly, alternative nitrogen sources to poultry manure can be used based on availability of raw
materials. Poultry manure is typically used because of the readily available supply and low costs. Veg-
etable meals (soybean and cottonseed) can be used to replace poultry manure as can ammonium sul-
fate and synthetic fertilizers. However, even if formulated for the same nitrogen content, varying nitro-
gen sources can impact the amount of ammonia produced during composting (ammonia is beneficial in
substrate preparation) and it can have significant impacts to conditioning during Phase II composting.
If applied at the wrong time (late Phase I) or if applied at too high a concentration, it may become very
Mushroom substrate preparation (Phase I and Phase II Composting): What is it and what are your options?
18 John Pecchia Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA
difficult to clear the ammonia during Phase II.
In addition to deciding on which materials to utilize, growers have to determine the best method to
mix the raw materials and incorporate water. The cheapest method is to turn piles with a pitch fork.
However, this is very labor intensive and, unless turned aggressively, is difficulty to produce uniform
piles with high temperatures (often because of the lack of size of a pile turned by hand). This method
is typically not used in countries that have large farms; however, there are small farms that currently still
use this method in some countries. A better approach is to turn the pile (or windrow) using a mechanical
loader, allowing for piles to be made larger and often reach higher temperatures. However, this method
still does not allow for adequate mixing and the compost is typically not very uniform, making it more
challenging to consistently produce high yields. A slightly more capital intensive system is to turn the
pile with a mechanical turner designed to mix compost. This system not only allows for large piles (and
thus higher temperatures) but it also helps produce uniformity in the compost, subsequently leading
to much more consistent, higher yields. Mechanical turning is still frequently used in North America,
though turners are typically not used much anymore in Western Europe. The newest technology, and
most advanced system, is to produce compost using a forced aerated system in a structure known as
a Phase I bunker. Phase I bunkers minimize the chances of producing anaerobic compost by forcing
air into the substrate, typically through a system of pipes built into the floor. These systems allow for
more flexibility when adding water to the substrate and may reduce the time needed to compost. This
flexibility and quality comes at a substantial cost for the engineering and building of these units.

Phase II composting has two objectives: 1) pasteurization to eliminate unwanted pests and compet-
itor fungi as well as kill any mushroom and human pathogens and 2) condition the compost (removal

Mushroom substrate preparation (Phase I and Phase II Composting): What is it and what are your options?
John Pecchia Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA
of free ammonia which is toxic to the mushroom mycelium). Phase II composting can be achieved in a
growing room, whether cropping in trays or beds. The Phase I substrate is filled into the beds or trays
inside of the growing room and compost temperatures are raised to approximately 60C by injecting
steam into the room. Temperatures are then lowered to approximately 48C to allow for conditioning to
occur. Conditioning is the process in which beneficial microbes convert free ammonia to protein to be
later used as a food source by the mushroom. The second method is to utilize a bulk Phase II compost-
ing system in a specialized structure called a tunnel. A tunnel is similar to a bunker in that it provides
aeration through floor to the compost, however, the air is recirculated to allow for uniform temperatures
to be achieved (in the headspace, air supply and compost). Fresh air entering a tunnel system is also
filtered to prevent recontamination of the compost with pathogens and flies. Running Phase II compost-
ing in the growing rooms requires an external energy source (boiler) to provide the steam and it also
occupies growing space for up to 2 weeks until Phase II composting is complete. The tunnel system
allows for greater flexibility of moisture content of the compost and requires little energy to reach and
maintain compost temperature set points. It also allows for more crops to be produced in a room per
year due to the fact that the growing space is not occupied for the duration of the Phase II. However, the
design and construction of a Phase II tunnel, along with the necessary specialized equipment needed
to fill and empty can be a very expensive undertaking for a small farmer.

If you ask a composter, a grower, or a consultant what the best formula and system is to make com-
post for mushroom production you are sure to get different answers based on a persons experience
and background. Many often feel that the only way to grow mushrooms is to do it right, meaning that
modern Phase I bunkers and Phase II tunnels are needed and only wheat straw or wheat straw-bed-
ded horse manure based formulations should be utilized to reach optimum yields. Though they may
be correct that aerated bunkers and wheat straw produce the highest yields, I dont necessarily always
agree that its the best option for everybody. Its possible that a grower doesnt need to pick 35-40 kg/
m2 to make a profit, depending on the scenario; a profit may be made at 20 kg/m2, not to say that much
higher yields cant be obtained on different raw materials, they can. Each operation and farm is different
regarding labor availability, raw material costs, energy costs and the market for the mushrooms pro-
duced. Therefore the design of each farm should be based on the region and the marketplace. Growers
do not always need to stick with what the other guy is doing, especially if the other guy is located hun-
dreds or even thousands of kilometers away, just because that farm has years of experience and they
are picking high yields. There are a multitude of potential raw materials available for mushroom grow-
ers to try in their compost formulation, some may work better than others, but we should not be close
minded and accept that there is only one way to do things. Utilizing other materials may just require a
different way of thinking and require making adjustments to what is considered standard composting
procedures. Staying flexible and looking at alternative, more economic materials may be beneficial for
smaller growers based on their profit margin and geographic location.
Mushroom substrate preparation (Phase I and Phase II Composting): What is it and what are your options?
20 John Pecchia Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Mushroom Cultivation Manual

for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic
System Ekofungi

The Kingdom of Fungi
Which mushroom species are cultivated?
As nature commands: mushroom cultivation technology
Spawn production
How to choose raw materials?
The substrate preparation process
Mushroom cultivation
Ventilation system
Air humidity
Organization of Space
The cultivation process
Incubation phase
Fructification phase
Preparation of growing unit/hygiene
Hygiene of a growing unit
Problems in the production (in situ)
Reference list
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi 21
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Kingdom Fungi



CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
22 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi

Mushroom cultivation seeks to recreate natural

processes in controlled conditions. This applies to
a high-tech approach as much as for a simple and
small production. The better the growing chamber
is able to simulate nature, the better the final result
will be, the better the quality and quantity of the ed-
ible fruiting bodies or mushrooms will be.
This is the secret of a successful production.
But what does this term, successful production,
entail? Is it the ability to create fruiting bodies on
some substrate under controlled conditions? Or is
it rather the opportunity for a sustainable business
generated by this product?
Given their biological, physiological and nutritive
characteristics, it is not overly- ambitious to expect
that mushrooms especially those from the Pleu-
rotus (oyster mushroom), Lentinus (shii-take) or
Auricularia family can be grown on a variety of
substrates made from cellulose-containing materi-
al. Even this small step requires some skill, yet it
is probable that mushrooms will grow. However, if
these fruiting bodies are to be used as the basis of
a small business, the producer needs to be knowl-
edgeable of as well as provide and maintain favor-
able conditions.
The purpose of this manual is to present information that is indispensable for producing cellulose-uti-
lizing mushrooms. Another goal is to provide instructions on how to establish a sustainable mushroom
production based on available materials.
To be frank: with some luck a producer will end up with mushrooms regardless whether the substrate
is of a poor quality or if the growing conditions he provides the fungi are near impossible. However, an
acceptable yield of good quality which grants the grower with an income requires know-how and most
importantly an understanding of the process!
This manual will try to explain the processes of mushroom production in the simplest and most
effective way, in a way that is easy to understand. It is envisioned for novices as well as for those al-
ready active in the business. The authors approach is straightforward: the producer has to understand
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
the process. Each step should be clear and
logical: the producer needs to know what is
important and why. Specific details of the ap-
proach taken by each individual practitioner
is less important, since different contexts will
largely influence these decisions (area avail-
able, raw materials available, location, de-
sired production volume, etc.). Regardless of
these factors, the production process MUST
provide clear results, which are in fact noth-
ing more than fulfillment of the mushrooms
biological needs.
To conclude, it is not important how some
phase/need of production will be achieved, it
is important to fulfill basic needs, and to un-
derstand why they are important in the first

The Kingdom of Fungi

Fungi include more than 4.000.000 differ-

ent species, found even in the most hostile
and extreme conditions. They are able to
survive extremely high or extremely low tem-
peratures. It is little surprise that fungi can
be found deep in ice on Earths poles, and
immediately after wildfires or other catastro-
phes. In most cases, fungi survive due to
their ability to form spores. What seeds are
to plants is similar to what spores are to fun-
gi, spores result from asexual reproduction
and are protected from extreme conditions
for extended periods of time.
In natural ecosystems, fungi represent
a high-potential cleaning mechanism. They
find and degrade complex materials from
their surroundings to use as their food.
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
24 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
Unlike plants, fungi cannot capture car-
bon from the air and therefore, like animals,
have to digest organic compounds such as
carbohydrates, fats and proteins; they are
heterotrophic. Unlike animals, fungi digest
food by excreting enzymes outside their body
and absorb food, or digested organic com-
pounds, into their bodies through osmosis;
they are osmotrophic. This feeding patterns
requires a large surface area relative to body
size, and thus the fungal body is an inter-
connected net-like mass of mycelium, made
from thin thread-like tubular hyphae which
branch and extend radially as they grow.
It is difficult to know the exact age of fungi
as fossil records are scant, the oldest fossil
discovered as of yet being only 400 million
years old. Heckman et al. (2001) used DNA
sequencing used to estimate that fungi first
appeared 1.5 billion years ago. They sug-
gest. Fungi started to colonize land 1 billion years ago, probably in the form of lichens (compound
organisms of symbiotic algae/cyanobacteria and fungi), greatly contributing in changing atmospheric
composition by increasing oxygen content. In comparison, plants appeared on land around 700 million
years ago, and it is believed the very assisted by fungi to adapt to the new conditions (Pirozynski &
Malloch, 1975). Animals in turn, did not become proper habitants of land until around 400 million years
ago (Munnecke et al., 2010).
Once on land, the evolution of higher fungi was a gradual process. Higher fungi are those that be-
long to Basidiomycota and Ascomycota phyla. Encyclopedia Britannica provides a good overview of
this timeline:
500 million years ago: hyphae similar to modern Basidiomycota appear.
300 million years ago: fungi with characteristics similar to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota first
130-200 million years ago: fungi with easily recognizable mushroom fruiting bodies appear.
The Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life Project identified 558 taxa in 430 genera, 68 orders and five
phyla (Lutzoni et al., 2004). However, the field of fungi classification is wide and due to contemporary
molecular methods novel findings and reorganisations are to be expected. And, as all mycologists will
tell you, there is certainly many more fungi that have not been discovered than those that have.
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
Which mushroom species are

Mushroom producers are interested in those

fungi species that can be seen with naked eye,
known as macromycete or mushrooms. System-
atically speaking, most of the species that are
interesting for the cultivator, because they are
edible and can be cultivated under artificial con-
ditions, are in the class Agaricomycetes, order
Although cultivated and edible mushrooms
can differ morphologically, biological classifica-
tion clearly points to common characteristics.
Without considering cell morphology and sexual
reproduction (which is the basis for the biological
classification), we would like to emphasize that
all species from the class Agaromycetes have
the same life cycle.
All mushroom species, that are of interest for
producers and gatherers, go through two phases in their life cycle:
1. Mycelium growth, also known as vegetative phase, and
2. Fruit body formation or the germinative phase.

When conditions are right, fungal spores germinate into a single cell which extends, multiplies and
branches to make hyphae. A mass of hyphae interconnects into a web to make mycelium. This is the
mushroom body and it will keep on developing as long as the conditions for vegetative phase remain
From the perspective of mushroom production, spore fertility is the most important characteristic of
the hyphae. Mycelium generated through spore germination can either be fertile (able to form a fruiting
body) or sterile (unable to form a fruiting body). Spore fertility depends on the mushroom species or a
biological mechanism called the recombination process that occurs during the moment of spore forma-
tion. Sterile mycelium is only able to form a fruiting body in case that it encounters another hyphae of
a different sex-type, wherein it become fertile. Only fertile mycelium has the necessary morphological
characteristics that will enable efficient and robust growth.
In the vegetative phase, fungi colonizes its substrate through mycelium growth. In the moment
of stress (it can be any large deviation from the optimal conditions), the mushroom will switch to an-

CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
26 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
other developmental phase: from the vegetative
phase to the germinative phase. The final result
of this phase is the edible mushroom. The germi-
native phase has one important purpose and that
is spore formation. When you look at the fruiting
body, spores could be found on the lower side of
the cap, on fine structures that are called lamellae
or tubules.
Spore formation is a very important phase
during which genetic recombination is occurring in
the fruiting body. This genetic mechanism has an
effect on the fungi that will later develop from the
spore. Special envelopes protect the spore, en-
abling its prevalence in unfavorable conditions. Af-
ter all, fruit body formation is a response to the un-
favorable conditions. Therefore, we can conclude
that the formation of the fruiting body that is the
mushroom is a response to non-optimal condi-
tions. Wind, water and insects facilitate the spatial
scattering of spores and enable the spreading of
the mushroom realm.

As nature commands: mushroom

cultivation technology

Mushroom production is the only economically-feasible biotechnology that converts complex organ-
ic molecules into more simple ones that can be used as food by humans. Fungi possess an aggressive
enzyme complex: exogenous cellulolytic enzymes with the capacity to degrade cellulose molecules in
a fast and efficient way. A profitable production must provide those conditions that promote fungal enzy-
matic function. In effect, all that we want and need to do is to efficiently simulate the natural processes
typical for cellulose-degrading species from the order of Agaricales. Our job is to eliminate all obstacles
and provide those conditions that will enable the fungi to complete its life cycle.
Cultivation technology can be divided in three segments, each of them equally important and indis-
1. Spawn production
2. Substrate preparation
3. Fruit body production

CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi 27
Spawn production

Spawn is comparable to a stem cutting of a higher

plant: similarly, spawn vegetatively propagates fungi of
the same genetic material.

From a genetics perspective, macromycetes are un-

predictable and unstable organisms. The genetics and
breeding of these fungi as well as subsequent preparation
of spawn for commercial purposes is a very sensitive and
delicate process. Laboratories with specialized equipment
tackle this issue through molecular genetic methods, se-
lecting strains to meet the needs of commercial producers.
This is the origin of strains used in commercial cultiva-
tion. Once created, a strain is the protected property of its
author. It is guarded in hibernation under strict laboratory
conditions, necessary in order to keep the genetic stabil-
ity of the strain.
Commercially, a strains mycelium is cultivated on sterile grains to create spawn. However, innova-
tive approaches have enabled the use of artificial substrates as a growing medium for the mycelium of
At the beginning of spawn production, the mycelium culture needs to be revitalized from hibernation.
The mycelium is then multiplied on liquid or solid media in the laboratory. Mycelium of a good quality
is then transferred onto sterile grains typically rye (Secale cereale), millet (Panicum miliaceum) or
sometimes wheat (Triticum durum) and then grown, under stable conditions free from microorgan-
isms, until the mycelium envelops each grain. Each grain then becomes a potential inoculation point
when it is applied to the substrate.
Attempting to produce mycelium on your own will most probably yield some result. Macromycetes
mycelium can be propagated vegetatively from parts of the fruiting body (bought in a store for example)
because of their biological and physiological characteristics. Another option is to multiply the spawn
bought from commercial producer on grains.
However, amateur spawn resulting from these activities is extremely risky and often has damaging
consequences for production. Beside that, there is the issue of the right to propagate biological material
that is the intellectual property of its authors without their permission. Even when the culture is derived
directly from a wild mushroom variety, the problems with amateur mycelium production are serious and
place the success of the whole production into question.
The preservation of genetic stability is critical vitality, growth ability and growth speed, robust-
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
28 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
ness in non-ideal nutritive conditions are all im-
portant characteristics. As mentioned before,
macromycetes genetics are unpredictable and
unstable. Repetitive multiplying by non-profes-
sionals generally leads to loss of all these im-
portant characteristics, and leads to blunders
and losses in production.
These details are important background in-
formation, but also lead to the conclusion that
in-house spawn production is not recommend-
ed for small mushroom entrepreneurs regard-
less of experience. In addition, it should be
noted that the pure culture of a selected mac-
romycete is difficult to obtain.
As a result of our experience as both pro-
ducers and in mushroom projects around the
world, we strongly recommend mycelium pro-
duced by Sylvan Inc., the world leader in this


As we have seen, all cultivated species are

closely related.
However, as in life, some family members
are more hard-working and capable than oth-
ers. In the mushroom world, this means being
able to prepare their own food from complex
cellulose molecules that are the main building
blocks of plants. The hard-workers include shii-
take, oyster mushrooms, poplar mushrooms;
they can be grouped under the name of cellu-
lose-degrading mushrooms or white rot fungi.
On the other hand there are family members
not able to prepare their own food: the white
button mushroom (commonly called champi-
gnon), CoprInus (shaggy cap), etc. The main
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
difference between these two groups is their physiology and the differing way that they digest their food.
During the vegetative growth phase, during which a fungis mycelium is expanding, the white button
mushroom feeds off of the so called ligno-humus complex. During this phase, the quantity of simple
sugars present in the compost remains almost unchanged. However, during the germination phase,
these simple sugars are degraded to power the formation of the fruiting body. To generate degradation,
the mushroom secretes an arsenal of exo-enzymes (i.e. enzymes outside of the fungal body). Some
scientists believe that the mechanism behind the absorption of degraded molecules from compost is
unique in the mushroom world. It is very interesting to note that the white button mushroom has been
shown to grow up to two times slower in sterile substrate clearly, the mushroom has forged a special
relationship with specific microorganisms present in the compost.
White button mushrooms fulfill all their nutritive requirements from the growing medium, known as
substrate or compost, which is prepared in a process called composting. It is important to note that
mushroom compost cannot be made from composting any organic material (that is, material of plant
origin). Furthermore, the mushroom composting process differs significantly from the composting pro-
cess that turns organic materials into compost for use in the cultivation of plants.
Straw and chicken/horse manure are the raw materials most often used for preparation of compost
for white button mushroom production. The process can be successfully realized in specific conditions
and with specific hardware, and presently with the help of automation/software.
Compost for the white button mushroom (and those similar to it) is a complex system/environment
with specific physical, chemical and biological characteristics, which together create the conditions
needed for the mushroom to complete its life cycle. One of the most important characteristics of com-
post is its high selectivity. This means that its con-
ditions favor a narrow range of organisms, one of
which is the white button mushroom.
Beside the inherent biological complexity of
cultivating the white button mushroom, their high
vulnerability contributes to the trend of intensifying
cultivation. Industrial production is characterized
by high efficacy, fast cycles and high yield. In or-
der to achieve these results, dedicated R&D ad-
dresses all aspects of production, from technology
to breeding and genetics. White button mushroom
strains developed for these production systems are
very demanding, or we can say spoiled, regarding
their growing conditions. As a consequence, small
scale producers with the ambition to supply the lo-
cal market best look past the production of white
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
30 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
button mushrooms.
Luckily there is a second group of hardworking mushrooms with significant physiological differences
the cellulose-degrading or white rot fungi. The oyster mushroom belongs to this group, and in nature
grows on the residues of dead higher plants. Their vegetative growth is driven exclusively by their own
enzyme complex: given sufficient moisture in the material, enzymes degrade complex lignocellulose
molecules into simpler molecules that the mushroom can make use of. The fructification phase does
not have specific nutritive requirements. These characteristics are exploited for production processes
of white rot fungi species.
In a controlled environment such as that of a growing chamber, the oyster mushroom requires these
very elements: cellulose containing material to provide energy, and sufficient moisture content of the
material to enable enzymatic activity. Another important point that requires attention of the producer
is eliminating the enemies of the oyster mushroom. In most cases these are other fungi that feed off
of similar components like the oyster mushroom. They are biologically more robust and resistant and
easily outcompete cultivated mushrooms.

How to choose raw materials?

White rot fungi are cultivated on cellulose-containing materials. The lignocellulose complex, which
contains cellulose, is a structural material. Materials rich in lignocellulose include:
woody plants, from which sawdust, wood chips, or even logs are used for mushroom production;
grains, from which straw is used for mushroom production;
other plants with solid stem, from which hard stem pieces, branches, etc. are used for mush-
room production;
and husks from coffee beans as well as
brewery spent grain, coffee waste, coffee are
used for mushroom production.
People often ask if they can use greenish
plants or greenish parts of plants (for example
leaves) for mushroom production. The answer is
no! A short reminder: oyster mushroom and other
white rot fungi grow exclusively on the lignocellu-
lose complex. The greenish part of plants (those
which would stain your hand green upon being
squeezed) cannot be a raw material for the pro-
duction of substrate since they do not contain the
lignocellulose complex.
The first criterion to identify a suitable material
for mushroom substrate is the amount of cellulose
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi 31
it contains. The material needs to be available to the producer: located nearby and there must be a way
to transport it.
Simply put, sustainable production of oyster mushroom (and cellulose-degrading species) can only
be achieved if suitable cellulosic material is available up to 30 km away from the production site. The
reason for this is simple: raw materials for mushroom substrate are lightweight and bulky, and long
distance transportation is not economically justified. Thus, the choice of raw material for substrate
is dictated by its availability and how easy it is for the producer to collect it.
The second criterion, no less important, is its cleanliness. This term as it is used here means that
the material should be free from dust, dirt and other impurities that do not contain cellulose; examples
include an orange peel in coffee waste, green leaves among branches, cellophane amongst straw. The
term also refers to:
Lack of microorganisms like molds that can be seen with the naked eye;
And that the material was not intensively treated with chemicals during its production or handling.
The presence of molds can be easily observed, but the situation is quite different for the presence
of chemicals or a high heavy metal content. Some protective agents used in contemporary plant pro-
duction have the effect of preventing fungal growth on their byproducts after harvest. In these cases, it
is possible for the fungi to successfully grow on a contaminated substrate, but the chances of absorb-
ing pesticide residues along with its food is high.
In the end, such negatively enriched mushrooms
will end up on our plates.
The only way to address these issues is to de-
velop a relationship with the supplier, or to find
out how the material was produced or handled.
In the urban context, mushroom production on
coffee waste is very popular and attractive. Given
the variation of type and quantity of coffee con-
sumed across cultures and possible challenge to
efficiency of collection, this material can be com-
plemented by or replaced with: brewery spent
grain from the local mini-breweries, good quality
cardboard without plastic, fine-cut branches from
parks, etc.
In rural or peri-urban areas where straw, saw-
dust, or corn cobs are available, these materials
should be prioritized since mushroom production
with them is more secure and easy to handle.

CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
32 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
The substrate preparation process
Substrate preparation for the oyster mushroom and similar species needs to fulfill several condi-
Competitors that use the same food source as our mushroom must be eliminated,
Access to cellulose in the selected material,
And sufficient moisture in the material/substrate.
Based on experimental knowledge, long-term experience, and understanding of the biology and
physiology of white rot fungi, the above listed goals can be achieved with a large variety of processes
in different conditions and circumstances.
Common sterilization and pasteurization processes will not be emphasized as the basic, primary
and only possible ones.

Elimination of potential competitors

Most problems that occur during the production of mushroom substrate relate to this aspect. Pro-
ducers design their processes to achieve pasteurization or even sterilization of the material designated
for substrate. Of course, there is no doubt that these approaches can contribute to a successful produc-
tion. However both of these processes intensively consume energy and thus entail a high cost. Also, the
effects of these treatments on other key production parameters has to be taken into account. For ex-
ample, pasteurization with steam dries out the
material. Finally, substrate after it is subjugated
to pasteurization/sterilization will most likely be
exposed to open air at some point, after which
the intent behind these expensive processes is
The recommended approach to eliminate
potential competitors is to expose the materi-
al to ample and intensive washing, using clean
water and letting it flow through the material.
The water used for this process can be reused
for other activities on the farm or in the house-
hold, but it cannot be reused more than once
for substrate washing. The water will contain
impurities that were washed from the material.
The water can, however, still be used to main-
tain the level of moisture in the air in the cultiva-
tion chambers.
Washing can take anywhere from 1 to 24
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
hours, depending on the type of ma-
terial and quantity involved. Simply
put, one can tell the process is fin-
ished when water coming out from
the material is clean.

Ensuring cellulose availability and

sufcient moisture in the substrate

The most important part of the

substrate preparation phase is to
provide easily accessible food that
is, cellulose for fungal mycelia.
This entails loosening and/or break-
ing bonds between cellulose and
other parts of the lignocellulose molecule.
The material has to be fragmented. Fracturing, splintering and/or cutting the substrates raw materi-
al damages the protective layer whose purpose in nature is to protect plants by repelling water. On the
molecular level, the lignocellulose structure is cracked. Clearly, materials such as sawdust or coffee
waste do not have to be fragmented; all other materials have to be cut into particles that are 2-5 cm
long and wide.
After being cut up and washed, the material is then immersed in water, which should submerge it
completely. Prolonged soaking leads to relaxing/loosening of the links between cellulose and lignin,
even for the hardest cellulose-containing material. The result is that cellulose in the substrate is more
available for mushroom mycelium. Soaking length depends on the type of raw material (Table 2).

Providing conditions for the successful activity of fungal enzymes

Cellulose degrading mushrooms secrete enzymes outside of their mycelium and into their imme-
diate environment, where the enzymatic activity occurs. The efficiency of this activity enables rapid
growth of mycelium through the substrate, simply because it is able to provide plenty of food for itself.
It is important that the fungi has a strong start after the substrate has been inoculated for it to compete
with microorganisms that feed on the same food. The main condition to encourage this is to have suffi-
cient moisture in the substrate. The water has to be absorbed by the substrate, as the substrate cannot
be submerged during production. Why? Excess of water means a shortage of oxygen, and without oxy-
gen there is no growth or survival of mycelium. We can conclude that we need to maximize the amount
of water absorbed by the substrate.

CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur

34 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi

How do we achieve this?
There are many technical solutions available the producer needs to choose the one that suits his
conditions the best. One thing should always be kept in mind: the most adequate approach is the one
with which the final product will have a competitive price on the market. Only in this way will production
will be sustainable.

1. Cutting procedure
In the case of coffee waste, coffee husk, spent brewery grain or sawdust, cutting can be skipped.
However, in the case that material with larger particle is used including straw, branches, cardboard,
etc., the material has to be cut into pieces from 2-5 cm length. The easiest way to do this is to use a
hammer mill, typically available in an agricultural setting, but other solutions can be found that are more
appropriate to specific conditions of the producer. No matter which process you choose, the outcome
has to be the same: fragmented material.

2. Washing procedure
All raw materials (straw, corn cobs, sawdust, wood chips, cardboard, etc.) except coffee waste has
to be exposed to a large quantity of running clean water. The washing lasts until the water coming out
of the material is clean. If the material was stored and transported under conditions of low hygiene (for
example: parks near the streets, bulk corn cobs in trailers) longer washing is necessary. Similarly, in
these cases the producer will see clean water leaving the material when it is clean.
There is one specific situation that requires washing even when the material is clean: the use of
brewery spent grain. This material is very clean, even sterile, yet has a high content of simple sugars
and proteins. The oyster mushroom and other white rot fungi do not use them. On the other hand, these
molecules are a great source of food for other species that compete with the oyster mushroom or can
cause it harm. In order to eliminate this threat, brewery spent grain must be exposed to running water
for an extended period, and then left submerged to soak for 24 hours. During the soaking period, the
water needs to be changed from time to time as it will become saturated with proteins and sugars from
the material.
Even after intensive washing it is recommended to mix brewery spent grain with some other ma-
terial less rich in sugars and proteins, in order to make the substrate less attractive for the growth of
competitor fungi.

Coffee waste does not need washing if it is used recently after it has been collected. However,
use of this material does require well-tuned logistics, including an agreement with the coffee waste sup-
plier to use clean collecting containers. We recommend that a mushroom producer provides the clean
dishes and delivers them in return for one full of coffee waste. In addition, collected coffee waste needs
to be used for mushroom production in a period no longer than 4 days since it was used for brewing.
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
It must be underlined: washing raw materials for substrate is the most important step in the mush-
room production process.

3. Adoption of adequate amount of water

Celluloise containing weeds 24 hours

Straws 36 hours

Sawdust from deciduous trees 96 hours

Table 2. Soaking time for various materials to prepare substrate.

If the material is to be soaked for more than 24 hours, water needs to move around from time to time.
This can be achieved with a simple submersible pump or just by change of water. This procedure has
to ensure that the availability of oxygen is refreshed to prevent anaerobic processes from occurring.
The water can be heated, but that depends on the conditions in which the producer operates and
her/his possibilities. It is generally recommended to heat up the material during the soaking phase.
However, it must be noted that the temperature of the water should not exceed 55C. The reason for
this limit has been repeated several times in this text and must always stay prominent in the mind of
the producer financial feasibility.
Heated water is better absorbed by the material. Thus, its lignocellulose bonds are loosened more ef-
ficiently, resulting in a shorter substrate preparation process. However, heating water does not achieve
pasteurization. That is a completely different approach. The goal of the mushroom producer that is in
tune with biological rhythms of the process is to provide food for the white rot fungi, not to kill the mi-
croorganisms present on the food source. Even if he would like to do this, it is very difficult to achieve
in a small-scale production.
After soaking, excess water has to be eliminated from the substrate because it diminishes oxygen
availability, which is crucial for the growth of mycelium.
If the producer decides to use coffee waste, special attention has to be paid to the amount of mois-
ture. S/he must ensure that this material did not lose the moisture that it acquired during the brewing
of coffee. If indeed the material is too dry, then it has to be carefully soaked using fine filter bags. We
will remind the reader that a crucial goal of substrate preparation is to provide adequate moisture in the
substrate, which is absolutely necessary for the function of cellulose-degrading enzymes that provide
the fungi its food.
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36 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
4. Inoculation
Hygiene is the basic and most important condition that has to be fulfilled during inoculation. It is also im-
portant to check if the substrate is cold; the substrates temperature must not exceed 20C during inoculation.
This process must be conducted in a clean space, sheltered from the wind and from insects.
Spawn bought from specialized producers has to be broken into small pieces with clean hands. The next
step is to mix spawn with the substrate: 2.1 kg of spawn (3L) to 100 kg of substrate. It should be noted that
spawn is typically measured by its volume (L).
Spawn needs to be mixed into the substrate slowly and evenly, by hand or some other convenient tool.
A uniform spread will ensure that mycelial growth from the inoculation points will interconnect as fast as
possible into a single organism, leaving little resources for competitors to grow.
No matter which material is used to prepare the substrate, the mushroom producer must pay attention
to its pH. Optimal pH is between neutral to slightly alkaline, a range more suitable for cellulose-degrad-
ing mushrooms than for competitors. We recommend the addition of about 0.5 % CaCO3 in tiny grumps
during the step of substrate and mycelium mixing.
The substrate is then packed into the polyethylene (plastic) bags. They must not be biodegradable be-
cause the mushroom will degrade them during its growth. The bags dimensions are not a critical issue for
production, but the general recommendation is 60-70 cm high and about 40 cm width. It is important to
note that small bags holding 1-2 kg of substrate are not recommended for production, except in the case
that inoculation is only for fun. Substrate in bags that have a smaller volume easily loses moisture and
this complicates fructification. The thickness of the bags is more important: it should allow the substrate
to be firmly packed into it without ripping.
Before the bags are packed they need to be perforated. The cuttings should be made in the shape of
cross, with the dimensions 2x2 cm. The distance between the perforations should be about 25 cm.

Mushroom cultivation
As was already mentioned, mushroom cultivation is the simulation of natural processes in a controlled
The greater the degree of quality with which natural conditions are replicated in the growing cham-
bers, the better the result that can be expected.
In order to understand the cultivation process and the parameters involved, the producer should
think about the natural environment in which edible, medicinal and all other kinds of mushrooms can
be found:
First of all, they cannot be found in places where water runs or lies in puddles. Mushrooms inhabit
humid places, away from direct sunlight. The same principals must be applied in the production cham-
ber: one must not focus on high humidity or produce puddles in growing unit.
Secondly, mushrooms cannot be found in places where air currents can be felt or are intense. Sim-
ilarly, artificial conditions must avoid intense or uncontrolled flowing of air.
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
Thirdly: when is it that we find mushrooms in nature? It is always after a sudden change in the en-
vironment, like that following rain or a storm, when the air is refreshed. These conditions have to be
replicated in cultivation chambers to ensure that mushrooms mark undisturbed and good growth.
Fourthly, mushrooms that are convenient for cultivation do not inhabit extremely hot or extremely
cold places. This means that the temperature in the growing unit should be between 15 and 25C.

Ventilation system
The following conditions need to be provided in all cases, regardless of whether we are referring to
a micro, small or hi-tech production. The process is in essence the same in all these cases.
The growing chamber must have no more than one fan. The capacity of the fan should be 10 ex-
changes of the total volume of air in the chamber per hour. If the room, for example, has an area of 25
m2 and is 3 m high (volume of 75 m3), the fans capacity should be able to exchange 750 m3 of air per
The fan is placed within a mixing box whose bottom is movable (it can be lifted up and down). There
is a vertical duct coming out from the bottom of the box. The end of duct away from the mixing box has
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
38 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
no closing on its end, opening to the
growing chamber and located near
the floor. At the same time, the mix-
ing box is located up against the wall
of the growing unit, with an opening VENTILATION SCHEME
to allow the fan to freely draw in air 1. RAIN PROTECTOR
from outside. The bottom of the mix- 2
ing box has a damper, which when 4
lifted allows the fan to pull in air from 5 6
the bottom of growing unit (i.e. above
the ground) into the mixing box. On
the other hand, when the damper is 6. FAN
closed, the fan will draw in only the 7. PLASTIC TUBE
outside air into the mixing box with 8. RECIRCULATION HOLE
its full capacity. The mixing box may
be improvised or constructed in a
sophisticated manner; however the
main structural design that enables its
basic function has to be maintained. 8
The figure below shows a mixing box. 0,10
Heating or cooling air for the grow-
ing unit is achieved by using heat ex-
changers installed in the mixing box.
It is not allowed to use air-conditioning units. Why? As has already been stated, moderate air flow is a
must for successful mushroom production. Another fan will increase the speed of airflow, and result in
no mushrooms!
The fan should be set up to blow air into a polyethylene tube whose diameter is equal to the fans
diameter, placed across the ceiling of the growing unit. The tube should be perforated with the holes
in two rows, positioned like clock hands pointing to half past one and half past ten if one is facing the
opening of the tube. The end of the tube should reach the other end of the growing chamber, and be
tied in a knot, forcing all air to flow through the holes.
In this way we assure even air flow in the chamber and guarantee that each cutting on the bag of
substrates receives an equal amount of good quality air.

Air humidity
Humidifying a growing unit can be achieved simply by pouring water on the floor. Using sprinklers or
nozzles for this purpose is not recommended. However, the need for additional air humidity may arise,

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Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi 39
as during hot periods when cooling is necessary remember how much water is drained from air-con-
ditioned rooms in the summer. This can be addressed by a so called water curtain. In other words, air
that enters the growing chamber is forced to pass through a curtain of pouring water or a wet barrier,
thus absorbing moisture as it enters the growing chamber. At the same time, the water curtain lowers
the temperature of the incoming air, achieving a double effect of humidification and cooling on hot days.

Organization of Space
Besides providing micro-climatic conditions, the or-
ganization of space is vital. The positioning of racks
and shelves has to be carefully planned. Cellulose de-
grading mushrooms do not require shelves, which can
entail high expenses. Instead, hooks and racks can be
It is important to always have in mind that mush-
room cultivation is nothing more than the simulation of
natural processes. Rapid air flow should be avoided,
and thus the amount of substrate in growing unit must
be optimized. One cubic meter of space must not con-
tain more than 20 kg of substrate. How the substrate
is arranged is not important.

The cultivation process

Mushroom cultivation begins at the moment of substrate inoculation with spawn, and can be split
into two phases.

Incubation phase
The incubation period is when all the small pieces of vegetative mushroom body, scattered in the
substrate as spawn during inoculation continue to grow in order to interconnect with each other. At the
same time, surely other microorganisms like molds are also present in the same substrate and grow as
well. Some of the microorganisms do not harm our mushroom while others compete with it for food and
space. In order to encourage efficient growth of our mushrooms mycelium and to give it an advantage
over competitors, key parameters are addressed and optimized during the substrate preparation step.
However, once in the cultivation chambers, additional steps must be taken during the incubation period
to support the mushroom.
Firstly, temperature in the chamber must be maintained between 20 to 22C. The inflow of fresh air
is completely eliminated by closing the damper regulating inflow of fresh air from outside the cultivation
chamber. The floor needs to occasionally be covered in water to maintain air moisture.

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40 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
In such conditions, mycelium will grow rapidly and after three weeks the whole substrate will be
covered by mycelium. The smell in the growing unit should be pleasant, of mushrooms and forest litter,
and certainly not of dankness or mold. Smell is the best indicator of a good situation in growing
chamber and is the first to signal that something has gone wrong.

Fructification phase
After about three weeks, around each cross-shaped hole cut into the bag there will be a thickening
of mycelium tracing the shape of the hole.
This is the moment for a dramatic change in micro-climatic conditions in the growing unit, to simulate
a storm. In effect we mimic conditions after the rain: inflow of fresh air. This means that the fan should
work at full tilt. With these changes, a switch is stimulated in the mycelium from a vegetative growth
phase to a phase in which fructification bod-
ies are formed.
In the initial moments of fruit body forma-
tion, temperature in the growing chamber
should be decreased to between 16-18C.
The fan should work constantly and the
dampers should be open so that 70% of air
comes from the outside the growing cham-
ber and 30% is drawn from the growing unit.
The floor should be periodically damp-
ened. It is important for the mushroom
producer to simulate day and night for
cellulose-degrading mushrooms. Artificial
lights specifically which kind is not critical
should be switched on and off routinely.
Three to four days after fructification was
initiated, mushrooms will start to appear in
bunches from the holes in the bags
Mushrooms grow from substrate in so
called waves or flushes. During the first
wave it can be expected that every cutting
on the substrate bag is decorated with a
bouquet of oyster mushroom.
Bunches should be carefully picked from
the bag, at the moment when the oyster
mushrooms cap starts to bend up.

CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi 41
The size of the fruiting body does not indicate maturity of the mushroom its shape does!
The right moment for harvest.
The spot from which the bunch was removed needs to be cleaned from remaining fragments of
mycelium, and be airy and ready for the next flush.

The conditions at the beginning of fructification need to be maintained during whole period. It is de-
sirable that after the first wave is over, to cutoff inflow of fresh air and turn off the light for two to three
days. Opinions are divided on this practice, but it might be that it intensifies the second wave. The sec-
ond flush will come after 7 days and lasts for 5 days.
The whole fructification period should result in a yield of about 18 kg of fresh oyster mushrooms per
100 kg of inoculated substrate. This proportion (18%) is estimated for conditions prevalent in intensive
small scale production, where one cycle takes about 7 weeks. It is important to note that conditions
in real production and the laboratory are not the same. Theoretical yield can be much higher but the
length of growing cycles and repeatability of results should be taken into account. A small mushroom
business should not be planned on the basis of high expectations, but on realistic and objective ones.

Preparation of growing unit/hygiene

Before dwelling into this subject, it is important to remind the reader that the approach to mushroom
production presented in this handbook is rooted in the physiology and biology of cellulose degrading
mushrooms, and in a preference to optimize conditions that favor mycelium growth rather than trying
to eliminate competitors. In this way, the mushroom has an edge to win in its fight against competitors
without problems. With this in mind, we can see that hygiene of the level present in sterile spaces of
hospitals and surgery rooms are difficult to be replicated in a small mushroom business. Moreover, it is
very expensive to do so. The question also remains: is it really necessary?
The spaces used during the production process include those where: substrate is prepared, sub-
strate is inoculated, the growing chambers and the space where harvested mushrooms are stored and
packed. Simply put, all these spaces must at all times be clean and neat.
The space is which substrate is prepared needs to be washed after this step is completed, making
sure to remove all fragments of substrate. All containers and accessories that were used have to be
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
42 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
cleaned. After washing, these materials should
be dried and put back into a space designated
for their keeping.
The space for inoculation must also be
cleaned every time after this step has been
completed. The producer must take care that
little bits of mycelium do not remain hidden out
of sight.
Before the next inoculation step starts, the
working surface should be disinfected, for ex-
ample with 96% alcohol. Of course, household
products for disinfection are also acceptable.
If the working space for substrate preparation
as well as for the inoculation is too large and it
proves difficult to maintain as in a household,
then the best alternative is to use copper-sulfate
(i.e. CuSO4). Of course, this substance is used
in addition to intense cleaning of the work space
before its application. Instructions provided on
the package for its use should be followed.

Hygiene of a growing unit

The growing unit which houses the inoculat-
ed substrate must be as clean as a kitchen! At
the end of the previous production cycle after
the bags of spent substrate have been ejected,
the growing chamber must be carefully cleaned
of all fragments and sediment, large and small.
This includes all that can be seen with the na-
ked eye and remains from the recently complet-
ed production cycle. After this, the chamber is
to be washed. For this purpose, it is important
that the growing unit was initially located where
this is possible. Washing is conducted only with
water from a municipal water supply or anoth-
er source which provides clean/filtered water.
Clean growing units must be occasionally paint-
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
ed before new substrate can be put in. Painting is needed only when dark spots can be seen in the
corners of the chamber implicating the emergence of molds.
Regardless whether a chamber is painted or not, after cleaning it is necessary to heat the chamber
to 18C for the 24 hours and then apply a mild copper sulfate treatment. This is a classical approach in
the battle against molds and it is best to follow instructions available on the packaging.
During cultivation, the growing unit should also be treated like a clean kitchen: do not leave waste,
do not enter with dirty footwear and maintain everything clean and tidy. We must not forget that we
are producing food, and doing so by emulating nature. With the knowledge that nature does not have
anything sterilized, similarly we can conclude that we also do not need sterile conditions.

Problems in the production (in situ)

There are always problems that arise during production, and there always will be. Cultivation of oys-
ter mushroom is specific in the way that few remedies exist once the substrate has been inoculated.
Therefore, the small mushroom entrepreneur should be aware of the most common problems they will
face, provided in the following list. It is also important to understand the problem and its cause to avoid
wrong remedies, which unfortunately often make a situation worse than it is.
1. Poor mycelium growth emanating from spawn (in the substrate bag).
Mycelium starts to grow from spawn fragments and suddenly stops. The substrate does not
change color or show signs of contamination.
The cause: poor chemical composition of raw
materials full of pesticides and/or additives.
Mycelium fails to grow from the spawn,
and it turns green in color.
The cause: old/poor quality spawn, spawn
was not properly stored, moisture is too high
in the substrate or spawn was inoculated while
substrate temperature was above 30C.
Sporadic growth, wherein mycelium grows
well from some spawn fragments and not at all
from other fragments.
The cause: unequal substrate quality, often
due to unequal moisture content but also possi-
bly due to raw materials used for the substrate;
pay attention to equally mix spawn equally when
inoculating substrate.
If the substrate begins to change color before
it is incubated in the growing unit, this implies
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44 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
heavy presence of pathogens or competitors. It is likely a problem with the quality of raw materials used
for the substrate.
This is a good occasion to accentuate that if mycelium has already covered the substrate up to 50%,
as visible from the outside of the bag, it does not have to be ejected from the growing unit. Our mush-
room is a strong fighter and it is likely to best its competition at this point. However, the substrate bag
must should not be opened to avoid the spreading of competitor/pathogen spores.
2. Poor fructification
Long stem of fruiting bodies, from slightly elongated to a fruiting body characterized by a long
stem and a small cap; yet with no change in color.
The cause: insufficient air in the growing unit at the moment of primordia formation (i.e. when a white
ring of mycelium forms around the cuts in the bag).
Elongation of the stem of the fruiting body with a change in the color.
The cause: unsuccessful emulation of day/night rhythm, or insufficient lighting (often due to insuffi-
cient duration of lighting).
Cauliflower shapes of mycelium on the cross-shaped cuts in the substrate bag.
The cause: besides the possibility that the spawn carries a low genetic potential, most likely a lack
of moisture in the substrate.
It is possible to partly address this issue by pulling back the bag from the substrate and moisten-
ing with a gentle shower. Howev-
er, this can only be done if there
is no trace of other fungi/molds
(e.g. Trichoderma spp., Penicil-
lium spp., etc.) and the myceli-
um has mostly covered the sub-
strate. The showering should be
conducted very carefully to avoid
damaging the mycelium and to
avoid adding too much moisture
fungi are neither aquatic organ-
isms nor frogs.

Mushrooms are the product
of an organism that is very much
alive. An organism, which like all
life, has its own biological needs
along its life cycle that must be
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
met for it to yield a healthy and
beautiful bouquet of mushrooms
at its natural crowning glory. For
this, the mushroom cultivator must
develop a profound familiarity with
his fungi. Problems will arise, as
they do for all growers: doubtless-
ly, knowledge will prove the most
effective remedy.
In this book, we provide the fun-
damentals of mushroom cultivation
in the form of a manual, based off
of years of experience in various
contexts: from highly automatized
almost laboratory conditions to
simple straw-roofed production in
tropical mountains, and everything
in between! However, like a spore
awaiting the right conditions, this
inoculated knowledge has to come
to life through practice. We guar-
antee one thing: success does not
come without many failures.
For the mushroom cultivator
that wants to take this art to the next level, to become a small mushroom entrepreneur, he must bal-
ance costs of his operations including his own time with revenues from mushroom yields. He must
design his sustainable business to survive and thrive in the untamed reality of running a private busi-

Reference list
Heckman, D.S., Geiser, D.M., Eidell, B.R., Stauffer, R.L., Kardos, N.L., Hedges, S.B., 2001. Molecular evidence for the
early colonization of land by fungi and plants. Science 293 (5532): 1129-1133.
Lutzoni, F., Kauff, F., Cox, C.J., McLaughlin, D., Celio, G., Dentinger, B., Padamsee, M., Hibbett, D., James, T.Y., Ba-
loch, E., et al., 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life: Progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits. American
Journal of Botany 91 (10): 1446-1480.
Munnecke, A., Calner, M., Harper, D.A.T., Servais, T., 2010. Ordovician and Silurian sea water chemistry, sea level
and climate: A synopsis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296 (3-4): 389-413.
Pirozynski, K.A., Malloch, D., 1975. The origin of land plants: A matter of mycotropism. BioSystems 6: 153-164.
CHAPTER 2. GUIDEBOOK, Mushroom Cultivation Manual for the Small Mushroom Entrepreneur
46 Ivanka Milenkovic, System Ekofungi
Use of straw-based substrate
from the production of
Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr Milan Adamovi
System Ekofungi


After the production of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), the substrate on which the mush-
rooms were cultivated that remains is called spent mushroom substrate (SMS), spent mushroom com-
post or, simply, spent substrate. Different materials are used to prepare the compost on which oyster
mushrooms are cultivated: most commonly straw or stover from crops (wheat, oat, barley, rye, soy-
beans, rice) are used, but sawdust, wood chips, bark and branches, sugar cane, husks of soya, cotton,
peanuts, grape seeds, byproducts from the brewing industry (brewery spent grain), byproducts from
the coffee industry (chaff, pulp and coffee waste) and other materials rich in lignin and cellulose are
used. Thus, oyster mushroom production is based on using cheap waste materials from other indus-
tries, that are ballast and may cause damage to the environment. Global oyster mushroom production
from intensive industrial production systems amounts to over a million tons annually, resulting in over
three tons of spent substrate. The issue of how to manage this waste stream is important to address
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
from the perspective of environmental protection and renewable energy. So, how can it be managed?
Many approaches have been tried resulting in varied experiences including: biogas production, in the
paper industry, cellulose-based sugar, single cell proteins, white button mushrooms (i.e. champignons),
pellet production for heating, etc. It has also been demonstrated that SMS can be used as animal feed.
In this way, industrial scale mushroom production can be incorporated into a fast organic matter cycle,
resulting in high-value animal products and a lower carbon footprint of the production systems involved.

1. Chemical composition of biomass and straw based substrate from Pleurotus ostreatus
mushroom cultivation

Lignocellulosic materials that may be used for the cultivation of mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus are
showed in Table 1.

Table 1. Lignocellulosic materials (straw and hay) that may be used for the cultivation
of the Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom.

Organic matter Dry NEL Crude Crude NDF ADF Cellulose Lingin
matter % MJ/kg protein % fiber % % %
Wheat, straw 89 4.0 3.6 41.6 85 54 39 14
Barley, straw 91 4.5 4.3 42.0 80 59 37 11
Oats, straw 92 4,6 4.4 40.5 70 47 40 14
Alfalfa, hay 90 5.1 15 29.0 50 37 28 10
Bahiagrass, hay 91 4.0 9.5 33.0 73 38 31 6
Fescue, hay 92 4.4 9.2 32.6 70 42 34 7
Bermudagrass, hay 93 3.9 8.0 36.0 78 43 33 7
Bluegrass ,hay 90 5.2 9.5 32.2 69 40 34 6
Brome, hay 89 2.9 10.0 37.0 68 43 36 3
Timothy, hay 88 5.0 7.8 32.5 70 40 34 7
Peanut, hay 91 5.1 10.8 33.2 70 41 35 8
Orchardgrass, hay 91 5.0 8.4 37.1 72 45 39 9
Clover, hay 89 5.1 16.0 28.8 46 36 28 8
Pangolagras, hay 91 3.6 5.5 38.0 77 46 37 7
Ryegrass, hay 83 5.0 5.5 36.3 69 45 36 9
Napiergras, hay 90 4.9 7.8 39.0 75 47 35 14
Sorghum, hay 91 5.2 8.0 36.0 68 42 35 6

Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
48 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
The lignocellulosic materials (industrial byproducts)
that may be used for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus
mushroom are showed in Table 2.

Table 2. Lignocellulosic materials (industrial byproducts) that

may be used for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom.

Organic matter Dry NEL Crude Crude NDF ADF Cellulose Lingin
matter % MJ/kg protein % fiber % % % % %
Cotton, hulls 91 3.9 4.1 47.8 90 73 59 24
Peanut, hulls 91 1.7 7.8 62.9 74 65 40 23
Rice, hulls 92 0.7 3.3 42.9 82 72 33 16
Soybean, hulls 91 7.4 12.1 40.1 67 50 46 2
Oats, hulls 92 3.1 3.9 33.4 78 42 30 8
Safflower, 91 5.6 22.1 32.5 58 41 27 14
mech. ext.
Cobs, ground 90 4.6 3.2 36.2 89 35 28 7
Grape marc, 91 2.9 13 31.9 55 54 48 35
Sawdust, 90 3.8 40.5 78 61 44 17
salt cedar
Coffee pulp, 92 11.3 18.5 49 46 9
Coffee, hulls 88 9.4 36.0 62 51 16
Instant coff. 91 10.9 44.0 71 66 23

Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
The physical appearance of a bag filled with wheat
straw based substrate and the fruiting bodies of the
oyster mushroom are shown in Image 1.

Image 1. Oyster mushroom fruit bodies on substrate.

Image 2 shows bags of SMS after cultivation.

Image 2. Landfill of mushroom spent substrate

The physical appearance of high-quality wheat straw
based substrate for oyster mushroom cultivation
after polyethylene foil has been removed is
presented in Image 3.

Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
50 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Image 3. Substrate free from polyethylene foil
From the aspect of animal nutrition, SMS from
grain straw-based substrates are the most interest-
ing (wheat, oat, barley, rye). The oyster mushroom
uses an arsenal of different enzymes like cel-
lulase, -glucosidase, laccase, ligninase to de-
grade complex lignocellulose molecules into simpler
compounds that the organism uses for its growth.
Through degradation, mushroom enzymes change
the structure and composition of the original material
used in the substrate, that is straw. At the end of the
production cycle, SMS contains parent material part-
ly degraded at the molecular level, mycelium and a
dense web of fungal hyphae.

The main building material of Pleurotus ostreatus hyphae is chitin, which can hardly be used by
animals. Chitin contains proteins and essential amino-acids as well as macro and micro elements.
Healthy substrate does not contain mycotoxins (aflatoxin, ochratoxin, citrinin, patulin, zearalenone,
sterigmatocystin and penicillin acid). Results show that the amounts of pathogenic bacteria or molds
are under the legal limits defined for concentrations of harmful substances in animal feed of plant ori-
gin. The chemical composition of wheat straw and wheat straw based substrate for oyster mushroom
cultivation is shown side by side in Table 3.

Table 3. Chemical composition of wheat straw and substrate for Pleurotus ostreatus (on 100% dry
matter basis)

Indicator Wheat straw % Substrate for oyster mushroom %

Crude ash 6,47 7,95

Crude fat 2,00 3,25
Crude fiber 40,57 30,01
Crude protein 3,47 4,58
BEM 47,49 54,21
Ca, g/kg 2,07 5,53
P, g/kg 0,61 0,52

Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
It is hard to preserve SMS from spoilage because it contains a high amount of moisture. Special
cold-storage conditions are necessary in the case of prolonged keeping. If the substrate is intended
for animal feeding, it has to be used in a short amount of time: a week in summertime and three to four
weeks in winter. To prolong shelf-life beyond this timespan, the substrate has to be preserved the
best and the cheapest way is to ensilage.

Ensiling of the wheat straw based substrate left after the

production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom

Due to it specific smell and taste, SMS is not favored by animals. They prefer to consume it when it
is ensilaged and mixed with other feed materials in a form of total mixture ratio (TMR), for example with
silage, concentrate, molasses and others.
Ensiling is a biotechnological procedure for preserving wet, bulky and concentrated food on the
basis of complex and intense chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes. The most import-
ant end product is lactic acid. It is formed by lactic acid bacteria fermenting the soluble sugars present
in the compost under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). Lactic acid is a natural preservative. It
has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, prevents spoilage and the loss of nutrients. Other bacterial
groups like acetic and propionic acid bacteria are also present in material that goes through ensiling
process. Silage hosts undesired bacteria like butyric acid bacteria, proteolytic bacteria group, as well
as molds and yeasts. If the ensiling conditions are optimal, these microorganisms do not have a large
impact on silage quality.
The best way to perform ensiling is to combine the substrate with other materials rich in soluble
sugars, like the whole corn plant (while it is immature and still green in color), wet or dry corn based
wholemeal. In this case the final product-silage will have better organoleptic characteristics. In other
words, silage would be more appealing for animals; consumption improves as well as the net-energy
value. Substrate that has been processed in a silage form can be kept for a longer period of time with-
out the risk of spoilage.

Silage quality factors

The best quality silage contains 30-35% of dry matter. The amount of water-soluble sugars should
be 6-9% on a dry weight basis.
Ensiling is an anaerobic process: air needs to be pressed out of the material and the possibility of
its return should be blocked. Compression is best achieved by using tractors to drive over the material
for 10 to 12 hours after the silo has been filled.
Material that is well cut is easier to compress and results in more appealing silage for animals as
well as a denser material easier to transport. The ideal length of the whole corn plant is 0.7-1.5 cm. In
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
52 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
case of grasses, legumes and mushroom spent substrate the length should be from 2-5 cm.
Dry and semi-hot weather conditions are ideal for ensiling. Optimal temperature is 20-25C. If the
weather is too dry the material will dry out fast, while rainy weather introduces mud into the silo which
results in contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, for example Clostridium bacteria. The best
outcome results if the silo is filled in 2-3 days, in which time the material is successively compressed
by driving over.

Silage storage facilities

Silage storage facilities should insulate feed material from air flow, and prevent access to under-
ground waters as well as surface runoff.
Silos can take various forms: piles on a concrete surface, in-ground silo trench, horizontal above-
ground silo trench, concrete silo tower and air-tight silo (of the Harvestor type). For silo-piles and
silo-trench, forage loss can be 15-20%. Horizontal above-ground trench silo better preserves forage
quality, especially if it has a roof. Even with those silo losses can be from 10- 15% if they are not prop-
erly protected from air flow and rain.
Silos should be covered with plastic foil, which prevents access for air and rain. Foil can be loaded
with green mass or other less valuable materials. Usually foils are 0.15-0.20 mm thick. Another solu-
tion, which is also the best, is to cover the silo with roof construction.

Image 4. Cross-section of silo before covering Image 5. Cross-section of silo after covering

A concrete silo tower provides better conditions for keeping silage, and losses amount to 5-10%.
The highest quality silage can be obtained from an air-tight silo made from plastic or metal; losses in
this case amount to less than 5%.
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Polyethylene tunnel-shape foils are another possible solution for silage storage that is very inter-
sting. They are practical, cheap and environmental friendly. The use of these foils yields high quality
ensilage, and can be placed anywhere in small farmyard. A special press under 4-5 bars of pressure is
used in order to compress the biomass into the foil (Image 6).

Image 6. Press for compress of biomass into the polyethylene tube for ensilaging.

Ensiling with green corn

Straw based substrate does not contain enough soluble sugars for silaging requiring that it be
mixed with a material that compensates. SMS mixed with whole corn plant should have 30-35% of dry
matter in the moment of ensiling. Considering that fresh SMS has around 25% dry matter, it should be
exposed to fresh air for 1-2 days to dry before ensiling. Table 4 presents chemical composition and the
quality of silage based on a mixture of green corn plant and oyster mushroom spent substrate (seen
in Image 7).

Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
54 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Dry matter 31,00

Crude ash,% 6,30

Crude protein,% 1,71

ADF,%1 8,70

NDF,%2 13,40
Ca,% 1,38
P,% 0,56
pH 3,68

Lactic acid,% 72,77

Acetic acid,% 27,23

Image 7. Green corn plant and 1Acid detergent fiber; 2 Neutral detergent fiber
Pleurotus ostreatus Table 4. Chemical composition and quality of
mushroom spent substrate based green corn plant and oyster mushroom based
silage (80:20%). substrate.

Silage with SMS and green corn plant achieved a high quality two months into the process. It did not
contain butyric acid, and was grade I quality (according to methodology by Flig). Results demonstrate
that mushroom spent substrate can be used as silage when it is mixed with whole corn plant while its
still immature and green in color, 80:20% (by weight) in the favor of corn.
To what amount can SMS be mixed with green corn plant so that its specific taste does not ruin the
attractiveness of the silage as a feed?
The proportion of SMS mixed with corn plant can be up 20% when quality aspects alone are taken
into account. However, this proportion does not soften the taste of the resulting silage nor of the ration
in which it is mixed normally including hay and concentrate significantly. If there is a need to im-
prove the flavor of silage and the meal of which it forms, smaller quantities of molasses can be added.
The major drawback of using the SMS-green corn plant mixture for silaging is that green corn plants
are only available seasonally, in the final development stage of the plant.

Ensiling with corn wholemeal

Ensiling of SMS can be accomplished by mixing the substrate with corn wholemeal in proprotion
of 80:20, in the favor of substrate. The addition of higher amount of corn wholemeal will increase si-
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
lage quality and its energetic value. Corn wholemeal should be moist, entailng that the corn should be
picked at an earlier stage when dry matter content is 70-75%. In the temperate regions of the Northern
Hemisphere, this relates to early autumn: the second half of September or the begining of October.
In Table 5 the chemical composition and quality of silage based on substrate and corn wholemeal is

Dry matter 33,00

Crude ash,% 6,80

Crude protein,% 2,4

ADF,%1 8,50

NDF,%2 11,6 1 Acid detergent fiber;

Ca,% 0,56
Neutral detergent fiber
Table 5. Cheical composition and quality
P,% 0,72
of silage based on oyster mushroom
pH 3,72 spent substrate and corn wholemea
Lactic acid,% 77,27 l (80:20%).
Acetic acid,% 27,73

At other times of the year, SMS can be

ensiled with dry corn wholemeal (80:20%).
Silage based on oyster mushroom spent
substrate and corn wholemeal is presented
in Image 8.

Image 8. Silage based on Pleurotus

ostreatus mushroom spent substrate
and dry corn wholemeal (80:20%).

Ensiling with other materials

SMS can be used for silage as a mixture

with perenninal hay crop (graminea and le-
guminose) as well as with waste products
of plant production (corn stalks, sugar beet
with its leaves and other) and agro-industrial
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
56 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
byproducts (raw sugar beet pulp, brewery spent grain, apple mash). The ratio of mushroom spent sub-
strate in those mixtures ranges from 10 to 20%. For these mixtures, mushroom spent substrate should
be dried for 1 to 2 days in order to regulate the moisture. Dry matter content should be 30-35%. Dry
corn stalks, straw, perrenial hay crops or alfalfa (particle size 2-5 cm) could be added in order to absorb
the excess of moisture.

Silage additives

Different additives can be used in order to promote a desirable fermentation. At the same time, addi-
tives can increase the resulting nutritive value of the silage, improve taste and prevent loss of nutrients.
Beside moist or dry corn wholemeal, other materials with a high carbohydrate content like dry sugar
beet pulp, whey (powder) and molasses can be used as additives. Dry sugar beet pulp is added in
amount of 10-20%, while the ratio for molasses and whey is 5-10%.
Additives are added continuously as layers in the silo as it is being loaded with SMS. Molasses
should be diluted because of their high density with semi-hot water (3:1), and sprayed from the bucket
or sprinklers. Nozzles to be used should have a larger diameter.
The silage may be used already after 6 weeks, but the best time for opening is 2-3 months after the
ensiling process has finished.

Oyster mushroom spent substrate as cattle feed

Various straws are used as a component of feed rations for cattle (wheat, oat, rye, beans, peas,
soybeans, lentils); they contain 86-88% of dry matter, 3-4% of proteins and 30-40% of raw cellulose.
Thier energy level is relatively low, 2.5-4.0 NEL, MJ/kg and 2.0-3.8 NEM, MJ/kg. They fulfill the role of
roughage, important for efficient functioning of a ruminant digestive system like that of cattle; the higher
volume fills the complex stomachs of ruminant cattle and encourages digestive motor mechanisms. At
the same time, straw contains a large degree of cellulose, which is hard to digest, in effect limiting the
extent of its consumption. In contrast to non-ruminant animals, ruminants are able to digest a portion
of cellulose from straw into more simple carbohydrate compounds. In turn, acetic acid is formed during
fermentation and serves as intermediate for the synthesis of milk and milk fat. It is not rare for straw to
be used when there is insufficient feed available. In order to improve straws nutritional value for cattle,
especially regarding the digestion of cellulose, different processing approaches have been tested. This
includes physical, chemical and biological treatments.

Straw treatments-in order to improve its utilization efficacy

Physical treatment: Straw is cut into particles 2-5 cm long, milled and cooked with or without pres-
sure. The result is a breakdown of the lignocellulose complex and an increase of utilization efficiency
through better consumption and digestion by cattle.
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Chemical treatment: Straw is exposed to acids, alkali (NaOH), ammonia, ammonium-hydroxide,
urea, alkali hydrogen-peroxide, potassium-xydroxide, sulfur-dioxide, ozone etc. The aim of those treat-
ments is the degradation of the lignocellulose complex, breaking strong bonds in lignin molecule (which
is the hardest to be degraded) and production of fodder which is easier to be digested; resulting in
higher efficacy of utilization for production of meat and milk.
Biological treatment: Enzymes are used to degrade polysaccharides like cellulose and hemicellu-
lose, as well as lignin. This method ensures that no harmful products are formed and the final result
is similar to a chemical treatment. Biological treatment can be combined with chemical treatments,
through the use of NaOH and hydrogen-peroxide. One biological approach includes the exposure of
straw to fungal enzymes. Typical example for this is the oyster mushroom that has strong enzymes
which degrade the lignocellulose complex.
Some of the methods (physical and biological) are present in the preparation of substrate for the
oyster mushroom production.
Oyster mushroom spent substrate, as a roughage, can be used as a feed component for ruminant
cattle due to the specificity of their digestive system and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and protozoa)
that live in their ante-stomachs. Rumen microorganisms have enzymes that degrade cellulose and
hemicellulose to less complex molecules involved in fermentation. Volatile fatty acids (acetic, propionic
and butyric acid) are the final products of the fermentation. 30-50% of cellulose and hemicellulose are
digested in rumen. Lignin is digested poorly, as it is practically indigestible.

Which SMS can be used as a feed component?

Only the spent substrate that has yielded good fructification is suitable for further use as fodder,
fresh or ensilaged. In other words, SMS has to be of a good quality and that the mushrooms enzymes
have contributed to the degradation of the straws lignocellulose complex. Anyhow, substrate that re-
sulted in poor fructification is not good. Why is that? Substrate that showed it was unsuitable for mush-
rooms is likewise unsuitable for animals.
All the recommendations herein for feed components based on wheat straw SMS are based on
scientific experiments with different categories of cattle.

Animal rations for cows

One of the experiments focused on lactating cows. They were fed with corn silage where one part
was replaced with the straw based SMS in a ratio of 2:1, in the favor of substrate. Two treatments in-
cluded groups that were fed with 2 and 3.2 kg/cow/day. Undesired consequences were not observed
in regards to production, milk composition and the health of the animals. SMS was mixed with other
materials by hand, and it was delivered twice a day (morning and evening). Fodder also contained
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
58 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
alfalfa, spent brewery grain, soybean meal, and complete feed mixture with 18% of total protein. The
feed rations reflect standard characteristic for lactating cows.
The treatment groups produced less milk than the control group, 3.73% and 7.28%, respectively. No
statistical difference was observed between these two groups.
Treatment groups had milk fat contents of 3.67% and 3.71%, while the control group had a milk fat
content of 3.56%. A possible explanation might lie in the fact that oyster mushrooms secrete enzymes
that degrade lignin molecules. The outcome is an increase in the bioavailability of cellulose and thus
the production of acetic acid, which is a precursor in milk fat synthesis.
The inclusion of SMS based on wheat straw in lactating cows feed might be justified economically.
The possibility of using such meals could be even larger if mixing of the feed was more thorough (total
mixture ratio-TMR). The observed results in milk production could be less marked in the case of cows
with lower genetic production potential, for example 10-15 kg of milk/cow/day.
On the basis of these results it is suggested to use silage prepared from green corn plants and sub-
strate (80:20) or substrate and corn wholemeal (80:20), in the amount of 4-5 kg/cow/day. Addition of
molasses (0.5 kg/cow/day) might improve the meals taste and consumption.

Image 9. Cow feed with TMR

with the substrate

Fresh or ensilaged SMS may be used

as a component of feed for cows in the
last 60 days of pregnancy in the amount
of 1-2 kg if it is of good quality; if it is not it
should not be used.

Heifer feed rations

Experiments showed that wheat straw

based SMS can be used as feed compo-
nent for young heifers (4-24 months old)
when lower weight gain is desired (0.6-1.0
kg/day). In this case the meal can contain
2-3 kg/animal/day of fresh spent substrate.
If the SMS has been silaged it can be administered in amounts of 4-5 kg/animal/day, with the addition of
other materials (hay, corn based silage, or total feed mix with 16% of total protein). Addition of molasses
(0.5 kg/animal/day) will make this meal tastier for the heifer.
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Animal rations for growers

One of the experiments included beef

cattle in the second phase of fattening
(10-12 months old). The treatment groups
were fed with 2.5 kg of SMS (10% of dry
matter in meal) and 4.2 kg of SMS (17%
of dry matter in meal). The rest of the meal
consisted of alfalfa, corn based silage and
total feed mixture (12% of total protein) in
amounts that are standard for this catego-
ry of cattle.
Daily growth of experimental groups
were lower compared to control (1.149 kg/
animal/day): 13 g lower (1.13%) and 158
g (13.75%), respectively.
The experiment showed that wheat
straw based SMS can be used as a part
of meal for beef cattle. The growth marked
was lower but satisfactory, about 1 kg/ani-
mal/day, entailing lower expenses.
The amount of fresh SMS in this case
can be 2-3 kg/animal/day, and 4-5 kg/an-
imal/day if the substrate was silaged and
contains other materials (hay, corn based
silage and total feed mix with 13-14% of
total protein). Molasses are also welcome
to correct taste in the amount of 0.5 kg/

Oyster mushroom spent substrate as feed for other animal species

In addition to the use of SMS for cattle feed, other experiments and scientific papers provide informa-
tion about its suitability as a feed for other animal species. Most of them are obtained in a small scale
experiments conducted using ruminants (sheep and buffalo), but there are to papers concerning pigs
(sows and growers) too. Some experiments were even conducted on laboratory animals rats. Evidently,
the scientific community, as well as farmers, have demonstrated interest in this topic. Further research is
necessary to make precise recommendations for other domestic and game animal species.
Use of straw-based substrate from the production of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom as animal feed
60 Dr. Milan Adamovi, System Ekofungi
Business development for the urban and
rural small mushroom entrepreneur
Igor Milosavljevic
System Ekofungi

Who is the small mushroom entrepreneur?

In short, anybody ready to make the effort. It is essential that she/he builds a comparative ad-
vantage of their business based on: the knowledge of fundamental underlying biological processes,
how to translate biological needs into technical best-practice and, ideally, collective experience from
others who are doing something simi-
lar. In addition, the entrepreneur should
know how to design and build a busi- 10000000
ness. There is much good literature on
these subjects to instruct the seeker, 7500000
both printed and online, and to which

this work in its whole aims to contribute. 5000000

This theoretical knowledge must also be
paralleled by practical experience. Cov- 2500000
ering all these aspects, the EkofungiS-
chool provides an accelerated initiation 0
for the prospective small mushroom en- 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
trepreneur. Year
Good news: its boom time in the
mushroom business.
Business development for the urban and rural small mushroom entrepreneur
Igor Milosavljevic, System Ekofungi
The global market for mushrooms has grown an average of 6.4% each year for the past 15 years.
Market growth is continuously accelerating since the late 1990s, as can be seen in Figure above. In this
period, consumption per global inhabitant grew from 1 kg/year to over 4 kg/year1.

The market is expected to continue growing at an annual rate of 9.2% between 2016 and 20212. The
highest growth is projected in Europe, at 10.8% annually . The global market for shiitake is expected to
expand the most, from 6.7 billion to 11.0 billion; with oyster mushrooms in a close second, predicted
to expand from 4.6 billion to 7.3 billion3.

What is driving accelerating growth?

For all consumers, health is a vital and growing concern. Interest in the link between food and health
has changed mainstream consumption patterns by valorizing quality aspects related to good health.
Consumer perception of mushrooms as a high-quality food, a good component of a healthy diet, is the
primary driver of mushroom market growth.
The most eager consumer groups are those that feel this concern to the largest degree. In our ex-
perience, this has included:
Young families: particularly first-time pregnant women and new mothers;
Pensioners: who are urged by doctors to pay more attention to their diet;
People with special dietary needs/preferences: vegetarians, vegans, individuals following glu-
ten-free diets;
Higher income families: are more likely to spend on mushrooms than lower income families4;
Young educated professionals: millennials, 24% of EUs population , and are the demographic
group most likely to pay premiums for wellness purchases .
Each local market is different in its composition, and the degree to which such groups (and other
groups that value mushrooms) are represented.

How does the small mushroom entrepreneur fit in the world market?
The best opportunity for the small mushroom entrepreneur in her/his local niche market is to offer
mushrooms differentiated by high-quality aspects, catering to customer groups that value this trait. To
understand how to translate this statement into drafting a business plan, it is useful to examine the
structure of the world market.
Champignons are the worlds most popular mushroom, accounting for 38% of global sales. Shiitake
and oyster mushrooms together make up 40% of the global mushroom market: 24% and 16% respec-
tively2. The rest of the market is made-up of other cultivated edible and medicinal mushrooms, as well
as mushrooms picked from the wild. Cultivated and wild non-champignon mushrooms are sometimes
collectively referred to as specialty mushrooms.
Production of champignons is intensive, based on production systems develop in Western Europe
Business development for the urban and rural small mushroom entrepreneur
62 Igor Milosavljevic, System Ekofungi
and North America and replicated in emerging markets around the world. The production systems
are characterized by their large scale, achieving low production costs per kg. To establish small-scale
champignon production is a challenge, both technically and in regards to establishing a price-compet-
itive position in the market. In addition, consumers perceive champignons to have lower benefits for
health than other mushroom types; this consumer perception can be seen in the fact that specialty
mushroom market segments are realizing larger growth rates than the market for champignons.
China accounts for 90% of the worlds shiitake, and 85% of the worlds oyster mushroom produc-
tion1. There are a large amount of producers, including companies and households, employing low
tech production systems. These extensive production systems reliant on low labor costs allow China to
realize very high competitiveness in regards to price. However, Chinese mushrooms are scrutinized by
experts for their high heavy metal content (e.g. lead and mercury) resulting from high levels of soil pol-
lution in the country, and a high nicotine content. A growing number of large industry buyers refuse Chi-
nese products from traders . This represents a direct opportunity for mushroom entrepreneurs seeking
to set-up a medium-sized production, i.e. >10 tons. For all mushrooms entrepreneurs, it signals that
they cannot compete on the bulk market and need to in the least differentiate themselves by demon-
strating higher-quality and safety of their mushrooms through their composition; this primarily entails
attentiveness regarding raw material sourcing, and, preferably, regular quality validation through labo-
ratory chemical composition analyses.
It is also important to note that mushrooms have a very short shelf-life. Quality and aesthetic as-
pects quickly deteriorate within a week following harvest. Distribution requires constant refrigeration
and quick logistics. The consequence is that fresh mushrooms are generally produced within a relative
geographic proximity: only 7.4% of mushroom exports are fresh mushrooms . International trade in
mushrooms is mostly of preserved types canned, dried, frozen, etc mostly originating from China:
e.g. 88% of dried mushrooms on the global market are Chinese exports .
In summary, the small mushroom entrepreneur faces low-hanging fruit to position her/himself as a
fresh local producer with rigid traceability in the production chain, guaranteeing high-quality that de-
livers perceived healthy aspects to a large degree. Besides freshness, consumers perceive that local
food is beneficial for them: a point of view held by nine out of ten Europeans .
However, this approach should not be taken as a direct prescription but rather as a blueprint for
a strong foundation. We have seen a wide range of small mushroom business concepts that deliver
added-value well beyond this.

Where to start?
Inherent logistics issues are not the only reason that the small mushroom entrepreneur should focus
on the local market. The small mushroom entrepreneur must know his customers very well to recog-
nize important underserved needs in one or several segments of the market and develop a business
model that can deliver value in meeting these needs. This requires channels for communication and
feedback with end-users, which is not practical or resource-efficient beyond a given distance. Target
Business development for the urban and rural small mushroom entrepreneur
Igor Milosavljevic, System Ekofungi
customers must be identified and characterized, and their problems understood to a large extent. As
indicated so far in this text, a major consumer issue is trust in food safety and quality. However, produc-
ing a mushroom that is high quality is not sufficient, the product has to reach customers in a manner
that fits into their lifestyles. Millenials for example face a tough job market, where competition in on-job
performance is high and demanding hours are the norm. For this customer group, providing conve-
nience is a definite must: selling at a green market and fixed time home-delivery might not be optimal
solutions to reach them effectively.
The crafting of a good business model is guided by the customer. The mushroom entrepreneur
is not psychic, s/he can only make guesses about certain key aspects of the customer groups s/he
wishes to target. These guesses should be informed, i.e. hypotheses, and they must be tested. This
means continuously communicating with a sample of the customer group to confirming/reject the entre-
preneurs assumptions in his business model. The mushroom entrepreneur as an interviewer must ask
open-questions: e.g. We have found that problem A is important for other young mothers like yourself,
does this sound like it makes sense to you? S/he has to test the following:
Understand the problem: Who are your customers? What is their top problem relating to what
you are trying to solve? How do they solve it today?
Define the solution: Will it work? Who is the early adopter? Are your adopters willing to pay the
price you offer?
Validate: Do customers understand what is the unique value you are offering? How do you reach
more customers? Do you have a financially viable business?
This approach draws entirely from lean startup methodology , developed in Silicon Valley to opti-
mize the product development cycle for startups with limited resources. The basic concept is to closely
integrate customers into the product development process, testing all business assumptions before
making business decisions. It is important to understand the approach as one of developing and vali-
dating a business model. This effort should be charted on a constantly revised lean canvas (available
at or business canvas (available at In its entirety, the
canvases cover key aspects of the business model.

What else is important?

The small mushroom entrepreneur will in general have a small production volume. This means that
s/he has to seek to generate a large degree of added-value of her/his product. This can be either in
regards to the product itself (e.g. organic certification, unique story), through its processing (e.g. cut
mushroom, pasta mixes), packaging (e.g. premium packaging), delivery to the customer (e.g. cooked
as a meal, delivery). This is particularly true for the urban farmer whose production volume is highly
limited by space availability: they must become a true boutique production.
Secondly, the mushroom business entails a long chain of tasks: collecting raw inputs, creating sub-
strate, cultivating fungi on the substrate, distribution and retail. Overall, the entrepreneurs are the major
source of labor, and thus labor availability is often a limited resource for the new small mushroom busi-
Business development for the urban and rural small mushroom entrepreneur
64 Igor Milosavljevic, System Ekofungi
ness. This is a good place to accentuate that it is important to maximize the efficiency of business de-
velopment, for which lean methodology is a great asset. Also, it means that the entrepreneur must seek
efficiencies along each chink of the chain. A good way to accomplish this is through close partnerships,
often with people with which the business concept and its value resonate. For the mushrooms-on-cof-
fee entrepreneur, this includes caf owners that will ensure that hygienic procedures are respected in
the collecting of coffee. For some entrepreneurs it may mean selling to restaurants instead of directly
to consumers. The small mushroom entrepreneur must develop a business network as one of her/his
major assets.
Another important point to consider is if it is feasible for mushroom sales to be the only income
stream for the business or even the main one. Many successful small mushroom entrepreneurs have
created a multifunctional farm, where revenue is generated from several products/services. This can
include funds from projects designed to deliver social value, or offering classes on home mushroom
production (as done by RotterZwam). As time is a highly limited resource for the small mushroom en-
trepreneur, it is particularly useful to pursue activities that create synergy with mushroom production,
for example opening a store in a trendy street to promote the concept to interested consumers. The fact
remains that the large majority of classical urban farms (i.e. plant producers) face large challenges to
achieve financial feasibility, a large degree of them rely on financing from local government or other do-
nors to survive. Although as of yet less numerous, it seems that most urban mushroom farms will face a
similar inherent challenge and will have to seek multiple revenue streams. Classical urban farms have
shown great creativity to address this issue, for example creating a beautiful atmosphere which can
be rented out for events, like weddings, or recreational activities, like yoga classes. Mushroom farms
are typically humid and less picturesque places than rooftop gardens, and thus less suitable for these
specific activities, but there is a novelty value which urban mushroom production can offer outside the
food value chain that has as of yet to be seized upon fully by many small mushroom entrepreneurs.
Creativity is the only limitation for what other business activities can be built around a small mushroom
1Royse, D.J., 2014. A global perspective on the high five: Agaricus, Pleurotus, Lentinula, Auricularia & Flammulina.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products.
2Zion Market Research, 2016. Mushroom market by type, by category for food processing industry, medical and direct
3Markets&Markets, 2015. Mushroom market by type, by application and by region.
4United States International Trade Commission, 2010. Mushrooms: Industry & trade summary.
5EUROSTAT data, 2015.
6Goldman Sachs, 2016. Data story: Millenials.
7Personal communication, industry executive active in trading
8Global Trade Information Services database.
9IndexBox, 2015. World: Mushrooms (dried) market report: Analysis and forecast to 2020.
10Eurobarometer, 2011. Special Eurobarometer 368: The Common Agricultural Policy report.
11Reis, E., 2011. The lean startup. Crown Business: USA.
Business development for the urban and rural small mushroom entrepreneur
Igor Milosavljevic, System Ekofungi
System Dynamics Analysis: Introduction and
an Example for Mushrooms on Coffee
for the city of Torino
Ina Matijevi, Dipl. ing.


The Blue Economy is inspired by non-linear models that prevail in Nature. Environmental systems
are highly nonlinear and in combination with socio-economic dynamics create highly complex, inter-
related dynamic systems with time delays. The mathematical modeling can capture the key interrela-
tionships through feedback loops and nonlinearities. Computer simulations present dynamic patterns
of the business model over a period of time. The nonlinear behaviour of complex systems over time is
explained with stocks, flows, internal feedback loops and time delays.
Participatory System Dynamics Model is a tool to design, support and implement the innovative
business models that characterize The Blue Economy wisdom. It allows to accelerate and broaden the
opportunities for implementation while determining natural limitations. This modeling also permits the
quantification of feedback loops and multiplier effects, facilitating a clear understanding of the syner-
gies through cluster approach.
Prof. Jay Forrester at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA) built the origins
of this computer tool in 1964 as an urban development model. Inspired by the description of the world
problems by Aurelio Peccei, a former top executive of FIAT and Olivetti, it was later adjusted into a
global model that served as the basis for the Club of Rome report Limits to Growth. A simplified ver-
System Dynamics Analysis: Introduction and an Example for Mushrooms on Coffee for the city of Torino
66 Ina Matijevi, Dipl. ing.
sion of this model is now widely available permitting its use even amongst beginners in math but com-
mitted to understand and operate the dynamics of the Blue Economy.
Mathematics and modeling are the heart and soul of the projects the Blue Economy implements.
We could consider it the reversal of the modern day obsession of business plans and strategy devel-
opments which have such a linear approach, neglecting the portfolios of opportunities and putting the
maximum profit and market share as the ultimate goal. Prof. Gunter Pauli
To learn how to grasp the essence of Participatory System Dynamics Modeling anyone can refer
to the online course of MIT. Most commonly used SD softwares are Stella and Vensim. They can be
downloaded for a free trial period.
This report is made in iThink software of iseesystems.


This simple Participatory System Dynamic model (later in text PSD) of coffee waste in Torino city
explains the potential for the local community if they adopt The Blue Economy business model inspired
by one of the greatest nutrient transformers - mushrooms.
Torino city has 920,255 habitants with mushroom consumption of 4,800,000 kg/year. It also produc-
es 218.582 kg of coffee waste each month. At the moment this waste goes to a landfill, representing 15
garbage trucks every month that take away this precious resource from the local community.
The simulation is made to calculate the flow of resources per month in city of Torino in kg of coffee
waste, mushrooms and leftover substrate in time frame of 12 months. The data is collected using whats
available on the internet. There are 2,661 restaurant with average 1.6 kg of waste daily, 281 hotels
with average 3.5 kg of waste
daily, 90 state/corporate insti-
tutions with average 0.5 kg of
waste daily and households
with cca 2,000 kg daily.

Diagram 1.
Coffee waste produced in
Torino per month.

If the local community

decides to cascade coffee
waste into Cluster on coffee
waste starting with mush-
System Dynamics Analysis: Introduction and an Example for Mushrooms on Coffee for the city of Torino
Ina Matijevi, Dipl. ing.
room production, we can see the following results:

With 218,583 kg of coffee

waste per month, Torino city
can produce 37,156 kg of mush-
rooms per month. For the spent
substrate leftover after mush-
room production, 26,000 kg
goes to the zoo as animal feed
and 39,000 kg to city parks as
fertilizer. It takes approximately
one month to grow mushrooms
for the market and two months
to collect leftovers for zoo ani-
mal feed and city parks.

Diagram 2.
Cluster on
coffee waste.

The impact on the local com-

munity is measured through
employment possibilities creat-
ed and the flow of money that
goes back into local community.
Almost 10% of Torinos market
demand per year for mush-
rooms can be satisfied with
System Dynamics Analysis: Introduction and an Example for Mushrooms on Coffee for the city of Torino
68 Ina Matijevi, Dipl. ing.
many local, small, entrepreneurial initiatives. This could create up to 37 workplace and circulate almost
4 million in the city of Torino in one year if all the coffee waste is utilized through The Blue Economy
business model.

Diagram 3. Impact on
local community

For more explanations how to use iThink software and make your own PSD model for local commu-
nity, please visit Ekofungi System school video channel.

System Dynamics Analysis: Introduction and an Example for Mushrooms on Coffee for the city of Torino
Ina Matijevi, Dipl. ing.

When passion grows as mushroom

Silvia Barbero, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

My passion for Systemic Design grew on me when its name, as we know it now, was not yet defined.
During my bachelors degree, I had the honour to have Carla Lanzavecchia as one of my professors.
Her course, Environmental Requirements of Industrial Products, instilled in me a devotedness towards
topics related to environmental sustainability. She was so passionate during her lectures and for her
research that she organised an extra workshop for students to delve deeper into sustainability and to
consider it in a different way. This was at the beginning of 2000: the mainstream mindset towards sus-
tainability centred on life cycle assessments, and the general perception was that ecodesign products
were expensive and ugly. However, her approach was broader. She considered sustainability as a key
requirement for products at the same level as others (functionality, ergonomics, industrial feasibility),
and she considered inherent processes behind products in their whole. For those reasons, she organ-
ised, together with the coordinator of the Design Degree at Politecnico di Torino, Prof. Luigi Bistagnino,
a one-week workshop on Sustainability of Processes, to which she invited prof. Gunter Pauli. I attend-
ed this workshop. What I learnt was much more than what I had expected.
The event produced an explosion of passion for the Earth and of trust for human beings. After this
workshop, the relation between Carla Lanzavecchia, Luigi Bistagnino and Gunter Pauli grew closer and
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
70 Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
closer. Discussions on different projects and
research ensued, and an increased aware-
ness crystalized that something should
change in the approach. From my side, I
strongly believed in a new approach and I
decided to write my bachelors thesis on this
topic. I agreed with Carla Lanzavecchia and
Luigi Bistagnino that we should examine the
possibilities to transform the approach to
dealing with the flows of material and energy
in our territory, the Piedmont Region, in line
with what Gunter Pauli showed us. During
this challenging path, when the name Sys-
temic Design started to take shape, Prof.
Carla Lanzavecchia passed away leaving
behind a large legacy and a responsibility
for the research team at Politecnico di To-
Prof. Bistagnino carried on with all the
activities and by 2002 created a bright new
Master of Science in Ecodesign, with one entire semester dedicated to Systemic Design. The pro-
gramme was not only new for the Politecnico di Torino, but for the entire world. During the first five
years, he invited Gunter Pauli to hold a one-week workshop at the beginning of the semester and a
one-week workshop at the end. The forward-looking programme started with 12 Italian students, and
now counts 100 international students and requires an entrance exam. The lectures have also evolved,
as has the name: it is the Master of Science Aurelio Peccei in Systemic Design. Experts from differ-
ent disciplines were involved as teachers from the very beginning (i.e. chemistry, physics, mechanics,
history, economy and management), in order to create a multidisciplinary environment for the develop-
ment of projects.
At the end of the masters programme, I completed another thesis in Systemic Design, working on
a coffee plantation for one of Gunter Paulis projects in Colombia. This was the first time I came across
the fact that it is possible to produce mushrooms from the branches of coffee plants (fig.1), and I had
the opportunity to study it. At this time, I read that there was an expert in Europe that is able to grow
mushrooms on different substrates: Ivanka Milenkovic. The work I did with my masters thesis was well
received, and Gunter Pauli invited me to present the project during the ZERI International Forum in
Tokyo, held to mark the 10th year since the organizations foundation.
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
fig.1: coffee plantation in Manizales (Colombia).

At that time, my interest in this topic and the effort I had dedicated towards it were already so strong
that the path towards my future job was clear. I continued to feed my hunger for knowledge, enrolling
into the second-level international masters of two years in Systems Design at the Politecnico di Torino.
The programme included collaboration with and activities in Kyushu Institute of Technology and Kyoto
City University of Arts (Japan), University of Hawaii in Manoa (USA), Technical University of Hamburg
Harburg (Germany) and Universidad de la Sabana in Chia (Colombia). I had the fortune to have teach-
ers with global fame, like Fritjof Capra, Janine Benjus, Anders Wjikman, Anders Niquist, as well as
Gunter Pauli and Luigi Bistagnino. I also had the opportunity to visit many virtuous projects and to meet
amazing people around the world with the same attitude to tend to others as well as our planet. I de-
cided to turn this passion into a career, enrolling into a PhD, followed by a research fellowship and my
current position as an assistant professor. My present research activities are based on Systemic De-
sign, and I apply this methodology in different sectors and parts of the world to foster local sustainable
development. Actually, Im the coordinator of an Interreg European project: A systemic approach for
REgions TRAnsitioning towards a Circular Economy (RETRACE and Furthermore, Im very honoured to now teach in the Environmental Require-
ments of Industrial Products course of the bachelors degree in Design and Visual Communication at
Politecnico di Torino. I am doing my best to maintain the high level of work set by Carla Lanzavecchia.
In recent years I have run international projects, like the one in Ahuacuotzingo town (Mexico) with
Red Mexicana de Mujeres, Cavideco and Sudemur; in Lea-Artibai (Spain) with Azaro Fundazioa; in
Bucharest (Romania) with the National Centre for Sustainable Development of Bucharest (NCSD) and
the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome (ARCoR); in Montauban, Tarn et Garonne (France)
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
72 Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
with Poult; and local ones, like Energia e Fagioli in Sistema (EN.FA.SI
stories/docs/enfasi_web and cofunded by Regione Piemonte and with the
collaboration of Agroinnova, Arese Franco, Molino Borgo San Dalmazzo; agro-industry local develop-
ment with Agrindustria Tecco srl; and Fondo Noir with Lavazza spa.
I want to share some more words on this last project. It was one of my first projects and it led me to
realise how much the Systemic Design approach can really change our economic model, with compa-
nies that work in our territory. Also, I had the chance to meet in person the brilliant Ivanka Milenkovic. In
2007, Lavazza S.p.A., one of the most famous Italian coffee companies asked Professor Luigi Bistag-
nino to find a solution for the spent coffee grounds remaining after brewing the beverage. He wanted
me to take part in the research team because of my experience in Colombia on the coffee plantations
project. We started with a chemical analysis of Italian spent coffee grounds, and research into possible
uses of it. The spent coffee ground contains residual caffeine, tannins, polyphenols, minerals, melanoi-
dins, lipids and waxes, lignin, proteins, ashes and polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicellulose are a
little less than 50%). The material is still rich material, though we typically throw it away. Having in mind
the amazing production of Shiitake mushrooms in the coffee plantation in Manizales (Colombia), I was
wondering if we can do the same spent coffee grounds in Italy. So, after a meeting with Gunter Pauli,
he recommended that the best person to help me in this challenging project was Ivanka Milenkovic.
His recommendation changed the results of this research and allowed me to meet a wonderful person.
She is a visionary agronomist and an inspiring woman, who gave me a sensitive picture of inherent
Her response was totally unexpected: between the lines of her e-mail you can read her passion. She
immediately gave me a positive answer to my request, offering an invitation to go to her workplace to
learn how to grow mushrooms from spent coffee grounds. After a couple of weeks, I was in Belgrade
and I met her in person. It was an amazing experience. She dedicated a lot of her time to me, I was
always with her trying to catch every single word of information. With a lot of patience, she explained
the basis of mushroom growing to me, in different substrates and with different species. Then, she set
up an experiment for me in order to verify the substrate mix. After this experience, there was time for
me to come back in Italy and set up the experiments with spent coffee grounds from Lavazza cafeterias
and other waste materials from the lo-
cal area. Even when I had returned to
Turin, she followed my effort at every
step, with a continuous and tireless
support (fig.2).

fig.2: tests with different substrate

and the spent coffee ground.
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
The main goals of this experiment were to verify feasibility of production (ability to create good sub-
strate material, considering local availability of resources and the suitability of spent coffee grounds
for growing edible mushrooms) and logistical feasibility (ability to find the necessary raw materials,
equipment, and other essentials in the local area). The field experiment was carried out over a period
of four months, during which we tested mushroom growth to determine the most suitable set-up. Our
experimental mushroom production process was designed to use raw materials available in or around
the city of Turin, except for the spawn.
For optimum growth, mushrooms need a proper substrate into which mycelium can be introduced
or inoculated. Mushrooms typically require only low-level energy resources during the growth phase.
Once we identified the correct substrate for growing Pleurotus ostreatus, our research analysed the
local availability of raw materials on a seasonal basis. This allowed us to determine the best substrate
composition with regards to materials available in the local area, knowing that the substrate must con-
tain cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, minerals, and organic salts (exhausted straw, husks, grape seeds,
pruning vines, fruit waste, and sawdust). The exact amounts of these additional components would
vary somewhat depending on the locality within the region.
Our experiment yielded positive results, confirming all the hypotheses put forth and proving the fea-
sibility of the proposed project. The average production of fresh mushrooms was around 1.5 kg for each
3 kg of substrate used during the growth period. This harvest was double the estimated biological effi-
ciency. We were able to increase the quantity of mushrooms harvested through step-by-step changes
implemented during the growth phase, using a feedback loop that improved substrate preparation tech-
niques and enhanced the ambient conditions (ventilation and moisture) in the growth room. The Pleuro-
tus ostreatus mushroom was recommended by Ivanka Milenkovic due to its good resistance to varying
environmental conditions

fig.3: Pleurotus
ostreatus production
from a mixed
substrate with spent
coffee ground.

I can say that the re-

sults of these experiments
were successful thanks to
her experience and avail-
ability. The Lavazza com-
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
74 Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
pany was so proud of these results that they decided to present them during the International Fair
Salone del Gusto in 2008. This fair is one of the most important events in the world in the wine and food
sector: every two years, it gathers the food excellences as expression of culture and identity. For this
event we set up mushroom production on spent coffee grounds and other agricultural by-products in
order to have ten bags every day (for the five days of the fairs) to show in the exhibition. In the stand,
substrate bags with the fresh mushrooms were shown. The whole process was described including
the possible use of the spent substrate for production of vermicompost and the nutritional properties of
Pleurotus ostreatus (fig.4).

fig.4: exhibition during

the Salone
Internazionale del Gusto
in 2008.

This research resulted in

scientific articles, two booklets
(Buone previsioni dai fondi
di caff and Fondo Noir
stories/), many speeches in
international conferences and,
especially noteworthy, a deci-
sion by Lavazza to further this
study direction. In the following
years, with the involvement of
prof. Paolo Tamborrini, the research evolved with some tests on other materials (paper, ink, oil, brick)
and the business model for the collection of the spent coffee ground in all the cafeterias in the city cen-
tre of Turin. The Italian research team that helped me on these experiments consisted of Alessandro
Balbo, Cristian Campagnaro, Andrea Di Salvo, Franco Fassio, Andrea Marchi, Simona Patrono, Katia
Pozzato, Alessandra Rasetti, Dario Toso, Riccardo Vicentini, Andrea Virano, Eleonora Fiore, Miram
Bicocca, Matilde Argentero and Milena Barbalinardo (in addition to the people already mentioned).
I really enjoyed meeting Ivanka Milenkovic, not only for the success of this research but for the pas-
sion that she transferred to me and the friendship that grew from this occasion. We got to know each
other from growing mushrooms on spent coffee ground and now the result is much bigger: a network
of visionary people that with the modesty of everyday work are changing the approach to the world.
I can say that she was one of the women that has influenced my carrier the most: she is a model for
me in her professionalism and her passhion.
CHAPTER 3. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY When passion grows as mushrooms
Silvia Barbero, PhD, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)


SINCE 1997
Jaramillo Lopez, Carmenza

Researcher Special Projects of CENICAFE

(National Coffee Research Center).
Chinchina, Colombia until 2003.
Current Member of the International
Scientific Committee for Medicinal Mushrooms
Rodriguez Valencia, Nelson

Professor S.T. Changs observations on his visit in 1997, by initiative of the ZERI Foundation, initi-
ated a series of investigations in Central and South America, specifically in the coffee zones of Costa
Rica, Brazil and Colombia: Caldas, Choc, Crdoba, Huila, Antioquia and Cundinamarca. They in-
volved the cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms on waste streams from agribusiness: impact
has echoed into recent years through social projects in rural and urban areas. Meanwhile, industrially
productive projects are achieving large sizes despite exploiting new markets. Today, after 18 years, the
76 AMERICA SINCE 1997 Jaramillo Lopez, Carmenza
Researcher Special Projects of CENICAFE (National Coffee Research Center). Chinchina, Colombia until 2003.
Current Member of the International Scientific Committee for Medicinal Mushrooms
Rodriguez Valencia, Nelson
most promising potential is shown in production of medicinal mushrooms.
Chronologically, the projects have grown over time, and the training of people in the different places
that Professor ST Chang visited on his trips to Colombia is reflected in the number of scientists who
have dedicated themselves to fungal science.

ZERI Foundation (Gunter Pauli) and Mario Calderon Rivera were the most important promoters of
this vision, working together with Carmenza Jaramillo and Nelson Rodriguez to make it a reality.

AMERICA SINCE 1997 Jaramillo Lopez, Carmenza
Researcher Special Projects of CENICAFE (National Coffee Research Center). Chinchina, Colombia until 2003. 77
Current Member of the International Scientific Committee for Medicinal Mushrooms
Rodriguez Valencia, Nelson
Ivanka Milenkovic, EKOFUNGI DOO

We, in EKOFUNGI, strongly believe that the core of scientific work should be the benefit of human-
kind. It should never be at the expense of any single creature.

Science and entrepreneurship are intertwined like mushrooms and the roots of trees: they inspire,
support and provide benefit for the participants on both sides. Scientific achievements are, and always
have been, the most important resources for the EKOFUNGI. We appreciate them, adjust them and
use them in our everyday work. We do the research of our own and exchange it with the scientific insti-
tutions who find the inspiration in our work as a representation of a real system-problems. This specific
symbiosis enable us to become the unique production facility of edible mushrooms, in Europe as well
as in the world.

If an entrepreneur wants to go forward there is only one way: INNOVATE! Open your mind for the
advices and experiment! Innovation demands us to be creative. Creativity does not allow us to be
closed-minded. On the contrary, creative person appreciate the exchange of ideas through the conver-
sation. He/she shares the ideas unselfishly for the benefit of others. Thus, he/she creates the commu-
nity of interest, making the world a better place. Only in that kind of world the entrepreneurs can have
a prospering small part of its own.
78 Ivanka Milenkovic, EKOFINGI DOO
EKOFUNGI is a proof that this kind of entre-
preneurship approach is possible. Moreover,
EKOFUNGI proved that with this policy, this
work-philosophy is the only tool to go through
the difficult times, to overcome bad moments
and external disturbances that are constantly
flushing our existence and business.

EKOFUNGIs wish was and still is to be the

spot where the science and practice merg-
es. In reality, we went throughout the difficult
times more than once. Very soon we figured
out that uniqueness is the only way to survive
no matter what the circumstances are. Among
contemporary high-tech mushroom produc-
tion facilities that are typical for the high de-
veloped countries and low-cost technological
solutions which are present in the countries of
East, EKOFUNGI established its own way: We
used and merged the solutions of a modern
science and our own findings; we applied the laws of biology and fulfilled physiological demands of
mushrooms, and finally we used a twenty-year-experience in cellulose waste utilization. The last one
was realized in the cooperation with the ZERI foundation. And we succeeded!

Today, EKOFUNGI production takes place in seven tunnels that have been adapted according to
the climate zone in which we are situated. The tunnels do not require a huge investment or complicated
bureaucratic procedures. We have developed a specific technology for the substrate production, and
we produce it for our own needs. Our capacity of oyster mushroom production is 20 t per year. Used
substrate is not a waste; we deliver it to the nearby cow-farm. Thus, we create a closed cycle.

On the other side, a local stable provide the horse manure which we use in the white button mush-
room compost production. Annually, we produce around 100 t of white button mushroom.

Spent mushroom substrate is directed to the local farmers. They use it as a natural fertilizer, and
later their cellulose waste serves as the raw material for the oyster mushroom production.

Obviously, this is a never ending circle. Waste, in a classical meaning, does not exist!
All EKOFUNGI products have an organic production certificate.
Ivanka Milenkovic, EKOFINGI DOO
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy
inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation
for Impact
Mark Slegers
Siemen Cox
Rotterzwam, the Netherlands

Two guys, almost equal in age, both working in a corporate environment and fed up with it. For one
it was a training in LEAN which opened his eyes for waste especially the waste of human talent. For
the other a documentary called The Crash Course - by Chris Martenson opened his eyes.

They wanted to contribute to a sustainable society and not only talk about it any more. It was time
for doing! Both where familiar with the Blue Economy (BE) and specifically the business case of grow-
ing mushrooms on coffee waste. The fact that one started 2 and a half months before the other, in the
same city, doesnt matter. After a cup of coffee they decided to tackle this challenge together.

Mark Slegers is a former manager at an energy company. He was educated as a biotechnologist; he

knows the details of [nature] biology, chemistry and physics. He worked many years in ICT and energy
companies were he was confronted with the lack of possibilities to be creative at his work. As a father
of 2 kids he quit his well paid job and started to become an entrepreneur in 2010. In the beginning, he
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation for Impact
80 Mark Slegers, Siemen Cox, Rotterzwam, the Netherlands
was active in consulting companies in the green economy, helping them to do less bad, but in 2013 he
moved on from consulting to Doing according to the framework of the blue economy. In 2013 he joined
RotterZwam and in 2015 they initiated BlueCity, a building where there is [almost] no waste and entre-
preneurs work in symbiosis with nature and each other.

Siemen Cox worked in financial services as a team- and project-manager. After watching an online
documentary called the crash course - by Dr. Chris Martenson he got the insight we need to change
the way we organise our society. The second thing that changed his perspective was a permaculture
design course in Portugal. It was there that a teacher mentioned the Blue Economy and the business
case of growing mushrooms on coffee waste. The thought never left his mind, and he started imple-
menting the dream of a local mushroom farm on the coffee waste of the city of Rotterdam in January

So there we were. With little money, no experience, in an empty swimming pool in the city centre of
Rotterdam and we could find no one willing to share their knowledge on how to grow mushrooms on
coffee waste.

The BE states to work with what is locally available. That differs from place to place so we could
imagine not all the details being present in the book. Because we believed in the principle, we just

But we decided to do it on a different way than those before us. We would share all our knowledge:
current, present and past.
We wanted to pave the way for other entrepreneurs to walk this path without having to figure every-
thing out everything by themselves. Also, we didnt want to deliver our mushrooms to Amsterdam. Not
because we dont like Amsterdam (we leave that to the soccer supporters) but because there is plenty
of coffee waste in Amsterdam. Let an entrepreneur in Amsterdam rise up and create jobs, food and
reduce waste.

In the very beginning, we shared that we grow mushrooms in a swimming pool and the first people to
approach us where the police. A group of 24 strong barged into our farm looking for magic mushrooms.
After a good laugh and some picture taking from our side, they parted and we wrote a blog about that
experience. The next day we were on the front page of Algemeen Dagblad online, one of the biggest
newspapers in The Netherlands. The day after, our phones never stopped ringing.

We were contacted by all the major media outlets and had our first TV appearance the same week.
But we didnt have any mushrooms yet, only bags with substrate that turned green. Luckily we had
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation for Impact
Mark Slegers, Siemen Cox, Rotterzwam, the Netherlands
some pictures they could edit into the film so that the difference between a bag of green mold and oys-
ter mushrooms could not be seen.

Then we had restaurants contacting us through our Facebook page. They ordered mushrooms. But
we didnt had any yet. So we reached out, explained the situation and they were happy to wait. The
occasional mushrooms we produced, found willing demand.

But we had to learn by doing, methodically find out all the possible ways of mixing the ingredients.
Even to find out what the ingredients were. By simple trial and error it took us a little over 12 months to
figure out the magic mix. Next step was to make a DIY growing and fruiting room.

Help from the BE network

That was when Charles van der Haegen initiated a discussion in a Linkedin group. He stated that so
many small urban farmers in Europe where all inventing the same wheel. Wouldnt it be a good idea to
come together and share what we know, without anybody making money on it.

At RotterZwam we believe in sharing, so we suggested to host the first event from which the Mush-
room Learning Network was born. That weekend over 45 farmers from all over Europe came and
shared their expertise. We also met Ivanka there.

Ivanka is a real authority in the mushroom world. She has over 25 years of experience under her
belt. We decided to do a training with her, at her farm in Belgrade. She gave us the priceless informa-
tion to build proper growing and fruiting rooms. After this training, we went to next level with full confi-
dence to initiate a crowdfunding campaign and raise the money needed.

The campaign was long and it was not easy, but we managed to raise 20.000. Enough to go and
build the mixing machine and the growing and fruiting rooms.
Master Mushroom Program
After we build the growing and fruiting rooms, we had a tenfold increase in production, from 3 kg per
week to 30 kg per week. We could finally start to grow our business. Then we got more and more en-
trepreneurs contacting us: if we could help them set up a business of their own or if we do franchising.

We had already figured out that franchise was not the way to go. It was part of the old economy and
we would have to control what the franchisees are doing. We think that the entrepreneurial spirit works
best on the basis of freedom of choice. So we created a four day program in which we share all that we
know and all the mistakes we made. The goals are to:
Make sure that other entrepreneurs cut 8 - 12 months of their learning curve,
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation for Impact
82 Mark Slegers, Siemen Cox, Rotterzwam, the Netherlands
Increase the impact of our business case
(we are staying in Rotterdam so others need to
stand up elsewhere),
Create a business network that exchanges
knowledge and grows together,
Do business with each other.

So far we have succeeded in training over 30

entrepreneurs and helping them start up a busi-
ness in their own city.

A lot of people from Rotterdam and beyond
where starting to contact us to donate their pri-
vate coffee waste, the waste they created at home.
We where very much surprised by this. The offers
kept on coming, so much so that we felt like doing
something with it.
We already decide not to produce the regular
Growkit because, according to us, it didnt match
the story. With a traditional Growkit you are trans-
porting waste from the restaurants to the consumer and 70% of the coffee consumption is at home! So
why give the consumer more waste then he already has?

But with all the coffee offers (we didnt accept the coffee because of Trichoderma) pouring in, we
knew that the consumer wanted to do something with their coffee waste. That is when we took an idea
of another collegue, and build on that.

Bruno Van Haudenhuyse from GandaZwam, taught us the basis of making substrate based on cof-
fee waste, he also had an idea called the running pot. Inspired by that, we developed and build the
concept of the RotterZwam Growkit. Of course we shared our results with him and presented him with
the first example.

Some of our colleagues who completed the Mushroom Master Program with us, showed interest
in using our Growkit in their country. But we didnt feel like exporting it abroad. If we would do that, it
would be similar as bringing waste from restaurants to the consumer. So we figured out a different way.
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation for Impact
Mark Slegers, Siemen Cox, Rotterzwam, the Netherlands
We thought of the principle of think global and
act local. We exported the knowledge so that
our partners could produce the Growkit in their
city and could continue to create jobs locally. In
exchange for sharing all the knowledge to build
and market the Growkit we get a license fee.

This system allowed us to stay close to what

we believe in and minimise CO2 emissions in
unnecessary transport. We make less money,
but the environment is better off.

The interesting part of the whole thing is that
there is a cascade of business cases that build
off of either the coffee or the mushrooms. And
then we havent even touched upon the things
you can do with worms (yes, they are also in-
volved). At the moment we have more than five
business cases placed on a shelf waiting to be

As we dont have the same deep pockets as

more established businesses, it takes more time
to develop all the opportunities. Because of all
the challenges our society faces, this is at times
very frustrating. We could do so much more, if
we would have better funding.

Dont get us wrong, business is thriving. We

have doubled our revenue every year so far and
funded RotterZwam well through private institu-
tions. But with some donations, we could drasti-
cally increase our impact. Its nice to dream and
develop a vision of what we can do to even fur-
ther create a society based on the Blue Econo-
my and inspired by nature.
The Story of RotterZwam: Blue Economy inspired Urban Mushroom Cultivation for Impact
84 Mark Slegers, Siemen Cox, Rotterzwam, the Netherlands
Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen
mushroom farm
Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen
Beyond Coffee

Since autumn 2015, Copenhagen has been home to an urban mushroom farm that each month con-
verts 1500 kilograms of organic coffee grounds into ~250 kilograms of fresh oyster mushrooms. The
farm is built inside two insulated shipping containers which are placed in a temporarily empty building
Beyond Coffee also runs a small store in the hip Jgersborggade street in Copenhagen. This street
is known for its many niche shops, which attract both locals and tourists in big numbers. The store
is called Beyond as we do not only sell our mushrooms, but also other sustainable products that are
made out of waste. The store acts both as an exhibition room for the concept and as a sales-point for
mushroom products.
This chapter will briefly take you through the struggles and achievements that we in Beyond Coffee
have experienced in the last year from planning the first steps to setting up a farm and opening up a

Why containers?

We chose to build our farm inside cooling containers, also called reefers, no longer suitable for their
primary purpose. Reefers are used to transport goods that need to be kept cold around the world, but

Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm

Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
the cooling element eventually wears down to a point where it is not financially feasible to repair it any-
more. At this point they become a waste product of the shipping industry, and they can be upcycled for
other purposes. They are usually cheap, and their price is negotiable, especially if you ask around and
cross-check prices. The containers are already insulated and have an inside designed to be cleaned
easily both attributes are perfect for mushroom cultivation as we want to control temperature and
keep it clean inside.
Not only are the containers a cheap building block (it can easily be stacked in height), they are also
very easy to move around, as they are designed for this purpose, and the means to do is widely avail-
able almost anywhere in the world you can hire a truck to move your container. These aspects come
Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm
86 Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
in handy in an urban setting when you are looking for empty spaces for your mushroom farm. In Co-
penhagen we found that there are many small empty spaces available, but mostly for a short timespan
like a year or two. Also, another great advantage is you can design the farm to suit your preference only
once and then scale it by adding more units.

Getting started
Finding coffee donors

To get started it is essential to find good sources of coffee grounds. In our experience it proved
valuable to find donors that are truly interested in the project. It makes it a lot easier for everything work
smoothly. Another good idea is to find donors that are not too busy meaning that they actually have
time to separate the coffee and handle it correctly
We now frequently get asked if we are willing to take the coffee grounds from different places. This
means that we can be picky about who we choose to take from. We therefore only accept coffee from
places that:
Are brewing certified organic coffee
Are truly engaged in the project
Are willing and able to store the grounds in a refrigerated space
Are willing to provide us with receipts of the bought coffee, which we need for legal matters
Selling your end product

You should not spend too much time on finding people to buy your mushrooms, before you have the
product ready. In our experience it is easier to present the product to your customers when you actually
have the mushrooms to deliver. Delivering a test-sample to different restaurants is a great way to move
forward. Also, keep in mind that many chefs usually have good connections to other restaurants in town
especially those with the same values (e.g. buying local produce, using organic produce, etc.). It is
important to make a good impression from the beginning and to make sure to notify your restaurants
if you are looking for more customers. Our experience is that medium to high-end restaurants are the
most interested, especially restaurants that promote sustainability and local food.
If possible, you deliver mushrooms to a restaurant from which you also pick up coffee grounds. This
creates a strong story from which both the restaurant and your business can benefit.

What we have been successful with

Strong partnerships

From the very beginning we established a good relationship with local restaurants who demon-
strated a willingness to support the project and a willingness to pay a little extra for high quality fresh
produce with a good story. In part, this was achieved by offering exclusive tours of the farm to some of
Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm
Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
the head chefs at the restaurants. This is a good way of doing it because it gives your customers (in this
case the restaurants) an insight into the work the goes on behind the produce, the whole mindset and
also to stress why it is important to deliver fresh non-contaminated coffee grounds to the production.

Media attention

It is useful to have a media strategy from the beginning. Media attention is self-amplifying, so most
of the work occurs in the beginning once you get started the attention will continue to roll automatical-
ly. It is best to get covered by a big media bureau at the start as this gives the whole project credibility
and many smaller bureaus will learn about the story and also want to cover it.
Luckily, mushrooms being grown on coffee grounds is a great story, one which journalists love to
cover. Keep in mind that there is a breaking factor in journalism, which is quite important to the bigger
bureaus in particular. What we did was to promise our story to a big Danish newspaper, which is prob-
ably the most read in Copenhagen. This resulted in a big article about us in a big newspaper, which
lead other journalists to contact us from other types of media. Within a year we have been featured in
several newspapers, on radio, on internet blogs, on TV-news and in a documentary film. Every time we
appear in the media we can tell the difference in both the sales and the amount of interested partners
who contacts us.

Opening a shop

Opening a physical shop to meet the customers has been a great success for us. In the window
facing the street we showcase a bag of substrate with fruiting mushrooms. This is a great way to pres-
ent the idea to the general public. It is also an eye catcher that makes people stop and triggers their
curiosity. Many people enter the shop with a mysterious look on their faces, eager to hear what it is all
about. Having your own shop also makes it really easy to test out new products and ideas.

What we could have done differently

Getting good quality grounds

When engaging new coffee ground donors it is super important to make sure that the quality of the
coffee grounds is good. If you do not do this, you can end up discarding a great amount of your production
due to contamination from molds. We have recently experienced this due to a change in coffee donors.
When you take in several new donors and mix all the grounds, it can be very hard to determine where
the contamination comes from. We therefore strongly emphasize that coffee grounds from every new
donor are tested by themselves, meaning the grounds are not mixed with coffee from any other sources.
This gives a really good indication of the quality of this donor. We have made the mistake to mix coffee
grounds from new donors with grounds for which we already knew were good quality. This diluted the
Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm
88 Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
amount of bad grounds in a mix of good grounds,
which made it hard to see that the new grounds
were bad. This means that the new grounds
became a part of the production without being
suspected as a possible source of contamina-
tion. Thus, the lesson learnt is that it is import-
ant to be super critical towards new donors,
until you are completely sure that the quality of
the coffee grounds they provide is good.

Distribute your time

Setting up and running a mushroom busi-

ness is work intensive. Both mushrooms and
molds grow, whether it is a weekend or a work-
day. This means that time is always a limiting
factor for an urban farmer just like in regular
farming. One of the most important things to
succeed with this business is to be able to or-
ganize the time spent on different projects. Our
experience is that the most important thing is
always to prioritize the farm and production. If
you get behind schedule at the farm, it will take
a lot more time to get back on track. A lack of cleaning could for example lead to a contamination out-
break. Once there is an outbreak you have to spend a lot more time on cleaning than you would have
originally. It is good advice to always keep a few hours free in your schedule to do extra unforeseen
tasks on the farm.

Getting the right coffee

Coffee grounds can have many forms, depending on the method used for coffee brewing. In Den-
mark it is common to brew big batches of filter coffee in cantinas and big restaurants. When this method
is used, the coffee grounds become very wet compared to coffee grounds from brewing espresso. This
influences your production and you risk to get substrate that is too wet. This can result in liquid leaking
from your growing bags and making a mess in your incubation room. It can also limit mycelium growth
in the bottom of your bags, as the water will gather in the bottom and drown the mycelium. We found
that mixing a wet substrate with silverskin/chaff collected from coffee roasters is a very efficient way to
make the substrate dryer. Chaff is roasted and dry, which means that it can be stored for a long period
Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm
Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
without it going bad, and thus without causing contamination when it is used in production. When you
have made sure that your coffee is of good quality, you can start to mix wet and dry coffee grounds to
find the right balance. If you only collect grounds from espresso brewing, then you would probably need
to add water to the substrate to get the right moisture level.

Going beyond mushrooms

Our next big project might be beyond mushrooms. We have discovered that the spent substrate from
mushroom production is a great source of food for edible insects. We have bred batches of mealworms
and crickets, which have only been fed with our spent substrate for their entire lifespan. The crickets
are especially interesting as they somewhat taste like what they have been fed. Feeding crickets with
spent coffee substrate gives the crickets a pleasant taste of earthiness. Crickets contain all the essen-
tial amino acids, which makes it a very good source of sustainable proteins for human consumption.
Unfortunately, Denmark is lacking the legislation to support development of this matter. There are at
this moment no rules for how to breed edible insects in Denmark, which means you cannot do it right
and legally. Hopefully this situation will soon change.
Our next move is to research on the possibilities to upgrade the facility with an insect farm, also
based on disused cooling containers. We believe this has a huge potential essentially it means that
you can produce two healthy and protein rich foods from coffee grounds, using very little resources and
space. We encourage everyone engaged in mushrooms production to participate in the development
of this field. This way we can use spent substrate for creating yet another healthy food source.

Beyond Coffee The Copenhagen mushroom farm

90 Ebbe Korsgaard Andersen, Beyond Coffee
Mushroom Research And
Development: The Case Of Namabia
Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele
University of Namibia

Mushrooms have been used for their nutritional value for millennia due to their high possession of
qualitative protein content, crude fiber minerals and vitamins (Kosanic, Rankovic, & Dasic, 2013). Be-
sides their nutritional value they produce a wide range of secondary metabolites with high therapeutic
value. They are also sources of physiologically beneficial bioactive substances that promote good
health (Kosanic et al., 2013).

Mushrooms are well known among Namibian communities and are widely consumed in most parts
of the country during the rainy season. In Namibia, the utilization of wild mushrooms as food is very
common. Wild edible mushrooms provide two main benefits to the people, as a source of food and
as an income generation activities. It is very common to see people, particularly young women selling
mushrooms by the roadside just after the start of the rainy season. Most mushrooms sold belong to the
Termitomyces species especially Termitomyces schimperi, Termitomyces sagittiformis, Termitomyces
reticulatus. After the rains, during the months of May and June you will then see farmers selling the
most prized mushroom that is known as Omatumbula in Oshiwambo, //nabba by people of Nama or
of San heritage, and mafumbula in Rukavango. These are the well-known Kalahari Desert truffles, the
Terfezia pfeilii. Truffles are some of the most hunted wild mushrooms that one can also find being sold
in local supermarkets.
Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia
Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
Mushroom research, cultivation and development were an initiative of Zero Emission Research
Initiative (ZERI) Africa Regional Project funded by UNDP and under the leadership of Professor Keto
Mshigeni. ZERI, which is a vision, a concept, and a philosophy that aims to catalyze the application of
Science and Technology towards food security and the creation of employment opportunities, especial-
ly for rural women and the unemployed youth. The concept includes enhancement of peoples health
and socio-economic welfare; the production of sustainable development and environmental regenera-
tion in rural and peri-urban communities.

ZERI aims at providing affordable options that are viable and suitable to generate income that can
contribute to the reduction of poverty for the people in Namibias rural and peri-urban communities by
promoting mushroom farming and mushroom consumption. Thus the project further aims to transfer
scientific technology and skills to communities to make productive use of byproducts of agricultural
food processing otherwise deemed a waste. Within the University of Namibia, the ZERI Project focuses
on mushroom research by domestication of indigenous edible and medicinal mushrooms as well as
product development from cultivated indigenous and exotic mushrooms. The Project also ensures that
women and the unemployed youth from all communities across the country are trained to take up and
practice the scientific technologies and skills of mushroom cultivation for them to become self-reliant.
The aim of promoting and increasing public awareness about the benefits of mushrooms as food, med-
icine and as an income generation activity is important because mushrooms grow relatively fast and
does not require complicated post-harvest techniques.

Mushroom farming was introduced in Namibia in the late 90s. Oyster mushroom cultivation was
introduced to famers in 2002 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry at Grootfontein in the
Otjozondjupa Region. Oyster mushrooms have been cultivated and documented in China, (Mshigeni
and Chang, 2000), Pakistan (Sher, Al-Yemeni and Khan, 2011), North America (Cline and Leschen,
2005) and in African countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa (Kimenju et al., 2009).

In its efforts to promote mushroom farming, the University of Namibia developed and published read-
er friendly advocacies on mushroom growing in English with some translated into local languages. It is
thought that the promotion of oyster mushroom cultivation is best suited to introduce farmers to mush-
room cultivation, as these mushrooms can play a major role in poverty reduction, hunger alleviation, pro-
motion of good health and creation of employment for the unemployed. Thus the University of Namibia
embarked on research to explore various locally available organic materials to be used as substrates
for the production of oyster mushrooms, especially those generated as byproducts from agriculture
activities after harvesting. Several experiments were carried out in order to find the best local organic
materials to grow the exotic mushrooms that were introduced in the country. Research also focused
Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia
92 Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
on trials to determine the mush-
room species that can grow well
in Namibian climatic conditions. A
comparison of the bioconversion
efficiency of mushrooms grown
on different locally available sub-
strates was conducted for the few
available oyster mushroom spe-
cies. The likes of Pleurotus sa-
jor-caju, Pleurotus ostreatus and
many others oyster mushrooms
responded well when tested on
some Namibian wild grass and
most agricultural wastes. The
substrate research went as far as
exploring a mixture of grass with
seaweeds found along the Namib-
ian costal area: it yielded promis-
ing data showing that mushrooms
grown on grass supplemented
with seaweeds absorbed iodine.
However it was suggested that
more research was necessary
(Kaaya, Kadhila-Muandingi, Lot-
fy, and Mshigeni, 2012). Currently
the recommended oyster mush-
rooms substrates in Namibia are maize cobs, wheat and rice straw as well as millet husks. Medicinal
mushrooms like Ganoderma are grown on woodchips from the local wood carvers.

Currently at the University of Namibia, mushroom research activities are being carried out and
coordinated by the ZERI department within the Multidisciplinary Research Centre (MRC) at main cam-
pus in Windhoek, the Sam Nuyoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre (SANUMARC)
at Sam Nuyoma Campus in Henties Bay at the coast, and at Ogongo Campus in northern Namibia.
Apart from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) which was the main funding agency for
mushroom promotion and cultivation in the country, mushroom activities also received funding sup-
port from the local bank NEDBANK, the African Union through the Southern African Network for Bio-
Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia
Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
sciences (SANBio), Global Environmental
Facility (GEF), and the United Nations Uni-
versity (UNU). The university main campus
supports mushroom projects in Khomas,
Omaheke, Kavango, and Hardap regions.
SANUMARC supports mushroom project in
Erongo, Otjozondjupa, Karas and Kunene
Regions, while Ogongo Campus supports
mushroom projects that are in Ohangwena,
Omusati, Oshana and Oshikoto regions.

Most of the indigenous Namibian mush-

rooms such as Ganoderma have been
studied on the level of domestication and
product development. This followed re-
search carried out in the country which
revealed that community members have
been and are still utilizing Ganoderma
mushrooms for medicinal purposes, both in
humans and animals (Ekandjo and Chim-
wamurombe 2012, Kadhila-Muandingi
and Chimwamurombe, 2012, Shikongo,
2012 and Kadhila-Muandingi, Nametso, du
Preez, and Mumbengegwi, 2014). The evi-
dence of traditional use of substances from
mushrooms by indigenous populations and
the abundance of the species in nature
highlights the consideration of using natu-
ral substances for investigation of medici-
nal properties. Medicinal mushrooms have
shown therapeutic benefits, primarily be-
cause they contain a number of biologically
active compounds (De Silva et al. 2013).
Research on indigenous mushrooms
does not only focus on the ethnomycology
by the communities and domestication, but
Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia
94 Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
also on buying and collection of edible undomesticated mushrooms that are sold by the communities.
These mushrooms are bought, dried and processed into products such as soups that are promoted as
healthy food during the University Research Day; the objective being to pass on the technology and
skills to the communities during mushroom cultivation and post-harvest training sessions. Mushroom
research and development has now become advanced in Namibia with more communities having been
trained in mushroom cultivation and post-harvest processing. During community training, participants
are introduced to different types of mushrooms, being taught uses for food and medicine as well as
the danger caused by specific poisonous mushrooms, and the basic skills and technology involved in
cultivating oyster mushrooms. The facilitators of the training follow a comprehensive program that in-
cludes but is not limited to: mushroom culture preparation, spawn preparation, substrate preparations
and inoculation, vegetative and reproduction phases, mushrooms post-harvest processing focusing on
harvesting and preservation, types of mushroom houses and their construction using different cheap
locally available materials and their management as well as topics on mushroom pests and diseases

Apart from community training, researchers continue with trials on the domestication of indigenous
mushrooms, particularly edible ones. Most research is also focused on mushroom product develop-
ment with some promising prototypes that can be used in the country and beyond. ZERI plans to de-
velop more products from indigenous mushrooms that can be promoted by passing on the knowledge
and skills to the local people. More research is now focusing on mycochemical compounds of interest
that are found on indigenous mushrooms for possible product development. Products in the form of
nutritional food such as mushroom tea, dietary supplements, soups and chips are of interest because
they can contribute to health, food security, income generation and poverty alleviation in the country.

Opportunities and challenges faced by mushroom farmers in Namibia

Even though communities countrywide are trained on mushroom cultivation, most mushroom farmers
grow mushrooms for their own consumption and only sell them when they have a surplus. Namibia needs
to scale up and grow oyster mushrooms on a large scale to meet demand, which is currently high. Pub-
lic awareness and mushroom promotion still need to be emphasised in order for the people to become
aware of such activities. Famers field days, agricultural shows, school fun days and University research
days can be targeted for awareness creation. Information materials like booklets, brochures and posters
on mushroom growing that are translated into local languages can be disseminated at agricultural shows
for the promotion of mushrooms as a nutritional and healthy food and as a business opportunity that can
be easily taken up by people in order for them to become mushroom business entrepreneurs.

Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia

Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
Most of the challenges experienced in the regions in Namibia include lack of cooperation among
community members and interpersonal relations, lack of commitment toward project activities, un-
availability of substrates in some regions, contamination, and mushroom phobia that sometimes limit
the sales of mushrooms to other community members. As a result, more needs to be done to create
awareness on the safe consumption of cultivated mushrooms.

In 2009, the African Union NEPAD/SANBio selected the University of Namibia ZERI Project as the
Mushroom Node for the Southern African Region. UNAM was recognized as a Centre of Excellence for
Mushroom Research and was given the role to coordinate the Mushroom Research, Technology and
Innovation (MRTI) activities at regional level. Six southern African countries participated in the Node
initiatives, namely: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia. The University of
Namibia is still the Mushroom Node for the Southern African Region due to its outstanding research
and development on mushrooms cultivation.

Figure 1. Most wild harvested mushrooms that are sold at local markets. From left Termitomyces
schimperi, referred to as omajova by the locals and Terfezia pfeilii well known as the Kalahari Desert

Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia

96 Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
Figure 2. From left, the
mushroom house at the Univer-
sity of bNamibia and the inoc-
ulation box that is used by the
communities as laminar flow
hood where tissue cultures and
spawn are made.

Cline, A. R. and Leschen, R.A., 2005. Coleoptera associated with the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus Fries, in
North America. Southeastern Naturalist, 4(3), pp.409-420.
Ekandjo, L. K., & Chimwamurombe, P. M. (2012). Traditional medicinal uses and natural hosts of the genus Ganoderma
in north-eastern parts of Namibia. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 6 (3), 1139-1146.
Kaaya G. P., Kadhila-Muandingi, P. N., Lotfy, H. R., and Mshigeni, K. E. (2012) Determination of optimum seaweed con-
centration for mushroom cultivation and the ability of mushrooms to absorb iodine. African Journal of Agricultural Research
Vol. 7(25), pp. 3673-3676.
Kadhila-Muandingi N.P., Nametso O., du Preez I. and Mumbengegwi D.R. (2014). Antiplasmodial activity of indigenous
Ganoderma lucidum and Terfezia pfeilii Namibian mushrooms. Journal of Parasitology. Photon 104 (2013) 186-193.
Kadhila-Muandingi, N. P. and Chimwamurombe, P. M. (2012). Uses of Ganoderma and other Mushrooms as Medicine
in Oshana and Ohangwena regions of Northern Namibia. Journal of Research in Agriculture, 1(2): 146-151.
Kadhila-Muandingi, P. N. (2010). The distribution, genetic diversity and uses of Ganoderma mushrooms in Oshana and
Ohangwena regions of Northern Namibia (Masters Thesis). Shikongo, L.T., 2012. Analysis of the mycochemicals com-
ponents of the indigenous Namibian Ganoderma Mushrooms (Doctoral dissertation, University of Namibia). University of
Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia.
Kimenju, J. W., Odero, G. O. M., Mutitu, E.W., Wachira, P.M., Narla, R.D. and Muiru, W.M., 2009. Suitability of locally
available substrates for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivation in Kenya. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 8 (7),
Kosanic, M., Rankovic, B., & Dasic, M. (2013). Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of mushrooms, 19(5), 1040
Mshigeni, K. E. and Chang, S. T. (2000). A guide to successful mushroom farming: an agenda for developing Africa
differently. University of Namibia, Windhoek.
Sher, H., Al-Yemeni, M. and Khan, K., 2011. Cultivation of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (jacq.) p. kumm.)
in two different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (2), p.183.
Mushroom Research And Development: The Case Of Namabia
Nailoke P. Kadhila and Osmund D. Mwandemele, University of Namibia
Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZERI, Author The Blue Economy

The work of Chido Govera inspires me most. Imagine this orphan girl who learned tissue culture in
the laboratory of Africa University at the age of eleven, who perfected her understanding of abuse and
food, and the pressure to get married so that the uncle custodian can collect a few heads of cattle as a
dowry, while everyone kind of knows that this is not a gift for marrying an old man who already has two
or three wives, but rather a compensation for letting this young girl enter into the sex trade. When Chi-
do grasped the full extend of the opportunity she became determined to share he knowledge with any
orphan she could reach. However, first Chido had to perfect her knowledge and first under the wings of
Margaret Tagwira, and later exposed to the hands on experiences of Carmenza Jaramillo and Ivanka
Milenkovic, Chido went out in the world to put into practice the art of mushroom farming reaching out
to coffee communities in Tanzania, villagers around beer breweries in the Congo, Aboriginal families
in Sydney, outcasts in Jhansi (India), mining communities in Ghana, technology entrepreneurs in San
Francisco, and sophisticated three star chefs in Copenhagen. Chido navigated through frustrating ex-
periences in Germany, realised that her understanding of business made her prone to abuse by those
who wanted and needed her name, fame, and ethics to proliferate themselves as social entrepreneurs
and yet, after a decade of pioneering in four corners of the world, Chido settled with a solid life experi-
ence to create hope.
98 Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZERI, Author The Blue Economy
The Future of Hope is Chidos foundation, located outside Harare, where she welcomes orphans for
training, and orphans at risk for a living, taking care of their daily needs, including a warm home, cloth-
ing and school fees all funded through the sale of mushrooms to the local Pick n Pay supermarket.
Philanthropists like Koen Van Mechelen hired her to create art, and the Rotary International Foundation
joined in to permit Chido to reach out to more girls at risk scattered through a nation that has difficulty
in caring for the most vulnerable in society. However, Chido succeeds in making ends meet and create
hope amongst the orphans and is committed to save each and single one she can from the devastating
experiences she had to undergo. Soon Chido will not be alone in her extraordinary endeavour, dozens
of change agents will emerge from the bottom of society where we expected it the least. That is the real
power of mushrooms, modest and perhaps invisible, certainly unexpected but prevailing that is one of
the components of the future of farming and food.

Dr Gunter Pauli, Founder ZERI, Author The Blue Economy

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