Jason Stives 1ob 1q4
Jason Stives 1ob 1q4
Jason Stives 1ob 1q4
Lesson Description
Subject: ___ Math __X_ Reading ___ SCI ___ SS _X__ LA ___Other
Topic: Comprehension from a Text
_Y_ Goal Matches Standard and Assessment: Yes or No
Students will be able to read and comprehend information related to a cave
_X_ Motivation/Engagement
_X__ Demonstration/Modeling/I Do
_X__ Guided Practice/Exploration/We Do
___ Wrap Up/Closure
___ Assessment
Resources Used:
Core Reading Curriculum, Cave Booklet, White Board, highlighters, pencil and definition sheet
21 children, 2nd Grade
Classroom Teaching Strategies Learners Professionalism/Content
The teacher led the S/Teacher conducted a Students were Thanks for providing a
class through subtle transition exercise to actively engaged in copy of the lesson plan
directions and cues ready the students. the lesson throughout electronically and a hard
(Caves) the class period. copy at the observation
Called the children by Began by having a Learning Reading and
name for direction and student observe the conversations related comprehending
redirection illustration on the front of to using questions information related to a
book for motivation. and prompts to add to cave is career related
Teacher read the story and discuss anothers
aloud thinking evidenced
The group was well Reinforced effort through The S/teacher led the Reading and
organized and moved verbal praise and instruction with comprehending
quietly through addressed inappropriate students involved information related to a
transitions conversation throughout the class cave is relevant to life
period lessons
The teacher set high Provided recognition of Students were Appropriate practice for
expectations by student responses. referring to the reading and
relating to reading and Reinforced positive whiteboard with the comprehending
comprehending behavior using verbal teacher engaged, information related to a
information related to praise. (Class DoJo) while leading the cave objectives
a cave children in the
The interactions were Used clues and question Students had Modeled appropriate
respectful between to encourage and guide opportunities to behaviors for using
teacher and students students to experience the questions and prompts to
understanding. concept through a add to and discuss to
definition sheet details and events.
There were clear Individually prepared Student were in Discussed the BEO
standards of behavior questions focused the partners and groups student teacher
for the group and students attention while were seated at the evaluation. Will complete
class. He settled the the children were in their desks P/I by 3/31/17.
group verbally whole group reading responding to
lesson. questions
Student teacher was at The teacher used the Identified similarities Discussed Assignments
the front of the class L/Arts Standards and differences required for the extended
and circulating, application throughout within definition 4th Q. Profile & Video or
leading most of the for reinforcement having worksheet about Peer Observation
class period student in the large caves Reflection due for
group 4/3/2017 MMP
Coop was observing Teacher provided a Students were Jason seems to have a
and assisting the reading and language arts focused attentive and good handle on the
classroom during lesson using questions participating in all student teaching
instruction and and answers as a part of planned activities expectations.
delivery. the instruction/practice
Areas of Strength: The teacher started the lesson with an intro requiring the students to discuss what
they know about caves from the fact sheet and from an illustration on the book selection. The teacher
and student rapport was mutually respectful. The teacher used a prepared Reading and Language
Arts Curriculum and worksheet completion to have students understand the concepts. The teacher
sampled the children often and involved them in the Q&A discussion comprehension lesson.
Areas to Strengthen: Continue to focus on the introduction of the lesson including a motivating
activity to spark student interest. Continue making a statement and list the objective during the
anticipatory set on the whiteboard. Expand the use of the signaling techniques this will engage all of
the students more often, Ex. (Pair/Share, Thumbs-Up or Down). Continue to involve the students in
the practice segments of the lesson and reach out to students assessing their learning for closure. (Exit
Tickets and Post Cards)
General Comments: The teacher used the fact sheet, Reading Booklet and worksheets to reinforce
and solidify the concept of reading comprehension. The lesson was well planned and executed with
confidence. The children seemed to enjoy the activities while learning valuable skills. Your lesson
plan listed the necessary components. Continue to have children focus on each-others responses, by
having them signal their responses after the children offer their answers.