Jewish Standard, April 28, 2017, With About Our Children

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Useful Information for
the Next Generation
Havin Gifts
a Crafts

for Mom


Supplement to The Jewish Standard May 2017
APRIL 28, 2017
VOL. LXXXVI NO. 30 $1.00 86 2017


the Goldin era
Englewoods Ahavath Torah
fetes Rabbi Shmuel and
Barbara Goldin as they
prepare to make aliyah
page 26


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Jewish Standard

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Page 3
Israel has the largest
number of vegans per
capita in the world, and
the trend is growing
fast as food and tech
companies get in on
the action. Activists
hope to keep up the
momentum with
educational campaigns,
new products, festivals,
accommodations and
a planned record-
breaking march.

In a land where the

pace of life is fast and
often stressful, Israelis
have embraced yoga as
a way to relax and find
peace. Whether its
yoga for preschoolers,
employees, or even
soldiers, youll find
every imaginable type
of yoga popping up in
all areas of Israel today.

A tribute to Hipster Israel

l Are hipsters still a thing? even in your publications and newslet- Its got fabulous nightlife,
Thats a question that weve been ters anywhere you want to tell a dif-
great places to eat, an
asking since at least 2012. Real life ferent story about Israel, Israel21c says.
hipsters actually never have showed With a youthful population, a diverse insane street culture, and
up here in the squarest, most suburban mix of immigrants from all over the its been voted the hippest
corner of the New York metropolitan world, and a heady culture of innovation neighborhood in the
area (sorry, Staten Island), so like most and creativity, its really no surprise that world after Williamsburg
people weve had to rely on media ac- Israel has emerged as a hipster haven. in New York. After years
counts for what was purportedly a 21st Whether its in music, art, fashion, food, of neglect, Florentin
century cultural phenomenon. festivals, or lifestyle Israelis are quick
in Tel Aviv is rapidly
It turns out that all this time Tel Aviv to explore and develop new trends, tak-
emerging as one of the
has been hipper than Teaneck, Fair Lawn, ing ideas from all over the world and
and Franklin Lakes put together. To high- turning them into something unique, most exciting and eclectic
light this popular aspect of Israeli culture, exciting and a little bit eccentric. neighborhoods anywhere.
our friends at have put to- Herewith, a few of the 10 images from
gether The Guide to Hipster Israel. Its the exhibition, which is available in full
billed as a do-it-yourself exhibition: at
Put on the exhibition at your school, the-guide-to-hipster-israel
your organization, in shops or offices, or Larry Yudelson The family of Jerusalem
tattoo artist Wassim
Razzouk has been
inking people for over
For convenient home delivery, 700 years. Even the
call 201-837-8818 or wooden stamps he uses
as stencils are at least
500 years old. As the
global tattoo culture
PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is
published weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every
October, by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck moves from subculture
Noshes4 Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack,
to mainstream, Razzouks
briefly local 18 NJ and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
rockland20 to New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, Coptic tattoo style has
NJ 07666. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state sub-
cover story 26 scriptions are $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00. etched its own space in
jewish world34 The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
the industry.
oPINION 38 not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid
political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
dvar torah 47 candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or
crossword puzzle48 The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit-
ARTS & CULTURE49 ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited
calendar50 editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
Candlelighting: Friday, April 28, 7:32 p.m.
obituaries 53
JEWISHSTANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment
editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
Shabbat ends: Saturday, April 29 8:35 p.m.
real estate 57 written permission from the publisher. 2017

Jewish Standard
Standard march 3, 2017 3
april 28,
Noshes Wild boars overrun Islamic
State position, kill 3 militants
Headline in USA Today story written by, believe it or not, John Bacon.
Five other militants were injured, according to the report from northern Iraq.


Einstein episode
to launch series
Genius is a home runs, but by Carew and the Reuland
National Geograph- getting a lot of hits, year family have been drawn
ic Channel series after year. As he posted together by this remark-
that will present the lives one great season after able event. Since the
of brilliant people. The another, everybody woke transplant, Carew has
first Genius 10-episode up and realized he was a redoubled his efforts to
series began on April true great. He was born urge the public to sign
25 and the subject is in the Panama Canal organ donation cards
ALBERT EINSTEIN Zone, then a U.S. territory and become bone mar-
(1879-1955). The consen- in 1945. Canal Zone trains row donors.
sus of advance reviews is still were segregated by The Tribeca Film
that the series depicts race then, and Rods Festival, founded by
Einsteins colorful life and mother was black, so she Robert DeNiro, has
multifaceted personality had to sit in a rear car. Albert Einstein Walter Isaacson Dr. Rodney Cline become a major cultural
pretty accurately. It relied She went into labor on a event.Its an honor for a
on the release, in the last rear train car and rushing film to be selected to be
30 years, of Einsteins to her aid from the shown at the festival. A
huge correspondence by front was Dr. RODNEY film called Keep the
the Einstein Papers CLINE, a Jewish physi- Change is playing there
Project in Israel. It also cian. In gratitude, Rods this year. It tells the story
used WALTER ISAAC- parents named him of the challenges that
SONs very good 2007 Rodney Cline Carew. face two people with
biography, Einstein, His Rod and his parents Aspergers Syndrome as
Life and Universe, as a moved to Manhat- they try to maintain a
major source. tan when he was 12. relationship. It co-stars
I liked Isaacsons book Two Jewish scouts for lifelong Bergen Coun-
because it explained Ein- the Minnesota Twins ty resident BRANDON
steins science in a way I signed him right out POLANSKY, 39. The last
could mostly understand. of high school. In 1967, Rod and Marilynn Carew Brandon Polansky showing is on April 30.
It also was very good he was the American A panel discussion of
on how much his Jewish League rookie of the was the only effective Rod played his last six ulands parents told CBS the The Godfather and
background influenced year, and he won many treatment, but finding a seasons for the Califor- News that their son was The Godfather: Part
him. Sadly, the series re- other honors before he donor who had matched nia Angels and he made so excited to meet Carew II will air, live online,
views say that Genius is retired in 1985. In 1970, Michelles rather rare ge- his retirement home in that he talked about it on Saturday, April 29,
not the place to get a lay Carew wed MARILYNN netic background proved Southern California. After all day. at 8:10 p.m. Log on to
understanding of the sci- LEVY, a Jewish woman impossible. Rod and retiring, he frequently In 2015, Carew suffered the Tribeca Film Festival
entific breakthroughs that he met in Minnesota. The Marilynn went public and did goodwill appear- a massive heart attack Facebook page, atface-
made Einstein a genius. couples three daugh- appealed for donors, but ances at local schools, and needed a trans-
Its odd how so ters were raised in their no match ever was found. including Jewish day plant. On Dec. 12, 2016, The panel includes all
many lives have mothers faith. Michelle died in 1996 at schools, where he an- Reuland, 29, a six-year the major surviving ac-
recurrent themes. I Marilynn and Rods 18. The New York Daily swered questions, signed NFL football player, died tors from the two Godfa-
think youll see them mixed ethnic and racial News reported that Rod autographs, and so on. of a brain aneurysm. By ther films DeNiro, Rob-
when I tell you some- heritage didnt help when and Marilynn were devas- Of course, he visited his sheer chance, Rod Carew ert Duvall, Diane Keaton,
thing about Rod Carew, their daughter MICHELLE tated as they sat shiva for own childrens middle received Reulands heart Talia Shire, and JAMES
now 71. Carew earned his was diagnosed with their daughter. Sadly, the school, and thats where and one of his kidneys. CAAN, 77 as well as
place in the baseball Hall leukemia in 1995. A Carews split up shortly his kids classmate Kon- You can find many online Francis Ford Coppola,
of Fame not by hitting bone marrow transplant after this tragedy. rad Reuland met him. Re- stories, now, about how who directed them. N.B.

California-based Nate Bloom can be reached at

Want to read more noshes? Visit [email protected]

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Left vs. Right
Jewish journalists bring
their debate to Paramus JCC


onathan Tobin and J.J. Goldberg have been sparring in

print and in person for years.
Mr. Tobin is a man of the right: After editing Jewish
newspapers in Connecticut and Philadelphia, he did
similar work for Commentary for several years, and he now
is the opinion editor for Mr. Goldberg is a man of the
left: He was editor of the Forward, where he now is a regular
The past few months, the two editors have been traveling
together, taking their debate to synagogues, and they say to
an audience eager to see that arguments can be civil. Their
presentation, Left vs. Right: The Battle for Israels Soul, is
coming to Paramus next Sunday night. (See box.)
Its been a fascinating experience traveling the country,
Mr. Tobin said. Its given us both a lot of insight into what J.J. Goldberg (left) and Jonathan Tobin (right) debate Israels future in Cincinnati earlier this year. Shari Goren
people are thinking about the dysfunction in American poli- Sloven, a professional divorce mediator, moderated.
tics and Jewish discourse.
Were living in a sort of bifurcated society right now. Peo- the things that unite us are greater than what divides us, Have American Jews ever been this divided before?
ple read and listen and watch different media. They have dif- he said. When I was living in Los Angeles, working for Workmens
ferent sets of facts as well as different sets of opinions, and With the duo expecting to log 40 debates by the end of May, Circle, people would tell stories about the 1920s, when com-
never the twain shall meet. Within the Jewish world we tend and future dates being scheduled for the fall, has the argu- munists and socialists in the Jewish community broke over
to do the same to each other, especially with regard to debates ment had an impact on the disputants? the Russian revolution, Mr. Goldberg said. They had gang
about Israel. Most of the debate isnt generally for the sake of No, we havent changed each others minds, Mr. Tobin fights over who would control a building in Detroit. They
heaven, between two people who want something good but said. Weve sharpened each others arguments. We take would fight with lead pipes and chains. I dont think any-
disagree on how to get there. Its a debate between one side each other seriously. Weve been listening to each other and bodys fighting with lead pipes and chains this year.
calling the other fascists and oppressors and the other side debating each for many years. That doesnt mean well fall Mr. Goldberg said he offers a message that most people
calling the other self-hating Jews. to our knees and say weve seen the light and changed our dont hear all the time: Peace is possible, and Israel would
His debate with Mr. Goldberg, by contrast, is a chance to minds. Thats not going to happen for either of us. But if be safer with a Palestinian state than without one.
hear two people disagree passionately about a great deal, but theres a weakness in each others arguments, were going The general image of the Israeli peace movement is that
theres no name calling, Mr. Tobin said. Its argument, not to find it. Were not persuading each other, but holding each they favor the Palestinians over the Israelis, that its primar-
merely assertion. Its done in an affectionate way. other accountable. ily driven by Palestinian rights, he said. I make the case
Audiences seem to appreciate their tone. Were not two ideologues, were two journalists. Were that the main issue is what will keep Israelis safer. I dont try
When you model civil behavior, you get civil behavior tethered to reality, we live in the real world, we write about to convince them that Palestinians are suffering. The case I
back, he said. People want to be told to behave, to be civil. it, we report about it, were grounded in whats going on and make is that separation is necessary because the Palestin-
When you show them how its possible to have a civil debate what actually happens. ians dont like Israel. There are 6.5 million Israeli Jews, 2
even when talking about difficult issues, they respond in There are subtle changes to our positions, Mr. Goldberg million Israeli Arabs, and 4.5 or 5 million Palestinians in the
kind. It might seem an unremarkable thing to have a civil said, that result from listening to each others arguments. But territories. Theyre pretty much equal numbers. Youve got
debate, but its not unremarkable in 2017. The manner in part of our job is to contrast our views. We have to stick to our more than 4 million people under Israeli control who dont
which our program is done is something the community guns regardless. What happens more is we learn how each want to be.
needs to focus on. other thinks and we start stealing each others lines. Mr. Tobin, however, argued that if it were a matter of
As for the actual content of the debate, We are given The tour has taken Mr. Goldberg to places in America making peace with the Saudis, Israel is open to it. The rela-
four basic questions about Trump, about the peace process, he has never been before, including Birmingham, Louis- tions with the Saudis are oddly cordial these days. The prob-
about Israel and the world, and about BDS, Mr. Tobin said. ville, and Omaha. Its not all homogenous, he said. The lem is the Palestinians and Palestinian political culture,
We go back and forth on these different questions, and towns are more different from each other than you might which is still rooted in the century-old war against Zionism.
then we have questions from the audience. think. We did four different gigs in Los Angeles and they Its very clear Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
Weve both been happily surprised by how warmly the were each very different. has neither the will nor the ability to make peace, Mr.
program is received, he said. Its something theyre not So what do American Jews think about Donald Trump? Tobin said. Thats why theres no confidence in the peace
getting elsewhere. Its not what theyre seeing on TV, or in On the whole, they dont like him, Mr. Goldberg said. To process. Even the leaders of the two opposition parties to
their own lives, where people on social media are defriend- the point where weve been in congregations where the rabbi Netanyahu say their idea is to basically wait 10 or 20 years,
ing each other and flaming each other out. says that they have problems. In the fall, people found they and then the Palestinians will be ready.
Even as they are divided, they want to be reassured that were being ostracized if their neighbors found they were vot- But Mr. Goldberg argues that Israels leading security
ing for Trump. Parents of preschoolers were telling their kids experts disagree with those politicians, and that an agree-
Who: J.J. Goldberg and Jonathan Tobin not to tell their friends how their parents voted. A rabbi told us ment with the Palestinians is possible.
What: Debate, Left vs. Right: The Battle for Israels Soul he was counseling several married couples who were on the The Israelis refusal to believe what the security estab-
verge of breaking up because they voted differently. lishment tells them is very similar to some Americans
When: 6:15 p.m., Sunday, May 7
You say something about Trump one way or the other, refusal to believe what the scientists tell them about global
Where: Jewish Community Center of Paramus /
most of the people start clapping. It really gets a rise out warming, Mr. Goldberg said. In both cases theyre matters
Congregation Beth Tikvah, E. 304 Midland Avenue,
Paramus of them. The rest of them, a minority, scowl and get mad of life and death, and in both cases the respective experts
again, he said. are pulling their hair out right now.


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Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim with music

Synagogue to feature acclaimed pianist Drew Petersen
LOIS GOLDRICH works by Israeli composers tend to be Rabbi Jacobson has worked with the

more contemporary. In addition, Princeton-born Ms. Lewin before. Ms.
rew Petersen recently he said, many of the really quite well Lewin, a former host of weekday after-
awarded the 2017 American known composers of the early and mid- noon music on WQXR and of the pod-
Pianists Award is coming 1920s were Jews, such as Gershwin and cast Conducting Business, has produced
back to Temple Avodat Shalom. Copeland. He is not sure yet whose intermission features for Metropolitan
The last time he visited, in 2014, work he will include in his program, Opera broadcasts and music programs
the now 23-year-old highlighted the but there will be an eclectic grouping and feature stories for NPR. She also has
River Edge synagogues Selichot pro- of them, featuring both the musical been an emcee, host, and moderator for
gram. This time, hell be there for Yom works and commentary on the compos- concerts, galas, and other events. And
Yerushalayim. ers themselves and the historical back- as a singer and actress, she continues
So how does the acclaimed performer ground of their pieces. to appear onstage and to give talks on
who has performed solo, concerto, and In order to have listeners enjoy his operas.
chamber music recitals in the United States, work, I have to enjoy it and be inspired, Asked whether the Yom Yerushalayim
Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and was a Mr. Petersen said. Thats what motivates program might be seen as a political
top prizewinner in the Leeds International me. Ive been working with the rabbi statement about a unified Jersalem, given
Piano Competition, Hilton Head Interna- the synagogues Paul Jacobson over the political climate today, Rabbi Jacob-
tional Piano Competition, Kosciuszko Foun- the past few months to come up with a son said, We cant celebrate or com-
dation Chopin Competition, and the New Drew Petersen concept for the program. We regularly memorate Jerusalem without it being a
York Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition discuss what our thoughts are and what political statement. But playing music
come to be participating in a program com- Mr. Petersen, who grew up in Oradell were going to do. Its a partnership, a creates space for people to appreciate
memorating the reunification of Jerusalem and continues to live there, began piano real collaboration. that in their own right. It allows them to
and the establishment of Israeli control over lessons when he was 5. Now a masters I am fortunate to have these opportu- acknowledge different views.
the Old City in June 1967? student at Julliard, he will graduate next nities to explore Judaism and Israel. Its Music can allow people to celebrate
No, Im not Jewish, but I have visited month. Its a crazy life, he said, noting as much a learning experience as a per- Israel and Jerusalem and acknowledge
Israel, Mr. Petersen said. Ive been lucky that after winning the American Pianists formance. It makes me really happy to be the significance of the day while lead-
to have had a lot of Jewish friends. Some of Award he had to go on a media tour. His constantly learning. ing them to have their own opinions,
them brought me to Israel, where I played parents are the most supportive peo- For his part, Rabbi Jacobson is very he said; indeed, Its more effective for
a recital in Tel Aviv and then went to Jeru- ple, he said, and its nice to be home. excited about the program and the being a musical program than strictly a
salem. It really was a moving experience as According to Mr. Petersen, he got to be opportunity to work with Mr. Petersen verbalized one.
a Christian. the River Edge synagogues pianist on again. While the program is still in for- The program is important, Rabbi
Im Armenian, and Ive found over the call because his neighbor and longtime mation, the evening may include selec- Jacobson added. If our Jewish commu-
years that a lot of our Armenian and Jewish family friend Connie Schnoll founder tions by Paul ben Haim, Alexander Bos- nity is not standing with Israel with
histories are very similar, he continued. of the synagogues Schnoll Music Fund kovich, Yehezkel Braun, Marc Lavery, what we see in the world then people
I can certainly sympathize and under- heard me playing when I was growing George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, wont stand with us. Weve seen this from
stand many aspects of the Jewish culture up and admired my playing. She wanted and Aaron Copeland. The rabbi said the beginning of time.
and faith. Basically, he said, It feels like me to play more in New Jersey, closer to that his young guest brings to the eve-
such a small world, especially in the Mid- home, and share my artistry locally. She ning a warmth, genuineness, passion,
dle East. Everything is very connected. was very well connected to the temple and willingness to lend that presence in Who: Pianist Drew Petersen
For example, he explained, it was fasci- and was able to convince them to bring a positive way. What: Will perform a program to com-
nating to him to learn about Jerusalems me here twice to share some of my music Rabbi Jacobson has been doing some memorate the 50th anniversary of Yom
Armenian quarter. with them. I feel really privileged to share research on the composers. I found out Yerushalayim
That connection, he finds, is enhanced my passion with others. that Copeland was raised in a Conserva- When: On Tuesday, May 23, at
by music. Music in general is a tool, The May 23 program will contain tive Jewish family, he said. I didnt know 7:30 p.m.
whether Jewish, or Israeli, or Western works by both Israeli composers and he had that background. He pointed out Where: At Temple Avodat Shalom, 385
European, the bulk of my repertoire. Great American composers of Jewish heritage. as well that the piano that will be used Howland Avenue, River Edge
art has a way of expressing universal truths Naomi Lewin, a former WQXR commen- at the program is being donated by Forte
Cost: $10 per person
and connecting all of us to each other. tator, will provide narration between the Piano in Paramus, and the entire evening
Still, to paraphrase a well-worn phrase pieces. is being subsidized by the Schnoll Music Doors open at 7 p.m. Refreshments
to follow
about politics, in the end, all connections Israel is one of the younger nations Fund, which was set up so that the con-
are local. on the planet, Mr. Petersen said, and gregation can have events such as this.

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Beefing up security
Congressman Pascrell wants to more than double security grants
LARRY YUDELSON Grant Program.) These threats are coming into the program. Lets bring the number to

The funding allows nonprofit through not only in calls but in $50 million.
he federal grant program that organizations to apply for grants verbal threats in meetings, he Thats the sum of all the grant propos-
has enabled synagogues and for specific forms of security said, noting an upsurge of white als the Department of Homeland Security
other Jewish institutions in improvements. Synagogues and supremacist hate groups. As the received last year for the $20 million in
northern New Jersey to upgrade other Jewish institutions have letter detailed: According to a available allocations, he said.
their security would more than double received a large portion of the report released by the Southern Will the funding increase materialize?
under a proposal advocated by Congress- grants since the program began a Poverty Law Center, the num- Im very optimistic, the congressman
man Bill Pascrell (D. NJ-9). decade ago. ber of hate groups in the United said. It has to go to the Appropriations
Mr. Pascrell has sent a letter asking that the Mr. Pascrell drafted the let- William Pascrell States rose in 2016, and at least Committee. Ive already talked to my good
allocation for the grant program be raised to ter in the wake of the series of 550 of the 917 groups are anti- friend Rodney Frelinghuysen about that.
$50 million annually. The letter was signed bomb threats made to Jewish community Semitic in nature. The report details groups Were going to do everything we can to
by 112 congressman, including all but one of centers and other Jewish institutions in active in 2016, which include 99 categorized make sure it gets a fair hearing.
New Jerseys congressional representatives, January and February. This week, Israel as neo-Nazi, 100 as white nationalist, 130 as The program is targeted for urban and
and addressed to the co-chairs of the House indicted an 18-year-old Jewish man with Ku Klux Klan and 21 as Christian Identity, suburban areas, and that, along with the
Appropriations Committee Subcommittee dual Israeli American citizenship for the a religious movement that says whites are large Jewish community, has meant that
on Homeland Security. Rodney Frelinghuy- bomb threats as well as many other cyber- the true Israelites and Jews are descended New Jersey has been second only to New
sen (R. NJ-11), who heads the Appropriations threats stretching back several years. The from Satan. York in receiving grants under the program.
Committee itself, is the only member of the mans name cannot be disclosed under The point of the request for funding: No Last year, New Jersey received more
state congressional delegation not to sign the Israeli law because he was a minor at the one should feel unsafe in a place of worship than $4 million, Mr. Pascrell said. The feds
bipartisan letter. time of the offenses. or in a community center, Mr. Pascrell said. know this is a multifaceted state. They know
With the rise of hate groups in our Mr. Pascrell said that the discovery that I had talks with some of the folks who where the threats are coming from. Theres
nation, now more than ever Congress the threats were coming from a Jewish signed on last time we did this, he contin- a great need here.
needs to strengthen the NPSGG, the letter teen does not lessen the need for more ued, explaining why he wrote the letter. I Im happy Ive been able to assist those
declared. (Thats the Non Profit Security funding for Jewish institutions. said were going to have to put more money communities in the district who applied.

The JCC of Paramus/

Congregation Beth Tikvahs
Jewish National Fund Invites You to the Inaugural
HArold lErMAn Fund For IsrAEl
EduCATIon And EngAgEMEnT

Left vs. Right:

Sunday, May 7, 2017
9:30 am Registration; 10:00 am Program

The Rockleigh

The Battle
26 Paris Avenue, Rockleigh, NJ 07647
RSVP by May 1, 2017 at

For Israels Soul Identification of and Effective Responses
to Media Bias Relating to Israel
to this free
Featuring Guest Speaker
event CEO of HonestReporting

TABLE CAPTAINSMichael Bodner, Shai Danan, RabbiPaulaDrill&DavidKlein,

Jeffrey Friedlander, Michael Buzzy Green, Michele Harris,
RabbiPaulJacobson, Jill Janowski, Martin Kasdan, Laurie Klein, Jocelyn Inglis,
Allison Mangot, Joan Oppenheimer, Bruce & Ruth Pomerantz, Linda Poskanzer,
Jane Raynes, Janice Rosen, Stuart Scheer, Richard Schnaittacher, Paula Star,
J. J. goldberg Jonathan s. Tobin Barbara Stern, Stu Weiss

A conversation between Jonathan S. Tobin, contributing More Information: Jocelyn Inglis at [email protected] or 973.593.0095 x823
writer to National Review and former editor of Commentary
and the Jewish Exponent, and J. J. Goldberg, Forward Kosher Supervision by Rabbi Tendler, Lakewood, NJ
editor-at-large and senior commentator at the Forward.
Sunday, May 7, 6:15 p.M. 800.JNF.0099

304 East Midland Ave. (201) 262-7691 or



Deconstructing media bias

Honest Reportings CEO to speak for JNF in Rockleigh
Joanne Palmer

he news media should be accu-
rate and unbiased; opinion
should not masquerade as fact,
and gut instinct should not
replace clear-eyed reporting.
Seems obvious, doesnt it?
But in our brave new world, where fab-
ricated reporting on the one hand, and
unsubstantiated often unsubstantiable
because untrue charges of fake news on
the other have made many people wary
about believing anything particularly if
it challenges their long-held beliefs it
often is hard to get accurate and unbi-
ased reporting.
Now combine that with the virus of
anti-Semitism, which nothing yet devised
by humankind has eradicated, although
at some times and in some places it hides
deep underground.
Honest Reporting was created in early
2001, in response to a photograph of
a young man, face and body streaked
thickly with dark red blood, and an Israeli
soldier standing over him brandishing a
baton. The photograph, which was sent
out by the AP and was printed in the New
York Times, among many other outlets, Joe Hyams talks about media bias.
was captioned as showing a Palestinian
who had been beaten by the Israeli sol- in London, two in Jerusalem, and two in
dier on the Temple Mount; in fact, it was Boston. Go figure! he said.)
the picture of a young American Jewish Israelis in general, and the Israelis who
student, Tuvia Grossman, who had been started Honest Reporting in particular,
beaten by Arabs who pulled him and two were all so smart, but sort of geeky and
friends from a taxi in Jerusalem. The cap- helpless, Mr. Hyams said. I want to
tion eventually was corrected, but the bring my communications know-how to
correction was grudging and of course a product that was already genius. They
far less widely seen than the original should know how it would look from the
photo, which genuinely was shocking. outside, how it could be played by our
That caused a few students to engi- enemies. Israel was giving comments
neer an email chain, Joe Hyams said. Mr. like, Theres an internal investigation
Hyams is Honest Reportings CEO; hell going on and we cant comment on it.
be speaking for the Jewish National Fund Understanding the role of the media
on May 7. (See box for details.) and war and conflict isnt a luxury. Its
That was before broadband, he con- central to having the world understand
tinued; it was all the technology allowed our motivations and our aspirations.
at the time. But it was a way of going pub- If only it were that simple, of course.
lic. The whole concept was that one per- Part of Honest Reportings job is coun-
son might not make a difference but a tering false reports. It does that, at least
thousand people might. in part, by teaching people including
Honest Reporting chugged along, high school students how to discover
doing what it could, until about 2005, media bias. It does not do so by pretend-
when Mr. Hyams joined it. Hes a Lon- The Hyams family made aliyah in 2005. ing that there are no fissures in the Jewish
don-born Jew, who strongly identified as community, that all Jews see Israel in one
a Jew he went to a Jewish day school, to return. When I got to Israel profes- worlds side. way, or that Israel is perfect. But Honest
belonged to a traditional Orthodox shul, sionally, I saw that Israel had a bit of a Mr. Hyams went back to London and Reporting has built a high school curricu-
and taught Sunday school there but communications problem, he said with continued his work in advertising, but in lum that teaches about media bias, which
still he had nothing to do with the Jew- British understatement. For all the bril- 2005, he was invited to run Honest Report- it defines as, among other things, failing
ish professional world at all, he said. He liance that it had, there was no idea of ing, and so he and his wife, Sharon, made to provide appropriate context, quoting
was an advertising executive at Saatchi how to express or articulate it to the aliyah, and he began his work, interrupt- sources on one side but not on the other
and Saatchi; in 2000, he was posted to world, which was full of people looking ing it for a few-year stint in Boston as he (usually, of course, on the anti-Israel
Tel Aviv for two years. for evidence that Jews are bad. earned an MBA in Jewish nonprofit work side), and subjecting Israel to scrutiny
That had not been Mr. Hyams first trip I saw the disdain with which other peo- at Brandeis. ( Joe and Sharon Hyams, a that is far harsher and less forgiving than
to Israel, but it strengthened his resolve ple looked at Israel. It was a thorn in the piano teacher, have six children; two born it uses toward any other country.

10 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


When they apply analytic standards to news bring reporters to a clinic that JNF has, on the border with Anthony Lowenstein, who verbally attacked Yair Lapid,
reports, sometimes we can take the passion and the Syria, that treats wounded Syrian children, Mr. Hyams the leader of Israels Yesh Atid party, using the trope,
heat out of the Jewish community, Mr. Hyams said. said. They see a Syrian mother kissing an IDF soldier. You popular among BDSers, that compares Israels policy to
We ask how we can stay so broken and divided if we dont need spin. These are good stories, that sell them- South African apartheid. Honest Reporting did some
understand information and misinformation. Thats selves. We think that all we have to do is get the media in background investigation, and we found that the Guard-
where his advertising background comes in. When front of the true story. ian, which he claimed to be working for, said that hes not
people understand how the media can be used to sell And on the flip side, a few of our successes have been its correspondent of record, and now theres a big ques-
stuff, to pitch stuff, it can help the community feel in exposing BDS activists thats the Boycott, Divestment tion mark over his ability to report from the area.
more empowered as consumers. Selling a car is not so and Sanction movement who use press credentials to It seems clear that despite Honest Reportings hard
different from selling an idea, he suggested. Its fairly get into Israel and write anti-Israel stories. He pointed to See Media page 13
easy to help people see something a place, an object,
an idea through a reporters lens, particularly if its
something theyve never seen, a place theyd never
been, an idea theyd never considered themselves.
Take, for example, Brazil. The countrys a dump,
Mr. Hyams said; its dirty, dangerous, and a politi-
cal minefield. But we see it through someone elses
lens. We see it as colorful, exotic, exciting, full of great
music and wonderful vivid colors. Its an advertisers
job to sell a potential consumer on a trip, but the
medias job is to bring me what I cant see firsthand,
with as little tint as possible, he said. Our job, and
Honest Reporting, is to notice the tint, and to tag it.

To point out that there is a human being behind that
story, coloring it.
We try to tell our own story.
There are a few reasons why there are so many

stories about Israel, Mr. Hyams said. One is because
there are about 600 journalists here, a dispropor-
tionate number, and journalists, by definition, need

They see a Syrian
mother kissing an IDF
soldier. You dont
need spin. These are By creating a secure American
good stories, that Friends of The Hebrew University
sell themselves. Gift Annuity, youll receive great
rates and the priceless feeling of
stories. They are stationed in Israel because its safe;
they can set up headquarters there and report on the
changing lives.
rest of the Middle East. When there are no other sto-
ries they can cover its hard to get news from inside
autocracies or failed states, and its even harder to
AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Returns
cover it they can look around them and find much
to report. Its comfortable and safe for them, Mr. AGE 65 70 75 80 85 90
Hyams said. We are a free and open democracy. They
can meet the prime minister, criticize him, and not RATE 6.0% 6.5% 7.1% 8.0% 9.5% 11.3%
feel threatened.
Honest Reporting provides those reporters with Rates are based on single life. Cash
stories showcasing Israels successes, and by expos- contributions produce annuity payments
ing them to real life in Israel. Of course, some of the that are substantially tax-free.
good news involves the countrys flourishing high-
tech sector, but Honest Reporting does more. We
For more information on The Hebrew University
Who: Joe Hyams of Honest Reporting of Jerusalem and AFHU Hebrew University Gift
What: Will be the speaker at the first northern Annuities, please call AFHU Northeast Region
New Jersey Breakfast for Israel, sponsored by Executive Director, Suzanne K. Ponsot.
the Jewish National Fund
When: On Sunday, May 7; registration at 9:30
a.m., and program at 10 Call or Email Now.
Where: At the Rockleigh, 26 Paris Avenue,
The returns are generous. The cause is priceless.
(212) 607-8511 or email: [email protected]
For information or reservations: Call the JNFs
Jocelyn Inglis at (973) 593-0095, ext. 823, or
email her at [email protected].

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 11


Remembering with an ambulance

Park Ridge woman donates another emergency vehicle to Israel,
this one in memory of Holocaust survivor
ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN stomach cancer in August 2016, she was

recovering from a broken hip.
hey lived on the same street Myrna called to tell me he had passed
but Ernie Haas and Donna away and I felt horrible, Ms. Calcaterra,
Fried Calcaterra never crossed who also has donated two bloodmobiles
paths until a couple of years and a Medicycle, said. But I knew there
before Mr. Haas died at 91 in August 2016. was some reason for our meeting one
Still, that was long enough for Ms. Calca- another. I called AFMDA and asked the
terra to learn that they had something else regional director to pay a shiva call on my
in common. That was their desire to assist behalf and let Myrna know I was donating
the people of Israel. an ambulance in Ernies memory.
Last Sunday, on the eve of Holocaust Gary Perl, AFMDAs director of major
Memorial Day, Ms. Calcaterra dedicated projects, said the new ambulance shown
a Magen David Adom ambulance in Mr.
Haas memory at a ceremony at the Park
Ridge Marriott.
It was the 15th ambulance she has
donated to MDA through her 613 Founda- Every ambulance
tion or at least MDA thinks is the 15th.
Shes lost count. MDA is Israels national
has a story. This
emergency medical response organization one feels
and official Red Cross agency since 2009.
(At least MDA thinks its the 15th. Shes lost Donna Calcaterra, left, and Myrna Haas. HOWARD WECHSLER
count, she said.) special because
Every ambulance has a story, Ms. Cal-
caterra said. This one feels particularly
ambulances, Medicycles, mobile intensive
care units and bloodmobiles, the fund also
received word that August that his mother
had been murdered, but he didnt know
its honoring
special because its honoring Ernies last helps Israeli soldiers in various other ways. what happened to Ilse. Ernies last
wishes. And his story had to be told.
She met Mr. Haas through her cousin,
Ms. Calcaterra, originally a commodi-
ties broker, learned how to trade stock
He told me that what kept him going
was the thought that if his sister survived
wishes. And his
Jacob Solomon ( Jack) Berger of Mahwah, options, so she could contribute to the there would be nobody left for her, so story had to
who translates yizkor books Holocaust
memorial books into English from Yid-
coffers of the 613 Foundation, when she
was 60.
he had to stay alive, Ms. Calcaterra said.
In fact, his sister had been killed, but he
be told.
dish and Hebrew. Everything the foundation does helps didnt find out till after the war.
Ernie happened to attend a talk Jack Israel, particularly the soldiers, said Ms. At his liberation on March 11, 1945, Mr. off to family and friends of the Haas fam-
was giving, and he told Jack how he sur- Calcaterra, who also has facilitated the Haas was 20 years old, and he weighed 80 ily last Sunday will be shipped to Israel by
vived the Riga ghetto and six camps, Ms. donation of ambulances from churches pounds. In July 1946 he sailed to America freighter. In approximately two months
Calcaterra recalled. in her voluntary capacity as head of the with $10 from a charitable organization from now it will arrive at the port of Ash-
Mr. Haas also mentioned that he was one AFMDAs interfaith outreach program. The in his pocket. He married Myrna in 1959, dod and will be incorporated into the
of four people left in a local group of Riga foundation now is raising money toward and they had three sons. In his forties, Mr. Magen David Adom fleet, he said.
survivors who wanted to donate funds construction of an underground, sheltered Haas started a highly successful commer- That fleet, which carried approxi-
theyd collected over the years to an Israeli MDA blood center in Ramleh. cial real-estate company. mately 637,000 patients to Israeli hos-
cause, possibly to Magen David Adom. Mr. Over the course of a few meetings, Ms. My husband was a phenomenal per- pitals last year, includes 700 white
Berger suggested that Mr. Haas call his Calcaterra learned that Mr. Haas shared son, coming here penniless, the only sur- life-support ambulances (which cost
cousin, who oddly enough happened to her passion for Israel, though in many vivor of his town, becoming not only a $100,000) and 374 yellow mobile inten-
live on the same block in Park Ridge. ways his feelings were the product of his successful businessman but a successful sive care units ($125,000), as well as
The newfound neighbors talked for tragic personal story. mensch and a parent par excellence, Ms. more than 300 three-wheeled Medicycles
two hours, exploring the amazing coin- In the face of growing anti-Jewish vio- Haas said. ($36,000). Some 100 new ambulances
cidence of their geographic and ideologi- lence in 1938, he, his parents, and his two She added that she and her husband are needed every year as older ones
cal proximity. siblings escaped to Furth from Neumarkt, felt fortunate to meet Ms. Calcaterra and get decommissioned.
When we found out Donna was our a Bavarian town in Germany. In November learn about the possibility of donating MDA does not receive Israeli govern-
neighbor, we joined her for lunch, and she 1941 the family was deported from Furth an ambulance. ment funding, so it relies heavily on the
brought us a miniature ambulance char- to a labor camp, Jungfernhof, and then to We were very impressed with her phil- generosity of donors like Donna Calca-
ity box from American Friends of Magen the Riga ghetto. Thus began nearly four anthropic generosity and her kindness, terra, Erik Levis, the director of commu-
David Adom and gave us literature and hellish years of slave labor, beatings, cold, especially since Israel meant so much to nications for AFMDA, said.
told us what her foundation was doing, and starvation. my husband, Ms. Haas said. It was a Ms. Haas said she was extremely
and we thought it was a wonderful idea, His younger brother had been sent refuge that wasnt available to him and touched by the donation.
said Myrna Haas, Ernies widow. out of Germany to the United States on his family in the 1930s. Weve always sup- As Donna always says, the spirit of the
Ms. Calcaterra runs the 613 Founda- a Kindertransport. In 1943, Mr. Haas ported Israel but this was something very person whose name is on the ambulance
tion with her daughter, Jenna, in tribute mother and his older sister, Ilse, were concrete to help the people of Israel. lives on, Ms. Haas said. When it makes
to her late husband, Salvatore Calcaterra, interned in Strasdenhof, a labor camp Mr. Haas was battling health problems a run to pick up a victim or a sick person
whose Wall Street brokerage number was near Riga. He saw his sister only once after then, though, and the ambulance pur- or a mother in labor, Ernies spirit will be
613 the number of commandments that, in April 1944, through a barbed-wire chase was put on hold. When Ms. Cal- there comforting them, and thats a com-
in the Torah. In addition to donating fence as he passed by on a transport. He caterra learned of Mr. Haas death from fort in a small way to me.


Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
Interior Designer
work, its not changed the world. The worlds bil- (former interior designer of model
ious view of Israel is not going away, Mr. Hyams
rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store)
said. People ask me why I do this they say that
its not working, and that I must be so depressed,
because its like Whack-a-Mole. You bat one down,
and another one pops up. For a totally new look using
But I say that our motivation stays high.
He compares Honest Reportings work to being your furniture or starting anew.
the head of a police force. You know that your goal
isnt to eradicate crime, but to keep people safe. In
the media context, we see that people are checking
Staging also available
in with us, that they are being more careful, that
they are trying hard to research complex stories.
People come to Israel expecting to find a certain
story, he said. But now, its much harder to find
media bias. The media wont fall any more for stories
like the murders in Jenin. That was the 2002 story
that alleged that the Israel Defense Forces had com-

This Yom HaAtzmaut,

We see that people
celebrate red, white, and blue.
are checking in with
us, that they are
being more careful,
that they are trying
hard to research
complex stories.
mitted a massacre in Jenin. The story was untrue and
it was debunked it was clearly false, as anyone who
looked closely at it was able to see but it did a great
deal of harm.
The media has learned that we are not monsters
with horns, Mr. Hyams said. Our doctors treat the
kids of our enemies. And we find that even when the
New York Times gives Marwan Barghouti an op ed,
right away the public editor apologizes.
(On April 16, the Times published Mr. Barghoutis
piece, wherein he accused Israel of torturing him
and other prisoners. He was identified as a Pales-
tinian leader and parliamentarian. Israeli leaders
on all sides of the political divide said that the accu-
sations were untrue; moreover, Mr. Barghouti was
misidentified, as the papers public editor, Liz Spayd,
agreed. In fact, he has been, as the Times amended
the column to say, convicted of five counts of mur-
der and membership in a terrorist organization. Mr.
Barghouti declined to offer a defense at his trial and
refused to recognize the Israeli courts jurisdiction Magen David Adom, Israels largest and premier emergency medical response agency,
and legitimacy. has been saving lives since before 1948. And supporters like you provide MDAs 27,000
The problem isnt going to go away, but the world
paramedics, EMTs, and civilian Life Guardians more than 90% of them volunteers
would be a worse place if we werent here, Mr.
Hyams said. with the training, equipment, and rescue vehicles they need. So as we celebrate Israels
independence, make a difference in the health, welfare, and security of the Israeli people
with your gift to MDA. Please give today.

AFMDA Northeast Region

More than 408,000 likes. 352 Seventh Avenue, Suite 400
New York, NY 10001
Like us Toll-Free 866.632.2763 [email protected]
on Facebook.

Marching for science

A look at why science matters to us, as Americans and as Jews

Last weekend American scientists left their

labs and went out to protest.
They were demonstrating in support of
science and all that it does to improve our
modern lives, and lamenting that science
has been devalued and is under attack.
Scientists are protesting a proposed 30
percent budget cut to the Environmental
Protection Agency, which conducts cru-
cial research on climate. They are protest-
ing steep cuts to the National Institutes
of Health and other government agen-
cies, which for decades have propelled
the United States forward to be the world
leader in science. They also are protesting
the loss of access to government data on
the environment and other targeted areas.
The free exchange of data is critical to the
success of the scientific process. Hundreds
of thousands of scientists, students and
other supporters turned out to March for
Science in Washington, D.C., New York,
Chicago, and hundreds of other cities and
towns across America.
What has science done for us lately?
Thanks to science we are living longer,
healthier lives, breathing cleaner air, and
drinking cleaner water. We can thank sci-
ence for miracle babies born through repro- Dr. Miryam Z. Wahrman
ductive technology, for extended human
lives, cured diseases and mended hearts. influenced by politics, profit, prejudice, of the beach experience. Nowadays, I am
or preconceived notions. We can have happy to report, beaches have improved
What is science? confidence that scientific theories model thanks to environmental awareness, and
The term science refers to a methodi- systems in an objective way. For instance, Thanks to the thanks to new technologies, such as dou-
cal approach to learning about the world. the cell theory explains how the lowliest ble-hull regulations that help control the
The scientific method involves a series bacterial cells and the loftiest human cells men and women worst offenders, the oil tankers. My child-
of steps, which include recognizing and function in similar ways. The theory of who diligently hood memories of shore birds on Long
defining a problem, offering an hypothesis evolution, based on a vast body of research Island beaches include only seagulls and
or explanation, and systematically testing on genes, cells, and ancient and modern study the world the occasional pigeon. Thanks to improve-
the hypothesis by observation and experi- organisms can explain how diverse life on using a scientific ments in the environment, more bird spe-
mentation. Data is collected, analyzed, our planet came to be and how it will con- cies have returned; today we hear the
and the original hypothesis is examined to tinue to evolve. And the research of thou- approach, we shrill call of oyster-catchers, we watch pip-
see if it is supported, or must be rejected in sands of scientists collecting evidence on can enjoy a ing plovers dash back and forth dodging
favor of a new hypothesis. This empirical a warming planet objectively supports waves, and we gaze at the graceful diving
approach can lead to better understand- global climate change. Out of 16,208 peer higher quality terns and cormorants. There also has been
ing of the problem, to useful conclusions, reviewed journal articles on global warm- of life. an increase in sightings of seals and whales
and to solutions to the problem. Tested ing and climate change published between in Long Island waters.
and verified scientific conclusions can be 1991 and 2013, more than 99.8 percent of Scientific knowledge about how to pre-
formulated into scientific theories. Scien- the experts agreed that human activity pharmaceuticals, surgical techniques, serve the environment has resulted in
tific theories (which should not be con- was responsible. and neonatal medicine have contributed much improved natural areas for wild-
fused with colloquial theories gener- greatly to the dramatic increase in aver- life and people, a win-win situation. Ive
ated from half-baked or trivial ideas) are What science can do for us? age life expectancy. Some examples of shared stories about the good old days
based on knowledge accumulated through According to the Centers for Disease Con- life-extending developments include vac- of tar heels on the beach with my chil-
scientific research. They are grounded in trol and Prevention, a baby born at the cines, antibiotics, clean air and water, and dren and grandchildren, and I hope that
a process that is self-correcting, typically turn of the 20th century had a life expec- anesthesia. Thanks to the men and women these stories remain distant memories,
open to challenge by other scientists, and tancy of 47.3 years. In the early 1900s, who diligently study the world using a sci- so future generations can enjoy the new
in the end, a process that inspires confi- infant mortality was high, women rou- entific approach, we can enjoy a higher improved seashore.
dence in the value of the outcomes. The tinely died in childbirth, and tuberculosis quality of life.
scientific method is a means to lift the veil and other infectious diseases were com- Thanks to science, our world is cleaner The danger of
of mystery, revealing facts and truth about mon and typically fatal. A baby born in and healthier than it was when I was a rejecting science
the world. 2015 has an average life expectancy of 79.3 child. Years ago, I would end up with gobs What happens when science is marginal-
Science is an objective approach years if born in the United States and 82.5 of tar on my feet after a visit to the beach. I ized and ignored? Science deniers wreaked
designed to ask questions about our if Israeli born. Scientific advances in micro- became adept at scraping the tar off with a havoc in the Soviet Union for decades,
universe. It is not, and should not be, biology, nutrition, hygiene, immunology, broken shell, and I took it in stride as part SEE SCIENCE PAGE 16


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Eishes Chayil
A true woman of valor.
May Ed, Bruce and Linda, Ellen and Joe,
Aaron, Miranda, Jason, and Adam
be comforted among the mourners
of Zion and Jerusalem.

718 Teaneck Road | Teaneck, NJ 07666


HNMC EnidRuzinsky Ad.indd 1 4/25/17 4:16 PM



from the late 1920s to the 1960s, when

Trofim Lysenko and his followers pro-
moted an approach to agriculture that
was not science-based. Lysenkos pseu-
doscience, which denied genetics and
Darwinian evolution, fed into communist
ideology and attracted support of Soviet
leaders, particularly the ruthless dicta-
tor Joseph Stalin. Under the influence of
this anti-science campaign, thousands
of scientists were imprisoned in labor
camps, many were executed, and genet-
ics research was halted. Scientific knowl-
edge was severely impeded, and as crop
yields worsened, the people suffered.
A more recent example of what
can happen when science is ignored
involves the disastrous movement that
promotes an anti-vaccine policy. The
anti-vax movement was based on a fal-
sified research study suggesting a link Maimonides
between vaccines and autism, a link that
was debunked rapidly and repeatedly by the world a better place than it was when
reputable scientists. The alarming anti- we came into it.
vaccine crusade has resulted in dramatic In that proud tradition, over thou-
upticks in cases of the life-threatening sands of years, we have many examples
diseases measles, mumps, and rubella. of Jewish scientists, physicians, explor- Dr. Rosalyn Yalow
Another example of anti-science bul- ers, and seekers of truth. The 12-cen-
lies are the climate change deniers who tury physician, astronomer, and philos- due in large part to federal support for
reject solid scientific evidence to pro- opher Maimonides perhaps is the best research. In the 1970s, federal sup-
mote the interests of fossil fuel indus- known medieval Jewish scientist. In port for cancer research and for basic
tries. This denial of science may lead us modern times, Albert Einstein, Salman research led to discoveries that initi-
down an irreversible path to major cli- Waksman, Rosalyn Yalow, and Israels ated the genetic revolution, which
mate disasters. Ada Yonath are just a few examples of in turn launched the more than
the many Jewish scientists who were 100 billion dollar U.S. biotechnol-
The Jewish view of science awarded Nobel prizes. ogy industry. Scientists studying
What is the Jewish view of science? There is yet another crucial need to cancer viruses discovered enzymes
Besides the stereotypical Jewish parents support the quest for truth and facts. used to clone or make copies of
goal of raising my son or my daughter Holocaust deniers seek to erase historic genes. Basic research on hot spring
the doctor, Jewish communities have facts and cast doubt on the evidence bacteria led to the discovery of a
a history of strongly supporting scien- and testimony of the darkest chapter in heat-resistant enzyme now used in
tific inquiry. When you raise the flag human history. Modern historic research PCR technology. PCR has changed the
of science, a Jew salutes, Rabbi Moshe uses scientific approaches and technol- face of forensic science (and many other
Tendler, professor of biology at Yeshiva ogy to confirm the events of the Holo- fields) as it enables the detection and
University, is quoted as saying. caust. One example is the use of radar amplification of small traces of DNA left
Biblical and rabbinic sources support and radio waves to locate the escape behind in drops of blood, semen, saliva,
Dr. Ada Yonath
the notion that Jews should pursue tik- tunnel Jews in Vilna dug during the Holo- or a single hair. Those bits of DNA can be
kun olam, improving the world, a princi- caust. We must support the empirical matched to their sources, whether they
ple that includes using scientific progress collection of facts and preserve docu- be suspects, victims, or uninvolved in planet, and the last few decades have
to improve the quality of life. Another ments, witness testimonies, and artifacts, the crime. demonstrated that we can clean up some
prime directive, the first mitzvah (com- to refute deniers and safeguard the his- Major cuts in support of scientific of our own environmental messes. Let
mandment), in the book of Genesis, is toric record of those atrocities for future research will endanger the American us hope that the noble quest for truth
be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth generations. lead; we will fall behind other countries through scientific inquiry will continue
and conquer it. The passage is explained that support research. The loss of sup- well into the future for the betterment of
by commentators as God directing Science and health, port will result in the loss of jobs, not humankind.
humans to use science and technology, food, conservation, only in research, but in the private sec- Let science and scientists continue to
albeit in a responsible way. and our pocketbooks tor, in industries that grow out of new march forward, with our support and
The stewardship of our world includes Science supports the search for objec- discoveries, and we will lose out on new encouragement.
the biblical admonition of baal tash- tive knowledge and facts, and challenges industries and technology that stimulate
khit, do not destroy, vandalize, or waste those who seek to wipe out the truth. the economy. Younger scientists are most
resources, as well as commandments Science helps humanity move forward to at risk and are likely to leave the field or Dr. Miryam Z. Wahrman of Teaneck, the
about alleviating the suffering of ani- improve the human condition by healing seek employment in other parts of the Jewish Standard science correspondent,
mals. In addition, the directive vrappo the sick, feeding the hungry, conserving world, resulting in a brain drain. Ameri- is professor of biology at William Paterson
yirappe permits Jews to pursue medicine our natural world, and preserving the can innovation will stagnate. University and author of The Hand
and become healers. As Jews, we are obli- unvarnished facts of history. We all drink the same water and Book: Surviving in a Germ-Filled World,
gated in all of those areas. While using At least as far back as Franklin Roo- breathe the same air. We live on one and Brave New Judaism: When Science
our world, we must be good stewards of sevelts administration, America has planet, rife with bloody history and rev- and Scripture Collide. She does research
our planets resources, minimize the suf- led the world in research productivity eling in glorious accomplishments. Sci- in microbiology and bioethics and is a
fering of animals, heal the sick, and leave and technological innovation. This is ence has permitted us to improve our champion of hand washing.


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with miriam gitelman, professional
pastry chef
Shavuot is the holiday which traditionally offers
a dairy menu. Join Miriam, a graduate of the
International Culinary Center, as she creates some
delicious holiday dishes such as sweet and savory
blintzes, cheesecakes, and some unique gluten
free options.
Call Judy for more information at 201.408.1457
Wed, May 10, 7-9 pm, $60/$75

community adults community

Register for the 2017 Rubin Run Yale Center for British Art Yom Hazikaron
Join us and support individuals with special needs in new haven, ct Join us to commemorate Israels fallen soldiers and
our community. Theres a race for everyone at every Experience the newly-renovated Yale Center victims of terror with a special ceremony in both
level in this family-friendly community-wide event. for British Art. An architectural masterpiece, English and Hebrew that will include presentations
Choose from three USATF races - half marathon, 10K this museum houses the most comprehensive by community members and youth movement
or 5K. Features pre-race warm-ups, kids activities, lite collection of British art outside the UK. A tour led representatives. The program represents a
bites, trophies & awards, roses for moms at the finish by a Yale art educator is included. You may also collaboration between the JCC, IAC NJ and the Israeli
line and more! visit the Yale University Art Gallery, the stunning Scouts and will conclude with an evening of moving
Mothers Day, Sun, May 14 museum across the street. music that will be sung in Hebrew.
Visit Register online or call Kathy at 201.408.1454 Sun, Apr 30, 7 pm, Free and Open to the Community
Wed, May 17, 9 am-6 pm, $75/$90
to register or for more info,
stay in the Know! liKe us on

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades taub campus | 411 e clinton ave, tenafly, nJ 07670 | 201.569.7900 |
Briefly Local

NCJW Bergen County section delegates, from left, Elaine Pollack, Eliza-
beth Halverstam, Sue Kanrich, Ruth Seitelman, Jane Abraham, Bari-Lynne
Schwartz, and Carole Benson NCJW

Chametz burning in Teaneck Bergen NCJW delegates

Many people attended this years annual Pesach Big Bread Burn at the Jewish attend Atlanta convention
Center of Teaneck. Chametz was burned in two large containers in the shuls Seven members of the Bergen County vice presidents-elect Sue Kanrich and
parking lot. Children received kosher for Passover lollipops and the Teaneck Fire section of the National Council of Jew- Bari-Lynne Schwartz. Among the speak-
Department was on hand to supervise. ish Women were among 300 attendees ers were Hillary Rodham Clinton, who
at the NCJWs 47th national convention responded by video to receiving the
in Atlanta last month. They represent 42 Woman Who Dared award and said that
NCJW sections from across the country. she had been involved with NCJW since
Hadassah to celebrate The convention included profession- her time as First Lady of Arkansas, and
ally conducted skill-building workshops, Congressman John Lewis, the Democrat
at May 25th ceremony speakers, and networking opportuni- who represents Georgias Fifth District,
Hadassah will celebrate the 1967 return closed after the 1948 attack on a convoy ties. The Bergen County representatives who received NCJWs Faith and Human-
of its Mount Scopus hospital and the 50th of hospital personnel, had become a were presidium member Elaine Pol- ity award. For information on Bergen
anniversary of the reunification of Jeru- U.N.-protected Israeli exclave guarded by lack; co-presidents-elect Jane Abraham, Countys NCJW and its upcoming pro-
salem at a May 25 ceremony with Jeru- Israeli security forces. Elizabeth Halverstam, and Ruth Seitel- grams and advocacy initiatives, go to
salem Mayor Nir Barkat. It will recreate The ceremony will honor the memory man; past president Carole Benson, and
the memorable key return ceremony, of the people who died in Jerusalems
when then Hadassah national president reunification and pay tribute to those
Charlotte Jacobson received a commemo- people whose efforts have made Hadassah
rative key to Hadassah Mount Scopus from Hospital a modern complex that rivals the
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, reuniting best hospitals and research facilities any-
Hadassahs two hospitals in Jerusalem. where in the world. For more informa- Teaneck natives are to be
The Mount Scopus hospital, which was tion, go to inducted into towns Hall of Fame
Two former Teaneck residents and mem- outstanding athletes of their decade.
Jewish Historical Society bers of the Jewish Center of Teaneck are
among 15 one-time Teaneck High School
The ceremony will be at the Teaneck
Marriott at Glenpointe, beginning with
to honor Marty Feitlowitz athletes who will be inducted into the cocktails at 6 p.m., followed by a dinner
The Jewish Historical Soci- a timeline of the Jewish com- Teaneck Athletic Hall of Fame on May 11. with vegetarian options.
ety of North Jersey will honor munity in North Jersey, illus- Elyssa Deutsch Goldenfarb, class of Tickets are available at
Marty Feitlowitz of West trating the people, places, and 1992, and Steven Siegel, class of 1967, The Teaneck Athletic Hall of Fame was
Orange at its annual fund- events in its nearly 180-year won important awards and set unbeaten the vision of James Vuono, a former foot-
raising dinner on May 17 at history. records while playing for Teaneck High ball and tennis coach at Teaneck High
Barnert Temple in Franklin Proceeds from the evening School. Elyssa of North Brunswick, School. A newly constructed entrance to
Lakes at 6:30 p.m. will benefit the society. The whose parents, Barbara and Dr. Paul the high schools memorial gym serves
Mr. Feitlowitz, the organi- mission of the Jewish Histori- Deutsch, still live in Teaneck, is being as the Hall of Fames exhibit hall, which
zations vice president, is an cal Society of North Jersey honored for tennis, fencing, and golf; houses the records, accomplishments,
architect, historian, and pres- is to collect, preserve, and Steven of Texas, will be honored for and memorabilia of Teanecks finest
ervationist; he is being hon- Marty Feitlowitz make available the documen- tennis and soccer. These accomplish- athletes.
ored for his contribution to tary heritage of Jewish life and ments qualified them for recognition as
the society in the establishment of its new culture in Passaic, Bergen, and Hudson
home in Fair Lawn. The Jewish Federation counties.
of Greater Clifton and Passaic also will be The society is open to visitors, scholars,
honored for its generous support of the researchers, and students on Mondays and
In 2012, Marty joined the Historical
Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and on
Fridays by appointment. It is at 17-10 River
Register this week for Norpac mission
Societys board. He was actively involved Road, Suite 3A, in Fair Lawn. The registration deadline for this years special rates for college students, clergy
in locating, renovating, and furnishing the For information, call (201) 300-6590 or annual Norpac mission, set for Wednes- members, and people who live outside
societys new home. Recently he compiled go to day, May 17, is Tuesday, May 2. the tri-state area, call (201) 788-5133 or
For information, including about email [email protected]


Briefly Local Share in a day of inspiration at our


in support of
Federation plans May calendar
The Jewish Federation of Northern New reservations, call (201) 820-3953 or go to
Jersey will hold its annual Womens Phi-
lanthropy Spring Luncheon at the Rock-
leigh on Wednesday, May 17. The day JFNNJs annual Federation Full House
begins with registration and raffle at is on Thursday, May 25, at 6:30 p.m., at
SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2017 AT 10:30AM
10:15 a.m.; the program is at 11 and lunch the Alpine Country Club in Demarest. Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
and the raffle drawing are at noon. The classic Vegas-style Texas hold em
Honorees include Womens Philan- charity poker tournament is for Jewish Silent Auction 10:30 am - 12:15 pm | Kosher Dietary Laws Observed
thropy past presidents Lauri Bader professionals and philanthropists. Din-
and Jodi Epstein; Merle Fish, who is ner, Scotch, and stogies are included, as
being given the Kipnis Wilson Fried- well as entertainment.
land award, and Donna Weintraub, the For reservations, call (201) 820-3930,
groups Shining Star. email Andi Lewittes at [email protected],
Silent Auction 10:30 am - 12:15 pm | Kosher Dietary Laws Observed
Jill Kargman, author and star of Bra- or go to
vos Odd Mom Out, is the speaker. For





American Friends of Bar Ilan University genome editing as a curative therapy for
will mark Yom Haatzmaut on Thursday, childhood disorders. Genome editing
May 4, at 8:30 p.m. Hosts Shelly and allows scientists to make precise edits
Noam Sokolow will sponsor a cocktail to DNA, which could lead to gene cor-
and dessert reception at the program, rection and treatments for genetic dis-
Israels Brain Power: Breaking the eases. Dr. Hendel will talk about his lab WWW.SHARSHERET.ORG/BENEFIT
Codes of Childhood Diseases, featur- at Bar-Ilan University, where he works OR CALL 866.474.2774
ing Dr. Ayal Hendel, principal investiga- on developing this technology as a
tor and a senior lecturer in the Mina and therapeutic treatment for children with
Supporting All Jewish Women And Families Facing Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sci- genetic diseases. For reservations, email
ences at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Dr. [email protected].
Hendels research focuses on developing

Chai4ever provides Passover support

Chai4ever began helping families with
Pesach preparations two months before
the holiday. The organization pro-
vides emotional and practical support
for families dealing with the acute or
chronic illness of a parent. Chai4ever
staff and volunteers spent hours help-
ing families with cleaning, cooking, and
babysitting, and arranging for families to
be hosted for the entire holiday. In addi-
tion, Chai4Ever welcomed 1,000 clients
and children to a chol hamoed extrava-
ganza that included a trip to the Liberty
Science Center and a cruise along the
Hudson. With the help of supporters, it A Chai4ever forever family
is helping more than 500 patients, fami-
lies, and children in New Jersey, across spending the long holiday with my surly
the United States, and in Israel. children. But the Chai4ever Chol Ham-
Cancer patient Rachel P. highlighted oed trip brought them out of their shells.
Chai4evers lifesaving work: Ever since I finally got to see them enjoying them-
I was diagnosed, my husband and I selves, smiling, even laughing. This sim-
have been focused on trying to navigate cha that Chai4ever brought to my chil-
the treatment options. Everything else dren, my husband, and me, was the
would have fallen by the wayside if not greatest chessed by far.
for Chai4ever. They sent me fully pre- Chai4evers year-round services offer
pared meals for Yom Tov. They cleaned comprehensive, practical, and emo-
my entire house. They kept my children tional support that is tailored to each
occupied and entertained. But all of this familys needs. Camp4ever!, the premier
pales beside their crowning glory. For summer camp for children of seriously
months now, my children have been with- ill patients, offers fun and adventure
drawn and morose. They are sad, afraid, while building an understanding com-
and angry. They spend Shabbos and Yom munity of peers.
Tov refusing to come out of their rooms. For information on Chai4evers pro-
I am embarrassed to say I was dreading grams, call (646) 519-2190.


Meet the Challah Fairy
Chanalee Fischer Schlisser tells her story
Joanne Palmer In 2003, Chanalee was divorced, and because

she had to do all the deliveries herself, she had to
o what exactly is a challah fairy? It sounds cut back radically. But she didnt want to stop she
wonderful but what is it? had far too much energy and ambition to stop so
Actually, the better question is, Who is she looked for a place where she could bake. Soon,
the challah fairy? That ones easy. Its Cha- she found a tiny storefront that had been outfitted by
nalee Fischer Schlisser of Pomona Heights, who another baker, and she was back in business.
went from being a stay-at-home mother, full of more She got herself rabbinic supervision, and she went
energy than even toddlers could exhaust, to a baker, entirely nut-free, which allowed her to sell challot to
creating more at a time than her family could eat schools. She developed a relationship with the Reu-
and therefore depositing the extra ones in friends ben Gittelman School in New City (which since has
mailboxes. closed) and supplied it with challah. And then, when
Of course, Chanalees story started before that, I had been there for nine months, the Rockland Jour-
and continues beyond it. So lets start at the begin- nal News called. The paper did a story on her, shot a
ning. (And lets call her Chanalee, not Ms. Schlisser. video and ran it, and put it in the local Gannett paper
Shes a first-name sort of person.) as well.
Chanalee was born in Boro Park, Brooklyn, the That did it. Business exploded. It was almost Rosh
daughter of a Holocaust survivor and a Holocaust HaShanah, and there was a line around the block,
refugee. Her mothers parents, Morris and Rachel Chanalee said. And the phone was ringing off the
Rokowsky, lived in Switzerland. Morris saved hun- hook. People wanted challah. Everyone wanted chal-
dreds of people by helping to get them into Switzer- lah. What do you mean, you cant deliver to my gar-
land from Germany, Chanalee said. He set up bank den apartment in Westchester?
accounts for them; as soon as they got into Switzer- That was a Wednesday. On Sunday I stopped tak-
land, he closed the accounts and set them up again ing orders, I hired people, and we worked around the
for the next people. Switzerland stayed neutral dur- clock for five days. In that tiny little kitchen, with that
ing the war, so while the Jews there were not com- Chanalee Fischer Schlisser, the Challah Fairy, also runs a caf tiny little oven, we baked 3,500 challah that year. It
fortable during those years, they stayed alive. My in New City. was crazy.
grandmother was 10th-generation Swiss. During that time, Chanalee remarried. Four years
In 1939, the police told my grandparents that the Ger- Chanalee married an Australian, the child of survivors after she opened the little bakery, My husband said, I will
mans were close to getting them. Get out of here, they whose parents wanted to get as far away from Europe build you a bakery wherever you want, but with challah
said. So her grandparents and their four children got on as they could, and the couple moved to Wesley Hills and alone you wont make it. You have to open a caf.
the last boat out; a fifth child was born in Brooklyn, where had four children. Eventually they divorced; Chanalee So we took one of four vacancies in a strip mall in
they settled. Mr. Rokowsky started in the raincoat business now is married to Mickey Schlisser, an eighth-generation New City, and we opened a caf.
and then moved on to more profitable ventures in real Israeli on his mothers side. His father survived Auschwitz She also teaches baking classes in synagogues, schools,
estate, where he flourished. and moved to Israel; the family left for the United States and anyplace else where she is invited, she said.
My father was not happy about the schools in Brook- during the Eichmann trial, because he just couldnt Chanalee loves her caf. Talking to her is to be
lyn, so he and another man started the Beis Yakov school stay there then. It made him crazy. The family moved interrupted frequently as she talks to her custom-
in Boro Park, Chanalee said. My mother, Ruth, was the to Monsey. ers; it is impossible to miss the zest in her voice in
seventh student there. Hundreds of thousands of girls After her husbands death, Chanalees mother-in-law, those conversations.
have gone through it. Its still a fantastic school. It also Esther Schlisser, moved back to Israel, where, Chanalee Her challah, she says, is dense yet fluffy. It is light, it is
was her own school. said, she became an extremely well-known tour guide in sweet, and it consistently has the same delicious taste. Its
Chanalees father, Oscar Lehmann, came from Hol- Jerusalem. She was a superwoman, Chanalee said. Every- consistent, too. Its not delicious one week, not so good
land. Her great grandfather, Marcus Lehmann, was a one knew her. the next week. And it stays fresh for a week.
famous writer in the early 19th century, she said. He But lets get back to Chanalee, a stay-at-home mother, Be sure to tell your readers that you should never
wrote stories for Jewish people that they could read in who is starting to bake. It was all very sorcerers appren- refrigerate challah, she added parenthetically. If you
their homes. Even very Orthodox children were allowed tice. She baked more, and then more, and then more need to refrigerate a challah, just put it in the freezer. In
to read these books. still. I started using one food processor, and then two, the refrigerator, they just turn hard and lose their taste.
Her fathers parents did not leave Europe. People and then four, and then I moved on to a commercial Back to her challah its from Switzerland, she said.
tried to persuade them, but they said no, this is where machine, she said. She started baking for friends in 1989, Its so good! I like to tell people that its from love, but
we live. This is where we are staying, Chanalee said. So but in 1992, she realized that she could sell challot, and actually its from Switzerland. One of my sisters married a
her grandparents died in the camps. My father was lib- she did. Her business grew entirely by word of mouth, and Swiss guy and the recipe comes from her. We just tweaked
erated from Bergen-Belsen with his two sisters when he she was its main employee. She did most of the deliver- it a bit.
was 11, she added. They went to England, and then to ies herself at first; eventually her husband helped. First Although she does not do her own baking anymore,
Brooklyn, where eventually he became a civil engineer. He I delivered to Monsey, then to Teaneck and Englewood, Chanalee still loves to bake. She also loves to feed people
never showed any anger, his daughter said, but still, and then to the Upper West Side and the Upper East side and to make them happy. After I was in the little place for
of course, his experiences in the childrens barracks in the only to buildings with doormen and then to Scarsdale a short time, a lady comes in and buys challah and a cake,
death camp marked him. and New Rochelle. she said. She is about to walk out, and then she comes
Her parents met at a shtiebel, a small shul in Brooklyn, I was delivering to peoples homes, and there was back in and says to me, Your cake and challah make Shab-
and they had five children. My parents raised us with no email yet, and no GPS. My biggest challenge was if I bat worth celebrating.
good values, Chanalee said. They didnt have everything wanted to bill someone, I had to put the bill into the I love that, Chanalee said. I love making peoples
that everyone else had, but they gave us the best life they brown bag. Shabbeses special. Thats the reason I do it.
could. They gave us fantastic life experiences, and they I sold challah to some of the richest Jews in America, Chanalee Fischer Schlissers caf is on 170 North Main
taught us to be good people by their example. she added. Street in New City.

20 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


New City shul Save the date to meet Jennifer Weiner

holds honorary event The Jewish Federation & Foundation million copies of her books in print
The Nanuet Hebrew Center will honor Cantor Barry of Rockland Countys Womens Phi- in 36 countries. Books & Greetings of

L Shana
and Amy Kanarek at its April 30 Journal Brunch. NHCs lanthropy group will host Celebrate Northvale, N.J., will provide a book
annual Stanley Blumenthal Community Service award the Power of Women, a spring out- signing at the country club, and par-
will be given to Raoul Cansino, founder of Helping Hands
of Rockland, and to Michael Morenberg and Beth Raines,
L Shana
reach evening featuring bestselling
author Jennifer Weiner, at the Rock-
ticipants will be able to buy many of
Ms. Weiners books there.

NHCs Helping Hands coordinators. The brunch begins at leigh Country Club in Rockleigh, N.J., Womens Philanthropy will raffle

9:30 a.m. at the Rockleigh, 26 Paris Ave., Rockleigh, N.J. on Thursday, May 18. It will kick off a Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag with
The Kanareks will be recognized for their long-time with a VIP reception at 6 p.m. par- matching pochette, valued at $1,180.
service and support to the Nanuet Hebrew Center, the ticipants get a signed copy of one of For more information, call Beth
Rockland Jewish Federation, and the Greater Metro Area Ms. Weiners books and a photo with Weiss-Dunn at (845) 362-4200, ext.
Jewish community. her. The dinner and program are at 121, or email her at bweiss-dunn@
For more information, go to 7. Ms. Weiner is a #1 New York Times
ethebrew2017 or call (845) 708-9181 bestselling author, with more than 11
Wishing you a sweet new year.
Jennifer Weiner
Wishing you a sweet new year.
Jamie and Steven Dranow Larry A. Model Harvey Schwartz
Gregg Brunwasser Jamie and Steven
Michael Dranow General
L. Rosenthal, Larry A.Manager
Model Harvey Schwartz
Gregg Brunwasser Michael L. Rosenthal, General Manager
Reducing As your local Dignity Memorial providers, we wish you
We reaffirm ourCandlelighting
As your local Dignity
commitment Memorial
of service

the best this Rosh Hashanah.
to the we wish you the best this Rosh Hashanah.
Jewish community.
stress and anxiety We reaffirm our commitment of service to the Jewish community.
april 28 ................................................. 7:32
Hellman MemorialHellman
Chapels Hellman-Garlick
Memorial Chapels Memorial Chapel
Hellman-Garlick Memorial Chapel
On the first Wednesday of the month, Rockland Jew- May 5....................................................
1300 Pleasantville 7:39
15 State Street Spring Valley, NYStreet
15 State 10977 Spring Valley, NY 10977Rd. 1300
Briarcliff Manor,
Pleasantville NY
Rd. 10510
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
ish Family Service offers mindfulness and meditation 845-356-8600
May 12 ..................................................914-762-5501 7:47
845-356-8600 914-762-5501
class led by Carole Brill, who offers techniques to
reduce stress and enliven our lives. May
Our affiliate Jewish19 ..................................................
Memorials of Rockland
Our affiliate a complete full
Jewish Memorials ofservice monument
Rockland and full
a complete 7:53
service provider. and inscription provider.
RJFS is at 450 West Nyack Road in West Nyack. The Large display on premises. 845-425-2256
Large display on premises. 845-425-2256
next classes are on Wednesdays, May 3 and June 7, at 11 Hellman Memorial Chapels
a.m. All proceeds support RJFS mission. Call Carol King 15 State Street Spring Valley, NY 10977
at (845) 354-2121, ext.142, or email her at [email protected]. 845-356-8600

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ance is now $40,000, so $100 in bonus interest will be paid on January 12, 2018.

apple bk - JEWISH STANDARD - PASSBOOK-STATEMENT-BONUS - EFF DATE 3-7-2017.indd 1 Jewish Standard APRIL 2017PM21

Womens network
Its Fairy Fairy Good. honoring Risa Hoag
PROS FOR COMING TO THE CHALLAH FAIRY ANYTIME The Rockland Business Womens Network will honor Risa B.
HAVE A TOUGH DAY? CHALLAH FAIRY WILL CHEER YOU UP Hoag on Thursday, June 8, at 8 a.m., at the Crowne Plaza
- GUARANTEED! Hotel in Suffern. Ms. Hoag, of GMG Public Relations, Inc., is
OUR SALAD BAR AND FULL CAFE MENU IS BETTER THAN this years 2017 Service Woman of the Year.
Marion Winik, a writer and teacher at the University of
Baltimore, is the guest speaker. For more information, email
BRIS - YOU WILL OOH AND AAH LONG AFTER THE PARTY or call (845) 535-1011. Risa Hoag
has new
- CHANALEE productions
Penguin Rep Theatre, the
Call award-winning professional
845.323.4582 Sunday: 9:30-2:30 Equity theater in Stony Point,
170 North Main St. Mon-Thurs: 7:00-6:30
New City, NY Friday: 6:30 until one under the leadership of found-
(across from EVERYTHING BAKED FRESH DAILY ON PREMISES hour before shabbos ing artistic director Joe Brancato
Stop & Shop Ask about our catering services
Bakery & Cafe and executive director Andrew
WE DELIVER We are entirely a nut free facility
M. Horn, announces its 40th
CHOLOV YISROEL | PAS YISROEL anniversary season.
Penguins season features
three premieres and two reviv-
als. The season opens in May
with Trayf, a new comedy by

Lindsay Joelle and will include
productions of Fall River, a new From Trayf
play by Frederick Stroppel, as
well as revivals of Lee Blessings latest work, Shistory Happens! Penguins 108-
Cobb and Allan Knees Synco- seat theater is at 7 Crickettown Road.
pation, and the return of Emmy For more information, go to www.penguinrep.
Award-winner Robert Wuhl in his org or call (845) 786-2873.

The Power of women

An evening
with Family services with music in New City
bestselling Temple Beth Sholom holds musical ser- next services are set for May 5 and June
author vices for the whole family, called Rock 2. The synagogue is at 228 New Hemp-

Jennifer My Soul Shabbat, at 6:30 p.m. on the

first Friday night of each month. The
stead Road in New City. For more infor-
mation, call (845) 638-0770.

Relax, breathe, and take care of yourself
Rockland Jewish Family Service Eating, Mindful Self-Care, Love
offers a self-care hour on Thurs- Your Body, and Yoga Relaxation for
day, May 11, in the Elipse Theater Studying. In addition to useful tech-
(Technology Building) at Rockland niques to improve wellness, there will
Community College, at 12:30 p.m. be refreshments and giveaways. For
It will include four 15-minute mini- more information, call (845) 354-2121
workshops, led by experts Stress or go to

Womens Philanthropy Gala Rockland JFS celebrating 30 years

May 18 The Rockleigh Rockland Jewish Family Service will June 25, at the DoubleTree by Hilton in
mark its 30th anniversary at an evening Nanuet. For information, call (845) 354-
Register: called Nostalgia Celebrating Our Past 2121 or go to
845.362.4200 and Inspiring Our Future, on Sunday,

22 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


Ramah scholarship run Rockland remembers the Holocaust

The Ramah Day Camp in Nyack Schol- the participant and family, and an official Hundreds of people RJFS social worker
arship Run is set for June 11 at Rockland Scholarship Run tee shirt. There is a $100 filled the New City Carol H. King, the
Lake State Park, 299 Rockland Lake Road minimum fundraising requirement. The Jewish Center on April class drew dozens of
in Valley Cottage. At 10:15 a.m., there first 15 runners to register will receive a cus- 24 for Rockland Coun- people to the Rock-
will be a 5K run/walk; at 11, there will be tom, Ramah Nyack technical training shirt. tys community-wide land Jewish Commu-
a camper fun run. From noon to 3 p.m., All proceeds benefit the camper schol- Yom HaShoah com- nity Campus to learn
participants are offered a barbecue, fam- arship fund. Last summer, Ramah Nyack memoration. Victims about the Righteous
ily fun day, and ribbon cutting ceremony provided more than $100,000 in camper of the Shoah were Among the Nations
for the new kitchen at 303 Christian Her- tuition assistance. No camper is turned remembered and sur- who risked their lives
ald Road, in Nyack. away from camp for financial reasons. For vivors were honored to save Jews during the
A $25 registration fee includes admission information, call (212) 678-8884 or go to at the commemora- Holocaust. Rocklands
to the post-run barbecue and events for tion, which featured community-wide Yom
keynote speaker Dan HaShoah program-
Mc M i l l a n , au t h o r ming culminated with
of How Could This a commemoration at
Mothers Day in Rockland Happen: Explaining
the Holocaust. The
Dan McMillan the Rockland County
Courthouse later that
On Mothers Day, Sunday, May 14, hun- and pressing it against the other so you ceremony was made possible by the afternoon. More than 120 people,
dreds of people will gather to celebrate are standing on one leg. The pose helps Holocaust Museum & Center for Tol- many of whom told their stories about
Mother Earth and to support Keep Rock- improve balance and mental focus. erance and Education and the Jewish relatives who died or survived the
land Beautiful at 3 p.m., at Rockland Lake Keep Rockland Beautiful is encouraging Federation and Foundation of Rock- Holocaust, were there. The Holocaust
State Park. During that celebration, the schools, sports teams, and other organiza- land County. Museum and Center for Tolerance and
group will host a unique event the lon- tions to join to create a branch to help sup- On April 25, the Jewish Federation Education joined the Justice Brandeis
gest yoga tree pose chain. port it. Adults and teens will receive a set & Foundation of Rockland partnered Law Society to organize Mondays
A yoga tree pose is a simple stance of gardening gloves to commemorate the with Rockland Jewish Family Service observance at the courthouse, which
that anyone of any age and ability can event; kids will get a fun eco-inspired gift. and the Museum to offer Righteous ended by lighting six candles, symbol-
do. All they have to do is put their hands To register, go to www.keeprocklandbeau- Resisters, a free lunch-and-learn izing the six million Jews killed during
in the air, as if they were branches. The or call (845) 708-9164. Orange & class. Led by Holocaust educator and the Holocaust.
advanced version includes lifting one leg Rockland is a major sponsor.




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Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 23

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Cover Story
Goldin Way
Ahavath Torah says goodbye to Shmuel and Barbara Goldin
as they prepare for aliyah and a new life in Israel

Joanne Palmer That was 34 years ago.
Since then, Ahavath Torah has
t wasnt meant as any kind grown to include about 750 fami-
of pun. lies, making it one of the largest and
When the city of Engle- most influential Orthodox shuls in the
wood recognized Rabbi country. In that growth, it has forged
Shmuel Goldin last month, a new model, which includes four
at the dinner that marked different minyanim every Shabbat,
the beginning of his long and members from a wide diversity
goodbye to his rabbinate of backgrounds and approaches to
here and the beginning as well of practice as part of one community.
the aliyah that will take him and his Other shuls splinter; Ahavath Torah
wife, Barbara, to Israel it named the has remained together, showcasing
street that leads to his Congregation unity in diversity.
Ahavath Torah Rabbi Goldin Way. Now, as Shmuel and Barbara Goldin
But the thing is, its accurate. are preparing to leave for Israel
Rabbi Goldin has always looked for although not to cut their ties to the
the golden mean, the central way, community, the place where their
the path that unifies diversity while five children grew up and so many
respecting both unity and diversity. of their friendships and memories
Its a hard but essential balance, are rooted and the shul prepares
which has marked his rabbinate and to welcome its new rabbi, Chaim
will remain as the Goldin standard Poupko, who is stepping into to the
after he leaves. senior position after 13 years working
Rabbi Goldin, the Brooklyn-born, his way up and who was offered the
Long-Island-reared, Yeshiva-Univer- job after a long and thoughtful pro-
sity-ordained son of serious Orthodox cess it is looking back, in celebra-
Jews and the grandson of Orthodox Rabbi Shmuel and Barbara Goldin are honored for their 34 years at Ahavath Torah. tion and gratitude, to its Goldin years.
rabbis and scholars, who was born 65 Its bittersweet, Rabbi Goldin
years ago today April 28 and embod- Ahavath Torah, then a flourishing 350-fam- nerves kicked in. said. I feel that the relationships, the
ies the ever-changing, always-examined, ily shul, headed by the formidable Rabbi Part of his interview was a presentation friendships, that weve been able to estab-
sometimes fraught, often glorious tension Isaac Swift, who had overseen its growth on Shabbat not a dvar Torah, his inter- lish with our community and the Bergen
between Jewish and American values, and was about to retire. viewers stressed to him, but a presentation County community as a whole have been
came to Ahavath Torah in 1984. When he agreed to the interview, Rabbi and he prepared diligently. He planned very precious to us, and I expect that they
By then, he and his wife, Barbara, a Goldin recalled for a story in the Jewish to talk about the state of the modern will always be part of us.
speech pathologist and dedicated rebbit- Standard in 2013, he was 30 years old, Orthodox community, he said. My wife My journey with the synagogue has
zen who by all accounts, including his, and he knew himself to be unprepossess- is a very honest person. She is sitting on been extraordinary, he continued. I
has been instrumental to his success, had ing enough and therefore unlikely enough the bed of the room where were staying, came to a community that already was well
lived briefly in Los Angeles and then spent to be the successor to Rabbi Swift that he and she goes, Boring. This is so boring. established, but very different. Shortly
six years in Potomac, Maryland, where began the interview relaxed, with nothing You cant give that talk! after I became the rabbi, about a year and
he headed a shul. When they were ready to lose. As it went on, though, he realized So he didnt. He revised quickly, gave a a half after I got there, there was an influx
to move on, he accepted an interview at that he was being taken seriously, and his new talk and of course was hired. of young couples, and that changed and

26 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017

Cover Story

enriched the community. established before he got to Englewood,

I dont know what caused it I think and East Hill and Kesher, both at the north
that it might have been God smiling on The city of end of town, a very long walk from Ahavath
us, he said. People discovered Engle- Englewood Torah, were organized with his blessing.
wood. They already knew about Teaneck, has named the Ahavath Torah, with its four minyanim,
but Englewood had its own character, and stretch of Broad manages to be one community, Rabbi
a lot of people liked what it had to offer. It Avenue that Goldin said. It is a great accomplishment
is a very heterogeneous community, var- runs alongside to have so many minyanim under one
ied in just about every way. Its varied in Congregation roof, to give them space to flourish and still
age you have young families just starting Ahavath Torah hold them tight.
out, in their 20s, and you have people who to honor However, he said, while holding the
Shmuel Goldin. community together is a goal, it cannot
be the whole goal. The community has to
be together for the right things, without
compromising whats best for the commu-
The longer you nity or for the individuals within it. Thats
stay in the always a tension.
He points to the development of one of
s community, the Ahavath Torahs minyanim as an example

longer you know of the kind of push and pull necessary to
keep a community within boundaries but
e the people you at the same time vital. (Another way to
are dealing with think about it is the what-comes-around-
goes-around principle.) We call it our aux-
, personally, the iliary minyan, but I also call it the divine
more they will And time helps. The longer you stay
in the community, the longer you know
justice minyan, Rabbi Goldin said. When
the influx of young new members began,
trust you and the people you are dealing with person- soon after he took over at the shul, some

listen to you. ally, the more they will trust you and
listen to you. I was able to speak to the
of the more established people came to me
and said Rabbi, we feel like were being
community after five years in ways I was taken over. Why dont you start a young
n have been here for decades. You have par- not able to the first year, and five years have a buffer, he said. And certainly the couples minyan? They wanted the inter-
ents who have moved in to be with their after that is was different again. role does demand a certain degree of dis- lopers and their demands gone, housed
e kids, as well as kids who have moved in to Being part of peoples lives helped me tance, and sometimes it can be lonely.
r be with their parents. understand who I was, and people knew Even in a friendship, there will always be
In terms of religious background, it that I wasnt judging them, but that we a certain difference because you are the
s ranges from rigorously Orthodox to peo-
ple who are not necessarily Orthodox in
were all trying to grow together. It wasnt
about me. It was about us. It wasnt about
rabbi or the rebbitzin. But nevertheless, I
think that what made it successful for me
It is a great
background but who are looking for reli- what I wanted, but what we could accom- was investing myself in the process. There accomplishment
e gious growth in a community that does
not judge them but allows them to grow at
plish together.
Being personal, being present, being
might have been other rabbis who were
more successful in some areas because
to have so many
their own rate, with no one looking over real, has been a huge part of his rabbinate, they maintained a certain distance, but minyanim under
their shoulders.
This poses a particular challenge for
Rabbi Goldin said. He was an avid actor in
college; his roles ranged from the father
that wouldnt work for me.
Rabbi Goldin is a teacher as well as a
one roof, to give
. the rabbi, he went on. If you want the in The Fantastics to Polonius (of course preacher and pastor; hes also taken on them space to
religious level of the community to be
constantly moving up, if you want to cre-
another father) in Hamlet to the main
role, the old Jewish guy in A Canticle
highly visible national and international
roles, as a past president of the Rabbini-
flourish and still
- ate an environment that is not judgmen- for Leibowitz. cal Council of America, which represents hold them tight.
n tal but makes clear that not everything People would say to me, I guess being modern and centrist Orthodox rabbis, and
goes, you wrestle with how to encour- onstage prepared you for being a rabbi, as an active and influential member of RCA elsewhere. My response was that if the
y age growth without making people feel Rabbi Goldin said. But its the opposite. committees, including the one looking at young people want to be in the main min-
uncomfortable. When you are on stage, you are playing the hot-button issue of conversion. But yan, they should be there. So they came
s How can that work? One of the most someone else. Its much harder being the when he looks back, its at his own com- back to me, and said, What if we have our
I important pieces is to put yourself in the rabbi, because you are being you. munity, and what it has accomplished. own minyan?
mix, Rabbi Goldin said. Do not preach Of course, he did need a buffer between Weve stayed together, he said. Weve I wasnt so excited about that, but
y to them. Instead, preach to us. Say that we himself and the raw emotion he often broken the old mold of breaking apart. In my wife said, Dont fight it, Shmuel.
need to grow, that we are growing, that faced; rabbis counsel people through trag- 30 years, no one broke away. There are Let it develop. Keep them part of the
x this is what we need to do. Do not set your- edy, death, illness, fear, and other forms of other Orthodox communities in Engle- congregation.
self apart from the collective. darkness. You cant survive if you dont wood, but of them, Sharei Emunah was There were certain rules. I would have

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 27

Cover Story

to be able to come in and speak, as he and the not easy.

other rabbis do at each one of the other minyanim Another innovation hes overseen includes the
every Shabbat and holiday. The alternative minyan introduction of a yoetzet halacha, a woman who
was smaller and therefore more intimate, and also helps other women with the aspects of Jewish
ended earlier. Eventually the next group of young law that most affect their lives, and about which
At left, a young Shmuel people that came wanted to go there, because it was women generally feel more comfortable consult-
Goldin with a fish he smaller and more intimate, he said. Now, one of ing another woman than a man.
caught in an Adirondack our challenges is to keep the main minyan happy. The Goldins plan to make aliyah in September;
lake. Below, a slightly As an aside, Rabbi Goldin added that his wife theyll join two of their children and their families
older Rabbi Goldin was vital to his success. Not only did she take care there. (The other three live in the United States; all
plays guitar; his favorite of the family, she also provided him with ideas, are married, and all are flourishing.)
American song, he says, inspiration, and advice. She often preferred to Aliyah was Barbara Goldins lifelong dream,
is Proud Mary. remain in the background, but both her intellect Rabbi Goldin said, and its a high priority for him
and her intuition were invaluable to him. as well. Theyre going now, he added, because
The weekly minyanim also include the hashka- its far better to leave before people start to think
mah minyan, which is early and fast; the youth that you might have overstayed. There is a tip-
minyan, and the Sephardic minyan. ping point, and once you get beyond it, there will
The Sephardic minyan, which is housed in a be those who said its time already, and then your
sanctuary that Rabbi Goldin said is perhaps the leaving is tainted, he said. And we are leaving in
most beautiful room in a building he said is full of such a positive way, and Rabbi Poupko seems to be
beauty, is growing quickly. It has its own advisory stepping in seamlessly.
board, and its own rabbi, Rabbi Mordy Kuessous, Ms. Goldin plans on spending as much time
who is also the shuls assistant rabbi. learning as much as she can, as often as she can,
Its open to anyone who chooses to go in as Rabbi Goldin says; shes also planning to work as
is true of all the minyanim and the shuls lead- a volunteer speech therapist. His plans are not
ership works hard to integrate its members with entirely firm yet they really cant be until he gets
everyone else. there, he said. He keeps thinking about two com-
There are a lot of logistics, Rabbi Goldin said. ments from friends at Ahavath Torah. One said
And beyond that, you have to make sure that it is to me, Rabbis dont retire, they relocate, he
one shul, in the face of all that diversity, and it is reported. And the other very astute friend said,



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28 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017

Cover Story

Dont worry. Youve always been

the father of the community, and
now you will be the grandfather.
Thats beautiful. The grandfather
doesnt have to live nearby, and
I wont. But I will be keeping my
shul email. And although the
plans are not yet firm, he will
return, perhaps twice a year, to
teach. I very much do not want to
crowd Rabbi Poupko, he said. I
want to let him be his own man.
And of course the Goldins no
longer will have a house in Engle-
wood, so when they return they
will have to stay with local friends, Rabbi Goldin is a past president of the Rabbinical Council
and that in itself will be a new expe- of America. On a trip to Israel, Rabbi Goldin is at a shiva for a murdered teenager.
rience in their old community.
Rabbi Goldin does know that he wants to continue to one for each book of the Torah; hes finishing a book on Rabbi Poupko, who will move into Rabbi Goldins posi-
write. He began his first book on the Book of Genesis the Haggadah, which he plans to have out by next Febru- tion, feels that he is emotionally, intellectually, and spiritu-
a few years ago, when he was on sabbatical in Israel. His ary, in time for Pesach, and he has ideas for his next writ- ally ready for that move because he has learned so much
wife was responsible for that, he added; he never would ing project. from Rabbi Goldin. I started as an intern 13 years ago,
have had the time to write had he not had the time off; he He also plans on continuing his work for the RCA and during my last year of smicha, Rabbi Poupko said. My
would not have taken the time off had Barbara not pushed the OU, including its efforts on conversion. And he will father encouraged me to apply for the internship. Rabbi
for it, and she would not have pushed for it had she not teach, particularly in gap-year seminaries. Goldin had a strong reputation for integrity, for his strong
known that it would give him the chance to write. Now, he In other words, he will be busy. Hes right. This will be sense of modern Orthodox values. His reputation was
has completed the series of five volumes on the parshiot, a relocation, not a retirement. national probably international as well. And so I applied

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Event Committee
Arlene and Dr. Arthur Eis - Lori and Barry Frank - Heidi and Alan Fuchs - Tsipi and Dr. Danny Gurell - Janet and Lior Hod
Hana and Dr. Brian Katz - Dr. Jessica and Laizer Kornwasser - Adeena and Yair Mayerfeld - Nancy and Andy Neff
Esther and Dr. Harold Perl - Gila and Yitz Stern - Bassie and Rabbi Micheal Taubes - Elana and Dr. Seth Winslow
Call Richard or Gina to schedule
Meredith and Kenny Yager - Lydia and Dr. Lionel Zuckier your personal visit.
Community Liaisons
Na'amah Bateman - Lisa Breen - Yael and Andrew Fink - Stacey Gardin - Dalia Golbari - Rabbi Zev Goldberg
Ellen Gruber - Deena Heller - Ricki Kurtz - Ashley Klapper - Leora Lowe - Deb Mlotek - Keren Nussbaum - Janice Osdoby
Lisa Rothschild - Nechama Saks - Chana Schnek - Arlene Shiner - Cyla Steinmetz - Eva Stern 55 Hudson Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670
Bikur Cholim Bergen County 201-579-3066
[email protected]
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Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 29

Cover Story

for the internship. and his sensitivity as well as his integrity grew up in Skokie, right outside Chicago, deep appreciation for Torah learning. Im
The only reason Im still here is that he welcomes younger rabbis to train comes from a family of rabbis. Both of comfortable in a beis midrash setting I
because of the wonderful relationship under him, and to grow and to be able to my grandfathers were pulpit rabbis, he went to the Skokie Yeshiva and then Kerem
we have enjoyed, Rabbi Poupko contin- flourish on our own, to foster our own said. My paternal grandfather, Baruch A. BYavne, a yeshiva in Israel, and then to
ued. The history of rabbi/assistant rabbi relationships in the community. Poupko, was a rabbi in Pittsburgh for more Yeshiva University, where I got smicha. And
relationships has claimed many victims, That has engendered the warmth and than 60 years, and my maternal grandfa- then Ive been in Englewood ever since.
but thank God I have been enormously respect that I feel for him. He has always ther, Herman Davis, who passed away far Its a unique story. A lot of young guys
blessed to have Rabbi Goldin as a mentor, treated me like a son, and his wisdom and too young, in 1975, was in Chicago. And have to go all over. I have been enormously
as a teacher, as someone to train under. guidance have shaped the rabbi that I am, my father, Rabbi Yehiel Poupko, works blessed, not only to have been in the same
He knows how to make space for for sure. in the federation in Chicago thats the place all along, but to work under one of
other people. He knows how to support When Rabbi Poupko looks at other rab- Jewish United Fund, where his father is the best in the business.
you and to enable you to grow. And it is a bis, his vision is filtered through a great the rabbinic scholar. I grew up in a fam- And yes, he added, every Poupko hes
testament to the quality of his character deal of experience. Rabbi Poupko, who ily with a strong rabbinic tradition and a ever met is related to him. No ones sure

Over the course of his career, Rabbi Goldin has meet with many prominent people. Here, hes with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Israeli Chief Sephardic Rabbi
Yitzhak Yosef, and Pope Francis, who is looking at one of Rabbi Goldins books.

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30 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017
Useful Information for
the Next Generation
of Jewish Families

Havin Gifts
a Crafts
for Mom
PARTY! Ah-Choo!

Supplement to The Jewish Standard May 2017


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May 2017

Creating a Garden Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Growing plants for fun

Were Havin a Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Celebrating birthdays in style

Party Places and Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Listing of venues

Crafts for Mothers Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Keepsake items you can make

Books: Biographies for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Real stories for inspiration

Eat and Drink Up for Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Proper nutrition for summer athletes

The Right Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Teaching children through what you say

Allergies and Global Warming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

How weather impacts the condition

Ah-Choo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Treating your childrens allergies

Hebrew School Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16

Learning our traditions

Parental United Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Respect teaches children

Top Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Great picks for May

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Things to do this month

Simchas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19
Celebrating our milestones

About Our Children is designed to help Jewish families in our area live healthy, positive lives that make the most of
the resources available to them. By providing useful, current, accurate information, this publication aims to guide
parents to essential information on faith, education, the arts, events, and child-raising in short, everything that
todays Jewish family, babies to grandparents, needs to live life to the fullest in North Jersey and Rockland County. About

AdvisoryBoard OurChildren
James L. Janoff Natalie Jay Slovie Jungreis-Wolff
Dr. Annette Berger, Psy.D. Jane Calem Rosen Publisher Advertising Director Adina Soclof
Psychologist, Teaneck Marketing and Communications Specialist Heidi Mae Bratt Peggy Elias Denise Morrison Yearian
Editor Janice Rosen Contributing Writers
Michelle Brauntuch, MS,CCLS Barry Weissman, MD
Child Life Specialist, Englewood Hospital, Englewood Pediatrician, Hackensack and Wyckoff Deborah Herman Brenda Sutcliffe
Art Director Account Executives
Hope Eliasof Cheryl Wylen
Marriage and Family Therapist, Midland Park Director of Adult Programs and Cultural Arts
About Our Children is published 11 times a year by the New Jersey/Rockland Jewish Media Group,
Howard Prager, DC, DACBSP YM-YWHA of North Jersey, Wayne 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666; telephone: 201-837-8818; fax: 201-833-4959.;
Holistic Chiropractor, Oakland e-mail: [email protected].


musings from the editor
simple letter of thanks. Just an plaint and get it fixed. It san didnt simply reshape moved. So much so that that she wanted
acknowledgement of someone was evening and the store the cards, she printed to post in on the wall at work.
who had gone a little above and was very crowded. Susan, new ones, which were About two weeks later, back at Sta- S
beyond. who had not helped me perfect, and she gave me ples, I said hello to Susan and she in-
This Chanukah, at Jeffs urging, earlier, was handling the a stack of envelopes, to formed that she showed the letter to a In
we decided to send out holiday cards. customers. When it was boot! I felt ashamed of visiting high-level manager and he was
Ever since Yehudas first Chanukah at 4 my turn, I did my dissatis- my initial tough girl coun- so pleased that he announced that the
months old, we would gather around the fied customer routine, with ter encounter with her, letter would be read, and she would be A
menorah, and Tina would take her art- a bit of harrumph. and after I finished up, I acknowledged before her employers and E
ful photographs, which would anchor a Clearly, Susan wasnt asked her if I could con- peers at the annual meeting celebrating
card I designed. It had become an annual responsible for the prob- tact her supervisor to let a million dollars in sales. h
tradition that ceased the year my father lem, but I found it neces- him or her know about To say that Susan was thrilled is an
died, as I was in no mood for the happy sary to underscore my unhappiness. It the great job she did. Touched, she gave understatement. The letter had gone vi-
portrait. But now that its resumed, cre- was not my proudest moment, especial- me a name and a number. ral. She was so happy to get the recogni-
ating the card is so much easier. Tina ly when I started to observe Susan. I took the information home and got tion, and I was happy for her.
still takes the picture, but having a teen- Susan, I saw, was a veteran here. She busy, and the business card fell under a I dont mean to congratulate myself
age IT team (the kids!) takes the design held the title of manager. Unlike some of pile, until I found it again, and did what with this tale.
in-house. the other employees behind the counter, I said I would. I called the number and Its just a lesson that I keep learn-
But I still have the cards printed Susan came up in a time when she chat- got an email address for the customer ing that the little things might not be
outside. ted on corded telephones. She probably service, and for Shira Goodman, Staples so little, that you never know where a
This year, I took the flash drive to remembered where she was when Presi- president and CEO. Within minutes of nice gesture might go, and that its al-
Staples copy center for the finished dent Kennedy was shot. Even beyond emailing a letter praising Susan, I got ways good to say thank you.
product. As the holiday progressed, I her age and experience, her care and dil- a response from the customer service
wanted to make sure that the cards got igence became apparent. When another line and from the presidents office. Cheers,
in the mail before the eighth candle, and customer came by to pick up his order, A few days later, I went into the store
asked for the job to be expedited. It was, she eagerly looked at him and smiled, and saw Susan. I told her that I had writ-
and half of the cards were good, and waiting for his approval of her work. And ten the letter and asked if she was con-
half were not. They were cut unevenly. he gave it to her. tacted. She had not been, so I printed
I returned to the store to lodge my com- So when she came to assist me, Su- out the letter for her. She read it and was

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Let It Grow, Let It Grow
Garden Party Fun
DENISE MORRISON YEARIAN Other activity ideas: Have children
create a mosaic design using various

lant seeds for a memorable birth- kinds of seeds, or create garden markers
day bash or just celebrate spring! for plants by painting individual vegeta-
Here are several great garden par- ble designs on flat stones.
ty ideas to get you started.
Prize Planter
Bloomin Invitations Items needed: small terra cotta plant-
Create flowers from cardstock and in- ers painted with bright colors; faux gem-
clude party details, along with a sugges- stones; glue guns (low setting); perma-
tion for the children to wear outdoor nent marker; aluminum foil; small stones;
play clothes. Place in an envelope, along potting soil; flowers.
with flower seed packets. Glue gemstones around the upper,
outer rim of the planter. Around the
Turftop Tommy lower section of the planter, write My
Items needed: old pantyhose; ruler; scis- Garden of Delights! Place aluminum foil
sors; rubber bands; potting soil; grass around the outside of the planter to pro-
seed; small, flat plastic bowl with lid; per- tect it from getting dirt. Place the stone
manent marker; straight pins. over the planters interior hole to keep
Cut off approximately soil from leaking through
5 inches from one foot during watering. Fill plant-
section of a pair of panty- er one-third full of potting
hose. Pour a little potting soil. Place flowers in the
soil into the toe. Gather center of the planter then
hose around the soil cover the roots with pot-
and wrap a rubber band ting soil, gently pressing
around it to make a nose. around the plant to secure
To make the head, fill the in place. Remove foil.
stocking with about 1-inch
of soil (nose should be po- Flourishing Games
sitioned to the side of the Divide children into teams
head). Sprinkle grass seed on top of the and play one or more of these relay
soil and, without shifting it, add more soil games: Water Down. Use a small, plas-
on top of the grass seed until the head tic watering can to transfer water from
is proportionate to the nose. Gather the one bucket to another. Budding Bou-
nylon opening and tie it off with another quet. Transport flowers one at a time
rubber band. Carefully turn the head from a bucket to a vase. Can You Dig
over (tied off end will be at the back) it? Use child-sized shovels to move dirt
and place in a shallow plastic bowl. Cut from a pile to fill a bucket. Another fun
two small oval eyes from the lid, and use idea is to give kids a magnifying glass
a permanent marker to draw in pupils. and paper bag and have a nature trea-
Attach the eyes to the head just above sure hunt.
the nose with straight pin. When guests
leave, tell them to add a little fresh water Dirt Diggin Treat
to the bowl daily. Within days, hair will Items needed: Instant chocolate pudding;
begin to grow. milk; whipped cream (in a tub); crushed
Oreo cookies; gummy worms; serving
Crazy Critters cups, spoons.
Items needed: cardboard egg cartons; tem- You can prepare this fun treat or let
pera paint; tacky glue; wiggly eyes; minia- the guests help. Prepare instant pudding
ture pompoms; hole punch; pipe cleaners; according to box instructions. Let mix-
pencil. ture sit for 5 minutes until it thickens.
Cut and trim egg cups from the car- Add whipped cream and cookies. Trans-
ton bottom. Paint outsides of the cups fer into serving cups. Add more crushed
with tempera paint. Glue two wiggly cookies on top of the pudding mixture.
eyes and a pompom nose on one side. Garnish with gummy worms. Give chil-
Let dry. Trim pipe cleaners to 4 inches. dren spoons and let them dig in.
With a sharp pencil, punch three holes Other food ideas include a veggie
on opposite sides of each carton cup. tray; cucumber and cream cheese sand-
Push pipe cleaners from the outside of wiches; veggie or fruit pizza; chocolate-
one hole through the inside of the oppo- dipped strawberries and fruit punch.
site hole, bending pipe cleaner ends to
create legs. Poke two holes on top of the Denise Morrison Yearian is the former editor
cup near the eyes and insert pipe clean- of two parenting magazines, a mother and a
ers to make antennae. grandmother.


CHILDRENS Were Havin A Party
H e i d i M a e B rat t

dio spaces with viewing windows, said

here did pin the tail on the Ms. Daly. So a parent can watch what
donkey go? It is still around, is going on but can be outside the party
Im assured. The simple party room. Its very chill.

TURN YOUR PARTY game of blindfolded gaffes and attempts

at putting the hind pieces of the donkey
At the recently opened Glow Par-
ty Venue in Waldwick, there is 18,000

togetherwhat fun!has morphed square feet of fun space for revelers to
into party games of day-glo, lightning enjoy and celebrate a party, said Glows
speed, and digital pyrotechnics. Wheth- event manager Wendy Galfund. With two
YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BLUE MOON er simple or sensational, birthday par-
ties remain a mainstay of childhood
rooms, one can hold up to 700 people;
the smaller room can hold up to 150
memories and of celebrating a young- people, the facility, which opened in No-
sters achievement into the next year. Its vember 2016 gives people who have an
a special time of revelry and attention event or party there the vibe of a very,
for the child, and there are more ways cool New York City club or lounge with
Bronxville Englewood and more places to celebrate than ever. the convenience of it being in Waldwick.
Woodcliff Lake Wyckoff Brand new on the party venue land- A recent party for a 1-year-old could
scape is Rain, which is located on Wa- have easily been mistaken for a bar or
ter Street in Teaneck, hence, its name. bat mitzvah because of the pizzazz fac-
Opened in March to dovetail with Pu- tor that Glow puts into every party. We
rim, event managers and owners have go above and beyond, Ms. Galfund said.
a stake in creating a go-to place that is This was a kids party with a bouncy
both local in its proximity and sense of house and with all the lights and mu-
Piatas * Crafts * Entertainment * Sombreros * Birthday Cake familiarity, but state-of-the-art and cut-
ting edge in terms of its design, ameni-
sic, the parents were like, Oh, my God.
This is amazing. It looked like you were
(packages range from $13.95 - $21.95 per child) ties and party planning potential. Veter-
an party planner Deena Greenstein, who
walking a major party. People were
blown away.
has joined the Rain team as its on-site The Blue Moon Mexican Caf in
for party info event specialist, said that with its 6,500 Englewood offers kids parties in its
square foot of available space, including two back party rooms. On the menu,
201.848.4088 * outdoor space, Rain could be custom- of course, tacos and other kid-friendly
ized for any party with any theme and food, such as chicken fingers and French
any special event. Bar and bat mitzvahs fries. The highlight of a party here, said
are already booked into the future and manager Terry Tiger, is the piata that
later in the summer, Ms. Greenstein said, comes in an assortment of characters or
there will be a toddlers 1-year-old party animals. The piata opening is a gentle
there that will include a childrens story- one. Ribbons are pulled to open up the
book theme. candy filled piata. Activities can also
We are very excited about this, include coloring miniature maracas, col-
said Ms. Greenstein. We want to be that oring t-shirts, and playing pin the tail on
Teaneck place where everyone knows the donkey.
each other. We hope to create a warm At The Performing Arts School at
and inviting environment, as well as a bergenPAC in Englewood young cel-
top party spot with the latest in audio- ebrants can have a birthday party that
visual, lighting and trend-making. can include a dance theme or a theater
GlowParty Venue is where you can expect to find the Birthday parties have been one of theme or a recording theme, to name a
hottest trend of awesome entertainment in Waldwick NJ for the ongoing offerings at Cresskill Per- few, said Arlene Grunfeld, the operations
forming Arts in Cresskill. The newest manager and Becky Hinkle, the manag-
Kids Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Sweet 16, Adult Milestones, addition to an already varied smorgas- ing director of the schools.
Corporate and Fundraiser Events and more! bord of styles in parties is a class in Very popular are the Mommy & Me
silks, hammocks and lyra, the graceful parties for toddlers celebrating a birth-
aerial aerobics that is performed with day. It consists of a 45-minute class fol-

ropes and hoops. This is a unique way lowed by a break for food and cake in the
to push forward another year, as long as lounge area.
Laser Tag Dance Party the birthday girl or boy and the attend-
ing celebrants are old enoughat least
Coming to a party here opens up
a world of classes for the youngsters,
Bouncy House Party Theme Party 7 years oldto participate in the art of said Ms. Grunfeld. And its really a lot of
Sports Party Digital Invitation aerial aerobics, said Betsy Daly, owner of
Cresskill Performing Arts.
fun, added Ms. Hinkle.
A tried and true destination for kids
Party Attendants Pizza Ms. Daly said that very popular are birthday parties, and a top winner year
all kinds of dance parties, acting, improv, after year in the best birthday party
Drinks Paper Goods dress-up in costume parties, pajama par- category, Bounce U of Paramus with its
ties and gymnastics and jazz, which can bouncy inflatable birthday bashes offers
start as early at 5 years old. The sched- packages to make the day memorable,
Teen/ Buffet Wine and ule is flexible, although most parties special and fun.
take place on the weekend, Saturday or And ice skating is always nice skat-
Adult Party Set-Up Paint Party Sunday. Cresskill offers a birthday party ing at The Ice Vault Arena in Wayne,
package, which includes all activities, where you can slide and glide and work
supervision, instruction, decoration and up a big pizza and birthday cake appe-
foodkosher available. tite while you have good a time to cel-
145 Hopper Ave., Waldwick,, N. J. Whats nice is that we have five stu- ebrate with others. 201 255 5955

6 About Our Children MAY 2017

Were Havin A Party

Party Places
Blue Moon Mexican Caf Ice Vault Arena
23 E. Palisade Ave. 10 Nevins Road
Englewood, NJ 07631 Wayne, NJ 07470
201-541-0600 973-628-1500
Blue Moon Mexican Caf is a lot of fun The Ice Vault has various activities for
1 hours of skating (during public session)
for the little ones. Great Mexican-themed kids of all ages. Public sessions, hockey
Private decorated party room
birthday parties for kids from 1 to 16 clinics, hockey teams, figure skating, free-
Off ice party attendant
years old. Our packages start at $13.95 style, Learn to Skate programs. Birth-
Skate rental
per person. The Englewood location has day parties are available. Please check
Invitations for party guests two separate party rooms. On-site park- the website for details on birthday party
Pizza and soda packages, which include skate rental and
ing. Please see our ad on page 6.
Personalized Carvel ice cream cake open skate time followed by time in pri-
Favors and candy BounceU of Paramus vate party room. Please see our ad on
FREE skating pass for future use 70 Eisenhower Drive page 8.
Birthday child receives FREE Ice Vault T shirt Paramus, NJ 07652
201-843-5880 Joe Fischer, Magician 973-661-9368
With our amazing inflatable structures,

All new
unbeatable customer service, and clean Joe Fischer is able to create a show in
climate-controlled environment, all you any location. An intimate performance
experience! have to do is show up and take pictures.
Throwing a private party here couldnt
of cards and coins strolling guest-to-
guest on a large-scale stage production.
be easier. Winner of Jewish Standards A birthday party with friends in a living

Newer, Better, More Spectacular!

Readers Choice Award for Place for Kids room to a library or community center
Party. Please see our ad on page 8. for a real family fun event. Please see our
ad on page 8.
Cresskill Performing Arts
300 Knickerbocker Road #1100 The Performing Arts School
Cresskill, NJ 07626 @bergenPAC
Thrilling New Rides! 201-390-7513
1 Depot Square
Englewood, NJ 07631
Cresskill Performing Arts invites you to 201-482-8194
Giant Slides Giant Spider
your birthday! Come over for some fun
Obstacle Course Mountain and games. Party themes include dance, birthdayparties
Air Cannon Alley and Slide acting, improv, yoga, arts & crafts, Legos, Ages 1-18
Sports Arena And More! princesses, fairies, pajama parties, gym- Celebrate Your Birthday With Us! Book
nastics, silks & hammocks & lyra. We your next dance, music or theatrical
take care of everything so you can en- birthday party for ages 1 and up. Our Par-
Birthday Parties! joy your party. We do all setup, serving,
clean up, too. Our package includes dec-
ty Package Includes: The birthday boy or
girl plus up to 25 of their friends, Birth-
Giant indoor inflatables orations, pizza, water, paper goods, gifts day party hostess, 45 minute to 1 hour
Private bounce and party rooms Spider Mountain from CPA for your goody bags and a gift mommy & me, dance or theater class,
for the birthday child. Please see our ad complete set-up & clean-up. You provide:
Hassle-free, easy to plan! on page 9. Refreshments, cake, decorations & pa-
Dedicated party pros 2016 per products. Party space available Fri-
Clean, safe and secure Glow Party Venue days after 7 p.m. or Sundays after 11 a.m.
CHOICE 145 Hopper Ave. Please see our ad on page 5.
We clean up! Waldwick, NJ 07463
FIRST 201-255-5955 RAIN
Beyond Birthdays! PLACE FOR A
Air Cannon Al
Glow Party Venue is the perfect place
399 Water Street
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Open Bounce KIDS FUN Obstacle Course to host your birthday party, retirement 201-817-8100
PLACE party or holiday party! You will find that
Create & Bounce Art Camps
TOP 3 Glow Party Venue suits your needs. We Ages Served: All Ages
Field Trips KIDS GYM
provide a great location in Waldwick NJ A spectacular event space opens its
Class and Team Parties
Kosher for fun entertainment and a unique party doors in Teaneck. The new space, RAIN,
Fundraisers and more! Available experience that your guests wont soon with its state-of-the-art lighting, visual
forget! Please see our ad on page 6. and sound; fresh decor; and in-house
Paramus (201)
(201) 843-5880 Nanuet (845) 623-5400 event planning, promises to be the most /BounceUofParamus
70 Eisenhower Dr. Paramus, NJ 07652 424 Market St. Nanuet, NY 10954
exciting party and event venue in Bergen
70 Eisenhower Drive Paramus, NJ
07652 County. Please see our ad on page 7.


Make It for Mom eek from 4 pm to 10 pm
all w Ask inside for details

And Make Her Happy

H E I D I M A E B RAT T 10. Decorate the frame by sticking on embellishments with
double-sided adhesive tape or glue gun. Reassemble frame.

lowers are lovely, but a homemade craft like a
photo frame is a simple yet lasting keepsake that Estimated time: 45 minutes
can help prolong the good memories. For Mothers
Drying Time: About 4 hours, divided.
Day, why not consider crafting a gift for Mom?
Here, an embellished picture frame from Craft-
ing Jewish by Rivky Koenig (Artscroll), might just fit Scrapbook Frame
the bill.
What you will need:
Picture Frame 6 or more chip- IHOP Englewood
board lacing cards Home of the Handmade Milkshake
What you 12-inch X 12-inch
will need: scrapbook 141-147 N. Dean Street
paper in colors
and patterns of Englewood, NJ
unfinished wood
your choice
craft frame
scrapbook paper pencil 201-568-8088
sandpaper scissors and/or *Receive one free kids meal with each adult entre purchase. Free meal valid for

paper towels paper cutter Kids 12 and under on Just for Kids menu items at participating restaurants. Drinks
not included unless otherwise specified. Not valid with any other offer discounts or
2 (1-inch wide) glue stick coupons. Dine-in only, for a limited time at participating restaurants. 2014 IHOP IP, LLC
foam brushes hole puncher or Crop-a-dile
acrylic paint in sandpaper
the colors of your choice stickers and embellishments
pencil chipboard, sticker, or die-cut letters
scissors double-sided adhesive foam dots and/or 3-D self-adhesive
decoupage medium, such as Mod Podge foam dots and/or 3-D self-adhesive foam dots
1-inch wide bristle paintbrush ribbon, approximately 1 yard to connect every 2 cards Gymnastics Jazz Creative Legos

Fencing Princess Dance and more age 2-1/2 to adults

Dance Acting Musical Theater Voice Choreography
embellishments: assortment of alphabet stickers, ribbon,
trim flowers, stickers, tags How to do it: Cresskill
double-sided adhesive tape, or glue gun and glue sticks 1. Trace the chipboard cards onto the backs of the scrap-
book papers. Cut out the traced card shapes and the
Performing Arts
How to do it: paper cutter or scissors. You will need 1 card and 2 cut-out 300 Knickerbocker Rd Cresskill
1. Disassemble the frame and set the frame back and glass shapes for each letter of the word you choose.
away from the crafting area.
2. Use your glue stick to glue the scrapbook paper onto the
front and back of each card. IN CONFIDENCE AND SKILLS!
2. Place the scrapbook paper facedown on the work sur-
face in front of you. Place the frame on top of it and trace 3. Use hole puncher or Crop-a-dile to reopen the lacing
the outside of the frame and the frame opening onto the holes on the edges of the chipboard cards.
back of the paper. Set paper aside. 4. Use the sandpaper to rub around the front and back
3. Take the sandpaper and sand down any rough edges edges of each of the prepared chipboard cards so that you
of the picture frame. Use a damp paper towel to brush off see the inner white part of the paper.
any dust. 5. Glue pictures to the front and back of each card, trim-
4. Using a foam brush, paint the inside and outside edges ming pictures if necessary. Glue on embellishments and
and corners fo the frame with acrylic paint. Place to the stickers with the self-adhesive foam dots, or use 3-D REGISTER NOW!
self-adhesive foam dots to make embellishments pop out. Summer Performing Arts Camp
side and let dry. June 26August 25 Age 3Teens
Attach a letter to each card to spell out the word FAMILY or
5. Meanwhile, cut the outlined frame from the scrap- another word of your choice. Circus Camp NEW!
book paper. Modern/Ballet Intensives
6. Lace one chipboard card to another with the ribbons.
6. Use a clean foam brush to apply a thin coat of Mod
Podge to the form of frame. Press on the traced paper
Knot ribbon or tie into a bow and trim the ends when you HAVE YOUR PARTY WITH US
have finished lacing. Repeat, lacing the other cards until Dancing,
frame. Use your fingers to smooth out any air bubbles. they are all attached.
Let dry. Acting/Improv,
7. Thread ribbon through the holes of either end of your Arts & Crafts,
7. Sand the edges of the paper lightly to smooth display. Tie a bow or knot and trim off excess ribbon. Fencing,
rough edges. Pajama Party,
8. Take a dry bristle paintbrush and dab a small amount Estimated time:1 hour Super Hero, 2016
of paint (in coordinating color) onto the bristles. stroke the & More.
Reproduced from Crafting Jewish by Rivky Koenig with Call to schedule. READERS
paint lightly around the framess inner and outer edges. permission from the copyright holders ArtScroll/Mesorah CHOICE

Let dry. Publications, LTD. FIRST PLACE

9. Use a clean foam brush to stroke on a second coat of

201-390-7513 201-266-8830
Mod Podge over the entire frame.
[email protected]



Biographies for Children Inspire, Give Life Lessons

H E I D I M A E B RAT T or form can be very instructive and inspirational for Here are a few recommended titles that offer age-ap-
youngsters. These books offer a look at real role mod- propriate and reader-friendly real stories for children.
Biographies and stories about real people who have els. Positive lessons can be gleaned from the challenges
achieved distinction or greatness in some way, shape, and the achievements of their lives. I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Makes Her Mark
by Debbie Levy (Author) and
Elizabeth Baddeley (Illustrator),
Simon & Schuster Books for
Young Readers
From her beginnings growing
up in the 1930s and 1940s in
Brooklyn, to her being named
the second woman and the
first Jewish woman justice of
the U.S. Supreme Court in 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
spent a lifetime disagreeing. She disagreed with inequal-
ity. She argued against unfair treatment. And she stood
up for whats right for people everywhere. This first
picture book of the celebrated Ruth Bader Ginsburg
tells the justices story through the lens of her many
dissents, or disagreements, and shows that disagreeing
does not make one disagreeable.

Emmas Poem: The Voice of

the Statue of Liberty
by Linda Glaser (Author) and
Claire A. Nivola (Illustrator),
Houghton, Mifflin Books for
Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning
to breathe free
In 1883, Emma Lazarus, a
wealthy Jewish woman who
grew up in New York City wanting for nothing, became
deeply moved by an influx of Eastern European im-

migrants. Already a woman of letters, Emma Lazarus
penned a sonnet that gave a voice to the Statue of Lib-
erty, a gift from France to celebrate the shared national
struggles for liberty. Because of her iconic poem, the

Statue of Liberty came to symbolize the United States
as a nation that welcomes immigrants. The text of that
poem, The New Colossus, appears in this free-verse

biography, illustrated in folk art style.

A Poem for Peter: The Story of

Ezra Jack Keats and the
Creation of The Snowy Day
by Andrea Davis Pinkney (Au-
thor), Steve Johnson (Illustrator),
Lou Fancher (Illustrator), Viking
This lyrical narrative tells the
The Watershed Recreation Program is now open from April 1 to story of a boy who pursued
November 30, 2017. a dream, and who inspired others to dream on. Born
more than a century ago in Brooklyn to struggling Pol-
ish Jewish immigrants, Ezra Jack Keats dreamed of be-
Participants can fish, walk, bird watch, hike, or simply enjoy nature. coming an artist. Despite his talents, his father worried
Access to 4 reservoirs Old Tappan, Oradell and Woodcliff Lake in about it being an unrealistic dream. But he went on to
win prizes, scholarships, and jobs as an illustrator. His
New Jersey and Lake Deforest in Rockland County, New York. biggest dream was to write and illustrate his own book.
For two decades he kept a series of photographs of an
adorable African American boy pinned to his wall. The
For an online application visit: boy morphed into Peter, the boy in the red snowsuit who goes to play in the snow in The Snowy Day, a
timeless story for the ages. It was the first mainstream
book to feature an African American child, and the
first of many books featuring Peter and the children of hisand Keatssneighborhood.

Biographies continued on page15


Giving Gifts for Mom
The Best Things In Life Are Free
DENISE MORRISON YEARIAN 2. At Your Service Serve her favorite breakfast in bed and ask what she
The gift of service is something that keeps on giving. would like to do today. If she needs a little prompting,

otherhood is a 24-hour job with no pay, no va- Talk with family members about the chores your moth- suggest a family hike in the morning, a picnic in the
cation, and few fringe benefits except for the er does around the house. On small strips of paper park for lunch, and a nap in the afternoon. While she is
very obvious. It is a labor of love for a lifetime. write down each job she does, and on the other side having down time, wash her car and fill it up with gas.
While each day is a day to hopefully show appreciation write the name of one family member who will volun- Make the evening special with a home-cooked dinner
to your mother, Mothers Day is the big, official day for teer to do that task for her. Continue this until you have and movie. During the movie, dote over her by rubbing
cards, flowers, dinners out in the restaurants and other covered all of her responsibilities. Find an old shoebox, her feet, brushing her hair, or giving her a manicure.
purchased gifts. place the strips of paper in it, and wrap it up. Present Throughout the day, remind her of how much you love
Time and again when asked, mothers would re- this to Mom and in the days to come give her service and appreciate her.
ply that it wasnt an extravagant gift that they really with a smile.
liked (although, not bad!), but rather tbe attention, 5. Time Alone
appreciation, and an I love you, that comes through 3. This is Your Life Most mothers of young children have little time for
words and actions. Here are a few ideas that wont Make mom feel honored with a special presentation of themselves. Give mom the day off to get a massage, go
break the bank. This is your Life. Stage the show as if it were a televi- shopping, or sip coffee with an old friend. While she is
sion special. Have one person be the show host who gone, clean the house, do the grocery shopping, and
1. A Family Tree interviews other family members regarding what they prepare a special Best Mom in the World banner for
Show mom what a special part of your family she is love about Mom. They may also want to share a story her arrival home.
by creating a family tree. Find a short tree branch and or memory they have of her. Between interviews, pre- Still want to purchase something for Mothers Day?
place it in a decorated can. Stabilize the branch with pare a special song, poem or other talent in her honor. Here are a few tried-and-true ideas: flowers, plants, or
sand, clay or plaster. Next cut out large leaf shapes from Ask Dad to videotape the program and your mother will a tree, perfume, jewelry, scarf, bath set, clothing, CD
construction paper. Write the names of family members have a keepsake for years to come. or DVD, gift certificate for a massage, manicure, book,
on one side of the leaves and tape or paste photographs coffee, home cleaning service, etc., tickets to a show,
of them to the other side (dont forget your pets!). If you 4. Queen for the Day gym membership.
dont have a picture of someone, draw it. Punch a hole A day of relaxation and royalty will make mom feel ex-
through the top of each leaf and thread a piece of yarn tra special. When she wakes up, greet her with a home- Denise Morrison Yearian is the former editor of two parenting
through it. Now tie the leaves to the tree branches. made crown and tell her she will be queen for the day. magazines, a mother and grandmother.




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Fuel Em with Drink and Food

For Summer Sports Camps
DENISE MORRISON YEARIAN protein acts as an anchor to stabilize the
blood sugar.

ll children need nutritionally bal-
anced meals for healthy growth 5. Food to go
and development, but for those Think ahead on how you can provide
involved in rigorous summer sports healthy food options in the car. And re-
camps, the needs are even greater. To member, nutrition doesnt have to be a
ensure your athlete receives proper nu- hot meal, said Ms. Anding. You can do
trition and hydration to fuel his or her just as well with peanut butter on whole
growing body and sustain him or her grain bread and dried fruit, or frozen
during the summer heat and sun, con- chocolate milk thats been thawed out
sider these suggestions. in the cooler. Sports foods marketed to-
ward athletes can fill a niche when you
1. Count on carbs need energy on the go; they should not,
Carbohydrates are the macronutrient however, replace other foods.
that fuels physical activity, so make sure
your child has a consistent source of 6. Before- and after-event nutrition
carbs every day, said Sharon Collison, Although young athletes should have
RD specializing in youth sports nutri- because they are rich in fiber, vitamins necessary unless the activity lasts more carbs and a moderate amount of protein
tion and spokesperson for the American and minerals and take longer to digest, than 90 minutes. Even then it should before an event, they need to know what
Dietetic Association. Whole grains are which enhances satiety and prevents a be done under the guidance of a sports their stomach can tolerate, said Ms.
a better choice [than refined grains], drop in blood sugar. Carb loading isnt nutritionist. Barausky. Some teens can eat right be-
fore an activity and be fine; others need
2. Savvy with supplements at least an hour for their food to digest.
Amy Barausky, RD at A. I. duPont Hos- Whats most important is that they not
pital for Children, said if your athlete exercise on an empty stomach.
eats the recommended number of serv- Anding agrees. After an activity,
ings found in the Food Guidance System, there is a 20- to 30-minute window when
he or she would get the right amount the body is most readily able to replen-
of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and ish glycogen, the stored form of carbs.
mineral supplements are a good idea If your child cant eat right away, offer
and can be used as an insurance policy. something liquid chocolate milk, a
Scholastic Summer Camp Program But parents should never single dose or
mega dose any vitamin or mineral with-
smoothie or a sports drink.

out consulting their doctor or sports 7. Hype up hydration

nutritionist, because it could do more The amount of fluids an athlete needs
harm than good, she said. will depend largely on the climate, his
age and size, body chemistry and the
3. Bank on a balance level of activity hes engaged in, said
An appropriate diet for young athletes Ms. Anding. I tell middle-school ath-
Open to kids from ages 6 to 16
includes getting adequate complex car- letes, When you pass by the water
We promise a 5:1 student - teacher ratio
bohydrates, a lean protein source, and fountain at school, take eight big gulps.
Prizes and trophies for tournaments and competitions
plenty of fruits and vegetables, said Thats about eight ounces. Offer fluids
Camp T-shirts
Roberta Anding, RD, director of sports with every snack and meal. And if your
Our goal is to foster an environment of learning and fun
Ilya Krasnovsky Natasha Komarov, PHD nutrition at Texas Childrens Hospital. teen isnt taking a water break during a
Princeton Graduate Full day also includes: Dartmouth University, Math Professor
St. Lawrence (11 years with ICA) During dinner, your teens plate should practice, speak up.
(16 years with ICA)
Creative art projects, Guitar, Piano and Drum lessons have 50 percent fruits and vegetables, 25 Ms. Collison said Gatorade is good for
Sample Schedule percent whole grains and 25 percent pro- activities lasting more than 90 minutes.
Lessons: 9:00 - 11:00 am Spring tein. If he wants a second plate, let him If its less than that, water is fine. Choco-
Sports: 11:00 - 12:30 pm Disc ounts have his favorite food and dont worry late milk is an excellent recovery drink
thru 5/7/17
Lunch: 12:30 - 1:00 pm about over consumption. Many very ath- since it supplies fluid, carbohydrates
Alex katz Tournament: 1:00 - 3:00 pm Mark Aksen
4th year Princeton
letic teens dont get enough calories. and sodium and tastes great, she said.
3rd year MIT
(16 years with ICA) Full Day (Music/Art): 3:00 - 5:00 pm (13 years ICA) Thirst isnt always a good indicator of
To register please visit our website:
4. Eat often dehydration, but urine color is. If its a
Growing athletes need three meals and clear straw color your teen is probably
at least two snacks each day to keep hydrated; if its dark yellow, he needs to
For information call/email:
201-287-0250/[email protected] energy levels consistent and meet their drink more.
growth and development needs, said
Mark Vayngrib
CHESS TOURNAMENT Max Yelsky Ms. Collison. Plan a snack or meal ev- Denise Morrison Yearian is the former editor
MIT Grad; Software Engineer
(9 years with ICA) MAY 7 at BERGEN ACADEMY Johns Hopkins University Graduate
(13 years with ICA) ery three to four hours. Snacks should of two parenting magazines, a mother and
Link to on-line registration for May 7th: have a protein and a grain or a fruit. The grandmother.



Building a Childs Confidence

Through Building Words
A D I N A S O C LO F 4. You should be proud of our childrens fears. We then want to
yourself! let them know that eventually they will It sounds
H counterintuitive but
ere are six of the most powerful We often tell our children how proud be ready to try new things. (Trying new
things you can say to raise con-
fident children. Print these state-
we are of them. Thats good but we also
need to ensure that they are feeling a
things is an important life skills and in-
tegral to maintaining a vibrant life.) We to instill confidence in
ments and repeat them often. sense of inner pride. This way they learn can say, When you are ready and you our kids we need to
1. I love you!
to self-evaluate and assess themselves
and their accomplishments instead of
get comfortable, you will get into the wa-
ter. When you are ready you will learn show respect for our
There is nothing more important to a relying on others. It also strengthens to ride your new bike! childrens fears.
child than knowing that his parents love their self-image by encouraging them
and cherish him. Say this loud and often. to internalize what they observe about
their own achievements. They learn that Adina Soclof is the director of Parent Outreach for A+ Solutions, facilitating How to Talk so
2. Having a child is the best thing they have all the ingredients they need Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk and Siblings Without Rivalry work- shops. She
in the world. to succeed within themselves. It might is available for speaking engagements. Check out for more infor-
This lets kids know how important they seem like an inconsequential change, mation.
are to you. Adults who grew up in dif- but it packs a powerful, confidence-in-
ficult homes often tell me that they felt ducing punch.
like such a burden to their parents. As
a result, they were scared to have chil- 5. I know you didnt mean to OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1-3PM
dren themselves, and when they did
they could not believe how amazing
(leave your bike out in the rain,
forget to clean your room, drop Your Childs
(tough but amazing) being a parent ac-
tually is.
my phone)
It is always good to soften the blow when Summer Memories
Let your children know that having
them is one of the best things that can
you have to correct or admonish your
kids. And its true; no one really sets Start at Camp Veritans
Day Camp!
happen to you. Help them feel confident out to do the wrong thing. This phrase
that they add value to your life. separates your child from his behavior.
It lets your child know that you have
3. I know you will make good deci- confidence in them and their innate Four, Five, Six, Seven or Eight Week Sessions Available
sions or You know what is right goodness, building their confidence in
for you. the process.
Making good decisions is an integral part
of being a grownup. We need to have the 6. When you are ready
confidence to look within ourselves and We often disregard our childrens fears
trust our gut to make those decisions. and hesitancy, There is nothing to be
So often we dont believe our children afraid of! The water in the swimming
can make good choices. But we need to pool wont bite you. Riding a bike is
let them know that they have it within easy. Theres nothing to it! This just
themselves to do so. We want them to makes kids dig their heels in and can
listen and trust their own intuition. The create power struggles. It sounds coun- Tuition Includes: Wide Variety of Programs:
above phrase gives them the boost they terintuitive but to instill confidence in
Daily Catered Hot Kosher Lunches Serving Pre-K Arts & Crafts Soccer
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ART Global Warmings

Art of Excellence Studio
Unlock your Creativity with Classes in
Drawing and Watercolor
Impact on Seasonal Allergies
Structured Lessons - Relaxed Atmosphere
Fabulous Results!
Age 7 to Adult - All levels of ability D R . M A R G A R E T L . CO performed by counting stations located
Art Portfolio Preparation Available throughout the United States and are

Artist, Rina Goldhagen 201-248-4779 lobal warming and climate change required to meet stringent certification are in the headlines today. For standards. The National Allergy Bureau
allergy sufferers, the impact of (NAB) provides the most accurate and
warmer temperatures on their daily reliable pollen and mold levels.
lives may soon become very apparent. If Sign up for free email alerts by
you think that your spring allergies have visiting from your smart-
worsened, you may be right, and global phone and adding the app to your

COSMIC warming may have contributed to this. home screen.


With this years winter being warmer Keep your windows at home

than usual (temperatures this year were Dr. Margart L. Co closed and use air conditioning if pos-
the second highest in history for the sible. Also keep car windows closed and
month of February), the pollen season is most likely use the re-circulate option for air conditioning.
going to be early. In the Garden State, the tree pollen Take a shower after spending the day outside to
count will surely be one of the highest in the nation. remove pollen from your hair and skin. When outdoors,
CHOICE Seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, affects 35 wear sunglasses and a wide-brim hat to reduce pollen
184 Main Street FIRST PLACE million Americans. Symptoms include sneezing, a stuffy blowing into your eyes.
Ridgefield Park, NJ BICYCLE SHOP or runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. Many also ex- Take your medications at the start of, or even
perience seasonal asthma manifested by cough, wheez- before, the pollen season and take them regularly
NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11-5pm ing and difficulty breathing. Allergies can significantly throughout the season, especially if your allergies tend
M-F 10-8 Sat 10-6 impact quality of life by disrupting sleep and affecting to be severe.
(201) 440-6655 learning ability at school and productivity at work. For long-term relief of allergy symptoms, talk to
Although pollen can be difficult to avoid entirely, your allergist/immunologist about immunotherapy (al-
these tips will help you to enjoy the spring: lergy shots). This is a proven treatment approach that
Stay indoors as much as possible during peak pol- provides lasting benefits for many people suffering from
len days (sunny and windy days). The best times to be allergic rhinitis. Sublingual immunotherapy (allergens
outdoors are in the early morning and on cloudy, wind- in tablet form administered daily under the tongue at
less and rainy days. But who wants to be outside during home) is another form of allergy immunotherapy that
Come Smile with Us these times?
Better yet, monitor pollen counts so that you
is available by prescription for patients with certain al-
lergies who do not want to get injections.
know when to limit your exposure outdoors.
Pollen counts are different from pollen forecasts, Dr. Margaret L. Co is the Director of Allergy and Immunology
which are based on current weather conditions and at The Valley Hospital
the previous years pollen counts. Pollen counts are


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What to Do Debora K. Geller, M.D.

Pediatric and Adult Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

When the Season Environmental Food Allergy Testing

Immunotherapy (Allergy shots)
Complete Asthma Care Same Day Appointments

Says Ah-Choo! Voted Castle Connolly Top Doctor

NJ Monthly Top Doctor
Inside Jersey Top Doctor and Top Doctors for Children

Medical excellence with a personal touch

H E I D I M A E B RAT T py, both subcutaneous and sublingual, 466 Old Hook Rd., Suite 24E, Emerson, NJ 201-265-7515
can be quite helpful for indoor and/or

easonal allergies have arrived, and outdoor environmental allergies. 170 Changebridge Rd., C3, Montville, NJ
with them the itchy and puffy eyes, AOC: Can a child expect to outgrow
the runny nose, to name just a few the seasonal allergies such as sensitivity
of the uncomfortable symptoms that are to pollen and hay fever?
a nuisance and more for youngsters. Dr. Geller: Some childrens symp-
About Our Children consulted with toms do improve over time, but others
Dr. Debora K. Geller, whose specialty symptoms may worsen so it depends
is pediatric and adult allergy, asthma, on the individual and needs to be
and immunology, for her advice on the monitored.
matter. AOC: What is your best advice to
About Our Children: Parents some- parents for their children when it comes
times think that its a cold, from a change to treating allergies?
in the weather, but how can they tell Dr. Geller: My recommendation to
whether a child has a cold or allergies? parents is to first try over-the-counter
Dr. Debora K. Geller: Colds and simple medications like loratidine, ceti-
allergies can often be difficult to differ- rizine, or fexofenadine, but if symptoms
entiate. Typically with allergies there is persist or even worsen, they should seek
sneezing, itching, redness, and generally medical attention. Allergies may lead to
clear drainage. Colds or upper respira- school absences and force a child or
tory infections can often present with even an adult to miss many outdoor ac-
the same symptoms. However, itching tivities. However, if a proper regimen is
is usually a symptom that can differenti- quickly initiated much of this morbidity
ate the two. Typically with allergies one due to allergies can be avoided. In addi-
does not have a fever or thick discolored tion, I recommend to parents who have
nasal drainage. children with known moderate to severe
AOC: Have there been any break- pollen allergies to start treatment with
throughs in allergy treatment for chil- certain medications before the season
dren and teenagers? begins. I often try to have families come
Dr. Geller: Treatment typically relies in for a follow-up visit for their spring al-
on topical and oral medications like na- lergies around February to prepare for
sal steroid and antihistamine sprays, al- the spring months. This is a good time
lergy eye drops, and oral antihistamines to start refilling medications and taking
such as loratidine, cetirizine, or fexof- certain medications.
enadine. Many of these medications can
be now found over the counter at local Heidi Mae Bratt is the editor of About Our
pharmacies. In addition, immunothera- Children.

Biographies continued from page10 weeks after their arrival at Auschwitz,

the extraordinary courage and ingenu-
Survivors Club: ity of his mother and grandmother kept
The True Story of him safe. The story told in Survivors
a Very Young Club moves from the Nazi occupation of
Prisoner of Bornsteins small hometown in Poland
Auschwitz to Auschwitz and finally to the years af-
By Michael Born- ter the end of the war when members of
stein, Debbie
Bornstein Holinstat,
his extended family became displaced
persons. While the violence can be
Sign up for the
Farrar Strauss
Giroux Books for
shocking (children are beaten and exe-
cuted) and the prospect of death is ever-
Jewish Standard daily newsletter!
Young Readers present, this memoir from one of the few
In 1945, in a now-famous piece of World Holocaust survivors still living is above Visit
War II archival footage, 4-year-old Mi- all a book about the bonds of family and
chael Bornstein was filmed by Soviet sol- the power of hope.
diers as he was carried out of Auschwitz


in his grandmothers arms. While most Heidi Mae Bratt is the editor of About Our
children lived for no more than two Children.



Orangetown Jewish Center

The Firm Foundation
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Of a United Parental Front
Kindergarten through high school
Orangetown Jewish Center, a vibrant Conservative Synagogue located on
S LOV I E JU N G R E I S - WO L F F They were in competition; they were
the Bergen/Rockland border, is accepting enrollment for our exciting Reli- competing for her alliance.

gious School. Programs available from Kindergarten through Bar/Bat Mitz- o you find yourself in cahoots with I wanted to know what her reaction was
vah, with an innovative middle school curriculum and active award winning your child against your spouse? Do when these happenings took place.
social and educational high school programming. Mid-week classes only, you ever feel as if youre standing I tell my husband that hes being too
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Special needs accommodations and resources of- alone as your spouse and child form an in- hard and he should just let things go. After
fered. Free Kindergarten. For more information please contact our Educa- formal pact together? all, he is the father and he needs to act like
tional Director Sandra Peck-Borowsky and visit our web site. Please see our
When one parent is allied with a child, the adult.
ad on page 16.
it creates an unhealthy bond. This environ- And do you say all this in front of your
Temple Beth Rishon ment becomes ripe for disrespect as the son? I questioned.
585 Russell Avenue seeds of chutzpah are sown. A child who Well, she replied, I do try my best to
Wyckoff, NJ learns that parents are not on the same whisper. But I guess Im whispering loud
page sees the possibility of putting down a and he hears it all.
parent and casting their opinion aside. Par- I assured her that not only did her son
Temple Beth Rishon is committed to providing our members of all ages with
a wide range of religious, educational, cultural, and social experiences. A ent and child versus a parent is a recipe for hear, he understood quite clearly that he
passion for Jewish learning is evident in our flourishing preschool, religious dysfunction. had discovered a powerful wedge between
school, and adult education programs. Our newly renovated state-of-the-art A mother asked me about the relation- his parents. Anytime in the future that he
education wing provides the perfect environment for successful learning. ship her husband has with their 11- year-. had an issue with his father, he now per-
Our adult programs offer meaningful opportunities for Jewish living, life-long old son. Describing their exchanges, she ceived his mother as on his side. His re-
learning, thoughtful discussion and leadership. We enjoy observing holidays felt that her husband was unduly harsher lationship with his father will suffer as he
together at Temple Beth Rishon, which include celebrations ranging from
with him than with their daughters. He ex- grows into teen hood. The relationship be-
festival meals to candle lighting ceremonies to carnivals to national Israeli
holidays. Building relationships within the Temple Beth Rishon community pected more, demanded more and correct- tween husband and wife also frays. There is
is the glue, which ensures the strength and longevity of our temple. Please ed him on the slightest mistakes. Somehow a question of loyalty, trust and parenting on
contact us at 201-891-4466 or visit us at Please see our it felt as if they were in competition with
ad on page 16. one another. Foundation continued on page19

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An Egalitarian Conservative Congregation serving Rockland and Bergen Counties

TopChoices M A Y 2 0 17

Cool Feline Friend: New Jersey Ballets

Pete the Cat at bergenPAC Cinderella
Comes a Dancing
When Pete the Cat gets caught rocking out after bedtime, the cat-catcher sends him to live
with the square Biddle family to learn his manners. But for the groovy blue cat, life is always
an adventure, so the minute Pete walks in the door, he gets the whole family rocking. The
whole family that is, except for young Jimmy Biddle, a second grader with an art problem. The girl who loses a dancing shoe and finds true love will be enchanting audi-
Thats when the fun begins. Thursday, May 18 at 4 p.m. bergenPAC, 30 North Van Brunt ences at bergenPAC. The popular childrens ballet includes all the characters
St., Englewood. 201-227-1030,, you know and love: the short-tempered stepmother, silly stepsisters, a magical
fairy godmother, a ballroom full of swirling dancers, a handsome prince and a
grandfather clock whose hours come to life as the midnight hour draws near.
The classic fairy tale comes to life with lavish sets and costumes, performed
with New Jersey Ballets original storyteller narration so little children can fol-
low the story. Sunday, May 7 at 1 p.m. bergenPAC, 30 North Van Brunt St.,
Englewood. 201-227-1030,,

Matisse and American

Art At Montclair Art Museum
Montclair Art Museum presents Matisse
and American Art, the first exhibition
to examine this French masters pro-
found impact upon the development of
American modern art from 1907 to the
Museum of Natural History present. His art has provided a liberat-
ing model for American artists varied

Brings on Mummies
explorations of vibrant color, strong, fluid
lines, and clear compositional structures in
their pursuits of self-expression. Featuring
For thousands of years, peoples around the world practiced mummification as a way 65 paintings, archival objects, sculpture,
of preserving and honoring their dead. Mummies, a new exhibition at the American prints, and works on paper, Matisse and
Museum of Natural History, brings visitors face to face with some of these ancient American Art will juxtapose 19 works by
individuals and reveals how scientists are using modern technology to glean stunning Matisse with 44 works by American artists.
details about them and their cultures. Discover when, how, and why ancient Egyptians Montclair Art Museum, 3 S. Mountain
and Peruvians were mummified and find out who they were in life. This show features Ave., Montclair. 973-746-5555, www.
an up-close look at rarely exhibited mummies as well as interactive touch tables, rare
artifacts, and cutting-edge imaging. American Museum of Natural History, Central
Park West & 79th Street, Manhattan. 212-769-5100,


The Good Life With Kids To Add Your Event to Our Calendar

Send it to:
Calendar Editor
About Our Children
New Jersey/Rockland Jewish Media Group
1086 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07066
or fax it to: 201-833-4959
To Our Readers: This calendar is a day-by-day schedule of events. Although all information is as timely as we can make it, its a good idea to call to
verify details before you go. Deadline for June issue (published
May 26): Tuesday, May 16

DaybyDay Thursday, May 4

Teen Book Club: Calling all teens 14 to 19. If you
love reading and talking about books, this group
is for you. The first title is The Hate U Give by
Mothers Day Story Time: Come and hear How
to Raise a Mom by Jean Reagan at a special
story time event at 11 a.m. at Barnes & Noble.
This funny, heartwarming story about raising a
Sunday, April 30 Angie Thomas. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 happy, healthy mother is filled with charming role-
Yom Hazikaron Ceremony: Join the JCC on the South, Paramus. 201-445-4589. reveral humor. Activities follow. Barnes & Noble,
Palisades to commemorate Israels fallen soldiers The Shops @ Riverside, 187 Riverside Square,
and victims of terror with a special ceremony in Friday, May 5 Hackesack. 201-488-8037.
both English and Hebrew that will include pre- Blue Jeans & BBQ at Temple Emanu-El of Meet Pinkalicious Author Victoria Kann: Author
sentations by community members and youth Closter: Join in for a 6 p.m. barbecue dinner of the popular Pinkalicious book and other titles,
movement representatives. Free. 7 p.m. JCC on followed by Kabbalat Shabbat services at 7 p.m. including her recent Peterrific, Victoria Kann will
the Palisades, 411 E. Clinton Ave., Tenafly. www. Temple Emanu-El of Closter, 180 Piermont Road, appear at Books and Greetings, 271G Livingston Closter. 201-750-9997. St., Northvale at 12 noon. 201-784-2665.
Friday Family Shabbat at Temple Emeth: Join
Monday, May 1 for services starting at 7:30 p.m. Temple Emeth Monday, May 15
Playtime at the Library: Come and enjoy 1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck. 201-833-1322, Bar Bat Mitzvah Classes: Students will pre-
a morning of fun amidst the many books at pare for this rite of passage from 5 to 6 p.m.
Englewood Public Library. From 10 to 11 a.m. Congregation Bnai Jacob, 176 West Side Avenue,
Mackay Room. Englewood Public Library, 31 Saturday, May 6 Jersey City. [email protected], 201-435-5725.
Engle St., Englewood. 201-568-2215. Shabbat Beyachad: Shabbat Together for ages
Bar Bat Mitzvah Classes: Students will pre- 3 to 7 years old at Temple Emanu-El of Closter. Wednesday, May 17
pare for this rite of passage from 5 to 6 p.m. 10:15 a.m. Join a musical Shabbat experience. Meet Pinkalicious Author Victoria Kann, Weekly Wednesday Story Time: The Childrens
Congregation Bnai Jacob, 176 West Side Avenue, Temple Emanu-El of Closter, 180 Piermont Road, Saturday, May 13 Department becomes a special fun-filled activ-
Jersey City. [email protected], 201-435-5725. Closter. 201-750-9997. ity and craft center with its weekly 11 a.m. story
El Dia de los Ninos: El Dia de los Ninos/El Dia Meet Clifford: Clifford the Big Red Dog comes toppled the four-time defending European cham- time event. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 South,
de lost Libros (Childrens Day/Book Day) is a to the childrens event as a costumed character. pions. 8 p.m. JCC on the Palisades, 411 E. Clinton Paramus. 201-445-4589.
celebration of children, families and reading. Join Photo op and a chance to meet a beloved char- Ave., Tenafly.
in for a simple craft. 7 to 8:30 p.m. For 4 years acter of the childrens books. 11 a.m. Barnes & Friday, May 19
and older. Teaneck Library, 840 Teaneck Road, Noble, 765 Route 17 South, Paramus. 201-445- Monday, May 8 Story Time at Englewood Library. Welcome
Teaneck, 201-837-4171. 4589. Bar Bat Mitzvah Classes: Students will pre- to a special Friday morning story time. From
Dragons Love Tacos 2: A special childrens pare for this rite of passage from 5 to 6 p.m. 10:30 to 11 a.m. From 4 to 5 p.m. Englewood
Wednesday, May 3 event at 11 a.m. It has been discovered that there Congregation Bnai Jacob, 176 West Side Avenue, Public Library, 31 Engle St., Englewood. 201-568-
Weekly Wednesday Story Time: The Childrens are no more tacos left in the world because, as Jersey City. [email protected], 201-435-5725. 2215.
Department becomes a special fun-filled activ- you know, dragons just love them. Join for the Tot Shabbat at Temple Beth El: Temple
ity and craft center with its weekly 11 a.m. story hilarious reading. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 Tuesday, May 9 Beth El of the Northern Valley will host a Tot
time event. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 South, South, Paramus. 201-445-4589. PJ Library Baby Meetup: Twice monthly class for Shabbat from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Join a Torah/ 10
Paramus. 201-445-4589. parents and babies 24 months and younger. 11 to Commandments-themed service followed by a
Author Event: Odd Birds author Ian Harding Sunday, May 7 11:45 a.m. Also May 23. Free. USH, 115 Park Ave., fun craft project for children 5 and their families.
will be on hand for a pre-signed/ photo op event Chess Championship: International Chess Hoboken. [email protected] Temple Beth El, 221 Schraalenburg Road, Closter.
at 7 p.m. Purchase is limited to two books per Academy is holding its Dr. David Ostfeld 201-767-5112,
customer. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 South, Memorial ICA Championships, a daylong play- Wednesday, May 10 Music Services at Temple Emeth: Join in for
Paramus. 201-445-4589. off for players of all ages and of all levels of Weekly Wednesday Story Time: The Childrens musical services starting at 8 p.m. Congregants
experience. The event will be held at Bergen Department becomes a special fun-filled activ- join Rabbi Steven Sirbu and Cantor Ellen Tilem by
Academies, 200 Hackensack Ave., Hackensack. ity and craft center with its weekly 11 a.m. story singing and dancing. Temple Emeth 1666 Windsor
To sign up and for more information call time event. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 South, Road, Teaneck. 201-833-1322,
International Chess Academy at 201-833-1741, Paramus. 201-445-4589.
or sign up online at Mothers Day Craft: Welcoming youngsters Saturday, May 20
Open House: The Religious School of Temple grades kindergarten to 6th grade to a craft event: Little Ree Storytime: Join a special childrens
Emanuel of the Pascack Valley holds an open Mothers Day Make-It and Take-It. From 4 to event and meet the New York Times bestselling
house for 4 year olds entering kindergarten in 5 p.m. Englewood Public Library, 31 Engle St., author and Food Network Star, Ree Drummond,
September 2017. 11 a.m. to noon. Please RSVP Englewood. 201-568-2215. who shares the first book in a new picture-book
to [email protected] Emanuel of the JCC Thurnauer School of Music Annual Gift of series inspired by life on the ranch, Little Ree!
Pascack Valley 87 Overlook Drive, Woodcliff Music Gala: The benefit features Anthony McGill, Activities follow. 11 a.m. Barnes & Noble, 765
Lake. 201-391-0801, Mindy Kaufman and Michael McHale at Bergen Route 17 South, Paramus. 201-445-4589.
Childrens Book Week Celebration: To honor Performing Arts Center, Englewood from 7 to
Childrens Book Week, author Carol Roth, who 8:30 p.m. For more information, Sunday, May 21
wrote Hold Your Temper Tiger and other gom or contact Nina Bachrach at nbachrach@ Friendship Circle Yoga: Classes will be held at
titles will appear at Books and Greetings, 271G, or 201-408-1406. 10:30 a.m. in the lower level of The Chabad
Livingston St., Northvale at 12 noon. 201-784- Center, 194 Ratzer Road, Wayne. Class is $5 per
2665. Saturday, May 13 participant. Bring a mat or towel. www.fcpassaic-
New and Young Family BBQ: Join Temple Shabbat Beyachad: Shabbat Together for ages, 973-694-4970.
Emanu-El of Closter for a 4 p.m. barbecue, face 3 to 7 years old at Temple Emanu-El of Closter,
painting, balloon art and more. For location and 10:15 a.m. Join a musical Shabbat experience. Wednesday, May 24
information, contact Tammy Ween, 201-750- Temple Emanu-El of Closter, 180 Piermont Road, Weekly Wednesday Story Time: The Childrens
9997 or [email protected]. Closter. 201-750-9997. Department becomes a special fun-filled activ-
On The Map: Following the celebration of Shabbat Shira!: Interactive Shabbat music ity and craft center with its weekly 11 a.m. story
Israels independence, join the Kaplen JCC on program for young families with children 3 and time event. Barnes & Noble, 765 Route 17 South,
the Palisades for a screening of On the Map, a younger. 11 to 11:45 a.m. Led by Molly Rose Honig, Paramus. 201-445-4589.
documentary that recounts the story of how one Kaplan Music Teacher. Free. USH, 115 Park Ave.,
Meet Clifford, Saturday, May 6 Tel Aviv Maccabi team no one thought could win Hoboken. 201-653-8666.



Tips continued from page16 DO:
common ground. Parents who display Do discuss differences of opinion in
favoritism for a child over a spouse cre- private, using the respectful tones and
ate resentment and anger in marriage. It words that you would expect your chil-
is the father and mother who must stand dren to use.
united, not the child and parent. Do agree that you will not put each
Of course there are times that one other down or use disparaging remarks
parent is coming down hard on a child to get your point across especially in
or being unreasonable in high expec- front of the children.
tations. How can we resolve this type Do agree that there must be stan-
of situation and stand together with dards of respect in your home; so that
strength so that our children perceive when a child is upset or angry he may
B'nai mitzvah a home environment that feels safe and not put down a parent.
secure? Saying things like she drives me
BRIAN AUERBACH Understand that this resolution is crazy or he doesnt know what hes
Brian Auerbach, son of vital. When kids see parents behaving talking about is completely unaccept-
Lauren and Andy Auerbach lovingly and respectfully with one an- able. A child may express frustration or
of Ridgewood and brother of other, they feel as if they are in a stable sadness, may ask for more time or un-
Brooke and Ashley, celebrat- home that will endure. A firm foundation derstanding, but all must be expressed
ed becoming a bar mitzvah
gives sons and daughters the sense of with honorable words and actions. Chil-
on April 1 at Temple Beth
steadiness needed in a chaotic world. dren should never perceive a parent as
Rishon in Wyckoff.
Children also learn to respect parents a vessel for complaints against another
when parents display respect for one an- parent.
LAUREN BLOCK other. Casting a spouses opinion aside Do communicate that as parents,
Lauren Block, daughter GILLIAN DUBROFF SAMANTHA DISTELL thoughtlessly, disparaging a husband you are on the same page.
of Michael Block and Sari Gillian Hope DuBroff, daugh- Sami Distell, daughter of or wife and treating each other dishon- Do decide to sit down together and
Zimmer Block of Englewood ter of Kimberly Borzi of Stacey and Gary Distell of orably only hurts us, parents. Children discuss how to handle the times that
Cliffs, and sister of Evan, Waldwick, and Nancy and Cresskill, celebrated becom- pick up these disrespectful cues and you disagree. Are there certain situa-
celebrated becoming a bat Jim DuBroff of Ramsey, and ing a bat mitzvah at Old then act the very same way towards us. tions that keep on cropping up, pitting
mitzvah on March 25 at sister of Kyle, 15, celebrated Tappan Manor in Old Tappan Nobody wins. one parent against another? Is there one
Congregation Beth Sholom becoming a bat mitzvah on April 1. She is the sister child in particular who brings out this
in Teaneck. on April 1 at Temple Beth of twin brothers Dylan and
Strategies for Effective Parenting unhealthy alliance?
Haverim Shir Shalom in Ryan, 16, and the grand-
Here are some Dos and Donts to ensure Do be sure that children hear posi-
Mahwah. Gillian is the grand- daughter of Susan Wax,
daughter of Lyn and Roger Stephen and Judith Distell, you and your spouse are united and tive words from both parents.
DuBroff of Upper Saddle and Donald and Rochelle build better bonds in your family. Sometimes a parent falls into a nega-
River. Greenbaum. tive spiral with a child. Every interaction
DONT: is about what the child did not do, or
Dont put down your spouse in front of how the child could do better. When the
NATALIE GOLDMAN your child. other parent hears this, a defensive pos-
Natalie Goldman, daughter Dont sabotage the relationship of ture is taken. This tug of war must stop.
of Jill and Howard Goldman the other parent by criticizing the way Children need to hear positive words,
of Wyckoff and sister of your spouse is handling a situation. Say- encouragement and love from both
Samantha, 17, celebrated ing things like you always make her cry mom and dad.
becoming a bat mitzvah on or thats how you play ball with him? is Emotional crossfire wounds both
BRIANNA BRAVER March 18 at Barnert Temple not productive. parents and children. Being a parent
in Franklin Lakes.
RUSSELL BRAVER Dont use your child as a pawn to get means that we set our egos to the side,
Brianna and Russell Braver, back at your spouse. stop indulging ourselves and start fo-
children of Robin and Dr. Dont attempt to fix your loneliness cusing on the health of our homes. Our
Richard Braver and sib- AMANDA ELLIS or hurts through becoming your childs children need us to lead them into the
lings of Shayna, celebrated Amanda Ellis, daughter of partner. future. A future that is intact, based on
becoming bnai mitzvah Lisa and David Ellis of Upper Dont argue about your child while mutual respect and dignity. Children
on March 4 at the Chabad Saddle River and sister of he is present. Besides teaching him to who see parents aligning together un-
Center of NW Bergen Robert and Lauren, cele- be disrespectful, many children end up derstand that theirs is a home filled with
County in Franklin Lakes. brated becoming a bat mitz- feeling guilty that they have caused bad love and wisdom.
vah on March 25 at Temple feelings between parents.
Emanuel in Woodcliff Lake.
JESSICA CHRISTIAN Dont show favoritism to one child Slovie Jungreis Wolff is a teacher, parent-
Jessica Christian, daughter of or become that childs defense attorney. ing and relationship coach and the author
Pam Christian of Ridgewood You must be honest here. If you find of Raising a Child With Soul (St. Martins
and sister of A.J. and yourself constantly sticking up for that Press).
Michael, celebrated becom- child, take a step back and figure out
ing a bat mitzvah on April
what is happening in your home.
8 at Temple Beth Rishon in

Send us your simchas! More than 408,000 likes.

We welcome simcha announcements for
births and bnai mitzvah. Announcements
Send to [email protected]
or mail to NJ Jewish Media Group, Like us on
are subject to editing. There is a $10 ATT: Simchas
charge for photos. Photos must be high 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
resolution jpg files.
If a photograph is to be returned, include
Call (201) 837-8818 for information. a SASE.


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Cover Story

where the name comes from. His fathers

working theory which, his son said,
sounds very good but has no supporting
evidence that hes ever heard of is that
its an old Ashkenazi name. The first syl-
lable, Poup, implies that the family, which,
he said, is pure Litvishe, came at some
point from Frankfort; the two Ps in it were
the Hebrew letter Peh, for P, which is the
same as the Hebrew letter Feh, for F, but
with a dot. (Are you following this?) And
the ko is a fairly common Slavic name
suffix. Clearly, its a question that hes used
to fielding.
Rabbi Poupkos wife, Dr. Shoshana
Poupko, is an educator who now also is Above, with many of his grandchildren (he has 12 now), as
working toward an MSW at Rutgers. For real life intrudes. At right, with his children and grandchildren.
16 years, she braved rush hour on two
bridges to work at the North Shore Hebrew Our relationship clicked because we really so much of what he has done as a rabbi, Beyond that, He has taken a real lead-
Academy in Great Neck it was an amaz- see eye to eye on many things. We are both as a teacher, and as a pastor, Rabbi ership role in the broader community. He
ing experience for her there, her husband moderates. We both believe very much in Poupko said. has never forgotten that he is part of the
said and now she is the dean of students being in the center, of being very open- Lee Lasher, Ahavath Torahs immedi- Bergen County community including the
at Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls minded about views in both directions, ate past president, admires Rabbi Goldin nonobservant community, the Reform, the
in Teaneck. This has changed our lives, of being not just opened-minded, not just immensely. He has built a large, vibrant Conservative, and the non-Jewish commu-
Rabbi Poupko said. tolerant, but embracing of Jews who take community; in terms of the modern Ortho- nities. You can see by the response of the
Returning to Rabbi Goldin, Rabbi many different approaches. dox community, it is very diverse, he said, mayor Englewoods Mayor Frank Huttle
Poupko said that one of the many reasons I know him to be a welcoming, sup- echoing the often-stated theme. That is III praised Rabbi Goldin at the dinner in
I have enjoyed so much success here is porting, dynamic rabbi. It is his moder- very rare. Keeping four shuls in one, and his honor, in real and personal terms. You
that we share so many of the same values. ate, sensitive approach that has defined never splintering that is very rare. can see it by the city of Englewood naming

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Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 31

Cover Story

the street Rabbi Goldin Way. shul, and sometimes he drew travelers from the wider Jew- from the general to the specific.
He has built relationships with the whole community, ish community. And he took a mission to Bosnia during the Last summer, I was in Spain celebrating my 30th
and across the American Jewish community. Hes been civil war in Yugoslavia. wedding anniversary, and I fell down a flight of stairs
involved with the RCA and with Norpac, the huge Engle- He has been very focused on GPS, Mr. Lasher contin- and broke my patella, he said. It was a very painful
wood-based Israel lobby. Hes met President Obama at the ued. (The initials stand for geirus policies and standards and slow-healing injury; Mr. Lasher, who is athletic,
White House a couple of times. the Orthodox Unions work with people choosing to become has been injured often, but this one was different.
And all the missions to Israel hes led! Rabbi Goldin Jewish.) He realizes the important of the issue. Nine months later, Im still in physical therapy.
organized and led many trips to Israel, including during Mr. Lasher stresses Rabbi Goldins pastoral skills and I was home for a month, and Rabbi Goldin came
very tense times, when many other people and organiza- sensitivity to peoples needs. We all say that he has been almost every day. And he does that for everybody. My
tions stayed away. Sometimes he led groups from his own a friend to everybody, Mr. Lasher said, and then he moved father once had some heart issues, and Rabbi Goldin
went to the hospital not once, not twice, but four or
five times. He will make the rounds and visit everyone.
Thats really something.
He also does a lot of quiet chesed in family issues,
helping with subjects too delicate and private for con-
versation. And I know, serving as president, that he
always was very respectful. He believed in collabora-
tive leadership. His approach wasnt Im the rabbi!
but in the partnership between lay and professional
Commemorate Yom HaZikaron (Day of Remembrance for Israels Fallen Soldiers) leadership. That is very important to me.
and Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) | EVERYONE WELCOME Mr. Lasher looks to the future with anticipation and
some slight feelings of being unsettled. Its exciting,
but its a little unknown, he said. We are very excited

SUNDAY Shalom Baby Yom HaAtzmaut Playgroup

Temple Avodat Shalom
about Rabbi Poupko and Shoshana becoming senior
rabbi and rebbitzin. You look at everything going on in
APRIL 30 385 Howland Ave, River Edge | 9:30am the world in terms of transitions he was not talking
RSVP not required | Contact: [email protected] here only about rabbinical transitions, of course, but
about more public ones as well. I was co-chair of the
transition committee. It was a very strong committee.
SUNDAY Yom Hazikaron Ceremony
Fair Lawn Jewish Center
We had numerous meetings, hired consultants, did a
survey, did focus groups, spent tens of hours to insure
APRIL 30 10-10 Norma Ave, Fair Lawn | 6pm the smoothest possible transition.
We think that Rabbi Poupko has some similar
qualities to Rabbi Goldin, and certainly some differ-
ent ones, Mr. Lasher continued. He is younger. He
MONDAY A Tribute to Israel - Community Concert can engage some of the millennials who are not as
Temple Beth Rishon involved we want to get them more involved. He has
MAY 1 585 Russell Ave, Wyckoff | 7:30pm a different teaching style.
Free of Charge | In recognition of Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut There was some controversy over not doing a full-
blown search for a new rabbi, but Mr. Lasher thought
that much of it was unrealistic. Some people said
MONDAY Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration and Yom HaZikaron Remembrance
Congregation Keter Torah
Lets approach Lord Sacks to be our rabbi. Rabbi

MAY 1 600 Roemer Ave, Teaneck | 7pm

Jonathan Sacks, Baron Sacks, is the retired chief rabbi
of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Common-
wealth, who now is teaching at NYU, YU, and Kings
College London. He is unlikely to be interested in
TUESDAY Israel Flag Raising Ceremony
Bergen County Administration Building
assuming the pulpit of a synagogue, no matter how
MAY 2 1 Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack | 12:30pm
prestigious and influential. And Rabbi Poupko is
a respected member of the community, and his

WEDNESDAY Stories of Service in the IDF

Jewish Federation
MAY 3 50 Eisenhower Dr, Paramus | 6:30pm
Hear from American and Israeli veterans of the IDF
Free of Charge l RSVP required: [email protected]

SUNDAY Celebrate Israel in New Jersey

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
MAY 7 411 E Clinton Ave, Tenafly | 4-7pm
A celebration of Israels independence. Live music, arts and crafts,
kids activities, Israeli mini-market. $18 per family.
Followed by a screening of On the Map at 8pm.
$12 per ticket l

Jewish Federation

In Israel, Rabbi Goldin tries out some farm

Ethan Behling | 201.820.3955 | [email protected] | equipment.

32 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017

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Rabbi Chaim Poupko, who worked with Rabbi

Goldin for 13 years, will take over as senior rabbi.

transition so far has been smooth.

One of Mr. Lashers many powerful memories of
Rabbi Goldin does involve Rabbi Sacks, who spoke
at Ahavath Torah a few years ago. It was a power-
ful weekend, he said. It was interesting to see
Rabbi Goldin and Rabbi Sacks share the spotlight. I
will always remember that at the end of the seudah
shlishit, where there were probably 700 people the
most wed ever had, standing room only and Rabbi
Sacks was asked for a speech, but instead he said that
we needed more singing. More joy. We needed more
joy and less oy in Judaism.
So he and Rabbi Goldin got up on little folding
chairs I was thinking please dont let them fall off
the chairs and then everybody started singing. The
two of them were leading it, you have these two prom-
inent rabbis standing on chairs, and it was really great.
Really powerful.
Mr. Lasher also remembers traveling to Israel with
Rabbi Goldin. Rabbi Goldins mother, who died a few
years ago, lived in Israel, and she joined us for some
of the early missions, he said. Pearl Poplack Goldin
was a tiny woman, and we went on a walking tour of
Jerusalem, and then somebody suggested that we walk
on the rooftops.
Rabbi Goldin was a little apprehensive. He wasnt
sure he knew where he was going. And then his
mother looked over at him and said, Shmuel, lets go.
And he said, I guess were going.
And we went. And it was fine.
Ive been in leadership positions in a lot of Jewish
organizations, Mr. Lasher concluded. Serving with
Rabbi Goldin was one of the highlights of my Jewish
volunteer work, because I was working with someone
who was so sensitive, insightful, and understands peo-
ple so well.
The weekend of May 5 through 7 will be a celebra-
tion of the Goldins. Itll be called Englewood Shel
Zahav: The Goldin Years. (Zahav is gold in Hebrew; the
names a play on the famous Israeli song Yerushalayim
shel Zahav.) It will feature, among many other high-
lights, teaching by Rabbi Leonard Matanky, who heads
Chicagos Ida Crowne Academy and followed Rabbi
Goldin as president of the RCA. It also will include the
dedication of a sefer Torah that was rescued from the
Holocaust and restored; the final letters will be inked
on Sunday.
For more information about the celebration, and to
read more tributes to Rabbi Goldin, go to the shuls

Jewish standard aPriL 28, 2017 33

Jewish World

American immigrants are winning back

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ANDREW TOBIN immigrants to Israel has taken on the
largely fraudulent binary options indus-
TEL AVIV They were part of the problem. Now they are try, centered in this country, which has
spearheading a solution. been estimated to generate as much as
A Tel Aviv-based startup run by young American Jewish $10 billion a year.
Owned and staffed in part by for-
mer binary options employees, Wealth
Recovery International has used its
insider knowledge to its advantage.
Because I worked in the indus-
try, I understand how these compa-
nies operate, Wealth Recoverys co-
founder Austin Smith, 33, who calls
himself a one-time fraudster, said in
an interview at the companys office.
I feel a responsibility to go ahead and
help people.
In the absence of serious action
against binary options fraud by Israel
authorities, Wealth Recovery has
helped a few dozen of the industrys
victims reclaim a total of more than $4 Austin Smith, a co-founder of Wealth Recovery International,
million. The company has grown rap- speaking at the companys office in Tel Aviv in February.
idly since it was founded in early 2016,  ANDREW TOBIN

in some cases by helping victims of its

own employees. years ago and serving as a combat soldier in the Israeli
The binary options industry has emerged in Israel army, Roth worked briefly at a fast food restaurant in Tel
over the past decade. According to the Times of Israel, Aviv, making about $1,000 a month, before finding work
which has been investigating the industry for nearly in binary options. In a good month as a salesman, Roth
a year, more than 100 Israel-based companies have brought in more than $30,000, mostly on commission.
defrauded hundreds of thousands of people worldwide Its a hard country, and Im here alone, he said. I
of billions of dollars, and it has been blamed for at least was trying to build myself something to fall back on.
one suicide. Working my ass off at a burger place for 4 to 5,000 shek-
Binary options websites have allowed clients to place els a month, max, wasnt getting me anywhere. The
short-term bets on whether a commodity will increase problem is that working in binary made me a terrible
or decrease in value. In most cases, though, the compa- person, and it eventually broke me.
nies behind the websites have been suspected of rigging Former binary options employees have described the
the game to take all or nearly all of their clients money. industrys culture as depraved. Trained to lie and apply
Posing as investment houses based in financial capitals maximum pressure, salespeople have worked late into
like London, they have used aggressive sales tactics to the night to hard-sell clients in foreign time zones. Man-
maximize deposits and various ploys to avoid withdraw- agers have encouraged them to have no mercy, whether
als. Their identities have been obscured by complex cor- the target was a pensioner or a cancer patient.
porate structures that span multiple international juris- At the central Tel Aviv office of Numaris Communi-
dictions, including tax havens. cation, a one-time provider of sales and other services
Thousands of immigrants olim from the United for the BinaryBook brand, Smith and another former
States and around the world have played a role in help- employee described a vulgar and hard-partying culture
ing the binary options companies target foreigners in straight out of The Wolf of Wall Street. After winning
their native languages. Former employees of several of a big deposit, salespeople played the video of a song
the companies said that more than half their co-workers adapted from an episode of the animated TV comedy
were olim, and most of them were Americans. Money South Park. Together the office would sing the chorus:
has been a major draw; the olim often earn several times And, its gone, referring to the clients deposit.
what they otherwise could hope to get in Tel Aviv, one of BinaryBook, which has faced legal action in Britain,
the most expensive cities in the world. did not respond to many interview requests. Wealth
David Roth, a 24-year-old from Southern California, Recovery and the St. Louis-based Hamm Law Firm have
asked to go by the pseudonym he has used as a Wealth begun preparing a class action lawsuit against another
Recovery salesman to protect himself from retaliation by service provider for the brand, Ukom, on behalf of 120
binary options companies. After making aliyah several American clients.

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Jewish World

In February, weeks after law enforcement officials moral standards and Israels interests should deter you
from North America and Europe held an emergency
meeting on binary options fraud in the Hague, the FBI
from engaging in this type of activity. Theres enough
work in other fields. fleischman
said it was investigating the industry around the world.
The United States had outlawed the marketing of binary
options to its citizens, except on a handful of regulated
Wealth Recovery has provided alternative employ-
ment for a small but growing number of American olim,
most of them in their 20s and 30s. Smith and his two
furs OUR
exchanges, in 2013. co-owners made aliyah from the United States, as did for only the finest YEAR!
Last spring, Israel allowed binary options companies most of the people who work for them. Nearly half the
to operate in the country as long as they refrained from staff, including Smith and another co-founder, came FUR STORAGE
targeting its citizens. In August, Jewish Agency head from binary options companies. Others chose to work in our secure, modern
Natan Sharansky urged the government to shutter the at Wealth Recovery rather than enter the industry. climate and humidity
repugnant, immoral industry. And in October, Prime Former binary options employees have been essential controlled vaults. Protect
Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office called for a world- to Wealth Recoverys success. Their fluency in English
your valuable furs
and shearlings during
wide ban on its unscrupulous practices. and familiarity with the scams have prepared them to
warm weather from heat,
Earlier this year, the Knessets State Control Com- pitch the companys services. They have used some of
humidity, moths and
mittee held two hearings on the governments failure the same marketing and sales tactics for Wealth Recov-
other crawling insects.
to deal with binary options fraud. Despite arguments ery as they did at their previous jobs, including going
by binary options advocates that entirely shutting down by pseudonyms. But they said the motive for that has
the industry could hurt Israels economy and encourage changed from deceiving the client to hiding from the
terrorism, the hearings resulted in draft legislation that binary options industry, which has threatened those Free Pick Up
would do just that. who cross it.
Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the I have nothing to hide from clients anymore, Roth & Delivery
United States who now is deputy minister, called binary said. Im helping them here. But its really easy for peo-
options a threat to the Jewish states international stand- ple from binary to call us, and a lot of the managers of
ing, and he urged olim to steer clear of the industry for these companies are serious criminals. You dont want
Call Now
their own sake and that of their adopted country. He to mess with them. 201-568-2242
said the Knesset should launch an investigation into Smith, whom clients have known as Mitch Williams,
the industry. for the first time opened up about his company under
The binary options scheme could be ruinous for Isra- his real name for this story, as part of an effort to
els foreign relations, he said. I would tell olim: Your SEE FRAUD PAGE 36

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Jewish World

Fraud Former binary options employees, whom Smith said the recovery industry has fraudulent elements, though
FROM PAGE 35 often require some deprogramming when he hires them, he could not comment on specific companies. Assif
position himself as a public opponent of the binary options also have been an asset to Wealth Recovery when it comes recommended that victims come to experienced law-
industry. He said he hopes this move will offer him another to gathering information, which is the companys stock in yers like him, asserting that they know how to build
kind of protection. trade. Wealth Recovery has gathered intelligence by devel- a court case using admissible and legally obtained
I want to distinguish myself from all the fraud around oping sources within the binary options industry and by information. Still, he said, what is most important
me, he said. I want people to know what they should look searching public records. But in order to have one of its are results.
for in a legitimate recovery company. Hopefully, binary cases tried in court, the company has relied on what Smith This recovery industry is a bit problematic, Assif
companies will think twice about coming after me once my called a shock and awe approach, to pressure more than said. First, this is legal work, and people need to be
name is in the newspaper. $4 million in settlements. licensed lawyers in order to represent victims in this
Smith also has begun investing more heavily in adver- The key is to go after little people the ones who are country. Second, I know for a fact that there are fraud-
tising and public outreach. He will speak at an anti-fraud working the phones and actually taking the money, he sters also in this industry.
conference in Miami later this month, and he will spon- said. Theyll freak out and pressure their bosses to settle, I will say if you put aside ethical issues, the No. 1
sor minor league NASCAR driver Stephen Young during a or theyll turn against the company they work for. priority is to get recovery for victims. So if companies
series of races in August. Young gave Wealth Recovery a dis- Israeli attorney Nimrod Assif, who has represented vic- are able to do that, its good.
counted rate because he was scammed by binary options tims of binary options fraud and advocated for immediate Last month, the U.S.-based Financial Industry
companies in the past. government action against the suspected perpetrators, said Regulatory Authority, the securities industrys own
watchdog group, issued a warning about what it
called binary options follow-up schemes and recov-
ery scams.

Raised in upstate New York by what he called lov-
SHOP & DINE ing Reform Jewish parents, Smith long has been

drawn to fraud. He spent much of his 20s in South


Florida running successful scams involving light

bulbs, child actors, and timeshares, as well as sell-

ing subprime mortgages, between stints in rehab for

heroin addiction. He made aliyah in 2014 to study

at the Orthodox Aish Hatorah yeshiva in Jerusalem,

hoping that religion would help him live a more vir-

tuous life.
But after a couple of months, Smith moved to Tel

Aviv and found a job in binary options. Gradually,
he moved up in the industry and learned how it
really operated.
Smiths account of how he turned against the indus-
try has become a kind of founding myth at Wealth
Recovery. The tale goes that after reaching a breaking

SUPPORT point at Numaris, the second of two binary options

companies he worked for over the course of a year, in
YOUR LOCAL January 2016 he took a despairing road trip to north-

ern Israel. On the way back from a visit to the gravesite
MERCHANTS! of his favorite Jewish sage, Rabbi Moshe Haim Luz-
zatto, he picked up a charedi Orthodox hitchhiker
and ended up celebrating havdalah, the ceremony
that ends Shabbat, with the hitchhiker and his large,
Art Show Honoring our Veterans May impoverished family.
MAY Memorial Day Monday, May 29 At the end of the night, the hitchhiker blessed
Smith, predicting that he would do something unprec-
Teanecks Annual Cedar Lane Family Street Festival 11am-6pm edented for the Jewish people. The experience had a
profound effect, and when Smith arrived back in Tel
Farmers Market- Thursday 12noon-6pm Aviv that evening during a fierce windstorm, the idea
JUNE Zumba Classes- Thursday 7-8pm for Wealth Recovery came to him with the slam of the
gate of his apartment building.
Like a ton of bricks, the idea hit me, he recalled.
Farmers Market Thursday 12noon-6pm ALWAYS I thought: What happens if I get the money back
JULY/AUG Dance with Us - Thursday 6:45pm-8pm for the people it was taken from? Is there anybody
FREE doing this?
Farmers Market Thursday 12noon-6pm PARKING Days after his epiphanic trip, Smith quit Numaris,
SEPT Zumba Classes - Thursday 7-8pm
and in February 2016 he flew home to start Wealth
Recovery in his parents basement. His first recruit
was co-owner Lee Eller, 26, with whom he had
Farmers Market Thursday 12noon-6pm worked at Numaris. Having bounced between
OCT Halloween - October 31 4-6pm
binary options companies for years, while pursuing
a career as a musician in Israel, Eller recently had
returned home after her mother sustained a brain
Black Friday Cedar Lane Teaneck aneurysm. Eller, a believer in astrology and the
NOV Shop Local Saturday metaphysical power of thought, among other spiri- tual philosophies, blamed her binary options work

Toys for Tots 201-907-0493 for the illness.
I believe I caused my mom to get sick, she
Latke Eating Contest Sponsored by Cedar Lane Management Group said. My whole existence was peoples pain, so I
brought a lot of pain into my life. I think you get


Jewish World

more of what you ask for, and I was inadvertently weighing on me every day. and provide me with pertinent information, he said. They
asking for that. When her account tanked again last month, the woman were not amateurish. They gave me an introduction that
Smith and Ellers big break came quickly, in said her supposed brokers began pressuring her to deposit lasted more than four months.
the form of Steve Koel, 52, a Northern Californian even more money, but she had run out of resources. Now In February, Israeli lawyers Carmon and Assif started
businessman whose BinaryBook account they had living on help from her family, she said, the woman began to represent alleged victims of binary
helped manage at Numaris, starting in November looking for lawyers to help her negotiate with Options XO. options fraud. Carmon said the group follows Wealth Recov-
2015. Within weeks of Wealth Recoverys founding, Only after Wealth Recovery showed her a presentation erys model in targeting individuals rather than companies,
a source inside Numaris told them managers were allegedly outlining Options XOs business structure and which can disappear, and thus far has settled out of court to
about to close out Koels account, in which he had exposing the identities of its employees did she under- get quick results for clients.
deposited nearly $1.5 million the vast majority of stand that she had been victimized by an alleged scam, Yossy Haezrachy, a partner at Friedman-Haezrachy, a law
his life savings. the woman said. firm in Tel Aviv, said the investigative chops of companies
Koel was separated from his money by a rotating My major downfall was I didnt realize the people at like Wealth Recovery make them an asset both to victims of
cast of characters who posed as London-based bro- Options XO were bad people and it was all fake, she said. It binary options fraud and to lawyers like him, who represent
kers. He initially saw large returns, some of which was hard to find someone who understands binary options. such people. His law firm has filed several cases on behalf
even were paid out to him, but then his account man- Lawyers would say just pay this amount and well figure it of alleged victims with Israeli courts, which Haezrachy said
agers began making seemingly senseless losing trades. out. Wealth Recovery and Birman Law understood my situ- never have ruled on such a case, as far he knows.
Koel, a divorced father, said he missed warning signs ation right away and were very responsive. These [recovery] companies are really a blessing, he
that he was being defrauded, like the lack of docu- Tomer Levi, the CEO of Toro Media the service provider said. Sure, they take a cut like any business, but they give
mentation of his transactions, in part because he was for Options XO answered a phone call from JTA and said, an address to victims who have nowhere else to turn, and
intent on earning money to pay for treatment for his I dont know what is Options XO, and I dont know what they dig up information that lawyers cant.
youngest son, who had recently been debilitated by a youre talking about. Then he hung up. Haezrachy said his law firm has been the target of vivid
brain aneurysm. About an hour later, Levis lawyer called, but said he could threats and badmouthing by binary options companies, so
You have to understand, it was a perfect storm in not comment on Options XO because he does not represent he understands Wealth Recovery employees desire for ano-
my life. The climate around me was very sad, and the the company. The attorney, Alon Mizrahi of the Tel Aviv firm nymity. But echoing many others, he said only state action
scammers fed on that, he said. To be honest, there FWMK, said he had been hired by Toro Media. ultimately would shut down the industry.
was some greed on my part as well. But then things Options XO is not our client, he said. Options XO is a At the end of the day, the government is going to have
started to go awry. broker in a different country, and we represent a different to clean up this mess. And Im sure it will, he said. Within
When Smith called in March 2016, Koel said, I client. Its a different legal entity. two years, there wont be any binary options companies
didnt feel I had much choice but to say yes. Mizrahi declined to answer whether Toro Media had in Israel.
With the help of Haggai Carmon, an Israeli litiga- a relationship with Options XO. But he said he suspected As someone with intimate knowledge of how fraud works,
tor and investigator who worked for the U.S. Justice Wealth Recovery and Birman Law were part of a single Smith said he sees things differently. He predicted binary
Department for decades, Wealth Recovery pressured group that was illicitly accessing information about binary options companies would survive by moving to different
Ukom, which is based in the north-central Israeli options companies and using it to threaten and slander countries and industries, as they have already started doing
city of Caesarea, into returning all of Koels money Toro Media and others. He asked to be emailed further ques- in anticipation of a crackdown in Israel.
in April 2016. Carmon, also the author of best-selling tions so he could check on the answers, but did not respond Wealth Recovery has made plans to follow them. Last
espionage novels, took about 10 percent up front, and when sent the email. week, Smith visited Cyprus to look into setting up an office
Wealth Recovery collected 20 percent on the back- Various opponents of the binary options industry agreed there, and he has been building relationships with lawyers
end, which has remained its standard rate. that Wealth Recovery is on the right side of the fight. Car- around the world. At the same time, Wealth Recovery has
Koel was overjoyed and still vouches for Wealth mon said Smith and Eller introduced him to the industry begun investigating alleged fraud in Israels multibillion-dol-
Recovery to potential clients. when they worked together on Koels case. lar diamond industry.
These guys were white knights, coming in with a As former insiders, they knew how to explain it to me  JTA WIRE SERVICE

plan, attorneys on board, and an international net-

work of information, he said. Mitch was a source
of total therapy for me as I worked through this.
Mitch is a great guy. Mitch can stay at my house
any time.
Asked about his impression of Israel, which he has
never visited, given his experience, Koel said, Its not
an Israeli or a Jewish thing, its a people thing. Plus, it
was Jews who helped me in the end.
Smith and Eller used the windfall from Koels case
to pay off business loans and move back to Tel Aviv
in July 2016. They brought aboard a third co-owner,
Smiths Orthodox Jewish cousin from California, who
asked not to be identified, and started hiring other
employees. In March 2016, Wealth Recovery moved
into its current office, and several months later
teamed with a local firm, Birman Law, which moved
into an adjoining office.
This month, Wealth Recovery and Birman Law
took the case of a Hong Kong woman who invested
about $10 million with a binary options brand called
Options XO starting in February 2015. In one month
last summer, the woman, who asked not to be identi-
fied, deposited $2.75 million through a wire service
in near-daily installments of $125,000. Over a cycle of
escalating losses, she said family and friends had lent
her about $8 million in an effort to help her earn back
her initial deposit.
The cost is not just money, she said. I lost my
peace of mind. Im very jumpy. My health has dete-
riorated. The burden of having to repay my family is


Yom HaShoah, a week later
Truth Regardless of Consequences

Marching with the

W living in the valley
hen holidays are over, they have grappled publicly with their legacy
are over until the next throughout their lives, but many others
year. When Rosh HaSha-
nah is done, the next 10
are going public with it only now, as time
runs out. of the shadow of death

days bring us to Yom Kippur; even before The images that Dr. Irin Felsen talked
that solemn day is fully done we will begin about and I reported in last weeks Jew- uschwitz, Poland Leaving the six million martyrs of the Holocaust
preparing for Sukkot, which leads directly ish Standard stick with me. She talks the March of the Living and were brave beyond description, bearing suf-
into Simchat Torah, and when that ends about the children of survivors as living the Auschwitz death camp is fering and brutality with dignity and perse-
we collapse in exhaustion. on a glass floor, with the horrors going a conflicted experience, as it verance, perhaps more than any who had
Pesach has been over for maybe what? on beneath their feet. They can see their should be. preceded them. The most moving photos
A week? But its as far gone as the last fugi- parents suffer but they cannot help. They On the one hand, youre in hell on earth, of the Holocaust are of parents with their
tive matzah crumbs. Once Shavuot is over, slip on the glass. They know that the glass veritably the foremost place of death in the children on the train platform at Auschwitz.
it too will be done, that nights study fin- almost never breaks but then some- world. On the other hand, watching 12,000 Parents holding their childrens hands,
ished, that holidays dairy all eaten up. times it does. youth march, youre uplifted and inspired. never letting go of their families even under
Thats true for minor holidays, and also Those of my friends who are the chil- The youth gathered from every corner of the most challenging circumstances.
for American ones; nothings as over as dren of survivors find that metaphor par- the globe. Together, we walked the route But should there have been all-out armed
the Thanksgiving turkey the day after ticularly compelling, and even I, with my between Auschwitz and Birkenau. In both resistance?
Thanksgiving. (Or maybe, to be more safe, protected life, cannot get it out of my the physical and the metaphorical sense, I traveled to Auschwitz for the March of
accurate, you long for nothing to be over head. Glass is slippery, and it does break, it was a tear-incurring, awe- the Living with my friend Eli-
as much as you long for those leftovers to and we do all have to be careful. inspiring parade of Jewish sha Wiesel, who will serve as
be, vanishing down the throat of someone Meanwhile, that brings us to this weeks pride and perseverance. keynote speaker at our Cham-
who is not you.) march for science. In this weeks paper, But as soon as we arrived pions of Jewish Values gala
Yom HaShoah, though, is different. Dr. Miryam Wahrman ably describes sci- in Birkenau, all feelings of dinner honoring the memory
First, of course, it is not a holiday, but a ences importance for us as people, as awe and pride quickly faded of his father Elie Wiesel on
day of commemoration, of memory and Americans, and as Jews. amid an all-enveloping cloak May 21 at Cipriani in Manhat-
disbelief and pain, lacking Tisha Bavs She was not able to march, but because of darkness and perplexity. At tan. Elisha told me that he dis-
haunting music and theatricality because I live in Manhattan, some friends and I once, the participants, who cussed this question with his
the horror is far too fresh. were able to slip away from shul this Shab- just moments before were father many times and the
The stories we hear linger in our mem- bat and join the science march. marching in a unified force of Rabbi answer he was given was that
ories. They are terrible, toxic, inhuman, It was raining, but we wore hats and grit and animation, all began Shmuley the Jews of Romania and Hun-
and they happened to people who were hoods and raincoats. Many people to wander into smaller groups, Boteach gary were convinced, beyond
just like us. Had we been there, they held up signs. It was all good-natured alone into the shadowy abyss the shadow of a doubt, that
would have happened to us too. and oddly apolitical. Science is under of the death-camp. My mind they were being deported to
It seems that the stories of Yom HaShoah threat right now, from the administra- felt as though it had been hollowed out, work camps where their families would be
are lingering now even longer than they tion that has said it will defund it, and and I could barely materialize so much as a kept intact.
used to, that every year the days power that denies climate science and has thought. I was numb. Nazi propagandists had told the Jews that
over our imaginations gets a bit stronger. flirted with anti-vaxxers, but science It is only now that I can begin to digest the they would survive so long as they behaved.
Thats most likely because the survivors itself knows no politics. experience and attempt somehow to make They were conditioned to believe, through
are vanishing. Even the youngest of them It is horrifying to realize that the Nazis sense of the things that happened there just massive propaganda efforts, that the gas
hasnt been young for some time by now, used science to kill people efficiently 70 years ago. chambers were only showers, and the death
and every year there are fewer of them. and cost-effectively. It is important to And now, like many times before, I am camps were centers of labor. Thus, unlike
They are vanishing into history, and our remember, though, that their science, struck with that most burning question: the Jews of Masada, Mainz, and Warsaw,
imaginations hold onto them, trying to their rational, evidence-based thinking, Why didnt we Jews fight back? the Jews of the death camps did not know
keep them here just a bit longer. was based on irrational hatred, supersti- To be sure, there were hundreds of cases that they faced a certain death. And cogni-
This year, the power of the generation tion, and evil. In the end, therefore, it of resistance, the most famous of which tive dissonance would have made it nearly
of those survivors children seems to have wasnt science. Science cant be built on was Mordechai Anielewicz and the Warsaw impossible for anyone to believe that the
intensified. sand. It needs bedrock. Ghetto. But many of the camps that mur- Nazis had used all the German engineer-
To be personal, I, the descendant of As Dr. Wahrman points out, we need dered upward of half a million Jews had ing and ingenuity to create the worlds most
immigrants who came to this country science to be able to understand what perhaps 200 SS guards. advanced factories of death.
early in the 20th century, have no sto- happened in the Holocaust, to decode In asking this question lets be clear that However, it is also possible that some
ries to share, but more and more of my the information left behind, to fight
friends, who were not so lucky, are tell- denial and ensure that it never ever Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is the author of 30 books, including his most recent, The
ing theirs. Many children of survivors happens again. JP Israel Warrior. Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.

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38 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


believed that martyrdom was itself a form of fighting back.

Things had changed since the Jewish rebellion against Yizkor reflections

the Romans two millennia earlier. The devastation at the
Second Temples destruction was so complete that many t was possibly a religious genius who thought of put- on you, are not forgotten. And if they spoke words of
believed that further resistance was futile. Two millen- ting Yizkor at the end of an 8-day holiday. wisdom or love during their lives, they continue to speak
nia of relentless persecution and degradation led many Not that the seders werent meaningful, or that to us, from one side of the bridge to the other.
of our people to embrace martyrdom as the highest form we object so strongly to matzah but heck, even the I say the prayers for some relatives in English, and for
of resistance. Courage was defined as being prepared to Torah speaks of a 7-day observance. Were others in Hebrew. (I think the latter would
offer up ones soul to the Creator. Bravery lay in embrac- ready for this celebration to end. But put Yiz- be insulted if I said them in English.) Time
ing the will of the Creator, which often meant dying al kor on the eighth day, and were back at shul. permitting, I recite every name; theres
Kiddush Hashem. Scheduling Yizkor at the end of the holiday something so impersonal about saying et
They may have thought back to the story of Rabbi period also is a sure way to draw in crowds. al under these circumstances. Still, we
Yochanan Ben Zakai, who, rather than join forces with the After all, isnt that when we miss our family cant be expected to give equal attention to
zealots fighting an uphill battle against the worlds foremost members the most? Remember when Uncle all those weve lost. After all, we didnt do
superpower, whose forces were besieging Jerusalem, chose Hymie sang Cockeyed Joe instead of Chad that when they were still alive.
to beseech the Roman General Vespasian for the survival of Gadya, year after year, to the continuing con- As it happens, I was so close, and in such
Torah study at Yavneh instead. Perhaps they, like the holy sternation of Uncle Sender? Remember when deep conversation, with my late husband
sages then, felt that energy best be channeled into a spiri- Aunt Celia let us nibble the gribbenes before Lois Goldrich on the bridge this morning that I didnt
tual rather than a physical fight. dinner? The melodies will never sound as want Yizkor to end. And when the service
Many a holy Jew also placed faith in God and were good, nor the chicken-fat substitutes taste as resumed, I was a bit disappointed, blocking
counting upon Him to save the remnants of Israel. After good. So, in truth, those relatives who populated the sed- out prayers with mournful melodies and craving upbeat
all, many thought, would the creator of heaven and earth, ers of our past have lodged in our heads even before the and life-affirming renderings of the liturgy. Perhaps the
our all-powerful father in heaven, not step in to save inno- memorial service begins. synagogue should set aside a special area for those who
cent children from the bloodthirsty hands of historys Actually, I found a strange parallel this year between wish to continue the conversation.
most heinous killers? saying goodbye to Pesach and praying hello to those on Of course, we dont have to reserve such communi-
Let us be clear. All those Jews who died for their God the other side of my imaginary bridge. (I dont know cation for the sanctuary. Theres nothing wrong with
and people are called Kedoshim, the Holy Ones, and they when this image took hold in my mind, or if I borrowed hearing voices. If we didnt hear, and revisit, the teach-
died for the sanctification of Gods name. They marched to it from someone else, but I take comfort in the thought ings of those we loved or respected like the kind aunt
their deaths believing that dying for His sake they would live that my deceased family and friends live together in a vil- who always told you not to worry, or the grandmother
more than a mere man ever otherwise could. lage, across a bridge, accessible just by thinking about it.) who said you should appreciate being busy when youre
However, while such a choice deserves our deepest awe The folks on both sides of my bridge can meet halfway young, or the teacher who insisted that words be pro-
and reverence, the State of Israel has challenged earlier on occasions such as Yizkor. On my side, I am flanked by nounced properly wed be much the poorer.
notions of Jewish spiritual resistance. The Torah teaches us my children and grandchildren; on the other are those Yes, we say to ourselves, and to them, we remember.
to choose life. Even if there seemingly is no choice but death, who no longer are physically present but who neverthe- Thanks.
we learned from the bestiality of the Germans that we have less hold a place in our hearts and who have a good deal
to fight and never surrender. left to teach us. Even their accessibility is a lesson. Lois Goldrich of Fair Lawn is a writer for the
When I was last in Poland I visited the Mila 18 bunker People you love, or who have made a deep impression Jewish Standard.
in Warsaw, the site of the sacred last stand of the uprising
in 1943. Almost all of those who took part in the Warsaw
Ghetto Uprising died, just like their brothers in the death
camps. However, they died at their own hands, with the
blast of a grenade in an underground bunker a grenade
from which they pulled the pin. They refused to indulge the Days of significance

Germans by giving them the possibility of killing them. They
would prove defiant in their very final act. ast month, our 17-year-old son, Zalman, par- incredible trip. The pictures and descriptions Zalman
In the same way, when marauding crusaders chased the ticipated in a trip to Poland that has changed shared provided new meaning in our collective redemp-
Jews of Mainz into a tower in 1099, the Jews chose to end the way he and our entire family under- tion from slavery to freedom. We experienced the deep
their own lives with swords rather than find death at the stands these days of significance during the connection between Yom HaShoah, observed this week,
spears of evil men. Most famously, of course, is the story of post-Pesach period. and Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, to
Masada, where 900 Jewish rebels under the command of Zalman joined 15 other Englewood high be celebrated this coming week.
Elazar Ben Yair took their own lives rather than fall victim school seniors in the culminating trip of the In just one day, the group experienced the
to the Roman legions who besieged them. As Elazar Ben year-long Asher Strobel Leadership Pro- theological duality of this season. They vis-
Yair said in his final speech to his followers: We long ago gram. Together, they traveled and observed ited Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most famous
resolved never to be servants to the Romans, nor to any not only the devastation of the Shoah but symbol of Nazi Germanys attempt to exter-
other than to God Himself. Thus, he went on, they would also the rebirth of post-Holocaust Eastern minate the Jewish people more than 70 years
die bravely, in a state of freedom. Europe and founding of the State of Israel. ago. And later that day, they welcomed and
None of us can ever judge the holy martyrs of the Holo- Our son was the first in our family to have observed an inspirational Shabbat in Krakow.
caust. It is for us to bequeath their memory to eternity. We the chance to participate in such a trip. By We can only contemplate what this contrast
do not know what we would have done in similar circum- being present in Poland with a group his Jeremy J. must have felt like in their minds and their
stances. We do not know what choices we would have made peers, he was given a chance to bear wit- Fingerman hearts. We can just imagine the powerful
if it were our childrens lives at stake. But even as we cher- ness to what happened, to commit himself reflections on what they had seen of the Jew-
ish the memory of the six million, the holiest of Jews, we to never forget, and to demonstrate his ish past, even as they enjoyed a truly joyous
must return to that oldest of Jewish traditions: resistance ability to live freely and proudly as an observant Jew. We Shabbat signifying the Jewish present and future.
and fighting back. After all, thats what Israel represents. hope each of these teen leaders will take up the respon- In the weeks following Passover, we count the omer,
That after 2,000 years of Jewish blood flowing like rivers, sibility to help share their experiences with the many marking the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. We
we have shouted never again. people they will encounter throughout their lives. come together as a community to count each day and to
Jewish blood can never again be spilled without a price With daily Whats App messages and phone calls, make each day count.
to pay. Jewish life must have value. Jewish rights and free- we were able to experience the highs and lows of this See Days page 41
doms can no longer be trampled on but will be guaranteed
by a state dedicated entirely to the premise that the Jewish
The opinions expressed in this section are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the newspapers editors,
people, like every nation, have a God given right to freedom,
publishers, or other staffers. We welcome letters to the editor. Send them to [email protected].
security, and prosperity, all in their own land.

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 39


On being weary and wary of awareness

pril is Autism Awareness the entertainment media, and our social religion. I recently spoke with a w
Month. As we are close to the media? And secondarily, are the audiences A major turning point friend and colleague whose n
end of the month, chances are and participants paying enough attention in autism awareness came son, about 10 years older
that youve already seen or to these messages? when a grandson of Bob than my daughter, also has l
heard that statement. My daughter turned 21 this winter. Wright was diagnosed with autism. And we talked about u
So let me ask you: Are you more aware When she was 2 years old, she was diag- autism. Wright was the CEO the fact that our children will m
of autism now than you were at the begin- nosed with autism. Looking back some 18 of NBC at the time, and he never really grow up, be able b
ning of the month? And what do we mean years ago, I know that what we call autism and his wife, the late Suzanne to live independently, have t
by this vague thing we call awareness awareness was not very widespread, not Wright, founded Autism their own place, hold a nor- b
anyway? even here in northern New Jersey, where Speaks in 2005. Through his Dr. Lance mal job, marry, or raise chil- e
I looked online and found a Cause/ there are the largest numbers and the influence, autism suddenly Strate dren. About how much they
Awareness Monthly Calendar, which con- greatest concentration of children with received much more atten- depend on us and continue e
firmed my suspicions that almost every autism in the United States. tion in the news and enter- to depend on us. And about c
month of the year has multiple causes Back then, most estimates ranged from tainment media than it ever how uncertain their future is s
assigned to it. April has six listings, includ- 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 500 children with autism had before. as we grow older, grow less and less able to o
ing Parkinsons Disease Awareness Month nationwide. Increased awareness coin- It is worth asking ourselves why social care for them, and eventually will become u
and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. cided with increased incidence, and now problems only receive attention when the unable to provide them with a home and u
If theres a cause out there that does not the estimates range between 1 in 45 and rich, the famous, and the powerful are necessary supervision. s
emphasize the goal of awareness, I have 1 in 68. And given the higher numbers in touched by them, when the problem is We talked about what will happen to
yet to come across it. our region, this means that chances are experienced by someone close to a media them when were gone. p
And yet I dont see much in the way of you know someone with autism, or some- professional or politician. Of course we It is so very hard for us to watch the par- t
assessment of this goal. How is awareness one with a family member who has autism. are grateful when someone with a public ents of typical children celebrate the usual a
measured? Who measures it? How are the As the numbers grew, autism advocates platform finally speaks out. But why do rites of passage and talk with mixed feel- i
results distributed? I believe that aware- began to call it an epidemic. Specifically, awareness and attention have to depend ings about becoming empty nesters, know- a
ness actually refers to attention, which is they referred to the epidemic of child- on a contemporary variation on noblesse ing that fate has something else in store for i
the basic currency of our electronically hood autism. And it was an epidemic that oblige? us. Our special needs children require so l
mediated environment. The primary ques- affected families from all walks of life, from And again, what is awareness all much more of their parents than typical b
tion is: Is the cause in question getting every income bracket and socioeconomic about? It is certainly a far cry from children as theyre growing up, and their t
enough attention from the news media, status, as well as every race, ethnicity, and understanding. special needs do not magically disappear

A Holocaust survivor once removed

often have pondered what makes a tradition has many forms of zeicher litziat survivor who perhaps to fill that number into how old
second generation speaker worthy Mitzrayim (memorials to the Exodus from a cosmic loneliness cannot they must have been when
of participating in a commemora- Egypt), we need to build up enduring ave- stop talking about life in the my 16-year-old mother was
tive service along with Holocaust nues toward a zeicher la-Shoah (memori- old country and about the in Auschwitz.
survivors. als to the Holocaust). And we survivors war. He does not talk of the As an adult, I used to down-
Surely it is not the mere accident of once removed have a vital role to play in Holocaust, just about his per- play such anomalies in the
birth. Nor is it any special insight into suf- this endeavor. sonal adventures surround- perceptions of the so-called
fering that we may have, or the emotional I do not have any numbers tattooed on ing the war. But one day he Second Generation. I even
baggage carried by children of survivors my arm, but I do have engraved in my will no longer talk, and it may rejected that label altogether
that some psychologists like to analyze. mind the moment of first seeing my moth- be my turn to speak up, or at Cantor and recoiled at the thought
Rather, I believe that the proper role of ers tattoo, and asking her what the letter least become a more active Sam Weiss of my children being a Third
Second Generation speakers is to declare A stood for. My mother passed away 12 link in a zeicher la-Shoah. Generationuntil I realized
ourselves as witnesses-in-waiting: to years ago, or 60 years after she was lib- I was born and raised in the that such secondary Holo-
become survivors once removed, who will erated from Auschwitz. My father, thank Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg, caust-related peculiarities one day will con-
carry on the mission of testimony exempli- God, is still alive, still feeling the urgency which in the 1950s was a community of stitute primary testimony, in the absence
fied by the noble people we learn about at at age 93 to rehearse the intricate stories Holocaust survivors. Not only were my rela- of the kind of living testimony we still hear
such services. of how he avoided Auschwitz, thus avoid- tives all survivors or children of survivors, today. I now think that the variegated g
We are all very grateful that the personal ing the tragic fate met by his parents and but so were all of my acquaintances from impressions and memories of children of
stories of so many survivors are being his 10 siblings. school and shul. Among other characteris- survivors are a vital part of a new link in the o
recorded and videographed for poster- My mother did not talk much about tics of growing up in such an environment chain of Jewish memory and tradition. a
ity, and it is important that the historical her wartime experiences, or even about was my distorted view of Europe, remi- In 2009 I participated in the Cantors a
facts of the Holocaust still are being metic- life before the war. Maybe this was due to niscent of the famous New Yorker cover Assembly mission to Poland that was doc- o
ulously documented. But while such tes- the number of siblings, cousins, and some by Saul Steinberg, which shows the View umented in a DVD called 100 Voices: A v
timony and documentation are crucial in townspeople who survived along with her, of the World from Ninth Avenue. In my Journey Home. Auschwitz-Birkenau State t
many ways and for very many people, we and helped ease the burden of survival. case it was a View of the World from the Museum authorities granted us special per- h
Jews need more than accurate Holocaust Although she appeared strong, stoical, Holocaust. So-and-so did not come to the mission to hold a full prayer service, com- s
information. We need more than barriers and cheerful, with a touch of cynicism, I United States from Hungary, from Rumania, plete with Torah reading, on the grounds w
against Holocaust denial. What we need believe that her interior pain and struggles or from Poland; they simply came from the of Auschwitz. As I led the shacharit that s
are ways to cultivate the memory of the ultimately contributed to her relatively Holocaust. When learning of a survivors Thursday morning I felt the presence of w
Holocaust, and the means to integrate early death. age (even back in the days when they were my teen-aged mother looking down at us i
this memory into our Judaism. Just as our In contrast, my father truly is a lone not all elderly), I instinctively translated from a nearby barracks, as if from some K

40 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


a when they become adults. The pressure Local school districts are required to pro- the schizophrenics on the streets back in the
e never lets up, and it never goes away. vide people with autism with an appropriate 1980s.
r Awareness? Feh! Lets face it, if you dont education until they age out after their 21st So what does awareness mean to you?
s live it, you just dont understand, just cant birthdays. After that, services are limited, Are you more I guess it means that youre aware that
understand, not really. Not fully. So forgive
me if I find all this talk about awareness to
if any exist at all. And for all but the most
severe and violent individuals, we parents
aware of autism its Autism Awareness Month. I guess that
amounts to awareness of awareness. And
e be awfully shallow, promoting the illusion will try our best to take care of our children now than you were maybe, maybe, if youre really made aware,
that something real is happening merely
by calling attention to causes on our news,
for as long as we are physically and psychi-
cally able.
at the beginning that can lead to being informed. Maybe. My
guess is that how well informed you are about
- entertainment, and social media. How much longer do you think that will of the month? autism depends on how close you are to an
I remember when Ronald Reagan was
elected president, budgets were cut, poli-
We could have begun to prepare for the
And what do actual person with autism. And even then,
after all, being informed is a far cry from
t cies were changed, and all of a sudden we problem when Barack Obama was elected we mean by this actual action.
saw schizophrenic individuals who previ-
ously had been institutionalized winding
president. He had the right outlook. But the
economy had just crashed under George W.
vague thing we So please forgive me for being weary and
wary of awareness. But please be aware of
e up on the streets, homeless and helpless, Bush, Obama understandably was preoccu- call awareness whats coming down the pike, and when it
d unable to take care of themselves. It was a
shonda, a national disgrace.
pied with recovery from recession and with
affordable healthcare, and he was faced with
anyway? happens, be aware that you were warned
about it. And be aware that it was a failure of
o Now think this through with me. For the an obstructionist Congress for most of his understanding, compassion, and foresight,
past two decades, weve been made aware tenure. Now that we have a Republican presi- take care of themselves. When that happens, and above all political will, that caused the
- that there is an epidemic of childhood dent, House and Senate, our government is in the not too distant future, awareness will problem.
l autism, with numbers steadily increas- back to cutting social services, so I doubt we become more than a matter of news reports, That is the kind of awareness that we need
- ing. And be aware that there is no cure for can expect any proactive measures in the feel-good films and TV programs, and social to get across right now, in this month of April.
- autism. So now, be aware that we are fac- near future. media memes. Awareness will become a
r ing an epidemic of adults with autism. And No, in all probability nothing will happen face-to-face reality, an embarrassment, a Dr. Lance Strate of Palisades Park is a
o let me ask you, are you aware of what is until the time when the parents of adults source of guilt for the more enlightened, a professor of communication and media
l being done to deal with this ticking social with autism no longer are able to provide source of fear for others. And only then will studies at Fordham University in the
r time bomb? them with a home, and the streets again are the public demand action, and public officials Bronx, and the president of his synagogue,
r Nothing. flooded with homeless people helpless to respond in kind. Thats what happened with Congregation Adas Emuno in Leonia.

d is a hereditary Jewish class. chance to learn, to achieve, and to soar.

n Many Holocaust survivors including
Days As parents, we try so hard to facilitate
from page 39
s those in my own familys community the kind of incredible experiences that
What we need are will disagree in principle with the notion The days this week and next are par- will serve as a positive catalyst for our
- of a zeicher la-Shoah. This especially is the ticularly meaningful. If Yom HaShoah teens as they prepare to graduate high
e ways to cultivate case among the many Orthodox communi- reminds us never to forget our past, school and embark on their next adven-
d the memory of ties that still do not hold dedicated Holo- Yom HaZikaron honors the actions tures. And we also learn so much from
n caust memorial services. A shul like the taken by our brethren to defend our the powerful experiences provided to
the Holocaust, one I grew up in would make no special nation, and Yom Haatzmaut allows us our kids.
t and the means mention of Holocaust victims during Yiz- to celebrate the miracle of our vibrant Even though my wife and I did not
d kor services. How redundant that would Jewish state and of our strong, lasting travel physically to Poland, by doing
d to integrate this have been, considering that practically Jewish future. We feel so fortunate that so in our minds and through our sons
- memory into all the relatives being memorialized were our teens collectively could experience eyes we have remembered our past
- Holocaust victims. this incredible connection between and have connected to our future. Our
e our Judaism. And these many Orthodox shuls and redemption and freedom. observance of Yom HaShoah this year
r yeshivas themselves what is their very Now completing its fourth cohort, challenges all of us not only to remem-
d ghostly shuls womens balcony. existence, if not a living memorial to that the ASLP program of East Hill Syna- ber but also to take action to ensure we
f As in many minyanim across the world, entire generation that perished? Although gogue was created in memory of a defend the right of Israel to exist as an
e ours had some Kohanim, some Leviim, each year more and more elements of remarkable young man, Asher zl, who independent, secure, vibrant Jewish
and of course many Israelites. But we Shoah commemoration are being incorpo- died suddenly six years ago during a ski state.
s also had among us another special class rated into the observance of Tisha Bav in trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Diane I hope that these days of significance
- of Jews: survivors of the Holocaust from some of these communities, I hope that in and Ron Strobel supported Rabbi Zev will remain a part of us as we observe
A various American synagogues who joined time all Jews will come to grapple with the Reichmans vision to create this tribute and appreciate our transition from
e the trip. Before the Torah was lifted for significance of the Shoah and recognize its to their son by empowering more teens redemption to freedom.
- hagbah and gelilah we experienced a very proper place in Jewish memory. to form their identities and to find
- special ceremony in which the Torah scroll their voices each year. What a remark- Jeremy J. Fingerman is the CEO of the
s was unwound and wrapped around all the Sam Weiss is the cantor of the JCC of able and fitting homage it is to Ashers Foundation for Jewish Camp. He lives
t survivors and the children of survivors Paramus/ Congregation Beth Tikvah. He memory. in Englewood with his family; he is vice
f who were there. At that liturgical moment delivered this speech at this years Yom Each of these teens is capable, smart, president of Congregation Ahavath
s it became clear to me that like being a HaShoah congregation presented by the strong, sensitive, and compassion- Torah there. Write to him at Jeremy@
e Kohen or a Levi Holocaust survivorship Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey. ate. The ASLP provides them with the

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 41


Why Yom HaShoah means never again

unday evening marked the begin- Babylonia, which ended in the fall of the be a bulwark and provide the at best, or even worse, as igno-
ning of Yom HaShoah, officially first Jewish state. Many suggested the anni- hope that never again will rant and foolish.
known as Yom Hazikaron laShoah versary of the Warsaw Ghetto revolt as the the Jewish people experience On January 27 the U.N.-
ve-laGvurah (Holocaust and Hero- day to remember both the victims and the such victimization. created International Day in
ism Remembrance Day), our annual com- heroes of the Holocaust. In 2005, the United In Israel, the day is marked Commemoration of Victims of
memoration of the Holocaust. Nations declared January 27, the date of the publicly with flags flying at the Holocaust our adminis-
This memorial day was added to our liberation of Auschwitz, as International half-mast. At sirens wail, all tration issued a statement that
Jewish calendar in 1953 by Israels prime Holocaust Remembrance Day, to remem- traffic stops, and people stand did not mention Jews or anti-
minister, David Ben Gurion. There was ber the Holocaust and to honor the victims in silence all over the country. Semitism. Many hoped that it
a great deal of care taken to determine and survivors. Perhaps we could now take For two minutes, the State of Dr. Mark was simply a mistake, made
exactly when during the year we should Yom Hashoah off the calendar, and simply Israel stands in silent reflec- Gold by a young and inexperienced
commemorate the systematic attempt to remember the victims at the same time as tion. This silent act helps staff. But no, when asked to
eliminate the Jews of Europe by Hitler and the rest of the world. unify the Jewish state. Those explain the poor choice of
the Nazis. There were many who felt the But in the end it was decided that the Jews two minutes help erase the wording, the White House
Jews already had enough days dedicated to would reserve the date of Yom HaShoah as many divisions that so often explained that Jews had
all the efforts to destroy us, and we could the 27th of Nissan. The careful choice of fragment Israeli society. been omitted from the state-
just add the Holocaust to the list of disas- that date perhaps illustrates how unique For those two minutes, it ment on purpose, because
ters that have befallen us that are marked this Jewish memorial day is, and how cru- is clear that our very survival other victims also suffered
on existing memorial days. There is Tisha cial. It is not the anniversary of any particu- depends on our finding com- and died in the Holocaust. At
BAv, the ninth day of the Jewish month lar action. It is larger than that, as was the mon ground. Each passing a time that has seen the most
of Av, which falls in the summer and has Holocaust itself. Yom HaShoah is carefully year, our civic actions in Israel dramatic rise in anti-Semitic
become the traditional day of mourning for tucked in between Passover, the holiday and around the world become threats and acts of violence in
all the disasters that have befallen the Jews, that celebrates our first national indepen- more entrenched in practiced Hiam Simon generations, our administra-
including the destruction of both the First dence, and Yom Haazmaut, which cele- rituals, assuring that we will tion failed to go on record.
and Second Temples. Many felt that remem- brates our most recent one. Yom HaShoah mark the day and yet run- Even before that misguided
bering the Holocaust on that day would be quietly contrasts the condition of stateless ning the risk of making the day less remark- statement, Trump had raised the hair on
appropriate. Some suggested that the tenth vulnerability with the security, freedom, able. But when our civic events stir our the backs of our necks with a campaign that
of Tevet, in the winter. That day marks the and freedom of action that comes with an memories, thoughts, and commitments, flirted with anti-Semitic tropes. The cam-
siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar of independent Jewish state; a state that can the rituals are not empty. Commemoration paign tweeted an image of a Magen David
achieves its purpose. with Hillary Clintons face superimposed on
Dr. Mark Gold of Teaneck holds a Ph.D. in economics from NYU. He is on the executive board It appears that the American administra- a pile of money. His closing ad warned of a
of Partners for Progressive Israel, a member organization of the American Zionist Movement tion struggles with understanding the enor- shadowy cabal of bankers and international
and an affiliate of the World Union of Meretz. mity of the Holocaust, with comprehending elites. His son casually used the phrase
what it means for the Jews specifically as warming up the gas chambers to refer to
Hiam Simon of Englewood is the past chief operating officer of Ameinu, the leading well as for humanity in general. An adminis- vociferous criticism. Neither Trump nor his
progressive Zionist membership organization in the United States. He lived in Israel for many tration that in less than its first 100 days has campaign staff were prepared to walk away
years, where he was the dean of students at what is now the Alexander Muss High School, and tripped and fallen over the Holocaust sev- from their America First slogan, even after
he served in the IDF as a noncommissioned officer in the artillery. eral times comes off as callous and uncaring the phrases devilish connotations, which

We demand that Trump

stop threatening our drinking water

resident Trump has now As the Washington Post recently resources, while not devel- trajectory since 2012.
threatened our nations drink- pointed out, according to the consensus oping regulations that hurt According to the Solar
ing water. of environmental groups, more than a our economy and kill jobs. Foundation, in 2016 there
On March 28th, four days third of coal plants discharge wastewater Firstly, as The Washington were more than 260,000
after he received a petition to do so from within five miles of a downstream com- Post recently pointed out, solar energy workers alone
a fossil fuel energy consortium, the Util- munitys drinking water intake. the Obama rule requires in the United States. The
ity Water Act Group, Trump signed an The Sierra Club, as reported in the only that the coal industry Americ an Wind Energy
executive order to weaken President Washington Post, has described the show that they were using Association says that there
Obamas Clean Power Plan. Obama Clean Power Plan Rule as hav- the most up-to-date technol- were 88,000 wind energy
Included in that Obama plan was a reg- ing been developed after years of study; ogy to remove heavy metals Steven R. jobs in 2016, a 20 percent
ulation concerning the monitoring, safe before that, the pre-existing rules had including lead, arsenic Rothman jump in one year.
storage and disposal of coal ash, which been in place unchanged for decades. and other pollutants from The Center for Media and
was to become effective in 2018. Scott Pruitt, Trumps Environmental their wastewater. Democracy reports that
According to the New York Times, Protection Agency administrator, just Secondly, coal jobs and U.S. reliance in 2016 there were only 142,000 work-
more than 100 million tons of coal released a statement defending Trumps on coal have fallen below clean energy ers in the coal industry, including min-
ash, filling more than a thousand land- executive order. It said, in part: jobs for the past three years. ers, transportation providers, and coal
fills and bodies of water in nearly every This action is another example of the Bloomberg News reported that by 2015, power plant operators. Those jobs have
state, is produced every year, one of the [Trump Administrations] EPA imple- solar energy jobs alone had overtaken oil, been on the decline for almost a decade.
nations largest and most vexing streams menting President Trumps vision of natural gas extraction, and coal jobs. Jobs Others, like environmental activist and
of toxic waste. being good stewards of our natural in solar energy have been on an upward venture capitalist Tom Steyer, of NextGen

42 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


echoed the rhetoric of the anti-Semitic

underbelly of American society in the run-
up to World War II, were pointed out.
Then we have the latest miscue of Sean
Spicer, President Trumps press secretary.
Mr. Spicer, in his explanation of our mis-
sile attack on Syria, proclaimed, Even
Hitler never used chemical weapons.
An audible gasp could be heard from the
reporters assembled in the pressroom. In
his attempt at an apology, Spicer explained
that he meant that Hitler never used chemi-
cal weapons on his own people. This only
hints at Spicers lack of understanding or
perhaps his implicit understanding that the
Nazi regime divided the population into two
parts good Germans and bad Germans. It
is clear into which camp the Jews of Ger-
many had been placed.
This Yom HaShoah, the need for Holo-
caust education is clear. It was a teachable
moment not only for Mr. Spicer but for us
Jews as well. Educational work is never
What is it, though, that we want to teach?
Surely we want both our children and our
non-Jewish neighbors to know the horrors Sirens sound and traffic stops as Israelis stand in silence to mark Yom HaShoah.
that befell European Jewry. We want all to
understand what it meant for our people want a public revulsion against these and a compassion for those experienc- defenders of liberty and freedom. As we
to be marked for annihilation and to know facts, not only to honor those who suf- ing similar, if not the same, suffering. The recall our own terrible experiences as a peo-
about the virulent, state-sponsored anti- fered and perished but also to promote awareness of our own history must make ple, we must not turn away from those who
Semitism that led to their deaths. We want awareness as a shield against anti-Semi- us understand how easy it is for others to suffer today from the refugees from Syria
all to understand the horrors of the round- tism. Without real Holocaust education, be labeled the other. It should sensitize us or Africa as they flee ethnic cleansing, tor-
ups, the shootings, the ghettos, the trans- the cry of never again will become to the dangers of chauvinism and racism, of ture, and murder. We must stand for Ameri-
ports, the death camps, and the gas cham- nothing more than an empty echo. ethnic and religious hatreds. cans of every ethnicity and religion. Then
bers. And we want the world to know this as While we desire all to understand this We must make sure that no one ever we truly can mean never again.
a crime against Jews. Jewish particularity, however, we Jews must divides America into good and bad Ameri- If we are not for ourselves, who will be for
These years are particularly impor- not lose sight of its generality. Never again cans. As we live through the period between us? But if we are for ourselves alone, who
tant as the number of living eyewitnesses must not mean only never again to the Jews, Passover and Yom Haatzmaut, between are we?
dwindle. We want this history docu- but never again ever. From our historical our memory of slavery and our celebra- If these thoughts dont touch us on Yom
mented, so that no one can deny it. We memory, we must bear a consciousness tion of modern freedom, we must stand as HaShoah, when will they?

Americans finding themselves as a result of increasingly cheaper clean

energy, as well as the popularity of less
all our neighbors do not want to drink
poisoned water.
at the mercy of their modern polluting oil and natural gas. It will require citizen involvement
presidents executive orders Fourthly, in balancing the publics
health versus retaining a relatively small
again, just like in the way moderate
Republicans and Democrats banded
and rule-making powers is not number of jobs in an already naturally together to stop the Trump/Ryancare
new, but the loud voice of an declining, 19th century polluting tech-
nology, Trump and Pruitt wrongly come
bill, which would have caused terrible
damage to our nations social safety net
enraged American people is down on the side of the latter. They are programs of Medicare, Medicaid and
still very powerful. hugely out of step with the vast majority
of Americans on this issue.
Now we need to tell our elected federal
Americans finding themselves at the officials that in case they werent sure, we
Climate, puts the number of coal workers amounts to a possible job killer for a fast- mercy of their modern presidents exec- demand our drinking water not contain
today at only 75,000. growing green energy sector that has utive orders and rule-making powers is poison.
In a recent Sierra Club analysis of the become a viable alternative to replace the not new, but the loud voice of an enraged
Department of Energy jobs data, as cited nations reliance on dirty fossil fuels. American people is still very powerful. Steven R. Rothman of Englewood, a
in its recent article, 41 states and Wash- Thirdly, Pruitt offers no evidence sup- We approximately 325 million Ameri- Democrat, represented New Jerseys 9th
ington, D.C., have more jobs in the clean porting his view that killing the Clean cans can let our president and congres- Congressional District from 1997 to 2013.
energy sector than in the fossil fuel indus- Power Plan will result in more jobs in the sional representatives know that we, This op ed is reprinted with permission
try. Trumps executive order therefore coal industry. Coal usage is on the decline, our children, our grandchildren, and from the Record.

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 43


The American pastor at Erdogans mercy

s Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdo-
gan assumed near-
dictatorial powers
following his dubious victory
in a constitutional referendum
on April 16, Andrew Brunson,
a Christian pastor from North
Carolina, was marking his sixth
month of incarceration inside a Ben Cohen
Turkish prison.
Brunson, who has lived in Turkey with his family for
the last 23 years, was the head of the Resurrection Church
in the coastal city of Izmiror he was, that is, until he
was detained last October on the vague and unsubstan-
tiated charge of membership in an armed terrorist
In a recent interview with North Carolina-based WTDV,
Brunsons daughter, Jacqueline, expressed what many
Americans were thinking when she exclaimed, I mean,
hes an American citizen. Its kind of outrageous to think
that this is happening to an American citizen.
While American citizens living or working in the Mid-
dle East are no strangers to assassinations, hostage-tak-
ing, and terrorist acts, what makes Brunsons case dou-
bly outrageous is that his imprisonment is taking place in
Turkeya country that traditionally is an ally of the United
States, a member of NATO, and widely seen in the years Turkish President recep Tayyip erdogan listens to the general debate at the united nations general
before Erdogans rise as the ideal model for a secular state assembly on sept. 20, 2016. UN PHOTO/CIA PAK

with a Muslim majority.

Turkish officials have remained unmoved by outside undermining him is hardly a priority when you con-
pleas for Brunsons release. Binali Yildirimthe prime sider what else is going on in the region. As for Israel
minister whose position has been abolished as a direct and the American Jewish leadership, both appear to
result of Erdogans constitutional overhaultold reporters If anything, the have unlimited tolerance for Erdogans anti-Semitic
in March that there was a possibility of putting Brunson on
trial sooner rather than later, but he added, As you will
repression is outburstscondemning them, certainly, but never sev-
ering ties because of them. Again, their reasoning is
appreciate, judiciary matters are not directly controlled escalating, with pretty much the same: Erdogan is a foul character run-
by us.
The only thing we should appreciate is the irony of a
hundreds of arrests ning a nasty regime, but he has been and can continue
to be a rare regional partner for Israel.
Turkish leader talking about his countrys independent already reported Since Erdogan now can remain Turkeys president until
judiciary, less than a year after thousands of judges, uni-
versity teachers, military officers, and others were purged
within three days of the 2029assuming that neither his health nor his iron-fisted
rule wavers between now and thenthere will be plenty of
after the murky coup attempt against Erdogan. Sadly, referendum result. time to determine whether this realist approach towards
Brunsons continued imprisonment has become a card for him can hold up.
the Turks to play in negotiations, as Erdogan continues to extensive business relations with Iran, and both countries Part of the answer will depend on what Erdogan does
pressure the United States into extraditing the Pennsylva- share the common goal of crushing Kurdish aspirations for for the West. I doubt he will moderate his wild rhetoric.
nia-based exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom he independence. As far as Islamic State is concerned, Erdo- Im skeptical of any claim that he can be as reliable an ally
insists orchestrated the failed coup of 2016. But its easier gan sees the group as a subsidiary concern in his brutal of the West as Israel is. I dont see him abandoning the
for Yildirim to pretend that Turkish justice follows similar war against the Kurds in eastern Turkey and Syria. Palestinian terrorists of Hamaswho, incidentally, were
principles to American justice than to admit that Brunson Yet if any Muslim leader can be considered a bridge, delighted by the referendum result. Going forward, Erdo-
is the hostage of a populist tyrant. Erdogan can stake a claim to the status. He may be a popu- gan will be more enemy than friend.
As for Erdogan, he does not appear to feel obliged to list Islamist who delights in crude anti-Semitic and anti- For this reason, its an ideal time to test Erdogans will-
let up on his program of political repression in the wake Western rhetoriche has wondered aloud whether Israels ingness to compromise. As Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.)
of the referendum. If anything, the repression is esca- government is worse than Hitler, and he has described recently observed, when discussing Pastor Brunsons
lating, with hundreds of arrests already reported within the current Dutch and German governments as Nazis imprisonment, Erdogan needs to understand there is
three days of the referendum result. Given the slim major- but he also is the custodian of a long and complex dip- a limit to what he can do. Detaining an American cleric
ity in favor of Erdogans campaign for an executive presi- lomatic, security, and political relationship with Western on fatuous charges, and then dangling him as bait in an
dency 48.6 percent of Turks voted against it, and there countries, including the United States and Israel. attempt to secure the extradition of a Turkish citizen who
were many reports of electoral violationsthis was to be So is Erdoganin words commonly attributed to FDR, lives legally in the United States, exceeds that limit glar-
expected. talking about Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somozaa ingly. Next time President Trump speaks to Sultan Erdo-
Erdogan has the right to feel confident. Yes, he will con- son of a bch...but our son of a bch? Its certainly gan, he should make it very clear that America wants
tinue to face widespread internal resistance. Yes, he will tempting to understand the current Western view of Brunson safely reunited with his familyand that this
be the target of Western, and especially European, con- Erdogan in those terms, particularly as President Donald demand is unconditional. JNS.ORG

demnation for his actions and statements. But when such Trump called him with congratulations after the referen-
challenges arise, he can point to the rest of the Middle dum, apparently without raising the questionable circum- Ben Cohen, senior editor of and the Tower
East, presenting himself as a bulwark against both the ris- stances of the Turkish leaders victory. magazine, writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
ing Iranian-led Shia crescent as well as Sunni terrorism in There is some merit to this judgment. Ameri- Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published in
the form of Islamic State and other jihadi groups. can foreign policy conservatives often have told me Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street
Of course, the situation is far more complex. Turkey has that as deeply unpleasant as Erdogans regime is, Journal, and many other publications.

44 Jewish standard aPriL 28, 2017

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Dvar Torah
Gods hand in the establishment of the State of Israel

any have pointed to the destruction of the Temple with its accom- the feelings of their ances- His miracles. Study Benny Mor-
political and military mir- panying suffering and exile. The widely- tors after their return from ris magisterial work 1948: A
acles involved in the estab- anticipated glorious return to Israel was exile, fearing that God had History of the First Arab-Israeli
lishment of the State of deeply disappointing. Many Jews might forsaken his people. Mis- War and note the details of
Israel. We must ask why God specifically have erroneously concluded that God sionaries actively reached how the United Nations voted to
chose this time to perform these miracles had abandoned us. Along came Hag- out to Jews arguing that the establish a Jewish State against
for our nation. gai with a message from God to counter Holocaust and its aftermath all odds. Read about how the
An analogy from the time of the prophet such a terrible consideration. Perish that proved that God no longer ragtag Israeli army managed to
Haggai is instructive. Haggai prophesied negative thought, teaches Haggai! Gods regarded the Jews as His withstand the first few weeks of
in the year 520 BCE, a very difficult time commitment to the Jewish People is eter- special people. Many Jews, Rabbi the War of Independence with
for our nation. Nineteen years earlier the nal! Haggais message was supported sadly, fell prey to this toxic Howard little ammunition and relatively
Persian emperor Cyrus had permitted the and authenticated by the fulfillment of outreach. It could be argued Jachter few soldiers on three different
Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the his prophecy with the completion of the that God made the political Congregation military fronts. Let us heed the
Temple. But relatively few Jews had taken building of the Second Temple in 516 and military miracles of 1947- Shaarei Orah, Psalmists call and point out
the Sephardic
advantage of Cyrus offer, and those who BCE, against great odds. 1948 to clarify to the Jewish Congregation of Gods intimate involvement
returned struggled with a poor economy Similarly, the years immediately fol- People, Ani itekhem He Teaneck, Orthodox with the world each and every
while remaining under Persian rule. More- lowing World War II were a particularly is still very much with us. day, but especially this coming
over, opposition from the local non-Jewish dismal time for the Jewish people. A third Israels establishment week on Yom HaAtzmaut, Isra-
residents had quickly halted the construc- of the Jewish people had been brutally points to conclusion that God remains els Day of Independence.
tion of the Temple after the Jews had murdered by the Nazis and their many involved in the world. Let us follow in the
erected an altar. accomplices, and hundreds of thousands footsteps of King Solomon, who in the Rabbi Jachter teaches Judaic studies at
After an absence of prophecy since of Jews languished in displaced persons Song of Songs declares in reference to God, Torah Academy of Bergen County, serves
570 BCE, Haggai emerged with a simple camps with no country willing to admit Behold, He stands behind our wall, He as rabbi of Congregation Shaarei Orah,
but encouraging message from God: Ani them. The doors of Palestine were almost looks in at the windows, He peers through the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck,
itekhem I am with you. The Jewish completely sealed to Jewish immigration the lattice. Each day in our morning and administers Gittin/Jewish Divorces
people were in desperate need of hear- by its British rulers. prayers we recite the exhortation sihu bek- recognized by the Israeli rabbinate,
ing this message sixty-six years after the Many Jews at the time identified with hol nifleotav speak (i.e. identify) all of throughout the tristate region.

BRIEFS allegedly involve the 18-year-old suspect, and includes the me realize that Project GalEd has to do something to help
charge of making bomb threats to Jewish schools and JCCs as them get the respect they deserve.
U.N. chief vows to combat well as airports and sporting events. Project GalEd focuses on honoring Holocaust survivors,
anti-Israel bias and anti-Semitism It was also revealed Sunday the suspect had attempted to soldiers killed fighting for Israel in the 1948 War of Indepen-
extort a Republican U.S. senator before sending the politician dence, unidentified fallen soldiers, and soldiers with no rela-
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reas- drugs in the mail and threatening his family. tives living in Israel.
sured Jewish community leaders that he would oppose any The suspect is accused of many other charges, including According to Project GalEd, Every person who wants to
anti-Israel bias at the United Nations. causing panic via publication of false information, cyber honor these soldiers can order a flower or a flower arrange-
As secretary-general of the United Nations, I consider crimes, money laundering, weapons possession, facilitat- ment to be placed during Israels Memorial Day on one of
that the state of Israel needs to be treated as any other ing drug trafficking, disseminating pedophilic materials, and these graves, with his personal message written on a black
state, Guterres said at the World Jewish Congress offices assaulting a police officer. ribbon. Those who will join the initiative will get a picture of
in New York. The U.S. Justice Department and the Israeli Ministry of their flower on the grave via email. JNS.ORG

I have already had the opportunity to show that Im Justice are in the midst of negotiations regarding the sus-
ready to abide by that principle even when that forces me pects extradition to America, which has been put on hold
to take some decisions that create some uncomfortable by Israels State Attorney Shai Nitzan because the majority Palestinian terrorist who
situations, he added, referring to an incident in March in of the teenagers alleged crimes were perpetrated in the murdered British student to
which the U.N. leader forced the retraction of a controver- Jewish state. JNS.ORG
receive monthly PA stipend
sial U.N. report that accused Israel of implementing an
apartheid regime. A Palestinian terrorist who murdered a 21-year-old British stu-
In addition to clarifying that his opposition to anti-Israel For Israels Memorial Day, dent in Jerusalem in mid-April will receive a stipend of approx-
bias does not entail always being in agreement with all initiative seeks to honor imately $1,000 per month from the Palestinian Authority.
the decisions made by the Israeli government, Guterres last descendants The terrorist, 57-year-old Jamil Tamimi, murdered Hannah
assured he would be in the frontline in the fight against Bladon, who was riding Jerusalems light rail, on April 14.
global anti-Semitism and, if possible, eradicate the phenom- To commemorate Israels Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron), According to PA law, everyone who is imprisoned for
enon from the face of the Earth. JNS.ORG a new campaign seeks to honor fallen soldiers who may not resisting the occupation receives a PA salary, said Itamar
have any living relatives or friends to do so. Project GalEd, Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch, the
an initiative started by Michal Serfaty to map out the graves Daily Mail reported.
Israel charges teenage of deceased relatives, has launched a campaign to ensure In PA practice, 100 percent of the suicide bombers, stab-
suspect in bomb threats case a flower for every fallen soldier by enabling purchases of bers, shooters and car-rammers have been included in this
following U.S. indictment flower arrangements to be placed on the soldiers graves. category and do receive PA salaries, he added.
Israeli soldiers without living family members or friends are Israeli authorities have said Tamimi, who allegedly
Following last Fridays U.S. Justice Department indictment of known as the last descendants. has a history of mental health issues, initiated the terror
an Israeli-American teenager who is accused of making more Every year, during the Memorial Day ceremonies, I attack in the hope that he would be killed by security
than 150 bomb threats against Jewish institutions in early 2017, join my family and thousands of other families in Mount forces. Following a psychiatric assessment, an Israeli
Israel also has indicted the suspect. Herzl Cemetery in Jerusalem, Serfaty said. Thinking court ruled Tamimi is fit to stand trial and should be
The indictment details more than 2,000 incidents that about those who have no family to pay them a visit made considered a terrorist. JNS.ORG


The Frazzled Housewife Crossword
[email protected]

Wake me up
hen I was lit- give them a sibling close in
tle, I had a age, and then they have an
Mickey Mouse actual live-in playdate to
alarm clock. keep them occupied.
His arms were the hour hand Now I know that there
and the minute hand, and there are parents who give their
was a teeny tiny Mickey that children the responsibility
was the second hand. Since I of waking themselves up
was little, I didnt know exactly every day. I am not one of
how to work it, so it would ran- Banji those parents. I have had
domly go off and make a really Ganchrow the pleasure of waking
loud ringing noise and shake my children up for school
like it was having a seizure. almost every day of their
Poor clock. And then my parents took it lives. And I am the snooze button as well.
away from me I guess that after waking I get a smile and a wave. (What parent can
everyone up at 3 in the morning more than resist the smile?) Sometimes they forget
once, I lost my alarm clock privileges. that I ever woke them up at all, and we
When I was older, I had my really cool have to start all over again. Those morn-
Sony alarm clock. It was also a radio (how ings dont go so smoothly, but that is okay
cool is that! a radio!), so I would wake up because I take any and all time I can get
to my favorite music. The snooze button with my boys, even if it involves the phrase
gave me seven extra minutes of sleep. You are so annoying! (Music to any par-
Across Down
But then, of course, seven turned into 14, ents ears.) 1. Ayin ___ 1. Son of 41-Across
which turned into 21, which turned into However, I always look forward to the 5. Elisheva to Nadav and Itamar 2. Drink in Maale Adumim?
my being late for school. What did I need weekend. I look forward to Shabbos, 8. Tech training sites 3. (Han) Solos son
an alarm clock for if I wasnt going to lis- because I dont have to wake them up. 14. Ghost friend of Winona in 4. Major Aussie band thats never played
Beetlejuice in Israel
ten to it? (Clearly this was a trend because Husband #1 is in charge. I gave him three 15. Freudian topic 5. Fox in Transformers with Shia
I didnt really listen to my parents, or my sons and he can take them all to shul. Had 16. Foe of 400 false prophets on a 6. Like Shrek (Var.)
teachers, so there was no chance I was lis- he given me three daughters, I would be 7-Down 7. Location of memorable moments for
17. Fix, as a tallit 16, 30, 41, and 56- Across
tening to a clock.) in charge, but I am a proud boy mom and
18. He defeats Jason Segals Vector in 8. ... my tongue is the ___ of a ready
In the end, the most effective method I am also fine with my role of not having Despicable Me writer (Psalms 45:1)
for waking me up was my dad coming into to go to shul three times a day. (No judg- 19. Mr. Peterson (at times) on Burrows 9. Makes Kirks vessel invisible
the room and saying, If you dont get up ment, please.) He takes them to shul and Cheers 10. How some get to NYC from
20. Samson was bound in them Woodmere
now, I am not driving you to school and he gets to wake them up. After all, there
23. Like a dreidel, to a poet 11. Large city or district in India
you will have to walk. Extremely effective. are no alarm clocks you can use on Satur- 24. Bearded animal (thats kosher) 12. Foxs Bret who interviewed
Fast forward to 20-some-odd years ago, days. WRONG! 27. Available (at the makolet) Netanyahu in 2016
when I became a mom and my babies As a high school graduation present, a 29. Clothing line from the Polo Sport 13. Free Eilat souvenir
designer 21. Talmudist who was the father-in-law
became my alarm clock. No snooze but- dear friend of mine got my boys kosher 30. He spent a lot of time on a 7-Down of Rava
ton on those things. They screamed their clocks. Yes, they are what their name 32. Myrtle branch 22. Drinks that can be streamed
cute little brains out, until I came to feed implies they can be used on Shabbos 34. Classic King novel with Frannie 24. Theo Epstein (Red Sox) and Mark
them or change them or just look at them and holidays. (No, they cannot be eaten, Goldsmith (with The) Shapiro (Indians): Abbr.
35. Scott of Anthrax (born Rosenfeld) 25. ___ A Stranger (1955 Stanley
even with their hashgacha.) This means 36. Bulls and rams Kramer film with Sinatra)
that, for example, when all five of us are 39. Egyptian opera performed at 26. It merged with American in Oct. of
in one room over a Shabbos, this handy Masada in 2011 2015
40. Wts. for those moving all they own 28. Container for Dagim tuna
After all, there dandy clock can wake you up to the clas-
sic tune of Shabbat Shalom hey! At
to Israel 31. The ___ near! (what many might

are no alarm least I think that is the tune; it went off so

41. His vessel landed on a 7-Down
42. ___ Lanka (home of Tamil Jews)
think during the 25th hour of Yom

clocks you can early in the morning, it could have been

playing Jingle Bells for all I know. And I
43. Apple core youd never make a
blessing on?
33. 1985 Holocaust documentary
37. Dog-___ (a Uris novel, perhaps)

use on also find it curious that this clock takes

44. Worked on a crew
46. Like lashon hara
38. Clip, like Jacob or David (in their first
Saturdays. away the fun of having their father wake
them up. Which means that he doesnt
49. Perlman and Seehorn
50. Not 46-Across
40. Hookah puffs
41. Many a (false) Marvel god
WRONG! get the You are so annoying, leave
53. Wissotzky and Fuze
55. ___ & the Women (2000 Helen
43. Sports org. Israels a member of
(with 104 other countries)
me alone. Hunt movie) 45. Hrs. that always end after the High
babies are much harder to read than Hmm. I am assuming this clock 56. 66-Down nearly sacrificed him on a Holidays
clocks. Once you run out of options and was invented by a dad to avoid this 7-Down 47. Find fault with (like a Jewish mother,
58. He directed Goldie in The Sugarland as a cliche)
they are still screaming, you start to resort very scenario. Express 48. One requiring tzedakah
to all sorts of unique techniques music, But that is okay, because even with them 60. Successful Koufax delivery 50. Bette Midlers Divine nickname
dancing, begging, pleading, and crying. telling me how annoying I am, I still get to 62. Infamous Amin 51. Gam anachnu
When they start eating solid foods, you sneak in a hug or a (shh, dont tell their 63. Big furniture retailer with a store in 52. Seder staple
Kiryat Ata 54. Palindromic Jewish name
can bribe them with treats. (Yes, I know, friends) kiss and that is worth a lot more 67. Part of ASAP 57. Her eye, in Hebrew
bad mom ... but its survival of the fittest.) than any clock-snooze button after all! 68. Schulman of Catfish fame 59. Plague locale
When they are old enough to play inde- 69. Passover animal 61. Kodesh preceder
pendently, you can give them a bunch of Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck used to be able 70. Inge who was Arthur Millers last 64. ___-El, Hebrew name of Clark Kent
wife 65. Yamim needs?
toys and you have earned about 30 min- to sleep for hours and hours. But then she 71. Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman 66. Near sacrificer of 56- Across, for
utes of quiet time for yourself. If you get had her boys, and 12 hours of sleep is all but (with The) short
really desperate, and really lucky, you a pleasant memory. 72. Anything ___ (Allen film of 2003)
The solution to last weeks puzzle is
on page 55.


Arts & Culture
A play about that play

Miriam Rinn

holem Asch is having a

The controversial Yid-
dish writers early 20th-
century play, God of
Vengeance, landed its
cast in court on charges
of obscenity when it
opened at the 42nd Street Apollo Theater
in 1923, but the zeitgeist has caught up
with it. Now, when same-sex relationships
generally are accepted, the love between
two young women shown in the play is at
the heart of Paula Vogels charming and
touching musical production about Aschs
scandalous work.
In Indecent, now at the Cort Theatre,
the Pulitzer-Prize winning Vogel (How I
Learned to Drive) and her co-creator and
director, Rebecca Taichman, bring to the
stage the story of how Aschs play, which
he wrote in Warsaw in 1906, when he was
just 26 years old, became a hit all over
Europe, attracting the leading stars of Yid-
dish theater, but ran into censorship prob-
lems when it opened uptown in Man-
hattan in an English translation. The play
marks the Broadway debut of both Vogel
and Taichman, although the two women
have long and lauded theater resumes.
Both first came across God of Vengeance Katrina Lenk and Adina Verson in Indecents re-creation of God of Vengeance. CAROL ROSEGG

when they were students, and Taichman

used the play as a basis for her senior the- himself to the theater and to Aschs great their relationship remains a subplot in the The forces of repression are abroad in the
sis at Yale School of Drama. work, an experience that gives his life dig- play as a whole. land, and they must be confronted.
Brilliantly staged by Taichman, Inde- nity and meaning. Vogel and Taichman put that relation- The Broadway cast of Indecent has
cent intersperses scenes from Aschs life In God of Vengeance, which received ship front and center; they imbue it with been together since the plays successful run
and career with musical numbers set in an excellent revival recently from the New the sweetness of the girls love and also off-Broadway at the Vineyard Theatre, and
European capitals and some short scenes Yiddish Rep at La MaMa, a brothel owner with the symbolic weight of the prejudice they perform as smoothly as youd expect
from the original play itself. It makes inge- seeks to gain respectability in the commu- and small-mindedness they encounter. The from such a long-term ensemble. The plays
nious use of projections to indicate the nity by commissioning the writing of a sefer two women take on the mantle of Euro- composers, Lisa Gutkin and Aaron Halva,
language spoken and occasional chrono- Torah and making a good match for his pean Jewry, also despised and threatened play instruments onstage with some of the
logical time shifts. Vogels focus is on the teenage daughter, Rifkele. The truly daring by a hate-filled enemy. In Indecent, Asch actors, and sometimes dance with the cast.
primacy of the love between Rifkele and aspects of Aschs play are its searing indict- is psychologically and artistically crippled Music and movement, choreographed by
Manke, characters in Aschs play, but ment of communal and religious hypocrisy, by his visits to Poland and the rising anti- David Dorfman, are used so effectively in
also on the power and potency of art, on phenomena that are just as common today Semitism he sees happening there. When the production that they serve to deepen
its ability to entertain and ennoble. That as they ever were, and in all faith communi- he does not participate as vigorously in the joy and pathos rather than trivialize it.
comes through most clearly in the charac- ties. (Think Ivan Boesky and Bernie Madoff, the defense of his play as Lemml believes It is a stunning achievement and a
ter of the stage manager Lemml, radiantly Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart.) The rain he should, the stage manager quits in dis- reminder of the full-on theater experience
performed by Richard Topol, who gives scene in the play, where Rifkele and Manke gust. That sounds a warning to the theater Jewish immigrants enjoyed in the Yiddish
up a predictable life as a tailor to devote share a kiss, must have been a shocker, but troupe on stage, as well as to the audience. theater. Asch must be smiling somewhere.

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 49

Friday Sunday
april 28 april 30
Benefit walk in
Wyckoff: the temple
Beth rishon community
hosts the annual
Mitzvah day walk to
benefit two alzheimers
alzheimers new Jersey
and the wolff Caregiver
support Center, an
Rabbi Shai Held arm of Jewish Family
service of north Jersey.
Shabbat in Teaneck:
registration begins
rabbi shai held
at 9 a.m.; speakers at
is the rabbi Barry
9:30; walk at 10; buffet
schaeffer spring
breakfast at 10:45;
activities at 11. 585 russell
at Congregation Beth
ave. (201) 891-4466 or
sholom; hell talk about
Created with Love, For
Love: Judaisms Vision Water program in Glen
of human Life. dinner Rock: as part of Jewish
and lecture; shabbat Federation of northern
afternoon lecture and Jerseys One Book One
dessert. 354 Maitland Community program,
ave. (201) 833-2620 or a staff member of the hackensack river Keeper
leads a discussion, Let
Saturday there Be water, and a
presentation about water
april 29 conservation and the APRIL Fair Lawn Jewish Centers Sisterhood hosts the Mill Mile
philosophical foundation walk around the Paterson Great Falls National Historic Park for
of the water advocacy
movement at the Glen
rock Jewish Center,
30 a brief Let There Be Water conversation as part of Jewish
Federation of Northern Jerseys One Book One Community
11:15 a.m. 682 harristown program. Meet at the FLJC, at 10-10 Norma Ave. in Fair Lawn, on Sunday,
road. (201) 652-6624 or
April 30, at 10:30 a.m. to carpool. The walk is at 11, 72 McBride Ave.,
Paterson. It follows the route of the nations first hydropower system, which
Camp open house in powered the Paterson mills for more than 100 years. The tour also offers an
Haledon: Camp Veritans
will hold a spring open overview of the park. Refreshments. (201) 796-5040 or [email protected].
house for new families at
Ruth Messinger the camp, with activities
including arts and the program, in english independence day at through May 23. the
Shabbat in Closter: crafts and camp tours, and hebrew, is at Ben Beth rishon, 7:30 p.m. first four sessions
temple emanu-el of 225 Pompton road, Porat Yosef, e. 243 Frisch Concert of choral and will be source-based,
Closter welcomes 1- 3 p.m. refreshments. Court, Paramus, 8 p.m. israeli folk music. yeshiva-level style
scholar-in-residence ruth rain date is May 7. Program supported by study, examining the
Messinger, past president (973) 956-1220, or email Tehillim series in the Jewish Federation talmudic and halachic
of the american Jewish Carla@CampVeritans. Englewood: Kehilat of northern new process that led to
world service, during com. if you cant make Kesher/Community Jersey. 585 russell ave. the Birkat Kohanim;
services, 9 a.m., to talk the open house, call the synagogue of tenafly (201) 891-4466. and the fifth session
about whats Jewish office for a personalized & englewood continues will be a summary
about Global social tour. a three-part lecture
Justice? dessert on tehillim by rabbi
Book discussion: the
Tuesday and include practical
halachic applications.
reception. 180 Piermont Yom HaZikaron in shai held, 8:30 p.m. may 2
Fair Lawn Jewish Center/ all welcome. 389
road. (201) 750-9997 or Rockland: a program this week, welcoming
Congregation Bnai israel west englewood ave.
www.templeemanu-el. to honor the memory shabbat with... a
continues its Book and (201) 837-2795, ext. 101.
com. of israels fallen soldiers Grave warning: Lekhu
and victims of terror is Lunch program as ellen
neranena and the
at the rockland Jewish demand for religious
wertheim discusses
the sons of abraham:
Community Campus,
7 p.m. 450 west nyack
integrity (Psalm
a Candid Conversation may 3
95). series concludes
road. (845) 362-4200, about the issues that
May 14. 509 engle st. Talk by American
ext. 115 or jewishrockland. divide and Unite Jews
(201) 227-1117 or www. and Israeli veterans:
org. and Muslims by rabbi Jewish Federation of
Marc schneier and imam
Yom HaZikaron in shamsi ali, noon. 10-10 northern new Jersey
Bergen: Friends of the Monday norma ave. reservations, Rabbi Ozer Glickman offers a program,
soldiers stories straight
Judy McLane israel defense Forces,
may 1 (201) 796-5040 or www.
Yashar LaChayal, Kehunah series in from the idF, stories
Broadway in Closter: Jewish Federation of Teaneck: rabbi Ozer from american and
temple Beth el of northern new Jersey, Lunch and learn: rabbi Community Yom Glickman continues israeli veterans, at the
northern Valley One Family Fund, and aaron Katz leads a HaAtzmaut in Wyckoff: a lecture series, federations offices,
welcomes Broadways Ben Porat Yosef join for a discussion on current temple Beth rishon joins Bikdushato shel aharon: 6:30 p.m. 50 eisenhower
Mamma Mia! star Judy community program; idF topics over lunch at with temple emanuel the Practice of Birkat drive, Paramus.
McLane to perform how chaplain rabbi shalom Congregation Bnai of Pascack Valley, Kohanim, covering refreshments. Free.
Lucky Can You Get? hammer will discuss Jacob in Jersey City, woodcliff Lake; Beth concepts concerning reservations required,
hors doeuvres and israels survival and noon. 176 west side ave. haverim shir shalom, kehuna, with a focus on (201) 820-3900 or
wine bar, 6:30 p.m.; the Continuity and there (201) 435-5725 or www. Mahwah; temple Beth Or, modern-day avodah, [email protected].
concert is at 7:30. 221 will be a presentation, washington township, at Congregation rinat
schraalenburgh road. Gvura Vachdut and temple sholom, Fair Yisrael, 8 p.m. series
(201) 768-5112. (heroism and Unity). Lawn, to celebrate israeli continues weekly

50 Jewish standard aPriL 28, 2017

with questions. www.
Women Supreme Court Shabbat in Closter:
justices: Trish Chambers Temple Beth El offers its
In New York Singles Friday
Productions presents Guest Artist Shabbat Jews in cinema: Jewish May 12
Women Justices of the
U.S. Supreme Court
service, featuring jazz
vibraphonist Bill Ware,
Standard correspondent
Eric Goldman of Ergo
Sunday Sunday Shabbaton: Sharon
for the Passaic County 7:30 p.m., and led Media discusses The april 30 April 30 Ganz & Friends host a
Historical Society in by Rabbi S. Widzer, American Jewish Story Shabbaton for Jewish
Lambert Castle, 7 p.m. Cantor Rica Timman, Through Cinema for the OU home/job fair: The Singles meet in singles, 30s-40s, at
3 Valley Road, Paterson. and musical director Distinguished Speaker Orthodox Union Jewish Caldwell: New Jersey Young Israel of Avenue
(973) 247-0085 or James Rensink. 221 series at Temple Beth communities holds a Jewish Singles 45+ J in Brooklyn, through Schraalenburgh Road, Rishon in Wyckoff, relocation home/job meet at Congregation Saturday night. Fee
Closter. (201) 768-5112 or 9:30 a.m. Breakfast fair at the Metropolitan Agudath Israel for group includes three Shabbat
Thursday buffet. 585 Russell Ave.
(201) 891-4466 or www.
Pavilion, noon to 6 p.m.
Nefesh BNefesh also will
Trivial Pursuit, dessert
buffet, prizes. 2:30 p.m.
meals, Brooklyn tour,
and Saturday night
may 4
Saturday be there to talk about
aliyah. 125 West 18th St..
20 Academy Road. Sue,
(973) 226-3600, ext. 145,
party. 1721 Avenue J.
(646) 529-8748 or
May 6 Music in Ridgewood: Register at or [email protected]. (718) 575-3962.
Temple Israel and JCC fair.
Shabbat in Emerson: presents a concert of
Congregation Bnai international music,
Israel offers services 3 p.m., followed by a
for people of all ages
with a Yom HaAtzmaut
reception with the artists.
475 Grove St. (201) JHF golf/tennis/card outing May 23
theme, 10:30 a.m. 201-444-9320 or www.
Family Shabbat for The Jewish Home Foundation holds p.m., there will be a tennis round robin
families with children its 23rd annual Golf, Tennis, and Card tournament. Cards and other games,
younger than 7; 8-11 Outing on Monday, May 22, at the Mon- including mah jongg, and social and
Club service; learning
Movies in Closter: service for children 12 tammy Golf Club in Alpine. A.C.B.L.-sanctioned bridge, also will be
Temple Beth El screens and older beginning This years event honors Robert available. Cocktails will follow at 5:30,
The Nazi Officers Wife,
10:15 a.m., and again at
at 10. Pizza, salad, ice Peckar for his many years of dedica- the reception at 6:15, and dinner and
cream. 53 Palisade Ave.
6:30 p.m. Refreshments. tion. Howard Chernin and Warren Feld- the auction at 7. The daylong fundraiser
(201) 265-2272 or www.
221 Schraalenburgh man are the outing co-chairs; Howard will benefit the programs and services
Road. (201) 768-5112 or Blatt and Marc Blatt are the golf co- the JHF provides to the elderly in the Casino night in Wayne: chairs, and David Edelberg, Howard community.
Temple Beth Tikvah

Lippman, Susan Penn, and Barry Wien Companies can sponsor the event or

hosts a casino night

Author in Glen Rock: are the tennis co-chairs. send participants. For more informa-
fundraiser at the shul,

Jewish Family &

T The day will begin with brunch and tion, call Molly Shulman at (201) 784-
7-11 p.m. Catering

Childrens Services of

by the Brownstone

includes glass of wine
or beer, dessert buffet.
950 Preakness Ave.
Northern New Jersey
and the Glen Rock
Jewish Center join to
host Ann Arnold as she
a program at 9:45 a.m.; golf will begin
with a shotgun start at 11:45 a.m.; at 1
1414, ext. 5539, or email her at mshul-

(973) 595-6565 or
discusses her first book,
Together: A Journey for
Dudu Fisher Survival, 4 p.m. It tells
Sunday her grandmothers story
Israeli singer in of saving her family from
concert: Dudu Fisher in
may 7
the Nazis. 682 Harristown
Jerusalem, a television Road. (201) 837-9090 or
concert celebrating Breakfast for Israel:
the acclaimed Israeli Jewish National Fund
singers homeland, airs hosts its inaugural Vying for Israels soul:
during the week of Northern New Jersey The Harold Lerman Fund
Israel Independence Breakfast for Israel for Israel Education
Day, on NYCs PBS at the Rockleigh. and Engagement at
station Thirteen, 9 p.m. Registration, the JCC of Paramus/
Beautiful footage around 9:30 a.m.; program at Congregation Beth
Jerusalem is interspersed 10. Joe Hyams, CEO Tikvah presents Left
with performances of HonestReporting, vs. Right: The Battle
of songs including discusses Identification For Israels Soul,
Jerusalem of Gold, of and Effective 6:15 p.m. Jonathan S.
This is Jerusalem, and Responses to Media Tobin, contributing writer
songs from Fishers Bias Relating to to National Review and
Broadway roles in Israel. Jocelyn Inglis, former Commentary
Fiddler on the Roof, (973) 593-0095, ext. 823, Magazine and Jewish
and Les Miserables. or [email protected]. Exponent editor, and J. J. Goldberg, Forward
Walk in Wayne: Join editor-at-large/senior
Temple Beth Tikvah Clarinet quartet Michael Lemma and Annette Lieb
commentator, are
Friday congregants for its
Afternoon concert in Ridgewood
the speakers. East
monthly dog-friendly
may 5 walk through Laurelwood
304 Midland Ave.
(201) 262-7691 or
Arboretum in Pines
Shabbat in Jersey Temple Israel & Jewish Community Cen- pieces composer), Mark Perry, Marci
Lake, 9:30 a.m., weather
City: Bnai Jacob hosts permitting. Walk on ter of Ridgewood holds Music from Phelan, and Jean Roughgarden and flut-
its monthly Millennial Marking the 1967
unpaved, well-maintained Israel war: Dan Kurtzer Around the World, featuring classics ist Annette Lieb will play Quintet for
Shabbat for Jewish trails with several modest
millennials (professionals, discusses Six Days in and favorites from Spain, Brazil, Ireland, Flutes and Clarinets.
hills. Children welcome. June, Fifty Years Later:
singles, couples, and Walks will continue the The 1967 War and its
Romania, and America, on Sunday, May Doors open at 2:45 p.m.; a reception
friends, 20s-40s), with first Sunday into the 7, at 3 p.m. Flutist Annette Lieb and gui- with the artists will follow the concert.
a short service followed Legacy, at Congregation
cooler months. Sturdy Beth Sholom in Teaneck, tarist Michael Lemma will perform. For information, call (201) 444-9320 or
by a cocktail party, led shoes and baggies for
by Rabbi Aaron Katz, 7 p.m. Kurtzer, a Clarinetists John Centenaro (the email [email protected].
dogs required. Meet Princeton University
7-9 p.m. 176 West Side at the Sensory Garden
Ave. (201) 435-5725 or professor, is a former
located between the U.S. ambassador to two parking lots. 725 Israel and Egypt. Dessert
Pines Lake Drive West, reception. 354 Maitland
Wayne. Email Mitchell. Ave. (201) 833-2620 or
[email protected]

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 51

Jewish World/Obituaries

Anti-Semitic incidents in US
surging in 2017, rose by a third in 2016
Marcy Oster place, Kantor said at the press briefing
and Ben Sales on Monday. We as citizens of the devel-
oped world believed every new genera-
Anti-Semitic incidents in the United tion would live better than the previous
States soared 86 percent in the first three one, so it is not surprising that well-to-
months of 2017, after rising by more than do European societies are dominated by
one-third in 2016, according to the Anti- fear rather than values fear of poverty,
Defamation League. fear of migrants, fear for their lives amid
There has been a massive increase in terror attacks.
harassment of American Jews, largely A study from the European Jewish
since November, and at least 34 inci- Congress this month found that violent
dents linked to the presidential election anti-Semitic incidents worldwide fell to
that month, the ADL said in its newly 361 in 2016 from 410 in 2015, a decrease
released annual audit of anti-Semitic of 12 percent. Kantor attributed the
incidents. decrease, which was most dramatic in
This year has seen preliminary Europe, to ramped-up security at Jewish
reports of 541 anti-Semitic incidents institutions and more government fund-
through March. One reason for the ing for Jewish communal safety.
jump appeared to be the bomb threats In 2016, the ADL report showed a
called in to Jewish community centers total of 1,266 acts targeting Jews and
and other Jewish institutions across the Jewish institutions, with a 34 percent A gravestone was vandalized at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery in Rochester, N.Y.,
country. An Israeli-American teenager is increase of incidents of assaults, vandal- in March. Gretchen Stumme/AFP/Getty Images

accused of calling in most of them, and ism and harassment over the previous
he has been charged in Israel and the year. Nearly 30 percent of those inci- Separately, Tel Aviv Universitys watchdog decreased by 12 percent in 2016 despite the
United States. He is in custody in Israel. dents, or 369, occurred in November on anti-Semitism reported that the number spike in the United Kingdom and the United
The 2017 incidents include 380 for and December. of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide has States. JTA Wire Service

harassment, including the 161 bomb The states with the highest number
threats, an increase of 127 percent over of incidents were those with large Jew-
the first quarter of 2016; 155 for vandal- ish populations, including California,
ism, including three cemetery desecra- New York, New Jersey, Florida, and
tions, an increase of 36 percent; and Massachusetts.
six physical assaults, a decrease of 40
The increase in anti-Semitic acts
The acts included 720 harassment and
threat incidents, an increase of 41 per-
cent over 2015; 510 vandalism incidents,
Enid S.
comes despite a low level of anti-Semitic
attitudes among Americans. While there
was a 34 percent rise in anti-Semitic
an increase of 35 percent; and 36 physi-
cal assaults, a decrease of 35 percent.
Incidents on college campuses stayed
incidents in 2016, an ADL survey earlier mostly static after nearly doubling in
this month found that only 14 percent of 2015, but more than doubled in non-Jew-
Enid S. Ruzinsky of Saddle River died at home on April 17, 2017.
Americans hold anti-Semitic views. ish elementary, middle and high schools.
Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADLs The rise to 235 incidents in 2016 from 114 She was a 1955 Brooklyn College cum laude graduate where she
national director, told reporters Mon- the previous year represented a 106 per- earned a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics. She taught
day that the numbers reflect growing cent increase. There have been 95 inci- in the NYC school system and was a homemaker extraordinaire.
assertiveness among a hard core of dents reported in the first quarter of this
anti-Semites. year. She is survived by her husband, Ed, their two children,
What appears to be happening is The ADL numbers do not include Bruce (Linda) of Houston, TX, and Ellen (Joe) of Yorktown
the extremists feel emboldened and are online anti-Semitism, including a wave
Heights, NY; and four grandchildren, Aaron, Jason, Miranda,
spreading their virus, he said, adding of anti-Semitic harassment on Twitter.
and Adam.
that prominent white supremacists like A 2016 ADL report tallied 2.6 million
Richard Spencer and David Duke find tweets containing anti-Semitic language
themselves in the headlines, and their between August 2015 and July 2016. Enid had an active community life. She served as President
noxious ideas started to spread. Greenblatt said that the anti-Semitism of the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley;
Greenblatt and Moshe Kantor, the statistics would be off the charts if a founder of a local chapter of ORT; a life member of Hadassah;
president of the European Jewish Con- cyber hate were included. and a tutor for Bergen Reads. Enid, along with her husband, was
gress, said that a global wave of popu- Clearly, we have work to do and need honored by Israel Bonds and together conceived and implemented
lism and corresponding backlash against to bring more urgency to the fight. At a significant stained glass project for the sanctuary of Temple
elites is fueling anti-Semitism. Kantor ADL, we will use every resource available Emanuel, which will serve as a living memorial to who she was.
added that resentment of globaliza- to put a stop to anti-Semitism, Green-
tion coupled with continuing economic blatt said in a statement. But we also
Donations can be made to Villa Marie Claire, 12 W. Saddle River
struggles born of the 2008 recession are need more leaders to speak out against
also contributing factors. this cancer of hate and more action at all
Road, Saddle River, NJ 07458, or to Temple Emanuel of the
Greenblatt said populist demagogues levels to counter anti-Semitism. Pascack Valley, 87 Overlook Drive, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677.
have been a boon to the extreme right, The ADL has been tracking anti-
as much of their rhetoric has been nor- Semitic incidents since 1979. In the last A private graveside funeral was arranged by Robert Schoems
malized in the past 12 to 18 months. 10 years, the number of reported anti- Menorah Chapel in Paramus.
The social contract that worked well Semitic incidents peaked at 1,554 in
for the past 50 years is no longer in 2006.

52 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017


Theodore Friedman Robert Schoems Menorah step-grandchildren; nieces Teaneck, died April 19. Dr. Samuel Slipp Academy of Psychoanalysis
Theodore Ted Friedman, Chapel, Paramus. and cousins. Predeceased by her hus- Dr. Samuel Slipp of Engle- and Dynamic Psychiatry,
94, of Pompton Plains, Donations can be sent band, Arthur, and a daugh- wood and Sag Harbor, N.Y., and was a Distinguished
formerly of Demarest, died Frank Levy to a local National Multiple ter, Susan; she is survived 92, died April 24. Life Fellow of the American
April 21. Frank Ezra Levy, 86, of Fort Sclerosis Society chapter. by sons, Larry (Diane), Joel He was a U.S. Army Psychiatric Association.
An Army World War II Lee, died April 23. Arrangements were by Gut- (Karen), and Bruce (Kathy); World War II veteran and He is survived by his
veteran, he was a member Born in Paris, he was terman Musicant Funeral seven grandchildren, and a psychiatrist in New York wife, Sandy, ne Rodetsky;
of Sherlock Holmes Baker a Juilliard graduate and Directors, Hackensack. seven great-grandchildren. and New Jersey. He was a a daughter, Elena Zweifler
Street Irregulars. earned a masters from the Donations can be sent to founder of the American of Connecticut; and two
Predeceased by his wife, University of Chicago. He Ruth Meissner Jewish Family and Chil- Family Therapy Associa- grandchildren.
Anne, ne Galloway, he is taught at the New School Ruth I. Meissner of Bergen- drens Services of North- tion, was president of the Arrangements were by
survived by children, Gail and Brooklyn College, was field, 87, died April 21. ern New Jersey, Teaneck. Society of Medical Psycho- Eden Memorial Chapels,
Schoenbach (Robert), Bar- a composer-in-residence She was a teacher for Arrangements were by Gut- analysts and the American Fort Lee.
bara Feldman (Chuck), and at Kean University, played over 60 years, retiring terman Musicant Funeral
Laura Ascolese ( Jeff ); and cello for the Feldman from the Bergenfield Board Directors, Hackensack.
five grandchildren. Chamber Music Society, the of Education, taught ESL Obituaries are prepared with
Arrangements were by St. Louis and Halifax sym- classes at the Bergenfield Paul Singman information provided by funeral homes.
Louis Suburban Chapel, phonies, the Brooklyn and Library, and was a long-time Paul Singman of Teaneck Correcting errors is the responsibility
Fair Lawn. New York philharmonics, member of Temple Emeth died April 21.
of the funeral home.
and many Broadway show in Teaneck. He was a U.S. Army
Jerome Goldberg orchestras, and was prin- Predeceased by her veteran and had a military
Jerome Goldberg, 80, of cipal cellist at Radio City husband, Werner, she is Honor Guard at his burial.
Cliffside Park, died April 22. Music Hall for 45 years. He survived by children, Debby He is survived by his Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Inc
He was a CPA in New was a prolific composer and (the late Steve Saloway) wife of 58 years, Ruth; his Jewish Funeral Directors
York and New Jersey and has 239 published works. and Jeffrey ( Jodi); three children, Charles (Alicia), Family Owned & managed
a member of Goldfaden He is survived by his wife, grandchildren; and one Robert (Cindy), and Randi; Generations of Lasting Service to the Jewish Community
Lodge Knights of Pythias. Barbara Pogul Rivlin; daugh- great-grandchild. and grandchildren, Sammi Serving NJ, NY, FL & Our Facilities Will Accommodate
He is survived by his wife, ters from his first marriage Arrangements were and Alexa. Throughout USA Your Familys Needs
Prepaid & Preneed Planning Handicap Accessibility From Large
Florence, ne Brenner, to Audrey Flack, Hannah by Gutterman Musi- Donations can be made Graveside Services Parking Area
children, Dr. Karyn of West Marie Marcus and Melissa; cant Funeral Directors, to Jewish Family Service,
Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
Orange, Jeffrey of Brooklyn, a brother, Matthys ( Julie); Hackensack. Somerset County. Arrange-
and Adam of North Caro- step-children, Ken Rivlin ments were by Gutterman Conveniently Located
W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
lina; and five grandchildren. (Renee) and Claire Rivlin Helen Mitnick Musicant Funeral Directors,
201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
Arrangements were by (Patrick Speissegger); three Helen Mitnick, 98, of Hackensack.
Eden Memorial Chapels,
Fort Lee. The Christopher Family
Elaine Levy A Traditional Jewish Experience serving the Jewish community
Elaine Levy, 86, of Brook- since 1900
lyn, died April 20. Pre-Planning Specialists Graveside and Chapel Services
Predeceased by her
husband, Herman, she is
Paterson Monument Co.
survived by a daughter,
Barry Wien - NJ Lic. No. 2885 Paterson, NJ 07502 Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
Diane Nachbaur ( Jerry); 317 Totowa Ave. 681 Rt. 23 S.
a brother, Gerald Katz Frank Patti, Jr. - NJ Lic. No. 4169 973-942-0727 Fax 973-942-2537 973-835-0394 Fax 973-835-0395

(Tova); granddaughters, Arthur Musicant - NJ Lic. No. 2544 TOLL FREE 800-675-0727
Haley Guttenplan (Seth), Frank Patti, Sr. Director - NJ Lic. No. 2693
Ariel Longman, and
Melissa Nachbaur.
201-791-0015 800-525-3834
Donations can be 327 Main St, Fort Lee, NJ LOUIS SUBURBAN CHAPEL, INC.
made to Friends of Israel Exclusive Jewish Funeral Chapel
Defense Forces or ASPCA.
201-947-3336 888-700-EDEN Sensitive to Needs of the Jewish Community for Over 50 Years
Arrangements were by Serving NJ, NY, FL & Israel
Graveside services at all NJ & NY cemeteries
Prepaid funerals and all medicaid funeral benefits honored
We continue to be Jewish family managed, Always within a familys financial means
knowing that caring people provide caring service. 13-01 Broadway (Route 4 West) Fair Lawn, NJ
Richard Louis - Manager George Louis - Founder
GUTTERMAN AND MUSICANT NJ Lic. No. 3088 1924-1996
Gorny Funeral Service Inc.
WIEN & WIEN, INC. MEMORIAL CHAPELS 1-862-354-8596 or 973-919-4570
402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 GRAVESIDE SERVICES
Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged FREE CONSULTATIONS
at the Funeral Home or in Your Own Home
240 Mount Prospect Ave. Newark, NJ 07104
John M. Gorny, Manager NJ Lic #3563

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 53

Cemetery Plots For Sale Situations Wanted Situations Wanted
(201) 837-8818
Situations Wanted Cleaning & Hauling Home Improvements
beth-el Cemetery - 6 beautiful CARING, reliable lady with 20 COMPANION: Experienced, kind, Home Health Aide/Nurses Aide.
plots at $800.00 each. Please call
Howard at 201-914-8975
years experience/excellent referen-
ces/drives,. experience in kosher
trustworthy person seeking part
time work. Weekends OK. Meal
20 yrs experience with Elder Care
seeking live-in/out position. Refer-

Help Wanted
home. Available from 2pm. Also
available nights only at $10/hr. Call
preparation, laundry, housekeep-
ing. Will drive for doctors appoint-
ences Call 973-356-4365 CLEANOUT, INC. Home Repair Service

Messenger (S Kearny, NJ) 551-804-5682 ments; occasional sleepovers. 973- need an efficient, dedicated, pri- RUBBISH REMOVAL Carpentry
PT/FT. Pick up mail and docu- 519-4911 vate live-in NURSES AIDE to care We clean up:
ments. Must have own transporta- chha/nurses assistant looking for your elderly? Rates reasonable, Locks/Doors Electrical
Attics Basements Yards
tion. Flexible hours, unlimited earn- to take of elderly, FT, live in/out, references available. Basements Paving/Masonry
ing potential. Start immediately. own car, patient friendly. 201-681- Call Jacque 347-876-2664 Garages Apartments Bathrooms Drains/Pumps
Construction Debris
Call Tony 201-470-3615 1712 Plumbing Maintenence
veteran/college graduate Residential Dumpster Specials Tiles/Grout Hardwood Floors
Situations Wanted COMPANION/Nurses Aide/Care- seeks employment in telephone General Repairs C
giver. Flexible hours. Days/Nights, sales. 25 years experience in pur-
10 yds 15 yds 20 yds
A Loving, experienced CAREGIV-
ER looking for position in Bergen live-in/out. Reliable. Excellent ref- LICENSED & INSURED chasing and marketing of diverse 201-342-9333 NO JOB IS TOO SMALL
County area. Reliable. Drives/own
car. 973-517-0258
erences. I live in Bergen County.
FOR YOUR products. Proven success in gen-
erating new business through
24 Hour x 5 1/2 Emergency Services
Shomer Shabbat Free Estimates
PROTECTION building strong relationships, senior
buyer of toys, hobbies, hard goods SENIOR CITIZENS 10% OFF 1-201-530-1873
ELDER Care 25 years caring for
elders. Flexible hours, anytime. Ex- Handpicked and bulk toys. Honest, hard work-
perienced! References. Reliable. Certified Home er. email:[email protected] Handyman Plumbing
Own car. Call 551-265-7720 APL Plumbing & Heating LLC
Health Aides
Hourly - Daily - Live In
Cleaning Service Your Neighbor with Tools Complete Kitchen &
Help Wanted NURSE SUPERVISED Home Improvements & Handyman Bath Remodeling
A POLISH CLEANING WOMAN Shomer Shabbat Free Estimates Boilers Hot Water Heaters Leaks
Creative - Homes, Apartments, Offices- Over 15 Years Experience EMERGENCY SERVICE
teachers companionship 15 years experience, excellent Adam 201-675-0816 Fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured
with experience, creativity and commitment
a few choice positions at interactive, references. NO JOB IS TOO SMALL!
Lic. & Ins. NJ Lic. #13VH05023300
YESHIVA KTANA OF PASSAIC -GIRLS intelligent Affordable rates! 201-358-1700 Lic. #12285
secular studies, afternoons only conversation & Izabela 973-572-7031
Resume: [email protected] social outings
FAX: 973-365-1445
Coordinator A Team of
Private Jewish school seeking teacher for Grades Assist w/shopping, Polish Women
1 and 4: Full time for both roles or part time if one errands, Drs, etc. Clean Antiques
grade. Teaching degree w/state certification necessary. Organize/process Homes Offices
Alternate route candidates welcome. Experience paperwork, Experienced References
with literacy and math desired. Small classes. Salary bal. checkbook,
201-893-2145 Sterling Associates Auctions
negotiable. Resume to [email protected]
Resolve medical
Private Jewish School seeks part time Media Center insurance claims Sculpture Paintings Porcelain Silver
Librarian. Teaching degree w/state certification required. Free Consultation JOIN US! Jewelry Furniture Etc.
Chapter 3 Offers retirement age
Technology skills required. Alternate route candidates
welcome. Small classes. Salary negotiable. Resume to
women the opportunity to stay
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tired or still active in the work-
Established 2001 place, this is a chance to make
SINAI Schools is seeking motivated and new friends, hear speakers on
qualified special education teachers, assistant a variety of topics and enjoy IN OUR GALLERY. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT.
Experienced woman seeking dinner.
teachers and therapists to work as part of employment to take care of elderly. Meetings are the last Wednes-
its highly collaborative and interdisciplinary Very reliable, own transportation, day of the month at 5:30 pm,

Antiques Wanted
live in/out 347-640-8129 Rudys Restaurant,
team for the 2017-18 academic year. Hackensack, N.J. Cost is $27.
experienced, reliable CHHA For further information and to
Both Judaic Studies and General Studies woman with excellent references be put on our email list, please
teaching positions are available in our seeks Full-Time, Part-Time, live call Susan 201-343-8374
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Qualified minorities and/or women are encouraged to apply, EEO.
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year. This Middle School position, teaching Hebrew Tiffany Items Chandeliers
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Email Resumes to Mrs. Boim - [email protected]
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54 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017



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56 Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017

Real Estate & Business

Investors Bank treats

kids to a magical math show
More than 400 Englewood students enjoyed a fun
morning of math and magic at bergenPAC, thanks to TENAFLY SENSATIONAL $1,510,000
the Englewood branch of Investors Bank. Magnificent East Hill home nestled at end of cul-de-sac surrounded by mature

Located at 108 Engle St., Investors Bank provided More than 400 trees, grand entry, spacious open floor plan w/soaring ceilings, living room &
family room w/fireplaces, tall windows & skylights, finished
lower level, peaceful yard w/heated pool.
a grant to sponsor the March 7 MatheMagic! show,
which is part of bergenPACs School Time Series. The Englewood students ALPINE/CLOSTER
Orna Jackson, Sales Associate 201-376-1389
sponsorship covered the tickets for the Englewood stu- enjoyed a fun 894-1234
768-6868 666-0777 568-1818 894-1234 871-0800
dents, who were joined by 500 kids from other towns.
Investors Bank also gave out Frisbees to everyone. morning of math and
MatheMagic! starred Bradley Fields, an internation- magic at bergenPAC.
ally renowned magician. He drew his audience in with
magic illusions before revealing the secrets behind

startling math tricks. Without realizing it, the students Englewood branch. It was terrific to see smiles on all
were practicing the critical thinking and problem-solv- these children after the show.
ing skills they use in the classroom.
Investors Bank was proud to sponsor such a won-
The School Time Series runs from the fall through
spring with productions held during the school day
derful show that benefited so many youths in our local aimed at different age groups. The shows focus on a SUNDAY, APRIL 30 13 PM
school districts, said Stacey Goldberg, the assistant variety of curriculum subjects, like language arts, his-
vice president branch manager for Investors Banks tory, science and math.

177 Sherwood Place, Englewood, NJ BANK-OWNED PROPERTIES

Turn of the century
elegance with 21st High-Return
century amenities
blend beautifully in
this special Englewood
Victorian colonial.
Original home Ringwood
seamlessly doubled BANK OWNED
in size to over 4,800 $ 529,000
sf in 1990. Beautiful
architectural highlights GARDEN STATE HOMES
throughout. Amenities 25 Broadway, Elmwood Park, NJ 935 Warren Pkwy. $469,900
include brand new C Club Area. Spacious Colonial. 3 BRs, 2.5 Bths. Grnt Eat in Kit,
furnaces and water heater, generator, radiant floors in kitchen, Martin H. Basner, Realtor Associate
heated green house and so much more. Perfectly located in (Office) 201-794-7050 (Cell) 201-819-2623 Game Rm Bsmt.
the picturesque east side of Englewood close to shopping,
transportation and houses of worship. $1,490,000 145 Jasper Ave. $469,900
Updated Contemp. 4 BRs, 3.5 Baths incl Super Master Suite, Granite
Joan Marks Isle Kit. Fin Bsmt/Sum Kit.
Broker, Sales Associate
Keller Williams Town Life
25 Washington Street Tenafly, NJ 07670
306 Briarcliffe Rd. $489,900
Spacious Brick Tudor Col. W Eglwd Area. 4 BRs, 2.5 Bths. Fin Bsmt.
Let Us Finance Your
Office 201-894-8004 Cell 201-741-4056
Email: [email protected] 2 Car Gar.

House Purchase 165 Golf Ct $669,000

C Club Area. Totally Updated In & Out. Gorgeous Isle Kit/Quartz Cntrs,
Super Master Suite, 3 Addl BRs & 1.5 Addl Bths.
902 Country Club Dr. $679,000
2 to 3 day approval C Club Area. Mint Cond. Tri-Lev. Spectacular Grnt Isle Kit/Bfst Rm, 4
Closings within 30 days BRs, 2.5 Bths.

Northern NJ Appraisers BY APPOINTMENT

FHA loans w/55% debt ratio TEANECK
Credit scores as low as 580 Overlooking the Park. Slate Roofed, Brick Dutch Col. Oak Flrs, LR/
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24 hour concierge Valet parking Movie theater One of a Kind Eng Tudor. Stunning LR/Fplc, FDR, Gorgeous Mod
State of the art health club with indoor and outdoor pools Kit/Bkfst Rm. 5 BRs, 4.5 Bths. Fin Bsmt. 2 Car Gar. $629,900
Close to everything And more
3 BR 3.5 Baths. High floor. Hardwood floors
throughout. Laundry. $559,900 TEANECK VIC/BERGENFIELD
3 BR 2.5 Baths. Total renovation. Master bath with Larry DeNike Daniel M. Shlufman Charm Col. LR/Fplc, Den, FDR/Door to Yrd. Eat in Kit, 3 BRs, 1.5
Managing Director Bths. Fin Bsmt, Gar. $409,900
jacuzzi and steam shower. All new windows. $665,000 President
MLO #58058 MLO #6706
Commercial space available on street level [email protected]
[email protected] HIGHWAYS / SHOPS / SCHOOLS
Allan Dorfman Classic Mortgage, LLC For Our Full Inventory including
Broker/Associate Details & Pictures, Visit our Website
Serving NY, NJ & CT
201-461-6764 Eve
201-970-4118 Cell 25 E. Spring Valley Ave., Ste 100, Maywood, NJ
201-585-8080 Office 201-368-3140
MLS (201) 837-8800
[email protected] #31149

Jewish Standard APRIL 28, 2017 57

Real Estate & Business

SELLING YOUR HOME? Properties saluted
The Commerce and Industry Association of New Jer-
sey and Commerce Magazine saluted Friedberg Prop-
erties and Associates as one of the Companies that
Friedbergs good works were highlighted in the May
2017 Commerce Magazine, which reported: Fried-
berg Properties and Associates agents have worked
with Habitat for Humanity, collected clothing for those
in need, donated food to local food banks and orga- Marlyn Friedberg
nized collections for specific causes. The firms agents
have wrapped gifts for donations and purchased holiday gifts for local families in
need; helped stock local pantries with fresh food; and an annual food drive collects
fruit, meat, and dairy products for area food banks and families in need.
Marlyn Friedberg, the firms broker-owner, applauded Friedberg agents for their
generosity and good works. Their efforts show an indomitable spirit that is ever
ready to assist a neighbor in need, she said.

Call Susan Laskin Today

To Make Your Next Move A Successful One! Englewood Spring Fest Cell: 201-615-5353
Englewood is holding its annual Spring array of plants, including perennials,
Fest on Friday, May 12, and Saturday,
2017 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. annuals, club favorite and herbs, as
An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC.
May 13. well as a selection of plants from mem-
The event will feature shopping, din- bers own gardens. Hands-on assis-
NVE-3373 Fish Bowl Mortgage Ad JSN 5x6.5_NVE-3373 Fish Bowl Mortgage Ad 5x6.5 4/18/17 1:21 PM P ing, music, and more. Merchandise tance with customer selections, advice
includes mens, womens and chil- on planting and care and arrangement
drens apparel, shoes, jewelry, art, will be provided. Proceeds from the
hair products, makeup, accessories sale will benefit the clubs commu-
Fishing around for a mortgage? and more with more than 50 stores
and restaurants showcasing the best
nity projects.
Sponsors are The City of Englewood,
of Englewood. Englewood Economic Development
The event will take place rain or Corporation, Health East Medical Cen-
shine. Metered parking will be free. ter and Investors Bank.
The Garden Club of Englewood will For More Information, visit www.
hold a plant sale on Friday, May 12, at, or call
Depot Square. The sale will offer an (201) 567-2381.

Choose from a variety of mortgage

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notice. As an example, the 10-year loan at the stated APR would have 120 monthly payments of $9.66 per
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do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable. The actual payment obligation will be
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Bergenfield I Closter I Cresskill I Englewood I Hillsdale I Leonia I New Milford I Teaneck I Tenafly

58 Jewish standard aPriL 28, 2017

The Art of Real Estate
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326 STARLING ROAD $600,000 493 WHITEWOOD ROAD $968,000 234 CEDAR STREET $1,740,000 160 LINCOLN STREET $2,985,000
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Contact us today for your complimentary consultation!

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[email protected] Standard APRIL 28, 2017 59

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