STD 11 Acc CHP 1 Introduction To Accounting
STD 11 Acc CHP 1 Introduction To Accounting
STD 11 Acc CHP 1 Introduction To Accounting
Class: 11
The class will also learn to differentiate between the following types of
o service
o merchandising
o manufacturing,
o non-profit organization
Instructional Objectives:
The basic objective is to explain to students that Accountancy is a subject
wherein each chapter is a base to the next chapter; everything is linked to
each other, so its important that they follow the class strictly.
During this lesson the class will explore the fundamental objectives of
accounting. These include:
o gathering financial information,
The group that gets all the necessities like food, clothing, dwelling and some
luxuries will win.
Reading and discussion will take place in the class. Teacher will explain the
topic emphasizing important areas. Teacher will explain the advantages and
disadvantages of accounting. Basic accounting terms will also be explained
sighting examples of each.
Teaching Method:
1) Discussion Method
2) Demonstration Method
3) Lecture Method
4) Learning by doing
Transaction of Lesson:
6. Methods or Accounting Teacher will explain the Students will understand the
Systems of Practices are systems of accounting. systems of accounting.
Accounting followed since
ancient times.
Explain to the
students different
methods followed
for maintaining
books of accounts.
Teaching Aids:
1) Text Book
2) Boards
3) Chalks and Markers
The students will apply the learnt knowledge in:
1) Knowing about Accountancy as a means of communication in business world.
2) This knowledge will form a base for future studies of Accountancy.
3) This knowledge will also give a theoretical base to its practical implications in
next chapters.
Home Assignment:
Students will be assigned the questions of textbook exercise.
Is a system that
Accountin Identi
To help make
users make
better decisions