STD 11 Acc CHP 1 Introduction To Accounting

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Lesson Plan

Class: 11

Subject: Elements of Accounts

Topic: Accounting and its Terminology

Teaching Periods: 12 periods of 40 minutes

General Learning Objectives:

Introduction to Accounting as a Discipline:
o explain the purpose of accounting
o explain the difference between accounting and bookkeeping
o identify the users and uses of accounting
o explain different terminologies of accounts

Understanding the reason for development of accounting by knowing the

disadvantages of barter system.

The class will also learn to differentiate between the following types of
o service
o merchandising
o manufacturing,
o non-profit organization

Develop an interest into Accounting as a profession in future.

Instructional Objectives:
The basic objective is to explain to students that Accountancy is a subject
wherein each chapter is a base to the next chapter; everything is linked to
each other, so its important that they follow the class strictly.
During this lesson the class will explore the fundamental objectives of
accounting. These include:
o gathering financial information,

o preparing and collecting permanent records,

o rearranging, summarizing, and classifying financial information,

o preparing information reports and summaries, and

o establishing controls to promote accuracy and honesty among employees.

Testing previous knowledge:

This chapter is an introduction to the subject, hence teacher will ask following
questions to students:
1) What perception do they have about accounting?
2) Why would they like to study accounting?


The chapter will be introduced with an activity called no cash where

students will get the basic necessities of life by exchanging the different
things they have on their chits.

The group that gets all the necessities like food, clothing, dwelling and some
luxuries will win.

The activity will help them to understand disadvantages of barter system.

In all activities (whether business activities or non-business activities) and in

all organizations (whether business organizations like a manufacturing entity
or trading entity or non-business organizations like schools, colleges,
hospitals, libraries, clubs, temples, political parties) which require money and
other economic resources, it is required to account for these resources. In
other words, wherever money is involved, it is required to account for it.
Accounting is often called the language of business. The basic function of any
language is to serve as a means of communication. Accounting also serves
this function.

Presentation of the content material:

Reading and discussion will take place in the class. Teacher will explain the
topic emphasizing important areas. Teacher will explain the advantages and
disadvantages of accounting. Basic accounting terms will also be explained
sighting examples of each.

Teaching Method:
1) Discussion Method
2) Demonstration Method
3) Lecture Method
4) Learning by doing

Transaction of Lesson:

Sr. Teaching Specific Objectives Teacher Activity Student Activity

No. Points
1. Evolution a) to explain the a) Teacher will divide the Students will:
of disadvantages of students into groups and a) Exchange the products
Accounting barter system select a group leader. with them to reach the ideal
b) to understand b) Teacher will provide the mix of necessity and luxury.
what led to the students with chits on b) Bargain the products
evolution of money which different products with other groups
will be listed. c) Understand the
c) to learn how
b) The group leader will disadvantages of barter
then out of the total chits system and evolution of
select the chits for their money as a medium of
group. exchange.
c) The team members will d) Hence understand the
then evaluate the chits and need for accounting money.
see what they have.
d) Teacher will also guide
the students about the ideal
mix of necessity and luxury.

1. Meaning a) to explain the a)Teacher will ask students Students will:

and basic objective b)Teacher will draw the a) Answer the questions
Characteris behind maintaining following diagram to asked by teacher
tics of books of accounts. describe the definition of b)Understand the definition
Accounting b) to teach the accounting of accounting
meaning and ( the diagram is shown at
definition of the end of lesson plan)
2. Objectives a)Explain the Teacher will : Students will:
of objectives of a) With the help of the a) Draw the diagram in their
Accounting accounting diagram prepared in point books and understand the
no.1 explains objectives of objectives of accounting.
3. Advantages a) Explain the Teacher will ask ques: Students will :
and advantages and dis- a) What they think about a) Answer the question
Disadvanta advantages of could be the advantages and asked by teacher
ges of accounting disadvantages of b) Understand the
Accounting accounting. advantages and
b) Explain the correct disadvantages of
answer. accounting.
4. Characteris Explain the Again with the help of the Students will :
tics of characteristics of diagram teacher will a) Understand the
Accounting accounting. explain the characteristics characteristics of
of accounting. accounting.

5. Terminolog Accounting being Teacher will : Students will :

y of language of a) Establish a mock a) Answer the questions
accounting commerce, specific business unit in the class to asked by teacher.
terms are used for help them understand the b) Understand the
communication. terms explanation given by
Teacher will explain a) First ask student about teacher.
the basic accounting what do they understand by
terms. those terms in common
b) Explain the terms.

6. Methods or Accounting Teacher will explain the Students will understand the
Systems of Practices are systems of accounting. systems of accounting.
Accounting followed since
ancient times.
Explain to the
students different
methods followed
for maintaining
books of accounts.
Teaching Aids:
1) Text Book
2) Boards
3) Chalks and Markers

The students will apply the learnt knowledge in:
1) Knowing about Accountancy as a means of communication in business world.
2) This knowledge will form a base for future studies of Accountancy.
3) This knowledge will also give a theoretical base to its practical implications in
next chapters.

Home Assignment:
Students will be assigned the questions of textbook exercise.

Diagram to be drawn on board:

Is a system that
Accountin Identi


Information that Communica



To help make
users make
better decisions

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