Synergy Basic Gui Lab I SK v2

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Creating a basic GUI application with Synergy and GUIX

Description: The objective of this lab session is to detail the process of creating an embedded graphics user interface,
starting with getting the display hardware configured, then outputting an image to the display, adding data output, and
user input through the touch panel.

Lab Objectives Lab Materials

1. Learn how to set up a display Please verify you have the following materials at
2. Create a splash screen using GUIX Studio your lab station.
3. Integrate GUIX elements into a Synergy project e2 studio v5.1.0.022
4. Set up and test a basic Graphical User GNU Tools for ARM (gcc-arm-none-
Interface (GUI) eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921)
Synergy SSP v1.1.3 with current license
GUIX Studio v5.3.0.1
Synergy SK-S7G2 Starter Kit board
USB Type A to Micro-B cable
Skill Level
1. Familiarity with e2studio and debuggers
2. Project creation with Synergy SSP Time to Complete Lab
configuration tool 100 Minutes

Lab Sections
1 Project Creation .............................................................................................................................. 2
2 LCD Panel configuration................................................................................................................. 7
3 LCD Panel interface setup............................................................................................................ 11
4 Build a GUI using GUIX Studio ..................................................................................................... 17
5 Adding GUIX Framework and Drivers .......................................................................................... 20
6 Add a Data Output Window to the GUI ......................................................................................... 22
7 Add Messaging Framework and Touch Drivers ............................................................................ 24
8 Add an Input Button to the GUI .................................................................................................... 28

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1 Project Creation
In this lab section, we will create a thread that initializes the GUI system and handles user events.

Procedural Steps:
Launch e2 studio and specify a Workspace location that does not yet exist (empty workspace) such as

Note: If you specify another workspace path than shown, be sure to adjust for that later in the lab where the path
is referenced.

Close the Welcome window or click Workbench.

In e2 studio, go to File > New. Select Synergy C Project. The Project Configuration dialog will appear.

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In the Project Configuraton window name the project my_gui_app

Note: Throughout this lab we will name your newly created components with "my_" prefix to easily distinguish them from
Synergy system labels.

If a license has not yet been specified, click the Change license file link, then , then Browse as shown
below to select a license file.

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Ensure that GCC ARM Embedded is selected as the Toolchain, then click Next.

Select S7G2 SK in the Board drop-down list and leave the other options as default. Click Next.

Press the radio button S7G2-SK BSP in the Project Template Selection menu. Click Finish.

e2 studio will create the S7G2-SK BSP project for you.

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Select the Threads tab on and click the New Thread button.

You will find a thread named New Thread appeared in the Threads pane. Change the Name of the thread to
My GUI Thread in the Properties view. Change the Symbol of the thread to my_gui_thread as well and
change the priority to 10.

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Select the BSP tab and scroll down the Properties list to locate "RTOS being used". Select ThreadX from the

Click the Generate Project Content button on the Synergy Configuration view to generate the thread. You
should find the following files have been generated by the Synergy Configurator.

Build the project and make sure there are no errors.

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2 LCD Panel configuration
Overview: In this lab section, we will investigate the hardware settings for the LCD panel and configure the display
driver to make sure the low level layers of the GUI system work properly.

Procedural Steps:

Click My GUI Thread in the Threads pane and confirm it gets highlighted. Then click the New Stack
button in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane to select GUIX on gx from the Framework->Graphics drop-down.

Click on the g_display0 Display Driver on r_glcd in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and the configuration
parameters are shown in the Properties view.

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Edit the Display Driver properties for the LCD panel for the SK-S7G2 board as shown. This time we should
only need to change the yellow highlighted properties in Table 1, however check the other settings just in case
they got changed.

Table 1 Synergy Configuration settings for Display Driver on r_glcd

Type Display on GLCD Properties Value Description
General Name g_display0 The name of the display device instance
(Please use this name for this lab)
Name of display callback NULL The name of the user display interrupt
function to be defined by user callback function
Input Panel clock source select Internal clock Internal GLCDC-generated clock signal
Graphics screen1 Used
Graphics screen1 frame buffer fb_background The suffix to the frame buffer array name.
name The full name is defined as
[module_name]_[fb_name] in this case,
Number of Graphics screen1 2 Ping-pong buffer system needs two frame
frame buffer buffers to avoid tearing
Section where Graphics bss bss (internal SRAM) is used for the frame
screen1 frame buffer allocated buffers
Graphics screen1 input 256 Width of frame buffer in pixels (must be
horizontal size multiple of 64 bytes, or 32 pixels @16bpp)
Graphics screen1 input 320 Height of frame buffer in pixels
vertical size
Graphics screen1 input 256 Length of a row of pixels (in pixel units).
horizontal stride Except in rare cases this will always be
set the same as horizontal size.
Graphics screen1 input format 16bits RGB565 Framebuffer pixel format
Graphics screen1 input line Not used
Graphics screen1 input lines Off Graphics screen1 input lines repeat
repeat times is ignored.
Graphics screen1 input lines 0
repeat times
Graphics screen1 layer 0
coordinate X
Graphics screen1 layer 0
coordinate Y
Graphics screen1 layer 255
background color alpha
Graphics screen1 layer 255
background color Red
Graphics screen1 layer 255
background color Green
Graphics screen1 layer 255
background color Blue
Graphics screen1 layer fading None Graphics screen1 layer fade speed is
control ignored.
Input - Graphics screen1 layer 0
fade speed
Graphics screen2 Not used All the Properties for Graphics screen2
xxxx are ignored.
Output Horizontal total cycles 320 Total number of active lines on the screen
(same as vertical size)

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Horizontal active video cycles 240 Total number of active pixels per line
(same as horizontal size)
Horizontal back porch cycles 6 Horizontal back porch
Horizontal sync signal cycles 4 Horizontal sync (Hsync) assertion length
Horizontal sync signal polarity Low active
Vertical total lines 328 Total number of lines to output (including
blanking interval)
Vertical active video lines 320 Total number of active lines per frame
(same as vertical size)
Vertical back porch lines 4 Vertical back porch
Vertical sync signal lines 4 Vertical sync (Vsync) assertion length
Vertical sync signal polarity Low active
Format 16bits RGB565 Output pixel format
Endian Little endian
Color order RGB
Data Enable Signal Polarity High active DE (High active)
Sync edge Rising edge Same above
Background color alpha 255
Background color R channel 0
Background color G channel 0
Background color B channel 0
CLUT Not used
CLUT buffer size (dont care)
TCON Hsync pin select LCD_TCON2 Hsync signal
Vsync pin select LCD_TCON1 Vsync signal
DataEnable pin select LCD_TCON0 Data Enable (DE) signal
Panel clock division ratio 1/32 Divisor for panel clock
Color Brightness Off All the brightness settings are ignored.
correction Contrast Off All the contrast settings are ignored.
Gamma correction(Red) Off All the gamma correction settings for Red
are ignored.
Gamma correction(Green) Off All the gamma correction settings for
Green are ignored.
Gamma correction(Blue) Off All the gamma correction settings for Blue
are ignored.
Dither Dithering Off All the dither settings are ignored.
Misc. Correction Process Order Brightness and
Contrast then

Enable GLCDC interrupts in the Display Driver on r_glcd property view. The priority is somewhat arbitrary in
this case, but for now set them to Priority 3.

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Now click on the g_jpeg_decode0 JPEG Decode Driver on r_jpeg in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and
set the ICU priorities to 3.

Click on the D/AVE 2D Port on sf_tes_2d_drw in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and set the DRW INT
priority to 3.

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3 LCD Panel interface setup
Overview: The LCD on the SK-S7G2 has both parallel and serial (SPI) interfaces. By default on the SK-S7G2 the LCD
interface mode has been configured to start up in the SPI interface mode in order to initialize the display driver IC before
use. As a result, we need to set up a SPI communications interface with SSP. In this lab section we will add an RSPI
driver and configure pins for the SPI bus.

Procedural Steps:

Click My GUI Thread in the Threads pane and confirm it gets highlighted. Then click in the My GUI
Thread Stacks pane to select SPI Driver on r_rspi from the Driver->Connectivity drop-down list.

Mouse over the newly created g_spi0 SPI Driver on r_rspi in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and note that
it shows problems that need to be addressed. The tool tip box shows the settings that must be configured in
the g_spi SPI Driver on r_rspi Properties view. We will also make additional settings at this time.

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Edit the g_spi SPI Driver on r_rspi settings as shown below in the Properties view.

Select the g_transfer0 Transfer Driver on r_dtc in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and press Remove
to remove the driver.

Repeat the previous step for the g_transfer1 Transfer Driver on r_dtc.

The RSPI driver can currently only support DTC transfer of 32 bit words. We need
tog_rspi_lcdc SPI Driver.
send individual bytes over SPI so we must disable the DTC drivers for the

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The RSPI bus pins need to be configured. Go to Synergy Configuration and open the Pins tab. Find
Peripherals RSPI, and expand the list. Select SPI0__Pin_Option_A and change the Operation Mode to
Clock Synchronous Op. Ensure that the pin assignments are as shown below.

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Several LCD panel signals are controlled by GPIO pins under application control. Because the RSPI is
configured for Clock Synchronous operation the SPI slave select signal must be controlled by the application
as a GPIO pin. Slave select for the LCD is on P611. Additionally there is a reset pin on P610 and a command
pin on P115. We need to enable these three pins as GPIO outputs.

You do not need to edit the 'Symbolic name' field. This is automatically assigned by
different in your project.
in the order in which the pins are configured, so these values may be

Only P610 is shown below apply the same settings to P611 and P115.

Click the Generate Project Content button on the Synergy Configuration view. This will add the new display
driver and RSPI configuration settings to your "my_gui_thread.c" and "my_gui_thread.h generated files.

Synergy does not have built-in LCD startup files specific to the SK display, so we have borrowed the various
necessary pieces of code from a previous project to help you with the display startup. Copy the provided files
lcd_setup.c and lcd.h into your project src folder.

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The LCD setup code uses a semaphore that you will need to create. Return to the Synergy Configuration view
Threads tab and select the My GUI Thread thread. Then locate the My GUI Thread Objects pane and click
the New Object button to create a new semaphore.

Select the new semaphore, g_new_semaphore, and change its Name and Symbol in the properties tab to My
GUI Semaphore and g_my_gui_semaphore. These names match the values already used in the
lcd_startup.c code.

Copy the provided file my_gui_thread_entry.c to the src folder in your e2 studio project (overwrite the existing
file). The provided code opens and starts the Display interface to drive the LCD panel.

Build the project and make sure there are no compile errors.

Connect the Micro USB end of the supplied USB cable to the SK-S7G2 board J19 connector (DEBUG_USB),
and the other end to a USB port on your computer. (J19 connects to a SEGGER J-Link On-Board debugger.)

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Click the button pull-down and select Debug Configurations.

Check that the debugger configuration is same as below, then click the Debug button to connect debugger to
the target board.

Run the program and make sure the LCD panel is activated. There should be 3 color bars on the LCD panel
that are drawn directly into the frame buffer by the test_LCD() function. After initializing the LCD, the program
should be in while(1) loop in the my_gui_thread_entry() function.

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4 Build a GUI using GUIX Studio
Overview: In this section you will create a new GUIX Studio Project, set it up for the LCD on the SK-S7G2 board,
assign a 'splash screen' and then output the files generated by GUIX Studio into your Synergy project.

Procedural Steps:

Open GUIX Studio and click Create New Project at the startup screen.

Enter a Project Name for this GUIX Studio project. This name will be incorporated into the code generated, so
for this lab name it "my_guix_lab" (do not change this or you will have to change all the references to it in the
provided Synergy project code). Locate the path for your Synergy GUI lab project, enter it as the Project Path,
then click Save. (Note: This is the full path to your Synergy project, not just the workspace name.)

Set the paths for GUI source files to be generated. For this lab we want them to go in the src folder. Set all
other values as shown, then click Save:

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Note! You may be tempted to change the x resolution setting to 240 to match the
number of pixels per line of the SK display, but don't! The Synergy display driver
requires a screen width divisible by 64 bytes at 16 bits per pixel thats 32 pixels. This
is due to the way the GLCDC peripheral internally performs burst transfers.

That aside, your display image file size still needs to be limited to 240 x 320 to

display properly without being cut off.

From the Project View, right-click main_display and select Insert->Window->Window:

In the Properties View for the newly created window set the properties as shown:

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Now we need to add the splash screen graphic. We'll use a .jpg image file that has already been sized for this
LCD display. In the upper-right of GUIX Studio, expand the Pixelmaps view, click Custom, then click Add
New Pixelmap. The image file selector will open. locate the provided file "splash_screen.jpg" and select it.

The "splash_screen.jpg" file will now be available in the Custom pixelmaps view. You can either click on this
and drag/drop it into your splash screen window in the preview area or select it from the Wallpaper pull-down
in the splash_screen Properties View:

At this time we will save the project and output the GUIX screen to your Synergy project. Click Project-
>SaveProject. Next click Project->Generate All Output Files. GUIX will add the following files to the src
folder in your Synergy project: my_guix_lab_resources.c, my_guix_lab_resources.h,
my_guix_lab_specifications.c and my_guix_lab_specifications.h.

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5 Adding GUIX Framework and Drivers
Overview: In this section you will use the SSP to configure the framework and drivers in your Synergy project that are
needed to access GUIX resources in order to output the GUI to the LCD.

Procedural Steps:
In the Synergy configurator under the Threads tab select My GUI Thread. In the My GUI Thread Stacks pane
select the GUIX on gx module and enable the 2D Drawing Engine and JPEG Support.

In the My GUI Thread Stacks panel now select g_sf_el_gx0 GUIX Port on sf_el_gx then change its settings
in the Properties tab as shown below:

Click the Generate Project Content button on the Synergy Configuration view to generate the new driver

Add the provided file my_gui_event_handler.c to the src folder.

In the Project explorer view locate the source file my_gui_thread_entry.c and open it in the editor. Enable
sections of code by editing the following lines:
Line 4 #define LCDTEST 1
Change 1 to 0
Line 5 #define GUIX 0
Change 0 to 1

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Build the project and make sure there are no compile errors. If you get errors related to D/AVE files
(Secure builder required) right click on your project and select Clean Project then build again.

Click the button to run the project under the Debugger.

At this point the LCD should be displaying the splash screen graphic and the program should be idling in the
main while(1) loop.

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6 Add a Data Output Window to the GUI
Overview: In this section you will use GUIX Studio to add a text window to your GUI, and send a custom message
string to it. This is the basis for outputting run-time data from an application to the GUI.

Procedural Steps:
If your GUIX Studio project you created in the previous section is not still open, open it now. This can easily be
done from within e2studio by double-clicking the GUIX Studio icon in the Project Explorer view.

Under the GUIX Studio Project View, add a Multi-Line View widget to the splash_screen by right-clicking,
then Insert->Text->Multi Line View.

In the GUI preview drag the newly created widget to the lower area and resize it to look like this:

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Expand the Colors menu at the upper right and locate the entry for TEXT_INPUT_FILL. Double-click the color
square next to it to open the color editor. Change the fill color to black by moving all sliders to 0. Save the
changes. The white text on black background should now be visible.

In the Properties View for the Multi Line View widget, change the Text align property to Left and the Text
property to "My initial text" or some other short string if you prefer. This is what will be displayed when the
application starts up.

Click Project->SaveProject. Next click Project->Generate All Output Files. GUIX Studio will modify the
source files in your Synergy project with the new GUI changes.

Go back to your Synergy project in e2studio and rebuild the project. Run your project in the debugger to see
the new Text View displayed with your starting message.

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7 Add Messaging Framework and Touch Drivers
Overview: In this section you will add the Synergy Messaging Framework and Touch Drivers to allow interaction with
the GUI.

Procedural Steps:
In the Synergy Configuration view Threads tab select the My GUI Thread. Then in the My GUI Thread

Stacks add the Touch Panel & Messaging frameworks by selecting New->Framework->Input->Touch
Panel Framework on sf_touch_panel_i2c.

Select the newly-created g_sf_touch_panel_i2c0 Touch Panel Framework on sf_touch_panel_i2c and

configure its settings in the Properties tab as shown below:

In the Pins tab, set port 6 pin 9 (P609) to Output mode, and GPIO.

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In the Threads tab Select My GUI Thread on the Threads pane and click the Add I2C Driver box under the
g_sf_touch_panel_i2c0 Touch Panel Framework. Select the I2C Driver on r_riic by selecting New->I2C
Driver on r_riic:

Now select the g_i2c0 I2C Driver on r_riic in the My GUI Thread Stacks pane and configure its settings in
the Properties tab.

Be sure to change the lower properties first to ensure you are enabling interrupts on the correct

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In the Pins tab verify that the RIIC I/O pins are enabled:

Select g_external_irq0 External IRQ Driver on r_icu and configure its settings in the Properties tab as
shown below.

Again, be sure to select the channel before enabling interrupts!

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In the Synergy Configuration window select the Messaging tab and click on the Touch event class. In the
Touch Subscribers pane press the New button and select My GUI Thread from the drop down list.
Press OK.

Click the Generate Project Content button on the Synergy Configuration view to generate the new driver

In the Project explorer view locate the source file my_gui_thread_entry.c and open it in the editor. Enable
sections of code to handle touch events by editing the following line:
Line 6 #define TOUCH 0
Change 0 to 1

Next we will learn how to change the contents of the Text View window at runtime. For now, we will use the
sample event handler that has been prepared for you. The event handler will change the text after a short time
delay from start. From the src folder, open the file my_gui_event_handler.c in the editor.

Uncomment lines 30 and 40 to enable the statements:

GX_MULTI_LINE_TEXT_VIEW * my_text_view = &splash_screen.splash_screen_text_view_1;

status = gx_multi_line_text_view_text_set(my_text_view, "Hello World from Synergy!!!");

If you like, you can edit the string on line 40 to say something else. Since this
argument takes a string literal or a pointer to a string, this can be adapted to handle
all kinds of string output. For example, if you have numeric sensor data you could
turn it into a string using the C sprintf() function then provide that as the string
argument in gx_multi_line_text_view_text_set().

See the GUIX API user manual for further details.

Rebuild the project and run it in the debugger to see the new customized message displayed after a short

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8 Add an Input Button to the GUI
Overview: In this section you will use GUIX Studio to add an Input Button to the GUI and detect button presses in your
Synergy application.

Procedural Steps:
If your GUIX Studio project is not still open, open it now. This can easily be done from within e2studio by
double-clicking the GUIX Studio icon in the Project Explorer view.

Under the GUIX Studio Project View, add a Text Button widget to the splash_screen by right-clicking, then
Insert->Button->Text Button. (Be sure to add it to the splash screen, do not add it to the text box)

Move the button to the center of the upper LCD area and resize it to make it larger. (If it's too small it may be
hard to press on the small LCD.)

In the Properties View for button_1 edit the Widget Id field to BUTTON1

Click Project->SaveProject. Next click Project->Generate All Output Files. GUIX Studio will modify the
source files in your Synergy project with the new GUI changes.

Go back to your Synergy project. In my_gui_event_handler.c enable the case statement that handles this
button by changing line 46 to #if(1).

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Rebuild the project. Run your project in the debugger. After a short delay see the new Text View displayed
with your starting message.

Touch your GUI button on the LCD and watch for LED1 to turn off.


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