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High Efficiency

Video Coding (HEVC)

Rao, Do Nyeon Kim
J.J. Hwang
Springer 2014

Table of Contents
5 High efficiency video coding (HEVC)..................................................... 5

ABSTRACT......................................................................................... 13
5.1 Introduction:............................................................................. 14
5.2 Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC)....................... 14

5.3 Analysis of coding tools in HEVC Test Model, HM 1.0 Intra
5.4 HEVC Encoder............................................................................24
5.4.1 Intra prediction....................................................................30

5.4.2 Transform coefficient scanning..............................................32

5.4.3 Luma and chroma fractional pixel interpolation......................32

5.4.4 Comparison of coding tools of HM1 and HEVC draft 9.............34

5.5 Extensions to HEVC....................................................................34

5.6 Profiles and levels......................................................................34
5.7 Performance and computational complexity of HEVC encoders.....36
5.8 System layer integration of HEVC...............................................36
5.9 HEVC lossless coding and improvements [E86]............................36
5.10 Summary...................................................................................38
5.11 Projects.....................................................................................42
H.264 Advance Video Coding (AVC)/ MPEG-4 Part 10 REFERENCES.........85

Books on H.264 ...................................................................................91

H.264 Standard, JM SOFTWARE............................................................91


HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) / NGVC (Next Generation Video

Coding) References.............................................................................96

Software repository; Scalable extensions of HEVC................................107

Build System...................................................................................107
Software Structure..........................................................................107
Test Sequences ..................................................................................135

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems




BOOKS ON HEVC..............................................................................1335

Overview Papers...............................................................................1356

........................................ 1367


....................................... 150

Encryption of HEVC bit

.... 151

................................. 151

OnLine Courses
................ 152

Open Source
................... 1402

X265 Source code.............................................................................1434

vTune amplifier by Intel.....................................................................1434


JVT REFLECTOR.................................................................................1456

REFERENCES ON SSIM.......................................................................1457


VP8, VP9, VP10 ..............................................................................15061

JPEG 2000.......................................................................................15364

JPEG XR (Extended





JPEG XT............................................................................................1623

JPEG XT Projects...........................................................................16575




DIRAC (BBC)...................................................................................16980



AVS China.........................................................................................1734

THOR video codec...............................................................................186

References on Screen Content Coding..............................................17687

BEYOND HEVC.................................................................................18191

Projects on BEYOND HEVC.............................................................18191

Post HEVC activity......................................................................18394

Real Media

WMV-9 (VC1)


Legacy Codec..

....................................... 200
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................
...................................... 200

2D Two dimension

3D Three dimension
AAC Advanced Audio Coding
ACM MoVid Association for Computer Machinery Mobile Video
ACQP Adaptive Chroma Quantization Parameter
AHG Ad Hoc Groups
AI All Intra
AR Augmented Reality
AIF Adaptive Interpolation Filter
ALF Adaptive Loop Filter
AMVP Advanced Motion Vector Prediction
AOM Alliance for Open Media
APIF Adaptive Pre-Interpolation Filter
APSIPA Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association
ARM Advanced RISC Machines
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
ASIP Application Specific Instruction Set Processor
ASO Arbitrary Slice Order
ATR Average Time Reduction
ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee
AVC Advanced Video Codingthe official MPEG name is ISO/IEC 14496-10--MPEG-
4 Part 10,
and ITU-T name is ITU-T H.264
AVS Audio Video Standard
AU Access Unit
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BD Bjontegaard Distortion
BH Beyond HEVC
BL Base Layer
BLA Broken Link Access
bpp Bits per pixel
BRISQUE Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator
BS Boundary Strength
BSTM Butterfly Style Transform Matrices
BV Block vector
BVP Block vector prediction
CABAC Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
CAVLC Context-adaptive variable-length coding
CCP Cross Component prediction
CE Consumer Electronics, Core Experiment
CfE Call for Evidence
CfP Call for Proposal
CI Confidence Interval
CIF Common Intermediate Format
COFDM Co-orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRA Clean Random Access
CRA Clean Random Access

CRI Color Remapping Information
CSVT Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
CTC Common Test Conditions
CU Coding Unit
CU Coding Unit
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
CWWSSIM Complex-Wavelet Structural Similarity Index
DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
DATE Design, automation and test in Europe
DCC Data Compression Conference
DCT Discrete Cosine Transform
DCTIF Discrete Cosine Transform Interpolation Filters
DDCT Directional Discrete Cosine Transform
DF Deblocking Filter
DIP Digital Image Processing
DiOR Digital Operating Room
DIQA Document Image Quality Assessment
DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
DMVD Decoder side Motion Vector Derivation
DMOS Difference Mean Opinion Score
DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DSC Display Stream Compression
DSCQS Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale
DSIS Double Stimulus Impairment Scale
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DSIS Double Stimulus Impairment Scale
DST Digital Sine Transform
DTM Directional Template Matching
DTT Discrete Tchebichef Transform
DTV Digital Television
DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld
EBU European Broadcasting Union
EC Error Concealment
EE Electrical Engineering
EGK Exp. Golomb Kth order
EI Electronic Imaging
EL Enhancement Layer
EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne
ETRI Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
EURASIP European Association for Signal Processing
FCC False Contour Candidate
FDAM Final Draft Amendment
FDIS Final Draft International Standard
FF File Format
FIR Finite Impulse Response
FMO Flexible Macroblock Ordering

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
fps Frames per second
FSIM Feature Similarity
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
HD High Definition
HDR High Dynamic Range
HDTV High Definition Television
HE-AAC High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coder
HEIF High Efficiency Image File Format
HEVC High efficiency video codingthe official MPEG name is ISO/IEC 23008-2
Part 2 and ITU-T name is ITU-T H.265
HEVStream High Efficiency Video Stream
HHI Heinrich Hertz Institute
HLS High Level Syntax
HM HEVC Test Model
HOR Horizontal
HP High Profile
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IASTED International Association of Science and Technology for Development
IBC Intra Block Copy
ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
ICCE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
ICIEA IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications
ICIP International Conference on Image Processing
ICME International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
ICPC International Conference on Pervasive Computing
ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition
ICT Integer Cosine Transform
IDR Intra Decoding Refresh
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ILR Inter Layer Interference
INTDCT Integer Discrete Cosine Transform
intra HE Intra High Efficiency
IPTV Internet Protocol Television
IQA Image Quality Assessment
IS & T Information Systems and Technology
ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
ISCCSP International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal
ISDB-T Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Terrestrial
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISOBMFF ISO Based Media File Format
ITS International Telecommunication Symposium
ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International

IVC Internet Video Coding
ITM Internet Video Coding Test Model
IVMSP Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
J2K JPEG 2000
JCI JND- based compressed image
JCTVC Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding
JEM Joint Exploration Model
JM Joint Model
JMKTA JM Key Technology Areas
JND Just Noticeable Distortion
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG-XR JPEG extended range
JSVM Joint Scalable Video Model
JTC Joint Technical Committee
JVCIR Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
JVT Joint Video Team
KTA Key Technology Areas
LAR-LLC Locally-adaptive Resolution Lossless low-complexity
LCICT Low Complexity Integer Cosine Transform
LD Low Delay
LDB Low Delay with B pictures
LDP Low Delay with P pictures
LOCO Low Complexity
LR Low Resolution
LS Lossless (near lossless)
LSC Layer segmentation based coding
L-SEABI Low complexity back projected interpolation
M.S. Masters
MANE Media Aware Network Element
Mbit/s Megabit per second
MC Motion Compensation
MCL Media Communication Lab
MDDCT Modified Directional Discrete Cosine Transform
MDDT Mode-Dependent Directional Transform
ME Motion Estimation
MMSP Multimedia Signal Processing
MOMS Maximal-Order interpolation with Minimal Support
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Groupthe official ISO name is ISO/IEC
Group 11.
Mpixel Megapixel

Mpm Most Probable Modes
MRSE Mean Root Square Error
MSP Main Still Profile
MV Motion Vector
MVC Multi View Coding
NAB National Association of Broadcasters
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
NGBT Next Generation Broadcast Television
NGVC Next Generation Video Coding
NIQA Natural image quality assessment
NUH NAL Unit Header
NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
OP Overview Papers
OR Outlier ratio
OSS Open Source Software
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCS Picture Coding Symposium
PCoIP PC over IP
PLCC Pearson linear correlation coefficient
PPS Picture Parameter Set
PSNR Peak-to-peak signal to noise ratio
PU Prediction Unit
PVC Perceptual Video Coding
PVQ Perceptual Vector Quantization
QOE Quality of Experience
QP Quantizer parameter
RA Random Access
RADL Random Access Decodable
RASL Random Access Skipped
RD Rate Distortion
R&D Research and Development
RDOQ Rate-distortion optimized quantization
RDPCM Residual Differential Pulse Code Modulation
RDH Reversible Data Hiding
RICT Recursive Integer Cosine Transform
RL Reference Layer
RMHD Real Media HD
RMVB Real Media Variable Bitrate
ROI Region of interest
ROT Rotational Transform
RTC Real Time Communications
RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
RQT Residual Quad Tree
SAO Sample adaptive offset
SC Sub Committee
SC Stimulus Comparison
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SCC Screen Content Coding
SCM Screen content coding test module
SDCT Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform
SDCT-AM Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform-Alternated Minimization
SDCT-BT Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform-Binary Tree
SDR Standard Dynamic Range
SDSCE Simultaneous Double Stimulus Continuous Evaluation
SE Subjective Evaluation
SEI Supplemental Enhancement Information
SELC Sample based weighted prediction for Enhancement Layer Coding SG
Study Group
SHV Super Hi-Vision
SHVC Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
SI Switching I
SIQA Screen image quality assessment
SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data
SIP Signal and Image Processing
SMF Sparse Matrix Factors
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
SoC System on Chip
SHV Super Hi- Vision
SHVC Scalable HEVC
SP Switching P
SPA Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and
SPEC Shape primitive extraction and coding
SPL Special
SPS Sequence parameter set
Spl H Special Issues on HEVC
SPIE Society of Photo-Optical and Instrumentation Engineers
SR Super Resolution
SROCC Spearman Rank Order Correlation
SS Single Stimulus
SSCQE Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Evaluation
SSIM Structural Similarity
SSST Southeastern Symposium on System Theory
SSVC Spatially Scalable Video Coding
SVC Scalable Video Coding
SVQA Subjective VQA

SWP Sample-based weighted prediction

TB Transform Block
TE Tool Experiment
TS Test Sequence, Transport Stream
TSM Transform skip mode
TENTM Tandberg, Ericsson and Nokia Test Model
TMuC Test Model under Consideration

TMVP Temporal Motion Vector Prediction
TMO Tone Mapping Operator
TSA Temporal Sub-layer Access
TU Transform Unit
Tut Tutorial
TX Texas
TZSearch Test Zone Search
UHD Ultra High Definition
UHDTV Ultra High Definition Television
UTA University of Texas at Arlington
VC Video Coding
VCB Video Coding for Browsers
VCEG Visual Coding Experts Group-he official ITU name is ITU-T/SG 16/Q.6- t
VCIP Visual Communications and Image Processing
VCIR Visual Communication and Image Representation
VDP Visible difference predictor
VER Vertical
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
ViMSSIM Video modified Structural Similarity
VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated circuit
VPS Video Parameter Set
VQ Vector Quantization
VQA Video Quality Assessment
VQEG Video Quality Experts Group
VSB Vestigial Sideband
VUI Video Usability Information
WCG Wide Color Gamut
WPP Wavefront Parallel Processing
WD Working Draft
WG Working group
WCG Wide Color Gamut
WQVGA Wide Quarter Video Graphics Array
WSIs Whole slide images
WVC Web Video Coding
WVGA Wide Video Graphics Array
YCbCr Y is the Brightness (luma), C b is blue minus luma (B-Y) and Cr is red minus
luma (R-Y)

# of references and # of projects for each category.

Sl. Subject # of # of
no References Projects
1. High efficiency video coding (HEVC) 405 291

2. H.264/AVC 78 -

3. DCT References 23 24

4. Subjective Evaluation (SE) 22 3

5. Encryption of HEVC (EH) 1 1

6. VP 8,9,10 (Google) 16 5

7. JPEG2000 25 2

8. JPEG-XR 10 1

9. JPEG-LS 9 1

10. JPEG 9 5

11. JPEG-XT 11 8

12. JPEG Pleno 2 2

13. Locally-adaptive Resolution Lossless low- - 6

complexity (LAR-LLC)
14. DIRAC (BBC) 12 3

15. DAALA (Mozilla & other contributors) 4 3

16. MPEG-DASH 1 1

17. Advanced Video Standard (AVS) 15 7

18. Thor Video Codec (Cisco) 1 4

19. Beyond HEVC 4 19

20. AV1 Codec (Alliance for Open Media - AOM) 1 6

21. Real Media High Definition (Real Networks) - 1

22. Video Coding 2 (VC2) (SMPTE) - 3

23. Legacy Codec 1 1

5 High efficiency video coding (HEVC)

HEVC the latest video coding standard is presented. Comparison with H.264/AVC
(Chapter 4) is cited. The focus is on overview of HEVC rather than a detailed

description of tools and techniques that constitute the encoder. A plethora of
projects listed at the end challenges the implementation and further research
related to HEVC.

Keywords: HEVC, JCTVC, unified intra prediction, coding tree unit, prediction unit,
transform unit, SAO, coefficient scanning, HM software, lossless coding.

5.1 Introduction:
This chapter details the development of HEVC by the joint collaborative team on
video coding (JCT-VC).

5.2 Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC)

The Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding is a group of video coding experts
from ITU-T Study Group 16 (VCEG) and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) created
to develop a new generation video coding standard that will further reduce by 50%
the data rate needed for high quality video coding, as compared to the current
state-of-the-art advanced video coding (AVC) standard (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC
14496-10).This new coding standardization initiative is being referred to as High
Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). In ISO/IEC it is called MPEG-H Part2. VCEG is video
coding experts group and MPEG is moving picture experts group. Tan et al [SE4]
have presented the subjective and objective results of a verification test in which
HEVC is compared with H.264/AVC. The conclusions in [SE4] are repeated here:
These tests show that the bit rate savings of 59% on average can be achieved by
HEVC for the same subjective quality compared with H.264/AVC. The PSNR-based
BD-rate average over the same sequences was calculated to be 44%. This
confirms that the subjective quality improvements of HEVC are typically
greater than the objective quality improvements measured by the method
that was primarily used during the standardization process of HEVC. It can
therefore be concluded that the HEVC standard is able to deliver the same
subjective quality as AVC, while on average (and in the vast majority of
typical sequences) requiring only half or even less than half of the bit rate
used by AVC.

ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10, commonly referred to as H.264/MPEG-4-AVC,

H.264/AVC, or MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC has been developed as a joint activity within the
joint video team (JVT). The evolution of the various video coding standards is shown
in Fig. 5.1.

P.S.: H.265 and recent developments in video coding standards (Seminar

presented by Dr. Madhukar Budagavi on 21 Nov. 2014 in the Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas )

Abstract: Video traffic is dominating both the wireless and wireline networks.
Globally, IP video is expected to be 79% of all IP traffic in 2018, up from 66% in
2013. On wireless networks, video is 70% of global mobile data traffic in 2013 (Cisco
VNI forecast). Movie studios, broadcasters, streaming video providers, TV and
consumer electronics device manufacturers are working towards providing
immersive "real life" "being there" video experience to consumers by using features
such as increased resolution (Ultra HD 4K/8K), higher frame rate, higher dynamic
range (HDR), wider color gamut (WCG), and 360 degrees video. These new features
along with the explosive growth in video traffic are driving the need for increased
compression. This talk will cover basics of video compression and then give an
overview of the recently standardized HEVC video coding standard that provides
around 50% higher compression than the current state of the art H.264/AVC video
coding standard. It will also highlight recent developments in the video coding
standards body related to HEVC extensions, HDR/WCG, and discussions on post-
HEVC next-generation video coding.

Bio: Madhukar Budagavi is a Research Director in the Advanced Software and

Algorithms lab at Samsung Research America, Dallas. He has been an active
participant in the standardization of HEVC (ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2) next-
generation video coding standard by the JCT-VC committee of ITU-T and ISO/IEC.
Within the JCT-VC committee he has chaired and co-chaired technical sub-group
activities on spatial transforms, quantization, entropy coding, in-loop filtering, intra
prediction, screen content coding and scalable HEVC (SHVC). Dr. Budagavis work
experience includes research and development of compression algorithms, video
codec SoC architecture, embedded vision, 3D graphics, speech coding, and
embedded software implementation and prototyping. He has published seven book
chapters and over 35 journal and conference papers. He is a co-editor of the
Springer book on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC): Algorithms and
Architectures published in 2014 [E202] and the recently published IEEE Trans.
Circuits Systems Video Tech. special issue on "HEVC extensions and efficient HEVC
implementations" vol.26 pp. 1-249, Jan. 2016. Dr. Budagavi received the Ph.D.
degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A & M University. He has been an
Adjunct Professor at Southern Methodist University teaching courses on digital
signal processing and digital image processing. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast 2014-2019 predicts that

a) Globally IP video traffic will be 80% of all IP traffic (both business and consumer)
by 2019

b) By 2019 more than 30% of connected flat-panel TV sets will be 4K


c) Traffic from wireless and mobile devices will exceed traffic from wired devices by
2016. HEVC is designed to address the increased video traffic and increased
resolution such as the 4K and 8K video.



Fig. 5.1 Evolution of video coding standards (AOM: alliance for open media)

Fig.5.1 Video coding standardization (courtesy Dr. Nam Ling, Sanfilippo family chair
professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA,
USA) [E23], AOM: Alliance for open Media

The JCT-VC is co-chaired by Jens-Rainer Ohm and Gary Sullivan, whose contact
information is provided below.

ITU-T Contact for JCT-VC Meetings

Mr Gary SULLIVAN Future meetings

Rapporteur, Visual coding

Question 6, ITU-T Study Group 16 Geneva, Switzerland, October 2013
Tel: +1 425 703 5308
Vienna, Austria, 27 July 2 August
Fax: +1 425 936 7329 2013 (tentative)
E-mail: [email protected] Incheon, Korea, 20-26 April 2013
Mr Thomas WIEGAND (tentative)

Associate Rapporteur, Visual coding Geneva, Switzerland, 14-23 January

2013 (tentative)
Question 6, ITU-T Study Group 16

Tel: +49 30 31002 617

Fax: +49 30 392 7200

[email protected]

ISO/IEC contacts for JCT-VC

Mr Jens- Rainer OHM Mr Gary SULLIVAN

Rapporteur, Visual coding Rapporteur, Visual coding

Question 6, ITU-T Study Group 16 Question 6, ITU-T Study Group 16

Tel: +49 241 80 27671 Tel: +1 425 703 5308

E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +1 425 936 7329

E-mail: [email protected]

Additional information can be obtained from


JCT-VC has issued a joint call for proposals in 2010 [E7]

27 complete proposals submitted (some multi-organizational)

Each proposal was a major package lots of encoded video, extensive

documentation, extensive performance metric submissions, sometimes software,

Extensive subjective testing (3 test labs, 4 200 video clips evaluated, 850 human
subjects, 300 000 scores)

Quality of proposal video was compared to AVC (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-
10) anchor encodings

Test report issued JCTVC-A204/ N11775

In a number of cases, comparable quality at half the bit rate of AVC (H.264)

Source video sequences grouped into five classes of video resolution from quarter
WVGA (416 x 240) to size 2560 x 1600 cropped from 4k x 2k ultra HD (UHD) in YC bCr
4:2:0 format progressively scanned with 8bpp.

Testing for both random access (1 sec) and low delay (no picture reordering)

Table 5.1 Test Classes and Bit Rates (constraints) used in the CfP [E7]

Class Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit

Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5

A: 2.5 3.5 5 Mbit/s 8 Mbit/s 14

2560x1600p Mbit/s Mbit/s Mbit/s

B1: 1080p24 1 Mbit/s 1.6 2.5 4 Mbit/s 6 Mbit/s

Mbit/s Mbit/s

B2: 2 Mbit/s 3 Mbit/s 4.5 7 Mbit/s 10

1080P.50-60 Mbit/s Mbit/s

C: 384 512 768 1.2 2 Mbit/s

WVGAp30-60 kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s Mbit/s

D: 256 384 512 850 1.5

WQVGAp30- kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s Mbit/s

E: 720p60 256 384 512 850 1.5

kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s kbit/s Mbit/s

Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show results averaged over all of the test sequences; in which
the first graph (Figure 5.2) shows the average results for the random access
constraint conditions, and the second graph (Figure 5.3) shows the average results
for the low delay constraint conditions.

The results were based on an 11 grade scale, where 0 represents the worst and 10
represents the best individual quality measurements. Along with each mean opinion
score (MOS) data point in the figures, a 95% confidence interval (CI) is shown.

Figure5.2. Overall average MOS results over all Classes for Random Access coding
conditions [E7].

Figure5.3. Overall average MOS results over all Classes for Low Delay coding
conditions [E7].

A more detailed analysis performed after the tests, shows that the best-performing
proposals in a significant number of cases showed similar quality as the AVC
anchors (H.264/AVC ) at roughly half the anchor bit rate [E25, E61, E99]. More
recently, Tan et al [SE4] present the subjective and objective results of a verification
test in which the performance of HEVC Mail profile is compared with H.264/AVC High
profile using video test sequences at various bit rates and resolutions. They
conclude that the HEVC is able to deliver the same subjective quality as H.264/AVC
while on average requiring only half or even less than half the bit rate used by the
latter. [SE4] describes in detail, the methodology, test procedures, test sequences,
comparison metrics and other factors in arriving at the conclusions.

The technical assessment of the proposed technology was performed at the first
JCT-VC meeting held in Dresden, Germany, 15 - 23 April 2010. It revealed that all
proposed algorithms were based on the traditional hybrid coding approach,
combining motion-compensated prediction between video frames with intra-picture
prediction, closed loop operation with in-loop filtering, 2D transform of the spatial
residual signals, and advanced adaptive entropy coding.

As an initial step toward moving forward into collaborative work, an initial Test
Model under Consideration (TMuC) document was produced, combining identified
key elements from a group of seven well performing proposals. This first TMuC
became the basis of a first software implementation, which after its development
has begun to enable more rigorous assessment of the coding tools that it contains
as well as additional tools to be investigated within a process of "Tool Experiments
(TE) as planned at the first JCT-VC meeting.

P.S.: Detailed subjective evaluations in mobile environments (smart phone/iPad,

Tablet), however, have shown that the user (observer) experience is not significantly
different when comparing H.264/AVC and HEVC compressed video sequences at low
bit rates (200 and 400 kbps) and small screen sizes [E124, E210]. Advantages of
HEVC over H.264/AVC appear to increase dramatically at higher bit rates and high
resolutions such as HDTV, UHDTV etc.

One of the most beneficial elements for higher compression performance in high-
resolution video comes due to introduction of larger block structures with flexible
mechanisms of sub-partitioning. For this, the TMuC defines coding units (CUs) which
define a sub-partitioning of a picture into rectangular regions of equal or (typically)
variable size. The coding unit replaces the macroblock structure (H.264) and
contains one or several prediction unit(s) (PUs) and transform units (TUs). The basic
partition geometry of all these elements is encoded by a scheme similar to the
quad-tree segmentation structure. At the level of PU, either intra-picture or inter-
picture prediction is selected.

The paper Block partitioning structure in the HEVC standard, by I.-K. Kim et al
[E93], explains the technical details of the block partitioning structure and presents
the results of an analysis of coding efficiency and complexity.

Intra-picture prediction is performed from samples of already decoded adjacent

PUs, where the different modes are DC (flat average), horizontal, vertical, or one of
up to 28 angular directions (number depending on block size), plane (amplitude
surface) prediction, and bilinear prediction. The signaling of the mode is derived
from the modes of adjacent PUs.

Inter-picture prediction is performed from region(s) of already decoded pictures

stored in the reference picture. This allows selection among multiple reference
pictures, as well as bi-prediction (including weighted averaging) from two reference
pictures or two positions in the same reference picture. In terms of the usage of the
motion vector (quarter pixel precision), merging of adjacent PUs is possible, and
non-rectangular sub-partitions are also possible in this context. For efficient
encoding, skip and direct modes similar to the ones of H.264/AVC (chapter 4) are
defined, and derivation of motion vectors from those of adjacent PUs is made by
various means such as median computation or a new scheme referred to as motion
vector competition.

At the TU level (which typically would not be larger than the PU), an integer spatial
transform similar in concept to the DCT is used, with a selectable block size ranging
from 44 to 6464. For the directional intra modes, which usually exhibit
directional structures in the prediction residual, special mode-dependent directional
transforms (MDDT) [E8, E51, E17, E301], [DCT19]] are employed for block sizes 44
and 88. Additionally, a rotational transform (See P.5.13) can be used for the cases
of block sizes larger than 88. Scaling, quantization and scanning of transform
coefficient values are performed in a similar manner as in AVC.

At the CU level, it is possible to switch on an adaptive loop filter (ALF) which is

applied in the prediction loop prior to copying the frame into the reference picture
buffer. This is an FIR filter which is designed with the goal to minimize the distortion
relative to the original picture (e.g., with a least-squares or Wiener filter
optimization). Filter coefficients are encoded at the slice level. In addition, a
deblocking filter (similar to the deblocking filter design in H.264/AVC) [E73] is
operated within the prediction loop. The display output of the decoder is written to
the decoded picture buffer after applying these two filters. Please note that the ALF
has been dropped in the HEVC standard [E235, E61, E99]. In the updated version, in
loop filtering consists of deblocking [E73, E209, E283, E357, E378] and sample
adaptive offset (SAO) filters (Fig.5.4). See [E87, E111, E373] about SAO in the HEVC

The TMuC defines two context-adaptive entropy coding schemes, one for operation
in a lower-complexity mode, and one for higher-complexity mode.

A software implementation of the TMuC has been developed. On this basis, the JCT-
VC is performing a detailed investigation about the performance of the coding tools
contained in the TMuC package, as well as other tools that have been proposed in
addition to those. Based on the results of such Tool Experiments (TE), the group will
define a more well-validated design referred to as a Test Model (TM) as the next
significant step in HEVC standardization. Specific experiments have been planned
relating to a tool-by-tool evaluation of the elements of the current TMuC, as well as
evaluation of other tools that could give additional benefit in terms of compression
capability or complexity reduction in areas such as intra-frame and inter-frame
prediction, transforms, entropy coding and motion vector coding. Various ad hoc
groups (AHGs) have been set up to perform additional studies on issues such as
complexity analysis, as listed below:

Ad Hoc Coordination Groups Formed

JCT-VC project management

Test model under consideration editing

Software development and TMuC software technical evaluation

Intra prediction

Alternative transforms

MV precision

In-loop filtering

Large block structures

Parallel entropy coding

In summary, the addition of number of tools within the motion compensated (MC)
transform prediction hybrid coding framework (adaptive intra/inter frame coding,
adaptive directional intra prediction, multiple block size motion estimation, SAO
filter [E87, E111, E373], in loop deblocking filter [E73, E209, E283, E302, E357,
E378, E398], entropy coding (CABAC, see [E67, E68]), multiple frame MC weighted
prediction, integer transforms from 4x4 to 32x32 [E8, E74], Hadamard transform
coding of dc coefficients in intra frame coding introduced in H.264/AVC (Chapter 4)
and various other tools as enumerated below has shown further gains in the coding
efficiency, reduced bit rates, higher PSNR etc. compared to H.264/AVC. Thus HEVC
holds promise and potential in a number of diverse applications/fields and is
expected to eventually overtake H.264/AVC.

a) Directional prediction modes (up to 34) for different PUs in intra prediction
(Fig.5.4) [E49, E104]

b) Mode dependent directional transform (MDDT) + besides the traditional

horizontal/vertical scans for intra frame coding [E8, E51, E17, E301], [DCT19]

c) Rotational transforms for block sizes larger than (8 x 8) (see P.5.13)

d) Large size transforms up to 32x32 [E8, E74]

e) In loop deblocking filter [E73, E209, E283, E302, E357, E378, E398] and SAO
filter [E87, E111, E373, E398]

f) Large size blocks for ME/MC

g) Non rectangular motion partition [E61]

Note b) and c) have been dropped as they contribute very little to coding efficiency
at the cost of substantial increase in complexity. Other directional transforms that
were proposed, like directional DCT [E112] and mode dependent DCT/DST [E113],
were also dropped due to the same reason. Recently steerable DCT (SDCT) and its
integer approximation INTSDCT that can be steered in any direction are proposed
[E392]. The authors state SDTC allows to rotate in a flexible way pairs of basis
vectors and enables precise matching of directionality in each image block,
achieving improved coding efficiency. They have implemented SDCT in image
coding and compared with DCT and DDCT. They also suggest a possible
implementation of SDCT and INTSDCT in a video compression standard such as
HEVC. See the projects P.5.262 thru P.5.267. Both in loop deblocking and SAO filters
reduce blocking and ringing artifacts. However, in HD and UHD videos, false contour
is a major artifact due to unbalanced quantization in smooth areas. Huang et al
[E393] have identified the cause for false contours and have developed effective
method for detection and removal of false contours in both compressed images and
videos while preserving true edges and textures.

It is interesting to note that some of these tools such as rotational transforms are
reconsidered in the Next Generation Video Coding (NGVC) (beyond HEVC) [BH2].
Other tools considered in NGVC (proposed earlier in HEVC) are:

Large blocks (both CU and TU sizes)

Fine granularity intra prediction angles (Fig. 3)

Bi-directional optical flow (Figs. 4 and 5) [9]

Secondary transform, both implicit and explicit (Figs. 7 and 8) [10, 11]

Multi-parameter Intra prediction (Fig. 9) [12]

Multi-hypothesis CABAC probability estimation [13]

References and figures cited here are from [BH2].

P.S: The introduction to JCT-VC is based on the paper by G.J. Sullivan and J.-R. Ohm
published in applications of digital image processing XXXIII, proc. of SPIE vol. 7798,
pp. 7798V-1 through 7798V7, 2010. Paper title is Recent developments in
standardization of high efficiency video coding (HEVC)[E7].

For the latest developments in HEVC, the reader is referred to an excellent review

G.J. Sullivan et al, Overview of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp. 1649-1668, Dec. 2012 [E61]. Also keynote speeches on
HEVC [E23, E25, E99]. Also tutorials on HEVC (see the section on tutorials). Also
see HEVC text specification draft 8 [E60]. An updated paper on HEVC is G.J. Sullivan
et al, Standardized extensions of high efficiency video coding (HEVC), IEEE Journal
of selected topics in signal processing, vol. 7, pp. 1001-1016, Dec. 2013 [E160].
Another valuable resource is the latest book: V. Sze, M. Budagavi and G.J. Sullivan
(editors) High efficiency video coding (HEVC): algorithms and architectures,
Springer, 2014 [E202]. Another valuable book is

M. Wien, High Efficiency Video Coding: Coding Tools and Specification, Springer,
2015. (See section on books on HEVC),
For intra mode, an alternative transform derived from DST is applied to 4x4 luma
blocks only. For all other cases integer DCT is applied.

5.3 Analysis of coding tools in HEVC Test Model, HM 1.0 Intra

In HM 1.0, unified intra prediction provides up to 34 directional prediction modes for
different PUs. With the PU size of 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64, there are 17,
34, 34, 34 and 5 prediction modes available respectively. The prediction directions
in the unified intra prediction have the angles of +/- [0, 2, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 32] /
32. The angle is given by displacement of the bottom row of the PU and the
reference row above the PU in case of vertical prediction, or displacement of the
rightmost column of the PU and the reference column left from the PU in case of
horizontal prediction. Figure 5.4 shows an example of prediction directions for 32x32
block size. Instead of different accuracies for different sizes, the reconstruction of

the pixel uses the linear interpolation of the reference top or left samples at 1/32th
pixel accuracy for all block sizes.

Figure 5.4. Available prediction directions in the unified intra prediction in HM 1.0

More details on unified intra prediction in HM 1.0 are available in


The working draft (WD) of the HEVC has gone through several updates/revisions and
the final draft international standard (FDIS) has come out in January 2013. This
refers to Main, Main10 and Main Intra profiles. In August 2013 five additional profiles
Main 12, Main 4:2:2 12, Main 4:4:4 10 and Main 4:4:4 12 were released. [E160]
Other range extensions include increased emphasis on high quality coding, lossless
coding and screen content coding (SCC). See the section on references on screen
content coding. Scalable video coding (spatial, temporal, quality and color gamut
scalabilities) and multiview video coding were finalized in July 2014 and
standardized in October 2014. Joint call for proposals for coding screen content is
described in [E218] and is finalized in 2016. See section on special issues on HEVC.

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) has
called for papers for the special Issue on Screen Content Video Coding and
Applications. This special issue opens up number of research areas in SCC. (See
P.5.85 and P.5.85a).

Scalability extensions [E160, E325, E326] and 3D video extensions which enable
stereoscopic and multiview representations and consider newer 3D capabilities such
as the depth maps and view-synthesis techniques have been finalized in 2015. For
work on 3D video topics for multiple standards including 3D video extensions JCT-VC
formed a team known as JCT on 3D Video (JCT-3V) in July 2012 [E160]. The overall
objective is to reduce the bit rate, increase the PSNR significantly compared to
H.264/AVC with reasonable increase in encoder/decoder complexity. These three
overview papers [E325, E326, E160] give detailed development and description of
these extensions. See also references listed under overview papers.

5.4 HEVC Encoder

IEEE Trans. CSVT vol.22, Dec. 2012 is a special issue on emerging research and
standards in next generation video coding [E45]. This special issue provides the
latest developments in HEVC related technologies, implementations and systems
with focus on further research. As the HEVC development is ongoing, this chapter
concludes with a number of projects related to HEVC with appropriate references
and the info on the KTA and HEVC software [E97]. Hopefully these projects can
provide additional insights to the tools and techniques proposed and provide a
forum for their modifications leading to further improvements in the HEVC
encoder/decoder. Figure 5.5 describes the HEVC encoder block diagram [E61]. This
does not show the coded bit stream representing the various modes (intra/inter,
CU/PU/TU sizes, intra angular prediction directions/modes, MV prediction, scaling
and quantization of transform coefficients and other modes are shown in the
decoder block diagram see Fig. 5.6).

Figure 5.5 HEVC encoder block diagram [E59] IEEE 2012.

For directional intra modes, an alternative transform related to DST is applied to 4x4
luma prediction residuals. For all other cases integer DCT is applied (Intra/Inter
chroma, and Inter luma). This change was adopted in Stockholm in July 2012.

In entropy coding only the context adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) [E67,
E68, E390] is adopted unlike two (CAVLC and CABAC) in H.264/AVC (Chapter 4).
Details on context modeling, adaptive coefficient scanning and coefficient coding
are provided in [E58]. Chapter 8 Entropy coding in HEVC authored by Sze and
Marpe in [E202] describes the functionality and design methodology behind CABAC
entropy coding in HEVC. In the conclusions section of this Chapter Sze and Marpe
state The final design of CABAC in HEVC shows that by accounting for
implementation cost and coding efficiency when designing entropy coding
algorithms results in a design that can maximize processing speed and minimize
area cost, while delivering high coding efficiency in the latest video coding
standard. The references cited at the end of this chapter are extensive and

Mode dependent directional transform [E8, E17, E51, E301] is not adopted. Only
INTDCT (separable 2-D) for all cases other than 44 intra luma is used.

Figure 5.6 HEVC decoder block diagram + [E22]
The decoder block diagram is adopted from C. Fogg, Suggested figures for the HEVC specification, ITU-T / ISO-
IEC Document: JCTVC-J0292r1, July 2012. [E22]

While the HEVC follows the traditional (also proven) block based motion compensated
prediction followed by transform, quantization, variable length coding (also adaptive intra
mode) it differs significantly by adopting flexible quad tree coding block partitioning
structure. This recursive tree coding structure is augmented by large block size transforms
(up to 32x32), advanced motion prediction, sample adaptive offset (SAO) [E87, E111, 373]
besides the deblocking filter [E73, E209, E283, E302, E357, E378, E398]. The large
multiple sizes recursive structure is categorized into coding unit (CU), prediction unit (PU)
and transform unit (Fig.5.7a) [E44]. For details about transform coefficient coding in HEVC
see [E74].

Fig. 5.7a Recursive block structure for HEVC, where k indicates the depth for CU k and TUk

Fig.5.7b Quadtree partitioning of a 64 64 CTU. (a) 64 64 CU at depth 0. (b) Four CUs of 32 32 at depth 1. (c) 16 CUs of
16 16 at depth 2 (d) 64 CUs of 8 8 at depth 3

Fig. 5.7c Partition mode for the PU of a CU.

In HEVC, the coding tree unit (CTU) is the basic unit of the quadtree coding method,
and prediction and transform are performed at each coding unit (CU) that is a leaf
node of the tree. The sizes of CTUs can be 16 16, 32 32, or 6464 pixels, and
CU sizes can be 88, 1616, 3232, or 64 64 pixels. Figure 5.7b shows CU formations
in a 64 64 CTU and each CU can be partitioned into prediction units (PUs), as shown
in Fig. 5.7c. There are a number of modes, such as skip/merge 2N 2N , inter 2N 2N
, inter N N , inter N 2N , inter 2N N , inter 2N nD, inter 2N nU , inter nL
2N , inter nR 2N , intra 2N 2N , and intra N N . For each CU, the mode having
the minimum ratedistortion (RD) cost is called the best mode, which is used as a
competitor to decide the quadtree partition structure of the CTU. The decision process of
the best mode includes prediction, transform, quantization, and entropy coding, which
usually requires high computational cost.
Complexity of the HEVC encoder is further increased by introducing intra adaptive angular
direction prediction, mode dependent context sample smoothing, adaptive motion
parameter prediction, in loop filtering (deblocking filter and sample adaptive offset -SAO).
Details on these two in loop filters and their effectiveness in improving the subjective
quality are described in Chapter 7 In-loop filters in HEVC authored by Norkin et al, see
[E202]. These and other tools contribute to 50% improved coding efficiency over H.264 at
the cost of substantial increase in encoder complexity. The decoder complexity, however,
is similar to that of H.264/AVC [E23, E61, E105]. Several techniques for reducing the intra
prediction encoder complexity (see [E42] and various references cited at the end) are
suggested. See also [E108]. Zhang and Ma [E42, E147] are also exploring the reduction of
inter prediction complexity. They suggest that these two areas (intra and inter prediction
modes) can be combined to reduce the overall HEVC encoder complexity. (See projects
P.5.16 thru P.5.19). This is a fertile ground for research. A summary of the tools included in
main and high efficiency 10 [HE10] is shown in Table 5.2. Details of these tools are
described in Test Model encoder description [E59]. See also the review papers [E61, E99,
E107]. The paper [E61]] states To assist industry community in learning how to use the
standard, the standardization effort not only includes the development of a text
specification document (HM8) but also reference software source code (both
encoder/decoder) [E97]. This software can be used as a research tool and as the basis of
products. This paper also states A standard test data suite is also being developed for
testing conformance to the standard.

Main High efficiency 10 (HE10)
High-level Structure:
High-level support for frame rate temporal nesting and random access
Clean random access (CRA) support
Rectangular tile-structured scanning
Wavefront-structured processing dependencies for parallelism
Slices with spatial granularity equal to coding tree unit
Slices with independent and dependent slice segments
Coding units, Prediction units, and Transform units:
Coding unit quadtree structure
square coding unit block sizes 2Nx2N, for N=4, 8, 16, 32 (i.e. up to 64x64 luma samples in size)
Prediction units
(for coding unit size 2Nx2N: for Inter, 2Nx2N, 2NxN, Nx2N, and, for N>4, also 2Nx(N/2+3N/2) &
(N/2+3N/2)x2N; for Intra, only 2Nx2N and, for N=4, also NxN)
Transform unit tree structure within coding unit (maximum of 3 levels)
Transform block size of 4x4 to 32x32 samples (always square)
Spatial Signal Transformation and PCM Representation:
DCT-like integer block transform;
for Intra also a DST-based integer block transform (only for Luma 4x4)
Transforms can cross prediction unit boundaries for Inter; not for Intra
Skipping transform is allowed for 4x4 transform unit
PCM coding with worst-case bit usage limit
Intra-picture Prediction:
Angular intra prediction (35 modes including DC and Planar )
Planar intra prediction
Inter-picture Prediction:
Luma motion compensation interpolation: 1/4 sample precision, 8x8 separable with 6 bit tap values for
1/2 precision, 7x7 separable with 6 bit tap values for 1/4 precision
Chroma motion compensation interpolation: 1/8 sample precision, 4x4 separable with 6 bit tap values
Advanced motion vector prediction with motion vector competition and merging
Entropy Coding:
Context adaptive binary arithmetic entropy coding (CABAC)
Rate-distortion optimized quantization (RDOQ)
Picture Storage and Output Precision:
8 bit-per-sample storage and output 10 bit-per-sample storage and output
In-Loop Filtering:
Deblocking filter
Sample-adaptive offset filter (SAO)
Table 5.2 Structure of tools in HM9 configuration [E59]

5.4.1 Intra prediction

Figure 5.8 shows the 33 intra prediction angle directions [E59, E61, E125] corresponding to
the VER and HOR described in Fig. 5.4. Figure 5.9 shows the 33 intra prediction mode
directions. The mapping between the intra prediction mode directions and angles is shown
in Table 5.3 [E125]. See also [E102]. These intra prediction modes contribute significantly
to the improved performance of HEVC. Statistical analysis of the usage of the directional
prediction modes for all intra case has shown that besides planar (mode 0) and dc (mode
1), horizontal (mode 10) and vertical (mode26) are at the top of this ranking [E104]. The
authors in [E104] by developing a new angular table have demonstrated improved coding
gains for video sequences with large amounts of various textures. Each intra coded PU

shall have an intra prediction mode for luma and another for chroma components. All TUs
within a PU shall use the same associated mode for each component. Encoder then selects
the best luma intra prediction mode from the 35 directions (33 plus planar and DC). Due
to increased number of directions (compared to those in H.264/AVC Chapter 4) HEVC
considers three most probable modes (mpm) compared to one mpm in H.264/AVC. For
chroma of intra PU, encoder then selects the best chroma prediction mode from 5 modes
including planar, DC, horizontal, vertical and direct copy of intra prediction mode for luma.
Details about mapping between intra prediction direction and mode # for chroma are
given in [E59, E125].

Detailed description of the HEVC encoder related to slices/tiles, coding units, prediction
units, transform units, inter prediction modes, special coding modes, MV estimation/
prediction, interpolation filters for fractional pixel MV resolution, weighted prediction,
transform sizes (4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32) [E74], scanning the transform coefficients
Fig.5.10 - (see [E74] for details), scaling/quantization, loop filtering (deblocking filter [E73,
E209, E283, E357, E378, E398]) and SAO [E87, E111, E373, E398]), entropy coding (CABAC
[E67, E68, E390]) and myriad other functionalities are provided in [E61, E99, E107 ]. An
excellent resource is V. Sze, M. Budagavi and G.J. Sullivan (Editors), High efficiency
video coding: Algorithms and architectures, Springer 2014. [E202]. Another excellent
resource is the book M. Wien, High efficiency video coding: Coding tools and
specification, Springer 2015. In [E202], various aspects of HEVC are dealt within different
chapters contributed by various authors who have been involved in all phases of the HEVC
development as an ITU-T and ISO/IEC standard. [E202] Popular zigzag scan is not adopted.

P.S. Hsu and Shen [E357] have developed the VLSI architecture and hardware
implementation of a highly efficient deblocking filter for HEVC that can achieve 60 fps
video (4Kx2K) under an operating frequency of 100 MHz. They also list several references
related to deblocking filter (H.264/AVC and H.265) and SAO filter (H.265).

Fig. 5.8 Intra prediction angle definition [E59, E125]

Fig. 5.9 Intra prediction mode directions [E59, E125]. See also [E104].

Table 5.3 Mapping between intra prediction mode direction (shown in Fig. 5.9) and intra
prediction angles (shown in Fig. 5.8) [E125]

Both visual and textual description of these directional modes, besides filtering process of
reference samples as predictors, post processing of predicted samples and myriad other
details are described in Chapter 4 Lainema and Han, Intra-picture prediction in HEVC,

5.4.2 Transform coefficient scanning

The three transform coefficient scanning methods, diagonal, horizontal and vertical
adopted in HEVC for a 8x8 transform block (TB) are shown in Fig. 5.10 [E74]. The scan in a
4x4 transform block is diagonal. Horizontal and vertical scans may also be applied in the
intra case for 4x4 and 8x8 transform blocks.


Fig. 5.10 a) Diagonal scan pattern in 8x8 TB. The diagonal scan of a 4x4 TB is used within
each 4x4 sub block of larger blocks. b) Coefficient groups for 8x8 TB [E74]. 2012 IEEE.

Chapter 6, Budagavi, Fuldseth and Bjontegaard, HEVC transform and quantization, in

[E202] describes the 4x4 to 32x32 integer 2-D DCTs including the embedding process
(small size transforms are embedded in large size transforms) default quantization
matrices for transform block sizes of 4x4 and 8x8 and other details are addressed. The
embedding feature allows for different transform sizes to be implemented using the same
architecture thereby facilitating hardware sharing. An extensive list of references related
to integer DCT architectures is provided in [E381]. An extensive list of references related in
integer DCT architectures is provided in [E381]

An alternate 4x4 integer transform derived from DST for intra 4x4 luma blocks is also

5.4.3 Luma and chroma fractional pixel interpolation

Integer (Ai,j) and fractional pixel positions (lower case letters) for luma interpolation are
shown in Fig.5.11 [E61, E109]. See [E69] for generalized interpolation.

Fig. 5.11 Integer and fractional positions for luma interpolation [E61] 2012 IEEE

Unlike a two-stage interpolation process adopted in H.264, HEVC uses separable 8-tap
filter for pixels and 7-tap filter for pixels (Table 5.4) [E61, E71, E109]. Similarly 4-tap
filter coefficients for chroma fractional (1/8 accuracy) pixel interpolation are listed in Table
5.5. Lv et al [E109] have conducted a detailed study of performance comparison of
fractional-pel interpolation filters in HEVC and H.264/AVC and conclude that the filters in
HEVC increase the BD rates [E81, E82, E198] by more than 10% compared to those in
H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) at the cost of increased implementation complexity.

Table 5.4 Filter coefficients for luma fractional sample interpolation [E61] 2012 IEEE

Table 5.5 Filter coefficients for chroma fractional sample interpolation [E61] 2012 IEEE

5.4.4 Comparison of coding tools of HM1 and HEVC draft 9

Coding tools of HEVC test model version 1 (HM1) and draft 9 [E59] are summarized in Table
5.6 [E59]. The overview paper on HEVC by Sullivan et al [E61] is an excellent resource
which clarifies not only all the inherent functionalities but also addresses the history and
standardization process leading to this most efficient standard. In the long run, the HEVC
(including the additions/extensions/profiles) has the potential/prospects/promise to
overtake all the previous standards including H.264/AVC (Chapter 4).

Table 5.6 Summary of coding tools of high efficiency configuration in HM1 and HEVC [E61]
2012 IEEE

5.5 Extensions to HEVC

As with H.264/AVC, additions/extensions to HEVC include 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 formats, higher
bit depths (10 and 12), scalable video coding (SVC), (References are listed in section 5.10
Summary) 3D/stereo/multiview coding (some of these are already being explored) See
[E23, E25, E34, E39, E260, E326]. Several proposals related to SVC have been presented
at the Shanghai meeting of HEVC (ITU-T/ISO, IEC) held in Oct. 2012. The reader is referred
to the poster session [E27] MA.P2 High efficiency video coding, IEEE ICIP 2012, Orlando
FL, Sept. - Oct. 2012 and the special issue on emerging research and standards in next
generation video coding IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, Dec. 2012 [E45]. Several papers from
this special issue are cited as references here [E61 - E63, E67, E73, E74, E76-E79, E83
-E85, E87 -E93, E120]. See also [E321, E325, E326]

These papers cover not only the various aspects of HEVC, but also ways to reduce the
implementation complexity and the reasons behind the various tools and techniques
adopted in this standard. The justification for initial consideration of some tools such
adaptive loop filter, MDDT, ROT etc. and subsequent elimination of these tools in the
standard is also provided in some of these papers.

Some of these tools are reconsidered in the next generation video coding (NGVC), beyond
HEVC. Also IEEE Journal of selected topics of signal processing has published a special
issue on video coding: HEVC and beyond, vol.7, December 2013. [E80]

These additions/extensions are projected to be standardized during the 2014 -2015 time
5.6 Profiles and levels
Three profiles (Main, Main10 and Main Still Picture intra frame only) are listed in Annex A
in the final draft international standard (FDIS) (January 2013) [E125]. ITU-T study group 16
has agreed to this first stage approval formally known as Recommendation H.265 or
ISO/IEC 23008-2. Main profile is limited to YC bCr 4:2:0 format, 8 bit depth, progressive
scanning (non interlaced) with spatial resolutions ranging from QCIF (176x144) to
7640x4320 (called 8Kx4K). Figure 5.12 [E23] lists the spatial resolutions ranging from SD
(NTSC) to super Hi-Vision/ultra HD video. In the main profile 13 levels are included in the
first version (Table 5.7) [E61, E99].

Fig. 5.12 Future visual applications and demands. (NHK and Mitsubishi have developed a
SHV-HEVC hardware encoder) [E23]

Table 5.7 Level limits for the main profile in HEVC [E61] 2012 IEEE

5.7 Performance and computational complexity of HEVC encoders

Correa et al [E84] have carried out a thorough and detailed investigation of the
performance of coding efficiency versus computational complexity of HEVC encoders. This
investigation focuses on identifying the tools that most affect these two vital parameters
(efficiency and complexity). An invaluable outcome is the trade off between the efficiency
and complexity useful for implementing complexity-constrained encoders.

Additionally, the development of low-complexity encoders that achieve coding efficiency

comparable to high-complexity configurations is a valuable resource for industry. This
combination of low-complexity and high efficiency can be achieved by enabling Hadamard
ME, asymmetric motion partitions and the loop filters instead of computationally
demanding tools such as ME. Their analysis included the three coding tools (non square
transform, adaptive loop filter and LM chroma) which have been subsequently dropped
from the draft standard [E60].

5.8 System layer integration of HEVC

Schierl et al describe the system layer integration of HEVC [E83]. The integration of HEVC
into end-to-end multimedia systems, formats, and protocols (RTP, MPEG-2 TS, ISO File
Format, and dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP - DASH) is discussed. Error resiliency
tools in HEVC are also addressed. Many error resilience tools of H.264/AVC such as FMO,
ASO, redundant slices, data partitioning and SP/SI pictures (Chapter 4) have been removed
due to their usage. They suggest that the use of error concealment in HEVC should be
carefully considered in implementation and is a topic for further research. They conclude
with a description of video transport and delivery such as broadcast, IPTV, internet
streaming, video conversation and storage as provided by the different system layers. See
reference 24 listed in this paper i.e., T. Schierl, K. Gruenberg and S. Narasimhan, Working
draft 1.0 for transport of HEVC over MPEG-2 Systems, ISO/IEC SC29/WG11,
MPEG99/N12466, February 2012. See other references related to various transport

5.9 HEVC lossless coding and improvements [E86]

Zhou et al [E85] have implemented lossless coding mode of HEVC main profile (bypassing
transform, quantization and in-loop filters Fig. 5.13 [E85]) and have shown significant
improvements (bit rate reduction) over current lossless techniques such as JPEG2000,
JPEG-LS, 7-Zip and WinRAR. (See Appendix F) They improve the coding efficiency further by
introducing the sample based intra angular prediction (SAP).

Figure 5.13 HEVC encoder block diagram with lossless coding mode [E85] (See Fig. 5.5)
2012 IEEE. See also [E194, E196]

Cai et al [E114] also conducted the lossless coding of HEVC intra mode, H.264 High 4:4:4
Profile intra mode, MJPEG 2000 and JPEG-LS using a set of recommended video sequences
during the development of HEVC standard. Their conclusion is that the performance of
HEVC has matched that of H.264/AVC and is comparable to JPEG-LS and MJPEG 2000.
Similar tests on lossy intra coding show that HEVC high10, H.264/AVC HP 4:4:4 and HEVC
MP have similar performance. However, MJPEG 2000 outperforms the former three in low
bit scenario, while this advantage is gradually compensated and finally surpassed by the
former three as the bit rate increases. Several other interesting papers on performance
comparison of these and other standards are listed in [E114]. Wige et al [E147] have
implemented HEVC lossless coding using pixel-based averaging predictor. Heindel, Wige
and Kaup [E194] have developed lossless compression of enhancement layer (SELC) with
base layer as lossy. Wang et al [E196] have implemented lossy to lossless image
compression based on reversible integer DCT.

Horowitz et al [E66] have conducted the informal subjective quality (double blind fashion)
comparison of HEVC MP (reference software HM 7.1) and H.264/AVC HP reference encoder
(JM 18.3) for low delay applications. Table 5.14 describes the comparison results for test
sequences encoded using the HM and JM encoders. They conclude that HEVC generally
produced better subjective quality compared with H.264/AVC at roughly half the bit rate
with viewers favoring HEVC in 73.6% trials.

Table 5.14. Subjective viewing comparison results for sequences encoded using the HM
and JM encoders [E66] SPIE 2012

To reinforce these results, x264 the production quality H.264/AVC encoder is compared
with eBrisk Video (production quality HEVC implementation). See Table 5.15 for the
comparison results. Viewers favored eBrisk encoded video at roughly half the bit rate
compared to x264 in 62.4% trials. These tests confirm that HEVC yields similar subjective
quality at half the bit rate of H.264/AVC. Chapter 9 Compression performance analysis in
HEVC by Tabatabai et al in [E202] describes in detail the subjective and objective quality
comparison of HEVC with H.264/AVC. Tan et al [SE.4] have presented the subjective and
objective comparison results of HEVC with H.264/AVC and conclude that the key objective
of the HEVC has been achieved i.e., substantial improvement in compression efficiency
compared to H.264/AVC.

Table 5.15. Subjective viewing comparison results for sequences encoded using the eBrisk
and x264 encoders [E6] 2012 SPIE

5.10 Summary
In the family of video coding standards (Fig. 5.1), HEVC has the promise and potential to
replace/supplement all the existing standards (MPEG and H.26x series including
H.264/AVC). While the complexity of the HEVC encoder is several times that of the
H.264/AVC (Chapter 4), the decoder complexity [E163] is within the range of the latter.
Researchers are exploring about reducing the HEVC encoder complexity [E63, E79, E84,
E88, E89, E106, E108, E166 - E17, E187, E195R, E199, E204, E205, E208, E221, E230,
E232, E240, E242, E247, E248, E252, E257, E258, E259, E269, E270, 274, E276, E278,
E290, E308, E312, E332, E348, E368, E369, E374, E383, E388, E390]. Bin and Cheung
[E247] have developed a fast decision algorithm for the HEVC Intra coder and report
encoding time is reduced by 52% on average compared with HM 10.0 reference software
with negligible losses. Similarly, Kim and Park [E248] developed a fast CU partitioning
algorithm resulting in reducing the computational complexity of the HEVC encoder by
53.6% on the average with negligible BD bit rate loss. Chi et al [E246] have developed a
SIMD optimization for the entire HEVC decoder resulting in up to 5x speed up. Min, Xu and
Cheung [E382} have developed a fully pipelined architecture for intra prediction of HEVC
that achieves a throughput of 4 pixels in one clock cycle and is capable to support
3840x2160 video at 30 fps. Correa et al [E383] have developed (part of the abstract is
repeated here)

A set of Pareto-efficient encoding configurations, identified through rate-distortion-

analysis. This method combines a medium-granularity encoding time control with a
fine-granularity encoding time control to accurately limit the HEVC encoding time
below a
predefined target for each GOP. The encoding time can be kept below a desired
target for a wide range of encoding time reductions, e.g., up to 90% in comparison
with the original
encoder. The results also show that compression efficiency loss (Bjntegaard delta-
rate) varies from negligible (0.16%) to moderate (9.83%) in the extreme case of
90% computational
complexity reduction
Index TermsEncoding time limitation, High Efficiency

In particular, refer to [E242], wherein significant encoder complexity reduction is achieved

with negligible increase in BD-rate by combining early termination processes in CTU, PU
and RQT structures. See also P.5.139 related to this. Chapter 4 Intra-picture prediction in
HEVC - and Chapter 5 - inter-picture prediction in HEVC - and the references at the end of
these chapters [E202] provide insights related to encoder complexity reduction. Another
approach in reducing the encoder complexity is based on zero block detection [E166,
E171, E186]. Kim et al [E168] have shown that motion estimation (ME) occupies 77-81% of
HEVC encoder implementation. Hence the focus has been in reducing the ME complexity
[E137, E152, E168, E170, E179, E205, E221, E239, E275, E351, E359, E370, E371]. PPT
slides related to fast ME algorithm and architecture design are presented in [Tut10].
Machine learning techniques [E259, E263, E317, E359] have been applied effectively
resulting in significant reduction of HEVC encoder complexity. Several researchers have
implemented performance comparison of HEVC with other standards such as H.264/AVC
(Chapter 4), MPEG-4 Part 2 visual, H.262/MPEG-2 Video [E183], H.263, and VP9 (Chapter 6)
and also with image coding standards such as JPEG2000, JPEG-LS, and JPEG-XR [E22, E47,
E62, E63, E65, E66, E114, E177, E191, E245]. Similar comparisons with MPEG-4 Part 10
(AVC) and VP9 are reported in [E191]. See also papers listed under VP8, VP and VP10. Most
significant of all these is the detailed performance comparison (both objective and
subjective) described in [E62]. Special attention may be drawn to references 39, 40, 42-47
cited in [E62]. Chapter 9 - Comparison performance analysis in HEVC in [E202] provides
both objective/subjective comparison between HM 12.1 (HEVC) and JM 18.5 (AVC H.264).
See Table 9.4 in [E202] for description of the test conditions.

However, the payoff is several tests have shown that HEVC provides improved
compression efficiency up to 50% bit rate reduction [E61, E62, E99] for the same
subjective video quality compared to H.264/AVC (Chapter 4). See Tables 5.14 and 5.15.
Besides addressing all current applications, HEVC is designed and developed to focus on
two key issues: increased video resolution - up to 8kx4k and increased use of parallel
processing architecture. A detailed description of the parallelism in HEVC is outlined in
Chapter 3 H. Schwarz, T. Schierl and D. Marpe, Block structures and parallelism
features in HEVC , in [E202]. This chapter also demonstrates that more than half of the
average bit rate savings compared to H.264 are due to increased flexibility of block
partitioning for prediction and transform coding. Brief description of the HEVC is provided.
However, for details and implementation, the reader is referred to the JCT-VC documents
[E55, E188], overview papers (See section on overview papers).

[E321] is an overview paper describing the range extensions (Rext) of the HEVC. Beyond
the Main, Main 10 and Main Intra profiles finalized in version1, Rext (version 2 ) focuses on
monochrome, 4:2:4 and 4:4:4 sampling formats and higher bit depths. New coding tools
integrated into version 2 are: Cross-component prediction (CCP) [E355], Adaptive chroma
quantization parameter offset (ACQP) and residual differential pulse code modulation (RD-
PCM). Modification to HEVC Version 1 tools are: Filtering for smoothing of samples in intra-
picture prediction, transform skip and transform quantizer bypass modes, truncated Rice
binarization, internal accuracy and k-th order Exp-Golomb (EGk) binarization, and CABAC
bypass decoding. These tools and modifications are meant to address the application
scenarios such as: content production in a digital video broadcasting delivery chain,
storage and transmission of video captured by a professional camera, compression of high
dynamic range content, improved lossless compression and coding of screen content. This
overview paper describes in detail not only the justification for introducing these additional
tools, modifications and profiles but also the improved performance. Using a spectrum of
standard video test sequences the authors have compared the performance of HEVC
version II (HM 16.2 software) with H.264/AVC (JM 18.6) using BD bit rate as a metric. This
comparison extends to lossless coding for different temporal structures called as All-Intra
(AI), Random Access (RA) and Low Delay (LD). In the overview paper on SCC [E322],
implementation complexity as a performance measure is conspicuous by its absence.
Extensive list of references related to SCC are cited at the end.

Keynote speeches [E23, E99], tutorials (See section on tutorials), panel discussions [E98,
E366, E380], poster sessions [E27, E139], workshop [E257] special issues (See special
issues on HEVC) test models (TM/HM) [E54], web/ftp sites [E48, E53 - E55], open source
software (See section on open source software), test sequences, file formats [E327] and
anchor bit streams [E49]. Also researchers are exploring transcoding between HEVC and
other standards such as MPEG-2 (See section on transcoders). Further extensions to HEVC
[E158] are scalable video coding (SHVC) [E76, E119, E126 - E129, E141, E158, E159, E208,
E213, E214, E234, E238, E264 ,E284, E325] (note that E325 is an overview paper on
SHVC), 3D video/multiview video coding [E34, E39, E201, E227, E271, E326] (note that
E326 is an overview paper on the 3D video/multiview coding) and range extensions [E155,
E321] which include screen content coding, See the references on screen content coding
besides the overview paper [E322] bit depths larger than 10 bits and color sampling of
4:2:2 and 4:4:4 formats.

In an overview paper, [E325] Boyce et al describe the scalable extensions of the HEVC
(SHVC), which include temporal, spatial, quality (SNR), bit depth and color gamut
functionalities and as well their combination (hybrid). They compare the performance of
SHVC with the scalable extensions of H.264 / AVC called SVC and conclude using various
test sequences (Table 5 in [E325]), that SHVC is 50% to 63% more efficient than SVC
depending on the scalability type and the use scenario. In view of the superior
performance, various standardization bodies such as 3GPP and ATSC for broadcasting and
video streaming and IMTC for videoconferencing are evaluating SHVC as potential codec
choice. Investigation of bit rate allocation in SHVC is addressed in [E350].

[E322] is an overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC extension. It describes several new
modules / tools added to the original HEVC framework and also the new coding tools
introduced during the development off HEVC SCC. The paper concludes with performance
analysis of the new coding tools relative to HEVC Rext and H.264 / AVC.

Screen content coding (SCC) [E322] in general refers to computer generated objects and
screen shots from computer applications (both images and videos) and may require
lossless coding. HEVC SCC extension reference software is listed in [E256]. Some aspects
of SCC are addressed in [E352, E353]. Except for screen content coding, all these
extensions have been finalized in 2015. They also provide fertile ground for R & D. Iguchi
et al [E164] have already developed a hardware encoder for super hi-vision (SHV) i.e., ultra
HDTV at 7680x4320 pixel resolution. Shishikui [E320] has described the development of
SHV broadcasting in Japan and states that 8K SHV broadcasting to begin in 2016 during
the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics and for full pledged broadcasting to begin in 2020
with the Tokyo Summer Olympics. He has also presented a keynote speech 8K super hi-
vision: science, engineering, deployment and expectations, in IEEE PCS 2015 in Cairns,

Tsai et al [E222] have designed a 1062 Mpixels/s 8192x4320 HEVC encoder chip. See also
[E165] which describes real-time hardware implementation of HEVC encoder for 1080p HD
video. NHK is planning SHV experimental broadcasting in 2016. See also [E226]. A 249-
Mpixel/s HEVC video decoder chip for 4k Ultra-HD applications has already been developed
[E182]. Bross et al [E184] have shown that real time software decoding of 4K (3840x2160)
video with HEVC is feasible on current desktop CPUs using four CPU cores. They also state
that encoding 4K video in real time on the other hand is a challenge. AceThought among
many other companies provides high-quality and efficient software implementation of
HEVC Main Profile, Main 10 Profile and Main Still Picture Profile decoder algorithms on
various handheld and desktop platforms [E189]. Cho et al [E219] have developed CTU
level parallel processing for single core and picture partition level multi core parallel
processing for 4K/8K UHD high performance HEVC hardware decoder implementation. They
conclude that their multi core decoder design is suitable for 4K/8K UHD real time decoding
of HEVC bit streams when implemented on SoC. Kim et al [E220] have extended this to
scalable HEVC hardware decoder and the decoder design is estimated to be able to decode
4K@60fps HEVC video. Decoder hardware architecture and encoder hardware architecture
for HEVC are addressed in chapters 10 and 11 respectively in the book V. Sze, M. Budagavi
and G.J. Sullivan (editors) High efficiency video coding (HEVC): algorithms and
architectures, Springer, 2014 [E202]. For 4K video, software decoder has been developed
[E329]. A hardware architecture of a CABAC decoder for HEVC that can lead to real time
decoding of video bit streams at levels 6.2 (8K UHD at 10 fps) and 5.1 (4K UHD at 60 fps)
has been developed by Chen and Sze [E249]. See also [E390]. Zhou et al also have
developed similar VLSI architecture for H.265/HEVC CABAC encoder [E250]. Wang et al
[E359] have presented an improved and highly efficient VLSI implementation of HEVC MC
that supports 7680x4320@60fps bidirectional prediction. The authors [E359] claim that the
proposed MC design not only achieves 8x throughput enhancement but also improves
hardware efficiency by at least 2.01 times in comparison with prior arts. Zooming and
displaying region of interest (ROI) from a high resolution video i.e., ROI based streaming in
HEVC has also been developed by Umezaki and Goto [E206]. The authors suggest future
work to reduce the decoding cost. A novel Wavefront Based High parallel Solution for
HEVC Encoding integrating data level, optimal single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
algorithms are designed by Chen et al [E272], in which the overall WHP solution can bring
up to 57.65x, 65.55x and 88.17x speedup for HEVC encoding of WVGA, 720p and 1080p
standard test sequences while maintaining the same coding performance as with
Wavefront Parallel Processing (WPP). Abeydeera et al [E338] have developed a 4K real time
decoder on FPGA. Chiang et al {E345] have developed a real-time HEVC decoder capable
of decoding 4096x2160@30fps at 270 MHz. Transport of HEVC video over MPEG-2 systems
is described in [E197]. Encode/decode and multiplex/demultiplex HEVC video/AAC audio
while maintaining lip synch has been implemented in software [E203]. This, however, is
limited to HEVC main profile intra coding only. Extension to inter prediction and also to
other profiles are valid research areas. Kim, Ho and Kim [E254] have developed a HEVC-
complaint perceptual video coding scheme based on JND models that has significant bit-
rate reductions with negligible subjective quality loss at a slight increase in encoder
complexity. Several companies and research institutes have developed various products
related to HEVC (see the booths and exhibits at NAB 2016, held in Las Vegas 16-21 April
2016 www.nabshow.com). One highlight is the single chip #8K #video decoder developed
by Socionext US. Several companies have developed or developing hardware
encoders/decoders (chips or SOC) that can process up to 4K and 8K video [TUT10]. Details
on software codecs are also provided. This tutorial concludes with future challenges for
next generation video encoders that relate to extensions such as HSVC, SCC, Multiview, 3D
etc. A new standard called MPEG-4 internet video coding (IVC) has been approved as
IS0/IEC 14496-33 in June 2015 [E399]. This standard is highly beneficial for video services
in the internet domain. The HEVC standard and all its extensions are expected to go
through the various revisions and refinements meeting the growth in consumer electronics,
internet, VLSI, security, defense, medical, broadcasting, and related areas over the next
several years. The next major standard is projected to be around 2020 designed to meet
5G specification. [BH1] and [BH2] address video coding techniques beyond HEVC.
References [1] through [8] in [BH2] describe the algorithms and techniques proposed for
NGVC beyond HEVC. Sze and Budagavi and also Grois et al (see tutorials) have suggested
directions for post HEVC activities. While the main emphasis in developing HEVC has been
on efficient video compression and coding, it is interesting to note that the features in its
compressed domain have been adopted in video saliency detection [E400].

The projects listed below range from graduate 3 credit hours to research at the M.S. and doctoral
levels. These projects are designed to provide additional insights into the tools and techniques and
provide a forum for their modifications leading to further improvements in the HEVC
encoder/decoder.).Besides the references related to HEVC, references are listed under various
categories such as , books, tutorials, transcoders, on line courses (OLC), overview papers, open
source software, video test sequences, SSIM, screen content coding, file format, JVT reflector, MSU
codec comparison, general, beyond HEVC etc. for easy access. References and projects related to
JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG-2000, JPEG-XR, JPEG-XT, PNG, WebP, WebM, DIRAC and DAALA are added at
the end. Keynote address by T. Ebrahimi JPEG PLENO: Towards a new standard for plenoptic image
compression, IEEE DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, 2016 along with the abstract is included. This developing
new standard while maintaining backward compatibility with legacy JPEG opens up thought
provoking and challenging research [JP-P1]. Panel presentations by Sullivan and others [E366]
Video coding: Recent developments for HEVC and future trends during IEEE DCC 2016 opens up
research areas for next generation video coding (NGVC). Slides related to high dynamic range, wide
color gamut video , 360 video , royalty free video standards are of special interest providing fertile
ground for research. Access to HEVC SCC extensions, new profiles , further compression exploration
beyond HEVC is also provided. Several tests [E372] have shown superior performance of HEVC intra
compared to JPEG, JPEG LS, JPEG 2000, JPEG XT, JPEG XR and VP9 intra in terms of PSNR and SSIM.
Related problems are described in P.5.237 and P.5.238. However, implementation complexity of
HEVC intra is higher compared to all the others. Brief introduction to AV1 codec being developed by
Alliance for Open Media (AOM) is included. This is followed by brief description of Real Media HD
(RMHD) codec developed by Real Networks. Special sessions on recent developments in video
coding, genomic compression and quality metrics/perceptual compression to be held in IEEE DCC,
April 2017 are of interests to researchers, academia and industry [E386]. Projects related to
demosaicking of mosaicked images are listed in P.5.254 thru P.5.257 (See [E384 and E387]). In IEEE
DCC 2017 [E386] special sessions on Video
coding", "Genome Compression", and
"Quality Metrics and Perceptual Compression" can lead to number of R&D projects.
Of particular interest is perceptual compression which is based on psycho visual
perception (vision science). Another interesting topic is keynote address "Video
Quality Metrics" by Scott Daly, Senior Member Technical Staff, Dolby Laboratories. Besides
compression and coding, some features of HEVC in compressed domain are used in developing
video saliency detection [E400]. The authors in [E400] claim that their method is superior to other state-of-the-art
saliency detection techniques. Recently, Kim et al [E355] have demonstrated significant coding gains for both natural and
screen content video in HEVC based on cross component prediction (CCP). IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017 has also many
papers related to HEVC. While the domain of the video coding standards, in general, encoder/decoder, both preprocessing
(RGB to color space conversion, quantization and chroma subsampling, and post processing (corresponding inverse
processes), trends for future video codec such as HDR and WCG include both pre and post processing. This implies end-to-
end pipeline video capture and display in RGB format.

5.11 Projects
There are some projects which refer to EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington (UTA),
Arlington, Texas, 76019, USA. For details please go to www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip.
Click on courses and then click on Graduate courses followed by EE5359 Multimedia
Processing. Scroll down to theses and also to projects.

P.5.1. Deng et al [E17] have added further extensions to H.264/AVC FRExt such as
larger MV search range, larger macroblock, skipped block sizes and 1-D DDCT. They
compared its performance with motion JPEG 2000 using high resolution (HR) (4096
2160) video sequences and showed significant improvement of the former in terms
of PSNR at various bit rates. Implement the extended H.264/AVC (chapter 4) and
Motion JPEG 2000 (Appendix F) and confirm that the former has a superior
performance using HR test sequences. C. Deng et al, Performance analysis,
parameter selection and extension to H.264/AVC FRExt for high resolution video
coding, J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 687 - 760, Feb. 2011.
P.5.2. Karczewicz et al [E10] have proposed a hybrid video codec superior to
H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) codec by adding additional features such as extended block
sizes (up to 64 64), mode dependent directional transforms (MDDT) for intra
coding, luma and chroma high precision filtering, adaptive coefficient scanning,
extended block size partition, adaptive loop filtering, large size integer transform
etc. By using several test sequences at different spatial resolutions, they have
shown that the new codec out performs the traditional H. 264/AVC codec (chapter 4)
in terms of both subjective quality and objective metrics. Also this requires only
moderate increase in complexity of both the encoder and decoder. Implement this
new codec and obtain results similar to those described in this paper, consider SSIM
(Appendix C) also as another metric in all the simulations. Use the latest JM software
for H.264/AVC. M. Karczewicz et al, A hybrid video coder based on extended
macroblock sizes, improved interpolation, and flexible motion representation, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol. 20, pp. 1698 1708, Dec. 2010.
P.5.3. Ma and Segall [E20] have developed a low resolution (LR) decoder for HEVC.
The objective here is to provide a low power decoder within a high resolution bit
stream for handheld and mobile devices. This is facilitated by adopting hybrid frame
buffer compression, LR intra prediction, cascaded motion compensation and in loop
deblocking [E73], within the HEVC framework. Implement this low power HEVC
decoder. Also port these tools in the HEVC reference model (HM9.0) [E56] and

evaluate the performance. Z. Ma and A. Segall, Low resolution decoding for high
efficiency video coding, IASTED SIP 2011, pp., Dallas, TX, Dec. 2011.
P.5.4. Joshi, Reznik and Karczewicz [E8] have developed scaled integer transforms
which are numerically stable, recursive in structure and are orthogonal. They have
also embedded these transforms in H.265/JMKTA framework. Specifically develop the
16-point scaled transforms and implement in H.265 using JMKTA software. Develop
32 and 64 point scaled transforms. R. Joshi, Y.A. Reznik and M. Karczewicz, Efficient
large size transforms for high-performance video coding, Applications of Digital
Image Processing XXXIII, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 7798, 77980W-1 through 77980W-7,
P.5.5. Please access S. Subbarayappas thesis (2012) from EE 5359, MPL web site,
Implementation and Analysis of Directional Discrete Cosine Transform in Baseline
Profile in H.264. Obtain the basis images for all the directional modes related to
(44) and (88) DDCT+. Modes 4, 6, 7 and 8 can be obtained from modes 3 and 5 as
shown in Figs. 13-16 (project). See also [E112]. Use this approach for obtaining the
basis images.
Please access: http://www.h265.net/2009/9/mode-dependent-directional-transform-
P.5.6. Please access the web site http://www.h265.net/ and go to analysis of coding
tools in HEVC test model (HM 1.0) intra prediction. It describes that up to 34
directional prediction modes for different PUs can be used in intra prediction of
H.265. Implement these modes in HM 1.0 and evaluate the H.265 performance using
TMuC HEVC software [E97]. (HM: HEVC test model, TMuC Test Model under
P.5.7. Using TMuC HEVC software [E95], implement HM1.0 considering various test
sequences at different bit rates. Compare the performance of HEVC (h265.net) with
H.264/AVC (use JM software) using SSIM (Appendix C), bit rates, PSNR, BD measures
[E81, E82, E96, E198] and computational time as the metrics. Use WD 8.0 [E60].
P.5.8. In the document JCTVC-G399 r2, Li has compared the compression
performance of HEVC WD4 with H.264/AVC high profile. Implement this comparison
using HEVC WD8 and the latest JM software for H.264/AVC based on several test
sequences at different bit rates. As before, SSIM (Appendix C), PSNR, bit rates, BD
measures [E81, E82, E96, E198] and implementation complexity are the metrics.
JCT-VC, 7th meeting, Geneva, CH, 21-30, Nov. 2011. (comparison of compression
performance of HEVC working draft 4 with H.264/AVC High profile)
P.5.9. Please access J.S. Park and T. Ogunfunmi, A new approach for image quality
assessment, ICIEA 2012, Singapore, 18-20 July 2012. They have developed a
subjective measure (similar to SSIM) for evaluating video quality based on (8 8)
2D-DCT. They suggest that it is much simpler to implement compared to SSIM
(Appendix C) while in performance it is close to SSIM. Evaluate this based on
various artifacts. Also consider (4 4) and (16 16) 2D-DCTs besides the (8 8).
Can this concept be extended to integer DCTs. Can DCT be replaced by DST
(discrete sine transform).
P.5.10. Please access J. Dong and K.N. Ngan, Adaptive pre-interpolation filter for high
efficiency video coding, J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 697-703, Nov. 2011. Dong and Ngan
[E16] have designed an adaptive pre-interpolation filter (APIF) followed by the
normative interpolation filter [E69]. They have integrated the APIF into VCEGs
reference software KTA 2.6 and have compared with the non-separable adaptive
interpolation filter (AIF) and adaptive loop filter (ALF). Using various HD sequences,
they have shown that APIF outperforms either AIF or ALF and is comparable to

AIF+ALF and at much less complexity. Implement the APIF and confirm their
P.5.11. Please access W. Ding et al, Fast mode dependent directional transform via
butterfly-style transform and integer lifting steps, J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 721-726, Nov.
2011 [E17]. They have developed a new design for fast MDDT through integer lifting
steps. This scheme can significantly reduce the MDDCT complexity with negligible
loss in coding performance. Develop the fast MDDT with integer lifting steps for
(4x4) and (8x8) and compare its performance (see Figs. 6-10) with the DCT and
BSTM (butterfly style transform matrices) using video test sequences.
P.5.12. Please access B. Li, G.J. Sullivan and J. Xu, Compression performance of high
efficiency video coding (HEVC) working draft 4, IEEE ISCAS, pp. 886-889, Seoul,
Korea, May 2012 [E22]. They have compared the performance of HEVC (WD4) with
H.264/AVC (JM 18.0) using various test sequences. They have shown that WD4
provides a bit rate savings (for equal PSNR) of about 39% for random access
applications, 44% for low-delay use and 25% for all intra use. Verify these tests.
P.5.13. Please access the paper E. Alshina, A. Alshin and F.C. Fernandez, Rotational
transform for image and video compression, IEEE ICIP, pp. 3689-3692, 2011. See
also [BH2].

2D - DCT 2D - ROT Q

Output (2D DCT)-1 (2D ROT)-1 Q-1

Fig.5.14 Block diagram for DCT/ROT applied to intra prediction residuals only

Alshina, Alshin and Fernandez have applied ROT 4 to 44 blocks and ROT8 to upper
left sub matrix in all other cases (see Figs. 2 and 3 in the paper), and have shown a
BD-rate gain of 2.5% on average for [E81, E82, E96, E198] all test sequences (see
Table 4 in the paper). Implement this technique using the test sequences and
confirm the results (ROT - rotational transform).

P.5.14. Please access the document JCTVC-C108, Oct. 2010 submitted by Saxena and
Fernandez, (Title: Jointly optimal prediction and adaptive primary transform). They
have compared TMuC 0.7 between the proposed adaptive DCT/DST as the primary
transform and the DCT in intra prediction for 1616, 3232 and 6464 block sizes for
two cases i.e., secondary transform (ROT) is off or on. Implement this scheme and
verify the results shown in Tables 2 and 3 of this document. Use TMuC 0.7.
P.5.15. In the Stockholm, Sweden JCT-VC meeting, adaptive DCT/DST has been
dropped. Also directional DCT [E112] (to the residuals of adaptive intra directional
prediction) is not considered. So also the rotational secondary transform (See
P.5.13). Only a transform derived from DST for 44 size luma intra prediction
residuals and integer DCT for all other cases (both intra and inter) have been
adopted. The DDCT and ROT (rotational transform) contribute very little to image
quality but at the cost of significant increase in implementation complexity.

See the paper by A. Saxena and F.C. Fernandez, On secondary transforms for
prediction residuals, IEEE ICIP 2012, Orlando, FL, 2012 [E26]. They have
implemented the HEVC using mode dependent DCT/DST to (4 4) sizes for both
intra and inter prediction residuals. For all other cases, (i.e., both intra and inter
block sizes other than 44), they have applied a secondary transform to the top left
(low frequency) coefficients after the primary 2D-DCT. This has resulted in BD rate
gains (see Tables 1-3) [E81, E82, E96, E198] for various test sequences compared to
the case where no secondary transform is implemented. Implement this scheme and
show results similar to Tables 1-3.
P.5.16. Please access H. Zhang and Z. Ma, Fast intra prediction for high efficiency
video coding, Pacific Rim Conf. on Multimedia, PCM 2012, Singapore, Dec. 2012
[E44], (http://cement.ntu.edu.sg/pcm2012/index.html)
Zhang and Ma [E44] (see also [E149] have proposed a novel intra prediction
approach at the PU level and achieved a significant reduction in HEVC encoding time
at the cost of negligible increase in bit rate and negligible loss in PSNR. Please
implement this. They suggest that their source code is an open source and can be
used for research purposes only.
P.5.17. Please see P.5.16. The authors also suggest that similar approaches by other
researchers (see section 2 of this paper) can be combined with their work to further
decrease the encoding time. See also [E43] and the references at the end of this
paper. Explore this.
P.5.18. Please see P.5.17. The authors Zhang and Ma [E44, E149] also plan to explore
the possibility of reducing the complexity of inter prediction modes. Investigate this.
P.5.19. Please see P.5.16 thru P.5.18. Combine both the complexity reduction
techniques (intra/inter prediction modes) that can lead to practical HEVC encoders
and evaluate the extent of complexity reduction in HEVC encoder with negligible
loss in its compression performance.
Note that P.5.17 thru P.5.19 are research oriented projects leading to M.S. theses
and Ph.D. dissertations.
P.5.20. Please access M. Zhang, C. Zhao and J. Xu, An adaptive fast intra mode
decision in HEVC, IEEE ICIP 2012, Orlando, FL, Sept.-Oct. 2012 [E43]. By utilizing
the blocks texture characteristics from rough mode decision and by further
simplification of residual quad tree splitting process, their proposed method saves
average encoding times 15% and 20% in the all intra high efficiency and all intra low
complexity test conditions respectively with a marginal BD-rate increase [E81, E82,
E96, E198]. Confirm these test results by implementing their approach.
P.5.21. See the paper by J. Nightingale, Q. Wang and C. Grecos, HEVStream; A
framework for streaming and evaluation of high efficiency video coding (HEVC)
content in loss-prone networks, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 59, pp. 404-
412, May 2012 [E57]. They have designed and implemented a comprehensive
streaming and evaluation framework for HEVC encoded video streams and tested its
performance under a varied range of network conditions. Using some of the
recommended test conditions (See Table III) the effects of applying bandwidth,
packet loss, and path latency constraints on the quality (PSNR) of received video
streams are reported. Implement and verify these tests. Besides PSNR, use SSIM
(Appendix C) and BD rates [E81, E82, E 96, E198] as benchmarks for comparison
P.5.22. See P.5.21. In terms of future work, the authors propose to focus on the
development of suitable packet/NAL unit prioritization schemes for use in selective

dropping schemes for HEVC. Explore this as further research followed by
P.5.23. See the paper D. Marpe et al, Improved video compression technology and
the emerging high efficiency video coding standard, IEEE International Conf. on
Consumer Electronics, pp. 52-56, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2011 [E58]. The authors on
behalf of Fraunhofer HHI have proposed a newly developed video coding scheme
leading to about 30% bit rate savings compared to H.264/AVC HP (high profile) at
the cost of significant increase in computational complexity. Several new features
that contribute to the bit rate reduction have been explored. Implement this
proposal and verify the bandwidth reduction. Explore the various techniques that
were successfully used in reducing the complexity of H.264/AVC encoders (See
chapter 4). Hopefully these and other approaches can result in similar complexity
reduction of HEVC encoders.
P.5.24. See the paper, M. Budagavi and V. Sze, Unified forward + inverse transform
architecture for HEVC, IEEE ICIP 2012, Orlando, FL, Sept.-Oct., 2012 [E35]. They
take advantage of several symmetry properties of the HEVC core transform and
show that the unified implementation (embedding multiple block size transforms,
symmetry between forward and inverse transforms etc.) results in 43-45% less area
than separate forward and inverse core transform implementations. They show the
unified forward + inverse 4-point and 8-point transform architectures in Figs. 2 and 3
respectively. Develop similar architectures for the unified forward + inverse 16-point
and 32-point transforms. Note that this requires developing equations for the 16 and
32 point transforms similar to those described in equations 10 -17 of this paper.
P.5.25. See P.5.24 The authors claim that the hardware sharing between forward and
inverse transforms has enabled an area reduction of over 40%. Verify this.
P.5.26. In the transcoding arena, several researchers have developed, designed,
tested and evaluated transcoders among H.264/AVC, AVS China, DIRAC, MPEG-2 and
VC-1. Develop a transcoding system between H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) and HEVC
(main profile) [E181]. Use HM9. [See E93].
P.5.27. Repeat P.5.26 for transcoding between MPEG-2 and HEVC (main profile), See
P.5.28. Repeat P.5.26 for transcoding between DIRAC (Chapter 7) and HEVC (main
P.5.29. Repeat P.5.26 for transcoding between VC-1 (Chapter 8) and HEVC (main
P.5.30. Repeat P.5.26 for transcoding between AVS China (Chapter 3) and HEVC (main
P.5.31. As with H.264/AVC (Chapter 4), HEVC covers only video coding. To be
practical and useful for the consumer, audio needs to be integrated with HEVC
encoded video. Encode HEVC video along with audio coder such as AAC, HEAAC etc.
following the multiplexing the coded bit streams at the transmitter. Demultiplexing
the two bit streams, followed by decoding the audio and video while maintaining the
lip sync is the role of the receiver. Implement these schemes for various video
spatial resolutions and multiple channel audio. This comprises of several research
areas at M.S. and doctoral levels. Such integrated schemes have been implemented
for H.264/AVC (Chapter 4), DIRAC (Chapter 7) and AVS China video (Chapter 3) with
audio coders.
P.5.32. Similar to H.264/AVC for high video quality required within the broadcast
studios (not for transmission/distribution), HEVC intra frame coding only can be
explored. Compare this (HEVC intra frame coding only) with H.264/AVC intra frame
coding only and JPEG 2000 at various bit rates using different test sequences. Use

MSE/PSNR/SSIM/BD rates [E81, E82, E96, E198] and implementation complexity as
comparison metrics.
P.5.33. In [E62], Ohm et al compared the coding efficiency of HEVC at different bit
rates using various test sequences with the earlier standards such as H.262/MPEG-2
video, H.263, MPEG-4 Visual (part 2) and H.264/ AVC using PSNR and subjective
quality as the metrics. They also indicate that software and test sequences for
reproducing the selected results can be accessed from
Repeat these tests and validate their results. Note that the DSIS used for measuring
the subjective quality requires enormous test facilities, subjects (novices and
experts) and may be beyond the availability of many research labs.
P.5.34. Repeat P.5.33 using SSIM (Appendix C) and BD-rates [E81, E82, E96, E198] as
the performance metric and evaluate how these results compare with those based
on PSNR.
P.5.35. Horowitz et al [E66] compared the subjective quality (subjective viewing
experiments carried out in double blind fashion) of HEVC (HM7.1) main profile/low
delay configuration - and H.264/ AVC high profile (JM18.3) for low delay applications
as in P.5.31 using various test sequences at different bit rates. To compliment these
results, production quality H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) encoder known as x264 is
compared with a production quality HEVC implementation from eBrisk Video
(VideoLAN x264 software library, http://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html
version core 122 r2184, March 2012). They conclude that HEVC generally produced
better subjective quality compared with H.264/AVC for low delay applications at
approximately 50% average bit rate of the latter. Note that the x264 configuration
setting details are available from the authors on request. Several papers related to
subjective quality/tests are cited in [E46]. Repeat these tests using PSNR, BD rate
[E81, E82, E96, E198] and SSIM (Appendix C) as the performance metrics and
evaluate how these metrics can be related to the subjective quality.
P.5.36. Bossen et al [E63] present a detailed and comprehensive coverage of HEVC
complexity (both encoders and decoders) and compare with H.264/AVC high profile
(Chapter 4). They conclude for similar visual quality HEVC encoder is several times
more complex than that of H.264/AVC. The payoff is HEVC accomplishes the same
visual quality as that of H.264/AVC at half the bit rate required for H.264/AVC. The
HEVC decoder complexity, on the other hand, is similar to that of H.264/AVC. They
claim that hand held/mobile devices, lap tops, desk tops, tablets etc. can decode
and display the encoded video bit stream. Thus real time HEVC decoders are
practical and feasible. Their optimized software decoder (no claims are made as to
its optimality) does not rely on multiple threads and without any parallelization using
ARM and X64 computer. Implement this software for several test sequences at
different bit rates and explore additional avenues for further optimization. See also
P.5.37. One of the three profiles in HEVC listed in FDIS (Jan. 2013) is intra frame
(image) coding only. Implement this coding mode in HEVC and compare with other
image coding standards such as JPEG, JPEG2000, JPEG-LS, JPEG-XR and JPEG
(Appendix F) using MSE/PSNR, SSIM (Appendix C) and BD-rate [E81, E82, E96, E198]
as the metrics. As before, perform this comparison using various test sequences at
different spatial resolutions and bit rates. See P.5.47.
P.5.38. Besides multiview/3D video [E34, E39], scalable video coding (temporal,
spatial SNR-quality and hybrid) is one of the extensions/additions to HEVC [E325].
Scalable video coding (SVC) at present is limited to two layers (base layer and
enhancement layer). SVC is one of the extensions in H.264/AVC and a special issue

on this has been published [E69]. Software for SVC is available on line
http://ip.hhi.de/omagecom_GI/sav ce/downloads/SVC-Reference-software.htm [E70].
Design, develop and implement these three different scalabilities in HEVC.
P.5.39. Sze and Budagavi [E67] have proposed several techniques in implementing
CABAC (major challenge in HEVC) resulting in higher throughput, higher processing
speed and reduced hardware cost without affecting the high coding efficiency.
Review these techniques in detail and confirm these gains.
P.5.40. In [E73] details of the deblocking filter in HEVC are explained clearly. They
show that this filter has lower computational complexity and better parallelization
on multi cores besides significant reduction in visual artifacts compared to the
deblocking filter in H.264/AVC. They validate these conclusions by using test
sequences based on three configurations; 1) All-intra, 2) Random access and 3) Low
delay. Go thru this paper and related references cited at the end and confirm these
results by running the simulations.
In [E209], deblocking filter is implemented in Verilog HDL.
P.5.41. Lakshman, Schwartz and Wiegand [E71] have developed a generalized
interpolation framework using maximal-order interpolation with minimal support
(MOMS) for estimating fractional pels in motion compensated prediction. Their
technique shows improved performance compared to 6-tap and 12-tap filters [E109],
specially for sequences with fine spatial details. This however may increase the
complexity and latency. Develop parallel processing techniques to reduce the
P.5.42. See P.5.41. Source code, complexity analysis and test results can be
downloaded from
H. Lakshman et al, CE3: Luma interpolation using MOMS, JCT-VC D056, Jan. 2011.
v2.zip. See [E71]. Carry out this complexity analysis in detail.
P.5.43. Correa et al [E84] have investigated the coding efficiency and computational
complexity of HEVC encoders. Implement this analysis by considering the set of 16
different encoding configurations.
P.5.44. See P.5.43 Show that the low complexity encoding configurations achieve
coding efficiency comparable to that of high complexity encoders as described in
draft 8 [E60].
P.5.45. See P.5.43 Efficiency and complexity analysis explored by Correa et al [E84]
included the tools (non square transform, adaptive loop filter and LM luma) which
have been subsequently removed in the HEVC draft standard [E60]. Carry out this
analysis by dropping these three tools.
P.5.46. Schierl et al in their paper System layer integration of HEVC [E83] suggest
that the use of error concealment in HEVC should be carefully considered in
implementation and is a topic for further research. Go thru this paper in detail and
explore various error resilience tools in HEVC. Please note that many error resilience
tools of H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) such as FMO, ASO, redundant slices, data partitioning
and SP/SI pictures (Chapter 4) have been removed due to their very rare
deployment in real-world applications.
P.5.47. Implement the lossless coding of HEVC main profile (Fig.5.13) proposed by
Zhou et al [E85] and validate their results. Also compare with current lossless coding
methods such as JPEG-2000 etc. (See Appendix F) based on several test sequences
at different resolutions and bit rates. Comparison metrics are PSNR/MSE, SSIM, BD-
rates [E81, E82, E96, E198] etc. Consider the implementation complexity also in the
Cai et al [E112] have also compared the performance of HEVC, H.264/AVC, JPEG2000
and JPEG-LS for both lossy and lossless modes. For lossy mode their comparison is
based on PSNRavg = (6xPSNRy + PSNRu + PSNRv)/8 only. This is for 4:2:0 format and
is by default. Extend this comparison based on SSIM (Appendix C), BD-rate [81, E82,
E96, E198] and implementation complexity. Include also JPEG-XR which is based on
HD-Photo of Microsoft in this comparison (See Appendix F). They have provided an
extensive list of references related to performance comparison of intra coding of
several standards. See also P.5.37. See also [E145].
P.5.48. See [E95]. An efficient transcoder for H.264/AVC to HEVC by using a modified
MV reuse has been developed. This also includes complexity scalability trading off
RD performance for complexity reduction. Implement this. Access references [4-7]
related to transcoding overview papers cited at the end of [E95]. See also [E98],
[E146] , [E148] and [E333].
P.5.49. See P.5.48. The authors in [E95] suggest that more of the H.264/AVC
information can be reused in the transcoder to further reduce the transcoder
complexity as future work. Explore this in detail and see how the transcoder
complexity can be further reduced. The developed techniques must be justified
based on the comparison metrics (See P.5.47).
P.5.50. See P.5.48 and P.5.49. Several other transcoders can be developed. i.e.,
A) Transcoder between MPEG-2 and HEVC (there are still many decoders based
on MPEG-2). Please access [E98] T. Shanableh, E. Peixoto and E. Izquierdo,
MPEG-2 to HEVC video transcoding with content-based modeling, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 1191-1196, July 2013. The authors have developed
an efficient transcoder based on content-based machine learning. In the
conclusions section, they have proposed future work. Explore this. In the
abstract they state Since this is the first work to report on MPEG-2 to HEVC
video transcoding, the reported results can be used as a benchmark for future
transcoding research. This is a challenging research in the transcoding
B) Transcoder between AVS China (Chapter 3) and HEVC .
C) Transcoder between VC-1 (Chapter 8) and HEVC .
D) Transcoder between VP9 (Chapter6) and HEVC.
Implement these transcoders. Note that these research projects are at the M.S.
theses levels.
You can access the theses related to transcoders that have been implemented as
M.S. theses from the web site http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip, click on courses
and then click on EE5359. Or access directly
P.5.51. Please access [E72]. This paper describes low complexity-high performance
video coding proposed to HEVC standardization effort during its early stages of
development. Parts of this proposal have been adopted into TMuC. This proposal is
called Tandberg, Ericsson and Nokia test model (TENTM). Implement this proposal
and validate the results. TENTM proposal can be accessed from reference 5 cited at
the end of this paper.
P.5.52. Reference 3 (also web site) cited in [E72] refers to video coding technology
proposal by Samsung and BBC [Online]. Implement this proposal.
P.5.53. Reference 4 (also web site) cited in [E72] refers to video coding technology
proposal by Fraunhoff HHI [Online]. Implement this proposal.
P.5.54. Please access [E106] M.S. Thesis by S. Gangavathi entitled, Complexity
reduction of H.264 using parallel programming M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of
Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec. 2012. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip
click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title
and click on S. Gangavathi .

By using CUDA he has reduced the H.264 encoder complexity by 50% in the
baseline profile. Extend this to Main and High profiles of H.264 (Chapter 4).
P.5.55. See P.5.54. Extend Gangavathis approach to HEVC using several test
sequences coded at different bit rates. Show the performance results in terms of
encoder complexity reduction and evaluate this approach based on SSIM (Appendix
C), BD-PSNR, BD- bit rates [E81, E82, E96, E198] and PSNR as the metrics.
UTA/EE5359 course web site: http://www-ee.uta.edu/Dip/Courses/EE5359/index.html
P.5.56. Zhang, Li and Li [E108] have developed a gradient-based fast decision
algorithm for intra prediction in HEVC. This includes both prediction unit (PU) size
and angular prediction modes. They claim a 56.7% savings of the encoding time in
intra HE setting and up to 70.86% in intra low complexity setting compared to the
HM software [E97]. Implement this and validate their results.
P.5.57. Please see P.5.56 In the section Conclusion the authors suggest future work
on how to obtain the precise coding unit partition for the complex texture picture
combined with RDO technique used in HEVC. Explore this.
P.5.58. Wang et al [E110] present a study of multiple sign bit hiding scheme adopted
in HEVC. This technique addresses the joint design of quantization transform
coefficient coding using the data hiding approach. They also show that this method
consistently improves the rate-distortion performance for all standard test images
resulting in overall coding gain in HEVC. In terms of future work, they suggest that
additional gains can be expected by applying the data hiding technique to other
syntax elements. Explore this.
P.5.59. Please see P.5.58. The authors comment that the general problem of joint
quantization and entropy coding design remains open. Explore this.
P.5.60. Lv et al [E116] have developed a fast and efficient method for accelerating
the quarter-pel interpolation for ME/MC using SIMD instructions on ARM processor.
They claim that this is five times faster than that based on the HEVC reference
software HM 5.2. See section V acceleration results for details. Using NEON
technology verify their results.
P.5.61. Shi, Sun and Wu [E76] have developed an efficient spatially scalable video
coding (SSVC) for HEVC. Using two layer inter prediction schemes. Using some test
sequences they demonstrate the superiority of their technique compared with other
SSVC schemes. Implement this and validate their results. In the conclusion section,
they suggest future work to further improve the performance of their scheme.
Explore this in detail. Review the papers related to SVC listed at the end in
references. See H. Schwarz, D. Marpe and T. Wiegand, Overview of the Scalable
Video Coding Extension of the H.264/AVC Standard, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems for Video Technology, vol. 17, pp.1103-1120, Sept. 2007. This is a special
issue on SVC. There are many other papers on SVC.
P.5.62. Zhou et al [E85, E123] have implemented HEVC lossless coding for main
profile by simply bypassing transform, quantization and in-loop filters and compared
with other lossless coding methods such as JPEG-2000, ZIP, 7-Zip, WinRAR etc.
Implement this and also compare with JPEG, JPEG-XR, PNG etc. Consider
implementation complexity as another metric.
P.5.63. References [E126 E129, E158 - E160, E325] among others address scalable
video coding extensions to HEVC. Review these and implement spatial/quality
(SNR)/temporal scalabilities. See also P.5.61.
P.5.64. Please access [E66]. In this paper Horowitz et al demonstrate that HEVC
yields similar subjective quality at half the bit rate of H.264/AVC using both HM 7.1
and JM 18.3 softwares. Similar conclusions are also made using eBrisk and x264
softwares. Using the latest HM software, conduct similar tests on the video test

sequences and confirm these results. Consider implementation complexity as
another comparison metric.
P.5.65. Kim et al [E134] developed a fast intra-mode (Figs. 5.8 and 5.9) decision
based on the difference between the minimum and second minimum SATD-based
(sum of absolute transform differences) RD cost estimation and a fast CU-size (Fig.
5.7) decision based on RD cost of the best intra mode. Other details are described in
this paper. Based on the simulations conducted on class A and class B test
sequences (Table 5.1), they claim that their proposed method achieves an average
time reduction (ATR) of 49.04% in luma intra prediction and an ATR of 32.74% in
total encoding time compared to the HM 2.1 encoder. Implement their method and
confirm these results. Use the latest HM software [E56]. Extend the luma intra
prediction to chroma components also.
P.5.66. Flynn, Martyin-Cocher and He [E135] proposed to JCT-VC best effort decoding
a 10 bit video bit stream using an 8-bit decoder. Simulations using several test
sequences based on two techniques a) 8-bit decoding by adjusting inverse
transform scaling and b) hybrid 8-bit-10-bit decoding using rounding in picture
construction process were carried out. HM-10 low-B main-10 sequences (F. Bossen,
Common HM test conditions and software reference configurations, JCT-VC-L1100,
JCT-VC, Jan. 2013, E178) were decoded and the PSNR measured against the original
input sequences. PSNR losses averaged 6 dB and 2.5 dB respectively for the two
techniques compared against the PSNR of the normal (10 bit) decoder. Implement
these techniques and confirm their results. Explore other techniques that can reduce
the PSNR loss.
P.5.67. Pan et al [E140] have developed two early terminations for TZSearch
algorithm in HEVC motion estimation and have shown that these early terminations
can achieve almost 39% encoding saving time with negligible loss in RD
performance using several test sequences. Several references related to early
terminations are listed at the end of this paper. Review these references and
simulate the techniques proposed by Pan et al and validate their conclusions.
Extend these simulations using HDTV and ultra HDTV test sequences.
P.5.68. The joint call for proposals for scalable video coding extension of HEVC was
issued in July 2012 and the standardization started in Oct. 2012 (See E76 and E126
thru E129, E158-E160, E325). Some details on scalable video codec design based
on multi-loop and single-loop architectures are provided in [E141]. The authors in
[E141] have developed a multi-loop scalable video coder for HEVC that provides a
good complexity and coding efficiency trade off. Review this paper and simulate the
multi-loop scalable video codec. Can any further design improvements be done on
their codec? Please access the web sites below.
JSVM-joint scalable video model reference software for scalable video coding. (on
line) http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_GI/savce/downloads/SVC-Reference-software.htm
JSVM9 Joint scalable video model 9 http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_GI/savce/dowloads
See H. Schwarz, D. Marpe and T. Wiegand, Overview of the Scalable Video Coding
Extension of the H.264/AVC Standard, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, vol. 17, pp.1103-1120, Sept.2007. This is a special issue on SVC. There
are many other papers on SVC.
P.5.69. Tohidpour, Pourazad and Nasiopoulos [E142] proposed an early-termination
interlayer motion prediction mode search in HEVC/SVC (quality/fidelity scalability)
and demonstrate complexity reduction up to 85.77% with at most 3.51% bit rate
increase (almost same PSNR). Simulate this approach. Can this be combined with
the technique developed in [E141] See P.5.68 -?

P.5.70. In [E143], Tan, Yeo and Li proposed a new lossless coding scheme for HEVC
and also suggest how it can be incorporated into the HEVC coding framework. In
[E83], Zhou et al have implemented a HEVC lossless coding scheme. Compare these
two approaches and evaluate their performances in terms of complexity, SSIM, BD-
rates [E81, E82, E96, E198] and PSNR for different video sequences at various bit
rates. See also P.5.62.
P.5.71. See the paper Y. Pan, D. Zhou and S. Goto, An FPGA-based 4K UHDTV
H.264/AVC decoder, IEEE ICME, San Jose, CA, July 2013. Can a similar HEVC
decoder be developed? (Sony already has a 4K UHDTV receiver on the market).
P.5.72. In [E13], Asai et al proposed a new video coding scheme optimized for high
resolution video sources. This scheme follows the traditional block based MC+DCT
hybrid coding approach similar to H.264/AVC, HEVC and other ITU-T/VCEG and
ISO/IEC MPEG standards. By introducing various technical optimizations in each
functional block, they achieve roughly 26% bit-rate savings on average compared to
H.264/AVC high profile at the same PSNR. They also suggest improved measures for
complexity comparison. Go through this paper in detail and implement the codec.
Consider BD-PSNR and BD-Rate [E81, E82, E96, E198] and SSIM (Appendix C) as the
comparison metrics. For evaluating the implementation complexity, consider both
encoders and decoders. Can this video coding scheme be further improved?
Explore all options.
P.5.73. See P.5.72 By bypassing some functional blocks such as
transform/quantization/in loop deblocking filter, Zhou et al [E85, E123] have
implemented a HEVC lossless coding scheme (Fig.5.13). Can a similar lossless
coding scheme be implemented in the codec proposed by Asai et al [E13]. If so
compare its performance with other lossless coding schemes. See P.5.62.
P.5.74. In [E145], the authors propose HEVC intra coding acceleration based on tree
level mode correlation. They claim a reduction by up to 37.85% in encoding
processing time compared with HM4.0 intra prediction algorithm with negligible BD-
PSNR loss [E81, E82, E96, E198]. Implement their algorithm and confirm the results
using various test sequences. Use the latest HM instead of HM 4.0.
P.5.75. See P.5.48 In [E146], Peixoto et al have developed a H.264/AVC to HEVC video
transcoder which uses machine learning techniques to map H.264/AVC (Chapter 4)
macroblocks into HEVC coding units. Implement this transcoder. In the conclusions,
the authors suggest ways and methods by which the transcoder performance can be
improved (future work). Explore these options. See [E263], where different methods
such as mode mapping, machine learning, complexity scalable and background
modeling are discussed and applied to H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder. (Also see
P.5.76. Lainema et al [E78] give a detailed description of intra coding of the HEVC
standard developed by the JCT-VC. Based on different test sequences, they
demonstrate significant improvements in both subjective and objective metrics over
H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) and also carry out a complexity analysis of the decoder. In
the conclusions, they state Potential future work in the area includes e.g.,
extending and tuning the tools for multiview/scalable coding, higher dynamic range
operation and 4:4:4 sampling formats. Investigate this future work thoroughly.
P.5.77. Pl access the paper [E175], Y. Tew and K.S. Wong, An overview of information
hiding in H.264/AVC compressed video, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.24, pp. 305-319 , Feb.
2014. This is an excellent review paper on information hiding specially in H.264/AVC
compressed domain. Consider implementing information hiding in HEVC (H.265)
compressed domain.
Abstract is reproduced below:

AbstractInformation hiding refers to the process of inserting information into a
host to serve specific purpose(s). In this article, information hiding methods in the
H.264/AVC compressed video domain are surveyed. First, the general framework of
information hiding is conceptualized by relating state of an entity to a meaning (i.e.,
sequences of bits). This concept is illustrated by using various data representation
schemes such as bit plane replacement, spread spectrum, histogram manipulation,
divisibility, mapping rules and matrix encoding. Venues at which information hiding
takes place are then identified, including prediction process, transformation,
quantization and entropy coding. Related information hiding methods at each venue
are briefly reviewed, along with the presentation of the targeted applications,
appropriate diagrams and references. A timeline diagram is constructed to
chronologically summarize the invention of information hiding methods in the
compressed still image and video domains since year 1992. Comparison among the
considered information hiding methods is also conducted in terms of venue,
payload, bitstream size overhead, video quality, computational complexity and
video criteria. Further perspectives and recommendations are presented to provide
a better understanding on the current trend of information hiding and to identify
new opportunities for information hiding in compressed video.
Implement similar approaches in HEVC various profiles. The authors suggest this,
among others, as future work in VII RECOMMENDATION AND FURTHER RESEARCH
DIRECTION and VIII conclusion sections. These two sections can lead to several
P.5.78. Pl access X.-F. Wang and D.-B. Zhao, Performance comparison of AVS and
H.264/AVC video coding standards, J. Comput. Sci. & Tech., vol.21, pp.310-314, May
2006. Implement similar performance comparison between AVS China (Chapter 3)
and HEVC (various profiles).
P.5.79. See [E152] about combining template matching prediction and block motion
compensation. Go through several papers on template matching listed in the
references at the end of this paper and investigate/evaluate thoroughly effects of
template matching in video coding.
P.5.80. See P.5.79 In [E152], the authors have developed the inter frame prediction
technique combining template matching prediction and block motion compensation
for high efficiency video coding. This technique results in 1.7-2.0% BD-rate [E81,
E82, E96, E198] reduction at a cost of 26% and 39% increase in encoding and
decoding times respectively based on HM-6.0. Confirm these results using the latest
HM software. In the conclusions the authors state These open issues need further
investigation. Explore these.
P.5.81. In [E120] detailed analysis of decoder side motion vector derivation (DMVD)
and its inclusion in call for proposals for HEVC is thoroughly presented. See also S.
Kamp, Decoder-Side Motion Vector Derivation for Hybrid Video Coding, (Aachen
Series on Multimedia and Communications Engineering Series). Aachen, Germany:
Shaker-Verlag, Dec. 2011, no. 9. The DMVD results in very moderate bit rate
reduction, however, offset by increase in decoder side computational resources.
Investigate this thoroughly and confirm the conclusions in [E120].
P.5.82. Implement, evaluate and compare Daala codec with HEVC. Daala is the
collaboration between Mozilla foundation and Xiph.org foundation. It is an open
source codec. Access details on Daala codec from Google. "The goal of the
DAALA project is to provide a free to implement, use and distribute digital media
format and reference implementation with technical performance superior to
H.265" .

P.5.83. Pl access the thesis Complexity Reduction for HEVC intraframe Luma mode
decision using image statistics and neutral networks, by D.P. Kumar from UTA -MPL
web site EE5359. Extend this approach to HEVC interframe coding using neural
networks. Kumar has kindly agreed to help any way he can on this. This extension is
actually a M.S. thesis.
P.5.84. Pl see P.5.83. Combine both interframe and intraframe HEVC coding to
achieve complexity reduction using neural networks.
P.5.85. HEVC range extensions include screen content (text, graphics, icons, logos,
lines etc) coding [E322]. Combination of natural video and screen content has
gained importance in view of applications such as wireless displays, automotive
infotainment, remote desktop, distance education, cloud computing, video walls in
control rooms etc. These papers specifically develop techniques that address screen
content coding within the HEVC framework. Review and implement these techniques
and also explore future work. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in
Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) has called for papers for the special Issue on Screen
Content Video Coding and Applications. Many topics related to screen content
coding (SCC) and display stream compression (see P.5.85a) are suggested. These
can lead to several projects and theses. (contact [email protected]).
Final (revised) manuscripts are due in July 2016.
P.5.85a The Video Electronics Standards Association also recently completed a
Display Stream Compression (DSC) standard for next-generation mobile or
TV/Computer display interfaces. The development of these standards introduced
many new ideas, which are expected to inspire more future innovations and benefit
the varied usage of screen content coding. Review this standard in detail and
implement DSC for next-generation mobile or TV/Computer display interfaces.
P.5.86. Access the M.S Thesis (2011) by P. Ramolia, Low complexity AVS-M using
machine learning algorithm C4.5, from UTA web site. Explore and implement similar
complexity reduction in HEVC all profiles using machine learning.
P.5.87. The papers cited in [E60 - E163] deal with DSP based implementation of
HEVC9.0 decoder. They state that with an optimization process HEVC decoders for
SD resolution can be achieved with a single DSP. Implement this.
P.5.88. See P.5.87. The authors state that for HD formats multi-DSP technology is
needed. Explore this.
P.5.89. In [E168], the authors state that the motion estimation (ME) for ultra high
definition (UHD) HEVC requires 77-81% of computation time in the encoder. They
developed a fast and low complexity ME algorithm and architecture which uses less
than 1% of the number of operations compared to full search algorithm at negligible
loss in BD bit rate [E79, E80, E94, E196]. They claim that the proposed ME algorithm
has the smallest hardware size and the lowest power consumption among existing
ME engines for HEVC. Review this paper along with the references (listed at the end)
related to ME algorithms. Implement their algorithm and verify the results and
conclusions based on various UHD test sequences. Consider also BD-PSNR as
another performance metric. Review the paper, M. Jakubowski and G. Pastuzak,
Block based motion estimation algorithms a survey, Opto- Electronics review,
vol.21, no.1, pp.86-102, 2013.
P.5.90. See P.5.89 Implement the fast and low complexity ME algorithm and
architecture in HEVC encoder using super hi-vision test sequences. See [E164].
P.5.91. In section 5.10 Summary some references related to reducing the
implementation complexity of HEVC encoder (includes both intra and inter
predictions) are cited. Review these and other related papers and develop a
technique that can significantly reduce HEVC encoder complexity with negligible

loss in BD-PSNR and BD bit rates [E81, E82, E96, E198]. Demonstrate this based on
various test sequences at different bit rates and resolutions.
P.5.92. Fast early zero block detection is developed for HEVC resulting in substantial
savings in encoder implementation. Go through [E166, E171] and related papers
and implement this technique in HEVC encoder for all profiles and levels. Compare
the complexity reduction with HM software using BD bit rates, BDPSNR, [E81, E82,
E96, E198]. SSIM and computational time as performance metrics.
P.5.93. Nguyen et al [E173] present a detailed overview of transform coding
techniques in HEVC focusing on residual quadtree structure and entropy coding
structure. Using the standard test sequences and test conditions they show the
resulting improved coding efficiency. Implement their techniques and confirm the
results (Tables I VI). Use the latest HM. If possible try also 4kx2k test sequences.
This project is highly complex and can be subdivided into various sections.
P.5.94. See P.5.85. Naccari et al [E157] have specifically developed residual DPCM
(RDPCM) for lossless screen content coding in HEVC and demonstrated that their
algorithm achieves up to 8% average bit rate reduction with negligible increase in
decoder complexity using the screen content coding set. Confirm their findings by
implementing the RDPCM.
P.5.95. See P.5.94 The authors state that future work involves extension of the inter
RDPCM tool for the lossy coding at very high bit rates leading to visually lossless
coding. Explore this in detail.
P.5.96. Lv et al [E109] carried out a detailed analysis of fractional pel interpolation
filters both in H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) and in HEVC. They also conducted complexity
analysis of these filters. By comparing the contribution of these filters to the
compression performance they conclude that the interpolation filters contribute 10%
performance gain to HEVC [E45] compared to H.264/AVC at the cost of increased
complexity. They also demonstrate that the frequency responses of quarter pel
filters in HEVC are superior to those in H.264/AVC. Their conclusions are based on
reference software HM 5.2 using low resolution (416x240) test sequences. Carry out
this analysis using HM 15.0 software and high resolution test sequences.
P.5.97. See P.5.96. Go thru the analysis of how DCTIF (discrete cosine transform
interpolation filters) have been developed [E109]. By plotting the frequency
responses of the filters in H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) and in HEVC [E45] , they show that
in the passband the filters in HEVC are much flatter and have much smaller ripples
than those in H.264/AVC (See Fig. 5 in [E107]). Confirm these conclusions.
P.5.98. Na and Kim [E176] developed a detailed analysis of no-reference PSNR
estimation affected by deblocking filtering in H.264/AVC (Chapter 4) bit streams. Go
thru this paper in detail and develop similar analysis for HEVC. Note that in HEVC
there are two in loop filters, deblocking and SAO filters.
P.5.99. Grois et al [E 177] conducted a detailed performance comparison of
H.265/MPEG-HEVC, VP9 (Chapter 6) and H.264/MPEG-AVC (Chapter 4) encoders.
Using various test sequences and common HM test conditions [E176]. They
conclude that H.265/MPEG-HEVC provides average bit-rate savings of 43.3% and
39.35% relative to VP9 and H.264/MPEG-AVC encoders respectively. However
H.265/MPEG-HEVC reference software requires 7.35 times that of VP9 encoding
time. On the other hand VP9 requires 132.6 times that of x264 encoding time. These
results are based on equal PSNR YUV. Implement these performance comparison tests
using the HM15.0 software. See the references cited at the end of [E177]. Please
see P.5.33, P.5.36 and P.5.64.
P.5.100. See P.5.99. Review the Tables IV and VI in [E 177]. Develop bit-rate savings
between VP9 and x264 (Table IV) for all the test sequences. Develop encoding run

times between H.265/MPEG-HEVC and x264 (Table VI) for all the test sequences.
Both these parameters need to be based on equal PSNR YUV.
P.5.101. Abdelazim, Masri and Noaman [E179] have developed ME optimization tools
for HEVC. With these tools they are able to reduce the encoder complexity up to
18% compared to the HM software at the same PSNR and bit rate using various test
sequences. Implement their scheme and confirm the results.
P.5.102. Ohm et al [E62] have compared the HEVC coding efficiency with other video
coding standards such as H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/MPEG-4 visual (part 2),
H.262/MPEG-2 part 2 video [E181] and H.263. This comparison is based on several
standard test sequences at various bit rates. The comparison metrics include PSNR
and mean opinion score (MOS) [E180] based on double stimulus impairment scale
(DSIS) both for interactive and entertainment applications. The comparison,
however, does not include implementation complexity. Implement this metric for all
the video coding standards and draw the conclusions.
P.5.103. See P.5.102 Extend the coding efficiency comparison between HEVC and
DIRAC (Chapter 7). Software and data for reproducing selected results can be found
at ftp://ftp.hhi.de/ieee-tcsvt/2012
P.5.104. See P.5.102 Extend the coding efficiency comparison between HEVC and VC-
1 (Chapter 8).
P.5.105. See P.5.102 Extend the coding efficiency comparison between HEVC and AVS
China (Chapter 3).
P.5.106. See P.5.102 Extend the coding efficiency comparison between HEVC and VP9
(Chapter 6).
P.5.107. See [E188] Rerabek and Ebrahimi have compared the compression efficiency
between HEVC and VP9 based on image quality. Implement this comparison based
on BD-PSNR, BD-bit rate [E79, E80, E94], implementation complexity etc using the
UHDTV sequences.
P.5.108. See P.5.107. The authors [E188], in the conclusion, suggest extending this
comparison to Internet streaming scenarios. Implement this.
P.5.109. Grois et al [E191] have made a comparative assessment of HEVC/H.264/VP9
encoders for low delay applications using 1280x720 60 fps test sequences.
Implement this. Extend this comparison to UHDTV sequences. Consider
implementation complexity as another metric.
P.5.110. Heindel, Wige and Kaup [E193] have proposed lossy to lossless scalable video
coding. This is based on lossy base layer (BL) HEVC encoder and lossless
enhancement layer (EL) encoder. They claim that this approach has advantages
over the scalable extension of the HEVC. Implement this technique and confirm
their results. They have suggested future work. Explore this.
P.5.111. See P.5.110. Heindel, Wige and Kaup [E193] have investigated different
prediction schemes for the EL beyond [E192] and compared the performance with
single layer JPEG-LS (lossless compression) (See references 8 and 9 in [E193]).
Implement this.
P.5.112. Bross et al [E192] have demonstrated that real time HEVC decoding of 4K
(3840X2160) VIDEO SEQUENCES is feasible in current desktop CPUs using four CPU
cores. Implement this using the EBU HD-1 TEST SET (available
http://tech.ebu.ch/testsequences/uhd-1 ).
P.5.113, Vanne, Viitanen and Hamalainen [E195] have optimized inter prediction
mode decision schemes for HEVC encoder and have reduced the encoder
complexity (compared to HM 8.0) by 31% - 51% at a cost of 0.2% - 1.3% for
random access (similar ranges for low delay). They have used the test sequences
(Table VI) specified in F. Bossen, Common test conditions and software reference
configurations, Document JCTVC-J1100, Incheon, S. Korea, April 2013. Their mode
decision schemes are described in section V proposed mode decision schemes.
Implement their complexity reduction techniques in the HEVC encoder.
P.5.113. See P.5.112 Extend this to ultra HDTV (4K resolution) and to super-hi vision
(8K resolution) [E164] test sequences.
P.5.114. See P.5.113. In section VII Conclusion the authors propose to combine the
proposed techniques with the other existing approaches (see the references at the
end) without compromising the RD performance or losing the ability for
parallelization and hardware acceleration. Explore this.
P.5.115. Several lossless image compression techniques have been developed- HEVC,
H.264, JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG 2000, 7-Zip, WinRAR etc. [E85, E114, E147, E194, E196]
See also Appendix F. Compare these techniques in terms of implementation
complexity using several test images at different resolutions.
P.5.116. Several techniques [E164, E171, E186] for detection of zero blocks in HEVC
have been investigated with a view to reduce the encoder complexity. Review these
in detail and also the techniques developed for H.264 Chapter 4 -(See the
references at the end of these papers) and develop an optimal approach for zero
block detection in HEVC. The optimal approach needs to be justified in terms of
encoder complexity and comparison metrics such as BD-PSNR, BD-bitrate [E81, E82,
E96, E196] and visual quality using several test sequences.
P.5.117. Chapter 6, Budagavi, Fuldseth and Bjontegaard, HEVC transform and
quantization, in [E202] describes the 4x4, 8X8, 16X16 and 32x32 integer DCTs
including the embedding process (small size transforms are embedded in large size
transforms) Review the references listed at the end of this chapter. The inverse
integer DCTs are transposes of the corresponding integer DCTs. Compute the
orthogonal property of these integer DCTs. Hint; Matrix multiply the integer DCTS
with their corresponding transposes.
See J. Sole et al, Transform coefficient coding in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, Vol.22,
PP.1765-1777, Dec. 2012. See also M. Budagavi et al, Core transform design in the
high efficient video coding standard (HEVC), IEEE J. of selected topics in signal
processing, vol. 7, pp.1029-1041, Dec. 2013. The philosophy in designing these
integer DCTs (core transform) specially meeting some properties can be observed in
this chapter. Review this and justify why alternative proposals to the core transform
design were not selected by the JCT-VC.
P.5.118. A fast inter-mode decision algorithm for HEVC is proposed by Shen, Zhang
and Li [E199]. This algorithm is based on jointly using the inter-level correlation of
quad-tree structure and spatiotemporal correlation. Using several test sequences,
they show that the proposed algorithm can save 49% to 52%computational
complexity on average with negligible loss of coding efficiency (see Tables X thru XIII
and Figures 5 thru 8). They also show the superiority of their algorithm compared to
other algorithms (see references at the end) in terms of coding time saving (Fig. 9a
and Fig. 10a) with negligible BDBR increase (see Fig. 9b and Fig. 10b). Implement
this algorithm and validate their results. Explore this algorithm for further
improvements in reducing the encoder complexity.
P.5.119. Peng and Cosman [E200] have developed a weighted boundary matching
error concealment (EC) technique for HEVC and have demonstrated its superiority
over other EC methods (see references 4-6 cited at the end). For simulation two
video sequences BQMall and Drill (832x480) at 50 fps are used. The results are
based on QP 28 using HM 11. Consider various other test sequences including
higher resolutions (HDTV and ultra HDTV), using more QPs and HM15. Show the
results in terms of PSNR versus error rate (Fig.3) and the frames (original, loss
pattern and error concealed (Fig.4)).

P.5.120. Warrier [E203] has implemented encode/decode, multiplex/demultiplex HEVC
video/AAC audio while maintaining lip synch. She used main profile/intra prediction
in HEVC. Extend this to inter prediction and also to other profiles.
P.5.121. Y. Umezaki and S. Goto [E206] have developed two techniques partial
decoding and tiled encoding for region of interest (ROI) streaming in HEVC. They
have compared these two methods using HM10.0 in terms of decoding cost,
bandwidth efficiency and video quality. Regarding future work, they suggest
combining tiled encoding and partial decoding to further reduce the decoding cost.
Explore this future work and evaluate the reduction in the decoding cost. Use the
latest HEVC reference software HM 15.0.
P.5.122. Mehta [E204] has effectively introduced parallel optimization of mode
decision for intra prediction in HEVC and was able to reduce the encoding time by
35% - 40% on average with negligible loss in image quality. In future work , he has
suggested that there are many other effective techniques to implement parallelism
to different sections of the HM software leading to further reduction in encoding
time. Review the thesis and future work in detail and implement these techniques.
P.5.123. See [E208] and [E207} Scalable HEVC (SHVC) test model 6 is described in
[E206]. Overview of the scalable extensions of the H.265/HEVC video coding
standard is described in [E206]. Implement the SHVC using test sequences for
scalabilities; Temporal, SNR, bit-depth, spatial, interlaced-to-progressive, color
gamut, hybrid and their combinations. Note that each scalability, by itself, is a
project. Compare the enhancement layer output with direct encoder/decoder (no
scalability) output based on the standard metrics. See the papers below:
H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, Overview of Scalable Video Coding
Extension of the H.264/AVC Standard, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 17, No.9, pp.1051-
1215, Sept. 2007.
H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand, The Scalable Video Coding Amendment of the
H.264/AVC Standard, csdn.net, world pharos, blog. [online]. Available:
http://blog.csdn.net/worldpharos/article/ details/3369933 (accessed on June 20th
Also access Karuna Gubbi S.S. Sastri, Efficient intra-mode decision for spatial
scalable extension of HEVC, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, Aug. 2014. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses
and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on
Karuna Gubbi S.S. Sastri
P.5.124. Whereas Mehta [E204] was able to reduce the encoding time in intra frame
coding, Dubhashi [E205] was able to reduce the time taken for the motion
estimation process in inter frame coding in HEVC. Combine these two techniques to
reduce the encoding time taken by the HEVC encoder. Consider various test
sequences at different spatial and temporal resolutions.

ATSC (ESTABLISHED IN 1982) is a consortium of broadcasters, vendors and trade groups.

ATSC 3.0

The Advanced Television Systems Committee is an international, non-profit organization

developing voluntary standards for digital television. The ATSC member organizations
represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics,
computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries. For more information visit

Overall intent is to enable seamless transmission of HD, 4K video, 22.2 kHz audio and
other data streams to fixed, mobile and handheld devices in all types of terrains. Industry,
research institutes and academia have submitted proposals and are submitting proposals
for different layers. Hence this is a fertile ground for R & D. Access these proposals and
explore possible research topics. (See M.S. Richter et al, The ATSC digital television
system, Proc. IEEE, vol.94, pp.37-43, Jan. 2006. Special issue on global digital television
technology, Proc. IEEE, vol.94, Jan. 2006. In future this may be extended to 8K video..

See J.M. Boyce, The U.S. digital television broadcasting transition, IEEE SP Magazine, vol.
, pp. 108-112, May 2012.



ATSC DTV Moves into High Gear with Mobile and Handheld Specifications

WASHINGTON, December 1 -- The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc. (ATSC) has
elevated its specification for Mobile Digital Television to Candidate Standard status. The
new Mobile DTV Candidate Standard provides the technical capabilities necessary for
broadcasters to provide new services to mobile and handheld devices using their digital
television transmissions. ATSC Mobile DTV includes a highly robust transmission system
based on vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation coupled with a flexible and extensible IP
based transport, efficient MPEG AVC (H.264) video and HE AAC v2 audio (ISO/IEC 14496-3)
coding. (HE-AAC High efficiency advanced audio coder).

It seems ATSC is exploring HEVC for these services. This can lead to number of R&D

P.5.126. In [E160], it is stated that ATSC also is conducting using reference software
and experimental evaluation methodology for the 3D-TV terrestrial broadcasting.
Review [E160, E211] and implement the real-time delivery of 3D-TV terrestrial
broadcasting. Access also www.atsc.org.

Please do extensive literature survey on ATSC before writing the thesis proposal.

I have several files related to ATSC.

Pl access documents related to ATSC 3.0:

[1] Report on ATSC 3.0:

Link: http://www.atsc.org/cms/pdf/pt2/PT2-046r11-Final-Report-on-NGBT.pdf

[2] Presentation slides on ATSC 3.0:

Link: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/12/18-12-0011-00-0000-nab-presentation-on-atsc-

[3] List of ATSC standards and an overview of ATSC:

Link: http://www.atsc.org/cms/pdf/ATSC2013_PDF.pdf

[4] Link to ATSC standards

Link: http://www.atsc.org/cms/index.php/standards/standards?layout=default
P.5.128 Wang, Zhou and Goto [E212] have proposed a motion compensation architecture
that can support real-time decoding 7680x4320@30fps at 280 MHz. Develop a similar
architecture for ME/MC that can support real time encoder for ultra HDTV. See also M.
Tikekar et al, Decoder architecture for HEVC, Chapter 10 in [E202].

P.5.129 VESA/DSC Pl see below:

The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) also recently completed a Display
Stream Compression (DSC) standard for next-generation mobile or TV/Computer display
interfaces. The development of these standards introduced many new ideas, which are
expected to inspire more future innovations and benefit the varied usage of screen content

In contrast with other image or video compression standards, the proposed Display Stream
Compression Standard targets a relatively low compression ratio and emphasizes visually-
lossless performance, high data throughput, low latency, low complexity, and includes
special considerations geared for future display architectures.

VESAs DSC standard version 1.0 enables up to 66 percent data rate reduction, extending
battery life in mobile systems and laptops, while simplifying the electrical interface
requirements for future 4K and 8K displays. The standard enables a single codec for
system chips that have multiple interfaces

As display resolutions continue to increase, the data rate across the video electrical
interface has also increased. Higher display refresh rates and color depths push rates up
even further. For example, a 4K display at 60 frames per second with a 30 bit color depth
requires a data rate of about 17.3 gigabits per second, which is the current limit of the
DisplayPort specification. Higher interface data rates demand more power, can increase
the interface wire count, and require more shielding to prevent interference with the
devices wireless services. These attributes increase system hardware complexity and
weight and are undesirable for todays sleek product designs.


Implement the DSC standard using various test sequences. (www.vesa.org) For non VESA
members the DSC standard is available for $350.00.

P.5.130 Yan et al [E221] have achieved significant speed up by implementing efficient

parallel framework for HEVC motion estimation on multi core processors compared with
serial execution. In the conclusions they state that they like to find efficient parallel
methods for other processing stages in the encoder and to find an efficient parallel
framework for HEVC encoder (Fig. 5.5). Explore this.

P.5.131 See [E223] This can lead to several projects. Several papers related to frame
recompression are listed in the references. Pixel truncation scheme for motion estimation
[17], combining pixel truncation and compression to reconstruct lossless pixels for MC [9,
18], new frame recompression algorithm integrated with H.264/AVC video compression [7].
See also [9] and [11]. Also the mixed lossy and lossless reference frame recompression
proposed in [E223]. These techniques can be investigated for improved compression in

HEVC and as well ME/MC functions. Both [E223] and the papers listed as references need
to be reviewed thoroughly.

P.5.132 See P.5.131. The frame recompression techniques proposed and applied to HEVC in
[E223] (besides H.264/AVC) can also be explored in other video coding standards such as
DIRAC, AVS China, VP9 and VC-1.Each of these can be a project/thesis. Investigate in detail
with regards to additional gains that can be achieved by integrating frame recompression
with these standards.

P.5.133 The papers presented in IEEE ICCE 2015 (Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2015) are listed in
[E224] thru [E238]. In ICCE, in general, each paper (extended abstracts) is limited to 2
pages. The authors can be contacted by emails and full papers, if any, can be requested.
These papers can lead to additional projects.

P.5.134 Zhao, Onoye and Song [E240] have developed detailed algorithms for HEVC
resulting in 54.0 68.4% reduction in encoding time with negligible performance
degradation. They also show that fast intra mode decision algorithm can be easily
implemented on a hardware platform with fewer resources consumed. Simulation results
are based on class A through class E test sequences using HM 11. Implement these
algorithms using HM 16 and extend to 8Kx4K sequences.

P.5.135 See P.5.134. The authors [E240] suggest some aspects of future work in
conclusions. Explore these in detail with the goal of reducing the HEVC encoder complexity
even further.

1. P.5.136 you, Chang and Chang [E239] have proposed an efficient ME design with a
joint algorithm and architecture optimization for HEVC encoder In Table XV, this
proposal is compared with other ME designs and demonstrate that their design
reduces the gate count and on-chip memory size significantly. Verify their ME design
using HM 16.0 and extend to 8Kx4K sequences.

P.5.137 The theory behind development of DCT based fractional pel interpolation filters
and their selection in HEVC is described clearly in [E109]. The performance of these
interpolation filters in HEVC is compared with corresponding filters adopted in H.264/AVC.
Also some of the fractional pel interpolation filters in H.264/AVC are replaced with those in
HEVC to evaluate their effects. Go thru this paper and the related references listed at the
end and confirm the results shown in Tables 3-6 and Fig. 6. Use HM 16.0. Replace the
interpolation filters adopted in H.264/AVC completely by those specified in HEVC and
evaluate its performance.

P.5.138 Umezaki and Goto [E241] have developed two methods for region of interest based
streaming in HEVC and have evaluated in terms of decoding cost, bandwidth efficiency and
video quality. They suggest possible future research directions to further reduce the
decoding cost. Explore these directions further to achieve the desired results.

P.5.139 Correa et al [E242] have achieved an average complexity reduction of 65% by

combining three early termination schemes in CTU, PU and RQT structures with a
negligible BD-rate increase of 1.36% in the HEVC encoder. Their proposed method uses
data mining as a tool to build a set of decision trees that allow terminating the decision
processes thus relieving the encoder of testing all encoding structure partitioning
possibilities. These results are confirmed by simulations based on various test sequences
(different resolutions) and are compared with earlier works. Implement this work and
confirm their results. Extend this to 4Kx2K and 8Kx4K test sequences. Can the HEVC
encoder complexity reduction be further Improved?

P.5.140 Ngyuen and Marpe [E245] have conducted a detailed performance comparison of
HEVC main still picture (MSP) profile with other still image and video compression schemes
(intra coding only) such as JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC,, VP8, VP9 and
WebP. They used PSNR and BD-bit rate as the comparison metrics (see Figs.2-4 in [E245]).
Extend this comparison using test sequences with spatial resolution higher than
1280x1600. Another image compression standard is JPEG-LS. Consider this also
regarding comparison with HEVC MSP profile.

P.5.141 See ([E245] and P.5.140). Consider mean opinion score (MOS) as the metric for
performance comparison of all these standards. Access reference 35 in [E245] regarding
HEVC subjective evaluation. Note that this comparison requires extensive man power,
detailed testing lab and other resources.

P.5.142 Min and Cheung [E247] have developed a fast CU decision algorithm that reduces
the HEVC intra encoder complexity by nearly 52% with negligible R-D performance loss. In
the conclusion section they state that for the blur sequences that the BD rate [E79, E80,
E94, E196] is worse than the sequences with sharp edges. Explore how this can be
minimized for sequences with blur background.

P.5.143 Kim and Park [E248] have proposed a CU partitioning method that reduces the
HEVC encoder complexity by 53.6% on the average compared with the HM 15.0 with
negligible coding efficiency loss. They state that further work will focus on the optimal
feature selection for CU partitioning. Explore and implement this selection.

P.5.144 Chi et al [E246] developed SIMD optimization for the entire HEVC decoder resulting
in 5x speed up. This has been substantiated by implementing the optimized HEVC decoder
on 14 mobile and PC platforms covering most major architectures released in recent years.
In the conclusions, they state General purpose architectures have lately increased their
floating point performance at a much faster rate than integer performance and in the
latest architectures have even a higher floating point throughput. As the use of floating
point numbers might also improve compression performance, it is an interesting and
promising direction for future work.. Implement SIMD acceleration for HEVC decoding
using floating point arithmetic and evaluate any improvement in compression
performance. This project is complex and may require a group of researchers.

P.5.145 Hautala et al [E253] have developed low-power multicore coprocessor architecture

for HEVC/H.265 in-loop filtering that can decode 1920x1080 video sequences (luma only)
at 30 fps. Extend this architecture for in-loop filtering of chroma components also. They
state that the in-loop filters ( both deblocking and SAO) typically consume about 20% of
the total decoding time.

P.5.146 See [E254]. Go through this paper in detail. Extend this scheme to 4K and 8K video
sequences using the latest HM. Evaluate the bit-rate reductions, subjective quality and
computational complexity and compare with the conclusions in [E254].

P.5.146 See P.5.145. The authors state that by using four instances of the proposed
architecture, in-loop filtering can be extended to 4K sequences. Explore and implement

P.5.147 Zhang et al [E259] have proposed a Machine Learning-Based Coding Unit depth
decision that reduces the HEVC encoder complexity on average 51.45% compared with
very little loss in BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR. Go through this paper in detail and extend this
technique to 4K and 8K test sequences. Compile a comparative table similar to Table III in
this paper.

P.5.148 Chen et al [E257] have developed a New Block Based Coding method for HEVC
Intra Coding, which results in a 2% BD-rate reduction on average compared with the HM
12.0 Main Profile Intra Coding. However, the encoding time has increased by 130%. In
terms of future work, the authors plan on designing new interpolators to improve the R-D
performance and also extend this technique to inter coding. Explore this in detail. Consider
various avenues related to reducing the encoder complexity (130% increase in the
complexity essentially nullifies any BD-rate reductions). Consider the latest HM.

P.5.149 Zou et al [E255] have developed a Hash Based Intra String Copy method for HEVC
based Screen Content Coding that achieves 12.3% and 11% BD-rate savings for 1080P
RGB and YUV respectively in full frame Intra Block Copy condition. However, this reduction
in BD rates comes at the cost of 50% increase in encode complexity (see Table 1). Can the
encoder complexity be reduced by disabling the proposed mode for certain CU sizes.
Explore this in detail.

P.5.150 Hu et al [E258] have developed a Hardware-Oriented Rate-Distortion optimization

Algorithm for HEVC Intra-Frame Encoder that achieves 72.22% time reduction of rate-
distortion optimization (RDO) compared with original HEVC Test Model while the BD-rate is
only 1.76%. Also see all the references listed at the end in [E258]. They suggest that the
next step is to implement in Hardware. Design and develop an encoder architecture layout,
to implement the same.

P.5.151 In [E261] several methods such as mode mapping, machine learning, complexity
scalable and background modeling for H.264/AVC to HEVC/H.265 transcoder are explained.
Implement all these techniques for H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder and compare their
performances using standard metrics. See references at the end.

P.5.152 E. Peixoto [E263] et al have developed a Fast H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding

based on Machine Learning, which is 3.4 times faster , on average, than the trivial
transcoder, and 1.65 times faster than a previous transcoding solution. Explore HEVC to
H.264/AVC transcoder based on Machine Learning for various Profiles/Levels.

P.5.153 Please access the paper, D. Mukherjee, An overview of new video coding tools
under consideration for VP10: the successor to VP9, [9599 50], SPIE. Optics + photonics,
San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Implement VP10 encoder using new video
coding tools under consideration and compare with HEVC (H.265) based on standard

P.5.154 Please access the paper, D. Mukherjee, An overview of new video coding tools
under consideration for VP10: the successor to VP9, [9599 50], SPIE. Optics + photonics,
San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Develop the VP10 decoder Block Diagram,
compare its implementation complexity with HEVC decoder.

P.5.155 Please see the Paper, R. G. Wang et al, Overview of MPEG Internet Video Coding,
[9599 53], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015 and
access all the references listed at the end. In response to the call for proposals for internet

video coding by MPEG, three different codecs Web Video Coding (WVC), Video Coding for
browsers (VCB) and Internet Video Coding (IVC). WVC and VCB were proposed by different
group of companies and IVC was proposed by several Universities and its coding tools were
developed from zero. Section.2 describes coding tools (key technologies) used in the
current test model of IVC (ITM 12.0). Specific Internet applications and the codec
requirements are listed. Besides an overview of IVC, this paper presents a performance
comparison with the WVC and VCB codecs using different test sequences at various bit
rates (see Table 9). Constraints are listed in section 3.1 Test cases and Constraints.
Implement the IVC, WVC and VCB codecs and compare with AVC HP (H.264). Extend this
comparison based on 4k x 2k video test sequences (see Table. 8). Consider also
implantation complexity as another comparison metric. Implementation complexity
requirements are also described in this paper (section 1). Please see [38 41] in
references for detailed encoding settings.

Note that JVT VC documents can be accessed as follows:

E1.JCT-VC DOCUMENTS can be found in JCT-VC document

management system
http://phenix.int-evry.fr/jct (see [E185])
E2.All JCT-VC documents can be accessed. [online]. Available:

P.5.156 Please see the Paper, R. G. Wang et al, Overview of MPEG Internet Video Coding,
[9599 53], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. This
Paper says VCB was proposed by Google and it is in fact VP8. Replace VP8 by the tools
proposed in VP10 and implement the VCB in detail and evaluate thoroughly its
performance with IVC, WVC and AVC HP. Please refer the paper, D. Mukherjee, An
overview of new video coding tools under consideration for VP10: the successor to VP9,
[9599 50], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015.

P.5.157 Please review [E266] in detail. This paper has proposed a Novel JND based HEVC
Complaint Perceptual Video Coding (PVC) scheme that yielded a remarkable bitrate
reduction of 49.10% maximum and 16.10% average with negligible subjective Quality loss.
Develop and implement A VP10 Compliant Perceptual Video Coding Scheme based on
JND models for Variable Block sized Transform Kernels and consider bit rate reductions,
implementation complexity, subjective quality etc., as performance metrics. Subjective
Quality evaluation requires extensive test set up (Monitor, lighting, display) and a number
of trained viewers to get Mean Opinion Score (MOS). (Also refer: D. Mukherjee, An
overview of new video coding tools under consideration for VP10: the successor to VP9,
[9599 50], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015 and
Ref 11 at the end of [E266]).

P.5.158 Please see P.5.157. Repeat this project for AVS China. (See References in AVS
China Section).

P.5.159 Please see P.5.157. Repeat this project for DIRAC. (See References in DIRAC

P.5.160 Please see P.5.157. Repeat this project for HEVC - IVC. ( Also Refer: R. G. Wang et
al, Overview of MPEG Internet Video Coding, [9599 53], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San
Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015).

P.5.161 Review [E264]. This paper presents an overview of scalable extensions of HEVC
where in the scalabilities include Spatial , SNR, bit depth and color gamut as well as
combinations of any of these. In the conclusions, it is stated that ATSC is considering SHVC
for broadcasting and video streaming. Go to WWW.atsc.org and extract related documents.
Implement SHVC for different scalabilities compatible with ATSC requirements. Go to
http://atsc.org/newsletter/2015, to get newsletters on different video coding standards.

P.5.162 Review [E264]. Implement HEVC (all profiles / levels) compatible with ATSC
requirements. Go to www.atsc.org . Also refer to P.5.161. Go to
http://atsc.org/newsletter/2015, to get newsletters on different video coding standards.

P.5.163 Chen et al [E267] have proposed a novel framework for software based H.264/AVC
to HEVC transcoding, integrated with parallel processing tools that are useful for achieving
higher levels of parallelism on multicore processors and distributed systems. This proposed
transcoder can achieve upto 60x speed up on a Quad core 8-thread server over decoding
re-encoding based on FFMPEG and the HM software with a BD-rate loss of 15% - 20% and
cam also achieve a speed of 720P at 30 Hz by implementing a group of picture level task
distribution on a distributed system with nine processing units. Implement the same for
higher resolution (8k x 4k) sequences.

P.5.164 Please see P.5.163. Develop a framework for software based HEVC (All Profiles /
Levels) to H.264/AVC transcoding.

P.5.165 Please see P.5.163. Develop an algorithm for H.264 to HEVC transcoding that can
reduce compression performance loss while improving / maintaining transcoding speed for
4k x 2k video sequences. Also extend to 8k x 4k video sequences.

P.5.166 Lee et al [E268] have developed an early skip mode decision for HEVC encoder
that reduces the encoder complexity by 30.1% for random access and around by 26.4% for
low delay with no coding loss. Implement this for 4k and 8K video using the latest HM

P.5.167 Lim et al [E269] have developed a fast PU skip and split termination algorithm that
achieves a 44.05% time savings on average when = 0.6 and 53.52% time savings on
average when = 0.5 while maintaining almost the same RD performance compared with
HM 14.0. In the conclusion it is stated that the there are some complexity and coding
efficiency tradeoff differences between class F and other class sequences in the simulation
results. Explore this as future research.

P.5.168 Won and Jeon [E270] have proposed a complexity efficient rate estimation for
mode decision of the HEVC Encoder that shows an average saving in rate calculation time
for all intra, low delay and random access conditions of 55.29%, 41.05% and 42.96%
respectively. Implement this for 4k and 8k video sequences using the latest HM software.

P.5.169 Chen et al [E272] have developed a novel wavefront based high parallel (WHP)
solution for HEVC encoding integrating data level and task level methods that bring up to
88.17 times speedup on 1080P sequences, 65.55 times speed up on 720P sequences and
57.65 times speedup on WVGA sequences compared with serial implementation. They also
state that the proposed solution is also applied in several leading video companies in
China, providing HEVC video service for more than 1.3 million users every day. Implement
this for 4k and 8k video using the latest HM software. Develop tables similar to tables III
through XI and graphs similar to Figs. 14 and 15. If possible use the hardware platform
described in Table IV.

P.5.170 Zhang, Li and Li [E273] have proposed an efficient fast mode decision method for
Inter Prediction in HEVC which can save about 77% encoding time with only about 4.1% bit
rate increase compared with HM16.4 anchor and 48% encoding time with only about 2.9%
bit rate increase compared with fast mode decision method adopted in HM16.4. Flow chart
of the proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 5. Previous Fast Mode Decision Algorithms
designed for HEVC Inter prediction are also described. Review the paper. Implement the
same and confirm the results. If possible use hardware platform described in Table IV.

P.5.171 Please see P.5.170. Implement the code based on the given flow chart using C++
compiler and use clock function to measure the run time.

P.5.172 Please see P.5.170. Implement the same project for 4k and 8k video sequences and
tabulate the results.

P.5.173 Hu and Yang [E274] have developed a Fast Mode Selection for HEVC intra frame
coding with entropy coding refinement. Using various test sequences, they have achieved
50 % reduction in encoding time compared with HM 15.0 with negligible BD-Rate Change.
Review this paper thoroughly and confirm their results. Test sequences for the simulation
are class A through class F (see Table IV). Extend this simulation using 4k & 8k sequences
and cite the results and conclusions.

P.5.174 Jou, Chang and Chang [E275] have developed an efficient ME design with a joint
algorithm and architecture optimization that reduces the integer Motion Estimation and
Fractional Motion Estimation complexity significantly. Architectural design also supports
real time encoding of 4k x 2k video at 60 fps at 270 MHZ. Review this paper in detail and
simulate the algorithm / architecture Motion Estimation design. Please confirm the results
shown in the last column of Table XV. In the conclusion it says further optimization can be
achieved by tweaking the proposed algorithms and corresponding architecture. Explore
this in detail.

P.5.175 Go through the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC extension described in
[E322] and the related references listed at the end. Using the test sequences as described
in tables III and IV, verify the results shown in table V using JM 18.6 (H.264 / AVC), HM 16.4
(HEVC) and SCM 3.0 / SCM 4.0 (HEVC SCC).

P.5.176 Repeat P.175 using Table VI from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.177 Repeat P.175 using Table VII from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.178 Repeat P.175 using Table VIII from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.179 Repeat P.175 using Table XI from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.180 Repeat P.175 using Table XII from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.181 Repeat P.175 using Table XV from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

P.5.182 Repeat P. 175 using Table XVI from the overview paper on emerging HEVC SCC
extension described in [E322].

Note that the projects P.5.175 through P.5.182 require thorough understanding of the H.264
/ AVC, HEVC version 1 and HEVC SCC besides familiarity of the corresponding software JM
18.6, HM 16.4 and SCM 3.0 / SCM 4.0 (respectively). Note that implementation complexity
is not considered in any of these simulations. The additional tools / modules added to the
HEVC version for SCC as described in [E322] probably result in increased complexity. This
is a relevant comparison metric. Develop Tables showing the comparison of this

P.5.183 Using standard test sequences, confirm the results shown in Table II [E321] for All
Intra (AI), RA (Random Access) and LD (Low Delay) configurations.

P.5.184 Repeat P.5.183 for lossless performance. See Table III [E321].

P.5.185 Repeat P.5.184. Extend the performance comparison of version II with H.264/AVC
(see Tables II and III) [E321] based on implementation complexity as a metric.

P.5.186 Using the test sequences in Table 5 [E325], confirm the results shown in Table 6
[E325] in terms of coding performance of SHVC and HEVC simulcast.

P.5. 187 See P.5.186. Confirm the results shown in Table 7 [E325] in terms of coding
performance of SHVC EL and HEVC single layer coding equivalent to EL.

P.5. 188 See P.5.186. Confirm the results shown in Table 8 [E325] in terms of coding
performance of SHVC and HEVC single layer coding equivalent to EL.

P.5. 189 See P.5.186. Confirm the results shown in Table 9 [E325] in terms of coding
performance of SHVC and SVC.

P.5.190 In [E325] implementation complexity has not been included as a performance

metric. Evaluate this for all cases listed in Tables 6 through 8 [E325].


USING CU EARLY TERMINATION ALGORITHM by Nishit Shah. By developing CU early
termination and TU mode decision algorithm, he has reduced the computational
complexity for HEVC intra prediction mode with negligible loss in PSNR and slight increase
in bit rate. . Conclusions and future work are reproduced here;


In this thesis a CU splitting algorithm and the TU mode decision algorithm are
proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the HEVC encoder, which
includes two strategies, i.e. CU splitting algorithm and the TU mode decision. The
results of comparative experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can
effectively reduce the computational complexity (encoding time) by 12-24% on
average as compared to the HM 16.0 encoder [38], while only incurring a slight drop
in the PSNR and a negligible increase in the bitrate and encoding bitstream size for
different values of the quantization parameter based on various standard test
sequences [29]. The results of simulation also demonstrate negligible decrease in
BD-PSNR [30] i.e. 0.29 dB to 0.51 dB as compared to the original HM16.0 software
and negligible increase in the BD-bitrate [31].

Future Work

There are many other ways to explore in the CU splitting algorithm and the TU mode
decision in the intra prediction area. Many of these methods can be combined with
this method, or if needed, one method may be replaced by a new method and
encoding time gains can be explored.

Similar algorithms can be developed for fast inter-prediction in which the RD cost of
the different modes in inter-prediction are explored, and depending upon the
adaptive threshold, mode decision can be terminated resulting in less encoding time
and reduced complexity combining with the above proposed algorithm.

Another fact of encoding is CU size decisions which are the leaf nodes of the
encoding process in the quadtree. Bayesian decision rule can be applied to calculate
the CU size and then this information can be combined with the proposed method to
achieve further encoding time gains.

Complexity reduction can also be achieved through hardware implementation of a

specific algorithm which requires much computation. The FPGA implementation can
be useful to evaluate the performance of the system on hardware in terms of power
consumption and encoding time.

P.5.192 Hingole [E349] has implemented the HEVC bitstream to H.264/MPEG4 AVC
bitstream transcoder (see figure below)
The transcoder can possibly be significantly reduced in complexity by adaptively reusing
the adaptive intra directional predictions (note HEVC has 35 intra directional predictions
versus 9 for H.264/MPEG4 AVC) and MV reuse from HEVC in H.264 (again HEVC multiple
block sizes, both symmetric and asymmetric, for ME and up to 1/8 fractional MV resolution
versus simpler block sizes in H.264). Explore this in detail and see how the various modes
in HEVC can be tailored to those in H.264 such that the overall transcoder complexity can
be significantly reduced. This requires thorough understanding of both HEVC and H.264
codecs besides review of the various transcoding techniques already developed.

P.5.193 Dayananda [E350] in her M.S. thesis entitled Investigation of Scalable HEVC & its
bitrate allocation for UHD deployment in the context of HTTP streaming, has suggested
Further, work on exploring optimal bitrate algorithms for allocation of bits into layer of
SHVC based on Game theory and other approaches can be done, considering various
scalability options (such as spatial, quality and combined scalabilities). Explore this.

P.5.194 See P.5.192 Additional experiments to study the effect of scalability overhead for
its modeling can be done using several test sequences. Implement this.

P.5.195 See P.5.192 Also, evaluation of SHVC for its computational complexity can be done
and parallel processing techniques for encoding base and enhancement layers in SHVC
can be explored. Investigate this. Note that this is a major task.

P.5.196 See [E351] M.S. thesis by V. Vijayaraghavan, Reducing the encoding time of
motion estimation in HEVC using parallel programming. Conclusions and future work are
reproduced here;

Through thorough analysis with the most powerful tool, Intel vTune
amplifier, hotspots were identified in the HM16.7 encoder. These hotspots are the
most time consuming functions/loops in the encoder. The functions are optimized
using optimal C++ coding techniques and the loops that do not pose dependencies
are parallelized using the OpenMP directives available by default in Windows Visual
Not every loop is parallelizable. Thorough efforts are needed to understand
the functionality of the loop to identify dependencies and the capability of the loop
to be made parallel. Overall observation is that the HM code is already vectorized in
many regions and hence parallel programming on top of vectorization may lead to
degradation in performance in many cases. Thus the results of this thesis can be
summarized as below:
Overall ~24.7 to 42.3% savings in encoding time.
Overall ~3.5 to 7% gain in PSNR.
Overall ~1.6 to 4% increase in bitrate.

Though this research has been carried out on a specific configuration (4 core
architecture), it can be used on any hardware universally. This implementation works
on servers and Personal Computers. Parallelization in this thesis has been done at
the frame level.

Future Work:
OpenMP framework is a very simple yet easy to adapt framework that aids in
thread level parallelism. Powerful parallel programming APIs are available which can
be used in offloading the serial code to the GPU. Careful efforts need to be invested
in investigating the right choice of software and functions in the software chosen to
be optimized. If optimized appropriately, huge savings in encoding time can be
Intel vTune amplifier is a very powerful tool which makes it possible for
analysis of different types to be carried at the code level as well as at the hardware
level. The analysis that has been made use of in this thesis is Basic Hotspot analysis.
There are other options available in the tool, one of which helps us to identify the
regions of the code which cause the maximum number of locks and waits and also
the number of cache misses that occur. Microprocessor and assembly level
optimization of the code base can be achieved by diving deep into this powerful

See [E351], parallel programming of CPU threads is achieved using OpenMP

parallel threads. More efficient times can be obtained (reduced encoding time) using
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) programming with OpenCL framework. Explore this.

Intel vTune Amplifier basic hotspot analysis has been used to identify the top
hotspots (functions and loops) in the code using Basic Hotspot Analysis which is
used for code optimization. There are several different analysis options available in
Intel vTune Amplifier, which can be used to optimize the code at the assembly level.
Assembly level optimizations can further increase the efficiency of the codec and
reduce the encoding time. Investigate these optimizations based on these criteria.
P.5.197 Kodpadi [E352] in her M. S. thesis (EE Dept., UTA ) entitled Evaluation of coding
tools for Screen content in High Efficiency Video Coding, has suggested:
The future work can be on reducing the encoding time by parallelizing the
different methods or by developing fast algorithms on the encoder side. Explore this.

P.5.198 See P.5.197 Continue to evaluate the coding performance of the newly adopted
tools and their interaction with the existing HEVC tools in the Main profile and range
extensions. See OP5 and OP7.

P.5.199 See P.5.197 Study latency and parallelism implications of SCC coding techniques,
considering multicore and single-core architectures.

P.5.200 see P.5.197 Analyze complexity characteristics of SCC coding methods with regards
to throughput, amount of memory, memory bandwidth, parsing dependencies, parallelism,
pixel processing, chroma position interpolation, and other aspects of complexity as

P.5.201 Mundgemane [E353] in her M. S. thesis entitled Multi-stage prediction scheme for
Screen Content based on HEVC, has suggested:
The future work can be on reducing the encoding time by parallelizing the
independent methods on the encoder side. Implement this.

P.5.202 See P.5.201 Implement fast algorithms for screen content coding tools that can
help in decreasing the encoding time.
P.5.203 See P.5.201 The coding efficiency of HEVC on surveillance camera videos
can be explored. Investigate this.

P.5.203 See [H69]. This paper describes several rate control algorithms adopted in MPEG-2,
MPEG-4, H.263 and H.264/AVC. The authors propose a rate control mechanism that
significantly enhances the RD performance compared to the H.264/AVC reference software
(JM 18.4), Several interesting papers related to RDO of rate control are cited at the end.
Investigate if the rate control mechanism proposed by the authors can be adopted in HEVC
and compare its performance with the latest HM software. Consider various test sequences
at different bit rates. Develop figures and tables similar to Figures 8-10 and Tables I to III
shown in [H69] for the HEVC. This project is extensive and can be applied to M.S. Thesis.

P.5.204 See P.5.203. In [H69], computational complexity has not been considered as a
performance metric. Investigate this. It is speculated that the proposed rate control
mechanism invariably incurs additional complexity compared to the HM software.

P.5.205 Hamidouche, Raulet and Deforges [E329] have developed a software parallel
decoder architecture for the HEVC and its various multilayer extensions. Advantages of this
optimized software are clearly explained in the conclusions. Go thru this paper in detail
and develop similar software for the HEVC decoder for scalable and multiview extensions.
P5.206 Kim et al [E355] have implemented the cross component prediction (CCP) in HEVC
(CCP scheme is adopted as a standard in range extensions) and have shown significant
coding performance improvements for both natural and screen content video. Note that
the chroma residual signal is predicted from the luma residual signal inside the coding

loop. See fig.2 that shows the block diagrams of encoder and decoder with CCP. This
scheme is implemented in both RGB and YCbCr color spaces.
In the conclusions, the authors state that more study can be made on how to facilitate
software and hardware implementation. Investigate this.

P.5.207 See P.5.206 The authors also state We leave it as a further study how to apply
CCP to various applications including HDR image coding. Investigate this.

P.5.208 Fong, Han and Cham [E356] have developed recursive integer cosine transform
(RICT) and have demonstrated from order-4 to order-32. The proposed RICT is
implemented into reference software HM 13.0. By using different test sequences, they
show that RICT has similar coding efficiency (see Tables VI thru XI in this paper) as the
core transform in HEVC. See references 18 thru 22 listed in [E356]. Using the recursive
structure develop order-64 and order-128 RICTs and draw the flow graphs similar to Fig.1
and the corresponding matrices similar to Eq. 16. The higher order transforms are
proposed in beyond HEVC [BH1, BH2].

P.5.209 Hsu and Shen [E357] have designed a deblocking filter for HEVC that can achieve
60 fps for the video with 4Kx@2K resolution assuming an operating frequency of 100 MHz.
Go thru the VLSI architecture and hardware implementation of this filter and extend the
design so that the deblocking filter can operate on the video with 8Kx4K resolution. This
requires major hardware design tools.

P.5.210 Francois et al [E339] present the roles of high dynamic range (HDR) and wide color
gamut (WCG) in HEVC in terms of both present status and future enhancements. They
describe in detail the various groups involved in HDR/WCG standardization including the
work in MPEG and JCT-VC. They conclude that the groups efforts involve synchronization to
ensure a successful and interoperable market deployment of HDR/WCG video. The
proposals on HDR/WCG video coding submitted to JCT-VC can lead to several projects. The
references related to these proposals are listed at the end in [E339]. In the conclusions the
authors state Finally following the conclusions of the CfE for HDR and WCG video coding,
MPEG has launched in June 2015 a fast-track standardization process to enhance the
performance of the HEVC main 10 profile for HDR and WCG video, that would lead to an
HEVC extension for HDR around mid-2016. (CfE: Call for evidence). Figure 6 shows the
application of CRI (color remapping info.) for the HDR and WCG to SDR conversion.
Implement this and show the two displays (SDR and HDR/WCG).
P.5.211 See P.5.210. Two methods for conversion from 8 bit BL resolution BT.709 to 10 bit
EL resolution BT.2020 are shown in Fig. 10. The authors state that the second method (Fig.
10(b)) can keep the conversion precision and has better coding performance compared
with the first method (Fig. 10(a)). Implement both methods and confirm this comparison.

P.5.212 See P.5.210 Another candidate for HDR/WCG support is shown in Fig.11. Using a 16
bit video source, split into two 8 bit videos followed by two legacy HEVC coders and
combining into 16 bit reconstructed video. Implement this scheme and evaluate this in
terms of standard metrics.

P.5.213 See P.5.210 An alternate solution for HDR video coding is illustrated in Figs. 12 and
13. Simulate this scheme and compare with the techniques described in P.5.210 thru

P.5.214 See P.5.210 HDR/WCG video coding in HEVC invariably involves additional
computational complexity. Evaluate the increase in complexity over the HEVC coding
without these extensions. See [E84].

P.5.215 Tan et al [SE4] have presented the subjective and objective results of a verification
test in which HEVC is compared with H.264/AVC. Test sequences and their parameters are
described in Tables II and III and are limited to random access (RA) and low delay (LD).
Extend these tests to all intra (AI) configuration and develop figures and tables as shown in
section IV Results. Based on these results confirm the bit rate savings of HEVC over

P.5.216 Lee et al [E358] have developed a fast RDO quantization for HEVC encoder that
reduces the quantization complexity for AI, RA and LD with negligible coding loss. See
Tables X thru XIII. They propose to include a fast context update with no significant coding
loss. Explore this. Develop tables similar to these specifically showing further reduction in

P.5.217 Georgios, Lentaris and Reisis [E360] have developed a novel compression scheme
by sandwiching the traditional video coding standards such as H.264/VAC and HEVC
between down sampling at the encoder side and upsampling at the decoder side. They
have shown significant encoder/decoder complexity reduction while maintaining the same
PSNR specifically at low bitrates. The authors have proposed SR (super resolution)
Interpolation algorithm called L-SEABI (low-complexity back-projected interpolation) and
compared their algorithms with state-of-the-art algorithms such as bicubic interpolation
based on various test sequences in terms of PSNR, SSIM and BRISQUE (blind/reference less
image spatial quality evaluator) (See Table I). Implement all the interpolation algorithms
and verify Table I.

P.5.218 See P.5.217. Please go thru the conclusions in detail. The authors state that their
SR compression scheme out performs the H.264/HEVC codecs for bitrates up to 10 and 3.8
Mbps respectively, consider BD bitrate and BD-PSNR as comparison metrics. Include these
in all the simulations and develop tables similar to Fig. 7.

P.5.219 See P.5.218. Implement this novel SR compression scheme in VP9 and draw the

P.5.220 See P.5.219. Replace VP9 by AVS China and implement the SR compression

P.5.221 Repeat P.5.220 for DIRAC codec developed by BBC.

P.5.222 Repeat P.5.220 for VC1 codec developed by SMPTE.

P.5.223 Kuo, Shih and Yang [E361] have improved the rate control mechanism by
adaptively adjusting the Lagrange parameter and have shown that their scheme
significantly enhances the RD performance compared to the H.264/AVC reference software.
Go thru this paper and all related references in detail.
Can a similar scheme be applied to HEVC reference software. If so, justify the improvement
in RD performance by applying the adaptive scheme in various test sequences (See
corresponding Figures and Tables in [E361].

P.5.224 Jung and Park [E332] by using an adaptive ordering of modes have proposed a fast
mode decision that significantly reduces the encoding time for RA and LD configurations.
Can you extend this scheme to AI case. If so, list the results similar to Tables XI, XII and XIII
based on the test sequences outlined in Table IX followed by conclusions. Use the latest
HM software.

P.5.225 Zhang, Li and Li [E362] have developed a fast mode decision for inter prediction in
HEVC resulting in significant savings in encoding time compared with HM16.4 anchor. See
Tables VI thru XII and Figure 9. The test sequences are limited to 2560x1600 resolution.
Extend the proposed technique to 4K and 8K video sequences and develop similar Tables
and Figure. Based on the results, comment on the corresponding savings in encoder

P.5.226 Fan, Chang and Hsu [E363] have developed an efficient hardware design for
implementing multiple forward and inverse transforms for various video coding standards.
Can this design be extended to HEVC also? Investigate this in detail? Note that in HEVC
16x16 and 32x32 INTDCTs are also valid besides 4x4 and 8x8 INTDCTs.

P.5.227 Park et al [E364] have proposed a 2-D 16x16 and 32x32 inverse INTDCT
architecture that can process 4K@30fps video. Extend this architecture for 2-D inverse
64x64 INTDCT that can process 8K@30 fps video. Note that 64x64 INTDCT is proposed as a
future development in HEVC (beyond HEVC).

P.5.228 Au-Yeung, Zhu and Zeng [H70] have developed partial video encryption using
multiple 8x8

transforms in H.264 and MPEG-4. Can this encryption approach be extended to HEVC.
Note that multiple size transforms are used in H.265. Please access the paper by these
authors titled Design of new unitary transforms for perceptual video encryption [H71].

P.5.229 See [H72]. Can the technique of embedding sign-flips into integer-based
transforms be applied to encryption of H.264 video be extended to H.265. Explore this in
detail. See also [H73].

P.5.230 See [E365] The authors have proposed a collaborative inter-loop video encoding
framework for CPU+GPU platforms. They state the proposed framework outperforms
single-device executions for several times, while delivering the performance improvements
of up to 61.2% over the state of the art solution. This is based on the H.264/AVC inter-
loop encoding. They also state extending this framework to other video coding standards
such as HEVC/H.265 as future work. Explore this future work in detail.

P.5.231 See [Tr11] The authors have presented an approach for accelerating the intra CU
partitioning decision of an H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder based on Nave-Bayes classifier
that reduces the computational complexity by 57% with a slight BD-rate increase. This is
demonstrated by using classes A thru E test sequences. (See Table 1). Go through this
paper in detail and confirm their results. Extend these simulations to 4K and 8K test
sequences and verify that similar complexity reduction can be achieved.

P.5.232 See [E191] and P.5.109. Extend the comparative assessment of HEVC/H.264/VP9
encoders for random access and all intra applications using 1280x720 60 fps test
sequences. Extend this to UHDTV test sequences. Consider also implementation
complexity as another metric.

P.5.233 Jridi and Meher [E367] have derived an approximate kernel for the DCT of length 4
from that defined in HEVC and used this for computation of DCT and its inverse for power-
of-2 lengths. They discuss the advantages of this DCT in terms of complexity, energy
efficiency, compression performance etc. Confirm the results as shown in Figures 8 and 9
and develop the approximate DCT for length 64.
P.5.234 See [E368] Section VII Conclusion is reproduced here.

In this paper, fast intra mode decision and CU size decision are proposed to reduce the
complexity of HEVC intra coding while maintaining the RD performance. For fast intra
mode decision, a gradient-based method by using average gradients in the horizontal
(AGH) and vertical directions (AGV) is proposed to reduce the candidate modes for RMD
and RDO. For fast CU size decision, the homogenous CUs are early terminated first by
employing AGH and AGV. Then two linear SVMs which employ the depth difference, HAD
cost ratio (and RD cost ratio) as features are proposed to perform early CU split decision
and early CU termination decision for the rest of CUs. Experimental results show that the
proposed method achieves a significant encoding time saving which is about 54% on
average with only 0.7% BD-rate increase. In the future, average gradients along more
directions can be exploited to obtain the candidate list with fewer modes for RMD and
RDO. More effective features such as the intra mode and the variance of the coding block
can be also considered in SVM for CU size decision to further improve the prediction
Explore the future work suggested here and comment on further improvements in fast
intra mode and CU size decision for HEVC. Extend the performance comparison similar to
Figs. 12, 14 and 15 and Tables II thru iV.

P.5.235 See [E369] In this paper Liu et al have proposed an adaptive and efficient mode
decision algorithm based on texture complexity and direction for intra HEVC prediction.
They have also presented a detailed review of previous work in this area. By developing
the concepts of CU size selection based on texture complexity and prediction mode
decision based on texture direction they have shown significant reduction in encoder
complexity with negligible reduction in BD-rate using standard test sequences. Go thru the
texture complexity analysis and texture direction analysis described in this paper and
confirm the comparison results shown in Tables V thru X. Extend this comparison to 4K
and 8K test sequences.

P.5.236 See [E270, E271] Using the early termination for TZSearch in HEVC motion
estimation, evaluate the reduction in HEVC encoding time based on HDTV, UHDTV (4K and
8K) test sequences for different profiles.

P.5.237 S.K. Rao [E372] has compared the performance of HEVC intra with JPEG, JPEG
2000, JPEG XR, JPEG LS and VP9 intra using SD, HD, UHD and 4K test sequences. HEVC
outperforms the other standards in terms of PSNR and SSIM at the cost of increased
implementation complexity. Consider BD-PSNR and BD bit rate [E81, E82, E96, E198] as
comparison metrics.

P.5.238 See P.5.237. Extend the performance comparison to 8K test sequences.

P.5.239 See [E373] The impact of SAO in loop filter in HEVC is shown clearly by
Jagadeesh [E373] as part of a project. Extend this project to HDTV, UHDTV, 4K and 8K
video sequences.

P.5.240 See [E374] Following the technique proposed by Jiang and Jeong (see reference
34 cited in [E374]) for fast intra coding, Thakur has shown that computational complexity
can be reduced by 14% - 30% compared to HM 16.9 with negligible loss in PSNR (only
slight increase in bit rate) using Kimono (1920x1080), BQ Mall (832x488) and Kristen and

Sara (1280x1080) test sequences. Extend this technique to 4K and 8K test sequences and
evaluate the complexity reduction.

P.5.241 See [E375] following reference 2 cited in this paper, Sheelvant analyzed the
performance and computational complexity of high efficiency video encoders under
various configuration tools (see table 2 for description of these tools) and has
recommended the configuration settings (see conclusions). Go thru this project in detail
and see if you agree with these settings. Otherwise develop your own settings.

P.5.242 See [E357] Hsu and Shen have developed VLSI architecture of a highly efficient
deblocking filter for HEVC. This filter can achieve 60 fps for the 4Kx@k video under an
operating frequency of 100 MHz. This design can achieve very high processing throughput
with reduced or comparable area complexity. Extend this deblocking filter HEVC
architecture for 8Kx4K video sequences.

P.5.243 See [E377] Bae, Kim and Kim have developed a DCT-based LDDP distortion model
and then proposed a HEVC-complaint PVC scheme. Using various test sequences (see V
thru VII), they showed the superiority of their PVC approach compared with the state-of-
the-art PVC scheme for LD and RA main profiles. Extend this technique to AI main profile.

P.5.244 See P.5.243 Extend this technique to 4K and 8K test sequences and develop Tables
similar to those shown in [E377]. Based on these simulations, summarize the conclusions.

P.5.245 See [E379] Pagalas thesis focusses on multiplex/demultiplex of HEVC Main Profile
video with HE-AAC v2 audio with lip synch. Extend this to 8K video test sequences. Give a

P.5.246 See [E379]. In the multiplex/demultiplex/lip synch scheme, replace HEVC Main
Profile with VP10 video. Make sure that the time lag between video and audio is below
40ms. See [VP5, VP15]. Give a demo.

P.5.247 See [E379], P.5.245 and P.5.246. Implement multiplex/demultiplex/lip sync scheme
using AV1 video and HE AAC v2 audio.
AV1 codec is developed by alliance for open media (AOM). http://tinyurl.com/zgwdo59

P.5.248 See [E379]. Replace AV1 video in P.247 by DAALA codec. See the references on

P.5.249 See [E379]. Can this scheme be extended to SCC?

P.5.250 See [E382] This paper explains clearly the fully pipelined architecture for intra
prediction in HEVC and achieves a high throughput of 4 pels per clock cycle. It can
decode 3840x2160 videos at 30 fps. In the conclusions the authors state in the future
work, we plan to implement the proposed architecture on ASIC platform to increase
the system frequency, aiming at achieving real-time video decoding of higher
resolution(higher than 4K videos). Explore this.

P.5.251 See P.5.250. The authors also state Meanwhile the proposed architecture will be
integrated with inter prediction engine, inverse transforming engine and other engines to
construct the entire encoding/decoding system. This is a major project. Implement this
HEVC codec.

P.5.252 See [E281]. In the conclusions it is stated Then, two flexible and HEVC compliant
architectures, able to support the DCT of size 4, 8, 16, 32 have been proposed. In beyond
HEVC, DCT of size 64 also being considered. Extend these HEVC compliant architectures to
support the DCT of size 64. See the sections BEYOND HEVC and PROJECTS ON BEYOND
HEVC towards the end of this chapter.

P.5.253 Based on a set of Pareto-efficient encoding configurations identified through a

rate-distortion-complexity analysis Correa et al [E383] have developed a scheme that
accurately limits the HEVC encoding time below a predefined target for each GOP. The
results also indicate negligible BD-rate loss at significant complexity reduction. Go through
this paper in detail and confirm the results shown in Tables II IV and Figs. 1 and 4-9 using
the test sequences listed in Table I.

P.5.254 See [E384]. After describing the mosaic videos with arbitrary color filter arrays (Fig.
1), the authors propose a novel chroma subsampling strategy (4:2:0 format) for
compressing mosaic videos in H.264/AVC and HEVC. They claim that this strategy has
the best quality and bitrate compared with previous schemes.
For the seven typical RGB-CFA structures shown in Fig. 1 (captured mosaic videos) apply
the demosaicking designed for each structure and as well the universal demosaicking and
obtain the demosaicked full-color RGB images.

P.5. 255 See P.5.254. For the demosaicked videos convert from RGB to YUV and then to
4:2:0 six subsampling strategies (Fig.6). Convert from 4:2:0 to 4:4:4 YUV format and then
to RGB reconstructed video. Compare these strategies in terms of CPSNR and CMSE for
these demosaicked videos.

P.5.256 Implement the chroma subsampling strategy described in [E384] along with other
strategies (Figs. 2-4) in both H.264/AVC and HEVC and confirm the results shown in Figs.
5-8 and Tables I-VI.

P.5.257 Apply the universal demosaicking algorithm based on statistical MAP estimation
developed in [E387] to the seven typical RGB-CFA structures (see P.5.284) and obtain the
demosaicked full color RGB images. Compare the effectiveness of this universal algorithm
with those described in [E384] in terms of the PSNR. See the conclusions section in [E387].

P.5.258 See [E388]. Also the abstract. Implement the fast prediction mode decision in
HEVC developed in [E388] and confirm the simulation results shown in Tables 1-3.

P.5.259 See P.5.258. Apply this technique to 8K test sequences and develop tables similar
to Tables 1-3 described in [E388].

P.5.260 Review [E389] in detail. The last sentence in Conclusion section states,
The future work will focus on extending algorithm to the remaining coding
structures (i.e., PUs and TUs) and other configurations in order to further expedite

the encoding process with minimal impact on the coding efficiency. Explore this
and develop tables similar to Tables V-VII and draw the conclusions.

P.5.261 See [AVS12}. The authors proposed a fast intra coding platform for AVS2
(called iAVS2) leading to higher speeds and better balance between speed and
compression efficiency loss especially for large size videos. The authors state Owing
to their (AVS2 and HEVC) similar frameworks, the proposed systematic solution
and the fast algorithms can also be applied in HEVC intra coding design. Go thru
this paper in detail and explore how the speed up methods can be applied to intra
HEVC using various test sequences based on the standard performance metrics.

P.5.262 See [E392]. SDCT and its integer approximation have been proposed and
applied in image coding. The authors suggest the possibility to implement efficiently
an integer SDCT in the HEVC standard.

Integrating inside HEVC may require a significant amount of work, as the transform has to
be inserted in the rate-distortion optimization loop, and auxiliary information may have to
be signaled. RD optimization is feasible but, the way at least the HEVC software is written,
it is not necessarily easy. What can be easily done is to take the HEVC integer transform
and rotate the transform using the technique developed in [E392] for obtaining a rotated
transform. Implement this in all profiles and compare with the HEVC HM software.
Consider both options.

P.5.263 See P.5.262 Using SDCT and its integer approximation in HEVC invariably
results in increased implementation complexity. Investigate this thoroughly.
P.5.264 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT is shown in Tables I, II and IV
[E392]. However the block sizes are limited to 32x32. For super high resolution
videos it is suggested that even larger block sizes such as 64x64 are suggested.
Extend these Tables for 64x64 block size.
P5.265 See P.5.265. Extend these Tables to 4K and 8K video sequences.
P.5.266 Performance comparison of INTSDCT with DCT is shown in Table V [E392}.
Extend this comparison to 4K and 8K video sequences and also larger block size
such as 64x64.

P.5.267 In P.5.264 thru P.5.266 consider implementation complexity as another

comparison metric.
P.5.268 Huang et al [E393] have developed false contour detection and removal
(FCDR) method and applied it to HEVC and H.264 videos as post processing
operation. They also state It will be interesting to adopt it as part of the in loop
decoding process (Fig.5.5). This idea demands further investigation and verification.
Investigate this in detail and see how FCDR can be embedded as an in loop
operation besides the deblocking and SAO filters. Assuming FCDR embedding is
successful, compare this with FCDR as a post processing operation in terms of PSNR,
SSIM and subjective quality (See the corresponding figures and tables in [E393].)
using various test sequences.

P.5.269 See P.5.268. Consider implementation complexity as another comparison

metric in the FCDR process (in loop vs. post processing) in both HEVC and H.264.

P.5.270 Chen et al [394] proposed a novel block-composed background reference
(BCBR) scheme and is implemented in HEVC. They claim that the new BCBR
algorithm can achieve better performance than baseline HEVC. This technique is
however limited to sequences captured by static cameras (surveillance and
conference sequences). They also suggest, For moving camera cases, the long-term
temporal correlation due to background is also worthy of investigation and the block-
composed sprite coding would be a good choice. Investigate this in detail. Consider
also encoding and decoding complexity as another performance metric.
P.5.271 See p.5.270 The authors in [394] conclude We would like to extend our
BCBR to more generic cases in our future work. Explore this.
P.5.272 Min, Xu and Cheung [E397] proposed a fully pipeline architecture, which
achieves higher throughput, smaller area and less memory, for intra prediction of
HEVC. They conclude In the future work, we plan to implement the proposed
architecture on ASIC platform to increase the system frequency, aiming at achieving
real time video decoding of higher resolution.. Implement this.
P.5.273 See P.5.272 Min, Xu and Cheung [E397] further state Meanwhile, the
proposed architecture will be integrated with inter prediction engine, inverse
transforming engine, and the other engines to construct the entire full scale
encoding/ decoding system. Explore this in detail and implement the same.
P.5. 274 In [H.78] the author state We would like to extend this sketch attack
framework to handle different video coding standards such as High Efficiency Video
Coding (HEVC), Audio Video Standard (AVS) and Google VP9 as our future work.
Extend this attack to HEVC Main Profile.
P.5.275 In implementing the image codec based on SDCT, Francastoro, Fosson and Magli [E392] fixed the 8 quantization
levels for the angles distributed uniformly between 0 and . They state In order to improve the compression performance,
as future work, we may consider a non-uniform angle quantization. Investigate this thoroughly. Consider all possible non-
uniform angle quantizations, the main objective being improved compression performance.

P.5.276 Wang et al [E399] have described the MPEG internet video coding (IVC) standard and compared its performance
(both objective and subjective - see Figs 10-13 for RA and LD ) with web video coding (WVC), video coding for
browsers (VCB) and AVC high profile. They have also compared the coding tools of IVC with those of AVC HP (Table
IV). Using the test sequences and their configurations (Tables V-VII) confirm the results shown in Table VIII and Figs. 10-
13. This project requires detailed and extensive simulations and intensive viewing by nave and expert subjects using the
double stimulus impairment scale (DSIS).

P.5.277 See P.5.276. Simulations are based on classes A, B and D test sequences (See Table V in [E399]). Extend these
simulations to classes C, E, and F test sequences and draw the conclusions based on the IVC, WVC, VCB and AVC HP. As
in P.5.276 this project also requires detailed and extensive simulations and intensive viewing by nave and expert subjects
using the double stimulus impairment scale (DSIS).

P.5.278 In the conclusion section Wang et al [E399] state Our team has set up an open source project xIVC, which aims to
develop a real time IVC codec for HD sequences. As of now, the decoder of XIVC can decode 1080P sequences in real-
time on PC platform. Develop this decoder.

P.5.279. See P.5.277. Develop the real time IVC codec (encoder/decoder) for HD sequences.

P.5.280 Xu et al [E400] have developed video saliency detection using features in HEVC compressed domain and claim
that their method superior to other state-of-the-art saliency detection techniques. They also state that their method is more
practicable compared to uncompressed domain methods as both time and storage complexity on decoding videos can be
saved. In the conclusions and future work the authors state

There exist three directions for the future work. (1) Our work in its present form merely concentrates
on the bottom up model to predict video saliency. In fact, videos usually contain some top-down
cues indicating salient regions, such as human faces. Indeed, an ideal vision system, like the one of
humans, requires the information flow in both directions of bottom-up and top-down. Hence, the
protocol, integrating the top-down model into our bottom-up saliency detection method, shows a
promising trend in future. Investigate this in detail.

P.5.281 See P.5.280. Many advanced tracking filters (e.g., Kalman filter and particle filter) have
emerged during the past few decades. It is quite an interesting future work to incorporate our
method with those filters, rather than the forward smoothing filter of this paper. In that case, the
performance of our method may be further improved.. Replace the forward smoothing filter
adopted in [E400] by Kalman filter and particle filter and evaluate how the performance of the video
saliency detection can be further improved.

P.5.282 See P.5.280. A simple SVM learning algorithm, the C-SVC, was developed in our work for
video saliency detection. Other state-of-the-art machine learning techniques may be applied to
improve the accuracy of saliency detection, and it can be seen as another promising future work.
Explore this future work.

P.5.283 See [E355]. In conclusion, the authors state In the future more study can be made on how
to facilitate software and hardware implementation. Implement tis.

P.5.284 See P.5.283. The authors [E355] further state We also leave it as a further study how to
efficiently apply CCP to various applications including high dynamic range video coding. Explore
this for HDR video coding.

P.5.285 See [E355] Following the range extensions in HEVC (see the references at thee end), the
authors have demonstrated, by using the CCP , significant coding performance improvements for
both natural and screen content video.. Verify this by confirming the experimental results shown in
Table I thru V and Figs. 3 and 4.

P.5.286 See [E401] Section V Conclusion is repeated here:

In conclusion, it is evident that encoder could generate decoder resource optimized video bit
streams by exploiting the diversities of the decoder complexity requirements of the HEVC coding
modes. In this context, the proposed complexity model for HEVC inter-frame decoding predicts the
decoding complexity with an average prediction error less than 5% for both uni- and bi-predicted
frames. Furthermore, the proposed encoding algorithm is capable of generating HEVC bit streams
that can achieve an average decoder complexity n reduction of 28.06% and 41.19% with a BD-PSNR
loss of -1.91 dB and -2.46 dB for low delay P and random access configurations, respectively,
compared to the bit streams generated by the HM reference encoder. The future work will focus on
extending the framework to consider both the rate and the distortion, along side the decoders
complexity, to generate more optimized HEVC video bit streams.

Explore this future work and see how you can optimize this.

P.5.287 See [E402]. Section V Conclusion is repeated here:

In this work, an unthreaded version of the OpenHEVC decoder supporting parallel decoding at slice level
is presented. Based on this decoder, implementations for several multicore chips, with and without
threads support, have been tested with good results in both, performance and speedup. In the future,
parallel decoding at frame level will be integrated, which certainly will improve the speedups with more
than 4 cores

Integrate the parallel decoding at the frame level and evaluate how the HEVC decoder can be
speeded up.

P.5.288 A novel perceptual adaptive quantization method (AVQ) based on an adaptive perceptual CU
splitting that improves the subjective quality of HEVC encoder along with less encoding time is
proposed in [E403]. Confirm the simulation results shown in Table I and Figs.3 and 4.

P.5.289 See P.5.288. In Section 5 Conclusion the authors [E403] state, In the future, we will take the
both the spatial and temporal characteristics into consideration to improve coding performance
further. Explore this.

P.5.290 In Section V, the authors [E404] state, The performance of proposed algorithm is more
at high packet error rate and low bit rate conditions. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is suitable
for video transmission applications in error-prone wireless channels which have bandwidth
constraints. The perceived video quality can be improved by applying more sophisticated error
concealment technique at the decoder. Apply error concealment techniques at the HEVC decoder
and investigate how the subjective video quality can be improved.

P.5.291 Boyadjis et al [E405] have proposed a novel method for selective encryption of H.264/AVC
(CABAC) and HEVC compressed bit streams. And compared with other encryption schemes (see the
extensive list of references at the end). See the last para in the conclusion and future work of his
paper. Explore these topics (studies).

H.264 Advance Video Coding (AVC)/ MPEG-4 Part 10


H1 R. Schfer, T. Wiegand and H. Schwarz, The emerging H.264/AVC standard, EBU

Technical Review, pp. 112, Jan. 2003.

H2 JVT Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international standard of joint video
specification (ITU-T Rec. H.264ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC), March 2003, JVT-G050
available on http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_G1/assets/pdfs/JVT-G050.pdf.

H3 T. Wiegand et al, Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard, IEEE

Trans. CSVT, Special Issue on H.264/AVC, vol. 13, pp. 560576, July 2003.
Draw the JPEG baseline decoder block diagram. [12 points]he proposed
systematic solution and the fast algorithm can also be applied to

H4 H.S. Malvar et al, Low-complexity transform and quantization in H.264/AVC, IEEE

Trans. CSVT, vol. 13, pp. 598603, July 2003.

H5 T. Stockhammer, M.M. Hannuksela and T. Wiegand, H.264/AVC in wireless

environments, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 13, pp. 657673, July 2003.

H6 S. Wenger, H.264/AVC over IP, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 13, pp. 645656, July 2003.

H7 A. Tamhankar and K.R. Rao, An overview of H.264 / MPEG-4 part 10, Proc. 4th
EURASIP-IEEE Conf. focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia
Communications, vol. 1, pp. 151, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2003.

H8 J. Ostermann et al, Video coding with H.264/AVC: Tools, performance, and
complexity, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 4, pp. 728, First Quarter 2004.

H9 M. Fieldler, Implementation of basic H.264/AVC decoder, Seminar Paper at Chemnitz

University of Technology, June 2004.

H10 Y. Zhang et al, Fast 4x4 intra-prediction mode selection for H.264, in Proc. Int. Conf.
Multimedia Expo, pp. 11511154, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2004.

H11 G.J. Sullivan, P. Topiwala and A. Luthra, The H.264/AVC advanced video coding
standard: Overview and introduction to the fidelity range extensions, SPIE Conf. on
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXVII, vol. 5558, pp. 5374, Aug. 2004.

H12 F. Fu et al, Fast intra prediction algorithm in H.264/AVC, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Signal
Process., pp. 11911194, Beijing, China, Sep. 2004.

H13 A. Puri, X. Chen and A. Luthra, Video coding using the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
compression standard, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 19, pp. 793
849, Oct. 2004.

H14 F. Pan et al, Fast intra mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC video coding, Proc.
IEEE ICIP., pp. 781784, Singapore, Oct. 2004.

H15 Proc. IEEE, Special Issue on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery, vol. 93, pp. 3
193, Jan. 2005. This has several overview papers.

H16 T. Sikora, Trends and perspectives in image and video coding, Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, pp.
617, Jan.2005.

H17 G.J. Sullivan and T. Wiegand, Video compression From concepts to H.264/AVC
standard, (Tutorial), Proc. IEEE, vol.93, pp. 1831, Jan. 2005.

H18 D. Marpe and T. Wiegand, H.264/MPEG4-AVC Fidelity Range Extensions: Tools,

Profiles, Performance, and Application Areas, IEEE ICIP, vol. 1, pp. I - 596, 11-14 Sept.

H19 Y-L. Lee and K-H. Han, Complexity of the proposed lossless intra for 4:4:4, (ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG 16 Q.6) document JVT-Q035, 17-21 Oct. 2005.

H20 D. Kumar, P. Shastry and A. Basu, Overview of the H.264 / AVC, 8th Texas
Instruments Developer Conference India, 30 Nov. 1 Dec. 2005, Bangalore, India.

H21 Proc. IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television: Technology and Emerging
Services, vol.94, Jan. 2006.

H22 G. Raja and M. Mirza, In-loop de-blocking filter for H.264/AVC Video, Proc. the 2nd
IEEE-EURASIP Int. Symp. Commun., Control and Signal Processing 2006, ISCCSP,
Marrakech, Morocco, March 2006.

H23 S.-K. Kwon, A. Tamhankar and K.R. Rao, Overview of H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, J. Vis.
Commun. Image Representation (JVCIR), vol. 17, pp. 186216, April 2006. Special
Issue on Emerging H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard.

H24 S. Kumar et al, Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard, J. Visual Commun.
Image Representation. (JVCIR), Special Issue on H.264/AVC, vol. 17, pp. 425450, April

H25 D. Marpe, T. Wiegand and G. J. Sullivan, The H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard and its
applications, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 44, pp. 134143, Aug. 2006.

H26 S. Naito and A. Koike, Efficient coding scheme for super high definition video based
on extending H.264 high profile, in Proc. SPIE Visual Commun. Image Process., vol.
6077, pp. 607727-1-607727-8, Jan. 2006.

H27 J. Kim et al, Complexity reduction algorithm for intra mode selection in H.264/AVC
video coding J. Blanc-Talon et al. (Eds.): pp. 454465, ACIVS 2006, LNCS 4179,
Springer, 2006.

H28 S. Ma and C.C. J. Kuo, High-definition video coding with super macroblocks, in Proc.
SPIE VCIP, vol. 6508, pp. 650816-1-650816-12, Jan. 2007.

H29 T. Wiegand and G.J. Sullivan, The H.264/AVC video coding standard, IEEE SP
Magazine, vol. 24, pp. 148153, March 2007. (Info on H.264/AVC resources)

H30 H.264/AVC JM 18.0 reference software: http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/download/

H31 H.264 video compression standard, White paper, Axis communications.

H32 W. Lee et al, High speed intra prediction scheme for H.264/AVC, IEEE Trans.
Consumer Electronics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 15771582, Nov. 2007.

H33 Y.Q. Shi and H. Sun, Image and video compression for multimedia engineering, Boca
Raton: CRC Press, II Edition (Chapter on H.264), 2008.

H34 B. Furht and S.A. Ahson, Handbook of mobile broadcasting, DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T and
MEDIAFLO, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2008. (H.264 related chapters)

H35 M. Jafari and S. Kasaei, Fast intra- and inter-prediction mode decision in H.264
advanced video coding, International Journal of Computer Science and Network
Security, vol. 8, pp. 130140, May 2008.

H36 A.M. Tourapis (January 2009), H.264/14496-10 AVC reference software manual
[Online]. Available: http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/JM%20Reference%20Software

H37 P. Carrillo, H. Kalva, and T. Pin, Low complexity H.264 video encoding, SPIE, vol.
7443, paper # 74430A, Aug. 2009.

H38 B.M.K. Aswathappa and K.R. Rao, Rate-distortion optimization using structural
information in H.264 strictly intra-frame encoder, IEEE Southeastern Symp. on
System Theory (SSST), Tyler, TX, March 2010.

H39 D. Han et al, Low complexity H.264 encoder using machine learning, IEEE SPA 2010,
pp. 4043, Poznan, Poland, Sept. 2010.

H40 T. Sathe, Complexity reduction of H.264/AVC motion estimation using OpenMP, M.S.
Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, May 2011.

http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll
down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on T.Sathe

H41 D. Han, A. Kulkarni and K.R. Rao, Fast inter-prediction mode decision algorithm for
H.264 video encoder, IEEE ECTICON 2012, Cha Am, Thailand, May 2012.

H42 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264

H43 S. Subbarayappa, Implementation and analysis of directional discrete cosine

transform in H.264 for baseline profile, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, May 2012.

H44 I.E. Richardson, H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 White Paper, www.vcodex.com

H45 I.E. Richardson, Overview: What is H.264? 2011. www.vcodex.com

H46 I.E. Richardson, A Technical Introduction to H.264/AVC, 2011. [Online]. Available:


H47 I.E. Richardson, White Paper: H.264 / AVC intra prediction, 2011. www.vcodex.com

H48 I.E. Richardson, White Paper: H.264 / AVC inter prediction, 2011. www.vcodex.com

H49 I.E. Richardson, White Paper: 44 transform and quantization in H.264/AVC, Nov.
2010. www.vcodex.com

H50 I.E. Richardson, White Paper: H.264 / AVC loop filter, 2011. www.vcodex.com

H51 Joint Video Team (JVT), ITU-T website, http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16/jvt/

H52 RGB Spectrums H.264 codecs hit the mark in the latest U.S. missile test program,
May 2012. www.rgb.com. See [B18].

H53 ISO website: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm

H54 IEC website: http://www.iec.ch/

H55 ITU-T website: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/index.html

H56 C.-L. Su, T.-M. Chen and C.-Y. Huang, Cluster-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm with
Low Memory and Bandwidth Requirements for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol.24, pp. 1016-1024, June 2014.

H.264/14496-10 Advanced video coding reference software manual 28 June -3 July, 2009
JM 16.0
H.264/mpeg-4 AVC reference software joint Model 18.4 available at
H57 FFmpeg Developers (2013): Libavcodec H.264 Decoder [Online]. Available:
http://ffmpeg.org, accessed Aug 1, 2014.
H58 X264: A free H.264 Encoder [Online] Available:
http://www.videolan.org/developers/x.264.html, accessed Aug.1, 2014.

H59 D. S. Eagle, Beyond the Full HD (UHD & 8K), Sunday 12 April 2015, 3:30 PM to 4:45
PM, NAB Show, Las Vegas, NV, April 2015.

Sonys XAVC format employs MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 level 5.2, the highest picture resolution
and frame rate video compression codec based on industry standards. XAVC enables a
very wide range of operational possibilities for content production, notably: from Proxy to
4K pixel resolutions, intra frame and long GOP schemes, and 1080 50P/60P infrastructure

Built with the principles of workflow efficiency, evolution and optimized image quality at its
heart, Sonys XAVC can support the following content formats:

4K (4096 x 2160 and 3840 x 2160), HD and proxy resolution

MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video compression
12, 10 and 8 bit color depth
Up to 60fps
MXF wrapping format can be used
4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0 color sampling

XAVC has been developed as an open format, providing a license program for other
manufacturers in the broadcast and production industry to develop their own high quality
and high frame rate products.

Website : http://www.sony.co.uk/pro/article/broadcast-products-sonys-new-xavc-recording-

H60 I. E. G. Richardson, The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard, II Edition,

Wiley, 2010.

H61 T. Wiegand et al, Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding
Standardization and Beyond, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 17, pp. 1099 1269, Sept. 2007.

H62 K. Muller et al, Multi view video coding based on H.264/AVC using hierarchical B-
frames, in Proc. PCS 2006, Picture Coding Symp., Beijing, China, April 2006.

H63. T. Wiegand et al, Joint draft 5: scalable video coding, Joint Video Team of ISO/IEC
MPEG and ITU-T VCEG, Doc. JVT-R201, Bangkok, Jan. 2006.

H64. G. J. Sullivan, The H.264 / MPEG4-AVC video coding standard and its deployment
status, in proc. SPIE conf. visual communications and image processing (VCIP), Beijing,
China, July 2005.

H65. T. Wiegand et al, Rate- constrained coder control and comparison of video coding
standards, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.13, pp. 688 703, July 2003.

H66. C. Fenimore et al, Subjective testing methodology in MPEG video verification, in

Proc. SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing, vol. 5558, pp. 503 -511, Denver, CO,
Aug. 2004.

H67. MPEG industry forum resources [online] Available:


H68. H. Schwarz, D. Marpe and T. Wiegand, Overview of the scalable H.264/ AVC
extension, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Atlanta, GA, pp. 161-164, Oct. 2006.
H69.C.-H. Kuo, L.-L. Shih and S.-C. Shih, Rate control via adjustment of Lagrange multiplier
for video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (EARLY ACCESS)

H70. A.K. Au-Yeung, S. Zhu and B. Zeng, Partial video encryption using multiple 8x8
transforms in H.264 and MPEG-4, Proceedings of ICASSP 2011, pp.2436-2439, Prague,
Czech Republic., May 2011.

H71. A.K. Au-Yeung, S. Zhu and B. Zeng, Design of new unitary transforms for perceptual
video encryption, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.21, pp.1341- 1345, Sept. 2011.

H72. B. Zeng et al, Perceptual encryption of H.264 videos: embedding sign-flips into the
integer-based transforms, IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, vol.9, no.2,
pp.309-320, Feb. 2014.

H73. S.J. Li et al, On the design of perceptual MPEG-video encryption algorithms, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol.17, pp. 214-223, Feb.2007.

H74. B.Y. Lei, K.T. Lo and J. Feng, Encryption Techniques for H.264 Video, The Handbook of
MPEG Applications: Standards in Practice, pp.151-174, Edited by M.C. Angelides and H.
Agius, Wiley, Feb.2011.

H75. Overview of H.264/AVC:


Access to HM Software Manual:


H76. M.P. Krishnan, Implementation and performance analysis of 2D order 16 integer transform
in H.264 and AVS - China for HD video coding M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., UT-Arlington, TX, Dec. 2010.

http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down

and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on M. Krishnan.

H77. B. Dey and M.K. Kundu, Enhanced microblock features for dynamic background
modeling in H.264/AVC video encoded at low bitrate, IEEE Trans. CSVT (EARLY ACCESS).

H78 K. Minemura; K. Wong; R. Phan; K. Tanaka, "A Novel Sketch Attack for H.264/AVC
Format-Compliant Encrypted Video," in IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access). Conclusions are
repeated here.

Conclusions: In this work, we proposed a novel sketch attack for H.264/AVC format-compliant
encrypted video. Specifically, the macroblock bitstream size was exploited to sketch the outline of
the original video frame directly from the encrypted video. In addition, the Canny edge map was
considered as the ideal outline image and an edge similar score was modified for performance
evaluation purposes. Experimental results suggest that the proposed sketch attack can extract
visual information directly from the format-compliant encrypted video. Although the proposed and
conventional methods can sketch the outline from the encrypted INTRA-frame, only the proposed
MBS sketch attack method can sketch the outline from the encrypted INTER-frame, which
outnumbers INTRA-frame, by far, in compressed video. Moreover, the proposed MBS sketch attack is
verified to be more robust against compression when compared to the conventional sketch attacks.
In view of this proposed sketch attack framework, we suggest that this framework should be
considered for format compliant video encryption security analysis. In addition to determining the
encryption modules in use by analyzing the encrypted video, we would like to extend this sketch
attack framework to handle different video standards such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC),
Audio Video Standard (AVS) and Google VP9 as our future work

Books on H.264 :
1. I. E. G. Richardson, H.264 and MPEG-4 video compression: Video coding for Next
Generation Multimedia, New York, Wiley, 2003.

2. S. Okubo et al, H.264/AVC Textbook (in Japanese, title translated), Tokyo, Impress
Publisher, 2004.

3. S. Ono, T. Murakami and K. Asai, Ubiquitous technology, Hybrid Video Coding MPEG-4
and H.264 (In Japanese, title translated), Tokyo, Ohmsha Press, 2005.

4. L. Chiariglione (Editor), The MPEG Representation of Digital Media, Springer, 2012.

H.264 Standard, JM SOFTWARE

1. ITU T and ISO/IEC JTC 1, Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services, ITU-
T Rec. H.264 & ISO/IEC 14496-10, Version 1, May 2003; version 2, Jan 2004; Version 3 (with
High family of profiles), sept 2004; version 4, July 2005 [online] Available:

JM 19.0 Reference software (6/19/2015) also updates on KTA.

DCT references
DCT1N. Ahmed, M. Natarajan and K.R. Rao, Discrete Cosine Transform, IEEE Trans.
Computers, vol. C-23, pp. 9093, Jan. 1974.
DCT2 W. Chen, C. H. Smith, and S. C. Fralick, A fast computational algorithm for the
discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-25, pp. 10041009, Sept. 1977.
DCT3 M. Vetterli and A. Ligtenberg A discrete Fourier-cosine transform chip, IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas of Communications, vol. 4, pp. 4961, Jan. 1986.
DCT4 W.K. Cham and R.J. Clarke, Application of the principle of dyadic symmetry to the
generation of orthogonal transform, IEE Proc. F: Communications, Radar and Signal
Processing, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 264270, June 1986.
DCT5 C. Loeffler, A. Lightenberg and G. Moschytz, Practical fast 1-D DCT algorithms with
11 multiplications, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, vol. 2, pp. 988-991, Feb. 1989.
DCT6 W.K. Cham, Development of integer cosine transforms by the principle of dyadic
symmetry, IEE Proc. Communications, Speech and Vision, vol. 136, issue 4, pp. 276-282,

DCT7 M. Masera, M. Martina and G. Masera, Adaptive approximated DCT architectures for
HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT (Early access).This has several references related to integer DCT
architectures. Same as [E381]

DCT8 S.-H. Bae, J. Kim and M. Kim, HEVC-Based perceptually adaptive video coding using
a DCT-Based local distortion detection probability, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.
25, pp. 3343-3357, July 2016. Same as [E377].

DCT9 Z. Zhang et al, Focus and blurriness measure using reorganized DCT coefficients for
auto focus IEEE Trans. CSVT, Early access.


DCT11 M. Jridi and P.K. Meher, A scalable approximate DCT architectures for efficient HEVC
compliant video coding IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early access) See also P.K. Meher et al,
Generalized architecture for integer DCT of lengths N = 8, 16 and 32, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol. 24, pp.168-178, Jan. 2014.

DCT12 V. Dhandapani and S. Ramachandran, Area and power efficient DCT

architecture for image compression, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,
vol. , 20142014:180

DCT13 M. Narroschke, Coding efficiency of the DCT and DST in hybrid video coding, IEEE J. on
selected topics in signal processing, vol. 7, pp.1062 1071, Dec. 2013.

DCT14 G. Fracastoro, S.M. Fosson and E. Magli, Steerable discrete cosine

transform, IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 26, pp. 303-314, Jan. 2017. Same as [E392].

DCT15 B. Zeng and J. Fu, Directional discrete cosine transforms-a new framework for image coding,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 18, pp. 305-313, March 2008.

DCT16 J.-S. Park et al, 2-D large inverse transform (16x16, 32X32) for HEVC (high
efficiency video coding), J. of Semiconductor Technology and Science, vol.12, pp.203-211,
June 2012. Same as [E364].

DCT17 J. Dong, et al, 2-D order-16 integer transforms for HD video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
\vol. 19, pp. 14621474, Oct. 2009.

DCT18 C.-K. Fong, Q. Han and W.-K. Cham, Recursive Integer Cosine Transform for HEVC and
Future Video Coding Standards IEEE Trans. CSVT, (EARLY ACCESS).

DCT19 C. Yeo et al, Mode dependent transforms for coding directional intra prediction residuals,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.22, pp.545-554, April 2012.

DCT20 S.-H. Bae and M. Kim, A DCT-based total JND profile for spatio-temporal and foveated
masking effects, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (EARLY ACCESS).

DCT21 Z. Chen, Q. Han and W.-K. Cham, Low-complexity order-64 integer cosine transform design
and its applications in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT (Under Review).

DCT22 J. Lee at al, A compressed-domain corner detection method for a DCT-based compressed
image, IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017.

DCT23 Z. Qian, W. Wang and T. Qiao, An edge detection method in DCT domain, IEEE ICCE, Las
Vegas, Jan. 2017.

DCT-P1 Fong, Han and Cham [DCT18] have developed recursive integer cosine transform (RICT).
This has orthogonal basis vectors and also has recursive property. Based on this, flow graph for
order 32 RICT with flow graphs for orders 4, 8 and 16 embedded is shown in Fig.1. They also have
implemented the RICT in HEVC HM13.0 and have demonstrated that the RICT has similar coding
efficiency as the core transform in HEVC (see Tables VI thru XI). Using Fig.1, write down the sparse
matrix factors (SMFs) for orders 4, 8, 16 and 32 RICTs.

DCT-P2 See DCT-P1. Using Table I and the SMFs for orders 4, 8, 16 and 32 RICTs write down the
corresponding transform matrices. Verify the transform matrix for order 32 with that shown in eq. 16
of [DCT18].

DCT-P3 See DCT-P1. Forward and inverse architecture of order 4 RICT is shown in Fig.4. This
structure is symmetric (Hardware of order 4 inverse RICT can be shared by the order 4 forward
RICT.) Develop similar symmetric hardware structures for orders 8, 16 and 32.

DCT-P4 The authors [DCT18] state that higher order RICTs such as orders 64 and 128 can be
derived using their fast algorithms. Derive these.

DCT-P5 See DCT-P4. Draw flow graph for order 64 RICT with the flow graphs for orders 4, 8, 16 and
32 embedded similar to that shown in Fig.1.

DCT-P6 Repeat DCT-P5 for order 128 RICT.

DCT-P7 See DCT-P6. Extend the suggested values for bN,i for orders 64 and 128 RICTs (See Table I in

DCT-P8 See DCT-P3. Develop similar symmetric hardware structures for orders 64 and 128 RICT.

DCT-P9 See Table V in [DCT18]. Extend the comparison to orders 64 and 128. This requires
extending Loefflers method to orders 64 and 128.

DCT-P10 See [DCT11] Jridi and Meher have developed approximate DCT architectures for efficient
HEVC compliant video coding. Full-parallel and area constrained architectures for the proposed
approximate DCT are described. Show that the equations given by (6a) and (6b) yield the 4-point
DCT kernel given by (4).Write down the SMFs based on Fig.1 for the 4-point integer 1-D DCT.

DCT-P11 See DCT-P10. Show that the equations given by (7) (9) yield Eq. (5) for the 8-point DCT

DCT-P12 See DCT-P11. Write down the SMFs for the 8-point integer 1-D DCT based on Fig. 2. Show
that these SMFs yield Eq. (5) for the 8-point DCT kernel.

DCT-P13 See [DCT11]. Parallel architecture for approximate 8-point 1-D DCT is shown in Fig.2.
Develop similar architecture for approximate 16-point 1-D DCT.

DCT-P14 Based on DCT-P13 write down the corresponding SMFs and the resulting 16x16 1-D DCT

DCT-P15 See DCT-P13. Extend this to approximate 32-point 1-D DCT.

DCT-P16 See DCT-P14 Extend this to 32-point 1-D DCT.

DCT-P17 Chen, Han and Cham [DCT21] have developed a set of low complexity integer cosine
transforms (LCICTs) and used them in HEVC HM13. These have fully factorizable structures and high
circuit reusability. They conclude that order-64 ICTs can significantly improve the coding
performance under high QP (low bitrate) which makes them beneficial in low bitrate applications
such as video conferencing and video surveillance. Using equations 5-10, write down the LCITC
matrices for order 8, 16, 32 and 64.

DCT-P18 See DCT-P17 Using Fig.3 (flow graph) write down the SMFs for LCICTs of order 8, 16, and

DCT-P19 See DCT-P17. Extend the flow graph for LCICT of order 64.

DCT-P20 See DCT-P17 Write down the SMFs for LCICT of order 64.

DCT-P21 See [DCT21]. In Table IV the BD bitrates for LCICT are compared with those for another
order 64 ICT (see reference 14 at the end) using various test sequences under AI, RA, and LDB.
Confirm these results.

DCT-P22 The flow graph for order-32 LCICT (flow graphs for order-8 1nd 16 LCICT are embedded) is
shown in Fig. 1 [DCT21]. Draw the flow graph for the inverse LCICTs.

DCT-P23 Based on DCT-P22, write down the corresponding SMFs for these inverse LCICTs.

DCT-P24 See DCT-P22 and DCT-P23. Evaluate the orthogonality of these LCICTs. Hint: matrix multiply
the forward LCICT with the matrix for corresponding inverse LCICT. Are these matrices are truly

MPA.P8: Transform Coding (IEEE ICIP 2016)

Session Type: Poster

Time: Monday, September 26, 14:00 - 15:20

Location: Room 301 CD: Poster Area 8

Session Chair: Onur Guleryuz, LG Electronics Mobile Research Lab



Cheng Chen; University of Iowa

Jingning Han; Google Inc.

Yaowu Xu; Google Inc.

James Bankoski; Google Inc.



Miguel Hernandez-Cabronero; University of Warwick

Victor Sanchez; University of Warwick

Francesc Auli-LLinas; Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona

Joan Serra-Sagrist; Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona



Hilmi E. Egilmez; University of Southern California

Yung-Hsuan Chao; University of Southern California

Antonio Ortega; University of Southern California

Bumshik Lee; LG Electronics Inc.

Sehoon Yea; LG Electronics Inc.



Xun Cai; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jae Lim; Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Hilmi E. Egilmez; University of Southern California

Onur G. Guleryuz; LG Electronics Inc.

Jana Ehmann; LG Electronics Inc.

Sehoon Yea; LG Electronics Inc.


Taizo Suzuki; University of Tsukuba

Hiroyuki Kudo; University of Tsukuba


Jana Ehmann; LG Electronics Inc.

Onur G. Guleryuz; LG Electronics Inc.

Sehoon Yea; LG Electronics Inc.



Ismael Seidel; Federal University of Santa Catarina

Luiz Cancellier; Federal University of Santa Catarina

Jos Lus Gntzel; Federal University of Santa Catarina

Luciano Agostini; Federal University of Pelotas

HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) / NGVC (Next Generation

Video Coding) References
E3. K.H. Lee et al, Technical considerations for Ad Hoc Group on new challenges in video
coding standardization, ISO/IEC MPEG 85 th meeting, M15580, Hanover, Germany, July
E4. E. Alshina et al, Technical considerations on new challenges in video coding
standardization, ISO/IEC MPEG 86th meeting, M15899, Busan, South Korea, Oct. 2008.
E5. Y. Ye and M. Karczewicz, Improved H.264 intra coding based on bi-directional intra
prediction, directional transform, and adaptive coefficient scanning, IEEE Intl Conf.
Image Process.08 (ICIP08), pp. 21162119, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2008.
E6. G.J. Sullivan, The high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standardization initiative,
Power Point slides, 7th June 2010.
E7. G.J. Sullivan and J.-R. Ohm, Recent developments in standardization of high efficiency
video coding (HEVC), Proc. SPIE, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII, vol.
7798, pp. 77980V-1 through V-7, San Diego, CA, 13 Aug. 2010.
E8. R. Joshi, Y.A. Reznik and M. Karczewicz, Efficient large size transforms for high-
performance video coding, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7798, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2010.
E9. IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 20, Special section on HEVC (several papers), Dec. 2010.
E10. M. Karczewicz et al, A hybrid video coder based on extended macroblock sizes,
improved interpolation and flexible motion representation, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 20,
pp. 16981708, Dec. 2010.
E11. T. Wiegand, B. Bross, W.-J. Han, J.-R. Ohm, and G. J. Sullivan, WD3: Working Draft 3 of
High-Efficiency Video Coding, Joint Collaborative Team emerging HEVC standard on
Video Coding (JCT-VC) of ITU-T VQEG and ISO/IEC MPEG, Doc. JCTVC-E603, Geneva,
CH, March 2011.
E12. S. Jeong et al, High efficiency video coding for entertainment quality, ETRI Journal,
vol. 33, pp. 145154, April 2011.
E13. K. Asai et al, New video coding scheme optimized for high-resolution video sources,
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 12901297, Nov.
E14. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5, no. 7, Nov. 2011 (several
papers on HEVC), Introduction to the issue on emerging technologies for video
E15. Z. Ma, H. Hu, and Y. Wang, On complexity modeling of H.264/AVC video decoding and
its application for energy efficient decoding, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 13, no. 6,
pp. 12401255, Nov. 2011.
E16. J. Dong and K.N. Ngan, Adaptive pre-interpolation filter for high efficiency video
coding , J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 697703, Nov. 2011.
E17. W. Ding et al, Fast mode dependent directional transform via butterfly-style
transform and integer lifting steps, J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 721726, Nov. 2011.
E18. F. De Simone et al, Towards high efficiency video coding; subjective evaluation of
potential coding technologies, J. VCIR, vol. 22, pp. 734748, Nov. 2011.
E19. B. Bross et al, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) text specification draft 6, Joint
Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) of ITU-T SG16 WP3 and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC29/WG11, 7th Meeting: Geneva, CH, 21 - 30 Nov. 2011.
E20. Z. Ma and A. Segall, Low resolution decoding for high-efficiency video coding,
IASTED SIP-2011, Dallas, TX, Dec. 2011.
E21. Y-J. Yoon et al, Adaptive prediction block filter for video coding, ETRI Journal, vol. 34,
pp. 106109, Feb. 2012. (See the references) http://etrij.etri.re.kr.
E22. B. Li, G.J. Sullivan and J. Xu, Compression performance of high efficiency video coding
(HEVC) working draft 4, IEEE ISCAS, pp. 886-889, session B1L-H, Seoul, Korea, May
E23. N. Ling, High efficiency video coding and its 3D extension: A research perspective,
Keynote Speech, ICIEA, Singapore, July 2012.
E24. C. Fogg, Suggested figures for the HEVC specification, ITU-T & ISO/IEC JCTVC-
J0292r1, July 2012.
E25. J. -R, Ohm, G. J. Sullivan, and T. Wiegand, "Developments and trends in 2D and 3D
video coding standardization: HEVC and more," IEEE ICIP 2012, Tutorial, Orlando, FL,
30 Sept. 2012.
E26. A. Saxena and F.C. Fernandes, On secondary transforms for prediction residual, IEEE
ICIP 2012, Orlando, FL, pp. 2489-2492, Sept. 2012.
E27. "High efficiency video coding" MA.P2, IEEE ICIP 2012, Poster session, (several papers),
Orlando, FL, Sept.-Oct., 2012. These are listed below (E26 - E38)
E28. S. Ma, J. Si and S. Wang, A study on the rate distortion modeling for high efficiency
video coding, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 181-184, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E29. A. Gabriellini et al, Spatial transform skip in the emerging high efficiency video
coding standard, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 185-188, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E30. H. Vianna et al, High performance hardware architectures for the inverse rotational
transform of the emerging HEVC standard, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 189-192, Orlando, FL,
Oct. 2012.
E31. H. Aoki, Efficient quantization parameter coding based on intra/inter prediction for
visual quality conscious video coders, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 193-196, Orlando, FL, Oct.
E32. X. Zhang et al, New chroma intra prediction modes based on linear model for HEVC,
IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 197-200, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E33. D. Palomino, A memory aware and multiplierless VLSI architecture for the complete
intra prediction of the HEVC emerging standard, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 201-204,
Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E34. H. Schwarz, Extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) for multiview video and
depth data, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 205-208, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E35. M. Budagavi and V. Sze, Unified forward + inverse transform architecture for HEVC",
IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 209-212, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E36. C.C. Chi, Improving the parallelization efficiency of HEVC decoding, IEEE ICIP 2012,
pp. 213-216, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E37. G. Correa et al, "Motion compensated tree depth limitation for complexity control of
HEVC encoding, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 217-220, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E38. M. Zhang, C. Zhao and J. Xu, An adaptive fast intra mode decision in HEVC, IEEE ICIP
2012, pp. 221-224, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E39. J. Stankowski et al, Extensions of the HEVC technology for efficient multiview video
coding", IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 225-228, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E40. L. Kerofsky, K. Misra and A. Segall, On transform dynamic range in high efficiency
video coding, IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 229-232, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2012.
E41. M.E. Sinangil et al, "Memory cost vs. coding efficiency trade-offs for HEVC motion
estimation engine," IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 1533-1536, Orlando, FL, Sept. - Oct., 2012.
E42. M.E. Sinangil et al, "Hardware aware motion estimation search algorithm
development for HEVC standard", IEEE ICIP 2012, pp. 1529-1532, Orlando, FL, Sept. -
Oct., 2012.
E43. M. Zhang, C. Zhao and J. Xu, An adaptive fast intra mode decision in HEVC, IEEE ICIP
2012, pp. 221-224, Orlando, FL, Sept. - Oct., 2012.

E44. H. Zhang and Z. Ma, Fast intra prediction for high efficiency video coding, Pacific
Rim Conf. on Multimedia, PCM2012, Singapore, Dec. 2012. See [E147].
E45. Special issue on emerging research and standards in next generation video coding,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp. 1646-1909, Dec. 2012.
E46. B. Shrestha, Investigation of image quality of Dirac, H.264 and H.265, Report for EE
5359: Multimedia Processing, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, TX, 2012.
E47. B. Li, G.J. Sullivan, and J. Xu, Compression performance of high efficiency video
coding working draft 4, IEEE ISCAS 2012, Session on HEVC, pp. 886889, Seoul,
Korea, May 2012.
E48. http://www.h265.net has info on developments in HEVC NGVC Next generation video
E49. JVT KTA reference software http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/download/KTA/
E50. JM11KTA2.3 (http://www.h265.net/2009/04/kta-software-jm11kta23.html).
E51. Permanent Link: Mode-Dependent Directional Transform (MDDT) in JM/KTA
TMUC HEVC Software http://hevc.kw.bbc.co.uk/svn/jctvc-tmuc/.
E52. F. Bossen, D. Flynn and K. Shring (July 2011), HEVC reference software manual
Online available: http://phenix.int-
E53. http://phenix.it-sudparis.eu/jct/doc_end_user/documents/7_Geneva/wg11/JCTVC-G399-
E54. http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16/jct-vc/index.html.
E55. JCT-VC documents are publicly available at http://ftp3.itu.ch/av-arch/jctvc-site and
E56. HEVC Model 9.0, available for download at
The latest version available at the time this chapter was prepared is HM-9.0.
Version HM 8.0 is available at: http://hevc.kw.bbc.co.uk/trac/browser/tags/HM-8.0
E57. J. Nightingale, Q. Wang and C. Grecos, HEVStream; A framework for streaming and
evaluation of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) content in loss-prone networks,
IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 59, pp. 404-412, May 2012.
E58. D. Marpe et al, Improved video compression technology and the emerging high
efficiency video coding standard, IEEE International Conf. on Consumer Electronics,
pp. 52-56, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2011.
E59. HM9 High efficiency video coding (HEVC) Test Model 9 (HM 9) encoder description
JCTVC-K1002v2, Shanghai meeting, Oct. 2012.
E60. B. Bross et al, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) text specification draft 8, JCTVC-
J1003, July 2012.
E61. G.J. Sullivan et al, Overview of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1649-1668, Dec. 2012.
E62. J.-R. Ohm et al, Comparison of the coding efficiency of video coding standards
including high efficiency video coding (HEVC), IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1669-
1684, Dec. 2012. Software and data for reproducing selected results can be found at
E63. F. Bossen et al, HEVC complexity and implementation analysis, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol. 22, pp.1685-1696, Dec. 2012.
E64. B. Bross et al, Block merging for quadtree based partitioning in HEVC, SPIE
Applications of digital image processing XXXV, vol. 8499, paper 8499-26-, Aug. 2012.
E65. P. Hanhart et al, Subjective quality evaluation of the upcoming HEVC video
compression standard, SPIE Applications of digital image processing XXXV, vol. 8499,
paper 8499-30, Aug. 2012.
E66. M. Horowitz et al, Informal subjective quality comparison of video compression
performance of the HEVC and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standards for low delay
applications, SPIE Applications of digital image processing XXXV, vol. 8499, paper
8499-31, (W84990-1), Aug. 2012.
E67. V. Sze and M. Budagavi, High throughput CABAC entropy coding in HEVC, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1778-1791, Dec. 2012.
E68. V. Sze and A.P. Chandrakasan, Joint algorithm-architecture optimization of CABAC to
increase speed and reduce area cost, IEEE ISCAS, Proc. pp. 1577-1580, 2011.
E69. H. Schwartz, D. Marpe and T. Wiegand, Overview of the scalable video coding
extension of the H.264/AVC standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.17, pp.1103-1120, Sept.
2007. This is a special issue on scalable video coding in H.264/AVC.0
E70. JSVM joint scalable video model reference software for scalable video coding. (on
line) http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_GI/savce/downloads/SVC-Reference-software.htm
E71. H. Lakshman, H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand, Generalized interpolation based fractional
sample motion compensation, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 455-466, March 2013.
A sample C++ implementation (that can be tested using the first test model of HEVC,
HM1.0) can be found in http://phenix.int-
E72. K. Ugur et al, High performance low complexity video coding and the emerging high
efficiency video coding standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.20, pp.1688-1697, Dec. 2010.
E73. A. Norkin et al, HEVC deblocking filter, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1746-1754,
Dec. 2012. Corrections to HEVC deblocking filter, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23,
pp.2141, Dec. 2013.
E74. J. Sole et al, Transform coefficient coding in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22,
pp.1765-1777, Dec. 2012.
E75. JSVM9 Joint scalable video model 9 http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_GI/savce/downloads
E76. Z. Shi, X. Sun and F. Wu, Spatially scalable video coding for HEVC, IEEE Trans CSVT,
vol. 22, pp.1813-1826, Dec. 2012.
E77. A. Krutz et al, Adaptive global motion temporal filtering for high efficiency video
coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1802-1812, Dec. 2012.
E78. J. Lainema et al, Intra coding of the HEVC standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22,
pp.1792-1801, Dec. 2012.
E79. H. Li, B. Li and J. Xu, Rate distortion optimized reference picture management for
high efficiency video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1844-1857, Dec. 2012.
E80. Special issue on video coding: HEVC and beyond, IEEE Journal of selected topics in
signal processing, vol. 7, Dec. 2013.
E81. G. Bjontegaard, Calculation of average PSNR differences between RD-Curves, ITU-T
SG16, Doc. VCEG-M33, 13th VCEG meeting, Austin, TX, April 2001.
A graphical explanation of BD-PSNR and BS-bitrate is shown in [E200]
E82. G. Bjontegaard, Improvements of the BD-PSNR model, ITU-T SG16 Q.6, Doc. VCEG-
AI11, Berlin, Germany, July 2008.
E83. T. Schierl et al, System layer integration of HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22,
pp.1871-1884, Dec. 2012.
E84. G. Correa et al, Performance and computational complexity assessment of high
efficiency video encoders, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1899-1909, Dec. 2012.
E85. M. Zhou et al, HEVC lossless coding and improvements, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22,
pp.1839-1843, Dec. 2012.
E86. C. Yeo, Y. H. Tan and Z. Li, Dynamic range analysis in high efficiency video coding
residual coding and reconstruction, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 1131-1136 , July
E87. C.-M. Fu et al, Sample adaptive offset in the HEVC standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.
22, pp.1755-1764, Dec. 2012.
E88. C.C. Chi et al, Parallel scalability and efficiency of HEVC parallelization approaches,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.22, pp.1827-1838, Dec. 2012.

E89. J. Vanne et al, Comparative rate-distortion complexity analysis of HEVC and AVC
video codecs, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.22, pp.1885-1898, Dec. 2012.
E90. Y. Yuan et al, Quadtree based non-square block structure for interframe coding in
high efficiency video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1707-1719, Dec. 2012.
E91. R. Sjoberg et al, Overview of high-level syntax and reference picture management,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1858-1870, Dec. 2012.
E92. P. Helle et al, Block merging for quadtree-based partitioning in HEVC, IEEE Trans.
CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1720-1731, Dec. 2012.
E93. I.-K. Kim et al, Block partitioning structure in HEVC standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.
22, pp.1697-1706, Dec. 2012.
E94. T. Lin et al, Mixed chroma sampling-rate high efficiency video coding for full-chroma
screen content, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp.173-185, Jan. 2013.
E95. E. Peixoto and E. Izquierdo, A new complexity scalable transcoder from H.264/AVC to
the new HEVC codec, IEEE ICIP 2012, session MP.P1.13 (Poster), Orlando, FL, Sept.-
Oct. 2012.
E96. K. Anderson, R. Sjobetg and A. Norkin, BD measurements based on MOS, (online),
ITU-T Q6/SG16, document VCEG-AL23, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2009.
Available: http://wfpt3.itu.int/av-arch/video-site/0906_LG/VCEG-AL23.zip
E97. HEVC open source software (encoder/decoder)
JCT-VC (2014) Subversion repository for the HEVC test model reference software
http://hevc.kw.bbc.co.uk/svn/jctvc-al24 (mirror site)
E98. T. Shanableh, E. Peixoto and E. Izquierdo, MPEG-2 to HEVC transcoding with content
based modeling, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 1191- 1196, July 2013.
References [E97] thru [E101] are from VCIP 2012. Pl access http://www.vcip2012.org
There are also some papers on HEVC in the Demo session.
E99. G.J. Sullivan, HEVC: The next generation in video compression. Keynote speech,
Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, 27-30 Nov.
E100. Two oral sessions on HEVC (W03 and F01). Also panel discussion on All about HEVC
Moderator: Shipeng Li, Microsoft Research Asia.
E101. X. Zhang, S. Liu and S. Lei, Intra mode coding in HEVC standard, Visual
Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, pp. 1-6, San Diego, CA, 27-30,
E102. L. Yan et al, Implementation of HEVC decoder on X86 processors with SIMD
optimization, Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego,
CA, 27-30, pp. 1-6, Nov.2012.
E103. W. Dai and H. Xiong, Optimal intra coding of HEVC by structured set prediction
mode with discriminative learning, Visual Communications and Image Processing,
VCIP 2012, pp. 1-6, San Diego, CA, 27-30, Nov.2012.
E104. G. Li et al, Uniform probability model for deriving intra prediction angular table in
high efficiency video coding, Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP
2012, pp. 1-5, San Diego, CA, 27-30, Nov.2012.
E105. Y. Duan, An optimized real time multi-thread HEVC decoder, Visual
Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, pp. 1-1, San Diego, CA, 27-30,

References [E99] thru [E105] are from VCIP 2012. Pl access http://www.vcip2012.org. There
are also some papers on HEVC in the Demo session.

E106. S. Gangavathi, Complexity reduction of H.264 using parallel programming, M.S.

Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, TX. Dec. 2012.

E107. M.T. Pourazad et al, HEVC: The new gold standard for video compression, IEEE CE
magazine, vol. 1, issue 3, pp. 36-46, July 2012.
E108. Y. Zhang, Z. Li and B. Li, Gradient-based fast decision for intra prediction in HEVC,
Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, 27-30, Nov.
E109. H. Lv et al, A comparison of fractional-pel interpolation filters in HEVC and
H.264/AVC, Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA,
27-30, Nov.2012. Several references leading to the selection of DCTIF are listed at the
E110. J. Wang et al, Multiple sign bits hiding for high efficiency video coding, Visual
Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, 27-30, Nov.2012.
E111. C.-M. Fu et al, Sample adaptive offset for HEVC, in Proc. Intl. workshop on
multimedia signal processing, (MMSP), Hangzhou, China, Oct.2011.
E112. S. Subbarayappa, Implementation and Analysis of Directional Discrete Cosine
Transform in Baseline Profile in H.264, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, Texas,
E113. P. Anjanappa, Performance analysis and implementation of mode dependent
DCT/DST in H.264/AVC, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, Texas, 2012.
E114. Q. Cai et al, Lossy and lossless intra coding performance evaluation: HEVC,
H.264/AVS, JPEG 2000 and JPEG LS, APSIPA, pp. , Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 2012.
E115. K. Chen et al, Efficient SIMD optimization of HEVC encoder over X86 processors,
APSIPA, pp. , Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 2012.
E116. H. Lv et al, An efficient NEON-based quarter-pel interpolation method for HEVC,
APSIPA, pp. , Los Angeles, CA, Dec. 2012.
E117. Q. Yu et al, Early termination of coding unit splitting for HEVC, APSIPA, pp., Los
Angeles, CA, Dec. 2012.
E118. J.M. Nightingale, Q. Wang and C. Grecos, Priority-based methods for reducing the
input of packet loss on HEVC encoded video streams, SPIE/EI, 8656-15, Feb. 2013.
E119. Joint preliminary call for proposals on scalable video coding extensions of high
efficiency video coding (HEVC), Geneva, Switzerland, May 2012.
E120. S. Kamp and M. Wien, Decoder-side motion vector derivation for block-based video
coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1732-1745, Dec. 2012.
E121. A. Saxena, F. Fernandes and Y. Reznik, "Fast transforms for Intra-prediction-based
image and video coding," in Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'13),
Snowbird, UT, March 20-23, 2013.
E122. R. Chivukula and Y. Reznik, Fast computing of discrete cosine and sine transforms of
types VI and VII, in Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIV, Proc. SPIE, A. G.
Tescher, Ed., vol. 8135, pp. 813505114, 2011.
E123. M. Zhou et al, HEVC lossless coding and improvements, SPIE/EI, vol. 8666-10,
Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013.
E124. R. Garcia and H. Kalva, Subjective evaluation of HEVC in mobile devices, SPIE/EI,
vol. 8667-19, Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013. See also Human mobile-device interaction
on HEVC and H.264 subjective evaluation for video use in mobile environment, IEEE
ICCE, pp. 639-640, Jan. 2013. See [E210].
E125. B. Bross et al, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) text specification draft 10 (for
FDIS & Consent), JCTVC-L1003v13, Jan. 2013.
E126. X. Xiu et al, Improved motion prediction for scalable extensions of HEVC, SPIE/EI,
vol.8666-5, Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013.
E127. T. Hinz et al, An HEVC extension for spatial and quality scalable video coding,
SPIE/EI, vol.8666-6, Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013.

E128. K. Misra et al, Scalable extensions of HEVC for next generation services, SPIE/EI,
vol.8666-7, Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013.
E129. ISO/IEC JTC-1/SC29/WG11 w12957, Joint call for proposals on scalable video coding
extensions of high efficiency video coding, July 2012.
E130. S.G. Deshpande et al, An improved hypothetical reference decoder for HEVC,
SPIE/EI, vol.8666-9, Burlingame, CA, Feb. 2013.
E131. J. Han et al, "Towards jointly optimal spatial prediction and adaptive transform in
video/image coding", IEEE ICASSP, pp. 726-729, Mar. 2010.
E132. A. Saxena and F. Fernandes, "CE7: Mode-dependent DCT/DST for intra prediction in
video coding, ITU-T / ISO-IEC Document: JCTVC-D033, Jan. 2011.
E133. A. Saxena and F. Fernandes, "Mode dependent DCT/DST for intra prediction in block-
based image/video coding", IEEE ICIP, pp. 1685-1688, Sept. 2011.
E134. Y. Kim et al, A fast intra-prediction method in HEVC using rate-distortion estimation
based on Hadamard transform, ETRI Journal, vol. 35, # 2, pp. 270-280, April 2013.
E135. D. Flynn, G. Martin-Cocher and D. He, Decoding a 10-bit sequence using an 8-bit
decoder, JCTVC-M0255, April, 2013.
E136. J. -R. Ohm, T. Wiegand and G. J. Sullivan, Video coding progress; The high efficiency
video coding (HEVC) standard and its future extensions, IEEE ICASSP, Tutorial,
Vancouver, Canada, June 2013.
E137. D. Springer et al, Robust rotational motion estimation for efficient HEVC
compression of 2D and 3D navigation video sequences, IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp. 1379-
1383, Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
E138. H. Li, Y. Zhang and H. Chao, An optimally scalable and cost-effective fractional
motion estimation algorithm for HEVC, IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp. 1399-1403, Vancouver,
Canada, June 2013.
E139. Several papers on HEVC in the poster session IVMSP-P3: Video coding II, IEEE ICASSP
2013, Vancouver, Canada, June 2013.
E140. Z. Pan et al, Early termination for TZSearch in HEVC motion estimation, IEEE
ICASSP 2013, pp. 1389-1392, June 2013.
E141. D.-K. Kwon, M. Budagavi and M. Zhou, Multi-loop scalable video codec based on
high efficiency video coding (HEVC), IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp.1749-1753, June 2013.
E142. H.R. Tohidpour, M.T. Pourazad and P. Nasiopoulos, Content adaptive complexity
reduction scheme for quality/fidelity scalable HEVC, IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp. 1744-
1748, June 2013.
E143. Y.H. Tan, C. Yeo and Z. Li, Residual DPCM for lossless coding in HEVC, IEEE ICASSP
2013, pp. 2021-2025, June 2013.
E144. M. Wien, HEVC coding tools and specifications, Tutorial, IEEE ICME, San Jose, CA,
July 2013.
E145. T.L. da Silva, L.V. Agostini and L.A. da Silva Cruz, HEVC intra coding acceleration
based on tree intra-level mode correlation, IEEE Conference 2013 Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA 2013), Poznan,
Poland, Sept.2013.
E146. E. Peixoto et al, An H.264/AVC to HEVC video transcoder based on mode mapping,
IEEE ICIP 2013,WP.P4.3 (poster), Melbourne, Australia, 15-18 Sept. 2013,
E147. E. Wige et al, Pixel-based averaging predictor for HEVC lossless coding, IEEE ICIP
2013,WP.P311 (poster), Melbourne, Australia, 15-18 Sept. 2013.
E148. E. Peixoto, T. Shanableh and E. Izquierdo, H.264/AVC to HEVC video transcoder
based on dynamic thresholding and content modeling, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol.24,
pp. 99 - 112, Jan. 2014.
E149. H. Zhang and Z. Ma, Fast intra mode decision for high-efficiency video coding, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, Vol.24, pp.660-668, April 2014. See [E42].
E150. Y. Tew and K.S. Wong, An overview of information hiding in H.264/AVC compressed
video, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp.305-319, Feb. 2014. (repeated see E173).
E151. M. Zhou, V. Sze and M. Budagavi, Parallel tools in HEVC for high-throughput
processing, Applications of digital image processing, SPIE, vol.8499, pp. 849910-1
thru 849910-12, 2012.
E152. W.-H. Peng and C.-C. Chen, An interframe prediction technique combining template
matching and block motion compensation for high efficiency video coding, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp.1432-1446, Aug. 2013.
E153. S. Blasi, E. Peixoto and E. Izqueirdo, Enhanced Inter Prediction using merge
prediction transformation in the HEVC codec, IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp. 1709-1713, Van
Couver, CA, June 2013.
E154. L.-L. Wang and W.-C. Siu, Novel Adaptive Algorithm for Intra Prediction With
Compromised Modes Skipping and Signaling Processes in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
Vol. 23, pp. 1686-1694, Oct. 2013.
E155. D. Flynn, J. Sole and T. Suzuki, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) range
extensions text specification, Draft 4, JCT-VC. Retrieved 2013-08-07.
E156. M. Budagavi and D.-Y. Kwon, Intra motion compensation and entropy coding
improvements for HEVC screen content coding, IEEE PCS, pp. 365-368, San Jose, CA,
Dec. 2013.
E157. M. Naccari et al, Improving inter prediction in HEVC with residual DPCM for lossless
screen content coding, IEEE PCS, pp. 361-364, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E158. E. Alshina et al, Inter-layer filtering for scalable extension of HEVC, IEEE PCS, pp.
382-385, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E159. J. Zhao, K. Misra and A. Segall, Content-adaptive upsampling for scalable video
coding, IEEE PCS, pp. 378-381, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E160. G.J. Sullivan et al, Standardized extensions of high efficiency video coding (HEVC),
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing, vol. 7, pp. 1001-1016, Dec. 2013.
E161. F. Pescador et al, On an Implementation of HEVC Video Decoders with DSP
Technology, IEEE ICCE, pp.121-122, Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2013.
E162. F. Pescador et al, A DSP HEVC decoder implementation based on open HEVC, IEEE
ICCE, pp. 65-66, Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2014.
E163. F. Pescador et al, Complexity analysis of an HEVC decoder based on a digital signal
processor, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol.59, pp.391-399, May 2013.
E164. K. Iguchi et al, HEVC encoder for super hi-vision, IEEE ICCE, pp. 61-62, Las Vegas,
NV, Jan. 2014.
E165. K. Miyazawa et al, Real-time hardware implementation of HEVC encoder for 1080p
HD video, IEEE PCS 2013, pp.225-228, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E166. Z. Lv and R. Wang, An all zero blocks early detection method for high efficiency
video coding SPIE, vol. 9029, pp. 902902-1 thru 902902-7, IS&T/SPIE Electronic
Imaging, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2014.See [E169, E184].
E167. S. Vasudevan and K.R. Rao, Combination method of fast HEVC encoding, IEEE
ECTICON 2014, pp. , Korat, Thailand, May 2014.
http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip/ click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll
down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on S. Vasudevan.
E168. S. Kim et al, A novel fast and low-complexity motion estimation for UHD HEVC,
IEEE PCS 2013, pp.105-108, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E169. H. Zhang, Q. Liu and Z. Ma, Priority classification based intra mode decision for high
efficiency video coding, IEEE PCS 2013, pp.285-288, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E170. X. Wang et al, Paralleling variable block size motion estimation of HEVC on CPU plus
GPU platform, IEEE ICME workshop, 2013.
E171. P-T. Chiang and T.S. Chang, Fast zero block detection and early CU termination for
HEVC video coding, IEEE ISCAS 2013, pp.1640-1643, Beijing, China, May 2013. See
[E164, E184]

E172. V. Sze and M. Budagavi, Design and implementation of next generation video
coding systems, Sunday 1 June 2014 (half day tutorial), IEEE ISCAS 2014, Melbourne,
Australia, 1-5 June 2014.
E173. T. Nguyen et al, Transform coding techniques in HEVC, IEEE Journal of selected
topics in signal processing, vol. 7, pp. 978-989, Dec. 2013.
E174. E. Peixoto, T. Shanableh and E. Izquierdo, H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder based on
dynamic thresholding and content modeling , IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp.99-112,
Jan. 2014.
E175. Y. Tew and K.S. Wong, An overview of information hiding in H.264/AVC compressed
video, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.24, pp.305-319, Feb. 2014.
E176. T. Na and M. Kim, A novel no-reference PSNR estimation method with regard to
deblocking filtering effect in H.264/AVC bitstreams, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.24, pp.320-
330,Feb. 2014.
E177. D. Grois et al, Performance comparison of H.265/MPEG-HEVC, VP9 and H.264/MPEG-
AVC encoders, IEEE PCS 2013, pp.394-397, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.
E178. F. Bossen, Common HM test conditions and software reference configurations,
document JCTVC-L1100 of JCT-VC, Geneva, CH, Jan.2013.
E179. A. Abdelazim, W. Masri and B. Noaman, Motion estimation optimization tools for the
emerging high efficiency video coding (HEVC), SPIE, vol. 9029, paper #1, IS&T/SPIE
Electronic Imaging, pp. 902905-1 thru 902905-8, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2014.
E180. H.R. Wu and K.R. Rao, Digital video image quality and perceptual coding, Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2006.
E181. T. Shen et al, Ultra fast H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoder, IEEE DCC, pp. 241-250,
E182. M. Tikekar et al, A 249-Mpixel/s HEVC video-decoder chip for 4k Ultra-HD
applications, IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, vol.49, pp. 61-72, Jan. 2014.
E183. K.R. Rao and J.J. Hwang, Techniques and standards for image/video/audio coding,
Prentice Hall, 1996. Translated into Japanese and Korean.
E184. B. Bross et al, HEVC performance and complexity for 4K video, 3 rd IEEE ICCE-
Berlin, pp. 44-47, Sept. 2013.
E185. F. Bossen et al, HEVC complexity and implementation analysis, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol. 22, pp.1685-1696, Dec. 2012.
E186. K. Lee et al, A novel algorithm for zero block detection in high efficiency video
coding, IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing, vol.7, #6, pp. 1124-1134,
Dec. 2013. See [E164, E169].
E187. K. Shah, Reducing the complexity of inter prediction mode decision for high
efficiency video coding, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, May 2014. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and
then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on K. Shah
E188. HEVC Fraunhofer site containing all the information on HEVC- http://hevc.info/
(software/overview papers/documents etc.)
E189. HEVC decoder for handheld devices implemented by Ace Thought-
E190. M. Revabak and T. Ebrahimi, Comparison of compression efficiency between
HEVC/H.265 and VP9 based on subjective assessments, SPIE Optical Engineering,
Applications of digital image processing, Vol. 9217, San Diego, California, USA,
August 18-21, 2014.
E191. D. Grois et al, Comparative assessment of H.265/MPEG-HEVC, VP9, and
H.264/MPEG-AVC encoders for low-delay video applications, SPIE Optical Engineering,
Applications of digital image processing, Vol. 9217, San Diego, California, USA, August
18-21, 2014. (This has several useful web sites.)

E192. B. Bross et al, HEVC performance and complexity for 4K video, 3 rd IEEE ICCE-
Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Sept. 2013.
E193. A. Heindel, E. Wige and A. Kaup, Analysis of prediction algorithms for residual
compression in a lossy to lossless scalable video coding system based on HEVC, SPIE
Optical Engineering, Applications of digital image processing, Vol. 9217, San Diego,
California, USA, August 18-21, 2014.
E194. A. Heindel, E. Wige and A. Kaup, Sample-based weighted prediction for lossless
enhancement layer coding in HEVC, IEEE PCS 2013, Grand Compression Challenge,
E195. J. Vanne, M. Viitanen and T.D. Hamalainen, Efficient mode decision schemes for
HEVC inter prediction, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp. 1579-1593, Sept. 2014.
E196. L. Wang et al, Lossy to lossless image compression based on reversible integer
DCT, IEEE ICIP, pp. 1037-1040, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2008.
E197. K. Gruneberg, T. Schierl and S. Narasimhan, ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013/FDAM 3,
Transport of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) video over MPEG-2 systems, 2013.
(FDAM: final draft amendment)
E198. F. Bossen, Excel template for BD-rate calculation based on piece-wise cubic
interpolation, JCT-VC Reflector.
E199. L. Shen, Z. Zhang and Z. Liu, Adaptive inter-mode decision for HEVC jointly utilizing
inter-level and spatiotemporal correlations, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp. 1709-1722,
Oct. 2014.
E200. Y.-T. Peng and P.C. Cosman, "Weighted boundary matching error concealment for
HEVC using block partition decisions," IEEE 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals,
Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2014.
E201. F. Zou et al, View synthesis prediction in the 3-D video coding extensions of AVC
and HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp. 1696-1708, Oct. 2014.
E202. V. Sze, M. Budagavi and G.J. Sullivan (Editors), High efficiency video coding:
Algorithms and architectures, Springer 2014.
E203. M . Warrier, Multiplexing HEVC video with AAC audio bit streams, demultiplexing
and achieving
lip synchronization M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, Dec. 2014. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click
on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on M. Warrier
E204. P. Mehta, Complexity reduction for intra mode selection in HEVC using open MP,
M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec. 2014.
http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll
down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on P. Mehta
E205. J. Dubhashi, Complexity reduction of H.265 motion estimation using compute
unified device
Architecture, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas,
Dec. 2014. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on
EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on J. Dubhashi
E206. Y. Umezaki and S. Goto, Image segmentation approach for realizing zoomable
streaming HEVC video, IEEE ICICS 2013.
E207. K. Suresh, Application of open MP on complexity reduction in inter frame coding in
HEVC M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec.
2014. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359
Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on K. Suresh
E208. Y. Ye and P. Andrivon, The scalable extensions of HEVC for ultra-high definition video
delivery, IEEE Multimedia magazine, vol. 21, issue, 3, pp. 58-64, July-Sept. 2014. See
the references at the end. These are highly useful for further research in SHVC
scalable HEVC.

Software repository; Scalable extensions of HEVC
The source code for the software is available in the following SVN repository.


For tool integration branch for a company can be obtained by contacting:

Seregin, Vadim ([email protected])

Build System
The software can be built under Linux using make. For Windows, solutions for different
versions of Microsoft Visual Studio are provided.

Software Structure
The SHVC Test Model Software inherits the same software structure from the HEVC test
model HM software, which includes the following applications and libraries for encoding,
decoding and down sampling process:

o TAppEncoder, executable for bit stream generation
o TAppDecoder, executable for reconstruction.
o TAppCommon, common functions for configuration file parsing.
o TAppDownConvert, down sampling functionalities.
o TLibEncoder, encoding functionalities
o TLibDecoder, decoding functionalities
o TLibCommon, common functionalities
o TLibVideoIO, video input/output functionalities

ATSC Advanced television systems committee www.atsc.org

TV Tomorrow: ATSC 3.0 Advances

ATSC 3.0 will be a radical departure from the current standard ATSC 1.0 was developed
around 20 years ago, when cellphones were analog and streaming was unheard of. It
relies 8-VSB modulation capable of delivering 19.39 Mbps in a 6MHz TV channel - enough
to carry a high definition program compressed by a factor of 50 using MPEG-2 to a fixed

With ATSC 3.0, the committee seeks to increase that data rate by 30 percent, or roughly
25.2 Mbps. The overall intent of 3.0 is to enable seamless transmission of HD, 4K, 22.2
audio and other data streams to fixed, mobile and handheld devices in all types of terrain.

The most differentiating characteristic of ATSC 3.0 is that it will not be backward
compatible with 1.0 or even 2.0, which is now in development. In other words, televisions
now capable of processing over-the-air TV signals will not be able to decode ATSC 3.0
signals. It is also being developed with a global perspective in mind, meaning that
modulations schemes other than 8-VSB particularly co-orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing, or COFDM will likely be on the table.

In [E206], it is stated that SHVC is a candidate technology in ATSC and it is expected to be
proposed soon to DVB (digital video broadcasting) for inclusion in their codec toolbox.

[E207] J. Chen et al, Scalable HEVC (SHVC) Test Model 6 (SHM 6), JCTVC-Q1007_v1, 17 th
JCT-VC meeting, Valencia, ES, 27 March 4 April 2014.

[E208]L. Shen, Z. Zhang and P. An, Fast CU size decision and mode decision algorithm for
HEVC intra coding, IEEE Trans. on consumer electronics, vol.59, pp.207-213, Feb. 2013.

[E209] E. Kalali, Y. Adibelli and I. Hamzaoglu, A high performance deblocking filter

hardware for high efficiency video coding, IEEE Trans. on consumer electronics, vol.59,
pp.714-720, Aug. 2013.

[E210] R. Garcia and H. Kalva, Subjective evaluation of HEVC and AVC/H.264 in mobile
environments, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 60, pp.116-123, Feb. 2014. See
also [E122].

[E211] (ATSC) Washington, D.C. 3D-TV terrestrial broadcasting, part2-SCHC using real time
delivery; Doc a/104 2012, Dec 26, 2012.

[E212] S. Wang, D. Zhou and S. Goto Motion compensation architecture for 8K HEVC
decoder, IEEE ICME, Chengdu, China, 14-18 July 2014.

[E213] A. Aminlou et al, Differential coding using enhanced inter-layer reference picture
for the scalable extension of H.265/HEVC video codec, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp. 1945-
1856, Nov.. 2014. There are several papers on SHVC in the references.

[E214] W. Hamidouche, M. Raulet and O. Deforges, Parallel SHVC decoder:

Implementation and analysis, IEEE ICME, Chengdu, China, 14-18 July 2014.

[E215] H. Wang, H. Du and J. Wu, Predicting zero coefficients for high efficiency video
coding, , IEEE ICME, Chengdu, China, 14-18 July 2014.

[E216] G. Braeckman et al, Visually lossless screen content coding using HEVC base-
layer, IEEE VCIP 2013, pp. 1-6, Kuching, China, 17-20, Nov. 2013.

[E217] W. Zhu et al, Screen content coding based on HEVC framework, IEEE Trans.
Multimedia , vol.16, pp.1316-1326 Aug. 2014 (several papers related to MRC) MRC: mixed
raster coding.

[E218] ITU-T Q6/16 Visual Coding and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Coding of Moving Pictures
and Audio
Title: Joint Call for Proposals for Coding of Screen Content
Status: Approved by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q6/16 (San Jose, 17 January
Final draft standard expected: late 2015.

[E219] S. Cho et al, HEVC hardware decoder implementation for UHD video applications,
IEEE ICASSP, Florence, Italy, 4-9 May 2014.

[E220] H. Kim et al, Multi-core based HEVC hardware decoding system, IEEE ICME
workshop 2014, Chengdu, China, 14-18, July 2014.

[E221] C. Yan et al, Efficient parallel framework for HEVC motion estimation on many core
processors, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 24, pp. 2077-2089, Dec. 2014.
[E222] S.-F. Tsai et al, A 1062 Mpixels/s 8192x4320p high efficiency video coding (H.265)
encoder chip, 2013 Symposium on VLSIC, pp. 188-189, 2013.

[E223] Y. Fan, Q. Shang and X. Zeng, In-block prediction-based mixed lossy and lossless
reference frame recompression for next-generation video encoding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.
25, pp. 112-124, Jan. 2015.

The following papers are presented in IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2015. In the ICCE
proceedings, each paper is limited to 2 pages. The authors can be contacted by email for
detailed papers, if any.

[E224] Real-time Video Coding System for Up to 4K 120P Videos with Spatio-temporal
Format Conversion

Toshie Misu (NHK, Japan); Yasutaka Matsuo (Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan);
Shunsuke Iwamura and Shinichi Sakaida (NHK, Japan)

A real-time UHDTV video coding system with spatio-temporal format conversion is

proposed. The system pre-reduces the UHDTV source resolution to HDTV before
HEVC/H.265 encoding. The decoded video is reconstructed to UHDTV in the receiver. We
have developed a hardware format converter with super-resolution techniques, and have
tested the coding performance. This involves down sampling (decimation), HEVC codec
and upsampling (interpolation).

[E225] Rate-Distortion Optimized Composition of HEVC-Encoded Video

Weiwei Chen (Vrije Unniversiteit Brussel, Belgium); Jan Lievens and Adrian Munteanu (Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium); Jrgen Slowack and Steven Delputte (Barco N. V., Belgium)

A rate control scheme is proposed to maximize the encoding quality of a video composition
based on HEVC. By solving an R-D optimization problem, this scheme can optimally
allocate rate for each video source and maximize the video quality of the composition. The
experiments show 14.3% bitrate reduction on average.

[E226] Improvement of 8K UHDTV Picture Quality for H.265/HEVC by Global Zoom


Ryoki Takada and Shota Orihashi (Waseda University, Japan); Yasutaka Matsuo (Waseda
University & Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan); Jiro Katto (Waseda University,

In this paper, to handle zooming in 8K video sequences, we propose a method for

improving the picture quality by global zoom estimation based on motion vector analysis
extracted by block matching.

[E227] Improving the Coding Performance of 3D Video Using Guided Depth Filtering

Sebastiaan Van Leuven, Glenn Van Wallendael, Robin Bailleul, Jan De Cock and Rik Van de
Walle (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium)

Autostereoscopic displays visualize 3D scenes based on encoded texture and depth

information, which often lack the quality of good depth maps. This paper investigates the

coding performance when applying guided depth filtering as a pre-processor. This content
adaptive filtering shows gains of 5.7% and 9.3% for 3D-HEVC and MV-HEVC, respectively.

[E228] Watermarking for HEVC/H.265 Stream

Kazuto Ogawa and Go Ohtake (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan)

We propose a watermarking method for HEVC/H.265 video streams that embeds

information while encoding the video.

[E229] Video Copy Detection Based on HEVC Intra Coding Features

Kai-Wen Liang, Yi-Ching Chen, Zong-Yi Chen and Pao-Chi Chang (National Central
University, Taiwan)

This work utilizes the coding information in HEVC for video copy detection. Both directional
modes and residual coefficients of the I-frames are employed as the texture features for
matching. These features are robust against different quantization parameters and
different frame sizes. The accuracy is comparable with traditional pixel domain

[E230] Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Local Binary Patterns in High Efficiency
Video Coding (HEVC)

Jong-Hyeok Lee (SunMoon University, Korea); Kyung-Soon Jang (Sunnoon University,

Korea); Byung-Gyu Kim (SunMoon University, Korea); Seyoon Jeong and Jin Soo Choi (ETRI,

This paper presents a fast intra mode decision algorithm using the local binary pattern of
the texture of an encoded block in HEVC RExt. The Experimental result shows 14.59% of
time-saving factor on average with 0.69% of of bit-rate and 0.19 dB of PSNR loss,

[E231] Fast Thumbnail Extraction Algorithm for HEVC

Wonjin Lee (University of Hanyang, Korea); Gwanggil Jeon (University of Ottawa, Canada);
Jechang Jeong (Hanyang University, Korea)

The proposed method only reconstructs 4x4 boundary pixels which are needed for
thumbnail image. After partial decoding process, it could be concluded that the proposed
method significantly reduces decoding time. In addition, the visual quality of obtained
thumbnail images was almost identical to thumbnail images extracted after full decoding

[E232] A Probabilistic-Based CU Size Pre-Determination Method for Parallel Processing of

HEVC Encoders

Taeyoung Na and Sangkwon Na (Samsung Electronics, Korea); Kiwon Yoo (Samsung.

Electronics, Korea)

In this paper, CU sizes to be considered for one are pre-determined according to a
probabilistic decision model instead of checking all CU size candidates before inter
prediction. Thus, motion estimation (ME) with selected CU sizes can be performed in
parallel and this is advantageous for H/W encoder design.

[E233] A Multicore DSP HEVC Decoder Using an Actor-Based Dataflow Model

Miguel Chavarrias, Fernando Pescador, Matias J Garrido, Eduardo Juarez and Cesar Sanz
(Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain)

The OpenRVC-CAL compiler framework has been used along with the OpenMP-API to
implement an HEVC video decoder based on multicore DSP technology. Currently, two DSP-
cores have been used, though the technique may be applied to the development of N-core
based implementations. The two-core decoder outperforms a single-core implementation
by 70%

[E234] A New Mode for Coding Residual in Scalable HEVC (SHVC)

Hamid Reza Tohidypour (University of British Columbia, Canada); Mahsa T Pourazad (TELUS
Communications Company, Canada); Panos Nasiopoulos (University of British Columbia,
Canada); Jim Slevinsky (TELUS Communications, Canada)

Recently, an effort on standardizing the scalable extension of High Efficiency Video Coding
(HEVC), known as SHVC, has been initiated. To improve the compression performance of
SHVC, we propose a new mode for coding residual information, which reduces the bit-rate
of the enhancement layer by up to 3.13%.

[E235] Coding Efficiency of the Context-based Arithmetic Coding Engine of AVS 2.0 in the
HEVC Encoder

Hyunmin Jung, Soonwoo Choi and Soo-ik Chae (Seoul National University, Korea)

This paper evaluates coding efficiency of the HEVC encoder before and after the CABAC is
replaced with the CBAC while the rate errors are controlled by varying the bit depth of the
fractional part for estimated bits in rate estimation tables. Experimental result shows the
CBAC provides 0.2% BD-rate reduction.

[E236] Machine Learning for Arbitrary Downsizing of Pre-Encoded Video in HEVC

Luong Pham Van, Johan De Praeter, Glenn Van Wallendael, Jan De Cock and Rik Van de
Walle (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium)

This paper proposes a machine learning based transcoding scheme for arbitrarily
downsizing a pre-encoded High Efficiency Video Coding video. Machine learning exploits
the correlation between input and output coding information to predict the split-flag of
coding units. The experimental results show that the proposed techniques significantly
reduce the transcoding complexity.

[E237] Accelerating H.264/HEVC Video Slice Processing Using Application Specific

Instruction Set Processor

Dipan Kumar Mandal and Mihir N. Mody (Texas Instruments, India); Mahesh Mehendale
(Texas Instruments Inc., India); Naresh Yadav and Chaitanya Ghone (Texas Instruments
Ltd., India); Piyali Goswami (Texas Instruments India Pvt. Ltd., India); Hetul Sanghvi (Texas
Instruments Inc, India); Niraj Nandan (Texas Instruments, USA)

The paper presents a programmable approach to accelerate slice header decoding in

H.264, H.265 using an Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP). Purpose built
instructions accelerate slice processing by 30%-70% for typical to worst case complexity
slices. This enables real time universal video decode for all slice-complexity-scenarios
without sacrificing programmability.

[E238] Fast Coding Unit Size Selection for HEVC Inter Prediction

Thanuja Mallikarachchi (University of Surrey & University of Surrey, United Kingdom); Anil
Fernando (Center for Communications Research. University of Surrey, United Kingdom);
Hemantha Kodikara Arachchi (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)

Determining the best partitioning structure for a given CTU is a time consuming operation
within the HEVC encoder. This paper presents a fast CU size selection algorithm for HEVC
using a CU classification technique. The proposed algorithm achieves an average of
67.83% encoding time efficiency improvement with negligible rate-distortion impact.

[E239] S.-J. You, S.-J. Chang and T.-S. Chang, Fast motion estimation algorithm and design
for real time QFHD high efficiency video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp. 1533-1544,
Sept. 2015. Also many good references are listed at the end.

[E240] W. Zhao, T. Onoye and T. Song, Hierarchical structure based fast mode
decision for H.265/HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp. 1651 1664, Oct. 2015. Several
valuable references related to fast mode decision approaches resulting in reduced HEVC
encoder complexity are cited at the end.

[E241] Y. Umezaki and S. Goto, Image segmentation approach for realizing zoomable
streaming HEVC video, ICICS 2013.

[E242] G. Correa et al, Fast HEVC encoding decisions using data mining, IEEE Trans.
CSVT, vol.25, pp. 660-673, April 2015.

[E243] Access to HM 16.9 Software Manual:


[E244] HM Encoder Description: http://mpeg.chiariglione.org/standard/mpeg-h/high-

efficiency -video-coding/n14703-high-efficiency-video-coding-hevc-encoder

[E245] T. Nguyen and D. Marpe, Objective Performance Evaluation of the HEVC Main Still
Picture Profile , IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp. 790-797, May 2015.

[E246] C.C. Chi et al, SIMD acceleration for HEVC decoding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp.
841-855, May 2015.

[E247] B. Min and C.C. Cheung, A fast CU size decision algorithm for the HEVC intra
encoder, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp. 892-896, May 2015.

[E248] H.-S. Kim and R.-H. Park, Fast CU partitioning algorithm for HEVC using online
learning based Bayesian decision rule, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access).

[E249] Y.- H. Chen and V. Sze, A deeply pipelined CABAC decoder for HEVC supporting
level 6.2 high-tier applications, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp. 856-868, May 2015.

[E250] D. Zhou et al, Ultra-high-throughput VLSI architecture of H.265/HEVC CABAC

encoder for UHDTV applications, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp.497-507, March 2015.

[E251] D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard (Version 2)
including the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview Extensions, (Tutorial)
Monday 29 June 2015 11.30am-3:00pm , IEEE ICME 2015, Torino, Italy, 29 June 3 July,

[E252] L. Hu et al, Hardware oriented rate distortion optimization algorithm for HEVC
Intra frame encoder, IEEE International Workshop on multimedia computing, in
conjunction with IEEE ICME 2015, Torino, Italy, 29 June 3 July, 2015.

[E253] I. Hautala et al, Programmable low-power multicore coprocessor architecture for

HEVC/H.265 in-loop filtering, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.25, pp.1217-1230, July 2015.

[E254] J. KIM, S.-Ho and M. Kim, An HEVC complaint perceptual video coding scheme
based on JND models for variable block-sized transform kernels, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early

[E255] F. Zou et al, Hash Based Intra String Copy for HEVC Based Screen Content Coding,
IEEE ICME (workshop), Torino, Italy, June 2015. (In references, there are several papers on
Screen Content Coding).

[E256] HEVC SCC extension reference software:


[E257] C. Chen et al, A New Block- Based Coding Method for HEVC Intra Coding, IEEE
ICME (Workshop), Torino, Italy, June 2015.

[E258] L. Hu et al, Hardware-Oriented Rate-Distortion Optimization Algorithm for HEVC

Intra-Frame Encoder, IEEE ICME, Torino, Italy, June 2015.

[E259] Y. Zhang et al, Machine Learning-Based Coding Unit Depth Decisions for Flexible
Complexity Allocation in High Efficiency Video Coding, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
Vol.24, No.7, pp. 2225 2238, July 2015.

[E260] D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard including the
Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview Extensions, (Tutorial), IEEE ICCE ,
Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E261] S. J. Kaware and S. K. Jagtap , A Survey: Heterogeneous Video Transcoder for
H.264/AVC to HEVC, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC), pp. 1
3 , Pune, India, 8-10 Jan. 2015.

[E262] Several papers related to HDR, HEVC, Beyond HEVC and SCC in Applications of
Digital Image Processing XXXVIII, HDR I session, HDR II, Applications and Extensions for
High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), vol. 9599, SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego,
California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Website : www.spie.org/op

[E263] E. Peixoto et al, Fast H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding based on Machine Learning,
IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS), pp. 1 - 4, 2014.

[E264] J. M. Boyce et al, Overview of SHVC: Scalable Extensions of the High Efficiency
Video Coding (HEVC) Standard, IEEE Trans. on CSVT. vol. 26, pp.bv 20-34, Jan.2016.

[E265] X265: Documentations on wavefront parallel Processing. [Online] Available:

accessed Aug. 1, 2015

[E266] J. Kim, S.-H. Bae and M. Kim, An HEVC Compliant Perceptual Video Coding
Scheme based on JND Models for Variable Block-sized Transform Kernels, IEEE Trans. on
CSVT. (Early Access).

[E267] Y. Chen et al, Efficient Software H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding on Distributed

Multicore Processors, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 25, no.8, pp. 1423 1434, Aug. 2015.

[E268] H. Lee et al, Early Skip Mode Decision for HEVC Encoder with Emphasis on Coding
Quality, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting. (Early access).

[E269] K. Lim et al, Fast PU skip and split termination algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction,
IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 1335 1346, Aug. 2015.

[E270] K. Won and B. Jeon, Complexity Efficient Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of the
HEVC Encoder, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting. (Early Access).

[E271] L. F. R. Lucas et al, Intra predictive Depth Map Coding using Flexible Block
partitioning, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. (Early Access).

[E272] K. Chen et al, A Novel Wavefront Based High parallel Solution for HEVC
Encoding, IEEE Trans. on CSVT. (Early access).

[E273] J. Zhang. B. Li and H. Li, An Efficient Fast Mode Decision Method for Inter Prediction
in HEVC, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol.26, PP 1502-1515, Aug. 2016.

[E274] N. Hu and E.-H. Yang, Fast Mode Selection for HEVC intra frame coding with
entropy coding refinement based on transparent composite model, IEEE Trans. on CSVT,
vol. 25, No.9, pp. 1521 1532, Sept. 2015. ERRATUM: (early access)

[E275] S. Y. Jou, S. J. Chang and T. S. Chang, Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm and
Design For Real Time QFHD High Efficiency Video Coding, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 25, pp.
1533 1544, Sept. 2015.

The papers [E276] thru [E284] were presented in IEEE ICCE Berlin, 6-9 Sept. 2015 and can
be accessed from IEEEXPLORE.

[E276] N. Dhollande et al, Fast block partitioning method in HEVC Intra coding for
UHD video , IEEE ICCE , Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E277] W. Shi et al, Segmental Downsampling Intra Coding Based on Spatial Locality for
HEVC, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E278] S.H. Park et al, Temporal Correlation-based Fast Encoding Algorithm in HEVC Intra
Frame Coding, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E279] R. Skupin, Y. Sanchez and T. Schirel, Compressed Domain Processing for

Stereoscopic Tile Based Panorama Streaming using MV-HEVC, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany,
6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E280] A. S. Nagaraghatta et al, Fast H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding using Mode Merging
and Mode Mapping, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E281] A. Mikityuk et al, Compositing without Transcoding for H.265/HEVC in Cloud IPTV
and VoD services, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E282] F. Chi et al, Objective identification of most distorted coding units over UHD HEVC
sequences, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E283] M. Tomida and T. Song, Small area VLSI architecture for deblocking filter of HEVC,
IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

[E284] T. Biatek et al, Toward Optimal Bitrate Allocation in the Scalable HEVC Extension:
Application to UHDTV, IEEE ICCE, Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

References [E285] thru [E319], [E323 E324] are presented in IEEE ICIP 2015, Quebec
City, Canada

[E285] J. Mir et al, Rate Distortion Analysis of High Dynamic Range Video Coding
Techniques, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E286] S. G. Blasi et al, Context adaptive mode sorting for fast HEVC mode decision,
IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E287] N. Hu and E. H. Yang, Fast inter mode decision for HEVC based on transparent
composite model, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E288] T. Laude and J. Ostermann, Copy mode for static screen content coding with
HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E289] A. Eldeken et al, High throughput parallel scheme for HEVC deblocking filter, IEEE
ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E290] X. Shang et al, Fast cu size decision and pu mode decision algorithm in HEVC intra
coding, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E291] Y. Chen and H. Liu, Texture based sub-pu motion inheritance for depth coding,
IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E292] Y. C. Sun et al, Palette mode - a new coding tool in screen content coding
extensions of HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E293] D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard (Version 2)
including the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview Extensions, (Tutorial)
Sunday 27 Sept 2015, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept.

[E294] D. Schroeder et al, Block structure reuse for multi-rate high efficiency video
coding, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E295] Y. Yan, M. M. Hannuksela and H. Li, Seamless switching of H.265/HEVC-coded dash

representations with open GOP prediction structure, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27
30 Sept. 2015.

[E296] A. Sohaib and A. R. Kelly, Radiometric calibration for HDR imaging, IEEE ICIP,
Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E297] J. Liu et al, Chromatic calibration of an HDR display using 3d octree forests, IEEE
ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E298] S. Patel, D. Androutsos and M. Kyan, Adaptive exposure fusion for high dynamic
range imaging, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E299] Y. Zang, D. Agrafiotis and D. Bull, High dynamic range content calibration for
accurate acquisition and display, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E300] J. F. Franche and S. Coulombe, Fast H.264 to HEVC transcoder based on post-order
traversal of quadtree structure, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E301] A. Arrufat, P. Philippe and O. Deforges, Mode-dependent transform competition for

HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E302] W. K. Cham and Q. Han, High performance loop filter for HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec
city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E303] A. Arrufat, A. F. Perrin and P. Philippe, Image coding with incomplete transform
competition for HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E304] Y. Liu and J. Ostermann, Fast motion blur compensation in HEVC using fixed-length
filter, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E305] L. Yu and J. Xiao, Statistical approach for motion estimation skipping (SAMEK),
IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E306] H. B. Zhang et al, Efficient depth intra mode decision by reference pixels
classification in 3D-HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E307] M. Joachimiak et al, Upsampled-view distortion optimization for mixed resolution

3D video coding, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E308] X. Yu et al, VLSI friendly fast cu/pu mode decision for HEVC intra encoding:
leveraging convolution neural network, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept.

[E309] M. Hannuksela et al, Overview of the multiview high efficiency video coding (MV-
HEVC) standard, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E310] W. N. Lie and Y. H. Lu, Fast encoding of 3D color-plus-depth video based on 3D-
HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E311] M. Meddeb, M. Cagnazzo and B. P. Popescu ROI-based rate control using tiles for
an HEVC encoded video stream over a lossy network, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27
30 Sept. 2015.

[E312] W. Gueder, P. Amon and E. Steinbach, Low-complexity block size decision for HEVC
intra coding using binary image feature descriptors, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27
30 Sept. 2015.

[E313] L. Du and Z. Liu, 3.975MW 18.396GBPS 2R2W SRAM for SBAC context model of
HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E314] M. Pettersson, R. Sjoberg and J. Samuelsson, Dependent random access point

pictures in HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E315] V. Sanchez, Lossless screen content coding in HEVC based on sample-wise median
and edge prediction, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E316] H. Maich et al, A multi-standard interpolation hardware solution for H.264 and
HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E317] Y. Wang, F. Duanmu and Z. Ma, Fast CU partition decision using machine learning
for screen content compression, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E318] M. Wang and K. N. Ngan, Optimal bit allocation in HEVC for real-time video
communications, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E319] X. lian et al, Pixel-grain prediction and k-order ueg-rice entropy coding oriented
lossless frame memory compression for motion estimation in HEVC, IEEE ICIP, Quebec
City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

[E320] Y. Shishikui, The coming of age of 8K super hi-vision (ultra high definition
television) The meaning of the ultimate, IEEE PCS 2015, Cairns, Australia, June 2015.

[E321] D. Flynn et al, Overview of the Range Extensions for the HEVC Standard: Tools,
Profiles and Performance, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.4-19, Jan. 2016.

[E322] J. Xu, R. Joshi and R. A. Cohen, Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen Content
Coding Extension, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.50-62, Jan. 2016.

[E323] Y. Yan, M. M. Hannuksela and H. Li, Seamless switching of H.265/HEVC-coded dash

representations with open GOP prediction structure, IEEE ICIP, Quebec City, Canada, 27
30 Sept. 2015.

[E324] D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard (Version 2)
including the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview Extensions, (Tutorial)

Sunday 27 Sept. 2015, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, IEEE ICIP, Quebec city, Canada, 27 30 Sept.

[E325] J.M. Boyce et al, Overview of SHVC: Scalable extensions of the high efficiency
video coding (HEVC) standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol. 26, pp.20-34, Jan. 2016.

[E326] G. Tech et al, Overview of the Multiview and 3D extensions of high efficiency video
coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol. 26, pp.35-49, Jan. 2016.

[E327] M. M. Hannuksela, J. Lainema and V. K. M. Vadakital, The high efficiency image file
format standards, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, pp. 150 156, IEEE Trans.
CSVT. Vol. (Early Access)

[E328] C. Li, H. Xiong and D. Wu, DelayRateDistortion Optimized Rate Control for End-to-
End Video Communication Over Wireless Channels, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 25, no. 10, pp.
1665 1681, Oct 2015.

[E329] W. Hamidouche, M. Raulet and O. Deforges, 4K Real-Time and Parallel Software

Video Decoder for Multi-layer HEVC Extensions, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.169-180, Jan.

[E330] H.R. Tohidpour, M.T. Pourazad and P. Nasiopoulos, Online Learning-based

Complexity Reduction Scheme for 3D-HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E331] X. Deng et al, Subjective-driven Complexity Control Approach for HEVC, IEEE
Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E332] S. H. Jung and H. W. Park ,A fast mode decision method in HEVC using adaptive
ordering of modes, IEEE Trans. CSVT. Vol.26, pp.1846-1858, Oct. 2016.

[E333] A. J. D. Honrubia et al, Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for H.264
to HEVC Video Transcoding, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.154-168, Jan. 2016.

[E334] K. L. Chung et al, Novel Bitrate-Saving and Fast Coding for Depth Videos in 3D-
HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E335] C. H. Lin, K. L. Chung and C. W. Yu, Novel Chroma Subsampling Strategy based
on Mathematical Optimization for Compressing Mosaic Videos with Arbitrary RGB Color
Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC and HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E336] G. Correa et al, Pareto-Based Method for High Efficiency Video Coding with Limited
Encoding Time, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E337] T. Vermeir et al, Guided Chroma Reconstruction for Screen Content Coding, IEEE
Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E338] M. Abeydeera et al, 4K Real Time HEVC Decoder on FPGA, IEEE Trans. CSVT.
vol.26, pp.236-249, Jan. 2016.

[E339] E. Francois et al, High Dynamic Range and Wide Color Gamut Video Coding in
HEVC: Status and Potential Future Enhancements, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.63-75, Jan.

[E340] H. Lee et al, Fast Quantization Method with Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized
Quantization for HEVC Encoder, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.107-116, Jan. 2016.

[E341] T. Y. Huang and H. H. Chen, Efficient Quantization Based on Rate-Distortion
Optimization for Video Coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E342] G. Pastuszak and A. Abramowski, Algorithm and Architecture Design of the

H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.210-222, Jan. 2016.

[E343] M. Kim et al, Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism on HEVC by Employing Reference

Dependency Graph, IEEE Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E344] A. Aminlou et al, A New R-D Optimization Criterion for Fast Mode Decision
Algorithms in Video Coding and Transrating, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.696-710, April

[E345] P. T. Chiang et al, A QFHD 30 fps HEVC Decoder Design, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol.26, pp.724-735, April 2016.

[E346] W. Xiao et al, HEVC Encoding Optimization Using Multicore CPUs and GPUs, IEEE
Trans. CSVT. (Early access).

[E347] HEVC Demystified : A primer on the H.265 Video Codec


[E348] N.S. Shah, Reducing Encoder Complexity of Intra Mode Decision Using CU Early
Termination Algorithm, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, Dec. 2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on
EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on N.S. Shah.

[E349] D, Hingole, H.265 (HEVC) bitstream to H.264 (MPEG 4 AVC) bitstream

transcoder M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec.
2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359
Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on D. Hingole.

[E350] U.S.M. Dayananda, Investigation of Scalable HEVC & its bitrate allocation for UHD
deployment in the context of HTTP streaming, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at
Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec. 2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on
courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on
U.S.M. Dayananda.

[E351]V. Vijayaraghavan, Reducing the Encoding Time of Motion Estimation in HEVC using
parallel programming, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, Dec. 2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on
EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on V. Vijayaraghavan

[E352] S. Kodpadi, Evaluation of coding tools for screen content in High Efficiency Video
Coding, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec.

http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down

and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on S. Kodpadi.

[E353] N.N. Mundgemane, Multi-stage prediction scheme for Screen Content based on
HEVC, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec.

2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359
Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on N.N. Mundgemane.

[E354] E. de la Torre, R.R.- Sanchez and J.L. Martinez, Fast video transcoding from HEVC to
VP9, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol.61, pp. 336-343, Aug. 2015.

[E355] W.-S. Kim et al, Cross-component prediction in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 27,
[early access]

(Related papers: T. Nguyen et al, Extended Cross-Component Prediction in HEVC,

Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2015), Cairns, Australia, May 31-Jun 03, 2015.

A. Khairatet et al, Adaptive Cross-Component Prediction for 4:4:4 High Efficiency Video
Coding, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), Paris, Oct. 27-
30, 2014.)

Abstract in [E355] is reproduced below for ready reference.

AbstractVideo coding in the YCbCr color space has been widely used, since it is
efficient for compression, but it can result in color distortion due to conversion
error. Meanwhile, coding in RGB color space maintains high color fidelity, having
the drawback of a substantial bit-rate increase with respect to YCbCr coding. Cross-
component prediction (CCP) efficiently compresses video content by decorrelating
color components while keeping high color fidelity. In this scheme, the chroma
residual signal is predicted from the luma residual signal inside the coding loop.
This paper gives a description of the CCP scheme from several point-of-view, from
theoretical background to practical implementation. The proposed CCP scheme has
been evaluated in standardization communities and adopted into H.265/HEVC
Range Extensions. Experimental results show significant coding performance
improvements both for natural and screen content video, while the quality of all
color components is maintained. The average coding gains for natural video are
17% and 5% bit-rate reduction in case of intra coding, and 11% and 4% in case of
inter coding for RGB and YCbCr coding, respectively, while the average increment
of encoding and decoding times in the HEVC reference software implementation
are 10% and 4%, respectively.
[E356] C.-K. Fong, Q. Han and W.-K. Cham, Recursive integer cosine transform for HEVC
and future video coding standards, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, (early access)

[E357] P. Hsu and C. Shen, The VLSI architecture of a highly efficient deblocking filter for
HEVC systems, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, Jan 2016. [early access] (Several references
related to deblocking and SAO filters in HEVC and deblocking filters in H.264/AVC are listed
at the end.)

[E358] H. Lee et al, Fast quantization method with simplified rate-distortion optimized
quantization for an HEVC encoder IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp.107-116, Jan. 2016.

[E359] S. Wang et al, VLSI implementation of HEVC motion compensation with distance
biased direct cache mapping for 8K UHDTV applications, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, Dec.
2015. (early access)

[E360] G. Georgios, G. Lentaris and D. Reisis, Reduced complexity super resolution for
low-bitrate compression, TEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.342-345, Feb. 2016. This paper can
lead to several valuable and challenging projects.

[E361] C.-H. Kuo, Y.-L. Shih and S.-C. Yang, Rate control via adjustment of Lagrangian
multiplier for video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp. 2069-2078, Nov. 2016.

[E362] J. Zhang, B. Li and H. Li, An efficient fast mode decision method for inter prediction
in HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp. 1502-1515, Aug.2016.

[E363] C.-P. Fan, C.-W. Chang and S.-J. Hsu, Cost effective hardware sharing design of fast
algorithm based multiple forward and inverse transforms for H.264/AVC, MPEG-1/2/4, AVS
and VC-1 video encoding and decoding applications, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, (early

[E364] J.-S. Park et al, 2-D large inverse transform (16x16, 32X32) for HEVC (high
efficiency video coding), J. of Semiconductor Technology and Science, vol.12, pp.203-211,
June 2012.

[E365] A. Ilic, et al, Adaptive scheduling framework for real-time video encoding on
heterogeneous systems. IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, (early access).

[E366] IEEE DCC , Snow Bird, Utah, 29 March 1 April 2016 Panel Presentation

Video Coding: Recent Developments for HEVC and Future Trends

Abstract: This special event at DCC 2016 consists of a keynote talk by Gary Sullivan (co-
chair of the MPEG & VCEG Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding) followed by a panel
discussion with key members of the video coding and standardization community.
Highlights of the presentation include HEVC Screen Content Coding (SCC), High Dynamic
Range (HDR) video coding, the Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for advances in video
compression beyond HEVC, and recent initiatives in royalty-free video coding.
Panel Members:
Anne Aaron
Manager, Video Algorithms - Netflix
Arild Fuldseth
Principal Engineer, Video Coding - Cisco Systems
Marta Karczewicz
VP, Technology, Video R&D and Standards - Qualcomm
Jrn Ostermann
Professor - Leibniz Universitt Hannover Institute for Information Processing
Jacob Strm
Principal Researcher - Ericsson
Gary Sullivan
Video Architect - Microsoft
Yan Ye
Senior Manager, Video Standards InterDigital

Slides can be accessed from:


[E367] M. Jridi and P.K. Meher, A scalable approximate DCT architectures for efficient HEVC
compliant video coding IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early access) See also P.K. Meher et al,
Generalized architecture for integer DCT of lengths N = 8, 16 and 32, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol. 24, pp.168-178, Jan. 2014.

[E368] T. Zhang et al, Fast intra mode and CU size decision for HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
(early access)

[E369] X. Liu et al, An adaptive mode decision algorithm based on video texture
characteristics for HEVC intra prediction, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early access) Abstract is
reproduced here.

AbstractThe latest High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard could achieve the highest coding efficiency compared with
the existing video coding standards. To improve the coding efficiency of Intra frame, a quadtree-based variable block size coding
structure which is flexible to adapt to various texture characteristics of images and up to 35 Intra prediction modes for each
prediction unit (PU) is adopted in HEVC. However, the computational complexity is increased dramatically because all the possible
combinations of the mode candidates are calculated in order to find the optimal rate distortion (RD) cost by using Lagrange
multiplier. To alleviate the encoder computational load, this paper proposes an adaptive mode decision algorithm based on texture
complexity and direction for HEVC Intra prediction. Firstly, an adaptive Coding Unit (CU) selection algorithm according to each
depth levels texture complexity is presented to filter out unnecessary coding block. And then, the original redundant mode
candidates for each PU are reduced according to its texture direction. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm
could reduce around 56% encoding time in average while maintaining the encoding performance efficiently with only 1.0%
increase in BD-rate compared to the test mode HM16 0f HEVC.

There are also several references related to intra coding both in HEVC and H.264/AVC.

[E370] Z. Pan et al, Early termination for TZSearch in HEVC motion estimation, IEEE ICASSP 2013, pp.
1389-1392, June 2013.

[E371] R. Shivananda, Early termination for TZSearch in HEVC motion estimation,

project report, Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and
then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on R.
Shivananda final report. See [E370]. Following this technique, Shivananda is able to
reduce HEVC encoding time by 38% with negligible loss in RD performance for LD, RA and
RA early profiles. See Tables 3 thru 14 for the results.

[E372] S.K. Rao, Performance comparison of HEVC intra, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, JPEG
LS and VP9 intra, project report, Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click
on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click
on Swaroop Krishna Rao final report.

[E373] H.N. Jagadeesh, Sample Adaptive Offset in the HEVC standard, project report,
Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on
EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on Jagadeesh final report. He
has implemented HM software using HEVC test sequences with and without the SAO filter.
In general SAO filter improves the subjective and objective qualities of the video output at
the cost of slight increase in implementation complexity.

[E374] N. Thakur, Fast Intra Coding Based on Reference Samples Similarity in HEVC,
project report Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and
then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on Nikita
Thakur final report.

[E375] M.N. Sheelvant, Performance and Computational Complexity Assessment of High-Efficiency Video
Encoders, project report Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on
courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on
M.N. Sheelvant final report.

[E376] Y. Tew, K.S. Wong and R.C.-W. Phan, Region of interest encryption in high efficiency
video coding compressed video, IEEE- ICCE Taiwan, May 2016.

[E377] S.-H. Bae, J. Kim and M. Kim, HEVC-Based perceptually adaptive video coding using
a DCT-Based local distortion detection probability, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.
25, pp. 3343-3357, July 2016.

[E378] C. Diniz et al, A deblocking filter hardware architecture for the high efficiency video
coding standard, Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and exhibition
(DATE), 2015.

[E379] D.S. Pagala, Multiplex/demultiplex of HEVC video with HE-AAC v2 audio and
achieve lip synch., M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas,
Aug. 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359
Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on D.S. Pagala.

[E380] Sessions related to HEVC in IEEE ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona, Sept. 2016:
MA-L3: SS: Image compression grand challenge,
Several sessions on Image quality assessment

MPA.P3: Image and Video Coding.

MPA.P8: Transform Coding.
TA-L1: HEVC Intra Coding.
TP-L1: HEVC optimization
WPB-P2 HEVC processing and coding

Panel Session: Is compression dead or are we wrong again?

[E381] M. Masera, M. Martina and G. Masera, Adaptive approximated DCT architectures for
HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, , vol. 99, pp.1-1, July 2016. This has several references related
to integer DCT architectures

[E382] B. Min, Z. Xu and C.C. Cheung, A fully pipelined hardware architecture for intra
prediction of HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT (early access). The fully pipelined design for intra
prediction in HEVC can produce 4 pels per clock cycle. Hence the throughput of the
proposed architecture is capable of supporting 3840x2160 videos at 30 fps.

[E383] G. Correa et al, Pareto-based method for high efficiency video coding with limited
encoding time, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.1734-1745, Sept. 2016.

[E384] C.-H. Liu, K.-L. Chung and C.-YW. Yu, Novel Chroma Subsampling Strategy
Based on
Mathematical Optimization for Compressing Mosaic Videos With Arbitrary RGB
Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC and HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp.1722-1733,
Sept. 2016.

[E385] C. Herglotz et al, Modeling the energy consumption of HEVC decoding

process, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early access).

[E386] IEEE DATA COMPRESSION CONFERENCE (DCC) Snowbird, Utah, April 4 - 7,
2017. http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~dcc

Keynote address
"Video Quality Metrics", Scott Daly, Senior Member Technical Staff, Dolby

Special sessions:

Video coding", G. Sullivan and Y. Ye, Session Chairs

"Genome Compression", Jiangtao Wen and Khalid Sayood, Session Chairs

"Quality Metrics and Perceptual Compression" Y. Reznik and T. Richter, Session Co-

Web site below.


[E387] H. Siddiqui, K. Atanassov and S. Goma, Hardware-friendly universal

demosaick using non-iterative MAP reconstruction, IEEE ICIP 2016 (MA.P.3.4),
Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 2016.

[E388] J. Seok et al, Fast Prediction Mode Decision in HEVC Using a Pseudo Rate-Distortion Based on
Separated Encoding Structure , ETRI J. vol.38, #5, pp.807-817, Oct. 2016. Abstract is reproduced below.

A novel fast algorithm is suggested for a coding unit (CU) mode decision using pseudo rate-distortion
based on a separated encoding structure in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). A conventional HEVC
encoder requires a large computational time for a CU mode prediction because prediction and transformation
procedures are applied to obtain a rate-distortion cost. Hence, for the practical application of HEVC encoding, it is
necessary to significantly reduce the computational time of CU mode prediction. As described in this paper, under
the proposed separated encoder structure, it is possible to decide the CU prediction mode without a full
processing of the prediction and transformation to obtain a rate-distortion cost based on a suitable condition.
Furthermore, to construct a suitable condition to improve the encoding speed, we employ a pseudo rate-distortion
estimation based on a Hadamard transformation and a simple quantization. The experimental results show that
the proposed method achieves a 38.68% reduction in the total encoding time with a similar coding performance to
that of HEVC reference model.

This is an excellent paper which describes the complexity involved in implementing the HM software and develops
techniques that reduce the encoder complexity significantly with minimal loss in PSNR and BD rate supported by
simulation results (4K and 2K test sequences).

[E389] T. Mallikarachchi et al, Content-Adaptive Feature-Based CU Size Prediction for Fast Low-
Delay Video Encoding in HEVC, IEEE Tans. CSVT, (early access)

[E390] J. Zhou et al, A Variable-Clock-Cycle-Path VLSI Design of Binary Arithmetic Decoder
for H.265/HEVC IEEE Tans. CSVT, (early access).

[E391] A. Zheng et al, Adaptive Block Coding Order for Intra Prediction in HEVC, IEEE
Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.2152-2158, Nov. 2016.

[E392] G. Fracastoro, S.M. Fosson and E. Magli, Steerable discrete cosine

transform, IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 26, pp. 303-314, Jan. 2017. This has several
references related to DDT, MDDT and graph based transforms. See also G.
Fracastoro and E. Magli, Steerable discrete cosine transform, in Proc. IEEE
International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2015 (MMSP), 2015.

[393] Q. Huang et al, Understanding

and Removal of False Contour in HEVC
Compressed Images, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access). Abstract is repeated here.

AbstractA contour-like artifact called false contour is often observed in large

smooth areas of decoded images and video. Without loss of generality, we focus on
detection and removal of false contours resulting from the state-of-the-art HEVC
codec. First, we identify the cause of false contours by explaining the human
perceptual experiences on them with specific experiments. Next, we propose a
precise pixel-based false contour detection method based on the evolution of a
false contour candidate (FCC) map. The number of points in the FCC map becomes
fewer by imposing more constraints step by step. Special attention is paid to
separating false contours from real contours such as edges and textures in the
video source. Then, a decontour method is designed to remove false contours in
the exact contour position while preserving edge/texture details. Extensive
experimental results are provided to demonstrate the superior performance of the
proposed false contour detection and removal (FCDR) method in both compressed
images and videos.

[E394] F. Chen et al, Block-composed background reference for high efficiency

video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access)

[395] D. Schroeder et al, "Efficient multi-rate video encoding for HEVC-based

adaptive HTTP streaming," in IEEE Trans. CSVT, Early Access). Part of abstract is
repeated here:
We propose methods to use the encoding information to constrain the rate-
distortion-optimization of the dependent encodings, so that the encoding
complexity is reduced, while the RD performance is kept high. We additionally show
that the proposed methods can be combined, leading to an efficient multi-rate
encoder that exhibits high RD performance and substantial complexity reduction.
Results show that the encoding time for 12 representations at different spatial
resolutions and signal qualities can be reduced on average by 38%, while the
average bitrate increases by less than 1%

[E396] L. Li et al, Domain optimal bit allocation algorithm for HEVC, IEEE Trans.
CSVT, (Early access).

[E397] B. Min, Z. Xu and R.C.C Cheung, A fully pipelined architecture for intra
prediction of HEVC, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access).

[E398] P.-K. Hsu and C.-A. Shen, The VLSI architecture of a highly efficient
deblocking filter for HEVC system, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access). There are
many other references related to deblocking filter.

[E399] R. Wang et al, MPEG internet video coding standard and its performance
IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access)

This standard approved as ISO/IEC (MPEG-4 Internet Video Coding) in June 2015 is
highly beneficial to video services over the internet. This paper describes the main
coding tools used in IVC and evaluates the objective and subjective performances
compared to web video coding (WVC), video coding for browsers (VCB) and AVC
high profile.

[E400] M. Xu et al, Learning to detect video saliency with HEVC features, IEEE
Trans. IP, vol. 26, pp. 369-385, Jan. 2017. Introduction is repeated here.

According to the study on the human visual system (HVS) [1], when a person looks
at a scene, he/she may pay much visual attention on a small region (the fovea)
around a point of eye fixation at high resolutions. The other regions, namely the
peripheral regions, are captured with little attention at low resolutions. As such,
humans are able to avoid is therefore a key to perceive the world around humans,
and it has been extensively studied in psychophysics, neurophysiology, and even
computer vision societies [2]. Saliency detection is an effective way to predict the
amount of human visual attention attracted by different regions in images/videos,
with computation on their features. Most recently, saliency detection has been
widely applied in object detection [3], [4], object recognition [5], image retargeting
[6], image quality assessment [7], and image/video compression [8], [9].

[E401] T. Mallikarachchi et al, A feature based complexity model for decoder complexity optimized HEVC video
encoding, IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017.

[E402] F. Pescador et al, Real-time HEVC decoding with openHEVC and openMP, IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan.

[E403] G. Xiang et al, An improved adaptive quantization method based on perceptual CU early splitting for
HEVC, IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017.

[E404] H.M. Maung, S. Aramvith and Y. Miyanaga, Error resilience aware rate control and mode selection for
HEVC video transmission, IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017

[E405] B. Boyadjis et al, Extended selective encryption of H.264/AVC (CABAC) and HEVC encoded video
streams, IEEE Trans. On CSVT (Early access) Conclusions and future work are repeated here.


This paper proposes a novel method for SE of H.264/AVC (CABAC) and HEVC compressed streams. Our
approach tackles the main security challenge of SE: the limitation of the information leakage through protected
video streams.
The encryption of Luma prediction modes for Intra blocks/units is proposed in addition to the traditional ES in order
to significantly improve the structural deterioration of video contents. Especially on I frames, it brings a solid com-
plement to previous SE schemes relying on residual encryption (mainly affecting the texture of objects) and motion
vector encryption (disrupting the movement of objects). The pro- posed scheme shows both numerical and visual
improvements of the scrambling performance regarding state-of-the-art SE schemes. Based on the encryption of
regular-mode treated syntax element, the approach exhibits a loss in compression efficiency that has been
estimated empirically up to 2% on I frames, which remains, in a lot of application cases, a totally tolerable
In this paper, we complemented the state of the art analysis proposed in [15] of the impact of each cipherable
syntax element in HEVC standard with the proposed Intra prediction encryption. The study confirms the premise
that targeting this specific element is particularly efficient from the SE perspective: the PSNR and SSIM variations
we obtain tend to demonstrate that it is the most impacting code word in the proposed ES. Considering their role
in the video reconstruction, such a result is not really surprising: their encryption heavily impacts Intra frames but
also Intra blocks/units in Inter frames, and the generated error naturally drifts both spatially and temporally within
the video stream.
We did not provide in this paper an exhaustive analysis of CABAC regular mode cipherable syntax elements.
Some of them are easily identifiable (for example, the process proposed in this paper could almost identically
apply to the Intra prediction modes for Chroma components), but a large majority of these cipherable elements
would require a very specific monitoring which we did not address in our study. An analysis of the maximum ES for
both H.264/AVC and HEVC, based on the proposed regular mode encryption, is thus one major track for future
research. Nevertheless, such a study would have to pay a particular attention to a critical trade- off we highlighted
in our study; the underlying correlation between the improvement of the scrambling performance and its
consequences on the compression efficiency.

See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

tent may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2015.2511879, IEEE
stems for Video Technology

IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, NV, 8-11 Jan. 2016 (ICCE international conference on
consumer electronics)

Papers on HEVC: (These papers can lead to several projects.)

ICCE1. Error Resilience Aware Motion Estimation and Mode Selection for
HEVC Video Transmission

Gosala Kulupana, Dumidu S. Talagala, Hemantha Kodikara Arachchi and Anil

Fernando (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)

Error concealment techniques such as motion copying require significant changes to

HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) motion estimation process when incorporated
in error resilience frameworks. This paper demonstrates a novel motion estimation
mechanism incorporating the concealment impact from future coding frames to
achieve an average 0.73dB gain over the state-of-the-art.

ICCE 2. H.721: Standard for Multimedia Terminal Devices Supporting HEVC

Fernando M Matsubara (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan); Hideki

Yamamoto (Oki, Japan)

The newest ITU-T H.721 standard "IPTV terminal devices: Basic model" is described.
Main goal of this revision is to enhance content quality by adopting latest video
coding and adaptive streaming techniques. Selected technologies include HEVC and
MPEG-DASH. This paper summarizes the standard and carefully chosen profiles to
maximize perceived quality.

ICCE3. A Downhill Simplex Approach for HEVC Error Concealment in

Wireless IP Networks

Kyoungho Choi (Mokpo National University, Korea); Do Hyun Kim (ETRI, Korea)

In this paper, a novel video error concealment algorithm is presented for HEVC in
wireless IP networks. In the proposed approach, a downhill simplex approach is
adopted for fine-tuning motion vectors, considering residual errors and block
reliability, and minimizing boundary errors along prediction blocks at the same time.

ICCE4. Power Consumption Comparison Between H.265/HEVC and

H.264/AVC for Smartphone Based on Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G Networks

Min Xu (California State University, Long Beach, USA); Xiaojian Cong (California
State University Long Beach, USA); Qinhua Zhao (California State University
LongBeach, USA); Hen-Geul Yeh (California State University Long Beach, USA)

The H.265/HEVC can help reduce much bandwidth for streaming video on mobile
networks where wireless spectrum is at a premium. However, it will take more
computing power for decoding. This paper is to perform a power consumption
evaluation of streaming and decoding H.265/HEVC and H.264/ AVC video for

ICCE5. A New Scene Change Detection Method of Compressed and

Decompressed Domain for UHD Video Systems

Yumi Eom (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea); Sang-Il
Park (Korea Communications Commission, Korea); Chung Chang Woo (Seoul Natl.
University of Science and Technology, Korea)

We propose a new method using two layers that can detect the scene change
frames in a fast and accurate way. Also, we propose an algorithm that can be
applied to the HEVC. Through the experimental results, our proposed method will
helps UHD video contents analysis and indexing.

ICCE6. Improvement of H.265/HEVC Encoding for 8K UHDTV by Detecting

Motion Complexity

Shota Orihashi (Waseda University & Graduate School of Fundamental Science and
Engineering, Japan); Harada Rintaro (Waseda University & Fundamental Science and
Engineering, Japan); Yasutaka Matsuo (Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK),
Japan); Jiro Katto (Waseda University, Japan)

We propose a method to improve H.265/HEVC encoding performance for 8K UHDTV

moving pictures by detecting amount or complexity of object motions. The proposed
method estimates motion complexity by external process, and selects an optimal
prediction mode and search ranges of motion vectors for highly efficient and low
computation encoding.

ICCE7. Design of Multicore HEVC Decoders Using Actor-based Dataflow
Models and OpenMP

Miguel Chavarrias, Matias J Garrido and Fernando Pescador (Universidad Politcnica

de Madrid, Spain); Maxime Pelcat (INSA Rennes, France); Eduardo
Juarez (Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain)

This paper explains a backend for the RVC compiler framework. This backend uses
OpenMP instead of the pthreads to automatically generate code for multicore
architectures. Implementations of an HEVC decoder have been automatically
generated for three multicore architectures. The backend doesn't introduce a
performance penalty regarding to the C backend

ICCE8. Perceptual Distortion Measurement in the Coding Unit Mode

Selection for 3D-HEVC

Sima Valizadeh (University of British Columbia, Canada); Panos Nasiopoulos (The

University of British Columbia, Canada); Rabab Ward (University of British Columbia,

In this paper, we propose to integrate a perceptual video quality metric inside the
rate distortion optimization process of the 3D-HEVC. Specifically, in the coding unit
(CU) mode selection process, PSNR-HVS is used as a measure for distortion. Our
proposed approach improves the compression efficiency of the 3D-HEVC.

ICCE9. CTU Level Decoder Energy Consumption Modelling for Decoder

Energy-Aware HEVC Encoding

Thanuja Mallikarachchi (University of Surrey & University of Surrey, United

Kingdom); Hemantha Kodikara Arachchi, Dumidu S. Talagala and Anil
Fernando (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)

Accurate modelling of the decoding energy of a CTU is essential to determine the

appropriate level of quantization required for decoder energy-aware video encoding.
The proposed method predicts the number of nonzero DCT coefficients, and their
energy requirements with an average accuracy of 4.8% and 11.19%, respectively.

ICCE10.Real-time Encoding/Decoding of HEVC Using CUDA Capable GPUs

Tony James (Smartplay Technologies Pvt Ltd, Georgia)

HEVC is latest video standard from JCT-VC. It offers better compression performance
compared to H.264. However, the computational complexity is highly demanding for
real-time applications especially at UHD resolutions. In this paper, we propose few
optimization methods to achieve real-time encoding/decoding on CUDA capable
GPUs. Experimental results validate our proposal.

ICCE11. SATD Based Intra Mode Decision Algorithm in HEVC/H.265

Jongho Kim (ETRI, Korea)

HEVC which is the next generation video coding standard provides up to 35 intra
prediction modes to improve the coding efficiency. These various prediction modes
bring a high computation burden. In this paper, the fast intra mode decision
algorithm is proposed.

ICCE12. Content Dependent Intra Mode Selection for Medical Image

Compression Using HEVC

Saurin Parikh (Florida Atlantic University & Nirma University, USA); Damian
Ruiz (Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, Spain); Hari Kalva (Florida Atlantic
University, USA); Gerardo Fernandez (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain)

This paper presents a method for complexity reduction in medical image encoding
that exploits the structure of medical images. The HEVC lossless intra coding of
medical images of CR modality, shows reduction upto 52.47% in encoding time with
a negligible penalty of 0.22%, increase in compressed file size.

ICCE13. Decoding of Main 4:2:2 10-bit Bitstreams in HEVC Main 8-bit Best-
Effort Decoders

Woo-Seok Jeong, Hyunmin Jung and Soo-ik Chae (Seoul National University, Korea)

This paper describes a new method of best-effort decoding that substantially

reduces PSNR loss especially in intra prediction. For intra prediction in the decoder,
reference pixels are decoded in the 4:2:2 10-bit format and non-reference pixels are
in the 4:2:0 8-bit format.


This is the HEVC encoder developed by Multicoreware Inc. The main difference from
HM is that x265 is fast compared to HM, they have assembly level optimizations up
to avx2 so far.


this is the link to their documentation. Even ffmpeg has x265 integrated in itself,
but I don't think we can use x265 in ffmpeg, since it will take a while to find where
x265 is implemented in ffmpeg and then modify it and build it.

The following papers are presented in SPIE PHOTONICS WEST, February

2015, San Francisco, CA

Link: http://spie.org/EI/conferencedetails/real-time-image-video-processing

1. Efficient fast thumbnail extraction algorithm for HEVC

Paper 9400-15
Author(s): Wonjin Lee, Hanyang Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Gwanggil Jeon,
Univ. of Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Jechang Jeong, Hanyang Univ. (Korea,
Republic of)

The proposed algorithm is fast thumbnail extraction algorithm for HEVC. The
proposed method only reconstructs 4x4 boundary pixels which are needed for
thumbnail image. The proposed method generates the thumbnail image
without full decoding. The proposed algorithm can reduce the computational
complexity by performing only calculation needed for thumbnail image
extraction. The proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the
computational complexity for intra prediction and inverse transform. Also, it
does not perform de-blocking filter and sample adaptive offset (SAO). After
partial decoding process, it could be concluded that the proposed method
significantly reduces the decoding time. In addition, the visual quality of
obtained thumbnail images was almost identical to thumbnail images
extracted after full decoding process.

2. A simulator tool set for evaluating HEVC/SHVC streaming

Paper 9400-22
Author(s): James M. Nightingale, Tawfik A. Al Hadhrami, Qi Wang, Christos
Grecos, Univ. of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom); Nasser Kehtarnavaz,
The Univ. of Texas at Dallas (United States)

Since the delivery of version one of H.265, the Joint Collaborative Team on
Video Coding have been working towards standardization of a scalable
extension (SHVC), a series of range extensions and new profiles. As these
enhancements are added to the standard the range of potential applications
and research opportunities will expand. For example the use of video is also

growing rapidly in other sectors such as safety, security, defense and health
with real-time high quality video transmission playing an important role in
areas like critical infrastructure monitoring and disaster management, each of
which may benefit from the application of enhanced HEVC/H.265 and SHVC
capabilities. The majority of existing research into HEVC/H.265 transmission
has focused on the consumer domain with the lack of freely available tools
widely cited as an obstacle to conducting this type of research. In this paper
we present a toolset that facilitates the transmission and evaluation of
HEVC/H.265 and SHVC encoded video on an open source emulator. Our
toolset provides researchers with a modular, easy to use platform for
evaluating video transmission and adaptation proposals on large-scale wired,
wireless and hybrid architectures. The proposed toolset would significantly
facilitate further research in delivering adaptive video streaming based on the
latest video coding standard over wireless mesh and other ad hoc networks.

3. Subjective evaluation of H.265/HEVC based dynamic adaptive video

streaming over HTTP (HEVC-DASH)
Paper 9400-24
Author(s): Iheanyi C. Irondi, Qi Wang, Christos Grecos, Univ. of the West of
Scotland (United Kingdom)

With the surge in Internet video traffic, real-time HTTP streaming of video has
become increasingly popular. Especially, applications based on the MPEG
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP standard (DASH) are emerging for
adaptive Internet steaming in response to the unstable network conditions.
Integration of DASH streaming technique with the new video coding standard
H.265/HEVC is a promising area of research in light of the new codecs
promise of substantially reducing the bandwidth requirement. The
performance of such HEVC-DASH systems has been recently evaluated using
objective metrics such as PSNR by the authors and a few other researchers.
Such objective evaluation is mainly focused on the spatial fidelity of the
pictures whilst the impact of temporal impairments incurred by the nature of
reliable TCP communications is also noted. Meanwhile, subjective evaluation
of the video quality in the HEVC-DASH streaming system is able to capture
the perceived video quality of end users, and is a new area when compared
with the counterpart subjective studies for current streaming systems based
on H.264-DASH. Such subjective evaluation results will shed more light on the
Quality of Experience (QoE) of users and overall performance of the system.
Moreover, any correlation between the QoE results and objective
performance metrics will help designers in optimizing system performance.
This paper presents a subjective evaluation of the QoE of a HEVC-DASH
system implemented in a hardware testbed. Previous studies in this area
have focused on using the current H.264/AVC or SVC codecs and have hardly
considered the effect of Wide Area Network (WAN) characteristics. Moreover,

there is no established standard test procedure for the subjective evaluation
of DASH adaptive streaming. In this paper, we define a test plan for HEVC
demonstrate the bitrate switching operations in response to various network
condition patterns. The testbed consists of real-world servers (web server and
HEVC-DASH server), a WAN emulator and a real-world HEVC-DASH client.
-DASH with a carefully justified data set taking into account longer video
sequences that would be sufficient to We evaluate the QoE by investigating
the perceived impact of various network conditions such as different packet
loss rates and fluctuating bandwidth, and the perceived quality of using
different DASH video stream segment sizes on a video streaming session and
using different video content types. Furthermore, we demonstrate the
temporal structure and impairments as identified by previous objective
quality metrics and capture how they are perceived by the subjects. The
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is employed and a beyond MOS evaluation
method is designed based on a questionnaire that gives more insight into the
performance of the system and the expectation of the users. Finally, we
explore the correlation between the MOS and the objective metrics and hence
establish optimal HEVC-DASH operating conditions for different video
streaming scenarios under various network conditions.

NAB2014, Las Vegas, NV April 2014 (following 3 papers) (National

Association of Broadcasters)

NAB is held every year in Las Vegas, NV generally in April. It is a B2B convention
with nearly 10,000 attendees and has innumerable products related to

1. J. Pallett, (Telestream, Inc.) HEVC; comparing MPEG-2, H.264 and HEVC

2. S. Kumar, (Interra systems) Aspects of video quality assessment for HEVC
compressed format,
3. Y. Ye (Interdigital) , HEVC video coding

NAB2015, Las Vegas, NV, April 2015 (following are the papers related to
HEVC) (National Association of Broadcasters)

1. The New Phase of Terrestrial UHD Services: Live 4K UHD Broadcasting via
Terrestrial Channel.
2. The Combination of UHD, MPEG-DASH, HEVC and HTML5 for New User
3. Implications of High Dynamic Range on the Broadcast Chain for HD and Ultra-HD
4. Beyond the Full HD (UHD & 8K).

NTT-electronics is developing HEVC/H.265 based ASICs and codec systems

scheduled for mid 2015.

Digital video and systems business group.



Spl H1. Special issue on emerging research and standards on next generation video
coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.22, pp.1646-1909, Dec. 2012.

Spl H2. Introduction to the issue on video coding: HEVC and beyond, IEEE Journal of
selected topics in signal processing, vol.7, pp.931-1151, Dec. 2013.

VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Special Section on Efficient HEVC Implementation (M.
Budagavi, J.R. Ohm, G.J. Sullivan, V. Sze and T. Wiegand Guest editors).

Spl H4. Special Issue on New Developments in HEVC Standardization and

Implementations Approved by the CSVT editorial board, July 2014.

Spl H5. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
(JETCAS) Special Issue on Screen Content Video Coding and Applications: Final
papers are due July 2016.

Spl H6. Journal of real-time image processing: Special issue on architectures and
applications of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard for real time
video applications. B.-G. Kim, K. Psannis and D.-S. Jun (Editors).

Spl H7. Special issue on Broadcasting and Telecommunications Media technology,

ETRI journal, Deadline: 12/31/2015 and Publication : Oct. 2016. Website:

Spl H8. Special issue on HEVC extensions and efficient HEVC implementations,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.1-249, Jan. 2016.


S. Riabstev, Detailed overview of HEVC/H.265, [online]. Available:

https://app.box.com/s/ rxxxzr1a1lnh7709yvih (accessed on June 12 2014).

HEVC tutorial by I.E.G. Richardson: http://www.vcodex.com/h265.html

JCT-VC DOCUMENTS can be found in JCT-VC document management system

http://phenix.int-evry.fr/jct (see [E183])

All JCT-VC documents can be accessed. [on line]. Available: http://phenix.int-


VCEG & JCT documents available from

http://wftp3.itu.int/av-arch in the video-site and jvt-site folders (see [E183])

HEVC encoded bit streams


Test Sequences - download

TS.1 http://media.xiph.org/video/derf/

TS.2 http://trace.eas.asu.edu/yuv/

TS.3 http://media.xiph.org/

TS.4 http://www.cipr.rpi.edu/resource/sequences/


TS.6 www.elementaltechnologies.com 4K Video Sequences

4K (3840x2160) UHD video test sequences

Multimedia communications with SVC, HEVC, and HEVC


TS.7 Elemental 4K Test Clips.: [online] Available:

http://www.elementaltechnologies.com/resources/4k-test-sequences , accessed
Aug. 1, 2014

TS.8 Harmonic 4K Test Clips: [online] Available:

http://www.harmonicinc.com/resources/videos/4k- video-clip-center, accessed
Aug. 1, 2014.

TS.9 Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite. [online]. Available:


TS.10 Test sequences from dropbox


TS.11 F. Bossen, Common test conditions and software reference configuration,

JCT-VC-1100, July 2012 (Access to test sequences and QP values)

TS.12 Test Sequences: ftp://ftp.kw.bbc.co.uk/hevc/hm-11.0-anchors/bitstreams/

TS.13 Link to Screen content Test Sequences: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?


TS.14 Images of camera captured content: http://www.lifeisspiritual.com/wp-


TS.15 Image of a video clip with text overlay


TS.16 Video test sequences - http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-


TS.17 https://hevc.aes.tu-berlin.de/web/testsuite-HEVC test sequences

European Broadcasting Union EBU UHD-1 Test Set, 2013 Available online

1. To access these sequences free there is an order form (to be filled) subject to
the rules and regulations. https://tech.ebu.ch/testsequences/uhd-1

Thanks for the hint, it seems that EBU change the location, please check the new
location that I found on the EBU website:

BR, Benjamin
On Sep 14, 2014, at 10:54 PM, "Rao, Kamisetty R" <[email protected]> wrote:
In one of your papers you cited : EBU UHD-1 Test Set (on line)
I am unable to access this web site. Please help me on this. I like to access this set
for my research group. Thanks.

TS.18 http://mcl.usc.edu/

The MCL-JCI dataset consists of 50 source images with resolution 1920x1080 and
100 JPEG-coded images for each source image with the quality factor (QF) ranging
from 1 to 100.

Here is the link to some useful videos on HEVC standard

You might also find this useful and may subscribe to the same
HEVC/H.265 PRESENTATION (Krit Panusopone)

TS19 The New Test Images - Image Compression Benchmark, Rawzor-

Lossless Compression Software for Camera RAW Images [Online],
Available: http://imagecompression.info/test images/.

Implementation of Intra Prediction in the HM reference encoder:


Latest is HM16.9
Software reference manual for HM.

TS20 The new test images Image compression benchmark,


TS21 BOSSbase image data set 512x512 test images

IEEE JoBossBase-1.01-hugo-alpha=0.4.tar.bz2. [Online]. Available:

http://agents.fel.cvut.cz/stegodata/, accessed Mar. 2014.

TS22 http://www3.americanradiology.com/pls/web1/wwimggal.vmg

TS23 K. Seshadrinathan, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack. (2010). LIVE Video Quality

Database. [Online].
Available: http://live.ece.utexas.edu/ research/quality/live_video.html
TS24 S. Pchard, R. Ppion, and P. Le Callet. IRCCyN/IVC Videos 1080i
Database. [Online]. Available: http://www.irccyn.ec-nantes.
fr/~lecallet/platforms.htm, accessed Oct. 16, 2015.

TS25 F. Zhang, S. Li, L. Ma, Y. C.

Wong, and K. N. Ngan.

IVP Subjective Quality Video
Database. [Online].
atabas/subjective/, accessed Oct.
16, 2015.

TS26 J.-S. Lee et al. (2010). MMSP Scalable Video Database. [Online].

Available: http://mmspg.epfl.ch/svd

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in

Circuits and Systems (JETCAS)

Special Issue on Screen Content Video Coding and Applications

Screen content video has evolved from a niche to a mainstream due to the rapid
advances in mobile and cloud technologies. Real-time, low-latency transport of
screen visuals between devices in the form of screen content video is becoming
prevalent in many applications, e.g. wireless display, screen mirroring, mobile or
external display interfacing, screen/desktop virtualization and cloud gaming. Today's
commonly-used video coding methods, however, have been developed primarily
with camera-captured content in mind. These new applications create an urgent
need for efficient coding of screen content video, especially as the support of 4k or
even 8k resolution begins to achieve mass market appeal.

Screen content video coding poses numerous challenges. Such content usually
features a mix of computer generated graphics, text, and camera-captured
images/video. With their distinct signal characteristics, content adaptive coding
becomes necessary. This is without mentioning the varied level of the human's
visual sensitivity to distortion in different types of content; visually or
mathematically lossless quality may be required for all or part of the video.

Recognizing the demand for an industry standard for coding of screen content, the
ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group and ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group have
since January 2014 been developing new extensions for HEVC. The Video Electronics
Standards Association also recently completed a Display Stream Compression (DSC)
standard for next-generation mobile or TV/Computer display interfaces. The
development of these standards introduced many new ideas, which are expected to
inspire more future innovations and benefit the varied usage of screen content

Besides coding, there are many other challenging aspects related to screen content
video. For instance, in applications like screen mirroring and screen/desktop
virtualization, low-latency video processing and transmission are essential to ensure
an immediate screen response. In addition to real-time streaming technologies,
these applications need a parallel-friendly screen encoding algorithm that can be
performed efficiently on modern mobile devices or remote servers in the data
center, and require, in certain use cases, the harmony of their computing resources,
to keep the processing time to a minimum. At the receiver side, best-effort decoding
with consideration for transmission errors, along with visual quality enhancement, is
expected. Addressing these constraints requires research from multiple disciplines
as is the case for other applications.

The intent of this special issue is to present the latest developments in standards,
algorithms, and system implementations related to the coding and processing of
screen content video. Original and unpublished research results with topics in any of
the following areas or beyond are hereby solicited.

- Screen content video coding techniques and standards, e.g. HEVC extensions and

- Visually or mathematically lossless screen content video coding

- Application-specific screen content coding, e.g. display stream or frame memory


- Screen-content related pre/post-processing, e.g. resizing and post-filtering

- Visual quality assessment for screen content video

- Parallel-friendly, low-delay encoding optimization

- Robust decoding with error and power control

- Hardware/software/cloud-based screen codec implementations

- Real-time, adaptive screen content transport over Internet or wireless networks

- Design examples of novel screen content video applications, e.g. screen/desktop

virtualization and cloud gaming

- System performance analysis and characterization

Important dates

- Manuscript submissions due 2016-01-22

- First round of reviews completed 2016-03-25

- Revised manuscripts due 2016-05-13

- Second round of reviews completed 2016-07-08

- Final manuscripts due 2016-07-22

Guest Editors

Wen-Hsiao Peng [email protected] National Chiao Tung University,


Ji-Zheng Xu [email protected] Microsoft Research Asia, China

Jern Ostermann [email protected] Leibniz Universitt Hannover,


Robert Cohen [email protected] Mitsubishi Electric Research

Laboratories, USA

S. H. Tsang, Y. L. Chan and W. C. Siu, Fast and Efficient Intra Coding Techniques
for Smooth Regions in Screen Content Coding Based on Boundary Prediction
Samples, ICASSP2015, Brisbane, Australia, April. 2015.

J. Nam, D. Sim and I.V. Bajic, HEVC-based Adaptive Quantization for Screen Content
Videos, IEEE Int. Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems, pp. 1-4, Seoul,
Korea, 2012.


VC document management system http://phenix.int-evry.fr/jct

All JCT-VC documents can be accessed. [on line].


Accessing JCT-VC Document Database

In an internet browser, visit http://phenix.int-evry.fr/jct/.

Create an account by clicking the link shown in the web page.

Enter your details, and put THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON in the
organization field and also put in the appropriate motivation like STUDIES/

Check for email suggesting the registration was successful.

You are good to access the content like ALL MEETINGS and NEXT MEETING.

HM-16.9 Software ->


HM-16.9 Software Manual ->



Scalable Extension of HEVC ->


Encoding time evaluation: Intel VTune AmplIfier XE Software profiler, Available

http://software.intel.com (accessed May 6, 2014)

See reference 31 in [E242]



SE.1 P. Hanhart and T. Ebrahimi, Calculation of average coding efficiency based on

subjective quality scores, J. VCIR, vol. 25, pp.555-564, April 2014. This is a
very interesting and valuable paper on subjective quality and testing. The
references listed at the end are highly useful. A MATLAB implementation of
the proposed model can be downloaded from http://mmspg.epfl.ch/scenic
This paper can lead to several projects (EE5359 Multimedia Processing).

SE.2 H.R. Wu et al, Perceptual visual signal compression and transmission, Proc.
IEEE, vol. 101, pp.2025-2043, Sept. 2013.

SE.3 C. Deng et al (Editors), Visual Signal Quality Assessment: Quality of

Experience (QoE), Springer, 2015.

SE.4 T.K. Tan et al, Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testing of
HEVC Compression Performance, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp.76-90, Jan.
2016. Abstract of this paper is reproduced here for ready reference.

Abstract The High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard (ITU-T H.265 and
ISO/IEC 23008-2) has been developed with the main goal of providing significantly
improved video compression compared with its predecessors. In order to evaluate
this goal, verification tests were conducted by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video
Coding of ITU-T SG 16 WP 3 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29. This paper presents the
subjective and objective results of a verification test in which the performance of
the new standard is compared with its highly successful predecessor, the Advanced
Video Coding (AVC) video compression standard (ITU-T H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-
10). The test used video sequences with resolutions ranging from 480p up to ultra-
high definition, encoded at various quality levels using the HEVC Main profile and
the AVC High profile. In order to provide a clear evaluation, this paper also discusses
various aspects for the analysis of the test results. The tests showed that bit rate
savings of 59% on average can be achieved by HEVC for the same perceived video
quality, which is higher than a bit rate saving of 44% demonstrated with the PSNR
objective quality metric. However, it has been shown that the bit rates required to
achieve good quality of compressed content, as well as the bit rate savings relative
to AVC, are highly dependent on the characteristics of the tested content.

This paper has many valuable references including subjective quality assessment
methods recommended by ITU-T.

SE5 J.-S. Lee and T. Ebrahimi, Perceptual video compression: A survey, IEEE J.
Selected Topics on Signal Process., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 684697, Oct. 2012.

SE6 P. Hanhart et al, Subjective quality evaluation of the upcoming HEVC video
compression standard, SPIE Applications of digital image processing XXXV, vol.
8499, paper 8499-30, Aug. 2012.

SE7 W. Lim and J.C. Kuo, Perceptual video quality metric: a survey, J. VCIR, vol.22,
pp.297-312, 2011.

SE8 F. Zhang and D.R. Bull, A Perception-based Hybrid Model for Video Quality
Assessment , IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.1017-1028, June 2016.

SE9 Y. Li et al, "No-reference image quality assessment using statistical

characterization in the shearlet domain." Signal Processing: Image Communication,
vol. 29, pp.748-759, July 2014.

SE10 Y. Li et al, "No reference image quality assessment with shearlet transform and
deep neural networks," Neurocomputing, vol.154, pp. 94-109, 2015.

SE11 Y. Li et al, "No Reference Video Quality Assessment with 3D shearlet Transform
and Convolutional Neural Networks," IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 26, pp.1044-1047,
June 2016.

SE12 Y. Li, "No-reference image quality assessment using shearlet transform and
stacked auto encoders," IEEE ISCAS, pp. 1594-1597, May 2015.

SE13 T. Daede, Video codec testing and quality measurement,"

https://tools.ietf.org/html/ draft-daede-netvc-testing, 2015.

SE14 ITU-R BT2022 (2012) General viewing conditions for subjective assessment of
quality of SDTV and HDTV television pictures on at panel displays. International
Telecommunication Union.

SE15 ITU-R BT500-13 (2012) Methodology for the subjective assessment of the
quality of television pictures. International Telecommunication Union.

SE16 ITU-R BT500-13 (2012) Methodology for the subjective assessment of the
quality of television pictures. International Telecommunication Union.

SE17 W. Lin and C.C. Jay-Kuo, Perceptual visual quality metrics: A survey, J. Visual
Communication Image Representation, vol.22, pp. 297-312, May 2011.

SE18. C.-C. Jay Kuo, Perceptual coding: Hype or Hope?, 8 th International

Conference on QoMEX, Keynote, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-8 June 2016.

SE19. S.-H. Bae and M. Kim, DCT-QM; A DCT-Based Quality Degradation Metric for
Image Quality Optimization Problems , IEEE Trans. IP, vol.25, pp. 4916-4930, Oct.
2016. This has several references related to image quality assessment.


7, 2017. http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~dcc, Keynote address

"Video Quality Metrics" by Scott Daly, Senior Member Technical Staff, Dolby

SE21 F.M. Moss et al, On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective
Video Quality Assessment, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.1977-1987, Nov.

Apart from the comprehensive list of references related to subjective VQA,

based on the DSCQS
tests on video sequences the authors [SE21] conclude

There is a small but significant increase in accuracy if sequences are
increased from 1.5 to 5, 7, or 10 s.
2) This effect becomes stronger if the difference in distortion between the
reference and test video is reduced.
3) The main effect remains consistent between different but temporally
consistent source videos.
4) Observers feel just as confident assessing the quality of videos that are 5
s as ones that are 10 s.

The practical implications of these findings are significant.

Our results indicate that critical observations of video quality do not
significantly change if 10-s sequences are exchanged for 7-, or indeed, 5-s
sequences. Limitations on these findings are elaborated in the conclusions.

SE22 S. Hu et al, Objective video quality assessment based on perceptually

weighted mean square error, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (EARLY ACCESS)

SE-P1 Bae and Kim have developed the DCT-Q Based Quality Degradation Metric for
Image Quality Optimization Problem that has both high consistency with perceived
quality and mathematically desirable properties. See [SE19] for details. The authors
conclude that the DCT-QM can effectively be used not only for objective IQA tasks
with unknown distortion types but also for image quality optimization problems with
known distortion types. They also state We plan to apply our DCT-QM for
image/video coding and processing applications for the improvement of coding
efficiency and perceptual visual quality. Explore this. Note that DCT-QM serves for
still images only.

SE-P2 See SE-P1. Note that the performance comparison of HEVC (DCT-QM based
HM16.0and conventional HM16.0 for low delay configuration) is shown in Fig.9 for
test sequences BasketballDrill, BQ Mall, PartyScene and RaceHorse). See also Figs.
10 and 11. Please extend this comparison to HM 16.0 random access configuration.

SE-P3 See [SE19] The authors state Full application of DCT-QM for specific codecs
require extending DCT-QM for specific transform block sizes, which will be part of
our future work. They imply other than 4x4-sized DCT kernel i.e., 8x8, 16x16,
32x32 and even 64x64. Consider specifically how the different sized DCT kernels
influence the DCT-QM. Consider also the implementation complexity.

SE22New strategy for image and video quality assessment

J. Electron. Imaging, Vol. 19, 011019 (2010); doi:10.1117/1.3302129

Published 18 February 2010

Qi Ma, Liming Zhang, and Bin Wang
Fudan University, Department of Electronic Engineering, No. 220 Handan
Road, Shanghai, China
Image and video quality assessment (QA) is a critical issue in image and
video processing applications. General full-reference (FR) QA criteria such as
peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean squared error (MSE) do not
accord well with human subjective assessment. Some QA indices that
consider human visual sensitivity, such as mean structural similarity (MSSIM)
with structural sensitivity, visual information fidelity (VIF) with statistical
sensitivity, etc., were proposed in view of the differences between reference
and distortion frames on a pixel or local level. However, they ignore the role
of human visual attention (HVA). Recently, some new strategies with HVA
have been proposed, but the methods extracting the visual attention are too
complex for real-time realization. We take advantage of the phase spectrum
of quaternion Fourier transform (PQFT), a very fast algorithm we previously
proposed, to extract saliency maps of color images or videos. Then we
propose saliency-based methods for both image QA (IQA) and video QA
(VQA) by adding weights related to saliency features to these original IQA or
VQA criteria. Experimental results show that our saliency-based strategy can
approach more closely to human subjective assessment compared with these original IQA or
VQA methods and does not take more time because of the fast PQFT algorithm.

SE23 l. Xu et al, Multi-task learning for image quality assessment, IEEE Trans. CSVT (early

SE24 K. Ma, Waterloo exploration database New challenges for image quality assessment
models, IEEE Trans. IP, (EARLY ACCESS)

This paper has extensive list of references related to IQA and also on image data bases. The
authors suggest four different directions in terms of future work.


Book1. V. Sze, M. Budagavi and G.J. Sullivan (Editors), High efficiency video coding:
Algorithms and architectures, Springer 2014.
Book2. M. Wien, High Efficiency Video Coding: Coding Tools and Specification,
Springer, 2014.
Book3. I.E. Richardson, Coding video: A practical guide to HEVC and beyond,
Wiley, 11 April 2016.

Book4. K.R. Rao , D.N. Kim and J.J. Hwang, Video coding standards: AVS China,
H.264/MPEG-4 Part10, HEVC, VP6, DIRAC and VC-1, Springer, 2014.

Translated into Spanish by Dr. Carlos Pantsios M, Professor

Titular/Telecommunicaciones, USB/UCA/UCV, Dept. of Electronica & Circuits, Simon
Bolivar University, Caracas, Venejuela. Also being published in Chinese by China
Machine press approved by Springer.

Book5. S. Wan and F. Yang, New efficient video coding H.265/HEVC Principle,
standard and application, in Chinese, Publishing house of electronic industry,
http://www.phei.com.cn, 2014.

Book6. S. Okubo (Editor-in-Chief), H.265/HEVC Textbook, in Japanese, Impress,

Japan, 2013.

Book7. W. Gao and S. Ma, Advanced Video Coding Systems, Springer, 2015.

Book8. M. Kavanagh, H.265/HEVC Overview and Comparison with H.264/AVC, Sold

by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. August, 2015.

Book9. B. Bing, Next-Generation Video Coding and Streaming, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ,

Book10. J. R. Ohm, Multimedia signal coding and transmission, Springer, 2015.

Book11. A.N. Netravali and B.G. Haskell, Digital pictures, representation and
compression, Plenum Press, 1988.

Book12. D. Grois et al, High Efficiency Video Coding: A Guide to the H.265 / HEVC
standard, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2016.

Book13. M. E. Al-Mualla, C. N. Canagarajah and D. R. Bull, Video Coding for Mobile

Communications: Efficiency, Complexity and Resilience, Academic Press,
Orland, FL, 2002.

Book14. Y.Q. Shi and H. Sun, Image and video compression for
multimedia engineering: Fundamentals, algorithms and standards, CRC
Press, 1999.

Overview Papers:
OP1. G.J. Sullivan and J.-R. Ohm, Recent developments in standardization of high
efficiency video coding (HEVC), Proc. SPIE, Applications of Digital Image
Processing XXXIII, vol. 7798, pp. 77980V-1 through V-7, San Diego, CA, 13
Aug. 2010.

OP2. G.J. Sullivan et al, Overview of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC)
standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.1649-1668, Dec. 2012.

OP3. HM9 High efficiency video coding (HEVC) Test Model 9 (HM 9) encoder
description JCTVC-K1002v2, Shanghai meeting, Oct. 2012.

OP4. M.T. Pourazad et al, HEVC: The new gold standard for video compression,
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 1, issue 3, pp. 36-46, July 2012.

OP5. G.J. Sullivan et al, Standardized extensions of high efficiency video coding
(HEVC), IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing, vol. 7, pp. 1001-
1016, Dec. 2013.

OP6. J. M. Boyce et al, Overview of SHVC: Scalable Extensions of the High Efficiency
Video Coding (HEVC) Standard, IEEE Trans. on CSVT. vol. 26, pp.20-34, Jan.

OP7. D. Flynn et al, Overview of the Range Extensions for the HEVC Standard:
Tools, Profiles and Performance, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol. 26, pp.4-19, Jan. 2016.

OP8. J. Xu, R. Joshi and R. A. Cohen, Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen
Content Coding Extension, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol. 26, pp.50-62, Jan. 2016.

OP9. G. Tech et al, Overview of the Multiview and 3D extensions of high efficiency
video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol. 26, pp.35-49, Jan. 2016.

OP10.Detailed overview of HEVC/H.265:



Tut1. N. Ling, High efficiency video coding and its 3D extension: A research
perspective, Keynote Speech, ICIEA, Singapore, July 2012.

Tut2. X. Wang et al, Paralleling variable block size motion estimation of HEVC on
CPU plus GPU platform, IEEE ICME workshop, 2013.

Tut3. H.R. Tohidpour, M.T. Pourazad and P. Nasiopoulos, Content adaptive
complexity reduction scheme for quality/fidelity scalable HEVC, IEEE ICASSP
2013, pp. 1744-1748, June 2013.

Tut4. M. Wien, HEVC coding tools and specifications, Tutorial, IEEE ICME, San
Jose, CA, July 2013.

Tut5. D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard (Version
2) including the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview
Extensions, (Tutorial) Monday 29 June 2015 11.30am-3:00pm , IEEE ICME
2015, Torino, Italy, 29 June 3 July, 2015.

Tut6. D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard including
the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview Extensions,
(Tutorial), IEEE ICCE , Berlin, Germany, 6 9 Sept. 2015.

Tut7. D. Grois, B. Bross and D. Marpe, HEVC/H.265 Video Coding Standard (Version
2) including the Range Extensions, Scalable Extensions, and Multiview
Extensions, (Tutorial) Sunday 27 Sept 2015, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm), IEEE ICIP,
Quebec City, Canada, 27 30 Sept. 2015.

This tutorial is for personal use only.

Password: a2FazmgNK


Tut8. Please find the links to YouTube videos on the tutorial - HEVC/H.265 Video
Coding Standard including the Range Extensions Scalable Extensions and Multiview
Extensions below:


Tut9 HEVC tutorial by I.E.G. Richardson, www.vcodex.com/h265.html

Tut10 C. Diniz, E. Costa and S. Bampi, High Efficient Video Coding (HEVC): From
Applications to Low-power Hardware Design , IEEE ISCAS, Montreal, Canada, 22-25
May 2016. Abstract is reproduced below:

Digital video applications are widespread in every consumer electronic devices.

Ultra-high resolutions videos (UHD, e.g. 8k4k and 4k2k resolutions) are gaining
importance in the market. The development of an improved video coding standard
with higher efficiency for higher resolution led to the High Efficient Video Coding
(HEVC), H.265, published in 2013.This new video coding standard reaches up to

approximately double compression efficiency of H.264/AVC standard for similar
video quality, due to its sophisticated block partitioning schemes and novel coding
algorithms. Its higher compression efficiency comes with a significant increase in
computational effort in the video codecs. Real-time HEVC encoding of UHD
resolution videos is a challenge, especially considering mobile video capable
hardware devices that must consume lower energy to increase battery life. This
energy efficiency requirement for future multimedia processors is requiring
hardware architecture innovations to integrate multi-core processors with many on-
chip hardware accelerators for compute-intensive tasks of the video
encoder/decoder. This tutorial covers the algorithms and the dedicated hardware
accelerators which are more energy efficient than general purpose processors in
performing video tasks. Hardware accelerators will be shown in the tutorial, either
as dedicated (ASIC) architectures or as configured/reconfigured FPGA designs. The
tutorial starts with an overview the basic concepts on video representation and
video coding, before moving to the details of the new HEVC algorithms, data
structures, and features. We present a detailed analysis of HEVC video coding
application to identify the most compute-intensive tasks of video codec. The second
part of the tutorial covers the algorithmic optimization for dedicated hardware
design and implementation. The state-of-the-art hardware architectures for video
codec blocks are presented. In the end we point to significant future challenges to
design low-power HEVC video codec systems. KeywordsVideo Coding, HEVC,
Compression Algorithms, Hardware Architecture Design.

Tut11. Introduction to Motion estimation and Motion compensation--->


HEVC presentation: http://www.hardware.fr/news/12901/hevc-passe-


Detailed overview of HEVC/H.265:


HEVC white paper-Ittiam Systems:

HEVC white paper-Elemental Technologies:
HEVC white paper- http://www.ateme.com/an-introduction-to-uhdtv-and-

HEVC/H.265 Video Coding
Standard including the Range
Extensions Scalable
Extensions and..

Share your videos with

friends, family, and the world

Watch now...


HEVC/H.265 Video Coding

Standard including the Range
Extensions Scalable
Extensions and..

Share your videos with

friends, family, and the world

Watch now...

This MSU Codec Comparison is released. It's extremely well done.

MSU Video Codecs
Comparison (video
codec measurement)
MSU Video Codecs Comparison MSU
Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)
Project head: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin
Testing, charts, analysis: Sergey
Grishin Translating: Daria ...

Special sessions:
G.J. Sullivan and Y. Ye, Recent developments in video coding, Session Chairs, IEEE
DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, 4-7 April 2017.


Tr1. E. de la Torre, R.R. Sanchez and J.L. Martinez, Fast video transcoding from
HEVC to VP9, IEEE Trans. on Consumer electronics, vol. 61, pp.336-343, Aug.
2015. (This has several valuable references on H.264 to HEVC, mpeg-2 to HEVC,
and H.264 to SVC transcoders.)

Tr2. E. Peixoto and E. Izquierdo, A new complexity scalable transcoder from

H.264/AVC to the new HEVC codec, IEEE ICIP 2012, session MP.P1.13 (Poster),
Orlando, FL, Sept.-Oct. 2012.

Tr3. T. Shanableh, E. Peixoto and E. Izquierdo, MPEG-2 to HEVC transcoding with

content based modeling, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 1191- 1196, July 2013.

References [E97] thru [E101] are from VCIP 2012. Pl access


There are also some papers on HEVC in the Demo session.

Tr4. E. Peixoto et al, An H.264/AVC to HEVC video transcoder based on mode

mapping, IEEE ICIP 2013, WP.P4.3 (poster), Melbourne, Australia, 15-18 Sept. 2013.

Tr5. E. Peixoto, T. Shanableh and E. Izquierdo, H.264/AVC to HEVC video transcoder

based on dynamic thresholding and content modeling, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol.24,
pp. 99 - 112, Jan. 2014.

Tr6. S. J. Kaware and S. K. Jagtap , A Survey: Heterogeneous Video Transcoder for

H.264/AVC to HEVC, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC),
pp. 1 3 , Pune, India, 8-10 Jan. 2015.

Tr7. E. Peixoto et al, Fast H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding based on Machine

Learning, IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS), pp. 1 - 4, 2014.

Tr8. Y. Chen et al, Efficient Software H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding on Distributed

Multicore Processors, IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 25, no.8, pp. 1423 1434, Aug.

Tr9. A. J. D. Honrubia et al, Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for
H.264 to HEVC Video Transcoding, IEEE Trans. CSVT. vol.26, pp.154-168, Jan. 2016.

Tr10. I. Ahmad, X. Wei, Y. Sun and Y. Zhang, "Video transcoding: an overview of

various techniques and research issues," IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 7, pp. 793-
804, 2005.

Tr11. A. J. D.-Honrubia et al, A fast splitting algorithm for an H.264/AVC to HEVC
intra video transcoder, IEEE DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, March-April 2016.

Tr12. D. Zhang et al, Fast Transcoding from H.264 AVC to High Efficiency Video
Coding," in IEEE ICME 2012, pp. 651-656, July 2012.

Tr13. D. Guang et al, Improved prediction estimation based h.264 to HEVC intra
transcoding," in Advances in Multimedia Information Processing PCM 2014, ser.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8879. Springer International Publishing, pp.
64-73, 2014.

Tr14. D. Hingole, H.265 (HEVC) bitstream to H.264 (MPEG 4 AVC) bitstream

transcoder, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas,
Dec. 2015.

http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359

Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on D. Hingole.

Tr15. M. Sugano et al, An efficient transcoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-1, IEEE ICIP

Tr16. N. Feamster and S. Wee, An MPEG-2 to H.263 transcoder, SPIE conference on

multimedia systems and applications II, vol. 3845, pp. 164-175, Sept. 1999.

Tr17. X. lu et al, Fast mode decision and motion estimation for H.264 with a focus
on MPEG-2/H.264 transcoding, IEEE ISCAS, pp.1246-1249, Kobe, Japan, May 2005.


EH1 B. Boyadjis et al, Extended selective encryption of H.264/AVC (CABAC) and

HEVC encoded video streams, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (early access)

EH-P1 B. Boyadjis et al [EH1], by incorporating selective encryption of CABAC in

regular mode have improved the encryption efficiency over the by-pass mode (see
Table VI and Fig. 11). In Section V (conclusion and future work), the authors suggest
some further studies. Explore and implement future work.

File Format:

FF1. M. M. Hannuksela, J. Lainema and V. K. M. Vadakital, The high efficiency image

file format standards, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, pp. 150 156,
IEEE Trans. CSVT. Vol. (Early Access).

FF2. A draft HEIF standard (03/2015) is available at

http://mpeg.chiariglione.org/standards/mpeg-h/image-file-format/ draft-text-
isoiec-fdis-23008-12-carriagestill-image-and-image and the final HEIF standard
(ISO/IEC 23008-12) is likely to appear among public ISO standards at

FF3. The JPEG, Exif, PNG, and GIF specifications are available at
http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/, and http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-


OLC1. Video Lecture on Digital Voice and Picture Communication by Prof. S.

Sengupta, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
IIT Kharagpur -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm4C2ZFd3zE

Open Source Software :

OSS1. HEVC open source software (encoder/decoder):
JCT-VC (2014) Subversion repository for the HEVC test model reference
http://hevc.kw.bbc.co.uk/svn/jctvc-al24 (mirror site)

OSS2. SHM 7.0


OSS3. JSVM 9.19.15


OSS4. JCt-3V. (2015, May) MV and 3D-HEVC reference software, HTM 14.1
[Online]. Available :

OSS5. JVT KTA reference software


OSS6. JM11KTA2.3 (http://www.h265.net/2009/04/kta-software-jm11kta23.html).

OSS7. JSVM joint scalable video model reference software for scalable video
coding. (on line) http://ip.hhi.de/imagecom_GI/savce/downloads/SVC-

OSS8. T. Ritchter : JPEG XT Reference Codec 1.31 (ISO License), available online at
http:// www.jpeg.org/jpegxt/software.html (retrieved July 2015)

JPEG XT: A backwards-compatible extension of JPEG for intermediate and high-

dynamic range image compression.

Abstract: JPEG XT is an extension of the well-known JPEG standard that allows lossy
or lossless coding of intermediate (8-16 bit integer) or high-dynamic range (floating
point) images such that any legacy JPEG decoder is still able to reconstruct an 8-
bit/component image from it.
In this talk, the JPEG XT coding technology will be introduced, parts and profiles of
the standard will be discussed and a short discussion of the coding performance of
the JPEG XT profiles in comparison with other HDR coding technologies will be given.

OSS9. Dirac software: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dirac/

OSS10. AVS-china software download:

OSS11. HEVC SCC Extension Reference software


OSS12. Kakadu Software 6.0. [On line]. Available: http://www.kakadusoftware.com/

(JPEG 2000)

OSS13. FFmpeg: Open Source and Cross-Platform Multimedia Library. [Online].

Available: http://www.ffmpeg.org, accessed Jul. 2014.
OSS14. SHVC Reference Software Model (SHM). [On line]. Available: https://
hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svnSHVCSoftware/, accessed July 2014.

OSS15. 3H HEVC Reference Software Model (HTM). [Online]. Available:

https://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/svn/svn_3DVCSoftware/, accessed Jul. 2014.

OSS16. Open Source HEVC Decoder (Open HEVC). [On line]. Available:
https://github.com/OpenHEVC, accessed July 2014.

OSS16 Kvazaar ultravideo.cs.tut.fi

OSS17 F265 f265.org

OSS18 CES265 ces.itec.kit.edu/ces265.php

OSS19 M. Masera, Adaptive Approximated DCT Architectures for HEVC, 2015 Dec.
[Online]. Available:
http://personal.det.polito.it/maurizio.masera/material/HEVCSoftware.zip This
software implements the HEVC using these DCT architectures.

OSS20 T.835 : Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system -Reference

software, ITU [Online], Available: https://www.itu.int/rec/TREC-

OSS21 libde open source www.libde265.org

This MSU Codec Comparison is released. October 2015.


MSU Video Codecs Comparison (video codec measurement)

MSU Video Codecs Comparison MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group) Project
head: Dr. Dmitriy Vatolin Testing, charts, analysis: Sergey Grishin Translating: Daria

X265 Source code

x265 HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding H.265 Encoder. [Online] Available:
http://x265.org/, accessed May 6, 2014

Apples iPhone6, 6plus use H.265 CODEC for encode/decode FaceTime video over
cellular. It seems they use A8SoC for this.

Mediatek (MT6595) developed mobile chip H.265 encoder.

VideoLAN x265 HEVC video encoder (on line) http://hg.videolan.org/x265

vTune amplifier by Intel

- This is the direct link for vtune for students to register and download the
product for free.

-This is the direct link for vtune for faculty

-This is the home page link for all Intel software that are free for students,
faculty and researchers.

Note: VTune is a bit hidden on this page. Look for Intel Parallel Studio,
Cluster Edition. This is a bundle of many tools that includes VTune,
compilers, libraries and cluster tools

General1. T. Ebrahimi and M. Kunt, Visual data compression for multimedia
applications, Proc. IEEE, vol. 86, pp. 11091125, June 1998.

General2. T. Wiegand and B. Girod, Lagrange multiplier selection in hybrid video

coder control, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, vol. 3, pp. 542545, Oct. 2001.

General3. A.M. Patino et al, 2D-DCT on FPGA by polynomial transformation in two-

dimensions, Proceedings of the IEEE Intnl. Symp. on Circuits and
Systems, ISCAS 04, vol. 3, pp. 365368, May 2004.

General4. G.A. Davidson et al, ATSC video and audio coding, Proc. of the IEEE, vol.
94, pp. 6076, Jan. 2006.

General5. J. Golston and A. Rao, Video compression: System trade-offs with H.264,
VC-1 and other advanced CODECs, Texas Instruments, White Paper, Nov.
2006. This paper was written for and presented at the Embedded Systems
Conference - Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, April 2006.

General6. C.-H. Yu and S.-Y. Chen, Universal colour quantisation for different colour
spaces, IEE Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol. 153, pp. 445-
455, Aug. 2006.

General7. R.A. Burger et al, A survey of digital TV standards China, IEEE Second
Intl. Conf. Commun. and Networking in China, pp. 687696, Aug. 2007.

General8. T. Wiegand and G.J. Sullivan, The picture phone is here. Really, IEEE
Spectrum, vol. 48, pp. 5054, Sept. 2011.

General9. N. Jayant, Frontiers of audiovisual communications: New convergences

of broadband communications, computing, and rich media, Proc. IEEE,
Special Issue, Scanning the Issue, vol. 100, pp. 821823, April 2012.
Several papers on audio visual communications.

General10. H.R. Wu et al, Perceptual visual signal compression and transmission,

Proc. IEEE, vol. 101, pp. 2025-2043, Sept. 2013.

General11. M.A. Isnardi, Historical Overview of video compression in consumer

electronic devices, IEEE ICCE, pp. 1-2, Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2007.

General12. G. J. Sullivan and T. Wiegand, Video compression from concepts to

the H.264/AVC Standard, Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, pp. 18 31, Jan. 2005.

General13. G. J. Sullivan et al, Future of Video Coding and Transmission, IEEE

Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 23, Pp. 76 -82, Nov. 2006.

General14. T. Ebrahimi and M. Kunt, Visual Data Compression for Multimedia

Applications, Proc. IEEE, vol. 86, pp. 1109 1125, June 1998.

General15. Proc. IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television: Technology and
Emerging Services, vol.94, Jan. 2006.

General16. N. Jayant, J. Johnston, and R. Safranek, Signal compression based on

models of human
perception, Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, no. 10, pp. 13851422, Oct. 1993.

General17 R. Schafer and T. Sikora, Digital video coding standards and their role in
video communications, Proc. IEEE, vol. 83, pp. 907-924, June 1995.
General18, A.K. Jain, Image data compression: A review, Proc. IEEE, vol. 69, pp.
349-384, March 1981.

JVT REFLECTOR Queries/questions/clarifications etc regarding H.264/H.265

[email protected]; on behalf of; Karsten Suehring

[[email protected]]

The JCT experts reflector is used for discussions related to H.264/AVC and HEVC. You
can subscribe yourself here: http://mailman.rwth-aachen.de/mailman/listinfo/jvt-

For discussions related to HEVC you should use the JCT-VC email reflector that can
be found here:

The draft standard: High Efficiency Video Coding Draft 10, Document JCTVC-L1003,
available at: http://phenix.it-sudparis.eu/jct/doc_end_user/current_document.php?

JVT KTA reference software: http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/download/KTA/

HEVC Quality evaluation:


Fraunhofer HHI Institute, Germany: Image processing research group



SSIM1. Z. Wang, et al., Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural
similarity, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 13, pp. 600612, Apr. 2004

SSIM2. Z. Wang, L. Lu and A. C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment using structural

distortion measurement", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3,
pp. 65 -68, Rochester, NY, Sep. 22-25, 2002.

SSIM3. The SSIM Index for Image Quality Assessment


SSIM4. What is 3-SSIM? 2/8/11 Alexander Parshin [videocodec-

[email protected]]

It is our implementation of


SSIM5. W. Malpica and A. Bovik, Range image quality assessment by structural

similarity, IEEE ICASSP 2009, pp. 1149-1152, 19-24 April 2009.

SSIM6. J. Zujovic, T.N. Pappas and D.L. Neuhoff, Structural similarity metrics for
texture analysis and retrieval, IEEE ICIP 2009, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009 (paper

SSIM7. X. Shang, Structural similarity based image quality assessment: pooling

strategies and applications to image compression and digit recognition, M.S.
Thesis, EE Department, The University of Texas at Arlington, Aug. 2006.

SSIM8. Z. Wang and Q. Li, "Video quality assessment using a statistical model of
human visual speed perception," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 24,
no. 12, pp. B61-B69, Dec. 2007.

SSIM9. Z. Wang and X. Shang, Spatial pooling strategies for perceptual image
quality assessment, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 2945-
2948, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 8-11, 2006.

SSIM10. Z. Wang and E. P. Simoncelli, Translation insensitive image similarity in
complex wavelet domain, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing, vol. II, pp. 573-576, Philadelphia, PA, Mar. 2005.

SSIM11. Z. Wang, L. Lu, and A. C. Bovik, Video quality assessment based on

structural distortion measurement, Signal Processing: Image Communication,
special issue on Objective video quality metrics, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 121-132, Feb.

SSIM12. Z. Wang, E. P. Simoncelli and A. C. Bovik, Multi-scale structural similarity

for image quality assessment, Invited Paper, IEEE 37Th Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, vol.2, pp. 1398-1402, Nov. 2003.

Dr. Zhou Wangs web site


Anush K. Moorthy and Alan C. Bovik

Efficient motion weighted spatio-temporal video SSIM index

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7527, 75271I (2010); doi:10.1117/12.844198 Conference Date:

Monday 18 January 2010
Conference Location: San Jose, California, USA
Conference Title: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XV

SSIM13. S. Wang, S. Ma and W. Gao, SSIM based perceptual distortion rate

optimization coding, SPIE, VCIP, vol. 7744-91, Huangshan, China, July 2010.

Is & T Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, SPIE, Image quality and system
performance, vol. 7867, San Francisco, CA, Jan.2011. (plenary speech by A. C.

SSIM14. A. Bhat, I. Richardson and S. Kanangara, A new perceptual quality metric

for compressed video based on mean squared error, SP:IC, pp. 1-4, 30 July, 2010.

SSIM15. Y.-T. Chen et al, Evaluation of video quality by CWSSIM method, SPIE,
Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption with Applications
XII, vol. 7799, pp. 7790T 1 thru 7, Aug. 2010.

SSIM16. J. Wang et al, Fractal image coding using SSIM, IEEE ICIP 2011.

SSIM17. A. Rehman and Z. Wang, SSIM based non-local means image denoising,

SSIM18. W. Lin and C.-C. J. Kuo, Perceptual visual quality metrics: A survey, J.
VCIR, vol.22, pp.297-312, May 2011.

SSIM19. C. Vu and S. Deshpande, ViMSSIM: from image to video quality
assessment, ACMMoVid 12, Proc. 4th workshop on mobile video, Chapel Hill, N.C.,
Feb. 2012.

SSIM20. A. Horne and D. Ziou, Image quality metrics: PSNR vs. SSIM, IEEE ICPR,
pp.2366-2369, 2010.

SSIM21. C. Yeo, H.L. Tan and Y.H. Tan, SSIM-based adaptive quantization in HEVC,
IEEE ICASSP, pp.1690-1694, Vancouver, Canada, 2013. (IVMSP-P3.2: Video coding II

SSIM-based Error-resilient Rate Distortion Optimized H.264/AVC Video Coding for

Wireless Streaming Signal Processing: Image Communication, pp. 2332-2335, June

SSIM22. T.-S. Ou and Y.-H. Huang and H.H. Chen, SSIM-based perceptual rate
control for video coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.21, pp.682-691, May 2011.

SSIM 23. A. Rehman and Z. Wang, SSIM-inspired perceptual video coding for
HEVC, IEEE ICME 2012, pp.497-502, July 2012. (Same as SSIM29)

SSIM23. S. Wang et al, SSIM-motivated rate distortion optimization for video

coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 22, pp.516-529, April 2012.

SSIM24. C. Yeo, H.L. Tan and Y.H. Tan, On rate distortion optimization using SSIM,
IEEE Trans. on CSVT, vol. 23, pp. 1170-1181, July 2013.

SSIM25. T. Zhou and Z. Wang, On the use of SSIM in HEVC, IEEE Asilomar conf. on
circuits, systems and computers, pp. 1107 - 1111, Nov. 2013.

SSIM26. M. Hassan and C. Bhagvati, Structural similarity measure for color

images, Int J Comput Appl, Vol. 43, pp. 7 12, 2012.

SSIM27. K. Naser, V. Ricordel and P. L. Callet, Experimenting texture similarity

metric STSIM for intra prediction mode selection and block partitioning in HEVC,
DSP, pp. 882 887, 2014.

SSIM28. S. Wang et al, Perceptual Video Coding Based on SSIM Inspired Divisive
Normalization, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.22, no.4, pp. 1418 1429, Apr.

SSIM29. A. Rehman and Z. Wang, SSIM Inspired Perceptual Video Coding for
HEVC, Proc. Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, pp. 497 502, Melbourne, Australia,
July. 2012.

SSIM30. C.L. Yang, "An SSIM-Optimal H.264/AVC Inter Frame Encoder," Proceedings
of 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science
(ICIS 2009), pp. 291-295, Shanghai, China, June 2009.

SSIM31. G.H. Chen, "Edge-based Structural Similarity for Image Quality
Assessment," IEEE ICASSP, vol.2, PP.933-936, Toulouse, France, May 2006.

SSIM32 M.-J. Chen and A. C. Bovik, Fast structural similarity index algorithm,"
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 281{287, Dec. 2011.

SSIM33. W.-T. Loh and D.B.L. Bong, Temporal video quality assessment method
involving structural similarity, IEEE- ICCE Taiwan, May 2016.

SSIM34 S. Wang et al, SSIM-motivated two-pass VBR video coding for HEBC, IEEE
Trans. CSVT (EARLY ACCESS) This has several references related to SSIM.

Emmy award for SSIM (Oct. 2015)


Zhou Wang, Alan Bovik, Hamid Shiekh and Eero Simoncelli for Structural Similarity
(SSIM) Video Quality Measurement Model. Structural Similarity (SSIM) is an
algorithm for estimating the perceived quality of an image or video. Its
computational simplicity and ability to accurately predict human assessment of
visual quality has made it a standard tool in broadcast and post-production houses
throughout the television industry.

SSIM uses powerful neuroscience-based models of the human visual system to

achieve breakthrough quality prediction performance. Unlike previous complex error
models that required special hardware, it can be easily applied in real time on
common processor software. SSIM is now the most widely-used perceptual video
quality measure, used to test and refine video quality throughout the global cable
and satellite TV industry. It directly affects the viewing experiences of tens of
millions of viewers daily.

SSIM by Zhou wang on Youtube

Objective image quality assessment, what's beyond


Bjontegaard metric

BD1 G. Bjontegaard, Calculation of average PSNR differences between RD-

Curves, ITU-T SG16, Doc. VCEG-M33, 13th VCEG meeting, Austin, TX, April 2001.
A graphical explanation of BD-PSNR and BS-bitrate is shown in [E202]

BD2 G. Bjontegaard, Improvements of the BD-PSNR model, ITU-T SG16 Q.6, Doc.
VCEG-AI11, Berlin, Germany, July 200
BD3 K. Anderson, R. Sjobetg and A. Norkin, BD measurements based on MOS,
(online), ITU-T Q6/SG16, document VCEG-AL23, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2009.

Available: http://wfpt3.itu.int/av-arch/video-site/0906_LG/VCEG-AL23.zip

BD4 S. Pateux and J. Jung, An Excel add-in for computing Bjontegaard metric and
its evolution, VCEG Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, Jan. 2007.
BD65 F. Bossen, Excel template for BD-rate calculation based on piece-wise cubic
Interpolation, JCT-VC Reflector, 2011.
BD Metrics computation using MATLAB source code [Online] Available:
calculation--bd-psnr-/content/bjontegaard2.m BD Metrics: VCEG-M34. [Online]
Available: http://wftp3.itu.int/av-arch/video-site/0104_Aus/VCEG-M34.xls
Figure below explains clearly the BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR [E202].

VP8, VP9, VP10 :

VP.1. D. Grois, et al, Performance comparison of H.265/MPEG-HEVC, VP9, and

H.264/MPEGAVC encoders, in Proc. 30th IEEE Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 394
397, Dec. 2013.

VP.2. A. Grange. Overview of VP-Next. [Online]. Available:

http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/85/slides/slides-85-videocodec-4.pdf, accessed Jan.
30, 2013.

VP.3. J. Bankoski, P. Wilkins, and Y. Xu, Technical overview of VP8, an open source
video codec for the web, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, pp. 16 , Jul.

VP.4. M. Rerabek and T. Ebrahimi, Comparison of compression efficiency between
HEVC/H.265 and VP9 based on subjective assessments, SPIE Optical Engineering +
Applications, vol. 9217, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2014.

VP.5. D. Mukherjee et al, An overview of new video coding tools under

consideration for VP10: the successor to VP9, [9599 50], SPIE. Optics +
photonics, Applications of DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING, XXXVIII, San Diego,
California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Debargha Mukherjee email:
[email protected]

Please see the last slide below:


Modest progress towards a next generation codec

A long way to go still

Need a few big ideas

Welcome to join the VP10 effort!

All development in the open.

Join the discussion with fellow developers

The mailing list and group information can be found at


VP.6. D. Mukherjee et al, The latest open source video codec VP9 an overview
and preliminary results, Proc. IEEE picture coding Symposium, pp. 390 -393, San
Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.

VP.7. D. Mukherjee et al, A Technical overview of VP9 - the latest open source
video codec, SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Jan / Feb 2015.

VP.8. E. Ohwovoriole, and Y. Andreopoulos, "Rate-Distortion performance of

contemporary video codecs: comparison of Google/WebM VP8, AVC/H.264 and HEVC
TMuC," Proc. London Communications Symposium (LCS), pp. 1-4, Sept. 2010.

VP.9. J. Bankoski, P. Wilkins and X. Yaowu, "Technical overview of VP8, an open

source video codec for the web," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
and Expo (ICME), pp.1-6, 11-15 July 2011.

VP.10. Chromium open-source browser project, VP9 source code, Online:

VP.11. J. Bankoski, et al, Towards a next generation open-source video codec, Proc.
SPIE 8666, Visual Information Processing and Communication IV, pp.1-13, Feb. 21,

VP.12. E. de la Torre, R.R. Sanchez and J.L. Martinez, Fast video transcoding from
HEVC to VP9, IEEE Trans. on Consumer electronics, vol. 61, pp.336-343, Aug. 2015.
(This has several valuable references on H.264 to HEVC, MPEG-2 to HEVC, and
H.264 to SVC transcoders.) also HEVC to VP9 transcoder, IEEE VCIP 2015.

VP.13 See J. Padia, Complexity reduction for VP6 to H.264 transcoder using motion
vector reuse, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, May 2010. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then
click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to Thesis/Project Title and click on Jay Padia.
Develop similar technique for VP9 to HEVC transcoder.

VP.14 VP9 video codec, https://www.webmproject.org/vp9

VP.15 G. Paim et al, An efficient sub-sample interpolator hardware for VP9-10

standards, IEEE ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona, Sept. 2016.

VP.16 D. Mukherjee, et al, "A technical overview of vp9 the latest open-source video codec",
SMPTE, vol. 2013, no. 10, pp. 1-17, Annual technical conference and exhibition, 22-24 Oct.

VP-P1 By cleverly using the information from the decoding process (HEVC) to
accelerate the encoding process (VP9), the authors [VP12] have achieved significant
reduction in encoding complexity (VP9) with negligible loss in PSNR. However BD bit
rate BD PSNR and SSIM metrics have not been used. Include these metrics in
evaluating the transcoder.

VP-P2 See VP.5. VP10 being developed as next generation codec by Google and
successor to VP9 is an open source royalty free codec. VP9 is currently being served
extensively by You Tube resulting in billions of views daily. This paper describes
several tools that are proposed (beyond VP9 with the objective of improving the
compression ratio (reduced bit rate) while preserving the same visual quality as
VP9. (This is similar to development of H.265/HEVC in comparison with H.264/AVC).
VP10 project is in still early stages and Google welcomes proposals in its
development from researchers and developers. The tools (listed below) being
evaluated in [VP-1] are subject to change including the exploration of new tools.
Implement each of these tools separately and evaluate their performance compared

with baseline codec VP9. Use the three test sets as described under section 3
coding results. Please confirm the improvements caused by these tools over VP9 as
described in Tables 1 through 5. Implementation complexity caused by these tools
needs also to be considered as another performance metric. Evaluate this in
comparison with VP9. Explore / innovate additional tools that can further improve
the coding efficiency of VP10. The authors state that VP10 development is an open
source project, and they invite the rest of the video coding community to join the
effort to create tomorrows royalty free codec.

New coding tools, new ways of combining existing/new methods

Several experiments and investigative threads underway

High bit-depth internal

Prediction tools

Transform coding tools

Screen content coding


VP-P3 See VP.4 and VP.8 Performance comparison of HEVC, VP9 and H.264/MPEG
4 AVC in terms of subjective evaluations showing actual differences between
encoding algorithms in terms of perceived quality is implemented. The authors
indicate a dominance of HEVC based encoding algorithms compared to both VP9
and H.264/MPEG 4 AVC over wide range of bit rates. Extend this comparison in
terms of PSNR, BD-bit rates, BD-PSNR, SSIM and implementation complexity.
Consider various test sequences at different spatial and temporal resolutions.

VP-P4 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in

[E392]. In VP10 INTDCT is used. Replace INTDCT with INTSDCT and implement the
performance comparison based on various test sequences including 4K and 8K and
different block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

Integrating inside VP10 might require a significant amount of work, as the transform
has to be inserted in the rate-distortion optimization loop, and auxiliary information
may have to be signaled. What can be easily done is to take the VP10 integer
transform and rotate the transform using the technique developed in [E392] thus
obtaining a rotated transform.

VP-P5 See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to VP10 codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for VP10
similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.
The authors state that the merging of plenoptic imaging and correlation quantum
imaging has thus the potential to open a totally new line of research. Explore this.

JPEG 2000:

J2K1. D. S. Taubman and M. W. Marcellin, JPEG2000: Image compression

fundamentals, standards and practice, Springer, 2002.

J2K2. M. Rabbani, Review of the book: (D. S. Taubman and M. W. Marcellin,

JPEG2000: Image compression fundamentals, standards and practice, Springer,
2002) , J. Electron. Imaging, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 286, Apr. 2002 (see 1 in JPEG 2000).

J2K3. Kakadu Software 6.0. [Online]. Available: http://www.kakadusoftware.com/

J2K4. H. Oh, A. Bilgin and M. W. Marcellin, Visually lossless encoding for JPEG 2000,
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.22, no.1, pp. 189 201, Jan. 2013.

J2K5. C. Christopoulus, A. Skodras and T. Ebrahimi, The JPEG 2000 still image
coding system: An overview, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 46, pp.
1103 1127, Nov. 2000.

J2K6. J. Hunter and M. Wylie, JPEG 2000 Image Compression: A real time processing
challenge, Advanced Imaging, vol. 18, pp. 14 17, April 2003.

J2K7. D. Marpe, V. George and T. Wiegand, Performance comparison of intra only

H.264 / AVC HP and JPEG 2000 for a set of monochrome ISO / IEC test images, JVT
M014, pp. 18 22, Oct. 2004.

J2K8. D. Marpe et al, Performance evaluation of motion JPEG 2000 in comparison

with H.264 / operated in intra coding mode, Proc. SPIE, vol. 5266, pp. 129 137,
Feb 2004.

J2K9. JPEG2000 latest reference software (Jasper Version 1.900.0) Website:


J2K10. M.D. Adams, JasPer software reference manual (Version 1.900.0), ISO/IEC
JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N 2415, Dec. 2007.

J2K11. M.D. Adams and F. Kossentini, Jasper: A software-based JPEG-2000 codec

implementation, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, vol.2, pp 53-56,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 2000.

J2K12. C. Christopoulos, J. Askelof and M. Larsson, Efficient methods for encoding

regions of interest in the upcoming JPEG2000 still image coding standard, IEEE
Signal Processing Letters, vol. 7, pp. 247-249, Sept. 2000.

J2K13. F. Dufaux, JPEG 2000 Extensions, ITU-T VICA Workshop ITU Headquarters
Geneva, 22-23 July, 2005. (PPT slides)

J2K14. T. Fukuhara et al, Motion-JPEG2000 standardization and target market, IEEE

ICIP, vol. 2, pp. 57-60, 2000.

J2K15. M. Rabbani and R. Joshi, An overview of the JPEG 2000 still image
compression standard, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 17, pp. 3-48,
Jan. 2002.

J2K16. J. Hunter and M. Wylie, JPEG2000 Image Compression: A real time

processing challenge, Advanced Imaging, vol. 18, pp.14-17, and 43, April 2003.

J2K17. The JPEG 2000 Suite (Peter Schelkens, editor; Athanassios Skodras and
Touradj Ebrahimi, co-editors)an addition to the IS&T/Wiley Series, 2010.

J2K18. P. Topiwala, Comparative Study of JPEG2000 and H.264/AVC FRExt I Frame

Coding on High-Definition Video Sequences SPIE, vol. 5909-31, Sept. 2005.

J2K19. T.D. Tran, L. Liu and P. Topiwala, Performance Comparison of leading image
codecs: H.264/AVC Intra, JPEG2000, and Microsoft HD Photo,

J2K20. D.T. Lee, JPEG2000: Retrospective and new developments, Proc. IEEE, vol.
93, pp. 32-41, Jan. 2005.

J2K21. Special issue on JPEG 2000, Signal Processing and Image Communication,
vol. 17, Jan. 2002.

J2K22 C. Li, C. Deng and B. Zhao, Textural and gradient feature extraction from
JPEG2000 code stream for airfield detection, IEEE DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, March-
April 2016.

J2K23 D. Barina, O. Klima and P. Zemcik, Single-loop software architecture for

JPEG2000, IEEE DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, March-April 2016.

J2K24 T. Richter and S. Simon, Towards high-speed, low-complexity image coding:

variants and modification of JPEG 2000, in Proc. SPIE, vol.8499, 2012.

J2K25 F. De Simone et al, A comparative study of JPEG 2000, AVC/H.264, and HD

photo, in SPIE Optics and Photonics, Applications of Digital Image Processing, vol.
6696, 2007.

Digital Cinema

The Digital Cinema (DC) Ad Hoc Group within the JPEG Committee has been
successful in seeing their work adopted by the industry. The Digital Cinema
Initiatives (www.dcimovies.com) organization has adopted JPEG 2000 for the

distribution of digital movies to theatres. The successful rollout of this solution
continues unabated with over 5000 theatres supporting digital cinema, including
1000 stereoscopic theatres. The first live-action stereoscopic feature encoded with
JPEG 2000, Beowulf, is being released on November 16, 2007. The Digital Cinema
Ad Hoc Group has initiated work on studio broadcast applications. In addition, the
group has begun work on the archival of motion pictures and related contents.

JPEG 2000 related work

At the Kobe meeting, the JPEG Committee confirmed the endorsement of Intellectual
Resource Initiative (IRI) as JTC 1 Registration Authority (RA) for use in JPSEC. IRI is a
Non Profit Organization, based in Japan, established to create policy proposals on
the importance of intellectual information in society.

JPEG 2000 Part 9 known as JPIP, allows powerful and efficient network access to
JPEG 2000 images and their metadata in a way that exploits the best features of the
JPEG 2000 standard. Interoperability testing among several JPIP implementations
continued. Participation from additional organizations is solicited, and testing will
continue over the Internet between meetings. For more information please contact
[email protected].

JPEG 2000 Part 10 Ad Hoc Group has been working on the extension of JPEG 2000 to
three-dimensional images such as Computer Tomography (CT) scans and scientific
simulations. JP3D is currently in balloting phase for International Standard (IS)
status. Due to an increased interested for compression technologies for floating-
point data, the JPEG Committee has issued a call for information on applications and
compression technology for floating-point data. Responses will be reviewed at the
44th WG1 San Francisco Meeting, March 31 - April 4, 2008.

JPEG 2000 Part 11 Wireless, also known as JPWL, has become an International
Standard (ISO/IEC 15444-11). JPWL has standardized tools and methods to achieve
the efficient transmission of JPEG 2000 imagery over an error-prone wireless

JPEG 2000 Part 13 standardizes an entry level JPEG 2000 encoder with widespread
applications, intended to be implemented on a license and royalty fee free basis,
was published as ISO/IEC 15444-13.


ISO/IEC 24800, Still Image Search, known as JPSearch, is a project that aims to
develop a standard framework for searching large collections of images. This project
is divided in five parts. <UL

Part 1 - Framework and System Components, is a Technical Report that
introduces the JPSearch architecture and outlines the organization of the
JPSearch specifications.

Part 2 - Schema and Ontology Registration and Identification, standardizes a

format for the import, export and exchange of ontology.

Part 3 - JPSearch Query Format, which is developed jointly with MPEG, allows
for the expression of search criteria, the aggregation of return results and the
management of query process.

Part 4 - Metadata Embedded in Image Data (JPEG and JPEG 2000) file format,
standardizes image data exchange format with associated metadata.

Part 5 - Data Interchange Format between Image Repositories, standardizes a

format for the exchange of image collections and respective metadata
between JPSearch compliant repositories.

At the meeting, requirements for each part have been reviewed and updated, and
Working Drafts for Part 2 and Part 4 and Committee Draft of Part 3 have been

The new JasPer (JPEG-2000) release is available from the JasPer Project Home Page
(i.e., http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper)

JasPer 1.900.21 is available from the JasPer home page: (Nov. 2016)


(i.e., http://www.jpeg.org/software) JasPer is the software in C for JPEG2000. Also


http://www.kakadusoftware.com (kakadu software by David Taubman)

JPEG-2000 JasPer software http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper

JPEG-2000 tutorial http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams

Dear JasPer Users, 12/30/2016

I am pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.10 of the

JasPer software. This new release can be obtained from the
"Downloads" section of the JasPer web site:


If you encounter any problems with the software, please report

them to the issue-tracker for JasPer on GitHub:


Michael Adams, Associate Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng., IEEE Senior Member

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2, CANADA
E-mail: [email protected], Web: http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams

Sweden Records Missile Tests Using JPEG2000 Technology April 2009

The Swedish Armed Forces deploys a sophisticated, medium-range ground-to-air

defense missile system, called RBS 23 BAMSE, manufactured by Swedish company
Saab Bofors Dynamics (SBD).

To facilitate the test system, SBD utilizes RGB Spectrum's advanced DGy ultra high
resolution recording systems. The DGy recorders were selected based upon their
superior ability to record and reproduce the most intricate details using advanced
JPEG2000 compression. Previously, SBD used scan converters and conventional
VCRs which rendered soft imagery with difficult to discern text and graphics. The
DGy recorders preserve the system's complex symbologies and provide sharp
graphics and alpha-numerics for after-action-review.

RGB Spectrum Real Time Newsletter 6/25/09

Advanced JPEG2000 Recording Deployed For Helicopter Mission Simulators

Rockwell Collins, the prime contractor for the U.K. Army's Aviation Command and
Tactics Trainer (ACTT), was contracted to execute the sixth phase upgrade of this
simulator. The upgrade was designed to provide advanced command and tactical
training capability for the Army's helicopter pilots for operation in high threat

The upgrade required a system to record the intricate symbology used in the
simulated Integrated Helmet and Display Sight System (IHADSS) unit. Rockwell
Collins selected RGB Spectrum's DGy digital recording system to meet this
demanding requirement. The DGy system was chosen for its superior ability to
reproduce intricate detail, achieved through advanced wavelet-based JPEG2000
near lossless compression.


J2K-P1. See references [36] through [39] in [LL1]. These references relate to parallel
processing methods and advanced graphic processing units for significant speedup

in execution time of JPEG 2000. Review these references and evaluate the encoding
and decoding speeds of JPEG 2000. Consider the encoder/decoder complexity
reduction using various test images.

J2K-P2. See J2K24. By replacing the EBCOT coding with a simple Huffman-run
length scheme, the JPEG 2000 implementation complexity is significantly reduced.
Implement JPEG 2000 Huffman coding and evaluate how the simplified VLC reduces
the encoder /decoder complexity.

JPEG XR (Extended range)


JXR1. F. Dufaux, G. J. Sullivan, and T. Ebrahimi, The JPEG XR image coding standard
[Standards in Nutshell], IEEE Signal Process. Magazine, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 195199
and 204, Nov. 2009.

JXR2. Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite. [Online] . Available:


JXR3. JPEG Core Experiment for the Evaluation of JPEG XR Image Coding. [Online].
Available: http://jahia-prod.epfl.ch/site/mmspl/op/edit/page-58334.html

JXR4. Microsoft HD photo specification:


JXR5. ITU. (2012) JPEG XR image coding system reference software. [online].
Available: http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.835-201201-I/en

JXR6 C. Tu et al, Low-complexity hierarchical lapped transform for lossy-to-lossless

image coding in JPEG XR/HD Photo , Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7073, pp. 70730C-1 thru
70730C-12, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2008.

JXR7 T. Suziki and T. Yoshida, Lower Complexity Lifting Structures for Hierarchical
Lapped Transforms Highly Compatible with JPEG XR Standard, IEEE Trans. CSVT
(early access). The authors state, JPEG XR (eXtended Range) is a newer lossy to
lossless image coding standard. JPEG XR has half the complexity of JPEG 2000
while preserving image quality.

JXR8 T.835 : Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system -Reference

software, ITU [Online], Available: https://www.itu.int/rec/TREC-T.835-201201-I/.

JXR9 JPEG core experiment for the evaluation of JPEG XR image coding, EPFL,
Multimedia Signal Processing Group [Online], Available: http://mmspg.epfl.ch/iqa.

JXR10 The New Test Images - Image Compression Benchmark, Rawzor- Lossless
Compression Software for Camera RAW Images [Online],
Available: http://imagecompression.info/test images/.

JPEG XR is a proposed new part (Part 2) of the recently established new work item in
JPEG, known as JPEG Digital Imaging System Integration (ISO/IEC 29199 - JPEG DI).
JPEG DI aims to provide harmonization and integration between a wide range of
existing and new image coding schemes, in order to enable the design and delivery
of the widest range of imaging applications, across many platforms and
technologies. JPEG DI aims to leverage the rich array of tools developed in and
around JPEG and JPEG 2000 to support new image compression methods such as
JPEG XR. JPEG XR is designed explicitly for the next generation of digital cameras,
based extensively on the technology introduced by Microsoft in its Windows Media
Format proposals, at present known as HD Photo. At the Kobe meeting, The JPEG XR
specification (Working Draft) was reviewed and will be balloted for promotion to
Committee Draft (CD) status before the 44th WG1 San Francisco meeting, March 31
to April 4, 2008. In addition to JPEG XR itself, the creation of two other new parts of
the standard on compliance testing and reference software was approved at the
meeting. Now adopted as a standard (Nov. 2009.)

AIC Advanced Image Coding (latest activity in

still frame image coding) please access the web
site below.

Pl access the web site below about ELYSIUM activity in


www.elysium.ltd.uk ( Richard Clark JPEG webmaster

[email protected])


(JPEG Con vener Daniel Lee [email protected]
[email protected] )

Microsoft HD photo specification


JXR-P1. The authors in [JXR7] state, that they have presented lifting structures for
hierarchical lapped transforms (HLTs) highly compatible with the JPEG XR standard
[JXR1] and that are highly compatible with JPEG XR standard and are lower in
complexity in terms of the number of operations and lifting steps compared with
JPEG XR. These lifting structures will have any signal processing and
communication applications because they are based on commonly used rotation
matrices. Explore these applications and see how these lifting structures for HLTs
can be used.


JLS1. M. J. Weinberger, G. Seroussi and G. Sapiro, The LOCO-I Lossless Image

Compression Algorithm: Principles and Standardization into JPEG-LS, IEEE Trans. on
Image Processing, vol.9, pp. 1309 1324 , Aug. 2000.

Website : http://www.hpl.hp.com/loco/HPL-98-193RI.pdf

JLS2. J. Weinberger, G. Seroussi, and G. Sapiro, LOCO-I: A low complexity, context-

based, lossless image compression algorithm, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo
Alto, CA.

JLS3. Ibid, LOCO-I A low Complexity Context-based, lossless image compression

algorithm, Proc. 1996 DCC, pp.140-149, Snowbird, Utah, Mar. 1996.

JLS4. See Z. Zhang, R Veerla and K.R. Rao, A modified advanced image coding
CANS University Press, pp. 110-116, 2010.

JLS5. UBC JPEG-LS codec implementation [online]. Available:



JLS7. LOCO-I Software (public domain) (JPEG-LS)

http://spmg.ece.ubc.ca/ research/jpeg/jpeg_ls/jpegls.html

JLS8. LOCO_I technical report www.hpl.hp.com/loco (HP Labs)

JLS9. JPEG-LS ( LOCO-I) http://www.hpl.hp.com/loco/HPL-98-193R1.pdf


JLS-P1. This paper involves comparison of various image coding standards such as
JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JPEG XR, advanced image coding (AIC) and modified AIC
(MAIC) (Also H.264/MPEG4 AVC intra mode only). Extend this comparison to HEVC
intra mode only. Consider test images at various spatial resolutions and at different
bit rates. Include BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR as metrics besides PSNR and SSIM.
Consider also implementation complexity.


JPEG1. G. K. Wallace, The JPEG still picture compression standard, Commun. ACM,
vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 3044, Apr. 1991. Also The JPEG still picture compression
standard, IEEE Trans. CE, vol. 38, pp. 18-34, Feb. 1992.
JPEG2. Independent JPEG Group. [Online]. Available: http://www.ijg.org/

JPEG3. J. Aas. Mozilla Advances JPEG Encoding With Mozjpeg 2.0. [Online]. Available:
https://blog.mozilla.org/research/2014/07/15/mozilla-advances- jpeg-encoding-with-
mozjpeg-2-0/, accessed July 2014.

JPEG4. W. B. Pennebaker and J. L. Mitchell, JPEG Still Image Data Compression

Standard, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1992.

JPEG5. JPEG reference software Website:


JPEG6. F. Huang et al, Reversible data hiding in JPEG images, IEEE Trans. CSVT,
vol.26, pp.1610-1621, Sept. 2016. Several papers related to reversible and other
data hiding schemes are listed as references at the end.

JPEG7. X. Zhang et al, Lossless and reversible data hiding in encrypted images
with public key cryptography, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.1622-1631, Sept. 2016.

JPEG8. P.A.M. Oliveira at al, Low-complexity image and video coding based on an
approximate discrete Tchebichef transform, IEEE Trans. CSVT (early access)

JPEG9. T. Richter, JPEG on steroids: Common optimization techniques for JPEG

image compression, IEEE ICIP2016, pp. , Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 2016.

JPEG10. H. Lee et al, A novel scheme for extracting a JPEG image from an HEVC
compressed data set IEEE ICCE, Las Vegas, Jan. 2017.

JPEG11 C. Liu et al, Random walk graph Laplacian-based smoothness prior for soft
decoding of JPEG images, IEEE Trans. IP, vol.26, pp.509-524, Feb 2017.

BOSSbase image data set http://www.agents.cz/boss/BOSSFinal IMAGE DATA SET

JPEG-P1 Oliveira et al [JPEG8] have developed a new low complexity approximation

the discrete Tchebichef transform (DTT) and embedded it in JPEG and H.64/AVC.
Extend this to 16-point DTT and develop a fast algorithm. Draw a flow graph similar
to that shown in Fig.4.

JPEG-P2 Develop hardware aspects of the 16-point DTT as described in VI Hardware

section. This implies that the 16- point DTT needs to be implemented on Xilinx FPGA

JPEG-P3 See JPEG-P1. Embed the new DTT in HEVC Main profile and compare its
performance with anchor HEVC. (See Fig. 4)

JPEG-P4 Huang et al [JPEG6] have proposed a new histogram shifting based RDH
(reversible data hiding) scheme in JPEG images that realize high embedding
capacity and good visual quality while preserving the JPEG file size. Implement this
scheme and confirm the results as described in the figures.

JPEG-P5 See JPEG-P4. In section IV Conclusions the authors state that the proposed
novel block selection strategy can result in better visual quality and less JPEG file
size. They also state that this technique may be applied to other RDH schemes to
improve their performance. Several references related to RDH in images are listed
at the end in [JPEG6]. Apply this strategy in the RDH schemes and evaluate their
performances. Use different test images at various quality factors. (See also the
references listed at the end in [JPEG7]).

JPEG-P6 See JPEG10. Implement JPEG extraction from the HEVC bit stream in the
compressed domain. Confirm the results shown in Table I for the test sequences.

JPEG-P7 See [JPEG11].In conclusion he authors state In
future work, we will work on speeding up the proposed
algorithm to make it more practical. Explore this.


JXT1. T. Richter et al, The JPEG XT suite of standards: status and future plans,
[9599 30], SPIE. Optics + Photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015.

JXT2. M. Fairchild : The HDR Photographic survey, available online at http://rit-

mcsl.org/fairchild/HDR.html (retrieved July 2015).

JXT3. R. Mantiuk, pfstools : High Dynamic Range Images and Video, available
online at http://pfstools.sourceforge.net/ (retrieved July 2015).

JXT4. T. Ricther , JPEG XT Reference Codec 1.31 (ISO License), available online at
http://www.jpeg.org/jpegxt/software.html (retrieved July 2015)

JXT5. T. Richter, Lossless Coding Extensions for JPEG, IEEE Data Compression
Conference, pp. 143 -152, Mar. 2015.

(See JXT1) JPEG XT is a standardization effort targeting the extension of the JPEG
features by enabling support for high dynamic range imaging, lossless and near
lossless coding and alpha channel coding, while also guaranteeing backward and
forward compatibility with the JPEG legacy format. JPEG XT has nine parts described
in detail in Fig. 2. Further extensions relate to JPEG Privacy and Security and others
such as JP Search and JPEG systems and are listed in the conclusion. JPEG XT is
forward and backward compatible with legacy JPEG unlike JPEG-LS and JPEG2000.

JXT6 A. Artusi et al, Overview and Evaluation of the JPEG XT HDR Image
Compression Standard, J. of real time image processing, vol. 10, Dec. 2015.

Swaminathan s <[email protected]>For ready reference, the abstract

is reproduced below.

Abstract: Standards play an important role in providing a common set of

specifications and allowing interoperability between devices and systems. Until
recently, no standard for High Dynamic Range (HDR) image coding had been
adopted by the market, and HDR imaging relies on proprietary and vendor specific
formats which are unsuitable for storage or exchange of such images. To resolve
this situation, the JPEG Committee is developing a new coding standard called JPEG
XT that is backwards compatible to the popular JPEG compression, allowing it to be
implemented using standard 8-bit JPEG coding hardware or software. In this paper,

we present design principles and technical details of JPEG XT. It is based on a two-
layers design, a base layer containing a Low Dynamic Range (LDR) image accessible
to legacy implementations, and an extension layer providing the full dynamic range.
The paper introduces three of currently defined profiles in JPEG XT, each
constraining the common decoder architecture to a subset of allowable
configurations. We assess the coding efficiency of each profile extensively through
subjective assessments, using 24 naive subjects to evaluate 20 images, and
objective evaluations, using 106 images with five different tone-mapping operators
and at 100 different bit rates. The objective results (based on benchmarking with
subjective scores) demonstrate that JPEG XT can encode HDR images at bit rates
varying from 1:1 to 1:9 bit/pixel for estimated mean opinion score (MOS) values
above 4:5 out of 5, which is considered as fully transparent in many applications.
This corresponds to 23-times bit stream reduction compared to lossless OpenEXR
PIZ compression.
In the conclusions the authors [JXT6] state The benchmarking showed that, in
terms of predicting quality loss due to coding artifacts, simple metrics, such as
PSNR, SNR, and MRSE computed in linear space are unsuitable for measuring
perceptual quality of images compressed with JPEG XT, however, the prediction of
these metrics improve when applied to the pixels converted in the perceptually
uniform space. Also, HDR-VDP-2 provides the best performance as compared to
other tested metrics. This again confirms that that these objective metrics do not
correlate with the subjective (perceptual) quality.

JXT7 M. Shah, Future of JPEG XT: Scrambling to enhance privacy and security, M.S.
Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, TX, USA. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click
on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to recent Theses/Project
Title and click on Maitri Shah.

JXT8 R. K. Mantiuk, T. Richter and A. Artusi, Fine-tuning JPEG-XT compression

performance using large-scale objective quality testing, IEEE ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona,
Sept. 2016.

Two publicly available (image datasets) used in [JXT6]

Fairchilds HDR photographic survey. http://rit-mcsl.org/fairchild/HDR.html

HDR-eye dataset of HDR images. http://mmspg.ep.ch/hdr-eye

The dataset contained scenes with architecture, landscapes, portraits, frames

extracted from HDR video, as well as computer generated images.

JXT9 P. Korshunov et al, EPFLs dataset of HDR images 2015 (online),

Available: http://mmsp.epfl.ch/hdr-eye

JXT10 T. Richter, JPEG on steroids: Common optimization techniques for JPEG image
compression, IEEE ICIP, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 2016.


JXT11 J. Aas: Mozilla JPEG encoder project, available online at

https://github.com/mozilla/mozjpeg (See [JXT10])

Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project

This project's goal is to reduce the size of JPEG files without reducing quality or
compatibility with the vast majority of the world's deployed decoders.
The idea is to reduce transfer times for JPEGs on the Web, thus reducing page load
'mozjpeg' is not intended to be a general JPEG library replacement. It makes tradeoffs
that are intended to benefit Web use cases and focuses solely on improving encoding. It
is best used as part of a Web encoding workflow. For a general JPEG library (e.g. your
system libjpeg), especially if you care about decoding, we recommend libjpeg-turb
A complete implementation of 10918-1 (JPEG) coming from jpeg.org (the ISO group)
with extensions for HDR currently discussed for standardization.

JXT12 Jpegxt demo software Th. Richter: libjpeg: A complete implementation of

10918-1 (JPEG), available online at https://github.com/thorfdbg/libjpeg (See

JPEG XT Projects:

The JPEG XT suite of standards described in the paper [JXT1] can lead to several
projects. Review this paper in detail and implement these standards. Please access
the reference software.

JXT-P1. JPEG Privacy & Security: With social media having a huge impact on every
individual, it disrupts their privacy. Hence, protecting the privacy and security is
becoming very important, not only because of the social media, but also because
images/ meta-data use cloud for storage purposes over private repositories.
Encrypting the images and providing access to only the authorized person can help
in maintaining the privacy of the image/ meta-data.

JXT-P2. Recoding Image Editing Operations: While editing any image or text, only
the original data and the final output after editing is usually saved. But instead, if
every intermediate step is also recorded, it gives a possibility to revert the data to
the original image or any of the intermediate steps. Saving every step while
developing a special effect (sharpen, emboss, smooth) can help to develop new,
faster and easier effects.

JXT-P3. In the conclusion section the authors [JXT6] state

The encoding or decoding hardware can be in fact designed based on a pair of
existing JPEG coding chips, as shown in Figure 2, resulting in a minimal hardware
change in the existing hardware infrastructure without influencing its real-time
performances. Implement the encoding and decoding hardware.

JXT-P4. See [JXT7] As part of JPEG XT future extensions, JPEG privacy and security,
Shah has developed an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the images using C++ and
OpenCV libraries. This algorithm performs well for protecting an individuals identity
by blurring the image. By resolving the compatibility issues between the OpenCV
libraries and JPEG XT code this algorithm can be incorporated in the JPEG XT code
tom provide the security feature automatically. Explore this.

JXT-P5 See JXT-P4. Shah suggests that the amount of blurring can be changed
according to the user preference by changing the kernel size. This gives the user
full control over how the image should be seen by others. Explore this in detail and
draw some conclusions.

JXT-P6 See JXT-P4. Several other tasks also are proposed as future work in Chapter
of this thesis.
Investigate and implement these tasks.

JXT-P7 See [JXT10], [JXT11] and [JXT12]. Richter has proposed some optimization
techniques to improve the legacy JPEG in terms of rate distortion performance close
to JPEG-XR (See Fig. 5 in JXT10). Using the software described in [JXT 11] and
[JXT12] confirm the enhanced JPEG rate distortion performance shown in [JXT10].

JXT-P8 JPEG-XT standard defines a normative decoding procedure to reconstruct an

HDR image from two JPEG regular code streams named the base layer (visible to
legacy decoders) and an extension layer and how to merge them together to form
one single image. See also JXT1.The standard does not however, define the
encoding procedure and leaves large freedoms to the encoder for defining the
necessary decoder configuration. Mantiuk, Richter and Artusi [JXT8], explored the
whole space of possible configurations to achieve the best possible R-D
performance. Review this paper in detail and verify the performance results
described in the figures [JXT8].

JP1. T. Ebrahimi, Towards a new standard for plenoptic image compression, IEEE
DCC, 29 March- 1 April 2016. Abstract of this valuable paper is reproduced below:


JPEG format is today a synonymous of modern digital imaging, and one of the most
popular and widely used standards in recent history. Images created in JPEG format
now exceeds one billion per day in their number, and most of us can count a couple,
if not more JPEG codecs in devices we regularly use in our daily lives; in our mobile
phones, in our computers, in our tablets, and of course in our cameras. JPEG
ecosystem is strong and continues an exponential growth for the foreseeable future.
A significant number of small and large successful companies created in the last two
decades have been relying on JPEG format, and this trend will likely continue.
A question to ask ourselves is: will we continue to have the same relationship to flat
snapshots in time (the so-called Kodak moments) we call pictures, or could there be
a different and enhanced experience created when capturing and using images and
video, that could go beyond the experience images have been providing us for the
last 120 years? Several researchers, artists, professionals, and entrepreneurs have
been asking this same question and attempting to find answers, with more or less
success. Stereoscopic and multi-view photography, panoramic and 360-degree
imaging, image fusion, point cloud, high dynamic range imaging, integral imaging,
light field imaging, and holographic imaging are among examples of solutions that
have been proposed as future of imaging.

Recent progress in advanced visual sensing has made it feasible to capture visual
content in richer modalities when compared to conventional image and video.
Examples include Kinect by Microsoft, mobile sensors in Project Tango by Google
and Intel, light-field image capture by Lytro, light-field video by Raytrix, and point
cloud acquisition by LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging). Likewise, image and
video rendering solutions are increasingly relying on richer modalities offered by
such new sensors. Examples include Head Mounted Displays by Oculus and Sony,
3D projector by Ostendo and 3D light field display solutions by Holografika. This
promises a major change in the way visual information is captured, processed,
stored, delivered and displayed.

JPEG PLENO evolves around an approach called plenoptic representation, relying on

a solid mathematical concept known as plenoptic function. This promises radically
new ways of representing visual information when compared to traditional image
and video, offering richer and more holistic information. The plenoptic function
describes the structure of the light information impinging on observers eyes,
directly measuring various underlying visual properties like light ray direction, multi-
channel colors, etc.

The road-map for JPEG PLENO follows a path that started in 2015 and will continue
beyond 2020, with the objective of making the same type of impact that the original
JPEG format has had on today's digital imaging starting from 20 years ago. Several

milestones are in work to approach the ultimate image representation in well-
thought, precise, and useful steps. Each step could potentially offer an enhanced
experience when compared to the previous, immediately ready to be used in
applications, with potentially backward compatibility. Backward compatibility could
be either at the coding or at the file format level, allowing an old JPEG decoder of 20
years ago to still be able to decode an image, even if that image wont take full
advantage of the intended experience, which will be only offered with a JPEG PLENO

This talk starts by providing various illustrations the example applications that can
be enabled when extending conventional image and video models toward plenoptic
representation. Doing so, we will discuss use cases and application requirements, as
well as example of potential solutions that are or could be considered to fulfill them.
We will then discuss the current status of development of JPEG PLENO standard and
discuss various milestones ahead. The talk will conclude with a list of technical
challenges and other considerations that need to be overcome for a successful
completion of JPEG PLENO.

JP2. M.D. Angelo et al, Correlation plenoptic imaging, Physical Review Letters, vol.
116, no.22, pp. 223602, Jun. 2016.

Abstract is reproduced below.

Plenoptic imaging is a promising optical modality that simultaneously captures the

location and the propagation direction of light in order to enable tridimensional
imaging in a single shot. However, in classical imaging systems, the maximum
spatial and angular resolutions are fundamentally linked; thereby, the maximum
achievable depth of field is inversely proportional to the spatial resolution. We
propose to take advantage of the second-order correlation properties of light to
overcome this fundamental limitation. In this paper, we demonstrate that the
momentum/position correlation of chaotic light leads to the enhanced refocusing
power of correlation plenoptic imaging with respect to standard plenoptic imaging.

JP-P1 Please review the abstract in [JP1]. Focus on the research towards developing
the JPEG PLENO standard with backward compatibility with legacy JPEG. Review the
technical challenges and consider the application requirements. This is a
challenging research.

JP-P2 Please review [JP2] in detail. In the conclusions and outlook, the authors state
that the merging of plenoptic imaging and correlation quantum imaging has thus
the potential to open a totally new line of research. Explore this.

LL1. Y. Liu, O. Deforges and K. Samrouth, LAR-LLC: A low complexity multiresolution
lossless image codec, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 26, pp. 1490-1501, Aug 2016.


It compares the performance of LAR-LLC lossless codec with JPEGXR, JPEG2000,

JPEGLS and LJPEG (lossless JPEG) in terms of compression ratio, encoding and
decoding speeds (see Tables I-IV). LAR-LLC has much less encoding and decoding
speeds (less complexity) compared to the JPEG series. It also supports spatial
scalability similar to JPEG2000.

LL-P1. See [LL1]. In Table II the bitrates (bpp) for lossless color image (24 bpp)
codecs are shown, for various test images. Implement the JPEG lossless codecs and
compare with LAR-LLC.

LL-P2. HEVC has lossless coding in intra (AI) profile. Implement this and compare
with Table II.

LL-P3. Develop Tables similar to Tables V and VI for HEVC AI profile (lossless coding).

LL-P4. In the paragraph before VII conclusion, the authors state that the LAR-LLC
currently runs in a mono thread configuration, but has potential parallel processing
ability in multithreading and suggest how this can be implemented. Explore this and
evaluate how the multithreading configuration can further reduce the LAR-LLC
encoding/decoding speeds for lossless coding.

LL-P5. Extend the lossless image coding scheme to VP10. See Tables I to IV in [LL1].

LL-P6. See LL-P4. Extend the lossless image coding scheme to AVS2 intra coding


PNG1. T. Boutell, PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification version 1.0,

Network Working group RFC 2083, available online at http.ietf.org/html/rfc2083
(retrieved November 2014).

Web.P1. WebPGoogle Developers. [Online]. Available:

Web.P2. The WebP container format is specified at https://developers.google.com/

speed/webp/docs/riff_container, while the VP8L format is specified at https://


WebM1. The WebM Project. [Online]. Available: http://www.webmproject.org/

WebM2. WebM: an open web media project, VP8 Encode Parameter Guide, 2-Pass
Best Quality VBR Encoding, Online: http://www.webmproject.org/docs/encoder-

WebM3. Paul Wilkins, Google Groups "WebM Discussion", Online:


WebM4. Ronald Bultje, Google Groups "WebM Discussion", Online:


WebM5. John Koleszar, Google Groups "Codec Developers", Online:



[DR1] T. Borer and T. Davies, Dirac video compression using open

technology, EBU Technical Review, pp. 19, July 2005.
[DR2] Dirac website: www.diracvideo.org

[DR3] Dirac software: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dirac/

[DR4] Ashwini Urs, Multiplexing/demultiplexing Dirac video and AAC audio while
maintaining lip sync, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, May 2011.

[DR5] A. Ravi and K.R. Rao, Performance analysis and comparison of the Dirac
video codec with H.264/ MPEG- 4, Part 10, Intrnl. J. of wavelets, multi resolution and
information processing (IJWMIP), vol.4, No.4, pp. 635-654, 2011.

[DR6] See DR5. Implement performance analysis and comparison of the Dirac
video codec with HEVC.

[DR7] BBC Research on Dirac: http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd/projects/dirac/index.shtml



project report, Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses
and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on A.
Mandalapu final report.

[DR9] S.S.K.K. Avasarala, Objective Video quality assessment of Dirac and H.265
project report, Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses
and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on
S.S.K.K. Avasarala final report.

[DR10] http://diracvideo.org/2012/01/schroedinger-1-0-11/ access to DIRAC

reference software.

[DR11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac (video compression format) - website on


[DR12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVFFq44UvLA a DETAILED TUTORIAL


DR-P1 See [DR8] Performance comparison of HEVC, DIRAC and H.264/AVC using CIF
and QCIF test sequences shows, in general, superior performance of HEVC.
Extend this comparison to SD, HDTV, UHDTV, 4K and 8K test sequences. See also

DR.P2 Fracastoro, Fossen and Magli [E392] developed steerable DCT (SDCT) and its
integer approximation and applied them to image coding. They also compared this
with wavelet coding (Table III). Confirm the results shown in this Table and extend
this to higher resolution images.

DR.P3 See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to DIRAC codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for
DIRAC similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.


DAALA1 T.J. Daede et al, A perceptually-driven next generation video codec , IEEE
DCC, Snow Bird, Utah, March-April 2016. Abstract of this paper is repeated here:

The Daala project is a royalty-free video codec that attempts to compete with the
best patent-encumbered codecs. Part of our strategy is to replace core tools of
traditional video codecs with alternative approaches, many of them designed to
take perceptual aspects into account, rather than optimizing for simple metrics like

PSNR. This paper documents some of our experiences with these tools, which ones
worked and which did not, and what we have learned from them. The result is a
codec which compares favorably with HEVC on still images, and is on a path to do
so for video as well.

DAALA2 Daala test media," https://wiki.xiph.org/Daala Quickstart#Test Media.



Daala Codec demo -


Daala video compression

Daala is the code-name for a new video compression technology. The effort is a
collaboration between Mozilla Foundation, Xiph.Org Foundation and other
The goal of the project is to provide a free to implement, use and distribute digital
media format and reference implementation with technical performance
superior to h.265.

Technology demos
Next generation video: Introducing Daala
Introducing Daala part 2: Frequency Domain Intra Prediction
Introducing Daala part 3: Time/Frequency Resolution Switching
Introducing Daala part 4: Chroma from Luma
Daala: Painting Images For Fun (and Profit?)
Daala: Perceptual Vector Quantization (PVQ)

DAALA3 R.R. Etikala, Performance comparison of DAALA and HEVC, project report,
Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click
on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on R.R. Etikala final
report. This report implemented both HEVC and DALLA and compares their
performances in terms of R-D plots for CIF and QCIF test sequences.

DAALA4 J.-M. Valin et al, DAALA: A perceptually-driven still picture codec, IEEE
ICIP, Session MA.L3: Image compression grand challenge, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 2016.

DAALA-P1 Implement and improve Daala video codec using video test sequences
and compare with HEVC/H.264/VP9 and other standard based codecs using
implementation complexity, PSNR, SSIM, BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR as the metrics.
See {DAALA1 and DAALA3].

DAALA-P2 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in
[E392]. In DAALA INTDCT is used. Replace INTDCT with INTSDCT and implement the
performance comparison based on various test sequences including 4K and 8K and
different block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to DAALA video codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for
DAALA similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.


MD1. I. Irondi, Q. wang and C. Grecos, Subjective evaluation of H.265/HEVC based

dynamic adaptive video streaming over HTTP (HEVC-DASH), SPIE-IS&T
Electronic Imaging, vol.9400, p. 94000B (session: real-time image and video
processing), 2015.

MD.P1 See [MD1]. Irondi, Wang and Grecos have presented a subjective evaluation
of a HEVC-DASH system that has been implemented on a hardware test bed. In the
abstract the authors state DASH standard is becoming increasingly popular for
real-time adaptive HTTP streaming of internet video in response to unstable network
conditions. Integration of DASH streaming technologies with the new H.265/HEVC
video coding standard is a promising area of research. In the conclusions, they
state The results of this study can be combined with objective metrics to shed
more light on the (QOE) quality of experience- of DASH systems and correlation
between the QOE results and the objective performance metrics will help designers
in optimizing the performance of DASH systems. Papers listed as references in
[MD1] relate to both subjective and objective performances (each separately) of
DASH systems. Combine (integrate) both objective and subjective criteria with
HEVC-DASH and evaluate the QOE. Based on this evaluation optimize the
performance of HEVC-DASH system.

Bjontegaard metric

BJONTEGAARD metric calculation: Bjontegaard's metric allows to compute the

average gain in PSNR or the average per cent saving in bitrate between two rate-
distortions curves. See [E81], [E82], [E96] and [E198]. This metric reflects the
subjective visual quality better than MSE And PSNR.

Figure below explains clearly the BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR [E202].

AVS China:
[AVS1] AVS Video Expert Group, Information Technology Advanced
coding of audio and video Part 2: Video (AVS1-P2 JQP FCD 1.0),
Audio Video Coding Standard Group of China (AVS), Doc. AVS-N1538,
Sep. 2008.
[AVS2] AVS Video Expert Group, Information technology Advanced
coding of audio and video Part 3: Audio, Audio Video Coding
Standard Group of China (AVS), Doc. AVS-N1551, Sep. 2008.
[AVS3] L. Yu et al, Overview of AVS-Video: Tools, performance and
complexity, SPIE VCIP, vol. 5960, pp. 596021-1~ 596021-12, Beijing,
China, July 2005.
[AVS4] L. Fan, S. Ma and F. Wu, Overview of AVS video standard, IEEE
Intl Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, ICME '04, vol. 1, pp. 423426,
Taipei, Taiwan, June 2004.
[AVS5] W. Gao et al, AVS The Chinese next-generation video coding
standard, National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, 2004.
[AVS6] AVS-China official website: http://www.avs.org.cn
[AVS7] AVS-china software download:

[AVS8] IEEE Standards Activities Board, AVS China - Draft Standard for
Advanced Audio and Video Coding, adopted by IEEE as standard IEEE
1857. Website: [email protected]
[AVS8] S. Ma, S. Wang and W. Gao, Overview of IEEE 1857 video
coding standard, IEEE ICIP, pp. 1500 1504, Sept. 2013.
[AVS9] D. Sahana and K.R. Rao, A study on AVS-M standard,
Calin ENACHESCU, Florin Gheorghe FILIP, Barna Iantovics (Eds.),
Advanced Computational Technologies published by the Romanian
Academy Publishing House, pp. 311-322, Bucharest, Rumania, 2012.
[AVS10] S. Sridhar, Multiplexing/De-multiplexing AVS video and AAC audio
while maintaining lip sync, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at
Arlington, Arlington, Texas, Dec. 2010. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip
click on courses and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to
Thesis/Project Title and click on S. Sridhar

[AVS 11] W. Gao and S. Ma, Advanced video coding systems, Springer,
AVS2 Audio and video standard China adopted as IEEE 1857.4
[AVS 12] K. Fan et al, iAVS2: A fast intra encoding platform for IEEE 1857.4,
IEEE Trans. CSVT, early access. Several papers related to fast intra coding in
HEVC are listed at the end.

[AVS 13] Z. He, L. Yu, X. Zheng, S. Ma and Y. He, Framework of AVS2 Video
Coding, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process., pp. 1515-1519. Sept. 2013.

[AVS 14] S. Ma, T. Huang and C. Reader, AVS2 making video coding smarter
[standards in a nutshell], IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 32, no. 2, pp.172-
183, 2015.

[AVS 15] X. Zhang et al, Adaptive loop filter for avs2, in Proc. 48th AVS
Meeting, 2014

AVS-P1 Review the references listed above on AVS China. In particular

review [AVS8]. Implement various profiles in AVS China and compare its
performance with HEVC using various video test sequences. Comparison
needs to be based on various metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, BD-bitrate

and BD-PSNR besides computational complexity. The profiles involve
several projects.

AVS-P2 See [AVS 12] thru [AVS 15] AVS2 is the second generation of the
audio video coding standard to be issued as IEEE 1857.4 standard. It
doubles the coding efficiency of AVS1 and H.264/AVC. Implement this
standard and compare with HEVC based on standard performance
metrics using various test sequences at different spatial/temporal

AVS-P3 See AVS-P2. In the conclusions, the authors state [AVS 12] state
Owing to their similar frameworks, the proposed systematic solution
and the fast algorithms can also be applied in HEVC intra encoder
design. Explore this.

AVS-P4 Fan et al [AVS12] proposed the fast intra encoding platform for
AVS2 using numerous speedup methods. Using the test sequences
shown in Table IV confirm the results shown in Tables V thru X and
Figures 13 thru 16.

AVS-P5 Compare the performance of all intra image coding techniques

including JPEG series, HEVC, MPEG-4/AVC, DIRAC, DAALA, THOR, AVS1,
AVS2, VP8-10 and AV1 (developed by Alliance for Open Media - AOM).
As always use various test sequences at different spatial resolutions.

AVS-P6 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in

[E392]. In AVS1 and AVS2 INTDCT is used. Replace INTDCT with INTSDCT and
implement the performance comparison based on various test sequences including
4K and 8K and different block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

AVS-P7 See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to AVS China codec (AVS2) both as a post
processing operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the
projects for AVS2 similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.


Website: http://tinyurl.com/ismf77
TVC1 G. Bjontegaard et al, The Thor video codec, IEEE DCC, pp. 476-485, Sun
Bird, Utah, March-April 2016.

Thor video codec is being developed by Cisco Systems as a royalty free

codec. Details regarding block structure, intra/inter (prediction,

fractional sample interpolation, motion vector coding, transform,
quantization, in-loop filtering, entropy coding, transform coefficient
scanning and other functionalities are described in [TVC1]). Encoder
follows the familiar motion compensated, transform predictive coding as
in AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265. For performance comparison of TVC with
VP9 and x265 see Table 3 (low delay and high delay) and figures 5 and
6. For this comparison only HD sequences (classes B and E) and 1080p
video conferencing sequences were used.

[TVC-P1] Extend this comparison using all classes of test sequences and
develop graphs based on BD-bit rate and BD-PSNR versus encoded bit rate.

[TVC-P2] Consider implementation complexity as another metric and

develop tables showing the complexity comparison of TVC with AVC/H.264
and HEVC/H.265 for all test sequences at various bit rates.

[TVC-P3] Do extensive research and explore how the various functionalities

described in [TVC1] can be modified such that the TVC can be highly
competitive with AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265. Keep in view that the TVC is
royalty free.
[TVC-P4] Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in
[E392]. In TVC, INTDCT is used. Replace INTDCT with INTSDCT and implement the
performance comparison based on various test sequences including 4K and 8K and
different block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

[TVC-P4] See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to Thor video codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for TVC
similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.

References on Screen Content Coding

[SCC1] D. Flynn, J. Sole and T. Suzuki, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) range
extensions text specification, Draft 4, JCT-VC. Retrieved 2013-08-07.

[SCC2] M. Budagavi and D.-Y. Kwon, Intra motion compensation and entropy coding
improvements for HEVC screen content coding, IEEE PCS, pp. 365-368, San Jose,
CA, Dec. 2013.

[SCC3] M. Naccari et al, Improving inter prediction in HEVC with residual DPCM for
lossless screen content coding, IEEE PCS, pp. 361-364, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2013.

[SCC4] T. Lin et al, Mixed chroma sampling-rate high efficiency video coding for
full-chroma screen content, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 23, pp.173-185, Jan. 2013.
[SCC5] Braeckman et al, Visually lossless screen content coding using HEVC base-
layer, IEEE VCIP 2013, pp. 1-6, Kuching, China, 17-20, Nov. 2013.

[SCC6] W. Zhu et al, Screen content coding based on HEVC framework, IEEE Trans.
Multimedia , vol.16, pp.1316-1326 Aug. 2014 (several papers related to MRC) MRC:
mixed raster coding.

[SCC7] ITU-T Q6/16 Visual Coding and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Coding of Moving
Pictures and Audio.

[SCC8] Title: Joint Call for Proposals for Coding of Screen Content
Status: Approved by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q6/16 (San Jose, 17
January 2014). Final draft standard expected: late 2015.

[SCC9] F. Zou, et al, Hash Based Intra String Copy for HEVC Based Screen Content
Coding, IEEE ICME (workshop), Torino, Italy, June 2015

[SCC10] T. Lin, et al, Arbitrary Shape Matching for Screen Content Coding, in
Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), pp. 369 372 , Dec. 2013.

[SCC11] T.Lin , X. Chen and S. Wang, Pseudo-2d-matching based dual coder

architecture for screen contents coding, IEEE International Conference in
Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), pp. 1 4, July 2013.

[SCC12] B. Li, J. Xu and F. Wu, 1d dictionary mode for screen content coding, in
Visual Communication and Image Processing Conference, pp. 189 192, Dec. 2014.

[SCC13] Y. Chen and J. Xu, HEVC Screen Content Coding core experiment 4
(scce4) : String matching for sample coding, JCTVC Q1124, Apr. 2014.

[SCC14] H. Yu , et al, Common conditions for screen content coding tests, JCTVC
Q1015, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 22-25, Mar.2014.

[SCC15] IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
Special Issue on Screen Content Video Coding and Applications: Final papers
are due July 2016.
Guest Editors
Wen-Hsiao Peng [email protected] National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan
Ji-Zheng Xu [email protected] Microsoft Research Asia, China
Jern Ostermann [email protected] Leibniz Universitt
Hannover, Germany
Robert Cohen [email protected] Mitsubishi Electric Research
Laboratories, USA

Important dates

- Manuscript submissions due 2016-01-22

- First round of reviews completed 2016-03-25

- Revised manuscripts due 2016-05-13

- Second round of reviews completed 2016-07-08

- Final manuscripts due 2016-07-22

[SCC16] J. Nam, D. Sim and I.V. Bajic, HEVC-based Adaptive Quantization for Screen
Content Videos, IEEE Int. Symp. on Broadband Multimedia Systems, pp. 1-4, Seoul,
Korea, 2012.

[SCC17] S. H. Tsang, Y. L. Chan and W. C. Siu, Fast and Efficient Intra Coding
Techniques for Smooth Regions in Screen Content Coding Based on Boundary
Prediction Samples, ICASSP2015, Brisbane, Australia, April. 2015.

[SCC18] HEVC SCC Extension Reference software:


[SCC19] HEVC SCC Software reference manual:


Link to Screen content Test Sequences: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?


[SCC20] K. Rapaska et al, Improved block copy and motion search methods for
HEVC screen content coding, [9599-49], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego,
California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Website : www.spie.org/op

[SCC21] B. Li, J. Xu and G. J. Sullivan, Performance analysis of HEVC and its format
range and screen content coding extensions, [9599-45], SPIE. Optics + photonics,
San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug. 2015. Website : www.spie.org/op

[SCC22] S. Hu et al, Screen content coding for HEVC using edge modes, IEEE
ICASSP, pp. 1714-1718, 26-31 May 2013.

[SCC23] H. Chen, A. Saxena and F. Fernandes, Nearest-neighbor intra prediction

screen content video coding, IEEE ICIP , pp. 3151 3155 , Paris, 27 30, Oct. 2014.

[SCC24] X. Zhang, R. A. Cohen and A. Vetro, Independent Uniform Prediction mode
for screen content video coding, IEEE Visual Communications and Image
Processing Conference, pp. 129 132, 7 10 Dec. 2014.

[SCC25] J. Nam, D. Sim and I. V. Bajic, HEVC based adaptive quantization for
screen content videos, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia
Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), pp. 1- 4 , June 2012.

[SCC26] L. Guo et al, Color palette for screen content coding, IEEE ICIP, pp. 5556
5560, Oct. 2014.

[SCC27] D. K. Kwon and M. Budagavi, Fast intra block copy (intra BC) search for
HEVC Screen Content Coding , IEEE ISCAS, pp 9 12, June 2014.

[SCC28] J. -W. Kang, Sample selective filter in HEVC intra-prediction for screen
content video coding, IET Journals & Magazines, vol. 51, no.3, pp. 236 237, Feb.

[SCC29] H. Zhang et al, HEVC based adaptive quantization for screen content by
detecting low contrast edge regions, IEEE ISCAS, pp. 49 -52, May 2013.

[SCC30] Z. Ma et al, Advanced screen content coding using color table and index
map, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 10 , pp. 4399 4412, Oct. 2014.

[SCC31] R. Joshi et al, Screen Content Coding Test Model 3 Encoder Description
(SCM 3), Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding, JCTVC-S1014, Strasbourg, FR,
17 -24 Oct. 2014.

[SCC32] S. wang et al, Joint Chroma Downsampling and Upsampling for screen
Content Image, IEEE Trans. on CSVT. (Early Access).

[SCC33] H. yang, Y. Fang and W. Lin, Perceptual Quality Assessment of Screen

Content Images, IEEE Trans. on Image processing. (Early Access).

[SCC34] I. J. S. W. R. Subgroup, Requirements for an extension of HEVC for coding

on screen content, in MPEG 109 meeting, 2014.

[SCC35] H. Yang et al, Subjective quality ASSESSMENT OF SCREEN CONETENT

IMAGES, in International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX),

[SCC36] SIQAD, https://sites.google.com/site/subjectiveqa/. : Perceptual Quality

Assessment of Screen Content Images.

[SCC37] S. Kodpadi, Evaluation of coding tools for screen content in High Efficiency
Video Coding M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, Dec. 2015. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then
click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to recent Theses/Project Title and click on
Swetha Kodpadi.

[SCC38] N.N. Mundgemane, Multi-stage prediction scheme for Screen Content

based on HEVC, M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington,
Texas, Dec. 2015.

http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses and then click on EE5359

Scroll down and go to recent Theses/Project Title and click on N.N. Mundgemane.

[SCC39] T. Vernier et al, Guided chroma reconstruction for screen content coding,

[SCC40] H. Yu et al, Requirements for an extension of HEVC for coding of screen

content, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 29/WG 11 Requirements subgroup, San Jose, California,
USA, document MPEG2014/N14174, Jan. 2014.

[SCC41] C. Lan et al, Screen content coding, 2nd JCT-VC meeting, Geneva,
Switzerland, document JCTVC-B084, July 2010.

[SCC42] B. Li and J. Xu, Non-SCCE1: Unification of intra BC and inter modes, 18th
JCT-VC meeting, Sapporo, Japan, document JCTVC-R0100, July 2014.

[SCC43] R.R. Barkur, Production techniques for palette coding in screen content,
project report, Spring 2016. http://www.uta.edu/faculty/krrao/dip click on courses
and then click on EE5359 Scroll down and go to projects Spring 2016 and click on
R.R. Barkur final report.


AZ, Sept. 2016.

[SCC45] T. Vermeir et al, Guided Chroma Reconstruction for Screen Content

Coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol.26, pp.18184-1892, Oct. 2016.

[SCC46] W. Xiao et al, Weighted rate-distortion optimization for screen

content coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access).

[SCC47] C.-C. Chen and W.-H. Peng, Intra line copy for HEVC screen content
coding, IEEE Trans. CSVT, (Early access).

Access to JCT VC resources:

Access to JCT-VC documents: http://phenix.it.-sudparis.eu/jct/

Bug tracking: http://hevc.hhi.fraunhofer.de/trac/hevc

Email list: http://mailman.rwth-aachen.de/mailman/listinfo/jct-vc


[BH1] J. Chen et al, Coding tools investigation for next generation video coding
based on HEVC, [9599 47], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA,
9 13, Aug. 2015.

[BH2] A. Alshin et al, Coding efficiency improvements beyond HEVC with known
tools, [9599-48], SPIE. Optics + photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 9 13, Aug.
2015. References [2] through [8] describe various proposals related to NGVC
(beyond HEVC) as ISO / IEC JTC VC documents presented in Warsaw, Poland, June
2015. Several projects can be implemented / explored based on [BH2] and these

[BH3] A. Alexander and A. Elina, Bi-directional optical flow for future video codec,
IEEE DCC, Sun Bird, Utah, March-April 2016.

[BH4] X. Zhao et al, Enhanced multiple transform for video coding, IEEE DCC, Sun
Bird, Utah, March-April 2016.

Projects on BEYOND HEVC:

[BH-P1] In [BH2] several tools (some of these are straight forward extensions of
those adopted in HEVC) are considered in NGVC (beyond HEVC). Some of these are
increasing CU and TU sizes, up to 64 adaptive intra directional predictions, multi
hypothesis probability estimation for CABAC, bi-directional optical flow, secondary
transform, rotational transform and multi-parameter intra prediction. Go through
[BH2] in detail and evaluate the performance of each new tool, for all intra,
random access, low delay B and low delay P (see Table 1). Compare the
computational complexity of each tool with that of HEVC.

[BH-P2] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of enlarging CU and TU sizes
(see Table 2). Also consider computational complexity.

[BH-P3] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of fine granularity Intra

prediction vs HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 3). Also consider
computational complexity.

[BH-P4] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of multi-hypothesis probability

estimation vs HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 4). Also consider
computational complexity.

[BH-P.5] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of bi-directional optical flow vs

HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 6). Also consider computational

[BH-P6] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of implicit secondary transform

vs HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 7). Also consider computational

[BH-P7] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of explicit secondary transform

vs HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 9). Also consider computational

[BH-P8] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate performance impact of multi-parameter Intra

prediction vs HEVC with enlarged CU and TU sizes (see Table 11). Also consider
computational complexity.

[BH-P9] See [BH-P1]. Evaluate Joint performance impact of all tested tools on top of
HEVC (see Table 6). Also consider computational complexity.

[BH-P10] Similar to [BH2], several coding tools (some of them were considered
earlier during the initial development of HEVC) are investigated for NGVC based on
HEVC [BH1]. These tools include large CTU and TU, adaptive loop filter, advanced
temporal Motion Vector Prediction, cross component prediction, overlapped block
Motion Compensation and adaptive multiple transform. The overall coding
performance improvement resulting from these additional tools for classes A
through F Video test sequences in terms of BD-rate are listed in Table 3. Class F
sequences include synthetic (computer generated) video. Performance
improvement of each tool for Random Access, All Intra and low-delay B is also listed
in Table 4. Evaluate the performance improvement of these tools [BH1] over HM
16.4 and verify the results shown in Table 3.

[BH-P11] See [BH-P10]. Evaluate the performance improvement of each tool for All
Intra, Random Access and Low-delay B described in Table 4. Test sequences for

screen content coding (similar to class F in Table 3) can be accessed from
http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3128894651&uk=889443731 .

[BH-P12] See [BH-P10] and [BH-P11]. Consider implementation complexity as

another metric, as these additional tools invariably result in increased complexity.
Evaluate this complexity for all classes (A through F) see Table 3 and for All Intra,
Random Access and low-delay B cases (see Table 4). See the papers below related
to proposed requirements for Next Generation Video coding (NGVC).

1. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Proposed Revised Requirements for a Future Video

coding Standard, MPEG doc.M36183, Warsaw, Poland, June. 2015.

2. M. Karczewicz and M. Budagavi, Report of AHG on Coding Efficiency

Improvements, VCEG-AZ01, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015.

3. J. R. Ohm et al, Report of AHG on Future Video Coding Standardization

Challenges, MPEG Document M36782, Warsaw, Poland, June. 2015.

[BH-P13] In [BH1] for larger resolution video such as 4K and 8K, 64x64 INT DCT
(integer approx.) is proposed to collaborate with the existing transforms (up to
32x32 INT DCT) and to further improve the coding efficiency. Madhukar and Sze
developed unified forward and inverse transform architecture (2D-32x32 INT DCT)
for HEVC (see IEEE ICIP 2012) resulting in simpler hardware compared to
implementation separately i.e., forward and inverse. See also Chapter 6 HEVC
transform and quantization by Budagavi, Fuldseth and Bjontegaard in [E202].
Implement similar uniform forward and inverse transform architecture for 2D-64x64
INT DCT and evaluate the resulting simpler hardware compared to implementation
separately i.e., forward and inverse.

[BH-P14] Refer to Figs. 6.7 and 6.8 of chapter 6 cited in [BH-P13]. These QM are
based on visual sensitivity of the transform coefficients. Similar QM have been
proposed / adopted in JPEG, MPEG 1,2,4, AVS china etc. Also see the book by K.R.
Rao and P. Yip, Discrete Cosine Transform, Academic press 1990, wherein the
theory behind developing the QM is explained. See also related references at the
end of chapter 6 in [E202]. The QM matrices (Fig 6.8) for (16x16) and (32x32)
transform block sizes are obtained by replicating the QM for (8x8) transform block
size. These extensions are based on reducing the memory needed to store them.
Develop QM for (16x16) and (32x32) transform block sizes independently based on
their visual sensitivities (perception).

[BH-P15] See [BH-P14]. Develop QM for (64x64) INTDCT reflecting the visual
perception of these transform coefficients. Again refer to the book by K.R. Rao and P.
Yip, Discrete Cosine Transform, Academic press 1990.

[BH-P16] See [BH-P13] and [BH-P14]. In Fig.6.2 (page 149) of chapter 6 [E202]
(32x32) INTDCT, (4x4), (8x8), (16x16) INTDCTs are embedded. Develop (64x64)
INTDCT wherein the smaller size INTDCTs are embedded. Is it orthogonal? What are
the norms of the 64 basis vectors?

[BH-P17] See Y. Sugito et al, "A study on addition of 64x64 transform to HM 3.0.,"
Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) of ITU-T SG16 WP3 and ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC29/WG11, JCTVC-F192, Torino, Italy, July, 2011 which is reference [15] in
[BH2]. Is the (64x64) INTDCT orthogonal? Embedding property?

[BH-P18] See [BH3]. Theoretical and implementation aspects of bi-directional

optical flow which is part of JEM1 (Joint Exploration Model) See [2] in this paper are
developed. Evaluate this MV refinement in terms of MC prediction compared to
the ME process adopted in HEVC based on some standard test sequences. Sum of
absolute MC prediction errors for various block sized can be used as the
comparison metric.

[BH-P19] In [BH4] enhanced multiple transform (EMT) is proposed and implemented

on top of the reference software using various test sequences. See Table 4. This
scheme is compared with HM-14.0Main 10 for all intra (AI) and random access (RA)
configurations. Verify these results and extend the simulation to low delay case.
Use the latest HM software.

Post HEVC activity

Both MPEG and VCEG have established AHGs (ad hoc groups) for exploring next
generation video coding.

Grois et al (See item 7 under tutorials) have suggested as follows:

Focusing on perceptual models and perceptual quality, and perceptually optimized

video compression provision: http://www.provision-itn.eu

PROVISION is a network of leading academic and industrial organizations in Europe

including international researchers working on the problems with regard to the
state-of-the-art video coding technologies.

The ultimate goal is to make noteworthy technical advances and further

improvements to the existing state-of-the-art techniques of compression video

AV1 codec

Alliance for Open Media (AOM) http://tinyurl.com/zgwdo59

Website: http://www.streamingmedia.com/Articles/Editorial/What-Is -.../What-is-AV1-


AOM (charted members Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel Corporation, Microsoft,

Mozilla, and Netflix). In April 2016, ARM, AMD and NVIDIA joined the alliance to help
ensure that the codec is hardware friendly and to facilitate and accelerate AV1
hardware support.

AOM has nearly finalized a codec called AV1 based on CISCOs Thor, Googles
VP10 and Mozillas DAALA with following goals:

Interoperable and open

Optimized for the web [email protected]

Scalable to any modern device at any bandwidth

Designed with a low computational footprint and optimized for hardware

Capable of consistent, highest-quality, real-time video delivery

Flexible for both commercial and non-commercial content, including user-

generated content.

AV1 is to be shipped sometime between Dec. 2016 and March 2017 and is
positioned to replace Googles VP9 and to compete with HEVC. It is designed to be
royalty free.

In terms of makeup, the Alliance members enjoy leading positions in the following

Codec development - Cisco (Thor) Google (VPX), Mozilla (Daala)

Desktop and mobile browsers - Google (Chrome), Mozilla (Firefox), Microsoft

Content - Amazon (Prime), Google (YouTube), Netflix

Hardware co-processing - AMD (CPUs, graphics), ARM (SoCs, other chips),

Intel (CPUs), NVIDIA (SoC, GPUs)

Mobile - Google (Android), Microsoft (Windows Phone)

OTT - Amazon (Amazon Fire TV), Google (Chromecast, Android TV)

The Alliance is targeting an improvement of 50 percent over VP9/HEVC with

reasonable increases in encoding and playback complexity. One focus is UHD video,
including higher bitrate, wider color gamut, and increased frame rates, with the

group targeting the ability to play 4K 60fps in a browser on a reasonably fast
computer. The base version of the codec will support 10-bit and 12-bit encoding, as
well as the BT.2020 color space. Another focus is providing a codec for WebRTC
(Real-Time Communications), an initiative supported by Alliance members Google
and Mozilla, and similar applications including Microsoft's Skype.

P.S: This material on AV1 codec is collected from Streaming Media Magazine, What
is AV1, Jan Ozer, Posted on June 3, 2016.

AV1-P1 As AV1 is designed to be a royalty free codec, gather all details

about this codec (website, steaming media etc) and implement using standard test
sequences. Compare its performance with HEVC using the standard criteria such as
PSNR, BD bitrate, BD PSNR, SSIM, implementation complexity etc.

AV1-P2 See AV1-P1 Based on the performance comparison, explore any

changes in the functionalities (transform/quantization/ME-MC, entropy coding, intra-
inter and other modes) of the codec that can result in further in improving AV1s
compression performance with negligible increase in complexity.

AV1-P3 See AV1-P1 Can AV1 codec be applied to SCC? If so compare its
performance with HEVC SCC extension.

AV1-P4 See AV1-P1 Explore how AV1 Codec can be modified for scalable
video coding similar to HSVC.

AV1-P5 See AV1-P1 Explore how AV1 Codec can be modified for 3D-
Multiview coding similar to HSVC.

AV1-P6 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in

[E392]. In AV1 INTDCT is used. Replace INTDCT with INTSDCT and implement the
performance comparison based on various test sequences including 4K and 8K and
different block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

AV1-P7 See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to AV1 codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for AV1
similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.

Real Media HD (RMHD)


Real Media HD, successor to its RMVB (Real Media Variable Bitrate) video

Real Networks claims that RMHD codec has achieved a reduction of more
than 30% bit rate compared to H.264/AVC, while achieving the same
subjective quality.

Performance comparison of RMHD with H.264, H.265 and VP9 is also


RMHD-P1 While the RMHD encoder/decoder details are not known, develop
comparison data similar to those shown in charts 1-7. Hopefully, RMHD
software can be accessed.

SMPTE ST 2042-1:200x 28/09/2009
Page 9 of 131 pages
SMPTE (the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) is an internationally
recognized standards developing organization. Headquartered and incorporated in
the United States of America, SMPTE has members in over 80 countries on six
continents. SMPTEs Engineering Documents, including Standards, Recommended
Practices and Engineering Guidelines, are prepared by SMPTEs Technology
Committees. Participation in these Committees is open to all with a bona fide
interest in their work. SMPTE cooperates closely with other standards-developing
organizations, including ISO, IEC and ITU.
SMPTE Engineering Documents are drafted in accordance with the rules given in
Part XIII of its
Administrative Practices.

http://www.smpte.org email: [email protected]

About the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)

For the past 100 years, the people of the Society of Motion Pictures and Television
Engineers (SMPTE, pronounced "simp-tee") have sorted out the details of many
significant advances in entertainment technology, from the introduction of "talkies"
and color television to HD and UHD (4K, 8K) TV. Since its founding in 1916, the
Society has earned an Oscar and multiple Emmy Awards for its work in
advancing moving-imagery education and engineering across the communications,
technology, media, and entertainment industries. The Society has developed
thousands of standards, recommended practices, and engineering guidelines, more
than 800 of which are currently in force.

SMPTE's global membership today (Jan. 2017) includes 7,000 members, who are
motion-imaging executives, engineers, creative and technology professionals,
researchers, scientists, educators, and students. A partnership with the Hollywood

Professional Association (HPA) connects SMPTE and its membership with the
professional community of businesses and individuals who provide the expertise,
support, tools, and infrastructure for the creation and finishing of motion pictures,
television programs, commercials, digital media, and other dynamic media content.
Information on joining SMPTE is available at www.smpte.org/join.

Also SMPTE WEBCASTS (webinars).


Video coding 1 is based on Windows Media Video (WMV9) developed by

Microsoft. See [VC-1,8] cited below for details.


VC-1, 1.H. Kalva and J.-B. Lee, The VC-1 VIDEO CODING STANDARD, IEEE
Multimedia, vol. 14, pp. 88-91, Oct.-Dec. 2007.

Vc-1, 2. J.-B. Lee and H. Kalva, The VC-1 AND h.264 VIDEO COMPRESSION

VC-1, 3 VC-1 Software : http://www.smpte.org/home

VC-1, 4 Microsoft website - VC-1 Technical Overview


VC-1, 5 VC-1 Compressed video bitstream format and decoding process

(SMPTE 421M-2006), SMPTE Standard, 2006.

VC-1, 6 J.-B. Lee and H. Kalva, "An efficient algorithm for VC-1 to H.264 video
transcoding in progressive compression," IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo, pp. 53-56, July 2006.

VC-1, 7 S. Srinivasan and S. L. Regunathan, An overview of VC-1 Proc. SPIE,

vol. 5960, pp. 720728, 2005.

VC-1, 8 S. Srinivasan et al, Windows Media Video 9: overview and

applications Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 19, pp. 851-875,
Oct. 2004.

WMV-9 (VC-1)
WMV9 of Microsoft

Windows Movie Maker, in Windows Vista or XP can be used, but with limited
functionality. It can be used to convert a WMV file to AVI format, for example.

For more precise control of encoding parameters, you can use the Windows Media
encoder tool, freely available at
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/encoder/default.mspx. It
is an encoding-only tool.

Source code for such tools is not available.

You can also use commercial video editing tools , such as the ones listed at

Source code for VC-1 (WMV9) http://store.smpte.org/VC-1-Test-Material-p/vc-1.htm

Please note: We must receive your completed VC-1 License Agreement Form before we can ship your
VC-1 CD-ROM. You can download this form from the SMPTE Website at:
http://www.smpte.org/standards/. After youve completed the form please fax back to SMPTE 914-761-
3115 or email a scanned copy to [email protected]

Our Price: $450.00

1. The below link had a lot of information on audio and video codecs.

2. The link below has a VC-1 reference decoder. It is not the reference decoder but a free one!

3. Also, Google search provided the reference code for VC 1 - version 6 which might be outdated now
and may not be legal to use (I am not sure on
this). http://www.richardgoodwin.com/VC1_reference_decoder_release6.zip



The VC-2 standard specifies the compressed stream syntax and reference decoder
operations for a video compression system. VC-2 is an intra frame video
compression system aimed at professional applications that provides efficient
coding at many resolutions including various flavors of CIF, SDTV and HDTV. VC-2
utilizes wavelet transforms that decompose the video signal into frequency bands.
The codec is designed to be simple and flexible, yet be able to operate across a
wide range of resolutions and application domains.

The system provides the following capabilities:

Multi-resolution transforms. Data is encoded using the wavelet transform,
and packed into the bitstream subband by subband. High compression ratios
result in a gradual loss of resolution. Lower resolution output pictures can be
obtained by extracting only the lower resolution data.
Frame and field coding. Both frames and fields can be individually coded.
CBR and VBR operation. VC-2 permits both constant bit rate and variable bit
rate operations. For low delay pictures, the bit rate will be constant for each area
(VC-2 slice) in a picture to ensure constant latency.
Variable bit depths. 8, 10, 12 and 16 bit formats and beyond are supported.
Multiple color difference sampling formats. 444, 422 and 420 video are
all supported.
Lossless and RGB coding. A common toolset is used for both lossy and
lossless coding. RGB coding is supported either via the YCoCg integer color
transform for maximum compression efficiency, or by directly compressing RGB
Wavelet filters. A range of wavelet filters can be used to trade off
performance against complexity. The Daubechies (9,7) filter is supported for
compatibility with JPEG2000. A fidelity filter is provided for improved resolution
Simple stream navigation. The encoded stream forms a doubly-linked list
with each picture header indicating an offset to the previous and next picture, to
support field-accurate high-speed navigation with no parsing or decoding

Multiple Profiles. VC-2 provides multiple profiles to address the specific
requirements of particular applications. Different profiles include or omit
particular coding tools in order to best match the requirements of their intended
applications. The Main profile provides maximum compression efficiency,
variable bit rate coding and lossless coding using the core syntax. The Simple
profile provides a less complex codec, but with lower compression efficiency, by
using simple variable length codes for entropy coding rather than the arithmetic
coding used by the Main profile. The Low Delay profile uses a modified syntax for
applications requiring very low, fixed, latency. This can be as low as a few lines
of input or output video. The Low Delay profile is suitable for light compression
for the re-use of low bandwidth infrastructure, for example carrying HDTV over
SD-SDI links. The High Quality profile similarly provides light compression with
low latency and also supports variable bit rate and lossless coding.

This standard defines the VC-2 video compression system through the stream
syntax, entropy coding, coefficient unpacking process and picture decoding process.
The decoder operations are defined by means of a mixture of pseudo-code and
mathematical operations.

VC2-P1 Compare the performance of VC2 lossless coding with other lossless coding
techniques described in JPEG/JPEG-LS, JPEG-XR, JPEG-XT, JPEG2000, HEVC, H.264,
MPEG-2 and DIRAC-PRO based on standard comparison metrics.

VC2-P2 Performance comparison of SDCT with DCT and DDCT is investigated in

[E392]. In VC2 replace wavelets with INTSDCT and implement the performance
comparison based on various test sequences including 4K and 8K and different
block sizes. See the Tables and Figures in [E392].

VC1-P3 See [E393]. Apply the FCDR to VC1 codec both as a post processing
operation and as an in loop (embedded) operation. Implement the projects for VC1
similar to those described in P.5.268 and P.5.269.

ATSC (advances television systems committee)

The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit

organization developing voluntary standards for digital television. The ATSC
member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion
picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor

Specifically, ATSC is working to coordinate television standards among different
communications media focusing on digital television, interactive systems, and
broadband multimedia communications. ATSC is also developing digital
television implementation strategies and presenting educational seminars on
the ATSC standards.
ATSC was formed in 1982 by the member organizations of the Joint Committee
on InterSociety Coordination (JCIC): the Electronic Industries Association (EIA),
the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the National
Association of Broadcasters (NAB), the National Cable Telecommunications
Association (NCTA), and the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
(SMPTE). ATSC members represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion
picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor
International adopters of the ATSC standard include Canada, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and South Korea.


Next generation broadcast TV

The A/341 Video standard specifies how to encode video in the ATSC 3.0
system. It uses HEVC (H.265) video compression, the latest MPEG video coding
standard, and provides support for 4K Ultra HDTV as well as future capabilities
for transmission of information to enable wider color gamut, higher frame rates
and high dynamic range. This is a candidate standard.

Legacy Codec

LC1. J. Chen et al, Efficient Video Coding Using Legacy Algorithmic

Approaches, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 14, pp. 111-120, Feb. 2012.

LC-P1. See [LC1] The authors have developed a video codec based on the
traditional transform predictive coding aided by motion compensation
followed by the QM-coder. While its performance is similar to that of
H.264/AVC, the main advantage is its royalty few feature. Implement this
legacy codec using various test sequences including ultra HD TV resolution.


PSNRAVG is a weighted average of luminance (PSNRY) and chrominance (PSNRU

and PSNRV) PSNR components. All involved test sequences are in 4:2:0 color
format, for which PSNRAVG is computed as (de facto standard)


Since PSNRAVG also takes the impact of the chrominance components into account,
it is supposed to provide more reliable results than the conventional PSNRY metric in
the cases when the luminance and chrominance components have dissimilar RD
behaviors. See reference below:

B. Li, G. J. Sullivan, and J. Xu, RDO with Weighted Distortion in HEVC, document
JCTVC-G401, ITU-T/ISO/IEC Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC),
Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 2011.


The graduate students in Multimedia Processing Lab., University of Texas at

Arlington, Arlington, Texas have been extremely helpful in all aspects of

updating/revising this chapter including adding additional projects and additional
references. Special thanks go to M. Budagavi, Samsung Research Lab, T. Richter,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, W. Gao, Peking University, Peking, D.
Mukherjee, Google Inc., D. Grois, HHI Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, G.J.
Sullivan, Microsoft Inc., T. Borer, BBC, UK, Z. Wang, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo,
Canada, Enrico Magli, Dept. of Electronics and T1elecommunications, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy, Dr. W.-K. Cham, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and P.
Topiwala, FastVDO for providing various resources in this regard.


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