Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
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Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
Treatment methods in which the removal of tannery wastewater so that these may be utilized for the
contaminants is brought about by biological activity are design of treatment facilities in tannery sector
known as biological unit processes. Biological treatment is
used primarily to remove the biodegradable organic II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
substances (colloidal or dissolved) from wastewater.
Basically, these substances are converted into gases that can A. Analytical methods and equipment used in the study:-
escape to the atmosphere and into biological cell tissue that T70+ UV/VIS Spectrophotometer PG instruments Ltd
can be removed by settling. Biological treatment is also was used for colorimetric spectrophotometer
used to remove nutrients (nitrogen & phosphorus) from measurements according to (20).
wastewater. With proper environmental control, wastewater Cole Parmer Turbid meter 0200 NTU, Chicago, USA.
can be treated biologically in most cases. A Scanning Electron Microscope SEM with EDAX
Biological treatment methods use microorganisms, analysis (Inspect S. FEI Company, Holland) was used to
mostly bacteria, in the biochemical decomposition of characterize the surface of municipal activated sludge.
wastewater to stable end products. More microorganisms, Functional groups in activated sludge process were
or sludges, are formed and a portion of the waste is determined by the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
converted to carbon dioxide, water and other end products. spectroscopy (Shimadzu S 201 PC spectrophotometer
Generally, biological treatment methods can be divided into Japan) in the transmittance % mode in the range 4000
aerobic and anaerobic methods, based on availability of 400 cm-1.
dissolved oxygen [11]. Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer AAS (ICE
Biological methods, like activated sludge process, are 3000 series, AAS Thermo Scientific) was used for the
invariably employed for the secondary treatment of a large analysis of chromium ions using air acetylene - nitrous
number of industrial wastewaters. Knowledge of the oxide flame technique.
microbial kinetics and determination of the kinetic EUTECH pH-700 instrument Singapore meter was used
coefficients for a particular wastewater are, therefore, for measuring pH value, with a range of 0.00 to 14.00 and
imperative for the rational design of treatment facilities an accuracy of 0.02.
Biological processes are usually prescribed for treating B. Experimental Set-up:-
industrial effluents to reduce organic content as they have The activated sludge reactor, used for the present study,
economic advantages over chemical oxidation [14]. was developed in the laboratory. The lab scale model
However, high concentration of tannins and other poorly comprised of primary sedimentation tank having volume of
biodegradable compounds as well as metals can inhibit about 5.0 L, aeration tank having volume of about 5.0 L
biological treatment [15]-[16]. and final clarifier having volume of about 5.0 L was used
The natural affinity of biological compounds for for the treatment study. The aeration tank was operated
metallic elements could contribute to economically continuously for 120 hours of contacts. Primary and
purifying heavily metal-loaded wastewater. Activated secondary clarifiers were operated for 45 minutes. The
sludge MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) contain secondary clarifier was equipped with a trough to collect
microbial cells and spores. These cells have been reported the effluent. The schematic diagram of the lab scale
to be capable of trapping metals by cell wall components, activated sludge reactor used in the study is shown in Fig.
altering metal uptake, absorbing into the cells by forming 2.
metal complex, producing metabolites extracellularly to
chelate and precipitate these metals, or storing metals in the
cytosol in association with various metal-binding proteins
[17]. It also offers the advantage of having cell wall
material which shows excellent metal-binding properties.
The microbial cell wall of consists chiefly of neutral
carbohydrate and hexosamine, with smaller amounts of Effluent
Sample Sample
lipid and protein [18]. Air
The activated sludge process (ASP) is the most common diffuser
and versatile biological process used worldwide for the
secondary treatment of domestic, municipal and industrial
wastewater. With the course of time, several modifications of Air
the ASP have been made to improve the degree of treatment Final
Primary Aeration
in accordance with stringent effluent standards. tank sedimentation
sedimentation tank
Optimization was also brought into account to reduce the tank
establishment and operating costs of wastewater treatment
plant [19].
In view of the above, the present study was undertaken Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up
with the objective to determine the ability of Activated sludge
process to remove toxic constituents from tannery C. Samples collection site:-
wastewater and to determine different kinetic coefficients for Samples of wastewater from contaminated sites with
tannery wastewater - chromium stage Elmontazah
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014
tannery, Ain El Sira, Cairo, Egypt, were collected, analyzed large amount of sludge is generated along with high energy
within 8h and stored in a refrigerator at 4C. consumption in the process. It is evident from our results
that the adopted HRTs exerted significant effect on the
D. Acclimation of Biomass and Reactor Start-up:-
reactor performance in terms of COD, BOD, Turbidity,
Activated sludge was collected from a nearby drain TDS, TSS, Ammonia, Phosphorous and Oil & Grease. At
from Zenin wastewater treatment plant. The pH of tannery HRT of 2h, the removal efficiency was 53.3 % and 37.5 %
wastewater was firstly adjusted using 0.1 M HCL and 0.1 M for COD and BOD, respectively. At HRT of 72h, the
NaOH. The reactor was fed with tannery wastewater in removal efficiency was 83.8 % and 82.7 % for COD and
primary sedimentation tank for 45 min then transferred to BOD, respectively. At HRT of 120 h, the removal efficiency
the aeration tank for 120 hour, then transferred to the final was 98.4 % and 98.3 % for COD and BOD, respectively as
clarifier for 45 min. The whole reactor content was kept shown in Fig. 4 and 5. The reactor performance is also
under aerobic condition by supplying adequate air from expressed in terms of design parameters like COD removal
aqua pumps, airflow capacity of 1.33 L.min -1. Various efficiency and food-to microorganism (F/M) ratio (COD
parameters like pH, MLSS, Total suspended solids (TSS), basis). Therefore, the COD removal efficiency is plotted
sludge volume index (SVI), COD, BOD, chromium, against COD loading rate and F/M ratio as shown in Fig. 6.
ammonia nitrogen, phosphorous, oil & grease, Turbidity,
dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) and temperature of Table (1) Physicochemical analysis for tannery
the reactor were monitored regularly under different wastewater sample
hydraulic retention time (HRT). The DO concentration in
the reactor always maintained more than 2 mg.L-1 during Before After
the continuous operation to ensure requirement of DO for Constituents Sedimentation Sedimentation Units
carbon oxidation. tank tank
The removal percent was measured as:- Color Dark Green Green
Removal % = (C0 Ce)/ C0 * 100 580n 0.294
Where, (C0) and (Ce) are the initial and final 0.296
concentrations (mg.L-1), respectively. Abs. Abs.
418n 0.372
E. Analytical Methods:- m
All the parameters were analyzed according to the pH 4.01 4.06
procedures described in the Standard Methods [20]. The Turbidity 540 465 NTU
analysis of each parameter was done in triplicate. TSS 2250 1800 mg/L
TDS 6600 6570 mg/L
COD 4100 3250 mg/L
ammonia mg/L
Tannery wastewater is one of the most important sources 52 48
of environment pollutants. The detailed composition of nitrogen
tannery wastewater sample before and after sedimentation Phosphorous 63 58 mg/L
tank is presented in Table 1. The pH value is around the Oil and 29.1 mg/L
acidity (around 4.0 pH unit). Scan spectrum curve of tannery Grease
wastewater sample showed the color absorbance along with Chromium 840 815 mg/L
different wavelengths from 400 nm to 600 nm was presented
in Fig. 3.
Laboratory scale reactors are normally used to determine
kinetic coefficients and usually employed for its easy
operational control. The procedure is to operate the unit
continuously for two hours to five days. COD, BOD,
Turbidity, TDS, TSS, Ammonia, Phosphorous and Oil &
Grease data for influent and effluent are determined at steady
state conditions [21].
During the course of study, the reactor temperature
fluctuated between 29 to 31C, which falls within the suitable
temperature range for heterotrophs treating wastewater
under aerobic conditions [22]. The pH of the reactor
remained between 6.5 and 7.0 which is a suitable range for
biological treatment [23]. DO of the reactor remained
between 3 and 4.5 mg/L which was above the desirable range
of 2 mg/L for biological treatment [24]. The major pollution
parameters for tannery wastewater are (BOD), (COD), Fig. 3 UV Scan Spectrum Curve for tannery wastewater
suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen and chromium. sample
Aerobic microorganisms use organic carbon in the
influent and convert it to biomass and carbon dioxide. A
23 www.erpublication.org
Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
TSS Removal %
TSS (ppm)
80 1500
COD Removal %
3000 60
COD (ppm)
2500 50
50 2000
1500 500
1000 10
500 0 0
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
0 0 Time (h)
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h)
Fig. 8 Effluent TSS profile during continuous study
Fig. 4 Effluent COD profile during continuous study
BOD (ppm) BOD Removal % TDS (ppm) TDS Removal %
110 110 7000
80 80 5000
BOD Removal %
TDS Removal %
70 70
TDS (ppm)
BOD (ppm)
60 60
50 1000 50
40 40
30 30 2000
20 20
10 10
0 0 0 0
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120 0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 5 Effluent BOD profile during continuous study Fig. 9 Effluent TDS profile during continuous study
Total ammonia nitrogen, Phosphorous, Oil & greases
110 2.5
and chromium tests were carried out on the settled
wastewater collected to check the level of these nutrients for
80 satisfactory biological treatment. The phosphorous was thus
COD Removal %
1.5 deficient and this deficiency could hamper a satisfactory
biological treatment [16]. At HRT of 2h, the removal
1.0 efficiency was 20.96 %, 24.9 %, 33.6 % and 38.1 % for
30 ammonia nitrogen, Phosphorous, Oil & greases and
chromium, respectively. At HRT of 72h, the removal
0 0.0
efficiency was 86.3 %, 85.4 %, 86.8 % and 89.9 % for
0 2 6 12 24
Time (h)
48 72 96 120
ammonia nitrogen, Phosphorous, Oil & greases and
chromium, respectively. At HRT of 120 h, the removal
Fig. 6 COD F/M ratio during continuous study efficiency was 98.8 %, 98.6 %, 99.1 % and 99.3 % for
ammonia nitrogen, Phosphorous, Oil & greases and
Turbidity of tannery wastewater influent was higher chromium, respectively as shown in Fig. 10, 11, 12 and 13.
with a value of 540 NTU indicating higher solids and
organics. At HRT of 2h, the removal efficiency was 24.1 %, Ammonia (ppm) Ammonia Removal %
110 60
4.2 % and 28.8 % for turbidity, TSS and TDS, respectively.
At HRT of 72h, the removal efficiency was 84.3 %, 75.4% 50
and 86.8% for turbidity, TSS and TDS, respectively. At
Ammonia Removal %
HRT of 120 h, the removal efficiency was 99.1 %, 99.9 %
Ammonia (ppm)
and 98.8 % for turbidity, TSS and TDS, respectively as
shown in Fig. 7, 8 and 9. 30
Turbidity (NTU)
70 10
300 0 0
50 0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
200 Fig. 10 Effluent ammonia
Time (h) nitrogen profile during
20 100
continuous study
0 0
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Fig. 7 Effluent TurbidityTime
(h) during continuous study
24 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014
Phosphorous (ppm) Phosphorous Removal %
110 70
Phosphorous Removal %
Phosphorous (ppm)
80 50
30 20
0 0
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Fig. 15 Effluent color absorbance profile during
Fig. 11 Effluent phosphorous
Time (h) profile during continuous
continuous study
Results also showed that the biomass achieved a good
Oil & grease (ppm) Oil & grease Removal %
settleability within a studied period. Many authors
100 recognized SVI as the best parameter for characterizing the
90 sludge settling properties (28, 29). The measured values of
Oil & grease Removal %
Oil & grease (ppm) SVI during batch study showed variation in the range from
35 to 72 ml.g-1. The SVI values obtained in the experiment
50 are rather low, compared to the results reported by other
40 authors. SVI gradually decreased along with the growth of
10 biomass in the reactor as shown in Fig. 16. A proper SVI
value, especially below 100 ml.g-1, is of great importance in
0 0 the activated sludge process. The sludge bulking or
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) filamentous bulking problem was not observed during both
Fig. 12 Effluent Oil & Grease profile during continuous batch as well continuous studies since sufficient DO
study concentration (>2 mg.L-1) was present in the reactor.
100 900
90 800
Chromium Removal %
Chromium (ppm)
20 200
10 100
0 0
0 2 6 12 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h)
25 www.erpublication.org
Tannery Wastewater Treatment Using Activated Sludge Process System (Lab Scale Modeling)
In (1), S0, S, T and X0 represent the initial soluble Table (2) Kinetic coefficients for tannery wastewater
COD concentration (mgL-1), final soluble COD
concentration (mgL-1), batch period (h) and MLSS Kinetic coefficient1 Value Units
concentration at the start of batch period (mgL-1) k 1.2 day-1
respectively. Ks and k denote half-velocity constant or Ks 209 mgL-1
substrate concentration at one-half the maximum specific Y 0.18 --
growth rate (mg CODL-1) and the maximum rate of Kd 0.039 day-1
substrate utilization per unit mass of microorganisms (h -1)
respectively. The values of kinetic coefficients i.e. Ks and k A comparison of kinetic coefficients for tannery
can be estimated from the slope and intercept of (1) [19]. wastewater with other industrial wastewaters would be
interesting. Substrate utilization rate "k" for tanneries (1.2
day-1) is less as compared to others and thus larger volume
of biological reactor would be needed to treat tannery
wastewater. This less value of "k" may be due to specific
nature of tannery waste. Decay coefficient Kd is quite low
for tannery wastewater when compared with other
industrial wastewaters, which indicates larger net sludge
volumes resulting from biological treatment. Cell yield
coefficient (Y) is comparable with other industrial
wastewaters. Half velocity coefficient (Ks) is also
comparable with the reported values.
SEM Examination
Fig. 17 Determination of Ks and k The microscopic structure of the dried sample was
Similarly, considering endogenous decay, the resulting visualized to confirm the porosity of the sludge cake, as
expression for the net rate of growth of biomass (RG) in a shown in Fig. 19. The SEM images revealed an irregular
batch-growth culture system as per Monod model can be structure indicating different microbial types. The Electron
written as follows [21]: Dispersed Analytical X-ray (EDAX) analysis observations
performed on the sludge during microscopic examination as
shown in Fig. 20 and Fig. 21 provide evidence of different
removal efficiency in relation with time. It showed
precipitation of chromium ions and salt ions on the surface,
whereas, the activated sludge at 120h showed high
In (2), X1 is MLSS concentration at the end of batch precipitation percentage. The similar observation was
period (mgL-1) and the other parameters are mentioned obtained by [17]-[25]-[26].
earlier. Y and kd denote the maximum yield coefficient (mg
SS/mg COD) and endogenous decay coefficient (h -1)
respectively. The values of kinetic coefficients i.e. Y and kd
can be estimated from the slope and intercept of (2).
The batch study data under purely suspended growth
condition i.e. initial and final biomass concentrations as
well as initial and final soluble COD concentrations were
arranged in accordance with (1) and (2) in order to evaluate
the kinetic coefficients related to substrate removal and
26 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014
Thus these coefficients have both academic value and
practical significance.
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