Basic Limits: Thomas, 13e

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Thomas, 13e

MAC 2311: Calculus

Section 2.2/2.4: Finding Limits Algebraically
Basic Limits and Limit Laws

Let a, c .

Basic Limits:

1. Constant Law: The limit of a constant is the constant:

lim c = c

Example 1: Find the limits.

a. lim 5 b. lim
x 2 x 1 2

2. Identity Law: The limit of f ( x ) = x as x approaches a is a.

lim x = a (Direct substitution).

Example 2: Find the limits.

a. lim x b. lim t
x 3 t 1 4

More Limit Laws

Suppose you know lim f ( x ) L=
and lim g ( x ) M . Then we establish the following limit laws:
x a x a

1. Sum Law: The limit of a sum is the sum of the limits:

lim f ( x ) + g ( x ) = lim f ( x ) + lim g ( x )
xa xa xa

2. Difference Law: The limit of a difference is the difference of the limits:

lim f ( x ) g ( x ) = lim f ( x ) lim g ( x )
xa xa xa

3. Product Law: The limit of a product is the product of the limits:

lim f ( x ) g ( x ) = lim f ( x ) lim g ( x )
xa xa xa

4. Quotient Law: The limit of a quotient is the quotient of the limits, provided:
f ( x ) lim f ( x)
; provided the lim g ( x ) 0
xa g ( x ) g ( x) xa

Unit 1 p. 8
Thomas, 13e
5. Constant Multiple Law: The limit of a constant times f ( x ) is the constant times the limit of f ( x ) :
c lim f ( x )
lim c f ( x ) =
xa xa

6. Power Law: The limit of a power of a function is the power of the limit of the function:
lim f ( x ) = lim f ( x )

xa xa

This leads to another basic limit: lim x n = a n (Direct substitution)


Example: lim x=
x 2

7. Root Law: The limit of a root is the root of the limit, provided the limit is greater than 0 if the root is
lim n f ( x ) n lim f ( x ) ; provided lim f ( x ) > 0 for n even.
xa xa xa

Example 3: Find the following limits algebraically.

3a. lim 2 x 2 + 3x 7
x 1

3x + 1
3b. lim
x 1 2 x4 x + 5

Theorem: Limits of Polynomial Functions

If p ( x ) is a polynomial function, then lim p ( x ) = p ( a ) .
x a

Theorem: Limits of Rational Functions

p ( x) p ( x) p (a)
If =
is a rational function, then lim ; provided q ( a ) 0 .
q ( x) x a q ( x) q (a)

Unit 1 p. 9
Thomas, 13e
Limits with Indeterminate Forms: 0/0 and other Algebraic Techniques
If you get 0/0, try to simplify the expression and re-take the limit.
Common techniques:
Simplify complex fraction
Rationalize numerator or denominator

Example 4: Find the limits algebraically.

x2 + 2 x 3
4a. lim
x 3 x+3

1 1

4b. lim 3 x 3
x 0 x

16 + h 4
4c. lim
h 0 h

Unit 1 p. 10
Thomas, 13e
All the limits laws and theorems also hold for one-sided limits:

Example 5: Find the limits algebraically.

x2 + 3
5a. lim
x4 x5

5b. lim+ x6 lim x6 lim x6

x 6 x 6 x 6

Finding Limits by Direct Substitution: lim f ( x ) = f ( a )

x a

In Section 2.5 we will show that the limits of many common functions we know can be found by direct
substitution, provided you dont run into domain issues and the function is continuous at a.
These functions will include:

Polynomial Rational Radical Absolute value

Exponential Logarithmic Trigonometric functions Inverse Trig Functions

Limits with Piecewise Functions

If asked to find lim f ( x ) , where a is the breaking point of the conditions, you will need to check the

limit on each side of x = a to see if they are equal.

Find the LHL using the piece of the function that has the condition x < a
Find the RHL using the piece of the function that has the condition x > a
The piece of the function that has the condition x = a matters only if you need to find the
functions value at a: f ( a ) .

Unit 1 p. 11
Thomas, 13e
Example 6: Find the limit algebraically, if it exists. If the limit DNE, explain why.

3 x ; x 0
6a. f ( x ) = f (0) = ? lim f ( x) = ?
x 0
e ; x < 0


When asked to find lim of an absolute value function, re-write it as a piecewise function:

x a if x a
xa =
then find the one-sided limit on each side of a.
( x a ) if x < a

6b. lim x lim
x 0 x 0 x

x 3
6c. lim
x 3 x 3

Unit 1 p. 12

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