Blendkit Mixmap Template For Sps 102 2

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Blended Learning Mix Map for SPS 102


Journal writing-Who is your favorite Career

Presentation and class discusion on Theorist and why do you support his theory
Theories of Career Development
Discussion Board post-Students discuss and
share their favorite Career Theory
Demonstration on the development of the Create Career Portfolio
Career Profile
Complete Focus 2 Career Inventory and share
your finding in a discussion post.
Identify and Confirming Core Values: class Take an online Personality Test/inventory and
discussion and demonstration activity submit your assignment in the submission
Weekly guest speakers from various careers dropbox
The World of Work presentation Career Project PowerPoint presentation
Videos-Road Trip, Candid Careers
Strategies for Researching Careers Exploring career websites on the internet
presentation Meet in online groups to complete exercises
Complete resume tool/Write cover letter
Decision-Making Model-exploring goals and Create a video of your interview with an
objectivies-presentation industry professional in your area of interest
and share it with the class

This Blended Learning Mix Map is part of the Blended Learning Toolkit prepared by the University of Central Florida (UCF) and the American Association of State Colleges and
Universities (AASCU) with funding from the Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC). It is provided as an open educational resource under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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