1212 Words You Need To Know To Pass TOEFL IBT

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1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass

1. 20 or so: 20 roughly
2. a matter of speculation: supposition n
3. a solicitation of: an invitation of
4. abandon: give up
5. aberrant: abnormal
6. abort: quit
7. abrupt: sudden
8. absorb: appeal: learn: take in
9. abstract: not concrete
10. absurd: ridiculous
11. abundance: great number: large amount n.> abundant:
large amount: afuent: ample: numerous
:plentiful: substantial
12. accelerate: speed up/get faster
13. access: reach
14. accessible: easy to reach: reachable
15. accidental: unexpected
16. acclaimed: praised
17. accommodate: provide for: achieve
18. accomplished: skilled
19. account for: explain
20. account: description
21. accumulate: collect: pile up: build up
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22. accurate: correct

23. acknowledge: recognize
24. actually: in fact
25. added: extra
26. adept: skilled
27. adequately: sufciently ad.
28. adherent: supporter: advocate
29. adjacency: nearing
30. adjacent: nearby: neighboring
31. adjust: modify
32. administer: manage
33. admire: respect
34. admit: let in
35. adopt: enact
36. advance: improvement
37. advent: arrival: beginning
38. affair: matter
39. afford: provide
40. aggravate: annoy: increase
41. aggregate: combined: overall
42. aggregation: group
43. agile: astute: clever: moving and acting quickly: quick and
44. air: feeling
45. alarm: sound: warning n.
46. albeit: even though: although
47. alleged: asserted: supposed
48. allocation: distribution
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49. allow: enable

50. allude to: refer to: suggest
51. ally with: link to
52. alter: change to
53. amazing: remarkable
54. ambiguous: more than one meaning: vague
55. ambitious: keen/energetic
56. ambivalent: mixed
57. ample: spacious: plentiful
58. amplify: magnify
59. analogous to: similar to
60. ancestor: forefather/progenitor
61. anchor: hold in place
62. ancient: antique: old
63. annihilate: completely remove: destroy
64. annually: yearly
65. anomaly: irregularity
66. anonymous: nameless/incognito
67. antagonist: competitor
68. anticipate: expect
69. antiseptic: clean
70. antithesis: opposite
71. antler: horn
72. anxiety: worry
73. apart from: except for
74. apparatus: equipment
75. apparent: obvious
76. apparently: clearly: seemingly
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77. bustling: busy

78. appeal: attraction
79. appealing: attractive
80. appear: seem
81. appearance: arrival: rise
82. appearance: showing up
83. application: use
84. appreciable: noticeable
85. approach: move toward
86. approach: method
87. approximately: roughly
88. architecture: structure
89. archive: record: stock: store
90. arduous: difcult
91. arid: dry
92. arise: come about: emerge
93. arrangement: conguration
94. array: range
95. article: item: object
96. as a rule: in general
97. assert: declare
98. assertion: strong statement
99. asset: advantage
100. assimilate: combine
101. assistance: help
102. assorted: various
103. assume: believe: suppose: take on
104. assumption: premise
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105. astonish: surprise

106. astonishing: amazing
107. astoundingly: incredibly
108. astute: clever
109. at random: without a denite pattern
110. attachment to: preference for
111. attain: achieve
112. attainment: achievement
113. attest to: conrm
114. attribute: characteristic
115. attribute to: credit with
116. attribute: accredit
117. attributes: characteristics
118. attribution: character
119. augment: increase
120. available: obtainable
121. avenue: means
122. avenue: method
123. avid: enthusiastic
124. back up: support
125. barely: just
126. barge: boat
127. barrier: impediment: obstacle
128. battle: struggle
129. be accustomed to: get used to
130. be accustomed to: get used to
131. aware of: familiar with
132. be beforehand: foreordain
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133. be closer resemblance to: be more like

134. be consistent with: be compatible with
135. be entitled to: have the right
136. be inclined: tend
137. be susceptible to: be subject to
138. beckon: invite v.
139. become extinct: die out
140. being: creature
141. benecial: advantageous
142. blossom: ourish: thrive
143. boast: exaggerate: puff
144. bombard: assault: strike: assail
145. boom: expansion
146. boon: great benet
147. boost: raise
148. boundary: periphery
149. branch: division
150. breakthrough: revolution
151. breed: reproduce
152. brew: develop
153. brilliant: bright
154. brittle: breakable: fragile
155. broad appeal: wide popularity
156. broadly: generally: extensively
157. bulk: largest area: major part: great quantity: large part:
large portion: majority
158. burgeon: expand
159. bustling: lively
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160. by and large: for the most part

161. camouage: hide: blend with circumstances: decorate:
162. cardinal: fundamental
163. cargo: shipment
164. catastrophic: badly harmful
165. celebrated: famous
166. central: essential
167. certain: specied
168. champion: promote
169. chancy: risky
170. channel: direct: guide: provide
171. chaotic: disorganized
172. cherish: value
173. chief: major
174. chisel: carve
175. choose: opt
176. chronic: conrmed: inveterate: habitual: persistent
177. chronically: constantly
178. circuitous: indirect
179. circumstance: condition: situation
180. cite: refer to: quote
181. classic: typical
182. clear: visible: apparent
183. cling to: attach to: hold
184. close: careful e.g. a close look at something
185. clue: hint
186. cluster: group
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187. coating: cover

188. coincide with: be as the same time as: accord with
189. coincidence: likely events
190. collaborate: cooperate
191. collaboration: joint effect
192. collect: gather
193. collide with: run into: hit
194. colossal: enormous
195. commemorate: celebrate
196. commonly: often: generally/normally
197. compact: concise compressed
198. comparable: equivalent
199. comparative: relative
200. compatible: consistent
201. compel: push
202. compelling: convincing: forcing
203. compensate: make up> compensate for: balance:
204. complaint: protest
205. complement: add to: supplement
206. completely: totally
207. complex: system n. : elaborate adj.
208. complicated: complex: made things more difcult
209. component: constituent
210. compose: be made up of
211. composition: mixture
212. comprehensive: complete: understandable: thorough
213. comprise: consist of: make up: form
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214. compulsory: required

215. concede: accept
216. conceiving: considering
217. consensus: agreement
218. concern: interest
219. concise: simple
220. conclusive: nal: ultimate
221. conducive: contributive
222. conguration: arrangement: form
223. conne: limit > conned to: limited to: restricted
224. confront: face
225. congeal: solidify
226. congregate: gather
227. consecutive: successive
228. consequence: importance e.g. of little consequence
229. consequence: result> consequent: resulting: later:
230. consequential: signicant
231. consequently: therefore: thus: as a result
232. conserve: save
233. consider: think about: view as
234. considerable: large amount of: substantial/signicant
235. consist of: compose of
236. consistent: regular: uniform> consistently: regularly
237. conspicuous: notable
238. constant: stable> constantly: always
239. constellation: collection: combination
240. constitute: comprise/consist of: make up
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241. constitution: component

242. constrain: restrict> constraint: limit: restriction
243. consume: eat up> consumed: used completely: used up
244. contains: includes
245. contemplate: consider
246. contemporary: modern
247. contention: claim
248. contentious: disputed
249. contiguous: neighboring
250. continual: constant
251. continued: constant
252. continuous: uninterrupted: ongoing
253. contour: outline
254. contrive: create: invent
255. controversy: conict/ disagreement
256. conventional: customary: traditional
257. converging: concentrating
258. convert: transform: change to
259. convey: communicate
260. convict: doom: sentence: condemn
261. conviction: strong belief
262. convince: persuade
263. cope with: deal with: handle
264. copious: plentiful
265. core: center
266. correlate: match
267. correspondence: harmony> correspondingly: accordingly
268. corroborate: conrm
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269. costly: expensive

270. counsel: advise
271. counter of: in the opposite of> counter: oppose
272. counterpart: equivalent: similitude:
273. countervail: compensate: oppose
274. countless: innumerable
275. couple: associate> couple with: together with
276. covered: included
277. crawl: move
278. create: invent
279. creative: inventive
280. crest: peak
281. crisis: disturbance
282. critical: crucial: essential
283. criticize: debate
284. crucial: important> crucially: decisively
285. crude: unsophisticated
286. crushed: ground
287. cuing: hint/clue
288. culminate: climax> culminate in: peak> culmination: high
289. cumbersome: awkward: clumsy: unwieldy
290. curb: control
291. current: present
292. cushioned: protect
293. dam: block
294. dangle: hang
295. daring: bold
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296. debate: argue

297. decimate: destroy> decimation: destruction
298. decorating: ornamental
299. decient: inadequate
300. deect: redirect
301. degree: extent: measure
302. delicate: dainty
303. delight: please: pleasure
304. deluxe: lavish
305. demand: need
306. demise: extinction
307. demography: (study of)population
308. dense: crowded> dense: thick
309. depend: rely on> dependable: reliable
310. depict: describe: depict: portray
311. deplete: exhaust> depletion: drain
312. deposit: accumulate: lay down
313. derive from: arise
314. desiccated: dry
315. design: create
316. designate: assign: identify> designation: identication
317. despite: even though
318. detected: identied
319. determine: gure out
320. detractor: critic
321. detrimental: harmful
322. deviate: digress> deviation: departure
323. devise: create
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324. devoid of: short of: lack of: scant of: without
325. devoted: dedicated> devoted to: concentrated on
326. devour: eat
327. dictate: order
328. differential: uneven
329. diffuse: disperse/ spread out: travel
330. dilemma: problem
331. diligent: careful
332. dilute: reduce
333. dim: decrease
334. dim: weak
335. dimension: aspect: size
336. disassemble: break up: break apart
337. disband: dismiss
338. discard: throw away: throw up
339. discernible: noticeable: discriminating: noticeable
340. discharge: release
341. discipline: punish
342. discrete: separate
343. disentangle: disband
344. disguise: hidden
345. disgust: distaste
346. disintegrate: fall apart: break apart: tear apart
347. dismantle: demolish
348. dismiss: reject
349. disorder: anarchy
350. dispensable: not necessary
351. dispersal: distribution: spread> dispersed: scattered
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352. displace: move out of position

353. disposition: temperament
354. dispute: argument: contention
355. dissipate: disperse
356. dissuade: discourage
357. distant: far
358. distinct: separate: clear and recognizable
359. distinction: difference: excellence: honor
360. distinctive: characteristic
361. distinctly: clearly
362. distinguish: notice from the difference
363. distribute: spread > distribution: dispersion
364. disturb: upset
365. diverse: distinct: various adj. > diversication: emergence
of many varieties n.> diversify: vary> diversity: variety
366. divert: deect
367. divest: deprive: get rid of
368. doctrine: principle
369. domestic: home
370. dormant: hibernated: inactive
371. dramatically: noticeably: greatly
372. drastic: extreme> drastically: severely
373. drive: incentive
374. dual: double
375. duplicate: copy: repeat
376. durable: lasting
377. earn: acquire
378. ease: facilitate
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379. eccentric: strange: erratic

380. edible: eatable
381. efface: eliminate
382. elaborate: detailed
383. elapsed: passed
384. elevate: raise
385. eliminate: remove
386. elite: excellent person
387. elusive: difcult to catch
388. emanate: emerge
389. embark on: start
390. embed: enclose: implant: insert
391. emergence: rise: appearance
392. emergency: crisis
393. emergent: developing
394. employ: use v
395. enable: allow v.
396. enactment: establishment
397. encapsulate: state briey
398. encounter: meet
399. encourage: stimulate
400. end: purpose
401. endangered: not abundant
402. endeavor: enterprise
403. endorse: support
404. endow: bestow
405. enduring: lasting: withstanding
406. engulf: swallow
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407. enhance: improve: intensify

408. enjoy: experience
409. enlist: obtain
410. enormous: huge: large: great
411. enrich: enhance
412. ensue: result> ensuing: subsequent
413. ensure: guarantee
414. entail: involve
415. enthusiastic: eager
416. entirely: wholly
417. environment: setting
418. envision: imagine
419. ephemeral: short-lived
420. ephemeral: transient
421. episode: event
422. epitomize: exemplify
423. equilibrium: balance
424. era: period
425. eradicate: remove completely
426. erect: build
427. erratic: irregular: unpredictable
428. erroneous: wrong
429. escalate: extend
430. essential: crucial: required adj. >essentially:
431. established: qualied
432. establishment: formation
433. estimate: projection> estimation: evaluation
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434. euphoric: extremely happy

435. evaluate: judge
436. eventual: later: nal> eventually: nally: later: eventually:
ultimately: in the end
437. ever-shifting: constant changing
438. evidence: proof
439. evident: obvious: apparent
440. evoke: create in the mind: arouse: draw: promote:
stimulate: produce
441. evolve: develop
442. exaggerate: overstate
443. excavate: dig out>excavation: dug-out
444. exceed: beyond above: surpass> exceedingly: extremely
445. exceptionally: unusually
446. exclusively: only: solely
447. excrete: expel
448. execute: perform
449. exercise: use
450. exert: utilize
451. exhausted: tired: used up
452. exhibit: demonstrate: display
453. expand: increase: stretch
454. expanse: area> expansive: large
455. expediency: advantage: convenience> expedient: tting
456. expend: use
457. explicit: obvious
458. exploit: make use of: take advantage of: utilize
459. explore: investigate
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460. expose to: subject to

461. express: communicate
462. extant: remaining: existing: not extinct
463. extend: stretch> extensive: substantial: broad: large
464. extol: praise
465. extraneous: from outside: inessential
466. extraordinary: exceptional
467. exude: give off: release
468. fabricate: produce
469. facet: aspect
470. fair: signicant
471. faithful: loyal
472. far-reaching: broad
473. far-reaching: extensive
474. fascinating: extremely attractive
475. fashion(verb): make
476. fashion: way
477. fashionable: popular
478. feasible: achievable: practical: probable
479. feast: eating
480. ferry: transport
481. fertile: productive: reproductive
482. gure out: map
483. nding: discovery
484. rst and foremost: above all
485. xed: rm
486. ake: fragment
487. attery: praise
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488. ee: run away from

489. exible: adaptable
490. oat: upward rise: stay on the top
491. ourish: prosper: thrive> ourishing: prosperous
492. ow: movement
493. uctuate: change> uctuation: variation
494. focal point: central area
495. focus: concentrate
496. follow: track
497. for instance: for example
498. forage: search for food: feed
499. foremost: important
500. formidable: excessive
501. formulate: form/ devise
502. foster: promote the development of: encourage: urge
503. foul: pollute
504. fragment: break up> fragmentation: break> fragmentize:
break up
505. frankly: openly: sincerely
506. freestanding: separate
507. friction: conict
508. frigid: cold
509. function: operation: utility
510. fundamental: basic
511. funds: money
512. furthermore: in addition: moreover
513. gap: opening
514. gear: adjust
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515. generate: produce

516. genuine: true> genuinely: actually
517. gesture: movement
518. get accustomed to: become used to
519. giant: huge
520. give rise to: produce
521. given: particular
522. govern: control: regulate
523. grasp: understand
524. groom: make up: clean
525. groundless: unfounded
526. grounds: reasons
527. groundwork: base: basis: foundation
528. grudging: unenthusiastic
529. guarantee: ensure
530. hairline: slight
531. hallmark: characteristic
532. halt: stop
533. hamper: restrict: make difculty
534. handy: convenient
535. haphazard: random
536. harness: put into use: use: utilize
537. harsh: drastic
538. hasten: speed up
539. hasty: hurried
540. haul: pull
541. have nothing to do with: in no relation to
542. havoc: destruction
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543. hazard: danger

544. notice
545. heighten: increase
546. heir: inheritor
547. hence: therefore
548. heritage: legacy: tradition
549. heterogeneous: varied
550. hide: conceal
551. hinder: hamper: interfere with
552. hint: clue: implication: indication: lead
553. hire: employ
554. hitherto: previously
555. hobby: pastime
556. hold: support: keep up
557. hollow: an empty space
558. homogeneous: uniform
559. host of: great number
560. however: yet
561. hub: center
562. huge: large
563. hurdle: fence
564. hypothetical: supposed
565. ice sheet: glacier
566. identical: the same
567. idiosyncrasies: peculiarity
568. ignite: set on re
569. illuminate: bright
570. illusion: impression
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571. imitate: emulate with

572. immense: enormous: very big: great: huge: vast>
immensely: extremely
573. immigration: movement
574. immobile: xed> immobility: absence of motion
575. immoral: improper: indecent
576. impermeable: impervious: impenetrable
577. impetus: incentive: stimulus
578. implausible: unbelievable
579. implement: put into action: tool> implement: carry out
580. imply: indicate
581. imposing: impressive
582. imprecise: inexact
583. improbable: unlikely
584. in fact: actually
585. in great demand: in popularity
586. in respect to: in term of
587. in tandem: together
588. in the long run: eventually
589. inaccessible: unreachable
590. inadvertently: without knowing: unintentionally
591. inaugurate: introduce
592. inauspicious: unfavorable
593. incentive: motive
594. inception: beginning
595. incidentally: by the way
596. inclement: unfavorable
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597. inconceivable: unimaginable

598. inconclusive: without result
599. incorporate: include: merge v.
600. incursion: invasion
601. indicate: demonstrate> indications: signs
602. indigenous: native
603. indiscriminately: at random
604. indispensable: essential: necessary: needed: required:
signicant: vital
605. indistinct: not clear
606. induce: bring about: bring: cause> inducement: incentive
607. ineffectively: without any result
608. inert: motionless: motiveless
609. inevitable: unavoidable
610. inference: conclusion
611. inrm: weak
612. inate: expand
613. inict: bring about/ impose
614. infrastructure: foundation
615. ingenious: very clever> ingenuity: cleverness:
creativeness: inventiveness: resourcefulness
616. inherent: essential: in characteristic: instinctive: internal
617. inhibit: decrease: hinder
618. inhospitable: unfavorable: adverse: unfavorable
619. initial: in the beginning: rst> initialing: beginning v.>
initially: originally ad> initiate: start: begin v.
620. innovation: new> innovative: new
621. inordinate: excessive
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622. insight into: perceive

623. insistent: persistent
624. install: put in place
625. instant: moment> instantaneous: immediate
626. instigate: incite
627. institute: establish
628. instructive: informative v.
629. insufcient: inadequate
630. intact: untouched: complete
631. intangible: nonmaterial: immaterial
632. integral: essential
633. intense: strong
634. intentionally: deliberately
635. intercourse: exchange
636. intermediate: in-between
637. intermingle: interact
638. intimate: close
639. intricate: carefully shaped: complex
640. intrigue: interest> intriguing: fascinating
641. intrinsic: essential: inherent
642. intrusive: invasive
643. invade: move into
644. invaluable: highly useful
645. invariably: always
646. invent: devise
647. inviolable: allowing no attack: without exception
648. invoke: appeal
649. irrecoverable: permanent
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650. isolated: separated

651. jettison: release
652. jointly: combined
653. jolt: shock
654. judge: estimate
655. junction: connection
656. juncture: connection
657. justied: right> justify: prove
658. justly: rightly
659. keep tune to: maintain
660. key: signicant: critical
661. lading: cargo: shipment
662. landscape: scenery
663. large: extensive
664. largely: mostly
665. lateral: side adj.
666. launch: initiate: start
667. lax: careless
668. legitimacy: authority> legitimately: properly
669. 979. leisure: free time> leisurely: slowly
670. lethal: deadly: fateful
671. liberal: extensive
672. liken: to compare
673. likewise: similarly
674. linger: stroll: wander
675. link: connect: consist of: put together
676. little short miraculous: amazing but it is impossible
677. livelihood: means of support
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678. locale: place

679. locate: nd
680. lucrative: protable
681. luxuriant: thriving
682. magnify: enlarge: increase
683. magnitude: size: amount: extent
684. maintain: continue
685. majestic: magnicent
686. make their way: travel
687. malleable: pliable
688. manage: be able
689. mandatory: obligatory: required
690. manifest: reveal
691. manipulate: control
692. marked: considerable: signicant> markedly: distinctly:
693. marvelously: remarkably
694. mask: cover: disguise
695. massive: enormous: huge
696. mastery: control
697. materialize: come into being
698. matter: issue
699. mature: developed: get older
700. maximum: greatest size
701. mean: average
702. mechanism: means
703. mere subsistence: minimum survival
704. merely: no more than: only: simply
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705. merge: blend: combine

706. merit: worth
707. meticulously: carefully
708. milestone: signicant event
709. mimic: copy: imitate
710. miniature: small
711. minuscule: tiny
712. minute: very small: tiny> minutely: nely: in detail
713. mirror: reect
714. misconception: wrong idea
715. misleading: erroneous: inaccurate: unreliable
716. misunderstanding: false idea
717. mock: pretend
718. moderate: temperate
719. modes: manner
720. modest: limited: small> modestly: humbly
721. modication: alteration> modify: change
722. momentous: signicant
723. monitor: observe
724. monopolize: dominate> monopoly in: domination
725. monotone: tedious: boring
726. monumental: giant: signicant
727. moreover: additionally: in addition
728. motif: pattern
729. mount: grow: climb: increase
730. mundane: material: ordinary
731. mutually exclusive: contradictory
732. myriad: countless: innumerable: numerous
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733. narrow: limit

734. nature: character
735. nearly: almost
736. necessary: required
737. needless to say: obvious
738. nevertheless: however: in spite of
739. nocturnal: nighttime
740. notable: important: outstanding> notably: especially
741. note: record
742. noticeable: obvious
743. notion: idea
744. notwithstanding: despite: nevertheless
745. novel: new
746. now and then: occasionally
747. objective: purpose n.
748. oblige: require: force
749. obscure: conceal v.> obscure: unclear adj.
750. obsession with: xation on
751. obtain: acquire
752. obvious: evident> obviously: clearly
753. occasion: event> occasionally: once in a while
754. of legitimacy: lawful
755. of likelihood: probable
756. offset: balance: compensate: make up: counterbalance
757. old male: aged male
758. omit: neglect: exclude
759. on the contrary: on the other hand: whereas
760. on the whole: in general: mainly
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761. ongoing: current

762. onset: start: beginning
763. opaque: impenetrable
764. optimal: most advantageous: ideal
765. option: choice
766. orchestrate: stage-manage
767. orientation: perspective: introduction
768. originally: at the rst
769. originate from: come into existence from
770. ornament: decorate> ornamental: decorative>
ornamentation: decoration
771. ostentatious: showy
772. outbreak: sudden increase
773. outcome: result
774. outermost: farthermost away
775. overlook: ignore
776. overview: summary
777. overwhelming: powerful
778. owing to: because of
779. pace: speed
780. pacify: assuage
781. paradox: contrary> paradoxically: seemingly
782. parcel out: distribute
783. pare away: remove
784. particularly: especially
785. partly: in some degree
786. patch: area: spot
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787. peak: top: highest point: maximum: time of the greatest

activity: summit/climax
788. peculiar: strange
789. penetrate: enter
790. perceptible: noticeable: appreciable
791. peril: danger> perilous: dangerous: hazardous: risky: toxic
792. periodically: from time to time: regularly
793. perishable: easy to spoil
794. permanent: forever: lasting
795. permeate: penetrate
796. permit: allow
797. perpetual: constant> perpetuate: maintain/ immortalize
798. persist: continue: last> persistent: long lasting
799. personality: character
800. pertinent: relevant
801. pervasive: widespread
802. phenomena[pl.]: events> phenomenal: extraordinary>
phenomenon: observable fact: occurrence
803. piecing: joining
804. pigment: color> pigmentation: coloring: dye
805. pinnacle: high point
806. pinpoint: clearly identify: describe precisely> pinpoint:
807. pioneer: initiate
808. plague: cause problems
809. plausible: believable: apparently reasonable and valid
810. pledge: promise
811. plumage: feather
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812. pocketbook: affordable

813. popular: broad appeal: widespread
814. pore: space: hole
815. portable: can be carried
816. portion: constituent: part
817. pose: present: place
818. posit: assume: propose: suggest
819. postulate: hypothesize: presume
820. potent: powerful
821. potential: possible adj.> potential: capability n.>
potential: latent adj.
822. practically: nearly
823. pragmatic: practical
824. precarious: insecure
825. precede: be beyond: come before
826. precious: valuable
827. precipitate: bring about
828. precise: exact adj.> precision: accuracy n
829. preclude: rule out
830. predicament: difcult situation: serious situation n.
831. prediction: prophecy n.
832. predominant: very noticeable: most aggressive: principal
> predominantly: principally: primitively ad. 1251: mainly
833. preeminent: important
834. preeminent: foremost
835. premise: assume
836. preoccupation with: concentration on
837. preordain: ordain: appoint: foreordain
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838. preponderance: majority

839. prerequisite: requirement: something needed to happen:
something required
840. preserve: protect: retain: save
841. presumable: probable: supposable adj.> presumably:
842. prevail: dominate v.> prevailing: dominant: popular>
prevalent: common: prevailing
843. previous: past> previously: before
844. primarily: mainly> primary: dominant
845. prime: main
846. primitive: early: basic and simple
847. principal: essential: major
848. principle: rule: standard
849. prior: previous> priority: ranking preference
850. pristine: pure
851. prized: valued
852. probe: explore
853. process: purify
854. procure: acquire: obtain
855. profound: far-reaching: deep
856. programmed: determined
857. progressively: gradually
858. prohibitive: unaffordable
859. projection: estimate> projection: prediction
860. proliferating: multiplying> proliferation: increase
861. prolically: abundantly
862. prolong: extend> prolonged: lengthy
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863. prominent: eminent: principal: outstanding: important

864. promote: encourage: enhance
865. prompt: cause
866. pronounced: denite: clear: notable
867. propagate: multiply: reproduce
868. propel: push
869. property: characteristic: quality
870. proponent: supporter n.
871. proposal: suggestion: idea
872. prosper: succeed v.> prosperity: wellbeing> prosperous:
873. prototype: model
874. protrude: project: stick out: extend
875. provided: if
876. provoke: elicit
877. prowess: great skill: expertise
878. proximity: nearness: closeness
879. propose: suggest
880. pursue: chase
881. quarters: residences
882. radical: drastic: extreme: fundamental> radically:
883. ramication: consequence: branch
884. random: chance
885. range: vary v
886. rare: scarce: unusual
887. rate: classify
888. rather than: instead of
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889. rational: sensible/logical

890. ravage: destroy n.
891. readily: easily
892. ready: receptive
893. realm: area
894. reasonable: sufcient
895. rebellion: revolt
896. rebound: recovery
897. receptivity to: openness to
898. recharge: rell
899. reconcile: compromise
900. recur: repeat
901. rene: improve v.> rened: decent: with high quality:
improved adj.
902. refuge: safety
903. refuse: garbage
904. regardless: without considering
905. regenerate: renew
906. regrettable: unfortunate
907. regulate: adjust: control
908. reinforce: strengthen v.
909. relative: comparative
910. relic: remain: remnant
911. reluctance: unwillingness> reluctant: disinclined
912. remarkable: notable: incredible> remarkably: surprisingly
913. remedy: cure
914. remnant: residue/remains: remaining: remains: left-over
915. remote: distant: isolated
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916. render: make

917. rendering: presentation
918. renowned: famous
919. repercussion: effect
920. replenish: rell: restore
921. replicas: copies n.
922. repudiate: reject v.
923. reputation: fame n.
924. resembling: approximating
925. reserve: save
926. resident: inhabitant
927. residual: remaining
928. resilient: easy to recover: quick to recover
929. respective: particular adj.>
930. respectively: separately
931. restricted: limited
932. resume: start again
933. retain: maintain: keep
934. retreat: recede
935. retrieve: bring back
936. retrospect: look back
937. reveal: manifest: reveal: show: make known
938. revenue: income
939. revival: restoration: resuscitation
940. revive: recover
941. revolution: dramatic change> revolutionize: change
942. rigidly: strictly
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943. rigorous: demanding: harsh> rigors: difculties

944. rise: emerge
945. risk: danger
946. ritual: ceremonial
947. rival: compete v.
948. roam: wander v.
949. robust: healthy
950. role: function
951. rotate: turn
952. roughly: almost: approximately
953. roundabout: circuitous
954. route: path n.> routinely: commonly
955. rudiment: basic> rudimentary: primitive: basic
956. rupture: burst
957. sacred: holy
958. sample: example
959. satised: fullled
960. save for: except for
961. scale: magnitude
962. scant: minimal
963. scanty: thin adj.
964. scatter: diffuse/disperse: distribute: disperse
965. scenario: situation
966. scented: fragrant
967. scope: extent: horizon
968. scorching: exceedingly hot
969. score: a large number of n.
970. scorn: despise
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971. scrap: fragment n.

972. screen: lter v.
973. scrutinize: examine v.> scrutiny: examination n.
974. sculpt: shape
975. secrete: produce
976. sedentary: settled
977. seek: attempt
978. seething: active> seething: excited
979. segment: portion
980. seize: take
981. seldom: rare
982. sensational: extraordinary
983. separate: different
984. sequence: series> sequent: later/ following
985. serene: calm: silent
986. set in: start
987. set off: begin
988. setback: failure
989. settle: inhabit
990. severe: harsh> severity: seriousness
991. severed: cut off
992. shallow: not deep
993. shatter: destroy v.
994. sheer: absolute
995. shield: protect
996. shift: change: move
997. shiver: tremor
998. shortage: limitation
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999. showcase: display v.

1000. shrink: contract
1001. shy away from: avoid
1002. signature: identifying mark
1003. signicance: importance> signicant: meaningful:
1004. simulated: articial
1005. simultaneously: at the same time
1006. singularly: particularly
1007. sink: descend: drop to the bottom: pass out of sight
1008. site: locate
1009. size up: reckon up to: measure
1010. skeptical: doubting: suspected: doubtful
1011. slight: small> slightly: somewhat
1012. slope: incline v.
1013. snaking: winding
1014. snap: break v.
1015. so far: until present: up to now: up to present
1016. soak: absorb
1017. sole: only: unique
1018. solicit: request
1019. solitary: alone
1020. sophisticated: complex: rened: elaborated
1021. sophistication: technology n.
1022. sort: kind: type
1023. sought-after: desired
1024. source: origin n.

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1025. span: period n. > span: extend over

spark: set off
1026. sparse: thinly distributed adj.: not rich
1027. spawn: create: produce
1028. speak of: indicate
1029. speciation: evolution
1030. specic: particular> specically: specially> specify: state v.
1031. spectacular: impressive
1032. spectator: beholder: human viewer
1033. spectrum: range
1034. speed: increase the rate of v.
1035. spell: period of time n.
1036. sphere: area
1037. splendid: magnicent adj.> splendor: magnicence n.
1038. split: divide
1039. sponsor: support
1040. spontaneous: impulsive: instinctive: unplanned>
spontaneously: automatically adv.
1041. sporadic: intermittent: irregular> sporadically:
1042. spot: catch: identify: see > spottily: occasionally
1043. spread: distribute
1044. spur: stimulate v.> spur of the moment: without planning
1045. stabilize: hold in place
1046. staggering: overwhelming
1047. stagnation: inactivity
1048. staple: important
1049. staunch: strong: loyal: rm
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1050. steady: stable

1051. stealthily: silently
1052. stem: arise
1053. stimulate: cause: prompt
1054. stipulate: require
1055. stockpile: store up v.
1056. strategy: plan n.
1057. strictly: only
1058. stride: step
1059. strike: come into/contract with> striking: dramatic
1060. string: series
1061. stringent: strict
1062. strip: remove
1063. stunning: astounding
1064. sturdy: strong
1065. stylus: pen
1066. subject to: vulnerable to> subjected to: dominated by v.
1067. subsequent: ensuing: later: following in time>
subsequently: later
1068. subsidiary: less important
1069. substantial: large amount/considerable: essential: sturdy:
actual: signicant: enough adj.> substantially: importantly
1070. substantiate: conrm v.
1071. substitute: replacement n.> substitute: replace v.
1072. subtle: small
1073. succession: series> successive: continuous adj.>
successively: one after another adv.
1074. sue: raise a legal action against
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1075. suitable: appropriate

1076. suited: appropriated
1077. sumptuous: luxurious
1078. sunk: down to the bottom
1079. supersede: replace
1080. supplant: replace: substitute v.
1081. supplement: addition n.> supplemental: additional adj.
1082. suppress: stop by force v.
1083. surmise: assume: guess: infer
1084. surplus: extra: excess
1085. surveillance: careful observation
1086. susceptible to: prone to: be subject to
1087. suspect: believe: doubt v.
1088. suspend: oat: hang
1089. sustain: support: persist v.> sustainable: endurable adj.
1090. sustenance: food: life: living
1091. swell: enlargement n.> swell: expand
1092. swiftly: quickly
1093. symmetric: balance
1094. synthesis: combination
1095. tactic: strategy
1096. tailspin: total confusion
1097. take place: occur
1098. take: require
1099. tame: domesticate
1100. tangible: material: physical: real/ concrete adj.
1101. tantalizing: anxious
1102. taper: diminish v.
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1103. task: work n.

1104. technique: method
1105. teem with: be full of
1106. tempting: appealing
1107. tenacity: stability
1108. tend: care for v.> tendency: inclination
1109. tenet: belief: principle
1110. tension: pressure
1111. tenuous: weak
1112. terminal: nal> terminated by: nished by
1113. terrain: tract n.
1114. testify: give evidence v.
1115. therefore: consequently: in that purpose
1116. thorough: complete> thoroughly: completely
1117. threaten: endanger
1118. threshold: limitation: limit
1119. thrill: excitement
1120. through: by
1121. throughout: during the period
1122. thus: consequently: therefore
1123. tie: connection: relation
1124. timid: fearful
1125. to be sure: certainly
1126. to some extent: with limitations
1127. toil: work v.
1128. tolerate: endure v.
1129. toxic: poisonous
1130. track: follow: observe v.
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1131. tracts(of land): area

1132. transfer: move v.
1133. transform: deform v.> transformation: shufe: change:
rotation n.
1134. transitory: short-lived: ephemeral: temporary: transient
1135. trappings: decorations
1136. trauma: damage n.> traumatic: upsetting adj.
1137. traverse: cross v.
1138. tremendous: enormous
1139. trend: movement: tendency
1140. tricky: difcult
1141. trigger: initiate: start v.
1142. turbulent: agitated
1143. turn: change to
1144. typical: ordinary
1145. ubiquitous: common
1146. ultimate: in the end> ultimately: nally> ultimately:
eventually adv.
1147. unadorned: not decorative
1148. unambiguous: clear
1149. unanimity: total agreement
1150. unconsolidated: loose
1151. undergo: experience
1152. underlie: on the basis of> underlying: inner
1153. underpinning: foundation: support
1154. underrate: undervalue: underestimate
1155. underscore: stress: emphasize
1156. undertake: attempt> undertaking: enterprise
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1157. uneasy: unstable

1158. uniform: without variation> uniformly: consistently:
evenly adv.
1159. unintendedly: occasionally
1160. uninterrupted: steady
1161. unique: distinctive: distinct: sole adj.> unique to: only
found in
1162. universally: without exception
1163. unleash: release
1164. unprecedented: novel: unique: initial: new: unexampled
1165. unqualied: complete
1166. unreceptive: unresponsive: undecided
1167. unrestricted: unlimited
1168. unsophisticated: simple
1169. unsuitable: inappropriate
1170. unsurpassed: superior
1171. unwieldy: cumbersome
1172. urbane: cultivated
1173. utilitarian: functional : practical
1174. utterly: completely ad.
1175. vagary: uncertainty
1176. vaguely: slightly
1177. vanish: disappear
1178. variability: tendency to change n.> variation: difference
n.> varied: different
1179. vast: extended: extensive: immense: large number: huge
1180. vehicle: means: method: way
1181. versatile: adaptable: competent /all-around
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1182. via: by means of: by the way of

1183. viability: ability to exist
1184. vial: bottle n.
1185. vibrant: vivid
1186. vicinity: neighborhood n.
1187. vigor: energy> vigorous: active: energetic: strong
1188. virtually: nearly: almost: nearly: actually: in fact
1189. virtue: merit n.
1190. visual barrier: obstacle to view
1191. vital: critical: essential
1192. vivid: bright
1193. volume: quantity
1194. vulnerable: open to attack: open to break: susceptible:
1195. wanting: inadequate
1196. warrant: authorize: justify
1197. wary: cautious
1198. whatever: in any case
1199. whereas: however
1200. whereby: through a process in which
1201. while: although
1202. whole: entire> wholly: completely
1203. wield: exert v
1204. with respect of: in terms of
1205. within: inside
1206. withstand: resist: tolerate
1207. witness: observe
1208. yearly: annual
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1209. yearning: longing

1210. yet: however
1211. yield: produce: provide
1212. zenith: peak n.

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