IRJET Automatic Water Tank Cleaning Machine

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Automatic Water Tank Cleaning Machine

Thonge Suraj D.1, Shelke Prasad K.2, Wakte Vaibhav B.3, Thonge Sharad A.4,
Prof. Shinde R.S.5
1 BE Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SND COE & RC, Maharashtra, India
2 BE Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SND COE & RC, Maharashtra, India
3BE Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SND COE & RC, Maharashtra, India
4BE Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SND COE & RC, Maharashtra, India
5 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SND COE & RC, Maharashtra, India

Abstract - Aim of this project is to develop a mechanical The water tank can also be cleaned by using
system for cleaning domestic cylindrical water tank. The chemicals to remove the dirt and sediments. The
mechanical system includes two main mechanisms which chemicals used may affect the human health.
are rack and pinion gear mechanism and reciprocating four
bar linkage mechanism. The rack and pinion arrangement is Pressurized water can be sprayed on the walls of
used to move whole mechanical system up and down for the tank which will remove the dirt from the tank surface.
cleaning the cylindrical tank. The rack is fixed on the motor
and the four-bar mechanism is attached to the motor shaft. These methods are time consuming and require
PVC brushes are attached to the ends of the four-bar more efforts for cleaning.
linkage. Four bar linkage is made in such a way that it can
be adjusted according to inside diameter of the tank. When
1.3 Alternate Method
the motor is started the linkage rotates and with the help of
brushes, cleaning of wall and base of tank takes place. The
purpose of this project is to reduce the human efforts and to All methods of cleaning water tank as discussed
avoid the chemical influence on health of person entering above are time consuming and require more human
the tank for cleaning. efforts. So alternate method is required for cleaning
purpose which will overcome the drawbacks of all other
Key Words: Cylindrical water tank, four bar linkage,
methods. Therefore we are developing water tank
motor shaft, rack and pinion, PVC brush.
cleaning equipment which requires less time and human
1.INTRODUCTION efforts for cleaning.

1.1 Necessity of Cleaning Water Tank 2. MAIN COMPONENTS

2.1 Gear Motor

Every day we use the tank water for brushing and
bathing, for cleaning and moping, for washing clothes and Gear motor is used to produce high torque with
in other household chores. With the passage of time, low speed. motor used has specifications as single phase
sediments, scale and algae get deposited on the walls, 220V, 15A which produces power of 0.35 HP and
ceiling and floor of the water tank. This deposition frequency of 50 Hz and the shaft speed is 75 rpm.
contaminates the water and makes is unfit for use. With
time algae and bacteria grow and breed in this water
infect it and could make us fall sick eventually. Hence
water tank cleaning is very important.

1.2 Methods of water tank cleaning

Manual scrubbing in which wall and floor of tank

are scrubbed to remove dirt, sediments, fungus and stains,
but this method is more tedious and time consuming.

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1674
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2.2 Four Bar Linkage

2.5 Brush
A plane linkage consisting of four links pinned tail
to head in a closed loop with lower or closed joints. It is a The brushes are made up of Poly Vinyl Chloride
plane mechanism consisting of four links that form (PVC) polymer. Brushes attached to the ends of four bar
rotating kinematic pairs. The four bar linkage is arranged linkage revolve due to rotation of motor shaft to clean the
in such a way that it adjusts the inner diameter of the tank. inner surface of the tank.

2.3 Rack and Pinion

A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator that

comprises a pair of gears which converts rotational
motion into linear motion. A circular gear called the
pinion engages teeth on a linear gear bar called the
rack. Rotational motion applied to the pinion causes the
rack to move relative to pinion. Thus the motor attached
to the rack is moved in vertical direction along the guide
way with the help of handle attached to the pinion.


Firstly whole water is removed from the tank.

Detergent is then sprayed on the inner wall of the tank for
easy removal of dirt. The whole system is inserted in
retracted position into the tank. The four bar linkage is
then adjusted according to the tank diameter in such a
way that brush at end of the shaft touches the bottom of
tank. Now the motor is switched ON. The four bar linkage
starts rotating along with the shaft. This causes scrubbing
of inner wall of tank by the brush attached to the ends of
linkage. For cleaning upper portion of the tank the whole
2.4 Shaft mechanism is reciprocated along the guide ways with the
help of handle connected to the rack and pinion
Shaft made up of mild steel of diameter 15mm is arrangement. In this way the tank gets cleaned within
used to transmit rotary motion from motor to the four bar minimum time.
linkage. Holes provided on the shaft, adjust the four bar
linkage according to the diameter of the tank.

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1675
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


The water tank cleaner was used to clean the

water tanks by using rotating brushes. This method was
more effective and safe than the conventional methods.
This method is capable to clean water tanks within less
time and human efforts.


It is a pleasure for us to present this paper where

guidance plays an invaluable key and provides a concrete
platform for completion of the paper.
We would like to thank our internal guide Prof.
Shinde R.S. Department of Mechanical Engineering, for his
valuable encouragement and constant guidance without
which we wouldnt have looked deeper into our work and
realized both our shortcomings and our feats. This work
would not have been possible without him.


[1] Dr.R.K.Bansal, Kinematics of machine, Laxmi

Publications (P) Ltd (2011).
[2] Shubham Shrivastav, Hari Om Kumar, Design and
Development of Cylindrical Water tank cleaner, vol. 6,
2016, pp. 262-264.

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1676

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