Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra - R G Calvet
Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra - R G Calvet
Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra - R G Calvet
Mathematics Teacher
I.E.S. Pere Calders, Cerdanyola del Vallès
To my son Pere, born with the book.
ISBN: 84-699-3197-0
The book I am so pleased to present represents a true innovation in the field of the
mathematical didactics and, specifically, in the field of geometry. Based on the long
neglected discoveries made by Grassmann, Hamilton and Clifford in the nineteenth
century, it presents the geometry -the elementary geometry of the plane, the space, the
spacetime- using the best algebraic tools designed specifically for this task, thus making
the subject democratically available outside the narrow circle of individuals with the
high visual imagination capabilities and the true mathematical insight which were
required in the abandoned classical Euclidean tradition. The material exposed in the
book offers a wide repertory of geometrical contents on which to base powerful,
reasonable and up-to-date reintroductions of geometry to present-day high school
students. This longed-for reintroductions may (or better should) take advantage of a
combined use of symbolic computer programs and the cross disciplinary relationships
with the physical sciences.
The proposed introduction of the geometric Clifford-Grassmann algebra in high
school (or even before) follows rightly from a pedagogical principle exposed by
William Kingdon Clifford (1845-1879) in his project of teaching geometry, in the
University College of London, as a practical and empirical science as opposed to
Cambridge Euclidean axiomatics: “ ... for geometry, you know, is the gate of science,
and the gate is so low and small that one can only enter it as a little child”. Fellow of the
Royal Society at the age of 29, Clifford also gave a set of Lectures on Geometry to a
Class of Ladies at South Kengsinton and was deeply concerned in developing with
MacMillan Company a series of inexpensive “very good elementary schoolbook of
arithmetic, geometry, animals, plants, physics ...”. Not foreign to this proposal are Felix
Klein lectures to teachers collected in his book Elementary mathematics from an
advanced standpoint1 and the advice of Alfred North Whitehead saying that “the hardest
task in mathematics is the study of the elements of algebra, and yet this stage must
precede the comparative simplicity of the differential calculus” and that “the
postponement of difficulty mis no safe clue for the maze of educational practice” 2.
Clearly enough, when the fate of pseudo-democratic educational reforms,
disguised as a back to basic leitmotifs, has been answered by such an acute analysis by
R. Noss and P. Dowling under the title Mathematics in the National Curriculum: The
Empty Set?3, the time may be ripen for a reappraisal of true pedagogical reforms based
on a real knowledge, of substantive contents, relevant for each individual worldview
construction. We believe that the introduction of the vital or experiential plane, space
and space-time geometries along with its proper algebraic structures will be a
substantial part of a successful (high) school scientific curricula. Knowing, telling,
learning why the sign rule, or the complex numbers, or matrices are mathematical
structures correlated to the human representation of the real world are worthy objectives
in mass education projects. And this is possible today if we learn to stand upon the
shoulders of giants such as Leibniz, Hamilton, Grassmann, Clifford, Einstein,
Minkowski, etc. To this aim this book, offered and opened to suggestions to the whole
world of concerned people, may be a modest but most valuable step towards these very
good schoolbooks that constituted one of the cheerful Clifford's aims.
Felix Klein, Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint. Dover (N. Y., 1924).
A.N. Whitehead, The aims of education. MacMillan Company (1929), Mentor Books (N.Y.,
P. Dowling, R. Noss, eds., Mathematics versus the National Curriculum: The Empty Set?. The
Falmer Press (London, 1990).
Finally, some words borrowed from Whitehead and Russell, that I am sure
convey some of the deepest feelings, thoughts and critical concerns that Dr. Ramon
González has had in mind while writing the book, and that fully justify a work that
appears to be quite removed from today high school teaching, at least in Catalunya, our
“Where attainable knowledge could have changed the issue, ignorance has
the guilt of vice”2.
“The uncritical application of the principle of necessary antecedence of
some subjects to others has, in the hands of dull people with a turn for
organisation, produced in education the dryness of the Sahara”2.
“When one considers in its length and in its breadth the importance of this
question of the education of a nation's young, the broken lives, the defeated
hopes, the national failures, which result from the frivolous inertia with
which it is treated, it is difficult to restrain within oneself a savage rage”2.
“A taste for mathematics, like a taste for music, can be generated in some
people, but not in others. ... But I think that these could be much fewer than
bad instruction makes them seem. Pupils who have not an unusually strong
natural bent towards mathematics are led to hate the subject by two
shortcomings on the part of their teachers. The first is that mathematics is
not exhibited as the basis of all our scientific knowledge, both theoretical
and practical: the pupil is convincingly shown that what we can understand
of the world, and what we can do with machines, we can understand and do
in virtue of mathematics. The second defect is that the difficulties are not
approached gradually, as they should be, and are not minimised by being
connected with easily apprehended central principles, so that the edifice of
mathematics is made to look like a collection of detached hovels rather than
a single temple embodying a unitary plan. It is especially in regard to this
second defect that Clifford's book (Common Sense of the Exact Sciences) is
valuable.(Russell)” 4.
An appreciation that Clifford himself had formulated, in his fundamental paper upon
which the present book relies, relative to the Ausdehnungslehre of Grassmann,
expressing “my conviction that its principles will exercise a vast influence upon the
future of mathematical science”.
W. K. Clifford, Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. Alfred A. Knopf (1946), Dover (N.Y.,
« On demande en second lieu, laquelle des deux qualités doit être préférée
dans des élémens, de la facilité, ou de la rigour exacte. Je réponds que cette
question suppose una chose fausse; elle suppose que la rigour exacte puisse
exister sans la facilité & c’est le contraire; plus une déduction est
rigoureause, plus elle est facile à entendre: car la rigueur consiste à reduire
tout aux principes les plus simples. D’où il s’ensuit encore que la rigueur
proprement dit entraîne nécessairement la méthode la plus naturelle & la
plus directe. Plus les principles seront disposés dans l’ordre convenable,
plus la déduction sera rigourease; ce n’est pas qu’absolument elle ne pût
l’être si on suivonit une méthode plus composée, com a fait Euclide dans ses
élémens: mais alors l’embarras de la marche feroit aisément sentir que cette
rigueur précaire & forcée ne seroit qu’improprement telle. »5
«Elémens des sciences» in Encyclopédie, ou dictionaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des
métiers (París, 1755).
The first edition of the Treatise of Plane Geometry through Geometric Algebra
is a very enlarged translation of the first Catalan edition published in 1996. The good
reception of the book (now out of print) encouraged me to translate it to the English
language rewriting some chapters in order to make easier the reading, enlarging the
others and adding those devoted to the non-Euclidean geometry.
The geometric algebra is the tool which allows to study and solve geometric
problems through a simpler and more direct way than a purely geometric reasoning, that
is, by means of the algebra of geometric quantities instead of synthetic geometry. In
fact, the geometric algebra is the Clifford algebra generated by the Grassmann's outer
product in a vector space, although for me, the geometric algebra is also the art of
stating and solving geometric equations, which correspond to geometric problems, by
isolating the unknown geometric quantity using the algebraic rules of the vectors
operations (such as the associative, distributive and permutative properties). Following
Giuseppe Peano, «Saggio di Calcolo geometrico». Translated in Selected works of Giuseppe
Peano, 169 (see the bibliography).
C. I. Gerhardt, G. W. Leibniz. Mathematical Schriften V, 141 and Der Briefwechsel von
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz mit Mathematiker, 570.
In 1844 a prize (45 gold ducats for 1846) was offered by the Fürstlich Jablonowski'schen
Gessellschaft in Leipzig to whom was capable to develop the characteristica geometrica of
Leibniz. Grassmann won this prize with the memoir Geometric Analysis, published by this
society in 1847 with a foreword by August Ferdinand Möbius. Its contents are essentially those
of Die Ausdehnungslehre (1844).
Josiah Willard Gibbs, «On Multiple Algebra», reproduced in Scientific papers of J.W. Gibbs,
II, 98.
The work of revision of the history and the sources (see J. M. Parra10) has
allowed us to synthesise the contributions of the different authors and completely
rebuild the evolution of the geometric algebra, removing the conceptual mistakes which
led to the vector analysis. This preface has not enough extension to explain all the
history11, but one must remember something usually forgotten: during the XIX century
several points of view over what should become the geometric algebra came into
competition. The Gibbs' vector analysis was one of these being not the better. In fact,
the geometric algebra is a field of knowledge where different formulations are possible
as Peano showed:
The geometric algebra owns some fundamental geometric facts which cannot be
ignored at all and will be recognised to it, as Grassmann hoped:
Josep Manel Parra i Serra, «Geometric algebra versus numerical Cartesianism. The historical
trend behind Clifford’s algebra», in Brackx et al. ed., Clifford Algebras and their Applications
in Mathematical Physics, 307-316, .
A very complete reference is Michael J. Crowe, A History of Vector Analysis. The Evolution
of the Idea of a Vectorial System.
Giuseppe Peano, op. cit., 168.
a trace; truth remains, even though the garment in which poor mortals clothe
it may fall to dust.”13
As any other aspect of the human life, the history of the geometric algebra was
conditioned by many fortuitous events. While Grassmann deduced the extension theory
from philosophic concepts unintelligible for authors such as Möbius and Gibbs,
Hamilton identified vectors and bivectors -the starting point of the great tangle of vector
analysis- using a heavy notation14. Clifford had found the correct algebraic structure15
which integrated the systems of Hamilton and Grassmann. However due to the
premature death of Clifford in 1879, his opinion was not taken into account16 and a long
epistolary war was carried out by the quaternionists (specially Tait) against the
defenders of the vector analysis, created by Gibbs17, who did not recognise to be
influenced by Grassmann and Hamilton:
“At all events, I saw that the methods which I was using, while
nearly those of Hamilton, were almost exactly those of Grassmann. I
procured the two Ed. of the Ausdehnungslehre but I cannot say that I found
them easy reading. In fact I have never had the perseverance to get through
with either of them, and have perhaps got more ideas from his
miscellaneous memoirs than from those works.
I am not however conscious that Grassmann's writings exerted any
particular influence on my Vector Analysis, although I was glad enough in
the introductory paragraph to shelter myself behind one or two distinguished
names [Grassmann and Clifford] in making changes of notation which I felt
would be distasteful to quaternionists. In fact if you read that pamphlet
carefully you will see that it all follows with the inexorable logic of algebra
from the problem which I had set myself long before my acquaintance with
I have no doubt that you consider, as I do, the methods of Grassmann
to be superior to those of Hamilton. It thus seemed to me that it might [be]
interesting to you to know how commencing with some knowledge of
Hamilton's method and influenced simply by a desire to obtain the simplest
algebra for the expression of the relations of Geom. Phys. etc. I was led
essentially to Grassmann's algebra of vectors, independently of any
influence from him or any one else.”18
Hermann Gunther Grassmann. Preface to the second edition of Die Ausdehnungslehre (1861).
The first edition was published on 1844, hence the "seventeen years". Translated in Crowe, op.
cit. p. 89.
The Lectures on Quaternions was published in 1853, and the Elements of Quaternions
posthumously in 1866.
William Kingdon Clifford left us his synthesis in «Applications of Grassmann's Extensive
See «On the Classification of Geometric Algebras», unfinished paper whose abstract was
communicated to the London Mathematical Society on March 10th, 1876.
The first Vector Analysis was a private edition of 1881.
Draft of a letter sent by Josiah Willard Gibbs to Victor Schlegel (1888). Reproduced by
Crowe, op. cit. p. 153.
Before its beginning the controversy was already superfluous19. Notwithstanding
the epistolary war continued for twelve years.
The vector analysis is a provisional solution20 (which spent all the XX century!)
adopted by everybody ought to its easiness and practical notation but having many
troubles when being applied to three-dimensional geometry and unable to be
generalised to the Minkowski’s four-dimensional space. On the other hand, the
geometric algebra is, by its own nature, valid in any dimension and it offers the
necessary resources for the study and research in geometry as I show in this book.
The reader will see that the theoretical explanations have been completed with
problems in each chapter, although this splitting is somewhat fictitious because the
problems are demonstrations of geometric facts, being one of the most interesting
aspects of the geometric algebra and a proof of its power. The usual numeric problems,
which our pupils like, can be easily outlined by the teacher, because the geometric
algebra always yields an immediate expression with coordinates.
I'm indebted to professor Josep Manel Parra for encouraging me to write this
book, for the dialectic interchange of ideas and for the bibliographic support. In the
framework of the summer courses on geometric algebra for teachers that we taught
during the years 1994-1997 in the Escola d’estiu de secundària organised by the
Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de
Catalunya, the project of some books on this subject appeared in a natural manner. The
first book devoted to two dimensions already lies on your hands and will probably be
followed by other books on the algebra and geometry of the three and four dimensions.
Finally I also acknowledge the suggestions received from some readers.
See Alfred M. Bork «“Vectors versus quaternions”—The letters in Nature».
The vector analysis bases on the duality of the geometric algebra of the three-dimensional
space: the fact that the orientation of lines and planes is determined by three numeric
components in both cases. However in the four-dimensional time-space the same orientations
are respectively determined by four and six numbers.
1. The vectors and their operations. (June 24th 2000, updated March 17th 2002)
Vector addition, 1.- Product of a vector and a real number, 2.- Product of two vectors,
2.- Product of three vectors: associative property, 5. Product of four vectors, 7.- Inverse
and quotient of two vectors, 7.- Hierarchy of algebraic operations, 8.- Geometric algebra
of the vector plane, 8.- Exercises, 9.
3. The complex numbers. (August 1st 2000, updated July 21st 2002)
Subalgebra of the complex numbers, 13.- Binomial, polar and trigonometric form of a
complex number, 13.- Algebraic operations with complex numbers, 14.- Permutation of
complex numbers and vectors, 17.- The complex plane, 18.- Complex analytic
functions, 19.- The fundamental theorem of algebra, 24.- Exercises, 26.
5. Points and straight lines. (August 19th 2000, updated September 29th 2000)
Translations, 31.- Coordinate systems, 31.- Barycentric coordinates, 33.- Distance
between two points and area, 33.- Condition of alignment of three points, 35.- Cartesian
coordinates, 36.- Vectorial and parametric equations of a line, 36.- Algebraic equation
and distance from a point to a line, 37.- Slope and intercept equations of a line, 40.-
Polar equation of a line, 40.- Intersection of two lines and pencil of lines, 41.- Dual
coordinates, 43.- The Desargues theorem, 47.- Exercises, 50.
6. Angles and elemental trigonometry. (August 24th 2000, updated July 21st 2002)
Sum of the angles of a polygon, 53.- Definition of trigonometric functions and
fundamental identities, 54.- Angle inscribed in a circle and double angle identities, 55.-
Addition of vectors and sum of trigonometric functions, 56.- Product of vectors and
addition identities, 57.- Rotations and De Moivre's identity, 58.- Inverse trigonometric
functions, 59.- Exercises, 60.
7. Similarities and single ratio. (August 26th 2000, updated July 21st 2002)
Direct similarity, 61.- Opposite similarity, 62.- The theorem of Menelaus, 63.- The
theorem of Ceva, 64.- Homothety and single ratio, 65.- Exercises, 67.
8. Properties of the triangles. (September 3rd 2000, updated July 21st 2002)
Area of a triangle, 68.- Medians and centroid, 69.- Perpendicular bisectors and
circumcentre, 70.- Angle bisectors and incentre, 72.- Altitudes and orthocentre, 73.-
Euler's line, 76.- The Fermat's theorem, 77.- Exercises, 78.
9. Circles. (October 8th 2000, updated July 16th 2002)
Algebraic and Cartesian equations, 80.- Intersections of a line with a circle, 80.- Power
of a point with respect to a circle, 82.- Polar equation, 82.- Inversion with respect to a
circle, 83.- The nine-point circle, 85.- Cyclic and circumscribed quadrilaterals, 87.-
Angle between circles, 89.- Radical axis of two circles, 89.- Exercises, 91.
10. Cross ratios and related transformations. (October 18th 2000, updated July 21st
Complex cross ratio, 92.- Harmonic characteristic and ranges, 94.- The homography
(Möbius transformation), 96.- Projective cross ratio, 99.- The points at the infinity and
homogeneous coordinates, 102.- Perspectivity and projectivity, 103.- The projectivity as
a tool for theorems demonstration, 108.- The homology, 110.- Exercises, 115.
12. Matrix representation and hyperbolic numbers. (November 22nd 2000, updated
May 31st 2002)
Rotations and the representation of complex numbers, 139.- The subalgebra of the
hyperbolic numbers, 140.- Hyperbolic trigonometry, 141.- Hyperbolic exponential and
logarithm, 143.- Polar form, powers and roots of hyperbolic numbers, 144.- Hyperbolic
analytic functions, 147.- Analyticity and square of convergence of the power series,
150.- About the isomorphism of Clifford algebras, 152.- Exercises, 153.
13. The hyperbolic or pseudo-Euclidean plane (January 1st 2001, updated July 21st
Hyperbolic vectors, 154.- Inner and outer products of hyperbolic vectors, 155.- Angles
between hyperbolic vectors, 156.- Congruence of segments and angles, 158.-
Isometries, 158.- Theorems about angles, 160.- Distance between points, 160.- Area on
the hyperbolic plane, 161.- Diameters of the hyperbola and Apollonius' theorem, 163.-
The law of sines and cosines, 164.- Hyperbolic similarity, 167.- Power of a point with
respect to a hyperbola with constant radius, 168.- Exercises, 169.
14. Spherical geometry in the Euclidean space. (March 3rd 2001, updated August 25th
The geometric algebra of the Euclidean space, 170.- Spherical trigonometry, 172.- The
dual spherical triangle, 175.- Right spherical triangles and Napier’s rule, 176.- Area of a
spherical triangle, 176.- Properties of the projections of the spherical surface, 177.- The
central or gnomonic projection, 177.- Stereographic projection, 180.- Orthographic
projection, 181.- Spherical coordinates and cylindrical equidistant (Plate Carré)
projection, 182.- Mercator's projection, 183.- Peter's projection, 184.- Conic projections,
184.- Exercises, 185.
16. Solutions of the proposed exercises. (April 28th 2001 and May 27th 2001, updated
July 20th 2002)
1. The vectors and their operations, 207.- 2. A base of vectors for the plane, 208.- 3. The
complex numbers, 209.- 4. Transformations of vectors, 213.- 5. Points and straight
lines, 214.- 6. Angles and elemental trigonometry, 223.- 7. Similarities and single ratio,
226.- 8. Properties of the triangles, 228.- 9. Circles, 236.- 10. Cross ratios and related
transformations, 240.- 11. Conics, 245.- 12. Matrix representation and hyperbolic
numbers, 250.- 13. The hyperbolic or pseudo-Euclidean plane, 251.- 14. Spherical
geometry in the Euclidean space, 254.- 15. Hyperboloidal geometry in the pseudo-
Euclidean space (Lobachevsky's geometry), 260.
Bibliography, 266.
Index, 270.
Chronology, 275.
Points and vectors are the main elements of the plane geometry. A point is
conceived (but not defined) as a geometric element without extension, infinitely small,
that has position and is located at a certain place on the plane. A vector is defined as an
oriented segment, that is, a piece of a straight line having length and direction. A vector
has no position and can be translated anywhere. Usually it is called a free vector. If we
place the end of a vector at a point, then its head determines another point, so that a
vector represents the translation from the first point to the second one.
Taking into account the distinction between points and vectors, the part of the
book devoted to the Euclidean geometry has been divided in two parts. In the first one
the vectors and their algebraic properties are studied, which is enough for many
scientific and engineering branches. In the second part the points are introduced and
then the affine geometry is studied.
All the elements of the geometric algebra (scalars, vectors, bivectors, complex
numbers) are denoted with lowercase Latin characters and the angles with Greek
characters. The capital Latin characters will denote points on the plane. As you will see,
the geometric product is not commutative, so that fractions can only be written for real
and complex numbers. Since the geometric product is associative, the inverse of a
certain element at the left and at the right is the same, that is, there is a unique inverse
for each element of the algebra, which is indicated by the superscript −1. Also due to the
associative property, all the factors in a product are written without parenthesis. In order
to make easy the reading I have not numerated theorems, corollaries nor equations.
When a definition is introduced, the definite element is marked with italic characters,
which allows to direct attention and helps to find again the definition.
A vector is an oriented segment, having length and direction but no position, that
is, it can be placed anywhere without changing its orientation. The vectors can represent
many physical magnitudes such as a force, a celerity, and also geometric magnitudes
such as a translation.
Two algebraic operations for vectors are defined, the addition and the product,
that generalise the addition and product of the real numbers.
Vector addition
and the parallelogram rule follows: the addition of two vectors is the diagonal of the
parallelogram formed by both vectors.
The associative property follows from
this definition because (u+v)+w or
u+(v+w) is the vector closing the
polygon formed by the three vectors as
shown in the figure 1.2.
The neutral element of the
vector addition is the null vector, which
has zero length. Hence the opposite
vector of u is defined as the vector −u
with the same orientation but opposite
direction, which added to the initial Figure 1.2
vector gives the null vector:
u + ( −u) = 0
One defines the product of a vector and a real number (or scalar) k, as a vector
with the same direction but with a length increased k times (figure 1.3). If the real
number is negative, then the direction is the opposite. The geometric definition implies
the commutative property:
k = u −1 v = v u −1
The product of two vectors will be called the geometric product in order to be
distinguished from other vector products currently used. Nevertheless I hope that these
other products will play a secondary role when the geometric product becomes the most
used, a near event which this book will forward. At that time, the adjective «geometric»
will not be necessary.
The following properties are demanded to the geometric product of two vectors:
u2 = | u |2
3) The mixed associative property must exist between the product of vectors
and the product of a vector and a real number.
k(uv)=(ku)v= kuv
k(lu)=(kl)u= klu
where k, l are real numbers and u, v vectors. Therefore, parenthesis are not
These properties allows us to deduce the product. Let us suppose that c is the
addition of two vectors a, b and calculate its square applying the distributive property:
c2 = ( a + b )2 = ( a + b ) ( a + b ) = a2 + a b + b a + b2
We have to preserve the order of the factors because we do not know whether the
product is commutative or not.
If a and b are orthogonal vectors, the Pythagorean theorem applies and then:
a || b ⇒ b = k a, k real ⇒ ab=aka=kaa=ba
because of the commutative and mixed associative properties of the product of a vector
and a real number. Therefore the product of two proportional vectors is commutative. If
c is the addition of two vectors a, b with the same direction, we have:
c2 = a2 + b2 + 2 | a | | b |
ab=|a||b| angle(a, b) = 0
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2 | a | | b |
ab=−|a||b| angle(a, b) = π
How is the product of two vectors with any directions? Due to the distributive
property the product is resolved into one product by the proportional component b|| and
another by the orthogonal component b⊥:
a b = a ( b|| + b⊥ ) = a b|| + a b⊥
The product of one vector by the proportional component of the other is called
the inner product (also scalar product) and noted by a point · (figure 1.4). Taking into
account that the projection of b onto a is proportional to the cosine of the angle between
both vectors, one finds:
a · b = a b|| = | a | | b | cos α
Figure 1.4
The inner product is always a real
number. For example, the work made by a
force acting on a body is the inner product of
the force and the walked space. Since the
commutative property has been deduced for
the product of vectors with the same
direction, it follows also for the inner
The product of one vector by the orthogonal component of the other is called the
outer product (also exterior product) and it is noted with the symbol ∧ :
a ∧ b = a b⊥
The outer product represents the area of the parallelogram formed by both vectors
(figure 1.5):
a ∧ b = a b⊥ = absin α
Figure 1.5
Since the outer product is a product of
orthogonal vectors, it is anticommutative:
product is anticommutative. Now, we can rewrite the geometric product as the sum of
both products:
Figure 1.6
From here, the inner and outer
products can be written using the geometric
a·b =
a ∧b=
a b 2 = a 2 b 2 ( cos2α + sin2α ) = a 2 b 2
That is, the modulus of the geometric product is the product of the modulus of
each vector:
a b = a b
4) u(vw)=(uv)w=uvw
Hence we can remove parenthesis in multiple products and with the foregoing
properties we can deduce how the product operates upon vectors.
We wish to multiply a vector a by a product of two vectors b, c. We ignore the
result of the product of three vectors with different orientations except when two
adjacent factors are proportional. We have seen that the product of two vectors depends
only on the angle between them. Therefore the parallelogram formed by b and c can be
rotated until b has, in the new orientation, the same direction as a. If b' and c' are the
vectors b and c with the new orientation (figure 1.7) then:
b c = b' c'
a ( b c ) = a ( b' c' )
Figure 1.7
and by the associative property:
a ( b c ) = ( a b' ) c'
a ( b c ) = ab c'
It follows that the modulus of the product of three vectors is the product of their
a b c = abc
which I call the permutative property: every vector can be permuted with a vector
located two positions farther in a product, although it does not commute with the
neighbouring vectors. The permutative property implies that any pair of vectors in a
product separated by an odd number of vectors can be permuted. For example:
The permutative property is characteristic of the plane and it is also valid for the
space whenever the three vectors are coplanar. This property is related with the fact that
the product of complex numbers is commutative.
The product of four vectors can be deduced from the former reasoning. In order
to multiply two pair of vectors, rotate the parallelogram formed by a and b until b' has
the direction of c. Then the product is the parallelogram formed by a' and d but
increased by the modulus of b and c:
Now let us see the special case when a = c and b = d. If both vectors a, b have the same
direction, the square of their product is a
positive real number:
a || b ( a b ) 2 = a2 b 2 > 0
Likewise, the square of an outer product of any two vectors is also negative.
The inverse of a vector a is that vector whose multiplication by a gives the unity.
Only the vectors which are proportional have a real product. Hence the inverse vector
has the same direction and inverse modulus:
a −1 = aa −2 ⇒ a −1 a = a a −1 = 1
The quotient of vectors is a product for an inverse vector, which depends on the
order of the factors because the product is not commutative:
a −1 b ≠ b a −1
Obviously the quotient of proportional vectors with the same direction and sense
is equal to the quotient of their moduli. When the vectors have different directions, their
quotient can be represented by a parallelogram, which allows to extend the concept of
( a b c ) −1 = c −1 b −1 a −1
Like the algebra of real numbers, and in order to simplify the algebraic notation,
I shall use the following hierarchy for the vector operations explained above:
1) The parenthesis, whose content will be firstly operated.
2) The power with any exponent (square, inverse, etc.).
3) The outer and inner product, which have the same hierarchy level but must
be operated before the geometric product.
4) The geometric product.
5) The addition.
a2 b ∧ c + 3 = ( ( a2 ) ( b ∧ c ) ) + 3
The set of all the vectors on the plane together with the operations of vector
addition and product of vectors by real numbers is a two-dimensional space usually
called the vector plane V2. The geometric product generates new elements (the complex
numbers) not included in the vector plane. So, the geometric (or Clifford) algebra of a
vectorial space is defined as the set of all the elements generated by products of vectors,
for which the geometric product is an inner operation. The geometric algebra of the
Euclidean vector plane is usually noted as Cl2,0(R) or simply as Cl2. Making a
parallelism with probability, the sample space is the set of elemental results of a certain
William Rowan Hamilton defined the quaternions as quotients of two vectors in the way that
similar parallelograms located at the same plane in the space represent the same quaternion
(Elements of Quaternions, posthumously edited in 1866, Chelsea Publishers 1969, vol I, see p.
113 and fig. 34). In the vectorial plane a quaternion is reduced to a complex number. The
quaternions were discovered by Hamilton (October 16th, 1843) before the geometric product by
Clifford (1878).
random experiment. From the sample space Ω, the union ∪ and intersection ∩ generate
the Boole algebra A(Ω), which includes all the possible events. In the same manner, the
addition and geometric product generate the geometric algebra of the vectorial space.
Then both sample and vectorial space play similar roles as generators of the Boole and
geometric (Clifford) algebras respectively.
1.1 Prove that the sum of the squares of the diagonals of any parallelogram is equal to
the sum of the squares of the four sides. Think about the sides as vectors.
( a · b )2 − ( a ∧ b )2 = a2 b2
1.5 Prove the permutative property resolving b and c into the components which are
proportional and orthogonal to the vector a.
1.6 Prove the Heron’s formula for the area of the triangle:
A = s (s − a ) ( s − b ) ( s − c )
a + b + c
w=au+bv a, b real
Because of this, the plane has dimension equal to 2. In order to calculate the coefficients
of linear combination a and b, we multiply w by u and v at both sides and subtract the
u w = a u2 + b u v and w u = a u2 + b v u ⇒ uw−wu=b(uv−vu)
v w = a v u + b v2 and w v = a u v + b v2 ⇒ wv−vw=a(uv−vu)
to obtain:
w∧v u∧w
a= b=
u∧v u∧v
Any set of two independent vectors {e1 , e2} can be taken as a base of the vector
plane. Every vector u can be written as linear combination of the base vectors:
u = u1 e1 + u2 e2
The coefficients of this linear combination u1, u2 are the components of the vector in this
base. Then a vector will be represented as a pair of components:
u = ( u1, u2 )
The components depend on the base, so that a change of base leads to a change of the
components of the given vector.
We must only add components to add vectors:
v = ( v1, v2 )
u + v = ( u1 + v1 , u2 + v2)
u v = u1 v1 | e1 |2 + u2 v2 | e2 |2 +( u1 v2 + u2 v1 ) e1 · e2 + ( u1 v2 − u2 v1 ) e1 ∧ e2
Hence the expression of the square of the vector modulus written in components is:
| u |2 = u2 = u12 | e1 |2 + u22 | e2 |2 + 2 u1 u2 e1 · e2
Orthonormal bases
e1 ⊥ e2 e1 = e2 = 1
e12 = e22 = 1 e1 e2 = − e2 e1
The product e1 e2 represents a square of unity area. The square power of this product is
equal to −1:
( e1 e2 )2 = e1 e2 e1 e2 = − e1 e1 e2 e2 = −1
u v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + ( u1 v2 − u2 v1 ) e1 e2
Note that the first and second summands are real while the third is an area. Therefore it
follows that they are respectively the inner and outer products:
u · v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 u ∧ v = ( u1 v2 − u2 v1 ) e1 e2
Also, the modulus of a vector is calculated from the self inner product:
The first application is the calculation of the angle between two vectors:
u1 v1 + u 2 v 2 u1 v 2 − u 2 v 1
cos α = sin α =
u v u v
The values of sine and cosine determine a unique angle α in the range 0<α<2π.
The angle between two vectors is a sensed magnitude having positive sign if it is
counterclockwise and negative sign if it is clockwise. Thus this angle depends on the
order of the vectors in the outer (and geometric) product. For example, let us consider the
vectors (figure 2.2) u and v:
u = (−2, 2 ) u =2 2 v=(4,3) v =5
1 7
cos α (u, v ) = cos α (v, u ) = − sin α (u, v ) = −sin α (v, u ) = −
5 2 5 2
Also we may take the angle α( u, v ) = 4.5705...−2π = −1.7127... The angle so obtained is
always that going from the first to the second vector, being unique within a period.
Other application of the outer product is the calculus of areas. Using the
expression with components, the area
(considered as a positive real number) Figura 2.2
of the parallelogram formed by u and v
A = u ∧ v = u1 v2 − u2 v1= 14
2.2 Calculate the area of the triangle whose sides are the vectors (3, 5), (−2, −3) and their
addition (1, 2).
2.5 Consider a base where e1 has modulus 1, e2 has modulus 2 and the angle between both
vectors is π/3. Calculate the angle between u = 2 e1 + 3 e2 and v = −3 e1 + 4 e2 .
2.6 In the canonical base v = (3, −5). Calculate the components of this vector in a new
base { u1, u2 } if u1 = (2, −1) and u2 = (5, −3).
If {e1, e2} is the canonical base of the vector plane V2, its geometric algebra is
defined as the vector space generated by the elements {1, e1, e2, e1e2} together with the
geometric product, so that the geometric algebra Cl2 has dimension four. The unitary area
e1e2 is usually noted as e12. Due to the associative character of the geometric product, the
geometric algebra is an associative algebra with identity. The complete table for the
geometric product is the following:
1 e1 e2 e12
1 1 e1 e2 e12
e1 e1 1 e12 e2
e2 e2 −e12 1 −e1
e12 e12 −e2 e1 −1
Note that the subset of elements containing only real numbers and areas is closed
for the product:
1 e12
1 1 e12
e12 e12 −1
This is the subalgebra of complex numbers. e12 , the imaginary unity, is usually noted as i.
They are called complex numbers because their product is commutative like for the real
z = a + b e12 a, b real
where a and b are the real and imaginary components respectively. The modulus of a
complex number is calculated in the same way as the modulus of any element of the
geometric algebra by means of the Pythagorean theorem:
z2 = a + b e122 = a2 + b2
Since every complex number can be written as a product of two vectors u and v
forming a certain angle α:
A complex number can be written using the exponential function, but firstly we
must prove the Euler’s identity:
exp(α e12 ) = lim 1 + α e12
n → ∞ n
The binomial form is suitable for the addition because both real components must
be added and also the imaginary ones, e.g.:
z = 3 + 4 e12 t = 2 − 5 e12
If the complex numbers are written in another form, they must be converted to the
binomial form, e.g.
z = 23π / 4 t = 4π / 6
3π 3π π π
z + t = 2 3π / 4 + 4 π / 6 = 2 cos + e12 sin + 4 cos + e12 sin
4 4 6 6
= 2 −
+ e12
2 3
+ e12 = − 2 + 2 3 + e12 ( 2+2 )
2 2 2 2
In order to write the result in polar form, the modulus must be calculated:
z + t 2 = ( − 2 + 2 3 )2 + ( 2 + 2 )2 = 20 + 4 ( 2 − 6 )
z + t = 2 5 + 2 − 6 = 3.9823...
and also the argument from the cosine and sine obtained as quotient of the real and
imaginary components respectively divided by the modulus:
− 2+2 3 2+2
cos α = sinα = α = 1.0301...
2 5+ 2 − 6 2 5+ 2 − 6
z + t = 3.98231.0301
z t = z exp(α e12 ) t exp( β e12 ) = z t exp[ (α + β ) e12 ]
from where the product of complex numbers in polar form is obtained by multiplying
both moduli and adding both arguments.:
z=uv t=vw v2 = 1
z = a + b e12 z* = a − b e12
z z* = u v v u = u2 = z2
The quotient of complex numbers is defined as the product by the inverse. The
inverse of a complex number is equal to the conjugate divided by the square of the
z * a − b e12
z −1 = = 2
a + b2
With the polar form, the quotient is obtained by dividing moduli and subtracting
z z
t β t α − β
The best way to calculate the power of a complex number with natural exponent is
through the polar form, although for low exponents the binomial form and the Newton
formula is often used, e.g.:
From the characteristic property of the exponential function it follows that the
modulus of a power of a complex number is the power of its modulus, and the argument
of this power is the argument of the complex number multiplied by the exponent:
( z α
= z
When the argument exceeds 2π, divide by this value and take the remainder, in order to
have the argument within the period 0<α <2π.
Since a root is the inverse operation of a power, its value is obtained by extracting
the root of the modulus and dividing the argument by the index n. But a complex number
of argument α may be also represented by the arguments α +2 π k. Their division by the
index n yields n different arguments within a period, corresponding to n different roots:
n zα = n z k = 0, ... n −1
(α + 2π k ) / n
For example, the cubic roots of 8 are 3 8 0 = { 2 0 , 2 2π / 3 , 2 4π/3 } . In the complex plane, the
n-th roots of every complex number are located at the n vertices of a regular polygon.
The permutative property of the vectors is intimately related with the commutative
property of the product of complex numbers. Let z and t be complex numbers and a, b, c
and d vectors fulfilling:
z=ab t=cd
zt=tz ⇔ abcd=cdab
A complex number z and a vector c do not commute, but they can be permuted by
conjugating the complex number:
z c = a b c = c b a = c z*
Every real number commute with any vector. However every imaginary number
anticommute with any vector, because the imaginary unity e12 anticommute with e1 as
well as with e2:
zc=−cz z imaginary
In the complex plane, the complex numbers are represented taking the real
component as the abscissa and the imaginary component as the ordinate. The vectorial
plane differs from the complex plane in the fact that the vectorial plane is a plane of
absolute directions whereas the complex plane is a plane of relative directions with
respect to the real axis, to which we may assign any direction. As explained in more detail
in the following chapter, the unitary complex numbers are rotation operators applied to
vectors. The following equality shows the ambivalence of the Cartesian coordinates in the
Euclidean plane:
e1 ( x + y e12 ) = x e1 + y e 2
Due to a careless use, often the complex numbers have been improperly thought as
vectors on the plane, furnishing the confusion between the complex and vector planes to
our pupils. It will be argued that this has been very fruitful, but this argument cannot
satisfy geometers, who search the fundamentals of the geometry. On the other hand, some
physical magnitudes of a clearly vectorial kind have been taken improperly as complex
numbers, specially in quantum mechanics. Because of this, I’m astonished when seeing
how the inner and outer products transform in a special commutative and anti-
commutative products of complex numbers. The relation between vectors and complex
numbers is stated in the following way: If u is a fixed unitary vector, then every vector a
is mapped to a unique complex z fulfilling:
a=uz with u2 = 1
The outer and inner products of the vectors a and b can be written now using the
complex numbers z and t:
1 1 1
a∧b= ( a b − b a ) = ( u z u t − u t u z ) = u2 ( z* t − t* z ) =
2 2 2
= ( z* t − t* z ) = ( zR tI − zI tR ) e12
1 1 1
a·b= ( a b + b a ) = ( u z u t + u z u t ) = ( z* t + t* z ) = zR tR + zI tI
2 2 2
where zR, tR, zI, tI are the real and imaginary components of z and t. These products have
been called improperly scalar and exterior products of complexes. So, I repeat again that
complex quantities must be distinguished from vectorial quantities, and relative directions
(complex numbers) from absolute directions (vectors). A guide for doing this is the
reversion, under which the vectors are reversed while the complex number are not1.
The complex numbers are a commutative algebra where we can study functions as
for the real numbers. A function f(x) is said to be analytical if its complex derivative
lim f (z ) − f (z 0 )
f(z) analytical at z0 ⇔ ∃
z → z0 z − z0
This means that the derivative measured in any direction must give the same result. If f(x)
= a + b e12 and z = x + y e12 , the derivatives following the abscissa and ordinate directions
must be equal:
∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b
f' (z ) = + e12 = − e12 +
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b
= and =−
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
Due to its linearity, now the derivative in any direction are also equal. A consequence of
these conditions is the fact that the sum of both second derivatives (the Laplacian)
vanishes, that is, both components are harmonic functions:
∂ 2a ∂ 2a ∂ 2b ∂ 2b
+ = + =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂x 2 ∂y 2
A physical example is the alternating current. The voltage V and intensity I in an electric circuit
are continuously rotating vectors. The energy E dissipated by the circuit is the inner product of
both vectors, E = V · I. The impedance Z of the circuit is of course a complex number (it is
invariant under a reversion). The intensity vector can be calculated as the geometric product of the
voltage vector multiplied by the inverse of the impedance I = V Z−1 . If we take as reference a
continuously rotating direction, then V and I are replaced by pseudo complex numbers, but
properly they are vectors.
The values of a harmonic function (therefore the value of f(z)) within a region are
determined by those values at the boundary of this region. We will return to this matter
later. The typical example of analytic function is the complex exponential:
which is analytic in all the plane. The logarithm function is defined as the inverse function
of the exponential. Since z = zexp(e12 ϕ) where ϕ is the argument of the complex, the
principal branch of the logarithm is defined as:
Also ϕ + 2πk (k integer) are valid arguments for z yielding another branches of the
logarithm2. In Cartesian coordinates:
log( x + y e12 ) = log x 2 + y 2 + e12 arccos 0 ≤ ϕ <π
x2 + y2
log( x + y e12 ) = log x 2 + y 2 + e12 arccos +π π ≤ ϕ < 2π
x2 + y2
At the positive real half axis, this logarithm is not analytic because it is not continuous.
Now let us see the Cauchy’s theorem: if a function is analytic in a simply
connected domain on the complex plane, then its integral following a closed way C
within this domain is zero. If the analytic function is f (z ) = a + b e12 then the integral is:
∫ f (z ) dz = ∫ (a + b e ) (dx + dy e ) = ∫ (a dx − b dy ) + e ∫ (a dy + b dx )
12 12
∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b
= − ∫∫ + dx dy + e12 ∫∫ − dx dy = 0
∂x ∂y D
∂x ∂y
where D is the region bounded by the closed way C. Since f(z) fulfils the analyticity
conditions everywhere within D, the integral vanishes.
From here the following theorem is deduced: if f(z) is an analytic function in a
simply connected domain D and z1 and z2 are two points of D, then the definite integral
between these points has a unique value independently of the integration trajectory,
which is equal to the difference of the values of the primitive F(z) at both points:
dF (z )
f (z ) dz = F (z 2 ) − F (z1 ) f (z ) =
∫ z1
2 n
The logarithm is said to be multi-valued. This is also the case of the roots z.
If f(z) is an analytic function (with a unique value) inside the region D bounded by
the closed path C, then the Cauchy integral formula is fulfilled for a counterclockwise
path orientation:
1 f (z )
∫z−z dz = f (z 0 )
2π e12 C 0
Obviously, the integral does not vanish because the integrand is not analytic at z0 .
However, it is analytic at the other points of the region D, so that the integration path from
its beginning to its end passes always through an analyticity region, and by the former
theorem the definite integral must have a constant value, independently of the fact that
both extremes coincide. Now we integrate following a circular path z = z 0 + r exp(e12ϕ ) ,
where the radius r is a real constant and the angle ϕ is a real variable. The evaluation of
the integral gives f(z0):
2π ∫ f (z
0 + r exp(e12ϕ )) dϕ = f (z 0 )
because we can take any radius and also the limit r → 0. The consequence of this theorem
is immediate: the values of f(z) at a closed path C determine its value at any z0 inside the
region bounded by C. This is a characteristic property of the harmonic functions, already
commented above.
Let us rewrite the Cauchy integral formula in a more suitable form:
1 f (t )
2π e12 ∫ t − z dt = f (z )
1 f (t ) n! f (t )
∫ (t − z ) 2
dt = f' (z ) ∫ (t − z ) n +1
dt = f n
(z )
2π e 12 C
2π e12 C
For z = 0 we have:
1 f (t ) n! f (t )
∫ dt = f (0) ∫t n +1
dt = f n
2π e12 C
t 2π e12 C
Now we see that these integrals always exist if f(z) is analytic, that is, all the derivatives
exist at the points where the function is analytic. In other words, the existence of the first
derivative (analyticity) implies the existence of those with higher order.
The Cauchy integral formula may be converted into a power series of z:
f (t ) f (t ) dt f (t ) ∞ z
1 1 1
f (z ) = ∫C t − z dt = 2π e12 ∫C t (1 − z / t ) = 2 π e12 ∫ ∑ dt
2 π e12 C
t k =0 t
1 ∞
f (t ) ∞
f k (0) k
f (z ) = ∑ zk ∫ dt = ∑ z
2 π e12 k =0 C t k +1 k =0 k!
The only assumption made in the deduction is the analyticity of f(z). So this series is
convergent within the largest circle centred at the origin where the function is analytic
(that is, the convergence circle touches the closest singular point). The Taylor series is
unique for any analytic function. On the other hand, every analytic function has a Taylor
Instead of the origin we can take a series centred at another point z0. In this case,
following the same way as above, one arrives to the MacLaurin series:
f k
(z 0 )
f (z ) = ∑ ( z − z 0 )k
k =0 k!
For instance, the Taylor series (z0 = 0) of the exponential, taking into account the fact that
all the derivatives are equal to the exponential and exp(0) = 1, is:
z2 z3
exp(z ) = 1 + z + + + ...
2 ! 3!
The exponential has not any singular point. Then the radius of convergence is infinite.
In order to find a convergent series for a function which is analytic in an annulus
although not at its centre (for r1 <z − z0< r2 as shown in figure 3.5), we must add
powers with negative exponents, obtaining the Lauren series:
f (z ) = ∑ a (z − z ) Figure 3.5
k 0
k = −∞
1 f (t ) dt
ak =
2 π e12 ∫
C t k +1
where the path C encloses the central circle. When f(x) is not analytic at some point of this
central circle (e.g. z0), the powers of negative exponent appear in the Laurent series. The
coefficient a−1 is called the residue of f. The Lauren series is the addition of a series of
powers with negative exponent and the McLaurin series:
∞ −1 ∞
f (z ) = ∑ a (z − z ) ∑ a (z − z ) + ∑ a (z − z )
k k k
k 0 = k 0 k 0
k = −∞ k = −∞ k =0
and is convergent only when both series are convergent, so that the annulus goes from the
radius of convergence of the first series (r1) to the radius of convergence of the McLaurin
series (r2).
Let us review singular points, the points where an analytic function is not defined.
An isolated singular point may be a removable singularity, an essential singularity or a
pole. A point z0 is a removable singularity if the limit of the function at this point exists
and, therefore, we may remove the singularity taking the limit as the value of the function
at z0. A point z0 is a pole of a function f(z) if it is a zero of the function 1/f(z). Finally, z0 is
an essential singularity if both limits of f(z) and 1/f(z) at z0 do not exist.
The Lauren series centred at a removable singularity has not powers with negative
exponent. The series centred at a pole has a finite number of powers with negative
exponent, and that centred at an essential singularity has an infinite number of powers
with negative exponent. Let us see some examples. The function sin z / z has a removable
singularity at z = 0:
sin z z2 z4 z6
=1− + − + ...
z 3! 5 ! 7 !
1 1 1 1
exp = 1 + + 2
+ + ...
z z 2! z 3! z 3
= − 2 (1 + z + z 2 + z 3 + z 4 ...) = − 2 − − 1 − z − z 2 ...
1 1 1 1
z (z − 1)
z z z
∫ f (z ) dz = ∑ a ∫ (z − z ) k
k 0 dz
C k = −∞ C
For k≥0 the integral is zero because (z − z0)k is analytic in the whole domain enclosed by
C. For k<−2 the integral is also zero because the path is inside a region where the powers
are analytic:
lim (z − z 0 )k −1
∫ (z − z )
0 dz = =0
z1 → z 2 k − 1
However k = −1 is a special case. Taking the circular path z = r exp(e12ϕ ) ( r1 < r < r2 )
we have:
∫ z − z 0 = e12 ∫0 dϕ = 2π e12
∫ f (z ) dz = 2π e
12 a −1
where a−1 is the coefficient of the Lauren series centred at the pole. If the path C encloses
some poles, then the integral is proportional to the sum of the residues:
∫ f (z ) dz = 2π e ∑ residues
Let us see the case of the last example. If C is a path enclosing z = 0 and z = 1 then the
residue for the first pole is 1 and that for the second pole –1 (for a counterclockwise path)
so that the integral vanishes:
dz 1 1 1 dz dz
∫ z (z − 1) = ∫ z − 1 − z − z
dz = ∫
−∫ =0
z −1 C z
Firstly let us prove the Liouville’s theorem: if f(x) is analytic and bounded in the
whole complex plane then it is a constant. If f(x) is bounded we have:
f(x)< M
1 f (t )
f' (z ) = ∫ (t − z ) 2
2 π e 12 C
f' (z ) = ∫ f (r exp(e ϕ )) exp(− e ϕ ) dϕ
12 12
2π r 0
2π 2π
1 1 M
f' (z ) ≤ ∫ f (r exp(e12ϕ )) dϕ ≤ ∫ M dϕ = 2π r
2π r 0
2π r 0
Since the function is analytic in the entire plane, we may take the radius r as large as we
wish. In consequence, the derivative must be null and the function constant, which is the
proof of the theorem.
A main consequence of the Liouville’s theorem is the fundamental theorem of
algebra: any polynomial of degree n has always n zeros (not necessarily different):
where a0, a1, a2, ... an are complex coefficients. For real coefficients, the zeros are whether
real or pairs of conjugate complex numbers. The proof is by supposing that p(z) has not
any zero. In this case f(z) = 1/p(z) is analytic and bounded (because p(z)→ 0 for z→ ∞)
in the whole plane. From the Liouville’s theorem f(z) and p(z) should be constant
becoming in contradiction with the fact that p(z) is a polynomial. In conclusion p(z) has at
least one zero.
According to the division algorithm, the division of the polynomial p(z) by z − b
decreases the degree of the quotient q(z) by a unity, and yields a complex number r as
p(z) = (z − b) q(z) + r
p(b) = r
That is, the remainder of the division of a polynomial by z − b is equal to its numerical
value for z = b . On the other hand, if b is a zero zi, the remainder vanishes and we have an
exact division:
Again q(z) has at least one zero. In each division, we find a new zero and a new factor, so
that the polynomial completely factorises with as many zeros and factors as the degree of
the polynomial, which ends the proof:
p( z ) = a n ∏ ( z − z i ) n = degree of p(z)
i =1
1 −5 8 −6
3 3 −6 6
1 −2 2 0
The zeros of the quotient polynomial z2 −2z −2 are obtained through the formula
of the equation of second degree:
2 ± 4 − 4 ⋅1⋅ 2
z= =1± − 1 = 1 ± e12
2 ⋅1
yielding a pair of conjugate zeros. Then the factorisation of the polynomial is:
z3 − 5 z2 + 8 z − 6 = ( z − 3 ) ( z − [1 + e12 ] ) ( z − [1 − e12 ] )
3.1 Multiply the complex numbers z = 1 + 3 e12 and t = −2 + 2 e12. Draw the geometric
figure of their product and check the result found.
3.2 Prove that the modulus of a complex number is the square root of the product of this
number by its conjugate.
3.3 Solve the equation x4 −1 = 0. Being of fourth degree, you must obtain four complex
( 1 + e12 )n + ( 1 − e12 )n = 0
z2 + ( −3 + 2 e12 ) z + 5 − e12 = 0
3.7 Find the analytical extension of the real functions sin x and cos x.
sin z
3.11Calculate the Lauren series of 2 and the annulus of convergence.
3.12 Prove that if f(z) is analytic and does not vanish then it is a conformal mapping.
The transformations of vectors are mappings from the vector plane to itself. Those
transformations preserving the modulus of vectors, such as rotations and reflections, are
called isometries and those which preserve angles between vectors are said to be
conformal. Besides rotations and reflections, the inversions and dilatations are also
conformal transformations.
This algebraic expression for rotations, when applied to a real or complex number
instead of vector, modifies its value. However, real numbers are invariant under rotations
and the parallelograms can be turned without changing the complex number which they
represent. Therefore this expression for rotations, although being useful for vectors, is not
valid for complex numbers. In order to remodel it, we factorise the unitary complex
number into a product of two complex numbers with half argument. According to the
permutative property, we can permute the vector and the first complex number whenever
writing the conjugate:
α α α α
v' = v 1α = v 1α/2 1α/2 = 1−α/2 v 1α/2 = ( cos − e12 sin ) v ( cos + e12 sin )
2 2 2 2
The algebraic expression for rotations now found preserves complex numbers:
2π 2π 1 3
v' = 4 e1 cos + e12 sin = 4 e1 − + e12 = −2 e1 + 2 3 e 2
3 3 2 2
π π π π
v' = cos − e12 sin 4 e1 cos + e12 sin
3 3 3 3
1 3 1 3
= − e12 4 e1 + e12
= −2 e1 + 2 3 e 2
2 2 2 2
With the expression of half angle, it is not necessary that the complex number has unity
modulus because:
v' = z −1 v z
The composition of two successive rotations implies the product of both complex
numbers, whose argument is the addition of the angles of both rotations.
Figure 4.2
A reflection of a vector in a direction is
the geometric transformation which preserves
the component having this direction and
changes the sign of the perpendicular
component (figure 4.2). The product of
proportional vectors is commutative and that
of orthogonal vectors is anti-commutative.
Because of this, the reflected vector v' may be
obtained as the multiplication of the vector v
by the unitary vector u of the reflection axis at
the left and right hand sides:
where v|| and v⊥ are the components of v proportional and perpendicular to u respectively.
Instead of the unitary vector u, any vector d having the axis direction can be
introduced in the expression for reflections whenever we write its inverse at the left side
of the vector:
d vd
v' = 2
= d −1 v d
Although the reflection does not change the absolute value of the angle between
vectors, it changes its sign. Under reflections, real numbers remain invariant but the
complex numbers become conjugate because a reflection generates a symmetric
parallelogram (figure 4.3) and changes the sign of the imaginary part:
z = a + b e12 a, b real
d 2 a − d 2 b e12
= 2
= a − b e12 = z *
1 1
v' = ( e1 − e2 ) ( 3 e1 + 2 e2 ) ( e1 − e2 ) = ( e1 − e2 ) ( 1 − 5 e12 ) = − 2 e1 − 3 e2
2 2
The inversion of radius r is the geometric transformation which maps every vector
v on r2 v −1 , that is, on a vector having the same direction but with a modulus equal to r2 /
v' = k v k real
4.1 Calculate with geometric algebra what is the composition of a reflection with a
4.2 Prove that the composite of two reflections in different directions is a rotation.
4.3 Consider the transformation in which every vector v multiplied by its transformed v' is
equal to a constant complex z2. Resolve it into elementary transformations.
4.4 Apply a rotation of 2π/3 to the vector –3 e1 + 2 e2 and find the resulting vector.
A complete description of the Euclidean plane needs not only directions (given by
vectors) but also positions. Points represent locations on the plane. Then, the plane R2 is
the set of all the points we may draw on a fictitious sheet of infinite extension.
Recall that points are noted with capital Latin letters, vectors and complex
numbers with lowercase Latin letters, and angles with Greek letters. A vector going from
the point P to the point Q will be symbolised by PQ and the line passing through both
points will be distinguished as PQ .
+ : R2 × V2 → R2
(P, v) → Q = P + v
Then the vector v is the oriented segment going from P to Q. The set of points together
with vectors corresponding to translations is called the affine plane1 (R2 , V2, +). From this
equality a vector is defined as a subtraction of two points, usually noted as PQ :
v = Q − P = PQ
The sign of addition is suitable for translations, because the composition of translations
results in an addition of their vectors:
OP = c1 e1 + c2 e2
The affine plane does not imply a priori an Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean character.
P = (c1, c2)
For example, the position vector shown in the figure 5.1 is:
OP = 2 e1 + 3 e2
OQ = − 4 e1 + e2 and O'Q = − 6 e1
The coordinate axes are the straight lines passing through the origin and having
the direction of the base vectors. All the points lying on a coordinate axis have the other
coordinate equal to zero.
If a point Q is obtained from a point P by the translation v then:
Q=P+v ⇔ OQ = OP + v
that is, we must add the components of the translation vector v to the coordinates of the
point P in order to obtain the coordinates of the point Q:
For example, let us apply the translation v = 3 e1 − 5 e2 to the point P = (−6, 7):
On the other hand, given two points, the translation vector having these points as
extremes is found by subtracting their coordinates. For instance, the vector from P = (2, 5)
to Q = (−3, 4) is:
PQ = Q − P = (−3, 4 ) − ( 2, 5) = (−5, −1 ) = −5 e1 − e2
Remember the general rule for operations between points and vectors:
Barycentric coordinates
Why is the plane described by complicated concepts such as translations and the
coordinate system instead of using points as fundamental elements? This question was
studied and answered by Möbius in Der Barycentrische Calculus (1827) and Grassmann
in Die Ausdehnungslehre (1844). From the figure 5.3 it follows that:
OR = c1 e1 + c2 e2 = c1 OP + c2 OQ
R = ( 1 − c1 − c2 ) O + c1 P + c2 Q
The distance between two points is the modulus of the vector going from one
point to the other:
d(P, Q) = PQ = Q − P
that is:
Figure 5.4
PQ +QR ≥ PR = PQ +QR
The proof of the triangular inequality is based on the fact that the product of the
modulus of two vectors is always higher than or equal to the inner product:
Adding the square of both vectors to the left and right hand sides, one has:
For any kind of coordinate system the distance is calculated through the inner
d2(P, Q) = PQ2 = PQ · PQ
The oriented area of a parallelogram is the outer product of both non parallel sides.
If P, Q and R are three consecutive vertices of the parallelogram, the area is:
A = PQ ∧ QR
Then, the area of the triangle with these vertices is the half of the parallelogram area.
A= PQ ∧ QR
If the coordinates are given in the system formed by three non-linear points {O, X,
P = ( 1 − xP − yP ) O + xP X + yP Y
Q = ( 1 − xQ − yQ ) O + xQ X + yQ Y
R = ( 1 - xR - yR ) O + xR X + yR Y
1 − xP − yP xP yP
PQ ∧ QR = 1 − x Q − y Q xQ y Q OX ∧ OY
1 − xR − yR xR yR
Then the absolute value of the area of the triangle PQR is equal to the product of the
absolute value of the determinant of the coordinates and the area of the triangle formed by
the three base points:
1 − xP − yP xP yP
A = 1 − x Q − y Q xQ yQ
1 − xR − yR xR yR
Three points P, Q, R are said to be aligned, that is, they lie on a line, if the vectors
PQ and PR are proportional, and therefore commute.
P, Q, R aligned ⇔ PR = k PQ ⇔ PQ ∧ PR = 0 ⇔
PQ PR − PR PQ = 0 ⇔ PQ PR = PR PQ ⇔ PR = PQ −1 PR PQ
yQ − y P yR − yP
xQ − x P xR − xP
The second equation means that the area of the triangle PQR must be zero:
1 − xP − yP xP yP
1 − xQ − yQ xQ yQ = 0
1 − xR − yR xR yR
that is, the barycentric coordinates of the three points are linearly dependent. According to
the previous chapter, the last equality means that the vector PR remains unchanged after a
reflection in the direction PQ. Obviously, this is only feasible when PR is proportional to
PQ, that is, when the three points are aligned.
Cartesian coordinates
The coordinates (x, y) of any system having an orthonormal base of vectors are
called Cartesian coordinates from Descartes2. The horizontal coordinate x is called
abscissa and the vertical coordinate y ordinate. In this kind of bases, the square of a vector
is equal to the sum of the squares of both components, leading to the following formula
for the distance between two points:
d (P, Q ) = (x
Q − xP ) + ( yQ − y P )
2 2
For example, the triangle with vertices P = (2, 5), Q = (3, 2) and R = (−4, 1) have
the following sides:
PQ = Q − P = ( 3, 2 ) − ( 2, 5 ) = ( 1, −3) = e1 − 3 e2 PQ = 10
RP = P − R = ( 2, 5 ) − (−4, 1 ) = ( 6, 4 ) = 6 e1 + 4 e2 PR = 40
The area of the triangle is the half of the outer product of any pair of sides:
1 1
A= PQ ∧ QR = ( e1 − 3 e2 ) ∧ (−7 e1 − e2 ) = −11 e12 A= 11
2 2
The condition of alignment of three points is the starting point to deduce the
equations of a straight line. A line is determined whether by two points or by a point and a
direction defined by its direction vector, which is not unique because any other
proportional vector will also be a direction vector for this line. Known the direction vector
v and a point P on the line, the vectorial equation gives the generic point R on the line:
PR = k v
Here the position of a point on the line depends on the real parameter k, usually identified
If the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis vertical, an orthonormal base of vectors is called
r: {P, Q} v=Q−P
PR = k PQ ⇔ R=P+k(Q−P)=P(1−k)+kQ
If the point R belongs to the line, the vector PR and the direction vector v are
proportional and commute:
PR v = v PR ⇔ PR v − v PR = 0 ⇔
PR ∧ v = 0 ⇔ PR = v −1 PR v
x − xP y − yP x − xP y − yP
= ⇔ =
v1 v2 xQ − xP yQ − yP
In the book Geometria Axiomàtica (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 1993), Agustí
Reventós defines a bijection between the points of a line and the real numbers preserving the order
relation as a simplifying axiom of the foundations of geometry. I use implicitly this axiom in this
where v = ( v1, v2 ).
If the point R does not belong to the line, the reflected point R' differs from R. This
allows to calculate the distance from R to the line as the half of the distance between R
and R' (figure 5.6). The vector going from R to R' is equal to PR' − PR .
1 1 1 −1
d( R, r ) = R' − R = PR' − PR= v PR v − PR
2 2 2
We will obtain an easier expression for the distance by extracting the direction vector as
common factor:
1 −1 1 −1 PR ∧ v
d( R, r ) = v ( PR v − v PR ) = v PR v − v PR=
2 2 v
n PR = −PR n ⇔ n PR + PR n = 0 ⇔ n · PR = 0 ⇔ PR = − n −1 PR n
The last equation is also called the algebraic equation and shows that the vector
PR is reversed under a reflection in the perpendicular of the line. Taking components, the
general equation of the line is obtained:
n1 (x − xP) + n2 (y − yP) = 0 ⇔ n1 x + n2 y + c = 0
1 Figure 5.8
d( R, r ) = PR'' − PR
1 1 PR · n
= − n −1 PR n − PR = − n −1 ( PR n + n PR ) =
2 2 n
This expression is the modulus of the projection of the vector PR upon the perpendicular
direction. Both formulas of the distance are equivalent because the normal and direction
vectors anticommute:
n1 v1 + n2 v2 = 0
From each vector the other one is easily obtained by exchanging components and altering
a sign:
n = ( n1 , n2 ) = ( v2 , −v1 )
As an application, let us calculate the equation of the line r passing through the
points (2, 3) and (7, 6). A direction vector is the segment having as extremes both points:
x −2 y −3
5 3
From the direction vector we calculate the perpendicular vector n and the general equation
of the line:
Now, let us calculate the distance from the point R = (−2, 1) to the line r. We choose the
point (2, 3) as the point P on the line:
PR ∧ v PR · n − 4 ⋅ 3 + ( −2) ⋅ ( −5) 2
d( (−2, 1), r ) = = = =
v n 34 17
For another point R = (−3, 0 ), we will find a null distance indicating that this point lies on
Note that this expression cannot describe the vertical lines whose equation is x = constant.
The coefficient m is called the slope because it is a measure of the inclination of the line.
For any two points P and Q on the line we have:
yP = m xP + b
yQ = m xQ + b
yQ − yP = m (xQ − xP)
This quotient is also the trigonometric tangent of the oriented angle between the line and
the positive abscissa semiaxis. For angles larger than π/2 the slope becomes negative.
b is the ordinate intercepted at the origin, the y-intercept:
x=0 ⇒ y=b
If we know the slope and a point on a line, the point-slope equation may be used:
y − yP = m (x − xP)
x y
+ =1
a b
where a and b are the x-intercept and y-intercept of the line with each coordinate axis.
In this equation, the distance from a fixed point F to the generic point P on the line
is a function of the angle α with regard to the perpendicular direction (figure 5.10). If d is
the distance from F to the line, then:
FP =
cos α Figure 5.10
R=P+ku=Q+lv ⇔ k u − l v = Q − P = PQ
In order to find the coefficients k and l, the vector PQ must be resolved into a linear
combination of u and v, what results in:
k = PQ ∧ v (u ∧ v) −1 l = − u ∧ PQ (u ∧ v) −1
The intersection point is also obtained by directly solving the system of the
general equations of both lines:
n1 x + n 2 y + c = 0
n1' x + n 2' y + c' = 0
The pencil of lines passing through this point is the set of lines whose equations
are linear combinations of the equations of both given lines:
intersect in a point at infinity, which gives generality to the concept of pencil of lines.
If the common point R is known or given, then the equation of the pencil is written
[ ( 1 − p ) n1 + p n'1 ] ( x − xR ) + [ ( 1 − p ) n2 + p n'2 ] ( y − yR ) = 0
For 0<p<1, the normal and direction vectors of the p-line are respectively comprised
between the normal and direction vectors of both given lines4. In the other case the vectors
are out of this region (figure 5.11)
For example, calculate the equation of the line passing through the point (3, 4) and
the intersection of the lines 3 x + 2 y + 4 = 0 and 2 x − y + 3 = 0. The equation of the
pencil of lines is:
The line of this pencil to which the point (3, 4) belongs must fulfil:
27 x − 31 y + 43 = 0
Which is the meaning of the coefficient of linear combination p? Let us write the
pencil of lines P determined by the lines R and S as:
nP = ( 1 − p) nR + p nS
nP ∧ nR p nP ∧ nR
= ⇒ p=
nP ∧ nS p − 1 nP ∧ ( nR − nS )
These equalities are also valid for direction vectors whenever they have the same modulus
than the normal vectors. When the modulus of the normal vectors of the lines R and S are
equal we can simplify:
p sin (RP )
1 − p sin (PS )
In this case, the value p = 1/2 corresponds to the bisector line of R and S. We see from this
expression and the foregoing ones that each value of p corresponds to a unique line.
This statement requires that the angle from the direction vector to the normal vector be a positive
right angle.
Dual coordinates
The duality principle states that any theorem relating incidence of lines and points
implies a dual counterpart where points and lines have been exchanged. The phrase «two
points determine a unique line passing through these points» has the dual statement «two
lines determine a unique point, intersection of these lines». All the geometric facts have an
algebraic counterpart, and the duality is not an exception. With the barycentric coordinates
every point R on the plane can be written as linear combination of three non aligned points
O, P and Q:
R = ( 1 − p − q ) O + p P + q Q = (p, q)
v A + v B + vC = 0
Note that vB and −vC are the base of the vectorial plane.
Any line D on the plane can be written as linear combination of these lines:
This means that the general equation (with point coordinates) of D is a linear combination
of the general equations of the lines A, B and C. I call b and c the dual coordinates of the
line D. In order to distinguish them from point coordinates, I shall write D = [b, c]. The
choice of the equation for each line must be unambiguous and therefore the normal vector
in the implicit equations for A, B and C will be obtained by turning the direction vector
over π/2 counterclockwise.
Let us see some special cases. If the dual coordinate b is zero we have:
which is the equation of the pencil of lines passing through the intersection of the lines A
and C, that is, the point P. Then P = [0, c] (for every c). Analogously, c = 0 determines the
pencil of lines passing through the intersection of the lines A and B, which is the point Q,
and then Q = [b, 0] (for every b). The origin of coordinates is the intersection of the lines
B and C and then O = [b, 1 − b] (for every b). Compare the dual coordinates of these
Let us see an example: calculate the dual Cartesian coordinates of the line 2x + 3y
+ 4 = 0. The points of the Cartesian base are O = (0, 0), P = (1, 0) and Q = (0, 1). Then the
lines of the Cartesian base are A: −x − y +1= 0, B: x = 0, C: y = 0. We must solve the
2x +3y +4 4 6 7
≡ ( − x − y +1)+ x+ y
17 17 17 17
from where the dual coordinates of this line are obtained as [b, c] = [6/17, 7/17]. Let us
see their meaning. The linear combination of both coordinates axes is a line of the pencil
of lines passing through the origin:
6 7
x+ y=0 or 6x+7y=0
13 13
This line intersects the third base line −x −y + 1 = 0 at the point (7, −6), whose pencil of
lines is described by:
6 7
a ( − x − y + 1) + ( 1 − a ) x + y = 0
13 13
When it happens, we will say that the lines are linearly dependent, and we can write
anyone of them as linear combination of the others:
We can express a point with an equation for dual coordinates in the same manner
as we express a line with an equation for point coordinates. For example, the point (5, 3)
is the intersection of the lines x = 5, y = 3 whose dual coordinates we calculate now:
From where a = 5/14, b = 4/14 and c = 5/14. The dual coordinates of x = 5 are [4/14,
5/14]. Analogously:
From where a = b = 3/8, c = 2/8. The dual coordinates of y = 3 are [3/8, 2/8]. The linear
combinations of both lines are the pencil of the point (5, 3), which is described by the
parametric equation:
[b, c] = ( 1 − k ) 4 ,
3 2
8 , 8
14 14
b − 4 / 14 c − 5 / 14
= ⇔ 12 b + 10 c − 7 = 0
5 −6
That is, the dual direction vector of the point (5, 3) is [5, −6] and the dual normal vector is
[6, 5]. In the dual plane, an algebra of dual vectors can be defined. A dual direction vector
for a point may be obtained as the difference between the dual coordinates of two lines
whose intersection be the point. Then, there exist dual translations of lines:
(A, w) → B = A + w
That is, we add a fixed dual vector w to the line A in order to obtain another line B.
Let us prove the following theorem: all the points whose dual direction vectors are
proportional are aligned with the centroid of the coordinate system .
The proof begins from the dual continuous equation for a point P:
b − b0 c − c 0
v1 v2
This equation means that P is the intersection point of the lines with dual coordinates [b0,
c0] and [b0 +v1, c0 +v2]. Then P must be obtained by solving the system of equations of
each line for the point coordinates p, q (x, y if Cartesian):
(1 − b0 − c 0 ) A + b0 B + c 0 C = 0
(1 − b0 − c 0 − v1 − v 2 ) A + (b0 + v1 ) B + (c 0 + v 2 ) C = 0
(1 − b0 − c 0 ) A + b0 B + c 0 C = 0
− (v1 + v 2 ) A + v1 B + v 2 C = 0
Now, if we consider a set of points with the same (or proportional) dual direction vector,
the first equation changes but the second equation remains constant (or proportional). That
is, the first line changes but the second line remains constant. Therefore all points will be
aligned and lying on the second line:
− (v1 + v 2 ) A + v1 B + v 2 C = 0
However in which matter do two points differ whether having or not a proportional dual
direction vector? We cannot say that two points are aligned, because we need three points
at least. Let us search the third point X, rewriting the foregoing equality:
v1 v
(B − A) + 2 (C − A) = 0
v1 + v 2 v1 + v 2
Now the variation of the components of the dual vector generates the pencil of the lines B
− A and C − A. That is, the intersection of both lines is the point X searched:
B − A = 0
C − A = 0
Then, two points have a proportional dual direction vector if they are aligned with the
point X, intersection of the lines B − A and C − A. However, note that the addition of
coefficients of each line is zero instead of one, so that one dual coordinate of each line is
B − A = [∞, c ] C − A = [b, ∞]
I call X the point at the dual infinity or simply the dual infinity point. The dual infinity
point has finite coordinates and a very well defined position. Then the points with
proportional dual vector are always aligned with the dual infinity point, and I shall say
that they are parallel points in a dual sense, of course. In order to precise which point is X
let us take in mind that the lines B − A and C − A are the medians of the triangle OPQ (the
point base). Hence the dual infinity point is the centroid of the base triangle OPQ. With
Cartesian coordinates O = (0, 0), P = (1, 0), Q = (0, 1) and X = (1/3, 1/3). This ends the
Summarising, we can say that two parallel points are aligned with the dual infinity
point, which is the dual statement of the fact that two parallel lines meet at the infinity,
that is, there is a line at the infinity, in the usual sense. This is the novelty of the projective
geometry in comparison with the Euclidean geometry. In fact, the problem arises because
the point coordinates take infinite values, but the line L at the infinity is a well defined line
with finite dual coordinates [1/3, 1/3]:
1 1 A + B + C
L= , =
3 3 3
This means that the line L at the infinity belongs to the pencil of the lines (A + B ) /2 and C
. But both lines are parallel because their direction vectors are proportional:
v A + v B = −v C
That is, the lines (A + B ) /2 and C meet at a point located at an infinite distance from the
origin of coordinates. Since any other parallel line meets them also at the infinity, this
argument does not suffice. However we can understand that the line L also belongs to the
pencil of the lines A and (B + C ) /2, which are also parallel with another direction, that is,
they meet at another point of the infinity. Any other pencil we take has always its point of
intersection located at the infinity. Then L only has points located at the infinity and
because of this it is called the line at the infinity. Summarising we can say that the line at
the infinity is the centroid of the three base lines in spite of the incompatibility of its
A+ B +C (− x − y + 1) + x + y = 0 1
⇒ ⇒
3 3 3
Moreover, we may interpret the parallel lines as those lines aligned (in a dual sense) with
the line at the infinity:
bF − b E b F − 1 / 3
E || F ⇔ =
cF − cE cF − 1 / 3
This is a useful equality because it allows us to know whether two lines are parallel from
their dual coordinates.
Many of the incidence theorems (and also their dual theorems) can be solved by
means of line equations or dual coordinates. A proper example is the proof of the
Desargues theorem.
Given two triangles ABC and A'B'C', let P be the intersection of the prolongation
of the side AB with the side A'B', Q the intersection of BC with B'C', and R the intersection
of CA with C'A'. The points P, Q and R are aligned if and only if the lines AA', BB' and
CC' meet at the same point.
Proof ⇒ The hypothesis states that the lines AA', BB' and CC' intersect at the same
point O (figure 5.12):
O = a A + ( 1 − a ) A'
O = b B + ( 1 − b ) B'
O = c C + ( 1 − c ) C'
a A − b B = − ( 1 − a ) A' + ( 1 − b ) B'
Dividing by a − b the sum of the coefficients becomes the unity, and then the equation
represents the intersection of the lines AB and A'B', which is the point P:
a b a −1 b −1
P= A− B= A' − B'
a−b a−b a−b a−b
By equating the second and third equations for the point O, and the third and first ones,
analogous equations for Q and R are obtained:
b c b −1 c −1
Q= B− C= B' − C'
b−c b−c b−c b−c
c a c −1 a −1
R= C− A= C' − A'
c−a c−a c−a c−a
Now we must prove that P, Q and R are aligned, that is, fulfil the equation:
With the substitution of the former equations into the last one we have:
c a a b b c
C− A=d A− B + ( 1 − d ) B− C
c−a c−a a − b b−a b − c b−c
Arranging all the terms at the left hand side, the expression obtained must be identical to
zero because A, B and C are non aligned points:
da a db b (1 − d ) c c (1 − d )
− a − b − c − a A + a − b − b − c B + c − a + b − c C ≡ 0
This implies that the three coefficients must be null simultaneously yielding a unique
value for d,
fact which proves the alignment of P, Q and R, and gives the relation for the distances
between points:
Proof ⇐ We will prove the Desargues theorem in the other direction following the
same algebraic way but applying the duality, that is, I shall only change the words. O, A,
B, C, P, Q and R will be now lines (figure 5.13).
The hypothesis states that the
points AA', BB' and CC' belong to the
same line O, that is, O belongs to the
pencil of the lines A and A', but also
to the pencil of the lines BB' and CC':
O = a A + ( 1 − a ) A'
O = b B + ( 1 − b ) B'
Figure 5.13
O = c C + ( 1 − c ) C'
a A + ( 1 − a ) A' = b B + ( 1 − b ) B'
a A − b B = − ( 1 − a ) A' + ( 1 − b ) B'
Dividing by a − b the sum of the coefficients becomes the unity, and then the equation
represents the line passing through the points AB and A'B' (belonging to both pencils),
which is the line P:
a b a −1 b −1
P= A− = A' − B'
a−b a−b a−b a−b
By equating the second and third equations for the line O, and the third and first ones,
analogous equations for Q and R are obtained:
b c b −1 c −1
Q= B− C= B' − C'
b−c b−c b−c b−c
c a c −1 a −1
R= C− A= C' − A'
c−a c−a c−a c−a
Now we must prove that the lines P, Q and R belong to the same pencil, that is, fulfil the
With the substitution of the former equations into the last one we have:
c a a b b c
C− A=d A− B + ( 1 − d ) B− C
c−a c−a a − b b − a b − c b − c
Arranging all the terms at the left hand side, the expression obtained must be identical to
zero because A, B and C are independent lines (not belonging to the same pencil):
da a db b (1 − d ) c c (1 − d )
− a − b − c − a A + a − b − b − c B + c − a + b − c C ≡ 0
This implies that the three coefficients must be null simultaneously yielding a unique
value for d,
fact which proves that P, Q and R are lines of the same pencil.
5.1 Let A = (2, 4), B = (4, −3) and C = (2, −5) be three consecutive vertices of a
parallelogram. Calculate the fourth vertex D and the area of the parallelogram.
5.2 Prove the Euler’s theorem: for any four points A, B, C and D the product AD BC +
BD CA + CD AB vanishes if and only if A, B and C are aligned.
5.3 Consider a coordinate system with vectors { e1, e2 } where e1= 1, e2= 1 and
the angle formed by both vectors is π/3.
a) Calculate the area of the triangle ABC being A = (2, 2), B = (4, 4), C = (4, 2).
b) Calculate the distance between A and B, B and C, C and A.
5.4 Construct a trapezoid whose sides AB, BC, CD and DA are known and
AB is parallel to CD. Study for which values of the sides does the trapezoid exist.
5.5 Given any coordinate system with points {O, P, Q} and any point R with
coordinates (p, q) in this system, show that:
5.6 Let the points A = (2, 3), B = (5, 4), C = (1, 6) be given. Calculate the distance
from C to the line AB and the angle between the lines AB and AC.
5.7 Given any barycentric coordinate system defined by the points {O, P, Q} and the
non aligned transformed points {O', P', Q'}, an affinity (or an affine
transformation) is defined as that geometric transformation which maps each point
D to D' in the following way:
Prove that:
a) An affinity maps lines onto lines.
b) An affinity is equivalent to a linear mapping of the coordinates, that is, the
coordinates of any transformed point are linear functions of the coordinates of the
original point.
c) An affinity preserves the coordinates expressed in any other set of independent
points different of the given base:
5.8 If {A, B, C} is a base of lines and {A', B', C'} their transformed lines -the lines of
each set being independent-, consider the geometric transformation which maps
each line D to D' in the following way:
v A ∧ vC v B ∧ v D
( ABCD ) =
v A ∧ v D v B ∧ vC
5.10 Calculate the dual equations of the points (2, 1) and (–3, –1) and their direction
vectors. See that they are parallel points. Hence prove that they are aligned with
the dual infinity point, the centroid of the coordinate system (1/3, 1/3).
This formula is deduced in the chapter devoted to the cross ratio.
Here, the basic identities of the elemental trigonometry are deduced in close
connection with basic geometric facts, a very useful point of view for our pupils.
CA AB −1 AB BC −1 BC CA −1 = 1
The three angles have the same orientation, which we suppose positive, and are
lesser than π. Hence, since the exponential is equal to the unity, the addition of the three
angles must be equal to 2π:
α + β + γ = 2π
The interior angles, those formed by AB and AC, BC and CA, CA and CB are
supplementary of α, β, γ (figure 6.1). Therefore the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal
to π:
(π − α ) + (π − β ) + (π − γ ) = π
AB BC −1 BC ... YZ −1 YZ ZA−1 ZA AB −1 = 1
Let α, β, γ ... ω be the exterior angles formed by the sides ZA and AB, AB and BC,
BC and CD, ..., YZ and ZA, respectively. After the simplification of the modulus of all
vectors, we have:
That is, it is not needed that the polygon be convex.
them to a common vertex, each angle is placed close each other following the order of the
perimeter and summing one turn:
α + β + γ + ... + ω = 2π
The interior angles formed by the sides AB and ZA, BC and BA, CD and CB,... ZA and ZY
are supplementary of α, β, γ, ... ω. Therefore the sum of the angles of a polygon is:
( π − α ) + ( π − β ) + ( π − γ ) + ... + ( π − ω ) = n π − 2 π = ( n − 2 )π
n being the number of sides of the polygon. The deduction for the clockwise orientation of
the polygon is analogous with the only difference that the result is negative.
Let us consider a circle with radius r (figure 6.2). The extreme of the radius is a
point on the circumference with coordinates (x, y). The arc between the positive X
semiaxis and this point (x, y) has an oriented length s, positive if counterclockwise and
otherwise negative. Also, the X-axis,
the arc of circumference and the
radius delimit a sector with an
oriented area A. An oriented angle Figure 6.2
α is defined as the quotient of the arc
length divided by the radius2:
α r2 2A
A= ⇔ α=
2 r2
The trigonometric functions3, sine, cosine and tangent of the angle α, are respectively
defined as the ratios:
y x y
sin α = cos α = tg α =
r r x
With this definition it is said that the angle is given in radians, although an angle is a quotient of
lengths and therefore a number without dimensions.
Also called circular functions due to obvious reasons, to be distinguished from the hyperbolic
r 1 r 1 x 1
csc α = ≡ sec α = ≡ cot α = ≡
y sin α x cos α y tg α
r2 = x2 + y2
v = x e1 + y e2 = r ( cosα e1 + sinα e2 )
sin α 1
tg α ≡ sin 2α + cos 2 α ≡ 1 1 + tg 2 α ≡ ≡ sec 2 α
cos α cos 2 α
If we take the opposite angle –α instead of α, the sign of y is changed while x and r are
preserved, so we obtain the parity relations:
The sine and tangent are odd functions while the cosine is an even function.
Look at the figure 6.2: β = π/2−α is the complementary angle of α . If α is higher
than π/2, the angle β becomes negative. On the other hand, if the angle α is negative then
β is higher than π/2. The trigonometric ratios for β give the complementary angle
x y x 1
sin β = ≡ cos α cos β = ≡ sin α tg β = ≡
r r y tg α
sin 2α = =
The first quotient is sinα for the triangle PNA. If M is the midpoint of the segment
PA, then PA = 2 MA and the second quotient is equal to 2 cosα for the triangle
sin 2α = 2 sin α ≡ 2 sin α cos α
ON ( PN − PO ) PA
cos 2α = = ≡ 2 cos 2 α − 1 ≡ cos 2 α − sin 2α
Also this result may be obtained from the second fundamental identity. In order to obtain
the tangent of the double angle we make use of the first fundamental identity:
Finally, let us draw any other segment PB (figure 6.3). The angle BPQ will be
denoted as β. By the same arguments as above the angle BOQ is 2β. While the angle BPA
is α + β, the angle BOA is 2α +2β : an angle inscribed in a circumference is equal to the
half of the central angle (angle whose vertex is the centre of the circumference) which
intercepts the same arc of circle. Consequently, all the angles inscribed in the same circle
and intercepting the same arc are equal independently of the position of the vertex on the
Let us consider two unitary vectors forming the angles α and β with the e1
direction (figure 6.4):
u + v = 2 cos
By identifying this expression for u + v with that obtained above, we arrive at two
identities, one for each component:
α+β α−β
cos α + cos β ≡ 2 cos cos
2 2
α+β α−β
sin α + sinβ ≡ 2 sin cos
2 2
In a similar manner, but using a subtraction of unitary vectors, the other pair of
identities are obtained:
α+β α−β
cos α − cos β ≡ −2 sin sin
2 2
α+β α−β
sin α − sin β ≡ 2 cos sin
2 2
The addition and subtraction of tangents are obtained through the common
Let us see at the figure 6.4, but now we calculate the product of both vectors:
Since u and v are unitary vectors, their product is a complex number with unitary
modulus and argument equal to the oriented angle between them:
The identification of both equations gives the trigonometric functions of the angles
Taking into account that the sine and the cosine are odd and even functions respectively,
one obtains the identities for the angles addition:
To repeat a rotation of angle α by n times is the same thing as to turn over an angle nα :
3 tg α − tg 3 α
tg 3α ≡
1 − 3 tg 2 α
With the Euler’s identity, the De Moivre’s identity is:
The arcsine, arccosine and arctangent are defined as the inverse functions of the
sine, cosine and tangent. They are multivalued functions and the principal values are taken
in the following intervals:
π π
y = arcsin x ⇔ x = sin y and − ≤ y≤
2 2
π π
y = arctg x ⇔ x = tg y and − < y<
2 2
From the definitions the parity of the inverse functions follow immediately:
arctg x ≡ − arctg (− x )
Through the fundamental identities for the circular functions one obtains the
following identities5 for the inverse functions:
[ ]
arcsin x ≡ arccos 1 − x 2 ≡ arctg
1− x2
[ ]
arccos x ≡ arcsin 1 − x 2 ≡ arctg
1− x2
x 1
arctg x ≡ arcsin ≡ arccos
1+ x2 1+ x2
where the brackets indicate that the identity only holds for positive values.
From the complementary angles identities we have:
π π
arcsin x ≡ − arccos x arctg x ≡ − arc cot x
2 2
The only inverse circular function predefined in the language Basic is the arctangent ATN(X), so
these identities allows us to program the arcsine and arccosine.
6.1 Prove the law of sines, cosines and tangents: if a, b and c are the sides of a triangle
respectively opposite to the angles α, β and γ, then:
a b c
= = (law of sines)
sin α sin β sin γ
a + b tg
= 2
(law of tangents)
a − b α−β
α−β β −γ γ −α
cos(α − β ) + cos(β − γ ) + cos(γ − a ) ≡ 4 cos cos cos −1
2 2 2
α−β β −γ γ −α
sin(α − β ) + sin(β − γ ) + sin(γ − α ) ≡ −4 sin sin sin
2 2 2
6.4 Let P be a point on a circle arc whose extremes are the points A and B. Prove that the
sum of the chords AP and PB is maximal when P is the midpoint of the arc AB.
α−β α−β
a + b cos a − b sin
= 2 = 2
c γ c γ
sin cos
2 2
Two geometric figures are similar if they have the same shape. If the orientation of both
figures is the same, they are said to be directly similar. For example, the dials of clocks are
directly similar. On the other hand, two figures can have the same shape but different
orientation. Then they are said to be oppositely similar. For example our hands are oppositely
similar. However these intuitive concepts are insufficient and the similarity must be defined
with more precision.
α (u, v ) = α (w, t )
u w
⇒ u v −1 = w t −1
v t
that is, the geometric quotient of u and v is equal to the quotient of w and t, which is a complex
number. This definition of a geometric quotient is also valid for vectors in the space provided
that the four vectors lie on the same plane. In this case, the geometric quotient is a quaternion, as
Hamilton showed.
The geometric proportionality for vectors allows to define the similarity of triangles.
Two triangles ABC and A'B'C' are said to be directly similar and their vertices and sides denoted
with the same letters are homologous if:
AB BC −1 = A'B' B'C' −1
that is, if the geometric quotient of two sides of the first triangle is equal to the quotient of the
homologous sides of the second triangle. Arranging the vectors of this equation one obtains the
equality of the quotients of the homologous sides:
One can prove easily that the third quotient of homologous sides also coincides with the
other quotients:
The similarity ratio r is defined as the quotient of every pair of homologous sides, which
is a complex constant. The modulus of the similarity ratio is the size ratio and the argument is
the angle of rotation of the triangle A'B'C' with respect to the triangle ABC.
A' B'
r= exp[α ( AB, A' B' ) e12 ] Figure 7.2
One of these equalities depends on the others and we do not need to know whether it is
fulfilled. Here also, the modulus of r is the size ratio of both polygons and the argument is the
angle of rotation. The fact that the homologous exterior and interior angles are equal for directly
similar polygons (figure 7.2) is trivial because:
The direct similarity is an equivalence relation since it has the reflexive, symmetric and
transitive properties. This means that there are classes of equivalence with directly similar
A similitude with r=1 is called a displacement, since both polygons have the same
size and orientation.
Opposite similarity
BC −1 ( v −1 B'C' v ) = AB −1 ( v −1 A'B' −1 v ) = r
where r is the ratio of a direct similarity whose argument is not defined but depends on the
direction vector v of the reflection axis. Notwithstanding, this expression allows to define the
opposite similarity of two polygons. So two polygons ABC...Z and A'B'C'...Z' are oppositely
similar and the sides denoted with the same letters are homologous if for any vector v the
following equalities are fulfilled:
AB −1 ( v −1 A'B' −1
v ) = BC −1 ( v −1 B'C' v ) = .... = ZA −1 ( v −1 Z'A' v )
that is, if after a reflection one polygon is directly similar to the other. The opposite similarity is
not reflexive nor transitive: if a figure is oppositely similar to another, and this is oppositely
similar to a third figure, then the first and third figures are directly similar. Then there are not
classes of oppositely similar figures.
An opposite similarity with r=1 is called a reversal, since both polygons have the
same size both opposite orientations.
AF FB −1 BD DC −1 CE EA −1 = −1
BF −1 AF = q −1 p CD −1 BD = r −1 q AE −1 CE = p −1 r
AE −1 CE CD −1 BD BF −1 AF = 1
Taking the complex conjugate expression and changing the sign of BF, CD and AE, the theorem
is proved in this direction:
AF FB −1 BD DC −1 CE EA −1 = −1
Proof ⇐ Being F a point on the line AB, D a point on the line BC and E a point on the line CA
we have:
F = a A + (1 − a) B D = b B + (1 − b) C E = c C + (1 − c) A
AF = (1 − a) AB FB = a AB BD = (1 − b) BC
DC = b BC CE = (1 − c) CA EA = c CA
(1 − a )(1 − b ) ab
E= C− A
1− a − b 1− a − b
1− a
= [(1 − b) C + b B] − b [a A + (1 − a ) B]
1− a − b 1− a − b
1− a b
= D− F
1− a − b 1− a − b
That is, the point E belongs to the line FD, in other words, the point D, E and F are
aligned, which is the prove:
1− a
E=dD+(1−d)F with d =
1− a − b
BD DC −1 CE EA −1 AF FB −1 = 1
enlarge the segments BE and CF to touch the line which is parallel to the side BC and passes
through A. Let us denote the intersection points by M and N respectively. Then the triangle BDO
is directly similar to the triangle MAO, and the triangle CDO is also directly similar to the
triangle NAO. Therefore:
BD DO −1 = MA AO −1
DO DC −1 = AO AN −1
BD DC −1 = MA AN −1
Analogously, the triangles MEA and CEB are similar as soon as NFA and BFC. Hence:
CE EA −1 = BC AM −1 AF FB −1 = AN BC −1
BD DC −1 CE EA −1 AF FB −1 = MA AN −1 BC AM −1 AN BC −1 = 1
The sufficiency of this condition is proved in the following way: let O be the point of
intersection of BE and CF, and D' the point of intersection of the line AO with the side BC. Let
us suppose that the former equality is fulfilled. Then:
BD' D'C −1 = BD DC −1
Since both D and D' lie on the line BC, it follows that D = D'.
A homothety with centre O and ratio k is the geometric transformation which dilates the
distance from O to any point A in a factor k:
Figure 7.6
OA' = OA k
The modulus of k is the ratio of a simple homothety with centre O, and z indicates an
additional rotation with the same centre. Then, a composite homothety is equivalent to a simple
homothety followed by a rotation. Direct similarities and homotheties are different names for
the same transformations (exercise 7.5). Also homotheties with k=1 and displacements are
The single ratio of three points A, B, and C is defined as:
( A B C ) = AB AC −1
The single ratio is a real number when the three points are aligned, and a complex
number in the other case. Under a homothety, the single ratio of any three points remains
invariant. Let us prove this. Because any vector is dilated and rotated by a factor k, we have:
A'C' = AC k ⇒ A'C' −1 = k −1 AC −1
If the single ratio is invariant for a geometric transformation, then it transforms triangles
into directly similar triangles and hence also polygons into similar polygons:
−1 −1 −1
( A B C ) = ( A' B' C' ) ⇒ AB AC = A'B' A'C' ⇒ AC A'C' = AB −1 A'B'
Therefore, the homothety always transforms triangles into directly similar triangles as
shown in the figure 7.6. It follows immediately that the homothety preserves the angles between
lines. It is the simplest case of conformal transformations, the geometric transformations which
preserve the angles between lines. Since a line
may also be transformed into a curve, and for
the general case a curve into a curve, the
conformal transformations are those which
preserve the angle between any pair of curves,
that is, the angle between the tangent lines to
both curves at the intersection point. A
transformation is directly or oppositely Figure 7.7
conformal whether it preserves or changes the
sense of the angle between two curves (figure
7.7). This condition is equivalent to the
conservation of the single ratio of any three
points at the limit of accumulation:
7.1 Let T be the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1) and T' that with vertices (2,0), (5, 1)
and (4, 2). Find which vertices are homologous and calculate the similarity ratio. Which is
the size ratio? Which is the angle of rotation of the triangle T' with respect to T?
7.2 The altitude perpendicular to the hypotenuse divides a right triangle in two smaller right
triangles. Show that they are similar and deduce the Pythagorean theorem.
7.3 Every triangle ABC with not vanishing area has a circumscribed circle. The line tangent to
this circle at the point B cuts the line AC at the point M. Prove that:
MA MC −1 = AB2 BC −2
7.4 Let ABC be an equilateral triangle inscribed inside a circle. If P is any point on the arc BC,
show that PA = PB + PC.
7.5 Given two directly similar triangles ABC and A'B'C', show that the centre O of the
homothety that transform one triangle into another is equal to:
O = A − AA' ( 1 − AB −1 A'B' ) −1
7.6 Draw any line passing through a fixed point P which cuts a given circle. Let Q and Q' be the
intersection points of the line and the circle. Show that the product PQ PQ' is constant for
any line belonging to the pencil of lines of P.
7.7 Let a triangle have sides a, b and c. The bisector of the angle formed by the sides a and b
divides the side c in two parts m and n. If m is adjacent to a and n to b respectively, prove
that the following proportion is fulfilled:
m n
a b
Area of a triangle
1 1 1
aPQR = PQ ∧ PR = QR ∧ QP = RP ∧ RQ
2 2 2
aPQR = (P ∧ Q + Q ∧ R + R ∧ P )
which is a symmetric expression under cyclic permutation of the vertices. The position
vector P goes from an arbitrary origin of coordinates to the point P. Then, P ∧ Q is the
double of the area of the triangle OPQ. Analogously Q ∧ R is the double of the area of the
triangle OQR and R ∧ P is the double of the area of the triangle ORP. Therefore the
former expression is equal to (figure 8.1):
For the arrangement of points shown in the figure 8.1 the area of OPQ is positive,
and the areas of OQR and ORP are negative, that is, the areas of ORQ and OPR are
positive. Therefore, one would intuitively write, taking all the areas positive, that:
When one considers oriented areas, the equalities are wholly general and
independent of the arrangement of the points2.
The integral of a function is also the oriented area of the region enclosed by the curve and the X-
About this topic, see A. M. Lopshitz, Cálculo de las áreas de figuras orientadas, Rubiños-1860
The medians are the segments going from each vertex to the midpoint of the
opposite side. Let us prove that the three medians meet in a unique point G called the
centroid (figure 8.2). Since G is a point on the median passing through P and (Q + R)/2:
G = k P + (1 − k ) k real
G = m Q + (1 − m ) m real
k P + (1 − k ) = m Q + (1 − m )
2 2
1 m 1 k k m
P k − + + Q − − m + R − + = 0
2 2 2 2 2 2
A linear combination of independent points can vanish only if every coefficients are null,
a condition which leads to the following
system of equations:
Figure 8.2
1 m
k − 2 + 2 = 0
1 k
− −m=0
2 2
− k + m =0
2 2
P+Q + R
This expression for the centroid is symmetric under permutation of the vertices. Therefore
the three medians meet at the same point G, the centroid3.
The medians are a special case of cevian lines (lines passing through a vertex and not
coinciding with the sides) and this statement is also proved by means of Ceva’s theorem.
The three perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle meet in a unique point
called the circumcentre, the centre of the circumscribed circle. Every point on the
perpendicular bisector of PQ is equidistant from P and Q. Analogously every point on the
perpendicular bisector of PR is equidistant from P and R. The intersection O of both
perpendicular bisectors is simultaneously equidistant from P, Q and R. Therefore O also
belongs to the perpendicular bisector of QR and the three bisectors meet at a unique point.
Since O is equally distant from the three vertices, it is the centre of the circumscribed
circle. Let us use this condition in order to
calculate the equation of the circumcentre:
Figure 8.3
OP2 = OQ2 = OR2 = d2
P2 − 2 P · O + O2 = Q2 − 2 Q · O + O2
By simplifying and arranging the terms containing O at the left hand side, we have:
2 ( Q − P ) · O = Q2 − P2
2 PQ · O = Q2 − P2
2 QR · O = R2 − Q2
Now we introduce the geometric product instead of the inner product in these equations:
PQ O + O PQ = Q2 − P2
QR O + O QR = R2 − Q2
By subtraction of the second equation multiplied on the right by PQ minus the first
equation multiplied on the left by QR, we obtain:
PQ QR O − O PQ QR = PQ R2 − PQ Q2 − Q2 QR + P2 QR
By using the permutative property on the left hand side and simplifying the right hand
side, we have:
PQ QR O − QR PQ O = P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ
2 ( PQ ∧ QR ) O = P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ
Finally, the multiplication by the inverse of the outer product on the left gives:
O = ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1 ( P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ )
= − ( P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ ) ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
a formula able to calculate the coordinates of the circumcentre. For example, let us
calculate the centre of the circle passing through the points:
P = ( 2, 2 ) Q = ( 3, 1 ) R = ( 4, −2 )
P2 = 8 Q2 = 10 R2 = 20
QR = R − Q = e1 − 3 e2 RP = P − R = − 2 e1 + 4 e2 PQ = Q − P = e1 − e2
2 PQ ∧ QR = − 4 e12
O = − ( 8 ( e1 − 3 e2 ) + 10 ( −2 e1 + 4 e2 ) + 20 ( e1 − e2 ) )
= − e1 − 2 e2 = ( −1, −2 )
In order to deduce the radius of the circle, we take the vector OP:
OP = P − O = P + ( P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ ) ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
OP = ( 2 P PQ ∧ QR + P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ ) ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1 =
= [ 2 P ( P ∧ Q + Q ∧ R + R ∧ P ) + P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ ] ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1 =
= [ P ( P Q − Q P + Q R − R Q + R P − P R ) + P2 ( R − Q ) + Q2 ( P − R ) +
+ R2 ( Q − P ) ] ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
OP = ( P Q R − P R Q + P R P − P Q P + Q2 P − Q2 R + R2 Q − R2 P ) ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
= − (Q − P) (R − Q) (P − R) ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1 = − PQ QR RP ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
OQ = − QR RP PQ ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1 OR = − RP PQ QR ( 2 PQ ∧ QR ) −1
The radius of the circumscribed circle is the length of any of these vectors:
OP = = = =
2 PQ ∧ QR 2 sin QRP 2 sin RPQ 2 sin PQR
u= + v= +
The incentre I is the intersection of the angle bisector passing through P, whose
direction vector is u, and that passing through Q, with direction vector v:
I=P+ku=Q+mv k, m real
k u − m v = Q − P = PQ
PQ ∧ v PQ RP PQ ∧ QR
k= =
u∧v PQ ∧ QR RP + QR ∧ RP PQ + RP ∧ PQ QR
Since all outer products are equal because they are the double of triangle area, this
expression is simplified:
RP + PQ + QR
I =P+ku=P+ +
P QR + Q RP + R PQ
QR + RP + PQ
For example, let us calculate the centre of the circle inscribed inside the triangle with
In order to find the radius, firstly we must obtain the segment IP:
IP =
QR + RP + PQ
The radius of the inscribed circle is the distance from I to the side PQ:
d (I , PQ ) = =
The altitude of a side is the segment perpendicular to this side (also called base)
which passes through the opposite vertex. The three altitudes of a triangle intersect on a
unique point called the orthocentre. Let us prove this statement calculating the
intersection H of two altitudes. Since H belongs to the altitude passing through the vertex
P and perpendicular to the base QR (figure 8.5), its equation is:
H = P + z QR z imaginary
Figure 8.5
because the product by an imaginary
number turns the vector QR over π/2, that
is, z PQ has the direction of the altitude. H
also belongs to the altitude passing through
Q and perpendicular to the base RP. Then
its equation is:
H = Q + t RP t imaginary
P + z QR = Q + t RP
we arrive at a vector written as a linear combination of two vectors but with imaginary
z QR − t RP = PQ
In this equation we must resolve PQ into components with directions perpendicular to the
vectors QR and RP. The algebraic resolution follows the same way as for the case of real
linear combination. Let us multiply on the right by RP:
z QR RP − t RP2 = PQ RP
RP z QR − RP t RP = RP PQ
z ( QR RP − RP QR ) = PQ RP + RP PQ
z= =
Both expressions differ from the coefficients of real linear combination in the fact
that the numerator is an inner product. The substitution in any of the first equations gives:
H = P + z QR = P + ( PQ RP + RP PQ ) ( QR RP − RP QR ) −1 QR =
H = P − ( PQ RP + RP PQ ) QR ( QR RP − RP QR ) −1 =
H = [ P ( QR RP − RP QR ) − ( PQ RP + RP PQ ) QR ] ( QR RP − RP QR ) −1
H = ( P QR RP − Q RP QR − P PQ QR + R PQ QR ) ( QR RP − RP QR ) −1
= ( P2 QR + Q2 RP + R2 PQ + P QR P + Q RP Q + R PQ R ) ( QR RP − RP QR ) −1
= ( P P · QR + Q Q · RP + R R · PQ ) ( QR ∧ RP ) −1
This formula is invariant under cyclic permutation of the vertices. Therefore all the
altitudes intersect on a unique point,
the orthocentre.
The equation of the orthocentre Figure 8.6
resembles that of the circumcentre. In
order to see the relationship between
both, let us draw a line passing through
P and parallel to the opposite side QR,
another one passing through Q and
parallel to RP, and a third line passing
through R and parallel to PQ (figure
8.6). Let A be the intersection of the
line passing through Q and that passing
through R, B be the intersection of the
lines passing through R and P respectively, and C be the intersection of the lines passing
through P and Q respectively. The triangle ABC is directly similar to the triangle PQR
with ratio −2:
1 1 1
PQ = − AB QR = − BC RP = − CA
2 2 2
and P, Q and R are the midpoints of the sides of the triangle ABC:
B+C C+A A+ B
P= Q= R=
2 2 2
Therefore the altitudes of the triangle PQR are the perpendicular bisectors of the
sides of the triangle ABC, and the orthocentre of the triangle PQR is the circumcentre of
ABC. In order to prove with algebra this obvious geometric fact, we must only deduce
from the former relations the following equalities and substitute them into the orthocentre
B3 − B C 2 + C B2 − C 3
P P · QR =
C − C A + A C 2 − A3
3 2
Q Q · RP =
A − A B + B A2 − B 3
3 2
R R · PQ =
By adding the three terms, the cubic powers vanish. On the other hand, the area of
the triangle PQR is four times smaller than the area of the triangle ABC:
QR ∧ RP =
H = ( −B C2 + C B2 − C A2 + A C2 − A B2 + B A2 ) ( 2 BC ∧ CA ) −1 =
= − ( A2 BC + B2 CA + C2 AB ) ( 2 BC ∧ CA ) −1
Euler's line
The centroid G, the circumcentre O and the orthocentre H of a triangle are always
aligned on the Euler's line. To prove this fact, observe that the circumcentre and
orthocentre equations have the triangle area as a "denominator", while the centroid
equation does not, but we can introduce it:
P+Q + R
G= = ( P + Q + R ) QR ∧ RP ( 3 QR ∧ RP ) −1
P Q −Q P +Q R − R Q + R P − P R
QR ∧ RP = P ∧ Q + Q ∧ R + R ∧ P =
G = ( P + Q + R ) ( P Q − Q P + Q R − R Q + R P − P R ) ( 6 QR ∧ RP ) −1
R Q R − R R Q + R R P − R P R ) ( 6 QR ∧ RP ) −1
= ( − P2 QR + P QR P − Q2 RP + Q RP Q − R2 PQ + R PQ R ) ( 6 QR ∧ RP ) −1
from where the relation between the three points G, H and O follows immediately:
H +2O
Hence the centroid is located between the orthocentre and the circumcentre, and its
distance from the orthocentre is double of its distance from the circumcentre.
The geometric algebra allows to prove through a very easy and intuitive way the
Fermat's theorem.
Over every side of a triangle ABC we draw an equilateral triangle (figure 8.7). Let
T, U and S be the vertices of the
Figure 8.7
equilateral triangles respectively
opposite to A, B and C. Then the
segments AT, BU and CS have the same
length, form angles of 2π/3 and intersect
on a unique point F, called the Fermat's
point. Moreover, the addition of the
three distances from any point P to each
vertex is minimal when P is the Fermat's
point, provided that any of the interior
angles of the triangle ABC be higher
than 2π/3.
Firstly, we must demonstrate that
BU is obtained from AT by means of a rotation of 2π/3, which will be represented by the
complex number t:
2π 2π
t = cos + e12 sin
3 3
AT t = (AC + CT ) t = AC t + CT t
By construction, the vector AC turned over 2π/3 is the vector CU, and CT turned over
2π/3 is BC, so:
AT t = CU + BC = BU
Analogously, one finds CB = BU t and AT = CS t . That is, the vectors CS, BU and AT
have the same length and each one is obtained from each other by successive rotations of
Let us see that the sum of the distances from P to the three vertices A, B and C is
minimal when P is the Fermat’s point. We must prove firstly that the vectorial sum of PA
turned 4π/3, PB turned 2π/3 and PC is constant independently of the point P. (figure 8.8).
That is, for any two points P and P’ it is always true that:
fact which is proved by arranging all the terms in one side of the equation:
PP' ( t2 + t + 1 ) = 0
This product is always zero since t2 + t + 1 = 0. Hence, there is a unique point Q such
PA t2 + PB t + PC = QC
Figure 8.8
For any point P, the three segments form a
broken line as that shown in figure 8.8.
Therefore, by the triangular inequality we
In the other case, someone of the vectors FA t2, FB t or FC has a sense opposite to the
others, so that its length is subtracted from the others and their sum is not minimal.
8.1 The Napoleon’s theorem. Over each side of a generic triangle draw an equilateral
triangle. Prove that the centres of the three equilateral triangles also form an
equilateral triangle.
8.2 Prove the Leibniz’s theorem. Let P be any point on the plane and G the centroid of a
triangle ABC. Then the following equality holds:
3 PG2 = PA2 + PB2 + PC2 − ( AB2 + BC2 + CA2 )
8.3 Let A, B and C be three given points on the plane. Then any point G on the plane can
be expressed as a linear combination of these three points (G is also considered as the
centre of masses located at A, B and C with weights a, b and c 4 ).
See August Ferdinand Möbius, Der Barycentrische Calcul, Leipzig, 1827, p. 17 (facsimile
edition of Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim,1976).
G=aA+bB+cC with a + b + c = 1
Prove that:
a) a, b, c are the fractions of the area of the triangle ABC occupied by the
triangles GBC, GCA and GAB respectively.
b) the geometric locus of the points P on the plane such that:
8.4 Over every side of a convex quadrilateral ABCD, we draw the equilateral triangles
ABP, BCQ, CDR and DAS. Prove that:
a) If AC = BD then PR is perpendicular to QS.
b) If PR = QS then AC is perpendicular to BD.
8.5 Show that the length of a median of a triangle ABC passing through A can be
calculated from the sides as:
AB 2 + AC 2 BC 2
m A2 = −
2 4
8.6 In a triangle ABC we draw the bisectors of the angles A and B. Through the vertex C
we draw the lines parallel to each angle bisector. Let us denote the intersections of
each parallel line with the other bisector by D and E. Prove that if the line DE is
parallel to the side AB then the triangle ABC is isosceles.
8.7 The bisection of a triangle (proposed by Cristóbal Sánchez Rubio). Let P and Q be
two points on different sides of a triangle such that the segment PQ divides the
triangle in two parts with the same area. Calculate the segment PQ in the following
a) PQ is perpendicular to a given direction.
b) PQ has minimum length.
c) PQ passes through a given point inside the triangle.
A circle with radius r and centre F is the locus of the points located at a distance r
from F, so its equation is:
(P − F)2 = r2 ⇒ P2 − 2 P · F + F2 − r2 = 0
By introducing the coordinates of P = (x, y) and F = (a, b) one obtains the analytic
equation of the circle:
x2 + y2 − 2 a x − 2 b y + a2 + b2 − r2 = 0
x2 + y2 + 4 x − 6 y + 9 = 0
x1 2 + y1 2 + a x1 + b y1 + c = 0
2 2
x2 + y 2 + a x2 + b y 2 + c = 0
x 2 + y 2 + a x + b y + c = 0
3 3 3 3
This is the classic way to find the equation of the circle, and from here the centre of the
However, a more direct way is the calculation of the circumcentre of the triangle
whose vertices are the three given points (see the previous chapter). Then the radius is the
distance from the centre to any vertex.
The coordinates of the intersection of a line with a circle are usually calculated by
substitution of the line equation into the circle equation, which leads to a second degree
equation. Let us now follow an algebraic way. Let F be the centre of the circle with radius
r, and R and R’ the intersections of the line passing through two given points P and Q
(figure 9.1):
Figure 9.1
FR 2 = r 2
R = P + k PQ
(R − F )2 = R2 − 2 R · F + F2 = r2
( P + k PQ )2 − 2 ( P + k PQ ) · F + F2 = r2
P2 + 2 k P · PQ + k2 PQ2 − 2 P · F − 2 k PQ · F + F2 − r2 = 0
k2 PQ2 + 2 k ( P · PQ − F · PQ ) + P2 − 2 F · P + F2 − r2 = 0
k2 PQ2 − 2 k PF · PQ + PF2 − r2 = 0
4 ( PF · PQ )2 − 4 PQ2 ( PF2 − r2 ) ≥ 0
Introducing the identity (PF · PQ )2 − (PF ∧ PQ )2 = PQ2 PF2 the discriminant becomes:
4 (PF ∧ PQ )2 + 4 PQ2 r2 ≥ 0
k = PF · PQ −1 ± r 2 PQ − 2 + (PF ∧ PQ −1 )
When r = PF ∧ PQ/PQ, the line is tangent to the circle. In this case the height of the
parallelogram formed by the vectors PF and PQ is equal to the radius of the circle.
If u denote the unitary direction vector of the line PQ (figure 9.1):
R = P + kPQ = P + u PF · u − r 2 + (PF ∧ u )
R' = P + k' PQ = P + u PF · u + r 2 + (PF ∧ u )
Both intersection points R and R' have the following property: the product of the
vectors going from a given point P to the intersections R and R' of any line passing
through P with a given circle is constant:
= PF2 − r2 = PT2
FP2 − r2 = ( x − a )2 + ( y − b )2 − r2 = x2 + y2 − 2 a x − 2 b y + a2 + b2 − r2
The power is equal to zero when P belongs to the circle, positive when P lies outside the
circle, and negative when P lies inside the circle.
Polar equation
PR = u PF · u − r 2 − PF ∧ u
PR' = u PF · u + r 2 + PF ∧ u
Figure 9.3
We arrive at the polar equation by taking the modulus of PR and PR', which is the
distance to the circle:
PR = PF cos α − r 2 − PF 2 sin 2α
Figure 9.4
PR = 2 r cos α
FP' = k2 FP −1 ⇔ FP FP' = k2
To obtain the inverse of an outside point, make the same construction but in the
opposite sense. Draw the tangent to the circle passing through the point (P' in the figure
9.5) and then draw the perpendicular to the diameter FP' passing through the contact point
T of the tangent. The intersection P of the perpendicular with the diameter is the searched
inverse point of P'.
Every line not containing the centre of inversion is transformed into a circle
passing through the centre (figure 9.6) and reciprocally. To prove this statement let us take
FP = Figure 9.6
cos α
k2 k 2 cos α
FP' = =
FP d
k2 k2
PS = =
PR PF cos α ± r 2 − PF 2 sin 2α
where the polar equation of the circle is used. The multiplication by the conjugate of the
denominator gives:
PS =
k 2 PF cos α m r 2 − PF 2 sin 2α )
PF − r
2 2
PS = PG cos α m s 2 − PG 2 sin 2α
k 2 PF k 2 PF k2 r k2 r
where PG = = s= =
PF 2 − r 2 PT 2 PF 2 − r 2 PT 2
PF2 − r2 = PT2 is the power of the point P with respect to the circle of centre F.
Then we see that the distance from the centre of inversion to the centre of the circle and
the radius of this circle changes in the ratio of the square of the radius of inversion divided
by the power of the centre of inversion with respect to the given circle.
What is the power of the centre of inversion P with respect to the new circle?:
k 4 (PF 2 − r 2 ) k4
PU 2 = PG 2 − s 2 = 4
That is, the product of the powers of the centre of inversion with respect to any circle and
its transformed is constant and equal to the fourth power of the radius of inversion:
PT2 PU2 = k4
The Euler’s theorem states that the midpoints of the sides of any triangle, the feet
of the altitudes and the midpoints from each vertex to the orthocentre lie on a circle called
the nine-point circle.
Let any triangle PQR whose orthocentre is H be. Now we evaluate the expression:
(P − H + Q − R )2 − (P − H − Q + R )2 = 4(P − H ) · (Q − R ) = 0
which vanishes because the segment PH lying on the altitude passing through P is
perpendicular to the base QR. Analogously:
(P − H + Q − R )2 − (P + H − Q − R )2 = 4(Q − H ) · (P − R ) = 0
(P + H − Q − R )2 − (P − H − Q + R )2 = 4(R − H ) · (Q − P ) = 0
Hence: (P + Q − R − H )2 = (P − Q + R − H )2 = (P − Q − R + H )2
(P + Q − R − H )2 = (P − Q + R − H )2 = (P − Q − R + H )2 =
= (− P − Q + R + H ) = (− P + Q − R + H ) = (− P + Q + R − H )
2 2 2
That is, N is the centre of a circle (figure 9.7) passing through the three midpoints of the
sides (P + Q)/2, (Q + R)/2 and (R + P)/2 and the three midpoints of the vertices and the
orthocentre (P + H)/2, (Q + H)/2 and (R + H)/2.
Since we can write:
1 P + H 1 Q + R
N= +
2 2 2 2
P+H Q + R
J − ·J − =0
2 2
(J − N )2 − Q + R − N =0
which shows that the length of JN is the radius of the nine-point circle.
From the formulas for the centroid and orthocentre one obtains the centre N of the
nine-point circle:
3G + H
= (P QR P + Q RP Q + R PQ R )(4 PQ ∧ QR )
Figure 9.8
that is, the point N also lies on the Euler’s line. The
relative distances between the circumcentre O, the
centroid G, the nine-point circle centre N and the
orthocentre H are shown in the figure 9.8.
First, let us see a statement valid for every quadrilateral: the area of a quadrilateral
ABCD is the outer product of the diagonals AC and BD. The prove is written in one line.
Since we can divide the quadrilateral in two triangles we have:
1 1 Figure 9.9
Area = AB ∧ BC + AC ∧ CD
2 2
= (AC ∧ BC + AC ∧ CD )
= AC ∧ BD
= ACBDsin(AC, BD) e12
The quadrilaterals inscribed in a circle are called cyclic quadrilaterals. They fulfil
the Ptolemy’s theorem: the product of the lengths of both diagonals is equal to the
addition of the products of the lengths of opposite sides (figure 9.9):
A beautiful demonstration makes use of the cross ratio and it is proposed in the first
exercise of the next chapter.
For the cyclic quadrilaterals, the sum of opposite angles is equal to π, because they
are inscribed in the circle and intercept opposite arcs. Another interesting property is the
Brahmagupta formula for the area. If the lengths of the sides are denoted by a, b, c and d
and the semiperimeter by s then:
Area = (s − a ) (s − b) (s − c ) (s − d ) s=
With this notation, the proof is written more briefly. The law of cosines applied to each
triangle of quadrilateral gives:
AC 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2 a b cos λ
AC = c + d − 2 c d cos( π − λ )
2 2 2
Equating both equations taking into account that the cosines of supplementary angles have
opposite sign, we have:
a 2 + b 2 − 2 a b cos λ = c 2 + d 2 + 2 c d cos λ
a 2 + b 2 − c 2 − d 2 = 2 ( a b + c d ) cos λ
a 2 + b2 − c 2 − d 2
= cos λ
2(ab+cd )
The area of the quadrilateral is the sum of the areas of the triangles ABC and CDA:
ab cd
Area = sin λ + sin( π − λ )
2 2
Area =2 ( a b + c d )2
sin λ =
2 (a b + c d )2
(a 2
+ b 2 − c 2 − d 2 )
4(ab+cd )
4 4
4(ab+cd )2 − ( a 2 + b 2 − c 2 − d 2 )2
= = (s − a )(s − b )(s − c )(s − d )
AB+CD= x + y + z + t = y + z + t + x =BC+DA
If a quadrilateral has inscribed and circumscribed circle, then we may substitute this
condition (a + c = b + d) in the Brahmagupta formula to find:
Area = a b c d = AB BC CD DA
Since the sum of the angles of any quadrilateral is 2π and either of the four small
quadrilaterals of a circumscribed quadrilateral has two right angles (figure 9.10), it
follows that the central angles are supplementary of the vertices:
If the quadrilateral is also cyclic then the angles CBA and ADC are inscribed and intercept
opposite arcs of the outer circle, so that the segments joining opposite tangency points are
Let us calculate the angle between a circle centred at O with radius r and another
one centred at O' with radius r'. If O' − O< r + r' then they intersect. The points of
intersection P must fulfil the equations for both circles:
(P − O )2 = r 2 P2 − 2 P ·O + O2 = r2
⇒ 2
(P − O' ) = r'
P − 2 P · O' + O' = r'
2 2 2
It is trivial that the angle of intersection is the supplementary of the angle between both
radius, its cosines being equal:
r 2 + r' 2 − (O − O' )
cos α =
2 r r'
The cosine of a right angle is zero; therefore two circles are orthogonal if and only if:
r 2 + r' 2 = (O − O' )
The radical axis of two circles is the locus of the points which have the same
power with respect to both circles:
OP 2 − r 2 = O'P 2 − r' 2
Let X be the intersection of the radical axis with the line joining both centres of the circles.
O + O'
2X − · OO' = r − r'
2 2
Since OX and O'X are proportional to OO', the inner and geometric products are
equivalent and we may isolate X:
Now let us search which kind of geometric figure is the radical axis. Arranging as before
the terms, we have:
O + O'
2 P − · OO' = r − r'
2 2
2 (P − X ) · OO' = 0
That is, the radical axis is a line passing through X and perpendicular to the line joining
both centres. If the circles intersect, then the radical axis is the straight line passing
through the intersection points.
The radical centre of three circles is the intersection of their radical axis. Let O, O'
and O'' be the centre of three circles with radii r, r' and r''. Let us denote with X (as above)
the intersections of the radical axis of the first and second circles with the line OO', and
with Y the intersection of the radical axis of the second and third circles with the line
joining its centres O'O''. The radical centre P must fulfil the former equation for both
radical axis:
O' 2 − O 2 + r 2 − r' 2
(P − X ) · OO' = 0 P · OO' = X · OO' = 2
(P − Y ) · O'O'' = 0 − + r' 2 − r'' 2
2 2
P · O'O'' = Y · O'O'' = O'' O'
P · O'O'' P · OO'
P= OO' − O'O''
OO' ∧ O'O'' OO' ∧ O'O''
The substitution of the known values of the coefficients results in the following formula
for the radical centre which is invariant under cyclic permutation of the circles:
P = (2 OO' ∧ O'O'' )
((O'' 2
− r'' 2 ) OO' + (O 2 − r 2 ) O'O'' + (O' 2 − r' 2 ) O''O )
9.1 Let A, B, C be the vertices of any triangle. The point M moves according to the
Which geometric locus does the point M describe as a function of the values of the real
parameter k?
9.2 Prove that the geometric locus of the points P such that the ratio of distances from P to
two distinct points A and B is a constant k is a circle. Calculate the centre and the radius of
this circle.
9.3 Prove the Simson’s theorem: the feet of the perpendiculars from a point D upon the
sides of a triangle ABC are aligned if and only if D lies on the circumscribed circle.
m 2 n 2 = a 2 c 2 + b 2 d 2 − 2 a b c d cos(α + γ )
9.5 Draw three circles passing through each vertex of a triangle and the midpoints of the
concurrent sides. Then join the centre of each circle and the midpoint of the opposite side.
Show that the three segments obtained in this way intersect in a unique point.
9.6 Prove that the inversion is an opposite conformal transformation, that is, it preserves
the angles between curves, but changes their sign.
The complex cross ratio of any four points A, B, C and D on the plane is defined
as the quotient of the following two single ratios:
( A B C D ) = ( A C D ) ( B C D ) −1 = AC AD −1 BD BC −1
If the four points are aligned, then the cross ratio is a real number, otherwise it is a
complex number. Denoting the angles CAD and CBD as α and β respectively, the cross
ratio is written as:
( ABC D)= 2 2 Figure 10.1
= exp[(α − β ) e12 ]
( ABC D)=
But if one of the points C or D is located between A and B (figure 10.2), then α and β
have distinct arcs CD with opposite orientation. Since α and β are the half of these arcs, it
follows that α −β = π and the cross ratio is a
negative real number: Figure 10.2
( ABC D)= −
The reader may prove any other case as an exercise. I also indicate whether the
permutations are even or odd, that is, whether they are obtained by an even or an odd
number of exchanges of any two points from the initial definition ( A B C D ):
(3) ( A C B D ) = AB AD −1 CD CB −1 = ( AC + CB ) AD −1 ( CB + BD ) CB −1 =
= AC AD −1 CB CB −1 + AC AD −1 BD CB −1 + CB AD −1 CB CB −1 + CB AD −1 BD CB −1
In the last term, under the reflection in the direction CB, the complex number AD −1 BD
becomes conjugate, that is, these vectors are exchanged:
= AC AD −1 + AC AD −1 BD CB −1 + CB AD −1 + BD AD −1
= ( AC + CB + BD ) AD −1 − AC AD −1 BD BC −1 = AD AD −1 − r = 1 − r
Let us see that this value is the same for all the cross ratios of the case (3):
( B D A C ) = BA BC −1 DC DA −1 = AB CB −1 CD AD −1 = AB AD −1 CD CB −1
where in the third step the permutative property has been applied. Also by using this
property one obtains:
( C A D B ) = CD CB −1 AB AD −1 = CD AD −1 AB CB −1 = AB AD −1 CD CB −1
( D B C A ) = DC DA −1 BA BC −1 = BA DA −1 DC BC −1 = AB AD −1 CD CB −1
From the cross ratio, one can find a quantity independent of the symbols of the
points and only dependent on their locations. I call this quantity the harmonic
characteristic -because of the obvious reasons that follow now- denoting it as [A B C D].
The simplest way to calculate it (but not the unique) is through the alternated addition of
all the permutations of the cross ratio, condensed in the alternated sum of the six different
1 1 r −1 r
=r− − (1 − r ) + + −
r 1− r r r −1
(2 r − 1 ) ( r + 1 ) ( r − 2 )
r (1 − r)
When two points are permuted, this sum still changes the sign. The square of this
sum is invariant under every permutation of the points, and is the suitable definition of the
harmonic characteristic:
[ A B C D ] = [( A B C D ) − ( B A C D ) − ( A C B D ) + (C A B D ) + ( B C A D ) − ( A B C D )]
(2 r − 1 )2 ( r + 1 )2 ( r − 2 )2
[ A B C D] =
r 2 (1 − r)
The first notable property of the harmonic characteristic is the fact that it vanishes for a
harmonic range of points, that is, when the cross ratio (A B C D) takes the values 1/2, −1
or –2 dependent on the denominations of the points. The second notable property is the
fact that the harmonic characteristic of a degenerate range of points (two or more
coincident points) is infinite.
Perhaps, the reader believes that other harmonic characteristics may be obtained in
many other ways, that is, by using other combinations of the permutations of the cross
ratio. However, other attempts lead whether to the same function of r (or a linear
dependence) or to constant values. For example, we can take the sum of all the squares,
which is also invariant under any permutation of the points to find:
= r2 +
+ (1 − r ) 2
(r − 1)2 + r 2 = [ A B C D ] + 21
r2 (1 − r )2 r2 (r − 1)2 2
On the other hand, M. Berger (vol. I, p. 127) has used a function that is also
linearly dependent on the harmonic characteristic:
4(r2 − r +1 )
[ A B C D]
27 r ( 1 − r )
Other useless possibilities are the sum of all the values of the permutations of the cross
ratio, which is identical to zero, or their product giving always a unity result.
Four points A, B, C and D so ordered on a line are said to be a harmonic range if
the segments AB, AC and AD are in harmonic progression, that is, the inverse vectors
AB−1, AC −1 and AD −1 are in arithmetic progression:
AB −1 − AC −1 = AC −1 − AD −1 ⇔ AC AD −1 BD BC −1 = 2
The cross ratio of a harmonic range is 2, but if this order is altered then it can be –1 or 1/2.
Note that this definition also includes harmonic ranges of points on a circle. On the other
hand, all the points of a harmonic range always lie on a line or a circle.
In order to construct the fourth point D forming a harmonic range with any three
given points A, B and C (ordered in this way on a line) one must follow these steps (figure
1) Draw the line passing through A, B and C. Trace two any distinct lines R and S also
different from ABC and passing through A.
2) Draw any line passing through B. This
line will cut the line R in the point P and the Figure 10.3
line S in the point X.
3) Draw the line passing through C and X.
The intersection of this line with R will be
denoted by Q. Draw also the line passing
through C and P. This line intersects the
line S in the point Y.
4) Now trace the line passing through Y and
Q, which will cut the line ABC in the
searched point D, which completes the
harmonic range.
For a clearer displaying I have
drawn some segments instead of lines, although the construction is completely general
only for lines.
If A, B and C are not aligned, the point D which completes the harmonic range lies
on a circle passing through the three given points (figure 10.4). In order to determine D
one must make an inversion (which preserves the cross ratio if this is real, as shown
below) with centre on the circle ABC, which transforms this circle into a line. In this line
we determine the point D’ forming a harmonic range with A’, B’, C’ and then, by means
of the same inversion, the point D is obtained. In the drawing method the radius and the
exact position of the centre of inversion do not play any role whenever it lie on the circle
ABC. Then we shall draw any line outside the circle, project A, B and C into this line,
make the former construction and obtain D by projecting D’ upon the circle.
The cross ratio becomes conjugated under circular inversion. In order to prove this
statement, let us see firstly how the single ratio is transformed. If A', B', C' and D' are the
transformed points of A, B, C and D under an inversion with centre O and any radius, we
A'C' A'D' −1 = (OC' − OA' ) (OD' − OA' ) −1 = (OC −1 − OA −1) (OD −1 − OA −1) −1
= OC −1 ( OA − OC ) OA −1 [ OD −1 ( OA − OD ) OA −1 ] −1
= OC −1 CA OA −1 [ OD −1 DA OA −1 ] −1 = OC −1 CA OA −1 OA DA −1 OD
= OC −1 AC AD −1 OD
B'D' B'C' −1 = OD −1 BD BC −1 OC
= OC −1 AC AD −1 BD BC −1 OC
= OC −1 ( A B C D ) OC = ( A B C D )*
So, the cross ratio of four points on a line or a circle, which is real, is preserved, otherwise
it becomes conjugated.
Finally let us see that the single ratio is the limit of the cross ratio for one point at
(∞ B C D) = lim AC AD −1 BD BC −1 = BD BC −1 = ( B D C )
A→ ∞
Analogously ( A ∞ C D ) = ( A C D ), etc.
Hence the homography multiplies the single ratio by a complex number z. The modulus of
the single ratio increases proportionally to the modulus of z and the angle BDA is
increased in the argument of z:
= z
Then a homography can also be determined by specifying the images A' and B' of two
points A and B, and a complex number z. The image D' of D is calculated by isolation in
the former equation:
A'B' D'A' −1 = DB DA −1 z − 1
D'A' = ( z DB DA −1 − 1 ) −1 A'B'
The homography preserves the complex cross ratio of any four points.
Analogously to the former equality, we find for any three points P, Q, R :
D'Q' = [ ( 1 − z QB QA −1 ) −1 − ( 1 − z DB DA −1 ) −1 ] A'B' =
= z ( −DB DA −1 + QB QA −1 ) ( 1 − z DB DA −1 ) −1 ( 1 − z QB QA −1 ) −1 A'B'
( −PB PA −1 + RB RA −1 ) ( −PB PA −1 + QB QA −1 ) −1
= AB DA −2 DA ( −QA + DA ) QA QA −2
= AB DA −1 QD QA −1
In the same way each of the other three factors can be written as product of factors:
−1 −1 −1 −1
−1 −1 −1 −1
−1 −1 −1 −1
( AB PA −1 RP RA −1 ) ( QA QP −1 PA AB −1 )
where the brackets are not needed but only show the factors they come from. Applying the
permutative property and simplifying, we arrive at:
This proves that the cross ratio of every set of four point is preserved under a
homography. Four points lying on a line or a circle have a real cross ratio. Then the
homography is a circular transformation since it transforms circles into circles in a general
sense (taking the lines as circles with infinite radius).
The product of two circular inversions is always a homography because the cross
ratio becomes conjugate under inversion and thus it is preserved under an even number of
inversions. Let us calculate the homography resulting from a composition of two
inversions. Let A be any point, A' be the transformed point under a first inversion with
centre O and radius r, and A" be the transformed point of A' under a second inversion with
centre P and radius s, which is consequently the transformed point of A under the
PA'' −1 = s −2 ( r2 OA −1 − OP )
This equation allows to determine the image A" of any point A having the centre O and P
and the radius r and s as data. For instance, let us calculate the homography corresponding
O = ( 0, 0 ) r=2 P = ( 3, 0 ) s=3
OP = 3 e1
A = ( 0, 2 ) B = ( 1, 1 ) C = ( 1, 0 )
OA = 2 e2 OB = e1 + e2 OC = e1
OP OA = 6 e12 OP OB = 3 + 3 e12 OP OC = 3
− 27 e1 + 18 e 2 − 9 e1 + 18 e 2
PA'' = PB'' = PC'' = 9 e1
13 5
12 18 6 18
A'' = , B'' = , C'' = (12, 0)
13 13 5 5
the projections with centre X of the points A, B, C and D upon the crossing line. Due to the
alignment of these projections, the projective cross ratio is always a real number:
The projected points A', B', C' and D' are dependent on the crossing line and this
expression is not suitable for calculations. Note that the segment A'C' is the base of the
triangle XA'C', B'D' is the base of the triangle XB'D', etc. Since the altitudes of all these
triangles are the distance from X to the crossing line, their bases are proportional to their
areas, so we can write:
The area of a triangle is the half of the outer product of any two sides. For example
for the triangle XA'C' we have:
because the angles A'XC' and AXC are identical, B'XD' and BXD are also identical, etc.
Now it is obvious that the projective cross ratio does not depend on the crossing line, but
only on the angles between the lines of the pencil. If we introduce the modulus of XA, XB,
etc., we find the outer products of these vectors:
{ X , A B C D} =
Now, the arbitrary crossing line of the pencil has disappeared in the formula, which has
become suitable for calculations with Cartesian coordinates2. When the points A, B, C and
D are aligned, the complex and projective cross ratios have the same value independently
of the point X, because the segments AC, BD, AD and BC have the same direction, which
can be taken as the crossing line:
The reader will find an application of this formula for the projective cross ratio to the error
calculus in the electronic article "Estimation of the error committed in determining the place from
where a photograph was taken", Ramon González, Josep Homs, Jordi Solsona (1999) (translation of the paper published in the Butlletí de la
Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques 12 [1997] 51-71).
{X, A B C D} = ( A B C D )
If A, B, C and D lie on a circle, the complex cross ratio is equal to the projective
cross ratio taken from any point X on that circle. To prove this statement, make an
inversion with centre X. Since the circle ABCDX passes through the centre of inversion, it
is transformed into a line, where the points A', B', C' and D' (transformed of A, B, C and D
by the inversion) lie with the same cross ratio. Now observe that X, A and A’ are aligned,
also X, B and B’, etc. So the projective cross ratio is equal to the complex cross ratio.
From the arguments given above, it follows that the cross ratio of a pencil of lines
is the quotient of the outer products of their direction (or normal) vectors independently of
their modulus:
v ∧ v XC v XB ∧ v XD n XA ∧ n XC n XB ∧ n XD
{ X , A B C D} = XA =
v XA ∧ v XD v XB ∧ v XC n XA ∧ n XD n XB ∧ n XC
Instead of XA, XB, XC and XD, I shall denote by A, B, C and D the pencil of lines
passing through X. Then the projective cross ratio {X, ABCD} is written as (ABCD). Let
us suppose that these lines have the following dual coordinates expressed in the lines base
{O, P, Q}:
v A = (1 − x A − y A )v O + x A v P + y A v Q
vO + v P + vQ = 0
v A = (− 1 + 2 x A + y A ) v P + (− 1 + x A + 2 y A ) v Q
and analogously:
v B = (− 1 + 2 x B + y B ) v P + (− 1 + x B + 2 y B ) v Q
v C = (− 1 + 2 x C + y C ) v P + (− 1 + x C + 2 y C ) v Q
v D = (− 1 + 2 x D + y D ) v P + (− 1 + x D + 2 y D ) v Q
v A ∧ v C = ( x C − x A − ( y C − y A ) + 3 ( x A y C − x C y A )) v P ∧ v Q
which leads to the fact that the cross ratio only depends on the dual coordinates:
v A ∧ vC v B ∧ v D
( A B C D) = =
v A ∧ v D v B ∧ vC
( x C − x A − ( y C − y A ) + 3 ( x A y C − x C y A )) ( x D − x B − ( y D − y B ) + 3 ( x B y D − x D y B ))
( x D − x A − ( y D − y A ) + 3 ( x A y D − x D y A )) ( x C − x B − ( y C − y B ) + 3 (x B y C − x C y B ))
(x A − 1 / 3, y A − 1 / 3) ∧ (x C − 1 / 3, y C − 1 / 3) ( x B − 1 / 3, y B − 1 / 3) ∧ ( x D − 1 / 3, y D − 1 / 3)
(x B − 1 / 3, y B − 1 / 3) ∧ (x C − 1 / 3, y C − 1 / 3) ( x A − 1 / 3, y A − 1 / 3) ∧ ( x D − 1 / 3, y D − 1 / 3)
(x A − x C , y A − y C ) ∧ (x C − 1 / 3, y C − 1 / 3) ( x B − x D , y B − y D ) ∧ ( x D − 1 / 3, y D − 1 / 3)
(x B − x C , y B − y C ) ∧ (x C − 1 / 3, y C − 1 / 3) ( x A − x D , y A − y D ) ∧ ( x D − 1 / 3, y D − 1 / 3)
And taking into account the fact that the dual points corresponding to the lines of the
pencil are aligned in the dual plane, it follows that:
( A B C D ) = (x A − x C , y A − y C ) (x B − x C , y B − y C ) (x B − x D , y B − y D ) (x A − x D , y A − y D )−1
= AC BC −1 BD AD −1 = AC AD −1 BD BC −1
where the four dual vectors are proportional. That is: the projective cross ratio of a pencil
of lines is the cross ratio of the corresponding dual points. Obviously, by means of the
duality principle the dual proposition must also hold: the cross ratio of four aligned points
is equal to the projective cross ratio of the dual pencil of the corresponding lines on the
dual plane.
The points at the infinity play the same role as the points with finite coordinates in
the projective geometry. Under a projectivity they can be mapped mutually without
special distinction. In order to avoid the algebraic inconsistencies of the infinity, the
homogeneous coordinates are defined as proportional to the barycentric coordinates with
a no fixed homogeneous constant. The following expressions are equivalent and represent
the same point:
(x, y) = (1 − x − y, x, y) = k (1 − x − y, x, y)
A point has finite coordinates if and only if the sum of the homogeneous
coordinates are different from zero. In this case we can normalise the coordinates
dividing by this sum in order to obtain the barycentric coordinates, and hence the
Cartesian coordinates by omitting the first coordinate. On the other hand, the sum of the
homogeneous coordinates sometimes vanishes and then they cannot be normalised (the
normalisation implies a division by zero yielding infinite values). In this case, we are
regarding a point at the infinity, whose algebraic operations should be performed with
the finite values of the homogeneous coordinates3. For example:
This is the point at the infinity in the direction of the bisector of the first quadrant. On the
other hand, points at the infinity are equivalent to directions and hence to vectors. For
v = 2 O − P − Q = −OP−OQ = −2 e1 −2 e2
Every vector proportional to v also represents this direction and the point at the infinity
given above.
In fact, the calculations are equally feasible with ∞ if we understand it strictly as a number.
Then the equality 2∞ = ∞ should be wrong. We could simplify by ∞, e.g.: (2 ∞, −∞, 1) = (2, −1,
0) is a finite point and (2 ∞, −∞, −∞) = (2, −1, −1) a point at the infinity.
A range of points is defined as a set of aligned points.
The coefficients hij being given, the product of the matrices on the right hand side
does not warrantee a set of coordinates with sum equal to 1. This means that the matrix hij
of a perspectivity is defined except by the proportionality constant k (which depends on
the coordinates), and the transformed point is obtained with homogeneous coordinates
instead of barycentric ones. Nevertheless, this matrix maps collinear points to collinear
points. This follows immediately from the matrices equalities:
1 − x A − y A 1 − x B − y B 1 − xC − yC
xA xB xC
yA yB yC
A set of points are collinear if the determinant of the barycentric coordinates vanishes.
Since det hij ≠ 0, the implication of the alignment is bi-directional:
1 − 1 2 1 1
2 3 1 0 = 2 ⇒ (0, 0) → (1, 2, 1) = 1 , 2 , 1 = 1 , 1
1 2 0 0 1 4 4 4 2 4
1 − 1 2 0 − 1
2 3 1 1 = 3 ⇒ (1, 0) → (− 1, 3, 2) = 3 , 1
1 2 0 0 2 4 2
Also we may transform the point (0, ∞) at the infinity, which has the homogeneous
coordinates (−1, 0, 1):
1 − 1 2 − 1 1
2 3 1 0 = − 1 ⇒ (0, ∞ ) → (1, − 1, − 1) = (1, 1)
1 2 0 1 − 1
This case exemplifies how points at the infinity can be mapped under a projectivity to
points with finite coordinates and vice versa. As a comparison, the affinity always maps
points at the infinity to points at the infinity (although it does not leave them invariant).
That is, the affinity always maps parallel lines to parallel lines, while under a projectivity
parallel lines can be mapped to concurrent lines and vice versa5. Parallel lines are
concurrent in a point at the infinity, which does not play any special role in the
Let us see that four non collinear points (a quadrilateral) and their non collinear
images (another quadrilateral) determine a unique projectivity. Let us suppose that the
images of the points (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 1) are (a1, a2), (b1, b2), (c1, c2) and (d1, d2)
where no three of which are collinear. The barycentric coordinates of these points are:
The substitution into the matrix equality produces a system of three equations with three
unknowns k, l and m:
d 0 k a0 l b0 m c 0 − 1
d 1 = k a1 l b1 m c1 1
d k a l b2 m c 2 1
2 2
Since the points (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1) are not collinear, the matrix is regular and the
system has a unique solution, which proves that a projectivity is determined by the image
of the base quadrilateral. If the vertices of the initial quadrilateral are not the base points,
the matrix is calculated as the product of the inverse matrix of the projectivity which maps
the base quadrilateral to the initial quadrilateral multiplied by the matrix of the projectivity
which maps the point base to the final quadrilateral.
Let us calculate the projectivity which maps the quadrilateral with vertices (1, 1)-
(2, 3)-(3, 1)-(1, 0) to the quadrilateral (4, 1)-(6, 0)-(4, 0)-(6, 1). The projectivity which
Of course, the affinity is a special kind of projectivity.
maps the base quadrilateral (0, 0)-(1, 0)-(0, 1)-(1/3, 1/3) to the first quadrilateral is given
5 1 1
whose solution is: k= l=− m=
4 2 4
− 5 8 − 3 7 5 6
5 − 4 3 whose inverse matrix is 5 5 0
5 −6 1 20
− 5 5 − 10
The projectivity which maps the base quadrilateral to the final quadrilateral is:
− 6 − 4k −5l − 3 m 1
6 = 4k 6l 4 m 1
1 k 0 0 1
− 4 − 5 3
4 6 − 4
1 0 0
Then, the projectivity which maps the initial quadrilateral to the final one is the product:
− 4 − 5 3 7 5 6 − 68 − 30 − 54
4 6 − 4 5 5 0 = 78 30 64
1 0 0 − 5 5 − 10 7 5 6
− 68 − 30 − 54 − 8 94
62 2
78 30 64 6 = − 124 = , −
7 13 13
5 6 5 4
is a projectivity if the coefficients a', b', c' are homogeneous linear functions of a, b, c. For
example in the foregoing example the quadrilateral (1, 1)-(2, 3)-(3, 1)-(1, 0) is mapped to
the quadrilateral (4, 1)-(6, 0)-(4, 0)-(6, 1). Then we have:
1 1 5
(1, 0) = (1 − b − c ) (1, 1) + b ( 2, 3) + c (3, 1) ⇒ b=− c= a =1− b − c =
2 4 4
(6, 1) = (1 − b' − c' ) ( 4, 1) + b' (6, 0) + c' ( 4, 0) ⇒ b' = 1 c' = −1 a' = 1 − b' − c' = 1
Taking into account that for a = 1, b = 0, c = 0 → a' =1, b' = 0, c' = 0 and analogously for
each of the first three points, the linear mapping of coefficients is a diagonal matrix which
can be written simply:
a' = a b' = −2 b c' = − 4 c
If we wish to calculate the transformed point of (2, 5/3) we calculate firstly a, b and c:
5 1 1 1
P = 2, = (1 − b − c ) (1, 1) + b (2, 3) + c (3, 1) ⇒ b= c= a=
3 3 3 3
4 2 4
⇒ a' = b' = − c' = −
15 3 3
P' = −
(4, 1) + 10 (6, 0) + 20 (4, 0) = 62 , − 2
26 26 26 13 13
This example shows the normalisation. In general, we say that the following
transformation is a projectivity:
lx my
x' = y' =
k (1 − x − y ) + l x + m y k (1 − x − y ) + l x + m y
Let us prove that a projectivity defined in this algebraic way leaves invariant the
projective cross ratio (as evident by construction from perspectivities). Under a
projectivity, four collinear points A, B, C and D are transformed into another four collinear
points A', B', C' and D' . Their cross ratio is the quotient of differences of any coordinate
(it is not needed that x and y are Cartesian coordinates) because these differences for x are
proportional to the differences for y due to the alignment:
l [k ( x C − x A ) + (k − m ) ( x A y C − x C y A )]
x' C − x' A =
[k (1 − x C − y C ) + l x C + m y C ] [k (1 − x A − y A ) + l x A + m y A ]
Let us suppose that the collinear points A, B, C and D lie on the line having the equation y
= s x + t, where the constants s and t play the role of a “slope” and “ordinate intercept”
although the x-axis and the y-axis be not orthogonal:
l ( x C − x A ) [k − (k − m ) t ]
x' C − x' A =
[k (1 − x C − y C ) + l x C + m y C ] [k (1 − x A − y A ) + l x A + m y A ]
Now we see that a projectivity changes every single ratio due to the denominators, but the
cross ratio is preserved because these denominators are cancelled in this case:
similar so that:
L= A+ B' and also L= B+ A'
AB + A'B' AB + A'B' AB + A'B' AB + A'B'
We may gather both equations obtaining an expression more adequate to our purposes
which is function of the midpoints:
These expressions fulfil the following equality what implies that the three points are
AB + A'B' BC + B'C'
M= L+ N
AC + A'C' AC + A'C'
Arranging A, B and C on the left hand side and A', B' and C' on the right hand side
and taking into account that AC=AB+BC and A'C'=A'B'+B'C' we obtain
the following vector equality:
which is an identity taking into account that the lines ABC and A'B'C' are parallel and all
vectors have the same direction and sense.
The linear relation between L, M and N is very useful to calculate the cross ratio
(LMNR). In fact the coefficients of the midpoints are the relative altitudes of the point with
respect to both parallel lines. Since this cross ratio is also the quotient of the relative
altitudes, we have:
B'C' A'B' − AC
BC + B'C' AB + A'B' AC + A'C' AC
(LMNR ) = = = (OABC )
− AB B'C' A'C' AB
AB + A'B' BC + B'C' AC + A'C'
The single ratio is the cross ratio corresponding to O = ∞. This identity of cross ratios is
preserved under a projectivity and it is also valid for the upper scheme on the figure 10.8
when O is a point with finite coordinates. Analogously:
The homology
The points A', B' are homologous of the points A and B with respect to the centre
O and the axis of homology given by the point F and the vector v (figure 10.9) if:
1) The centre O does not lie on the axis.
2) Every pair of homologous points and the homology centre are aligned, that is,
O, A and A' are aligned and also O, B and B'.
3) Every pair of homologous lines AB and A'B' intersects in a point on the
homology axis.
A homology6 is determined by an axis, a
centre O and a pair of homologous points A and Figure 10.9
A'. To obtain the homologous of any point B, we
draw the line AB, whose intersection with the
homology axis will be denoted as Z. Then we
draw the line A'Z and the intersection with the
line OB is the homologous point B'. By
construction, the homology axis and the lines
AB, A'B' and OZ are concurrent in Z. The
projective cross ratio of this pencil of lines is
independent of the crossing line where it is
measured. Let G and H be the intersections of
the homology axis with the lines OA and OB
respectively. Then we have:
{ Z, O A G A' } = { Z, O B H B' }
The word homology is used by H. Eves (A Survey of Geometry, p. 105) with a different
meaning. He names as homology a composite homothety, that is, a single homothety followed
by a rotation.
Since the four points of each set are collinear, their projective cross ratio is identical to
their complex cross ratio:
( O A G A' ) = ( O B H B' )
That is, the cross ratio of the four points O, B, H and B' is a real constant r for any point B
and is called homology ratio. Hence we can write:
This equation leads to a simpler definition of the homology: B' is the homologous point of
B with respect a given axis and centre O (outside the axis) with ratio r if O, B and B' are
aligned and the cross ratio ( O B H B' ) is equal to r, being H the intersection point of the
line OB with the homology axis. Hence, a homology is determined by giving a centre O,
an axis and the homology ratio. If the homology ratio is the unity we have two degenerate
cases: whether B lies on O and B' is any point, or B' lies on H (on the homology axis) and
B is any point, that is, there is not one to one mapping, a not useful transformation. Then
we must impose a ratio distinct of the
Figure 10.10
unity. On the other hand, a null
homology ratio implies that BB' = 0 and
the homology becomes the identity.
In the special case r = 2 (when
the points A and A′ are harmonic
conjugates with respect O and H) the
transformation is called a harmonic
The first limit line is defined as
the set of points L on the plane having as
homologous points those at infinity
(figure 10.10):
( O L H ∞ ) = OH O∞ −1 L∞ LH −1 = r
The limit of the quotient of both distances tending to the infinity is the unity:
O∞ −1 L∞ = lim OX −1 LX = 1
X →∞
Then: OH LH −1 = r ⇒ LH OH −1 = r −1
Because all the points H lie on the homology axis, all the points L form a line, the limit
The second limit line is defined as the points that are homologous of those at
OH OL' −1 = r ⇒ OL' OH −1 = r −1
Therefore the distance from the second limit line to the homology axis is equal to the
distance from the first limit line to the homology centre (figure 10.10), and both lines are
located whether between or outside both elements according to the value of r:
OL' = LH = r −1 OH
Let us calculate the homologous point B' for every point B on the plane. Since H is
a changing point on the homology axis, we write it as a function of a fixed point F also on
the axis and its direction vector v (figure 10.9). At one time, the point H is the intersection
of the line OB and the homology axis:
H = O + b OB = F + k v k, b real
b OB − k v = OF ⇒ b = OF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1
H = O + OF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1 OB
OH = OF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1 OB
BH = BO + OF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1 OB = [ OF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1 − 1 ] OB =
= ( OF ∧ v − OB ∧ v ) ( OB ∧ v ) −1 OB = BF ∧ v ( OB ∧ v ) −1 OB
BB' OB' −1 = r v ∧ BF ( v ∧ OF ) −1
OB' −1 = OB −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ BF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] = OB −1 ( v ∧ OF − r v ∧ BF ) ( v ∧ OF ) −1
OB' = OB v ∧ OF ( v ∧ OF − r v ∧ BF ) −1 = OB ( 1 − r v ∧ BF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) −1
This equation allows to calculate the homologous point B' of any point B using the data of
the homology: the centre O, the ratio r, and a direction vector v and a point F of the axis.
The homology preserves the projective cross ratio of any set of points. Let A', B',
C', D' and E' be the transformed points of A, B, C, D and E under the homology. Then:
Let us prove this statement. Being A' and E' homologous points of A and E we have:
OA' = OA ( 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) −1
OE' = OE ( 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) −1
E'A' = OA ( 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) −1 − OE ( 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) −1 =
= [ OA ( 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) − OE ( 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ) ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 =
= [ EA + r ( −OA v ∧ EF + OE v ∧ AF ) ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 =
= [ EA ( 1 − r ) + r ( OA v ∧ OE − OE v ∧ OA ) ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 =
= [ EA ( 1 − r ) + r v OA ∧ OE ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1
E'B' = [ EB ( 1− r ) + r v OB ∧ OE ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ BF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1
E'C' = [ EC ( 1− r ) + r v OC ∧ OE ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ CF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1
E'D' = [ ED ( 1− r ) + r v OD ∧ OE ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ DF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1
E'A' ∧ E'C' = [ EA ∧ EC ( 1 − r )2 + ( EA ∧ v OC ∧ OE + v ∧ EC OA ∧ OE ) r ( 1 − r )
( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] [ 1 − r v ∧ AF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ CF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −1
[ 1 − r v ∧ EF ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ] −2
By substitution of the following identity, which may be proved by means of the geometric
algebra (see exercise 1.4):
EA ∧ v OC ∧ OE + v ∧ EC OA ∧ OE = EA ∧ v EC ∧ OE + v ∧ EC EA ∧ OE =
EA ∧ EC v ∧ OE
E'A' ∧ E'C' = [ EA ∧ EC ( 1 − r )2 + EA ∧ EC v ∧ OE r ( 1 − r ) ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
E'A' ∧ E'C' = EA ∧ EC [ ( 1 − r )2 + v ∧ OE r ( 1 − r ) ( v ∧ OF ) −1 ]
In the projective cross ratio, all the factors are simplified except the first outer product:
This proves that the projective cross ratio of any four points A, B, C and D with respect to
a centre of projection E is equal to the projective cross ratio of the homologous points A',
B', C' and D' with respect to the homologous centre of projection E'. It means that the
homology is a special kind of projectivity where a line is preserved, the axis of homology.
When the centre of projection is a point H on the homology axis, H and H' are coincident
and we find in the former equality the initial condition of the homology again:
The following chapter is devoted to the conics and the Chasles’ theorem, which
states that the locus of the points from where the projective cross ratio of any four points
is constant is a conic passing through these four points. Since the homology preserves the
projective cross ratio, it transform conics into conics. Hence, a conic may be drawn as the
homologous curve of a circle. Depending on the position of this circle there are three
1) The circle does not cut the limit line L (whose homologous is the line at
infinity). In this case the homologous curve is an ellipse, because very next points on the
circle have also very next homologous points and therefore the homologous curve must be
2) The circle touches the limit line L. Then its homologous curve is the parabola,
because the homologous of the contact point is a point at infinity. The symmetry axis of
the parabola has the direction of the line passing through the centre of homology and the
contact point.
3) The circle cuts the limit line L. Then the homologous curve is the hyperbola
because the homologous points of both intersections are two points at infinity. The lines
passing through the centre of homology and both intersection points have the direction of
the asymptotes.
10.1 Prove the Ptolemy’s theorem: For a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the product of
the lengths of both diagonals is equal to the sum of the products of the lengths of the pairs
of opposite sides.
10.2 Find that the point D forming a harmonic range with A, B and C is given by the
D = A + AB ( 1 − 2 AC −1 BC ) −1
10.3 Show that the homography is a directly conformal transformation, that is, it preserves
angles and their orientations.
10.4 Prove that if A', B', C' and D' are the homologous of A, B, C and D, and H is a point
on the homology axis, then the equality { H, A' B' C' D' } = { H, A B C D } holds. That is,
show directly that:
OP' −1 = ( OP −1 + v ) −1
10.6 Prove that if a homography keeps invariant three or more points on the plane, then it
is the identity.
10.7 An antigraphy is defined as that transformation which conjugates the complex cross
ratio of any four points:
Then an antigraphy is completely specified by giving the images A', B', C' of any three
points A, B, C. Prove that:
a) The antigraphy is an opposite conformal transformation, that is, it changes the
orientation of the angles but preserving their absolute values.
b) The composition of two antigraphies is a homography.
c) A product of three inversions is an antigraphy.
d) If an antigraphy has three invariant points, then it is a circular inversion.
10.8 Let A, B, C and A', B', C' be two sets of independent points. A projectivity has
been defined as the mapping:
where the coefficients a', b', c' are homogeneous linear functions of a, b, c. Prove that
collinear points are mapped to collinear points.
10.9 Prove the following theorem: let the sides of a hexagon ABCDEF pass alternatively
through the points P and Q. Then the lines AD, BE and CF joining opposite vertices meet
in a unique point. Hint: draw the hexagon in the dual plane.
Conic sections
The conic sections (or conics) are the intersections of a conic surface with any
transversal plane (figure 11.1). The proper conics are the curves obtained with a plane not
passing through the vertex of the cone. If the plane contains the vertex we have improper
conics, which reduce to a pair of straight lines or a point. In general, I shall regard only
proper conics, taking into account that the other case can be usually obtained as a limit
Let us consider the two spheres inscribed in the cone which are tangent to the
Figure 11.1
plane of the conic. The spheres touch this plane at the points F and F', the foci of the conic
section. On the other hand, both spheres touch the cone surface at two tangency circles
lying in planes perpendicular to the cone axis. The directrices of the conic are defined as
the intersections of these planes with the plane of the conic.
Let P be a point on the conic. Since it lies on the plane of the conic, the segment
going from P to the focus F is tangent to the sphere. Since it belongs to the cone surface,
the generatrix passing through P is also tangent to the sphere. PF and PS are tangent to the
same sphere so that their lengths are equal: PF=PS. Also PF' and PS' are tangent to
the other sphere so that their lengths are also equal: PF'=PS'. On the other hand the
segment SS' of any directrix has constant length, what implies that the addition of
distances from any point P on the conic to both foci is constant:
This discussion slightly changes for a plane which intercepts the upper and lower cones.
In this case, the distances from P to the upper sphere and to the upper branch of the curve
must be considered negative1. If the plane is parallel to a generatrix of the cone these
distances become infinite. This unified point of view for all conics using negative or
infinite distances when needed will be the guide of this chapter. I shall not separate
equations but only specify cases for distinct conics.
A lateral view of figure 11.1 is given in the figure 11.2. In this figure the point P
has been drawn in both extremes of the conic (and S and S' also twice), although we must
consider any point on the conic section. As indicated previously PF=PS. But PS
is proportional to the distance from P to the upper plane containing S and this distance is
also proportional to the distance from P to the directrix r (figure 11.2):
PF = PS = d (P , r )
The quotient of the sines of both angles is called the eccentricity e of the conic:
e= >0 Figure 11.2
FP = e d (P, r )
To consider sensed distances is not a trouble but an advantage. For example, the distance from
a point to a line can be also taken as an oriented distance, whose sign indicates the half-plane
where the point lies.
d (P , r ) =
Defined in this way, the distance from P to r is positive when P is placed on the half-plane
that contains the focus of both in which the directrix divides the plane, and negative when
P lies on the other half-plane. The equation of the conic becomes:
FP = e d (P, r ) = e
FP FT = e FT · PT = e FT · (FT − FP ) = e (FT 2 − FT · FP )
Let us denote by β the angle between the main axis FT and the focal vector FP:
FP FT = e (FT 2 − FT FP cos β )
FP FT (1 + e cos β ) = e FT 2
FP =
1 + e cos β
According to the value of the eccentricity there are three types of proper conics:
1) For 0 < e < 1, the inclination α of the plane of the conic is lower than the
inclination δ of the cone generatrix and the denominator is always positive.
Then the focal radius is always positive and the points P form a closed curve
on the focal half-plane, an ellipse.
2) For e = 1, α = δ , the plane of the conic is parallel to a cone generatrix. Since
the denominator vanishes for β = π, the points P form an open curve called
parabola. Except for this value of β, the radius is always positive and the
curve lies on the focal half-plane.
3) For e > 1, α >δ , the plane of the conic intercepts both upper and lower cones.
The denominator vanishes twice so that it is an open curve with two branches
called hyperbola (figure
11.4). The lowest positive
Figure 11.4 angle that makes the
denominator zero is the
asymptote angle βa :
β a = arccos −
1< e ≤
The focal radius is positive (P lies on the focal branch) for the ranges of β :
and negative (P lies on the non focal branch) for the range:
βa < β < 2π – βa
A negative focal radius means that we must take the sense opposite that determined by the
angle (figure 11.4). For example, a radius –2 with an angle 7π/6 is equivalent to a radius 2
with an angle of π/6. So the vertex T' of the non focal branch has an angle π (not zero as it
would appear) and a negative focal radius.
The sum of the oriented distances from any point P to any two parallel lines (the
directrices in our case) is constant2. Then the addition of both focal radii of any point P
Note that this statement is only right for oriented distances but not for positive distances.
on the conic is the product of the eccentricity multiplied by the oriented distance between
both directrices. P can be any point, for example Q, the extreme of the conic:
FP + F'P = FQ + F'Q = F'Q' + F'Q = QQ'
whence it follows that the addition of both focal radii is QQ' , the major diameter.
1) For the case of the ellipse (figure 11.5), both focal radii are positive and also
the major diameter.
2) For the case of the parabola, one directrix is the line at the infinity and one
focus is a point at the infinity on the main axis of symmetry. Hence the major
diameter has an infinite value.
3) For the case of the hyperbola (figure 11.6), the focal radius of a point on the
non focal branch is negative, its absolute value being higher than the other
focal radius, which is positive, yielding a negative major diameter.
Vectorial equation
The polar equation of a conic may be written having as parameter the focal
distance FQ instead of the distance from the focus to the directrix FT:
1+ e
1 + e cos β
Let Q' be the vertex of the conic closest to the focus F'. The distance from the focus F to
Q' is found for β = π:
1+ e
FQ' = FQ
1− e
For the ellipse FQ' is a positive distance; for the hyperbola it is a negative distance and
for the parabola Q' is at infinity. Then the distance between both foci is:
FF' = FQ' − F'Q' = FQ' − FQ = FQ
1− e
2 FQ
QQ' = FQ + FQ' =
1− e
The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between both foci divided by the major
diameter. For the case of ellipse, both distances are positive. For the case of the hyperbola,
both distances are negative, so the eccentricity is always positive. When e = 0 both foci
are coincident in the centre of a circle. Note that the circle is obtained when we cut the
cone with a horizontal plane. In this case, the directrices are the line at the infinity.
The vectorial equation of a conic is obtained from the polar equation and contains
the radius vector FP. Since FP forms with FQ an angle β (figure 11.3), FP is obtained
from the unitary vector of FQ via multiplication by the exponential with argument β and
by the modulus of FP yielding:
1+ e
FP = FQ (cos β + e12 sinβ )
1 + e cos β
On the other hand, from the directrix property, one easily finds the following
equation for a conic:
F, T and e are parameters of the conic, and P = (x, y) is the mobile point. Therefore from
this equation we will also obtain a Cartesian equation of second degree. For example, let
us calculate the Cartesian equation of an ellipse with eccentricity ½ and focus at the point
(3, 4) and vertex at (4,5):
e = 1/2 F = ( 3, 4 ) Q = ( 4, 5 ) P = ( x, y )
1+ e
FT = FQ = 3 e1 + 3 e 2 T = F + FT = ( 6, 7 )
FP = ( x − 3 ) e1 + ( y − 4 ) e2
[ ( x − 3 )2 + ( y − 4 )2 ] 18 = [ 18 − ( 3 (x − 3) + 3 ( y − 4 ) ) ]2
After simplification:
7 x2 − 2 x y + 7 y2 − 22 x − 38 y + 31 = 0
Michel Chasles, Traité des sections coniques, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1865, p. 3.
FQ = FQ e1
From XA and the analogous expression for XC, and after simplification we obtain:
e (1 + e ) (sinγ cos α − sinα cos γ + sinχ cos γ − sinγ cos χ + sinα cos χ − sinχ cos α )
XA ∧ XC = FQ 122
Using the trigonometric identities of the half-angles, the sum is converted into a product
of sines (exercise 6.2):
( 1 + e )2 sin γ − α sin χ − γ sin α − χ
XA ∧ XC = − 4 FQ 2 2 2 2 e
( 1 + e cos α ) ( 1 + e cos γ ) ( 1 + e cos χ ) 12
In the same way the other outer products are obtained. The projective cross ratio is their
quotient, where the factors containing the eccentricity or the angle χ are simplified:
γ −α δ −β AFC BFD
sin sin sin sin
XA ∧ XC XB ∧ XD 2 2 = 2 2
{X , A B C D } = =
XA ∧ XD XB ∧ XC δ − α γ − β AFD BFC
sin sin sin sin
2 2 2 2
since γ −α is the angle AFC, etc. Therefore, the projective cross ratio of four points A, B,
C and D on a conic is equal to the quotient of the sines of the focal half-angles, which do
not depend on X, but only on the positions of A, B, C and D, fact which proves the
Chasles’ theorem. This statement is trivial for the case of the circumference, because the
inscribed angles are the half of the central angles. However the inscribed angles on a conic
vary with the position of the point X and they differ from the half focal angles. In spite of
this, it is a notable result that the quotient of the sines of the inscribed angles (projective
cross ratio) is equal to the quotient of the half focal angles. For the case of the hyperbola I
remind you that the focal radius of a point on the non focal branch is oriented with the
opposite sense and the focal angle is measured with respect this orientation.
(1 + e ) FQ
FP = ( e1 cos α + e 2 sinα )
1 + e cosα
d FP ( 1 + e ) FQ
= [− e sinα + e2 ( e + cos α ) ]
dα ( 1 + e cos α )2 1
This derivative has the direction of the line tangent to the conic at the point P, its unitary
vector t being:
− e1 sinα + e 2 ( e + cos α )
1 + e 2 + 2 e cos α
e1 ( e + cos α ) + e 2 sinα
1 + e 2 + 2 e cos α
In the same way, t and n are obtained as functions of the angle β (figure 11.9) from the
vectorial equation for the focus F':
(1 − e ) FQ
F'P = ( e1 cos β + e 2 sinβ )
1 − e cosβ
− e1 sinβ + e 2 (− e + cos β )
1 + e 2 − 2 e cos β Figure 11.10
e1 ( − e + cos β ) + e 2 sinβ
1 + e 2 − 2 e cos β
d FP · FP
d FP = −
since the differentials of the focal vectors are equal: dP = d FP = d F'P. In conclusion the
differential vector (or the tangent vector) is orthogonal to the bisector of both focal
vectors. The figure 11.11 clearly shows that both right triangles are opposite because they
share the same hypotenuse d FP, and the legs dFP and dF'P have the same length.
The reflection axis of both triangles, which is the shorter diagonal of the rhombus, is the
bisector line of both focal vectors.
In the case of the parabola (figure 11.12), the focus F' is located at the infinity and
F'P is parallel to the main axis of symmetry. In the case of the hyperbola (figure 11.13)
we must take into account that the radius of a point on the non focal branch is negative, so
Note that it differs from the modulus of the differential of the focal vector: dFP≠d FP.
it has the sense from P to the focus F'. The normal direction is the bisector of both
oriented focal vectors.
These geometric features are the widely known optic reflection properties of the
conics: parallel beams reflected by a parabola are concurrent at the focus. Also the beams
emitted by a focus of an ellipse and reflected in its perimeter are concurrent in the other
We search a polar equation to describe a conic using its centre as the origin of the
radius. Above we have seen that the eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between both
foci and the major diameter:
F + F'
e= 1− e = Figure 11.14
For the case of the ellipse all the quantities are positive. For the case of the
hyperbola both OF and OQ are negative with FQ positive. Let the angle QOP be
γ (figure 11.14). Then:
For the ellipse all the moduli are positive whereas for the hyperbola OP and
OF are always negative (the centre is placed between both branches). For the parabola
they become infinite. By substitution of the polar equation into these equalities we have:
OP sinγ = FQ
(1 + e ) sinα
= OQ
(1 − e )sinα
1 + e cos α 1 + e cos α
OP cosγ = OF +
FQ (1 + e ) cosα
= OQ e +
(1 − e 2 )cos α e + cosα
= OQ
1 + e cos α 1 + e cos α 1 + e cos α
sin 2 γ OQ
OP 2 + cos 2 γ = OQ 2 ⇒ OP =
1 − e
sin 2 γ
+ cos 2 γ
1 − e2
The direction of OP with respect to OQ is given by the angle γ and we may add it
multiplying by the unitary complex with argument γ to obtain the central vectorial
Let R be the point P for γ =π/2. Then OR lies on the secondary axis of symmetry
of the conic, which is perpendicular to OQ, the main axis of symmetry. ORis the minor
half-axis. The eccentricity relates both:
OR2 = ( 1 − e2 ) OQ2
OR = 1 − e 2 OQ
OR = 1 − e 2 OQ e12
1 sinγ
OP = OQ cos γ + OR
sin 2 γ 1 − e2
+ cos 2 γ
1− e 2
Hence it follows:
OP 2 OP 2
sin 2
γ + 2
cos 2 γ = 1
Taking OP and OQ as the coordinates axis and O the origin of coordinates, we have the
canonical equation of a conic:
x2 y2
+ =1
OQ 2 OR 2
This equation of a conic is specific of this coordinate system and has a limited
usefulness. If another system of coordinates is used (the general case) the equation is
always of second degree but not so beautiful. For the ellipse both half-axis are positive
real numbers. However for the hyperbola, the minor half-axis OQ is imaginary and
OQ2<0 converting the sum of the squares in the former equation in a difference of real
positive quantities.
OP = OQ cos θ + OR sin θ
cos γ cos φ
cos θ =
sin γ + cos 2 γ cos 2 φ
From where it follows the relationship between the inclination of the cylindrical section
and the eccentricity:
cos φ = 1 − e 2
G. Peano (Gli elementi di calcolo geometrico [1891] in Opere Scelte, vol. III, Edizioni Cremone,
[Roma, 1959], p.59) gives this central equation for the ellipse as function of the angle θ. He also
used the parametric equations of the parabola, hyperbola, cycloid, epicycloid and the spiral of
Each pair of OQ' and OR' obtained in this way are conjugate central radii and
twice them are conjugate diameters. They are intersections of the plane of the ellipse with
two axial planes of the cylinder that form
a right angle. From the definition it is
obvious that:
OP = ( OQ' cos χ − OR' sin χ ) cos θ + ( OQ' sin χ + OR' cos χ ) sin θ
Changing the sign of the cylindrical angle we obtain another point P' on the ellipse owing
to the parity of trigonometric functions:
Then the chord PP' is parallel to the radius OR' (figure 11.16):
OP + OP'
= OQ' cos(θ − χ )
The properties of the conjugate diameters are also applicable to the hyperbola, but
taking into account that OR2 = (1 − e2) OQ2 < 0, that is, the minor half-axis OR is an
imaginary number. In this case OR has the same direction than OQ:
OR = 1 − e 2 OQ e12 = e 2 − 1 OQ
And also the angle θ is an imaginary number, and the trigonometric functions are turned
into hyperbolic functions of the real argument ψ = θ / e12 :
cos γ
cos θ = = coshψ ≥ 1 e >1
sin γ
+ cos 2 γ
1− e 2
Taking into account the relations between trigonometric and hyperbolic functions:
ψ ψ sinhψ
cos = coshψ sin =
e12 e12 e12
the relation of the hyperbolic angle ψ with the Cartesian coordinates is:
x y
coshψ = sinhψ = e12
OP = ± (OQ coshψ + OR e12 sinhψ ) = ± OQ coshψ + e 2 − 1 sinhψ OQ e12 )
Let us define OS, which is taken
usually as the minor half-axis of the Figure 11.17
hyperbola although this definition is
not exact, as (figure 11.17):
OS = e 2 − 1 OQ e12
OP = OQ coshψ + OS sinhψ
ψ→∞ OP → ± expψ
ψ→−∞ OP → ± exp(− ψ )
Two radii are conjugate if they are turned through the same hyperbolic angle ϕ (figure
Then the equality OQ' 2 − OS' 2 = OQ2 − OS2 holds and the central radius of any point of
the hyperbola is:
Also it is verified that the diameter is formed by the midpoints of the chords parallels to
the conjugate diameter.
A complete understanding of the central equation of the hyperbola is found in the
hyperbolic prism in a pseudo-Euclidean space. The equality OQ' 2 − OS' 2 = OQ2 − OS2 is
the condition of hyperbolic prism of constant radius. Then the hyperbolas are planar
section of this hyperbolic prism.
Five non collinear points determine a conic. Since every conic has a Cartesian
second degree equation:
a x2 + b y2 + c x y + d x + e y + f = 0
where there are five independent parameters, the substitution of the coordinates of five
points leads to a linear system with five equation, with a hard solving. A briefer way to
obtain the Cartesian equation of the conic passing through these points is through the
Chasles’ theorem. Let us see an example:
The projective cross ratio of the four points A, B, C and D on the conic is:
EA ∧ EC EB ∧ ED − 4 (− 9 ) 3
r = {E , A B C D} = = =
EA ∧ ED EB ∧ EC − 4 (− 12 ) 4
According to the Chasles’ theorem, the projective cross ratio is constant for any point X
on the conic:
3 XA ∧ XC XB ∧ XD (2 x − 2 ) (3x − 2 y )
= = ⇒ 0 = 12 x 2 − 3 y 2 − x y − 9 x + y
4 XA ∧ XD XB ∧ XC ( x − y ) (4 x − y − 5)
D = d A A + d B B + dCC with d A + d B + dC = 1
X = x A A + x B B + xC C with x A + x B + xC = 1
The projective cross ratio is the quotient of the areas of the triangles XAC, XBD,
XAD and XBC:
x A x B xC x A x B xC
1 0 0 0 1 0
XA ∧ XC XB ∧ XD 0 0 1 dA dB dC x B (x A d C − x C d A )
r= = =
XA ∧ XD XB ∧ XC xA xB xC xA xB xC (x B d C − xC d B ) x A
1 0 0 0 1 0
dA dB dC 0 0 1
0 = r x C x A d B + (1 − r ) x A x B d C − x B x C d A
The fifth point E also lying on the conic fulfils this equation:
0 = r eC e A d B + (1 − r ) e A e B d C − e B eC d A
d A dC
e A eC
d B dC
e B eC
The substitution of the cross ratio r in the equation of the conic gives:
d A e A x B x C (d B eC − d C e B ) + d B e B x C x A (d C e A − d A eC ) + d C eC x A x B (d A e B − d B e A ) =
d A eA d B eB d C eC
d A xA d B xB d C xC = 0
eA x A eB x B eC x C
a x2 + b y2 + c x y + d x + e y + f = 0
d e
f + f + f
2 2 1 − x − y
d c+d +e
(1 − x − y x y) + f a+d + f + f x =0
2 2
e c+d +e y
+ f + f b+e+ f
2 2
Let us calculate now the dual conic of a given conic. This is defined as the locus of
the points which are dual of the lines tangent to the conic. Then the conic is the envelope
of the tangents. Let us differentiate the Cartesian equation:
δx (2 a x + c y + d ) + δy (2 b y + c x + e ) = 0
where δ indicates the ordinary differential in order to avoid confusion with the coefficient
d. The equation of the line touching the conic at (x0, y0) is:
(2 a x 0 + c y 0 + d ) (x − x 0 ) + (2 b y 0 + c x 0 + e )( y − y 0 ) = 0
(2 a x 0 + c y 0 + d ) x + (2 b y 0 + c x 0 + e ) y − 2 a x 02 − 2 b y 02 − 2 c x 0 y0 − d x0 − e y0 = 0
(2 a x 0 + c y 0 + d ) x + (2 b y 0 + c x 0 + e ) y + d x 0 + e y 0 + 2 f =0
(d x 0 + e y 0 + 2 f )(1 − x − y ) + ((2 a + d ) x 0 + (c + e ) y 0 + d + 2 f ) x +
+ ((2 b + e ) y 0 + (c + d ) x 0 + e + 2 f ) y = 0
If we denote by t, u and v the dual coordinates, the dual homogeneous coordinates t', u'
and v' are linear functions of the barycentric point coordinates:
t' 2 f d +2 f e+2 f 1 − x 0 − y 0
u' = d + 2 f 2a+2d +2 f
c+d +e+2 f x0
v' e + 2 f c+d +e+2 f
2b+2e+2 f y0
Now we see that this is twice the matrix of the conic equation (the matrix of a conic is
defined except by a common factor). Let M be the matrix of the conic, X the matrix of the
point coordinates, and U the matrix of the dual (homogeneous or normalised) coordinates.
M −1 U = X
XT = UT M −1
because like M, the inverse matrix M −1 is also symmetric and does not change under
UT M −1 U = 0
That is, the matrix of the dual conic equation is the inverse of the matrix of the point
conic. Every tangent line of the conic is mapped onto a point of the dual conic and vice
versa. Let us consider for instance the ellipse:
16 16 16 1 − x − y
+ =1 ⇔ (1 − x − y x y ) 16 15 16 x =0
4 2 16 16 12
− 19 16 4 t
[ t u v ] 16 − 16 0 u = 0
4 0 − 4 v
− 67 u 2 − 31 v 2 − 78 u v + 70 u + 46 v − 19 = 0
A concrete case is the tangent line at (0, 2) with equation y = 2. The dual coordinates of
this line are obtained as follows:
2 1
y − 2 ≡ t' (1 − x − y ) + u' x + v' y ⇒ [t' u' v' ] = [− 2, − 2, − 1] = ,
5 5
Let us check that this dual point lies on the dual conic:
− 19 16 4 2
[2 2 1] 16 − 16 0 2 = 0
4 0 − 4 1
points onto a pencil of lines, in other words, a linear mapping of points to lines (dual
points), which may be represented with a matrix M:
a' 1 − x − y
b' = M x
c' y
1 − x − y a'
b' = 0
[a b c] x =0 ⇒ [a b c] M −1
y c'
1 − x' − y' a
b = 0
[ a' b' c' ] x' =0 ⇒ [ a' b' c' ] M −1
y' c
This is just the equation of a point conic. The set of lines passing through their own poles
(self-conjugate lines) fulfil the equation:
Figure 11.18
[a b c] M −1 b = 0
depending on the eigenvalues of the matrix, there are polarities that do not have any
associated conic.
The polar of a point outside its associated conic is the line passing through the
points of contact of the tangents drawn from the point (figure 11.18). The reason is the
following: the polarity maps the tangent lines of the associated conic to the tangency
points, so its intersection (the pole) must be transformed into the line passing through the
tangency points.
M = B −1 D B
d1 0 0
D= 0 d2 0
0 0 d 3
There exist three eigenvectors of the conic matrix. These eigenvectors are also
characteristic vectors of the dual conic matrix with inverse eigenvalues:
M −1 = B −1 D −1 B
0 0
1 1
D −1 = 0 0 d i Vi = M Vi ⇔ M −1 Vi = Vi
d2 di
0 1
d 3
The eigenvectors are three points (equal for both punctual and dual planes) that I will call
the eigenpoints of the polarity. Let X be a point on the conic given in Cartesian
coordinates. Then:
XT M X = XT B −1 D B X = VT D V
where V = B X are the coordinates of the point in the base of eigenpoints. If we name with
t, u, v the eigencoordinates, then the equation of the conic is simply:
d1 t 2 + d 2 u 2 + d 3 v 2 = 0
The eigenpoints of a polarity do not never belong to the associated conic since they have
the eigencoordinates (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) and di ≠ 0. On the other hand, the conic
only exist if the eigenvalues have different signs (one positive and two negative or one
negative and two positive). This fact classifies the polarities in two classes: those having
an associated conic, and those not having an associated conic. In fact, if we state a level, a
certain value of the matrix product, there can be a conic or not. That is, there is a family of
conics for different levels and there is a threshold value, from where the conic does not
0 c12 c13 x A
(x A xB x C ) c12 0 c 23 x B = c 23 x B x C + c 31 x C x A + c12 x A x B = 0
2 c
13 c 23 0 x C
With the same base, the equation of the conic passing through D and whose projective
cross ratio {X, A B C D} is r is:
0 = r x C x A d B + (1 − r ) x A x B d C − x B x C d A
0 (1 − r ) d C r dB xA
(x A xB x C ) (1 − r ) d C 0 − d A xB = 0
rd − dA 0 x C
det = −2 r (1 − r ) d A d B d C
0 (1 − r ) d C r dB
C= (1 − r ) d C 0 − dA
3 − r (1 − r ) d d d
r dB − dA 0
11.1 Prove that the projective cross ratio of any four points on a conic is equal to the ratio
of the sines of the cylindrical half-angles. That is, if:
γ −α δ −β
sin sin
2 2
Then { X , A B C D} =
δ −α γ −β
sin sin
2 2
11.2 Prove that an affinity transforms a circle into an ellipse, and using this fact prove
the Newton’s theorem: Given two directions, the ratio of the product of distances from
any point on the plane to both intersections with an ellipse along the first direction and
the same product of distances along the other direction is independent of the location of
this point on the plane.
11.3 Prove that a line touching an ellipse is parallel to the conjugate diameter of the
diameter whose end-point is the tangency point. Prove also that the parallelogram
circumscribed around an ellipse has constant area (Apollonius’ theorem).
11.4 Prove the former theorem applied to a hyperbola: the parallelogram formed by two
conjugate diameters has constant area.
11.5 Given a pole, trace a line passing through the pole and cutting the conic. Prove that
the pole, and the intersections of this line with the conic and with the polar form a
harmonic range.
11.6 Calculate the equation of the point and tangential conic passing through the points
(1, 1), (2, 3), (1, 4), (0, 2) and (2, 5).
11.7 The Pascal’s theorem: Let A, B, C, D, E and F be six distinct points on a proper
conic, Let P be the intersection of the line AE with the line BF, Q the intersection of the
line AD with CF, and R the intersection of the line BD with CE. Show that P, Q and R are
11.8 The Brianchon’s theorem. Prove that the diagonals joining opposite vertices of a
hexagon circumscribed around a proper conic are concurrent. Hint: take the dual plane.
This part is devoted to the hyperbolic plane, where vectors and numbers have a
pseudo Euclidean modulus, that is, a modulus of a Minkowski space. The bidimensional
geometric algebra already includes the Euclidean and pseudo Euclidean planes. In fact,
the geometric algebra does not make any special distinction between both kinds of
planes. On the other hand, the plane geometric algebra can be represented by real 2×2
matrices, which helps us to define some concepts with more precision.
All the associative algebras with neutral elements for the addition and product
can be represented with matrices. The representations can have different dimensions,
but the most interesting is the minimal representation which is an isomorphism.
cos α sinα
(v1' v 2' ) = (v1 v 2 )
− sinα cos α
cos α sinα
cos α + e12 sinα =
− sinα cos α
1 0 0 1 a b
1 = e12 = z = a + b e12 =
0 1 − 1 0 − b a
Now we wish to obtain also the matrix representation for vectors. Note that the
matrix form of the rotation of a vector gives us the first row of the vector representation,
which may be completed with a suitable second row:
1 0 0 1 v v2
e1 = e 2 = v = v1 e1 + v 2 e 2 = 1
0 − 1 1 0 v2 − v1
These four matrices are a basis of the real matrix space M2×2(R) and therefore the
geometric algebra of the vectorial plane V2 is isomorphic to this matrix space:
Cl (V 2 ) ≡ Cl 2,0 = M 2×2 (R )
The moduli of a complex number and a vector are related with the determinant of the
2 a b 2 2 2 v v2
z = a 2 + b 2 = det v = v1 + v 2 = − det 1
− b a v2 − v1
a + v1 b + v2
z + v = a + b e12 + v1 e1 + v 2 e 2 =
− b + v2 a − v1
det (z + v ) = a 2 + b 2 − v1 − v 2
2 2
In the matrix representation of the geometric algebra, we can see that the
diagonal matrices are a subalgebra:
a + b 0
a + b e1 =
0 a − b
The product of elements of this kind is commutative (and also associative). Because of
this, we may talk about «numbers»:
( a + b e1 ) ( c + d e1 ) = a c + b d + ( a d + b c ) e1
( a, b ) ( c, d ) = ( a c + b d , a d + b c )
From the determinant we may define their pseudo Euclidean modulus z:
det (a + b e1 ) = a 2 − b 2 = a + b e1
The numbers having constant modulus lie on a hyperbola. Because of this, they are
called hyperbolic numbers. Due to the fact that e1 cannot be a privileged direction on the
plane, any other set of elements having the form:
with a and k real, and u being a fixed unitary vector, is also a set of hyperbolic numbers.
By defining the conjugate of a hyperbolic number as that number with the
opposite vector component:
( a + b e1 )* = a − b e1
we see that the square of the modulus of a hyperbolic number is equal to the product of
this number by its conjugate:
z2 = z z*
z −1 = 2
Since the modulus is the square root of the determinant, and the determinant of a matrix
product is equal to the product of determinants, it follows that the modulus of a product
of hyperbolic numbers is equal to the product of moduli:
zt = z t
The elements (1 + e1 ) / 2 and (1 − e1 ) / 2 , which are idempotents, and their multiples have
a null modulus and no inverse. They form two ideals, that is, the product of any
hyperbolic number by a multiple of an idempotent (or any other multiple) yields also a
multiple of the idempotent.
Hyperbolic trigonometry
Let us consider the locus of the points (hyperbolic numbers) located at a constant
distance r from the origin (hyperbolic numbers with constant determinant equal to r2),
which lie on the hyperbola x2 − y2 = r2 (figure 12.1). I shall call r the hyperbolic radius
following the analogy with the circle. The extreme of the radius is a point on the
hyperbola with coordinates (x, y). The arc between the positive X half axis and this point
(x, y) has an oriented length s. On the other hand, the radius, the hyperbola and the X-axis
delimit a sector with an oriented area A. The hyperbolic angle (or argument) ψ is defined
as the quotient of the arc length divided by the radius1:
s Figure 12.1
ψ r2 2A
A= ⇒ ψ=
2 r2
sinh ψ =
x y
coshψ = tghψ =
r x
These definitions yield the three fundamental identities of the hyperbolic trigonometry:
sinh ψ 1
tghψ ≡ cosh 2 ψ − sinh 2ψ ≡ 1 1 − tgh 2 ψ ≡
coshψ cosh 2 ψ
d (sinh ψ ) d (coshψ )
2 2
ds = dy − dx
2 2 2
⇒ 1 = −
dψ dψ
That is, we have the following system with one differential equation:
Note that x2 − y2 = r2 > 0 while s2 < 0. However I overcome this trouble taking in these
definitions r and s and also the area A as real numbers but being oriented, that is, with sign.
The formula of the sector area is obtained by an analogous argument from Archimedes: the
total area is the addition of areas of the infinitesimal triangles with altitude equal to r and base
equal to ds . r being constant, the area of the hyperbola sector is A = r s / 2 . Obviously the
radius is orthogonal to each infinitesimal piece of arc of the hyperbola. This question and the
concept and calculus of areas are studied with more detail in the following chapter.
1 = cosh 2 ψ − sinh 2ψ
1 = (sinh' ψ ) − (cosh 'ψ )
2 2
whose solution, according to the initial conditions given by the geometric definition
(sinh 0 = 0 and cosh 0 = 1), is:
Within the hyperbolic numbers one can define and study functions and develop a
hyperbolic analysis, with the aid of matrix functions. In the matrix algebra, the
exponential function of a matrix A is defined as:
exp( A) = ∑
n =0 n!
The matrices which represent the hyperbolic numbers (e1 direction) are diagonal. Then
their exponential matrix has the exponential of each element in the diagonal:
x + y 0 exp( x + y ) 0
exp( x + y e1 ) = exp =
0 x− y 0 exp( x − y )
By extracting the common factor and introducing the hyperbolic functions we arrive at:
cosh y + sinh y 0
exp( x + y e1 ) = exp( x )
0 cosh y − sinh y
x+ y
log( x 2 − y 2 ) + e1 arg tgh = log( x 2 − y 2 ) + 1 log
1 y 1 e
log( x + y e1 ) =
2 x 2 2 x− y
for –x < y < x . This condition is the set of hyperbolic numbers with positive
determinant, which is called a sector3. The two ideals generated by the idempotents
(1 + e1 ) / 2 and (1 − e1 ) / 2 separate two sectors of hyperbolic numbers, one with
According to the relativity theory, the region of the space-time accessible to our knowledge
must fulfil the inequality c2 t2 − x2 ≥ 0, being x the space coordinate, t the time and c the light
positive determinant and real modulus and another with negative determinant and
imaginary modulus.
The characteristic property of the exponential function is:
and splitting the real and vectorial parts, we obtain the addition identities:
exp(nψ e1 ) ≡ ( exp(ψ e1 ) )
The exponential allows us to write any hyperbolic number in polar form. For
13 3
z = 13 + 5 e1 z = 13 2 − 5 2 = 12 arg z = arg tgh = log
5 2
3 3 3
z = 12 exp e1 log = 12 cosh log + e1 sinh log = 12 3
2 2 2 log
The product of hyperbolic numbers, like that of complex numbers, is found by the
multiplication of the moduli and the addition of the arguments, while the division is
obtained as the quotient of moduli and difference of arguments. The division is not
possible when the denominator is a multiple of an idempotent (modulus zero).
The power of a hyperbolic number has modulus equal to the power of the
modulus, and argument the addition of arguments. Here the periodicity is absent, and
distinct arguments always correspond to distinct numbers. The roots must be viewed
with more detail. For example, there are four square roots of 13 + 12 e1:
13 + 12 e1 = (3 + 2 e1 ) = (2 + 3 e1 ) = (− 3 − 2 e1 ) = (− 2 − 3 e1 )
2 2 2 2
that is, the equation of second degree z2 −13 −12 e1 = 0 has four solutions. Recently G.
Casanova4 has proved that n2 is the maximum number of hyperbolic solutions
(including real values) of an algebraic equation of nth degree. In the case of the equation
of second degree we can use the classical formula whenever we know to solve the
square roots. For example, let us consider the equation:
z 2 − 5 z + 5 + e1 = 0
5 ± 25 − 4 ⋅ 1 ⋅ (5 + e1 ) 5 ± 5 − 4 e1
z= =
2 ⋅1 2
Now, we must calculate all the square roots of the number 5 − 4 e1 . In order to find
them we obtain its modulus and argument:
5 − 4 e1 = 5 2 − (− 4 ) = 3 arg( 5 − 4 e1 ) = arg tgh
= − log 3
The square root has half argument and the square root of the modulus:
[ ( )
5 − 4 e1 = 3 − log 3 = 3 cosh − log 3 + e1 sinh − log 3 = 2 − e1
( )]
There are four square roots of this number:
2 − e1 , − 2 + e1 , 1 − 2 e1 , − 1 + 2 e1
5 + 2 − e1 7 − e1 5 − 2 + e1 3 + e1
z1 = = z2 = =
2 2 2 2
5 + 1 − 2 e1 5 − 1 + 2 e1
z3 = = 3 − e1 z4 = = 2 + e1
2 2
Let us study the second degree equation with real coefficients using the matrix
Gaston Casanova, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 9, 2 (1999) 215-219.
b c
z2 + z+ =0
a a
which is fulfilled by the number z, but also by its matrix representation. So, according to
the Hamilton-Cayley theorem, it is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix of z,
whose eigenvalues are the elements on the diagonal x + y, x − y (whenever they are
distinct, that is, z is not real). Since b is the opposite of the sum of eigenvalues, and c is
their product, we have:
z 2 − 2x z + x 2 − y 2 = 0
b c b2 − 4 a c
x=− = x2 − y2 ⇒ y2 =
2a a 4 a2
− b ± e1 b 2 − 4 a c
The two real solutions must be added to these values, obtaining the four expected.
Anyway, the equation has only solutions if the discriminant is positive. Let us see an
z2 + 3 z + 2 = 0
On the other hand, we may calculate for instance the cubic root of 14−13 e1. The
modulus and argument of this number are:
14 − 13 e1 = 14 2 − 13 2 = 27 arg (14 − 13 e1 ) = arg tgh − = − log 27
3 14 − 13 e1 = 3 − log 27 = 3 − log 3 = 2 − e1
In order to study with more generality the number of roots, let us consider again
the matrix representation of a hyperbolic number:
a + b 0
a + b e1 =
0 a − b
Now, it is obvious that there is only a unique root with odd index, which always exists
for every hyperbolic number:
n a + b 0
n a + b e1 = n odd
a − b
On the other hand, if a + b > 0 and a − b > 0 (first half-sector) there are four roots with
even index, one on each half-sector (I follow the anticlockwise order as usually):
n even
n a + b 0 n a + b 0 nd
∈1st half-sector ∈2 half-sector
0 n
a − b 0 − n a − b
− n a + b 0 rd − n a + b 0 th
∈3 half-sector ∈4 half-sector
0 − a − b
n 0 n
a − b
If the number belongs to a half-sector different from the first, some of the elements on
the diagonal is negative and there is not any even root. This shows a panorama of the
hyperbolic algebra far from that of the complex numbers.
f (z + ∆z ) − f (z )
f' (z ) = lim
∆z → 0 ∆z
that is, this limit must be independent of the direction of ∆z. If f(z) = a + b e1 and the
variable z = x + y e1 , then the derivative calculated in the direction ∆z = ∆x is:
∂a ∂b
f' (z ) = + e1
∂x ∂x
∂a ∂b
f' (z ) = e1 +
∂y ∂y
∂a ∂b ∂a ∂b
= and =
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
Note that the exponential and logarithm fulfil these conditions and therefore they are
hyperbolic analytic functions. More exactly, the exponential is analytic in all the plane
while the logarithm is analytic for the sector of hyperbolic numbers with positive
By derivation of both identities one finds that the analytic functions satisfy the
hyperbolic partial differential equation (also called wave equation):
∂ 2a ∂ 2a ∂ 2b ∂ 2b
− = − =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂x 2 ∂y 2
Now, we must state the main integral theorem for hyperbolic analytic functions:
if a hyperbolic function is analytic in a certain domain on the hyperbolic plane, then its
integral following a closed way C within this domain is zero. If the hyperbolic function
is f (z ) = a + b e1 then the integral is:
∫ f (z ) dz = ∫ (a + be )(dx + dy e ) = ∫ (a dx + b dy ) + e ∫ (a dy + b dx )
1 1
∂b ∂a ∂a ∂b
= ∫∫ − dx ∧ dy + e1 ∫∫ − dx ∧ dy = 0
∂x ∂y D
∂x ∂y
where D is the region bounded by the closed way C. Since f(z) fulfils the analyticity
conditions everywhere within D, the integral vanishes.
From here other theorems follow like for the complex analysis, e. g.: if f(z) is a
hyperbolic analytic function in a domain D simply connected and z1 and z2 are two
points on D then the definite integral:
∫ f (z ) dz
between these points has a unique value independently of the integration path.
Let us see an example. Consider the function f(z) = 1 / ( z − 1 ). The function is
only defined if the inverse of z − 1 exists, which implies z − 1≠0. Of course, this
function is not analytic at z = 1, but neither for the points:
z − 12 = 0 ⇔ ( x − 1)2 − y2 = 0 ⇔ ( x + y − 1) ( x − y − 1) = 0
The lines x + y = 1 and x − y = 1 break the analyticity domain into two sectors. Let us
calculate the integral:
( 5, 3 )
( 5 , −3 )
z −1
through two different trajectories within a sector. The first one is a straight path given
by the parametric equation z = 5 + t e1 (figure 12.2):
( 5, 3 )
dt (4 − t e1 ) dt
( 5, −3)
z − 1
4 + t e1
e1 = ∫
−3 16 − t 2
3 3
4 dt e 4+t
=∫ e = 1 log = e1 log 7
− 3 16 − t
2 1
2 4 − t − 3
( 5, −3)
= ∫ = ∫
z − 1 ( 5, −3) (z − 1) (z * −1) ( 5, −3) det (z ) − 2 Re (z ) + 1
log 2
(4 cosh t − 4e1 sinh t − 1) (4sinht + 4 e1 sinh t ) log 2
e1 (4 − cosh t ) − 4 sinh t
= ∫
− log 2
16 − 8 cosh t + 1
dt = 4 ∫
− log 2
17 − 8 cosh t
Due to symmetry, the integral of the hyperbolic sine (an odd function) divided by the
denominator (an even function) is zero. Then we split the integral in two integrals and
find its value:
− 8 exp(t ) + 2
log 2 log 2 log 2
15 dt dt e1
= e1 ∫ + e1 ∫ = log + e1 log 2 = e1 log 7
2 − log 2 17 − 8 cosh t − log 2
2 2 − 8 exp(t ) + 32 − log 2
Now we see that the integral following both paths gives the same result, as indicated by
the theorem. In fact, the analytical functions can be integrated directly by using the
indefinite integral:
( 5, 3 )
( )
( 5, 3 )
dz 1 y
∫ = [ log(z − 1) ] ( 5, −3) = log ( x − 1) − y 2 + e1 arg tgh
( 5, 3 ) 2
( 5, −3)
z −1 2 x − 1 ( 5, −3)
( 5, 3 )
e x −1+ y
= 1 log = e1 log 7
2 x − 1 − y ( 5, −3)
x + y 0
f ( A) = ∑ a n A n A = x + y e1 =
n =0 0 x− y
The series is convergent when all the eigenvalues of the matrix A are located within the
radius r of convergence of the complex series:
n =0
n zn < ∞ for |z|<r
det ( x + y e1 ) = x 2 − y 2 < r 2 .
which is a condition similar to that for complex numbers, that is, the modulus must be
lower than the radius of convergence. However this condition is not enough to ensure
the convergence of the series. Let us see, for example, the function f(z) = 1/(1 − z):
f (z ) = = ∑ zn
1 − z n =0
The radius of convergence of the complex series is r = 1, so that the square of the
convergence of the hyperbolic series is (1, 0)-(0, 1)-(−1,0)-(0,−1). Otherwise, we have
formerly seen that 1/(z −1) (and hence f(z) ) is not analytic at the lines x + y −1 = 0 and x
− y − 1= 0 belonging to the boundary of the square of convergence. Now we find a
phenomenon which also happens within the complex numbers: at some point on the
boundary of the region of convergence of the Taylor series, the function is not analytic.
Another example is the Riemann’s function:
∞ ∞
ζ (z ) = ∑ z
= ∑ e − z log n
n =1 n n =1
ζ ( x + y e1 ) = ∑ e − x log n (cosh( y log n ) − e1 sinh( y log n ))
n =1
n y + n − y n y − n − y ∞ − x + y 1 − e1 1 + e1
= ∑ n − x − e1 = ∑ n + n −x− y
n =1 2 2 n =1 2 2
which is the positive half-sector beginning at (x, y) = (1, 0). You can see that it is an
analytic function within this domain. We can rewrite the Riemann’s function in the
1 + e1 1 − e1
ζ ( x + y e1 ) = ζ (x + y ) + ζ (x − y )
2 2
and then define the Riemann’s zeta function extended to the other sector taking into
account the complex analytic continuation when needed for ζ(x + y) or ζ(x − y):
2 π z 1 t z −1
ζ (1 − z ) = ζ (z ) Γ(z ) cos and ζ (z ) = 0 < Re(z ) < 1
Γ(z ) ∫0 e t − 1
(2 π ) z 2
Now a very interesting theorem arises: every analytic function f(z) can be always
written in the following form:
1 + e1 1 − e1
f ( x + y e1 ) = f (x + y ) + f (x − y )
2 2
Let us prove this statement calculating the partial derivatives of each part a and b of the
analytic function:
∂a 1 df ( x + y ) df ( x − y ) ∂b 1 df ( x + y ) df ( x − y )
= + = −
∂x 2 d ( x + y ) d ( x − y ) ∂x 2 d ( x + y ) d ( x − y )
∂a 1 df ( x + y ) df ( x − y ) ∂b 1 df ( x + y ) df ( x − y )
= − = +
∂y 2 d ( x + y ) d ( x − y ) ∂y 2 d ( x + y ) d ( x − y )
These derivatives fulfil the analyticity condition provided that the derivatives of the real
function at x + y and x − y exist. On the other hand, this expression is a method to get
the analytical continuation of any real function. For example, let us construct the
analytical continuation of f(x) = cos x :
1 + e1 1 − e1
cos( x + y e 1 ) = cos( x + y ) + cos( x − y )
2 2
1 e
= [ cos( x + y ) + cos( x − y ) ] + 1 [ cos( x + y ) − cos( x − y ) ]
2 2
The other consequence of this way of analytic continuation is the fact that if f(z)
loses analyticity for the real value x0 then it is neither analytic at the lines with slope 1
and −1 passing through (x0, 0). Since we have supposed that the function is analytic
except for a certain real value, the former equality holds although the analyticity is lost
at this point. But then the function cannot be analytic at (x0 + t, − t ) nor (x0 − t, t )
1 + e1 1 − e1
f ( x 0 + t − t e1 ) = f (x 0 + 2 t ) + f (x 0 )
2 2
1 + e1 1 − e1
f ( x 0 − t + t e1 ) = f (x 0 ) + f (x 0 − 2 t )
2 2
For example, look at the function f(z) = 1/z, which is not analytic for the real value x =
0. Then it will not be analytic at the lines y = x and y = −x. We can see it through the
decomposition of the function:
1 1 x − y e1 1 + e1 1 1 − e1 1
= = 2 = +
z x + y e1 x − y 2
2 x+ y 2 x−y
Now we may return to the question of the convergence of the Taylor series. A
function can be only developed in a power series in the neighbourhood of a point where
it is analytic. The series is convergent till where the function breaks the analyticity, so
that the lines y = x − x0 and y = −x + x0 (being x0 the real value for which f(x) is not
analytic) are boundaries of the convergence domain. On the other hand, due to the
symmetry of the powers of z, the convergence domain forms a square around the centre
of development. This implies that there are not multiply connected domains. The
Gruyère cheese picture of a complex domain is not possible within the hyperbolic
numbers, because if the function is not analytic at a certain point, then it is not analytic
for all the points lying on a cross which passes through this point. The hyperbolic
domains are multiply separated, in other words, formed by disjoined rectangular regions
without holes.
Until now, I have only used the geometric algebra generated by the Euclidean
plane vectors (usually noted as Cl2,0(R)). This algebra already contains the hyperbolic
numbers and hyperbolic vectors. However an isomorphic algebra Cl1,1(R) generated by
hyperbolic vectors (time-space) is more used in relativity:
e0 = 1
e1 = −1 e0 e1 = − e1 e0 (e0 e1 )2 = 1
The isomorphism is:
Cl2,0(R) ↔ Cl1,1(R)
1 ↔ 1
e1 ↔ e01
e2 ↔ e0
−e12 ↔ e1
This distinct notation only expresses the fact that the plane geometric algebra is equally
generated (in the Grassmann’s sense) by Euclidean vectors or hyperbolic vectors. The
vector plane (Euclidean or hyperbolic) is the quotient space of the geometric algebra
divided by an even subalgebra (complex or hyperbolic numbers). Just this is the matter
of the next chapter.
12.6 Construct the analytical continuation of the real logarithm and see that it is
identical to the logarithm found from the hyperbolic exponential function.
= cos t + e1 sin t, and see that the result is identical to the integration via the primitive.
12.8 Prove that if f(z) is a hyperbolic analytic function and does not vanish then it is a
hyperbolic conformal mapping.
In comparison, the 2×2 complex matrices (Pauli matrices) are a representation of the algebra
of the tridimensional space.
Hyperbolic vectors
The elements not belonging to the subalgebra of the hyperbolic numbers form a
quotient space1, but not an algebra:
0 v 2 − v 21
v = v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21 =
v 2 + v 21 0
In other words, their linear combinations are in the space, but the products are
hyperbolic numbers. These elements play the same role as the Euclidean vectors with
respect to the complex numbers. Because of this, they are called hyperbolic vectors.
Like the hyperbolic numbers, the hyperbolic vectors have also a pseudo-Euclidean
det (v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21 ) = v 21 − v 2
2 2
the determinant of the hyperbolic vectors is also equal to its square with opposite sign:
det (v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21 ) = −(v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21 ) = − v
2 2
v = v 22 − v 21
Like for Euclidean vectors, the inverse of a hyperbolic vector is equal to this vector
divided by its square (or square of the modulus):
v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21
(v 2 e2 + v 21 e21 )−1 = 2 2
v 2 − v 21
As before, there is not any privileged direction in the plane. Then every subspace
whose elements have the form:
Every Euclidean vector is obtained from e1 through a rotation and dilation given by the
complex number with the same components: v1 e1 + v2 e2 = e1 (v1 + v2 e12 ) so that the complex
and vector planes are equivalent. This statement also holds in hyperbolic geometry: every
hyperbolic vector is obtained from e2 through a rotation and dilation given by the hyperbolic
number with the same components: v2 e2 + v21 e21 = e2 (v2 + v21 e1 ) or in relativistic notation: v0
e0 + v1 e1 = e0 (v0 + v1 e01 ) so that both hyperbolic planes are equivalent. That reader accustomed
to the relativistic notation should remember the isomorphism: e0 ↔ e2 , e1 ↔ e21 , e01 ↔ e1 .
vw w + v21 e21
( x y )* = y x
vw = v w
This property follows immediately from the fact that the determinant of a
product of matrices is equal to the product of determinants of each matrix.
r = r2 e 2 + r21 e 21 s = s 2 e 2 + s 21 e 21
their inner and outer products are defined by means of the geometric (or matrix) product
in the following way:
rs + sr
r·s= = r2 s 2 − r21 s 21
rs − sr
r∧s= = ( r2 s 21 − r21 s 2 ) e1
Then the product of two vectors can be written as the addition of both products:
If the outer product of two hyperbolic vectors vanishes, they are proportional:
r2 r12
r∧s=0 ⇔ = ⇔ r || s
s 2 s12
Two hyperbolic vectors are said to be orthogonal if their inner product vanishes:
r2 s 21
r⊥s ⇔ r·s=0 ⇔ r2 s 2 − r21 s 21 = 0 ⇔ =
r21 s 2
When the last condition is fulfilled, we see both vectors being symmetric with respect to
any quadrant bisector. When the ratio of components is equal to ±1 (directions of
quadrant bisectors), the vectors have null modulus and are self-orthogonal. For ratios
differing from ±1, one vector has negative determinant and the other positive
determinant, so that they belong to different sectors. That is, there is not any pair of
orthogonal vectors within the same sector.
The oriented angle α between two Euclidean vectors u and v (of the form x e1 +
y e2) is obtained from the complex exponential function:
uv cos α = u v u ∧ v e 21
exp(α e12 ) = ⇔ ⇔ α = arctg + (π e12 )
u v u ∧ v e 21 u· v
sinα =
u v
Then, the oriented hyperbolic angle ψ between two hyperbolic vectors u and v (of the
form x e2 + y e21) is defined as:
coshψ =
uv u v
exp(ψ e1 ) = ⇔ ⇔
u v u ∧ v e1
sinhψ =
u v
u ∧ v e1 1 u · v + u ∧ v e1
ψ = arg tgh + (π e12 ) = log + (π e12 )
u·v 2 u · v − u ∧ v e1
The parenthesis for π e12 indicates that this angle is added to the arctangent or not
depending on the quadrant (Euclidean plane) or half sector (hyperbolic plane).
Let us analyse whether these expressions are suitable. The hyperbolic cosine is
always greater or equal to 1. It cannot describe the angle between two vectors belonging
to opposite half sectors, which have a negative inner product. So we must keep the
complex analytic continuation of the hyperbolic sine and cosine:
to get sinh(ψ + e12 π ) ≡ −sinhψ and cosh(ψ + e12 π ) ≡ − coshψ with ψ real.
Therefore opposite hyperbolic vectors form a circular angle of π radians .
Let us consider the angle between vectors lying on different sectors. The
modulus of one vector is real while that of the other is imaginary what implies that the
hyperbolic sine and cosine of the angle are imaginary. Using again the complex analytic
continuation of the hyperbolic sine and cosine we find these imaginary values:
sinhψ ± e12 ≡ ± e12 coshψ ψ real
coshψ ± e12 ≡ ± e12 sinhψ
Then, which is the angle between two orthogonal vectors? Since they have a null
inner product while their outer product
equals in real value the product of both
moduli and the hyperbolic cosine is ±e12 ,
they form an angle of π e12 /2 or 3π e12 /2,
that is, orthogonal hyperbolic vectors form a
circular right angle:
1 π
ψ ⊥ = log(− 1) + (π e12 ) = e12 + (π e12 )
2 2
The so called “antimatter” is not really any special kind of particles, but matter with the
energy-momentum vector (E, p) lying on the negative half sector instead of the positive one
(usual matter). Also we may wonder whether matter having (E, p) on the imaginary sector exists
since, from a geometric point of view, there is not any obstacle. It is known that the particle
dynamics for c<V<∞ is completely symmetric to the dynamics for 0≤V<c, but with an
imaginary mass. In this case, the head of the energy-momentum vector is always located on the
hyperbola having the y-axis (p axis) as principal axis of symmetry. According to Einstein’s
formula, for V = ∞ we have E = 0 and p = m c, that is, the particle has a null energy! The
technical question is how can a particle trespass the light barrier?
sector, the modulus of the hyperbolic radius is imaginary. The abscissa x and ordinate y
divided by r, the modulus of the radius vector, is also imaginary so the angle is a real
quantity plus a right angle and the hyperbolic sine and cosine are exchanged. The values
of the angles consistent with the analytic continuation are displayed in the figure 13.1.
Two segments (vectors) are congruent (have equal length) if their determinants
are equal, in other words, when one segment can be obtained from the other through an
isometry. Segments having equal length always lie on the same sector.
Two hyperbolic angles are said to be congruent (or equal) if they have the same
moduli, that is, if they intercept arcs of hyperbola with the same hyperbolic length.
A triangle is said to be isosceles if it has two congruent sides. In colloquial
language we talk about “sides with equal length”, even “equal sides”. Let us see the
isosceles triangle theorem: the angles adjacent to the base of an isosceles triangle are
equal. The proof uses the outer product. The triangle area is the half of the outer product
of any two sides, as proved below in the section on the area. Suppose that the sides a
and b have the same modulus. Then:
a c sinh β = b c sinh α ⇒ β = α
which is the Lorentz transformation3 of the relativity. When a vector is turned through a
positive angle ψ, its extreme follows the hyperbola in the direction shown by the
arrowheads in the figure 13.2, as is deduced from the components. So, they indicate the
geometric positive sense of hyperbolic angles (a not trivial question). Since the points of
intersections with the axis corresponds to ψ = 0 plus multiples of π e12 /2, the signs of
the hyperbolic angles are determined: positive in the first and third quadrant, and
negative in the second and fourth quadrant.
We can also write the hyperbolic rotation as an inner automorphism of matrices
by using the half argument identity for hyperbolic trigonometric functions:
ψ ψ
coshψ + e1 sinhψ ≡ cosh + e1 sinh
2 2
ψ ψ ψ ψ
v' 2 e 2 + v' 21 e 21 = cosh − sinh e1 ( v 2 e 2 + v 21 e 21 ) cosh + sinh e1
2 2 2 2
v' = z −1 v z
Now it is not needed that z be unitary and can have any modulus. Also, we see that the
hyperbolic rotation leaves the hyperbolic numbers invariant.
Analogously to reflections in the Euclidean plane, the hyperbolic reflection of a
hyperbolic vector v with respect to a direction given by the vector u is:
because the proportional vectors commute and those which are orthogonal anticommute
(also in the hyperbolic case,
because the inner product is Figure 13.3
zero). Every pair of orthogonal
directions (for example u|| and u⊥
in figure 13.3) are always seen
by us as having symmetry with
respect to the quadrant bisectors.
Since the determinant is
preserved, a vector and its
reflection always belong to the
same sector, the hyperbolic angle
between each vector and the
direction of reflection being
equal with opposite sign.
The hyperbolic vector in the space-time is ct e0 + x e1 where x is the space coordinate, t the
time and c the light celerity. The argument of the hyperbolic rotation ψ is related with the
relative velocity V of both frames of reference through ψ = arg tgh V/c.
Finally, note that the extremes of a vector and its transformed vector under a
hyperbolic reflection (or any isometry) lie on an equilateral hyperbola.
The sum of the oriented angles of a hyperbolic triangle is minus two right
circular angles. To prove this theorem, draw a line parallel to a side and apply the Z-
theorem (figure 13.4): they will form
an angle between opposite directions,
which has the value −π e12. The minus Figure 13.4
sign is caused by the fact that,
following the positive orientation of
angles, a right angle is subtracted each
time an asymptote is trespassed.
Look at the figure 13.5 where
an angle inscribed in an equilateral
hyperbola is drawn. A diameter
divides the inscribed angle into the
angles α and β. Then we draw two
radius from the origin to both extremes of the angle. All the radius have the same
length, so that the upper and lowest triangle are isosceles and have two equal angles.
Since the sum of the angles of each hyperbolic triangle is −π e12, the third angle is
−π e12−2α and −π e12−2β respectively. So the supplementary angles are 2α and 2β ,
and hence the theorem follows: the
inscribed angle on a hyperbola x2 − y2 =
r2 is the half of the central angle
(intercepted arc) so that it is constant
and independent of the location of its
For example, take the points (5,
3) and (5, −3) as extremes of an
inscribed angle with the vertex placed
at the negative branch, for example at
(−4, 0) or (−5, −3). Even you can take
the vertex at the positive branch, e. g. at Figure 13.5
(4, 0). Anyway its value is log 2. Now
calculate the central angle or
intercepted arc (with vertex at the origin) and see that its value is log 4, twice the
inscribed angle.
The distance between two points on the hyperbolic plane is defined as the
modulus of the vector going from one point to the another:
d ( P, Q ) = PQ = (x Q − x P ) − (yQ − y P )
2 2
In the hyperbolic plane, the distance is a real or imaginary positive number (depending
on the sector), which has the following properties:
1) d (P, Q ) = d (Q , P )
2) If the vectors PQ, QR and PR lie on the positive half sector then they fulfil
the triangular inequality:
PR 2 = (PQ + QR ) = PQ 2 + QR 2 + 2 PQ · QR
= PQ 2 + QR 2 + 2 PQ QR coshψ ≥ PQ 2 + QR 2 + 2 PQ QR
PR ≥ PQ + QR
So the sum of two sides of a triangle is smaller than the third side whenever they are
taken in the positive half sector. For example, let us apply this statement to the triangle
with vertices A = (5, 3), B = (1, 0) and C = (10, 1). Taking the modulus of the sides
positive, we have:
BC = 80 BA = 7 AC = 21
BC ≥ BA + AC ⇒ 80 ≥ 7 + 21
This result must be commented with more detail. Firstly, we see that the straight
path has the highest length among the possible paths between two given points. In the
Minkowski’s space-time this fact causes the twin paradox. Since the pseudo-Euclidean
length of the path is the proper time for each person, the brother who followed the
straight path -going in an inertial frame- has aged more than the brother who followed
another path -subjected to accelerations-.
Now I give a general geometric definition of area valid for both Euclidean and
hyperbolic planes. If a parallelogram has orthogonal sides, then the modulus of its area
is equal to the product of the lengths of the orthogonal sides. In Euclidean geometry a
parallelogram with orthogonal sides is called a rectangle. In the hyperbolic plane, two
sides are orthogonal if their directions are seen by us as symmetric with respect to the
direction of the quadrant bisector. So, I have preferred to avoid the word rectangle in
this case, while the term parallelogram is still valid within this context.
A = a ∧ b = a b sinhψ (a , b )
Let us see the consistence of this expression. First at all, recall that the angle
between orthogonal hyperbolic vectors is a right circular angle:
ψ ⊥ = ± e12
so that the area of a parallelogram with orthogonal sides is the product of their lengths
as expected:
π π
A = a b sinh ± e12 = a b sin = a b
2 2
For any parallelogram not having orthogonal sides, the area is the product of the
base (one side) for the altitude (the projection of the other side onto the direction
orthogonal to the base) and this product is only given by the outer product because its
anticommutativity removes the proportional projection:
A = a ∧ b = (a || + a ⊥ ) ∧ b = a ⊥ b
2 x dx − 2 y dy = 0 ⇔ r · dr = 0
showing that the radius vector and its differential are orthogonal for the hyperbola with
constant radius. On the other hand, observe that the triangles drawn in the figure 13.6
are isosceles and have two equal angles approaching the right angle value at the limit of
null area.
At the page 129, I postponed an interpretation of the central equation for the
hyperbola analogous to the cylindrical angles for the ellipse because it is properly of
pseudo-Euclidean nature. Here I develop this interpretation.
If P is any point on a hyperbola with major and minor half-axis OQ and OS
(figure 11.17 reproduced below) then its central equation is:
sinh χ
OQ cosh χ + OS
e2 − 1
OP = ±
sinh 2 χ
cosh 2 χ −
e2 − 1
OP 2 OP 2
cosh 2
χ + sinh 2 χ = 1
Figure 11.17
OQ 2 OS 2
OS 2 = (1 − e 2 ) OQ 2
Note that OS2<0 since it is the square of an ordinate on the hyperbolic plane.
Introducing the hyperbolic angle ψ in the following way:
cosh χ
coshψ = Figure 13.7
sinh 2 χ
cosh 2 χ −
e2 − 1
cosh χ cos φ
coshψ =
cosh χ cos 2 φ − sinh 2 χ
So the eccentricity e of the hyperbola is related with the obliquity φ of the transverse
plane through the relationship:
Our Euclidean eyes see the horizontal projections as symmetric lines with respect to the
quadrant bisector. However, they are actually orthogonal because:
and, therefore, can be taken as a new system of orthogonal coordinates. Even we can
draw a new picture with the new diameters on the Cartesian axis.
The central equation of the hyperbola using the rotated axis is:
which shows that a hyperbolic rotation of the coordinate axis has been made with respect
to the principal diameter of the hyperbola.
Since the modulus of the area is identical on the Euclidean and hyperbolic
planes, a parallelogram is divided by its diagonal in two triangles of equal area. This
statement is somewhat subtle since the Euclidean congruence of triangles is not valid in
the hyperbolic plane. I shall return to this question later. Now we only need to know
that the area of a hyperbolic triangle is the half of the outer product of any two sides.
Following the perimeter of a triangle, let a, b, and c be its sides respectively
opposite to the angles α, β and γ. Then the angles formed by the oriented sides are
supplementary of the angles of the triangle and:
a b c
= =
sinh α sinh β sinh γ
a 2 = (− b − c ) = b 2 + c 2 + 2 b · c a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2 b c cosh α
b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2 a c cosh β
Figure 13.8
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2 a b cosh γ
AB = B − A = −4 e 2 − 3 e 21 AB = (− 4)2 − (− 3)2 = 7
BC = C − B = 9 e 2 + e 21 BC = 9 2 − 12 = 80
CA = A − C = −5 e 2 + 2 e 21 CA = (− 5)2 − 2 2 = 21
BC 2 = CA 2 + AB 2 − 2 CA AB cosh α cosh α = −
7 3
CA 2 = AB 2 + BC 2 − 2 AB BC cosh β cosh β =
4 35
AB 2 = BC 2 + CA 2 − 2 BC CA cosh γ cosh γ =
4 105
I have obtained their signs from the definition of the angles α = BAC, β = CBA, γ = ACB
and the geometric plot (figure 13.8). Note that α + β + γ = −π e12 and they fulfil the law
of sines:
= =
sinh α sinh β sinh γ
AB = B − A = − e 2 − 4 e 21
Figura 13.9
AB = (− 1) 2
− (− 4 ) = 15 e12
BC = C − B = 5 e 2 + e 21
BC = 5 2 − 12 = 24
CA = A − C = −4 e 2 + 3 e 21
CA = (− 4 )2 −32 = 7
16 e12
BC 2 = CA 2 + AB 2 − 2 CA AB cosh α cosh α =
− e12
CA 2 = AB 2 + BC 2 − 2 AB BC cosh β cosh β =
6 10
AB 2 = BC 2 + CA 2 − 2 BC CA cosh γ cosh γ =
2 42
From the last hyperbolic cosine, which is real, we find the hyperbolic sine for γ, which
is a positive angle as shown by the plot:
sinh γ =
2 42
π π
sinhψ ± e12 ≡ ± e12 coshψ coshψ ± e12 ≡ ± e12 sinhψ
2 2
π π
α = −1.2284... − e12 β = 0.0527... − e12 γ = 1.1757
2 2
Observe that the addition of the three angles is −π e12, as expected. According to the
definition α = BAC, β = CBA, γ = ACB, let you see the consistence with the geometric
plot. The angle γ has positive sign as shown by the figure 13.9. The bisector of α
parallel to the quadrant bisector divides it in two angles, one real and the other complex
(with imaginary part π e12 /2). The algebraic addition of both angles is α.. Taking into
account that the second has opposite orientation and must be subtracted and
predominates over the first, the negative value of α is explained.
Hyperbolic similarity
Two triangles ABC and A'B'C' are said to be directly similar4 and their vertices
and sides denoted with the same letters are homologous if:
One can prove easily that the third quotient of homologous sides also coincides
with the other quotients:
A' B'
r= exp[α ( AB, A' B ' ) e1 ]
Here also, the modulus of r is the size ratio of both polygons and the argument is
the angle of rotation. The fact that the homologous exterior and interior angles are equal
for directly similar polygons is trivial because:
B'A' B'C' = BA BC −1 ⇒ angle A'B'C' = angle ABC
A direct similarity is also called a similitude and an opposite similarity sometimes an
where the asterisk denotes the hyperbolic conjugate. The former equality cannot be
arranged into quotients of pairs of homologous sides as done before. Because of this,
the similarity ratio cannot be defined for the opposite similarity but only the size ratio,
which is the quotient of the lengths of any two homologous sides. An opposite
similarity is always the composition of a reflection in any line and a direct similarity.
BC −1 ( v −1 B'C' v ) = AB −1 ( v −1 A'B' −1 v ) = r
where r is the ratio of a direct similarity whose argument is not defined but depends on
the direction vector v of the reflection axis. Notwithstanding, this expression allows to
define the opposite similarity of two polygons. So two polygons ABC...Z and A'B'C'...Z'
are oppositely similar and the sides denoted with the same letters are homologous if for
any hyperbolic vector v the following equalities are fulfilled:
AB −1 ( v −1 A'B' −1
v ) = BC −1
( v −1 B'C' v ) = .... = ZA −1 ( v −1 Z'A' v )
that is, if after a reflection one polygon is directly similar to the other. The opposite
similarity is not reflexive nor transitive and there are not classes of oppositely similar
An opposite similarity with r=1 is called a reversal, since both polygons have
the same size but opposite orientations.
Obviously the plot of similar figures on the hyperbolic plane breaks our
Euclidean intuition about figures with the same form. The algebraic definition is very
rigorous and clear, but we must change our visual illusions. So I recommend the
exercise 13.6.
This chapter is necessarily unfinished because the geometry of the hyperbolic
plane can be developed and studied with the same extension and profundity as for the
Euclidean plane. Then, it is obvious that many theorems should follow in the same way
as Euclidean geometry. As a last example I will define the power of a point with respect
to a hyperbola.
The locus of the points placed at a fixed distance r from a given point O is an
equilateral hyperbola centred at this point with equation:
OP = r ( x − x O )2 − ( y − y O )2 = r 2
that is, the power of a point is obtained by substitution of the coordinates of P on the
hyperbola equation.
13.1 Let A = (2, 2), B = (1, 0) and C = (5, 3) be the vertices of a hyperbolic triangle.
Calculate all the sides and angles and also the area.
13.2 Turn the vector 2 e2 + e21 through an angle ψ = log 2. Do a reflection in the
direction 3 e2 − e21 . Make also an inversion with radius 3.
13.3 Find the direction and normal vectors of the line y = 2 x + 1 and calculate the
perpendicular line passing through the point (3, 1).
13.4 Calculate the power of the point P = (−7, 3) with respect to the hyperbola x2 − y2 =
16 using the intersections of the lines y = 3, y = −3x −18 and that passing through the
centre of the hyperbola y = −3x / 7. See that in all cases the power of P is equal to the
value found by substitution in the Cartesian equation.
13.5 In this chapter I have deduced the law of sines and cosines. Therefore a law of
tangents should be expected. Find and prove it.
13.6 Check that the triangle A = (0, 0), B = (5, 0) and C = (5, 3) is directly similar to the
triangle A' = (0, 0), B' = (25, −15), C' = (16, 0). Find the similarity ratio and the rotation
and dilation of the corresponding homothety. Draw the triangles and you will astonish.
The complete study of the geometric algebra of the tridimensional spaces falls
out the scope of this book. However, due to the importance of the Earth charts and of
the Lobachevsky’s geometry, the first one being more practical and the second one
more theoretical, I have written this last section. In order to make the explanations
clearer, the tridimensional geometric algebra has been reduced to the minimal concepts,
enhancing the plane projections.
The geometric quality of being Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean is not the
signature + or − of a coordinate, but the fact that two coordinates have the same or
different signature, in other words, it is a characteristic of a plane. For instance, a plane
with signatures + + is equivalent, from a geometric point of view, to another with − − .
Therefore, only two kinds of three-dimensional spaces exist: the room space where all
the planes are Euclidean (signatures + + + or − − −), and the pseudo-Euclidean space,
which has one Euclidean plane and two orthogonal pseudo-Euclidean planes (signatures
+ − − or + + − ).
v = v1 e1 + v 2 e 2 + v 3 e3
where ei are three unitary perpendicular vectors, which form the base of the space. If we
define an associative product (geometric or Clifford product) being a generalisation of
that defined for the plane in the first chapter of this book, we will arrive to:
In general, the square of a vector is the square of its modulus and perpendicular vectors
anticommute whereas proportional vectors commute.
From the base vectors one deduces that the geometric algebra generated by the
space V3 has eight components:
v w = (v1 e1 + v 2 e 2 + v 3 e 3 ) (w1 e1 + w2 e 2 + w3 e3 ) = v1 w1 + v 2 w2 + v 3 w3
The product (or quotient) of two vectors is said a quaternion1. The quaternions are the
even subalgebra of Cl3, 0 that generalise the complex numbers to the space. Splitting a
quaternion in the real and bivector parts, we obtain the inner (or scalar) product and the
outer (or exterior) product respectively:
v · w = v1 w1 + v 2 w2 + v 3 w3
The bivectors are oriented plane surfaces and indicate the direction of planes in the
space. Who be acquainted with the vector analysis will say that both vectors and
bivectors are the same thing. This confusion was originated by Hamilton2 himself, and
continued by the founders of vector analysis, Gibbs and Heaviside. However, vectors
and bivectors are different things just as physicists have experienced and know long
time ago. The proper vectors are called usually “polar vectors” while the pseudo-vectors
that actually are bivectors are usually called “axial vectors”. The following magnitudes
are vectors: of course a geometric segment, but also a velocity, an electric field, the
momentum, etc. On the other hand, the oriented area is, of course, a bivector, but also
the angular momentum, the angular velocity and the magnetic field. As a criterion to
distinguish both kind of magnitudes one uses the reversal of coordinates, which changes
the sense of vectors while leaves bivectors invariant.
The product of two bivectors yields a real number plus a bivector. Both parts can
be separated as the symmetric and antisymmetric product. The symmetric product is a
real number and its negative value will be denoted here with the symbol • while the
antisymmetric product is also a bivector and will be noted here with the symbol × :
v•w=− (v w + w v ) = v 23 w23 + v 31 w31 + v12 w12
v×w=− (v w − w v )
= (v 31 w12 − v12 w31 ) e 23 + (v12 w23 − v 23 w12 ) e31 + (v 23 w31 − v 31 w23 ) e12
v w = −v • w − v × w
Let us see what happens with the outer product of three vectors. According to
the extension theory of Grassmann, the product u ∧ v ∧ w is the oriented volume
generated by the surface represented by the bivector u ∧ v when it is translated
parallelly along the segment w:
Hamilton discovered the quaternions in October 16th 1843 and defined them as quotients of
two vectors. From this definition he deduced the properties of the product of quaternions. I
recommend you the reading of the initial chapters of the Elements of Quaternions because of its
pedagogic importance.
This confusion is due to the fact that vectors and bivectors are dual spaces of the algebra Cl3, 0.
However, this duality does not exist at higher dimensions, although there is also duality among
other spaces.
ux vx wx
u ∧ v ∧ w = uy vy w y e123
uz vz wz
Finally, let us see how is the product of three vectors u, v and w. The vector v
can be resolved into a component coplanar with u and v and another component
perpendicular to the plane u-v:
u v w = u v || w + u v ⊥ w
u v w − w v u = u v ⊥ w − w v ⊥ u = v ⊥ (− u w + w u )
= −2 v ⊥ u ∧ w = − 2 v ∧ u ∧ w = 2 u ∧ v ∧ w
I take the same algebraic hierarchies as in chapter 1: all the abridged products
must be operated before the geometric product, convention which is coherent with the
fact that in many algebraic situations, the abridged products must be developed in sums
of geometric products.
Spherical trigonometry
In this section the relations for the sides and angles of the spherical triangles are
deduced. I will take for convenience the sphere having unity radius, although the
trigonometric identities are equally valid for a sphere of any radius.
Let us consider any three points A,
B and C on the sphere with unity radius
centred at the origin (figure 14.1). Then
A = B = C = 1 . The angles formed by
each pair of sides will be denoted by α, β
and γ, and the sides respectively opposite
to these angles will be symbolised by a, b
and c respectively. Then a is the arc of the
great circle passing through the points B
and C, that is, the angle between these
Figure 14.1
sin a = B ∧ C
From this result it follows that u ∧ v ∧ w = (u v w − u w v + v w u − v u w + w u v − w v u) / 6 .
In other words, the outer product is a fully antisymmetric product. However although being
beautiful, it is not so useful for geometric algebra as the permutative property u ∧ v ∧ w = (u v w
− w v u)/2.
Note that in this equality the sine is positive and therefore a≤π. So, the spherical
trigonometry is deduced for strict triangles, those having a, b, c≤π.
Also, α is the angle between the sides b and c of the triangle, that is, the angle
between the planes passing through the origin, A and B, and the origin, A and C. Since
the direction of a plane is given by its bivector, which can be obtained through the outer
product, we have:
(A ∧ B) × (A ∧ C )
sin α =
Now we write the products of the numerator using the geometric product:
− ( A B − B A) ( A C − C A) + ( A C − C A)( A B − B A)
sin α =
8 A∧B A∧C
− A B A C + A B C A + B A2 C − B A C A + A C A B − A C B A − C A2 B + C A B A
sin α =
8 A∧B A∧C
We extract the vector A as common factor at the left, but without writing it because
A = 1:
− B A C + B C A + A B C − A −1 B A C A + C A B − C B A − A C B + A −1 C A B A
sin α =
8 A∧ B A∧C
6 A ∧ B ∧ C + 2 A −1 A ∧ B ∧ C A A∧ B ∧C
sin α = =
8 A∧ B A∧C A∧ B A∧C
since the volume A ∧ B ∧ C is a pseudoscalar, which commutes with all the elements of
the algebra. Now the law of sines for spherical triangles follows:
Let us see the law of cosines. Since e 23 = e31
= e122 = −1 then:
cos α =
(A ∧ B) • (A ∧ C ) = (A ∧ B) • (A ∧ C )
A∧ B A∧C sin c sin b
sin b sin c cos α = − [( A B − B A) ( A C − C A) + ( A C − C A)( A B − B A)]
( A B A C − A B C A − B A 2 C + B A C A + A C A B − A C B A − C A 2 B + C A B A)
4 A · B A · C = ( A B + B A) ( A C + C A) = A B A C + A B C A + B A 2 C + B A C A
But also:
4 A · B A · C = ( A C + C A) ( A B + B A) = A C A B + A C B A + C A 2 B + C A B A
sin b sin c cos α = − (8 A · B A · C − 2 A (B C + C B ) A − 2 (B C + C B )) = − A · B A · C + B · C
which is the law of cosines for sides. The substitution of cos c by means of the law of
cosines gives:
cos a = cos b (cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos γ ) + sin b sin c cos α
Dividing by sin a :
The perpendicular to the plane containing each side of a spherical triangle cuts
the spherical surface in a point. The three points A', B' and C' obtained in this geometric
way form the dual triangle. The algebraic way to calculate them is the duality operation,
which maps bivectors into the perpendicular vectors. The dual of any element is
obtained as the product by the pseudoscalar unity −e123, which commutes with all the
elements of the algebra:
B ∧C C∧A A∧B
A' = −e123 B' = − e123 C' = − e123
B ∧C C∧A A∧B
B' · C' =
(C ∧ A) • ( A ∧ B ) = − ( A ∧ B ) • ( A ∧ C ) ⇔ cos a' = − cos α
C ∧ A A∧ B A∧B A∧C
which shows that the angle a' and α are supplementary, and so also the other angles:
It is trivial that the dual of the dual triangle is the first triangle, and hence:
We may apply the laws of sines and cosines to the dual triangle. The law of sines
is self-dual and may be written in a more symmetric form:
On the other hand, the law of cosines yields a new result when applying duality:
− cos α' = cos γ' cos β' − sin β' sin γ' cos a'
Removing the marks, since this law must be valid for any spherical triangle, we find the
law of cosines for angles:
The five Bessel’s equalities (I to V) allow to solve every spherical triangle knowing any
three of its six elements.
For the case of a right angle spherical triangle, the five Bessel’s formulas are
reduced to a simpler form, and then they may be remembered with the help of the
Napier’s pentagon rule (figure 14.2). Draw the angles and the sides of the triangle
following the order of the
perimeter removing the right
angle and writing instead of
the legs (the sides adjacent to
the right angle) the
complementary arcs. Then
follow the Pentagon rules:
1) The cosine of every
element is equal to the
product of the cotangents
Figure 14.2
of the adjacent elements.
2) The cosine of every
element is equal to the product of the sines of the nonadjacent elements.
For example:
π π
cos a = sin − b sin − c = cos b cos c
2 2
π π
also: cos − b = cot γ cot − c ⇒ sin b = cot γ tg c
2 2
This rule is applied to the right side triangles in the same way: remove the right side and
write the complementary of the adjacent angles.
A lune is a two-sided polygon on the sphere defined by two great circles. The
area of a lune is proportional to the angle α
between both great circles. For an angle π/2
its area is π, therefore the area of a lune with
angle α is 2α. Now let us consider in the
sphere shown by figure 14.3 the three lunes
having the angles α, β and γ: Then:
s + t = 2α
s + u' = 2 β
s + v = 2γ Figure 14.3
s + t = 2α
s + u = 2 β
s + v = 2γ
3 s + t + u + v = 2 (α + β + γ )
so the area of the triangle s is the spherical excess, that is, the addition of the three
angles minus π:
s =α + β +γ − π
Let us consider the sphere with unity radius (figure 14.4) centred at the origin.
Any point on the sphere has the coordinates (x, y, z) fulfilling:
x2 + y2 + z2 = 1
x y
u= v=
z z Figure 14.4
u v 1
x= y= z=
u + v +1
2 2
u + v +1
2 2
u + v2 +1
The differential of the arc length is obtained through the differentiation of the above
ds = dx e1 + dy e 2 + dz e3
ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 + dz 2 =
( 1 + v )du
2 2
− 2 u v du dv + ( 1 + u 2 ) dv 2
(1 + u 2
+ v2 )
The geodesics of the sphere are the great circles, which are the intersections with planes
passing through its centre. These planes cut the projection plane in straight lines, which
are the projections of the geodesics. In other words, any great circle is projected into a
line on the projection plane. Taking as equation of the line:
1+ k2 + l2
ds = du
u 2 (1 + k 2 ) + 2 k l u + 1 + l 2
u (1 + k 2 ) + k l
s = arctg + const
1+ k2 + l2
The arc length between two points on this great circle is the difference of this
primitive between both points. However it is more advantageous to write it using
cosines instead of tangents by means of the trigonometric identity:
1 + tg s A tg s B
cos(s B − s A ) ≡
1 + tg 2 s A 1 + tg 2 s B
After removing k and l using the equation of the line, we arrive to:
1 + u A uB + v A vB
cos(s B − s A ) =
2 2 2 2
1 + uA + vA 1 + uB + vB
(u A e1 + v A e 2 + e3 ) · (u B e1 + v B e2 + e3 )
u A e1 + v A e 2 + e3 u B e1 + v B e 2 + e3
a trivial result because the arc length is the angle between the position vectors of both
points, and also of the proportional vectors going to the projection plane. However, the
interest of this result is its analogy with the result found for the hyperboloidal surface.
From this value of the cosine, we may obtain the sine of the arc:
(u A v B − u B v A )2 + (u A − v A )2 + (u B − v B )2
sin(s B − s A ) = 1 − cos (s B − s A ) =
2 2 2 2
1 + uA + vA 1 + uB + vB
(u A e1 + v A e2 + e3 ) ∧ (u B e1 + v B e 2 + e3 )
u A e1 + v A e 2 + e3 u B e1 + v B e 2 + e3
which is also a trivial result, since the sine of the angle is proportional to the modulus of
the outer product.
Let us see the area function. The differential of the area is easily obtained taking
into account that it is a bivector and using the outer product of the differentials of the
du ∧ dv
dA = (dx ∧ dy )2 + (dy ∧ dz )2 + (dz ∧ dx )2 =
(1 + u 2
+ v2 )
3/ 2
This result shows that the central projection is not equivalent and the distortion
increases with the distance to the origin.
Let us consider a plane passing through the centre of the sphere, which cuts its
surface in the great circle determined by the equation system:
x2 + y2 + z2 =1
a x + b y + z = 0 a , b real
Then the angle between two great circles is the angle between both central planes:
The sides of a spherical triangle are great circles; therefore the central projection
of a spherical triangle is a triangle whose sides are straight lines.
Stereographic projection
x2 + y2 + z2 =1
2u 2v 2
x= y= z= −1
1+ u2 + v2 1+ u2 + v2 1 + u + v2
4 ( du 2 + dv 2 )
ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 + dz 2 =
(1 + u 2
+ v2 )
Now we see that this projection is not equidistant and the distortion increases with the
distance to the origin. The factor 4 indicates that the lengths at the origin of coordinates
on the plane are the half of the lengths on the sphere. Taking instead of the plane z = 0,
the plane z = 1 this factor becomes 1. Then, we can state correctly the scale of the chart
(for example, a polar chart).
The geodesic lines (great circles) are intersection of the sphere surface with
planes passing through the origin, which have the equation:
z=a x+b y
r 2 + r' 2 − (O − O' )
a a' + b b' + 1
cos α = =
2 r r' a + b 2 + 1 a' 2 + b' 2 + 1
Just this is the angle between the planes a x + b y – z = 0 and a' x + b' y – z = 0, that is,
the angle between the two great circles represented by the projected circles. Therefore,
the stereographic projection is a conformal projection of the spherical surface.
If we calculate the differential of area we find:
4 du ∧ dv
dA =
(1 + u 2
+ v2 )
Now we see that this projection is not equivalent since distortion of areas increases with
the distance from the origin (as commented above, the factor 4 becomes 1 projecting
into the plane z =1).
Orthographic projection
x dx + y dy
z = 1 − x2 − y2 dz = −
1 − x2 − y2
dx 2 + dy 2 + 2 x y dx dy
ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 + dz 2 =
1− x2 − y2
1 + x2 + y2
dA = dx ∧ dy
1− x2 − y2
Introducing the distance r to the origin of coordinates and the angle ϕ with respect to the
x-axis, we have:
x = r cos ϕ y = r sin ϕ
dr 2 + r 2 dϕ 2 + 2 r dr dϕ
ds 2 =
1− r2
For a sphere with unity radius, the spherical coordinates4 are related with the
Cartesian coordinates by means of:
x = sin θ cos ϕ
y = sin θ sin ϕ
z = cos θ
eϕ = −sin ϕ e1 + cos ϕ e 2
ds = dθ eθ + sin θ dϕ eϕ
For geographical coordinates, θ is the colatitude and ϕ the longitude.
Note that eθ and eϕ are orthogonal vectors, since their inner product is zero. At θ = 0,
ds depends only on dθ and there is a pole. Then θ is the arc length from the pole to the
given point (figure 14.7), while ϕ is the arc length over the equator (θ = π/2, sinθ = 1).
The meridians (ϕ = constant) are geodesics, but the parallels (θ = constant) are not.
Exceptionally, the equator is also a geodesic.
In the Plate Carrée projection u = ϕ and v = π/ 2 − θ (latitude) so that the
meridians and parallels are shown in a squared graticule. This projection is equidistant
for any meridian whereas the distortion in the parallels increases, as well as for every
cylindrical projection, as we separate from the equator. Let us see the area:
dA = sin θ dθ ∧ dϕ = cos v du ∧ dv
The ratio of the real area with respect to the represented area on the chart is equal to the
cosine of the latitude and therefore the projection is not equivalent.
Mercator's projection
− dθ θ
dv = ⇒ v = − log tg
sinθ 2
4 exp(2 v )
ds 2 = dθ 2 + sin 2θ dϕ 2 = sin 2θ (du 2 + dv 2 ) = (du 2
+ dv 2 )
(exp(2v ) + 1) 2
2 exp( v )
ds = du 2 + dv 2
exp(2v ) + 1
where the distances are increased in an amount independent of the direction and
proportional to the inverse of the sine of θ. The differential of area is:
4 exp(2 v )
dA = sinθ dθ ∧ dϕ = du ∧ dv
(exp(2v ) + 1)2
The difference between the U.T.M. (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection and the
Mercator planisphere is not geometric but geographic: in the U.T.M. the cylinder of projection
is tangent to a meridian instead of the equator. All the Earth has been divided in zones of 6º of
longitude, where the cylinder of projection is tangent to the central meridian (3º, 9º, 15º ... ).
Peters’ projection
dv = −sin θ dθ ⇒ v = cos θ
ds 2 = dθ 2 + sin 2θ dϕ 2 = (1 − v 2 ) du 2 +
dv 2
1− v2
dA = sin θ dθ ∧ dϕ = du ∧ dv
Figure 14.8
Conic projections
These projections are made into a cone surface tangent to the sphere (figure
14.9). Because the cone surface unrolled is a plane circular sector, they are often used to
display middle latitudes, while the azimuthal projections are mainly used for poles. In a
conic projection a small circle (a parallel) is shown as a circle with zero distortion. The
characteristic parameter of a conic projection is the constant of the cone n = cos θ0,
being θ0 the angle of inclination of the generatrix of the cone and also the angle from
the axis of the cone to any point of tangency with the sphere. Since the graticule of the
conic projections is radial, to use the radius r and the angle χ is more convenient:
dr = f (θ ) dθ dχ = n dϕ
The differentials of arc length and area for a conic projection are:
dr 2 sin 2θ
ds 2 = dθ 2 + sin 2θ dϕ 2 = + dχ 2
[ f (θ )]2 n2
sin θ
dA = sinθ dθ ∧ dϕ = dr ∧ dχ
n f (θ )
Let us see as before the three special cases: equidistant, conformal and
equivalent projections. The differential of area for polar coordinates r, χ is
dA = r dr ∧ dχ . If the projection is equivalent, we must identify both dA to find :
d sin θ 1 θ 2 θ
= f (θ ) ⇒ f (θ ) = cos and r= sin
dθ n f (θ ) n 2 n 2
r2 n
n 4 r 2 dχ 2
ds 2 = dr 2 +
nr 2
n Figure 14.9
1 2 r
ds 2 = 2
dr + sin 2 dχ 2
n n
sin 2θ
ds 2 = ( dr 2 + r 2 dχ 2 )
dθ = dr
with the boundary condition tg θ 0 = r0 as shown by the figure 14.9 we find the
Lambert’s conformal projection:
r = tg θ 0 2
14.1 We have seen the gnomonic projection of great circles being always straight lines.
Then, why does the shadow of a gnomon of a sundial follow a hyperbola on a plane
surface instead of a line during a day? Why does this hyperbola become a straight line
the March 21 and September 23?
14.2 Three points on the sphere are projected by means of the stereographic projection
into a circle of unity radius with the coordinates A = (−0.5, 0.5), B = (0, −2/3) and C =
(2/3, 0). Calculate the sides, angles and area of the triangle which they form.
14.3 Built at Belfast, the Titanic begun its first and last travel in Southampton the April
10th 1912. After visiting Cherbourg the Titanic weighed anchor in the Cork harbour
with bearing New York the 11th April. Calculate the length of the shortest trajectory
from Fastnet (Ireland) at 51º30’N 9º35’W to Sandy Hook (New York) at 40º30’N
74ºW. From January 15th to July 15th the ships had to follow the orthodrome (great
circle) from Fastnet to the point 42º30’N 47ºW and from this point to Sandy Hook
passing at twenty miles from the floating lighthouse of Nantucket. Calculate the length
of the route the Titanic should have followed. Take as an averaged radius of the Earth
6366 km. The Titanic sank the 15th April at the position 41º46’N 50º14’W. Is this point
on the obliged track?
Figure 14.10
14.4 The figure 14.11 is a photograph of the Hale-Bopp comet. The orientation of the
camera is unknown, but the W of Cassiopeia constellation appears in the photograph.
The declination D of a star is the angular distance from the celestial equator to the star
(measured on the great circle passing through the celestial pole and the star). The right
ascension A is the arc of celestial equator measured eastward from the vernal equinox
(one of the intersections of the celestial equator with the ecliptic, also called Aries
point) to the foot of the great circle passing through the star and the pole. The right
ascension and declination of the stars are constant while those of the comets, planets,
the Sun and the Moon are variable. The data of Cassiopeia constellation are:
star Magnitude A D
α Cassiopeia (Schedir) 2.2 0h 40min 6.4s = 10.0267º 56º 29’ 57” N
β Cassiopeia (Caph) 2.3 0h 8min 48.1s = 2.2004º 59º 6’ 40” N
γ Cassiopeia (Tsih) 2.4 0h 56min 16.9s = 14.0704º 60º 40’ 44” N
δ Cassiopeia (Ruchbah) 2.7 1h 25min 21.2s = 21.3383º 60º 11’ 57” N
In your system of coordinates, take the x-axis as the Aries point and the z-axis as the
north pole. Then D = π/2−θ and A=ϕ .
a) Calculate the focal distance of the photograph, that is, the distance from the point of
view to the plane of the photograph. Knowing that the negative was universal
(24×36 mm), calculate the focal distance of the camera.
b) Calculate the orientation (right ascension and declination) of the photographic
c) Calculate the coordinates of the Hale-Bopp comet.
Figure 14.11
v = v1 e1 + v 2 e 2 + v 3 e3
where ei are three unitary perpendicular vectors, which constitute the base of the space.
The modulus of a vector is:
v = − v12 − v 22 + v 32
It determines the geometric properties of the space, very different from the Euclidean
space. Now we define an associative product (geometric or Clifford product) being a
generalisation of those defined for the Euclidean and hyperbolic planes. Imposing the
condition that the square of the modulus be equal to the square of the vector, we find:
v = v2
From the base vectors one deduces that the geometric algebra generated by the
space W3 has eight components:
I shall call the product (or quotient) of two vectors a tetranion. The tetranions are the
even subalgebra of Cl1, 2 that generalises the complex and hyperbolic numbers to the
pseudo-Euclidean space. Splitting a tetranion in the real and bivector parts, we obtain
the inner (or scalar) product and the outer (or exterior) product respectively:
v · w = − v1 w1 − v 2 w2 + v 3 w3
Here also, the bivectors are oriented plane surfaces indicating the direction of planes in
the pseudo-Euclidean space. As before, vectors and bivectors are different things. This
fact has been experienced also by physicists: in the Minkowski’s space, the
electromagnetic field is a bivector while the tetrapotential is a vector. On the other hand,
the oriented area is, of course, a bivector. As a criterion to distinguish both kind of
magnitudes one also uses the reversal of coordinates, which changes the sense of
vectors while leaves bivectors invariant.
Two vectors are said to be orthogonal if their inner product vanishes:
v⊥w ⇔ v·w=0
So the outer product is the product by the orthogonal component and the inner product
is the product by the proportional component:
v · w = v w|| v ∧ w = v w⊥
The product of two bivectors yields a tetranion. The real and bivector parts can
be separated as the symmetric and antisymmetric product. Since:
e 23 = e31
=1 and e122 = −1
the symmetric product is a real number whose negative value will be denoted here with
the symbol •, whereas the antisymmetric product, denoted here with the symbol ×, is
also a bivector:
v•w=− (v w + w v ) = −v 23 w23 − v 31 w31 + v12 w12
v×w=− (v w − w v )
= −(v 31 w12 − v12 w31 ) e 23 − (v12 w23 − v 23 w12 ) e31 + (v 23 w31 − v 31 w23 ) e12
v w = −v • w − v × w
The outer product of three vectors has the same expression as for Euclidean
geometry and this is a natural outcome of the extension theory: the product u ∧ v ∧ w is
the oriented volume generated by the surface represented by the bivector u ∧ v when it
is translated parallelly along the segment w:
ux vx wx
u ∧ v ∧ w = uy vy w y e123
uz vz wz
Finally, let us see how the product of three vectors u, v and w is. The vector v
can be resolved into a component coplanar with u and v and another component
perpendicular to the plane u-v:
u v w = u v || w + u v ⊥ w
Now let us analyse the permutative property. In both Euclidean and hyperbolic planes
we found u v w − w v u = 0. In the pseudo-Euclidean space the permutative property
u v w − w v u = u v ⊥ w − w v ⊥ u = v ⊥ (− u w + w u )
= −2 v ⊥ u ∧ w = − 2 v ∧ u ∧ w = 2 u ∧ v ∧ w
I take the same algebraic hierarchies as in the former chapter: all the abridged
products must be operated before the geometric product, convention adequate to the fact
that in many algebraic situations, the abridged products must be developed in sums of
geometric products.
z2 − x2 − y2 =1
where (x, y, z) are Cartesian although not Euclidean2 coordinates, suffices to study the
whole Lobachesky’s geometry.
The reader will find a complete study of the hyperboloidal surface in Faber, Foundations of
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry, chap. VII. “The Weierstrass model”.
For me, Cartesian coordinates are orthogonal coordinates in a flat space (with null curvature),
independently of the Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean nature of the space. Lines and planes
(linear relations between Cartesian coordinates) can always be drawn in both spaces, although
the pseudo-Euclidean orthogonality is not shown as a right angle, and the pseudo-Euclidean
distance is not the viewed length. The incompleteness of Cartesian coordinates was already
criticised by Leibniz in a letter to Huygens in 1679 proposing a new geometric calculus: «Car
premierement je puis exprimer parfaitement par ce calcul toute la nature ou définition de la
figure (ce que l’algèbre ne fait jamais, car disant que x2 + y2 aeq. a2 est l’equation du cercle, il
The fact that the hyperboloidal surface owns the Lobachevsky’s geometry will
be evident through the different projections here reviewed. If we followed the same
order as in the former chapter, we should firstly deal with the Lobachevskian
trigonometry. However, the concept of arc length on the hyperboloid is much less
intuitive than on the sphere. Therefore we must see the concept and determination of the
arc length before studying the hyperboloidal trigonometry.
In this projection the centre of the hyperboloid is the centre of projection. Thus,
we project every point on the upper sheet of the hyperboloid z2−x2−y2 = 1 into another
point on the plane z = 1 taking the origin x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 as centre of projection
(figure 15.1). Let u and v be Cartesian coordinates on the plane z =1, which touches the
hyperboloid in the vertex. By similar triangles3:
x y
u= v=
z z
u v 1
x= y= z=
1− u − v
2 2
1− u − v
2 2
1− u2 − v2
ds = dx e1 + dy e 2 + dz e3
ds 2 = −dx 2 − dy 2 + dz 2 = −
(1 − v )du
2 2
+ 2 u v du dv + ( 1 − u 2 )dv 2
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
which is the negative value of the usual metric of the Lobachevsky’s surface in the
Beltrami disk. The negative sign indicates that the arc length is comparable with lengths
in the x-y plane. The whole upper sheet of the hyperboloid is projected inside the
Beltrami’s circle u 2 + v 2 ≤ 1 with unity radius. However, if we project the one-sheeted
hyperboloid z 2 − x 2 − y 2 = −1 into the plane z = 1 we find the same metric but
positive, what indicates the lengths being comparable to those measured on the z-axis.
All the upper half of the one-sheeted hyperboloid is projected outside the circle of unity
radius, giving rise to a new geometry not studied up till now.
faut expliquer par la figure ce que c’est x et y.» (Josep Manel Parra, “Geometric Algebra versus
numerical cartesianism” in F. Brackx, R. Delanghe, H. Serras, Clifford Algebras and Their
Applications in Mathematical Physics).
Now to consider that the legs of both right angle triangles are horizontal and vertical, and
therefore perpendicular is enough for the deduction. Notwithstanding, in a pseudo-Euclidean
space one must use the algebraic definition of similitude: a triangle with sides a and b is directly
similar to a triangle with sides c and d if and only if a c −1 = b d −1. This condition implies that
both quotients of the modulus are equal and both arguments also.
Let us consider a plane passing through the origin of coordinates (central plane).
Its intersection with the two-sheeted hyperboloid is the hyperbola determined by the
equations system:
z2 − x2 − y2 =1
z=ax+by a , b real
z dz = x dx + y dy
dz = a dx + b dy
y −bz az−x
dx = dz dy = dz
a y −bx a y −bx
y −bz az−x
ds = dx e1 + dy e 2 + dz e3 = e1 + e 2 + e3 dz
a y −bx a y −bx
1 − a 2 − b2
and its square: ds 2 = −dx 2 − dy 2 + dz 2 = dz 2
(a y − b x ) 2
dx dy dz ( y − b z ) e1 + ( a z − x ) e 2 + ( a y − b x ) e3
t= e1 + e 2 + e3 =
ds ds ds 1 − a 2 − b2
Observe that t and ds have imaginary components since a plane only cuts the two-
sheeted hyperboloid if a2 + b2 > 1. Anyway, the geometric vector can be taken with real
components, although then its modulus is −1.
The derivative of the tangent vector with respect to the arc length is not only
proportional but equal to the normal vector n of the hyperbola:
dt dt
n= = − ( x e1 + y e 2 + z e3 ) ⇒ κ= =1
ds ds
because the position vector of every point on the two sheet hyperboloid has unitary
modulus. Hence the curvature κ of the hyperbola is constant and equal to 1. All the
hyperbolas being intersections of the hyperboloid with planes passing through the origin
and a given point on the hyperboloid have the same radius of curvature r:
r= = −( x e1 + y e 2 + z e3 )
Two consequences are deduced from this fact: firstly their common radius of curvature
is perpendicular to the surface, and secondly, these hyperbolas are geodesics of the
hyperboloid. Because all the hyperbolas lie on planes passing through the origin, their
central projections are straight lines. In other words, every geodesic hyperbola is
projected into a segment on the Beltrami disk. Taking as equation of the line:
ds 1+ k2 − l2
= du
e123 − u 2 (1 + k 2 ) − 2 k l u + 1 − l 2
k l + 1+ k2 − l2
u (1 + k 2 ) + k l
s 1 1+ k2
= arg tgh + const = log + const
e123 1+ k2 − l2 2 k l − 1+ k2 − l2
1+ k2
v =k u +l − k l − 1+ k2 − l2 − k l + 1+ k2 − l2
2 ⇒ uA = uD =
u + v = 1
k2 +1 k2 +1
sC − s B 1 (u − u A ) (u D − u B ) 1
= log C = log( A B C D )
e123 2 (u D − u A ) (u C − u B ) 2
As said before, the arc length s on the two-sheeted hyperboloid has imaginary values. I’m
sorry by the inconvenience of that reader accustomed to take real values. However the
coherence of all the geometric algebra force to take account of the imaginary unity e123. This
also explains why Lobachevsky found the hyperboloidal trigonometry by choosing imaginary
values for the sides in the spherical trigonometry.
that is, the half of the logarithm of the cross ratio of the four points (figure 15.2) on the
Beltrami disk.
However it is more advantageous to write it using cosines instead of tangents by
means of the trigonometric identity:
sB s
1 − tgh tgh C
sC − s B e123 e123
cosh ≡
e123 sB s
1 − tgh 2 1 − tgh 2 C
e123 e123
After removing k and l using the equation of the line in the primitive, we arrive at:
sC − s B 1 − u B uC − v B vC
cosh =
e123 2 2 2
1 − u B − v B 1 − uC − vC
where the expression is real for all the points on the hyperboloid, whose projections lie
on the Beltrami disk u2 + v2 ≤ 1. This expression is equivalent to write:
sC − s B (u B e1 + v B e2 + e3 ) · (u C e1 + v C e 2 + e3 )
cosh =
e123 (u B e1 + v B e 2 + e3 ) (u C e1 + v C e 2 + e3 )
sC − s B (x B e1 + y B e 2 + z B e3 ) · (x C e1 + y C e 2 + z C e3 )
cosh = cos(s C − s B ) =
e123 (x B e1 + y B e 2 + z B e3 ) (x C e1 + y C e 2 + z C e3 )
which is the expected expression to calculate angles between vectors in the pseudo-
Euclidean space. This result must be commented in more detail. Note that every pair of
vectors going from the origin to the two-sheeted hyperboloid always lie on a central
plane having hyperbolic nature, since it cuts the cone z 2 − x 2 − y 2 = 0 of vectors with
zero length. Because of this, the angle measured on this plane is hyperbolic.
A hyperboloidal triangle is the region of the hyperboloid bounded by three
geodesic hyperbolas. The length of a side of the triangle can be calculated by integration
of the arc length of the hyperbola according to the last result. On the other hand, the
angle of a vertex of a hyperboloidal triangle is the angle between the tangent vectors of
the hyperbolas of each side at the vertex:
1 − a a' − b b'
1 − a − b2
1 − a' 2 − b' 2
Note that every pair of tangent vectors lie on a plane of Euclidean nature, a plane
parallel to a central plane not cutting the cone of zero length. So the angles measured on
this plane are circular. We arrive at the same conclusion by proving that the absolute
value of the cosine (and also its square) is lesser than the unity:
(1 − a a' − b b' )2
(1 − a 2
− b 2 ) (1 − a' 2 − b' 2 )
2 2
The denominator is positive (although both squares are negative because a 2 + b 2 > 1 )
and it can pass to the right hand side of the inequality without changing the sense.
Removing the denominator and after simplification:
a u + b v =1
a' u + b' v = 1
b' − b − a' + a
whose solution is: u= v=
a b' − a' b a b' − a' b
This point lies inside the Beltrami circle (and the point of intersection of the
hyperboloid and both planes exists) if and only if:
u2 + v2 =
(a − a' )2 + (b − b' )2 <1
(a b' − b a' )2
which is the condition above obtained.
Note that the expression for the angle between geodesic hyperbolas coincides
with the angle between the bivectors of the planes containing these hyperbolas:
It is not a surprising result, because it happens likewise for the sphere: the angle
between two maximum circles is the angle between the central planes containing them.
The planes passing through the origin only cut the two-sheeted hyperboloid if a2
+ b >1. These planes also cut the cone of zero length z2 − x2 − y2 = 0 so they are
hyperbolic and the angles measured on them are hyperbolic arguments. On the other
hand, the planes with a2 + b2 <1 do not cut the hyperboloid neither the cone and have
Euclidean nature. In the Lobachevskian trigonometry, the planes containing the sides of
a hyperboloidal triangle are always hyperbolic, while the planes touching the
hyperboloid and containing the angles between sides are always Euclidean, and hence
the angles are circular. Resuming, real modulus of a bivector (0<−a2 −b2 +1) indicates
an Euclidean plane and imaginary modulus (0>−a2 −b2 +1) a hyperbolic plane.
Now we already have all the formulas to deduce the hyperboloidal trigonometry.
B ∧C
sinh a =
As said above, the planes intersecting the hyperboloid have imaginary modulus. So we
must divide by the pseudoscalar imaginary unity, which is also the volume element. In
this equality the hyperbolic sine is taken positive and also a.
α is the circular angle between the sides b and c of the triangle, that is, the angle
between the planes passing through the origin, A and B, and the origin, A and C
respectively. Since the direction of a plane is given by its bivector, which can be
obtained through the outer product, we have:
(A ∧ B) × (A ∧ C )
sin α = −
where the minus sign is due to the imaginary modulus of the outer products of the
denominators. Now we write the products of the numerator using the geometric product:
− ( A B − B A)( A C − C A) + ( A C − C A)( A B − B A)
sin α = −
8 A∧B A∧C
− A B A C + A B C A + B A2 C − B A C A + A C A B − A C B A − C A2 B + C A B A
sin α = −
8 A∧B A∧C
We extract the vector A as common factor at the left, but without writing it because
A = 1:
− B A C + B C A + A B C − A −1 B A C A + C A B − C B A − A C B + A −1 C A B A
sin α = −
8 A∧ B A∧C
6 A ∧ B ∧ C + 2 A −1 A ∧ B ∧ C A A∧ B ∧C
sin α = − =−
8 A∧ B A∧C A∧ B A∧C
since the volume A ∧ B ∧ C is a pseudoscalar, which commutes with all the elements of
the algebra. Now the law of sines for hyperboloidal triangles follows:
Let us see the law of cosines. Since e 23 = e 31
= − e122 = 1 then:
cos α =
(A ∧ B) • (A ∧ C ) = − (A ∧ B) • (A ∧ C )
A∧ B A∧C sinh c sinh b
sinh b sinh c cos α = (( A B − B A) ( A C − C A) + ( A C − C A)( A B − B A))
( A B A C − A B C A − B A 2 C + B A C A + A C A B − A C B A − C A 2 B + C A B A)
4 A · B A · C = ( A B + B A ) ( A C + C A) = A B A C + A B C A + B A 2 C + B A C A
But also:
4 A · B A · C = ( A C + C A) ( A B + B A) = A C A B + A C B A + C A 2 B + C A B A
sinh b sinh c cos α = (8 A · B A · C − 2 A (B C + C B ) A − 2 (B C + C B )) = A · B A · C − B · C
which is the law of cosines for sides. The substitution of cosh c by means of the law of
cosines gives:
cosh a = cosh b (cosh a cosh b − sinh a sinh b cos γ ) − sinh b sinh c cos α
Dividing by sinh a :
Figure 15.4
Stereographic projection (Poincaré disk)
x y
= z +1 = z +1
u v
where (x, y, z) are the coordinates of a point on the hyperboloid. Using its equation
z 2 − x 2 − y 2 = 1 , one arrives at:
2u 2v 2
x= y= z= −1
1− u2 − v2 1 − u2 − v2 1 − u − v2
4 ( du 2 + dv 2 )
ds 2 = − dx 2 − dy 2 + dz 2 = −
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
The geodesic hyperbolas are intersection of the hyperboloid with central planes having
the equation:
( u − a )2 + ( v − b )2 = a 2 + b 2 − 1
which is the equation of a circle centred at (a, b)
with radius r = a 2 + b 2 − 1 . That is, the geodesic
hyperbolas on the hyperboloid are shown as circles
in the stereographic projection (figure 15.5). The
central planes cutting the two-sheeted hyperboloid
fulfil a 2 + b 2 > 1 , so that the radius is real and the centres of these circles are always
placed outside the Poincaré disk.
The angle α between two circles is obtained through:
r 2 + r' 2 − (O − O' )
a a' + b b' − 1
cos α = =
2 r r' a 2 + b 2 − 1 a' 2 + b' 2 − 1
Just this is the angle between two geodesic hyperbolas (between the tangent vectors t
and t’) found above. Therefore, the stereographic projection (Poincaré disk) is a
conformal projection of the hyperboloidal surface.
On the other hand, the geodesic circles are always orthogonal to the Poincaré's
circle u 2 + v 2 = 1 ( r' =1, O' = (0, 0) ) because:
r2 +1− O2
cos α = =0
The differential of area is easily obtained through the modulus of the differential
4 du ∧ dv
dA = (dx ∧ dy )2 − (dy ∧ dz )2 − (dz ∧ dx )2 =
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
This projection preserves the area and is similar to the azimuthal equivalent
projection of the sphere usually used in the polar maps of the Earth.
The differential of the area in the pseudo-Euclidean space is a bivector whose
square is:
x y
z2 − x2 − y2 =1 ⇒ dz = dx + dy
z z
yields: dA 2 = 2
(dx ∧ dy )2
u = x f (z ) v = y f (z )
z2 −1
du ∧ dv = f 2 + f f ' dx ∧ dy
z2 −1 1
f2+ f f' =
z z
z2 −1 1
g+ g' =
2z z
−1 z2 −1
(z g − 1) dz + z dg = 0 ⇔ d g − z = 0
2 2
2 (z + const ) 2 (z + const )
g (z ) = ⇒ f (z ) =
z2 −1 z2 −1
Next to the pole x and u are coincident and also y and v. Then f(1)=1, which implies the
integration constant be −1 and then5:
2 (z − 1) 2 2 2
f (z ) = = ⇒ u=x v= y
z2 −1 z +1 z +1 z +1
x = sinh ψ cos ϕ
y = sinh ψ sin ϕ
z = coshψ
As a comparison in the central projection f(z) = 1/z while for the stereographic projection f(z) =
1 / (z + 1).
eϕ = −sin ϕ e1 + cos ϕ e 2
ds = dψ eψ + sinh ψ dϕ eϕ ds 2 = −( dψ 2 + sinh 2ψ dϕ 2 )
Note that eψ and eϕ are orthogonal vectors, since their inner product is zero. At ψ = 0,
ds only depends on dψ , so that there is a pole. Then ψ is the arc length from the pole to
the given point on the hyperboloid surface (figure 15.7), while ϕ is the arc length over
the equator, the parallel determined by sinhψ = 1 and ψ = log(1+ 2 ). The meridians (ϕ
= constant) are geodesics, while the parallels (ψ = constant) including the equator are
not geodesics because their planes do not pass through the origin of coordinates.
In the cylindrical projections, the hyperboloid is projected onto a cylinder
passing through its equator, whose axis is the z axis. The chart is the Euclidean map
obtained unrolling the cylinder6. Using ϕ and ψ as the coordinates u and v of the chart,
the hyperboloid surface is projected into a rectangle with 2π width and infinite height.
The area on this chart is:
dA = sinhψ dϕ ∧ dψ = sinh v du ∧ dv
This projection is equidistant for the meridians (ϕ = constant) and for the equator (ψ =
log(1+ 2 )).
If we wish to preserve the angles between curves, we must enlarge the meridians
by the same amount as the parallels are enlarged in a cylindrical projection, that is by a
factor 1/sinh ψ:
dψ ψ
dv = ⇒ v = log tgh
sinhψ 2
Every plane tangent to the two-sheeted hyperboloid has Euclidean nature. So the
Lobachevsky’s surface can be only projected onto a Euclidean chart, and the cylinder of
projection is not hyperbolic and does not belong properly to the pseudo-Euclidean space.
− 4 exp(2 v )
ds 2 = −( dψ 2 + sinh 2ψ dϕ 2 ) = −sinh 2ψ (du 2 + dv 2 ) = (du 2
+ dv 2 )
(1 − exp(2 v ) ) 2
4 exp(2 v )
dA = sinhψ dϕ ∧ dψ = du ∧ dv
(1 − exp(2 v ) )2
If we wish to preserve area, we must shorten the meridians in the same amount
as the parallels are enlarged in the cylindrical projection, what yields:
dv = sinhψ dψ ⇒ v = coshψ
ds 2 = −( dψ 2 + sinh 2ψ dϕ 2 ) = −(v 2 − 1) du 2 −
dv 2
v −1
dA = sinhψ dϕ ∧ dψ = du ∧ dv
Conic projections
n = cos θ 0 =
1 + tgh 2 ψ 0
Since the graticule of the conic projections is radial, is more convenient to use
the radius r and the angle χ :
dr = f (ψ ) dψ dχ = n dϕ
The differentials of arc length and area for a conic projection are:
dr 2 sinh 2ψ
ds 2 = −( dψ 2 + sinh 2ψ dϕ 2 ) = − + dχ 2
[ f (ψ )]
2 2
dA = sinhψ dϕ ∧ dψ = dr ∧ dχ
n f (ψ )
Let us see as before the three special cases: equidistant, conformal and
equivalent projections. The differential of area for polar coordinates r, χ is
dA = r dr ∧ dχ . If the projection is equivalent, we must identify both dA to find:
d sinhψ 1 ψ 2 ψ
n f (ψ ) = f (ψ ) ⇒ f (ψ ) = cosh and r= sinh
dψ n 2 n 2
n r2
n 4 r 2 dχ 2
ds 2 = − dr 2
n r2 n
1 +
1 2 r
ds 2 = − 2
dr + sinh 2 dχ 2
n n
sinh 2ψ
ds 2 = − ( dr 2 + r 2 dχ 2 )
dψ = dr
r = tghψ 0 2
Two geodesic triangles on the hyperboloid having the same angles also have the
same sides and are said to be congruent. This follows immediately from the rotations in
the pseudo-Euclidean space, which are expressed by means of tetranions in the same
way as quaternions are used in the rotations of Euclidean space. However, this falls out
of the scope of this book and will not be treated. The reader must perceive, in spite of
his Euclidean eyes7, that all the points on the hyperboloid are equivalent because the
curvature is always the unity and the surface is always perpendicular to the radius. So
the pole (vertex of the hyperboloid) is not any special point, and any other point may be
chosen as a new pole provided that the new axis are obtained from the old ones through
a rotation.
15.1. According to the Lobachevsky’s axiom of parallelism, at least two parallel lines
pass through an exterior point of a given line. The two lines approaching a given line at
In fact, eyes are not Euclidean but a very perfect camera where images are projected on a
spherical surface. The principles of projection are likewise applicable to the pseudo-Euclidean
space. Our mind accustomed to the ordinary space (we learn its Euclidean properties in the first
years of our life) deceives us when we wish perceive the pseudo-Euclidean space.
the infinity are called «parallel lines» while those not cutting and not approaching it are
called «ultraparallel» or «divergent lines».
Lobachevsky defined the angle of parallelism Π(s)
as the angle which forms the line parallel to a given
line with its perpendicular, which is a function of
the distance s between the intersections on the
perpendicular. Prove that Π(s) = 2 arctg(exp(−s))
using the stereographic projection.
15.4. A horocycle is the intersection of the hyperboloid and a plane with unity slope
( a 2 + b 2 = 1 ). Show that the horocycles are projected as circles touching the limit circle
x 2 + y 2 = 1 in the stereographic projection. Find the centre of a horocycle.
15.5 a) Show that the differential of area in the Beltrami projection is:
du ∧ dv
dA =
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
3/ 2
15.6 Use the azimuthal conformal projection to show that the area of a circle
(hyperboloidal segment) with radius ψ is equal to 2 π (cosh ψ − 1). This result is
analogous to the area of a spherical segment 2 π (1 − cos θ ).
1.1 Let a, b be the different sides of the parallelogram and c, d both diagonals. Then:
c=a+b d=a−b
c2 + d2 = ( a + b )2 + ( a − b )2 = a2 + 2 a · b + b2 + a2 − 2 a · b + b2 =
= 2 a2 + 2 b2
which are the sum of the squares of the four sides of the parallelogram.
(a b + b a )2 (a b − b a )2
1.2 (a · b ) − (a ∧ b ) =
2 2
4 4
a b a b + b a b a + a b2 a + b a 2 b a b a b + b a b a − a b2 a − b a 2 b
= −
4 4
= a 2 b2
4a∧b c∧d=(ab−ba)(cd−dc)=abcd−abdc−bacd+badc=
=2(abc−bac)·d=4(a∧b c)·d
where the summands are simplified taking into account the permutative property.
1.5 Let us denote the components proportional and perpendicular to the vector a with ||
and ⊥. Then using the fact that orthogonal vectors anticommute and those with the same
direction commute, we have:
= ( c|| + c⊥ ) ( b|| + b⊥ ) a = c b a
1.6 Let a, b, c be the sides of a triangle and h the altitude corresponding to the base b.
Then the altitude divides the triangle in two right triangles where the Pythagorean theorem
may be applied:
b = a2 − h2 + c2 − h2
h =a 2 2
+ b2 − c2 )
2 2
4 b2
Then the square of the area of the triangle is:
b2h 2 4 a 2b2 − ( a 2 + b2 − c 2 )
− a 4 − b4 − c 4 + 2 a 2b2 + 2 a 2c 2 + 2 b2c 2
A =
= =
4 16 16
Introducing the semiperimeter s = (a+b+c) we find:
A = s (s − a ) ( s − b ) ( s − c )
2.1 Draw, for example, two vectors of the first quadrant and mark u1, u2, v1 and v2 on the
Cartesian axis. Then calculate the area of the parallelogram from the areas of the
A = ( u1 + v1 ) ( u2 + v2 ) − u1 u2 − v1 v2 − 2 v1 u2 = u1 v2 − u2 v1
2.2 The area of a triangle is the half of the area of the parallelogram formed by any two
sides. Therefore:
2.3 a b c = ( a1 e1 + a2 e2 ) ( b1 e1 + b2 e2 ) ( c1 e1 + c2 e2 )
= [ a1 b1 + a2 b2 + e12 ( a1 b2 − a2 b1 ) ] ( c1 e1 + c2 e2 )
= ( c1 e1 + c2 e2 ) [ b1 a1 + b2 a2 + e12 ( b1 a2 − b2 a1 ) ] =
= ( c1 e1 + c2 e2 ) ( b1 e1 + b2 e2 ) ( a1 e1 + a2 e2 ) = c b a
2.4 u v = ( 2 e1 + 3 e2 ) ( −3 e1 + 4 e2 ) = 6 + 17 e12
u2 = ( 2 e1 + 3 e2 )2 = 4 e12 + 9 e22 + 12 e1 · e2 = 4 + 36 + 12 = 52 ⇒ u = 52
= 42 − e1 · e2 + 17 e1 ∧ e2 = 41 + 17 e1 ∧ e2 ⇒ u v = 2548
u·v 41 u∧v 17 3
cos α = = sinα = ± =
uv 2548 uv 2548
When e1 and e2 are not perpendicular, e1 e2 ≠ − e2 e1 and e12 has not the meaning of a pure
area but the outer product e1 ∧ e2 with an area of 3 . Also observe that u v = u v .
2.6 In order to find the components of v for the new base {u1, u2}, we must resolve the
vector v into a linear combination of u1 and u2 .
v = c1 u1 + c2 u2
v ∧ u2 3 (− 3) − (− 5) 5 u1 ∧ v 2 (− 5) − (− 1) 3
c1 = = = −16 c2 = = =7
u1 ∧ u 2 −1 u1 ∧ u 2 −1
3.2 Every complex number z can be written as product of two vectors a and b, its modulus
being the product of the moduli of both vectors:
2 2 2
z=ab ⇒ |z|=|a||b| ⇒ z = a b = a b b a = z z*
3.3 The equation x −1 = 0 is solved by extraction of the fourth roots:
x2 = 1 ⇒ x1 = 1, x2 = −1
x =1
x2 = −1 ⇒ x3 = e12 , x4 = −e12
( 2π /4 ) n
= − 2 −π / 4 ) n
nπ nπ nπ
=− +π + 2 k π ⇒ =π + 2 k π ⇒ n=2+4k
4 4 2
3 3 3
3.5 The three cubic roots of –3 + 3 e12 are 18 π / 4 , 18 11 π / 12 , 18 19 π / 12 .
3.6 Using the formula of the equation of second degree we find: z1 = 2−3 e12, z2 = 1+e12.
3.7 We suppose that the complex analytic extension f has a real part a of the form:
∂a ∂b
= cos x K ( y ) = ⇒ b = cos x ∫ K ( y ) dy
∂x ∂y
∂a ∂b
= sin x K' ( y ) = − = sin x ∫ K ( y ) dy
∂y ∂x
we arrive at a differential equation for K(y) whose solution is the hyperbolic cosine:
K' ( y ) = ∫ K ( y ) dy
⇒ K(y) = cosh y
K (0) = 1
The analytical extensions of the trigonometric functions may be also obtained from the
exponential function. In the case of the cosine, we have:
exp( e12 z ) + exp( − e12 z ) exp(− y )(cos x + e12 sin x ) + exp( y )(cos x − e12 sin x )
cos z = =
2 2
− exp(− z ) −1 1
f' (z ) = = f' (0) = −
1 + exp(− z ) exp(z ) + 1 2
exp(z ) 1
f'' (z ) = f'' (0) =
(exp(z ) + 1) 2
exp(z ) 2 exp(2 z )
f''' (z ) = − f''' (0) = 0
(exp(z ) + 1) 2
(exp(z ) + 1)3
exp(z ) 2 exp(2 z ) 6 exp(3z )
f IV
(z ) = − −
4 exp( 2 z )
+ f IV
(0) = − 1
(exp(z ) + 1) 2
(exp(z ) + 1) 3
(exp(z ) + 1) 3
(exp(z ) + 1) 4
z z2 z4
f (z ) = log 2 − + − + ...
2 4 8
Observe that f (e12 π ) = log(0) is divergent. This is the singularity nearest the origin.
Therefore the radius of convergence of the series is π.
1 1 1
f (z ) = = −
z + 2 z − 8 6 (z − 2 ) 6 (z + 4 )
2 3
1 1 6 z − 2 z − 2 z − 2
= = = 1 − + − + ...
z+4 6+ z−2 z −2 6 6 6 6
n (z − 2 )
∞ n
we find: f (z ) = − ∑ (− 1)
6( z − 2 ) n = 0 6 n+2
This Lauren series is convergent in the annulus 0 <z − 2< 6, which contains the
required annulus 1 <z − 2< 4 .
3.10 Taking into account that (1 − x) −1 = 1 + x + x2 + ... , the function defined by the series
1 1 1
f (z ) = ∑ n = −1=
n =1 4 ( z + 1) 1 4z +3
4 (z + 1)
Now we see that at z = −3/4 the function has a pole. Therefore the radius of convergence
of this series (centred at z = −1) is −3/4 −( −1)=1/4.
3.11 From the successive derivatives of the sines calculated at z = 0, one obtains the
Taylor series for sin z:
z3 z5 ∞
z 2 n +1
− ... = ∑ (− 1)
sin z = z − +
3! 5 ! n =0 (2 n + 1)!
sin z ∞ z 2 n −1 1 z z3
= ∑ (− 1) n
= − + − ...
z2 n =0 (2 n + 1)! z 3! 5!
Since the pole z = 0 is the unique singularity (see that the analytical extension of the real
sine in the exercise 3.7 has no singularities), the annulus of convergence is 0<z< ∞ .
3.12 If f(z) is analytic then the derivative at each point is unique and we can write for two
different directions dz1 and dz2:
According to the relationship between the complex and vectorial planes, we can multiply
by e1 at the left in order to turn the complex differentials into vectors:
e1 e1
df = da + db e12 → df = da e1 + db e 2 dz = dx + dy e12 → dz = dx e1 + dy e 2
df1 df2 = dz1 f'(z) dz2 f’(z) = dz1 dz2 [f’(z)]* f'(z) =f'(z)2 dz1 dz2
Sincef'(z)2 is real, both geometric products have the same argument, α(df1, df2) = α(dz1,
dz2), and hence the transformation is conformal.
4. Transformations of vectors
4.1 If d is the direction vector of the reflection, the vector v' reflected of v with respect to
this direction is given by:
v' = d −1 v d
If v'' is obtained from v' by a rotation through an angle α, and z is a unitary complex
number with argument α /2 then:
α α
v'' = z −1 v' z z = cos + e12 sin
2 2
v'' = z −1 d −1 v d z = c −1 v c
That is, one obtains a reflection with respect another direction with vector c = d z, the
product of the direction vector of the initial reflection and the complex number with half
4.2 Let w'' be the transformed vector of w by two consecutive reflections with respect
different directions u and v:
w'' = v −1 w' v = v −1 u −1 w u v
so that it is equivalent to a rotation with an angle equal to the double of that formed by
both direction vectors.
4.3 If the product of each transformed vector v' by the initial vector v is equal to a
complex number z2 (v' and v always form a constant angle) then:
v v' = z2
v' = v −1 z2 = z* v −1 z = z −1 | z | 2 v −1 z = | z | 2 ( z −1 v z ) −1
which represents an inversion with radius | z |2 followed by a rotation with an angle equal
to the double of the argument of z. As the algebra shows, both elemental transformations
5.1 If A, B, C and D are located following this order on the perimeter of the parallelogram,
then AB=DC:
AB = DC ⇒ B−A=C−D ⇒ D=C−B+A
AD BC + BD CA + CD AB = ( D −A ) ( C −B ) + ( D −B ) ( A −C ) + ( D −C ) ( B −A )
= 2 ( B − A ) ∧ ( C − B ) = 2 AB ∧ BC
This product only vanishes if A, B and C are collinear. On the other hand we see that the
product is the oriented area of the triangle ABC.
5.3 a) The area of the triangle ABC is the outer product of two sides:
AB ∧ AC = ( 2 e1 + 2 e2 ) ∧ 2 e1 = 4 e2 ∧ e1
AB ∧ AC = 4 e 2 ∧ e1 = 4 e 2 e1 sin 60 o = 4 3
5.4 A side of the trapezoid is a vectorial sum of the other three sides:
AD = AB + BC + CD
where the fact that AB and CD be vectors with the same direction and contrary sense has
Since the angle ABC is the supplement of the angle formed by the vectors AB and BC, we
− AD 2 + AB 2 + BC 2 + CD 2 − 2 AB CD
cos ABC =
2 BC ( AB − CD )
The trapezoid can only exist for the range −1< cos ABC <1, that is:
5.5 R=(1−p−q)O+pP+qQ ⇒ RP = ( 1 − p − q ) OP + q QP
⇒ RP ∧ PQ = ( 1 − p − q ) OP ∧ PQ
AC ∧ AB (− e1 + 3 e 2 ) ∧ (3 e1 + e 2 )
d (C , r ) = = = 10
AB 10
The angle between the vectors AB and AC is deduced by means of the sine and cosine:
cos α = =0 e12 sinα = = e12
Therefore, α = π/2. The angle between two lines is always comprised from −π/2 to π/2
because a rotation of 2π around the intersection point does not alter the lines. When the
angle exceeds these boundaries, you may add or subtract π.
5.7 a) Three points D, E, F are aligned if they are linearly dependent, that is, if the
determinant of the coordinates vanishes.
D = (1 − xD − yD ) O + xD P + yD Q
E = (1 − xE − yE ) O + xE P + yE Q
F = (1 − xF − yF ) O + xF P + yF Q
1 − xD − yD xD yD
1 − xE − yE xE yE = 0
1 − xF − yF xF yF
where the barycentric coordinate system is given by the origin O and points P, Q (for
example the Cartesian system is determined by O = (0, 0), P = (1, 0) and Q = (0, 1)). The
transformed points D', E' and F' have the same coordinates expressed for the base O', P'
and Q'. Then the determinant is exactly the same, so that it vanishes and the transformed
points are aligned. Therefore any straight line is transformed into another straight line.
b) Let O', P' and Q' be the transformed points of O, P and Q by the given affinity:
R = ( x, y ) = ( 1 − x − y ) O + x P + y Q
where we see that the coordinates x' and y' of R' are linear functions of the coordinates of
x' = x ( p1 − o1 ) + y ( q1 − o1 ) + o1
y' = x ( p2 − o2 ) + y ( q2 - o2 ) + o2
In matrix form:
x' p1 − o1 q1 − o1 x o1
= +
y' p 2 − o 2 q 2 − o 2 y o 2
Because every linear (and non degenerate) mapping of coordinates can be written in this
c) Let us consider any three non aligned points A, B, C and their coordinates:
A = ( 1 − x A − y A ) O + x A P + y AQ
B = ( 1 − x B − y B ) O + x B P + y BQ
C = ( 1 − xC − y C ) O + xC P + yC Q
In matrix form:
A 1 − x A − y A xA y A O
B = 1 − x B − y B xB yB P
C 1 − x − y xC y C Q
D = (1 − b − c ) A + b B + c C = (1 − x D − y D ) O + x D P + y D Q
In matrix form:
D = (1 − xD − yD xD y D ) P = ( 1 − b − c b c) B
1 − x A − y A xA yA
(1 − xD − yD xD y D ) = ( 1 − b − c b c ) 1 − x B − y B xB yB
1 − x − y xC y C
x D = ( 1 − b − c) x A + b x B + c xC
y D = ( 1 − b − c) y A + b y B + c yC
An affinity does not change the coordinates x, y of A, B, C and D, but only the point base -
{O', P', Q'} instead of {O, P, Q}-. Therefore the solution of the system of equations for b
and c is the same. Then we can write:
DE = GF ⇒ G = D − E + F
The affinity preserves the coordinates expressed in any base {D, E, F}. Then the
transformed points form also a parallelogram:
DE DF −1 = r ⇒ DE = r DF ⇒ E=(1−r)D+rF
The ratio r is a coordinate within the straight line DF and it is not changed by the affinity:
E' = ( 1 − r ) D' + r F' ⇒ D'E' D'F' =r
5.8 This exercise is the dual of the problem 2. Then I have copied and pasted it changing
the words for a correct understanding.
a) Three lines D, E, F are concurrent if they are linearly dependent, that is, if the
determinant of the dual coordinates vanishes:
D = (1 − xD − yD ) O + xD P + yD Q
E = (1 − xE − yE ) O + xE P + yE Q
F = (1 − xF − yF ) O + xF P + yF Q
1 − xD − yD xD yD
1 − xE − yE xE yE = 0
1 − xF − yF xF yF
where the dual coordinate system is given by the lines O, P and Q. For example, the
Cartesian system is determined by O = [0, 0] (line −x −y +1=0), P = [1, 0] (line x = 0) and
Q = [0, 1] (line y = 0). The transformed lines D', E' and F' have the same coordinates
expressed for the base O', P' and Q'. Then the determinant also vanishes and the
transformed lines are concurrent. Therefore any pencil of lines is transformed into another
pencil of lines.
b) Let O', P' and Q' be the transformed lines of O, P and Q by the given transformation:
R = [x, y] = ( 1 − x − y ) O + x P + y Q
where we see that the coordinates x' and y' of R' are linear functions of the coordinates of
x' = x ( p1 − o1 ) + y ( q1 − o1 ) + o1
y' = x ( p2 − o2 ) + y ( q2 - o2 ) + o2
In matrix form:
x ' p1 − o1 q1 − o1 x o1
y ' = p − o q 2 − o 2 y + o
2 2 2
Because any linear mapping (non degenerate) of dual coordinates can be written in this
regular matrix form, now we see that it is always an affinity.
c) Let us consider any three non concurrent lines A, B, C and their coordinates:
A = ( 1 − x A − y A ) O + x A P + y AQ
B = ( 1 − x B − y B ) O + x B P + y BQ
C = ( 1 − xC − y C ) O + xC P + yC Q
In matrix form:
A 1 − x A − y A xA y A O
B = 1 − x − y xB y B P
C 1 − x C − y C xC y C Q
A certain line D is expressed with dual coordinates whether for {O, P, Q } or {A, B, C }:
D = ( 1 − b − c) A + b B + c C = ( 1 − x D − y D ) O + x D P + y D Q
In matrix form:
D = [1 − x D − y D xD y D ] P = [1 − b − c b c ] B
1 − x A − y A xA yA
[1 − x D − y D xD y D ] = [1 − b − c b c ] 1 − x B − y B xB yB
1 − x C − y C xC y C
x D = (1 − b − c ) x A + b x B + c x C
y D = (1 − b − c ) y A + b y B + c y C
DE = GF ⇒ G = D − E + F
Where DE is the dual vector of the intersection point of the lines D and E, and GF the
dual vector of the intersection point of G and F. Obviously, the points EF and DG are also
parallel because from the former equality it follows:
The affinity preserves the coordinates expressed in any base {D, E, F}. Then the
transformed lines form also a dual parallelogram:
e) For any three concurrent lines D, E, F the single dual ratio r is:
DE DF −1 = r ⇒ DE = r DF ⇒ E=(1−r)D+rF
The ratio r is a coordinate within the pencil of lines DF and it is not changed by the
E' = ( 1 − r ) D' + r F' ⇒ D'E' D'F' =r
f) Let us consider four concurrent lines A, B, C and D with the following dual coordinates
expressed in the lines base {O, P, Q}:
v A = ( 1 − x A − y A ) vO + x A v P + y A vQ
vO + v P + vQ = 0
v A = ( −1 + 2 x A + y A ) v P + ( − 1 + x A + 2 y A ) v Q
And analogously:
v B = (− 1 + 2 x B + y B ) v P + (− 1 + x B + 2 y B ) v Q
v C = (− 1 + 2 x C + y C ) v P + (− 1 + x C + 2 y C ) v Q
v D = (− 1 + 2 x D + y D ) v P + (− 1 + x D + 2 y D ) v Q
v A ∧ v C = ( x C − x A − ( y C − y A ) + 3 ( x A y C − x C y A )) v P ∧ v Q
Then the cross ratio only depends on the dual coordinates but not on the direction of the
base vectors (see chapter 10):
v A ∧ vC v B ∧ v D
( ABCD ) = =
v A ∧ v D v B ∧ vC
( x C − x A − ( y C − y A ) + 3 ( x A y C − x C y A )) ( x D − x B − ( y D − y B ) + 3 ( x B y D − x D y B ))
( x D − x A − ( y D − y A ) + 3 ( x A y D − x D y A )) ( x C − x B − ( y C − y B ) + 3 (x B y C − x C y B ))
Hence it remains invariant under an affinity. Each outer product can be written as an outer
product of dual vectors obtained by subtraction of the coordinates of each line and the
infinite line:
1 1 1 1
v A ∧ v C = 3 x A − , y A − ∧ x C − , y C − = 3 LA ∧ LC
3 3 3 3
where LA = A − L is the dual vector going from the line L at the infinity to the line A, etc.
Then we can write this useful formula for the cross ratio of four lines:
( ABCD ) = LA ∧ LC LB ∧ LD
This exercise links with the section Projective cross ratio in the chapter 10.
5.9 To obtain the dual coordinates of the first line, solve the identity:
1 2
⇒ a= b=0 c= ⇒ [0, 2/3]
3 3
3 4 2
⇒ a= b= c= ⇒ [4/9, 2/9]
9 9 9
Both lines are aligned in the dual plane with the line at the infinity (whose dual
coordinates are [1/3, 1/3]) since the determinant of the coordinates vanishes:
1/ 3 0 2/3
2/9 4/9 2/9 = 0
1/ 3 1/ 3 1/ 3
Therefore they are parallel (this is also trivial from the general equations).
5.10 The point (2, 1) is the intersection of the lines x – 2 = 0 and y – 1 = 0, whose dual
coordinates are:
y–1=0 ⇒ [1/2, 0]
The difference of dual coordinates gives a dual direction vector for the point:
and hence we obtain the dual continuous and general equations for the point:
b − 1/ 2 c
= ⇔ 4 b + 3c = 2
3 −4
The point (–3, –1) is the intersection of the lines x + 3 = 0 and y + 1 = 0, whose dual
coordinates are:
The difference of dual coordinates gives a dual direction vector for the point:
and hence we obtain the dual continuous and general equations for the point:
b − 1/ 4 c − 2 / 4
= ⇔ 8b + 6c = 5
−3 4
Note that both dual direction vectors v and w are proportional and the points are parallel in
a dual sense. Hence the points are aligned with the centroid (1/3, 1/3) of the coordinate
a+b+c=0 ⇒ c=−a−b ⇒ c2 = ( a + b )2 = a2 + b2 + 2 a · b
The area s of a triangle is the half of the outer product of any pair of sides:
By dividing both equations and introducing the identities for the addition and subtraction
of sines we arrive at:
α+β α −β
a + b 2 sin cos
sinα + sinβ 2 2
= =
a − b sinα − sinβ α+β α −β
2 cos sin
2 2
a + b tg
= 2
(law of tangents)
a − b α−β
6.2 Let us substitute the first cosine by the half angle identity and convert the addition of
the two last cosines into a product:
α−β β −α β − 2γ + α
cos(α − β ) + cos(β − γ ) + cos(γ − α ) = 2 cos 2 − 1 + cos cos
2 2 2
Let us extract common factor and convert the addition of cosines into a product:
α−β α−β α − 2γ + β
= 2 cos cos + cos −1
2 2 2
α−β α −γ γ −β
= 2 cos cos cos −1
2 2 2
α−β β −γ γ −α
= 2 cos cos cos −1
2 2 2
sin 4α ≡ 4 cos3α sinα − 4 cosα sin3α cos 4α ≡ cos4α − 6 cos2α sin2α + sin4α
4 tg α − 4 tg 3 α
And dividing both identities: tg 4α =
1 − 6 tg 2 α + tg 4 α
6.4 Let α, β and γ be the angles of the triangle PAB with vertices A, B and P respectively.
The angle γ embracing the arc AB is constant for any point P on the arc AB. By the law of
sines we have:
= =
sinα sinβ sinγ
sinα + sinβ
PA + PB = PC
Since γ is constant, the maximum is attained for cos(α /2 − β /2)=1, that is, when the
triangle PAB is isosceles and P is the midpoint of the arc AB.
6.6 Take a as the base of the triangle and draw the altitude. It divides a in two segments
which are the projections of the sides b and c on a:
α α α α
cos α ≡ cos 2 − sin 2 ≡ 1 − 2 sin 2 ≡ 2 cos 2 − 1
2 2 2 2
α 1 − cos α α 1 + cos α
sin ≡± cos ≡±
2 2 2 2
7.1 First at all draw the triangle and see that the homologous vertices are:
P = ( 0, 0 ) P' = ( 4, 2 )
Q = ( 2, 0 ) Q' = ( 2, 0 )
R = ( 0, 1 ) R' = ( 5, 1 )
PQ = 2 e1 QR = −2 e1 + e2 RP = −e2
The size ratio is r = 2 and the angle between the directions of homologous sides is
7.2 Let ABC be a right triangle being C the right angle. The altitude CD cutting the base
AB in D splits ABC in two right angle triangles: ADC and BDC. In order to simplify I
introduce the following notation:
AB = c BC = a CA = b AD = x DB = c − x
The triangles CBA and DCA are oppositely similar because the angle CAD is common and
the other one is a right angle. Hence:
b x −1 = ( c b −1 )* = b −1 c ⇒ b2 = c x
The triangles DBC and CBA are also oppositely similar, because the angle DBC is
common and the other one is a right angle. Hence:
a ( c − x ) −1 = ( c a −1 )* = a −1 c ⇒ a2 = c ( c − x )
a2 + b2 = c ( c − x ) + c x = c2
7.3 First at all we must see that the triangles ABM and BCM are oppositely similar. Firstly,
they share the angle BMC. Secondly, the angles MBC and BAM are equal because they
embrace the same arc BC. In fact, the limiting case of the angle BAC when A moves to B
is the angle MBA. Finally the angle BCM is equal to the angle ABM because the sum of
the angles of a triangle is π. The opposite similarity implies:
MA AB −1 = BC −1 MB ⇒ MA = BC −1 MB AB
MB AB −1 = BC −1 MC ⇒ MC −1 = AB MB −1 BC −1
7.4 Let Q be the intersection point of the segments PA and BC. The triangle PQC is
directly similar to the triangle PBA and oppositely similar to the triangle BQA:
BQ BA −1 = PA −1 PB ⇒ BQ = PA −1 PB BA ⇒ −1
Summing both expressions: BC = BQ + QC = BA ( PB + PC ) PA −1
The three sides of the triangle are equal; therefore: PA = PB + PC
7.5 Let us firstly calculate the homothety ratio k, which is the quotient of homologous
sides and the similarity ratio of both triangles:
AB −1 A'B' = k
OA' = OA k
OA' − OA = OA ( 1 − k )
AA' ( 1 − k ) −1 = OA
Since the segment AA' is known, this equation allows us to calculate the centre O :
7.7 The bisector d of the angle ab divides the triangle abc in two triangles, which are
obviously not similar! However we may apply the law of sines to both triangles to find:
m a n b
= =
sin ad sin dm sin db sin nd
The angles nd and dm are supplementary and sin nd = sin dm. On the other hand, the
angles ad and db are equal because of the angle bisector. Therefore it follows that:
m n
a b
8.1 Let A, B and C be the vertices of the given triangle with anticlockwise position. Let S,
T and U be the vertices of the three equilateral triangles drawn over the sides AB, BC and
CA respectively. Let P, Q and R be the centres of the triangles ABS, BCT and CAU
respectively. The side CU is obtained from AC through a rotation of 2π/3:
2π 2π
CU = AC t with t = 12π / 3 = cos + e12 sin
3 3
CR is 2/3 of the altitude of the equilateral triangles ACU ; therefore is 1/3 of the
diagonal of the parallelogram formed by CA and CU:
CA + CU CA ( 1 − t )
CR = =
3 3
BC ( 1 − t ) AB ( 1 − t )
BQ = AP =
3 3
AB ( 1 − t ) BC ( 1 − t ) CA ( 1 − t )
P = A+ Q=B+ R=C +
3 3 3
( C − B − B + A)( 1 − t )
PQ = Q − P = B − A +
A+ B +C
Introducing the centroid: G=
PQ = AB + BG ( 1 − t ) = AG – BG t
QR = BG – CG t RP = CG – AG z
PQ t = ( AG – BG t ) t = AG t – BG t2
PQ t = AG t + BG + BG t = AG t + BG t + CG t + BG − CG t
= 3 GG + BG – CG t = BG – CG t = QR
QR t = RP RP t = PQ
Therefore P, Q and R form an equilateral triangle with centre in G, the centroid of the
triangle ABC:
P + Q + R A + B + C AB + BC + CA
= + (1 − t ) = G
3 3 3
3 PG = 3 P −
2 A+ B + C
= 3 P 2 − 2 P · (A + B + C ) +
(A + B + C ) 2
A + B + C + 2 A· B + 2 B ·C + 2C · A
2 2 2
= 3 P 2 − 2 P · (A + B + C ) +
2 (− A − B 2 − C 2 + A · B + B · C + C · A)
[ ]
= ( A − P ) + (B − P ) + (C − P ) +
2 2 2
= PA 2 + PB 2 + PC 2 −
(B − A) + (C − B ) + ( A − C )
2 2 2
AB + BC + CA 2
2 2
= PA 2 + PB 2 + PC 2 −
GB ∧ BC = [ − a A + ( 1 − b ) B − c C ] ∧ BC = [ − a A + ( a + c ) B − c C ] ∧ BC =
= ( a AB + c CB ) ∧ BC = a AB ∧ BC ⇒ a=
b) Let us develop PG2 following the same way as in the exercise 8.2:
PG2 = [P − ( a A + b B + c C ) ]2 = P2 − 2 P · ( a A + b B + c C ) + ( a A + b B + c C )2
= ( a + b + c ) P2 − 2 a P · A − 2 b P · B − 2 c P · C + a2 A2 + b2 B2 + c2 C 2 +
= a (A − P )2 + b ( B − P )2 + c ( C − P )2 + a ( a − 1 ) A2 + b ( b − 1) B2
+ c ( c − 1 ) C2 + 2 a b A · B + 2 b c B · C + 2 c a C · A
The Leibniz’s theorem is a particular case of the Apollonius’ lost theorem for a = b = c =
8.4 Let us consider the vertices A, B, C and D ordered clockwise on the perimeter. Since
AP is AB turned π/3, BQ is BC turned π/3, etc, we have:
AP = AB z BQ = BC z CR = CD z DS = DA z
PR · QS = ( PA + AC + CR ) · ( QB + BD + DS )
= [ ( CD − AB ) z + AC ] · [ ( DA − BC ) z + BD ]
= [ ( −AC + BD ) z + AC ] · [ ( −AC − BD ) z + BD ] =
+ AC · [ ( −AC − BD ) z + BD ]
The inner product of two vectors turned the same angle is equal to that of these
vectors before the rotation. We use this fact for the first product. Also we must develop
the other products in geometric products and permute vectors and the complex number z:
z + z*
PR · QS = ( −AC + BD ) · ( −AC − BD ) + ( −AC BD − BD AC − AC2 + BD2 )
2 2
+ AC · BD =
8.5 The median is the segment going from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side:
2 2
m 2A = − A = + = + +
2 2 2 4 4 2
AB 2 AC 2 2 AB · AC − AB 2 − AC 2 AB 2 AC 2 BC 2
= + + = + −
2 2 4 2 2 4
8.6 If E is the intersection point of the bisector of B with the line parallel to the bisector of
A, then the following equality holds:
E = B + b + =C +a
AB +
− a + +b
+ = BC
AB + BC + CA
In the same way, if D is the intersection of the bisector of A with the line parallel to the
bisector of B we have:
D = A + c + =C +d +
− c + +d
BA + = CA
d =−
AB + BC + CA
ED = D − E = − +
2 AB BC AC 2 1 1 1
v= − + = AB + + BC −
When the vector v has the direction AB, the second summand vanishes, AC = BC
and the triangle becomes isosceles.
8.7 Let us indicate the sides of the triangle ABC with a, b and c in the following form:
a = BC b = CA c = AB
Suppose without loss of generality that P lies on the side BC and Q on the side AC .
P = k B + (1 − k ) C Q = l A + (1 − l ) C
CP = k CB = − k a CQ = l CA = l b
where k and l are real and 0 < k, l < 1. Now the segment PQ is obtained:
PQ = k a + l b
Since the area of the triangle CPQ must be the half of the area of the triangle ABC, it
follows that:
CP ∧ CQ = CB ∧ CA ⇒ (− k a ) ∧ (l b ) = − 1 a ∧ b ⇒ kl =
2 2 2
PQ = k a + b
k a + b · u = 0
b·u b·u a ·u
k= − PQ = a − +b −
2a ·u 2a ·u 2b ·u
In this case the solutions only exist when a · u and b · u have different signs. However we
can also choose the point P (or Q) lying on the another side c, what gives an analogous
solution containing the inner product c · u . Note that if a · u and b · u have the same sign,
then c · u have the opposite sign because:
a+b+c=0 ⇒ c·u=−a·u−b·u
By equating the derivative to zero, one obtains the value of k for which PQ2 is minimum:
2 a
b a
PQ = a +b PQ = a b + a·b
2 a 2 b
c) Every point may be written as linear combination of the three vertices of the triangle
the sum of the coefficients being equal to the unity:
R = x A + y B + (1 − x − y ) C ⇔ CR = x CA + y CB
0 < x, y, 1 − x − y < 1 x= y=
Now the point R must lie on the segment PQ, that is, P, Q and R must be aligned. Then
the determinant of their coordinates will vanish:
0 k 1− k 0 k 1− k
1 1
det (P, Q , R ) = l 0 1− l = 0 1− =0
2k 2k
x y 1− x − y x y 1− x − y
1± 1−8x y 1 1m 1−8x y
2xk2 − k + y =0 ⇒ k= and l= =
4x 2k 4y
The limiting curve is an equilateral hyperbola on the plane x-y. Since the triangle may be
obtained through an affinity, the limiting curve for the triangle is also a hyperbola
although not equilateral.
If the extremes P and Q could move along the prolongations of the sides of the
triangle without limitations, this would be the unique condition. However in this problem
the point P must lie between C and B, and Q must lie between C and A. It means the
additional condition:
1 1 1 1± 1−8x y
< k <1 ⇔ < l <1 ⇔ < <1
2 2 2 4x
2 x −1< 1− 8 x y < 4 x −1
only existing for x >1/4. For 1/4 < x < 1/2 the left hand side is negative so that the unique
restriction is the right hand side. By squaring it we obtain:
1 1
1 − 8 x y < (4 x − 1)
⇒ 0 < 2 x + y −1 for <x<
4 2
For x >1/2 the right hand side is higher than 1 so that the unique restriction is the left hand
(2 x − 1)2 < 1 − 8 x y ⇒ x + 2 y −1< 0 for x>
2 x −1< − 1− 8 x y < 4 x −1
only existing for x < 1/2. For 1/4 < x < 1/2 the right hand side is positive so that the
unique restriction is the left hand side:
1 1
(2 x − 1)2 > 1 − 8 x y ⇒ x + 2 y −1> 0 for <x<
4 2
For x < 1/4 both members are negative and after squaring we have:
(2 x − 1)2 > 1 − 8 x y > (4 x − 1)2 ⇒ x + 2 y −1> 0 > 2 x + y −1 for x <
Figure 16.3
It is easily proved that the limiting lines touch the hyperbola at the points (1/4, 1/2)
and (1/2, 1/4). For both triangles painted with light grey there is a unique solution. In the
region painted with dark grey there are two solutions, that is, there are two segments
passing through the point R and dividing the triangle in two parts with equal area. By
means of an affinity the plot in the figure 16.3 is transformed into any triangle (figure
16.4). The affinity is a linear transformation of the coordinates, which converts the
limiting lines into the medians of the triangle intersecting at the centroid and the
hyperbola into another non equilateral hyperbola:
Figure 16.4
Observe that the medians divide the triangle ABC in six triangles. If a point R lies outside
the shadowed triangles, we can always support the extremes of the segment PQ passing
through R in another pair of sides. This means that the division of the triangle is always
possible provided of the suitable choice of the sides. On the other hand, if we consider all
the possibilities, the points neighbouring the centroid admit three segments.
9. Circles
9.1 ( A − M )2 + ( B − M )2 + ( C − M )2 = k
3 M2 − 2 M · ( A + B + C ) + A2 + B2 + C2 = k
k 2 ( A 2 + B 2 + C 2 + A · B + B · C + C · A)
M 2 − 2 M ·G + G 2 = −
3 9
( M − G ) 2 = k − ( B − A) + (C − B ) + ( A − C )
2 2 2
3 9
k AB 2 + BC 2 + CA 2
GM 2 = − = r2
3 9
M runs on a circumference with radius r centred at the centroid of the triangle when k is
higher than the arithmetic mean of the squares of the three sides:
AB 2 + BC 2 + CA 2
9.2 Let A and B be the fixed points and P any point on the searched geometric locus. If the
ratio of distances from P to A and B is constant it holds that:
A2 − 2 A · P + P2 = k2 ( B2 − 2 B · P + P2 )
( 1 − k2 ) P2 − 2 ( A − k2 B ) · P = k2 B2 − A2
2 P · ( A − k 2 B) k 2 B 2 − A2
P2 − =
1− k2 1− k2
A − k 2B
We indicate by O the expression: O = . Adding O2 to both members we obtain:
1− k2
k 2 B 2 − A 2 (A − k 2 B )
OP = 2
1− k2 (1 − k 2 )2
k 2 ( B 2 − 2 A · B + A2 ) k 2 AB 2
OP 2 = =
(1 − k )
2 2
(1 − k )
2 2
Therefore, the points P form a circumference centred at O, which is a point of the line AB,
with radius:
k AB
OP =
1− k2
The triangles ADQ and BDR are also similar because of the equality of the inscribed
angles CAD = CBD:
DB DA −1 = DR DQ −1
Since the angles RDC = PDA and RDB = QDA, the bisector of the angle BDQ is
also bisector of the angle CDP and RDA, being its direction vector:
v= + = + = +
Let P', Q' and R' be the reflected points of P, Q and R with respect to the bisector:
DR' = v −1 DR v
Multiplying by DA we have:
which is an expected result since the reflection of R with respect the bisector of the angle
RDA yields always a point R' aligned with D and A. Analogously for B and C we find that
the points D, B and Q' are aligned and also the points D, C and P':
Now we see that the points R', Q' and P' are the transformed of A, B and C under
an inversion with centre D:
Since D lies on the circumference passing through A, B and C, the inversion transforms
them into aligned points and the reflection preserves this alignment so that P, Q and R are
m 2 n 2 = (a + b ) (b + c ) = (a 2 + a b + b a + b 2 )(b 2 + b c + c b + c 2 )
2 2
= a 2b2 + a 2b c + a 2c b + a 2c 2 + a b3 + a b2c + a b c b + a b c 2 +
+ b a b 2 + b a b c + b a c b + b a c 2 + b 4 + b3c + b 2 c b + b 2 c 2
d 2 = (a + b + c ) = a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + a b + b a + b c + c b + c a + a c
m2n 2 = a 2c 2 + b2d 2 + a 2b c + a 2c b + a b c b + a b c 2 + b a b c + b a c 2
m2n 2 = a 2c 2 + b2d 2 + a 2b c + a b c a + a b c b + a b c 2 + b a b c + c a b c
Now we express the product of each pair of vectors using the exponential function of their
Adding the arguments of the exponential, simplifying and taking into account that α + β +
γ + δ = π.
9.5 Let A, B and C be the midpoints of the sides of any triangle PQR :
The centre of the circumferences RAB, PBC and QCA will be denoted as D, E and F
respectively. The circumference PBC is obtained from the circumscribed circumference
PQR by means of a homothety with centre P. Then if O is the circumcentre of the triangle
PQR, the centre of the circumference PBC is located at half distance from R:
P+O Q +O
E= F=
2 2
EA = + FB = − + EF =
2 2 2 2 2
Z = a A + ( 1 − a ) E = b B + ( 1 − b) F
a EA − b FB = EF
a= −b=
EF ∧ FB FA ∧ FB A E P+Q + R+O
Z= A+ E= + =
EA ∧ FB EA ∧ FB 2 2 4
which is invariant under cyclic permutation of the vertices P, Q and R. Then the lines EA,
FB and DC intersect in a unique point Z. On the other
hand, the point Z lies on the Euler’s line (figure 9.8): Figure 9.8
3G + O
9.6 We must prove that the inversion changes the single ratio of three very close points by
its conjugate value, because the orientation of the angles is changed. Let us consider an
inversion with centre O and radius r and let the points A', B', C' be the transformed of A,
B, C under this inversion. Then:
= − r2 OA −1 AB OB −1
= OB −1 AB AC −1 OC = ( OA + AB ) −1 AB AC −1 ( OA + AC )
When B and C come near A, AB and AC tend to zero and the single ratio for the inverse
points becomes the conjugate value of that for the initial points:
10.1 Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle. We must prove the following
+ =1
Now we identify these quotients with cross ratios of four points A, B, C and D on a circle:
1 r −1
+ =1
r r
When the points do not lie on a circle, the cross ratio is not the quotient of moduli
but a complex number:
exp[e12 (CBD − CAD )] + exp[e12 ( ABD − ACD )] = 1
According to the triangular inequality, the modulus of the sum of two complex
numbers is lower than or equal to the sum of both moduli:
+ ≥1 ⇒ BC AD + AB CD ≥ BD AC
AC AD −1 BD BC −1 = 2
AC AD −1 ( BA + AD ) BC −1 = 2
AC AD −1 BA BC −1 = 2 − AC BC −1
AD −1 = AC −1 ( 2 − AC BC −1 ) BC BA −1 = ( 2 AC −1 BC −1 ) BA −1
AD = AB ( 1 − 2 AC −1 BC ) −1
When C and D approach to A, the vectors AC, AD, A'C' and A'D' tend to zero. So the
single ratio of three very close points remains constant:
and therefore the angle between tangent vectors of curves. So the homography is a
directly conformal transformation.
OA' = OA [ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
where O is the centre of homology, F a point on the axis, v the direction vector of the axis
and r the homology ratio. Then the vector FA' is:
FA' = FO + OA' = FO + OA [ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
= [ FO ( 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ) + OA ] [ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
= [ FA − r FO v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] [ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
FB' = [ FB − r FO v ∧ FB ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] [ 1 − r v ∧ FB ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
FC' = [ FC − r FO v ∧ FC ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] [ 1 − r v ∧ FC ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
FD' = [ FD − r FO v ∧ FD ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] [ 1 − r v ∧ FD ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
The product of two outer products is a real number so that we must only pay attention to
the order of the first loose vectors FA and FO, etc:
FA' ∧ FC' = [ FA ∧ FC − r ( FA ∧ FO v ∧ FC + FO ∧ FC v ∧ FA ) ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ FC ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
FA' ∧ FC' = [ FA ∧ FC − r FA ∧ FC v ∧ FO ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ]
[ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ FC ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
= FA ∧ FC ( 1 − r ) [ 1 − r v ∧ FA ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1 [ 1 − r v ∧ FC ( v ∧ FO ) −1 ] −1
In the projective cross ratio all the factors except the first outer product are simplified:
OP' = ( OP −1 + v ) −1 ⇒ OP' −1 = OP −1 + v
OP'' = ( OP' −1 + w ) −1 = ( OP −1 + v + w ) −1
OP' −1 = ( 1 + v OP ) OP −1 ⇒ OP' = OP ( 1 + v OP ) −1
Then we have:
OA' = OA ( 1 + v OA ) −1 OB' = OB ( 1 + v OB ) −1
OC' = OC ( 1 + v OC ) −1 OD' = OD ( 1 + v OD ) −1
= [ OC ( 1 + v OA ) − OA ( 1 + v OC ) ] ( 1 + v OC ) −1 ( 1 + v OA ) −1
= AC ( 1 + v OC ) −1 ( 1 + v OA ) −1
B'D' = BD ( 1 + v OB ) −1 ( 1 + v OD ) −1
A'D' = AD ( 1 + v OA ) −1 ( 1 + v OD ) −1
B'C' = BC ( 1 + v OB ) −1 ( 1 + v OC ) −1
From where it follows that the complex cross ratio is preserved and it is a special case of
BD ( 1 + v OD ) −1 ( 1 + v OC ) −1 BC −1 = AC AD −1 BD BC −1
10.6 If the points A, B and C are invariant under a certain homography, then for any other
point D' the following equality is fulfilled:
( A B C D ) = ( A B C D' )
AC AD −1 BD BC −1 = AC AD' −1 BD' BC −1
always an antigraphy.
d) If an antigraphy has three invariant points, then all the points lying on the
circumference passing through these points are invariant. Let us prove this statement: if A,
B and C are the invariant points and D belongs to the circumference passing through these
points, then the cross ratio is real:
( A B C D ) = ( A B C D )* = ( A B C D' )
from where D = D' as proved in the exercise 10.6. If D does not belong to this
circumference, D' ≠ D and the cross ratio ( A B C D ) becomes conjugate. A geometric
transformation that preserves a circumference and conjugates the cross ratio can only be
an inversion because there is a unique point D' for each point D fulfilling this condition.
The centre and radius of inversion are those for the circumference ABC.
If A', B' and C' are the images of A, B and C then the coefficients a', b', c' must be
proportional to a, b, c:
ka lb mc
a' = b' = c' =
k a+lb+mc ka+lb+mc ka+lb+mc
where the values are already normalised. Three points are collinear if the determinant of
the barycentric coordinates is zero, what only happens if the initial points are also
aD bD cD
k l m aE aE aE
a' D b' D c' D
aF aF aF
a' E a' E a' E = =0
(k a D + l bD + m c D ) (k a E + l bE + m c E )(k a F + l bF + m c F )
a' F a' F a' F
10.9 In the dual plane the six sides of the hexagon are six points. Since the sides AB, CD
and EF (or their prolongations) pass through P and BC, DE and FA pass through Q, this
means that the dual points are alternatively aligned in two dual lines P and Q. By the
Pappus’ theorem the dual points AD, BE and CF lie on a dual line X, that is, these lines
joining opposite vertices of the hexagon are concurrent in the point X. Moreover, as
proved for the Pappus’ theorem the cross ratios fulfil the equalities in the left hand side:
Since the cross ratio of a pencil of lines is equal to the cross ratio of the dual points, the
equalities in the right hand side follow immediately.
11. Conics
OX = OQ cos χ + OR sin χ
α −γ γ −χ χ −α
= − 4 OQ ∧ OR sin sin sin
2 2 2
α −γ β −δ
sin sin
XA ∧ XC XB ∧ XD 2 2
XA ∧ XD XB ∧ XC α −δ β −γ
sin sin
2 2
11.2 The central equation of an ellipse of centre O with semiaxis OQ and OR is:
P' = O' ( 1 − cos θ − sin θ ) + Q' cos θ + R' sin θ = ( cos θ , sin θ )
Let us now consider any point E and a circle. A line passing through E cuts the circle in
the points A and B; another line passing also through E but with different direction cuts
the ellipse in the points C and D. Since the power of a point E with respect to the circle is
constant we have:
EA EB = EC ED EA EB −1 EB2 = EC ED −1ED2
and this quotient is constant for two given directions because the preservation of the single
ratio implies that the distances in each direction are enlarged by a constant ratio:
E'A' E'B'
11.3 If a diameter is formed by the midpoints of the chords parallel to the conjugate
diameter, then it is obvious that the tangent to the point where the length of the chord
vanishes is also parallel to the conjugate diameter. This evidence may be proved by
derivation of the central equation:
OP = OQ cos θ + OR sin θ
d OP
= − OQ sinθ + OR cos θ
That is, OP and dOP / dθ (having the direction of the tangent to P) are conjugate radius.
The area a of the parallelogram circumscribed to the ellipse is the outer product of both
conjugate diameters, which is independent of θ :
11.4 The area of a parallelogram formed by two conjugate diameters of the hyperbola is
also independent of ψ:
11.5 Let us prove the statement for a circle. The intersections R and R' of a circumference
with a line passing through P are given by (fig. 9.3):
PR = PF cos α − r 2 − PF 2 sin 2α
The point M located between R and R' forming harmonic range with P, R and R' fulfils the
( P R M R' ) = =2
2 PR PR'
Then: PM =
PR + PR'
The numerator is the power of P (constant for any line passing through P) and after
operations we obtain the polar equation of the geometric locus of the points M:
PT 2
PM =
PF cos α
which is the polar line. When α is the angle TPF (figure 9.2) we havePM = PT, that
is, the polar passes through the points T of tangency to the circumference.
Now, by means of any projectivity (e.g. a homology) the circle is transformed into
any conic. Since it preserves the projective cross ratio, the points M also form an aligned
harmonic range in the conic, so the polar also passes through the touching points of the
tangents drawn from P.
Then: EA ∧ EC = −3 EB ∧ ED = −4 EA ∧ ED = −5 EB ∧ EC = −2
EA ∧ EC EB ∧ ED 6
{E , A B C D} = =
EA ∧ ED EB ∧ EC 5
XA ∧ XC = −3 x + 3 XB ∧ XD = x − 2 y + 4
XA ∧ XD = − x − y + 2 XB ∧ XC = − x − y + 5
XA ∧ XC XB XD (− 3 x + 3) (x − 2 y + 4 ) 6
= =
XA ∧ XD XB ∧ XC (− x − y + 2 ) (− x − y + 5) 5
After simplifying we arrive at the point equation:
7 x2 + 2 y2 − 6 x y + x − 4 y = 0
0 1/ 2 − 2 1 − x − y
(1 − x − y x y ) 1 / 2 8 − 9 / 2 x =0
− 2 −9/2 − 2 y
145 − 40 − 55 1 − u − v
[1 − u − v u v ] − 40 16 4 u = 0
− 55 4 1 v
11.7 If we take A, B and C as the base of the points, the coordinates in this base of every
point X will be expressed as:
X = (x A , x B , x C ) x A + x B + xC = 1
If P is the intersection point of the lines AE and BF, then A, P and E are aligned and also
B, P and F, conditions which we may express in coordinates:
1 0 0 0 1 0
(eC f A , e B f C , eC f C )
pA pB pC = 0 pA pB pC = 0 ⇒ ( p A , p B , pC ) =
eC f A + e B f C + eC f C
eA eB eC fA fB fC
If Q is the intersection point of the lines AD and CF, then A, Q and D are aligned and also
C, Q and F, conditions which we may express in coordinates:
1 0 0 0 0 1
(d B f A, d B f B , dC f B )
qA qB qC = 0 qA qB qC = 0 ⇒ (q A , q B , qC ) =
dB f A + d B f B + dC f B
dA dB dC fA fB fC
If R is the intersection point of the lines BD and CE, then B, R and D are aligned and also
C, R and E, conditions which we may express in coordinates:
0 1 0 0 0 1
(d A e A , d A e B , d C e A )
rA rB rC = 0 rA rB rC = 0 ⇒ (rA , rB , rC ) =
d A e A + d A eB + d C e A
dA dB dC eA eB eC
The points P, Q and R will be aligned if and only if the determinant of their coordinates
vanishes. Setting aside the denominators, we have the first step:
fA eB 1 1 1
pA pB pC eC f A eB f C eC f C fC eC fC eC dC
f dC 1 1 1
qA qB qC ∝ d B f A dB fB dC f B ∝ A 1 ∝
fB dB fB eB dB
rA rB rC d Ae A d AeB dC eA eB dC 1 1 1
eA dA fA eA dA
In the second step each row has been divided by a product of two coordinates. In the third
step each column has been divided by a coordinate. And finally, after transposition and
exchange of the first and third columns (turning the elements 90º in the matrix) and
multiplying each column by a product of three coordinates we obtain:
1 1 1
pA pB pC fA fB fC d AeA d B eB d C eC
1 1 1
qA qB qC ∝ ∝ dA fA dB fB dC fC = 0
eA eB eC
rA rB rC 1 1 1 eA f A eB f B eC f C
dA dB dC
The last determinant is zero if and only if the point F lies on the conic passing through A,
B, C, D and E because then it fulfils the conic equation:
d AeA d B eB d C eC
d AxA d B xB d C xC = 0
eA x A eB x B eC x C
11.8 The Brianchon’s theorem is the dual of the Pascal’s theorem. In the dual plane, the
point conic is represented by the tangential conic, the lines tangent to the point conic are
represented by points lying on the tangential conic and the diagonals of the circumscribed
hexagon are represented by the points of intersection P, Q and R of the former exercise.
So the algebraic deduction is the same but in the dual plane.
1 4
5 + 4 e1 = 5 2 − 4 2 = 3 arg(5 + 4 e1 ) = arg tgh = log 3
2 5
( ( )
5 + 4 e1 = 3 log 3 = 3 cosh log 3 + e1 sinh log 3 = 2 + e1
( ))
The four square roots are:
2 + e1 1 + 2 e1 − 2 − e1 − 1 − 2e1
− 3 ± 9 − 4 ⋅ 2 ⋅ (− 17 + 3 e1 )
12.2 2 z 2 + 3 z − 17 + 3 e1 = 0 ⇒ z=
9 − e1 − 15 + e1 − 1 − 6 e1
z1 = z2 = z3 = z 4 = −1 + 3 e1
4 4 2
12.3 Let us apply the new formula for the second degree equation:
6 ± 36 − 4 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 5 6 ± 4
z2 − 6 z + 5 = 0 z= = and
2 ⋅1 2
6 ± e1 36 − 4 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 5 6 ± 4 e1
z= =
2 ⋅1 2
1 + e1 1 − e1
12.4 sin( x + y e1 ) = sin( x + y ) + sin( x − y )
2 2
1 + e1 1 − e1
log( x + y e1 ) = log( x + y ) + log( x − y )
2 2
x+ y
log(x 2 − y 2 ) + 1 log
1 e
2 2 x−y
= log x 2 − y 2 + e1 arg tgh
e1 1 1
t 3 2e
∫−e = 1∫ = = 1
2 2
z dz e t dt e1
1 −1 3 −1 3
π /2
2 2 2e
= cos t + cos 3 t + e1 sint − sin 3 t = 1
3 3 −π / 2 3
e1 e1
z3 2 e1
∫−e = 3 = 3
z dz
− e1
12.8 The proof is analogous to the exercise 3.12: turn the hyperbolic numbers df, dz into
hyperbolic vectors by multiplying them at the left by e2.
13.1 If the vertices of the triangle are A = (2, 2), B = (1, 0) and C = (5, 3) then:
AB = 3 e12 BC = 7 CA = 8
taking into account that γ = ACB is a positive angle. From the sine theorem we have:
BC CA AB 7 8 3 e12
= = ⇒ = =
sinh α sinh β sinh γ sinh α sinh β 5
2 14
whence the angles α and β follow:
5 e12 π
sinhα = − ⇒ α ≅ −0.2027 − e12
2 6 2
5 e12 π
sinhβ = − ⇒ β ≅ −0.4236 − e12
21 2
The plot helps to choose the right sign of the angles. Anyway a wrong choice would be
revealed by the cosine theorem:
BC 2 = CA 2 + AB 2 − 2 CA AB cosh α
CA 2 = AB 2 + BC 2 − 2 AB BC cosh β
13.2 The rotation of the vector is obtained with the multiplication by a hyperbolic
5 3
v' = v zα = (2 e 2 + e 21 ) (cosh log 2 + e1 sinh log 2 ) = (2 e 2 + e 21 ) + e1
4 4
13 11
= e 2 + e 21
4 4
The reflection is obtained by multiplying on the right and on the left by the direction
vector of the reflection and its inverse respectively:
13 e 2 − 11 e 21
v' = d −1 v d = (3 e 2 − e 21 )
(2 e 2 + e 21 ) (3 e 2 − e 21 ) = 1 (3 e 2 − e21 )(7 − 5 e1 ) =
8 4
v' = r 2 v −1 = 9 (2 e 2 + e 21 ) = 3 (2 e 2 + e 21 ) = 6 e 2 + 3 e 21
x +1 y
1 2
v = e1 + 2 e 2
The direction vector is the normal vector of the perpendicular line. The general equation
of a line in the hyperbolic plane is:
n · PR = 0 ⇒ n x (x − x P ) − n y ( y − y P ) = 0
Note the minus sign since this line lies on the hyperbolic plane. The substitution of the
components of the direction vector of the first line and the coordinates of the point R =
(3, 1) through which the line passes results in the equation:
1 ⋅ ( x − 3) − 2 ⋅ ( y − 1) = 0 ⇒ x − 2 y −1= 0
The fact that both lines and the first quadrant bisector intersect in a unique point is
circumstantial. Only it is required that the bisectors of both lines be parallel to the
quadrant bisectors.
2 2
13.4 The line y =3 intersects the hyperbola x – y = 16 in the points R = (−5, 3) and R' =
(5, 3). Then the power of P = (−7, 3) is:
PR PR' = 2 e 2 · 12 e 2 = 24
The line y = – 3 x – 18 cuts the hyperbola in the points T = (–5, –3) and T' = (–17/2,
15/2). Then the power of P is:
3e 9e
PT PT' = (2 e 2 − 6 e 21 ) · − 2 + 21 = −3 + 27 = 24
2 2
7 10 3 10 7 10 3 10
S = − , and S' = ,−
5 5 5 5
The power is:
7 10 3 10 7 10 3 10
PS PS' = − + 7 e 2 + − 3 e 21 · + 7 e 2 + − − 3 e 21
5 5 5
147 27
= − = 24
5 5
x P2 − y P2 − 16 = 49 − 9 − 16 = 24
Introducing the identity for the addition and subtraction of sines we arrive at the law of
a + b tgh
= 2
a − b α − β
13.6 The first triangle has the vertices A = (0, 0), B = (5, 0), C = (5, 3) and the sides:
AB = 5 e2 BC = 3 e21 CA = −5 e2 − 3 e21
The second triangle has the vertices A' = (0, 0), B' = (25, −15), C' = (16, 0) and the
which is the similarity ratio r. The size ratio is the modulus of the similarity ratio:
r = 52 − 32 = 4
that is, the second triangle is four times larger than the first. The angle of rotation
between both figures is the argument of the similarity ratio:
ψ = arg(5 − 3 e1 ) = arg tgh − = − log 2 = −0.6931...
Now plot the vertices of each triangle in the hyperbolic plane and break your Euclidean
illusions about figures with the same shape.
14.1 The shadow of a gnomon follows a hyperbola on a plane (a quadrant) because the
Sun describes approximately a parallel around the North pole during a day. The altitude
of this parallel from the celestial equator is the declination, which changes slowly from
one day to another. The March 21 and September 23 are the equinoxes when the Sun
follows the equator. Since it is a great circle, its central projection is a straight line
named the equinoctial line.
14.2 From the stereographic coordinates we find the Cartesian coordinates of the points:
2 2 1 12 e 2 5 e 3 12 5
A = − e1 + e 2 + e3 B=− + C= e1 + e 3
3 3 3 13 13 13 13
cos a = B · C = a = 1.4223
cos b = C · A = − b = 2.0797
cos c = A · B = − c = 2.0797
The cosines of the angles between planes are obtained through the analogous of scalar
product for bivectors:
(C ∧ A) · ( A ∧ B ) 136
cos α = − =− α = 1.6882
C∧A A∧B 1160
( A ∧ B ) · (B ∧ C ) 2736
cos β = − =− β = 2.0721
A∧B B ∧C 1160 ⋅ 27936
(B ∧ C ) · (C ∧ A) 2736
cos γ = − =− γ = 2.0721
B ∧C C∧A 27936 ⋅ 1160
area = α + β + γ − π = 2.6908
14.3 Let us calculate the Cartesian coordinates of Fastnet (point F), the point in the
middle Atlantic (point A) and Sandy Hook (point S). Identifying the geographical
longitude with the angle ϕ and the colatitude with the angle θ we have:
The length of the arcs is obtained from the inner products of the position vectors:
Now we see that the track is 269 km longer than the shortest path between Fastnet and
Sandy Hook.
Let us investigate whether the Titanic followed the obliged track, that is whether
the point T where the tragedy happened lies on the line AS, by calculating the
determinant of the three points:
A∧T ∧ S 0.0050
sin d = sinσ sin ST = = = 0.0144 d = 49' = 92 km
A∧S 0.3461
14.4 After removing the margins and subtracting the coordinates of the centre of the
photograph in the bitmap file, I have obtained a pair of coordinates u' and v' in pixels,
which are proportional to u and v:
On the other hand, the right ascension A and declination D of these stars are
known data. From the spherical coordinates and taking θ = 90º − D and ϕ = A one
obtains their Cartesian equatorial coordinates in the following way:
The Aries point has the equatorial coordinates (1,0,0). Using these formulas I have
found the coordinates:
star x y z
A photograph is a central projection. So the arch s between two stars A and B is related
with their coordinates (u, v) on the projection plane by:
1 + u A uB + v A vB
cos s AB =
2 2 2 2
1 + uA + vA 1 + uB + vB
The focal distance f is the distance between the projection plane (the photograph) and
the centre of projection. When the focal distance is unknown we only can measure
proportional coordinates u' and v' instead of u and v, and the foregoing formula
(f 2 2
+ u' A + v' A
)( f 2 2 2
+ u' B + v' B cos 2 s AB = ( f 2 + u' A u' B + v' A v' B )
0 = f 4 (1 − cos 2 s AB ) + f 2
[ 2 ( u' A (
u' B + v' A v' B ) − u' A + v' A + u' B + v' B cos 2 s AB
2 2 2 2
) ]
+ ( u' A u' B + v' A v' B ) − u' A + v' A
( 2 2
)( u' B
2 2
+ v' B cos 2 s AB
All the coefficients of the equation are known, because cos sAB = A · B is calculated
from the Cartesian equatorial coordinates obtained from the right ascension and
declination of both stars. The focal distances so obtained are:
star f
α -β Cassiopeia 2012.7
α -γ Cassiopeia 2010.6
α -δ Cassiopeia 2017.2
β -γ Cassiopeia 2003.0
β -δ Cassiopeia 2019.1
γ -δ Cassiopeia 2049.1
mean value 2018.6
The width of the photograph is 750 pixels and the height 1166. If 750 pixels
corresponds to 24 mm and 1166 to 36 mm, we find a focal distance of the camera equal
to 64.6 mm and 62.3 mm respectively. However the author of the photograph indicated
me that his camera has a focal distance of 58 mm, what implies that the original image
was cut a 7 % in the photographic laboratory. This is a customary usage in photography,
so we do not know the enlargement proportion of a paper copy and we must calculate
the focal distance directly from the photograph, which is always somewhat higher than
that calculated from the focal distance of the camera. On the other hand, the calculus of
the focal distance is very sensitive to the errors and truncation of decimals. The best
performance is to write a program to calculate the mean focal distance from the original
data or to make us the paper copies without cutting the image. Known the focal
distance, we are able to calculate the normalised coordinates u and v:
star u v
and from here the inner product between stars and the comet:
1 + u A uH + v A vH
cos( A, H ) =
1 + u A2 + v A2 1 + u H2 + v H2
1 + uB uH + vB vH
cos(B, H ) =
1 + u B2 + v B2 1 + u H2 + v H2
The unknown equatorial coordinates of the comet H are calculated from a system of
three equations:
A · H = cos( A, H )
B · H = cos(B, H )
H 2 =1
Let us introduce the Clifford product instead of the inner product and multiply the first
equation by B and the second one by A on the right:
= cos( A, H ) ⇒ = cos( A, H ) B
2 2
B H +H B B H A+ H B A
= cos(B, H ) ⇒ = cos(B, H ) A
2 2
H 2 =1
A ∧ H ∧ B + H A ∧ B = cos( A, H ) B − cos(B, H ) A
H || A ∧ B = cos( A, H ) B − cos(B, H ) A
H || = (cos( A, H ) B − cos(B, H ) A) ( A ∧ B )
Observe that this result can be only obtained and expressed through the
geometric product, and not through the more usual inner and outer products. The
component perpendicular to the plane AB is proportional to the dual vector of the outer
product of this vectors. Known the coplanar component we may now fix the modulus of
the perpendicular component because H2=1:
e123 A ∧ B
H⊥ = ± 1 − H ||2
There are two solutions, but according to the statement of the problem only one
of them is valid. Since each pair of stars gives two values of H (the position vector of
the comet), we may distinguish the true solution because it has proper values for
different pairs of stars. The mean value with the standard deviation so obtained is:
from where the following equatorial coordinates of the Hale-Bopp comet are obtained:
(u − 1)2 + (v − b)2 = b 2
According to this equation, the intersection of this line with the v-axis has the
( )
coordinates 0, b − b − 1 (the other intersection point falls outside the Poincaré
disk). The inverse of the slope at this point with opposite sign is the tangent of the angle
of parallelism: Figure 15.9
du 1
tg Π (s ) = − = b 2 − 1 ⇒ cos Π (s ) =
dv u = 0 b
Now let us calculate the distance s from the origin to this point. Its hyperbolic cosine is
the inner product of the unitary position vectors of the origin and the point of
b − b2 − 1 b b
cosh s = e 3 · e + e
3 =
− b2 + 1 + b b2 − 1 2
b 2 − 1 b2 − 1
b +1 b −1 1 − cos Π (s ) Π (s )
s = log exp(− s ) = = = tg
b −1 b +1 1 + cos Π (s ) 2
Π (s ) = 2 arctg(exp(− s ))
+ O (a 4 ) = 1 + + O (b 4 ) 1 + + O (c 4 )
a2 b2 c2
2 2 2
a 2 + O (a 4 ) = b 2 + c 2 + O (b 2 c 2 , b 4 , c 4 )
z2 − x2 − y2 =1
a x + b y + c = z
a) The intersection of a quadric (hyperboloid) with a plane is always a conic. Since the
curve is closed, it must be an ellipse (for horizontal planes it is a circle).
b) We hope that the centre of the ellipse be the intersection of the plane with its
perpendicular line passing through the origin (this occurs also in spherical geometry).
The plane has a bivector:
a e 23 + b e31 − e12
a e1 + b e 2 + e 3
because the product of the vector and bivector is equal to a pure volume element:
The axis of a circle is the line passing through the origin and perpendicular to the plane
containing this circle. The centre of the circle is the intersection point of the plane and
axis of this circle, given by the equation system:
a x + b y + c = z
ac bc c
x= y=z ⇒ x= y= z=
a b 1 1 − a 2 − b2 1 − a 2 − b2 1 − a − b2
The distance from any point of the circle to its centre is constant:
2 2
c ac bc
z − 2
−x − 2
−y− 2
1− a − b
1− a − b
1− a − b
2 c2 c 2 (1 − a 2 − b 2 ) c2
1− + = 1−
1− a 2 − b2 (1 − a 2
− b2 )
1− a 2 − b2
Since c > 1 and a + b < 1 this value is always negative, what means that the radius is
2 2
a distance comparable with distances on the Euclidean plane x-y. Taking the real value,
the radius of a circle is:
r= −1
1 − a 2 − b2
However this is not the radius measured on the hyperboloid and obtained from its
projections. The intersection of the axis with the hyperboloid gives its hyperboloidal
z 2 − x 2 − y 2 = 1
a b 1
x= y=z ⇒ x= y= z=
a b 1 1− a − b
2 2
1− a − b
2 2
1 − a 2 − b2
The hyperboloidal radius is the arc length on the hyperboloid from any point of the
circle to its hyperboloidal centre, which should be constant. Making the inner product of
the position vectors of a point on the circle and its centre, we find:
a b z
coshψ = ( x e1 + y e 2 + z e3 ) · e +
2 1
e +
2 2
e =
2 3
1 − a − b 1− a − b 1− a − b
2 2 2
−a x−b y+ z c
1− a − b
2 2
1 − a − b2
ψ = arg cosh
1 − a − b2
2u 2v 1 + u2 + v2
x= y= z=
1− u2 − v2 1 − u2 − v2 1− u2 − v2
Let us make the substitution of these coordinates in the equation of the circle plane:
2au+2bv 1 + u2 + v2
+ c =
1 − u2 − v2 1 − u2 − v2
2 2
c2 a b
= u − + v −
(c + 1)2 c + 1 c + 1
Let us search the intersection points (if they exist) with the limit circle u + v = 1 .
2 2
Then we solve the system of both equations and find that it has a unique solution:
u=a v=b
Since they meet in a unique point and a + b = 1 , the horocycle projection is tangent
2 2
to the limit circle. The centre of the horocycle is the intersection of the hyperboloid with
its axis. However this axis has unity slope, so the intersection lies at the infinity.
dx =
( 1 − v ) du + u v dv
dy =
(1 − u ) dv + u v du
(1 − u − v )
2 2 3/ 2
(1 − u − v ) 2 2 3/ 2
u du + v dv
dz =
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
3/ 2
du ∧ dv
dA = (dx ∧ dy )2 − (dy ∧ dz )2 − (dz ∧ dx )2 =
(1 − u 2
− v2 )
3/ 2
r = u2 + v2 tg θ =
u Figure 15.10
cos(ϕ / 2 )
Since the equation of the line is r = the integral becomes:
cos θ
cos (ϕ / 2 ) cos (ϕ / 2 )
ϕ /2 ϕ /2 ϕ /2 ϕ /2
cos θ
r dr ∧ dθ 1 cos θ cos θ
A= ∫ ∫ (1 − r ) 2 3/ 2
= ∫
−ϕ / 2 1 − r 0
dθ = ∫
2 ϕ
dθ − ∫ dθ =
0 −ϕ / 2 −ϕ / 2
1 − cos − sin θ
2 −ϕ / 2
ϕ /2
= arcsin −θ = π −ϕ
2 −ϕ / 2
A= π −α − β −γ
15.6 In the azimuthal projection, the radius r of a circle centred at the origin is:
2 2
u=x v= y r 2 = u 2 + v 2 = 2 (z − 1)
z +1 z +1
Since the projection is equivalent, we can evaluate the area directly in the plane:
A = π r 2 = 2 π ( z − 1) = 2 π (coshψ − 1)
where ψ is the Weierstrass coordinate, that is, the radius of the circle on the
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Personal pages
Software pages
application to geometric algebra
CLICAL (Clifford Calculator)
MAPLE V package
REDUCE packages
Journal pages
Subject pages
A bisectors,
addition identities, 57 of the sides, 70
affine plane, 31 of the angles, 72
affinity, 51 Bretschneider’s theorem 91, 238 (9.4)
algebra Brianchon’s theorem, 138, 248, (11.8)
fundamental theorem, 24
geometric, of the C
Euclidean space, 170 Cartesian equation of a circle, 80
pseudo-Euclidean space, 188 Cauchy-Riemann conditions, 19
algebraic equation of a line, 37 Cauchy’s
algebraic equations of a circle, 80 theorem, 20
alignment of three points, 35 integral formula, 21
altitudes of a triangle, 73 central
analytic equation for conics, 126
continuation, 151 projection
complex functions, 19 of the sphere, 177
hyperbolic functions, 147 of the hyperboloid, 191
analyticity conditions centroid, 69
complex, 19 Ceva’s theorem, 64
hyperbolic, 148 cevian lines, 69
angle Chasles' theorem, 122
between circles, 89 circle
between Euclidean vectors, 12 of the nine points, 85
between hyperbolic vectors, 156 inscribed in a triangle, 72, 73
of parallelism, 206, 260 (15.1) circumscribed to a triangle, 70, 73
inscribed in a circle, 55 circles, 80, 236
antigraphy, 116 radical axis, 89
Apollonius' theorem radical centre, 90
theorem for the ellipse, 128 circular functions, 54
theorem for the hyperbola, 163 circumcentre, 70
lost theorem, 79, 229 (8.3) circumscribed quadrilateral, 88
area, 33 Clifford, vi, viii, 8
of a parallelogram, 4 Clifford algebras
of a triangle, 35, 68 isomorphism of, 152
of a spherical triangle, 176 complex analytic functions, 19
of Lobachevskian triangle, 206, complex numbers, 13
263 (15.6) binomial form, 13
on the hyperbolic plane, 161 polar and trigonometric form, 13
alignment of three points, 35 matrix representation of, 139
analytic functions, 19 algebraic operations, 14
angle inscribed in a circle, 55 complex plane, 18
associative property, 5 conformal
azimuthal equivalent projection of the cylindrical projection, 202
hyperboloid, 200 transformations, 66
B of hyperbolic segments, 158
base of vectors for the plane, 10 congruence of Lobachevskian triangles,
barycentric coordinates, 33 205
Beltrami’s disk, 191 conic sections, 117
binomial form of a complex number, 15 central equations, 126
imaginary unity, 13 opposite similarity, 62
incentre, 72 orthocentre, 73
infinity, points at, 102 orthogonal hyperbolic vectors, 157
inner product orthographic projection of the sphere, 181
of hyperbolic vectors, 155 orthonormal bases, 11
intercept equation of a line, 40 outer product
intersection of Euclidean vectors, 4
of a line with a circle, 80 of hyperbolic vectors, 155
of two lines, 41
inverse P
of a vector, 7 parametric equations of a line, 36
trigonometric functions, 59 Pascal’s theorem, 138, 248, (11.7)
inversions of vectors, 29 Pauli’s matrices, 153
inversion with respect to a circle, 83 Peano, vi, vii, 128
isometries pencil of lines, 41
hyperbolic, 158 permutation of complex and vector, 17
isomorphism of Clifford algebras, 152 permutative property
isosceles triangle theorem, 158 of Euclidean vectors, 6, 9, 207 (1.5)
of hyperbolic vectors, 155
L perspectivity, 103
Lauren series, 22 Peter's projection, 184
Leibniz, vi, 190 Plate Carré projection, 182
line at the infinity, 47 Poincaré’s
This comparative diagram of the life and works of the authors of (or related with)
the geometric algebra visualises and summarises the chronology. The XIX century may be
properly called the century of the geometric algebra. Note the premature death of Clifford,
which caused the delay in the development of the geometric algebra along the XX