Control of Water Pollution From Agriculture - Idp55e PDF
Control of Water Pollution From Agriculture - Idp55e PDF
Control of Water Pollution From Agriculture - Idp55e PDF
Environmental pollution is a major global concern. When sources of water pollution are
enumerated, agriculture is, with increasing frequency, listed as a major contributor. As
nations make efforts to correct abuses to their water resources, there is a need to determine
the causes of water quality degradation and to quantify pollution contributions from many
sources. Until such time as adequate facts are made available through research to delineate
causes and sources, conflicting opinions continue to flourish and programmes to control and
abate pollution will be less effective and efficient in the use of limited resources.
Existing knowledge indicates that agricultural operations can contribute to water quality
deterioration through the release of several materials into water: sediments, pesticides, animal
manures, fertilizers and other sources of inorganic and organic matter. Many of these
pollutants reach surface and groundwater resources through widespread runoff and
percolation and, hence, are called "non-point" sources of pollution. Identification,
quantification and control of non-point pollution remain relatively difficult tasks as compared
to those of "point" sources of pollution.
FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living of people and, in
implementing this mandate, it promotes agricultural development and national food security.
FAO is equally committed to sustainable development and, hence, has given top priority to
sustainable agricultural development. In this context, the Organization recognizes the key role
of water in agricultural development and implements a comprehensive Regular Programme
on Water Resources Development and Management. One of the thematic areas of this
programme is water quality management which includes, among others, the control of water
pollution from agricultural activities, with particular reference to non-point sources.
It is under the framework of these Regular Programme activities of the Organization that
the preparation of a "guidelines" document on control and management of agricultural water
pollution is initiated. The objective is to delineate the nature and consequences of agricultural
impacts on water quality, and to provide a framework for practical measures to be undertaken
by relevant professionals and decision-makers to control water pollution.
The Organization recognizes that the preparation of the guidelines is only the beginning
in the long process of assisting Member Nations to build national capacity and implement
programmes on the control of agricultural water pollution. The publication will be
disseminated widely among Member Nations and relevant regional and international
organizations. It is intended that this will be followed by regional and national workshops,
with the mobilization of extra-budgetary sources of funds for this purpose.
The Organization recognizes the contribution of the Canada Centre for Inland Waters,
Environment Canada, and the expertise of Dr E. Ongley in the preparation of this document.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of many professionals of FAO for their
inspiration and cooperation in developing the framework and locating references. In
particular, the wise counsel of Drs Arumugam Kandiah, Hans Wolter and Robert Brinkman
of the Land and Water Development Division, is much appreciated. Dr Desmond Walling of
the University Exeter, graciously reviewed the draft manuscript and provided useful comment
and suggestions for improvement. Much appreciation is extended to the many others within
FAO and from other agencies who also reviewed the manuscript. Thanks are also due to Mr
J.G. Kamphuis for reviewing and editing the document and Ms C. Redfern for formatting and
preparing the text for final printing.
The sections on data issues and integrated basin management are largely drawn from
experiences gained through the author's participation in the UNEP/WHO GEMS/Water
Programme in many developing countries. Material on environmental information systems
reflects the author's long association with Dr David Lam and his staff at the Canada Centre
for Inland Waters and Dr David Swain of the University of Guelph.
Control of water pollution from agriculture v
List of tables
List of figures
List of boxes
Chapter 1
Second only to availability of drinking water, access to food supply is the greatest priority.
Hence, agriculture is a dominant component of the global economy. While mechanization of
farming in many countries has resulted in a dramatic fall in the proportion of population
working in agriculture, the pressure to produce enough food has had a worldwide impact on
agricultural practices. In many countries, this pressure has resulted in expansion into marginal
lands and is usually associated with subsistence farming. In other countries, food
requirements have required expansion of irrigation and steadily increasing use of fertilizers
and pesticides to achieve and sustain higher yields. FAO (1990a), in its Strategy on Water for
Sustainable Agricultural Development, and the United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED) in Agenda 21, Chapters 10, 14 and 18 (UNCED, 1992) have
highlighted the challenge of securing food supply into the 21st century.
Sustainable development is the management and conservation of the natural resource base and
the orientation of technological and institutional change in such a manner as to ensure the
attainment and continued satisfaction of human needs for the present and future generations. Such
sustainable development (in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors) conserves land, water,
plant and animal genetic resources, is environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate,
economically viable and socially acceptable.
It is well known that agriculture is the single largest user of freshwater resources, using a
global average of 70% of all surface water supplies. Except for water lost through evapo-
transpiration, agricultural water is recycled back to surface water and/or groundwater.
However, agriculture is both cause and victim of water pollution. It is a cause through its
discharge of pollutants and sediment to surface and/or groundwater, through net loss of soil
by poor agricultural practices, and through salinization and waterlogging of irrigated land. It
is a victim through use of wastewater and polluted surface and groundwater which
contaminate crops and transmit disease to consumers and farm workers. Agriculture exists
within a symbiosis of land and water and, as FAO (1990a) makes quite clear, ... appropriate
steps must be taken to ensure that agricultural activities do not adversely affect water
quality so that subsequent uses of water for different purposes are not impaired.
2 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
Sagardoy (FAO, 1993a) summarized the action items for agriculture in the field of water
quality as:
prevention of adverse effects of agricultural activities on water quality for other social
and economic activities and on wetlands, inter alia through optimal use of on-farm
inputs and the minimization of the use of external inputs in agricultural activities.
establishment of biological, physical and chemical water quality criteria for agricultural
water users and for marine and riverine ecosystems.
proper disposal of sewage from human settlements and of manure produced by intensive
livestock breeding.
education of communities about the pollution impacts of the use of fertilizers and
chemicals on water quality and food safety.
This publication deals specifically with the role of agriculture in the field of freshwater
quality. Categories of non-point source impacts ? specifically sediment, pesticides, nutrients,
and pathogens ? are identified together with their ecological, public health and, as
appropriate, legal consequences. Recommendations are made on evaluation techniques and
control measures. Much of the scientific literature on agricultural impacts on surface and
groundwater quality is from developed countries, reflecting broad scientific concern and, in
some cases, regulatory attention since the 1970s. The scientific findings and management
principles are, however, generally applicable worldwide. This publication does not deal with
water quality impacts caused by food processing industries insofar as these are considered to
be point sources and are usually subject to control through effluent regulation and
Agriculture, as the single largest user of freshwater on a global basis and as a major cause of
degradation of surface and groundwater resources through erosion and chemical runoff, has
cause to be concerned about the global implications of water quality. The associated
agrofood-processing industry is also a significant source of organic pollution in most
countries. Aquaculture is now recognised as a major problem in freshwater, estuarine and
coastal environments, leading to eutrophication and ecosystem damage. The principal
environmental and public health dimensions of the global freshwater quality problem are
highlighted below:
Experts predict that, because pollution can no longer be remedied by dilution (i.e. the
flow regime is fully utilized) in many countries, freshwater quality will become the principal
limitation for sustainable development in these countries early in the next century. This
crisis is predicted to have the following global dimensions:
q Decline in sustainable food resources (e.g. freshwater and coastal fisheries) due to
q Many countries can no longer manage pollution by dilution, leading to higher levels of
aquatic pollution.
The real and potential loss of development opportunity because of diversion of funds for
remediation of water pollution has been noted by many countries. At the 1994 Expert
Meeting on Water Quantity and Quality Management convened by the Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Asian representatives approved a declaration
which called for national and international action to assess loss of economic opportunity due
to water pollution and to determine the potential economic impacts of the looming water
crisis. Interestingly, the concern of the delegates to the ESCAP meeting was to demonstrate
the economic rather than simply the environmental impacts of water pollution on sustainable
development. Creditworthiness (Matthews, 1993) is of concern insofar as lending institutions
now look at the cost of remediation relative to the economic gains. There is concern that if the
cost of remediation exceeds economic benefits, development projects may no longer be
creditworthy. Sustainable agriculture will, inevitably, be required to factor into its water
resource planning the larger issues of sustainable economic development across economic
sectors. This comprehensive approach to management of water resources has been
highlighted in the World Bank's (1993) policy on water resource development.
Classes of non-point source pollution (highlighted categories refer to agricultural activities)
(Source: International Joint Commission, 1974, and other sources)
Agriculture Runoff from all categories of agriculture leading to surface Phosphorus, nitrogen, metals,
Animal feedlots and groundwater pollution. In northern climates, runoff from pathogens, sediment,
Irrigation frozen ground is a major problem, especially where manure pesticides, salt, BOD , trace
Cultivation is spread during the winter. Vegetable handling, especially elements (e.g. selenium).
Pastures washing in polluted surface waters in many developing
Dairy farming countries, leads to contamination of food supplies. Growth
Orchards of aquaculture is becoming a major polluting activity in
Aquaculture many countries. Irrigation return flows carry salts, nutrients
and pesticides. Tile drainage rapidly carries leachates such
as nitrogen to surface waters.
Forestry Increased runoff from disturbed land. Most damaging is Sediment, pesticides.
forest clearing for urbanization.
Liquid waste Disposal of liquid wastes from municipal wastewater effluents, Pathogens, metals, organic
disposal sewage sludge, industrial effluents and sludges, wastewater from compounds.
home septic systems; especially disposal on agricultural land,
and legal or illegal dumping in watercourses.
Urban areas Urban runoff from roofs, streets, parking lots, etc. leading to Fertilizers, greases and oils,
Residential overloading of sewage plants from combined sewers, or polluted faecal matter and pathogens,
Commercial runoff routed directly to receiving waters; local industries and organic contaminants (e.g.
2 3
Industrial businesses may discharge wastes to street gutters and storm PAHs and PCBs ), heavy
drains; street cleaning; road salting contributes to surface and metals, pesticides, nutrients,
groundwater pollution. sediment, salts, BOD, COD ,
Rural sewage Overloading and malfunction of septic systems leading to surface Phosphorus, nitrogen, pathogens
systems runoff and/or direct infiltration to groundwater. (faecal matter).
Transportation Roads, railways, pipelines, hydro-electric corridors, etc. Nutrients, sediment, metals,
organic contaminants, pesticides
(especially herbicides).
Mineral extraction Runoff from mines and mine wastes, quarries, well sites. Sediment, acids, metals, oils,
organic contaminants, salts
Recreational land use Large variety of recreational land uses, including ski resorts, Nutrients, pesticides, sediment,
boating and marinas, campgrounds, parks; waste and "grey" pathogens, heavy metals.
water from recreational boats is a major pollutant, especially in
small lakes and rivers. Hunting (lead pollution in waterfowl).
Solid waste disposal Contamination of surface and groundwater by leachates and Nutrients, metals, pathogens,
gases. Hazardous wastes may be disposed of through organic contaminants.
underground disposal.
Dredging Dispersion of contaminated sediments, leakage from containment Metals, organic contaminants.
Deep well disposal Contamination of groundwater by deep well injection of liquid Salts, heavy metals, organic
wastes, especially oilfield brines and liquid industrial wastes. contaminants.
Atmospheric Long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRTAP) and Nutrients, metals, organic
deposition deposition of land and water surfaces. Regarded as a significant contaminants.
source of pesticides (from agriculture, etc.), nutrients, metals,
etc., especially in pristine environments.
BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand
PAH = Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PCB = Polycyclic Chlorinated Bi-Phenyls
COD = Chemical Oxygen Demand
Control of water pollution from agriculture 5
Non-point source water pollution, once known as diffuse source pollution, arises from a
broad group of human activities for which the pollutants have no obvious point of entry into
receiving watercourses. In contrast, point source pollution represents those activities where
wastewater is routed directly into receiving water bodies by, for example, discharge pipes,
where they can be easily measured and controlled. Obviously, non-point source pollution is
much more difficult to identify, measure and control than point sources. The term diffuse
source should be avoided as it has legal connotation in the United States that can now include
certain types of point sources.
In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) has an extensive
permitting system for point discharge of pollutants in watercourses. Therefore, in that
country, non-point sources are defined as any source which is not covered by the legal
definition of point source as defined in the section 502(14) of the United States Clean
Water Act (Water Quality Act) of 1987:
The term point source means any discernible, confined and discrete
conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit,
well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding
operation, or vessel or other floating craft, form which pollutants are or may be
discharged. This term does not include agricultural storm water discharges and
return flows from irrigated agriculture.
The reference to agricultural storm water discharges is taken to mean that pollutant
runoff from agriculture occurs primarily during storm flow conditions. However, even in the
United States, the distinction between point and non-point sources can be unclear and, as
Novotny and Olem (1994) point out, these terms tend to have assumed legal rather than
technical meanings.
Conventionally, in most countries, all types of agricultural practices and land use,
including animal feeding operations (feed lots), are treated as non-point sources. The
main characteristics of non-point sources are that they respond to hydrological conditions,
are not easily measured or controlled directly (and therefore are difficult to regulate), and
focus on land and related management practices. Control of point sources in those
countries having effective control programmes is carried out by effluent treatment according
to regulations, usually under a system of discharge permits. In comparison, control of non-
point sources, especially in agriculture, has been by education, promotion of appropriate
management practices and modification of land use.
Table 1 outlines the classes of non-point sources and their relative contributions to pollution
loadings. Agriculture is only one of a variety of causes of non-point sources of pollution,
however it is generally regarded as the largest contributor of pollutants of all the categories.
6 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
Hierarchial complexity of agriculturally-related water quality problems (Rickert, 1993)
In what is undoubtedly the earliest and still most extensive study of non-point source
pollution, Canada and the United States undertook a major programme of point and non-point
source identification and control in the 1970s for the entire Great Lakes basin. This was
precipitated by public concern (e.g. press reports that Lake Erie was dead!) over the
deterioration in water quality, including the visible evidence of algal blooms and increase in
aquatic weeds. Scientifically, the situation was one of hypertrophic conditions in Lake Erie
and eutrophic conditions in Lake Ontario caused by excessive phosphorus entering the
Lower Great Lakes from point and non-point sources. The two countries, under the bilateral
International Joint Commission, established the Pollution from Land Use Activities
Reference Groups (known as PLUARG) which served as the scientific vehicle for a ten
year study of pollution sources from the entire Great Lakes basin, and which culminated in
major changes both to point and non-point source control. The study also resulted in an
unprecedented increase in scientific understanding of the impacts of land use activities on
water quality. This work, mainly done in the 1970s and early 1980s, still has great relevance
to non-point source issues now of concern elsewhere in the world.
The PLUARG study, through analysis of monitoring data of rivers within the Great
Lakes, from detailed studies of experimental and representative tributary catchments, and
from research of agricultural practices at the field and plot level, found that non-point sources
in general, and agriculture in particular, were a major source of pollution to the Great Lakes.
By evaluation of the relative contributions of point and non-point sources to pollution loads to
the Great Lakes, the PLUARG study proposed a combined programme of point source
control and land use modification. The two federal governments and riparian state and
provincial governments implemented these recommendations with the result that the two
lower and most impacted Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) have undergone major
improvements in water quality and in associated ecosystems in the past decade. A significant
factor in the agricultural sector was the high degree of public participation and education.
Change in agricultural practices was, in many cases, achieved by demonstrating to farmers
that there were economic gains to be realized by changing land management practices.
In most industrialized countries, the focus on water pollution control has traditionally
been on point source management. In the United States, which is probably reasonably typical
of other industrialized nations, the economics of further increases in point source regulation
are being challenged, especially in view of the known impacts of non-point sources of which
agriculture has the largest overall and pervasive impact. There is a growing opinion that,
despite the billions of dollars spent on point source control measures, further point source
control cannot achieve major additional benefits in water quality without significant control
over non-point sources. In this context, it is relevant to note that agriculture is regarded as the
main non-point source issue. Table 2 presents the outcome of a study by US-EPA (1994) on
the ranking of sources of water quality deterioration in rivers, lakes and estuaries.
The United States is one of the few countries that systematically produces national
statistics on water quality impairment by point and non-point sources. In its 1986 Report to
Congress, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) reported that 65%
of assessed river miles in the United States were impacted by non-point sources. Again, in its
most recent study, the US-EPA (1994) identified agriculture as the leading cause of water
These terms refer to the levels of nutrient enrichment in water; these are described in Chapter 3.
8 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
Leading sources of water quality impairment in the United States (US-EPA, 1994)
Rank Rivers Lakes Estuaries
Percent of assessed river length and lake area impacted (US-EPA, 1994)
Source of pollution Rivers Lakes Nature of pollutant Rivers Lakes
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Number of States reporting groundwater contamination (maximum possible is 50) (US-EPA,
Pollutants No. of States Pollutants No. of States
quality impairment of rivers and lakes in the United States (Table 3) and third in importance
for pollution of estuaries. Agriculture also figures prominently in the types of pollutants as
noted in Table 3. Sediment, nutrients and pesticides occupy the first four categories and are
significantly associated with agriculture. While these findings indicate the major importance
of agriculture in water pollution in the United States, the ranking would change in countries
with less control over point sources. However, a change in ranking only indicates that point
source controls are less effective, not that agricultural sources of pollution are any less
Since the 1970s there has also been growing concern in Europe over the increases in
nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticide residues in surface and groundwater. Intense cultivation
and factory livestock operations led to the conclusion, already drawn by the French in 1980,
that agriculture is a significant non-point source contributor to surface and groundwater
pollution (Ignazi, 1993). In a recent comparison of domestic, industrial and agricultural
sources of pollution from the coastal zone of Mediterranean countries, UNEP (1996) found
that agriculture was the leading source of phosphorus compounds and sediment.
The European Community has responded with Directive (91/676/EEC) on Protection of
waters against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources. The situation in France has
resulted in the formation of an Advisory Committee for the Reduction of Water Pollution by
Nitrates and Phosphates of Agricultural Origin under the authorities of the Ministry of
Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment (Ignazi, 1993).
Agriculture is also cited as a leading cause of groundwater pollution in the United
States. In 1992, fully forty-nine of fifty states identified that nitrate was the principal
groundwater contaminant, followed closely by the pesticide category (Table 4). The US-EPA
(1994) concluded that: more than 75% of the states reported that AGRICULTURAL
ACTIVITIES posed a significant threat to GROUNDWATER quality.
In an analysis of wetlands, the US-EPA (1994) reported that: "AGRICULTURE is the
most important land use causing WETLAND degradation".
Similar data are difficult to obtain or are not systematically collected and reported in
other countries, however, numerous reports and studies indicate that similar concerns are
expressed in many other developed and developing countries.
Agricultural impacts on water quality
Agricultural activity Impacts
Manure spreading Carried out as a fertilizer activity; spreading on frozen Contamination of ground-water,
ground results in high levels of contamination of especially by nitrogen
receiving waters by pathogens, metals, phosphorus
and nitrogen leading to eutrophication and potential
Pesticides Runoff of pesticides leads to contamination of surface Some pesticides may leach into
water and biota; dysfunction of ecological system in groundwater causing human
surface waters by loss of top predators due to growth health problems from
inhibition and reproductive failure; public health contaminated wells.
impacts from eating contaminated fish. Pesticides are
carried as dust by wind over very long distances and
contaminate aquatic systems 1000s of miles away
(e.g. tropical/subtropical pesticides found in Arctic
Feedlots/animal corrals Contamination of surface water with many pathogens Potential leaching of nitrogen,
(bacteria, viruses, etc.) leading to chronic public health metals, etc. to groundwater.
problems. Also contamina-tion by metals contained in
urine and faeces.
Clear cutting Erosion of land, leading to high levels of turbidity in Disruption of hydrologic regime,
rivers, siltation of bottom habitat, etc. Disruption and often with increased surface
change of hydrologic regime, often with loss of runoff and decreased
perennial streams; causes public health problems due groundwater recharge; affects
to loss of potable water. surface water by decreasing flow
in dry periods and concentrating
nutrients and contaminants in
surface water.
TBT = Tributyltin
Control of water pollution from agriculture 11
Turbid irrigation return flow from a large irrigated area of southern Alberta, Canada
12 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
Seasonal nitrate variations in shallow sand aquifers in Sri Lanka in areas under intensive
fertilized irrigation
(Yala refers to the dry season; maha refers to the rainy season)
Polluted water is a major cause of human disease, misery and death. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO), as many as 4 million children die every year as a result of
diarrhoea caused by water-borne infection. The bacteria most commonly found in polluted
water are coliforms excreted by humans. Surface runoff and consequently non-point source
pollution contributes significantly to high level of pathogens in surface water bodies.
Improperly designed rural sanitary facilities also contribute to contamination of groundwater.
Agricultural pollution is both a direct and indirect cause of human health impacts. The
WHO reports that nitrogen levels in groundwater have grown in many parts of the world as a
result of intensification of farming practice (WHO, 1993). This phenomenon is well known
in parts of Europe. Nitrate levels have grown in some countries to the point where more than
10% of the population is exposed to nitrate levels in drinking water that are above the 10 mg/l
guideline. Although WHO finds no significant links between nitrate and nitrite and human
cancers, the drinking water guideline is established to prevent methaemoglobinaemia to which
infants are particularly susceptible (WHO, 1993).
Reiff (1987), in his discussion of irrigated agriculture, notes that water pollution is both a
cause and an effect in linkages between agriculture and human health. The following health
impacts (in descending order of health significance) which apply, in particular, to developing
countries, were noted by Reiff:
To this list can be added factors such as the potential for hormonal disruption (endocrine
disruptors) in fish, animals and humans. Hormones are produced by the body's endocrine
system. Because of the critical role of hormones during early development, toxicological
effects on the endocrine system often have impacts on the reproductive system (Kamrin,
1995). While pesticides such as DDT have been implicated, the field of endocrine disruption
is in its infancy and data which support cause and effect are not yet conclusive. It is probably
safe to conclude, however, that high levels of agricultural contaminants in food and water as
are found in many developing country situations have serious implications for reproduction
and human health. Box 2 presents a survey of the agricultural impacts in the Aral Sea region.
14 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
The social, economic and ecological disaster that has occurred in the Aral Sea and its drainage basin
since the 1960s, is the world's largest example of how poorly planned and poorly executed agricultural
practices have devastated a once productive region. Although there are many other impacts on water
quality in the region, improper agricultural practice is the root cause of this disaster. Virtually all
agriculture is irrigated in this arid area. The Aral Sea basin includes Southern Russia, Uzbekistan,
Tadjikistan, and part of Kazakhstan, Kirghiztan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.
UNEP (1993) concludes that, high mineral [salt] content in drinking waters affects the morbidity of
digestive, cardiovascular and urine-secretion system organs, as well as the development of
gynaecological and pregnancy-related pathology, and ... the effects of pesticides on the level of
oncological [cancer], pulmonary, and haematological morbidity, as well as on inborn deformities and
other genetic factors .... exposure to pesticides also has been linked to immune system deficiencies....
Data on water pollution in developing countries are limited. Further, such data are mostly
"aggregated", not distinguishing the relative proportion of "point" and "non-point" sources. In
Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health reported the results of pollution monitoring of 32
rivers (Table 6).
At the river basin scale, the nature of decision making is quite different. At this scale,
the typical decision-making problem for non-point source control in many developing
countries is that illustrated in Box 3.
Control of water pollution from agriculture 17
1. Environmental status:
4. Type of solution:
It is not possible in this publication to describe in detail the tools that are used to
address this basin-scale management problem. Moreover, many of the tools are not yet
systematized to the point where they are easily accessible to agricultural practitioners.
One area, however, that is well known, is the data problem. The water quality database that is
available in many developing countries (and in some developed countries) is of little value in
pollution management at the river basin scale nor is it useful for determining the impact of
agriculture relative to other types of anthropogenic impacts.
A common observation amongst water quality professionals is that many water quality
programmes, especially in the developing countries, collect the wrong parameters, from the
18 Introduction to agricultural water pollution
wrong places, using the wrong substrates and at inappropriate sampling frequencies, and
produce data that are often quite unreliable. Further, the data are not assessed or evaluated,
and are not sufficiently connected to realistic and meaningful programme, legal or
management objectives. This is not the fault of the developing countries; more often it results
from inappropriate technology transfer from the developed countries and an incorrect
assumption by recipients and donors that the data paradigm developed by the developed
countries is appropriate in the developing countries (Ongley, 1994).
Additionally, water quality monitoring programmes, worldwide, are under severe stress
as governments reduce budgets, downsize, and shift priorities. "Monitoring" has become a
dirty word and governments are increasingly reluctant to pay for it. Paradoxically, the need
for reliable water quality information has never been greater. Fortunately, new scientific
research, together with budget realities, now makes it possible to rethink and redesign data
programmes that are inherently more focused, more practical, more efficient, produce more
information and less data, and which meet programme goals in measurable economic terms
(see Chapter 5).
This publication is not the place to deal substantively with new monitoring (data
collection) techniques; however, it is sufficient to note here that monitoring technology has
changed dramatically in the past decade, to the point where significant economic and
information gains can be achieved in most monitoring programmes (Chapter 5). Significant
for agricultural programmes is that water quality data are rarely collected by ministries of
agriculture. Nevertheless, sustainable agriculture within the framework of comprehensive
basin management will require relevant and reliable data upon which to make management
decisions. This will necessitate intervention by agriculturalists in existing water quality data
programmes if relevant data are to be collected for agricultural management purposes.
Control of water pollution from agriculture 19
Chapter 2
Pollution by sediments
One is the PHYSICAL DIMENSION - top soil loss and land degradation by
gullying and sheet erosion and which leads both to excessive levels of turbidity
in receiving waters, and to off-site ecological and physical impacts from
deposition in river and lake beds.
The other is a CHEMICAL DIMENSION - the silt and clay fraction (<63m
fraction), is a primary carrier of adsorbed chemicals, especially phosphorus,
chlorinated pesticides and most metals, which are transported by sediment into
the aquatic system.
Erosion is also a net cost to agriculture insofar as loss of top soil represents an economic
loss through loss of productive land by erosion of top soil, and a loss of nutrients and organic
matter that must be replaced by fertilizer at considerable cost to the farmer in order to
maintain soil productivity. The reader is referred to Roose (FAO, 1994a) for a detailed
analysis of the social, economic and physical consequences of erosion of agricultural land and
of measures that should be taken to control erosion under different types of land use,
especially in developing countries. Whereas Roose is mainly concerned with the impact of
erosion on agriculture, this publication is primarily concerned with agricultural erosion from
the perspective of its impacts on downstream water quality.
Global estimates of erosion and sediment transport in major rivers of the world vary widely,
reflecting the difficulty in obtaining reliable values for sediment concentration and discharge
in many countries, the assumptions that are made by different researchers, and the opposing
20 Pollution by sediments
High levels of turbidity limit penetration of sunlight into the water column, thereby
limiting or prohibiting growth of algae and rooted aquatic plants. In spawning rivers,
gravel beds are blanketed with fine sediment which inhibits or prevents spawning of fish.
In either case, the consequence is disruption of the aquatic ecosystem by destruction of
habitat. Notwithstanding these undesirable effects, the hypertrophic (nutrient rich) status
of many shallow lakes, especially in developing countries, would give rise to immense
growth of algae and rooted plants were it not for the limiting effect of light extinction due
to high turbidity. In this sense, high turbidity can be beneficial in highly eutrophic
lakes; nevertheless, many countries recognise that this situation is undesirable for both
aesthetic and economic reasons and are seeking means to reduce both turbidity and
nutrient levels. Box 4 presents the impact of sediment on coral reefs.
Sediment has been identified as a major cause of decline and destruction of coral reefs, world
wide. Experts (M. Risk, pers. comm., 1995) estimate that percentages of reefs affected by
siltation are:
Studies of coral reefs in the Australia indicate that terrestrial particulate organic carbon can be
transported off-shore over distances of 110 km to reef locations (Risk et al., 1994). Sediment is
largely produced by agricultural activities and from erosion of deforested lands. Sediment
production from intensive logging of the island of Madagascar have killed the fringing reefs.
Observations from space described the transition of Madagascar from an island of green in a
sea of blue, to an island of brown in a sea of red (sediment).
Control of water pollution from agriculture 21
that the central portion of the river basin is now dominated by sediment deposition. This
has resulted in serious disruption of river transportation, and clogs hydraulic facilities
that have been built to provide irrigation water from the main river channel. The
sediment largely originates from rapidly eroding sub-basins due to poor agricultural
The role of sediment in chemical pollution is tied both to the particle size of sediment, and to
the amount of particulate organic carbon associated with the sediment. The chemically active
fraction of sediment is usually cited as that portion which is smaller than 63 m (silt + clay)
fraction. For phosphorus and metals, particle size is of primary importance due to the large
surface area of very small particles. Phosphorus and metals tend to be highly attracted to ionic
exchange sites that are associated with clay particles and with the iron and manganese
coatings that commonly occur on these small particles. Many of the persistent,
bioaccumulating and toxic organic contaminants, especially chlorinated compounds including
many pesticides, are strongly associated with sediment and especially with the organic carbon
that is transported as part of the sediment load in rivers. Measurement of phosphorus
transport in North America and Europe indicate that as much as 90% of the total phosphorus
flux in rivers can be in association with suspended sediment.
The affinity for particulate matter by an organic chemical is described by its octanol-
water partitioning coefficient (Kow). This partitioning coefficient is well known for most
organic chemicals and is the basis for predicting the environmental fate of organic chemicals
(see Chapter 4). Chemicals with low values of Kow are readily soluble, whereas those with
high values of Kow are described as hydrophobic and tend to be associated with particulates.
Chlorinated compounds such as DDT and other chlorinated pesticides are very hydrophobic
and are not, therefore, easily analysed in water samples due to the very low solubility of the
chemical. For organic chemicals, the most important component of the sediment load appears
to be the particulate organic carbon fraction which is transported as part of the sediment.
Scientists have further refined the partitioning coefficient to describe the association with the
organic carbon fraction (Koc).
Unlike phosphorus and metals, the transport and fate of sediment-associated organic
chemicals is complicated by microbial degradation that occurs during sediment transport in
rivers and in deposited sediment. Nevertheless, the role of sediment in the transport and fate
of agricultural chemicals, both for nutrients, metals, and pesticides is well known and must be
taken into account when monitoring for these chemicals, and when applying models as a
means of determining optimal management strategies at the field and watershed level. For
this reason, models using the "fugacity" concept (uses the partitioning characteristics [Chapter
4] of chemicals as a basis for determining the environmental compartment - air, sediment,
22 Pollution by sediments
Schematic diagram showing the major processes that link rainfall and runoff
water, biota - in which the chemical is primarily found) has proven effective in predicting the
environmental pathways and fate of contaminants (Mackay and Paterson, 1991).
Organic chemicals associated with sediment enter into the food chain in a variety of
ways. Sediment is directly ingested by fish however, more commonly, fine sediment
(especially the carbon fraction) is the food supply for benthic (bottom dwelling) organisms
which, in turn, are the food source for high organisms. Ultimately, toxic compounds
bioaccumulate in fish and other top predators. In this way, pesticides that are transported off
the land as part of the runoff and erosion process, accumulate in top predators including man.
The major characteristic of non-point source pollution is that the primary transfer mechanisms
from land to water are driven by those hydrological processes that lead to runoff of nutrients,
sediment and pesticides. This is important, not only to understand the nature of agricultural
pollution, but also because modelling of hydrological processes is the primary mechanism by
which agriculturalists estimate and predict agricultural runoff and aquatic impacts. Except
where agricultural chemicals are dumped directly into watercourses, almost all other non-
point source control techniques in agriculture involve control or modification of runoff
processes through various land and animal (manure) management techniques.
In large parts of the world, precipitation is in the form of rain. However, in those areas
where precipitation is in the form of snow, the science becomes more complex. Nevertheless,
control measures, whether for areas subject to rain or snow can be easily summarized.
Therefore, for the purpose of this publication, focus will be on the relationships between
rainfall and runoff.
Control of water pollution from agriculture 23
While the practice of hydrology can be quite theoretical, the principal concepts are easily
understood (Figure 4).
Rainfall: The primary controlling factor is the rate (intensity) of rainfall. This controls the
amount of water available at the ground surface, and is closely related to measures of energy
that are used in many mathematical formulations to calculate soil detachment by rain drops.
Soil detachment makes soil particles available for sediment runoff.
Infiltration: Infiltration rate, the rate at which surface water passes into the soil (cm/hr), is
one of the most common terms in hydrologic equations for calculating surface runoff.
Infiltration is not identical to permeability; it is mainly controlled by capillary forces in the soil
which, in turn, reflect the prevailing conditions of soil moisture, soil texture, degree of surface
compaction, etc. Infiltration will vary between and within rainfall events, depending upon
factors such as antecedent soil moisture, nature of vegetation, etc. In general, infiltration rate
begins at a high value during a precipitation event, and decreases to a small value when the
soil has become saturated.
Surface runoff: This is the amount of water available at the surface after all losses have been
accounted for. Losses include evapotranspiration by plants, water that is stored in surface
depressions caused by irregularity in the soil surface, and water that infiltrates into the soil.
The interaction between infiltration rate and precipitation rate mainly governs the amount of
surface runoff. Intense rainstorms tend to produce much surface runoff because the rate of
precipitation greatly exceeds the infiltration rate. Similarly, in areas of monsoonal rain and
tropical storms, the length and intensity of precipitation frequently exceeds infiltration
capacity. Destruction of protective surface vegetation and compaction of the soil, especially in
tropical environments, leads to major erosional phenomena due to the amount of surface
runoff (Figure 5). Except for nitrogen which is usually found in groundwater in agricultural
areas, surface runoff is the primary contributor of agricultural chemicals, animal wastes, and
sediment to river channels.
Interflow: (sometimes called "throughflow") Because soil horizons have different levels of
permeability not all water in the soil will move downward into the groundwater. The residual
water in the soil will move along the soil horizons, parallel to the ground surface. Interflow
usually emerges near the bottom of slopes and in valley bottoms. Therefore, identification of
these hydrologically active zones is an important part of agricultural non-point source control
measures. Interflow is the mechanism which has also been linked to soil piping, a potentially
destructive characteristic in some soils by which shallow "pipes" form naturally in the soil and
are enlarged by interflow to the point where they collapse causing gullies in the agricultural
24 Pollution by sediments
Massive gully erosion in agricultural areas of southern Brazil
Relationship between drainage area and sediment delivery ratio (Source: USDA, 1983)
Groundwater: Groundwater is supplied by water which passes through the soil horizons into
the parent material and/or bedrock underlying the soil. Groundwater tends to flow towards
rivers channels where it emerges and supports stream flow during periods of little or no rain.
This component of stream flow is called "base flow". The chemistry of baseflow reflects the
soil and bedrock geochemistry, plus any agrochemicals that have been leached into the
wastes, sludges, and other wastes that were spread on frozen agricultural soils during the
winter period. Correct management of animal wastes in regions of frozen ground has major
beneficial effects on water quality.
The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) is commonly used in erosion and transport studies to
describe the extent to which eroded soil (sediment) is stored within the basin. The SDR is
defined as:
The SDR is always less than 1.0 as illustrated in Figure 6, indicating that soil that is
eroded at the field level tends not to travel far before it is deposited. Indeed, sediment storage
in rills on fields, at field margins and at the foot of slopes is large. Storage also occurs in river
channels (bed and overbank deposition), in wetlands, and in reservoirs and lakes. The SDR is
highly variable, however the concept is one of the most important in the understanding of
erosion and sedimentation processes and how these operate in time and space (see, for
example, Walling, 1983).
The concept of the sediment enrichment ratio (SER) is quite important in understanding the
impact and economic cost of chemical loss from fields. The process of surface erosion tends
to be selective towards fine particles. Consequently, the particle size characteristics of
material eroded at source (at the plot level) is progressively changed towards finer particles
through deposition of the coarser fraction (e.g. sand-size material). Because of the chemically
enriched nature of fine particles due to the large surface area of clay-size sediment, the
concentration of chemicals that are associated with sediment (phosphorus, metals, organic
nitrogen, hydrophobic pesticides) increases as the impoverished sand-size fraction is lost
during down-field transport resulting in an increasing proportion of the chemically enriched
fine (silt-clay) fraction.
26 Pollution by sediments
Agricultural non-point source models (Compiled from: Beasley and Huggins, 1981; Knisel, 1980;
Lane and Nearings, 1989; Novotny and Olem, 1994; Young et al., 1986; Abbott et al., 1986)
NOTE: Statistical models use aggregated data for comparable conditions. Predictive power is low but can be useful for
screening purposes or where no field data are available; or where the spatial scale is so large that field data are
USLE (Universal Soil Loss Average soil loss for specific Annual Plot/field
Equation) crops, etc.
NOTE: Empirical USLE-type models have been applied to large area analysis, using remote sensing data, etc. for
regional estimates of soil loss (e.g. Brazil). USLE-type models are often incorporated into more detailed hydrological
models below.
AGNPS (Agricultural Non-point Hydrology, erosion, N, P and Event, daily, continuous Grid cell, field scale
Source Pollution) pesticides
ANSWERS (Areal Non-point Hydrology, erosion, N P and Single storm Grid cell
Source Watershed Environ-ment pesticides
Response Simulation)
CREAMS (Chemical, Runoff and Hydrology, erosion, N, P and Daily, continuous Field scale
Erosion from Agric. Management pesticides
EPIC (Erosion-Productivity Impact Hydrology, erosion, nutrient Event, daily, continuous Field scale
Calculator) cycling. crop and soil
management and economics
HPSF (Hydrologic Simulation Hydrology, water quality for Event, daily, continuous Watershed
Program-Fortran) conventional and toxic
organic pollutants
SHE (Systme Hydrologique Hydrology, with water quality Event, daily, continuous Watershed
Europen) modules
SWAT (Soil and Water Hydrologic processes, Event, daily, continuous Simultaneous
Assessment Tool sediment, nutrients and simulation for
pesticides hundreds of sub-
SWRRB (Simulator for Water Water balance and Event, daily, continuous Watershed
Resources in Rural Basins) hydrologic processes and
WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Hydrologic processes, Single storm, daily, Hillslope, watershed,
Project) sediment processes continuous grid cell
Control of water pollution from agriculture 27
Sediment chemistry is measured at some point downslope, e.g., at the edge of a field or
in adjacent streams.
The importance of the enrichment ratio lies in the fact that there is proportionally more
fine-grained sediment transported than coarse-grained sediment during surface erosion.
Therefore, the sediment being transported has a finer texture than the source soil material.
Because of the affinity of soil nutrients for fine sediment, this proportionally larger loss of fine
material means that there is net impoverishment of the soil. As discussed in Chapter 3
(Fertilizers), this usually constitutes "mining" of the natural nutrition of the soil (often referred
to as "natural capital") and which may never be replaced by the addition of fertilizer. The cost
to the farmer is therefore two-fold: loss of productivity due to loss of natural nutrition in the
soil; and economic cost of fertilizer which is added in the attempt to compensate for this loss.
Prediction models
Agriculturalists worldwide have spent much time and resources attempting to find reliable
methods of predicting erosion and sediment-associated chemical runoff under different
conditions of crop type, tillage practices, etc. Consequently, there is a large number of models
that have been developed for the prediction of agricultural non-point source runoff of
sediment, nutrients and pesticides. Many of the models permit gaming with alternative
choices of land management, crop type, and fertilizer and pesticide application rates. Because
all models (except unit load models) require hydrometric input and many use a sediment sub-
component, it is appropriate to integrate these into a single table (Table 7), together with their
principal characteristics.
In general, there are three types of models based on input data needs.
1. Simple screening models, such as the unit load approach, attempt to provide
approximate answers about the likely magnitude of sediment and chemical runoff. This
approach is a statistical methodology in which data on runoff of sediment, nutrients and
pesticides on a unit area basis (e.g. tonnes of sediment per hectare) are collated from
many studies to reflect similarities in crop type, soil and physiographic characteristics.
Unlike the other types of models which are largely focused on prediction and
improvement of agricultural management at the farm level, the unit load approach is
mainly focused on impacts of agriculture on downstream water quality and without
consideration of alternative farm management practices.
Despite the unreliability and large margins of error (refer to Tables 8 and 14 and related
text, this approach has been widely used as a cost-effective means for providing first-
approximation answers for agricultural areas for which there are no data. The
28 Pollution by sediments
methodology was originally developed by McElroy et al. (1976) who collated a major
database on unit loads. This approach was further developed into a US-EPA Screening
Procedure by Mills et al. (1985) and which remains the most comprehensive document
on the subject. Unit load data reflect conditions in the United States; application of these
data to other climatic and physiographic environments should be avoided. Nevertheless,
it is an approach that may be worth considering for development in other parts of the
2. Simple empirical relationships: the widely used and respected Universal Soil Loss
Equation (USLE) of Wischmeier (1976) has had remarkable success at the plot level and
has been incorporated into many of the complex models of Table 7. The USLE is
designed as a field management tool and provides aggregated information at the storm,
seasonal or annual level. Wischmeier (1976) reported that the average prediction error
for annual soil loss was 12%; larger errors are to be expected for single storm events.
The USLE is one way to determine erosion potential for input into the denominator of the
Sediment Delivery Ratio. The USLE is detailed here because of its success and because
the same type of approach has been used in Africa (Elwell and Stocking, 1982) and
elsewhere (e.g. Modified USLE in Brazil by Chaves, 1991).
A = R . K . LS . C . P
where: A = Calculated soil loss in t/ha for a given storm or period.
R = Rainfall energy factor
K = Soil erodibility factor
LS = Slope-length factor
C = Cropping management factor (vegetative cover)
P = Erosion-control practice factor
Each of the factors can be calculated or estimated using field data (as in the case for R
and LS) and from tables or nomograms for all other factors. Novotny and Olem (1994)
provide an excellent commentary on this and other methods for estimating or modelling
erosion. The USLE is designed for rainfall only and does not handle snowmelt or rainfall
on frozen ground. The USLE requires calibration data from standard plot experiments
which are widely available in North America and, more limitedly, from other parts of the
At the international level, the simplicity and effectiveness of the soil loss approach
prompted an important series of experiments in Zimbabwe in the 1950s and 1960s with
the primary objective of determining losses of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon
from the natural fertility of the soil. According to Stocking (FAO, 1986) who
exhaustively analysed this database, it represented (at the time of his report) the "best
such database in any developing or tropical country". This work led to the development
of the SLEMSA model (Soil Loss Evaluation Model for Southern Africa) for conditions
in Southern Africa (Elwell and Stocking, 1982). The value of this approach has further
led FAO (1985) to develop an international network, "Network on Erosion-Induced Loss
in Soil Productivity", with research partners in Africa, South America and Asia (as of
1995 - internal FAO communication).
Control of water pollution from agriculture 29
Erosion measurement plots in the Negev Desert, Israel
Although Wischmeier (1976) has cautioned against extending soil loss models beyond
field loss studies, these models are intuitively attractive for predicting erosion over large
areas. It should be noted that, due to transport losses (Sediment Delivery Ratio noted
above), such erosion estimates apply only to total erosion at source and do not reflect
sediment loads (or sediment yield) measured at downstream locations. Such estimating
techniques would, if calibrated so that the errors are known, have useful application as a
screening tool for the estimation of erosion potential under conditions of similar crop, soil
and topographic factors over large areas. Internationally, there appears to be little
systematic information on calibration; however the Network on Erosion-Induced Loss in
Soil Productivity (FAO, 1991) may eventually provide suitable information.
The most extreme example of use of the soil loss approach for large area estimation is in
Brazil where the UFRGS (1991) and Carvalho (1988) used large area maps and satellite
data to estimate several of the parameters of the USLE for application at regional scales.
The intent was to provide generalized estimates of regional erosion potential for the
entire country. While this approach has wide margins of error, it represents a method of
screening for major change in erosion potential arising from combinations of agricultural
land use, climate, and topography and merits further consideration, especially where plot
calibration and in-river sediment monitoring data are available.
Together with the need to further develop screening level models, is the need to generate
improved field data on erosion and sediment loss. Hudson (FAO, 1993b) has presented a
wide range of simple field measurement techniques that are particularly useful in
developing countries.
30 Pollution by sediments
Selected values for sediment loss
Location Land use Soil loss Comments
Italy Wheat 5.614 Average of 7 years' plot data from central Italy. Source:
Maize 18.767 Zanchi, C. 1988. The cropping pattern and its role in determining erosion
Pasture 2.224 risk: experimental plot results from the Mugello valley (central Italy). In:
Sediment Budgets. M.P. Bordas and D.E. Walling (eds.). IAHS
Publication No. 174. Int. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., Wallingford, UK.
Philippines Reforested 22-39.7 Sediment yield from nested catchments from 18.8 to 2041
and km in Luzon. Source: White, S. 1988. Sediment yield and availability
agricultural for two reservoir basins in central Luzon, Philippines. In: Bordas and
Walling (see above).
Kenya Semi-arid 79.5 Average in 1986 for seven sub-basins within a total area of
grazing 0.3 km . Source: Sutherland, R.A. and Bryan, R.B. 1988. In: Bordas
and Walling (see above).
Bolivia Andean 5.21-51.8 Four basins <1000 km in headwaters area. Source: Guyot,
arid, semi- J.L. et al. 1988. Exportation de matire en suspension des Andes. In:
arid Bordas and Walling (see above).
United Agriculture 1.9 (net) Fishpool Farm, UK, area, <1 km . Source: Walling, D.E. and
Kingdom Quine, T.A. 1992. The use of caesium-137 measurements in soil erosion
surveys. In: Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programmes in
River Basins. J. Bogen, D.E. Walling and T. Day (eds). IAHS Publication
No. 210. Int. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., Wallingford, UK.
Lesotho Agriculture 7.8 (net) Field measurements near Ha Sofonio, Lesource. Source:
See above.
Increases in sediment yield caused by land use change (Walling and Webb, 1983; Ostry, 1982)
Land use change Increase in sediment
3. There is a wide variety of deterministic and stochastic models that attempt to simulate
the physics of the erosion process. The data requirements for calibration and verification
are extremely large. While such models may have certain advantages, especially in terms
of the level of detail in which one can simulate alternative farm practices, these are
generally unsuitable for developing countries due to their data requirements and the
observation that management judgements for farm-level decisions can almost always be
made on the basis of more generalized data combined with experience and common
Sediment yield
Sediment yield, usually expressed as tonnes per unit area of the basin per year, is the amount
of sediment measured at some point in the basin divided by the basin area. It always less than
the total erosion due to sediment storage during transport, and is highly variable because of
measurement difficulty, the temporal variability of hydrological processes, and changes in
land management practices in the basin from one year to the next.
The values of Table 8 demonstrate not only the wide range of values in different climatic
and topographic situations, but also the problem of interpreting sediment data because of
spatial and time scales. As noted above, the Sediment Delivery Ratio subsumes a wide range
of storage processes that operate at the field, sub-basin and basin scales. Sediment yield
values are also highly variable in time, with smaller basins subject to greater variability than
larger basins. Consequently, published values for sediment yield (t/ha/yr) must be interpreted
with great caution. The Italian data in Table 8 are the only plot data and would appear much
smaller if they were based on sediment measurements taken at the sub-basin scale. The
magnitude of change in sediment yield arising from changes in agricultural land use is shown
in Table 9.
Scale problems
Influence of spatial scale on basin assessment (Ongley, 1987)
(A) SMALL AREAS (few hectare to several km ).
? Too large to understand influence of land use or land management on downstream water quality, or role of natural
physiographic units (except for macro-phenomena).
? Provides regional estimates of sediment transport but not of erosion.
? Can estimate influence on downstream receiving water bodies for physical and chemical variables.
? Can be functionally linked to medium areas but not to small areas.
? Related to behaviour of trunk rivers.
? Spatial elements are best modelled by stochastic models (excluding hydrological modelling).
? Not a useful scale for evaluating management options nor for evaluating the a posteriori effectiveness of management
actions in upstream areas.
? Data reveal seasonally variable effects but may be substantially influenced by long-term lag phenomena.
it was assumed by many modellers who were engaged in the non-point source management
programme of the North American Great Lakes, that extrapolation of cause-effect
relationships from small-area studies into larger parts of the Great Lakes basin was feasible. It
was found, however, that extrapolation became quite uncertain as basin area increased, for a
variety of reasons.
The problem of extrapolation has not been definitively addressed in regards to levels of
uncertainty. For example, although it is known that control of agricultural erosion is essential
to mitigate nutrient (especially phosphorus) loss to receiving watercourses, it is unclear over
what distance phosphorus runoff from agriculture has an immediate impact. The question
Control of water pollution from agriculture 33
then is, does erosion control in far upstream areas have an immediate benefit for a receiving
water that may lie hundreds of kilometres downstream? Alternatively, one may adopt the
position that over longer periods of time (say, scores of years) large storms will ensure that
most of the eroded sediment is, in fact, transported through the river system and, therefore,
one can assume a 1:1 relationship between upstream sediment production and downstream
sediment transport. Research by Meade and Trimble (1974) and others shows that over
longer time periods, sediment is mobilized differentially along the river basin. Contemporary
sediment mobilization in the middle reaches of piedmont rivers of the United States
represented sediment that was eroded several decades earlier but which had been deposited
during transport into long-term storage as valley floor deposits. Table 10 presents the
influence of spatial scale on basin assessment.
The essential point is that time and space scales must be recognized when preparing
management plans for erosion control. While the near-term physical benefits of erosion
control are likely to be felt quickly in receiving waters, sediment-associated contaminants that
are stored in the river basin may take decades to finally be transported out of the basin,
notwithstanding the resources spent on upstream erosion control.
These recommendations reflect two very different scales which, in turn, reflect two different
types of issues. At the small scale are the recommendations which apply at the farm level and
which reflect actions to be taken by the individual farmer after considering the economic costs
of his alternatives. At the large scale (river basin scale) are those issues that tend to reflect
policy and investment needs of states. This includes issues such as determining the net
contribution of agriculture to river pollution relative to other types of polluting sources.
1. Internalizing costs
Although the control of erosion at source in rain-fed agriculture is a major factor in improving
downstream water quality and associated ecological impacts, implementation of control
measures will only be successful if the farmer can determine that it is in his economic interest
to undertake such measures. Therefore, the economic benefits such as maintenance of soil
fertility, reduced energy consumption in minimum till situations, etc., relative to economic
costs of excessive fertilizer usage and loss of productivity by "mining" of soil capital, must be
clearly demonstrated. This implies that agricultural agencies must use a holistic approach to
the economics of farming practices.
There is an urgent need to develop simple and robust screening models for use in developing
countries to determine the potential for erosion and soil loss at source (field level). The
models must contain the ability to game with crop and land management alternatives. Data
requirements must be relatively small and easily accessible, require no real-time calibration,
and aggregate results on a seasonal or annual basis. Further calibration of the USLE (and its
derivatives) and SLEMSA models are encouraged. These models must be developed from
the perspective of assisting in farm-level decisions, and not from the perspective of further
elaboration of the physics of erosion and sediment transport.
34 Pollution by sediments
At the large scale, screening methods are needed to develop policy options for erosion
control and land use practices at the basin scale. Soil loss models require adequate calibration
so that the errors inherent in large scale use, using satellite and large scale map information,
are known. Use of sediment loading data from river monitoring sites is an inadequate
alternative due to the large sediment losses that occur during sediment transport from field to
3. Erosion control
There are no unique solutions to erosion control. Control measures depend very much on the
economic situation of the farmer, the degree of importance placed on sediment erosion by
environmental authorities, availability of capital, and the state of development of the country.
The following control measures are those classified and recommended by the US-EPA
(1993). These categories are used in many parts of the world, including developing countries.
These techniques also have beneficial effects for conservation of nitrogen and phosphorus in
the soil.
? DELAYED SEEDBED PREPARATION Any cropping system in which all crop residue is
maintained on the soil surface until shortly
before the succeeding crop is planted. This
reduces the period that the soil is susceptible to
? FIELD BORDERS AND FILTER STRIPS A strip of perennial herbaceous vegetation along
the edge of fields. This slows runoff and traps
coarser sediment. This is not generally effective,
however, for fine sediment and associated
Note however, that in tropical areas a number of these measures may produce situations
that enhance the breeding of disease vectors as a result of ponding of water or reducing of
water velocity in waterways.
Data from Chesapeake Bay TABLE 11
(USA) installations indicate the Annualized cost estimates for selected erosion
following ranking of costs of erosion management practices in the USA
control measures (Table 11). Cost Practice Rank
factors and rankings will vary greatly,
Grassed filter strips 1 (least cost)
especially in parts of the world where Cover crops 2
labour costs are less and where the Strip-cropping 3
economic benefit is factored into the Conservation tillage 4
Reforestation of crop and pasture land 5
ranking system. For example, grassed Diversions 6
filter strips may have no economic Permanent vegetation on critical areas 7
benefit and are replaced with Terraces 8
Sediment ponds and structures 9 (most cost)
alternative practices such as
herbaceous cover mixed with fruit
Erosion in tropical areas has a unique set of problems. Marginal agricultural practices
such as slash and burn on highly erodible tropical soils and tillage on steep tropical slopes
lead to highly unstable situations which erode quickly during rainy seasons. Similarly,
deforestation in tropical lands, either for agriculture or for timber, tends to leave a highly
erodible land surface. In many tropical countries erosion from deforested areas is having a
devastating influence on coastal zones including destruction of coral reefs far offshore. Poor
land management practices such as overgrazing, especially on hill lands, always leads to
serious erosion problems which are difficult or impossible to remedy due to the scale of
damage and cost of reconstructing hill-sides. Erosion control measures for semi-arid areas are
extensively described by Hudson (FAO, 1987).
Chapter 3
Fertilizers as water pollutants
The most complete global study of eutrophication was the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) Cooperative Programme on Eutrophication carried
out in the 1970s in eighteen countries (Vollenweider et al., 1980). The sequence of trophic
state, from oligotrophic (nutrient poor) to hypertrophic (= hypereutrophic [nutrient rich]) is
shown in Table 12.
Because of the complex interaction amongst the many variables that play a part in
eutrophication, Janus and Vollenweider (1981) concluded that it is impossible to develop
strict boundaries between trophic classes. They calculated, for example, the probability (as
%) of classifying a lake with total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentrations of 10 and 2.5
mg/m respectively, as:
Phosphorus Chlorophyll
Ultra-oligotrophic 10% 6%
Oligotrophic 63% 49%
Mesotrophic 26% 42%
Eutrophic 1% 3%
Hypertrophic 0% 0%
Relationship between trophic levels and lake characteristics (Adapted from Janus and
Vollenweider, 1981)
Trophic status Organic matter Mean total Chlorophyll maximum Secchi
3 1 3 1
mg/m phosphorus mg/m depth
mg/m m
Values are the preliminary OECD classification and are defined as the geometric mean. Secchi depth
is a measure of turbidity of the water column in a lake.
Parameters for measuring and monitoring eutrophication (Source: Janus and Vollenweider, 1981)
Resultant variables Causal variables
Algal bloom in a Canadian prairie lake dominated by agricultural runoff. The form on the
shore is algal biomass.
In their summary of water quality impacts of fertilizers, FAO/ECE (1991) cited the following
Fertilization of surface waters (eutrophication) results in, for example, explosive growth
of algae which causes disruptive changes to the biological equilibrium [including fish
kills]. This is true both for inland waters (ditches, river, lakes) and coastal waters.
Although the ECE (1992) regarded livestock wastes as a point source and excluded it
from calculations of the contribution of agriculture to eutrophication in Europe, their statistics
indicated that livestock wastes accounted "on average" for 30% of the total phosphorus load
to European inland waters, with the rest of agriculture accounting for a further 17%. The
situation for nitrogen, as for phosphorus, was quite variable from country to country. Danish
statistics indicated that manure contributes at least 50% of the leaching of inorganic N (Joly,
1993). Nitrogen from agricultural non-point sources in the Netherlands amounted to 71% of
the total N load generated from within the Netherlands (ECE, 1992).
A study by Ryding (1986) in Sweden demonstrated how lakes which were unaffected by
industrial or municipal point sources, underwent long-term change in nutrient status as a
result of agricultural activities in the watershed. Over the period 1973-1981 the nutrient status
3 3
of Lake Oren increased from 780 to 1000 mg/m for Total-N, and from 10 to 45 mg/m for
Total-P. Lake transparency declined from 6.2 to 2.6 m and suffered periodic (heavy) algal
Control of water pollution from agriculture 41
Selected values for nutrient losses
Location Land use Phosphorus Nitrogen Comment (source)
(kg/ha/yr) (kg/ha/yr)
Great Lakes Cropland 0.2-37.1 Range reported for total N for 15 studies of
Basin (N. stream-discharged N (not tile drains) Nielsen et
America) al. 1978)
Hungary Cropland 1.142 1984 results for 73 km watershed tributary in
Lake Balaton (Jolankai, 1986)
Denmark & Livestock/crop 316 Where 680 kg/N/ha are added (Joly, 1993)
Netherlands systems
Relative leaching losses of nitrogen and phosphorus (% change between no fertilizer and with
fertilizer) (Source: Bolton et al., 1970 as reported in Bangay, 1976)
Management Crop Percent change
Note: Values of +/- 15% are likely within detection limits of the methods used.
The values cited in Tables 14 and 15 indicate the wide range of nutrient losses that are
measured at the plot, field and sub-basin scales. Heavily fertilized crops such as maize tend to
have large losses relative to non-intensive uses such as pasture. Agricultural uses associated
with poor land management practices that lead to erosion also produce significant nutrient
losses. Wastes, manures and sludges, through biological concentration processes, can supply
soils with 100 times more hazardous products than fertilizers for the equivalent plant nutrient
content (Joly, 1993). This is considered a major environmental (and water quality) problem in
periurban areas of many developing countries. Numerous authors report that a high degree of
variability at individual sites is expected as a consequence of changes in hydrological regime
from year to year. The implication is that estimation techniques using typical values of
42 Fertilizers as water pollutants
Fertilizer use development and crop yield evolution in Asian, European and Latin American
countries and the United States (Source: Joly, 1993)
Control of water pollution from agriculture 43
nutrient yield can expect to have a high degree of uncertainty and could be very much in error
if estimated from data collected over a single year.
The huge increases in fertilizer use worldwide over the past several decades are well
documented. Figure 9 illustrates the historical trends and predicted future needs of fertilizer
use. However, fertilizer use (either mineral or organic) is not, of itself, the primary factor in
downstream water quality. More important are the land management practices that are used
in crop production.
There is a danger, however, in assuming that all waters have natural levels that are low in
nutrients. In some areas, such as lakes located in areas of rich agricultural soils, waters have
historically been highly enriched by nutrients associated with natural erosion of fertile soils. In
the prairie lakes of Canada, for example, early settlers reported that the lakes were green with
algae. In other parts of the world, as in Asia, ancient civilizations so profoundly impacted
water quality that there are no longer "natural" levels of nutrients. In such situations the
existence of eutrophication, while undeniable, must be measured against arbitrary standards
that reflect water quality criteria established on the basis of societal needs for beneficial use of
the water.
Organic fertilizers
The importance and, in some cases, the major problems associated with organic fertilizers,
deserve special mention. Manure produced by cattle, pigs and poultry are used as organic
fertilizer the world over. To this is added human excreta, especially in some Asian countries
where animal and human excreta are traditionally used in fish culture as well as on soils.
However, intensive livestock production has produced major problems of environmental
degradation, a phenomenon which has been the subject of European and North American
legislation and control. The problem is particularly acute in areas of intensive livestock
production, such as in the Eastern and Southern parts of the Netherlands where the
production of manure greatly exceeds the capacity of the land to assimilate these wastes.
To the typical pathways of degradation, that of surface runoff and infiltration into the
groundwater, is added the volatilization of ammonia which adds to acidification of land and
water. In a review of environmental impacts caused by animal husbandry in Europe, the
FAO/ECE (1991) reported the following major categories of impacts:
The N cycle in soil (from Stevenson, 1965)
Schematic diagram of nitrogen and phosphorus losses. Arrows are proportional to loss
applied to land surface Surface Runoff applied to land surface
leaching leaching
Interflow / tile drains
loss to groundwater loss to groundwater
The key hydrological processes that link rainfall, runoff and leaching, and which give rise to
erosion and transport of chemically enriched soil particles, are important components of the
environmental chemistry, transport and fate of fertilizer products. These hydrological
processes are described in Chapter 2 and are not repeated here.
The environmental dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus are well known although the
detailed transformations of nitrogen that occur in soil and water are difficult to study and
document. The nitrogen cycle is depicted in Figure 10.
Nitrogen is comprised of the forms: soluble organic N, NH4-N (ammonium), NO3-N
(nitrate), NO2-N (nitrite), and N associated with sediment as exchangeable NH4-N or
organic-N. Nitrogen cycling is extremely dynamic and complex, especially the
microbiological processes responsible for mineralization, fixation and denitrification of soil
nitrogen. Generally, in soils that are not waterlogged, soil N (held as protein in plant matter)
and fertilizer-N are microbiologically transformed to NH4 (ammonium) through the process
of ammonification. The ammonium ion is oxidized by two groups of bacteria (Nitrosomonas
and Nitrobacter) to NO3 with an unstable intermediate NO2 product in a process called
nitrification. Urea is readily hydrolysed to ammonium. Denitrification occurs under anoxic
conditions such as wetlands where NO3 is reduced to various gaseous forms. The N cycle is
largely controlled by bacteria, hence the rate of N cycling is dependent upon factors such as
soil moisture, temperature, pH, etc. NO3 is the end-product of aerobic N decomposition and
is always dissolved and mobile.
From a water quality perspective, the ammonium ion (NH4) can be adsorbed to clay
particles and moved with soil during erosion. More importantly, however, NH4 and NO3 are
soluble and are mobilized through the soil profile to groundwater during periods of rain by the
process of leaching. NO3 is also observed in surface runoff during rainfall events. Prevention
of nitrogen pollution of surface and groundwater depends very much on the ability to maintain
NO3 in soil only up to the level that can be taken up by the crop, and to reduce the amount of
NO3 held in the soil after harvesting. The processes described above are depicted in
Figure 11.
In contrast, the behaviour of phosphorus is quite simple. Phosphorus can exist in a
variety of forms: as mineral (generally apatite) phosphorus (AP); non-apatite inorganic-P
(NAIP); organic-P (OP ? bound up with carbon and oxygen in plant matter); and as
dissolved soluble reactive ortho-P (SRP). The phosphorus species AP, NAIP and OP are
associated with the particulate phase. In studies of phosphorus movement from agricultural
lands the largest amount is sorbed onto clay materials and transported as erosion products.
SRP is readily available to aquatic plants to the point where measured SRP in surface water
may only represent a residual amount after most of the SRP has been taken up by plant life.
Consequently, in aquatic studies, the focus is often on the sediment-associated forms of P as
these tend to dominate total phosphorus flux. The NAIP fraction is considered to be available
to plant roots and is rapidly solubilized under conditions of anoxia in the bottom of lakes and
reservoirs. It is for this reason that lake sediments can represent a very large internal
46 Fertilizers as water pollutants
(autotrophic) load of phosphorus which is recycled into the water column during periods of
bottom anoxia. This load can be so large that, without attention to lake sediment remediation,
phosphorus management programmes in tributaries can be quite meaningless.
The relative losses of N and P to groundwater are illustrated in Table 15 where it is seen
that P losses are generally smaller relative to the much more soluble N. Indeed, insofar as
maize is the most heavily fertilized crop, the leaching of nitrogen is especially noticeable.
In his report on impacts on the fishery in the la Plata river system, Quirs (1993) provided a
comprehensive summary of observed symptoms. He admitted to the difficulty in providing evidence
for cause and effect in this large river system. Nevertheless, he concluded that the evidence was
consistent with that of a regulated river-floodplain system impacted from toxic substances used in
agriculture and industry.
Observed Symptoms
Fruit and seed eater species of the genera Colossoma and Brycon and the big catfish Paulicea
lutkenii have practically disappeared from the commercial catch in the lower Paran river, and also
from the catches in the La Plata and Uruguay rivers.
Fish species of marine lineage of the genera Basilichthys and Lycengraulis, usually moving
upstream from the estuary in winter, have practically disappeared from the commercial catches in
the middle Paran.
The commercial catches of the pelagic top predator Salminus maxillosus have been decreasing
since the late 1940s in all the lower basin, though its commercial catch has been highly restricted.
Populations of most of the migratory fish species are severely diminished in the middle and upper
Uruguay river.
Relatively high levels of agricultural pesticides and heavy metals were detected in fish tissues.
Periodic massive fish mortalities were reported in the lower Paran delta and the La Plata river.
Low water oxygen levels and massive fish mortalities were detected in the lower Paraguay river,
and discharges of high organic matter content effluents from the agricultural industry have
increased in the upper basin.
The exotic Cyprinus carpio was the most important species in biomass in the experimental catches
in the La Plata river, and its catch has been increasing in the middle Paran.
Maximum size of catch of the big catfish of the genera Pseudoplatystoma has been decreasing for
the last three decades in the lower middle Paran.
The conflicting situations between recreational and commercial fishermen have been increasing,
and the trophy size of Salminus has been decreasing at the confluence of the Paran and Paraguay
rivers, though total fishing effort seems not to have increased.
Mineral fertilizers
The response to the need to control leaching and runoff of nutrients and contamination of soils
and water by heavy metals has been variable in Europe. Control measures are part of the
larger issue of mineral and organic fertilizer usage. FAO/ECE (1991) summarized the types
of voluntary and mandated controls in Europe that apply to mineral fertilizers as:
Taxes on fertilizer.
Requirement for fertilizer plans.
48 Fertilizers as water pollutants
Preventing the leaching of nutrients after the growing season by increasing the area under
autumn/winter green cover, and by sowing crops with elevated nitrogen
Promoting and subsidizing better application methods, developing new, environmentally
sound fertilizers, and promoting soil testing.
Severely limiting the use of fertilizers in e.g. water extraction areas and nature protection
In any location where intensive agriculture and/or livestock farming produces serious
risks of nitrogen pollution, Ignazi (1993) recommended the following essential steps that are
taken at the farm level:
2. Vegetation cover: As far as possible, keep the soil covered with vegetation. This inhibits
build-up of soluble nitrogen by absorbing mineralized nitrogen and preventing leaching
during periods of rain.
3. Manage the period between crops: Organic debris produced by harvesting is easily
mineralized into leachable N. Steps to reduce leachable N includes planting of green
manure crops, and delaying ploughing of straw, roots and leaves into the soil.
4. Rational irrigation: Poor irrigation has one of the worst impacts on water quality,
whereas precision irrigation is one of the least polluting practices as well as reducing net
cost of supplied water.
5. Optimize other cultivation techniques: Highest yields with minimum water quality
impacts require optimization of practices such as weed, pest and disease control, liming,
balanced mineral fertilizers including trace elements, etc.
Organic fertilizers
Voluntary and legislated control measures in Europe are intended to have the following
The nature of these measures varies by country; however FAO/ECE (1991) have
summarized the types of voluntary and mandated control as:
Maximum numbers of animals per hectare based on amount of manure that can be safely
applied per hectare of land.
Control of water pollution from agriculture 49
Maximum quantities of manure that can be applied on the land is fixed, based on the N
and P content of the manure.
Holdings wishing to keep more than a given number of animals must obtain a license.
The periods during which it is allowed to apply manure to the land have been limited,
and it is obligatory to work it into the ground immediately afterwards.
Establishment of regulations on minimum capacity for manure storage facilities.
Establish fertilizer plans.
Levies (taxes) on surplus manure.
Areas under autumn/winter green cover were extended, and green fallowing is being
Maximum amounts established for spreading of sewage sludge on land based on heavy
metal content.
Change in composition of feed to reduce amount of nutrients and heavy metals.
Research and implementation of means of reducing ammonia loss.
Sludge management
Sludge is mentioned here only insofar as the spreading of sludge from municipal wastewater
treatment facilities on agricultural land is one method used to get rid of municipal sludge in a
way that is perceived to be beneficial. The alternatives are incineration and land fill.
FAO/ECE (1991) include sludge within the category of organic fertilizers but note that sludge
often contains unacceptable levels of heavy metals. Pollution of water by sludge runoff is
otherwise the same as for manure noted above.
Nutrient loss is closely associated with rainfall-runoff events. For phosphorus, which tends to
be associated with the solid phase (sediment), runoff losses are directly linked to erosion.
Therefore the economics of nutrient control tend to be closely tied to the costs of controlling
runoff and erosion. Therefore, this will be treated briefly here. In particular, it is useful to
examine the economic cost of nutrient runoff which must be replaced by fertilizers if the land
is to remain productive.
The link between erosion, increasing fertilizer application, and loss of soil productivity is
very direct in many countries. In the Brazilian state of Paran where agriculture is the base of
the state economy, Paran produces 22% of the national grain production on only 2.4% of the
Brazilian territory. Agricultural expansion in Paran occurred mainly in the period 1950-1970
and was characterized by short-term agricultural systems leading to continuous and
progressive environmental degradation as a result of economic policies and a totally
inappropriate land parcelling and marketing system... (Andreoli, 1993). Erosion has led to
extensive loss of top soil, large-scale gullying (Figure 4), and silting of ditches and rivers. The
use of fertilizers has risen as a consequence, up 575% over the period 1970-1986 and
without any gain in crop yields. Loss of N-P-K from an average erosion of 20 t/ha/yr
represents an annual economic loss of US$242. million in nutrients.
50 Fertilizers as water pollutants
Water-based aquaculture in the Lakes Region of southern Chile
Analysis by Elwell and Stocking (1982) of nutrient loss arising from erosion in
Zimbabwe shows similar significant economic losses in African situations. Stocking (FAO,
1986), applying data collected in the 1960s by Hudson to the soil use map of Zimbabwe,
calculated an annual loss of 10 million tonnes of nitrogen and 5 million tonnes of phosphorus
annually as a consequence of erosion (cited by Roose in FAO, 1994a). Roose (FAO, 1994a)
also cites losses of 98 kg/ha/yr of nitrogen, 29 kg/ha/yr of phosphorus, 39 kg/ha/yr of lime
and 39 kg/ha/yr of magnesium from soils of lower Cte d'Ivoire as a result of erosion. This
loss is so severe that compensation requires 7 tonnes of fresh manure annually, plus 470 kg of
ammonium sulphate, 160 kg of superphosphate, 200 kg dolomite and 60 kg of potassium
chloride per hectare per year. Roose notes that it is not surprising that the soil is exhausted
after only two years of traditional agriculture. Furthermore, these losses do not take into
account additional losses due to harvesting and runoff. Roose summarizes by stating that
action against soil erosion is essential in order to manage what he describes as a terrible
chemical imbalance in soils caused by soil erosion. Estimates of phosphorus loss by erosion in
the Republic of South Africa (Du Plessis, 1985) are R26.4 M/yr (US$ 10.5 million).
Economic losses tend to be higher in tropical countries where soils, rainfall and
agricultural practices are more conducive to erosion, and reported rates of erosion are much
above average. The World Bank (1992) reported that extrapolation from test-plots of impacts
of soil loss on agricultural productivity, indicates some 0.5-1.5% loss of GDP annually for
countries such as Costa Rica, Malawi, Mali and Mexico. These losses do not include offsite
costs such as reservoir infilling, river sedimentation, damage to irrigation systems, etc.
Soil fertility is a complex issue and nutrient loss is not necessarily nor always a
consequence of erosion. Erosion and soil loss is the end member of a variety of physical,
Control of water pollution from agriculture 51
vegetative and nutrient factors that lead to soil degradation. Global patterns of fertilizer
application, as reported by Joly (1993), indicate however that rapidly rising levels of fertilizer
utilization are required merely to maintain soil productivity from a variety of types of loss,
including losses due to erosion and, more generally, to soil degradation.
Aquaculture is a special case of agricultural pollution. There are two main forms: land-based
and water-based systems (Figure 12). Effluent controls are possible on land-based systems,
however water-based systems present particular problems. Aquaculture is rapidly expanding
in most parts of the developed and developing world, both in freshwater and marine
environments. In contrast, coastal fisheries in most countries are declining.
Additional environmental problems include risk of disease and disease transfer to wild
fish, introduction of exotic species, impacts on benthic communities and on the eutrophication
of water, interbreeding of escaped cultured fish with wild fish with consequent genetic
change in the wild population.
Eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes tend to be shallow and suffer from high rates of nutrient
loadings from point and non-point sources. In areas of rich soils such as the Canadian prairies,
lake bottom sediments are comprised of nutrient-enriched soil particles eroded from
surrounding soils. The association of phosphorus with sediment is a serious problem in the
restoration of shallow, enriched lakes. P-enriched particles settle to the bottom of the lake and
form a large pool of nutrient in the bottom sediments that is readily available to rooted plants
and which is released from bottom sediments under conditions of anoxia into the overlying
water column and which is quickly utilized by algae. This phosphorus pool, known as the
internal load of phosphorus, can greatly offset any measures taken by river basin managers
to control lake eutrophication by control of external phosphorus sources from agriculture and
from point sources. Historically, dredging of bottom sediments was considered the only
means of remediating nutrient-rich lake sediments, however, modern technology now
52 Fertilizers as water pollutants
Chapter 4
Pesticides as water pollutants
The term pesticide is a composite term that includes all chemicals that are used to kill or
control pests. In agriculture, this includes herbicides (weeds), insecticides (insects),
fungicides (fungi), nematocides (nematodes), and rodenticides (vertebrate poisons).
A fundamental contributor to the Green Revolution has been the development and
application of pesticides for the control of a wide variety of insectivorous and herbaceous
pests that would otherwise diminish the quantity and quality of food produce. The use of
pesticides coincides with the chemical age which has transformed society since the 1950s.
In areas where intensive monoculture is practised, pesticides were used as a standard method
for pest control. Unfortunately, with the benefits of chemistry have also come disbenefits,
some so serious that they now threaten the long-term survival of major ecosystems by
disruption of predator-prey relationships and loss of biodiversity. Also, pesticides can have
significant human health consequences.
Although the number of pesticides in use (Annex 1) is very large, the largest usage tends
to be associated with a small number of pesticide products. In a recent survey in the
agricultural western provinces of Canada where some fifty pesticides are in common use,
95% of the total pesticide application is from nine separate herbicides (Birkholz, pers. comm.,
1995). Although pesticide use is low to nil in traditional and subsistence farming in Africa
and Asia, environmental, public health and water quality impacts of inappropriate and
excessive use of pesticides are widely documented. For example, Appelgren (FAO, 1994b)
reports for Lithuania that while pesticide pollution has diminished due to economic factors,
water pollution by pesticides is often caused by inadequate storage and distribution of
54 Pesticides as water pollutants
Chronology of pesticide development (Stephenson and Solomon, 1993)
Period Example Source Characteristics
1800-1920s Early organics, nitro-phenols, Organic chemistry, by-products Often lack specificity and were
chlorophenols, creosote, of coal gas production, etc. toxic to user or non-target
naphthalene, petroleum oils organisms
1945-1970 Cholinesterase inhibitors, Organic synthesis, good use of Lower persistence, some user
organophosphorus compounds, structure-activity relationships toxicity, some environmental
carbamates problems
1985- Genetically engineered Transfer of genes for biological Possible problems with
organisms pesticides to other organisms mutations and escapes,
and into beneficial plants and disruption of microbiological
animals. Genetic alteration of ecology, monopoly on products
plants to resist non-target
effects of pesticides
agrochemicals. In the United States, the US-EPA's National Pesticide Survey found the
10.4% of community wells and 4.2% of rural wells contained detectible levels of one or more
pesticides (US-EPA, 1992). In a study of groundwater wells in agricultural southwestern
Ontario (Canada), 35% of the wells tested positive for pesticides on at least one occasion
(Lampman, 1995).
The impact on water quality by pesticides is associated with the following factors:
have serious and widespread ecological consequences. In order to address this problem,
environmental management methods to control breeding of disease vectors are being
developed and tested in many irrigation projects (FAO, 1984).
The history of pesticide development and use is the key to understanding how and why
pesticides have been an environmental threat to aquatic systems, and why this threat is
diminishing in developed countries and remains a problem in many developing countries.
Stephenson and Solomon (1993) outlined the chronology presented in Table 16.
As noted above, the general progression of pesticide development has moved from highly
toxic, persistent and bioaccumulating pesticides such as DDT, to pesticides that degrade
rapidly in the environment and are less toxic to non-target organisms. The developed
countries have banned many of the older pesticides due to potential toxic effects to man
and/or their impacts on ecosystems, in favour of more modern pesticide formulations. In the
developing countries, some of the older pesticides remain the cheapest to produce and, for
some purposes, remain highly effective as, for example, the use of DDT for malaria control.
Developing countries maintain that they cannot afford, for reasons of cost and/or efficacy, to
ban certain older pesticides. The dilemma of cost/efficacy versus ecological impacts,
including long range impacts via atmospheric transport, and access to modern pesticide
formulations at low cost remains a contentious global issue.
The ecological impacts of pesticides in water are determined by the following criteria:
An additional factor can be the presence of impurities in the pesticide formulation but
that are not part of the active ingredient. A recent example is the case of TFM, a lampricide
used in tributaries of the Great Lakes for many years for the control of the sea lamprey.
Although the environmental fate of TFM has been well known for many years, recent
research by Munkittrick et al. (1994) has found that TFM formulation includes one or more
highly potent impurities that impact on the hormonal system of fish and cause liver disease.
Perhaps the largest regional example of pesticide contamination and human health is that of
the Aral Sea region (Box 2). UNEP (1993) linked the effects of pesticides to "the level of
oncological (cancer), pulmonary and haematological morbidity, as well as on inborn
deformities ... and immune system deficiencies".
Farm workers have special risks associated with inhalation and skin contact during
preparation and application of pesticides to crops. However, for the majority of the
population, a principal vector is through ingestion of food that is contaminated by pesticides.
Degradation of water quality by pesticide runoff has two principal human health impacts. The
first is the consumption of fish and shellfish that are contaminated by pesticides; this can be a
particular problem for subsistence fish economies that lie downstream of major agricultural
areas. The second is the direct consumption of pesticide-contaminated water. WHO (1993)
has established drinking water guidelines for 33 pesticides (Annex 1). Many health and
environmental protection agencies have established acceptable daily intake (ADI) values
which indicate the maximum allowable daily ingestion over a person's lifetime without
appreciable risk to the individual. For example, in a recent paper by Wang and Lin (1995)
studying substituted phenols, tetrachlorohydroquinone, a toxic metabolite of the biocide
pentachlorophenol, was found to produce significant and dose-dependent DNA damage.
Pesticides are included in a broad range of organic micro pollutants that have ecological
impacts. Different categories of pesticides have different types of effects on living organisms,
therefore generalization is difficult. Although terrestrial impacts by pesticides do occur, the
principal pathway that causes ecological impacts is that of water contaminated by pesticide
runoff. The two principal mechanisms are bioconcentration and biomagnification.
Bioconcentration: This is the movement of a chemical from the surrounding medium into an
organism. The primary sink for some pesticides is fatty tissue (lipids). Some pesticides,
such as DDT, are lipophilic, meaning that they are soluble in, and accumulate in, fatty
tissue such as edible fish tissue and human fatty tissue. Other pesticides such as glyphosate
are metabolized and excreted.
The ecological effects of pesticides (and other organic contaminants) are varied and are
often inter-related. Effects at the organism or ecological level are usually considered to be an
early warning indicator of potential human health impacts. The major types of effects are
listed below and will vary depending on the organism under investigation and the type of
pesticide. Different pesticides have markedly different effects on aquatic life which makes
generalization very difficult. The important point is that many of these effects are chronic (not
lethal), are often not noticed by casual observers, yet have consequences for the entire food
These effects are not necessarily caused solely by exposure to pesticides or other organic
contaminants, but may be associated with a combination of environmental stresses such as
eutrophication and pathogens. These associated stresses need not be large to have a
synergistic effect with organic micro pollutants.
Ecological effects of pesticides extend beyond individual organisms and can extend to
ecosystems. Swedish work indicates that application of pesticides is thought to be one of the
most significant factors affecting biodiversity. Jonsson et al. (1990) report that the continued
decline of the Swedish partridge population is linked to changes in land use and the use of
chemical weed control. Chemical weed control has the effect of reducing habitat, decreasing
the number of weed species, and of shifting the balance of species in the plant community.
Swedish studies also show the impact of pesticides on soil fertility, including inhibition of
nitrification with concomitant reduced uptake of nitrogen by plants (Torstensson, 1990).
These studies also suggest that pesticides adversely affect soil micro-organisms which are
responsible for microbial degradation of plant matter (and of some pesticides), and for soil
structure. Box 6 presents some regional examples of ecological effects of pesticides.
Degradation of Pesticides in Soil: Many pesticides dissipate rapidly in soils. This process
is mineralization and results in the conversion of the pesticide into simpler compounds such
H2O, CO2, and NH3. While some of this process is a result of chemical reactions such as
hydrolysis and photolysis, microbiological catabolism and metabolism is usually the major
route of mineralization. Soil micro biota utilize the pesticide as a source of carbon or other
nutrients. Some chemicals (for example 2,4-D) are quite rapidly broken down in soil while
others are less easily attacked (2,4,5-T). Some chemicals are very persistent and are only
slowly broken down (atrazine) (Stephenson and Solomon, 1993).
In Europe, the European Environment Agency (EEA, 1994) cites a study by Galassi et al. that closely
links toxicity of Po River water to the zooplankton daphnia magna, to runoff of agricultural pesticides.
In the Great Lakes of North America bioaccumulation and magnification of chlorinated compounds in
what is, on global standards, a relatively clean aquatic system, caused the disappearance of top
predators such as eagle and mink and deformities in several species of aquatic birds.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF, 1993) reports that a significant amount of an estimated
190 000 tons of agricultural pesticides plus additional loadings of non-agricultural pesticides that are
released by riparian countries bordering the North Sea, eventually are transported into the North Sea
by a combination of riverine, groundwater, and atmospheric processes. WWF further reports that the
increased rate of disease, deformities and tumours in commercial fish species in highly polluted
areas of the North Sea and coastal waters of the United Kingdom since the 1970s is consistent with
effects known to be caused by exposure to pesticides.
involved, depending on the chemical. Enzymes play an important role in the metabolic
process and the presence of certain enzymes, especially mixed function oxygenases (MFOs)
in liver, is now used as an indicator that the organism has been exposed to foreign chemicals.
Monitoring data for pesticides are generally poor in much of the world and especially in
developing countries. Key pesticides are included in the monitoring schedule of most western
countries, however the cost of analysis and the necessity to sample at critical times of the year
(linked to periods of pesticide use) often preclude development of an extensive data set. Many
developing countries have difficulty carrying out organic chemical analysis due to problems of
inadequate facilities, impure reagents, and financial constraints. New techniques using
immunoassay procedures for presence/absence of specific pesticides may reduce costs and
increase reliability. Immunoassay tests are available for triazines, acid amides, carbamates,
2,4-D/phenoxy acid, paraquot and aldrin (Rickert, 1993)
Table 17 indicates why older pesticides, together with other hydrophobic carcinogens
such as PAHs and PCBs, are poorly monitored when using water samples. As an example,
the range of concentration of suspended solids in rivers is often between 100 and 1000 mg/l
except during major runoff events when concentrations can greatly exceed these values.
Tropical rivers that are unimpacted by development have very low suspended sediment
concentrations, but increasingly these are a rarity due to agricultural expansion and
deforestation in tropical countries. As an example, approximately 67% of DDT is transported
in association with suspended matter at sediment concentrations as low as 100 mg/l, and
60 Pesticides as water pollutants
Proportion of selected pesticides found in association with suspended sediment (After Ongley et
al., 1992)
Pesticide log Kow % of chemical load at different concentrations (mg/l) of suspended
increases to 93% at 1000 mg/l of suspended sediment. Given the analytical problems of
inadequate detection levels and poor quality control in many laboratories of the developing
countries, plus the fact that recovery rates (part of the analytical procedure) can vary from 50-
150% for organic compounds, it follows that monitoring data from water samples are usually
a poor indication of the level of pesticide pollution for compounds that are primarily
associated with the solid phase. The number of NDs (Not Detectable) in many databases is
almost certainly an artifact of the wrong sampling medium (water) and, in some cases,
inadequate analytical facilities and procedures. Clearly, this makes pesticide assessment in
water difficult in large parts of the world. Experience suggests that sediment-associated
pesticide levels are often much higher than recorded, and NDs are often quite misleading.
Some water quality agencies now use multi-media (water + sediment + biota) sampling in
order to more accurately characterize pesticides in the aquatic environment.
Another problem is that analytical detection levels in routine monitoring for certain
pesticides may be too high to determine presence/absence for protection of human health.
Gilliom (1984) noted that the US Geological Survey's Pesticide Monitoring Network [in
1984] had a detection limit of 0.05 ? g/l for DDT, yet the aquatic life criterion is 0.001 ? g/l
and the human health criterion is 0.0002 ? g/l ? both much less that the routine detection
limit of the programme. ND (not detectible) values, therefore, are not evidence that the
chemical is not present in concentrations that may be injurious to aquatic life and to human
health. That this analytical problem existed in the United States suggests that the problem of
producing water quality data that can be used for human health protection from pesticides in
developing countries, must be extremely serious. Additionally, detection limits are only one of
many analytical problems faced by environmental chemists when analysing for organic
Control of water pollution from agriculture 61
Occurrence of atrazine, a widely used herbicide, in surface water is limited to the period
immediately after application (Reproduced with permission from Schottler et al. 1994, copyright
American Chemical Society)
Even when one has good analytical values from surface water and/or sediments, the
interpretation of pesticide data is not straight forward. For example, the persistence of
organochlorine pesticides is such that the detection of, say, DDT may well indicate only that
(1) the chemical has been deposited through long range transport from some other part of the
world, or (2) it is a residual from the days when it was applied in that region. In North
America, for example, DDT is still routinely measured even though it has not been used for
almost two decades. The association of organochlorine pesticides with sediment means that
the ability of a river basin to cleanse itself of these chemicals is partly a function of the length
of time it requires for fine-grained sediment to be transported through the basin.
Geomorphologists now know that the process of erosion and transport of silts and clays is
greatly complicated by sedimentation within the river system and that this fine-grained
material may take decades to be transported out of the river basin. For sediment-associated
and persistent pesticides that are still in use in some countries, the presence of the compound
in water and/or sediments results from a combination of current and past use. As such, the
data make it difficult to determine the efficacy of policy decisions such as restrictive use or
Pesticide monitoring requires highly flexible field and laboratory programmes that can
respond to periods of pesticide application, which can sample the most appropriate medium
(water, sediment, biota), are able to apply detection levels that have meaning for human
health and ecosystem protection, and which can discriminate between those pesticides which
appear as artifacts of historical use versus those that are in current use.
For pesticides that are highly soluble in water, monitoring must be closely linked to
periods of pesticide use. In the United States where there have been major studies of the
behaviour of pesticide runoff, the triazines (atrazine and cyanazine) and alachlor (chlorinated
acetamide) are amongst the most widely used herbicides. These are used mainly in the spring
(May). Studies by Schottler et al. (1994) indicate that 55-80% of the pesticide runoff
occurred in the month of June (Figure 13). The significance for monitoring is that many
62 Pesticides as water pollutants
newer and soluble pesticides can only be detected shortly after application; therefore,
monitoring programmes that are operated on a monthly or quarterly basis (typical of many
countries) are unlikely to be able to quantify the presence or determine the significance of
pesticides in surface waters. Pesticides that have limited application are even less likely to be
detected in surface waters. The danger lies in the presumption by authorities that ND (non-
detectable) values implies that pesticides are absent. It may well only mean that monitoring
programmes failed to collect data at the appropriate times or analysed the wrong media.
Prediction of water quality impacts of pesticides and related land management practices is an
essential element of site-specific control options and for the development of generic
approaches for pesticide control. Prediction tools are mainly in the form of models, many of
which are contained in Table 7. Also, the key hydrological processes that control infiltration
and runoff, and erosion and sediment transport, are controlling factors in the movement of
pesticides. These processes are described in Chapter 2.
The Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM,
1992) concluded that groundwater is threatened by pesticides in all European states. This is
obvious both from the available monitoring data and calculations concerning pesticide load,
soil sensitivity and leaching... It has been calculated that on 65% of all agricultural land the
EC standard for the sum of pesticides (0.5 ? g/l) will be exceeded. In approximately 25% of
the area this standard will be exceeded by more than 10 times...
In recognition of pesticide abuse and of environmental and public health impacts the
European countries have adopted a variety of measures that include the following (FAO/ECE,
Elsewhere, as for example Indonesia, reduction in subsidies has reduced the usage of
pesticides and has increased the success of integrated pesticide management programmes
(Brinkman, pers. comm., 1995).
Control of water pollution from agriculture 63
Pesticide registration
Pesticide control is mainly carried out by a system of national registration which limits the
manufacture and/or sale of pesticide products to those that have been approved. In developed
countries, registration is a formal process whereby pesticides are examined, in particular, for
mammalian toxicity (cancers, teratogenic and mutagenic effects, etc.) and for a range of
potential environmental effects based on the measured or estimated environmental behaviour
of the product based on its physico-chemical properties. Most developing countries have
limited capability to carry out their own tests on pesticides and tend to adopt regulatory
criteria from the developed world. As our knowledge of the effects of pesticides in the
environment accumulates, it has become apparent that many of the older pesticides have
inadequate registration criteria and are being re-evaluated. As a consequence, the
environmental effects of many of the older pesticides are now recognized as so serious that
they are banned from production or sale in many countries.
A dilemma in many developing countries is that many older pesticides (e.g. DDT) are
cheap and effective. Moreover, regulations are often not enforced with the result that many
pesticides that are, in fact, banned, are openly sold and used in agricultural practice. The
dichotomy between actual pesticide use and official policy on pesticide use is, in many
countries, far apart.
There is now such concern over environmental and, in some instances, human health
effects of excessive use and abuse of pesticides, that there is active discussion within many
governments of the need to include a programme of pesticide reduction as part of a larger
strategy of sustainable agriculture. In 1992, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden were the
first of the 24 member states of the OECD to embark upon such a programme. The
Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural produce after the United
States. In contrast, wood preservatives in the forest sector account for 70% of Swedish
pesticide use with agriculture using only 30%. As noted above, the lack of baseline data on
pesticides in surface waters of OECD countries, is a constraint in establishing baseline values
against which performance of the pesticide reduction programme can be measured.
In 1986 the Danish Government initiated an Action Plan for sustainable agriculture which
would prevent the use of pesticides for two purposes (WWF, 1992):
64 Pesticides as water pollutants
One source of current information on pesticides is through the EXtension TOXicology NETwork
operated by the University of Oregon on the Internet. EXTOXNET provides information on:
Safeguard human health - from the risks and adverse effects associated with the use of
pesticides, primarily by preventing intake via food and drinking water.
Protect the environment - both the non-target and beneficial organisms found in the flora
and fauna on cultivated land and in aquatic environments.
The objective was to achieve a 50% reduction in the use of agricultural pesticides by
1997 from the average amount of pesticides used during the period 1981-85. This was to be
measured by (1) a decline in total sales (by weight) of the active ingredients and, (2) decrease
in frequency of application. While the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF, 1992) report that
by 1993, sales of active ingredients had been reduced by 30%, the application frequency had
not declined.
The Danish legislation included the following components although, by 1993, not all had
achieved comparable success.
pesticides can be designed and implemented in such a way that it will reduce the use of
pesticides without distorting or dramatically worsening the economic situation in the
agricultural sector. Funds raised by the tax were to be directed back to the agricultural
sector. Studies reported by the Institute of Agriculture suggested, however, that pesticide
taxes alone would not produce the requisite reduction during the lifetime of the plan.
Certification of pesticide users: All farmers and commercial sprayers must hold
application certificates. Certification includes education in pesticide issues.
The Swedes have had considerable success in achieving pesticide reduction targets.
WWF (1992) credits their success to the following factors.
Setting of targets with achievable goals and using multiple measures of reduction.
Lead role played by the Environment Ministry and Chemicals Inspectorate.
Active support of farmers organizations which realize the economic and environmental
advantages of reduced pesticide usage.
A strong research and development base that provides credible support for new pesticide
Certification of new machinery and routine testing of farm sprayers at government-
regulated test centres.
66 Pesticides as water pollutants
Re-evaluation and re-registration of pesticides which has resulted in 338 products being
removed from the market.
Use of pesticides in developing countries is extremely variable, from nil in large parts of
Africa, to extremely heavy dosage in intensive agricultural areas of Brazil and plantations of
Central America. In their review of the limited research literature on pesticide use and
impacts in Africa, Calamari and Naeve (1994) conclude that, The concentrations found in
various aquatic compartments, with few exceptions are lower than in other parts of the world,
in particular in developed countries which have a longer history of high pesticide consumption
and intense use. Generally, the coastal waters, sediments and biota are less contaminated than
inland water environmental compartments, with the exception of a few hot spots.
The International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, formulated
and being implemented by FAO (Box 8) is very relevant to pesticide pollution control and
environmental protection in general.
Gifts of pesticides from donors that encourage inefficient use and abandonment of older
quantities of the same pesticide.
This Code of Conduct, adopted by FAO and its member countries in 1985, recognises that: In the
absence of an effective pesticide registration process and of a governmental infrastructure for
controlling the availability of pesticides, some countries importing pesticides must heavily rely on the
pesticide industry to promote the safe and proper distribution and use of pesticides. In these
circumstances foreign manufacturers, exporters and importers, as well as local formulators,
distributors, repackers, advisers and users, must accept a share of the responsibility for safety and
efficiency in distribution and use.
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) is an important component of the Code of Conduct. Under PIC,
pesticides that are banned or severely restricted for reasons of health or the environment are
subject to the Prior Informed Consent procedure. No pesticide in these categories should be
exported to an importing country participating in the PIC procedure contrary to that country's
decision .... Implementation of PIC is carried out jointly by FAO and the International Register of
Potentially Toxic Chemicals (UNEP/IRPTC) and included 127 countries in December, 1994.
FAO, 1990b.
Storage and handling is a major problem, including leakage from old barrels and
deliberate dumping of surplus pesticide mixtures into water courses following
Chapter 5
Summary and recommendations
Specific actions recommended for the control of sediment, fertilizer and pesticide impacts on
water quality have been enumerated in each respective chapter. In this concluding chapter are
discussed a selection of issues pertaining to water quality which have over-arching
implications for agriculture. Some, such as internalization of all environmental costs,
represent a significant challenge to the way in which agricultural agencies pursue agricultural
practices. Others reflect the interaction between agriculture and other national development
priorities and reflect public policy issues that are of national significance.
In his analysis of impacts of agriculture on water quality in the Brazilian state of Paran
in which agricultural expansion has had major impacts on water quality, Andreoli (1993)
summarized a series of institutional and substantive lessons from that state into the following
observations that have general application.
It is necessary to develop and implement water resource monitoring systems with a prior
definition of indicators, parameters, tolerance limits, frequency and sampling points,
combining this information with quantity data.
Data and information generated should be properly treated in the sense of disseminating
them as much as possible in order to heighten awareness and mobilization of the public
sector and of society with respect to agriculture's impact on the environment.
In the prevention systems proposed, solutions to causes should be looked for, seeking to
match the agricultural model to the socio-economic needs of the population within
environmental limits and vocations.
Besides treating water quality related problems, there is evidence of other problems
generated by conflicts in use, particularly the need to integrate quality management with
the quantity of water within a comprehensive, decentralized and participatory
management system, reconciling regional development with environmental protection.
The cooperation of fiscalizing and monitoring agencies dealing with agrotoxic substances
is urgent, with the capacity for control structures, seeking the development of biological
70 Summary and recommendations
Ultimately, any strategy to reduce agricultural impacts on water quality will only be
successful if it is implemented at the farm level. Therefore, implementation of control
measures at the farm level will only be successful and sustainable if the farmer can determine
that it is in his economic interest to undertake such measures. Therefore, the economic
benefits from such factors as implementation of erosion control measures to maintain soil
fertility, capital costs associated with improved manure handling and distribution, etc., must
be clearly seen to be offset by reduced energy consumption in minimum till situations,
improvement in soil fertility by improved manure handling and erosion control, reduced
fertilizer costs, etc.. This implies that agricultural agencies must use a holistic approach to the
economics of farming practices. There are abundant examples from both developed and
developing countries that indicate that this approach is equally applicable to all farmers who
have a long-term interest in their land.
The need for integrated water resources management has been widely accepted as a
necessary national policy goal (ICWE, 1992; United Nations, 1992, World Bank, 1993; FAO
1994c). From the agriculturist's perspective, only an integrated approach permits the
evaluation of the role of agriculture in a national water resource management programme, and
protects against disjointed, inefficient and inequitable policy decisions for water quality
remediation. The disastrous environmental situation in many Eastern European countries as
well as in some rapidly industrializing countries, provides ample evidence for the types of
policy actions that need to be taken to deal cost-effectively with the role of agriculture within
the larger framework of water quality management.
The example of Lithuania is instructive (FAO, 1994b). The following seventeen issues
form the basis for the water quality policy that is proposed in Lithuania. Clearly, agriculture
is but one of the concerns that comprise the mix of water quality policy issues. Also, the
Control of water pollution from agriculture 71
emphasis on piggeries can be replaced by other types of intensive animal farming in other
Missing from this list is improved pest management and fertilizer management,
particularly from the context of efficient use of animal wastes and the environmental
(including water quality) and public health benefits from a more optimal use of pesticides. In
other countries with different climatic and topographic characteristics, additional policy
elements would include:
erosion control
aquaculture impacts
deforestation impacts
wetlands management
pesticide management and control (importation, manufacture, sales and application, and
irrigation management
rice/fish culture management
72 Summary and recommendations
In Chapter 1 it was noted that a typical dilemma in managing water quality in river basins was
the difficulty in determining the extent to which agriculture contributes to the overall water
quality problem. Therefore, recommendations for assessment of impacts of agriculture on
water quality fall into two spatial categories ? one is at the farm level, the other is at the river
basin level. Assessment and decision-making at these two scales are fundamentally different.
At the farm level, assessment and decisions are those that can be implemented by the
farmer. While the net benefits may be felt at larger scales, the objective is to implement
decisions that are practical and which are economically advantageous for the farmer. At the
river basin scale the user is a regional or national agency which must assess the contribution
of agriculture to the larger problem of river pollution, and the management alternatives both
for point and non-point sources that could be implemented in different parts of the basin that
would have the greatest impact at the least cost. Therefore, basin-scale assessment is essential
for the development of rational and cost effective remediation and control programmes which
are usually driven by national policies on water pollution. The tools for agricultural impact
assessment are well known, however, they need to be systematized into a general
methodology and integrated with modern environmental chemistry and take advantage of new
advances in the field of information technology. The methodology needs to be developed at
two levels of detail: (a) at the screening level in which a rapid assessment can be made and
which provides approximate levels of predicted impacts based on easily accessible
information; and (b) at a detailed level for use in detailed studies for the purpose of
developing remediation options.
At the small scale (field, small catchment) it is important to be able to predict the nature
of agricultural runoff and associated loss of nutrients, sediments and pesticides, so that
agriculturalists can predict the probable impact of different crop and land management
options. Table 13 identifies a selection of models that are used for agricultural assessment
purposes. It is recommended that one or more screening models be adapted for use in
developing countries for the purpose of estimating erosion and chemical loss at the plot or
field level, and for gaming with alternative land use options relative to erosion and potential
for chemical runoff. Appropriate screening models should not require excessive data, should
integrate over seasons, and be easily transportable from one region to another. Such models
will require selective calibration by national agricultural agencies to ensure reliability.
At the large scale (sub-basin, basin, regional) there is an urgent need to develop simple
methods for making estimates of erosion at the basin scale, as has been discussed more fully
in Chapter 2. Also at the basin scale there is a need to develop a systematic methodology that
permits evaluation of water quality impacts of agriculture relative to other types of polluting
sources. One possibility is a combination of the rapid assessment methodology of the World
Health Organization (Economopoulos, 1993) in which point sources can be rapidly
inventoried and assigned to pollutant categories together with a non-point source assessment
methodology (a screening type of model), both operated within a georeferenced expert
Control of water pollution from agriculture 73
For agriculture, there is need to determine what the environmental capacity is for
different types of runoff products in the local context. Determination of acceptable threshold
values could be systematized through use of an expert system in which the database includes
all relevant scientific characteristics; the decision on the threshold value are evaluated as a
series of options that are filtered through the knowledge (input) of local circumstances.
(a) Data Programmes: It was noted in Chapter 1 that, typically, the data which are needed
for such an assessment are not often available from conventional water quality monitoring
programmes. However, there are new techniques in environmental chemistry and toxicology
which permit much more cost-effective determination of the nature and source of water
quality problems than is possible with conventional physico-chemical measurements that are
carried out in most water quality programmes. Applegren (FAO, 1994b), in his assessment of
water resource policy needs in Lithuania, a country which is probably typical of many other
former Soviet republics, identified the need for strengthened water quality monitoring and a
water resources database.
Reduce fixed site monitoring networks and expand the survey approach to water
quality measurement (Rickert, 1993).
Achieve a better balance between water sampling (traditional) and other media
such as suspended sediment sampling. Note that hydrophobic contaminants such as
organochlorine compounds including many older pesticides, PAHs and PCBs are often
found only at trace levels in water but can be easily determined on solids. It follows that
management judgements about presence/absence/toxicity and environmental and/or
human health impacts of aquatic chemistry are frequently grossly in error if analysis is
made only on water samples.
Except where specific chemical measures are justified, make use of modern screening
techniques that provide economical indicators of chemical presence and/or impact.
Screening techniques are designed to provide quick information which guides the
decision on where more detailed (and expensive) chemistry is needed. Screening
techniques eliminate the menu approach to environmental chemistry wherein
laboratory analysis is restricted, for reasons of cost, to a predetermined set of chemical
parameters. Experience has shown that such lists frequently have little value in studies of
environmental contamination. Screening tools include the following types of activities:
(b) Mobilizing Data: It is essential that agriculturalists can determine the impacts of
agriculture on water quality at the medium and large scales relative to other potential sources
of water quality degradation. This requires that conventional monitoring data for nutrients,
salinity, and suspended sediment need to be integrated into a single information system that
permits analysis of basin or sub-basin trends in water quality and sediment transport relative
to point and non-point sources and gross indicators of land use, topography, soils and climate.
That this is not done in most countries reflects inter-agency and institutional problems and the
lack of suitable software. Measures of data reliability must be established and confidence
levels established for interpretive activities. Analysis of existing data rapidly leads to
identification of data gaps, of unreliable parameters, and of parameters which have no useful
function and which can be eliminated from monitoring programmes.
Water Quality Indices refer to two or more parameters that indicate the "healthiness" of
water. In some cases, indices reflect ecosystem behaviour; in other cases, they indicate
conditions of the aquatic environment (e.g. toxicity). These indices are generally designed to
determine potential for ecosystem dysfunction, and to provide insight into pollution sources
and management decisions for source control. Indices tend to be mainly used for descriptive
Control of water pollution from agriculture 75
purposes and are not often used directly for water quality management at the field level. The
need is for indices that permit rapid assessment of impact of agricultural runoff and which
can be used to make judgements on levels of impacts in space and time as a basis for
management decisions concerning the need for controls. There is also potential to develop
indices which link water quality impacts to economic factors relative both to upstream
sources and downstream consequences, as a way to evaluate the economic impacts of
agricultural runoff.
(a) Numerical Indices based on conventional water chemistry: There are commonly a
half dozen indices that combine various chemical measures of water quality into an integrated
index. These commonly include a mixture of nutrients, microbiology, dissolved oxygen and,
occasionally, metals. Generally, these are used as descriptive tools for assessing river reaches.
The more successful indices use a limited number of parameters (e.g. a eutrophication index
would use nutrients and dissolved oxygen or BOD) and describe one type of water pollutant
impact (e.g. eutrophication). The most complete recent reference is a report (in Dutch)
produced for RIZA (Netherlands) on chemical indices (RIZA, 1994).
(b) Effects Indicators/Indices: There are a wide variety of "effects" indicators which are
often combined into an index. These generally are some measure of biological reaction to
aquatic pollutants. Many of these are used as "screening" tools (as noted above) which can
help managers resolve spatially and causally, the nature and intensity of the pollutant impact.
These indicators include:
Biotic Indices: There are a variety of standardized biotic indices that are commonly used in
Europe for water quality assessment and management. Generally, these indices are developed
from benthic assemblages in rivers and streams. The index represents the nature of benthic
response, mainly to organic pollution (domestic and municipal wastes). These have not been
very successful for toxics assessment. There have been many reviews of biotic indices
(Reynoldson and Metcalfe-Smith, 1992; Metcalfe-Smith, 1994).
Ecosystem indicators: Increasingly, there is interest in indicators that describe how parts of
ecosystems respond to physical and chemical stress. Indicators can include a range of
ecological measurements (fish, benthic organisms, habitat, etc.). This technique has proven
useful as a means of establishing norms against which managers can measure success of
remediation measures (US-EPA, 1989). This approach has also been used in the United
Kingdom, Canada, and Australia (Reynoldson et al. 1995)
Other Effects Indices: There are a wide range of indices that are used to assess nutrient
and/or toxic stress. Many of these use fish as a useful surrogate for impacts on humans.
These indices include:
- measures of fish health using histological (e.g. red/white cell ratio) and pathological
measures (size and appearance of organs).
76 Summary and recommendations
(c) Other Chemical Indicators: These are integrating (and usually simplifying) chemical
measures of groups of compounds. An example is the mapping of chlorine residuals as a
measure of total chlorinated material in the water column in a river basin. "Hot spots" within
the basin indicate potential problem areas. The objective of such indicators is to use simple,
inexpensive measures to determine whether problems may exist and to guide decisions on
priorities for further (and expensive) chemical analysis.
General Note: Many of these techniques are lower in capital equipment requirements and
higher in useful information than conventional water chemistry, and are capable of
implementation by developing countries which typically have good capacity for biology but
much less for advanced environmental chemistry. Such indices do require a shift in the
"data paradigm" which continues to be dominated by the (western) chemical approach to
water quality assessment.
An often cited benefit of information technology is the ability to electronically access data,
text, graphics, etc. from an infinite number of locations in the world. An example for pesticide
information was provided in Chapter 4. The hardware and software (e.g. World Wide Web
on the Internet) is now reliably dedicated to such tasks to the point where information
overload is now a problem. Nevertheless, while this type of information technology is the best
known aspect of the information revolution, it is only one side of the information technology
equation. The second side deals with the problems created by this ease of access. This
includes the frequent absence of quality control and other meta-data which are needed to
describe the characteristics of the data/information, and the immense problem of what to do
with such large amounts of information when it is received and how to use it for decision-
making purposes. Indeed, the challenge is no longer that of accessing information but one of
integrating information in a systematic manner for the purpose of making management
Control of water pollution from agriculture 77
judgements about particular projects and problems in agriculture in general, and the
management of water quality in particular.
a. Information Systems: systems that inform users about what information exists and
where to find it. These may be internal to an agency or mounted on the Internet through
an agency's Home Page. As part of these systems, hypertext permits instant (Internet)
access to information sources no matter where that information may be located in the
b. Integrating Software: software that contains an integrated set of tools (map editors,
statistics, graphics, expert system shells, etc.) which permit the user to access, assemble
and use data, models, text, imagery, video, models, etc. for any purpose defined by the
user. While some geographic information systems (GIS) have some of this capability,
fully developed systems, such as Environment Canada's RAISON Software, are
designed specifically for such tasks.
c. Advisers: special computer programs that are designed to provide advice to users. This
can range from simple situations that are captured in the software and presented to the
user, up to programs which use the full range of information technologies such as Expert
Systems (knowledge base), neural networks (self-learning), fuzzy logic (uncertainty),
etc. and which are increasingly being used in complex decision-support software. While
these advanced technologies are invisible (transparent) to the user, they often permit
analysis of uncertainty in the decision process which can be very beneficial to the user.
The technology of advisors uses much of the same techniques as information systems
insofar as the advisor may lead the user to information sources that may be held
anywhere on the Internet. Other advisors are quite self-contained and rely only on input
of appropriate data by the user. An example of each is provided below.
One particular role of advisors is in the field of screening tools. As in the example below
(EXPRES), a screening tool provides a consistent approach to making first-
approximation judgements, usually with limited information. Screening tools, whether
they be based on information systems or on biological and chemical measurements as
noted earlier in this Chapter, assist the user to decide if greater attention to the issue is
merited. For example, a screening tool could be used which permits a first rapid
assessment of the potential for developing an irrigation scheme. The screening tool
provides a first estimate of the potential (including potential impacts) and identifies those
aspects which remain unclear and which require further investigation in order to provide
an improved decision. The screening tool is especially useful for the non-expert and, in
many instances, can save time and money by eliminating the need to send irrigation
professionals with different types of expertise to every possible site. Alternatively, the
screening tool can assist a single expert by providing the knowledge base of other
experts as part of the database contained within the computer program.
Advisers can also lead to significant savings in labour in situations where agencies must
routinely respond to technical issues. By capturing the experts' knowledge about these
issues on a computer, routine responses can often be handled by a secretary thereby
freeing up the time of expensive professionals.
78 Summary and recommendations
Examples of Advisers in Water Quality: The following two examples demonstrate two
types of advisers that reflect problems of water quality in agriculture. The first, a manure
management system known as the Manure Wizard, is an information system which not
only assists in making a decision, it also permits the user to explore the sources of information
that pertain to the recommended decision. The second, EXPRES, is a self-contained program
which permits the user to explore the potential for contamination of shallow groundwater by
pesticides through the use of models and pesticide databases that are built into the software.
Manure management at the farm level is mainly driven by problems of water quality impacts.
Manure management is often complex, involving decisions about manure chemistry, animal
types, quantitative prediction, economics of manure handling, different options for disposal,
spreading on land under different conditions of soil, slope and crop types, etc.. Because
manure management has significant pollution potential as well as significant costs at the farm
level for containment and disposal, the Manure Wizard provides the farmer with as much
information as is needed to make an informed decision about his options. This Advisor,
developed at the University of Guelph (Canada) for Agriculture Canada allows the farmer to
interrogate the information system about any aspect of manure management under different
types of agricultural conditions that are found in Ontario. The system contains relevant text as
well as the ability to connect the user, via the Internet, to other sources of documentary
information. The Adviser contains a knowledge base which helps the farmer arrive at an
appropriate and cost-effective solution for manure management. The knowledge base consists
of informed judgement from professionals in this field, which is captured as part of the
database, and then applied to the particular problem of the user. The Advisor, once
developed, provides comprehensive and systematic information for decision-making to the
farmer, and requires no computer skills on the part of the user.
Figure 14 illustrates the first two screens (i.e. computer images) that appear in the
Manure Wizard. Each screen leads the user through a series of questions and provides
guidance on those issues relevant to manure management. Using hypertext linkages, the
user can interrogate specific words, titles, phrases or issues that appear on the screen.
Hypertext then immediately transfers the User to the relevant section of the Advisor or
automatically connects the user to an external information source.
(b) EXPRES: The EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluations and Simulations),
was developed by the National Water Research Institute of Environment Canada (Crowe and
Mutch, 1994) as a tool for quickly evaluating the potential for contamination of shallow
groundwater by agricultural pesticides. Typically, this type of issue is answered by a detailed
knowledge of the soil (often through drilling of cores), measurement of slope, pesticide
chemistry, etc.. This type of investigation is expensive and there was a need to develop a
screening technique which would allow non-experts to estimate the potential for groundwater
contamination without having to go to the expense and trouble of drilling wells, making field
measurements, hiring consultants, etc.
Example of the first two screens of the Manure Wizard. These guide the user through a
series of questions designed to assist the user in making a decision for the most cost-
effective and beneficial way to manage animal wastes (Source: University of Guelph, Canada)
80 Summary and recommendations
FIGURE 14 cont'd
Control of water pollution from agriculture 81
Different geographical scales that can be addressed with the EXPRES regional assessment
adviser (From Crowe and Booty, 1995; printed by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers)
user in construction of an input data set, initiates the assessment, and aids in the interpretation
of the results. EXPRES can review pesticide and site properties, assess the potential for
leaching to groundwater relative to other possible pesticides, make quantitative predictions on
the distribution and migration rates of the pesticide, and evaluate the processes and factors
that control the fate of pesticides in the subsurface.
EXPRES has been expanded into a regional assessment tool (Figure 15) by Crowe and
Booty (1995) with three different scales of application ? soil profile scale, local scale, and
regional scale. The most detailed analysis is at the soil profile scale, whereas the larger scales
82 Summary and recommendations
are used as screening tools by regulators to determine the relative potentials for groundwater
contamination and the need for groundwater monitoring.
Advisers tend to be designed for specific sets of conditions. Both EXPRES and the
Manure Wizard are designed for application under humid temperate conditions and
agricultural systems found in Canada; nevertheless, they can be adapted to include other types
of climatic and agricultural conditions.
The management of water quality in agriculture is increasingly a complex and multi-sectoral
problem that requires the ability to:
predict environmental consequences;
analyse remedial options both at the farm level and at the basin level;
carry out cost-benefit analysis of other sectoral needs and impacts on water quality;
identify policy options at the basin, region or national levels;
carry out post-audit functions to determine effectiveness of the decisions, once
It is recommended, therefore, that FAO and national agricultural agencies
take full advantage of the new capabilities offered by information technology
that permit more consistent and reliable analysis and decision-making for
complex water quality issues.
Information and decision-support systems should rely on commercial and public domain
products for routine tasks. This includes database software (e.g. dBASE, etc.), existing GIS
files (raster and vector) from commercial GIS systems, statistical packages etc. Where
appropriate, decision-support systems should easily integrate existing software (such as
SIMIS [Scheme Irrigation Management Information System], CROPWAT [Crop Water
Requirements]) into the software. Such systems should be easily expandable (adding new
tasks to the software) by using existing software components.
The onus is on system developers to create a computer decision-support software which
is quite transparent to the User. This means that the User should be able to operate the
program with a minimum of training. The software should have appropriate "HELP" tools
built into the software. The User should not have to be a computer expert.
There is a tendency amongst developing countries to adopt water quality objectives and
guidelines developed by western water quality agencies. The Canadian Water Quality
Guidelines (CCREM, n.d.), for example, are widely cited. Calamari and Naeve (1994) note
that the use of water quality criteria that are developed in temperate ecosystems should be
used with care in African situations due to the large differences in chemical behaviour
(toxicity, persistence and accumulation rates) in these different climate conditions. The same
Control of water pollution from agriculture 83
Candidate pesticides for the proposed international POPs protocol
Aldrin Acrylonitrile
Atrazine Aramite
Chlordane Dioxins
Chorpicrin Furans
1,2-Dibromoethane Lead compounds
1,2-Dichloroethane Cadmium compounds
Dieldrin Captafol
DDT (+DDD + DDE) Chlordecone (Kepone)
Endrin Chlordimeform
Fluoroacetic acid & derivatives Chloroform
Heptachlor Crimidine
Hexachlorobenzene Isobenzan
Lindane (Hexachlorocyclohexane) Isodrin
Mirex Kelevan
Nitrofen Morfamquat
Pentachlorophenol 2,4,5-T
Polychlorinated terpenes Poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Quintozene Selenium compounds
Chemicals not currently used in Western Europe but identified as requiring control if they were in use.
Highlighted compounds are those commonly referred to as the "Dirty Dozen".
point can be made for Asian and many Latin American countries. Water quality objectives/
guidelines/criteria also reflect, explicitly or implicitly, societal values and willingness to
accept risk, especially for water quality objectives linked to public health. All these
considerations suggest that water quality objectives developed in advanced countries may not
be appropriate for developing countries. This issue is much larger than that of agricultural
impacts on water quality, however the level of impact of agriculture in many developing
countries is sufficiently large that agricultural agencies should have some involvement in the
development of water quality objectives that are appropriate for those countries and which are
realistic in terms of the ability to assess agricultural impacts on water quality for the purpose
of meeting water quality objectives.
The implications for agriculture are that a substantial number of the candidate chemicals
on the POPs list are agricultural pesticides (Table 18), some of which are still widely used in
developing countries. The chemicals listed in Table 18 are taken from European, Canadian
and ECE lists of pesticides that are banned or that have been identified as requiring major
reductions in use due to documented environmental and/or public health consequences.
84 Summary and recommendations
Para. 17: Acting to develop, in accordance with the provisions of the Global Programme of Action, a
global, legally binding instrument for the reduction and/or elimination of emissions, discharges and,
where appropriate, the elimination of the manufacture and use of the persistent organic pollutants
identified in decision 18/32 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme.
The nature of the obligations undertaken must be developed recognizing the special circumstances of
countries in need of assistance. Particular attention should be devoted to the potential need for the
continued use of certain persistent organic pollutants to safeguard human health, sustain food
production and to alleviate poverty in the absence of alternatives and the difficulty of acquiring
substitutes and transferring of technology for the development and/or production of those substitutes.
Quite separate from the POPs agenda is the problem of pesticide use in developing countries
and countries with economies in transition. The history of pesticide abuse is legend. The
environmental, water quality, and public health consequences are well known. While the
Prior Informed Consent programme of FAO and IRPTC (International Register of
Potentially Toxic Chemicals) is an important step, the abuse and misuse of agricultural
chemicals remains a major problem in many countries, especially in Latin America, Asia and
eastern Europe. There are no easy answers or recommendations, however the issue is so
important both for public health and the environment, with large off-site economic costs, that
FAO needs to develop a specific action plan in the field of pesticide use. The action plan
needs to include assessment, education, demonstration, chemical replacement, storage and
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Control of water pollution from agriculture 93
Annex 1
Pesticide inventory
This Annex provides general information for a broad range of agricultural pesticides.
Readers must consult the original sources for detailed information, especially for drinking
water guidelines. Different values for concentrations in drinking water and in fish and
shellfish tissue reflect different criteria and methods used to calculate these values. Guidelines
for fish are for edible parts (e.g. fillets). Concentration values for drinking water and fish and
shellfish tissue are not available for many pesticides. The primary source for this Annex is
Reference #1 below: unless otherwise indicated, information and values come from this
(1) US Environmental Protection Agency, 1990. National Pesticide Survey: Survey Analytes.
In: National Survey of Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells, Phase 1 Report, Office of
Water, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, EPA570/9-90-015, Washington
(2) Nowell, L.H. and Resek E.A. 1994. National standards and guidelines for pesticides in
water, sediment, and aquatic organisms: Application to water-quality assessments.
Volume 140 of Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Volume 140. (Refer to this source for
comprehensive discussion; guidelines for aquatic life, etc.).
(3) World Health Organization, 1993. Guidelines for drinking water quality; Volume 1:
Recommendations. World Health Organization, Geneva,Second Edition.
(4) Misc. sources, including product literature, etc.
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Acifluorfen Blazer Herbicide Controls weeds and grasses -----
Carbofluorfen in soybeans, groundnuts, rice,
Tackle and other large seeded
RH-620 legumes
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Aldrin HHDN Insecticide Controls soil insects 0.03 (3) 0.3 (2)
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Chlordane Gold Crest C-100 Insecticide Controls termites in homes 2. 0.3 (2)
and controls other insects 0.2 (3)
such as fire ants around
underground cables
Chlordecone (2) 0.3 (2)
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Ethylene thiourea ETU Breakdown product EDBC controls fungus on roses ---
(ETU) of EBDC Fungicides and other flowers, potatoes,
tomatoes, lettuce and apples
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Heptachlor epoxide (See Heptachlor) (Degradate) (See Heptachlor) 0.2 0.3 (2)
0.03 (3)
Hexachlorobenzene Anti-Carie Fungicide Controls fungus on wheat 1. (1,3)
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Mirex 0.1
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)
Toxaphene (2) 5.
Pesticide Common or Type Principal Use Drinking Water Fish & Shellfish
Trade Name Level (? g/l) Tissue (mg/kg)