Part II Cases of Piperazine-Activated MDEA and Generic MDEA

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Published Monthly by Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

Volume 9, Issue 1, January, 2015

Mass Transfer Pinches in Amine Treaters

Part II: Cases of Piperazine-activated MDEA and Generic MDEA

These days, the term piperazine-activated

MDEA almost automatically brings to mind carbon
dioxide removal in LNG production. However, this
solvent is also used in other deep CO2 removal
applications such as purifying ammonia syngas.
Mistaken attempts have been made to reduce
carbon dioxide to a few tenths of a mole percent
using generic MDEA, but most have failedMDEA
is not nearly reactive enough towards CO2 to
achieve normally even such a modest level of
treating, so its reactivity must be boosted. Although
other amines such as DGA can be made to work
in LNG applications, piperazine is a common
promoter for MDEA. This issue of The Contactor
will look at two case studies: one in LNG production
and the other using generic MDEA alone to remove
H2S from a refinery gas.
Figure 1 Gas and Liquid Temperatures
Case Study 1: CO2 Removal in an LNG Unit in the LNG Absorber
This case involves removing 20% CO2 from
a gas at only 16 barg using 33 wt% MDEA solvent
containing 7 wt% piperazine. The lean loading is
0.005 moles of CO2 per mole of total amine.
ProTreat simulation gives the temperature
profiles shown in Figure 1. The temperature is so
constant over almost the entire upper half of the
column that there is a strong suggestion the
absorber might be lean-end (top-end) pinched.
However, the concentration profiles in Figure 2
suggest quite the opposite.
At the top of the absorber the actual and
equilibrium carbon dioxide concentrations in the
gas are three orders of magnitude apart. There is a
very substantial driving force for absorption,
especially at the absorbers lean end. In fact, pinch
conditions are being approached more at the
location of the temperature bulge, right at the
bottom of the absorber. Temperatures are constant Figure 2 Actual and Equilibrium CO2
across the top because only parts per million of Concentration Profiles in the Gas
CO2 are being removed, not because of a pinch.

2014 by Optimized Gas Treating, Inc., 12337 Jones Rd., Suite 432, Houston, TX 77070, USA, Phone/Fax +1 281 970 2700, Web
Case Study 2: Removing H2S from Refinery Gas Across the entire column, CO2 drops
linearly from 2% to 1.74% so heat from this source
Raw gas consisting of 3 mole% hydrogen
is being released at much the same rate on every
sulfide in predominantly methane and hydrogen
tray in the column. Thus, the steady temperature
with a few percent each of C2 C5 hydrocarbons,
rise from trays 1 to 6 is only to be expected. The
and nitrogen, flows at 25 kNm3/h. The absorber
actual H2S concentration and the equilibrium
runs at 7.25 barg and the gas is treated with 41
concentration also show a steady rise across these
m3/h of 40 wt% generic MDEA. Figure 3(a) shows
six trayshigher temperatures mean greater
the ProTreat simulated temperature profiles
equilibrium partial pressure H2S. In addition,
corresponding to these conditions. Temperatures
increasing CO2 loading of the solvent also causes
are flat over the upper one third of the absorber,
increased H2S vapor pressure. Interestingly,
suggesting a lean-end pinch. The pinch is
however, hydrogen sulphide is at near equilibrium
confirmed by the profiles of actual and equilibrium
with the liquid locally on every one of these six
H2S concentrations shown in Figure 3(b).
trays. On that basis, its absorption is still pinched
However, when there is a significant concentration
from a driving force standpoint. The continued
of CO2 in the gas, the situation is not as clear cut.
absorption of hydrogen sulphide across the top
trays results from shifting equilibrium caused by
simultaneous carbon dioxide absorption.
Conclusion 1
Temperature profiles alone cannot be relied
upon to indicate pinch conditions, at least not for
lean-end pinches. To decide, one must compare
equilibrium and actual compositions tray-wise
across the column before judgment can be passed.
(a) Temperature (b) H2S Profiles Conclusion 2
If an absorber is lean-end pinched as in
Figure 3 Temperatures & Mole Fractions
Figures 2 and 3a, the pinched component in the
H2S in an Absorber with H2S-Only
treated gas is in equilibrium with the lean solvent.
Therefore, treating can be controlled by
Figure 4 shows the temperature and H2S manipulating the lean solvent loading of that
profiles when the gas contains 2 mol% CO2 in component. Managing the regenerator reboiler
addition to the original 3 mol% H2S. The duty is often the easiest way to do this.
temperature bulge is a little hotter because of the
additional heat release from CO2 absorption. But Conclusion 3
the temperature profile, instead of becoming flat The concentration of a component does not
near the top of the absorber, now decreases have to remain constant across the top of the
linearly across the same top six trays. column for its absorption to be called lean-end
pinched. Its concentration may continue to change
as it does in Figure 4b. What is required is that the
gas above a given tray or set of trays in the top of
the column be in equilibrium with the solvent on
these trays, i.e., the actual and equilibrium
concentrations should coincide on the plot.

To learn more about this and other aspects of gas
(a) Temperature (b) H2S Profiles treating, plan to attend one of our training seminars.
Visit for details.
Figure 4 Temperatures & Mole Fractions H2S
in an Absorber with Mixed Gases ProTreat and The Contactor are trademarks of
Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

2014 by Optimized Gas Treating, Inc., 12337 Jones Rd., Suite 432, Houston, TX 77070, USA, Phone/Fax +1 281 970 2700, Web

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