Course Objectives - Outcomes For Services Marketing

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Course Objectives:

To provide students with an appreciation of concepts, functions, and techniques of the

craft of marketing services.
Identify critical issues in service design including the nature of service products &
markets, building the service model, and creating customer value;
Identify critical issues in service delivery including identifying and managing customer
service experiences, expectations, perceptions and outcomes;
Demonstrate ability in evaluating service designs;
To provide an in-depth appreciation and understanding of the unique challenges inherent
in managing and delivering quality services.
To develop an understanding of the state of the art service management thinking.
To promote a customer service-oriented mindset.

The students will be able to provide a theoretical and practical basis for assessing service
performance using company examples
The students will be able to explain the nature and scope of services marketing
The students will be able to explain describe and utilize key services frameworks and
concepts including the 7Ps of marketing, the Gaps Model, customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and customer lifetime value.
The students will be able to explain service blueprinting, the integration of new
technologies, and other key issues facing today's customer service providers and service
Effectively Understand what quality means in service delivery and how perceptions of
service quality are developed by customers.
Identify critical issues in service design including the nature of service products &
markets, building the service model, and creating customer value;
Identify critical issues in service delivery including identifying and managing customer
service experiences, expectations, perceptions and outcomes;

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