Fish Production Systems in Nepal-Madhav PDF
Fish Production Systems in Nepal-Madhav PDF
Fish Production Systems in Nepal-Madhav PDF
Madhav K Shrestha
Agriculture and Forestry University
RN Mishra
National Fisheries and Aquaculture Program
Annual Innovation Lab Council Partners Workshop; March 10-12, 2104; Shangri-La Hotel Kathmandu
Physiographic Region
Seed availability
Private hatchery = 81%
Government hatchery = 19%
Fish Production Systems
Small-scale household aquaculture
Family/Household pond (< 200 m2)
A subsystem of household farming
60-70% fish produced goes for family
30-40% for sale and supplemental income
Production systems (Contd)
Semi-commercial aquaculture
Relatively large pond/s (1- 4 in nos.)
Cage aquaculture ( 1- few in nos.)
Commercial aquaculture
Registered as commercial farm
Pond aquaculture
Cage aquaculture
Raceway aquaculture
Examples of small-scale household pond
Integration with vegetables
Pond for fish
Dike for vegetables
Green water to irrigate vegetable in dike
Waste of vegetables as input for pond
Integrated farming
Livelihood based
Family nutrition
Surplus sale
Productivity 3 -5 ton/ha/yr
Aquaculture for livelihood and
Small indigenous
fish species (SIS) Carps
Small-scale aquaculture
Semi-commercial Systems
Polyculture of Carps
Generally 3 7 species
Semi-intensive culture
Pond fertilization with
inorganic and organic
Supplemental feed
Majority of production is
for sale
Market of carps
Sahar growth and
Tilapia growth
Cage culture in Lake and Reservoir
Extensive cage culture in
Lakes and Reservoir
Indrasarobar, Kulekhani
Silver and Bighead carps
feeding in planktons
Poultry waste
P. hypophthalmus
Commercial Trout Farming
Cold, flowing and clean water
Race-ways culture in concrete
High quality pellet feed
Productivity = 10-15 kg/ m3
For Luxury market
AquaFish Innovation Lab
Nepal Project
Overall objectives
Develop environmentally sustainable and efficient
Enhance household consumption of fish
List of Research projects
The AquaFish Innovation Lab is supported in part by United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Cooperative Agreement No. EPP-A-00-06-00012-00 and by contributions from participating institutions.
This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this presentation does not
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