Interactive CPD Toolkit PDF
Interactive CPD Toolkit PDF
Interactive CPD Toolkit PDF
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This document contains both guidance and forms that can be filled in on screen or
printed out and completed by hand.
Use the navigation to take you through it in order, or dip in and out of it as your career
progresses to monitor your progress and keep it on track.
Click on the relevant arrow below to begin.
Section 3
Learning logs
Section 4
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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is 3 Tracking
a recognised, systematic way of tracking your
professional development on an ongoing basis. If you have recorded your learning, you can see how you
It also helps you to document and reflect on any are progressing and developing and where the gaps in
learning or training that you either undertake your capabilities are. Then you can set the direction and
objectives for future learning and training.
formally or acquire informally.
There are 5 aspects to CPD:
4 Planning
1 Recording Planning is taking the next step towards your objective and
about making the direction more concrete. If you see a gap
in your abilities, you can plan your next move,whether it
You need to record the steps in your development as
is shadowing someone with more experience, going on a
a professional, including training events and informal
training course or just talking about it to other people.
learning. Development is not necessarily about the
core content of your profession, as doing your job will
require other skills and abilities such as communication or 5 Reviewing
information management.
These are often the skills you acquire in the course Reviewing your development objectives in a
of your work,which help you to do your job and build systematic way helps you to measure your progress and
your overall capability. demonstrates that you have achieved your goals.
The very activity of writing something down will help you to Completing your CPD Toolkit regularly and reviewing your progress
think about it. Reflecting on events and experiences helps will help you to set a direction and keep your development going
you to integrate the learning and see how you may be able the way you want it to. You can also use it as a record which will:
to use it in other situations.
Remind you of what you have learned and how far you have come
demonstrate your enthusiasm for developing yourself to your
employer or prospective employers
provide examples and scenarios for appraisals and interviews.
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Where am I now? [Form 1 of 3] Formal Learning Log [Form 1 of 5] Informal Learning Log [Form 1 of 5]
Job-specific skills and knowledge Capabilities Transferable skills Work Values Interests
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Statement of Intent Objective and Action Plan Formal Achievements Record Informal Achievements Record
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Statement of Intent Long-term overall goals Objective and Action Plan [Form 1 of 3] Formal Achievements Record [Form 1 of 3] Informal Achievements Record [Form 1 of 3]
What would you like to be doing, professionally, in 10 years time? Part 1: Objective
Achievement Date Your Comments Situation Task Action Result
Your development objective (is it SMART?)
What would you like to be doing, professionally, in 5 years time? What you will be able to do or do better when you have achieved it?
First step (what will you do today, tomorrow or next week?) Write a date.
Three areas you would like to develop further
Review date
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Where am I now?
Use the form within this section to take a snapshot of 3 Transferable skills
your current position to take stock of where you are now.
These are skills you have that are transferable to other jobs.
Duplicate forms are included so you can then review it Some of them will come from your job-specific skills list and others from previous
and update it regularly from other sections. jobs or outside interests.
How to use this form, Where am I now? Ask yourself whether you could use it in another job.
2 Capabilities
5 Interests
Capabilities or competencies are different from specific skills as they
This is a list of areas that genuinely interest you and that you enjoy both in and
are not so focused and have more to do with what you are like.
outside of work and many may include specific hobbies.
You may or may not use them in your current job. Your capabilities
Examples include:
are always transferable to other situations as they are generic.
your subject area
Examples include:
helping people learn
influencing and persuading people researching and writing
attention to detail
initiating ideas Where am I now Complete the form
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Job-specific skills and knowledge Capabilities Transferable skills Work Values Interests
Job-specific skills and knowledge Capabilities Transferable skills Work Values Interests
Job-specific skills and knowledge Capabilities Transferable skills Work Values Interests
The two forms in this section will help you to Part 4: Strengths
set development objectives and plan actions
to achieve them. Make a note of three areas or activities in which
you feel at your best and most comfortable.
The first form is a Statement of Intent, which
will help you to record a general statement of
intent, documenting your longer-term goals
and, initially, three areas for development. Part 5: Weaknesses
The second form, Objectives and Action Plan,
Make a note of areas that you feel need
is about setting development objectives and further development.
formulating action plans in the shorter term,
starting from now.
How to use the Statement of Intent form
Part 6: Areas for development
This form has 6 parts:
From your areas of strengths and weaknesses, make
Parts 1-3: Long-term goal(s) a note of no more than three areas that you would like
to develop. These can either be strengths that you want
to build on or weaknesses that you want to strengthen.
These are goals that you are aiming to achieve in the You can then turn these into clear objectives, one by one,
long-term in three, five or even ten years time. This need on the next form.
not be very precise, as you may change it as you go along.
You may also be happy to leave the future open-ended and
not have a longer-term goal at all. However, it does help
if you have some idea of where you are going so that it
provides a framework for your overall development.
The Objectives and Action Plan form is about Part 2: Action plans
setting development objectives and formulating
action plans in the shorter term, starting from now. Action planning also has to be specific, realistic and
time-bound. You need to:
Duplicate forms are included so you can
return to this exercise at regular intervals or Start with your SMART development objective
as required. Identify your overall strategy and the learning methods
you think would be appropriate. For example, go on a
How to use the Objectives and Action Plans form training course, shadow a colleague etc.
Dont set yourself more than three development objectives at one Plan the first step (for example, speaking to your line
time you wont be able to achieve them. Building on the three manager), and plan to do it as soon as possible
areas for development you identified in the last part of this section,
you can clarify your objectives. Use one form for each objective. Decide on a review date for the plan. This may be the
same as your development objective review date. Put it
in your diary and do it, even if you havent reached the
Part 1: Setting Development Objectives objective - you may need to revise your plan.
You also need to make a note of the resources (people,
Your development objectives are short to medium-term, and focus money, training) you need to be able to put your plan
on particular areas for development. A development objective into action.
needs to be precise. Its more than just a statement of intent; its
a clear and focused goal. Every objective needs to be SMART:
Specific exactly what you want to be able to do
Measurable exactly what you will be able to do or do better
when you have achieved it
Achievable based on your capability and the constraints
of your situation
Realistic based on the constraints of your work, time
and commitments
Time-bound with a firm date for achieving it.
Part 1: Objective
Your development objective (is it SMART?)
What you will be able to do or do better when you have achieved it?
First step (what will you do today, tomorrow or next week?) Write a date.
Review date
Part 1: Objective
Your development objective (is it SMART?)
What you will be able to do or do better when you have achieved it?
First step (what will you do today, tomorrow or next week?) Write a date.
Review date
Part 1: Objective
Your development objective (is it SMART?)
What you will be able to do or do better when you have achieved it?
First step (what will you do today, tomorrow or next week?) Write a date.
Review date
The Formal
Complete the form
Learning Log
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Theorising about it
drawing conclusions and
The Informal
fitting it into a pattern Complete the form
Learning Log
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Achievements Part 1
This section is where you How to use the Formal Achievements Record
document your achievements.
The form on the following page provides a simple way
The two forms in this section will
of documenting your formally recognised achievements.
help you in an appraisal or a job
interview. They will also remind Examples include:
you of your successes. A new job
To find out what is causing the problem, help her to overcome
How to use the Informal Achievements Record
it and improve performance.
Action: describe the action you took 2. Monitored her days off sick for a month (irrefutable evidence).
Result: describe the result of your action 3. Talked to her in private & asked what I could do to help.
4. Offered more involvement in decisions affecting her.
Shes more involved and motivated. Attitude is much better
and 100% improvement on absenteeism this month.
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Further reading
You can download more free ebooks, Toolkits and other useful Reinvigorate your Career