Modern Innovations of Steel

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MODERN INNOVATIONS piers and suspension cables

OF STEEL harbors

Most widely used and most

recycled metal material on
earth. From stainless and high- cladding and roofing
temperature steels to flat carbon
products, steel's various forms
and alloys offer different tunnels
properties to meet a wide range security fencing
of applications.
coastal and flood defenses

Steel applications can be divided
Engineering steels are wrought
into five sectors:
steels that are designed to have
CONSTRUCTION certain specific levels of
elasticity, strength, ductility, and
The majority of steel goes to the
corrosion resistance.
construction industry.
Sustainable steel structures can They are used in the general
be built quickly at a low price. engineering and manufacturing
Steel, in its various forms and sectors, but the bulk goes to
alloys, can be designed to meet transport vehicles.
the requirements of unique
Besides the automotive market,
projects, which allow it to be
steel is found in transport
incorporated into infrastructure
materials such as:
in all environments. Depending
on the conditions that the trucks
structure is exposed to, steel transmissions
can be alloyed or surface treated
differently for protection.
Steel can also be found in:
low and high-rise buildings
anchor chains
education and hospital buildings
aircraft undercarriages
sports stadiums, stations
jet engines components
reinforced concrete
bridge deck plates
All segments of the energy lacquered, and printed. The
sector, including nuclear, wind majority of steel packaging goes
power, electric and natural gas, towards food and beverage
demand steel for infrastructure. aerosols, and closures (e.g.
Steel is also used for resource bottle caps).
extraction, such as in offshore
platforms, earth-moving and
quarrying equipment, cranes,
and forklifts. Due to the
demanding environments,
carbon, micro-alloyed, high About 75% of the weight of
strength and stainless steels are typical household appliances
all used in the production of comes from steel. Steel is found
offshore platforms and pipelines. in appliances like fridges,
washing machines, ovens,
In addition to these, many other
microwaves, sinks, cutlery etc.
energy projects rely on large
amounts of steel: Steel also accounts of many
industry goods like farm vehicles
oil and gas wells and platforms
and machinery, storage tanks,
pipelines tools, structures, walkways, and
electricity power turbine components protective equipment.
electricity pylons
wind turbines
transmission towers
transformer cores
electromagnetic shields

Steel allows for high-speed filling
and lightweight, easy to open
packaging. Packaging steels are
often made from low carbon
cold-rolled steel strip and are
surface finished. The steel is tin
plated to prevent corrosion and
then coated with polymer,
-Roadways using CRCP
(reinforced with steel) have been
shown to improve fuel efficiency
buy as much as 20%
CRCP means increased environmental
benefits because it is made of 100 percent
recycled material and is 100 percent
recyclable and reduces thermal heat in cities.
CRCP means less time in traffic delays
for motorists because of fewer road repairs
DID YOU KNOW? and reconstruction.

-The average steel-framed house

can be made from four recycled
-Steel poles weigh 50-70% less
-The worlds tallest building in than comparable wood
1930 before it was eclipsed by structures making them easier
the Empire State Building, the and less expensive to handle
Chrysler Building relied heavily and install.
on steel framing.
-Most large metal structures are
-The Golden State Bridge- hailed made of carbon steel, - the most
as an engineering marvel- is a useful structural material.
testimony to the strength,
durability and reliability of steel
for bridge design. com/2015/04/stainless-steel-
83,000 tons of steel was needed
for the bridge. Because of the
innovative lighter-in-weight but
higher-in-strength steels, only
half of that would be needed

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