Sopa de Letras Verbos

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Student's Name: Grade: 6th __
Teacher's Name: Fabian Andrs Velandia Angarita Date: October / /2016
Activity X Homework Quiz Final Exam Other:


Write the verb in English and then search it.

1. iluminar 24. esconder 47. entender mal

2. sufrir, soportar, cumplir 25. escuchar 48. predecir
3. salir, abandonar 26. saber, conocer 49. apoyarse en, inclinar
4. agarrarse de, adherir 27. saltar 50. vestir
5. morder, picar 28. prohibir
6. edificar, construir 29. querer decir, significar
7. golpear, pegar 30. tener
8. quiar, llevar, dirigir 31. engaar, despistar
9. perdonar 32. aprender
10. quemar 33. preveer
11. poner 34. tejer
12. pelear, luchar 35. ofrecer, licitar
13. pagar 36. oir por casualidad
14. mentir, yacer, echarse 37. costar
15. habitar 38. ir
16. dejar, permitir 39. dibujar
17. apostar 40. huir
18. errar, confundir 41. trasmitir, emitir
19. criar, egendrar 42. atar, unir, encuadernar
20. encontrarse con 43. escoger, selecionar
21. cavar 44. perder
22. comprar 45. aguantar, soportar
23. encajar, quedar bien 46. congelar
PART TWO. Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use the information given and the verbs

Eat Go Live Play Play Sleep Love

1. He plays the piano.

2. He . In a very big house.
3. She a lot of fruit.
4. because its his favourite sport.
5. She to the cinema, because she
6. Jhon

PART THREE. Complete the following sentences using the affirmative tense and the verbs below.

Boil Close Cost Cost Like Like Meet Open Speak Teach Wash

1. Maria speaks four languages.

2. The shops in the city centre usually . At 9 oclock in the morning.
3. The city museum .. at 5 oclock in the evening.
4. Tina is a teacher. She mathematics to young children.
5. Lina has a very interesting job. She a lot of people.
6. Peters car is always dirty. He never .. it.
7. Food is expensive. It . A lot of money.
8. In Barrancabermeja the cost of a house is expensive; My dream house a lot of money.
9. Water at 100 degrees Celsius.
10. My like brother .. to eat ice-cream.
11. My friend and I ... to watch the Hollywood premiers in Cinepolis.

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