Knowledge of Trends and Sequences

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To develop a knowledge of acceptable forms of language. To develop a basic knowledge of the evolutionary devel-
opment of man.
Knowledge of the ways in which symbols are used to in-
dicate the correct pronunciation of words, To develop a knowledge of effects of industrialization on
the culture and international relations of a nation.
Knowledge of the standard representational devices and To know and describe the forces which determine and
symbols in maps and charts.
shape public policies.
A knowledge of the rules of punctuation.
To understand the increasing impo:rtance of cvlministr8-
1. 22 - Knowledge of Trends and Sequences tive departments of the national government in formulat-
ing public policies.
Knowledge of the processes, directions, and mOvements To know how Greek civilization has affected the con-
of phenomena with respect to time. -- It includes trends as at-
temporary world.
tempts to point up the interrelationship among a numl::er of
specific events which are separated by time. It also includes
To know how militarism and imperialism have been of
representations of processes which may involve time as well
causal importance for the world wctrs.
as causal interrelations of a series of specific events. Out
of an almost infinite number of specific events, particular
To develop a knowledge of how hereditary and environ-
workers have selected those which they believe point to a
mental factors interrelate to influence the development
trend or sequence. In this respect trends and sequences are of the individual.
those relationships and processes which have been selected
or emphasized by the workers in the field. Many of the
trends and sequences are difficult to communicate because A knowledge of the forces, past and present, which have
they involve highly dynamic actions, processes, and move- made for the increasing interdependence of people all
over the world.
ments which are not fully represented by static verbal,
graphic, or symbolic forms.
1. 23 - Knowledge of Classifications and Categories
Students may have difficulty in learning trends and se-
quences unless they are also familiar with the specifics on Knowledge of the classes, sets, divisions, and arrarge-
which such trends and sequences are based. ments which are regarded as fundamental or useful for a
given subject field, purpose, argumEnt, or problem. --As a
'subject field, problem, or topic becomes well developed,
1. 22 Knowledge of Trends and Sequences--lllustrative Edu-
cational Objectives individuals working on it find it useful to develop classifi-
cations and categories which help to structure and systema-
tize the phenomena. These classifications and categories
Understanding of the continuity and development of
American culture as exemplified in American life. are likely to have an arbitrary and artificial flavor to the stu-
dent, although the specialist finds them useful and even funda-
mental for his work. The individual student is expected to
Knowledge of the basic trends underlying the development
of public assistance programs with particular reference know these classifications and to know when they are appro-
priate. However, under the present heading is included only
to such programs as WPA, PWA, etc., developed during knowledge of the classifications and categories, while the ap-
the depression.
plication of these to new problems is dealt with in other parts
of the taxonomy.
Knowledge of trends in government in the United States
during the las t fifty years.


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