Ziv Iec61850

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The key takeaways are that the IEC61850 standard aims to improve safety, quality of service and profitability of electrical systems through standardizing information exchange between substation devices. ZIV has played an active role in developing and demonstrating the standard.

The IEC61850 standard regards information and data exchange between substation protection and control system devices (IEDs). It aims to standardize communication between these devices.

Interoperability under IEC61850 allows devices from different manufacturers to work together reliably in multi-manufacturer substation automation systems, as demonstrated by ZIV's products.

contributing to improved safety, quality of service and profitability of electrical systems IEC61850 brochure

IEC61850 brochure


automation under the
IEC61850 standard

The development of the IEC61850 standard regarding information and data exchange between
substation protection and control system IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) represents a long
road and considerable effort. From the beginning ZIV has played an active roll in the development
by participating in standardization groups as well as in various interoperability demonstration
experiments. During the development, ZIV applied the company's extensive experience in both
substation protection and automation, and in the development and implementation of previous
communications standards and protocols.

The IEC61850 standard is no longer a novelty. Its acceptance is growing and the number of
practical applications in service continues to increase. However, in the majority of applications
all of the devices originate from the same manufacturer. Few applications are real examples of
interoperability between devices from different suppliers to demonstrate in practice the viability
and the success of the standardization process.
interoperability under IEC61850
In this catalog, ZIV offers a wide range of systems Beyond being just a standard, IEC61850
that include all of the functions required to create represents the opportunity to redefine substation
a protection and control system in accordance automation under a new paradigm in which
with the IEC61850 standard. All of the systems standardization extends not only to data
include certificates of compliance issued by exchanged by the devices that form part of the
independent laboratories. Most importantly, these automation system, but also to include the
systems have been successfully utilized in multi- description, definition and configuration information
manufacturer systems in accordance with the for these devices and for the substation. The
standard. Therefore, interoperability capability in possibility of developing tools genuinely oriented
accordance with the criteria in the standard is to substation design and not simply to the
guaranteed: units for protection, control, communication and/or configuration of the devices
measurement, communications, clients and for specific manufacturers has come about.
servers, with extensive experience over a long
period of time of satisfactory operation of actual IEC61850 does not impose changes on
systems in service. automation criteria, but provides the opportunity
to reflect on the methods, forms and functions
on which current substation protection and control
rests. Additionally, the standard offers the means
and tools to improve conventional functions and
to develop other new functions that were
impossible to achieve up to now.

ZIV places its experience and knowledge at the service of its users
by offering itself as a partner and by offering assistance in adapting the
standard to the user's criteria and requirements, joining users in the
search for optimal, reliable and effective solutions.
introduction to
substation automation
Substation protection and control architecture has been under development since the 90s.
It differs substantially from classic substation architecture due to the emergence of programmable
protection and control devices for each bay, and the additional system components such as
the local console, remote console, remote control links and the protections management
systems. The architecture also differs by the communications established between the devices.

Substation Automation (SA) basically consists Applying the general principle that functions are
of the application of intelligent electronic devices located at the level at which sufficient information
(IEDs) that use microprocessors to control, protect is available for decision making and execution,
and monitor the electrical power system and from a logical point of view, the Substation
substations. Automation divides the system into three levels:

Substation Automation (SA) implementation is Process level, the lowest level, including
based on very reliable communications that allow sensors, current and voltage transformers, as
the system to be operated in a completely new well as the activation devices (breakers and
information based manner. This facilitates real disconnectors) required for monitoring and
time responses to events occurring on the grid, operation of the substation.
and supports the planning and management of
assets. Substation level, the highest level within the
substation, including local consoles (HMI) and
the substation central units (Gateway)
connected to the control centers (SCADA).

Bay level, the intermediate level, including

protection and control systems. These devices
protect and control the bay in which they are
located. They may also include functions related
to the operation of other bays, for example
interlocks. They also have serial communication
links with the substation level devices.
introduction to electrical substation automation


RTC / Radio
Modem Corporative Remote HMI

IEC 870-5-101 DNP3 GESTEL PID 1 SEVCO Web services access,

INDACTIC, etc (Interface RS232) FTP, etc.

ZIV Remote Operation Desk PPP Modem Modem

Protocol Router

(Remote HMI) via Serial Firewall
Connection (ZIV Native RS232
Protocol onPPP and web RTC / Digital GPRS Internet
services access, FTP, etc.)
Remote Access
PPP Protocol
ZIV Local Operation Desk
Central (Local HMI) (ZIV Native
Protocol on TCP / IP and
Serial Protocols PROCOME; DNP3; IEC 870-5-103; etc. Unit web services access,
FTP, etc.)

Concentrator / 10/100 Base T

Switch Ethernet Network TCP / IP 10/100 Mb/s
(IEC61850 Protocol and others on TCP / IP)
F.O. F.O.

IEDs IEC61850 IED IEC61850 IED

Substation Automation has evolved from a simple

replacement of existing processes to more sophisticated
interactive processes.

This architecture has also shaped engineering Over many years, the objective has been to define
designs by introducing the definitions both of the a communications architecture that would allow
logic functions used by the new devices and of "seamless" integration of IEDs (Intelligent
the communications networks, protocols Electronic Device) within elements of the highest
employed, etc., along with the wiring diagrams level. An infrastructure that is independent of the
and traditional processes. manufacturer and that allows for elements of
multiple manufacturers to be integrated into one
Substation Automation has evolved from a simple system.
replacement of existing processes to more
sophisticated interactive processes. It has also With this objective in mind, in 1994, the EPRI and
facilitated the development of new functions that the IEEE began to work on defining an architecture
were previously impossible. Substation for substation communications buses based on
Automation has led users to new and more the UCA project (Utility Communications
powerful capabilities, which has generated a Architecture).
greater need for automation.
In 1996, IEC Technical Committee 57 began to
Until now, manufacturers of protection and control work on IEC61850 with the same objective.
devices did not coordinate system development,
function organization or communications protocol In 1997, the two groups agreed to work together
employment. This non-coordination added a great to develop an international standard. The result
deal of time to design and to management of is the current IEC61850 standard.
installation problems regarding the integration of
devices from different manufacturers.
IEC61850 as a
solution for
substation automation
Development of the IEC61850 standard began in 1997 in an effort to find a global and open
solution for Substation Automation (SA). This new communications standard was developed
using experience gained from existing international standards, taking into account user
requirements and addressing systems engineering.

objectives of the standard

Allowing the connection of devices from different Flexibility for different Substation Automation
manufacturers. System architectures.
One of the major benefits of IEC61850 is the The standard allows free assignment of functions
interoperability of devices from different to IEDs and supports any substation automation
manufacturers. This is the capability of two or architecture (ex. "centralized" or "decentralized"),
more IEDs from one or more manufacturers to as well as different function integration or
exchange and use information to perform functions distribution focuses.
in a cooperative manner. A specific domain with
standardized data and service models has been Capability of combining present and future
designed for this purpose. The IEDs are capable communications technologies with existing
of understanding information originating from applications, guaranteeing long term stability.
other devices and of performing functions common IEC61850 separates communications technology
to the devices. Although they are distributed applications; this allows us to benefit from the
among various physical devices, they are advantages of technology evolution while
connected to the same network with the same safeguarding the information and applications that
protocol. already satisfy the user's requirements and
developing new system requirements.
Validity for present and future systems.
IEC61850 standard provides benefits for
renovating and expanding existing substations,
as well as for the design of new substations.
Adding new functions during the process of
renovating a system is made easy by using new
available tools. Using "gateways", "non-IEC61850"
devices can be viewed by the system as
"IEC61850 compatible" IEDs.
IEC61850 as a solution for substation automation

Reducing timeframes and costs of the engineering Additionally, the user should translate the
process and startup of substations. information from the specification into a "formal"
Part 6 of the standard establishes a substation description using SCL language. Therefore the
configuration description language called SCL system designer and integrator will be able to
(Substation Configuration Language). This introduce the complete project information directly
language incorporates formal descriptions of the into their design and engineering tools.
capabilities of IEDs, substation architecture,
communications structure and interaction with Factory acceptance tests and/or startup tests
substation switchgear. It also facilitates a allow the operation of the complete system to
standardized engineering process by providing be tested in accordance with the specifications,
the means to exchange configuration data with the advantage that IEC61850 simplifies the
between engineering tools. The engineering tests. Data consistency testing can be performed
process is more efficient and facilitates automatically by checking the SCD (System
maintenance and substation automation system Configuration Description) substation configuration
expansion. files based on SCL language.

From a maintenance point of view, SCD files

impact allow errors to be found and resolved more easily
than when using any other published information.
The utilization of IEC61850 standard assumes In addition, they can be reused as many times as
an important impact on the specifications of required for system adaptations and expansions.
Substation Automation projects, as well as on
their implementation and execution. benefits and solutions
Suppliers of protection and Substation Automation IEC61850 protocol clearly offers more key
devices have contributed to specifying the actual advantages for Substation Automation's than
implementation of the standard. Users will need conventional solutions:
to specify Substation Automation systems by
focusing more on the operations of the required Increases Substation Automation efficiency due
protection and control functions than on specific to the interoperability between IEDs and SCL
devices, based on their own knowledge or by based tools that help to optimize solutions. In
consulting an engineer with experience in addition, point to point data exchange using the
substations and in applying the standard. standardized communications links reduce wiring
to a minimum.
In order to specify according to the IEC61850 Provides great flexibility for Substation Automation
standard, the complete functionality must be by supporting any physical or functional
divided into "logic nodes", which include "data"; architecture as well as future expansions.
every node must have a specific name and must Additionally, device interoperability, object oriented
represent a specific function. Once the functions data modeling and ethernet based communication
are defined, they must be distributed among the contributes to supporting flexibility.
various IEDs. The system offers a profitable investment and
future since Substation Automation systems will
As a recommendation, user should specify the benefit from the evolution of communications
required response times and system availability. without requiring changes in the application and
It is vital to define the communications architecture. the data. The SCL language and the rules
Also, possible fault scenarios and acceptable and regarding system and functional expansion
unacceptable availability losses should be guarantee easy maintenance and interoperability
identified. throughout time.
parts of the
overview of the
IEC61850 standard
Part 1. Introduction and overview. Part 7-3. Basic communication structure
for substation and feeder
Part 2. Glossary. equipment - Common data
Part 3. General requirements.
Part 7-4. Basic communication structure
Part 4. System and project management. for substation and feeder
equipment - Compatible logical
Part 5. Communication requirements for node classes and data classes.
functions and device models.
Part 8-1. Specific communication service
Part 6. Configuration description mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to
language for communication in MMS (ISO/IEC 9506-1 and
electrical substations related to ISO/IEC 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC
IEDs. 8802-3.

Part 7-1. Basic communication structure Part 9-1. Specific communication service
for substation and feeder mapping (SCSM) Sampled
equipment - Principles and values over serial unidirectional
models. multidrop point to point link.

Part 7-2. Basic communication structure Part 9-2. Specific communication service
for substation and feeder mapping (SCSM) Sampled
equipment - Abstract values over ISO/IEC 8802-3.
communication service interface
(ACSI). Part 10. Conformance testing.
data and
IEC61850 standard describes a typical "client - server" system, where the "servers" mainly
include IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) that perform the equipment Protection, Control,
Monitoring and Metering functions for the substation and lines.

"Clients" are the devices that recognize and receive the information from the servers and
essentially are the Substation Central Units and RTUs.

The main objectives of the standard for defining substation communications buses are as

Determine what data is available and how it should be named and described, providing the
mechanisms for IEDs to be self-describing.

Determine how the data can be accessed and exchanged between different devices.

Determine how the various elements in the communications networks are connected.

To comply with the objectives, the standard contains an

object oriented data model. The model groups data
according to common SAS (Substation Automation
System) functions.
data and service model

Logic Nodes Logic Devices

The functions mentioned above are divided into Logic Node groups that describe complete
simpler entities, with some objects named "Logic functions (Protection, Control...) end, included in
Nodes" (LN), that have the capability by one or various Logic Devices (LD) within a physical
themselves of performing simple tasks. Two element (IED).
examples are the breakers, which are modeled
with an XCBR node, or an instantaneous Access to the information
overcurrent protection, modeled with a PIOC Access to the information contained in the data
node. model provides a set of standardized services
according to the standard. The data model and
Attributes the services are mapped on a communications
The attributes (DataAttributes), parameters, values "stack" consisting of MMS, TCP/IP and Ethernet
and data required in the operation of SAS protocols.
functions are distributed in the logic nodes. They
are also divided into different classes

Access to the station bus

Server connections

Node DO DO

Logical Node Device
Logical Node Logical Node

Logical Device Logical Device ROUTER


Client connections

Access to the process bus

the 7 layers and GOOSE
With the arrival of communicable digital relays 15 years ago came a new type of communications
architecture. In this architecture model the protocols were based on serial communications
and on master/slave type models - Substation Central Unit - / slave - Bay Devices (IEDs)-.
The Central Unit interrogates the systems in a cyclic manner to obtain the information to
control the substation, as well as to send the information to the remote control dispatch.

In the new IEC61850 architecture model, the IEC61850 part 8.1 maps the generic
protocols are based on communications over communications services regarding MMS
Ethernet networks and on client-server type (Manufacturing Message Specification ISO/IEC
models, additionally allowing horizontal 9506). This protocol is based on the 7 layer OSI
communications between different devices (IEDs). model (Open System Interconnection).

The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference

model, launched in 1984, was the descriptive
network model created by ISO. It is a frame of
reference for defining communications systems
exchange architectures.

In the new IEC61850 architecture model, the protocols are based

on communications over Ethernet networks and on client-server
type models, additionally allowing horizontal communications between
different devices (IEDs).
communication principles: the 7 layers and GOOSE

Origin Destiny

Application Application
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
Network Network
Data Link Data Link
Physical Physical

Physical Layer (Layer 1) Session Layer (Layer 5)

The OSI reference model physical layer manages This layer establishes, manages and finalizes the
the physical connections of the computer to the connections between final users (processes and
network, referred to a physical medium (electrical applications).
or optical).
Presentation Layer (Layer 6)
Data Link Layer (Layer 2) The objective of the presentation layer is to
Any transmission medium must be capable of manage the representation of information.
providing an error free transmission, ie. reliable Although different systems have different internal
data transmission through a physical link. representations of characters, numbers, sounds
and images, the layer ensures the data arrives in
Network Layer (Layer 3) a recognizable manner.
The network layer ensures data is transferred
from the origin to the destination, even when Application Layer (Layer 7)
both are not directly connected. This layer offers applications (user and non-user)
the possibility of accessing the services of the
Transport Layer (Layer 4) other layers and defining the protocols for the
The basic function of this layer is to accept the applications to use to exchange data.
data sent by the higher layers, divide the data
into smaller parts (if necessary) and pass it on to It is mandatory to define a map profile for TCP/IP.
the network layer.

Service and protocols for client/server communication A - Profile

OSI model layer Specification

Name Service Specification Protocol Specification
Application Manufacturing ISO 9506-1:2003 ISO 9506-2:2003
Message Specification
Association Control ISO/IEC 8649:1996 ISO/IEC 8650:1996
Service Element
Presentation Connection Oriented ISO/IEC 8822:1994 ISO/IEC 8823-1:1994
Abstract Syntax ISO/IEC 8824-1:1999 ISO/IEC 8825-1
Session Connection Oriented ISO/IEC 8326:1996 ISO/IEC 8327-1:1997
communication principles: the 7 layers and GOOSE

Service and protocols for client/server TCP/IP T - Profile

OSI Model Layer Specification

Name Service Protocol
Specification Specification
Transport ISO Transport on top of TCP RFC 1006
Internet Control Message RFC 792
Protocol (ICMP)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) RFC 793
Network Internet Protocol RFC 791
An Ethernet Address RFC 826
Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Data Link Standard for the transmission of IP RFC 894
datagrams over Ethernet networks
Carrier Sense Multiple Access ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
Physical (option 1) 10Base-Physical T/100Base-T ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
Interface connector and ISO/IEC 8877:1992
contact assignments for
ISDN Basic Access Interface.
Physical (option 2) Fibre optic transmission ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
system 100Base-FX
Basic Optical Fibre IEC 60874-10-1, IEC 60874-10-2
Connector. and IEC 60874-10-3

GOOSE (Generic Object Substation Events) What used to be accomplished through

messages are one of the most innovative conventional wiring, is now accomplished through
mechanisms defined by the standard for horizontal GOOSE messaging. Since the transmission speed
communications. These messages are created of the messages is of utmost importance, a
to pass critical information between IEDs within specific profile map is designed for these
a substation. messages.

Service and protocols for GSE Management and GOOSE communication A-Profile

OSI Model Layer Specification

Name Service Specification Protocol Specification
Application GSE/GOOSE protocol See Annex A
Presentation Abstract Syntax NULL


OSI Model Layer Specification

Name Service Specification
DataLink Priority Tagging/ VLAN IEEE 802.1Q
Carrier Sense Multiple Access ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
with collision detection (CSMA/CD).
Physical (option 1) 10Base-Physical T/100Base-T ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
Interface connector and contact ISO/IEC 8877:1992
assignments for ISDN Basic
Access Interface.
Physical (option 2) Fibre optic transmission ISO/IEC 8802-3:2001
system 100Base-FX
Basic Optical Fibre IEC 60874-10-1, IEC 60874-10-2 and
Connector. IEC 60874-10-3

The messages associated with GOOSE are as follows:

Type 1 (Fast messages) Type 1A (Trip)

Class P1 - 10 ms Class P2/P3 - 3 ms

The publisher, subscriber type model is used for Retry mechanisms guarantee the information is
the GOOSE messaging service. The messages received by the subscribers.
are broadcasted on the network (multicast) by
the publishers. The IEDs in need of the messages
subscribe to receive them.
switches, architecture and
communication buses
The IEC61850 standard has selected ethernet as the most suitable technology for establishing
a communications network to support automation functions. This selection is not exclusive
to the electrical world.

From its conception, for more than 70 years, Ethernet has been positioning itself as the
technology of reference for the establishment of local area networks in offices and on university
campuses. After making its jump into the industrial world, there are few factories that do not
base their automation operations on an ethernet local area network. The trend continues to
increase even today.

Extremely critical systems, such

as the ones in our electrical
substations, nuclear plants, trains,
planes and automobiles are
incorporating Ethernet technology.
ethernet theory: switches, architecture and communication buses

ethernet switches:
operating principles
The key device in an ethernet network is the It is important to note that this switching function
switch. An ethernet switch consists of a set must occur at a speed that allows for all of the
number of communication ports that are switch communications ports to exchange
connected to the end devices, in this case IEDs. ethernet frames without any type of block, while
The communication ports of a switch may be transmitting and receiving connections
copper, using the popular RJ45 connector, or simultaneously at the maximum speed possible
fiber optic, using the new MT-RJ or LC connector. for the port. This can be accomplished using full
These connectors constitute a natural evolution duplex wire speed switches.
for the ST and SC connectors, which offer the
best performance and occupy a smaller space, In addition to this basic ethernet frame switching
allowing for ethernet switches with a high density function, the switches include other functions
of communication ports. and communications protocols for:

The main function of this device is to switch Establishing complex ethernet networks with
ethernet frames between the different ethernet redundancies where the redundant elements
ports as quickly as possible. When an ethernet serve as a back-up mode and only are activated
switch receives a frame through one of its ports, if an element fails (Protocol Rapid Spanning
it tests the validity of the frame (verifying a Tree).
checksum calculated by the device -IED- that Managing the devices, monitoring the status
generated the frame). The switch then determines and controlling the alarms in case a series of
which port(s) it should send the connection to. programmed events occurs in the switches
The decision is reached by consulting the internal (SNMP Protocol).
MAC address table that lists the destination MAC Establishing a traffic priority policy according to
addresses (that are part of the ethernet frame) the nature of the traffic so that messages
with each of the physical ports. considered critical are integrated into network
congestion situations (QoS).
If the MAC address is found in the address table, Sharing the same ethernet network physical
the switch will send the unique frame exclusively infrastructure among the various services
through the port associated with MAC address. transported on the network (VLAN).
If the address is not found within the MAC address
table, the switch sends the ethernet frame through
all of the switch ports, with the exception of the
port through which the original frame was received.
ethernet theory: switches, architecture and communication buses

The IEC61850 standard distinguishes between two communications

buses: the substation bus and the process bus. Both can be deployed
using Ethernet networks.

ethernet in electrical
Substation bus
The substation bus has been deployed more All of the previous topologies were based on
frequently up to now. The most common network redundancy, mainly fiber optic links. This way,
topology is the ring due to its durability and before a switch or link fails, the communication
advantages regarding installation and deployment network transports the IEC61850 messages
costs. There are also some combination star - through another path with a minimal recovery
ring topologies and interconnected rings for very time.
large networks. The main concern for the industry
is that the topology deployed is highly resistant Due to its wide spread utilization in substation
to faults. buses, a ring topology is shown in the following

RING topology
Two of the most important questions
Fiber to ask when deploying this topology
Optic are as follows:
What bandwidth should be dedicated
to the fiber links that interconnect the
ethernet switches, and through which
one will all of the substation traffic
pass? Is 100 Mbps sufficient or
should 1 Gps be a consideration?
In the case of a fault in a device or
Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber link, for how much time will the
Optic Optic Optic Optic
network be unavailable?

Process bus
The process bus is not as deployable as the In order to ensure reliability, ZIV - uSysCom
substation bus. One of the reasons is the criticality proposes to make the local area network
of the information (sampled values) that the bus completely redundant. Therefore, all of the IEDs
must retrieve. that are connected to the bus would have two
ethernet ports to send / receive the same
Similarly, the industry is very concerned about information through two different and separate
the reliability of substation buses. network infrastructures, as shown in the following


B Ethernet frame

The topology of each of the previous networks It is vital to ensure that the process bus will
may be either a ring or a star, but given the critical continue to function even if various network
importance of the information transported over devices fail.
the network, a single link fault tolerance should
not be used.
engineering and
SCL language,
engineering process
One of the most important achievements of IEC61850 is the standardization of the mode for
describing substation configuration for both protection and control. The language and file types
have been standardized for exchanging between the specification and configuration tools and
the IEDs.

For the first time, the standardization allows for the design of the tools and the design of the
IEDs to be independent, with positive results for users. One of the most important effects is
the possibility that software manufacturers who compete by supplying engineering tools not
linked to any one device manufacturer may appear in the automation market. This would provide
added value for users.

IEC61850 part 6 specifies an XML language to define a

file format to describe the IED configurations related to
communications, the IED settings, the communications
system configuration, the substation functional structure
and the relationships between all of the above. The language
defined is referred to as SCL (Substation Configuration
description Language).
engineering and tools: SCL language, engineering process

Reference model for information flow in the configuration process

IEDs capabilities (LN, DO, ) System specification

System (SLD, LNs )
Database Configurator

Relations, preconfigured

Engineering IED
Engineering station Configurator
File Transfer
(REMOTE) File transfer and setting through
Substation File Transfer IEC61850 services.
Environment (LOCAL)


SCL: Substation Configuration

description Language
The main objective is to exchange IED capacity SCL determines the use of various types of files
descriptions and substation automation system during the engineering process. The main files
descriptions between the IED engineering tools are as follows:
and the system engineering tools of various
manufacturers. The language defined is referred ICD (IED Capability Description): describes the
to as SCL (Substation Configuration description engineering capacities and IED functions without
Language). a specific configuration. An IED in compliance
with the standard must accompany the ICD.
The substation engineering process requires SCL
to be capable of describing the substation SSD (System Specification Description):
functional specification, the IED capacities being describes the system specification with a line
utilized and the final configured system in detail. diagram, the substation functions and the logic
nodes required.
The standard proposes two types of tasks to be
performed by the engineering tools: SCD (Substation Configuration Description):
describes the configured system unit, along
IED Configurator. The IED configurator is specific with the configured IED information, the
to the manufacturer and must be capable of communications subsystem and the substation
importing and exporting SCL files. It also must description.
be able to provide specific IED settings and
generate the configuration file to load into the CID (Configured IED Description): describes
IED. the complete configuration of an IED within the
specific project and all of the information required
System configurator. The system configurator is so the "IED Configurator" can load it into the
independent of the IEDs and must be capable of IED.
importing and exporting SCL files. It also must
be capable of reading the system specification
file to be used as a basis of design or for
comparison with the implemented design.
engineering and tools: SCL language, engineering process

ZIV tools map

(IGM) ICD File
Generation Module

ICDs (ICM) Configuration
Configuration IEDs PROCOME Module CFG Files
Module [SCU+HMI]

CID File
SCD File

(IEC 61131-3) SWG (W3C)

Logic HMIs Editor IEC61850 MMS Browser

graphic editor [IED+Desk] Network (BMMS)
[IED+SCU] (LGE) (HMIE) Protocol Analyzer

Oscillographic IEDs propietary IEC61850

Records Phasor Measuring diagnostic & Network
display (ORV) Unit maintenance tools Management Tool

ZIV offers a set of tools for configuring a complete Tools for handling the SCD files that configure
IEC61850 system. the IEC61850 "clients", ie. Central Unit/HMI and
substation RTUs.
The tools facilitate the generation of CID files
corresponding to the IEDs, also called "servers", Tools with a friendly and modern environment,
to integrate the settings, parameters, protection with a graphic editor for logic and a powerful
and control signals, programmable logic editor for IED and HMI graphics.
configuration and the "Reports" and "Gooses" for
each bay.
designed to
adapt to the

specific needs of the

user and application
Protection and control devices such as the IRV, IDV, BCV, ZLV, RTV and MCV have
unique specifications (described in the following pages). These IEDs belong to a platform
with common architecture and design criteria, although each IED has been developed
to satisfy the requirements of a particular application field.

function integration
Flexibility and function integration are the two concepts guiding the development of this
platform. Function integration allows a single device to cover all the protection and
control requirements for an electrical bay. Disabling any of the functions included in a
IED allows for an optimal distribution of functions (logical devices) in terms of the balance
between integration and redundancy desired by the user.
innovation flexibility
In the spirit of innovation that characterizes ZIV, The logic module included in the platform is one
it is important to point out the Integrated Simulator example of application flexibility; the module has
included in the platform. Oscillography in a broad library of analog and digital functions and
COMTRADE format, recorded by power system complete user programming . The user can define
simulators, protective relays or fault recorders, logic and automatic control functions including
can be loaded into the oscillographic memory of any analog or digital signal in the IED with operation
the IED and used as the input signals (analog and speeds compatible with both protection and
digital) for the metering and protection algorithms. control applications.
The COMTRADE file replaces the physical inputs
to the IED, reproducing disturbances without the All "V" platform IEDs offer great flexibility in
need of a test set. This tool helps with the communications interfaces and protocols including
evaluation of settings and logic programming the IEC61850 standard. This platform represents
under conditions that closely mimic reality. the most advanced technology in terms of design,
definition and implementation of integrated


Along with the additional devices presented in

this publication (Substation Central Units, Remote
The "V" platform IEDs include high precision Terminal Units, Ethernet Switches, GPS,
metering units compatible with the strictest Disturbance Recorders, Bus Protection and
metering requirements, for both measured Teleprotection), the "V" platform IEDs offer
voltages and currents, as well as calculated power complete, flexible and open solutions for the
and energy. future in the field of substation protection, control
and automation.

"V" platform IEDs are technologically advanced devices, designed

to adapt to user requirements without requiring drastic changes in
practices and applications. They are open to evolution at the users
pace and practices.
protection, control
and metering

The IRV family comprises protection, control and
metering functions for implementation in the medium
voltage lines, transformers, generators and feeders
and, in general, where complete bay protection at the
substations is required.

protection functions
Phase and ground instantaneous and time Time phase undercurrent unit.
overcurrent (directional and non-directional) Restricted earth fault protection.
units. Thermal protection (hot-spot and thermal image).
Negative sequence instantaneous and time Frequency units [<f, >f and ROC]
overcurrent (directional and non-directional) Phase and ground voltage units.
units. Negative sequence overvoltage unit.
Sensitive ground instantaneous and time Active/reactive power directional unit.
overcurrent (directional and non-directional) Current unbalance unit (Open Phase).
units. Phase angle measuring (Out-of-Step).
Directional overcurrent units for ungrounded Breaker failure unit.
neutral and compensated ground networks 4 cycle three phase recloser.
(Petersen Coil). Synchronism unit.
Overcurrent unit with voltage restraint. Cold load pick-up unit.

The units can be set separately in a maximum of 4 independent setting tables to cover various operational
conditions in one IRV terminal. The performance curves can be set according to IEC or ANSI.

In general, faults on overhead lines involve less damage and lower

repair costs than faults on any other part of the electrical system.
However, they occur with greater frequency and the negative effects
on the service are very important. Feeder and line protection becomes
of great importance on the system.

control interface
The 8IRV models offer a control system based The 7IRV option includes a graphics control display
on programmable buttons. This system allows (totally configurable by the user) for those
the operator to easily and rapidly operate the bay. applications where greater flexibility and ease of
It also includes a button to operate the breaker. handling is required.
protection, control and metering: IRV

other functions
External recorders are not required since event Additionally, they include a cold startup unit, circuit
information (200), fault reports (15) and operation monitoring (trip/close), breaker
oscilloscopes are provided in the device. The monitoring (kA2 and max. number of trips), reset
integrated fault finder increases efficiency for and various combinations of the number of digital
maintenance personnel. inputs/outputs for each specific application.

These devices offer a port for direct The IRV comes with the program,
synchronization via GPS to allow incidents to be developed to decrease the time required to adjust
studied from IRV relays distributed throughout all of the protection functions described above
the system. and to easily program the control logic equations.

The IRV family provides the most flexible and versatile

application options, being fully adaptable to the needs of
the bay or system.

virtual input / outputs

The virtual inputs/outputs function allows The function allows logic to be programmed that
bidirectional transmission of up to 16 digital signals contains local and remote and analog and digital
and 16 analog signals between 2 IRV terminals information.
connected through a communications digital

8IRV Digital Net 8IRV
The ZLV is designed to provide fast and reliable
selective protection, both in cables and overhead
lines, whether or not they have in series
compensation and whether they need single or
three phase tripping.

protection functions
Distance protection for ground and phase faults. Phase and ground instantaneous and time
(5 reversible zones; charact.: MHO and/or overcurrent (directional and non-directional) units.
QUADRILATERAL). Negative sequence instantaneous and time
Overcurrent for supervision of distance units. overcurrent (directional and non-directional) units.
Load Encroachment elements (load invasion Protection schemes for overcurrent units: PUTT,
logic). DTT, POTT, DCUB, DCB, etc. developed to properly
Protection schemes for distance units: PUTT, clear "cross-country" faults in double circuits.
DTT, POTT, DCUB, DCB, etc. developed to Frequency units [<f, >f and ROC]
properly clear "cross-country" faults in double Phase and ground voltage units.
circuits. Synchronism units to monitor up to two breakers
Fuse failure, Close-onto-fault, Remote breaker (breaker and a half or ring ES). (*)
open and dead line detectors. Monitoring (kA2 and maximum number of trips) of
Power swing detector (blocking and/or tripping). up to 2 breakers for breaker and a half or ring ES.
Single/three pole recloser (4 modes: 1p, 3p, (*)
1p/3p and dependant), 3 cycles to control two Stub-bus protection with percentage restraint for
breakers for breaker and a half or ring ES. (*) increased stability against external faults. (*)
Breaker failure with retrip function to monitor Virtual input/outputs logic for remote protection.
two breakers for breaker and a half or ring ES.
Thermal image and Open phase protection. (*) Protection functions specifically adapted to breaker and a half and ring ES.

MHO characteristic Quadrilateral characteristic

Z3 Z3

Z2 Z2

Z1 Z1


c line R1
c line load
a 2
a 1
a 1 encroachment
R2 load


distance protection: ZLV

breaker and a half

Specific ZLV family models have been designed The protection functions adapted to these
to protect double breaker bays (breaker and one topologies are marked with an (*) in the previous
half and ring substations). Therefore they include section.
independent current inputs for each CT associated
with a bay, as well as double voltage input for
both busbars.



VSYNC1 IA1 IB1 IC1 52-1 ILINE = I1 + I2


VSYNC2 IA2 IB2 IC2 52-2




ZLV IEDs can complement the distance units with

teleprotection schemes.
control and metering
The models IDV combine the functions necessary for the protection, control and metering of
any transformer, motor, generator or reactance bay. They are designed to protect all kinds of
power machines with two or three windings.

protection functions
Three phase differential protection with Fault detector for distance and differential units.
percentage and harmonics restraint/blocking. Thermal protection (hot-spot and thermal image).
Instantaneous three phase differential protection Overexcitation protection.
without restraint. Phase and ground instantaneous and time
Low impedance restricted earth fault protection. overcurrent units for each winding.
External fault detector (phase comparison). Negative sequence instantaneous and time
Distance protection for ground and phase faults. overcurrent units for each winding.
Overcurrent for distance units supervision. Instantaneous and time overcurrent units for
Load Encroachment elements (load invasion each ungrounded winding.
logic). Frequency units [<f, <f and ROC]
Power swing detector (blocking and/or tripping). Phase and ground voltage units.
Breaker failure for each transformer breaker.

control interface
The devices offer a control system based on programmable buttons. This system allows the operator
to easily and rapidly operate the bay. It also includes a button for adjusting function 86 (lockout).

differential protection I1+I2 + I3 - (IDIFF)

traditional IREST1=
New restraint current calculation: improved calculation 2
restraint for external faults in double breaker
configurations (breaker and a half or ring I1 + I2 + I3 - (IDIFF)
substations) improved IREST2=
calculation 2

I1 CT1 CT3

I2 CT2 weak sorce


strong source
differential protection, control and metering: IDV

power transformers
For transformers with 2 or 3 windings. Improved stability for breaker and a half
Up to 4 three phase current input groups and configurations for external faults.
1 three phase voltage group. Option of controlling the tap changer using
programmable logic (ATCC+YLTC).






distance protection
Protection function for faults external to the Independent selectable characteristic for ground
transformer, more selective than "traditional" and phase units:
overcurrent functions. Mho.
Winding selection with distance function (1st or Quadrilateral.
2nd). Both (AND / OR).
4 distance zones (all reversible). Transitory filtering through capacitive VTs
6 independent metering units for each zone (setting).
Independent impedance range for ground and Reaches (Z1) and zero sequence compensation
phase units. factors (K0=Z0/Z1) independent by zone in
magnitude and angle.
capacitor bank
protection and
The BCV family integrates protection, control and metering functions for their application in
capacitor banks or reactances and, in general, where there is need for complete bay protection
at the substations.

protection functions
Phase and ground instantaneous and time Phase and ground voltage units.
overcurrent units. (*) Negative sequence overvoltage unit.
Negative sequence instantaneous and time Current unbalance unit (Open phase). (*)
overcurrent units. (*) Breaker failure. (*)
Battery star neutral unbalance overcurrent unit. Voltage transformer supervision.
Voltage unbalance unit with system unbalance Certain models include two complete sets of
and bank unbalance compensation. protection units indicated with an (*) for two capacitor
control and automation
The 8BCV models offer a control system based 7BCV devices include a graphics control display
on programmable buttons. This system allows (totally configurable by the user) for those
the operator to easily and rapidly operate the bay. applications where greater flexibility and ease of
It also includes a button for adjusting the handling is required.
automation function in automatic or manual mode
(A/M). In all cases, the systems offer highly flexible
automation based on a complete calendar and
on multiple magnitudes that can be selected as
control and monitoring variables for the capacitor
banks (I, V, P, Q, cosn).

Q > Qconn

Q-Qmax > Qdisc

B1 B2 B1 and B2
Connected Connected Connected

Q < Qdisc
Q+Qmax < Qconn

Reactive power regulation for banks of different power

bay control and
metering unit
The models 6MCV are presented as the ideal complement to the protection terminals for the
smart control of a great number of analog and digital signals. They have both local and remote
control, graphical bay representation (HMI), configurable control logic and communications.

They are usually used as a complement to protection terminals in systems that require
independence between protection and control. Similarly, they apply to auxiliary service bays
as analog and digital signal capture units.

control functions metering functions

Programmable logic to establish blockings, Phase and line voltages and currents from analog
automation, control/trip logic, control hierarchy, channels.
etc. Positive, negative and zero sequence
Capture of up to 82 digital inputs and 6 analog magnitudes for voltage and current.
channels with phase sequence selection: ABC Harmonic content, 2nd to 8th order of phase A
or ACB. current and voltage.
Up to 34 digital outputs for operations. Active, reactive and apparent power calculated
Monitoring of up to 3 operating circuits (coils) from previous magnitudes.
for positioning breakers to open or close. Active and reactive energy in four quadrants.
Power factor and frequency .

applications control interface

Proper programming of the graphics control 6MCV models include a highly flexible and easy
display (HMI) by the program to handle graphics control display, totally
allows: configurable by the user.

Local operation of various configured single line

Defining alarm pages as a complement to local
indications (LEDs).
Facilitating comparison tasks during startup with
digital input and output status indication.
Viewing of different user defined available
magnitudes for the device.
The model RTV integrates the functions for regulating the voltage of power transformers by
control of the tap changer. It is applicable in cases where it is required to maintain the voltage
at a fixed value without interrupting the service.

Voltage is regulated from voltage and current measurements at power transformer terminals
through current transformers (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs), sending command signals
to the applicable transformer tap changer to raise or lower the voltage to set-point value.

control functions regulation functions

Local and remote operations: Regulation of transformer voltage with adjustable
insensitivity level.
Raise / lower tap (by pulse or by level). Option of various operational attempts (raise/lower
Raise / lower reference voltage (setpoint). taps) with adjustable delays.
Automatic / manual. Removal of timers in operations with risk of
Local / remote (referring to regulator setpoint overvoltage.
change). Current compensation to maintain the load voltage
Reactive compensation to compensate for the effect
of reactive current flow in transformers with different
tap/voltage ratios operating in parallel.
Compensation for phase shifts introduced in CT
and VT connections.
Various regulator locking logic: minimum voltage,
maximum switching current and external activation.
Active tap signaling with direct connection or under
control interface BCD code to the regulator device.
Tap changer monitoring: in the proper sequence
RTV models offer a control system based on and time.
programmable buttons. This system allows the Detection of power reversal.
operator to easily and rapidly operate the bay. It Recording of voltage bands pre-defined by the
also includes a button for adjusting transformer operator.
voltage regulation in automatic or manual mode. Independent operation counters to raise and lower

RTV model is applicable in cases where it is required to maintain

the voltage at a fixed value without interrupting the service.
transformer voltage regulator: RTV

regulation of transformers in
RTV devices allow various regulation strategies. The most common are:


Method applicable to transformers with the same tap/voltage ratio to maintain the same tap on all
transformers operating in parallel.

Reactive compensation

Applicable to similar transformers that differ by certain electrical characteristics: secondaries with different
impedances forced to maintain the same voltage, causing a flow of reactive power between the
secondaries, causing an increase in heat and losses.

The compensator minimizes the differences between the taps of both transformers to reduce the flow
of reactive power generated.

The figure shows two transformers with differing impedances (X1 and X2) operating in parallel:



S(MVA) (%) Vsn




(%) (%)
X1 and X2 Power transformers reactances, expressed in %.
CT1 TR and CT2 TR CT1 and CT2 measurement transformer ratios (Local and Parallel respectively).
VT TR Voltage m Measurement transformer ratio.
Despite the infrequency, a fault in a bus can cause irreparable damage to a system and large
disturbances in system stability, becoming worse if the fault occurs in high or very high voltage
buses. Therefore, bus protection is recommended for installation in transmission systems to
remove the fault in a few cycles.

The operation of the bus protection is based on Kirchoff's Laws. The first law states that the
vector sum of currents in the same phase (in a network node) must be null under normal
operating conditions. Bus protection reliability is challenged by the fact that the current through
the secondary in a current transformer (CT) becomes non-linear under saturation conditions.

DBN characteristics
Flexibility in architecture design and application Adjustable for use of current transformers with
with the possibility of compact installation. various magnetic characteristics between bays and
Up to 5 buses and 32 bay units (28 current and with different transformer ratios.
4 voltage). Includes disconnector logic, with flexibility for
Low impedance with percentage restraint application to any connection scheme or bus
feature. topology.
Sampling frequency of 48 samples per cycle. Oscillography capable of storing all analog quantities
High speed activation independent of the number captured (up to 128), differential quantities, bus
of bays connected to the buses with trips for restraint, in addition to all digital inputs and signals
low cycle time. Low cycle time trip. generated by the protection operation.
Single/three pole breaker failure.

DBN architecture
Central Unit, thet houses the differential units (main, alarm and supervision) as well as the trip logic,
control and synchronization of the simultaneous sampling of all current and voltage channels.

Bay Units, where are located the sampling functions, current and voltage channel meters, breaker fault
units and the trip physical outputs on the bay breaker.

Communications - consists of fiber optic connections. The samples and measurements travel through
these connections from the bay units to the central unit. The trip commands travel in the opposite
direction. The unit has a communication capacity of 14 Mbps.

"V" platform devices can be utilized as DBN bus protection bay

terminals since they include protection, control and recording
capacity. The unit is a complete substation protection and control
Systems in the 8PRN family cover oscillographic applications requiring high performance in
signal capture, information storage and in those applications where the digital protection record
functions lack the required resolution. A typical example is the recording requirements for
generation centers where the dynamics of the phenomena to be analyzed require sampling
speeds of hundreds of samples per cycle for accurate representation of the frequency spectrum.

reliability of flexibility, recording and

recorded signals storage capacity
Resistant circuits maximize the reliability of The 8PRN recorder is a flexible device, fully
recorded signals for both current and voltage configurable. Its analog inputs can be used to
measurements without intermediate transformers. measure both current and voltage, and it can be
Due to their advanced design, they maintain total adapted to a wide range of applications with a
galvanic insulation between the inputs and the maximum of 16 analog inputs and 32 digital inputs
internal circuitry of the system. The analog per device. When only one device is not sufficient,
reliability is complemented with a sampling speed the cross-trigger function allows synchronization
that can reach 384 samples per cycle. All of this, of samples from all of the 8PRN's required to
along with synchronized sampling of all of the comply with the requirements of the application.
channels allows a precision of 0.1% and a phase
error of less than 0.1s to be reached The 8PRN has historic recording functions and
a fault finding function that can be programmed
to calculate two different circuits.

signals available The recordings are stored in COMTRADE format.

They can be downloaded directly into a pen drive
from the recorder using the ports and communications protocols
available, including IEC61850. They can also be
8PRN devices provide a complete unit for printed using a USB or ethernet port. In the case
measurement of captured signals: sequence of the ethernet port, one printer can be shared
voltage and current values, effective analog by various recorders.
channel values, phasors for all phases, frequency,
harmonic content, active power, reactive power, The 8PRN offers two alternatives for timing
apparent power and power factor. These synchronization: a BNC port for IRIG B 123 and
measurements, together with the digital inputs, an optic port for NMEA 0183.
allow the user to define the startup conditions to
begin storing oscillograms to improve the
adaptation of the application.

Reliability, precision, flexibility and storage capacity make

this device the ideal tool for maintenance and for incident
analysis in electrical networks.
teleprotection system
The TPU-1 is a Universal Teleprotection System with a high degree of flexibility. The
communications side can incorporate up to two independent communications channels, each
of which can be analogue, digital at 64 Kb/s, digital at 2 Mb/s, digital with a V.series interface
or fiber optics. These 2 communication channels can be programmed to be either a main
communications channel and a back-up communication channel, or can be programmed to be
two independent communication channels belonging to independent teleprotection systems.

The protection-side interface can incorporate up to 16 input/output circuits (8 I/O boards with
2 I/O circuits each board) and/or an IEC61850 interface generating GOOSE messages to/from
the protection relay. The TPU-1 flexibility caters for easy implementation of a number of practical

teleprotection system for

IEC61850 substations
The TPU-1 can be used as a teleprotection system At the receiving side the teleprotection receiver
for IEC61850 substations. The teleprotection at detects the incoming analogue signal/frame
the transmitting side receives a GOOSE message structure, demodulates it and converts it into a
from the protection relay, translates it into an GOOSE message that is delivered to the
analogue signal/frame structure that meets the protection relay (see figure). The TPU-1 can be
requirements stated in IEC 834-1 and transmits subscribed (Tx side) and publish (Rx side) up to
this latter signal to the channel. 16 GOOSE messages, mapped into up to 8
different commands.

Substation A Substation B
IEC61850 IEC61850


initial state fault fault cleared

(first transmission) (event) (another event)


universal teleprotection system: TPU-1

substation migration from command transit and

classical architectures to operation in teed-lines
IEC 61850 architectures
When the electrical system incorporates an
The TPU-1 can be programmed to use IEC61850 intermediate substation or a teed line, with three
interfaces and output contacts simultaneously, TPU-1 units (one at each substation), each of the
paving the way for a smooth substation transition TPU-1 units can be programmed to send a
from classical architectures to IEC61850 command simultaneously to the other two.
substation architectures.

When the TPU-1 is equipped

with two communications
redundant interfaces it can be programmed
communications to behave as two functionally
channels independent teleprotection
The TPU-1 can transmit the same protection
information over two communications interfaces
simultaneously. The receiver is continuously
monitoring both communication channels and as
soon as one of them delivers a protection signal
the receiver will analyse it and decide whether it
is a valid message or not. If the received message
is valid the outputs relays will be closed (in classical
substations) or a GOOSE message generated
command transit when
(in IEC61850 substations). operating in looped lines
The TPU-1 can be programmed to operate in
two independent looped lines. In this arrangement each TPU-1 can
send a command to any TPU-1 in the loop. The
teleprotections in the intermediate TPU-1 units are programmed to
same shelf accept the message and /or make it transit until
the final destination unit.
When the TPU-1 is equipped with two
communications interfaces it can be programmed
to behave as two functionally independent
teleprotection systems. A good application for
this feature is building an intermediate substation
in a HV line and programming the TPU-1 at the
intermediate substation to provide two
independent teleprotection systems, one from
the intermediate substation to one end of the line
and the other from the intermediate substation
to the other end of the line.
ethernet switches for
electrical substations
ZIV - uSysCom has developed a full range of Ethernet managed switches - SWT - to allow
the deployment of reliable Ethernet networks inside electrical substations.

main features power over ethernet

Full duplex, wire speed architecture thanks to ZIV - uSysCom switches can directly power up
SWT internal non-blocking architecture (based any PoE enabled device following the 802.3af
on a powerful switch fabric chipset) standard. This way an IP phone or a wireless
Ready to support IEC61850 automation functions. access point can be powered with the same cable
SWT allows the deployment of highly available that is used for data transmission.
Ethernet networks:
Power supply redundancy: Possibility to increase
the equipment availability by having a second
power source.
modularity in number and
High Speed implementation of RSTP: In high type of ports
availability networks it is important to have a
Different combinations in the number and the
fast path recovery when any failure occurs. SWT
type of Fast ethernet ports are supported
not only follows the STP and RSTP protocols,
(factory defined) copper, multimode fiber
but also exceeds the usual recovery time of
optics, single mode fiber optics.
these protocols due to its high speed
All SWT products are Gigabit ready SFP
implementation of RSTP, which grants fault
modules, which provides great flexibility when
recovery times lower than 4 ms. per link, always
defining Gigabit trunk links (available fiber optics
fulfilling the RST protocol.
SFP transceivers that allow links up to 80 km).
Quality of service: The user can define how
different traffic patterns are handled inside the
SWT, assigning different IEEE 802.1p priorities.
SWT Ethernet switches have for each Ethernet
port three different priority queues so that
highest priority traffic is always delivered.
Port bandwidth limiting SWT allows the limitation
on bandwidth accepted for unicast, broadcast,
multicast, or all type of traffic per port. This way,
resources for non critical services can be limited.
Broadcast Storm Control and IGMPsnooping:
SNMP management
Limiting broadcast traffic grants that no Easy integration of monitoring tools and alarms
malfunctioning device saturates the network notifications in an SNMP based central
with undesired and uncontrolled broadcast traffic. management system, such as HP Openview.

SWT has been designed as another electrical substation IED,

complying with IEC61850-3 requirements.
The URT family of products allows elements that do not support the IEC61850 protocol
(although they can be controlled and/or monitored) to be integrated into an IEC61850 substation.
Using this type of remote unit, innovative IEC61850 automation architectures can be created
without the need for protocol converters.

URT family IEC micro remote terminal units offer 16 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs and 4
analog inputs.

functions communications
Digital input status report (through reports, URT family IEC61850 micro remote units are able
61850 tree consults for the device from the to incorporate a 4 port Ethernet switch (including
HMI, and GOOSE messages personalized to two multimode fiber optic ports). An Ethernet
the user). network (ring at 100 Mbps) can be established
Execution of commands (commands through through these ports.
control message protocol and GOOSE message
receiving). The two remaining Ethernet ports can be
Analog input level report (through GOOSE's, designated for the incorporation of other IED's
61850 trees and reports). in the Ethernet ring established by the URT micro
Circular events log (512Kb). remote terminal units.
Total configurability of remote output GOOSE
integrated variables and integrated variables in
the reports.
Capacity to subscribe to up to 25 input GOOSE
messages and interpret each variable contained Specific emphasis was placed on the efficiency
in the messages in real time for use in logic of the URT family. This family of substation micro
operations. remote units executes commands in real time,
Integrates an SNTP client for device ensuring times of less than 1 millisecond from
synchronization through the substation master receipt, for example, a GOOSE for the execution
clock. of a command until it is activated.

Using this type of remote unit,

innovative IEC61850 automation
architectures can be created
without the need for protocol
central unit
CPT family devices are designed to function as Substation Central Units and/or RTU's,
resolving communications and data handling requirements for protection, control and metering
devices in electrical substations.

Their design allows them to function as both the "client" and the "server" in systems with a
communications architecture based on the IEC61850 standard, where the protection, control
and metering devices are interconnected through an Ethernet network. The CPT terminal
facilitates the migration process through the most modern substation automation systems,
allowing the integration of new communications standards in existing systems.

Substation IEC61850 client, controlling Redundant operational modes:
communications with various protection, control Capability to function on a redundant
and metering devices. communications network (topology in double
IEC61850 server, with the corresponding data star and double ring).
and services model, including gooses. Capability to function with a second Reserve
Execution module for system central Central Unit in Dual mode or in Hot-Stand-By
programmable automation and logic. mode.
High level communications management Local and remote HMI (console), web server
(Remote control). based.
Management of local and remote Gateway between conventional systems and
communications using the ZIV Operational IEC61850 systems.
Console. Integrated simulator for signals, measurements,
Generation of databases in real time of all controllers and control orders.
substation variables: alarms, measurements,
status, controllers, etc.
Substation configuration management module,
in charge of keeping the system SCD file
updated in terms of the CID files for the
associated IED's.
FTP server.
Client/Server Service for SNTP clock
synchronization protocol.

CPT terminals are equipped with

industrial range specifications
and feature a high level of
substation central unit IEC61850: CPT

CPT terminals are equipped with industrial range specifications and feature a high level of
reliability. The HW and SW architecture is modular, and utilizes a real time operating system
to operate. The units are 2U high and come equipped with 1 19" rack with DC power. The also
offer a wide range of communications channels, such as:

communication protocols communication channels

Complete TCP/IP protocol and communications Plastic and glass fiber optic asynchronous serial
for 802.3 (LAN) wired networks. channels (ST, F-SMA connectors, etc.).
IEC 62850 communications module: Electrical asynchronous serial channels (RS-
Common data models, compatible and 232C and RS-485).
extended (IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4) A general purpose serial communications
and ACSI Services (IEC 61850-7-2) for Clients, channel (RS-232C).
MMS protocol mapping (ISO/IEC 9506 Part Two Ethernet ports, 10/100 BaseT (RJ-45).
1 and Part 2) and ISO/IEC 8802-3 Ethernet. A BNC port with IRIG-B123 signal decoder for
GOOSE services. clock synchronization.
SNTP protocol clock synchronization.
Configurability of XML files according to SCL
templates (IEC 61850-6: Substation
Configuration Language).
Modules with classic asynchronous serial
protocols for communication with bay devices
(level 1): PROCOME, DNP3.0, IEC 870-5-
103, SPABUS, MODBUS, etc.
Modules with asynchronous serial protocols for
communications with the remote control: IEC
870-5-101 (configurable according to the profile),
SEVCO 6802, etc.

All of these features make the CPT a powerful machine that combines all of the functionality
of an HMI and RTU Substation Central Unit into one device. The CPT can also function with
each function segregated into independent machines.

The CPT terminal facilitates the migration process through

the most modern substation automation systems, allowing
the integration of new communications standards in existing
with the standard
ZIV offers wide ranging experience in the IEC61850 environment from the definition of the
standard and its implementation in substations.

As a long standing member of the UCA International Users Group, ZIV has participated in the
development of the standard since 1995, when the IEC TC57 working groups were stablished.

Today, ZIV continues to be an active member of this technical committee and also belongs
to the WG10 (Standards for communication in substations) and WG19 (TC57 Harmonization
issues) working groups.

Similarly, ZIV participates in various CIGRE working groups, working on issues such as
"IEC61850 based system functional tests" and "IEC61850 based application of protection
schemes", and IEEE working groups as the PSRC H6 Ethernet LAN in Substations Protection
and Control.

Throughout the years, ZIV has participated successfully in diverse international events in which
different manufacturers of IEDs have tested the interoperability of our devices.

ZIV installed the first IEC61850 system in Mexico in

2006 in ES La Venta II. It was also the first
multi-manufacturer system in the world.
experiences with the standard

in service
As pioneers in Spain and in the world, in 2001 Since the end of 2004, once the new IEDs reached
ZIV began an R+D project in collaboration with maturity and their interoperability was tested,
other Spanish electric companies called InterUCA they have been used in many transmission and
to implement the first IEC61850 system in a distribution systems in various countries in which
substation. ZIV has installed devices with IEC61850
The main objectives were to gain experience in
interpreting the standard, verify interoperability ZIV installed the first IEC61850 system in Mexico
between different manufacturers and validate in 2006 in ES La Venta II. It was also the first
transmission times and communications multi-manufacturer system in the world. ZIV was
architecture. InterUCA was completed in 2004. one of the main suppliers during the project,
After intense testing in both the laboratory and installing Protection and Control IEDs, GPS
at the substation, the new system operated very synchronizers, HMIs and RTUs.
satisfactorily, according to specifications.
Spain, Brazil, Romania, Chile, Saudi Arabia,
This first experience demonstrated that applying Malaysia,... are other countries in which ZIV has
the IEC61850 standard imposed some new projects in service, or in development, based on
hardware and software requirements for IEC61850 technology.
Protection and Control IEDs.

The new line of ZIV devices has been developed

to provide a much higher data processing capacity
than currently required in similar devices using
other traditional protocols.

InterUCA was completed in 2004. After intense testing

in both the laboratory and at the substation, the new
system operated satisfactorily, according to
and interoperability
IEC61850 part 10 standardizes a set of techniques to test compliance of IED implementation
from the point of view of communications, and not of device functionality. The compliance
tests are considered "communications type tests". The test procedures were defined by the
UCA International Users Group in detail.

As a global communications standard, IEC61850 Experience also demonstrates that many of the
includes standardized compliance tests to implementations of standard IEC61850 in
guarantee that all IED suppliers comply with the substations with only one manufacturer do not
applicable requirements. Compliance testing guarantee the end user an open and interoperable
improves system integration, facilitates easy system. Interoperability is only guaranteed when
integration of IEDs and ensures proper operation IEDs interoperate in multi-manufacturer systems.
and application support. The standard works
towards guaranteeing IED interoperability. ZIV offers compliance certificates for its range
of Protection and Control devices. The certificates
The compliance tests represent a "minimum" from are issued by the laboratory in KEMA, Holland,
the point of view of interoperability, since once all of the applicable tests have been passed
experience has demonstrated that IEDs having in accordance with the standard.
compliance certificates have had to be modified
when tested in the field with devices from other
manufacturers. In these cases there have been
examples of devices not demonstrating

Interoperability is only guaranteed when IEDs interoperate

in multi-manufacturer systems.
of the standard
The first edition of the IEC61850 standard was completed between 2003 and 2004. It consisted
of 14 parts. All of the parts were converted into IS (International Standard) over the years.
Since then, IEC 61850 has been enriched with improvements, corrections and an increase
in scope.

Using the "tissues" procedure (Technical Issues), The results of some of these groups form part
users and developers that work with the of the new edition 2 of the standard, which will
documents in the standard can point out issues consist of an expanded section of parts, broader
and propose modifications to the current edition than the current edition. This expansion is due to
of the standard. Within the WG10 (in which ZIV both the introduction of new application areas
is an active member), which is part of TC57 and and to the inclusion of chapters to explain the
responsible for maintaining the standard, there use of logic nodes from a practical point of view.
is a discussion and approval mechanism for
different tissues. The tissues can be accepted In parallel, committee IEC TC88 is developing the
how they are received, accepted with IEC 61400-25 standard for modeling Wind Farms
modifications to the initial proposal or rejected. using concepts very similar to those employed
in 61850.
On the other hand, various working groups
belonging to IEC TC57 are applying the basic As a result of these standardization activities in
principles of the standard to other electrical other different areas regarding substations, the
substation environments. These new title of the standard will evolve from
environments include "Safety" (WG15), "Communication networks and systems in
"Distributed Generation and Distribution substations to Communication networks and
Automation" (WG17), "Hydroelectric Plants" systems for power utility automation in edition
(WG18) and "Communication between 2 of the standard with expected completion during
Substations and Control Centers" (WG19, in 2009-2010.
which ZIV is also active participant).
Spain USA and Canada
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t: +7 495 580 92 93

www.zivpmasc.es www.ziv.es

ZIV continuously strives to improve products and services. The technical information included
in this document is subject to change without notice.
Please visit our website for local contact information in your area.

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