Inter Oecumenici by Bugnini
Inter Oecumenici by Bugnini
Inter Oecumenici by Bugnini
matter as occasion arises, to propose suitable means and resources;
ELOW are some excerpts from Inter Oecumenici, a document
e. to see to it that programs in the diocese designed to promote liturgy
issued by Bugninis Consilium on 26 September 1964. The
go forward with the cooperation and mutual help of other groups
entire document should be read, but these excerpts will show that
along the lines mentioned above (no. 45 e) regarding the liturgical
commission of the assembly of bishops.
the Mass was altered in 1964:
Chapter II. Mystery of the Eucharist
48. Until reform of the entire Ordo Missae, the points that follow are to be
a. The celebrant is not to say privately those parts of the Proper sung
or recited by the choir or the congregation.
b. The celebrant may sing or recite the parts of the Ordinary together
with the congregation or choir.
c. In the prayers at the foot of the altar at the beginning of Mass Psalm
42 is omitted. All the prayers at the foot of the altar are omitted
whenever there is another liturgical rite immediately preceding.
d. In solemn Mass the subdeacon does not hold the paten but leaves it
on the altar.
e. In sung Masses the secret prayer or prayer over the gifts is sung
and in other Masses recited aloud.
f. The doxology at the end of the canon, from Per ipsum through Per
omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen, is to be sung or recited aloud.
Throughout the whole doxology the celebrant slightly elevates the
chalice with the host, omitting the signs of the cross, and genuflects at
the end after the Amen response by the people.
49. In Masses celebrated with a congregation, the lessons, epistle, and gospel are
to be read or sung facing the people:
51. In sung Masses, the lessons, epistle, and gospel, if in the vernacular, may
simply be read.
52. For the reading or singing of the lessons, epistle, intervening chants, and
gospel, the following is the procedure.
a. In solemn Masses the celebrant sits and listens to the lessons, the
epistle, and chants. After singing or reading the epistle, the subdeacon
goes to the celebrant for the blessing. At this point the celebrant,
intercessions. The celebrant takes the introductions and concluding prayer, this
being ordinarily the Deus, refugium nostrum et virtus (MR, Orationes diversae no.
20) or another prayer more suited to particular needs.
In places where the universal prayer or prayer of the faithful is not the custom, the
competent territorial authority may decree its use in the manner indicated above
and with formularies approved by that authority for the time being.
97. The choir and organ shall occupy a place clearly showing that the singers and
Missals to be used in the liturgy, however, shall contain besides the vernacular
the organist form part of the united community of the faithful and allowing them
version the Latin text as well.
best to fulfill their part in the liturgy.
58. The Holy See alone can grant permission for use of the vernacular in those
parts of the Mass that the celebrant sings or recites alone.
98. Special care should be taken that the place for the faithful will assure their
59. Pastors shall carefully see to it that the Christian faithful, especially members
proper participation in the sacred rites with both eyes and mind. Normally there
of lay religious institutes, also know how to recite or sing together in Latin, mainly
should be benches or chairs for their use but, in keeping with the Constitution art.
with simple melodies, the parts of the Ordinary of the Mass proper to them.
32, the custom of reserving places for special persons is to be suppressed.
Care is also to be taken to enable the faithful not only to see the celebrant and
(SC art. 55)
other ministers but also to hear them easily, even by use of modern sound
60. The faithful who receive communion at the Mass of the Easter Vigil or the
Midnight Mass of Christmas may receive again at the second Mass of Easter and
at one of the Day Masses of Christmas.
99. In the construction and decoration of the baptistry great pains are to be taken to
Chapter III. The Other Sacraments and Sacramentals
ensure that it clearly expresses the dignity of the sacrament of baptism and that it is
a place well suited to communal celebrations (see SC art. 27).
61. The competent territorial authority, on approval, that is, confirmation, of its
This Instruction was prepared by the Consilium by mandate of Pope Paul VI, and
decisions by the Holy See, may introduce the vernacular for:
presented to the Pope by Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro, President of the Consilium.
After having carefully considered the Instruction, in consultation with the
a. the rites, including the essential sacramental forms, of baptism,
Consilium and the Congregation of Rites, Pope Paul in an audience granted to
confirmation, penance, anointing of the sick, marriage, and the
Cardinal Arcadio Maria Larraona, Prefect of the Congregation of Rites, gave it
specific approval as a whole and in its parts, confirmed it by his authority, and
ordered it to be published and faithfully observed by all concerned, beginning on
the first Sunday of Lent, March 7, 1965.